high pressure water jetting format

7/23/2019 High Pressure Water Jetting Format http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/high-pressure-water-jetting-format 1/35 GUIDE FOR MANAGING RISKS FROM HIGH PRESSURE WATER JETTING DECEMBER 2013 1.  INTRODU CTION 1.1 What is high pressure water jetting? 1.2 Who has health and safety duties in relation to water jetting? 1.3 What is involved in managin g risks associated with high pressure water jettin g? 1.4 Informa tion training instruc tion and supervision 2.  THE RISK MANAGEM ENT PROCES S 2.1 Iden tifying the ha!a rds 2.2 "ss essing the ris ks 2.3 #ontrol lin g the ris ks 2.4 $ainta ining and reviewing control measures 3.  GENER AL SAFETY RECOMM ENDATIONS 3.1 Water jettin g plant and e%uipme nt 3.2 $edi cal aler t card 4.  EQUIPM ENT CARE AND MAINTENANCE 4.1 &ump unit  4.2 'ilter s and stra iner s 4.3 (ose assem)lies 4.4 *o!!les 4.+ (igh pressure jettin g guns 4., 'oot control devices 4.- (ose connection and layout 4. /lectrical e%uipmen t  4.0 eneral mainte nance repairs and documen tation 4.1 $arkin g e%ui pment 5.  PERSON AL PROTEC TIE EQUIPMENT +.1 (ead protection +.2 /ye protect ion +.3 eg and )ody protect ion +.4 (and protection +.+ 'oot and lower leg protection +., &erson al hearing protect ors +.- espira tory protection !.  PLANNIN G AND PRE"OPERATIONAL PROCED URES

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1.1 What is high pressure water jetting?

1.2 Who has health and safety duties in relation to water jetting?

1.3 What is involved in managing risks associated with high pressure water jetting?

1.4 Information training instruction and supervision


2.1 Identifying the ha!ards

2.2 "ssessing the risks

2.3 #ontrolling the risks

2.4 $aintaining and reviewing control measures


3.1 Water jetting plant and e%uipment 

3.2 $edical alert card


4.1 &ump unit 

4.2 'ilters and stra iners

4.3 (ose assem)lies

4.4 *o!!les

4.+ (igh pressure jetting guns

4., 'oot control devices

4.- (ose connection and layout 4. /lectrical e%uipment 

4.0 eneral maintenance repairs and documentation

4.1 $arking e%uipment


+.1 (ead protection

+.2 /ye protection

+.3 eg and )ody protection

+.4 (and protection

+.+ 'oot and lower leg protection

+., &ersonal hearing protectors

+.- espiratory protection


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,.1 eneral 

,.2 "s)estos

,.3 5raining and operator competency

,.4 6afe work instructions

,.+ &re7start checks and ha!ard assessment 

,., Work areas )arricades and signs

,.- /%uipment placement 


-.1 6hutoff devices

-.2 6ystem compati)ility

-.3 8perational roles and communication

-.4 un work

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6afe Work "ustralia is an "ustralian overnment statutory agency esta)lished in 20.

6afe Work "ustralia consists of representatives of the #ommonwealth state and territory

governments the "ustralian #ouncil of 5rade :nions the "ustralian #ham)er of #ommerce

and Industry and the "ustralian Industry roup.

6afe Work "ustralia works with the #ommonwealth state and territory governments to improve

 work health and safety and workers; compensation arrangements. 6afe Work "ustralia is a

national policy )ody not a regulator of work health and safety. 5he #ommonwealth states and

territories have responsi)ility for regulating and enforcing work health and safety laws in their jurisdiction.

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1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................................................5

1.1 What is high pressure water jetting?..............................................................................................................................................+

1.2 Who has health and safety duties in relation to water jetting?.......................................................................................................+

1.3 What is involved in managing risks associated with high pressure water jetting?.........................................................................,

1.4 Information training instruction and supervision...........................................................................................................................-

2. THE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS.........................................................................................................................................

2.1 Identifying the ha!ards....................................................................................................................................................................0

2.2 "ssessing the risks.........................................................................................................................................................................0

2.3 #ontrolling the risks......................................................................................................................................................................1

2.4 $aintaining and reviewing control measures................................................................................................................................11

3. GENERAL SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................................................................................................12

3.1 Water jetting plant and e%uipment................................................................................................................................................12

3.2 $edical alert card................................................................................................................................................................ .........13

4. EQUIPMENT CARE AND MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................................................144.1 &ump unit......................................................................................................................................................................................14

4.2 'ilters and strainers.................................................................................................................................................................... ..14

4.3 (ose assem)lies..........................................................................................................................................................................14

4.4 *o!!les....................................................................................................................................................................................... ..1+

4.+ (igh pressure jetting guns............................................................................................................................................................1-

4., 'oot control devices......................................................................................................................................................................10

4.- (ose connection and layout.........................................................................................................................................................10

4. /lectrical e%uipment.............................................................................................................................................................. .......10

4.0 eneral maintenance repairs and documentation......................................................................................................................10

4.1 $arking e%uipment.......................................................................................................................................................................2

5. PERSONAL PROTECTIE EQUIPMENT...................................................................................................................................22

+.1 (ead protection.............................................................................................................................................................................22

+.2 /ye protection...............................................................................................................................................................................22

+.3 eg and )ody protection............................................................................................................................................................. ..22

+.4 (and protection.............................................................................................................................................................................23

+.+ 'oot and lower leg protection.......................................................................................................................................................23

+., &ersonal hearing protectors..........................................................................................................................................................23

+.- espiratory protection...................................................................................................................................................................23

!. PLANNING AND PRE"OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES............................................................................................................24

,.1 eneral.........................................................................................................................................................................................24

,.2 "s)estos..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..24

,.3 5raining and operator competency...............................................................................................................................................2+

,.4 6afe work instructions...................................................................................................................................................................2+

,.+ &re7start checks and ha!ard assessment....................................................................................................................................2+

,., Work areas )arricades and signs................................................................................................................................................2+

,.- /%uipment placement...................................................................................................................................................................2,

#. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES..................................................................................................................................................2#

-.1 6hutoff devices........................................................................................................................................................................... ..2-

-.2 6ystem compati)ility.....................................................................................................................................................................2-

-.3 8perational roles and communication..........................................................................................................................................2-

-.4 un work.......................................................................................................................................................................................2-

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-.+ &ipe cleaning................................................................................................................................................................................2

-., (eat eAchanger cleaning..............................................................................................................................................................20

-.- 6urface preparation......................................................................................................................................................................3

-. Fessel cleaning.............................................................................................................................................................................3

-.0 >rain cleaning...............................................................................................................................................................................3

. HAARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL..............................................................................................................................................31

.1 (a!ardous waste..........................................................................................................................................................................31

.2 (a!ardous waste disposal............................................................................................................................................................31

APPENDI A DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................................................................32

APPENDI B PRESSURE FLOW DIAGRAM.......................................................................................................................................34

APPENDI C EAMPLE OF A PRE"SERICE AND OPERATIONAL CHECKLIST...........................................................................35

APPENDI E HAND SIGNALS..............................................................................................................................................................41

APPENDI F OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL..................................................................................................................................42

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5his guide provides practical guidance for persons conducting a )usiness or undertaking on how to manage health and safety risksassociated with high pressure water jetting operations. It aims to provide users of water jetting systems with guidance on safeoperating practices to protect workers and other people who are near water jetting operations.

1.1 W&' (- (6 7$%--8$% 9&'%$ :%''(,6;

(igh pressure water jetting is a process using a stream of pressurised water to remove material coatings or contamination and de)risfrom the surface of a work piece or material su)strate includingC

• high pressure water jetting systems pressurised )y positive displacement pumps with an output capa)ility greater than )ar

litres per minute and

• water jetting systems operating )elow )ar litres per minute where there is a foreseea)le risk of injury to operators or other


(igh pressure water jetting systems consist of an energy source like an electric motor or internal com)ustion engine a pump controlmechanism hoses pipes no!!les and various other components necessary for the e%uipment to function as a system.

#ommon ha!ards and risks include the water jet piercing the skin )eing hit )y flying de)ris and eAposure to noise. 8ther ha!ardsassociated with high pressure water jetting include working in confined spaces fall ha!ards respiratory and eye ha!ards electricshock and potential eAposure to ha!ardous chemicals.

Gey terms used in this guide are defined in "ppendiA ".

1.2 W* &- %&<' &,= -&/%'> =8'(%- (, $%<&'(*, '* 9&'%$ :%''(,6;

T&?<% 1 >uties in relation to water jetting

Who Duties Provisions

A person who conducts a

 business or undertaking

Ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, workers and other people are not

exposed to health and safety risks arising from the business or undertaking.This duty requires the person to manage risks by eliminating health and

safety risks so far as is reasonably practicable, and if this is not reasonably

 practicable, by minimising those risks so far as is reasonably practicable.

