hgmf: heterogeneous graph-based fusion for multimodal data

HGMF: Heterogeneous Graph-based Fusion for Multimodal Data with Incompleteness Jiayi Chen, Aidong Zhang University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA [email protected],[email protected] ABSTRACT With the advances in data collection techniques, large amounts of multimodal data collected from multiple sources are becoming available. Such multimodal data can provide complementary infor- mation that can reveal fundamental characteristics of real-world subjects. Thus, multimodal machine learning has become an ac- tive research area. Extensive works have been developed to exploit multimodal interactions and integrate multi-source information. However, multimodal data in the real world usually comes with missing modalities due to various reasons, such as sensor dam- age, data corruption, and human mistakes in recording. E๏ฌ€ectively integrating and analyzing multimodal data with incompleteness re- mains a challenging problem. We propose a Heterogeneous Graph- based Multimodal Fusion (HGMF) approach to enable multimodal fusion of incomplete data within a heterogeneous graph structure. The proposed approach develops a unique strategy for learning on incomplete multimodal data without data deletion or data imputa- tion. More speci๏ฌcally, we construct a heterogeneous hypernode graph to model the multimodal data having di๏ฌ€erent combina- tions of missing modalities, and then we formulate a graph neural network based transductive learning framework to project the het- erogeneous incomplete data onto a uni๏ฌed embedding space, and multi-modalities are fused along the way. The learning framework captures modality interactions from available data, and leverages the relationships between di๏ฌ€erent incompleteness patterns. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outper- forms existing graph-based as well as non-graph based baselines on three di๏ฌ€erent datasets. CCS CONCEPTS โ€ข Computing methodologies โ†’ Neural networks; Classi๏ฌca- tion and regression trees; Semi-supervised learning settings. KEYWORDS multimodal fusion, data incompleteness, missing modalities, graph neural networks, heterogeneous graph ACM Reference Format: Jiayi Chen, Aidong Zhang. 2020. HGMF: Heterogeneous Graph-based Fusion for Multimodal Data with Incompleteness. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro๏ฌt or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the ๏ฌrst page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior speci๏ฌc permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. KDD โ€™20, August 23โ€“27, 2020, Virtual Event, CA, USA ยฉ 2020 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7998-4/20/08. . . $15.00 https://doi.org/10.1145/3394486.3403182 SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD โ€™20), August 23โ€“27, 2020, Virtual Event, CA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3394486.3403182 1 INTRODUCTION Multimodal data is dramatically increasing with the advances of data collection technologies. Data across multiple sources can pro- vide complementary information that reveals the fundamental char- acteristics of real-world subjects and phenomenons [11]. Integrat- ing multimodal data has promoted the performance in various application scenarios, such as object detection [7, 19], sentiment analysis [32, 33, 37], emotion recognition [13, 31, 33], and disease diagnosis [13]. Multimodal data fusion therefore has become a widely-studied topic in machine learning. Extensive prior works have been developed to combine modalities to learn joint represen- tations or perform predictions, including traditional approaches, such as early fusion and late fusion [25, 34], and deep learning approaches, such as graph-based late fusion [6] and deep fusion [14, 31โ€“33] which focuses on exploring multimodal interactions. However, e๏ฌ€ectively integrating multimodal data with missing modalities remains a challenging problem. Missing modality is a common issue in real-world multimodal scenarios [5], and the miss- ingness can be caused by various reasons such as sensor damage, data corruption, and human mistakes in recording. Missing modal- ity imposes signi๏ฌcant challenges to multimodal machine learning on incomplete data. There are mainly three technical challenges to be addressed. First, multimodal data with di๏ฌ€erent combinations of missing modalities can have inconsistent dimensions and numbers of feature sets, and thus introduce di๏ฌƒculties to apply complete multimodal fusion models [6, 14, 31โ€“34] that treat each indepen- dent multimodal instance in the same architecture. Second, e๏ฌ€ective multimodal fusion requires learning about complementary informa- tion, the modality-speci๏ฌc information as well as the multimodal interactions [11]. However, with the presence of missing modalities, relevant information cannot be directly derived from the incom- plete individual data. Third, a large amount of missing data may dramatically reduce the size of data, resulting in the di๏ฌƒculty of learning high-dimensional interactive features from few samples. Learning modality interactions and complementary information from incomplete multimodal data was less unexplored by previ- ous multimodal machine learning research. Some previous works handle this problem using common strategies, such as deleting incomplete data samples or imputing missing modalities. Data dele- tion can dramatically reduce the number of training data and result in over-๏ฌtting of deep learning models, especially when a large amount of samples having di๏ฌ€erent cases of missing data. Imputa- tion based methods try to generate the missing modalities based on observed ones, using traditional imputation techniques such as Research Track Paper KDD '20, August 23โ€“27, 2020, Virtual Event, USA 1295

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Page 1: HGMF: Heterogeneous Graph-based Fusion for Multimodal Data

HGMF: Heterogeneous Graph-based Fusion for Multimodal Datawith Incompleteness

Jiayi Chen, Aidong ZhangUniversity of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA

[email protected],[email protected]

ABSTRACTWith the advances in data collection techniques, large amountsof multimodal data collected from multiple sources are becomingavailable. Such multimodal data can provide complementary infor-mation that can reveal fundamental characteristics of real-worldsubjects. Thus, multimodal machine learning has become an ac-tive research area. Extensive works have been developed to exploitmultimodal interactions and integrate multi-source information.However, multimodal data in the real world usually comes withmissing modalities due to various reasons, such as sensor dam-age, data corruption, and human mistakes in recording. Effectivelyintegrating and analyzing multimodal data with incompleteness re-mains a challenging problem. We propose a Heterogeneous Graph-based Multimodal Fusion (HGMF) approach to enable multimodalfusion of incomplete data within a heterogeneous graph structure.The proposed approach develops a unique strategy for learning onincomplete multimodal data without data deletion or data imputa-tion. More specifically, we construct a heterogeneous hypernodegraph to model the multimodal data having different combina-tions of missing modalities, and then we formulate a graph neuralnetwork based transductive learning framework to project the het-erogeneous incomplete data onto a unified embedding space, andmulti-modalities are fused along the way. The learning frameworkcaptures modality interactions from available data, and leveragesthe relationships between different incompleteness patterns. Ourexperimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outper-forms existing graph-based as well as non-graph based baselineson three different datasets.

CCS CONCEPTSโ€ข Computing methodologiesโ†’ Neural networks; Classifica-tion and regression trees; Semi-supervised learning settings.

KEYWORDSmultimodal fusion, data incompleteness, missing modalities, graphneural networks, heterogeneous graphACM Reference Format:Jiayi Chen, Aidong Zhang. 2020. HGMF: Heterogeneous Graph-based Fusionfor Multimodal Data with Incompleteness. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACMmust be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or afee. Request permissions from [email protected] โ€™20, August 23โ€“27, 2020, Virtual Event, CA, USAยฉ 2020 Association for Computing Machinery.ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7998-4/20/08. . . $15.00https://doi.org/10.1145/3394486.3403182

SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD โ€™20),August 23โ€“27, 2020, Virtual Event, CA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA,11 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3394486.3403182

1 INTRODUCTIONMultimodal data is dramatically increasing with the advances ofdata collection technologies. Data across multiple sources can pro-vide complementary information that reveals the fundamental char-acteristics of real-world subjects and phenomenons [11]. Integrat-ing multimodal data has promoted the performance in variousapplication scenarios, such as object detection [7, 19], sentimentanalysis [32, 33, 37], emotion recognition [13, 31, 33], and diseasediagnosis [13]. Multimodal data fusion therefore has become awidely-studied topic in machine learning. Extensive prior workshave been developed to combine modalities to learn joint represen-tations or perform predictions, including traditional approaches,such as early fusion and late fusion [25, 34], and deep learningapproaches, such as graph-based late fusion [6] and deep fusion[14, 31โ€“33] which focuses on exploring multimodal interactions.

