herald (1888-present)/1991-2000... ·...

G.r '1' . "'H' .' ····E· .•.. .... , ';r" "'; .' ..• '" .. 'rI' . _ ': ':' -,', ' : :, ... ,:.{ '" ,',', ....'... '.' .•...' ,.' ..',•. ' •.•.......•.••.':,' ' .... . ",_.. .. '.' ": :" .':"' ..••.. ;,: .., ••,<,•.••.••.. ;..., ".".: '.: .•. ; .•.. '....... ..•.. '.' . '........ ...- '0 ;, -' - - : ",:' :, "'. 'J - ,,'-: ":', ", - " ' " " " '-, c,':! ',' ' • ' :' , ' ,, __ , ", ' ., , " " , ' ',' ", ':. " . "" " ," " - ,: ,: ,',. - ,'" ,',"':;" , , , -:: ',< ,,,,.' ',,, ",' , , ,-";,,,<,-: ;:" , '..... they're tough. We were concerned with hurting them but not· to the extent that it would . hurt the study work we were doing." As a student at the University of Nebraska-Kearney, Pedersen is studying wildlife biology. He said once he finishes his undergraduate work he will go .on and earn his degree. He said he hopes eventually to work with bears or. other large predators 'and study ecosystems. "I've always enjoyed 'the out· doors and hunting andflshing: the 1988 WH$ gr,duate said, "Through-Boy SCllUts,. gained an appreci.tion for the outdoOrs anet: for wildlif,:. J'd like to. do what 'I can to keep. that around for future generations,." By Mark Crist Managing Editor EDITOR'S NOTE: This ;5 the final artide in a three part series about li- censing of home. deW care providers. While there may be a few day care homes whose operators don't know that they need to be li- censed, it is the law. Under the gUidelines of the Nebraska Rules for Family Day Care, licensing is required when care is provided to four or more children age 11 or younger from different families for compensation either direct or indirect. That's why Deb Arickxof Wayne has decided to license the child day care operation she runs out of her home. Until recently, Arickx didn't need to license her home because she cared for fewer than four chil- dren. Just recently, as the demand for day care services in Wayne have increased, Arickx needs to become licensed. JULIE MASH, who chaired. the START committee and wrote the grant application, said much of the credit goes ,to the Wayne Child Day Care Board. She said she was more than happy to help them by writing up the grant. She added that it's nice to see all the work done by the Wayne START com· mittee payoff in such a big way. "I am sure it wouldn't have hap- pened if we hadn't done the START program: Mash said. "That got people working together on issues important to the community. It was a matter of getting the right people working together on a problem, That's what START did: It got us working together." Wayne officials said they antici- pate receiving the CDBG money sometime in the middle of November. The project will go out for bids to businesses interested in constructing it. New law enforces licensing "I'LL SOON have more children than I should have" to be a non-li- censed operator, Arickx said. "I started the licensing process once before but because of the paper- work, I decided I didn't want to li- cense since I didn't have more See LICENSING, page 3 JOEl PEDERSEN KNEElS BY one of the bean he helped to trap durIng hIs summer InternshIp, Once trapped, the anImals were analyzed for statIstIcal purposes, AFTER THE bears were drugged, the study team would conect visual data on the animal's condition. Females would be checked for their ovulating cycles and birth historY. Blood samples were also taken and the bears were vaccinated. In addition,a member of the study team would pull the first pre-molar, which would. then be used to determine the animal's age. . . "At first I was worried I'd hurt them ,or they'd hurt me," he said. 'But after a while, you, learn that, a summer adventure were printed inside the mouth and along the groin inside one of the back legs. "We were careful to stay out of their reach if they charged us," Pedersen said. "There were never any close calls." members include: Temme, Janet Dyer, Nancy Heithold, Leslie Hausmann, Diane Ehrhardt, Bonna , Barner, Mary Kranz and Rev. John Mitchell. Wayne Mayor Bob Carhart, who attended the meeting in lincoln along with City Administrator Joe Salitros, said the project means a great deal to the Wayne commu- nity. "The main thing it means is that families with youngsters who need attendance during the day will be able to find appropriate care: he said. "This will ease the concerns of parents in the community. It will mean addi.tional growth, The beauty of this is that it will be an- other home grown building." Carhart said the research done by START officials and the Wayne Child Day Care Board has paid off. He said without the data, the grant may not have been possible. Internship THE STUDY Pedersen 'assisted with was the trapping of black bears in the park for population dynamics studies. The study, which is in its 23rd year, involved radio-collaring females to see which ones produce cubs and to study their