hfm rule training ppt version 1.1

HFM © 2009 IBM Corporation Hyperion Financial Management (HFM) Rule Building

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Blue Asterisk templateRecap HFM Dimensional Concepts
Overview of HFM Rules
Basics of VB Scripting
Important rules like Calculation, Translation and Consolidation
Examples of HFM rule writing ( Business Cases)
*Prerequisites : Basic Knowledge of HFM
Powerful Customized calculations ( Ratios, variances, etc) - Rules Needed
Translations ( Currency Conversion)
Complex conversions ( Exchange rate differences, historical rates) – Rules needed
Data Entry
Data Entry Restriction at a Base Entity Level – Rules needed
Data Entry in a Parent Entity – Rules Needed
Custom Consolidations – Rules Needed
Rules are the heart of the applications
Used to derive ratios or opening balances
Also used for
Perform ad hoc calculations
Translation Rules
Translation rules are used to perform calculations used in complex translations
Translations requiring historical rates
Specific rates to calculate translation difference related to Net Revenue
Single Source to multiple destinations
Example Parent Entity X has SGA ( Selling, General & Administrative Expenses) of 100$
Child entities A, B and C
Allocation rule distributes the 100$ as per the business requirements amongst A, B and C
SGA of A 50$
SGA of B 30$
SGA of C 20$
Standard and Non Standard Consolidations
Standard Consolidations – Consolidation by natural aggregation of hierarchy
Default consolidation process
Non Standard Consolidation
Consolidation rules are only active when the application setting for ‘ConsolidationRules’ is enabled. It is thought that custom consolidation rules will be required
Input Rules
Input rules enables the data to be entered at the Parent Entity level
By default Data cannot be entered at Parent Entity
Only the <Entity Currency> value dimension is supported for the Input Rules
For the Adjustments Value Dimension, only the journal data can be entered.
The rest of the value dimension members are rolled up.
© 2008 IBM Corporation
No Input Rules
No Input rules prevent the data to be entered at the Base Entity Level.
By default the data can be entered at lowest level intersection for the Base Entity
No Input rules are needed
Statutory requirements
Dynamic Calculations are used to create/define formulas which are “dynamically” executed
Dynamic Values are not stored members
Dynamic Calculations can be performed only on the base accounts. The dynamic calculations cannot be used on the parent accounts
Transaction Rules are valid for the ICT module in HFM
Can be executed on accounts and scenarios which supports the Intercompany transactions
Calculation Rule is executed when Calculation or Consolidation is run
Translation Rule is executed when Translate or Consolidation is run
Allocation Rule is executed when the User clicks Allocation
Consolidation Rule is executed when the data is consolidated
Input Rules are executed when the application is opened
Dynamic Calculations are executed when Calculation or Consolidation is run. All statements in the Sub Dynamic section are executed sequentially.
Transactions Rules are applicable for the Intercompany transaction module
No Input Rules are executed when the application is opened
© 2008 IBM Corporation
The eight types of rules are placed in separate Sub Procedures
Sub Procedure
