hickman courier (hickman, ky.). (hickman, ky) 1868-08-22 [p ].€¦ · furniture, call on charles...

is THE HICKMAN COURIER, "SATURDAY : : AUGUST 22, 1SC3. Fulton Dwuoipi Committee. at ?rtrSrKtiC Committee Connell, James II. Craig. . ic For Congress. We are authorized and rennearo, n ... aouncc Ho L. S. TRIMBLE, of MeCrackeu '"""'J. a candidate for Congress at the No vember election. Select School. Mrs. Sallie Roul- - bac's select school for'youns ladles and Rtrh will commence on the first Monday in September. Only a limited number f pnpiJ.1 will be taken. Mrs. Iloulhac is well and favorably known in this com- munity as a teacher, and needs do word of commendation from ns. Ooon N'fws. lr you want cheap home-ma- de Furniture, call on Charles Oswald, at his new Furniture store. & m ft - Dixon, uio sometime since shot and brutdfly murdered a woman at Union tit-- ond pentenced to be hung, has been par- doned by IlTwnIow. After getting his fedotn lie returned to Uaon City, the r cene of his brutality, and on attempting to leave was shot at by some relative of the murdered woman. The supposition Is that he is now in Cairo. Fair3. We acknowledge the receipt of complimentary tickets to the Paducah al Flendersoa Fairs. The third annu- al Fair of Paducah and McCraeken County Agricultural and Mechanical Association, commences September 22d, and continues through the 23, 21, and 25th. This Fair is expected to be the linest ever had in the Purchase. The Henderson Fair commonces the 6th, of October, and continues on the 7th, Sth, 9tii and 10th. The induce- ments offered for competition ia all the various departments ap? large, and this association is one of ,1 best in tho State. Married. In Cadiz, Ohio, August 20, 1SCS, Dr. B. F. Slaughter, U. S. A., (stationed at Union City, Tenn.,) and Miss Linnie Warfel, late of Columbus, Ky. We acknowledge card. Tns Gen. Anderson. The polite and accomdating officers of the General Anderson, the ly Hickman and Cairo Packet, have our thanks for late jisperi. Local On Dlts. Rev. J. U. Harris, of the Methodist Church of this place, is to be transferred to the Illinois Conference, and will leave this place September 20. ,Trade in Hickman last week was greatly improved. The Quarterly County Court meets Monday next.- - . Thb recent sidewalk law of our City Council, providing "for the building and repairing of our pavements, turns out to be a dead letter. Query, Why bhould the Council enact laws, and not enforce them? TnE number of business houses throughout the city placarded Rent" is becoming alarmingly great, while it is impossible to obtain a dwelling house at any price. Cause; the great excess of widows. Marriages on horseback are popular at the West, aud are called bridle cere-Wmie- s. We should prefer taking ours tho "old way." Out merchants are making extensive preparations for a brilliant fall trade. We notice ?inproPnts in progress on every hand. At arecent littjo party htVl in Ilick-ma- u there were 18- - young men present. Of these, 1G are to be married before the firet of January. Tho other two ac- knowledged themselves hopeless old bachelors. This means talk. The attention of the City Council is called to the filthy condition of several It is abominable, and if not cleaned may breed disease. Also, the large piles of debris lying in different parts of town, from the wrecks of old houses, etc., should be removed C. L. Randls, Commonwealth's At torney elect in this district, has received liis commission. His first court meets in Blandville, the first Monday in Sep fjember. 0ft BakiW Botd, formerly of Hickman, was ejected Commonwealth's Attorney "la the Owenslwrro mstrtwr.--crtr-iwr- i, also, formerly of this place, was elected ConiniodfiealthV Attorney ia one of the upper Kentucky districts. We understand the Fulton County Agricultural Society have engaged the Padacah Brass band to play at the Fair this Fall'. In some of the Northern cities drunk- ards ar discharged, without being fined, from the police courts, after first sub- scribing to the "pledge." A good idea that. ' Chas. Oswald, keeps metallic coffins for sale. "No person having once tried ono of these . coffins will ever use any other." . As "honest farmer writes to the Agri- cultural society, "Gentlemen, please put me down on your list of cattle for a bull." Jcixje T. "B. Ln ran, of this place has been given J j-ir- go of the Fulton; County Acadc-- Wc congratulate the Trustees upon securing the cervices of so competent and able a gentleman. Judge Walker, married a' couple on Wednesday last, Hiram Skipworth and Mrs. Cynthia Wright. The bride had been married three times, was aged 31 years, aud the groom ouly IU. Sunday School Lecture. Rev. A. J. Hall, the Sunday School Missionary uad children preacher will deliver an address to the children in the Baptist church Sunday night. All are respectfully invited to attend, loth young and old of all denominations. Also, there will be preaching at the Baptist Church, Sunday iuoruiiu- - at 10 o'clock, A. M. Tile Beclaii Baptist Association will meet Saturday before the 1st Sunday ih next month, at Mt. Olive, lu milyJ oux on tuelroy road. Continue 11 days All are invited open door. J. F. Marrs, Pres't Look to the East. Mote Am- - berg has departed for the eastern cities for the tmrrose nf r,Mrflnwi,f !,: Fall stock of coods. Life Insurance. S. K. Caldwell. who died in this county last week, had V ii lrr.-- 1 V ."- V- r, . . m i ' lusurt-- ior ?o,vmj. iiie astir- - ance was effected only lat Januur- - and but a sigle premiuiij had been paid. Missouri J." LECTION'S -- W under- - stand that L f " ""JOif t.r.7- - . r'M - e mimr--r a . kuuwu to all our Jcitizt-D?- . v oi- - iuir r:roni;- - ly urged to run for the Legislature in Mississippi count, Mo. We hope our democratic frieu Js "across the waters" may put him through successfully. The New York Herald, ever trimming its sails to the popular breeze, now de- clares that the election of Seymour and Blair is an absolute certainty. It is stated that Jefferson Davis will shortly return' to New Orleans and take up his residence in that city as the ap;eut of an eminent London commercial firm. If .Vdam were alive, he would be 5,SG3 years old the KUh of next month- - The Radical majority in Wisconsin has gone down in this wise: In isr:5 it was 23,000 ; inlSGf, 17JU0; in ltio, 10,000; in 1S07, d.OuO. Mirre F.sKH of every description, and Spring twtioma for beds one of the best in vein ions of the age always on Laud and for sale cheap by Chad. Oswald. A crsillM) "school inarm'' from Eat Tennessee went to Trenton, iu that State. to tench the beloved negroes' ideas how to shoot, where she was arrested lr mis- cegenation. That's right, "inarm" get the ideas before you learn them tj shoot. It is claimed thatiso I'residential ehe-tio- n can be held ia Alabama, for the reason that, under the new constitution there nirt!- be a registration- - before an election, and the Legislature adjourned without pa?.-ic- g a ro !?try law. more Americau that James O recti, of Missouri, is the name ot the farmer U. S. Senator whom a paragraph ia the pa- pers, a low days Mnce, stated had been picked up in the streets of New Orleans in a si. k and de-titu- te condition and taken to the Charity Ho.-pita- l. At one time he was the mo.t formi Jal'e opjion-eri- t of Stephen A. Douglas in the I'nitcd States Senate. Mont: "Rebel Outrages." Lat Wednesday, th little village of ttar-rettsvill- e, in this county was the scene of a bloody and fatal rencountrc, between a mau by the name of McGinnis and two brothers by the name of Gammons. We have no particulars, but learn that the affray was the result of an obi family fued. In the fight, the Gammon's killed MeGinni-!