However, effectively integrating multimodal data with missingmodalities remains a challenging problem. Missing modality is acommon issue in real-world multimodal scenarios [5], and the miss-ingness can be caused by various reasons such as sensor damage,data corruption, and human mistakes in recording. Missing modal-ity imposes significant challenges to multimodal machine learningon incomplete data. There are mainly three technical challenges tobe addressed. First, multimodal data with different combinations ofmissing modalities can have inconsistent dimensions and numbersof feature sets, and thus introduce difficulties to apply completemultimodal fusion models [6, 14, 31โ€“34] that treat each indepen-dent multimodal instance in the same architecture. Second, effectivemultimodal fusion requires learning about complementary informa-tion, the modality-specific information as well as the multimodalinteractions [11]. However, with the presence of missing modalities,relevant information cannot be directly derived from the incom-plete individual data. Third, a large amount of missing data maydramatically reduce the size of data, resulting in the difficulty oflearning high-dimensional interactive features from few samples.

Learning modality interactions and complementary informationfrom incomplete multimodal data was less unexplored by previ-ous multimodal machine learning research. Some previous workshandle this problem using common strategies, such as deletingincomplete data samples or imputing missing modalities. Data dele-tion can dramatically reduce the number of training data and resultin over-fitting of deep learning models, especially when a largeamount of samples having different cases of missing data. Imputa-tion based methods try to generate the missing modalities basedon observed ones, using traditional imputation techniques such as

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zero/average imputation and matrix completion, or deep learningbased approaches [2, 18, 21, 36]. Then, multimodal fusion can beachieved simultaneously [20, 22, 26] or after imputation [2, 36].However, imputation based methods may introduce extra noise tothe original data which has negative impacts on the performances,and they are sometimes associated with complex auxiliary modelssuch as deep generative models.

In this paper, we focus on handling the incomplete data withoutimputation. Several existing approaches [12, 29, 30] avoid using im-putation to integrate modalities with incompleteness. Multi-sourcefeature learning method [30] partitions the incomplete data tomultiple complete subgroups, and then integrates representationsof the subgroups as a sparse multi-task learning problem. Multi-hypergraph learning method [13] incorporates high-order relation-ships of subgroups and learn directly on the output. Despite thesemethods provide solutions, they ignore the complex intra- andinter-modal interactions and fail to learn the relationships amongincomplete samples, and the reduction of available data will de-teriorate the independent model performance. In this work, weformulate a new fundamental structure that facilitates the complexinformation extraction and integration from multimodal data withmissing modalities, without data deletion or imputation.

The proposed method, namely Heterogeneous Graph-basedMultimodal Fusion (HGMF), models the multimodal data with in-completeness in a heterogeneous graph structure, and then exploitsa graph neural network-based transductive learning framework toextract complementary information from the highly interacted in-complete multi-modalities and fuse the information from differentsubspaces into a unified space. The proposed approach also tacklesa series of technical challenges posed by the graph construction,the exploitation of multimodal interactions, and the integrationof incomplete multimodal information in graph. In summary, themain contributions of this paper are as follows:โ€ข We propose to model the highly interacted multimodal datawith different incompleteness patterns in a heterogeneoushypernode graph (HHG). Such graph representation of dataconnects the instances that have various conditions of miss-ing modalities, and helps to explore the complex multimodalinteractions and data relationships.โ€ข We propose a transductive learning framework based ongraph neural network to perform the multimodal fusion ofincomplete data within the constructed HHG. The key idea isto derive significant information from the instances havingspecific observations to learn those without them.โ€ข We conduct experiments in multiple levels of data incom-pleteness to show that our method can deal with real sce-narios with high percentage of missing data. We show theeffectiveness of our model by comparing it with both induc-tive and transductive baselines on three datasets.

2 PROBLEM FORMULATIONIn this section, we introduce our problem, task, and the key idea ofthe proposed method.

Incompleteness Patterns of Multimodal Data. For an ๐‘€-modal dataset with incompleteness, there are (2๐‘€ โˆ’ 1) differentcombinations of missing modalities. In this paper, an incomplete-ness pattern refers to a combination of modalities. Therefore, an

incomplete multimodal dataset has at most (2๐‘€ โˆ’1) incompletenesspatterns. The block-wise structure shown in Figure 1 illustrates atrimodal (๐‘€ = 3) dataset with seven incompleteness patterns [30].The blocks with solid colors indicate the available modalities, andthe others represent missing modalities. This figure also shows thatinstances can be divided into separate groups such that in eachgroup all instances have the same incompleteness pattern and eachinstance only belongs to one pattern.

Figure 1: An illustration of a trimodal dataset (๐‘€ = 3) withseven patterns of incompleteness.

Problem 2.1. (Multimodal Fusion with Data Incomplete-ness). Suppose๐‘€ is the number of modalities (data sources), ๐‘ isthe number of samples,๐œ“ is a function that maps each sample to acertain pattern, and ๐œ™ (๐‘ž) โŠ† {1. . .๐‘€} indicates the set of availablemodalities for pattern ๐‘ž. Given a collection of incomplete multi-modal data samples D = {x๐‘– }๐‘๐‘–=1 as input, where each data sampleconsists of a set of available modalities x๐‘– = {x๐‘–,๐‘š}๐‘šโˆˆ๐œ™ (๐œ“ (๐‘–)) , thispaper aims to design a model that can capture modality interac-tion information from available data, and fuse multimodal datawith different patterns using a same architecture. The learned jointrepresentations are used for downstream tasks such as predictions.

Transductive Learning. In this paper, we formulate a trans-ductive learning framework [13] to handle this problem withoutimputing missing data. Different from inductive learning, transduc-tive learning (instance-based learning) directly incorporates thefeature information implicit in other samples [38]. In this work, ourkey idea is that an incomplete data sample can derive the missinginformation from other samples having it within the transductivelearning framework. Instances with different missing-data patternscan effectively exchange their modality-specific and interactioninformation, and multimodal fusion can be achieved along the way.

Among transductive learning variants, graph-based transductivelearning methods achieved promising performance in practice [6,38]. Recent advancements in graph neural networks (GNNs) alsoallow high-level features and high-dimensional representationsto be learned from graph structural original data. Since graphsare powerful representations to model data relationships, in thispaper, we use graphs to exchange significant information betweenmultimodal instances, and formulate our problem in a novel GNN-based transductive learning framewok, HGMF.

3 METHODOLOGYIn this section, we present our HGMF method which is built basedon a GNN transductive learning framework. The HGMF has three

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stages: 1) modeling incomplete multimodal data in a proposed het-erogeneous hypernode graph structure; 2) encoding the highly inter-acted multimodal data with the presence of missingness into moreexplicit modality-specific and cross-modal interaction information;and 3) aggregating and exchanging information among multimodalinstances across different incompleteness patterns, through whichall data can be fused into the same embedding space. Figure 2(a)illustrates the three-stage HGMF workflow using a simple four-dataexample. Note that in real scenarios, graphs can be larger and morecomplex than those shown in Figure 2(a). In the following, we willintroduce the technical details in each stage.

