herqa accreditation list of college in english

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List of accredited colleges in Ethiopia


Page 1: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

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Page 2: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

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For different degree and diploma programs

Starting from the academic year authority is given from the Higher Education commission

All campuses

"���!�������# ����$ �%&�' (%�•Metal Technology •Automotive technology •Electrical Technology

From Sep.1996-Aug.2004

"����#� ���� ������� ���� ��$�% ���� �������������� ����� � �

# ����$ �%&�' �/ •General Agriculture

From sep.2001-Aug.2004

Harar campus

�"���# ����$ �%&�' �%�•Business Administration •Agriculture •Biology •English

From Sep.1996 - Aug.2004

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%�•Accounting •Secretarial science and office management •Marketing management •General management •Community development and leadership

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

"�� �� ��� & � '�����

"�"��� ����������� ���������� � �

"���������)* �������+�,Accounting •Business Management , Community development and leadership �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2006

Kuyera campus

(�� �� ����� ��� ��������)������

(����� ���� ���������� �������� �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%�,Radio journalism •Printing journalism ,Television journalism��

From Sep.1997-Aug.2004

Campus around Abune petros

Page 3: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


�� � ���

��� ������ ������������

� � ������ ������������

���� ��� � ������� ���� ������ � ��

��� � ���� ����� ���������������� � �

�� ������ ���������������� � �

�(�"��* � �� �� ���� ���� ��

�"���������%&�' -%����!������������$ �%&�' (%�,Mechanical engineering •Electrical engineering �

� DebreZeit Campus�

"���* ���������������,Economics •Development administration •Accounting "���������)��* +�,Law�"���������)�* ./ �+ ,Urban planning�

������From Sep.1997-Aug.2006�

"���!������������$ �%&�' (%�,Urban planning �

From Sep.1997-Aug.2005��


Addis Ababa campus�

� �

(�(��� ���������������� ���� ����� � �

�"���# ����$ �%&�' �%�,Law�,Accounting �

From Sep.1997-Aug.2004�

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%�,Auto Mechanics •General Management •Accounting •Management ��

�From sep.1996-Aug,2004

+�� �� ������� �

��� ������

+���������* ����� �% ��� ��� ��������������� �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%�,Secretarial Science And Office Management •Banking and Finance •Marketing Management •Purchasing and Supplies Management •Personnel Management •Law �

��From sep.2000-Aug,2004��

�0ampus In Addis Ababa and Centers in branches ��������

Page 4: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


"���# ������,Accounting •Management �

From sep.2000-Aug,2004�

0ampus In Addis Ababa and its Branch Centers �����

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%�•Accounting •Business Administration •Marketing Management •Personnel Management •Secretarial and Office management •Law ��

���From sep.1998-Aug,2004�

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%�,Journalism��

+�"� �������� ���������� � ,���������,��

"���# �����%* �������%��•Economics •Management •Management Information systems •Accounting �

�From sep.2002-Aug,2005��

Gerji, Piaza, and�Bole campuses ��

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Computer Science •Secretarial Science and Office management •Accounting •Marketing Management �

�From sep.1999-Aug,2005��

+�(�� �������-������� ������ ������������� � �

�,Banking And Finance Management��

From sep.2001-Aug,2004��

campus around Paulos Hospital�

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Accounting •Law •Secretarial science and office management�

From sep.2000-Aug,2004

� �

+�+�������. )����� � ,�/ ��,��

�"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Business Management��

�From sep.2002-Aug,2004��

Awassa campus

� � +�0�1 �� �� �� ��������� � �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•General training for Nursing ��

From sep.2000-Aug,2004���

campus around Mekanisa

Page 5: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Law •Secretarial Science and Office Management •Accounting •Marketing Management ��

From sep.2000-Aug,2004���

,Computer Science��

From sep.2001-Aug,2004���

+�2�1��� �������� � �

•English •Geography •Mathematics �

From sep.2002-Aug,2004���

Lideta campus and campuses around Wabishebele Hotel

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Accounting •Secretarial Science and Office Management �

From sep.2000-Aug,2004���

Piaza Campus +�3�4 �������� � ,���������,��

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Law •Marketing Management •Business Administration •Personnel Administration •Business Information Systems �

From sep.2001-Aug,2004���

Piaza and Lanchia Campuses

+�5�4 �������� � ,� )� �,��

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Accounting •Marketing Management • Secretarial Science and Office Management •Law •Human resources management �

From sep.2001-Aug,2004���

Campus in Nazeret

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Accounting •General Management •Marketing Management •Purchasing and supplies Management �


� �

+�6���� ������� � �

�,Secretarial Science and Office Management •Computer Science •Transport Management •Import Export Management �

Sep.2001- Aug.2004

Olympia, Misrak Atekalay and

Meskel Square campuses

Page 6: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


+��7���� ������� � ,�* �� 8 ����� ��,�

"���# ����$ �%&�' ���,Accounting •Secretarial Science • General Management •Marketing Management •supplies Management •Computer Science �

Sep.2002- Aug.2004

DebreZeit Campus

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Accounting •Secretarial Science and office Management • General Management •Business Administration �

Sep.2000- Aug.2004

,Marketing Management ��

Sep.2001- Aug.2004

+����������. )����� � ,���������,��

�,�Management Information


Sep.2002- Aug.2004

campus around Mexico

+��"��9 ����� � � "���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Computer maintenance and Networking •Computerized Office Administration •Computer Based Accounting •Applied Computer Science �

Sep.2001- Aug.2004

Gerji Campus

+��(�8 ��. ��� ������� � �

"���# �����%* �������%��,Accounting and Finance •Business Management �"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Accounting • Management �

Sep.2002- Aug.2005

campus around


+��+��� ����� �����. ��� ������� � �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Accounting •Information Science •Law ��

Sep.2001- Aug.2004

Ambo Campus

� �

�+��0�:������ � �,;���� � ,��

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Banking and Finance •Accounting �

� Yirgalem Campus

Page 7: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


+��2�:������� � �,�/ ��,��

"���# ����$ �%&�' ���,Marketing Management •Accounting •Banking and Finance �

�Sep.2001- Aug.2004��

Awassa campus

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Computer Science •Secretarial Science •Business Management •Marketing management •Accounting �

+��3�� �� �� ������� � �

"���!�������# ����$ ��%&�' (%��,Building Technology �

Sep.2001- Aug.2004��

Campus around BisrateGebriel

+��5��� / �� ��� ���� ����� � ��

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Accounting •Secretarial science and Office management •Purchasing and Supplies Management •Personnel and Human resources Management •Marketing Management •Computer Science �

From Sep.2001-Aug.2004

Mekelle campus

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��....Accounting �

From Sep.2001-Aug.2004

+��6��������� � ,* �� �* / ,�

�,Law •Management ��

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Dire Dawa Campus

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��, Accounting �

From Sep.2001-Aug.2004

+�"7��������� � ,% ��,��

�,Law •Management �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Harar Campus

� �

+�"��% �������� �� ��1�� �� ��� �� �������������� � �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Computer Science��

From Sept.2000-2004

Piaza and Mikilly Land Campus

Page 8: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Automotive Technology •Building Technology •Surveying Technology •Drafting Technology •Electricity/Electronics Technology •Accounting��

From Sep.2001-Aug.2004

+�""������������� � �

�,Banking and Finance •Marketing Management •Secretarial Science �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Around Misrak Atekalay Campus

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•ACCOUNTING •Computer Science

From Sep.2001-Aug.2004

•Management •Purchasing and Supplies Management •Marketing Management •Personnel/Human resources Management •Secretarial Science and Office Management

+�"(�1� ��<���� ����� �. ��� ������� � ,� - �� ,��

�,Clinical nursing •Pharmacy •Journalism�

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Mekele Campus

+�"+��1� ���<���� ����� �. ��� ������� � ,�=� ��� ��,�

�,Computer Science •ACCOUNTING •Management��

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Axum Campus

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,ACCOUNTING •Management�

From Sep.2001-Aug.2004

•Law From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

+�"0�������. )����� � ,� - � �,���

•Afanoromo •English •Mathematics •Geography •History

Nekemt Campus

+�"2� ����� ��� ���������� � ,� )� �,��

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Accounting��

From Sep.2001-Aug.2004

� �

� ,Busines��Administration��

From Sep.2002-Aug.20046

Nazeret Campus

Page 9: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Accounting� •Secretarial Science and Office Management

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

•Computer science

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

+�"3�> �'������ � �

�,Marketing Management •Law �

Campus around Ginfile

+�"5�4 ����? �� ������ � �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Accounting� •Secretarial Science and Office Management •Computer Science •Marketing Management •Law �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Nazret Campus

+�"6��4 ����? �� ������ � ,�������,��

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Accounting� •Information Technology •Construction Engineering •Law •Secretarial Science and Office Management •Marketing Management •Oromifa Language and Journalism �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Campus Around Gotera

+�(7��4 ����? �� ������ � ,��� ��� ��,��

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•English Language Teacher •Oromifa Language Teacher and Journalism ,Building�Engineering�•Surveying Technology ,Pharmacy ,Clinical Nursing�

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Nazret Campus

+�(��4 ����? �� ������ � ,�� ���� ��,�

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Law •Accounting� �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Assela Campus

� �

+�("���������� � � "���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Secretarial science and Office management ,General Management •Accounting� ,Law�,Computer Science�

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

DireDawa Campus

Page 10: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


+�((�& �� ����� � � "���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Computerized Accounting ,Secretarial Science and Office Management ,Computer Science ,Marketing Management�

From Sep.2001-Aug.2004

Campus in Addis Ababa


+�(+�1��� �������� � �,������ � ������,��

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Accounting� ,Marketing Management •Purchasing Management •Personnel Management ,Library Science •Law ,Amharic •English •Mathematics�•History •Geography •School Administration and planning •Biology •Chemistry •Physics �

From Sep.1999-Aug.2004

Addis Ababa Main Campus and in the 49 Branches

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Clinical Nursing�,Environmental health ,Laboratory Technology�,Pharmacy Technology ,Radiography��

From Sep.1999-Aug.2004

�� ��& �� ��� ��������)������

+�(0�* � �� ��� ��� ����������� � �

"���# �����%* �������%��,Public Health �

From Sep.1999-Aug.2006

campus Around Janmeda /Addis Ababa/

�� ��9 ���� ���� ������

+�(2��� ��������� � � "���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,English Language Teacher ,Oromifa Language Teacher �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Fiche Campus

+�(3�@ ��� � * �� �� �'��������� ��% �������� � �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Clinical Nursing �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

For 22 Mazorya Campus

+�(5��. �� ��� ����� � �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,ACCOUNTING •Secretarial Science •Law �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Debre Birhan Campus

+�(6��� ��������� �� ������ � �,1��� � � ��� ��,�

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,English�,!fanoromo�,Mathematics ,Geography�

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Shashemene Campus

Page 11: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


+�+7�� ��������� �� ������ � �. �������� �����

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•English •Amharic •Mathematics •Geography�

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Bodity Campus

+�+��� ��������� �� ������ � ����� ������� ����

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•English •Mathematics �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Arbaminch Campus

+�+"������������ ����������� ���� � ���������� � �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Drafting •Surveying •ACCOUNTING ,Marketing Management �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Campus around Kolfe