- , cutting his throat from year to year. The Gammons' were arrested and taken to Newborn for trial. Djrrt' lurj Gazette. The National Intelligeucer lets us " out of the woods" as to which side the influence of President Johnson will be thrown. It concludes an editorial in these words: " His policy is that of the country, and the election of Seymour and Rlair, while restoring peace, pros- perity and Constitutional liberty, will be the vindication by a grateful people of President Johnson and the policy he presented." "Let us Have Peace." A crazy carpet-bagge- r, who edits a paper at San Antonio, Texas, thus ventilao his murderous plans : " We say give us a loyal militia, let them be as black as the sable hinges of Dante's Inferno; mount them with rebel steed, pay them with rebel money, and start them on their mission to ride down the bold men who shed loyal blood." This fellow is for carrying out Grant's demand for "peace"-r-th- e peace that reigns in a house when ail the lawful in- mates are murdered. Tlie lYaynesboro Tragedy. Reports have reached Nashville of a bloody tragedy at Waynesboro on Satur- day last. A large squad of negroes were in a field drilling, all armed with guns. They were approached by a number of lingthem they wished to be their f riends and asked them to desist from their mili- tary preparations. The negroes then stacked their arms and the citizens re- turned, but after they had gone a little ways they were ambushed Vy the Sheriff and a Ianre posse. I he negroes who were drilling took no pjart in the shoot- ing. A large number of citizens in Waynesboro and the surrounding coun- try, on learning of the affair, at once armed and went to the scene of conflict. Pickets were thrown out, and every pre- paration made for a terrible fight. --- is supposed that a bloody encounter must have occurred, but at this writing noth- ing more has come t har.d. ' The murder of RlerSeld at Franklin on Saturday nicht was not prompted by political considerations. About a month since, a little white girl named Ezell was outraged by a negro, who was shortly af- ter taken from the jail and hung. Two days afterwards, the girl,s brother was shot dead by a -- lot of negroes, and itisj now proved that Bierfield instigated the latter murder. There are no doubts that Ezell's friends killed Rierfi. Id by way of retaliation. The Coroner's jury, compos ed of Radicals aud rebels, rendered a verdict that tho killing of Saturday night was accidental. Whether politics had anything to do with the matter or not, one thing is certain, that bitter feuds and animosities exist among all parties, wjbich require but little fauuiug to in- flame to a bloody strife. Tlie Tennesse e Incendiaries. We have heretofore referred to an ex- posed plot to burn the towns of Nash- ville, Franklin, Columbia, Pulaski, and Murfi eesboro. One John Carper, it ap- pears, was at the head of the affair. An investigation proved the following facts. We copy from the Nashvillo Uuion and DLpatch : 1. That John Carper i.- a bold, resolute man, and sincerely believesikat the ne- gro is superior to, or, fcast should govern the white man. Upon this sul -- ject some of the witnesses thought he was a monomaniac, and this was the only evidence of his being crazy. 2. That he has always been a man of intense feelings; demonstrative, bitter, aud relentless towards adversaries, or those he did not like. 3. That for several weeks nast he has been in the habit of congregating large cumbers of negroes at his house, Loth day and night, especially on Sunday, and has constantly taught them that they could not copo with the whites in open 2 war, and their true mode of warfare was by burning houses when thing" should start: aud that the advice applied to Nashville, Fraukliu, Columbia, l'ulas-k- i, aud Murl'reesboro. 4. The proof further showed, as we are it-- . rined the writer of'-t'w.- not be at on.u tte-J this plan otcona,,ct;.ig a f ri:ce-.an- d that he intends to load it; that his wife encourages him iu it by say- ing she is prepared to set fire to her own house when the time comes ; and that he advises the killing of ail ages aud mxcs. 5. The proof further showed that Car- per was a mau of some property ; that he is a money-makin- g man ; that he always has mouey on deposit; that he is prompt and accurate in his business transactions; that he is a man of truth; that he is kiud to his friends, except when enraged. (I. That evidence showed that the ne- groes have respect for and confidence in him. 7. The evidence showed further that the number of negroes iu around town is from ouo to five thousaud greater than uual, and that many of them an dril- ling iu variou localities daily. The Tennessee prcs is Arongly ad- vocating the repudiation of all bonds uecccssary to support the militia, provi- ded that latter arc called out. There is no doubt that efforts will be made all over the State to carry this into effect, which will add further to the existing complications. The pressure in favor of prosecuting the Democratic canvass is so stroug from all directions that it is now certain that the ticket will not be with- drawn with 50, OUO militia in the field. A movement to get the President to remove Gcu. Geo. II. Thomas from his command in Kentucky and Tennessee is pro.-se-u very earnestly by the Conserva tives f'ror;i this quaiter. They i . t , that Gen. Thomas is even more Radical than Rrowulow. A Tennessee paper says: "I'romj present indications tlie Radicals of this J t'tate will have a one-side- d race, the C'on-servativ- being disposed to withdraw from the contest. We understand that the Hon. Ktn. IJthridgo ,&ays hu will make no speeches." The question as to whether or not Dyer county, Tennessee, shall take stock to the amount of one hundred and lii'ty thousand dollars iu the Mississippi liiv-e- r Railruad. is now being thoroughly can- vassed, and will be determined bv a vote ou the 1th of next month. The Crop Prospects. Our informa- tion from all sections of Kentucky and We; tern Tciinc.-sc- e is that the prospects for lame crops of corn and tobacco were never better. The season has been re- markably fine and the crops have boon well cultivated. From the cotton-growin- g region of West Tenncsee, and also from North Mississippi, the accounts are that the crop is very fine. We can but rejoice at such pro.-pcct- d of abundance. The Banner. County. In the last election the vote of Fulton county stood; For Stevenson, 8 P.P. for Baker 1 ! Beat this if you cau ? Paducah Kcntnclilnn. It is said that General Rosecrans has gone to Virginia to see General Lee. General George II.FiSnia has gone to Kuoxville to vieit Governor Browulow. General Saunders Piatt, of Ohio, has left the Radical party, and openly announced himself for Seymour and Blair. Si gel is for Seymour. So are they who fouslit with hiin. Council IroccedIiigr.. Hickman, Aug. 17. Council met pursuant to adjournment. Present Jayor Landrum, Councibucn Lauderdale. Miller, Case, McCutchcn, Ure-var- d, and Frenr. The minutc9 of last meetinix were read, approved, and adopted. City Tax Collector handed in Lis report showing amount collectod from June 2'2d to August 17th, 18GS, which was received ami filed, and the City Clerk ordered to give J. A. Wilson, collector, a receipt for amount of ti vicliprs herein presented. as amount expended on streets as street Commissioner, which was allowed. Mr. II. Buchanan presented an account of $15 for work done on Carrol street, which was ordered to be paid. J. C. Steele, Wharfniaster, made a report of amount of wharfage collected from the 22d June to !lst of July, '(58, amounting to S1"J0 00, which was received and ordered to be filed. The Mayor and Clerk, to whom had been assigned the funding of all old bonds out- standing the city, presented their report, showing that they had founded ?23- - 92 to date, which was received ami ordered to be filed! The Hoard then adjourned. J. II. MOREIIEAD, Clerk. .MAItltlKO. In Nashville, Tenn., on Monday, the 17th Julv, 'OS, by Father Wilkerson, Mr. HENRY JUDGE,- of this place, and Miss JULIA E. BURKE, of Bayfield, Kr In Hickman, on the .tiivbv the Rev. J. 15. Harris, Mr. J. G. KlRlvtfNDOFFER and MRS. SARAH E. TURNER. Also, by the same, on the same clay, Mr. JESSE N. MILLS and MRS. MELISSA C. FORREST. On the 20th, by Judge B. It. Walker, Mr. niRAM SKIPWORTH and MRS. CYNTHIA WRIGHT. BEEKSHIPvE HOGS XT7 ALEXANDER. Jr. seven and a V half mile? from Hickman, has for saie BERKSHIRE HOG: m;i v'Z 6iii Commercial