health. During the study, Pedersen and VanManen ran trap lines for 14 nights. The, lines varied in length from five to 15 miles and the traps were set. off regularly hiked trails. Since the trapswere secluded, the baited snares were checked daily to ensure the well, being of any bears they caught. Once the bears were discov- ered, .they were drugged so the team could approach them. Once drugged, jelly was placed in their !!yes and they wereba"d-aided. Any' be.ars that had . not been captured before had: ear tags placed in each ear and tattoos Joel Pedersen's college paper he writes from his summer intern- ship may not have any real exciting details about close encounters with black bears but it should have some fascinating information about his experience. Over the summer, Pedersen, son of Randy and Rozan Pedersen of Wayne, conducted an internship in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park in Tennessee. As an intern, he assisted Frank VanManen, a doctorate student at the Univer- sity of Tennessee, who was studying the black bear. "Each bear we caught was ex- citing because each one was dif- ferent," Pedersen said. "... It was a real application of everything I've learned in college. It was nice to put my knowledge to practical use rather than let it stagnate over the summer." WAYNE CHILD Day Care Co- chairperson Carolee Stuberg ,said news of the grant being awarded for the-Wayne project made jubi- lant. "We're excited about getting the money and putting the day care center all together," Stuberg said. "It will be a definite asset to the community." Stuberg, along with eight other members of the board have worked hard on the project. Other be approximately 3,700 square feet The size of the lot the facility would be built upon would be ap- proximately 15,000 feet. If everY- thing goes as planned, the new fa- cility could be located southeast of Pizza Hut, along east Sixth Street. "If at all possible, we will be breaking ground this fall: Temme said. UNDER THE stipulations of the law, itis 'anactrequiringparental notification if an unemancipated pregnant woman under. 18 years of SlMl LAW, page 3 WHILE EACH school will have to deal with the matter, each su- perintendent said their respective schools will handle the bill differ- ently. In Winside, Leighton said the schools will likely send a newsletter to parents informing them that the school is reqUired to proVide stu- dents with this handout, while ex- plaining the procedures the school will follow. He said most likely, a guidance counselor or nurse will discuss options with students should the issue ever come up. Warner said the Allen schools will most likely hold a school as- sembly, where students will be given the He said if the matter comes up, it will be di- rected to the school nurse or counselor. Dr. Haun said the Wayne schools will give the. information to the students as soon as the ad- ministration receives the directive from the state. He said then it will be in the counselors or nurses hands. . "It's a generic type-of handout," Haun said. "We won'.t teach it or get involved in it. If it gets to the poi nt down the' road that we will be required to teach it, then we will have to have soml! sort of in- service. II ' Leighton's comments echo Haun's. He said, flies a law and we're going to have to do it. ... I'm not in agreement that we are the ones who should have to (issue the handout), however." lease of funds, we· will buy the property and go through the bUilding process and get moving on' it." THE PROJECT is expected to cost $250,000. The CDBG money will cover 66 percent of the con- struction and acquisition costs. The new center will house as many as 60 children, which will relieve what many have referred to as burdened home day cares. According to statistics, there are 25 licensed day care providers and an estimated 10 unlicensed providers in Wayne, who each legally care for eight children at a time. With 405 children in need of the service, it is estimated that there are 125 children in need of day care services. According to the blueprints of the bUilding, the main floor would GROUPS ON both sides of the abortion issue have also raised complaints about the abortion law passed by the Nebraska Legisla- ture this year. Religious groups and school associations have also spo- ken out. against LB 425, and local sch091 administrators disagree with the way the bill has been handled. "The intent may be noble but the results will disastrous: Warner' said. .... If the parents complain about this, we'll tell them it's the state's directive. I'm going to pass the buck on this one. This is what the legislators did, not ,us." Dr. Haun said he doesn't feel the abortion issue shou'ld .be in the handsof the schools. "I don't feel, this· is something the public schools should be forced to do: he said. "We'll keep the procedure simple and .do the minimUm th.e 