high-oleic groundnut varieties-enhances profitability to groundnut farmers

Feb 2017 High-oleic groundnut varieties: Enhances profitability to groundnut farmers About ICRISAT: www.icrisat.org ICRISAT’s scienfic informaon: hp://EXPLOREit.icrisat.org Donor: Naonal Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP), Department of Agriculture, Cooperaon and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India, and MARS Inc. Development and idenficaon of best-performing high-oleic introgression lines. 2011–2013 Hybridizaon, selfing, backcrossing. Two high-oil lines (ICGV 06142 and ICGV 06420) and one low-oil confeconary line (ICGV 06110) targeted for improvement 2012–2014 Genotyping to select heterozygotes/homozygotes using AS-PCR and CAPS markers, and background selecon of recurrent parent traits by phenotyping 2014–2016 Evaluaon trial of high-oleic introgression lines at ICRISAT and idenficaon of best-performing lines 2016–2017 Mul-locaon yield evaluaon trial with 68 high-oleic lines at six locaons AS-PCR= Allele-specific Polymerase Chain Reacon; CAPS = Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences Performance of selected high-oleic introgression lines at ICRISAT Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to idenfy high-oleic lines in advanced generaons and also to evaluate oleic acid content in different trials. The calibraon equaon for esmang fay acids in whole groundnut kernels was developed with R 2 of 0.97 for oleic and linoleic acids, and 0.88 for palmic acid. Performance of high-oleic introgression lines (ILs) with their recurrent (RP) and donor parents (DP) (ICRISAT, 2016). Sr. No. Entries Pod yield (kg/ha) Oil content (%) Oleic acid content (%) Linoleic acid content (%) 1 65 ICGV ILs 1383-4529 42-51 63-80 2-16 2 ICGV 06420 (RP) 2966 48.94 38.84 33.95 3 ICGV 06110 (RP) 3567 46.49 40.37 36.64 4 ICGV 06142 (RP) 2026 52.09 38.72 40.64 5 SunOleic 95R (DP) 1642 46.65 75.22 7.3 Figure 1. Marker-assisted backcrossing (MABC) for introgression of high-oleic acid trait in groundnut. Figure 3. Average performance of top ten introgression lines developed through marker- assisted selecon (MAS) with recurrent and donor parents evaluated at ICRISAT, India during rainy season 2016. Figure 4. Pod and kernel features of selected high-oleic lines developed at ICRISAT, India. Figure 2. Average performance of top ten introgression lines developed through MABC with their recurrent and donor parents evaluated at ICRISAT, India during rainy season 2016. Figure 5. Evaluaon of high-oleic lines at ICRISAT, India during rainy season 2015. Figure 6. Groundnut-growing area map of India with flags ( ) indicang regions where mul-locaon trials of high- oleic introgression lines are being conducted. Summary High-oleic trait was successfully introgressed into the background of high/low oil lines. The process to transfer the trait to other elite variees is ongoing. Both genotyping and phenotyping techniques allowed efficient selecon of high-oleic introgression lines. Mul-locaon evaluaon is in progress to idenfy best-performing high- oleic lines in groundnut for release in India. Partners: ICAR-Directorate of Groundnut Research (ICAR-DGR), Junagadh Agricultural University (JAU), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Pandit Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) and Internaonal Crops Research Instute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Introduction Groundnuts with high oleic acid content are in great demand by consumers and the food industry alike as they offer remarkable health benefits to consumers as well as enable extended shelf life of groundnut products. ICRISAT’s groundnut breeding program, in collaboraon with ICAR-DGR and other naonal partners, has iniated a program to transfer mutant alleles ahFAD2A and ahFAD2B from SunOleic 95R, and also the new high-oleic lines developed at ICRISAT, into the genec background of elite parents, with high pod yield potenal, adaptability, drought tolerance and other desirable features.

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Page 1: High-oleic groundnut varieties-Enhances profitability to groundnut farmers

Feb 2017

High-oleic groundnut varieties: Enhances profitability to groundnut farmers

About ICRISAT: www.icrisat.orgICRISAT’s scientific information: http://EXPLOREit.icrisat.org

Donor: National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP), Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India, and MARS Inc.

Development and identification of best-performing high-oleic introgression lines.

2011–2013 Hybridization, selfing, backcrossing. Two high-oil lines (ICGV 06142 and ICGV 06420) and one low-oil confectionary line (ICGV 06110) targeted for improvement

2012–2014 Genotyping to select heterozygotes/homozygotes using AS-PCR and CAPS markers, and background selection of recurrent parent traits by phenotyping

2014–2016 Evaluation trial of high-oleic introgression lines at ICRISAT and identification of best-performing lines

2016–2017 Multi-location yield evaluation trial with 68 high-oleic lines at six locationsAS-PCR= Allele-specific Polymerase Chain Reaction; CAPS = Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences

Performance of selected high-oleic introgression lines at ICRISATNear-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to identify high-oleic lines in advanced generations and also to evaluate oleic acid content in different trials. The calibration equation for estimating fatty acids in whole groundnut kernels was developed with R2 of 0.97 for oleic and linoleic acids, and 0.88 for palmitic acid.

Performance of high-oleic introgression lines (ILs) with their recurrent (RP) and donor parents (DP) (ICRISAT, 2016).

Sr. No. EntriesPod yield (kg/ha)

Oil content (%)

Oleic acid content (%)

Linoleic acid content (%)

1 65 ICGV ILs 1383-4529 42-51 63-80 2-16

2 ICGV 06420 (RP) 2966 48.94 38.84 33.95

3 ICGV 06110 (RP) 3567 46.49 40.37 36.64

4 ICGV 06142 (RP) 2026 52.09 38.72 40.64

5 SunOleic 95R (DP) 1642 46.65 75.22 7.3

Figure 1. Marker-assisted backcrossing (MABC) for introgression of high-oleic acid trait in groundnut.

Figure 3. Average performance of top ten introgression lines developed through marker-assisted selection (MAS) with recurrent and donor parents evaluated at ICRISAT, India during rainy season 2016.

Figure 4. Pod and kernel features of selected high-oleic lines developed at ICRISAT, India.

Figure 2. Average performance of top ten introgression lines developed through MABC with their recurrent and donor parents evaluated at ICRISAT, India during rainy season 2016.

Figure 5. Evaluation of high-oleic lines at ICRISAT, India during rainy season 2015.

Figure 6. Groundnut-growing area map of India with flags ( ) indicating regions where multi-location trials of high-oleic introgression lines are being conducted.

SummaryHigh-oleic trait was successfully introgressed into the background of high/low oil lines. The process to transfer the trait to other elite varieties is ongoing. Both genotyping and phenotyping techniques allowed efficient selection of high-oleic introgression lines. Multi-location evaluation is in progress to identify best-performing high-oleic lines in groundnut for release in India.

Partners: ICAR-Directorate of Groundnut Research (ICAR-DGR), Junagadh Agricultural University (JAU), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Pandit Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) and International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).

IntroductionGroundnuts with high oleic acid content are in great demand by consumers and the food industry alike as they offer remarkable health benefits to consumers as well as enable extended shelf life of groundnut products. ICRISAT’s groundnut breeding program, in collaboration with ICAR-DGR and other national partners, has initiated a program to transfer mutant alleles ahFAD2A and ahFAD2B from SunOleic 95R, and also the new high-oleic lines developed at ICRISAT, into the genetic background of elite parents, with high pod yield potential, adaptability, drought tolerance and other desirable features.