There are more specific requirements to manage risks under the Work

Health and afety !WH" #egulations including those associated withha$ardous chemicals, airborne contaminants and plant, as well as other

ha$ards associated with water %etting acti&ities like noise and manual tasks.

WH Act

s '(

WH #egulations

)esigners, manufactures,importers, suppliers or installers

of plant, substances or structures

Ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the plant, substance or structurethey design, manufacture, import or supply is without risks to health and

safety. This duty includes carrying out testing and analysis as well as

 pro&iding specific information about the plant, substance or structure.

WH Act

ss **+*

-fficers such as companydirectors

Exercise due diligence to ensure the business or undertaking complies withthe WH Act and #egulations. This includes taking reasonable steps to

ensure the business or undertaking has and uses appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimise risks from high pressure water %etting


WH Act

s *

Workers Take reasonable care for their own health and safety and to not ad&erselyaffect other people/s health and safety. Workers must co+operate with

reasonable policies or procedures relating to health and safety at the

workplace and comply, so far as they are reasonably able, with reasonable

instructions. 0f personal protecti&e equipment !11E" is pro&ided by the business or undertaking, the worker must so far as they are reasonably able,

use or wear it in accordance with the information, instruction and training


WH Act

s *2

-ther persons at the workplace,

like &isitors

Take reasonable care for their own health and safety and must take

reasonable care not to ad&ersely affect other people/s health and safety.They must comply, so far as they are reasonably able, with reasonable

instructions gi&en by the person conducting the business or undertaking toallow that person to comply with the WH Act.

WH Act

s *(

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1.3 W&' (- (,)*<)%= (, +&,&6(,6 $(-@- &--*(&'%= 9(' (6 7$%--8$% 9&'%$ :%''(,6;

#hapter 2 of this uide provides guidance on how to manage the risks associated with high pressure water jetting following asystematic process which involvesC

• identifying ha!ards H find out what could cause harm in high pressure water jetting operations

• assessing risks if necessary H understand the nature of the harm that could )e caused )y the ha!ard how serious the harm

could )e and the likelihood of it happening

• controlling risks H implement the most effective control measures that are reasona)ly practica)le in the circumstances and

• reviewing control measures to ensure they are working as planned.

'urther guidance on the risk management process generally is availa)le in the #ode of &racticeC  How to manage work health andsafety risks.

C*,-8<'(,6 >*8$ 9*$@%$-

S%'(*, 4# 5he person conducting a )usiness or undertaking must so far as is reasona)ly practica)le consult with workers whocarry out work for the )usiness or undertaking who are or are likely to )e directly affected )y a matter relating to work health orsafety.

S%'(*, 4 If the workers are represented )y a health and safety representative the consultation must involve that representative.

#onsultation involves sharing information giving workers a reasona)le opportunity to eApress views and taking those views intoaccount )efore making decisions on health and safety matters.

#onsultation with workers and their health and safety representatives is re%uired at each step of the risk management process. <ydrawing on the eAperience knowledge and ideas of your workers you are more likely to identify ha!ards and choose effective controlmeasures.

ou should encourage your workers to report ha!ards and health and safety pro)lems immediately so the risks can )e managed)efore an incident occurs.

C*,-8<'(,6 *"*7%$&'(,6 &,= *"*$=(,&'(,6 &'()('(%- 9(' *'%$ =8'> *<=%$-

S%'(*, 4! If more than one person has a duty in relation to the same matter under this "ct each person with the duty must so faras is reasona)ly practica)le consult co7operate and co7ordinate activities with all other persons who have a duty in relation to thesame matter.

5here is often more than one )usiness or undertaking involved in h igh pressure water jetting operations. /ach has responsi)ility for

health and safety to the eAtent they influence and control aspects of the high pressure water jetting activities. In these situations youshould share information to find out who is doing what and work together in a co7operative and co7ordinated way so risks areeliminated or minimised so far as is reasona)ly practica)le.

'or eAample if you engage a contractor to carry out water jetting operations at your workplace you should find out what workprocesses are )eing used identify associated ha!ards and how the risks will )e controlled. 5his may include jointly conducting a riskassessment for the work and determining the control measures to implement. ou should provide contractors with relevant informationto help them assess the risks including from ha!ardous chemicals which may )e present in waste generated )y the process. "fter therisk assessment has )een conducted it is important for duty holders to co7operate and co7ordinate activities with each other toimplement the control measures.

'urther guidance on consultation is availa)le in the #ode of &racticeC Work health and safety consultation, co-operation and co-ordination.

1.4 I,/*$+&'(*, '$&(,(,6 (,-'$8'(*, &,= -87%$)(-(*,

S%'(*, 1 " person conducting a )usiness or undertaking must ensure so far as is reasona)ly practica)le the provision of anyinformation training instruction or supervision that is necessary to protect all persons from risks to their health and safety arising fromwork carried out as part of the conduct of the )usiness or undertaking.

R%68<&'(*, 3 " person conducting a )usiness or undertaking must ensure that information training and instruction provided to aworker is suita)le and ade%uate having regard toC

• the nature of the work carried out )y the worker 

• the nature of the risks associated with the work at the time of the information training and instruction and

• the control measures implemented.

5he person must ensure so far as is reasona)ly practica)le that the information training and instruction provided under thisregulation is provided in a way that is readily understanda)le )y any person to whom it is provided.

Workers must )e trained and have the appropriate skills to carry out a particular task safely.

5raining specific to the water jetting operations should )e provided to workers )y a competent person. 6uch training should includethe following areasC

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T&?<% 2 5raining topics 

Topics Issues to cover

ystem operationExplain how to safely operate all components of the high pressure water %etting system including the potential

dangers, problems and emergency actions to be taken if the equipment fails or malfunctions.

3utting action )emonstrate the cutting action of a pressurised %et of water and the potential ha$ard it poses by using audio+&isual aids or using the equipment.

3ontrol de&ices Explain how to safely operate all rele&ant control de&ices.

1art compatibility Explain how important it is to check all component parts, fittings and hoses are compatible and are thecorrect si$e and rated equal to or greater than the maximum operational pressure of the high pressure pump

unit. 4sing the correct parts reduces the possibility of equipment failures and resulting in%uries.

Hoses Explain the correct method of inspection before use as well as connecting hoses including laying them out

without kinks, protection from wear and the correct tools to use on couplings and fittings.

 5o$$les Explain how to choose the correct no$$le use and si$e to check the maximum reaction force of *67 5 or *6.6kg is not exceeded during manual gun operations. The manufacturer/s no$$le charts should be used for this.

1ersonal protecti&e


8i&e instructions about when and how specific 11E should be worn.

9aintaining equipment Explain that water %etting components like &al&es and seating surfaces in pressure+regulating de&icesexperience high rates of wear during operation and that the equipment should be inspected often and

maintained to ensure it can be used safely.

Workers who operate high pressure water jetting e%uipment should maintain their competency. 5his can )e assessed and revised )yproviding refresher training or )y evaluating and documenting an assessment of the high pressure water jetting operation.

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2.1 I=%,'(/>(,6 '% &&$=-

5he first step in managing risks associated with high pressure water jetting operations is to identify all ha!ards that could potentiallycause harm to people. 5hese may )e identified )yC

• conducting a walk through assessment of the workplace

• o)serving the work and talking to workers a)out how water jetting is carried out

• inspecting plant and e%uipment used during high pressure water jetting operations

• reading product la)els safety data sheets and manufacturer;s instruction manuals

• talking to manufacturers suppliers industry associations and health and safety specialists and

• reviewing incident reports.

6ome eAamples of high pressure water jetting ha!ards includeC

• cutting and reaction forces from high pressure water jets

• flying de)ris

• ha!ardous chemicals and )iological materials

• noise and

• water jetting plant and e%uipment.

2.2 A--%--(,6 '% $(-@-

 " risk assessment is not mandatory for high pressure water jetting operations. (owever it is re%uired in some situations for eAamplewhen working in a confined space. " risk assessment can helpC

• identify which workers are at risk

• determine what sources and processes are causing the risks

• identify what kind of control measures should )e implemented and

assess the effectiveness of eAisting control measures.5he likelihood of each ha!ard actually causing harm in a specific situation should )e assessed. 5he following %uestions may help withthe assessmentC

• (ow often and for how long will eAposure to the ha!ard occur?

• If eAposed to the ha!ard will the outcome )e severe moderate or mild?

• What is the su)strate )eing )lasted?