3.1 Modeling Incomplete Multimodal Datawith Heterogeneous Hypernode Graph

An incomplete multimodal dataset that has multiple missing-datapatterns can be modeled as a k-NN affinity graph structure, whereeach node is an instance. However, as each instance contains multi-ple data sources, belongs to different incompleteness patterns, andhas different feature spaces, we cannot use a simple affinity graphto model our problem.

To model multimodal data with incompleteness in a graph-basedtransductive learning framework, we first define a new familyof graph structures, namely Heterogeneous Hypernode Graphs(HHG) whose structure and components are described below.

Definition 1 (Heterogeneous Hypernode Graph). A Hetero-geneous Hypernode Graph (HHG) is denoted as G = (V, E,๐œ“, ๐œ™),containing the following components and properties.โ€ข V = {๐‘ฃ๐‘– }๐‘๐‘–=1 is the hypernode set, where each hypernodeis self-interacted. Different from simple graphs in whicheach node is associated with the same dimensional feature,hypernodes contains different numbers and dimensions offeatures, and each hypernodeโ€™s features may be implicitlyor explicitly interacted. In our problem, a hypernode refersto an multimodal instance, and we define the feature set ofgraph as X = {{x๐‘–,๐‘š |โˆ€๐‘š โˆˆ ๐œ™ (๐œ“ (๐‘–))}, 1 โ‰ค ๐‘– โ‰ค ๐‘ }.โ€ข E = {๐‘’ ๐‘— } |E |๐‘—=1 is the edge set. As we construct a ๐‘˜-NN affinitygraph for instances, to more efficiently represent the high-order connections among nodes, we use the hyperedges1

of hypergraphs instead of pairwise edges [6, 13]. A hyper-edge is a subset of (hyper)nodes, connecting ๐‘˜ instanceswho share some similar information, and showing a ๐‘˜-NNrelationship among some nodes. Hyperedges E can be rep-resented by an incidence matrix H โˆˆ {0, 1} |V |ร—|E | , whereeach row represents a hypernode ๐‘ฃ๐‘– and each column repre-sents a hyperedge ๐‘’ ๐‘— . For each entry in the incidence matrix,H(๐‘ฃ๐‘– , ๐‘’ ๐‘— ) = 1 indicates that the hypernode ๐‘ฃ๐‘– is connectedwith some others through the hyperedge ๐‘’ ๐‘— . Each hyperedge๐‘’ ๐‘— is associated with a single-valued weight๐‘ค ๐‘— . In this paper,all edge weights equal to one.โ€ข ๐œ“ : V โ†ฆโˆ’โ†’ T defines the node pattern-mapping function.T = {1, 2, ..., ๐‘€} is the pattern set, where ๐‘€ = 2๐‘€ โˆ’ 1 isthe number of incompleteness patterns observed from thedataset. The graph is heterogeneous because hypernodes

1hyperedges: edges in hypergraphs are called hyperedges or hyperlinks. A hyperdgeconnects two or more than two vertices.

(instances) have different incompleteness patterns, so wedefine๐œ“ to distinguish multimodal instances.โ€ข ๐œ™ : T โ†ฆโˆ’โ†’ P(M) \ โˆ… defines a function that maps a patternto a combination of modalities, where P(M) denotes thepower set (all subsets) of the setM = {1, 2, ..., ๐‘€}.

HeterogeneousHypernodeGraphConstruction. Figure 2(b)shows an overview of the HHG graph construction process. Onthe left of the figure shows an trimodal incomplete dataset, wherecolumns denote modalities and rows denote instances. Given sucha multimodal dataset D, one can easily obtain ๐œ“ (ยท), ๐œ™ (ยท), V , andX based on data availability and corresponding features. On theright in Figure 2(b) is the seven-pattern HHG constructed fromthe input, where different colors denote different patterns. Notethat each node here is a hypernode containing multi-modalities.We also provide an illustration of heterogeneous hypernodes inFigure 2(a)โ€™s second subfigure, where each instance constructs ahypernode who contains at least one modality.

The bottom region in Figure 2(b) illustrates the hyperedge cal-culation process. E can be calculated from D as follows. As mul-timodal instances (hypernodes) have complex connections, eachmodality can provide a certain view of the data relationships. Mo-tivated by [6, 13, 30], to capture the multi-view and high-orderrelationships among multimodal instances, we first reconstruct theblockwise incomplete dataset into ๐ต blocks according to differentcombinations of available modalities, and then calculate a set ofhyperedges among all instances involved in each block. LetV๐‘ andM๐‘ denote the hypernodes and the modality set involved in theblock ๐‘, respectively. We calculate the normalized distance betweeneach pair of instances in a block (โˆ€๐‘ฃ๐‘– , ๐‘ฃ ๐‘— โˆˆ V๐‘ ) as follows:

๐‘‘ (๐‘) (๐‘ฃ๐‘– , ๐‘ฃ ๐‘— )ฮ”=

1|M๐‘ |

โˆš โˆ‘๐‘šโˆˆM๐‘

| |๐‘ข๐‘š (x๐‘–,๐‘š) โˆ’ ๐‘ข๐‘š (x๐‘—,๐‘š) | |22/๐‘๐‘š, (1)

where ๐‘๐‘š =โˆ‘๐‘–, ๐‘— โˆˆV๐‘

| |๐‘ข๐‘š (x๐‘–,๐‘š) โˆ’ ๐‘ข๐‘š (x๐‘—,๐‘š) | |22 and {๐‘ข๐‘š (ยท),๐‘š =

1...๐‘€} are the pre-trained unimodal representation learning modelsthat are used to initialise shallow unimodal features. After calcu-lating all distances, each hyperedge is calculated using ๐‘˜ nearestneighbor method centered with each node [13]. As shown at thebottom region in Figure 2(b), for all pre-defined blocks, ๐ต sets ofhyperedges are calculated independently depending on the featureextraction modelsโ€™ parameters. Suppose their incidence matrix are{H1,H2, ...,H๐ต}, the final incidence matrix for HHG is the concate-nation form H = [H1;H2; ...;H๐ต]. In this way, instances that do nothave certain modalities can be connected with those that have themodalities, and then the incomplete data problem can be alleviated.In Figure 2(a)โ€™s second subfigure, the hyperedges in different colorsconnects instances according to different blocks.

3.2 Intra-hypernode EncoderAfter constructing the input graph G and feature setX, we proposean intra-hypernode encoder to capture complementary informa-tion [11] from the highly interacted modalities with the presenceof missing data. The intra-hypernode encoder, whose architectureis shown in Figure 2(c), consists of two components: 1) UnimodalEmbedding Networks take unimodal data as input, and output uni-modal embeddings, and 2) Feature Interaction Networks capturesthe modality interactions among these embeddings, and extract

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Figure 2: Overview of Heterogeneous Graph-based Multimodal Fusion (HGMF) with trimodal setting (๐‘€ = 3). (a) Illustrationof the three-stage workflow of HGMF. It shows a four-data example, but in real tasks, the graph can be larger in scale andmore complex. From left to right,D include four instances with four patterns of missing modalities; G and X are constructedafter HHG graph construction stage; G๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ and X๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ are obtained through intra-hypernode encoding stage; and, multimodalinstances are finally fused into joint representations Z through multiple MBGAT layersโ€™ graph embedding stage. (b) Pipelineof graph construction. (c) Architecture of intra-hypernode encoder, which takes as input each hypernode feature set x๐‘– andoutput new feature set h๐‘– . Note that for incomplete instances, partial related neurons are blocked based on which modalitiesare missing. (d) Illustration of the multi-fold embedding space projection at an MBGAT layer. (e) Illustration of the bilevelnode aggregation at any intermediate MGBAT layer. (f) Illustration of the bilevel node aggregation at the final MGBAT layer.

complementary information (modality-specific and cross-modalinteraction information) from them.

3.2.1 Unimodal Embedding Networks. Since the original datain X is very high-dimensional, sparse, and inconsistent with re-spect to data structure, it is hard to calculate interactions amongoriginal modalities. We thus setup a series of source-specific DeepNeural Networks (DNNs) to learn compressed and rich featurerepresentations from unimodal original data.

Based on real data structures in the datasets onwhichwe performour models, we mainly consider three types of architectures to buildunimodal embedding networks: 1) Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) for embedding image modalities; 2) Bidirectional Long-shortTermMemory (BI-LSTM) for embedding sequential modalities, suchas video, free texts (e.g., clinical records) and spoken language; and3) Stacked fully connected layers followed by nonlinear activation

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functions, for embedding high-dimensional or sparse feature-basedmodalities, such as gene expressions.

Suppose ๐‘“๐‘š (ยท;ฮ˜๐‘š) be the ๐‘šโ€™s unimodal embedding networkwith learnable parameter ฮ˜๐‘š . For each hypernode ๐‘ฃ๐‘– whose contentis x๐‘– = {x๐‘–,๐‘š}๐‘šโˆˆ๐œ™ (๐œ“ (๐‘–)) , its modality-๐‘š is embedded as

h๐‘š๐‘– = ๐‘“๐‘š (x๐‘–,๐‘š ;ฮ˜๐‘š), (2)

where h๐‘š๐‘–โˆˆ R๐น๐‘š . ๐น๐‘š is the embedding dimension of modality-๐‘š.

3.2.2 Feature InteractionNetworks. Ahypernode contains uni-modal components that are highly interacted. Such modality in-teractions are high-order and implicit, and therefore difficult tobe represented. The goal of feature interaction networks is to cap-ture such interactions, to extract modality-specific and cross-modalinteraction information from them.

The high-order modality interactions can appear individually,between each pair of modality and amongmore than twomodalities.Let P(ยท) denote the power set operation andM = {1, 2, ..., ๐‘€}. Aseach subset โˆ€S โˆˆ P(M) \ โˆ… denotes a combination of modalities,we can learn from each S one type of multimodal interaction anda piece of information, namely factor.

A hypernodeโ€™s complementary information consists of manyfactors. Let each factor be represented by a ๐น โ€ฒ-dimensional vector.A factor can be calculated as follows.

If there is only one element in S (i.e., |S| = 1), meaning thatwe are calculating modality-specific information for the modality๐‘š โˆˆ S, we can calculate modality-specific information h๐‘š,๐‘š



๐‘– = ๐‘”๐‘š (h๐‘š๐‘– ;U๐‘š, b๐‘š)

G๐‘š๐‘– = (h๐‘š๐‘– ) (h

๐‘š๐‘– )



= ๐‘”๐‘š,๐‘š (G๐‘š๐‘– ;U๐‘š,๐‘š, b๐‘š,๐‘š) + h


๐‘– ,


where U๐‘š โˆˆ R๐นโ€ฒร—๐น๐‘š , b๐‘š โˆˆ R๐น

โ€ฒ, U๐‘š,๐‘š โˆˆ R๐น

โ€ฒร—(๐น๐‘š)2 and b๐‘š,๐‘š โˆˆR๐นโ€ฒare parameters of the neural networks ๐‘”๐‘š (ยท) and ๐‘”๐‘š,๐‘š (ยท), re-

spectively. G๐‘š๐‘–โˆˆ R๐น๐‘šร—๐น๐‘š is the Gram matrix of unimodal em-

bedding h๐‘š๐‘–, which represents the covariance, the feature self-

interaction information; and h๐‘š

๐‘– can be viewed as the mean, low-dimensional, and specific information for modality-๐‘š.

If there are more than one elements in S (i.e., |S| > 1|), meaningthat we are calculating cross-modal interaction information amongall unimodal embeddings {h๐‘š

๐‘–|โˆ€๐‘š โˆˆ S}. Inspired by [31], we can

calculate cross-modal interaction information hS๐‘–as

CS๐‘– = โŠ—๐‘šโˆˆSh๐‘š๐‘–hS๐‘– = ๐‘”S (CS๐‘– ;US, bS),


where CS๐‘–

represents the |S|-fold cross-product of the involvedunimodal embeddings, and US โˆˆ R๐น

โ€ฒร—(โˆ๐‘šโˆˆS ๐น๐‘š) and bS โˆˆ R๐นโ€ฒis

the learnable weights of the neural network ๐‘”S (ยท). A special caseis that, for example, the bimodal interaction information between๐‘š and ๐‘˜ can be extracted as h๐‘š,๐‘˜

๐‘–= ๐‘”๐‘š,๐‘˜ ((h๐‘š๐‘– ) (h

๐‘˜๐‘–)๐‘‡ ;U๐‘š,๐‘˜ , b๐‘š,๐‘˜ ).

3.2.3 Summary. In this section, our intra-hypernode encoderleverages all combinations of unimodal-specific and cross-modalinteractions, and extracts pieces of complementary informationfrom multi-modalities with the presence of missing data.

The architecture shown in Figure 2(c) is shared by all hyper-nodes. Intra-hypernode encoder takes as input each hypernodefeature set x๐‘– = {x๐‘–,๐‘š}๐‘šโˆˆ๐œ™ (๐œ“ (๐‘–)) and output new feature set h๐‘– ={hS

๐‘–}SโˆˆP(๐œ™ (๐œ“ (๐‘–)))\โˆ… . Then, we obtain a new heterogeneous hyper-

node graph G๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ = (V๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ , E,๐œ“, ๐œ™) associated with a new featureset X๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ = {h๐‘– }๐‘๐‘–=1, which is illustrated in Figure 2(a).

3.3 Multi-fold bilevel Graph Attentional LayerIn the previous step, the intra-hypernode encoder outputs newHHGG๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ and feature set X๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ , which contains more explicit modality-specific and cross-modal interaction information than the inputfeature set. The hypernodes in G๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ are also heterogeneous, be-cause hypernodes with different incompleteness patterns containdifferent numbers and categories of factors; there are a total of(2 |๐œ™ (๐œ“ (๐‘–)) | โˆ’ 1) factors calculated for hypernode ๐‘ฃ๐‘– .

In this section, we focus on learning the interactions betweendifferent incompeteness patterns, and propose to simultaneouslyfuse multimodal data with different missingness within a graph-based transductive learning architecture. Specifically, we proposeto solve a sub-problem described as follows.

Problem 3.1. (๐‘€-fold Heterogeneous Graph Embedding).Given the heterogeneous hypernode graph G๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ = (V๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ , E,๐œ“, ๐œ™),where the node set can be divided into๐‘€ = |T | non-overlappingsubsetsV๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ = {V๐‘ |โˆ€๐‘ โˆˆ T } based on๐œ“ (ยท), and each node ๐‘ฃ๐‘– โˆˆ V๐‘is associated with a set of ๐น โ€ฒ-dimensional vectors h๐‘– = {hS๐‘– |โˆ€S โˆˆP(๐œ“ (๐‘)) \ โˆ…}, the task is to learn to map the heterogeneous hy-pernodes in๐‘€ embedding spaces, into a homogeneous embeddingspace Z โˆˆ R๐‘ร—๐‘‘ .

By solving this sub-problem, hypernodes with different incom-pleteness patterns can be projected onto the same feature space;multimodal instances with missing information (missing factors)can derive such information from others; and, the final node em-beddings can be the fused multimodal representations.