lilt K max Cocbikk Officii Saturday, Aug. '22, OS. WHEAT The market still continues brisk, and the farmers are hurrying to bring forward all they have to ."pare to the market. We notice as many as fifty wagons of wheat on our streets Thursday, and the same can he said of almost every previous day. Our buyers are paying ?2 00 for good choice Wheat. APPLES iu boxes Selling at SI to 1 o in barrels ut SI ') to '2 '2o. SALT per car loud. 7 bushel barrels, f selling at 7j ; per biirrel 4 ft'l. Telegraphic .TJarliels. o York .Market. N'kw York. Aug. 7. Gold felling 11H. Cotton heatv a shade higher : middlinsf up lands 3Uc. t Nl. I.itiilt Mii. !St. Louis, Aug. 20. WJIKAT The Jemtunl ir it lini been lau-qut- d mid prices have declined lOc. Choice tiud fancy red and white ranged ut S2 17 to o k prime and strictly prime red at $1 )0 to '2 1:'.; fair and good ut 5d 70 to 1 b'o. CoKN Market heavy and drooping yellow l'2c; mixed wifr' tf; white )'c, aud choice white at io per bushep OATA' Aales of black and mixed nt 60c; aud choice mixed and mixed white at 62c per btifliel. WIIla'KEV Freely offered at $1 30 per II f fill v iM'.. exci'M in ;l v - fggr,'. iZmrtZZwit full prices. A e ijuoie stains nominal; scraps j"2to H; un -- oui. d and common lugs at .'?7 to 8 fid; sound lufrs at 60 to 10 60; dard le:if $ 60 to 13; dark factory dried leaf ;?10 to i:: black wrappers to 10; briglit leaf 16 to 40; fine and fancy do $10 to 76 per luO Us. ( liieiniiatl Market. Cincinnati, Aug. 20. FLOUR Unchanged an I dull family at 10 to 10 26. HEY .Sold at '.0c ip, bond, but buy- ers do not offer better tha .6c per gallon. HA CON Sides held at ...al7 for clear rib ai-.- clear. LA HI) Held at l'.'c, but no inquiry. Markfl. M cm in is, A up. 20. ; e- . . . .1 11 1 i. a - a. .!. a t i Corn S6c; Oal?, 67u'iO: Hay, 22c. eiv rl'HiiH Mnrlt-t- . Nkw Oki.eaxi, Au. 20. Cotton Uui'e irresular, niiddlitiir 2'.'a"Oc; Flour lull; treble extra 60a 10; choice at 11 to tl 1; Corn $1 06 to 1 10 SPECIAL NOTICES The Healed Term. Aupust is invariably an unhealthy month, and the dog-d.iy- s are universally quoted iir an iiiihealihy season, diseases more fre- - i( uen tlv terminate fatallv at this time than at any ether, owing to the relaxation of the fysieui. This therefore, the proper time to use a remedy that will recuperate the strength and fortify the system ncraihst the attacks of disetise. Kxperier.ce has de- - moustruted the fact that H .STKTTEfVS ! STOMACH I'.ITTF.KS is the best medicine' use 1 to accomplish this desirable objeet. Hy its use the appetite is iucietiied. digestion promoted. ;u. lteiinss el uepression re moved and the vital functions restored.- j J he ntil.eled s:,nuld avoi l nil perniciou ulci. hollo prepui i;tieii j.urpor ii n g to be tonics and rertorativcs,.us thev only afford tempor.ry ti! i .i rat ion. aud eventually on- - tail daiurci u?. if iiM f.ttui, results. Thi? i never the cane w ith ill SThTTLH N STOMACH IJITTKHA They afford j.ermuti-en- t benefit an I soothe the nerves without rcaivion f.dlowiiiyi their use. Th weak and debilitated, by its aid, awake to a senJe of the enjoyments of life, aud they are en- abled once mere to take their accustomed positions in society. II .S TETTER'S BIT-TE- H ' are m-- ' considered the .standard re need v f.-- 11 Vimt:a arising frnn ini- - VU !1 1 V Thev are man u tact u r- - ed in irioat r.uaiititiep, hh1 tiierc iJ sea elv a cit v or i. ami. t n me iiai.uiai.ie gumc wliero thev may not be found. r.ewarc of d untert'eils .' Smith Tonic Frrnp has been c )un(ei 1'eited. ntij the coun- - tcrfeiter broupbt t'. prief. s.Miiii s ti-ni- c synup. Tlie ('Pie.iiiH' article iuust have Dr. J, dm Jlnl I n private 'tamp on ench b..tt!e. Jr. John iiull only hiH tho riht to lunnut'ae-(in- o and ?eli the original John Smith's-Toi'i- I Syrun of Uiuisville. K.y. Examine well the label un ench bostle. If my piiv-st- e Hiiimp is not on tlie bottle, d not pur- chase, or you will be deceived, fee my column advertisement, an! my shov card. I will prosechite any one intrineinc'; on my rijjht. The penuine Smithd Tonic Syrnp can only be prepiired by mj-sei- The public's servant, Ml. JOHN II U EL, apl2"i Ixniisiville, Kv. GREAT BARGAINS AT AUCTION. G. S. MILES has on hand a stock of DR. CLOTHING, BOOTS SHOES, etc., and will sell (hem every SATUIl DAY .MORNING, commencing at 10 o'clock, to the highest bidder, in Hickman, at L. Rosenburg s old stand. atigl5-- tf PLANTERS' HOUSE, C A" M A X, K E X TUCK Y. TIHIS new and elejt Hotel neatly I furnished throughout, and provided with all conveniences, is now opened to the traveling public. XRJja, Watch kept at all hours. THOS. PARKS &. CO., augO Proprietors. Tri-V7cek- ly Hail Packet Eatween caif.0 nib mcziiAiL STEAMER GENERAL ANDERSON, IIIE hereafter make regular ly trips between CAIRO, COLUMBUS, and HICKMAN, Mondays, WednJiij a, and Fridays, at I' o'clock, a. in. Clou, tion made with the Nashville and North- western Railroad at Hickman, the Mobile and Ohio Railroad at Columbus, and the Railroad and Regular Packets nt Cairo. J. W. McKINNEY, augS tf. Master. JOIIX TliO UT WIST K, ITcvr Grocery and Prevision Store. IIICKMAX, KY., v Keritvcky Street, at $arker's old stand, EE PS on hand a general supply of IT" F'amily Groceries, Provisions and Liquors, etc., which he offers to sell cheap. augl-- WISH to exchange Two Desirable Lots, I on a corner near factories good retail grocery btaud for a HOME in some pleas- ant River village in Kentucky. Would not object to a little farm near a town. BU. Address, Box S00, Evansville, Ind. THE BANKRUPTJLAW EXTENDED ! A Chancs for ths Unfortunate. rilllE benefit of the Bankrupt Act has J been extended to FIRST OF JANUARY, lc69. All who wish to avail themselves of the said extension had better call at once. We are prepared with all the necessary-Blanks- , .c, and can promise a discharge aa soon as it can possibly b obtained. ROULHAC ic LAUDERDALE. i J. 1MB ERG', Western Kentucky Pioneer ! VRY GOODS REGULATOR ! Has been in , 'he business for twenty-fiv- e years in this place, and announces to the citizens of Western Kentucky and Tennessee that he will sell as low as the lowest, the following merchandise : Dry Goods, Clothing, hoots, axi) scioi:s, k JIAAXl) CAP', ni HARDWARE. Q UK ENS W AR K irwcri'Jt ami 1'iariiituri. "id-- r His stock c niipriscs a full nnsortment of everything iiisVally kept in such establish- - . me li is. - - i m STORE ! r SltJN OF THE ESD 2VIOHT.ft.Ii. CHAS. I II0LC0J1BE WHOLESALE AND A'ET.-il- .ni :cc ax Cn .e. t CLIXTOX STPEET. Hickman, Ilcniucky. Dealer in Pure Drugs, Medicines, AND CIIK-MICAL- OILS, VAKNISIIK3, PAINTS, DVK STI'L'I'S, Sl'ICKS WINDOW GLASS, and 1'CTTV. Also. FIXE VIPGfXTX S.VOA'A'- - and CUEWIXG TO HA ceo, SSUFF and CIGXRS, TURK WINES, BRANDIES AND WHISKIES for Medical use. Eaient TffetJIeiiieN, of oil kinds. Also, Fancy and Toilet 'Articles, such s CdMT.S, IllirsHr.S, Handkerchief Extracts, Kriige. Lilly White, I'oiu,ide. Huir Oil, Flavorint Extracts for ctokinr, and TOILKT AN1 WASH I NO SOAPS. and a variety of i ther articles each as are usually kept in a hrst class Drug Store. I're.SCriptlOIlS Having had cr.nsi.ler- - abie experience in the irup l.usiness, l ns and nil others may rely upon having them filled with care and accuracy. fpif Country Merchants and others are reij nested to give we a call before purchas- ing elsewhere. s. TT 4 WTTTT? z 1W, WITH H. A. HUNTINGTON 'J DEALER IS Pins Ctistcn ilado Clothing and Gen- tlemen's Furnishing Goods, NO. 3 NOrvTII CKEKRY STKEET, ,asliIHe, Tenn. on marl 4 Cm. A. O. Ewi.no. Hexry Kwixo. of EWIiG & co,; WHOLESALE GE0CSF.S & CO H KISS 10 IT Nos. 14 and 10 South Market street, IVasIivllIe, Tenn. iiotjsh:, (OlZjJpr ROBERTS, v Proprietor. MANSION HOUSE, A'asHvillo, Town., Market Strtct, North Side Public Square. JAS. H BRUCE, Proprietor.' THE utniOKt care given t the comfort of "uests. and charges lees than at any other hotel in Nashville. A share of the travel- ing patronage respectfully solicited. NICHOLSON IIUOSE, Comer Church and Spruce Streets, veat X. " C. aud aY. t X. W. liailroads, Taslivillo, Tenis. house Is situated in the most THIS part of the city, excellent accommo- dations: and entirely free from the buslle of and confusion usual to large hotels. j-- 0 St. Cloud Hotel, Corner Church aid Summer Street, JT. lVinbourn, , Proprietor, AS"aslivillc, ITcmi. seplll ly my.4 MILLET & ROULHAC, HAVE JUST RECEIVED offer for fa!c. at tho lowest pri--.e- e a ANI stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS; 3TOTI03TN, Ac, LADIES' DKi:SS GOODS, II A TS. a n J B 0 -- YtY; IS, Src. Call and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere. ty"-i- 7 inJun-mrn- offered to Country Merchants'. Also, a large and well eelected utock of " " X4 WOOOKN' WARE, kc. MANSFIELD COTTOX FACTORY. SALT, . LIME, m CEMEXT, always on hand and for sale cheap. MILLET ft ROULHAC, Millet ISlock, Hickman, Ky. P. HAHaESS & TO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! DEALERS IN - H Vf v;- - Tenn. and Mo. Iron, Steel and CASTING, Axe.