heritage management plan - waternsw

Rev Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved Remarks A 10/07/2014 Krissy Vajda Draft for Principal Review B 04/08/2014 Krissy Vajda State Water Draft addressing comments 1 01/09/2014 Peter Sheehan For Approval Chaffey Dam Safety Upgrade and Augmentation Heritage Management Plan Document No. JH/C680/11 Heritage Management Plan Page 1 of 18 John Holland

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Page 1: Heritage Management Plan - WaterNSW

Rev Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved Remarks

A 10/07/2014 Krissy Vajda Draft for Principal Review

B 04/08/2014 Krissy Vajda State Water Draft addressing comments

1 01/09/2014 Peter Sheehan For Approval

Chaffey Dam Safety Upgrade and Augmentation Heritage Management Plan Document No. JH/C680/11

Heritage Management Plan Page 1 of 18 John Holland

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Terms and Definitions

Term Definition

AMS Activity Method Statement

AS/NZS Australian Standard/New Zealand Standard

CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan

CoA Conditions of Approval

DPE NSW Planning and Environment

DPI Department of Primary Industries (now part of Industry and Investment NSW)

EIS Environmental Impact Statement

EM Environmental Manager (Project)

EMS Environmental Management System

ENM Excavated Natural Material

EPA NSW Environment Protection Authority

EPA Act Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.

EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conversation Act

EPL Environment Protection Licence

ERSED Control Erosion & Sediment Control

ESCP Erosion & Sediment Control Plan

ER Environmental Representative

HSC Health and Safety Committee

ITP Inspection and Test Plan

JH John Holland

JHG John Holland Group

LGA Local Government Area

NES National Environmental Significance

NPW Act National Parks and Wildlife Act

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Term Definition

NSW New South Wales

PM Project Manager

POEO Act Protection of the Environment Operations Act

SEP Site Environment Plan

SQE Safety, Quality and Environment

SQERM Safety Quality and Environment Risk Management

Project Approval Conditions of Approval (CoA), dated 27 February 2014

Project EIS Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Chaffey Dam Augmentation and Safety Upgrade prepared by Worley Parson, dated 07 December 2012

The Project Chaffey Dam Safety Upgrade and Augmentation

The Proponent State Water

TMP Traffic Management Plan

TRA Task Risk Assessment

VENM Virgin Excavated Natural Material

WRA Workplace Risk Assessment

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Table of Contents

Terms and Definitions .............................................................................................................. 2

1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Purpose and application ........................................................................................... 5

1.2 Background .............................................................................................................. 5

1.3 Cultural Heritage Objectives ..................................................................................... 5

1.4 Environmental Management Documentation ............................................................ 6

1.5 Review and Ongoing Development .......................................................................... 7

1.6 Consultation ............................................................................................................. 7

2. Legal and Other Requirements ...................................................................................... 7

2.1 Legislation ................................................................................................................ 7

3. Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................. 7

4. Existing Environment ..................................................................................................... 9

5. Aspects and Impacts .................................................................................................... 12

6. Management and Mitigation Measures ........................................................................ 12

6.1 Working near Heritage Items .................................................................................. 13

6.2 Unanticipated Discovery Protocol ........................................................................... 13

7. Training, Monitoring and Reporting ............................................................................. 13

7.1 Training .................................................................................................................. 13

7.2 Monitoring .............................................................................................................. 13

7.3 Reporting ............................................................................................................... 13

8. Non-Conformance and Corrective Action ................................................................... 14

9. Unanticipated Discovery Procedure ............................................................................ 15

10. Human Skeletal Remains Procedure ........................................................................... 16

Compliance Matrix ................................................................................................................. 17

List of Tables

Table 1 - Consultation ................................................................................................................ 7 Table 2 - Roles and Responsibilities........................................................................................... 7 Table 3 – Known Heritage Items ................................................................................................ 9 Table 4 – Aspects and Impacts ................................................................................................ 12 Table 5 – Mitigation Measures .................................................................................................. 12

List of Figures

Figure 1 – Environmental Management Documentation ............................................................. 6 Figure 2 – Aboriginal Heritage Items Impacted During Construction ......................................... 11

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1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose and application This Heritage Management Sub Plan is a key element of the overall Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for the Project.