+�+(�. � �� �� ����� � �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Computer Science and Information Technology •Computerized Accounting •Business Management •Marketing Management •Law ,Computerized Secretarial Science and Office Management �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

BahirDar Campus

+�++�� �� ������ � �& ������� ���

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,General Management •Marketing Management • Accounting��

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Gondar Campus

+�+0�� �� ����� � �� - � ��� ���

"���# ����$ �%&�' ���,General Management •Marketing Management •Purchasing and Supplies Management • Accounting •Mathematics •English �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Mekelle Campus

+�+2�1��� � ������� � �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Hard ware Network Engineering •Software Engineering • Accounting •Secretarial Science and Office Management�

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Campus around Gerji

� �

�+�+3�1 ����� ��� �� �'�1������

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Nursing���

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Sodo Campus

Page 12: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


� �� ��& �� ��� ��������)������

�+�+5�� ����� ������� �9 ������� ����������� �� �� ���

�"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Orthopedics •Physiotherapy �

From Sep.2001-Aug.2004

Campus around Pastor

+�+6�� -���� ���� ���� ����� � �

"�����������# ����$ �%&�' (%��,Automotive Engineering •Electrical/Electronics Engineering •Manufacturing •Construction Engineering �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Campus Around Wollosefer

+�07�� ���������� � � "���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Clinical Nursing •Pharmacy �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Shola and Bole Campus

+�0��� �����. ��� ��������� � �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Clinical Nursing •Pharmacy •Laboratory Technology �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

22 Mazorya and Bole Campus

+�0"�<�������-����� � � !�������# ����$ ��%&�' (%��,Computer Engineering •Civil Engineering ,Electrical Engineering �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Awassa Campus

+�0(�@ �)������ � � "���# ����$ �%&�' �%��, Accounting •Computer Science •Law •Marketing •Office Systems Administration �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Campus around Kolfe

+�0+�� ����������� � � "���# ����$ �%&�' �%��, Accounting •Business Information Systems •Marketing Management •Secretarial Science and Office Management �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Campus around Sarbet

� � �� ������� ��<�� ������

+�00�<���� ������� � � "���# ����$ �%&�' �%��, Accounting •Marketing Management •Secretarial Science and Office Management •Hard ware Engineering ,Software Engineering ,Multimedia Production and Graphics�

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Sefereselam Campus

Page 13: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


+�02������������ � � "���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Accounting ,Secretarial Science and Office Management •Marketing Management •Computer Science �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Campus around Commercial Printing Press

+�03��� � ���� � ����������� � �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Accounting �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Campus around Gofamazoria

+�05�<��������<������ ����� ���������

"���!�������# ����$ ��������%&�' (%�•Computer Technology •Electronics Technology�

From Sep.2001-Aug.2004

Campus around Kality

+�06�� / �& � ������ ��� ����������� � �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Accounting •Marketing •Secretarial Science and Office Management •Computer Science �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Campus around 22 Mazorya

�+�27���� ������ � ����������,��/ ��� ��,�

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Management •Accounting �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Adwa Campus

+�2����� ����� � �* ��� ��� ���

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Marketing Management •Accounting •Computer Science �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Dessie Campus

� �

+�2"�9 ����� ���������������� �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��,Construction Technology •Electrical Technology •Drafting Technology •General Mechanics •Automotive Technology �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Mekelle Campus

� �����1 2 3 4��

+�2(�1�� �1��% �� ���& � �� ��� �� �'�������� ��������

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Clinical Nursing��

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Mekelle Campus

+�2+� ��� ����� ��������� � �

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Clinical Nursing •Pharmacy �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Bole Gerji Campus

� ��������������

5��������+�20�* �� �� ����������� � ������ �� ��� ��������

"���# ����$ �%&�' �%��•Chemistry •Physics •Biology •Mathematics •History •Geography •Amharic ,English�

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Awassa Campus

Page 14: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


+�22���-��% �������� � �A���������B��

# ����$ �� �6��������7 ��� �&�' ( �, Clinical Nursing , Pharmacy Technology �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Campus in Addis Ababa

+�23���-���% �������� � �,. �����,���

# ����$ �� �6��������7 ��� �&�' ( �• Clinical Nursing • Pharmacy Technology �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Campus in Bahirdar

+�25�* ���. ��� ��� ����������� � �

# ����$ �� �6��������7 ��� �&�' ( �•Accounting •Management •Information Communication Technology •Geography •Secretarial Science and Office Management �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Addis Ababa Campus

+�26�������������� � ����� ����� �

# ����$ �� �6��������7 ��� �&�' ( �•Clinical Nursing •Pharmacy •Laboratory Technology �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Addis Ababa Campus

��+�37�& � ���9 ��� ��������� � ,�/ ��,��

# ����$ �� �6��������7 ��� �&�' ( �,Clinical Nursing��

From Sep.2002 –Aug.2005

Campus in Awassa

���+�3��. ���* ��� ������

���� � �

# ����$ �� �6��������7 ��� �&�' ( �•Pharmac ���

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Campus in BahirDar

� �

��+�3"�. ���* ��� ���������� � �

# ����$ �� �6��������7 ��� �&�' ( �,Nursing •Pharmacy •Laboratory Technology �

From Sep.2002-Aug.2004

Campus in Gondar


Page 15: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


��������9 � ���� ��� � �<���������������������� �� ,�� ����� ,����������� ����� �1 �� � � ��"77(���������"77+���� � ���� ��

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�9 � ���� ��� � �

������ �

�� ����� ���� �����������

��� ��

�4 � �-�

C1��� ������� � ��

,Marketing Management •General Management�

Bole Campus around Wabishebele

C4 �������� � ��

,Marketing Management �

Campus around Lanchia

C; � � / 1 / � ��� ���������� � �

•Economics �

Campus around old Airport

C4 ����? �� ������ � � •Accounting •Business Management�

Nazret Campus

C��� ������ � ��

•Accounting •Marketing Management •Information Communication Technology�

Campus around Olympia

C� �������-�<����� ������ ������������� � ��

•Management Information Systems •Computer Engineering •Software Engineering •Accounting Information Systems �

Campus around Paulos hospital

C ����� ��� ���������� � �

•Marketing Management �

Gerji Campus

C% �������� �� ��1�� �� ��� �� ������������� � �

•Computer Science �

Mickeyliland street Campus

C8 ��. ��� ������� � �

,Applied Computer Science� Campus around Shesemanya

C� / �� ��� ���� ����� � �

•Accounting •Economics�

Mekelle Campus

C������. )����� � �

,Management •Economics�

Campus around Mexico

1 �� ������� �<�� ������

�C<������ �� ���������� - �� ��

•Computer Science and Engineering •Information Technology •Electronics and Communication Engineering •Electrical and Electronics Engineering �

Mekelle Campus

Page 16: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


��������9 � ���� ��� � �<���������������������* �� ,�� ����� ,�9 ����� ��������� ����� �: �����"77+�

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�9 � ���� ��� � �

������ �

�� ����� ���� �����������

��� ��

�4 � �-�

�C4 ��������� � ��

,Law •Accounting •Business Administration �

Campus around Lanchia

�C; � � / 1 / � ��� ���������� � ��

�,Accounting ,Management •Computer Science �

Campus around Old Airport

�C��� ������ � ��

�,General Managemen���

Campus around Olympia

�C1 �� �� �� �'����� � �

•General Nursing �

Campus around Mekanisa

�C� ���� ���������� �<������ ��

,Printing Journalism •Broadcasting/Radio and Television Journalism �

Campus around Abune Petros

�C� �������-�<����� ������ ������������� � ��

,Business administration •Economics and Finance �

Campus around Paulos Hospital

�C������. )����� � ,�/ ��,���

•Business Management •Marketing Management

Awassa Campus


� �� ������� �<�� ������

�C4 ����? �� ������ � ��

•Law •English Language

Nazret Campus

Page 17: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


�C� / �& � ������ ��� ���������� � ��

•Computer Science and Information Technology •Business administration •Economics •Law •Global Studies and International Relations

Campus Around 22 Mazorya

C�����* �������� � ��� �9 ��� ���1������

•Dental Science •Pharmacy

Campus around Augusta

�C ����� ��� ���������� � �

•Software Development •Networking and Data Communication •Law

Piaza and Gerji campus

�C������. )����� � ,���������,���

•Accounting •Marketing Management •Management information Systems

Campus around Mexico

C� / �� ��� ���� ����� � ,� - �� ,���

•Business Management • Teaching Mathematics

Mekelle Campus

C@ ���� ������� ��� ���������� � ��

•Civil Engineering •Electrical and Computer Engineering •Architecture and Urban Planning�

Bole Campus /around Lalibela Hotel /

1��� ������� � � •Accounting •Law�

Campus around Wabishebele Hotel

1� ��<���� ����� �. ��� ������� � �

•Accounting •Management •Economics�

Mekelle Campus

� �

9 �1��<����� ������ ������������� � �

•Information systems/distance education/�

Campus around 22 Mazorya

Page 18: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


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�� � ������ �������� �

�9 � ���� ��� � �

������ �

�� ����� ���� ��������

������ ��

�4 � �-�


� �� ��9 ���� �<�� ������

�� / �������������� � �

•Accounting •Information Science •Computer Science •Economics •Marketing •Business administration

Campus around Kadisco


� �������% ��� ��* ����� �� ����������� � �

•Development Management •Economics •Business Management •Public�Administration and Development Management •Law •Accounting •Management

0ampus In Addis Ababa and Centers in branches �������


� ����� ������ � �A* ����� �� ������B��

•Accounting •Economics •General Management •Marketing Management •Educational Planning�and Management •English •Mathematics

0ampus In Addis Ababa and Centers in branches �������


� � ����� ��� ���������� � ,* ����� �� ������,��

•Accounting •Management •Marketing •Law •Economics •English

0ampus In Addis Ababa and Centers in branches ��������

Page 19: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������



� �1��� ������� � �,* ����� �� ������,��

•Amharic •English •Mathematics •History •Geography •Accounting •Management •Law •Marketing Management

�0ampus In Addis Ababa and Centers in branches ��������


� � ����� ��� ���������� � �

•Urban Planning and architecture

Campus around Semen Hotel


� �1��� ������� � �

•Computer Science

Campus around Mexico


� �� �� ����� � �

•Management •Economics

Mekelle Campus


� �> ������� � �

•Accounting •Marketing Management •Management information Systems •Business Management

Campus around Yohannes


� ��9 �. ��� ����� ���� �� ��� ������������� � �

•Computer Science •Computer engineering •Marketing •Management information Systems •Accounting

Gerji Campus


� �� ���������� � �

•Accounting •Marketing Management •Business administration and information Systems

Campus around Sarbet

�"�� � @ �)����� � � •Marketing •Management •Accounting

Campus around Kolfe

Page 20: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������



� ����������� � �

•Accounting •Management •Economics •Management Information Systems

Campus around commercial printing press


� �& �� �. ��� ������ ���� �� ��1�� �� ����� � �

•Management Information Systems •Computer Science

Campus around Sheraton


� � ����� ��� ���������� � ,� )� �,��

•Accounting •Management •Marketing

Campus in Nazret


� �� �����. ���� ��������� � �

•Nursing •Pharmacy •Laboratory Technology

22 Mazorya and Bole campuses


� �� ������ ��������� � �

•Nursing •Pharmacy

Shola and Bole campuses


� ����������� � �

�,Electrical/Electronics�•Accounting �

Campus around Misrak Atekalay


�4 ����? �� ������ � ,� )� ���� ��,�

•Sociology and Anthropology •Afanoromo •Educational Planning and Management •Mathematics

