hermeneutics lesson 4 theological perspectives

4: Theological Perspectives Hermeneutics 1

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4: Theological PerspectivesHermeneutics 1

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Definition: The actions of God leading to the writing, preservation and collection of His Words to His people into the Bible.”

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16

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“Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:20-21

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The Extent of Inspiration

Revelation: Communication of Truth that cannot otherwise be discovered.

Inspiration: Has to do with the recording of Truth. Inspiration does not mean the approval of content, but the accuracy of its recording.

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The Extent of Inspiration

Verbal: The Holy Spirit directed men in their choice of subjects and words that the words employed are God’s own words in the style of the writer.

Plenary: The inspiration is without restriction. It is entire and full, so that all Scripture is equally inspired.

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Erroneous Theories of Inspiration

1. Natural Inspiration: Bible is inspired like other great books.

2. Illuminated Inspiration: Writers were guided concerning truths of God, as are Christians today. Inspiration is continual.

3. Conceptional: Only thoughts and concepts are inspired; words are not.

4. Partial: Only portions of Scripture are inspired.

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Erroneous Theories of Inspiration

5. Christological Point of View: Christ alone is the Word of God, not a book.

6. Mechanical Dictation: Writers were passive and became “typists” for the Holy Spirit.

7. Existential View: The Bible becomes the Word of God as it speaks to a person’s heart. Otherwise, it is a dead book.

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Types of Inspiration

1. Superintendence: Divine guidance is given in the narration of facts and the selection of those facts.

1) Gospel Writers: wrote about what they witnesses and used other resources.

2) Historical Writers: collected data from at least 14 resources.

3) Proverbs: Solomon wrote 3000 plus other writers

4) Psalms: David wrote over 70 plus other writers

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Types of Inspiration

2. Elevation: Sublime utterances of spiritual or moral truth.

Example: Psalms, Job, Some Epistles.

3. Suggestion: Thoughts and intents of a person’s heart are brought to focus.

“Because she thought, “If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed.” Mark 5:28

“for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose” Philippians 2:13

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Goal: Edification/Building Up

“All Scriptural Truth has one main purpose: to promote the spiritual prosperity of [people].” Bernard Ramm

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Theological Perspectives

The Clarity of Scripture

External Clarity + Internal Clarity = Clarity of Scripture

(Grammar, etc)(Illumination)

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Theological Perspectives

Revelation as Accommodated“The Bible is the Word of God given in the words of

men in history.” G.E. Ladd

Anthropomorphic: Description of God in human terms

(Man + form)

Ex: “The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma” Gen 8:21

“I will go down…” Gen 18:20-21

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Theological Perspectives

Revelation as Progressive

Progressive Revelation: Revelation and redemption move along a historical line.

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Theological Perspectives

Scripture interprets Scripture

The entire Scripture is the context and guide for the interpretation of any particular passage.

This principle is especially important in dealing with obscure passages.

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The Analogy of Faith

“The system of faith or doctrine found in the Bible.”

Individual passages must not be interpreted to contradict the total teaching.

“No one who lives in Him keeps on sinning.” 1 John 3:6