John Holland recognises that effective cultural heritage management during construction activities on the Chaffey Dam Safety Upgrade and Augmentation is vital to the overall success of the Project. The purpose of the Heritage Management Sub Plan is to describe how John Holland will protect and manage heritage areas and during the design and delivery phase of the Project.

This plan has been developed to ensure the requirements of the Project Planning Approval, associated environmental documentation and contract requirements are satisfied to ensure the successfully delivery of the Chaffey Dam Safety Upgrade and Augmentation. The plan is applicable to the construction phase of the project.

1.2 Background This Heritage Plan has been developed based on the Environmental Impact Statement which takes into consideration a comprehensive assessment and analysis of both Aboriginal and European risks for the project and identifies methods to manage, mitigate or minimise the potential impacts.

Of the 41 Aboriginal heritage sites recorded within and surrounding the project site, 28 items will be impacted or potentially impacted. Of these sites, 23 will be inundated and 5 affected by road works close to the augmented FSL.

The existing Iron Footbridge is a reconstruction of components of the original bridge, retrieved from the riverbed after it was washed away by flood waters in 1984. In its current location within the existing Bowling Alley Point Recreation Area, the Iron Footbridge would be directly impacted through inundation of the reservoir to the new FSL.

Construction activities will not directly impact on the listed heritage items near Chaffey Dam, except the dam wall itself, although minor visual impacts to the Bowling Alley Point School and the Uniting Church may occur during works to realignment of the roads.

1.3 Cultural Heritage Objectives The following heritage objectives apply to the construction phase of the project

► Minimise or avoid impacts to all heritage listed items in the vicinity of the Project

► To guide construction in the vicinity of heritage items

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1.4 Environmental Management Documentation This plan forms a key element of the suite of environmental management documents that will be implemented for the project.

Figure 1 – Environmental Management Documentation

Environmental Assessment

Conditions of Approval

Relevant Legislation

Construction Environment Management Plan (DPE Approved)

Construction Environmental Management Sub Plans ► Biodiversity Management Plan (DPE Approved) ► Soil and Water Management Plan (DPE Approved) ► Dust and Air Quality Management Plan (DPE Approved) ► Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan (DPE Approved) ► Construction Traffic Management Plan (DPE Approved) ► Heritage Management Plan(DPE Approved) ► Recreational Use Management Plan(DPE Approved) ► Waste Management and Recycling Plan ► Dam Spill Management Plan (DPE Approved)

Environmental Management Procedures

► Unanticipated Discovery Procedure ► Humans Skeletal Remains Procedure

Environmental Management Documents and Records

► Compliance Tracking Program ► Unanticipated Discovery Records ► Workplace Risk Assessments ► Activity Method Statements ► Inspection and audits

Environmental Impact Statement

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1.5 Review and Ongoing Development The plan will be reviewed annually and/or under the following conditions –

► Significant change to the Scope of Works

► If required as a result of an audit or incident

► If State Water or the Environmental Representative formally requests the change

► If the Project Director determines that it is appropriate

1.6 Consultation The following stakeholders have been consulted in the preparation of this Heritage Management Plan –

Table 1 - Consultation Stakeholder Method / Dates

OEH Review of DRAFT Management Plan 06/08/2014

Aboriginal Stakeholders Review of DRAFT Management Plan 26/08/2014

2. Legal and Other Requirements 2.1 Legislation The following is relevant legislation applicable to the management of cultural heritage:

► Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

► National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW)

► Protection of the Environment and Operations Act 1997

► Heritage Act 1977 (NSW)

3. Roles and Responsibilities All John Holland personnel and subcontractors have a role in ensuring that the strategies and procedures set out in this plan are implemented. Key roles and responsibilities have been outlined below –

Table 2 - Roles and Responsibilities

Role Responsibilities

Project Manager

► Managing the delivery of the project including overseeing the implementation of heritage control measures

Environment Manager

► Providing assistance and advice to all Project personnel to fulfil the requirements of this Plan

► Ensuring appropriate training and awareness programs are developed and implemented

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Role Responsibilities

► Liaising with relevant authorities and organisations as necessary

Senior Project Engineer

► Liaising with the Environmental Manager (EM) to ensure appropriate corrective and preventative actions are developed and implemented in accordance with this Plan whilst maintaining constructability

Superintendent and


► Ensuring personnel are fully briefed on the relevant heritage items and management requirements prior to work commencing

► Managing and / or minimising impacts on heritage sensitive areas as a result of construction activities

► In the event of identified potential or actual breaches, implementing appropriate corrective or preventative actions to fulfil the requirements of this Plan.