• What are the surface coatings of the items )eing )lasted? 'or eAample do they contain lead or other toAic metals?

• What are the conditions under which high pressure water jetting operations are )eing carried out? 'or eAample are they carried

out in a confined space?

• What are the skills competence and eAperience of the operators?

2.3 C*,'$*<<(,6 '% $(-@-6ome control measures are more effective than others. #ontrol measures can )e ranked from the highest level of protection andrelia)ility to the lowest. 5his ranking is known as the hierarchy of control .

E<(+(,&'(,6 '% $(-@

5his means removing the ha!ard or ha!ardous work practice from the workplace. 5his is the most effective control measure and mustalways )e considered )efore anything else.

If eliminating the risk is not reasona)ly practica)le you must consider using su)stitution isolation or engineering controls or acom)ination of these control measures to minimise the risk.

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M(,(+(-(,6 '% $(-@


$inimise the risk )y su)stituting or replacing a ha!ard or ha!ardous work practice with a safer one.


$inimise the risk )y isolating or separating the ha!ard or ha!ardous work practice from people for eAample )y installing screens or)arriers around the water jetting operations.

Engineering controls

/ngineering controls are physical control measures to minimise risk for eAample controlling the jet of water mechanically.

If a risk remains the duty holder must minimise the remaining risk so far as is reasona)ly practica)le )y usingC

 Administratie controls

 "dministrative controls should only )e considered when other higher order control measures are not reasona)ly practica)le or toincrease protection from the ha!ard. 5hese are work methods or procedures designed to minimise the eAposure to a ha!ard foreAample jo) rotation and varying tasks to reduce the risks associated with prolonged periods of jetting gun operation and other

repetitive manual handling tasks.

 "ny remaining risk must )e minimised so far as is reasona)ly practica)le )y providing and ensuring the use ofC

!ersonal protectie e"uipment

&&/ is the lowest order control measure in the hierarchy of controls. &&/ should also only )e considered when other higher ordercontrol measures are not reasona)ly practica)le or to increase protection from the ha!ard. /Aamples of &&/ include using safetyeyewear hearing protection safety helmets cut7resistant leg protection or reflective high7visi)ility clothing.

C*+?(,(,6 *,'$*< +%&-8$%-

In most cases a com)ination of the control measures will provide the )est solution to minimise the risk to the lowest level reasona)lypractica)le. ou should check your chosen control measures do not introduce new ha!ards.

2.4 M&(,'&(,(,6 &,= $%)(%9(,6 *,'$*< +%&-8$%-

5he control measures implemented to protect health and safety should )e regularly reviewed to make sure they are effective includingwhen there is a change at the workplace. If a control measure is not working effectively it must )e revised to ensure it is effective tocontrol the risk.

'or eAample control measures should )e reviewedC

• when an injury or illness occurs )ecause of a ha!ard the risk assessment addressed or failed to consider 

• )efore making changes to the nature of the water jetting operations

• )efore introducing new plant or jetting techni%ues

• if new information )ecomes availa)le to indicate a control measure may no longer )e the most effective way to control the

risk and

• when there are changes to who carries out the work.

#ontrol measures should )e reviewed in consultation with workers and their health and safety representatives. Workers are often a)leto %uickly identify and propose solutions to pro)lems when they occur.

#ontrol measures should )e checked )y using the same methods as the initial ha!ard identification and risk assessment. If a ha!ardis not eliminated or minimised )y the chosen control measure go )ack through the risk management steps review the informationand make further decisions a)out risk control.

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5he following safety recommendations should )e considered when managing the risks to workers from the ha!ards associated withhigh pressure water jetting operations.

3.1 W&'%$ :%''(,6 7<&,' &,= %8(7+%,'

S%'(*, 212 &ersons conducting a )usiness or undertaking who have management or control of plant at a workplace must ensureso far as is reasona)ly practica)le the plant is without risks to the health and safety of any person.

S%'(*, 222 >esigners of plant must ensure so far as is reasona)ly practica)le the plant is designed to )e without risks to thehealth and safety of persons.

When )uying water jetting plant and e%uipment you should check safety features have )een incorporated into the design. 5hefollowing information must )e passed on from the designer to the manufacturer and the supplier and then to the end userC

• 5he purpose the plant was designed or manufactured for.

• 5he results of calculations analysis testing or eAamination necessary to ensure the plant is without risks to health and


•  "ny conditions necessary for the safe use of the plant.

 " supplier must give this information to each person who receives the plant which may )e in the form of a manufacturer;s manual.

6uppliers of new and second7hand high pressure water jetting e%uipment must ensure so far as is reasona)ly practica)le it is withoutrisks to health and safety. 'or eAample it is in safe working order. " supplier must also provide the manufacturer;s safe operatingprocedures.

 " supplier of second7hand high pressure water jetting e%uipment must ensure so far as is reasona)ly practica)le any associatedrisks are identified. <efore the e%uipment is supplied ensure the person to whom the e%uipment is supplied is given written notice ofC

• the condition of the plant

• any faults identified and

• if re%uired that the plant should not )e used until the faults are rectified.

5he manufacturer;s safe operating procedures should )e followed )y anyone carrying out water jetting operations.


Water jetting plant e%uipment and attachments should only )e used in accordance with the manufacturer;s recommendations.

*o rigid lance attachment should )e used unless it is fitted with a handle and a hold7to7activate device. It should only )e used inaccordance with the manufacturer;s instructions.

9etting e%uipment and attachments should not )e modified without the manufacturer;s approval.

$odifications to #lass < e%uipment and developing new systems incorporating #lass < e%uipment should only )e carried out )y acompetent person with relevant engineering skills. 6uch modifications or developments should )e consistent with relevant safetyrecommendations.

L(+('- &,= 8-%

 " high pressure water jetting system should not )e used unless itC

• has )een inspected or serviced in accordance with the manufacturer;s recommendations and

• is free from any fault identified at the last inspection or service which may adversely affect the performance and safe operation of

the e%uipment.

#ote$ #hapter 4 provides guidance on the inspection care and maintenance of high pressure water jetting systems.


 "nyone using high pressure water jetting e%uipment should follow these safety recommendationsC

• Where necessary e%uipment near jetting operations should )e shielded or protected from de)ris and the ingress of water from

operating the jetting e%uipment.

•  "ny essential electrical installation should meet the re%uired protection levels against the ingress of water vapour or overspray.

• &eople other than the operating team should )e kept out of )arricaded work areas.

• Work activities should )e planned to provide safe access to the e%uipment and item or surface )eing jetted.

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• 8verhead work should )e avoided where possi)le as this may cause unsta)le worker positioning and increase the risk of

musculoskeletal disorders.

• 8perators using manually operated jetting systems should )e in a safe and well7)alanced position )efore starting jetting


• 9etting operations should not )e performed from ladders or other surfaces not intended for use )y workers as this can lead to

loss of control of the jetting e%uipment.

• 8perators should check there is no interruption or interference to the release mechanism of hand or foot controls that could stop

the e%uipment operating safely and consistent with the manufacturer;s specifications.

• 9etting operations should stop whenC

o conditions change or new ha!ards are introduced

o unauthorised people enter the )arricaded area

o recommended safe work practices are not )eing followed or 

o a malfunction occurs.

• 9etting systems should )e depressurised and secured whenC

o not in use and left unattended and

o components are )eing replaced or repairs are )eing made to the system.

3.2 M%=(&< &<%$' &$=

Water jetting operators should carry an immediately accessi)le waterproof medical alert card issued )y the person conducting a)usiness or undertaking J&#<:K.

5he card shouldC

• outline the possi)le nature of injuries and post7incident infections that can )e caused )y high pressure water jetting and

• provide details of immediate first7aid treatment until medical treatment can )e arranged.

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(igh pressure water jetting systems should )e maintained )y a competent person in accordance with the manufacturer;srecommendations. ecords should )e kept of service repairs and maintenance.

4.1 P8+7 8,('

5he pump unit should )e maintained in accordance with the manufacturer;s instructions. 5his should include daily pre7operationalchecks on the following items as applica)leC

• /ngine and drive unit H lu)ricating oil water hydraulic fluid and fuel levels.

• &ump unit H lu)ricating oil water filters drive )elts gauges and gear)oA oil levels.

• (ydraulic hose reel H lu)ricating oil and f luid levels.

• #ondition of guards shields and safety interlocks.

• /lectric leads and connectors.

4.2 F(<'%$- &,= -'$&(,%$-

Water filters should )e checked regularly depending on the water supply conditions and in accordance with the pump manufacturer;s

recommendations.Water should )e cleaned through filters that meet the pump manufacturer;s recommendations. 8therwise this may cause the controlmechanisms to malfunction and destroy the e%uipment eAposing workers to the serious risk of injury.