'Iaw" requires us. to do.' By Mark Crist Managing Editor Students in the Wayne, Winside, Wakefield and Allen schools may find something new added to the list of handouts the schools give this year, only school officials are upset that they're required to do it. That's the general consensus of three administrators who spoke to The Wayne Herald about LB 425, the parental notification bill deal- lIig with abortions. Superintendents Dr. Frances Haun of Wayne, Don Leighton of Winside and John Warner of Allen, said they plan to keep the parental notification abortion issue as low key as possible. Superintendent Derwin Hartman of Wakefield could not be reached for comment. Notification law frustrates officials Tribute to Fitness Trail supporters WAYNE BUSINESSPEOPLE WERE HONORED FrIday durIng the Wayne Area Chamber of Commerce weekly coffee as Wayne State College officials dedIcated the fitness trail. PIctured are (from left) SId HIllier, Norma Lee Stoltenberg, Dale Stoltenberg, JIm LIndau, Joe Salltros, Pat Gross, Sam Schroeder, Marcille Thomas, Terry Hansen and Anne Barclay. The start of the trail Is located east of the WSC tennIs courts. Wayne is among 38 communi- ties in Nebraska which will receive a share of $6,5 million in Community Development ,Block'Grants, it was announced at a press conference held by Gov. Ben Nelson in lincoln Thursday. , 'The recipients of the funds will use them to help communities better themselves, which in tUrn creates a better Nebraska for all of us," Nelson said. "By building strong communities, we can help ensure a brighter future for all Nebraskans." Wayne will receive $165,300 for the acquisition and construction of a child day care center. The project has been in the works since the release of START findings in 1990. "We're all ready to go," said Mary Temme, co-chairperson of the Wayne Child Day Care Board, "We're more than eager to get started. As soon as we can get re- Wayne gets CDBG fu·nds Comments sought WAYNE - Farmers and others interested in corn, sorghum, oats and barley are, invited to submit recommen- dations to the agriculture department on the percent of acreage reduction for the 1991 Feed Grain Program. Cou nty ASCS official Teresa Post says feed grain comments must be received in Washington, D.C. by Aug. 28 to be considered. Post says farmers call help determine next year's feed grain program by submitting comments on whether the corn acreage reduction per- centage should be 5, 7.5, 10 or 12.5; and whether the grain sorghum and barley percentage reduction should be zero, 5, 7.5 or some other percent. Instructions for m'ailing comments may be obtained' at the Wayne County ASCS office. 111' Abner WAYNE - Two more shOWings of the Wayne Community Theatre produc- tion of lil' Abner are on tap this weekend with perfor- mances Friday, Aug. 23 at 8 , p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 25 at 2' p,m. are at Wayne High School. Tickets for the show may be purchased at the door or at Sav-Mor Pharmacy, State National Bank or First Na- tional Bank. Tickets -are $4 for school-age children and senior citizens and $6 for adults. Ke"ey visit WAYNE - Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey will hold a town hall meeting in Wayne Aug. 28 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Ramsey Theatre on the Wayne State College cam· pus. The topic of Kerrey's visit will be the cris·ls in American health care. Band rehearsal WAYNE' - The Wayne High School band will prac- tice tomorrow (Tuesday) from 7:30 to 9 p.m. The re- hearsals will be held in the WHS band room. Weather "'" Nof ...... ,. IlllitR Extended Weather' Monday tbrpugh' Wednesday; dry and mild; highs, 80 to 85; lows,mid-5Os to.low-60s. Open house CARROLL - TWI Feeds and Farms will hold an open house Aug. 22-23 at the feed mill location in Carroll. Beginning at 3 p.m. Aug. 22, supply representatives will be on hand to discuss equipment, drugs, feed. and other items of interest. Fol- lowing at 6 p.m. will be a free brat feed. On Friday, Aug. 23, TWJ will sponsor the Wayne Area Chamber of Commerce Cof- fee at 10 a.m. with coffee and crepes. '" All events are open to the public and d09r prizes will be given. School starts WINSIDE Winside ",SC!J09lswili resume Monday, "Aug. 26. at 8:30 a.m. Dis- missal time for the 1991-92 school year will be 3:35 p.m. Registration for new stu- dents to the district will be from 1-3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 20. Grades 9-12 who need to change their sched, ules from the spring pre-reg- istration need to be in attendance at this time. Elementary students may enroll at this time also.. The Missing Child Law re- quires every new entrant to the school to have a certified copy of their birth certificate upon enrollment. Anyone needing more information can call high school Principal Ron Leapley at 286-4465 or Superintendent Don Leighton at 286-4466.