Project and Site


► Ensuring that appropriate management measures are implemented and maintained on site

► Developing Activity Method Statements and Task Risk Assessments consultation with the EM

Construction Personnel

► Responsible for following mitigation measures listed in the Activity Method Statements (AMS) when undertaking site work;

► Informing the supervisor of any heritage issues as they arise

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4. Existing Environment Identified heritage items to be considered during construction activities are detailed below and shown in Figure 2 –

Table 3 – Known Heritage Items Identified Heritage to be Considered During Construction Activities

Heritage Item Description Heritage Register Degree of Impact during

Construction Other Notes

Chaffey Dam State Water plans to reinstate Chaffey Dam on its s170 Heritage & Conservation Register

State Water s170 Heritage & Conservation Register

Minor (temporary visual and construction impacts)


World War 1 Monument Local significance, located within the project site.

- To be relocated above FSL None

Iron Footbridge Local significance, located within the project site.

Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010 (Schedule 5) Item No. I101

None –

To be dismantle, transport and re-erected with its associated plaque to a suitable location above the new FSL, but within the vicinity of the present location (Refer to Section 7 below)

Within DP 755324 Recreation Reserve Chaffey Dam (Bowling Alley Point Recreation Area)

Bowling Alley Point Cemetery Local significance, located near the vicinity of the project site.

Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010 (Schedule 5) Item No. I099

None Lot 7013, DP 96292 Andersons Flat

Bowling Alley Point School Local significance, located near the vicinity of the project site.

Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010 (Schedule 5) Item No. I100

Minor (temporary visual impacts) Lot 56, DP 755324 Bowling Alley Point

Uniting Church Local significance, located near the vicinity of the project site.

Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010 (Schedule 5) Item No. I102

Minor (temporary visual impacts) Lot 41, DP 755324 River Road

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Bowling Alley Point Geological Site Local significance, located near the vicinity of the project site.

Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010 (Schedule 5) Item No. I103

None Lot 282, DP 755324 River Road

Identified Aboriginal Heritage to be Considered During Construction Activities

Heritage Item Description Degree of Impact during Construction Other Notes

CDIF1 Isolated find Within work area - Tamworth-Nundle Rd realignment, directly impacted

Potential destruction of whole or part of site

CDIF3 Isolated find In the vicinity, not impacted n/a

CDIF13 Isolated find and PAD In the vicinity, impact due to inundation Potential destruction of whole or part of site

CDAS1 Artefact Scatter In the vicinity, impact due to inundation Potential destruction of whole or part of site

CDAS2 Artefact Scatter In the vicinity, not impacted n/a

CDAS3 Artefact Scatter In the vicinity, not impacted n/a

CDAS9 Artefact Scatter & PAD In the vicinity, potential impact due to inundation Potential destruction of whole or part of site

CDAS12 Artefact Scatter & PAD In the vicinity, impact due to inundation Potential destruction of whole or part of site

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Red - Impacted sites Green - Not impacted

Figure 2 – Aboriginal Heritage Items Impacted During Construction

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5. Aspects and Impacts The key aspects and potential impacts associated with the project are listed below –

Table 4 – Aspects and Impacts Aspect Potential Impact

► Modification to design and/or construction methodology

Changes to the construction footprint resulting in impacts to areas not previously assessed to be affected

► Known Heritage Items Permanent disturbance/destruction or temporary alteration to identified items

► Known Heritage areas Permanent or temporary alteration to the curtilage of heritage setting of an identified area

► Unexpected Finds Disturbance or destruction of previously undiscovered historic or Aboriginal items, which may require additional archival recording

6. Management and Mitigation Measures The following heritage mitigation measures are to be implemented throughout the construction period to reduce and control potential construction impacts. These measures minimise potential for disturbance at heritage sites and aim to prevent impact to heritage items.

Table 5 – Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measure Project Phase Known Aboriginal heritage sites adjacent to construction footprints will be fenced off during all construction works. Unauthorised access to these areas by personnel and equipment will be prohibited. Construction

State Water will ensure comprehensive mapping and recording of the parts of European heritage sites within construction footprint and or the new FSL will be carried out prior to these impacts occurring. Pre-construction

Fencing (star pickets connected with high visibility flagging, or similar) of the Works Area boundary will be implemented during works in the vicinity of European heritage sites. Construction

An Unanticipated Discovery Protocol will be implemented where any suspected Aboriginal objects or suspected human remains are uncovered during construction. Construction

In the case that a previously unidentified potential heritage object is uncovered during construction, the following will be implemented: measures will be implemented to avoid disturbance to the object, until an appropriate management strategy is implemented.

1. All works must halt in the immediate area of the object(s) and any further disturbance to the area of the object(s) prevented

2. The discoverer of the object(s) will notify machinery operators in the immediate vicinity of the object(s) so that work can be halted

3. The object(s) will be reported to the site supervisor and the Principal/Project Manager 4. The approximate extent, nature, associated archaeological potential and likely significance of the

object(s) will be determined by an appropriately qualified person or persons (such as the project archaeologist)

5. An appropriate management strategy for recording and preservation of the object (if warranted) will developed, along with a strategy to return to work as far as possible.


Where suspected human remains are uncovered, an Unanticipated Discovery Protocol will be implemented. Construction

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6.1 Working near Heritage Items ► Specific Site Environmental Plans (SEPs) will be developed for any activities that

need to occur within a heritage buffer zone, showing access routes, modified fences, control measures and proposed work areas. SEPs to be included as part of TRA documentation.

► Subcontractors will be made explicitly aware of the nature of the works and potential impacts via pre-starts at the start of activity

► Storage of materials outside of buffer area and only brought in when ready to install.

► No storage of waste materials in buffer zone

► On completion of works, all tools, equipment and materials to be removed from buffer zone

► On completion, protection fencing to be re-established.

6.2 Unanticipated Discovery Protocol In the event that an unexpected heritage item is encountered during construction the unanticipated discovery procedure will be followed.

► Appendix 1 details the Unanticipated Discovery flowchart

► Appendix 2 details the Human Skeletal Remains Find Procedure Flow Chart

John Holland acknowledges that in the event that Aboriginal material is identified and collected, it may be appropriate for such material to be retained, interpreted and displayed on site. Further consultation with Aboriginal stakeholders and the appropriate regulators will be undertaken to determine the appropriate management of such material.

7. Training, Monitoring and Reporting 7.1 Training Relevant personnel will receive training appropriate for their role in cultural heritage management. Ongoing toolbox talks on the requirements from management of heritage items will raise awareness to the wider project team.

7.2 Monitoring ► Minimum weekly inspection of onsite heritage management controls as part of the

EM or delegates environment inspections

► Daily visual inspections by Site Supervisors during works within or close to heritage listed areas

7.3 Reporting Reporting on heritage issues will be in accordance with CEMP Section 5.5 and the construction contract

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8. Non-Conformance and Corrective Action Procedures for Non-Conformance and Corrective Actions are addressed in the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), Section 5.

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9. Unanticipated Discovery Procedure

JH Actions Consultation/Approval Process

Potential heritage item or site identified

Stop work within area of the find, protect the site (fence if necessary). Notify and stop machinery

operators in the immediate vicinity

Notify Superintendent and Environment Manager

Notify State Water

Heritage Consultant to record find, conduct assessment of heritage

significance, determine management options

Is destruction or removal of the find the only available option?

Consult with State Water, Heritage Consultant, OEH, NSW Heritage Branch, And/Or Aboriginal Representatives as relevant, to determine the

most appropriate method of removal allowing for reasonable documentation / study.