Series of VB Script Statements enclosed by Sub and End Sub statements
Sub procedure performs an action but does not return a value
End Sub
Rules files can have constants defined at the beginning of the rule file
How is the Rule File Organized?
Sub Calculate()
End Sub
Sub Dynamic()
End Sub
Sub Translate()
End Sub
Sub Allocate()
End Sub
Sub NoInput()
End Sub
Sub Consolidate()
End Sub
Sub Input
End Sub
Sub Transactions()
End Sub
Constants are defined at the beginning of the rule file
Constants are assigned values which cannot be changed.
They can be used throughout the rule file in all the sub procedures
If constants are declared within a procedure, they are available only for that procedure
E.g. const PRIOR_YEAR_RATE=75
Example – Use of Constants
Case : Transferring the Retained Profit/Net Income from P&L into Balance Sheet
NetIncome ACustom 2 (base member)
PT950 P&L Account (Source Account)
C1, C2 , C3 & ICP (Source) Top Level
C1, C2 , C3 & ICP (Destination) [None]
Requirement :
Transfer the amount in PT950 with Customs and ICP at Top Level to account A140000_C at the intersection of Custom2.NetIncome and Custom1,3 & 4 and ICP at None level.
* Reference: Astellas Rule file
Example – Use of Constants (contd)
Expression - Without use of Constants
HS.Exp "A#A140000_C.C2#NetIncome. C1#[None].C3#[None].I#[ICP None]. W#YTD= A#PT950.C1#AllCustom1.C2#AllCustom2.C3#AllCustom3.C4#AllCustom4.I#[ICP Top]. W#YTD”
Expression - With use of Constants
Define Constants at the beginning of the Rule File
Const cAllNonesXC2XC4 = "C1#[None].C3#[None].I#[ICP None]”
Const cAllTopsXC4 = "C1#AllCustom1.C2#AllCustom2.C3#AllCustom3.I#[ICP Top]”
Simplified Expression
HS.Exp "A#A140000_C.C2#NetIncome." & cAllNonesXC2XC4 & ".W#YTD = A#PT950." & cAllTopsXC4 & ".W#YTD“
* Reference: Astellas Rule file
Variables are temporary placeholders used in VB Scripts
Increases performance and makes the code less complex
Variables can be used only in the Sub procedure in which they are created.
Can be declared on the fly
Declared explicitly using Dim Statements
Must begin with alphabetic character
Cannot exceed 255 characters
e.g. Dim vAcc1
Use of the syntax “Option Explicit” enforces the use of explicit declaration of the variable
Dim vPOVScenario, vPOVEntity, vPOVValue, vPOVYear, vPOVPeriod, vPOVPeriodNumber, vPOVView, vPOVDefCurrency, vPOVFreq
Current Point of View
Hs.<Dimension>.Member Holds the member of the corresponding dimension in the Current POV
Variables can be used to hold the members in the current POV
vPOVScenario = HS.Scenario.Member()
vPOVEntity = HS.Entity.Member()
vPOVValue = HS.Value.Member()
vPOVYear = HS.Year.Member()
vPOVPeriod = HS.Period.Member()
vPOVPeriodNumber = HS.Period.Number()
vPOVView = HS.Scenario.DefaultView("")
vPOVDefCurrency = HS.Entity.DefCurrency("")
vPOVFreq = HS.Scenario.DefaultFreq("")
The attributes of the dimensions are stored in the variable
The current POV members are stored in the variables
Rules are written by applying functions to the Objects.
HS is the top level object in HFM.
Functions are actions performed for that objects. Objects can have their own set of functions
e.g. Hs.Account.IsICP
The above syntax retrieves the value True or False depending on the fact that the Account is marked ICP or not
Dots are used to separate the objects from other objects or functions
Top Level Object
© 2008 IBM Corporation
Functions of HS
*P.S. This slide does not represent the complete set of Functions

Executes a calculation expression and stores the result as an absolute value

Multiplies the data with a factor and put the data into [Elimination] or [Proportion]

Executes a expression and puts data into destination POV from Source POV

Gets the data from the cell and indicates if there is no data

Gets the data from the cell and indicates if there is real data
© 2008 IBM Corporation
HFM Dimensional Functions
*P.S. This slide does not represent the complete set of Functions
C1...4 Top

Determines if the current member is a child of another member

Determines if the current member is a descendant of another member

Gets the user defined attribute(UD1 or UD2 or UD3) of the Account
HFM Dimensional Functions (Contd)
*P.S. This slide does not represent the complete set of Functions
Determines if journal postings are allowed for the entity member

Determines if the journal postings are allowed from children for the member

Determines if the member is a child of another entity member

Determines if the entity is a descendant of another entity member
HFM Dimensional Functions (Contd)
*P.S. This slide does not represent the complete set of Functions
Determines if the Scenario member is consolidated Year to Date

Determines if the debit/credit sign are reversed for a specified custom member

Determines if the account types are switched for a specified custom member
Common Functions across Dimensions
*P.S. This slide does not represent the complete set of Functions
IsBase IsChild IsDescendant NumChild NumDescendant
Common Across
List SecurityClass
Common Across
Hs.OpenDataUnit Function
Data Units are all the intersections which have data for a given POV
Function HS.OpenDataUnit is used to open the set of intersections which have data
The HS.OpenDataUnit functions can call the data set for Account, Customs and ICP dimension
The dimensions omitted in the syntax would be included in the data set for all the base members
e.g. HS.OpenDataUnit (“A#Sales”)
This would open the data set for all the intersections for which the Account “Sales” has data. The omitted dimensions of Custom and ICP would be included for all base members in the above example.
Set Command is used to open the data unit
Set MyDataUnit = HS.OpenDataUnit("S#Actual.A#Returns.Y#Prior") //OpenDataUnit function is used to get all the data for “Returns” Account member for prior year for the “Actual” Scenario
LNumItems = MyDataUnit.GetNumItems //GetNumItems function is used to fetch the number of records (count) in the variable LNumItems
For i=0 to LNumItems – 1 // Start of ‘For loop’
Call MyDataUnit.GetItem(i, vAcc, vICP, vC1, vC2, vC3,vC4,vData) //Intersection is retrieved and i is used as an index. The dimensions members and the data are stored in the variables (vAcc,vICP,…….)
IF HS.Custom1.UD1(vC1) = “123” Then // For the given intersection, checks the UD1 of custom1 member
HS.Exp “A#Returns.C2#” &vC2& “.C3#” &vC3& “=“ &vData& ”*1.10” //Calculation
End If //End of ‘If Statement’
Next // End of ‘For loop’
Rule Expression
EXP function is used to insert data from one account into another account
EXP’s argument contains the account to be set and the account from which the value is retrieved
Hs.Exp “Destination = Source”
The destination account in the LHS is assigned the value of the source in RHS
Example of Hs.Exp
EXP Function
LHS and RHS Combinations
Behavior of Hs.Exp when Account Dimension, ICP Dimension and Custom Dimensions
Case 1 Omitted from both sides of the equal sign
Case 2 Specified on the left side of the equal sign only
Case 3 Specified on the right of the equal sign only
*LHS Left Hand Side
*RHS Right Hand Side
HS.Exp “A#GrossSales = A#GrossSales.P#Prior * 1.1”
(Customs & ICP is omitted from both sides)
*LHS Left Hand Side
*RHS Right Hand Side
Specifying in the LHS
(C2 is specified in the destination, but not in source)
*LHS Left Hand Side
*RHS Right Hand Side
Specifying in RHS
(C2 is specified in the source, but not in destination)
*LHS Left Hand Side
*RHS Right Hand Side
First First period or year valid for the application
Last First period or year valid for the application
Next Period or Year that follows the current year
PriorPeriod or Year that precedes the current year
Adding Comments
Helps in the documentation of the rules which helps in the understanding the purpose and interpretation of the rules
Text preceded with an apostrophe (‘) is interpreted as a comment
E.g. 'Opening Balance Differences
If Then Else Statement
Most used conditional statement
Code in the “THEN” statement is executed only when the “IF ” condition is met, else the code in the “ELSE” is executed
If HS.Scenario.Member = "Budget" Then
End If
ElseIf HS.Scenario.Member = "Actual" Then
End If
Execution of Rule3
Nested If Then Else Statement
The THEN part and the ELSE part, if required, can contain one or more IF-THEN-ELSE Statements.
© 2008 IBM Corporation
Select Case Statement
A Select Case structure works with a single test expression that is evaluated once, at the top of the structure.
The result of the expression is then compared with the values for each Case in the structure.
Select case Hs.Period.Member //Test Expression
Case “February” // Comparison of Test Expression with the Case Defined
Hs.Exp “A#MonthTotal = A#Dailytotal*28” // Execution if case matches
Case “April”, “June”, “September”, “ November” // Comparison of Test Expression with the Case Defined
Hs.Exp “A#MonthTotal = A#Dailytotal*30” //Execution
Case Else // Comparison of Test Expression with the Case Defined
Hs.Exp “A#MonthTotal = A#Dailytotal*31” // Execution
End Select // End of Select Statement
Reduces the complexity of rule file
Helps in troubleshooting
Sub Calculate
Call PerUnit_Exp_Calc("A#Manuf_Cost_Per_Unit",WholeSaleVolume) //Calling Sub procedure PerUnit_exp_Calc
End Sub //End of Calculation Routine
Sub PerUnit_Exp_Calc(PerUnitCost,WSVolume) //Sub Procedure PerUnit_Exp_Calc
HS.Exp PerUnitCost &"= A#TotalManufacturingCost /"&WSVolume //Calculation of Per Unit Cost
End Sub //End of Sub Procedure
Values can be passed from Calling Procedure to the Sub Procudure
Values passed as literal text strings should be enclosed in the quotation marks, whereas numeric values or variables do not require quotation marks
Variables can be passed by reference or by value
By Reference:- If the called procedure changes the value of the variable, the value of the variable gets changed in the calling procedure as well. By default, variables are passed by reference
By Value:- If the called procedure changes the value of the variable, the value of the variable is not changed in the calling procedure. The variables must be enclosed in the parenthesis.
e.g. Sub Proc_Calc((Acct), Rate)
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Use of Functions
Sub Procedures may or may not return values to the calling procedure. Procedures can return multiple values.
Functions can return only one value as result, of the operation (mathematical or logical) it performs, to the calling procedure.
Sub Calculate() // Calculate routine
End Sub // End of Calculate routine
Function PerUnit_Calc(WSVolume) // Function PerUnit_Calc
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For Next Loop
Looping enables execution of a block of statements a specific number of times
A counter is used , whose value is incremented or decremented with each repetition of the loop.
NetAggrCOS = NetAggrCOS + HS.GetCell("A#CostOfSales.W#Periodic.P#Cur-"&vPer)
vPer = vPer + 1
Condition is given using the While Syntax.
The statements inside the loop run while the value of myNum is 10 or less.
myNum = 0
Rule Requirement:
Identify the accounts which have closing balances based on UD1 (User Defined Attribute)
Copy the calculated closing balance from “ClosingCalc”(C2 Dimension) to a member called “Closing”(C2 Dimension)
* Reference: Astellas Rule file
© 2008 IBM Corporation
Identify the Accounts having closing balances. (Member List** for Accounts having closing balances)
For each Account which has Closing Balance
Clear the existing data in the destination intersection
Copy the data from “ClosingCalc” to “Closing” for the accounts
Go to the next Account in the list
Reference: Astellas Rule file
** Member List is a User Defined list or a system defined list of some members of a dimension
Looping - Business Cases
Call Each Account in the List
Clear the data
Copy the data from “ClosingCalc” to the intersection of “Closing” for each account in the list
Go To Next Account of the List
' () Copy Calculated Closing //Explanation of the Sub routine using comments
' Uses member list 'Closing Is Calculated' which is built from
' accounts with a UD1 field of CALC_CLOSING
Dim vAccount, vAccountsList //Declaration of variables
' Uses dynamic member list which reads UD1 attribute and checks for CALC_CLOSING string
vAccountsList = HS.Account.List("", "Closing Is Calculated“) //Use of variables
For Each vAccount In vAccountsList // Use of For Loop
HS.Clear "A#" & vAccount & ".C2#Closing“ //Clearing data
HS.Exp "A#" & vAccount & ".C2#Closing = A#" & vAccount & ".C2#ClosingCalc“ // Copying from Closing Calc to closing
Next //Loop End
Calculate the current opening balances from prior year end
Calculate the opening balance from prior period closing.
* Reference: Astellas Rule file
© 2008 IBM Corporation
Identify the Balance Sheet Accounts of which the opening balances have to be calculated
For some balance sheet items the opening balance of all periods is derived from the last period of the previous year**
For calculation of the Opening balance from the prior period closing