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Page 1: Herald (1888-Present)/1991-2000... · the 1988 WH$ gr,duate said, ... Wayne will receive $165,300 for the acquisition and


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they're tough. We wereconcerned with hurting them butnot· to the extent that it would

. hurt the study work we weredoing." ~

As a student at the Universityof Nebraska-Kearney, Pedersen isstudying wildlife biology. He saidonce he finishes hisundergraduate work he will go .onand earn his maste~s degree. Hesaid he hopes eventually to workwith bears or. other largepredators 'and study ecosystems.

"I've always enjoyed 'the out·doors and hunting andflshing:the 1988 WH$ gr,duate said,"Through-Boy SCllUts,. gained anappreci.tion for the outdoOrs anet:for wildlif,:. J'd like to. do what 'Ican to keep. that around forfuture generations,."

By Mark CristManaging Editor

EDITOR'S NOTE: This ;5 the finalartide in a three part series about li­censing of home. deW care providers.

While there may be a few daycare homes whose operators don'tknow tha t they need to be li­censed, it is the law.

Under the gUidelines of theNebraska Rules for Family DayCare, licensing is required whencare is provided to four or morechildren age 11 or younger fromdifferent families for compensationeither direct or indirect.

That's why Deb Arickxof Waynehas decided to license the childday care operation she runs out ofher home.

Until recently, Arickx didn'tneed to license her home becauseshe cared for fewer than four chil­dren. Just recently, as the demandfor day care services in Waynehave increased, Arickx needs tobecome licensed.

JULIE MASH, who chaired. theSTART committee and wrote thegrant application, said much of thecredit goes ,to the Wayne ChildDay Care Board. She said she wasmore than happy to help them bywriting up the grant. She addedthat it's nice to see all the workdone by the Wayne START com·mittee payoff in such a big way.

"I am sure it wouldn't have hap­pened if we hadn't done the STARTprogram: Mash said. "That gotpeople working together on issuesimportant to the community. It wasa matter of getting the rightpeople working together on aproblem, That's what START did: Itgot us working together."

Wayne officials said they antici­pate receiving the CDBG moneysometime in the middle ofNovember. The project will go outfor bids to businesses interested inconstructing it.

New lawenforceslicensing

"I'LL SOON have more childrenthan I should have" to be a non-li­censed operator, Arickx said. "Istarted the licensing process oncebefore but because of the paper­work, I decided I didn't want to li­cense since I didn't have more

See LICENSING, page 3

JOEl PEDERSEN KNEElS BY one of the bean he helpedto trap durIng hIs summer InternshIp, Once trapped,the anImals were analyzed for statIstIcal purposes,

AFTER THE bears weredrugged, the study team wouldconect visual data on the animal'scondition. Females would bechecked for their ovulating cyclesand birth historY. Blood sampleswere also taken and the bearswere vaccinated. In addition,amember of the study team wouldpull the first pre-molar, whichwould. then be used to determinethe animal's age. . .

"At first I was worried I'd hurtthem ,or they'd hurt me," he said.'But after a while, you, learn that,

a summer adventure

were printed inside the mouthand along the groin inside one ofthe back legs.

"We were careful to stay outof their reach if they charged us,"Pedersen said. "There were neverany close calls."

members include: Temme, JanetDyer, Nancy Heithold, LeslieHausmann, Diane Ehrhardt, Bonna ,Barner, Mary Kranz and Rev. JohnMitchell.

Wayne Mayor Bob Carhart, whoattended the meeting in lincolnalong with City Administrator JoeSalitros, said the project means agreat deal to the Wayne commu­nity.

"The main thing it means is thatfamilies with youngsters who needattendance during the day will beable to find appropriate care: hesaid. "This will ease the concerns ofparents in the community. It willmean addi.tional growth, Thebeauty of this is that it will be an­other home grown building."

Carhart said the research doneby START officials and the WayneChild Day Care Board has paid off.He said without the data, the grantmay not have been possible.


THE STUDY Pedersen 'assistedwith was the trapping of blackbears in the park for populationdynamics studies. The study,which is in its 23rd year, involvedradio-collaring females to seewhich ones produce cubs and tostudy their health.