-- , tills, Fellow, Spoke?, etc, etc, and all kinds of Woodwork. ALSO, r-- rzs? sz v- HE J 9 Jrates, Tin, topper and SHEET-IRO- N WARE. Job Work one to order, such as Guttering. Roofing, etc. all kinds of MILL WORK, BP.AZINC, COITER PIPES, Etc., Etc. GI.INTO N STREET , (next door to V. A. McKutchen'8 Store,) Hieliinaii, Ity. S. . N. WHITE, Wholesale and Betail Dealer iu STOVES AND TINYARE, CUTLERY, HARDWARE AND CASTINGS, Oil Lumps, and Lanterns, and a general as- sortment of Provisions. VINO, reliable workmen employed. I TTA lisrace to do Jt'is mi, such as Routing. Outiering, and Rcpairiu Country produce taken lor gooda. Clinton street, Hickman, Ky, jaa'-- Ni ly. V. a. arc D TCBB N, WHOI.KSALE AND RETAIL GROCER, and dealer in "VTTINES, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, &c., f corner Clinton and Cumberland sts, Hickman, Ky. f-- Orders promptly filled. jnn4 ly. t ICE CREAM SALOON! I'll I I.LI i liALSELR, TNFORMS the public that he has openetHin ICE CREAM SALOOX Water street, opposite Overton, Steele & Co.'s Wharfbont. ('rders from Pic-ni- cs and Parties solicited. Sherbeth of all kinds, and different kinds Ice Cream, made to order. Rooms fitted up especfally for Ladies. En- trance east side. jol3 KIRKPATRICK & BRO, Carriage Makers, Exchange street, HICKMAN, KY. REPAIUIXO neatly done at short notice and on the most reasonable terms. jan l ly THE HANDWRITING OF GOD IN EGYPT, SINAI, A2TD THU-HOL- Y Xb records of a journey from the great THE of the West to the Sacred places the East, bv Rev. . A. Randall. J. B. ROBINSON is the only authorised agent for this valuable work in this section, yu ly25 2m. " Soutnera express wmpany TTORWARD MONEY and Freight to all 1 tsoints in the Cnitd States and the Territories; also to al! points in Lurope. OVERTON, STEELE & CO., oct!2 Ageuts i DEALER Faints, Oils and Bye Stuffs, - r General Insurance Agency. SAMUEL LANDPtUM, ijsrsxji?c.isrc3i: agent, CI XT OX STREET, 11 1 CK MAX, KEXTVCKY, Keireseiils Ilie following 3To. 1 Couipuulcft : MUTUAL BENEFIT, Newark, New Jersey, Aesctts, MUTUAL LITE. New York, Assets, NEW YORK LIl'E.Assett-- , HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO.. Hartford, Anew, I'll (EN IX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, net cai--h Assets. July 1st, lKtJT, ... UNITED FIRE ANDMARINE, Covington, Ky., Ansctt, UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, New York, tasli Assets, We r.ulli:-l- i lolow a partial li.-- t of the Atrcnev : Joseph 8 Hubbard, Thomas C Samuel McCartney & Co, A Henry M Robinson, John C Steele, M Ilertwick A: Bro, Benjamin C A I) Kinsman, A Maj John A Lauderdale, Robert Hcllen, Julian Nail, B R Walker, Frank Bartoldus, Ilolcomle & William Guthrie, Fraticis Mrs Annie L Robinson, Wolf & Plaut, Dr II II Wilson, Lane fc Mallory, V A McCutchcn, Fritz llellner, Albert F Kinney, John Witting, Mrs Helen Wilkin?, L Roenlcr, Louis Person, N Barksdale, J A Plant, Daniel F Rapalgec, Rev Thos J Hutchison, Wade II Pyle, James G McMurray, Andiew J Lawson, William II Gardner, John It McGclice. AlbcrtS Anderson, Carl Margraff, . John Seniones, William D Corbett. John 1) Walker, Bvnum Bro, Wilson M Bacon, William McCluskcy, Alram A Patton, Fritz Semse, OVEPTON, GARDNER. i:N THE William Charles Miller, Ruck, Brevard, Rainajre. Holcouile, Thompson, Mrs Mary Burnett, Mrs Willoru, Andrew Jackson Lodge, Walter Powell, John Ilcinze, Dr Daniel White, Joshua Dodds, John Luttfell, Henry Huntley, Benj Easley, Carry Patton, Charles Baltzer, Noah Nelson, IMinund W Stephens. Maximilian Ilertwick, All red Berry, ('harles Oswald, William Oslorn, John Wilson, Eliphalett Caso. Parties desiring POLICIES OF INSURANCE can obtain the eamc h'ort notice cither of the old reliable companies, represented by the undersigned, by application Lim his office Clinton ttreet, Hickman, Ky. janl8 SAMUEL LANDRUM, Agent. 3. W. H. L E I C L F & L C T A on in to at ou tf A. 00 32 White Bank James Isaac Son, James Peter Miss JOn.V JOHN jitt KV. Silver Plant. kinds raTIXKHf, OFFICE haty JACKSOX thortcsl and NASHVILLE RAILROAD PA :e h: n: c n: GOOD and large jr. meet the demands business We have the foV the well known Wit SALT PAX and ketp hand large which lowest prices. We alia keep BAILING, supply advances Produce store friends New for any kind the CITY HOTEL, s IIICKMAX, KY. MRS. NANCY DILLON, rroprietcse. rTlIIE greatest care to the comfort I of her guests; and oprl 25-u- L Eagle Mills, OF hick im: A--, II. ROBINSON, liavui? MR. the Mills, announces to the public, that the are in complcto IIUXXIKG ORDR, and will be ran regularly and to their full The best quality FLOUR AND CORN MEAL always on hand. The highest cash price paid for II. M. ROBINSON, , julyoly Proprietor. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. JACKSOX STREET,, IIICKMAX, KY. to the citiiens of Hickman and SAY that' they are prepared to do all kind of work their line upon short notice and cheap as can be done by this REPAKINO of kina solicited. lots and Shoes kept for sale. nov9 ly provision Store Removed. iSts:,-- s has removed his Provision House, to his old opposite the County Jail, where he would be pleased serve tbein with the Freshest and Rest etc., at the lowest market prices. ,iy II ' : - i G(HI)i: 31 OUT A It, . 811,000,000 23,000,000 00 8,000,000 00 1,788,133 00 1,076,383 Sr. :i9u,ooo oo S3,505,C16 5.r uauicj vf persons insured the abovo Edwin K Warren, Gcorpe M Wilborn, J ohu II Davis, Wm L M.cCutchcn, Markus Ktrtuer, Warren & Martin, Joseph M & Co, J A Carntthcrs & Co, Augusta Margraif, William B Benny, Tyler k Murphy, JamoKJLaac, . Mrs Barbara Troutwine, , W R Walker, South'u of Kentucky, P Cheatham, Mrs S A Roulhac, Mrs E Baltzer, C Reavis &, Benj D Irvine, Wm C Scott, Mrs Harriet II Thomaaon, Mrs 11 Frenz & Sod, Robert W Easley, A Overton, Henry M Robinson, , M Wolf, Taylor fc Wiley, W Mott, E Anderson, Taylor, L Fletcher, Mrs Magalicn Bunch Richard Owens. C. STEELE. C. GARDNER. l, H. O. BAILEY, DEALER IN and general 1 r o dn ce 31 e r c It nn f , AYJIOLESALIl.JLXl) RETAIL. .'. O X KE TU CK r S TREE T, Hickman, Kv. f- - A. PLAUT, PRACTICAL WATCH UAKSS, AND DrALCR I.f WATCHES JEWELRY. HICKMAN, WATCHES noatly repaired and warrant-ed- . OH (iold and taken in exchaaee, at the Hubbard comer. With Wolf k Jnl l? ... FEANK BARTOLDUS 'DEALER AND MANUFACTURER . of all of IHi "ML 3L- - DM. A "ML Or THE LATKST STTL1S AND - FINE TARLOR .4ND FURNITURE 'firdrolc$t Bedsteads, Rocking and Crinirt, Mattrettet, Etc.y Etc. tx Wooden and MetalicCoffine constaat-l- y on hand and at reduced rates. STREET, HICKMAN, - KY. Repairing done al notice. Fonvariling Transfer Agents k NORTHWESTERN COM NT, ERA.L COMIERCIAL lGEISTTS, :e-- i , jmlbt. TWO WHARFEOATS a Warehdusc, wc are till HAVING to of those intriistinj? their t us. apency KAXA A COM Y, constantly on a supply of Salt, we eell at LIME, CEMENT, COTTON TIES, ROPE and to our customers. Liberal made on in for shipment to cir iu JV'ew Orleans or York. Orders of merchandise promptly filled, when accompanied by cash. ocll'i given charges reasonable, jzzr- - M. above Mills now hereafter power. of Wheat. in as market. all on hand GSJSf stand, to Meats, tf at C Ellen A ft X & i J 1 ,4 v o

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Page 1: Hickman courier (Hickman, Ky.). (Hickman, Ky) 1868-08-22 [p ].€¦ · Furniture, call on Charles Oswald, atde his& new Furniture store. m ft-Dixon, uio sometime since shot and brutdfly




Fulton Dwuoipi Committee.at ?rtrSrKtiC Committee

Connell, James II. Craig. .ic

For Congress.We are authorized and rennearo, n ...

aouncc Ho L. S. TRIMBLE, of MeCrackeu'"""'J. a candidate for Congress at the November election.

Select School. Mrs. Sallie Roul- -

bac's select school for'youns ladles andRtrh will commence on the first Mondayin September. Only a limited numberf pnpiJ.1 will be taken. Mrs. Iloulhac

is well and favorably known in this com-munity as a teacher, and needs do wordof commendation from ns.

Ooon N'fws. lr you want cheap home-ma- de

Furniture, call on Charles Oswald, athis new Furniture store.& mft -Dixon, uio sometime since shot and

brutdfly murdered a woman at Uniontit--

ond pentenced to be hung, has been par-

doned by IlTwnIow. After getting hisfedotn lie returned to Uaon City, ther cene of his brutality, and on attemptingto leave was shot at by some relative ofthe murdered woman. The suppositionIs that he is now in Cairo.

Fair3. We acknowledge the receiptof complimentary tickets to the Paducah

al Flendersoa Fairs. The third annu-

al Fair of Paducah and McCraekenCounty Agricultural and MechanicalAssociation, commences September 22d,and continues through the 23, 21, and25th. This Fair is expected to be thelinest ever had in the Purchase.

The Henderson Fair commonces the

6th, of October, and continues on the

7th, Sth, 9tii and 10th. The induce-

ments offered for competition ia all thevarious departments ap? large, and thisassociation is one of ,1 best in tho State.

Married. In Cadiz, Ohio, August20, 1SCS, Dr. B. F. Slaughter, U. S. A.,(stationed at Union City, Tenn.,) and

Miss Linnie Warfel, late of Columbus,Ky. We acknowledge card.

Tns Gen. Anderson. The politeand accomdating officers of the GeneralAnderson, the ly Hickman and

Cairo Packet, have our thanks for late

jisperi.Local On Dlts.

Rev. J. U. Harris, of the MethodistChurch of this place, is to be transferredto the Illinois Conference, and will leave

this place September 20.

,Trade in Hickman last week was

greatly improved.

The Quarterly County Court meetsMonday next.- - .

Thb recent sidewalk law of our City

Council, providing "for the building and

repairing of our pavements, turns out to

be a dead letter. Query, Why bhouldthe Council enact laws, and not enforcethem?

TnE number of business houses

throughout the city placarded

Rent" is becoming alarmingly great,while it is impossible to obtain a dwelling

house at any price. Cause; the great

excess of widows.

Marriages on horseback are popularat the West, aud are called bridle cere-Wmie- s.

We should prefer taking ourstho "old way."

Out merchants are making extensivepreparations for a brilliant fall trade.We notice ?inproPnts in progress on

every hand.At arecent littjo party htVl in Ilick-ma- u

there were 18- - young men present.Of these, 1G are to be married before thefiret of January. Tho other two ac-

knowledged themselves hopeless old

bachelors. This means talk.

The attention of the City Council is

called to the filthy condition of several

It is abominable, and if notcleaned may breed disease.

Also, the large piles of debris lyingin different parts of town, from the wrecksof old houses, etc., should be removed

C. L. Randls, Commonwealth's Attorney elect in this district, has receivedliis commission. His first court meets

in Blandville, the first Monday in Sep

fjember. 0ftBakiW Botd, formerly of Hickman,

was ejected Commonwealth's Attorney"la the Owenslwrro mstrtwr.--crtr-iwr- i,

also, formerly of this place, was electedConiniodfiealthV Attorney ia one of theupper Kentucky districts.

We understand the Fulton CountyAgricultural Society have engaged thePadacah Brass band to play at the Fairthis Fall'.

In some of the Northern cities drunk-

ards ar discharged, without being fined,

from the police courts, after first sub-

scribing to the "pledge." A good ideathat. '

Chas. Oswald, keeps metallic coffins

for sale. "No person having once triedono of these . coffins will ever use anyother." .

As "honest farmer writes to the Agri-

cultural society, "Gentlemen, please putme down on your list of cattle for a bull."

Jcixje T. "B. Ln ran, of this placehas been given J j-ir- go of the Fulton;County Acadc-- Wc congratulate theTrustees upon securing the cervices of socompetent and able a gentleman.

Judge Walker, married a' couple onWednesday last, Hiram Skipworth andMrs. Cynthia Wright. The bride hadbeen married three times, was aged 31years, aud the groom ouly IU.

Sunday School Lecture.Rev. A. J. Hall, the Sunday School

Missionary uad children preacher willdeliver an address to the children in theBaptist church Sunday night. All arerespectfully invited to attend, loth youngand old of all denominations.

Also, there will be preaching at theBaptist Church, Sunday iuoruiiu- - at 10o'clock, A. M.

Tile Beclaii Baptist Associationwill meet Saturday before the 1st Sundayih next month, at Mt. Olive, lu milyJoux on tuelroy road. Continue 11 daysAll are invited open door.

J. F. Marrs, Pres't

Look to the East. Mote Am- -berg has departed for the eastern citiesfor the tmrrose nf r,Mrflnwi,f !,:Fall stock of coods.

Life Insurance. S. K. Caldwell.who died in this county last week, hadV i i lrr.-- 1 V ."- V- r, . . m i' lusurt-- ior ?o,vmj. iiie astir- -

ance was effected only lat Januur- - andbut a sigle premiuiij had been paid.

Missouri J." LECTION'S -- W under- -

stand that L f " ""JOif t.r.7- - . r'M- e mimr--r a .

kuuwu to all our Jcitizt-D?- . v oi- - iuir r:roni;- -

ly urged to run for the Legislature in

Mississippi count, Mo. We hope ourdemocratic frieu Js "across the waters"may put him through successfully.

The New York Herald, ever trimmingits sails to the popular breeze, now de-

clares that the election of Seymour andBlair is an absolute certainty.

It is stated that Jefferson Davis willshortly return' to New Orleans and takeup his residence in that city as the ap;eutof an eminent London commercial firm.

If .Vdam were alive, he would be5,SG3 years old the KUh of next month- -

The Radical majority in Wisconsinhas gone down in this wise: In isr:5 itwas 23,000 ; inlSGf, 17JU0; in ltio,10,000; in 1S07, d.OuO.

Mirre F.sKH of every description, andSpring twtioma for beds one of the besti n vein ions of the age always on Laud andfor sale cheap by Chad. Oswald.

A crsillM) "school inarm'' from EatTennessee went to Trenton, iu that State.to tench the beloved negroes' ideas howto shoot, where she was arrested lr mis-

cegenation. That's right, "inarm" getthe ideas before you learn them tj shoot.

It is claimed thatiso I'residential ehe-tio- n

can be held ia Alabama, for thereason that, under the new constitutionthere nirt!- be a registration- - before anelection, and the Legislature adjournedwithout pa?.-ic-g a ro !?try law.

more Americau that James O recti, ofMissouri, is the name ot the farmer U.S. Senator whom a paragraph ia the pa-

pers, a low days Mnce, stated had beenpicked up in the streets of New Orleansin a si. k and de-titu- te condition andtaken to the Charity Ho.-pita-l. At onetime he was the mo.t formi Jal'e opjion-eri- t

of Stephen A. Douglas in the I'nitcdStates Senate.

Mont: "Rebel Outrages." LatWednesday, th little village of ttar-rettsvill- e,

in this county was the scene ofa bloody and fatal rencountrc, between amau by the name of McGinnis and twobrothers by the name of Gammons. Wehave no particulars, but learn that theaffray was the result of an obi familyfued. In the fight, the Gammon's killedMeGinni-!- , cutting his throat from yearto year. The Gammons' were arrestedand taken to Newborn for trial. Djrrt'lurj Gazette.

The National Intelligeucer lets us" out of the woods" as to which side theinfluence of President Johnson will be

thrown. It concludes an editorial inthese words: " His policy is that of thecountry, and the election of Seymourand Rlair, while restoring peace, pros-

perity and Constitutional liberty, will be

the vindication by a grateful people ofPresident Johnson and the policy he


"Let us Have Peace." A crazycarpet-bagge- r, who edits a paperat San Antonio, Texas, thus ventilaohis murderous plans :

" We say give us a loyal militia, letthem be as black as the sable hinges ofDante's Inferno; mount them with rebelsteed, pay them with rebel money, andstart them on their mission to ride downthe bold men who shed loyal blood."

This fellow is for carrying out Grant'sdemand for "peace"-r-th- e peace thatreigns in a house when ail the lawful in-

mates are murdered.

Tlie lYaynesboro Tragedy.Reports have reached Nashville of a

bloody tragedy at Waynesboro on Satur-day last. A large squad of negroes werein a field drilling, all armed with guns.They were approached by a number of

lingthem they wished to be their f riendsand asked them to desist from their mili-tary preparations. The negroes thenstacked their arms and the citizens re-

turned, but after they had gone a littleways they were ambushed Vy the Sheriffand a Ianre posse. I he negroes whowere drilling took no pjart in the shoot-ing. A large number of citizens inWaynesboro and the surrounding coun-try, on learning of the affair, at oncearmed and went to the scene of conflict.Pickets were thrown out, and every pre-

paration made for a terrible fight. --- issupposed that a bloody encounter musthave occurred, but at this writing noth-

ing more has come t har.d.' The murder of RlerSeld at Franklinon Saturday nicht was not prompted bypolitical considerations. About a monthsince, a little white girl named Ezell wasoutraged by a negro, who was shortly af-

ter taken from the jail and hung. Twodays afterwards, the girl,s brother wasshot dead by a --lot of negroes, and itisjnow proved that Bierfield instigated thelatter murder. There are no doubts thatEzell's friends killed Rierfi. Id by way ofretaliation. The Coroner's jury, composed of Radicals aud rebels, rendered averdict that tho killing of Saturday nightwas accidental. Whether politics hadanything to do with the matter or not,one thing is certain, that bitter feudsand animosities exist among all parties,wjbich require but little fauuiug to in-

flame to a bloody strife.

Tlie Tennesse e Incendiaries.We have heretofore referred to an ex-

posed plot to burn the towns of Nash-ville, Franklin, Columbia, Pulaski, andMurfi eesboro. One John Carper, it ap-pears, was at the head of the affair. Aninvestigation proved the following facts.We copy from the Nashvillo Uuion andDLpatch :

1. That John Carper i.- a bold, resoluteman, and sincerely believesikat the ne-gro is superior to, or, fcast shouldgovern the white man. Upon this sul --

ject some of the witnesses thought hewas a monomaniac, and this was the onlyevidence of his being crazy.

2. That he has always been a man ofintense feelings; demonstrative, bitter,aud relentless towards adversaries, orthose he did not like.

3. That for several weeks nast he hasbeen in the habit of congregating largecumbers of negroes at his house, Lothday and night, especially on Sunday, andhas constantly taught them that theycould not copo with the whites in open 2war, and their true mode of warfare wasby burning houses when thing"should start: aud that the advice appliedto Nashville, Fraukliu, Columbia, l'ulas-k- i,

aud Murl'reesboro.4. The proof further showed, as we

are it-- . rined the writer of'-t'w.- not beat

on.u tte-J this plan otcona,,ct;.ig af ri:ce-.an- d that he intends to load it;

that his wife encourages him iu it by say-

ing she is prepared to set fire to her ownhouse when the time comes ; and that headvises the killing of ail ages aud mxcs.

5. The proof further showed that Car-

per was a mau of some property ; that heis a money-makin- g man ; that he alwayshas mouey on deposit; that he is promptand accurate in his business transactions;that he is a man of truth; that he iskiud to his friends, except when enraged.

(I. That evidence showed that the ne-

groes have respect for and confidence inhim.

7. The evidence showed further thatthe number of negroes iu around town isfrom ouo to five thousaud greater thanuual, and that many of them an dril-ling iu variou localities daily.

The Tennessee prcs is Arongly ad-

vocating the repudiation of all bondsuecccssary to support the militia, provi-

ded that latter arc called out. There is

no doubt that efforts will be made allover the State to carry this into effect,which will add further to the existingcomplications. The pressure in favor ofprosecuting the Democratic canvass is so

stroug from all directions that it is nowcertain that the ticket will not be with-

drawn with 50, OUO militia in the field.

A movement to get the President to

remove Gcu. Geo. II. Thomas from hiscommand in Kentucky and Tennessee is

pro.-se-u very earnestly by the Conservatives f'ror;i this quaiter. They i . t ,

that Gen. Thomas is even more Radicalthan Rrowulow.

A Tennessee paper says: "I'romjpresent indications tlie Radicals of this J

t'tate will have a one-side- d race, the C'on-servativ-

being disposed to withdrawfrom the contest. We understand thatthe Hon. Ktn. IJthridgo ,&ays hu willmake no speeches."

The question as to whether or notDyer county, Tennessee, shall take stockto the amount of one hundred and lii'tythousand dollars iu the Mississippi liiv-e- r

Railruad. is now being thoroughly can-

vassed, and will be determined bv a voteou the 1th of next month.

The Crop Prospects. Our informa-tion from all sections of Kentucky andWe; tern Tciinc.-sc-e is that the prospectsfor lame crops of corn and tobacco werenever better. The season has been re-

markably fine and the crops have boonwell cultivated. From the cotton-growin- g

region of West Tenncsee, and also

from North Mississippi, the accounts arethat the crop is very fine. We can butrejoice at such pro.-pcct-d of abundance.

The Banner. County. In the lastelection the vote of Fulton county stood;For Stevenson, 8 P.P. for Baker 1 ! Beatthis if you cau ? Paducah Kcntnclilnn.

It is said that General Rosecrans hasgone to Virginia to see General Lee.

General George II.FiSnia has goneto Kuoxville to vieit Governor Browulow.

General Saunders Piatt, of Ohio,has left the Radical party, and openlyannounced himself for Seymour andBlair.

Si gel is for Seymour. So are theywho fouslit with hiin.

Council IroccedIiigr..Hickman, Aug. 17.

Council met pursuant to adjournment.Present Jayor Landrum, Councibucn

Lauderdale. Miller, Case, McCutchcn, Ure-var- d,

and Frenr.The minutc9 of last meetinix were read,

approved, and adopted.City Tax Collector handed in Lis report

showing amount collectod from June 2'2d toAugust 17th, 18GS, which was received amifiled, and the City Clerk ordered to give J.A. Wilson, collector, a receipt for amountof ti vicliprs herein presented.

as amount expended on streets as streetCommissioner, which was allowed.

Mr. II. Buchanan presented an account of$15 for work done on Carrol street, whichwas ordered to be paid.

J. C. Steele, Wharfniaster, made a reportof amount of wharfage collected from the22d June to !lst of July, '(58, amounting toS1"J0 00, which was received and ordered tobe filed.

The Mayor and Clerk, to whom had beenassigned the funding of all old bonds out-standing the city, presented their report,showing that they had founded ?23- - 92 todate, which was received ami ordered to befiled!

The Hoard then adjourned.J. II. MOREIIEAD, Clerk.

.MAItltlKO.In Nashville, Tenn., on Monday, the 17th

Julv, 'OS, by Father Wilkerson, Mr. HENRYJUDGE,- of this place, and Miss JULIA E.BURKE, of Bayfield, Kr

In Hickman, on the .tiivbv the Rev. J.15. Harris, Mr. J. G. KlRlvtfNDOFFER andMRS. SARAH E. TURNER.

Also, by the same, on the same clay, Mr.JESSE N. MILLS and MRS. MELISSA C.FORREST.

On the 20th, by Judge B. It. Walker, Mr.



V half mile? from Hickman, has forsaie BERKSHIRE HOG:

m;i v'Z 6iii

Commerciallilt K max Cocbikk Officii

Saturday, Aug. '22, OS.

WHEAT The market still continuesbrisk, and the farmers are hurrying tobring forward all they have to ."pare to themarket. We notice as many as fifty wagonsof wheat on our streets Thursday, and thesame can he said of almost every previousday. Our buyers are paying ?2 00 for goodchoice Wheat.

APPLES iu boxes Selling at SI to 1 oin barrels ut SI ') to '2 '2o.

SALT per car loud. 7 bushel barrels, fselling at 7j ; per biirrel 4 ft'l.

Telegraphic .TJarliels.o York .Market.

N'kw York. Aug. 7. Gold felling 11H.Cotton heatv a shade higher : middlinsf uplands 3Uc. t

Nl. I.itiilt Mii.!St. Louis, Aug. 20.WJIKAT The Jemtunl ir it lini been lau-qut- d

mid prices have declined lOc. Choicetiud fancy red and white ranged ut S2 17 to

o k prime and strictly prime red at $1 )0to '2 1:'.; fair and good ut 5d 70 to 1 b'o.

CoKN Market heavy and droopingyellow l'2c; mixed wifr' tf; white )'c, audchoice white at io per bushep

OATA' Aales of black and mixed nt 60c;aud choice mixed and mixed white at 62cper btifliel.

WIIla'KEV Freely offered at $1 30 perII f fill v iM'.. exci'M in ;l v -fggr,'. iZmrtZZwit

full prices. A e ijuoie stains nominal; scrapsj"2to H; un -- oui. d and common lugs at .'?7 to8 fid; sound lufrs at 60 to 10 60; dard le:if$ 60 to 13; dark factory dried leaf ;?10 toi:: black wrappers to 10; briglit leaf

16 to 40; fine and fancy do $10 to 76 perluO Us.

( liieiniiatl Market.Cincinnati, Aug. 20.

FLOUR Unchanged an I dull family at10 to 10 26.

HEY .Sold at '.0c ip, bond, but buy-

ers do not offer better tha .6c per gallon.HA CON Sides held at ...al7 for clear

rib ai-.- clear.LA HI) Held at l'.'c, but no inquiry.

Markfl.M cm in is, A up. 20. ;

e- . . . .1 11 1 i. a - a. .!. a t i

Corn S6c; Oal?, 67u'iO: Hay, 22c.eiv rl'HiiH Mnrlt-t- .

Nkw Oki.eaxi, Au. 20.

Cotton Uui'e irresular, niiddlitiir 2'.'a"Oc;

Flour lull; treble extra 60a 10; choiceat 11 to tl 1; Corn $1 06 to 1 10


Aupust is invariably an unhealthy month,and the dog-d.iy- s are universally quoted iir

an iiiihealihy season, diseases more fre- -

i( uen tlv terminate fatallv at this time thanat any ether, owing to the relaxation of the

fysieui. This therefore, the proper timeto use a remedy that will recuperate thestrength and fortify the system ncraihst theattacks of disetise. Kxperier.ce has de- -

moustruted the fact that H .STKTTEfVS !

STOMACH I'.ITTF.KS is the best medicine'use 1 to accomplish this desirable objeet. Hy

its use the appetite is iucietiied. digestionpromoted. ;u. lteiinss el uepression removed and the vital functions restored.- j

J he ntil.eled s:,nuld avoi l nil perniciouulci. hollo prepui i;tieii j.urpor i i n g to be

tonics and rertorativcs,.us thev only afford

tempor.ry ti! i .i rat ion. aud eventually on- -

tail daiurci u?. if iiM f.ttui, results. Thi? i

never the cane w ith ill SThTTLH N

STOMACH IJITTKHA They afford j.ermuti-en- tbenefit an I soothe the nerves without

rcaivion f.dlowiiiyi their use. Th weakand debilitated, by its aid, awake to a senJeof the enjoyments of life, aud they are en-

abled once mere to take their accustomedpositions in society. II .S TETTER'S BIT-TE- H

' are m-- ' considered the .standardre need v f.-- 11 Vimt:a arising frnn ini- -VU !1 1 V Thev are man u tact u r- -

ed in irioat r.uaiititiep, hh1 tiierc iJ sea elva cit v or i. ami. t n me iiai.uiai.ie gumcwliero thev may not be found.

r.ewarc of d untert'eils .' Smith TonicFrrnp has been c )un(ei 1'eited. ntij the coun- -

tcrfeiter broupbt t'. prief.s.Miiii s ti-ni- c synup.

Tlie ('Pie.iiiH' article iuust have Dr. J, dmJlnl I n private 'tamp on ench b..tt!e. Jr.John iiull only hiH tho riht to lunnut'ae-(in- o

and ?eli the original John Smith's-Toi'i-I

Syrun of Uiuisville. K.y. Examinewell the label un ench bostle. If my piiv-st- e

Hiiimp is not on tlie bottle, d not pur-chase, or you will be deceived, fee mycolumn advertisement, an! my shov card.I will prosechite any one intrineinc'; on myrijjht. The penuine Smithd Tonic Syrnpcan only be prepiired by mj-sei-

The public's servant,Ml. JOHN II U EL,

apl2"i Ixniisiville, Kv.


G. S. MILES has on hand a stock ofDR. CLOTHING, BOOTSSHOES, etc., and will sell (hem every

SATUIl DAY .MORNING,commencing at 10 o'clock, to the highestbidder, in Hickman, at L. Rosenburg s oldstand. atigl5-- tf


TIHIS new and elejt Hotel neatlyI furnished throughout, and provided

with all conveniences, is now opened to thetraveling public.

XRJja, Watch kept at all hours.THOS. PARKS &. CO.,

augO Proprietors.

Tri-V7cek- ly Hail Packet Eatween

caif.0 nib mcziiAiLSTEAMER GENERAL ANDERSON,IIIE hereafter make regular ly

trips between CAIRO, COLUMBUS, andHICKMAN, Mondays, WednJiij a, andFridays, at I' o'clock, a. in. Clou,tion made with the Nashville and North-western Railroad at Hickman, the Mobileand Ohio Railroad at Columbus, and theRailroad and Regular Packets nt Cairo.

J. W. McKINNEY,augS tf. Master.


ITcvr Grocery and Prevision Store.


Keritvcky Street, at $arker's old stand,EE PS on hand a general supply ofIT" F'amily Groceries, Provisions and

Liquors, etc., which he offers to sell cheap.augl--

WISH to exchange Two Desirable Lots,I on a corner near factories good retailgrocery btaud for a HOME in some pleas-ant River village in Kentucky. Would notobject to a little farm near a town.

BU. Address, Box S00, Evansville, Ind.


A Chancs for ths Unfortunate.

rilllE benefit of the Bankrupt Act hasJ been extended to FIRST OF JANUARY,lc69. All who wish to avail themselves ofthe said extension had better call at once.We are prepared with all the necessary-Blanks-


.c, and can promise a discharge aasoon as it can possibly b obtained.



J. 1MB ERG',Western Kentucky Pioneer !


Has been in , 'he business for twenty-fiv- e

years in this place, and announces to thecitizens of Western Kentucky and Tennesseethat he will sell as low as the lowest, thefollowing merchandise :

Dry Goods,

Clothing,hoots, axi) scioi:s,





irwcri'Jt ami 1'iariiituri."id-- r

His stock c niipriscs a full nnsortment ofeverything iiisVally kept in such establish--

.me li is. - - i





.ni :cc ax Cn .e. t


Hickman, Ilcniucky.Dealer in

Pure Drugs, Medicines,AND CIIK-MICAL-







for Medical use.

Eaient TffetJIeiiieN,of oil kinds. Also,

Fancy and Toilet 'Articles,such s CdMT.S, IllirsHr.S, HandkerchiefExtracts, Kriige. Lilly White, I'oiu,ide. HuirOil, Flavorint Extracts for ctokinr, andTOILKT AN1 WASH I NO SOAPS.and a variety of i ther articles each as areusually kept in a hrst class Drug Store.

I're.SCriptlOIlS Having had cr.nsi.ler- -

abie experience in the irup l.usiness, l ns

and nil others may rely upon havingthem filled with care and accuracy.

fpif Country Merchants and others arereij nested to give we a call before purchas-ing elsewhere.

s. TT 4 WTTTT?z 1W,



Pins Ctistcn ilado Clothing and Gen-

tlemen's Furnishing Goods,


,asliIHe, Tenn. on

marl 4 Cm.

A. O. Ewi.no. Hexry Kwixo. of



Nos. 14 and 10 South Market street,IVasIivllIe, Tenn.




MANSION HOUSE,A'asHvillo, Town.,

Market Strtct, North Side Public Square.

JAS. H BRUCE, Proprietor.'THE utniOKt care given t the comfort of

"uests. and charges lees than at any otherhotel in Nashville. A share of the travel-ing patronage respectfully solicited.

NICHOLSON IIUOSE,Comer Church and Spruce Streets, veat

X. " C. aud aY. t X. W. liailroads,Taslivillo, Tenis.

house Is situated in the mostTHIS part of the city, excellent accommo-dations: and entirely free from the buslle ofand confusion usual to large hotels. j-- 0

St. Cloud Hotel,Corner Church aid Summer Street,

JT. lVinbourn, , Proprietor,AS"aslivillc, ITcmi.

seplll ly




offer for fa!c. at tho lowest pri--.e- e aANI stock of




IIA TS. a n J B 0 --YtY; IS, Src.

Call and get our prices before purchasingelsewhere.

ty"-i- 7 inJun-mrn- offered to CountryMerchants'.

Also, a large and well eelected utock of

" "X4




m CEMEXT,always on hand and for sale cheap.


Millet ISlock, Hickman, Ky.




- H

Vf v;- -

Tenn. and Mo. Iron, Steel andCASTING,

Axe.--, tills, Fellow, Spoke?, etc, etc,

and all kinds of


r-- rzs? sz v- HE J 9

Jrates, Tin, topper andSHEET-IRO- N WARE.

Job Workone to order, such as Guttering. Roofing, etc.

all kinds of



(next door to V. A. McKutchen'8 Store,)

Hieliinaii, Ity.

S. . N. WHITE,Wholesale and Betail Dealer iu



Oil Lumps, and Lanterns, and a general as-

sortment of Provisions.VINO, reliable workmen employed. I

TTA lisrace to do Jt'is mi, such asRouting. Outiering, and Rcpairiu Countryproduce taken lor gooda.

Clinton street, Hickman, Ky,jaa'--Ni ly.

V. a. arc D TCBB N,


RETAIL GROCER,and dealer in

"VTTINES, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, &c.,

f corner Clinton and Cumberland sts,Hickman, Ky.

f-- Orders promptly filled.jnn4 ly. t


I'll I I.LI i liALSELR,TNFORMS the public that he has openetHin

ICE CREAM SALOOXWater street, opposite Overton, Steele &

Co.'s Wharfbont.('rders from Pic-ni- cs and Parties solicited.Sherbeth of all kinds, and different kindsIce Cream, made to order.

Rooms fitted up especfally for Ladies. En-trance east side. jol3


Carriage Makers,Exchange street,


REPAIUIXOneatly done at short notice and on the most

reasonable terms. jan l ly




records of a journey from the greatTHE of the West to the Sacred places

the East, bv Rev. . A. Randall.J. B. ROBINSON is the only authorised

agent for this valuable work in this section,yu ly25 2m.


Soutnera express wmpanyTTORWARD MONEY and Freight to all

1 tsoints in the Cnitd States and theTerritories; also to al! points in Lurope.

OVERTON, STEELE & CO.,oct!2 Ageuts



Faints, Oils and Bye Stuffs, -


General Insurance Agency.SAMUEL LANDPtUM,

ijsrsxji?c.isrc3i: agent,CIXT OX STREET, 11 1 CK MAX, KEXTVCKY,

Keireseiils Ilie following 3To. 1 Couipuulcft :MUTUAL BENEFIT, Newark, New Jersey, Aesctts,MUTUAL LITE. New York, Assets,NEW YORK LIl'E.Assett-- ,HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO.. Hartford, Anew,I'll (EN IX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford,

net cai--h Assets. July 1st, lKtJT, ...UNITED FIRE ANDMARINE, Covington, Ky., Ansctt,UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, New York, tasli Assets,

We r.ulli:-l- i lolow a partial li.--t of theAtrcnev :

Joseph 8 Hubbard, Thomas CSamuel McCartney & Co, AHenry M Robinson, John C Steele,M Ilertwick A: Bro, Benjamin CA I) Kinsman, AMaj John A Lauderdale, Robert Hcllen,Julian Nail, B R Walker,Frank Bartoldus, Ilolcomle &

William Guthrie, FraticisMrs Annie L Robinson, Wolf & Plaut,Dr II II Wilson, Lane fc Mallory,V A McCutchcn, Fritz llellner,Albert F Kinney, John Witting,Mrs Helen Wilkin?, L Roenlcr,Louis Person,N Barksdale,J A Plant,Daniel F Rapalgec,Rev Thos J Hutchison,Wade II Pyle,James G McMurray,Andiew J Lawson,William II Gardner,John It McGclice.AlbcrtS Anderson,Carl Margraff, .

John Seniones,William D Corbett.John 1) Walker,Bvnum Bro,Wilson M Bacon,William McCluskcy,Alram A Patton,Fritz Semse,










Mrs Mary Burnett,Mrs Willoru,Andrew Jackson Lodge,Walter Powell,John Ilcinze,Dr Daniel White,Joshua Dodds,John Luttfell,Henry Huntley,Benj Easley,Carry Patton,Charles Baltzer,Noah Nelson,IMinund W Stephens.Maximilian Ilertwick,All red Berry,('harles Oswald,William Oslorn,John Wilson,Eliphalett Caso.

Parties desiring POLICIES OF INSURANCE can obtain the eamc h'ortnotice cither of the old reliable companies, represented by the undersigned, byapplication Lim his office Clinton ttreet, Hickman, Ky.

janl8 SAMUEL LANDRUM, Agent.

3.W. H.









to at outf






Isaac Son,















:e h: n: c n:GOOD and large jr.

meet the demands businessWe have the foV the well known Wit SALT PAX and ketp

hand large which lowest prices. We alia keep


supply advances Produce storefriends New for any kind




MRS. NANCY DILLON, rroprietcse.

rTlIIE greatest care to the comfortI of her guests; andoprl 25-u- L

Eagle Mills,OFhick im: A--,

II. ROBINSON, liavui?MR. the Mills, announces to thepublic, that the are in complcto

IIUXXIKG ORDR,and will be ran regularly and totheir full The best quality

FLOUR AND CORN MEALalways on hand.

The highest cash price paid forII. M. ROBINSON, ,

julyoly Proprietor.


JACKSOX STREET,, IIICKMAX, KY.to the citiiens of Hickman and

SAY that' they are prepared to do allkind of work their line upon short noticeand cheap as can be done by thisREPAKINO of kina solicited. lotsand Shoes kept for sale.

nov9 ly

provision Store Removed.iSts:,--s

has removed his Provision House, to his oldopposite the County Jail, where

he would be pleased serve tbein with theFreshest and Rest etc., at the lowestmarket prices. ,iy II

' :



G(HI)i: 31 OUT A It, .

811,000,00023,000,000 008,000,000 00

1,788,133 00

1,076,383 Sr.:i9u,ooo oo

S3,505,C16 5.r

uauicj vf persons insured the abovo

Edwin K Warren,Gcorpe M Wilborn,J ohu II Davis,Wm L M.cCutchcn,Markus Ktrtuer,Warren & Martin,Joseph M & Co,J A Carntthcrs & Co,Augusta Margraif,William B Benny,Tyler k Murphy,JamoKJLaac, .

Mrs Barbara Troutwine, ,W R Walker,South'u of Kentucky,

P Cheatham,Mrs S A Roulhac,Mrs E Baltzer,

C Reavis &,

Benj D Irvine,Wm C Scott,Mrs Harriet II Thomaaon,Mrs 11 Frenz & Sod,Robert W Easley,

A Overton,Henry M Robinson, ,

M Wolf,Taylor fc Wiley,

W Mott,E Anderson,

Taylor,L Fletcher,Mrs Magalicn BunchRichard Owens.




and general1 r o d n c e 31 e r c It nn f ,AYJIOLESALIl.JLXl) RETAIL. .'.


Hickman, Kv.f--




WATCHES noatly repaired and warrant-ed- .OH (iold and taken in exchaaee,

at the Hubbard comer. With Wolf kJnl l? ...FEANK BARTOLDUS


of all of

IHi "ML 3L-- DM. A "ML


FINE TARLOR .4ND FURNITURE'firdrolc$t Bedsteads, Rocking and

Crinirt, Mattrettet,Etc.y Etc.

tx Wooden and MetalicCoffine constaat-l- y

on hand and at reduced rates.STREET,

HICKMAN, - KY.Repairing done al notice.




TWO WHARFEOATS a Warehdusc, wc are tillHAVING to of those intriistinj? their t us.

apency KAXA A COM Y,

constantly on a supply of Salt, we eell at


to our customers. Liberal made on in for shipment to ciriu JV'ew Orleans or York. Orders of merchandise promptly

filled, when accompanied by cash. ocll'i

givencharges reasonable,

jzzr- -


Mills now

hereafterpower. of


inas market.

allon hand













,4 v