If the current period is the first period of the current month then the closing balance of the last period of prior year is carried forward
If the current period is not the first period then the closing balance of the previous period of the same is carried forward
Reference: Astellas Rule file
Is year the first year of the application?
Carry forward the closing balances of the last period of the prior year
Is period the first period of the year?
Carry forward the closing balances of the prior period of the current year
Carry forward the closing balances of the last period of the prior year
For Selected BS Items for which the opening Balances are derived from the last period of prior year
For opening Balances derived from prior period.
' Calculates current opening balances from prior year end
' closing and prior period closing
If HS.Year.IsFirst() = False Then //Start of IF Statement
// Transfer of prior year and prior period closing balances to current opening balances
HS.Exp "C2#OpeningYr = C2#Closing.Y#Prior.P#Last.V#<Entity Curr Total>.S#ACT“ //Calculation
HS.Exp "C2#OpeningCommStck = C2#Closing.Y#Prior.P#Last.V#<Entity Curr Total>.S#ACT“ //Calculation
HS.Exp "C2#OpeningAddPaidCap = C2#Closing.Y#Prior.P#Last.V#<Entity Curr Total>.S#ACT" //Calculation
HS.Exp "C2#OpeningRetEarn = C2#Closing.Y#Prior.P#Last.V#<Entity Curr Total>.S#ACT" //Calculation
HS.Exp "C2#OpeningInvestSub = C2#Closing.Y#Prior.P#Last.V#<Entity Curr Total>.S#ACT” //Calculation
If HS.Period.IsFirst() = True Then //Nested If Condition
HS.Exp "C2#OpeningMth = C2#Closing.Y#Prior.P#Last.V#<Entity Curr Total>.S#ACT"
If HS.Period.IsFirst() = False Then //check for first period
HS.Exp "C2#OpeningMth = C2#Closing.P#Prior“ //calculation for first period
End If
* Reference: Astellas Rule file
In the given example C2 Dimension is used for the movement of balances
Constants and Variables should begin with a identifier
e.g. vEntity, vScenario, ALL_TOPS ( Here v is used to identify the variables and the Constant ALL_TOPS is declared in capital letters
All variables must be declared using the Dim Statement
Use of Option Explicit will enforce this requirement
Sub Routines and Functions
Subroutines and method calls are to be called using the 'Call' syntax with brackets e.g.
Call TransfertoBalanceSheet() should be used instead of only TransfertoBalanceSheet()
This adds clarity to the script by showing explicitly that a Sub procedure is being called.
' Function calls MUST use brackets even when there are no parameters e.g.'
nParam = FunctionWithNoParams()
© 2008 IBM Corporation
Best Practices….Contd
Line Continuation Tips
Break complex formulas at a point where a line performs an action.
If you include long dimension names in the code line, break the line to show one account per line.
Insert the mathematical operators at the beginning of the line so that you can identify what type of action is being applied to the account in the formula. When the line break is applied, the operators and account are split in a logical manner.
© 2008 IBM Corporation
Best Practices….contd
Performance and Debugging
Because writing to a log file impacts performance, you should use custom logging only during development and testing of your application.
All calls to write-to-file procedures should be disabled before the application goes to production. An easy way to disable call is to place apostrophes in front them. This turns them into comment lines.
Movement Accounts
Movement Accounts are used to show greater visibility of the balance sheet accounts
Some of the movement accounts are
Fixed Assets
Movement is captured in the Custom4 Dimension as shown below.
Account is a FA account with which the C4 is attached
Movement Accounts - Custom Structure
Closing Balance is the final value that goes into the balance sheet
Opening Balance is a Calculated member
The prior period’s closing balance is transferred to the Opening Balance using Rules
Hs.Exp “C4#OpeningBalance = C4#ClosingBalance.Y#Prior.P#Last
Movement Accounts - Custom Structure
© 2008 IBM Corporation
In spite of being attached to Balance Sheet Account, the highlighted member (“Increases”) behaves as Flow Account as SwitchTypeForFlow is checked.
Movement Accounts - Custom Structure
© 2008 IBM Corporation
In spite of being attached to Balance Sheet Account, the highlighted member (“Decreases”) behaves as Flow Account as SwitchTypeForFlow is checked and negative value is aggregated to the parent as SwitchSignForFlow is checked.
Movement Accounts - Custom Structure
Rules are used to calculate the Foreign Exchange Adj Values
Movement Accounts - Custom Structure
HS.Trans "C4#ForeignExchange", "C4#ClosingBalance", "A#ClosingRate", "“
// The foreign exchange and closing balance is translated using the closing rate