During the study, Pedersenand VanManen ran trap lines for14 nights. The, lines varied inlength from five to 15 miles andthe traps were set. off regularlyhiked trails. Since the trapsweresecluded, the baited snares werechecked daily to ensure the well,being of any bears they caug ht.

Once the bears were discov­ered, .they were drugged so theteam could approach them. Oncedrugged, jelly was placed in their!!yes and they wereba"d-aided.Any' be.ars that had .not beencaptured before had: ear tagsplaced in each ear and tattoos

Joel Pedersen's college paperhe writes from his summer intern­ship may not have any realexciting details about closeencounters with black bears but itshould have some fascinatinginformation about his experience.

Over the summer, Pedersen,son of Randy and Rozan Pedersenof Wayne, conducted aninternship in the Great SmokyMountain National Park inTennessee. As an intern, heassisted Frank VanManen, adoctorate student at the Univer­sity of Tennessee, who wasstudying the black bear.

"Each bear we caught was ex­citing because each one was dif­ferent," Pedersen said. "... It was areal application of everything I'velearned in college. It was nice toput my knowledge to practicaluse rather than let it stagnateover the summer."

WAYNE CHILD Day Care Co­chairperson Carolee Stuberg ,saidnews of the grant being awardedfor the-Wayne project made jubi­lant.

"We're excited about gettingthe money and putting the daycare center all together," Stubergsaid. "It will be a definite asset tothe community."

Stuberg, along with eight othermembers of the board haveworked hard on the project. Other

be approximately 3,700 squarefeet The size of the lot the facilitywould be built upon would be ap­proximately 15,000 feet. If everY­thing goes as planned, the new fa­cility could be located southeast ofPizza Hut, along east Sixth Street.

"If at all possible, we will bebreaking ground this fall: Temmesaid.

UNDER THE stipulations of thelaw, itis 'anactrequiringparentalnotification if an unemancipatedpregnant woman under. 18 years of

SlMl LAW, page 3

WHILE EACH school will haveto deal with the matter, each su­perintendent said their respectiveschools will handle the bill differ­ently.

In Winside, Leighton said theschools will likely send a newsletterto parents informing them that theschool is reqUired to proVide stu­dents with this handout, while ex­plaining the procedures the schoolwill follow. He said most likely, aguidance counselor or nurse willdiscuss options with studentsshould the issue ever come up.

Warner said the Allen schoolswill most likely hold a school as­sembly, where students will begiven the lit~ature. He said if thematter comes up, it will be di­rected to the school nurse orcounselor.

Dr. Haun said the Wayneschools will give the. information tothe students as soon as the ad­ministration receives the directivefrom the state. He said then it willbe in the counselors or nurseshands. .

"It's a generic type-of handout,"Haun said. "We won'.t teach it orget involved in it. If it gets to thepoi nt down the' road that we willbe required to teach it, then wewill have to have soml! sort of in-service. II '

Leighton's comments echoHaun's. He said, flies a law andwe're going to have to do it. ... I'mnot in agreement that we are theones who should have to (issue thehandout), however."

lease of funds, we· will buy theproperty and go through thebUilding process and get moving on'it."

THE PROJECT is expected tocost $250,000. The CDBG moneywill cover 66 percent of the con­struction and acquisition costs. Thenew center will house as many as60 children, which will relieve whatmany have referred to as burdenedhome day cares.

According to statistics, there are25 licensed day care providers andan estimated 10 unlicensedproviders in Wayne, who eachlegally care for eight children at atime. With 405 children in need ofthe service, it is estimated thatthere are 125 children in need ofday care services.

According to the blueprints ofthe bUilding, the main floor would

GROUPS ON both sides of theabortion issue have also raisedcomplaints about the abortion lawpassed by the Nebraska Legisla­ture this year. Religious groups andschool associations have also spo­ken out. against LB 425, and localsch091 administrators disagree withthe way the bill has been handled.

"The intent may be noble butthe results will b~ disastrous:Warner' said. .... If the parentscomplain about this, we'll tell themit's the state's directive. I'm goingto pass the buck on this one. This iswhat the legislators did, not ,us."

Dr. Haun said he doesn't feelthe abortion issue shou'ld .be in thehandsof the schools.