To solve this sub-problem, in this section, we proposeMulti-foldBilevel Graph Attention Networks (MBGAT) inspired by graph at-tention networks (GATs) [24]. In the following, we state the overallgoal of each MBGAT layer, and then introduce technical details.3.3.1 Overview. At each MBGAT layer, the goal is to project theexisting features in๐‘€ spaces onto๐‘€ new spaces (see Figure 2(d-f))that are close to each other. However, aggregating information fromheterogeneous nodes is challenging as the relationships betweendifferent feature spaces are unknown. In the context of multimodalfusion, such difficulty comes from the unknown relationships be-tween different incompleteness patterns.

To tackle this problem, inspired by self-attention mechanism[23] and GATs [24], we design a bilevel attention strategy to ag-gregate neighborhood information among different patterns. AnMBGAT layer consists of two components: multi-fold intra-patternaggregation that aggregates nodes in the same space independently,and inter-pattern aggregation that learns pattern relationships, andfuses all neighbors into one target space.

At eachMBGAT layer, we represent the multi-space inputs as z =

{{z๐‘๐‘–|โˆ€๐‘ฃ๐‘– โˆˆ V๐‘ }|โˆ€๐‘ โˆˆ T }, where z๐‘

๐‘–โˆˆ R๐‘‘๐‘ is the ๐‘‘๐‘ -dimensional

feature associated with the pattern-๐‘ node ๐‘ฃ๐‘– . The layerโ€™s multi-space outputs are represented as zโ€ฒ = {{z๐‘

๐‘–โ€ฒ |โˆ€๐‘ฃ๐‘– โˆˆ V๐‘ }|โˆ€๐‘ โˆˆ T },

z๐‘๐‘–โ€ฒ โˆˆ R๐‘‘

โ€ฒ๐‘ , where ๐‘‘ โ€ฒ๐‘ is the dimension of the new feature space of

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pattern-๐‘ . Note that at the first layer, we initialize the input nodefeatues z(0) by concatenating all feature vectors in hypernodes,since the previously extracted features within a hypernode areseparate pieces of information. In the following, we present thetechnical details on how to aggregate neighborhood informationfor a target node ๐‘ฃ๐‘– whose pattern is ๐‘ = ๐œ“ (๐‘–).3.3.2 Multi-fold Intra-patternAggregation. As the lower-levelaggregation, we focus on aggregating neighbors in the same featurespace (multimodal instances that miss the same modalities).

Multi-fold Projection. Each node should be projected ontoits new and lower-dimensional feature space to get prepared foraggregation. As we prepare all nodes at the same time, each node inany patternโ€™s feature space will need to be combined with nodes inany other patternโ€™s space. We therefore define {W๐‘๐‘ž |โˆ€๐‘, ๐‘ž โˆˆ T } asour |T |-fold projection scheme, where W๐‘๐‘ž โˆˆ R๐‘‘

โ€ฒ๐‘žร—๐‘‘๐‘ is learnable

matrix that projects nodes from the pattern-๐‘โ€™s feature space to thepattern-๐‘žโ€™s new feature space. Figure 2(d) illustrates the multi-foldprojection, where nodes in different colors (different patterns) areprojected onto different spaces.

Intra-patten Aggregation. Suppose N๐‘ž (๐‘–) denote the pattern-๐‘ž neighboring node set of ๐‘ฃ๐‘– , which can be defined as N๐‘ž (๐‘–) ={๐‘ฃ ๐‘— |โˆ€๐‘ฃ ๐‘— โˆˆ V๐‘ž โˆง (HH๐‘‡ )๐‘– ๐‘— > 0}, where H is the incidence matrix(constructed in Section 3.1). We then calculate the importance ofeach neighboring node inN๐‘ž (๐‘–) to the target node ๐‘ฃ๐‘– by performingthe attention mechanism, ยฎa๐‘ž โˆˆ R2๐‘‘

โ€ฒ๐‘žร—1. The calculated attention

coefficients for each pattern-๐‘ž neighbor ๐‘ฃ ๐‘— is


๐‘– ๐‘—=

๐‘’๐‘ฅ๐‘ (๐ฟ๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘˜๐‘ฆ๐‘…๐‘’๐ฟ๐‘ˆ (ยฎa๐‘ž [W๐‘๐‘žz๐‘๐‘–;W๐‘ž๐‘žz๐‘ž


๐‘˜โˆˆN๐‘ž (๐‘–) ๐‘’๐‘ฅ๐‘ (๐ฟ๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘˜๐‘ฆ๐‘…๐‘’๐ฟ๐‘ˆ (ยฎa๐‘ž [W๐‘๐‘žz๐‘๐‘–;W๐‘ž๐‘žz๐‘ž


. (5)

Finally, the intra-pattern aggregation result from all pattern-๐‘ž neigh-bors of node ๐‘ฃ๐‘– is

s๐‘ž๐‘–= ๐œŽ


๐‘— โˆˆN๐‘ž (๐‘–)๐›ผ๐‘ž

๐‘– ๐‘—W๐‘ž๐‘žz๐‘ž


ยชยฎยฌ (6)

where ๐œŽ (ยท) denotes the sigmoid function. In Figure 2(e) and (f), wecan see that nodes in the same colors (same pattern) are aggregatedto a certain double-circled feature points on the new space.3.3.3 Inter-pattern Aggregation. After aggregating the neigh-borhood information within each pattern, we aim to learn the rela-tionships between different patterns, so that multimodal instancesthat have different missing modalities can derive information fromeach other. To achieve the goal, we perform inter-pattern aggrega-tion as the higher-level aggregation.

Similarly, given the intra-pattern aggregation results {s1๐‘–, s2๐‘–, ..., s๐‘€


s๐‘ž๐‘–โˆˆ R๐‘‘

โ€ฒ๐‘ž , we can calculate the importance of the pattern-๐‘ž neigh-

bors to the pattern-๐‘ target by performing the attention mechanism,b๐‘ โˆˆ R2๐‘‘

โ€ฒ๐‘ร—1. The calculated attention coefficients is:

๐›ฝ๐‘๐‘ž =๐‘’๐‘ฅ๐‘ (๐ฟ๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘˜๐‘ฆ๐‘…๐‘’๐ฟ๐‘ˆ (ยฎb๐‘ [V๐‘๐‘s๐‘



๐‘Ÿ โˆˆT ๐‘’๐‘ฅ๐‘ (๐ฟ๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘˜๐‘ฆ๐‘…๐‘’๐ฟ๐‘ˆ (ยฎb๐‘ [V๐‘๐‘s๐‘ž๐‘–;V๐‘Ÿ๐‘s๐‘Ÿ

๐‘–])), (7)

where V๐‘ž๐‘ โˆˆ R๐‘‘โ€ฒ๐‘ร—๐‘‘โ€ฒ๐‘ž denotes the space-to-space transformation

from pattern-๐‘ž to pattern-๐‘ . Once obtained, the attention coeffi-cients are used to compute a linear combination of intra-pattern