Nazret Campus


�4 �������� � ,� )� ���� ��,�

•Marketing Management •Business administration

Nazret Campus


���� ������ � ,* �� 8 ����� ���

•Accounting •Management •Marketing Management •Information Communication Technology •Mathematics

DebreZeit Campus

Page 21: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


Teaching •English Teaching

""�� �1� �������� ����� �. ��� ������� � ��

•Computer Science

Campus in Mekelle

"(�� �. � �� �� ����� � ��


Campus in Bahirdar

"+�� ��% ������� ����� � ��


Campus in Bahirdar

"0�� � �� �� ����� � �

•Accounting ,Mathematics��

Campus in Mekelle

"2�� � �@ ��� � * ��� ��������� � ��

,Nursing •Pharmacy �

Campus around 22 Mazorya

Page 22: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


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� ���� ��� ������� �������� �

� � ������ �������� �

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4 � �-�

��� �� ������� �

��� ������

8 ��. ��� ������� � �

,Applied� Computer Science �

Campus around Shesemanya

"�� � % �������� �� ��1�� �� ��� �� �������������� � �

•Computer Science

Piaza and Mickeyliland campuses

(�� � ��� ������ � ,������������ ����

•Accounting •Marketing Management •Information Communication Technology

Olympia Campus �

+�� � �� �������-�<����� ������ ������������� � �

•Computer and Software engineering •Accounting information System •Management information System

Campus around Paulos Hospital

0�� � �1��� ������� � D��

•Management •Marketing Management

Campus nearby Wabishebele Hotel

2�� � � ����� ��� ���������� � ,�����������

•Marketing Management

Gerji Campus �

3�� � 4 �������� � ,����������

•Marketing Management

Lanchia Campus �

5�� � 4 ����? �� ������ � �

•Accounting •Business Management

Nazret Campus �

6�� � ������. )����� � ��

•Economics •Management

Campus around Mexico �

Page 23: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


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�9 � ���� ��� � ������� �

�� ����� ���� �������������� ��

�4 � �-�

��� �� ������� ���� ������

9 �1��<����� �����1��� � ������ � A* ����� �� ������B��

�•Information System��

•Addis Ababa, Adama, Dessie, Mekelle, Axum, Awassa, JiJiga and, Harar branch centers

"�� � % ���� ��������� � ��

•Nursing •Medicine

Campus around Bole

(�� � & �� �. ��� ����� ���� �� ��1�� �� ����� � A* ����� �� ������B��

•Computerized Accounting •Computerized Marketing •Computer Science •Management information Systems

Campus around Sheraton Hotel

+�� � � / �& � ������ ��� ���������� � �

•Accounting •Business administration •History •Geography •Mathematics •Law �

Campus in Nekemt

0�� � ����� ��� ���������� � �

0���1������� ���� �� ��1�� �� �

•Accounting and Finance •Business Management •Marketing Management •Procurement and Supplies Management •Law •Economics •Computer Science •Business information System�

Campus around Beklobet

Page 24: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


0�"�� ��������������� ��� �� �� � ���

� � �

0�(�� �� �� �������•English •Amharic •Mathematics�•History�•Geography •Accounting and Finance •Business information System •Banking and Finance •Marketing and Salesmanship •Procurement and Supplies Management •Secretarial Science and Office Management �

2�� �� ��� & � '�� �� ����������� ���������� � �

•Educational Planning and Management

Campus in Kuyera

3�� �� ������� ���� ������

������������ � ����� ����� �

•Nursing •Pharmacy •Laboratory Technology

Campus around Torhailoch

5�� � ��-��% �������� � �

•Nursing •Pharmacy

Campus around Ras Desta Hospital

6�� � ��� ����� ��������� � �

•Nursing •Pharmacy

Campus around 22Mazorya

�7�� � ���������� � � •Building Technology •Architecture and Urban planning •Management information Systems •Marketing Management

Campus around 22Mazorya

Page 25: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


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��� �� ������� �

��� ������

� ����� ��� ���������� � �

•Accounting •Management •Marketing

From Feb.2005 to Feb.2008

Campus in Nazret

"�� � � ����� ��� ���������� � �

•Law •Software Development •Networking and Data Communication

From Feb.2005 to Feb.2008

Campuses around Gerji and Piaza

(�� � �������. )����� � �

•Accounting •Marketing Management •Management information Systems

From Feb.2005 to Feb.2008

Campus around Mexico

+�� � �� �������-�<����� ������ ������������� � ��

•Economics and Finance •Business administration

From Feb.2005 to Feb.2008

Campus around Paulos Hospital

0�� � �4 �������� � �

•Accounting •Law •Business administration

From Feb.2005 to Feb.2008

Campus around Lanchia

2�� � �1 �� �� �� �'����� � ��

•General Nursing

From Feb.2005 to Feb.2008

Campus around Mekanisa

3�� � �� / �� � ������ ��� ���������� � �

•Business administration •Computer Science •Global studies and international relation •Law