"I don't feel, this· is somethingthe public schools should be forcedto do: he said. "We'll keep theprocedure simple and .do theminimUm th.e 'Iaw" requires us. todo.'

By Mark CristManaging Editor

Students in the Wayne, Winside,Wakefield and Allen schools mayfind something new added to thelist of handouts the schools givethis year, only school officials areupset that they're required to doit.

That's the general consensus ofthree administrators who spoke toThe Wayne Herald about LB 425,the parental notification bill deal­lIig with abortions.

Superintendents Dr. FrancesHaun of Wayne, Don Leighton ofWinside and John Warner of Allen,said they plan to keep theparental notification abortion issueas low key as possible.Superintendent Derwin Hartmanof Wakefield could not be reachedfor comment.

Notification lawfrustrates officials

Tribute to Fitness Trail supportersWAYNE BUSINESSPEOPLE WERE HONORED FrIday durIng the Wayne Area Chamber of Commerce weekly coffee asWayne State College officials dedIcated the fitness trail. PIctured are (from left) SId HIllier, Norma Lee Stoltenberg,Dale Stoltenberg, JIm LIndau, Joe Salltros, Pat Gross, Sam Schroeder, Marcille Thomas, Terry Hansen and Anne Barclay.The start of the trail Is located east of the WSC tennIs courts.

Wayne is among 38 communi­ties in Nebraska which will receive ashare of $6,5 million in CommunityDevelopment ,Block' Grants, it wasannounced at a press conferenceheld by Gov. Ben Nelson in lincolnThursday. ,

'The recipients of the funds willuse them to help communitiesbetter themselves, which in tUrncreates a better Nebraska for all ofus," Nelson said. "By building strongcommunities, we can help ensure abrighter future for all Nebraskans."

Wayne will receive $165,300 forthe acquisition and construction ofa child day care center. The projecthas been in the works since therelease of START findings in 1990.

"We're all ready to go," saidMary Temme, co-chairperson ofthe Wayne Child Day Care Board,"We're more than eager to getstarted. As soon as we can get re-

Wayne gets CDBG fu·nds

Comments soughtWAYNE - Farmers and

others interested in corn,sorghum, oats and barley are,invited to submit recommen­dations to the agriculturedepartment on the percentof acreage reduction for the1991 Feed Grain Program.

Cou nty ASCS officialTeresa Post says feed graincomments must be receivedin Washington, D.C. by Aug.28 to be considered.

Post says farmers call helpdetermine next year's feedgrain program by submittingcomments on whether thecorn acreage reduction per­centage should be 5, 7.5, 10or 12.5; and whether thegrain sorghum and barleypercentage reduction shouldbe zero, 5, 7.5 or some otherpercent.

Instructions for m'ailingcomments may be obtained'at the Wayne County ASCSoffice.

111' AbnerWAYNE - Two more

shOWings of the WayneCommunity Theatre produc­tion of lil' Abner are on tapthis weekend with perfor­mances Friday, Aug. 23 at 8

, p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 25 at2' p,m. P~rforman<:es are atWayne High School.

Tickets for the show maybe purchased at the door orat Sav-Mor Pharmacy, StateNational Bank or First Na­tional Bank. Tickets -are $4for school-age children andsenior citizens and $6 foradults.

Ke"ey visitWAYNE - Nebraska Sen.

Bob Kerrey will hold a townhall meeting in Wayne Aug.28 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. atRamsey Theatre on theWayne State College cam·pus.

The topic of Kerrey's visitwill be the cris·ls in Americanhealth care.

Band rehearsalWAYNE' - The Wayne

High School band will prac­tice tomorrow (Tuesday)from 7:30 to 9 p.m. The re­hearsals will be held in theWHS band room.


"'" Nof......,.IlllitRExtended Weather' ~recast:Monday tbrpugh' Wednesday;dry and mild; highs, 80 to 85;lows,mid-5Os to.low-60s.

Open houseCARROLL - TWI Feeds and

Farms will hold an openhouse Aug. 22-23 at thefeed mill location in Carroll.

Beginning at 3 p.m. Aug.22, supply representativeswill be on hand to discussequipment, drugs, feed. andother items of interest. Fol­lowing at 6 p.m. will be a freebrat feed.

On Friday, Aug. 23, TWJwill sponsor the Wayne AreaChamber of Commerce Cof­fee at 10 a.m. with coffeeand crepes. '"

All events are open to thepublic and d09r prizes will begiven.

School startsWINSIDE Winside

",SC!J09lswili resume Monday,"Aug. 26. at 8:30 a.m. Dis­

missal time for the 1991-92school year will be 3:35 p.m.

Registration for new stu­dents to the district will befrom 1-3:30 p.m. on Tuesday,Aug. 20. Grades 9-12 whoneed to change their sched,ules from the spring pre-reg­istration need to be inattendance at this time.Elementary students mayenroll at this time also..

The Missing Child Law re­quires every new entrant tothe school to have a certifiedcopy of their birth certificateupon enrollment. Anyoneneeding more informationcan call high school PrincipalRon Leapley at 286-4465 orSuperintendent DonLeighton at 286-4466.

Page 2: Herald (1888-Present)/1991-2000... · the 1988 WH$ gr,duate said, ... Wayne will receive $165,300 for the acquisition and

Publ~her- Gary WrightComplrOllar - Paggy Wright

Mgng. Edilor - Mark CristAssl EdiIDr - laVon AndersonSpoils Editor - Kevin PetersonAd Manager - Jan BarlhoiomaLSRaoeption~t - Jannifar ColeBookkeeper -linda Granfield~ Typesaners

Atfoe Henscllke &. SIlalley KirI<Composition FO!On1an - Judi Topp

Prass Foreman - AI PippinOarkJvom Technician - Jeff Sperry

Column~t -Pat Maierl1enryCommen:iaIPrinters

Charias Kudlacz &Marilyn Gellner. MaillllOl11 Manag... -Doris ClaussenMaillllOl11 ~"l -Cyndee & las Lage

Prass Room Asst -Tom WilliamsMai~ ,ElenCoie

Sp8c;a1 Projec\ Assl -lois Graen,Glenda ~Iuns &Jo'oi Holdorf

Natio_l Newspap... ':,Auoelatioll

a_iIliaC MaID.....991'

GRAND officers visitation .ofGrand Chapter of Nebraska Orderof the Eastern Star was hosted lastmonth by Wayne Chapter 194, as­sisted by Wisner Chapter 149,Norfolk Beulah Chapter 40 andStanton Chapter 146.

The 'Smiles, Laughter and Sun­shine' visitation was attended,·by80 members and 12 grand'officers.Fifty year members were specialguests.

Grand officers were introducedand Bonnie Brasel, worthy grandmatron, and James F. Brown, wor­thy grand patron, brought specialmessages to the group. A mone­tary gift was presented to the wor­thy grand matron for her specialprojects this year.

A luncheon was served at noonand was followed with a programprepared by the host chapters.



PRIZE WINNINGNEWSPAPER1991 .......... _ .....

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114 MaID Street Wayne, NE 6878, :5,"600PUBU~ATIONNVMBERUSPS .,o-s..


SUBSCRIPTION RATES .,.In Wayne, Pieree,CedJll',' Dixo~, ThlJrston. Cuming, Stanlon and Madisoil Counlie~:;'$25.oo~ peryaar $2O.1JO for SIX monthS. In,state:$28.oo per year, $22.50 for six'monthS. Out-slale: $34.00 per year,' $27.50 fOr six month" Single copies 45 centS:.· .

I,,'. :' :'~' :.' .,:

Established in 1875; a newspaper pub­lished semi-weekly, .Monday and Thurs­day' (except holidays). Entered in .thepOst offiCe and 2nd class postage paidalWayn" ~ebraska 68787. Also. publisherofTlia ,"ar~l~i; II lotal mark.eI co~er·age publication.

';ioSTMASTER;Send a~dress change toThe Wayne Herald, P.O.Box 70, Wayne,

. Nel!rilSka, 68787. .' '-

MARILYN Carhart honored 50­year members Jane MaCklin andMelba Wait with a program ofsongs and poems. They also werepresented gifts~

Nancy Fuelberth, Doris Harmer,Linda Teach and Tillie Jones, ac­~ompanied by Trixie Newman,sang "Memories~ and RThere areStars That Make Us Happy."

Melba Wait has been a member54 years and Jane Macklin hasbeen a member 62 years. LorraineEarls of Boise, Idaho is the. newest

THE NEWLYWEDS traveled toKansas City, southern Kansas andMissouri, and are making theirhome at Rt. 1, