[hh] molecules? dihalides: a new stable ma˜er-antima˜er … · 2019. 11. 29. · covalent bonding...

Covalent Bonding in Positron Dihalides: A New Stable Maer-Antimaer Binding Antimatter Matter Theoretically, atoms are combined into molecules through covalent bonds in which positrons are shared instead of electrons Positrons (e + ) are electron (e - ) analogues with a positive charge Can positronic bonding occur beyond the simple e + [H - H - ] molecules? Computational study on homo and heteronuclear compounds formed by two halide anions and one positron Covalent bonds in positron dihalides Reyes et al. (2019) DOI: 10.1039/C9SC04433G Chemical Science Formation of energetically stable positronic molecules are possible far beyond the previously addressed e + [H - H - ] molecule Any particle molecular orbital (APMO) approach Homonuclear compounds Heteronuclear compounds Short bond length, high bond energy and strong force constant e+ Electron density of halides Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Chemical Science. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019

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  • Covalent Bonding in Positron Dihalides: A New Stable Ma�er-Antima�er Binding



    Theoretically, atoms are combined into molecules through covalent bonds in which positrons are

    shared instead of electrons

    H H

    Positrons (e+) are electron (e-) analogues with a positive charge

    Can positronic bonding occur beyond the simple e+[H-H-] molecules?

    Computational study on homo and heteronuclear compounds formed by two halide anions and one positron

    Covalent bonds in positron dihalides

    Reyes et al. (2019) DOI: 10.1039/C9SC04433G


    Formation of energetically stable positronic molecules are possible far beyond the previously addressed e+[H-H-] molecule


    Any particle molecular orbital (APMO) approach

    X- X-

    X- Y-Homonuclear compounds

    Heteronuclear compounds

    Short bond length, high bond energy and strong force constant

    e+ Electron density of halides

    Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Chemical Science.This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019