From Feb.2005 to Feb.2008

Campus around 22Mazoria

Page 26: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


5�� � 4 ����? �� ������ � �


From Feb.2005 to Feb.2008

Campus in Nazret

6�� � 1��� ������� � �

•Accounting •Law

From Feb.2005 to Feb.2008

Campus around Mexico

�7�� � ��� ������ � �


From Feb.2005 to Feb.2008

Campus around Olympia

���� � � / �� ��� ���� ����� � �

•Accounting •Economics

From Feb.2005 to Feb.2008

Campus in Mekelle

�"�� � * ���. ��� ��� ���������� � �

# ����$ �/&�' �%�� •Biology •Geography

Until the graduation of students admitted in 2002

Campus in Ambo

�(�� � * ���. ��� ��� ���������� � �

# ����$ �%&�' �% •Chemistry •Geography •Afanoromo

Until the graduation of students admitted in 2002

Campus in Shambu

�+�� � ���������� � �

# ����$ ����# ����������������%&�' �%� •�Auto Mechanics •Building Engineering •Electricity

Until the graduation of students admitted in 2002

Main center in Addis Ababa

Page 27: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

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9 � ���� ��� � ������� ��

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4 � �-��

��� � �� ������� �

��� �������

�������������� ����������� �. ��� ������� � �

�,Marketing Management •Economics •History �

Campus around Winget

"�� � ����� ��� ���������� � �

�B�1������� ���� �� ��1�� �� �•Accounting •Business Management •Marketing Management •procurement and

supplies Management •Law •Economics •Computer Science •Business information System . B� ��������� �� � ����� �������� � �B�� �� ��� ������ •English Language •Amharic Language •Mathematics Education •History •Geography •Accounting and Finance •Business information System •Banking Insurance System •Marketing and

Supplies Management •Procurement and Supplies Management •Secretarial Science and Management�

0ampus In Addis Ababa and Centers in branches ������

In distance Education

Page 28: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


(�� �� ��� & � '��

% �������D� ����������� � �

•Automotive Technology •Electrical/ Electronics Technology •Manufacturing Technology

Campus in Harar

+�� �� ������� �

��� ������

<�������-����� � � •Computer Science

Campus in Awassa

0�� � �������. )����� � �


Campus in Awassa

2�� � � �������-������� ������ ������������� � �

�,Software engineering • Accounting • Management Information

Systems �


3� � ��-��� ��������� � �

• Laboratory Technology • Nursing • Pharmacy

Campus in Bahirdar

5� � �������� � � • Management • Computer Science

Campus in Dire Dawa

6� � �������� ���������� � �

• Computer science • Computing and

information systems

Gerji campus

�7� � � �������-������� ������ ������������� � �

• Software engineering • Accounting • Management Information


Campus in DireDawa

��� � 4 ������� � � • Management • Computer science

Campus around Bambis

�"� � 8 ������ ������� � �

• Accounting and Finance • Business Management

Campus around Shesemanya

�(� � �� ���������� � �

• Management Information Systems

• Office management and technology systems

• Computer science

Campus around African union

�B4 ����• Geography/History minor • English/Amharic Minor • Maths/computer science


Campus around Lideta

�+� � 1��� ������� � �,� ������ ������� ,�

�. B* ����� �

• Cooperatives • Rural development • Educational planning and


Page 29: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


�0� ��

�� � ��� ��������� � �

• Laboratory technology • Nursing

Campus around Lamberet

�2� ��

�9 ����������� ����� ���������

• Architecture • Construction Management • Electrical Electronics

Campus in Mekelle

�3�� ��

�<���� ������� � �

• Computer Science • Management information Systems • Management • Economics

Campus around Sefereselam

�5�� ��

�� ������� �� ������ � �

•English •Amharic •Mathematics •Geography

Distance Education

�6�� �� ��� & � '���

�� -� � ���� �� � ����� �� � ���������� � ��

•General Management

Campus around Mekanisa

"7�� � �� ������� ���� �������

�@ �)������ � �


Atenatera Campus/Kolfe Keranio/

Page 30: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

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� � �������� ��� � �������� ��

; �������� ��������

�� ������ �������������� ��

�,Architecture and Urban Planning �

Until the end of 2007/08 academic year

Piaza Campus ��� �� ������� ���� �������

������ ��� ���������� � �

�•Marketing Management �

Until the graduation of students admitted in 2001/02 and 2002/03 academic year

Addis Ababa

"�� � � / ��������������� � ��

�,Computer Science •Information Science •Accounting •Business Administration •Marketing Management ��

Until the end of 2007/08 academic year

Addis Ababa

(�� ��

�* ���. ��� ��� ���������� � �

�,Civil Engineering )!�������# ����$ �+���

Until the graduation of students admitted in 2002

Addis Ababa

+�� � �� �� ����� � �

�•Accounting •Management •Economics ��

Until the graduation of students admitted in 2002

Mekelle Campus

0�� ��

�������. )����� � �

�,Business Management��

Until the end of 2007/08 academic year

Awassa Campus

2�� ��

�� / �� ��� ���� ����� � �

�,Mathematics�,Business Management


Until the end of 2007/08 academic year

Mekelle Campus

Page 31: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


3�� � �1��� ������� � �

�,Computer Science �

Until the end of 2007/08 academic year

Campus around Wabishebele

5�� � �� ����� ��� ���� ����)��������

�* � �� � ��� ���������� � �

!�������# ����$ �)&�' (+�,Dental Therapy��

Until the graduation of students admitted during 1999/2000 to 2001/02 and for those admitted at the beginning of 2002/03 academic year

Addis Ababa

6�� � �� ������� ���� ������

�1� �������� ����� ��. ��� ������� � �

�# ����$ ����# ���������������)&�' �+�•Accounting •Management ��

Until the graduation of students admitted in 2002

Mekelle Campus

�7�� ��

�* �� �% �������� � �

�# ����$ �)&�' �+�,Clinical Nursing��

Until the graduation of students admitted in 2002

Campus in DireDawa



� ����� ��� ���������� � ���

�"���# ����$ �)&�' �+�)# ���������������+�������•Accounting ,Business administration�,Secretarial Science ,Journalism •Personnel Management ,Marketing ,Law�,Banking and Finance�� �

For students registered until the beginning of 2003/04 academic year

�Campus In Addis Ababa and Centers in branches

Page 32: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

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���������� ���� ��� � �����������������* �� ,�� ������ ,������ �������� ����� �: �����"772A������ � ����� ��� ��� ����B�

� ����

� � ������ �������������

9 � ���� ��� � ������� ��

* � ������ ���� ���������

�� ���9 � D���� �������������� ��

4 � �-��


�1� ������ � �

• Secretarial Duties and office Management

• English Language • Nursing




@ ���� ��������� ��� ���������� � �

• Computer Science ��

17 /07/06

Campus around Temenjayashe


�;������-���� ������������� � �����* ����� �� �������

• Rural development • Agricultural Extension • Agricultural Economics • Agribusiness Development and

Management • Cooperatives ��

17 /07/06

Main Center in Addis Ababa

Distance education


� �����<����� ������� ������������� � �

• Information Technology 31/05/06 Campus around Beklobet


�� / �� � ������� ��� ���������� � �

• Management Information

Systems �

31/05/06 Campus around 22Mazoria

2� . � ��� ��������� � �

• Nursing • Laboratory Technology ��

24/05/06 Betel Campus (around Woirasefer)

3� �� ���������� � �

• Accounting �


Campus around African Union

5� <�� ��������� � ������<������ �

• Organizational Management

22/08/06 Campus around Nazret school


�* �� �� ������������ � ����� �� ��� �������

• Amharic • English • Physics • Mathematics • History • Chemistry • Biology • Geography • Health and Physical education�

16/12/98 Awassa

�7� � / �& � ����������� � �

• English Language • Afan Oromo�

25/08/06 Nekemt

Page 33: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


����������������������� ��� � ������ �� �,�� ������ ,������ ��������� ����� ��� �� �� ����"770,72��� � ���� ��

� ��� ��� ������ �������� ��

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* � ������� ��������

�� ������ �������������� ��

4 � �-��

�� � �� ����� � � • Accounting • Economics • Management


Mekelle Campus

Until the beginning of 2008/09 academic year

"� 1� ������ � �

• Computer Science • Accounting • Economics • Management


Mekelle Campus

Until the end of 2007

(� �@ ���� ������� ��� ���������� � �

• Civil Engineering • Electrical and

Computer Engineering

• Architecture and urban Planning

16/08/06 Addis Ababa Until the graduation of students admitted in the first round

+� ��� ������ � �

• Information Communication Technology

• Management • Marketing


16/08/06 DebreZeit Campus Until the end of 2007/08

0� 1��� ������� � �

# ����������������%!�����������%�&�' 8 �• Amharic • English • Mathematics • History • Geography • Accounting • Management • Law

19/05/06 Campus In Addis Ababa and Centers in branches

For those 744 students admitted from 2001/02 to the mid of 2002/03 academic year

2� � ���������� � �

• Business Administration�and Information Systems���

19/05/06 Campus around African Union

Until the end of 2007/08

Page 34: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������



� ����� ��� ���������� � �

• Accounting • Economics • Management • Management

Information Systems


Gerji Campus

Until the end of 2006/07

5� � ����������� ����������� � �

• Accounting • Business

Management • Community

Development and Leadership�

24/05/06 Shashemene Until the end of 2006/07

6� 8 ��. ��� ������� � �

• Accounting and Finance • Business

Management �

24/05/06 Campus Around Shesemanya

�7� ����� ��� ���������� � �

&�' ��%# ����������������# ����$ �%�• Accounting • Business

Administration • Secretarial Science • Journalism • Personnel

Management • Marketing • Law • Banking and

Finance ��

19/12/06 Campus In Addis Ababa and Centers in branches

For those students admitted until the beginning of 2003/04 academic year

��� � / �& � ������ ��� ���������� � �

# ������������$ %&�' 8 ��• Computer Science • Global Studies and

International relation • Business

Administration �

23/08/06 Campus in Addis Ababa

Until the graduation of 89 regular students admitted in 2002/03 academic year

Page 35: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

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List of Accredited institutions at the beginning of 2007 academic year NO TYPE OF




1 Under private Investors

Addis Ababa technology and business college

First degree -Accounting and Finance -Management

At the beginning of 1999 Academic year

Around Winget

2 Under private Investors

Atlas Dental College and Pharmacy School

First degree -Doctor of Dental Medicine

At the beginning of 1999 Academic year

Campus around Semen Mazegaja


Rift Valley College

First degree -Computer Science

At the beginning of 1999 Academic year

Adama Main campus


Top College

First degree -Management -Economics

At the beginning of 1999 Academic year

Dire Dawa Campus

5 Royal College

First degree -Office administration and technology Systems -Computer Science

At the beginning of 1999 Academic year

Campus Around Lancha


Unity University college

First degree -Mathematics (minor Economics or Computer Technology) -

At the middle of 1998 academic Year

Gerje Campus

Page 36: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

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Geography(minor History or Economics) -History(Minor Geography or Civics and Ethical Education)

7 Zega Business College

First degree -Economics -Law

At the beginning of 1999 Academic year

Campus around Arada Geiorgis


Blue Nile College

First degree -Business Management -Computer Science and Information technology

At the beginning of 1999 Academic year

Campus in Bahir Dar city


Blue Nile college

First degree -business management -computerized accounting -computer science and information technology

At the beginning of 1999 Academic year



Tech Zone Engineering and Business college

First degree -Construction Technology and Management -Computer Science and Information Technology

At the beginning of 1999 Academic year

Campus around Torhayloch

Page 37: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

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New millennium college

First degree (distance education) -Accounting -Management

At the beginning of 1997Academic year

12 Sheba College

First degree (distance education) -Mathematics -English -Economics -Accounting -Management