Define works to protect the find

Heritage Consultant / completes the reporting

Works planned in accordance with best practice, management actions and approval


Upon written agreement from Heritage Council and/or the OEH to recommence works, construction works will resume



Archaeological / protective works are documented and reported to

relevant stakeholders

Report Submitted to OEH, State Water, Aboriginal

Representatives, and/or the Heritage Branch as required.

Project archaeologist will be engaged by State Water and arrange consultation with the Agency - OEH and registered Aboriginal stakeholders and/or NSW Heritage Branch for Non-Aboriginal Historical items.

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10. Human Skeletal Remains Procedure

JH Actions Consultation/Approval Process

Potential human skeletal remains located

Stop work within area of the find, protect the site (fence if necessary)

Notify Superintendent / Environment Manager

Notify State Water and NSW Police

Police to conduct assessment of remains and then management options determined. Note that the Heritage Council and/or the OEH may need to

be notified if remains are a ‘relic’ as defined in the Heritage Act

Is destruction or removal of the find the only available option?

Consult with the State Water, Heritage Consultant, OEH, NSW Heritage Branch (DoPI),

Aboriginal Representatives (State Water Resp.) as relevant, to determine the most appropriate method of removal allowing for reasonable

documentation / study.

Define works to protect the find

Heritage Consultant completes the reporting

Works planned in accordance with best practice, management actions and approval


Upon written agreement from Heritage Council and/or the OEH to recommence works, construction works will resume



Archaeological / protective works are documented and reported to

relevant stakeholders

Report Submitted to OEH, State Water, Aboriginal

Representatives, and/or the Heritage Branch as required.

State Water to engage heritage consultant to carryout assessments (as required)

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Compliance Matrix

No. SSI-5039 Infrastructure Approval Condition / Commitment

Implementation Stage Pre-

Construction (P),

Construction (C), Operation


Implementation Plan Document Reference OR Documents to be Produced Responsibility


C2 e)

The Proponent shall ensure that the following specific requirements are considered in developing the sub-plans or procedures identified in condition C1, further to any guidelines contained within the Guideline for the Preparation of Environmental Management Plans (Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Natural Resources 2004): e) Heritage, developed in consultation with the OEH and registered Aboriginal stakeholders (for Aboriginal heritage) prior to any archaeological or salvage works commencing and detailing actions to manage identified Aboriginal objects and historic heritage items directly and indirectly impacted by construction, including but not limited to:

P C Incorporate requirements of condition into Heritage Management Plan

Heritage Management Plan (This Plan)


(i) procedures for dealing with previously unidentified Aboriginal objects (excluding human remains) including cessation of works, assessment of significance and determination of appropriate management measures, including involvement of a suitable qualified archaeologist and consultation with the Agency, OEH and registered Aboriginal stakeholders, actions required to enable construction to recommence and registering any new site(s) in the OEH’s Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS) register;

C Incorporate requirements of condition into Heritage Management Plan

Section 6.2 – Unanticipated Finds Procedure, Appendix 1 JH

(ii) procedures for dealing with human remains, including cessation of works in the vicinity of the remains and notification of relevant stakeholders, including NSW Police and where relevant, OEH;

C Incorporate requirements of condition into Heritage Management Plan

Section 6.2 – Unanticipated Finds Procedure, Appendix 2 JH

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No. SSI-5039 Infrastructure Approval Condition / Commitment

Implementation Stage Pre-

Construction (P),

Construction (C), Operation


Implementation Plan Document Reference OR Documents to be Produced Responsibility

(iii) procedures for monitoring and reporting effectiveness of management measures, including reporting of non-compliance and rectification;

C Incorporate requirements of condition into Heritage Management Plan

Section 8 – Non-Conformance and Corrective Action JH

(iv) mechanisms for the monitoring, review and amendment of this plan developed in consultation with the OEH and registered Aboriginal stakeholders (for Aboriginal heritage); and

C Incorporate requirements of condition into Heritage Management Plan

Section 1.5 – Review and Ongoing Development Section 1.6 - Consultation


(v) a procedure for consultation with OEH and the registered Aboriginal stakeholders for the management of identified sites, potential archaeological deposits and potential archaeological sensitive areas for the duration of the project.

C Incorporate requirements of condition into Heritage Management Plan

Heritage Management Plan (This Plan) JH

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