4.3 H*-% &--%+?<(%-

(ose couplings connectors and hose end fittings selected )efore assem)ly should )e suita)le for use with the maAimum workingpressure of the high pressure water jetting unit to )e used.

<efore each use hose assem)lies should )e visually inspected )y a competent person to ensureC

• the correct pressure rating and si!e is selected

• there is no apparent structural damage e.g. corroded or )roken wires )ulging kinking or cuts

• end fittings are in good condition and of the correct pressure rating for the unit operating pressure and

•hose connections to e%uipment or other hoses are restrained with )raided stockings or are restricted in some other suita)le wayto stop their movement if the hose end fails.

(oses with )roken wires deep a)rasions kinking )listers or )u))les in the outer covering should )e identified as Ldefective; andtaken out of service.

/nd fittings and crimping with cracks corrosion damaged threads or other evidence they may not )e safe to use should )e identifiedas Ldefective; and taken out of service.

T%-'(,6 &,= )%$(/(&'(*,

(ose assem)lies used with #lass " water jetting systems should )e tested in accordance with the re%uirements of "6 3-0171001CHydraulic hose.

(ose assem)lies used with #lass < water jetting systems should )e tested in accordance with "6D*M6 4233 &art 171000C High pressure water %etting systems & safe operation and maintenance.

ecords should )e kept of all tests. 8nly those hoses identified as meeting the safe operating performance recommendations should)e returned to service.

(oses should )e tested when theyC

• are new

• have )een damaged

• have )een re7ended or repaired and

• have )een eAposed to adverse operational conditions which may have affected their structural integrity.

C&$(,6 /*$ &,= -'*$(,6 *-%-

5he service life of a hose assem)ly is affected )y many factors like storage pressure cycles temperature environment chemicaleAposure and longitudinal stress.

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T&?<% 3 $aAimising the service life of hose assem)lies

Cause of wear Steps to extend life of hose assemblies

1ressure cycles Hose assemblies should not be unnecessarily sub%ected to frequent and prolonged periods of high pressure.

Temperature exposure Exposure of hoses to temperatures in excess of the stated rating should be a&oided.

3hemical exposure Hose assemblies should not unnecessarily be exposed to chemicals or corrosi&e substances. Where

hose assemblies are exposed to these substances steps should be taken as soon as possible to neutralise

their effect.

:ongitudinal stress #epetiti&e and prolonged use of hose assemblies in long+line drain cleaning functions and long

&ertical drops should be a&oided.

En&ironment exposure 4nnecessary exposure to sharp, protruding and abrasi&e surfaces should be a&oided. Where this is not practical, steps should be taken to minimise the damage to hose assemblies.

torage Where possible, hose assemblies should be stored lying flat in a cool dry area.

>efective hoses should )e removed from service and clearly marked and tagged to prevent unintentional use.

4.4 N*<%-

Water jetting no!!les are designed to control the direction velocity flow rate pressure shape and distri)ution of fluid flow as it eAitsthe no!!le carrier.

9etting no!!les come in two categoriesC rear facing no!!les which are used in drain and tu)e cleaning and forward facing no!!leswhich are used for general cleaning duties.

9etting e%uipment including no!!les should )e kept clean and stored safely when not in use.

*o!!les should )e inspected )efore each use for )locked or damaged orifices damage to threads cracks or any other structuraldamage that could adversely affect their safe operation.

*o!!les identified as )eing defective should )e removed from service and repaired or destroyed.

A- 9%<< &- & 7$%"-'&$' +%&-8$% (,-7%'(,6 ,*<%- $%68<&$<> =8$(,6 :%''(,6 *7%$&'(*,- &, (=%,'(/> 9%&$ &,= =&+&6% ?%/*$%'(- &8-%- &, (,:8$>.

G8, ,*<%-

&in no!!les reduce the jet of water to a solid parallel stream of water and are used for cutting or penetrating. 5hey can )e either ascrew in or step design Jsee 'igure 1K.

F(68$% 1 &in no!!les

'an no!!les change the jet of water to a designated flat angle and are used as surface cleaners Jsee 'igure 2K.

F(68$% 2 'an no!!les

otating no!!les are either motorised or driven )y the flow of water and are designed to clean surfaces Jsee 'igure 3K.

F(68$% 3 otating no!!le

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*o!!le manufacturer supply charts are used to calculate no!!le orifice si!e and reaction force. 5he reaction forceshould )e calculated using the high pressure water jetting pump;s maAimum pressure rating. " sample no!!le chart is

at "ppendiA >.

When a higher reaction force is needed to achieve accepta)le results mechanical devices to control the no!!le should )e used. 5hiscan )e in the form of mechanised e%uipment or engineered structures designed to hold the eAcess reaction force in all planes.

&ipe cleaning no!!les are designed to clean the internal surfaces of a pipe or tu)e and can )e either spinning or fiAed.

'iAed no!!les have a longer dwell time )ecause of the time the jet of water impacts on a point. 5hey are used for harder products Jsee'igure 4K.


F(68$% 4 'iAed no!!les

6pinning no!!les have a much shorter dwell time and are used for softer products Jsee 'igure +K.

F(68$% 5 6pinning no!!le

6pinning no!!les can have a com)ination of forward facing side facing and rear facing jets of water. 5he calculation for no!!le si!esshould take into account the thrust needed to pull the no!!le up the pipe or tu)e.

*o!!le manufacturers supply information to assist in these calculations.

4.5 H(6 7$%--8$% :%''(,6 68,-

(igh pressure jetting guns or lances should )e fitted with at least one fast acting hold7to7activate device that when deactivated willstop the flow of high pressure water. 5his device should )e under the direct control of the jetting operator.

5here are three types of guns currently )eing used within the high pressure water jetting industry. 5hey have different operatingsystems. /ach gun type should only )e used with the correct operating system.

5hese areC

'ry shut-off gun H incorporates a trigger7operated mechanical valve shutting off the flow of water from the pump. 5hese can only)e used on systems with an unloader valve. 5he pressure in the hose from the pump to the gun remains constant at all timesJsee 'igure ,K.

F(68$% ! >ry shut7off gun

Wet dump gun Hincorporates a trigger7operated mechanical valve diverting water flow to a large orifice Jeither a hose or second )arrelK outlet thusdepressurising the system Jsee 'igure -K.

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F(68$% # Wet dump gun

'ry dump gun H incorporates a trigger7operated mechanical valve with either an electric or pneumatic control connected to thepump control system. 5his system diverts the flow of water at the pump and reduces the pump speed to idle Jsee 'igure K.

F(68$% >ry dump gun

9etting guns should )e fittedwith dou)le7 action safetytrigger mechanisms to prevent inadvertent operation.

(igh pressure jetting guns or lances should )e maintained )y a competent person in accordance with the manufacturer;srecommendations.

uns or lances should )e inspected and tested )efore each use with particular attention )eing given to checkingC

• the correct operation of the trigger mechanism and guard

• the hose connections and threads

• the no!!le holders and seals

• the hose is secured to the gun )y a )raided stocking

•an impervious over hose shroud is fitted and

• the handle or shoulder stock is fitted as re%uired )y manufacturer;s instructions.

5he gun and shut off mechanism should also )e tested under low pressure to ensure correct operation.

4.! F**' *,'$*< =%)(%-

'oot control devices on guns are designed to shut off or divert the water flow from the pump unit. 5hey should )e a Lhold7to7activate;type and can )e dry shut off wet dump and dry dump mechanisms.

'oot control devices should )e fitted with a guard or cover as well as a dou)le7action trigger mechanism to stop them )eing operatedaccidentally.

8n mechanical foot control devices the pressure hose should )e secured to the device using a )raided stocking with an impervioushose shroud covering the pressure hose. 5his will protect the operator if the hose fails.

'oot control devices should )e maintained )y a competent person in accordance with the manufacturer;s recommendations.

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4.# H*-% *,,%'(*, &,= <&>*8'

5he point where the hose attaches to a hand or foot controlled device should )e protected )y an over7sheath shroud manufacturedfrom materials capa)le of withstanding the direct force of the water jet. 5his also protects the operator if the hose separates or the endfails.

5he point where the hose attaches to a hand or foot controlled device should also )e protected )y a )raided stocking that can stop thehose from whipping around and causing injury or damage if the hose separates or the end fails.

Water supply and high pressure jetting hoses should not )e laid across thoroughfares walkways or roads where they are likely to )edamaged. Where hoses are to )e hung vertically each hose should )e supported )y a wire stocking. Where multiple lengths of hoseare used in this way they should )e supported at points )elow each coupling so there is no weight on the coupling.

4. E<%'$(&< %8(7+%,'

/lectrical pump control e%uipment should )e of an eAtra low voltage type not eAceeding + volts "# and should comply with localelectrical design and use re%uirements. /lectrical connectors should )e waterproof suita)le and rated for the environment they are to)e used in. 5hey should )e protected from unintended closed and open circuit failures.

Where water jetting operations are carried out in work environments where the pump and control e%uipment are located withinpotentially eAplosive atmospheres for eAample in the petrochemical industry electrical pump control e%uipment should meet there%uirements of "6 23.17100C Electrical e"uipment for e(plosie atmospheres & E(plosion-protection techni"ues & )eneralre"uirements.

>ue to the harsh nature of most high pressure water jetting work sites electrical e%uipment can fail. #are should )e taken to checkthat ca)les plugs connectors and control devices are in good condition )efore each use.

4. G%,%$&< +&(,'%,&,% $%7&($- &,= =*8+%,'&'(*,

$ajor servicing operations and repairs re%uiring specialist knowledge should only )e carried out )y competent workers with thoroughknowledge of the e%uipment. 6uch e%uipment includesC

• pressure relief valves

• )ursting discs if used

• pressure control devices

• pump control valves or dry shut7off control valves and

• electrical controls and e%uipment.

8perators of high pressure water jetting systems should not carry out repairs other than simple adjustments to or replacement of

parts which are specifically listed in the manufacturer;s instructions for use and periodic service. 8ther repairs or maintenance should)e carried out )y the manufacturer or other suita)ly %ualified people.

When maintaining or assem)ling jetting systems the correct si!ed tools should always )e used. 5ools of the incorrect si!e candamage e%uipment and should not )e used.

$aintenance records should )e kept for each major piece of e%uipment. "fter each inspection or service recommended )y themanufacturer the person carrying out the work should recordC

• the condition of the e%uipment and hoses

• repairs performed

• adjustments performed and

• the date when the inspection or work was carried out and the name of the person carrying out the task.

4.10 M&$@(,6 %8(7+%,'

&arts or assem)lies which should )e identified for service maintenance or application should )e permanently marked with enoughinformation to identify the part its use and performance and in a way which is easy to read.


(igh pressure water jetting systems should )e fitted with a permanently mounted name plate which provides the following informationC

• manufacturer;s name or mark

• model designation serial num)er and year of manufacture

• maAimum volume and pressure performance

• maAimum input speed and

• maAimum operating pressure.

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R%68<&'(*, 44 If personal protective e%uipment is to )e used to minimise a risk to health and safety in relation to work at a workplacein accordance with regulation 3, the person conducting a )usiness or undertaking who directs the carrying out of work must providethe personal protective e%uipment to workers at the workplace unless the personal protective e%uipment has )een provided )yanother person conducting a )usiness or undertaking.

5he person conducting the )usiness or undertaking who directs the carrying out of work must ensure the e%uipment isC

• selected to minimise risk to health and safety

• suita)le having regard to the nature of the work and any ha!ard associated with the work

• a suita)le si!e and fit and reasona)ly comforta)le for the worker who is to use or wear it

• maintained repaired or replaced so that it continues to minimise risk to the worker who uses i t

• clean hygienic and in good working order and

• used or worn )y the worker so far as is reasona)ly practica)le.

R%68<&'(*, 45 5he person conducting a )usiness or undertaking who directs the carrying out of work must ensure so far as isreasona)ly practica)le that personal protective e%uipment to )e used or worn )y any person other than a worker at the workplace iscapa)le of minimising risk to the personNs health and safety and the person uses or wears the e%uipment.

R%68<&'(*, 4! 5he worker must so far as the worker is reasona)ly a)le use or wear the e%uipment in accordance with anyinformation training or reasona)le instruction given )y the person conducting the )usiness or undertaking.

5he worker must not intentionally misuse or damage the e%uipment.

 "s high pressure water jetting is very ha!ardous suita)le &&/ should always )e worn regardless of other control measures in place.

5.1 H%&= 7$*'%'(*,

Where re%uired head protection complying with "6D*M6 11C100-C *ccupational protectie helmets should )e worn.

5.2 E>% 7$*'%'(*,

/ye protection suita)le for the task of good fit on the worker and complying with "6D*M6 133-C21 J6eriesKC !ersonal eye protectionshould always )e worn when the worker is near jetting operations. 5he worker in direct control of the flow of water should as aminimum wear safety glasses and a face shield complying with "6D*M6 133-.

Where li%uids which can cause eye damage are )eing used at the workplace it may )e necessary to use a com)ination of a faceshield visor and goggles or a full hood with shield.

5.3 L%6 &,= ?*=> 7$*'%'(*,

Workers should wear waterproof protective clothing complying with "6 3-,+.17100C +lothing for protection against haardouschemicals & !rotection against general or specific chemicals  or "6 3-,+.27100C +lothing for protection against haardous chemicals

 & imited protection against specific chemicals.

eg and )ody armour manufactured from materials capa)le of withstanding the direct force of the water jet should )e used )y water jetting operators where there is risk of injury.

i%uid or chemical7resistant suits should )e worn where a risk assessment indicates these are re%uired.

5.4 H&,= 7$*'%'(*,

(and protection complying with the recommendations of "6D*M6 21,1.2C2+C *ccupational protectie gloes - )eneralre"uirements "6D*M6 21,1.3C2+C *ccupational protectie gloes - !rotection against mechanical risks or "6D*M6 21,1.+C100C*ccupational protectie gloes - !rotection against cold, should )e worn where a risk assessment indicates this is re%uired.

5.5 F**' &,= <*9%$ <%6 7$*'%'(*,

Workers should wear protective footwear complying with "6D*M6 221.3C20C *ccupational protectie footwear & Specification forsafety footwear. " foot and lower leg guard or shield made from material capa)le of withstanding the direct force of the water jetshould )e used where there is a risk of foot or leg injury.

'urther guidance on the selection of footwear is in "6D*M6 221.1C21C Safety, protectie and occupational footwear - )uide toselection, care and use.

5.! P%$-*,&< %&$(,6 7$*'%'*$-

Where noise cannot )e eliminated or minimised so far as is reasona)ly practica)le personal hearing protectors as well as instructionand training in their use should )e provided.

(earing protectors should )e selected in accordance with "6D*M6 12,0.3C2+C *ccupational noise management & hearing protector program and tested in accordance with "6D*M6 12-C22C Acoustics - hearing protectors.

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5.# R%-7($&'*$> 7$*'%'(*,

Workers involved in high pressure water jetting operations should wear respiratory protection where there is an assessed risk of injurythat can )e prevented )y such e%uipment. espiratory protection should only )e worn )y workers who have )een trained in its correctuse.

 " respiratory protection program should )e implemented where there is evidence it could prevent injury or disease.

 "6D*M6 1-1+C20C Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protectie e"uipment  provides guidance on the implementation of

respiratory protection programs.

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!.1 G%,%$&<

 "ssessing and planning each jo) is important. 5his ensures high pressure water jetting is carried out in a way that is without risks tohealth and safety.

&lanning usually starts with initial customer liaison and a jo) or site inspection. &eople planning the work and people familiar with thework environment and the item or material to )e jet ted should meet with the workers who will )e carrying out the work to identify anddiscussC

• potential ha!ards of the work area

• control measures to )e implemented

• potential environmental pro)lems

• safety standards and

• emergency procedures.

<ased on this information the jo) can then )e planned.

'urther information on consulting co7operating and co7ordinating activities with other duty holders is in section 1.3.

 "s a minimum the planning process should includeC

• the num)er of workers and any special skills %ualifications or training re%uired 7 over and a)ove the safe use of high pressure

water jetting e.g. an elevated work platform licence

• isolation procedures including locking and tagging

• e%uipment re%uired including &&/

• )arricading and signage re%uirements

• notifying other workers near)y

• providing safe work instructions for workers

• calculations to ensure when manual gun operations take place the reaction force is e%ual to or )elow the maAimum reaction force

of 2+ * or 2+.+ kg and

• the crew completing a pre7start ha!ard assessment )efore starting jetting operations.

!.2 A-?%-'*-

(igh pressure water jetting must not )e carried out on as)estos or as)estos containing material.

R%68<&'(*, 44! " person conducting a )usiness or undertaking must not use or direct or allow a worker to use high7pressure waterspray on as)estos or as)estos containing material.

 "s)estos can release air)orne fi)res whenever it is distur)ed. Inhaling these fi)res is a significant health risk. "s)estos has )eenused in products includingC

• certain teAtured coatings and paints

• roofing materials

• vinyl or thermoplastic floor tiles profiled sheets used on roofs and walls and flat sheets in flashings

• imitation )rick cladding and

• plaster patching compounds.

5he W(6 egulations contain specific re%uirements on as)estos and as)estos7containing material.

It can )e difficult to identify whether as)estos is used in a product just )y looking at it. (aving a sample of the suspected materialanalysed will confirm whether as)estos is present or not. 6ampling can )e ha!ardous and must only )e done )y a competent person.6amples must only )e analysed )y a *ational "ssociation of 5esting "uthorities accredited la)oratory or a la)oratory approved )y theregulator or operated )y the regulator.

'urther information on as)estos is availa)le in the #ode of &racticeC  How to safely remoe asbestos and the #ode of &racticeC How tomanage and control asbestos in the workplace.

!.3 T$&(,(,6 &,= *7%$&'*$ *+7%'%,>

&eople who use high pressure water jets and e%uipment should )e competent to carry out the task they are re%uested to complete.

5his means they should )e trained or instructed using a structured competency7)ased process.

8perators should also undergo competency7)ased training on a specific task or e%uipment they work on. 6ee section 1.4.

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!.4 S&/% 9*$@ (,-'$8'(*,-

6afe work instructions should )e developed for using high pressure water jetting units and should )e used with a pre7start ha!ardidentification system.

!.5 P$%"-'&$' %@- &,= &&$= &--%--+%,'

&re7start checks should )e done )efore every operation. 5hese can )e in the form of checklists which should )e completed in

consultation with all operators involved in the jo). " )asic checklist should coverC

• the type of jo)

• high pressure pump checks including mechanical and safety devices

• isolation procedures including locking and tagging

• hose checks including where re%uired the currency of hose tags or certificates

• )arricades and signs

• workers re%uired

• special e%uipment used and

• special work permits.

 " pre7start ha!ard identification and assessment should also )e carried out on each jo). 6afe work instructions manage the repetitiveelements of a task )ut they are not effective when there are changes in the work environment.

 "n eAample of a pre7service and operational checklist is at "ppendiA #.

!.! W*$@ &$%&- ?&$$(&=%- &,= -(6,-

 " safe area should )e esta)lished around the planned jetting operations. 5he limits of this area should )e clearly defined )y using aphysical )arrier. 5his area is known as the safety !one.

Where jetting operations are not shielded )y physical )arriers for eAample inside a vessel the perimeter of the defined area should)e outside the effective range of the jet of high pressure water. <arriers should also stop people coming into contact with otherha!ards associated with the jetting operation like flying scale or de)ris falling from a)ove.

Where work is carried out on pu)lic roads work areas should also comply with "6 1-42.3720C anual of uniform traffic controldeices - /raffic control for works on roads.

 "ll high pressure water jetting e%uipment including the jetting unit should )e located within the safety !one. /ntry into the safety !one

should )e restricted to authorised people through a designated safe entry point.

5he safe entry point should )e esta)lished )y the work crew as part of the pre7start ha!ard identification process and should )eidentified )y a sign with the words O/*5 < ":5(8I6/> &/68*6 8*P. 5he safe entry point should )e located where it can)e monitored )y a safety o)server while they also carry out their primary role of o)serving the work area and jetting operator withoutdistraction.

Where it is not possi)le to locate a safe entry point that is monitored )y a safety o)server the work area should )e treated as a totaleAclusion !one and access restricted to only those workers actually carrying out the work. 5his may )e necessary for situations wherethe o)server does not have a clear view of people approaching the work area.

When high pressure water jetting e%uipment is )eing operated signs indicating O>"*/ H (I( &/66:/ W"5/ 9/55I*/B:I&$/*5 I* :6/P should )e displayed where they are clearly visi)le to people approaching the area and those near the areawhere the e%uipment is )eing used.

6igns should also )e used to warn people they are approaching a ha!ardous area.

'urther guidance on signs is in "6 131071004C Safety signs for the occupational enironment .

!.# E8(7+%,' 7<&%+%,'

5he correct placement or positioning of high pressure water jetting plant and e%uipment in the workplace is important for health andsafety and efficient operations. 5he pump unit should )e placed as close as possi)le to the work site to reduce the amount of hoseused and to reduce the area covered )y the operation.

#heck that plant and e%uipment placement does not )ecome a ha!ard and critical access ways are left uno)structed. (oses should)e arranged to effectively minimise potential tripping ha!ards. 5he pump unit should not )e placed where i t can )e contaminated )yde)ris from the jetting operation.

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#.1 S8'*// =%)(%-

/very high pressure water jetting operation should include at least two ways of stopping the flow of high pressure water. 8ne of theseshutoffs should )e controlled )y the no!!le operator and should )e a fast acting self7actuating hold7to7activate shutoff device. 5heother shutoff should )e an emergency stop device controlled )y the safety o)server.

#.2 S>-'%+ *+7&'(?(<('>

/%uipment used including guns foot control devices hoses and no!!les during water jetting operations should )e suita)le for use withgreater than or e%ual to the maAimum operating pressure of the high pressure pump.

5he safety relief device for eAample the safety valve or )urst disc should )e set at a minimum of 1 percent over the maAimumoperating pressure of the high pressure pump and in accordance with the manufacturer;s recommendations.

#.3 O7%$&'(*,&< $*<%- &,= *++8,(&'(*,

/ach worker within the work team should have a defined role for eAample the no!!le operator or safety o)server. Where possi)leworkers should swap roles throughout the course of the jetting operations to avoid fatigue and to keep alert.

/ffective communication )etween mem)ers of the work team during jetting operations is very important. " mechanism for eAampleradio headphones which allow the no!!le operator to convey their re%uirements to the pump operator or o)server will make the jetting

operations safer and more efficient.5he most common way of communicating is )y using hand signals. If hand signals are used workers should agree on a set of signals)efore starting jetting operations. /very worker should understand and )e alert to the signals at all times.

(and signals should not )e used as the communication method where the no!!le operator re%uires two hands to safely hold thedevice. In these circumstances alternative communication methods should )e provided.

'urther information on hand signals for high pressure water jetting operations are in "ppendiA /.

#.4 G8, 9*$@

:sing a hand held gun for jetting operations increases the risk of the high pressure water jet coming into contact with and injur ing theoperator. Where eliminating the use of a hand held gun for jetting operations is not possi)le using one or a com)ination of thefollowing control measures may minimise the risk so far as reasona)ly practica)leC

• a gun with a )arrel or lance lengthQ that ensures the no!!le strikes the ground )efore the operator can inadvertently direct it onto

their feet or legs

• dual hold7to7activate devices on the gun

• foot and lower leg guards or shields manufactured from material capa)le of withstanding the direct force of the jet and

• a )ody harness that prevents the gun )eing aimed at the operator.

#oteC In some circumstances for eAample industrial rope access work or working in confined spaces it may )e necessary to use amuch shorter )arrel on the gun. /Atreme caution should )e eAercised )y the gun operator and the other team mem)ers to ensurerisks likely to affect the safety of workers operating the e%uipment or working near)y are minimised so far as is reasona)lypractica)le.

Where possi)le the operator should )e allowed to eAperience the reaction force of the high pressure water jet progressively until there%uired operating pressure is reached. 5he operator should )e a)le to stand comforta)ly and unsupported without straining whileoperating the gun.

5he reaction force along the aAis of the gun )arrel should )e calculated for an average operator to retain control of the gun safely andcomforta)ly. 5he lowest pressure suita)le for the work should )e used. " maAimum reaction force of 2+ * or 2+.+ kg is


When a higher reaction force is needed to achieve accepta)le results mechanical devices to control the no!!le should )e used foreAample gim)als and remote controlled machinery.

F(68$% *o!!le clamp Jgim)alK

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#ritical elements to consider when carrying out gun work include ensuringC

• a dedicated safety o)server in control of an emergency shut off device is part of the

work team whose primary concern is the welfare of the worker operating the gun

• the work area is free of trip or fall ha!ards

• the gun is tested at low pressure and at working pressure )efore each use

• operating pressure is gradually increased so the operator )ecomes accustomed to the reaction force and

• people not actively involved in the jetting operation remain outside the safety !one.

#.5 P(7% <%&,(,6

&ipe cleaning is another common use for high pressure water jetting. (owever the process is inherently ha!ardous )ecause the highpressure no!!le is attached to a fleAi)le hose which reduces the operator;s control of it.

8perators should check pipe cleaning jo)s are set up so the no!!le cannot physically come out of the pipe when it is under pressure. "n anti7withdrawal device that is mechanically held to the end of the pipe should )e used. 5his device has an opening in it throughwhich the hose is fed and will stop the hose or no!!le )eing ejected inadvertently or )y hydraulic force.

(oses should )e clearly marked at a suita)le distance from the no!!le to indicate the location of the no!!le as it is withdrawn from thepipe or tu)e.

 " foot control hold7to7activate device e.g. a foot pedalRshould )e used on every pipe cleaning jo). 5his eliminates relying on theoperator to physically shut down the high pressure pump in the event of an incident.

>uring manual pipe cleaning or lancing operations the entrance to the line or pipe should not )e cleaned with a lance fitted with aretro J)ackK jet. Where a retro jet is used for pipe cleaning or lancing the no!!le operator should )e provided with suita)le guards and&&/ to shield them from the water and de)ris.

5he clearance )etween the outside diameter of each of the hose lance or no!!le assem)ly and the inside wall of the item )eing

cleaned should )e sufficient to allow the washout of water and de)ris. Where the diameter of the no!!le and hose assem)ly eAceedstwo7thirds of the pipe )eing cleaned eAtra care is re%uired to minimise the risk of the no!!le and de)ris forming a hydraulic pistonwhich may )e forced out under pressure towards the operator.

Where the length of the no!!le and rigid hose coupling and )end radius of the hose is less than the internal diameter of the pipe alength of rigid pipe Ja starter )arK should )e used to eAtend that distance to a length of at least the pipe internal diameter.

If the use of a starter )ar is not feasi)le a suita)le safety shield Ja)le to withstand a direct and sustained )last of the jetK should )eprovided to protect the operator should the no!!le turn through 1 degrees or dou)le )ack towards the operator.

When cleaning vertical pipelines that are )locked it is almost always necessary to clean the pipe from the )ottom to allow the scale tofall out and stop the hose from )ecoming jammed. 5his process introduces the ha!ard of the hose falling out of the pipe either underpressure or as pressure is applied.

8ne method of controlling this risk is to use an anti7withdrawal device attached to the end of the pipe with an opening in i t throughwhich the hose is fed. 5he no!!le is attached after the hose is passed through the opening with the diameter of the opening )eingsmaller than the diameter of the no!!le. 5his prevents the no!!le from falling any further than the end of the pipe.

#.! H%&' %&,6%$ <%&,(,6

(eat eAchangers can )e de7scaled manually or )y using automated or semi7automated e%uipment. Where deposits are soft foreAample oil deposits manual cleaning techni%ues are usually used.

$anual cleaning is usually carried out )y at least two operators. 8ne worker operates the hose or fleAi)le lance and controls the water flow via a foot control device while the other worker acts as an o)server and controls an emergency shutdown mechanism and othershut off devices where applica)le.

5he most significant risks from cleaning a heat eAchanger areC

• the no!!le eAiting the tu)e )eing cleaned while still under pressure

• the tu)e )ecoming pressurised and forcing the no!!le out at the operator end

• the tu)e )ecoming pressurised and ejecting a plug of scale or steel )locking a faulty tu)e and

• the no!!le and hose assem)ly )eing damaged when eAiting the tu)e.

&ossi)le control measures for these ha!ards includeC

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• using chemicals to clean tu)es

• using mechanical or automated lance handling e%uipment

• installing mechanical shields over the end of the tu)e )undle opposite to the end )eing worked on

• limiting the distance the hose can enter a tu)e

• using no!!le eAtensions preventing it and hose crimps f rom fouling on the tu)e face when )eing pulled )ack into the tu)e and

• using anti7withdrawal devices to prevent inadvertent or hydraulic force ejection of the fleAi)le lance and no!!le.

5his work re%uires specialised skills. /ach person who carries out this task should have received specific training and instruction inhow to operate the e%uipment used and how to perform the task safely )y a person who is competent in this field.

#.# S8$/&% 7$%7&$&'(*,

6urface preparation work generally uses ultra7high pressure water jetting e%uipment. 5his means very high pressures in eAcess of2+ )ar and low water flows are used. "s a result the effective range of the water jets is comparatively lower than those used forother general cleaning and de7scaling activities. (owever the cutting efficiency of the jets at close range is significantly higher andincreases the potential for injury.

Where handguns are used for surface preparation work the control measures listed in the section on Lgun work; should )e considered.

#leanliness and care of ultra7high pressure water jetting e%uipment is essential . Water filters should )e regularly checked and cleanedor replaced. (oses and high pressure fittings should )e taped or covered when not in use to stop the ingress of dirt and other foreign

material. 6ystems should )e thoroughly flushed )efore each use to ensure no!!les are not damaged or )locked )y foreign particles.

#. %--%< <%&,(,6

 "n operator working inside a vessel while cleaning it using high pressure water jetting is a high risk activity. 5he need for an operatorto enter a vessel during cleaning should )e eliminated so far as is reasona)le practica)le.

5ank cleaning heads can )e used instead. 5hese can )e mounted in a variety of ways for eAample )y )eing hung from ca)les ormounted on a rigid fiAture. 5he most important aspect of their operation is to check the arms are not )ent and the no!!les are)alanced and in good condition. If there are pro)lems in either of these areas the reaction forces on the head will )e un)alanced andinjury or damage to the e%uipment could result. 5his will )e o)vious if only the hose or ca)le supports the tank cleaning head as it islikely to swing a)out uncontrolled inside the vessel.

#. D$&(, <%&,(,6

 "lthough drain cleaning operations usually operate at considera)ly lower pressures than needed for most high pressure watercleaning jo)s they share many of the same ha!ards and operational aspects of high pressure water. "lthough pressures used may )elower the power availa)le at the no!!le is compara)le with high pressure pumps so i t is just as ha!ardous.

$ost drain cleaning is carried out using a truck mounted pressure pump with or without a suction unit to remove the de)ris. >raincleaners operate at pressures of around 1+ to 21 )ar and flow rates of 2+ to 3 litres per minute.

$ost drain cleaners are controlled )y a remote control pendant that allows the operator to move a)out the rear of the truck and havetotal control of the operation at all times.

5he risks created )y other ha!ards should )e assessed when choosing a suita)le num)er of workers to safely carry out theoperations7Jsee section 1.1K. >rain cleaning units use positive displacement pumps similar to high pressure units. 5he majority ofother e%uipment used in this application is the same as the e%uipment used for high pressure applications and should )e su)ject tothe same maintenance and safety procedures.

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.1 H&&$=*8- 9&-'%

Water jetting produces de)ris which may contain ha!ardous materials including chemicals like heavy metals and )iological wastewhich create risks to health and safety.

#ote$ 5his material should not contain as)estos as the W(6 egulations prohi)it the use of high pressure water jetting on as)estos or as)estos containing material.

 " product safety data sheet should )e o)tained )efore starting water jetting operations to identify if ha!ardous materials are present inthe su)strate or coating )eing jetted.

5he risks arising from potential eAposure to ha!ardous waste material should )e identified assessed and controlled in accordancewith the re%uirements of the W(6 egulations.

R%68<&'(*, 4 " person conducting a )usiness or undertaking at a workplace must ensure that no person at the workplace iseAposed to a su)stance or miAture in an air)orne concentration that eAceeds the eAposure standard for the su)stance or miAture.

6afe working procedures should consider how to eliminate or minimise eAposure to this material during water jetting operations. &&/and facilities suita)le for the ha!ardous materials known or suspected to )e present in waste generated from water jetting operationsshould )e provided.

'urther guidance on ha!ardous chemicals can )e found in the #ode of &racticeC anaging risks of haardous chemicals in the


.2 H&&$=*8- 9&-'% =(-7*-&<

5he risk of eAposure to ha!ardous waste material may also arise when loading transporting and unloading de)ris for disposal.

5he person conducting the )usiness or undertaking should manage the risk to health and safety arising from the disposal of wastematerial and ensure the material is handled and disposed of in accordance with work health and safety and environmental protectionre%uirements.

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A,'("9('=$&9&< =%)(% means a device designed to stop a fleAi)le lance from ejecting or )eing pulled from a tu)e or pipe during thelancing operation.

B&$ <('$%- 7%$ +(,8'% is a commonly used measure of the energy produced )y a high pressure water jetting system eApressed as apressure volume value per unit of time. 6ee "ppendiA < & !ressure flow diagram.

B8$-'(,6 =(- means a safety device designed to rupture and discharge the fluid to stop a safe pre7determined pressure )eingeAceeded.

C<&-- A ->-'%+ means a high pressure water jetting system producing a maAimum energy measured in pressure volume units perminuteRfor eAample )ar litres per minuteR)etween )ar litres per minute and +, )ar litres per minute. 6ee "ppendiA < &!ressure flow diagram.

C<&-- B ->-'%+ means a high pressure water jetting system producing a maAimum energy measured in pressure volume units perminuteRfor eAample )ar litres per minuteReAceeding +, )ar litres per minute. 6ee "ppendiA < & !ressure flow diagram.

C*+7%'%,' 7%$-*, means a person who has ac%uired through training %ualification or eAperience the knowledge and skills to carryout the task.

D8+7 )&<)% ->-'%+ means an operator controlled system that opens a free flow path for the water Jeither to ground or recycledKreducing the system pressure to a safe level without shutting off the flow to the no!!le.

E'$& <*9 )*<'&6% means + volts "# as defined in "6D*M6 3C2-C Electrical installations.

F**' *,'$*< =%)(% means a control device arranged for actuation )y an operator;s foot either in place of or in addition to anotherform of control.

H(6 7$%--8$% 9&'%$ :%''(,6 ->-'%+ means a water delivery system consisting of an energy source for eAample electric motor orinternal com)ustion engine pump control mechanism hoses and pipes no!!les and various other attachments and componentsnecessary for the e%uipment to function as a system. 5he function of the system is to increase the velocity of the li%uids at the point of application. 6olid particles or eAtra chemicals may also )e introduced )ut the eAit in all cases will )e a free stream.

H*-% &--%+?<> means a hose with couplings or end fittings attached in accordance with the hose manufacturer;s recommendations.

J%''(,6 68, means a porta)le com)ination of the operator;s control valve lance and no!!le normally resem)ling a gun inarrangement.


0le(ible lance means a fleAi)le hose used to feed a no!!le through pipes or tu)es.

1igid lance means a rigid tu)e used to eAtend the no!!le from the end of the hose or fleAi)le lance.L&,(,6 $(6(= *$ /<%(?<% means an application where a lance and no!!le com)ination is inserted into and retracted from the interior of a pipe or tu)ular product.

M%&,(&< =%)(% means a device engineered and manufactured to restrain a no!!le carrier or lance where reaction forces eAceed2+ * or 2+.+ kg. 5hese devices can either )e manual or automated.

N*<% means a device with one or more openings where the fluid discharges from the system. 5he no!!le restricts the area of flow of the fluid accelerating the water to the re%uired velocity and shaping it to the re%uired flow pattern and distri)ution for a particular use.#om)inations of forward and )ackward no!!les are often used to )alance the thrust.

O7%$&'*$ means a person who has )een trained and has demonstrated competence to perform a water jetting task withoutsupervision.

R%&'(*, /*$% means the force created )y water moving as it leaves the no!!le. 5he force acts in the opposite direction to movingwater.

R%<(%/ )&<)% means a valve which automatically opens to discharge fluid to relieve pressure.

S&/%'> *?-%$)%$  means a mem)er of the work team assigned with the following tasksC

• o)serving the jetting operations and )arricaded area

• shutting down the system in an emergency or if the system malfunctions

• controlling or communicating to the controlling operator the system pressure as re%uested )y the jetting operator and

• controlling access of people into the safety !one.

S'&$'%$ ?&$ means a rigid piece of pipe fiAed to a no!!le that prevents reversing of the no!!le in the line.

W&'%$ :%' means a jet stream of water produced from the individual no!!le orifice. 5he shape of the jet is determined )y the form ofthe orifice while the speed at which it travels is determined )y the orifice design orifice area and pressure.

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'igure 1 shows a way to calculate and compare the output capa)ility Jpressure volume com)inationK and classify high pressurewater jetting systems.

5he output of jetting systems is normally measured in )ar litres per minute.

F(68$% 10 &ressure flow chart

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/%uipmentDItem )eing cleanedC

1. Is the work area including the other end of the unit )eing cleaned clearly defined?

2. "re warning signs posted?

3. (ave precautions )een taken to protect electrical e%uipment?

4. Is there a risk to workers or possi)le damage to e%uipment from things like the release of chemicals hot or flamma)leli%uids gases drifting mist or other materials?

+. (ave workers near)y )een told a)out the intention to carry out water jetting operations?

,. "re components for eAample fittings hoses guns and foot pedals of the correct pressure rating?

-. "re the hoses of the correct pressure rating?

. "re hoses in safe operating condition?

0. "re fittings in safe operating condition?

1. "re hoses and lines protected from accidental damage?

11. "re no!!les free from )lockages and in safe operating condition?

12. (ave steps )een taken to prevent inadvertent no!!le reversal or ejecting accidentally?

13. Is the filter on the pump water supply suction clean and in safe operating condition?

14. Is there a suita)le cool and clean water supply?

1+. (ave workers )een provided with &&/ appropriate for this jo)?

1,. (ave workers received the correct level of training for the jo)?

1-. "re workers competent to carry out this work?

1. (as the complete hose run )een flushed and air removed from the system?

10. (as the hook7up including pipes hoses and connections )een pressure tested with water at the maAimum operatingpressure?

2. "re control systems operating correctly?

21. Is the location of emergency medical aid known )y workers?

22. (as an effective communication system )een put in place for the jo)?

23. (ave the emergency stops )een tested?

24. (as the reaction force )een calculated to ensure that it is under 2+* J2+.+kgsK for hand held gun work?


 " no!!le chart lets operators calculate reaction force. eaction force should )e calculated using the high pressure water jetting

pump;s maAimum pressure rating.

When using the chart operators must first determine the maAimum operating pressure of the pump. 5his is listed across the top of thechart. 5he re%uired flow rate is then selected. <y matching the pressure and flow the chart then gives you a reaction force in *ewtonsthat is appropriate to the selected no!!le si!e.

 5o$$le ;



-perating pressure + bar 

*77 <77 =77 677 77 77 67 277 (77 '777 ''77

>low rate ? :@min

#ecoil force in %etting direction @!5"

7,'6 7,*






















7,*7 7,<




















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 5o$$le ;



-perating pressure + bar 

*77 <77 =77 677 77 77 67 277 (77 '777 ''77

>low rate ? :@min

#ecoil force in %etting direction @!5"

','7 '7,6






















','6 '',6






















',*7 '*,6






















 5o$$le ;



-perating pressure + bar 

'77 '77 '277 '(77 *777 *'77 **77 *<77 *=77 *677 *77

>low rate ? :@min

#ecoil force in %etting direction @!5"

7,'6 7,
















7,*7 ',7






















7,*6 ',6






















7,<7 *,*






















7,<6 <,7






















7,=7 <,(






















7,=6 6,7






















7,67 ,'






















7,66 ,=






















7,7 2,2






















7,6 '7,=






















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5he following set of hand signals may )e used for communicating when carrying out high pressure water jetting operations.

F(68$% 11 (and signals


5he following list of pu)lished technical standards provide guidance only. #ompliance with them does not guarantee compliance withthe W(6 "ct and egulations in all instances. 5his list is not eAhaustive.

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 "6D*M6 12,0.3C 2+ *ccupational noise management, !art 2 Hearing protector program

 "6D*M6 12-C 22  Acoustics, hearing protectors

 "6 131071004 Safety signs for the occupational enironment 

 "6D*M6C 133- J6eriesK

21 "mdt 17212 212 !ersonal eye protection

 "6D*M6C 1-1+ 20 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protectie e"uipment 

 "6 1-42.3720 anual of uniform traffic control deices, !art 2 /raffic control for works on roads

 "6D*M6 11C 100- "mdt 171000 *ccupational protectie helmets

 "6D*M6 221.1C 21 Safety, protectie and occupational footwear, !art 3 )uide to selection, care and use

 "6D*M6 221.2C 20 *ccupational protectie footwear, !art 4 /est methods 

 "6D*M6 21,1.2C 2+ *ccupational protectie gloes, !art 4 )eneral re"uirements

 "6D*M6 21,1.3C 2+ *ccupational protectie gloes, !art 2 !rotection against mechanical risks

 "6D*M6 21,1.+C 100 *ccupational protectie gloes, !art 5 !rotection against cold 

 "6D*M6 3C 2- "mdt 1720 "mdt 27212 Electrical installations

 "6 3-,+.17100 +lothing for protection against haardous chemicals, !art 3 !rotection against general orspecific chemicals

 "6 3-,+.27100 +lothing for protection against haardous chemicals, !art 4 imited protection againstspecific chemicals

 "6 3-0171001 "mdt 171001 "mdt 27100+ Hydraulic hose

 "6D*M6 4233.171000 High pressure water 6hydro7 %etting systems, !art 3 )uidelines for safe operation andmaintenance

 "6D*M6 4233.171000 High pressure water %etting systems, !art 3 Safe operation and maintenance

 "6D*M6 4233.271000 High pressure water 6hydro7 %etting systems, !art 4 +onstruction and performance

 "6D*M6 4233.271000 High pressure water %etting systems, !art 4 +onstruction and performance