At the beginning of 1998 academic year


Africa health College

First degree -Nursing -Pharmacy

At the middle of 1999 academic Year

Campus around 22 Mazoria


Unity University College

Masters degree -Business Administration -Development Economics

At the middle of 1999academic Year

Gerje Campus

Page 38: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

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List of Accredited institutions at the beginning of 2007 academic year N O






1 Under Private investors

CPU business and computer Technology college

First degree -Management information systems -Accounting

fromSep.2004- Aug.2008

Gerje Campus

2 Mekelle institute of technology

First degree -Compute science Engineering -Information technology -Electronics and communication Engineering -Electrical and Electronics Engineering

From sep.2003---- aug.2008

Campus in Mekelle

3 Atlas Dental college and Pharmacy school

First degree -Dental science

Until the graduation of students enrolled at the beginning of 2003 academic year

Campus around Semen Mazegaja

4 Alpha University college

First degree (distance education) -Accounting -Management -Development Management -Economics -Business management -Public

From sep.2003--- Aug.2008

Page 39: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

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administration and development -law

5 Admass university college

First degree -Accounting -Teaching mathematics

From sep.2004-- Aug.2008

Debrezeit campus

6 Central health College

First degree -Pharmacy -Nursing

From feb2004— feb.2008

Bole campus

7 Hayat medical college

First degree -Medical Doctor

From feb2004— feb.2008

Campus around Bole

8 New Abyssinia College

First degree -Economics

From feb.2004--- Aug.2008

Campus around Nifas silk

Page 40: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

�������������� ������


List of Higher education institutes pre accredited as of September 2007 academic year for undergraduate degree program

No Institution


Program pre accredited Date of pre accreditation Campus/location

1 Rift Valley College

• Business Management As of September 2007 Gullele campus

2 New G Generation University College

• Accounting And Finance • Human Resource

Management And Leadership

As of September 2007 22 mazorya campus

3 Alkan Health Collage

• Medical Laboratory Technology

As of September 2007 Bahir Dar campus

4 Dynamic International University College

• Information Technology • Accounting • Economics • Law • Business Management

As of September 2007 Gurdshola campus

5 Selihom Health Science College

• Nursing As of September 2007 Wolaita sodo campus

6 Africa Health College

• Laboratory Technology As of July 2007 22 mazorya campus

7 New Millennium College

Distance Education • Economics

As of January 2007 Mekelle

8 Sheba Info Tech And Business College

• Management Information Systems

As of September 2007 Mekelle campus

9 New Millennium College

• Law As of September 2007 Mekelle campus

10 Mekaneyesus Management And

• Leadership And Development Studies

As of September 2007 Mekanisa campus

Page 41: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

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Leadership Institute

11 Harar Agro-Technical Training College

• Crop Production • Animal Production

As of may 2007 Harar campus

12 Unity University College

• Journalism & Communication (Print Media / Broad Casting)

As of September 2007 Gerji campus

13 Alpha University College

• Accounting & Finance • Law • Computer Science • Business Information

System • Economics • Procurement &

Supplies Management • Educational Planning &

Management • Marketing Management • Business Management

As of September 2006 Arat Kilo campus

14 Rift Valley College

• Nursing

As of September 2007 Nazreath campus

15 Lucy College • Law

As of September 2007 Dire Dawa campus

16 Africa Beza College

Distance Education • Accounting • Marketing Management • Law

As of September 2007 Nekemt campus

17 Rift Valley College

• Business Management • Accounting • Law

As of September 2007 Gotera Campus

Page 42: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

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List of Higher education institutes accredited as of September 2007 academic year for undergraduate degree programs

No Institution

Program Date of Accreditation

Campus( location)

1 Hayat Medical College

• Nursing From January 2005 to January 2009

Bole campus

2 Unity University College

Distance Education • Accounting • Management • Marketing • Law • Economics

From September 2004 to September 2008

3 Rift Valley College

• Sociology And Social Anthropology

From January 2005 to September 2009

Adama Campus

4 Admas College Distance Education • General Management • Accounting • Economics • Marketing Management

From September 2004 to September 2008

5 St. Mary’s College

Distance Education • Law • Accounting • Management • Marketing


From September 2004 to September 2008

6 CPU Business And Computer Technology College

• Computer Science From September 2005 to September 2009

Gerje campus

7 Unity University College

12+4 Degree Distance Education • Accounting • Management • Law • Economics • Statistics • English • Banking And Finance • Marketing

To graduate those 1489 students admitted in the academic year 2002/03

8 New Generation University College

• English • Business


From January 2005 to January 2009

Nekemt campus

Page 43: HERQA Accreditation List of College in English

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9 Alpha University College

• Economics From January 2005 to January 2009

Beklobet campus

10 Unity University College

Distance Education • English

From September 2005 to September of 2009

11 Micro Link Information Technology

• Management Information

Systems • Soft Ware


From September 2004 to September 2008

Mekelle campus

12 Unity University College

• Computer Science From September 2005 to September 2009

Gerji campus

13 Alkan Health College

• Nursing

From January 2005 to September 2009

Bahir Dar campus

14 Rift Valley College

• Afan Oromo From September 2004 to September 2008

Adama Campus

15 New Millennium College

Distance Education • Accounting • Management

From September 2004 to September 2008

16 Sheba InfoTech and Business College

Distance Education • Accounting • Management • Economics

From September 2005 to September 2009

17 Alpha University College

• Accounting And Finance

• Law • Computer Science • Business Information

System • Marketing

Management • Business


From January 2005 to January 2009

Arat kilo Campus

18 Ethiopian Adventist College

• Educational Planning And Management

From January 2005 to January 2009


To be continued