HS.EXP "C4#ForeignExchange = C4#ClosingBalance – C4#OpeningBalance-C4#Increases-C4#Movement+C4#Decreases”
//Foreign Exchange Calculation = Closing - Opening - Increases –Movement+ Decreases
ForeignExchange = 192 - 189.2 = 2.8
Movement defined in Customs can be attached with multiple accounts
Usage of movement in Customs will lead to minimum hard coding in the rules as these are not account specific
Most of the information is calculated
Easy from a maintenance perspective
VAR – Value at Rate
PVA – Periodic Value Added
VAR: Translates entire current period balance at the current exchange rate
PVA: Translates only the current period change in the YTD value at the current period exchange rate
The PVA Setting is done in the application settings.
- PVA for Flow Accounts
- PVA for Balance Accounts
If PVA is not used, the VAR is used by default
DefCurrency attributes of child entity and parent entity is compared.
- If the Defcurrency is different then the translation is initiated.
Use of Exchange rate ( Average or Closing Rate ) is decided by the business requirements
Metadata has to be configured to use these exchange rates for the translation process
For Flow Accounts ( Revenue and Expense) Average rate is used by the system for translation if it is defined in the DefaultRateForFlow property in the Application Settings
For Balance Accounts( Asset and Liability) Closing rate is used by the system for translation if it is defined in the DefaultRateForBalance property in the Application Settings
Type of Translation is decided by the PVA setting in the Application Settings
ECT (<Entity Currency Total>) is translated and the translated values sit in PC(<Parent Currency>).
End If
End Sub
Rules in Sub Translate execute during consolidation. They can also be run from a Data Grid or Data Form using Translate option
Rules in this section of Sub Calculate execute only on translated values.
If you add a translation rule for an account to the Sub Translate procedure, the translation rule overrides the default translation for the account.
All accounts for which rules do not exist in the Sub Translate procedure are translated using the default translation.
* Trans and Transperiodic functions to override the default translations for an account. The parameters for the two functions are identical.
The destination point of view. The destination can be any combination of Account, Custom1...4, or ICP members. For each unspecified dimension, the system writes to all valid members of the dimension. For each specified dimension, the system writes to the specified member only.
The source point of view. The source can be any combination of dimensions. If the Account, Custom1...4, and ICP dimensions are unspecified, the system uses the same member as the Destination member. If the Scenario, Year, Period, and Entity dimensions are not specified, the system uses the current members. If the Value dimension is not specified, the system uses the Entity Curr Total member. If SourcePOV is left blank, the system uses the destination point of view as the source point of view. HS.Trans "C1#Movement","","A#AvgRate",""
The exchange rate. The rate can be a constant, an exchange rate account, or a specific cell.
An exchange rate to use for calculating an exchange variance.
The Source value dimension member is always <Entity Curr Total>
The Destination value dimension member is always the parent member, i.e. <Parent Currency>
Calculate rule runs after the translation rule by default
Calculation results are overriding in nature, whereas the Translation results are accumulative in nature
i.e. if same destination POV is used in multiple rules with Trans or Transperiodic , results are accumulated in the destination Account
However results do not accumulate between trans and transperiodic functions
Translation functions can be used to calculate the differences due to exchange rates using “Rate 2” in the parameters
Calculation of Exchange Rate Differences
Let us assume cash Balance for ABC is 500 for Jan and Feb
Exchange rate differences caused the difference in the translated values.
Above example shows the exchange rate difference of 50 (800-750) in the parent currency level
Use of Translation Functions to calculate the exchange rate
HS.Trans "A#Cash.C1#EXCH_DIFF","A#Cash.C1#Opening","A#EOMRate","A#PriorEOMRate“
Source Account is translated using Rate 1 i.e. EOM Rate for Feb
500*1.6 = 800
Source Account is translated using Rate 2 i.e. Prior EOM Rate for Jan
500*1.5 = 750
EXCH_DIFF = 50 (800 – 750 )
Gets the percentage of consolidation for the specified member or current member
- HS.Node.PCon("S#Scenario.Y#Year.P#Period.E#Entity")
- HS.Node.PCon("") //applies the function to the current member
Puts value in the Proportion and Elimination. The Con function multiplies the value of the Parent Total member by a specified factor and updates either the Proportion member or the Elimination member of the Value dimension with the result.
This function is valid only in the Sub Consolidate procedure.
- HS.Con "DestinationPOV", Factor, "Nature“
The source is the Parent Total member for the current entity, year, and scenario.
The destination is either the Proportion or the Elimination member.
Consolidation happens only for those accounts whose IsConsolidated property is checked
PCon is applied to Parent Total member
EC (Parent Entity) = CT(Child)= P(Child) +Elim (Child)+CA( Child)
For Elimination
Plug should be specified
Elimination happens at the first common parent
We cannot specify the Source functions in the Con function. It is always the <Parent Total> Member. The Con function is used in conjunction with the OpenDataUnit function, and the source account for Con is always the account for the current item in the data unit.
Call MyDataUnit.GetItem(i, strAccount, strICP, strCustom1, strCustom2, strCustom3, strCustom4, dData)
If dData <> "0" and HS.Account.IsConsolidated(strAccount) then
HS.Con "", HS.Node.PCon(""), ""
vPlug = HS.Account.PlugAcct(strAcc)
End If
Select Case Method
Consolidation Procedure
Set MyDataUnit = HS.OpenDataUnit("") Opens the data unit for the current POV and stores in the Variable MyDataUnit
lNumItems = MyDataUnit.GetNumItems Counts the record in the array MyDataUnit
For i = 0 to lNumItems-1Creates a for loop for till the last record of the data unit is processed.
Call MyDataUnit.GetItem(i, strAccount, strICP, strCustom1, strCustom2, strCustom3, strCustom4, dData) Calls the first record of the data unit. Account is stored strAccount, ICP in strICP, Customs in StrCustoms and data in dData
If dData <> "0" and HS.Account.IsConsolidated(strAccount) then…End If Checks whether IsConsolidated property is checked and data is present for the intersection. If true than the rest of the procedure is processed
HS.Con "", HS.Node.PCon(""), "“ HS.Node.Pcon(“”) is the multiplication factor of the HS.Con Function. It Picks the consolidation percentage of the current Member.Since nothing is specified in the HS.Con Destination POV, the default destination is Proportion .
vPlug = HS.Account.PlugAcct(strAcc) Captures the plug Account of StrAccount and stores it in VPlug
If CanEliminate(vPlug,strICP)= True Then…End If Calls the CanEliminate Function and checks if the account requires InterCompany Elimination
If true,
HS.Con "V#[Elimination]", -HS.Node.PCon(""), "“The Con function is used to write a reversing entry to the Elimination member
The elimination amount is written to the Elimination member of the plug account.
Use of Select Case Method to perform specific Consolidation…contd
Consolidation Procedure
Specific Consolidation rules can also be written in the Consolidate Sub routine
Sample of Specific Consolidation Rules
Select Case Method
Set MyDataUnit = HS.OpenDataUnit("A#prftbeforeexcptitems.I#[ICP Top]") //Open the data units
lNumItems = MyDataUnit.GetNumItems //gets the number of records in open data Unit
For i = 0 to lNumItems-1 // For loop for all the records in Open data unit
Call MyDataUnit.GetItem(i, strAccount, strICP, strCustom1, strCustom2, strCustom3, strCustom4, dData) // Calling each record of the data unit
Call Hs.Con ("A#MICharge.V#[Elimination].I#[ICP None]", dPMin * -1 , "MI on PnL") // Specific calculation
Call Hs.Con ("A#MIPnLduringtheperiod.V#[Elimination].I#[ICP None]", dPMin * 1 , "MI on BAL SHEET") // Specific calculation
Call Hs.Con ("A#NoASeg20.V#[Elimination].I#[ICP None].C3#Unallocated", dPMin * -1 , "MI on PnL") // Specific calculation
vPar=HS.Parent.Member // stores the parent entity of the current member
CanEliminate = TRUE // Initial value set to true
If vPlug="" Then
CanEliminate=FALSE // If there is no plug defined, then set to False
ElseIf strICP="[ICP None]" Then // Checks for Intercompany partner
CanEliminate=FALSE // if ICP Partner is [ICPNone], then set to false
ElseIf Not HS.Entity.IsDescendant(vPar, strICP) Then // Checks if strICP is descendent of the vPar
CanEliminate=FALSE // if not a descendant, then Set to False
End If
End Function
There are changing requirements in the financial and accounting systems of the business. Hence the system design and processes should be flexible enough to quickly adapt to these changes.
The system maintenance should be taken care at the metadata level as much as possible
Easier to make changes in Metadata than rules
© 2008 IBM Corporation
Sample Rule File
This is a sample Rule File and contains the examples shown in the training module.
This rule should not be executed for any application.
*Double Click and Open. Opens with HFM Rules Editor or Notepad