Algorithm 1 HGMF

1: Input data:M, T ,V , ๐œ™ ,๐œ“ , D = {x๐‘– }๐‘๐‘–=1, Y๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๐‘›2: Input parameters: ๐‘˜ , [3: Initialise networks with ramdom parameters \๐‘’ , \๐‘” , \๐‘ .4: Hโ†โˆ’ ๐‘˜๐‘๐‘ (D, ๐‘˜) using Eq. (1)5: X = {{x๐‘–,๐‘š}๐‘šโˆˆ๐œ™ (๐œ“ (๐‘–)) โŠ†M }๐‘๐‘–=1 โ†โˆ’ D6: G = (V, E,๐œ“, ๐œ™) โ†โˆ’ H,X7: ๐‘ก โ†โˆ’ 08: while stopping condition is not met do9: for ๐‘ฃ๐‘– โˆˆ V do10: h๐‘– โ†โˆ’ InHyNEnc\๐‘’ (x๐‘– ) using Eq. (2-4)11: end for12: G๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ ,X๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ โ†โˆ’ {h๐‘– }๐‘ฃ๐‘– โˆˆV13: Zโ†โˆ’ MBGAT\๐‘” (G๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ ,X๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ ) using Eq. (5-8)14: Yโ†โˆ’ Prediction\๐‘ (Z)15: L โ†โˆ’ Y๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๐‘›,Y๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๐‘› using Eq. (9)16: Update \๐‘’ , \๐‘” , \๐‘ โ†โˆ’ min\๐‘’ ,\๐‘”,\๐‘L17: ๐‘ก โ†โˆ’ ๐‘ก + 118: end while19: return: \โˆ—๐‘’ , \โˆ—๐‘” , \โˆ—๐‘ , and Y๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘ ๐‘ก

aggregation results. Finally, we can update the embedding for targetnode ๐‘ฃ๐‘– as:

z๐‘๐‘–โ€ฒ = ๐œŽ



ยชยฎยฌ . (8)

As shown in Figure 2 (e) and (f), double-circled points (intra-aggregation results) are aggregated to the blue star node on๐‘‘ โ€ฒ๐‘ space(the node ๐‘ฃ๐‘– โ€™s new embedding point on pattern-๐‘โ€™s new space).

3.3.4 Summary. In this section, we proposed MBGAT, which per-forms multimodal fusion through an๐‘€-fold heterogeneous graphembedding procedure. At each MBGAT layer, the two levels ofaggregation enable each node to receive information from its ๐‘€patterns of neighboring nodes, in which learned attention coeffi-cients are responsible to handle how different modality interactioninformation exchanges between incomplete data.

We stack multiple MBGAT layers, so that the heterogeneousmultimodal nodes can be embedded and fused layer by layer. In thispaper, we let ๐ฟ = 2 in all experiments. Note that at the final layer,all patterns of nodes are projected to a consistent feature space (seeFigure 2 (f)). In other words, we let ๐‘‘ = ๐‘‘

(๐ฟ)1 = ๐‘‘

(๐ฟ)2 = ๐‘‘

(๐ฟ)3 = ... =


. Finally, the output embedding Z = Z(๐ฟ) โˆˆ R๐‘ร—๐‘‘ is the fusedrepresentations for all multimodal instances.

4 EXPERIMENTSWe conduct experiments with the aim of answering two questions:1) How does HGMF perform for multimodal classification taskswith different percentages of missingness? And, 2) How does HGMFperform compared with inductive and transductive baselines?

4.1 Data4.1.1 Datasets. We perform experiments in both bimodal andtrimodal settings, considering three datasets. 1)ModelNet40 [28] is

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Table 1: Statistics of Datasets (NoIS: number of incomplet-ness scenarios created from the original dataset;๐‘€ : numberof modalities; and |C|: number of classes)

Dataset Train/ Valid/Test ๐‘€ NoIS |C|ModelNet40 7,387/1,231/3,693 2 4 40NTU 1,207/201/604 2 4 67IEMOCAP 2,680/447/1,340 3 4 2

a large scale 3D CAD dataset, containing 12,311 3D shapes covering40 common categories, including airplane, bathtub, bed, bench,bookshelf, bottle, bowl, cone, cup, and so on. 2) NTU [3] dataset iscomposed of 2,012 3D shapes from 67 categories, including car, chair,chess, chip, clock, cup, pen, plant leaf and so on. 3) IEMOCAP [1]dataset consists of a collection of 151 videos of recorded dialogues,with 2 speakers per session for a total of 302 videos across thedataset. Each segment is annotated for the presence of 9 emotions(angry, excited, fear, sad, surprised, frustrated, happy, disappointedand neutral). ModelNet40 and NTU are used as bimodal datasets,and IEMOCAP is used as trimodal dataset. See Appendix A.1 formore descriptions about the datasets and data sources.

4.1.2 Incompleteness ofDatasets. Weevaluate the performanceof HGMF under different percentages of data incompleteness. Fromeach multimodal dataset, we prepare the input data by creatingseveral blockwise incomplete multimodal scenarios. Given a Mul-timodal Incompleteness Ratio (MIR) ๐œŒ% and suppose the datasetis๐‘€-modal, we randomly delete data from the original completedatasets such that a total of ๐œŒ% instances have different conditionsof missing modalities. In particular, for each incomplete scenario,we let each incompleteness pattern has ๐‘ ร— ๐œŒ/(2๐‘€ โˆ’ 1)% instances.For example, given a bimodal dataset, for each class, we randomlysample ๐‘ ร— ๐œŒ/2% instances to remove their first modality, andsample ๐‘ ร— ๐œŒ/2% from the rest to remove the second modality.

4.1.3 Data Split. All datasets are split into training, validation,and testing sets. In general, to ensure balanced datasets, for eachclass and each incompleteness pattern, 60% data are used for train-ing, 10% for validation, and 30% for testing. Table 1 shows a sum-mary of the datasets and data split information.

4.2 Baseline ModelsTo achieve a comprehensive and comparative analysis of HGMF,we compare it with previously proposed neural multimodal fusionmodels, which can be divided into two categories: 1) inductive multi-modal fusion models, including Concat, Tensor Fusion Network(TFN) [31], Low-rank Fusion Network (LFM) [14], and Multi-task Multimodal Learning (MTL); and 2) the transductive modelHypergraph Neural Network (HGNN) [6]. See Appendix A.2and A.3 for more details of baselines and reproducibility.

4.3 Experimental Setup4.3.1 Model settings. We employ Pytorch3 to implement all base-lines and the proposed HGMF with both bimodal and trimodalsettings. See Appendix A.4 for more details about model settings.

4.3.2 Model Training. The overall training procedure is in Al-gorithm 1. Since we construct multimdoal instances in an HHG

graph structure, we formulate the training of our data fusion sys-tem HGMF as a semi-supervised node classification task [10, 24].After embedding the hypernodes in Section 3.3, the fused repre-sentations of incomplete multimodal instances is ๐‘ (๐ฟ) โˆˆ R๐‘ร—๐‘‘ .For |C|-class classification tasks, given the set of labels for trainingdata Y๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๐‘› = {๐‘ฆ๐‘– |โˆ€๐‘ฃ๐‘– โˆˆ V๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๐‘› โŠ‚ V} where ๐‘ฆ๐‘– โˆˆ {๐‘1, ๐‘2, ..., ๐‘ |C |}, weminimize the cross-entropy loss defined as follows:

L = โˆ’โˆ‘


|C |โˆ‘๐‘=1

๐‘ฆ๐‘– ยท log(softmax(๐‘ (z(๐ฟ)๐‘–

;\๐‘ ))) . (9)

where \๐‘ is the parameter of the classifier ๐‘ (ยท), a fully connecteddeep neural network shared by all nodesโ€™ fused representation.

Optimization. Parameters of intra-hypernode encoder andmulti-fold bilevel graph attention network are initialized with uniformdistribution. Before training the entire network, we do not considernode connections, treating each node independently to pre-trainthe intra-hypernode encoder. Then, we train the whole model pa-rameters via the Adam optimizer [9] with tuned learning rates. Werepeat the training iterations until the validation setโ€™s accuracychange between two consecutive iterations is sufficiently small.

4.4 Results and AnalysisWe perform classification tasks to evaluate our model against base-lines. For multi-class datasets, we report classification accuracyAcc-๐พ where ๐พ denotes the number of classes. For binary classifi-cation datasets, we report F1 score. The results of our comparativeevaluation experiments are summarized in Table 2 and Table 3.We examine the efficacy of the proposed HGMF model on bothcomplete scenarios and incomplete scenarios.

4.4.1 Comparison on complete data. We first evaluate the ef-fectiveness of the proposed method on complete multimodal data.In such scenarios, there is only one pattern in the dataset.

In Table 2, the results (columns CPL) on both datasets are higherthan baselines. It proves that the proposed model can also be used incomplete multimoda fusion. Compared with inductive learning, ourimprovement on NTU dataset is higher than that on ModelNet40dataset. Our model performs only slightly better than GNN-basedmethods because the two modalities that are also used in HGNNmay not highly-interacted.

In Table 3, we only compare with non-graph based inductivelearning methods, because the graph-based baseline HGNN cannotdeal with modalities in different dimensional tensor in IEMOCAPdataset, and also cannot handle the modality interactions. Fromthe comparisons with inductive learning, our modelโ€™s results out-perform Concat and MTL, and either higher or similar to TMF andLMF. It is because baselines do not need to impute data in com-plete scenarios, so that our model and baselines are under the samecircumstances.

4.4.2 Comparison on incomplete data. Now we consider themore realistic setting where blockwise missing modalities is present.We evaluate the influences of missing modalities by changing themultimodal incompleteness ratio from 30% to 75% with a intermit-tent 15%. As shown in both Table 2 and Table 3, our method tendsto outperform baselines while there are more missing modalities.

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Table 2: Test Accuracy (%) onModelNet40 andNTU (๐‘€=2) datasets comparedwith baselineswith variousMIRs (CPL: complete).

Method ModelNet40 NTUCPL 30% 45% 60% 75% CPL 30% 45% 60% 75%

Concat๐‘–๐‘š๐‘๐‘ข๐‘ก_๐‘ง๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘œ 96.54 95.72 94.89 92.33 91.41 89.34 88.45 86.65 83.67 81.56TFN๐‘–๐‘š๐‘๐‘ข๐‘ก_๐‘ง๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘œ [31] 98.16 96.02 95.48 93.81 93.3 93.03 91.40 87.97 85.07 84.72LMF๐‘–๐‘š๐‘๐‘ข๐‘ก_๐‘ง๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘œ [14] 97.62 96.10 95.94 93.30 92.47 90.94 89.73 85.62 82.25 78.72HGNN๐‘–๐‘š๐‘๐‘ข๐‘ก_๐‘ง๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘œ [6] 97.80 96.52 96.10 93.80 91.83 92.73 91.13 87.58 85.41 84.24MTL 97.40 96.13 95.12 94.12 93.2 90.70 89.91 86.36 83.08 82.39HGMF (ours) 98.29 97.20 96.02 94.78 93.87 92.38 91.22 88.77 86.41 85.89

Table 3: F1 scores on three emotion categories in IEMOCAPdataset (๐‘€ = 3) compared with baselines in different in-completeness scenarios (EMO&IS: emotion categories andincompleteness scenarios; CPL: complete).



CPL 86.26 88.72 89.69 87.52 88.8730% 86.54 88.74 88.56 87.43 88.7045% 85.92 87.51 86.38 86.21 87.9360% 85.73 87.00 85.87 86.74 87.2475% 83.27 86.53 84.56 86.02 86.02


CPL 83.69 85.09 85.45 84.71 85.7230% 83.23 85.25 84.35 83.97 84.6745% 82.61 84.58 83.47 83.88 84.5560% 81.35 82.04 81.26 81.97 83.3375% 80.69 81.95 79.89 81.06 82.32


CPL 86.74 88.22 88.74 87.75 88.3830% 85.93 88.02 87.59 87.66 88.1445% 84.86 87.42 86.38 86. 03 87.8160% 83.29 86.17 85.25 85.26 87.3475% 83.71 85.46 84.68 85.02 86.89

From Tables 2 and 3, as more modalities are missing, the perfor-mances of Concat and LMF drop dramatically, while TFN, MTL andthe proposed HGMF do not drop too much. It is because Concatand LMF do not explore much inter-modalitiy interactions, andtheir network neurons can be significantly affected by attackedvalues at the beginning. Also, when the missing ratio is not lowerenough (i.e., less than 45%), the results show that TFN does notdrop too much as the proposed method. It may be due to that thezero imputation can be viewed as dropout layer at the beginning,and the dropout at a low rate does not influence the higher-levelneurons too much.

5 RELATEDWORKOur work is relevant to three lines of work: 1) deep multimodalfusion for complete data, 2) multimodal data analysis for incompletedata, and 3) graph-based transductive learning.

Complete Multimodal Fusion. The majority of prior studieson deep multimodal fusion assume complete feature sets. Earlyfusion methods refer to concatenating multimodal data at the inputlevel [16, 17], while late fusion methods [25, 34] integrate unimodaloutputs. Graph-based methods such as hypergraph neural networks

(HGNN) [6] perform early fusion (concatenation) as well as late fu-sion which exploits graph structural relationships among unimodalrepresentations to integrate outputs. However, these methods havelimited capabilities in exploring complementary information fromhigh-order modality interactions, and cannot deal with missinguni-modalities. Recent methods that perform intermediate fusioninclude multimodal sequential learning [32, 33] for sequential data(time series, language, audio and video), and post-dynamic learn-ing for general data [14, 31]. However, these works cannot modelmultimodal interactions with the presence of missing modalities.

Incomplete Multimodal Data Analysis. Imputation meth-ods [2, 22, 36] that complete or generate missing modalities may in-troduce extra noise to the fusion process. Non-imputation methodssuch as multi-source learning [30] and multi-hypergraph learning[13] first partition the incomplete data to multiple complete sub-groups, and then integrate subgroup representations using multi-task learning or shallow graph learning through graph Laplacian.However, these works fail to effectively model the interactionsbetween modalities with missingness, and fail to explore the rela-tionships between different incompleteness patterns.

Graph-based Transductive Learning. Several graph-basedtransductive learning models designed generally are also related toour work. Graph Attention Networks (GATs) [24] compute atten-tion coefficients using an edge-wise mechanism, which is extendedin our work to learn a heterogeneous hypernode graph where thereis not an immediately-obvious structure. We employ the graph at-tention mechanism to learn the unknown relationships betweendifferent incompleteness patterns within a heterogeneous hyper-node graph. In addition, several GNN variants [27, 35] proposeto handle node embedding in heterogeneous graphs. Recent ap-proaches, such as HGNN [6] and multi-hypergraph learning [13],perform late fusion on graphs constructed from complete or in-complete multimodal data, through traditional graph Laplacian orgraph neural networks. However, these methods fail to learn thehigh-order relationships between data with different missingnesspatterns. However, the above heterogeneous graph and hypergraphlearning methods cannot deal with the more complex multimodalhypernode structure in our problem.

6 CONCLUSIONWe have presented the heterogeneous graph-based multimodal fu-sion (HGMF) framework, a novel multimodal fusion method that ex-ploit a heterogeneous hypernode graph (HHG) structure to capturemodality interactions from incomplete modalities (intra-hypernode

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encoder) as well as learn the relationships among different incom-pleteness patterns (MBGAT). The idea is to exploit the powerfulgraphs representations to enable incomplete data samples to deriverelevant missing information from other samples who have suchinformation. Through the information integration within HHG,the proposed HGMF framework effectively fuses multimodal datainto joint representations and makes decisions based on them. Ourexperimental results demonstrated the significance of our approach.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for theirvaluable comments and helpful suggestions. This work is supportedin part by the US National Science Foundation under grants IIS-1924928, IIS-1938167 and OAC-1934600. Any opinions, findings,and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.

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A APPENDIXA.1 Data DescriptionsWe conducted experiments on three datasets across two applicationdomains. Datasets for the same application domain are collectedfrom same sources.

3DObjectRecognition. ModelNet40 [28] andNTU [3] datasetsare used for this application domain. Following [6], the two inputmodalities are the two views of shape representations extractedfromMulti-view Convolutional Neural Network (MVCNN) [19] andGroup-View Convolutional Neural Network (GVCNN) [7]. Both theMVCNN and the GVCNN features are calculated by employing 12virtual cameras to capture views with a interval angle of 30 degree.

Multimodal EmotionRecognition. For the IEMOCAP dataset,following [14, 31], we adopted the same feature extraction schemefor language, visual and acoustic modalities. Language features areobtained from the pre-trained 300-dimensional Glove word embed-dings [15], which encode a sequence of transcribed words into asequence of word vectors; Visual features are extracted as indica-tors of facial muscle movement, using Facet [8], include 20 facialaction units, 68 facial landmarks, head pose, gaze tracking and HOGfeatures; and, Acoustic features are obtained from time-series audiousing the COVAREP acoustic analysis framework [4], including 12Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), pitch, voiced/unvoicedsegmentation, glottal source, peak slope, and so on. We obtain theabove features from CMU Multimodal SDK [33], which can beaccessed from //github.com/A2Zadeh/CMU-MultimodalSDK. Sam-ples in the SDK are annotated according to the presence of fouremotion categories (i.e., happy, sad, neutral and angry). For eachemotion, we can conduct a binary classification task. In this paper,we conducted experiments on three of them (happy, sad and angry),as shown in Table 3. In other words, we trained a total of threemodels on this dataset.

A.2 Baseline Model DescriptionsWe compared our method with the following six baselines.

Concat baseline performs fusion by concatenating unimodalfeatures before a fully connected classifier. Our model use the sameunimodal embedding networks as this baseline.

Tensor Fusion Network (TFN) [31] introduces tensor productmechanisms to model unimodal interactions. It is an inductivemultimodal fusion model which is proposed without consideringthe existence of unexpected missing modalities.

Low-rank Fusion Network (LFM) [14] tries to approximatethe expensive tensor products by performing efficient multimodalfusion with modality-specific low-rank factors, which is also an in-ductive learning method not designed for handling incompleteness.

HypergraphNeural Network (HGNN) [6] studies deep graphlearning and node classification in traditional hypergraph struc-tures. It also applies the approach to multimodal prediction tasks,but simply concatenates unimodal features as the input node fea-tures. This method cannot deal with the heterogeneous and highly-interacted incomplete multimodal data.

Multi-task multimodal learning (MTL) baseline combinesthe proposed intra-hypernode encoder and pattern-specific clas-sifiers. We directly use the original incomplete data to train thisbaseline without imputation. All multimodal instances share the

same intra-hypernode encoder, but different patterns of instancesuse different classifiers. This baseline aims to test the impact ofgraph fusion strategy.

A.3 Baseline ReproducibilityThe above baselines have public source code, but still require extraeffort to fit our problem settings to their models. More details toimplement baselines are as follows.

First, for the TFN, LFM, Concat and MTL baselines, the modelsizes of unimodal networks and final-layer classifiers are the sameas those in the proposed model. Other hyperparameters follow theiroriginal settings. Second, for the baselines that cannot deal withmissing modaities (i.e., Concat, TFN, LFM, HGNN), we preprocessthe input data by imputing the missing modalities with zero or val-ues. We have also tested average imputation, but the performancesof the baselines using average imputation are worse than thoseusing zero imputation. Thus, we use zero imputation to performall baselines in this paper. Third, for HGNN baseline, we prepro-cess the input data by concatenating all modalities in a node toshape proper feature vectors as input feature matrix. Note that formultimodal dataset may comes with 2D- or 3D-tensor sequentialdata/features (e.g., image, video, and audio features), we cannotconcatenate them using the same way as 1D-tensor data. In orderto apply HGNN on such tasks, we take the sum value over theadditional dimensions, and then modalities can be concatenated.Graph edges were constructed using the same way in our work.Similar to the proposed model, we also stack two HGNN layers inall experiments.

Table 4: Hyperparameters for HHG graphs and MGMFmod-els with bimodal and trimodal settings.

Hyper-parameters HGMF (๐‘€=2) HGMF (๐‘€=3)

๐‘˜ 10 10๐ฟ 2 2M {1, 2} {1, 2, 3}T {1, 2, 3} {1, 2, ..., 7}๐น๐‘š,โˆ€๐‘š โˆˆ M {128, 128} {128, 128, 128}๐น โ€ฒ 128 128๐‘‘0๐‘ ,โˆ€๐‘ โˆˆ T {512|โˆ€๐‘ โˆˆ T } {512|โˆ€๐‘ โˆˆ T }๐‘‘1๐‘ ,โˆ€๐‘ โˆˆ T {128|โˆ€๐‘ โˆˆ T } {128|โˆ€๐‘ โˆˆ T }๐‘‘ 64 64learning rate 1e-4 1e-3

A.4 Model SettingsWe employed Pytorch3 to implement HGMF and all baselines,and conducted experiments on a single-core GPU. During graphconstruction, the hypernodes are associated with the original pre-extracted features. Each element in a hypernode can be of differentdimension and are not concatenated; the language modality is in3D-tensor format and others are 2D-tensor. The ๐‘˜ for constructingthe high-order hyperedges (in Section 3.1) equals 10 in each experi-ment. Note that as we let edge weights be 1, we construct a graphthat only reflect data connection information.

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There are many hyperparameters in the proposed model. Theintra-hypernode encoder parameter set in Algorithm 1 can be sum-marised as

\๐‘’ = {ฮ˜๐‘š,US, bS |โˆ€๐‘š โˆˆ M,โˆ€S โˆˆ P(M) \ โˆ…}, (10)

Similarly, the MBGATโ€™s parameter set can be represented as

\๐‘” = {ยฎa(๐‘™)๐‘ , ยฎb(๐‘™)๐‘ ,W(๐‘™)๐‘๐‘ž ,V(๐‘™)๐‘๐‘ž |โˆ€๐‘, ๐‘ž โˆˆ T , 0 โ‰ค ๐‘™ < ๐ฟ}. (11)

We built up HGMF models in bimodal and trimodal settings. Table 4summarises the hyperparameters of the HGMF models used in ourexperiments, including both graph structure and neural network

hyperparameters. For intra-hypernode encoder, the embeddingdimension of unimodal hidden representations are 64 for visualand language modalities, and 128 for other modalities, which aresimilar to those in baseline models. Encoded feature dimensionsbetween different patterns can be significantly different. We letthe dimension of each factor (an extracted modality-specific orinteraction information) equal to 128. We stack two MBGAT layersas the transductive fusion stage of HGMF. At the first layer, welet each patternโ€™s new feature space dimension is half of inputdimension. the final embedding dimension for all patterns equal to64, meaning that they are encoded into the same space.

Research Track Paper KDD '20, August 23โ€“27, 2020, Virtual Event, USA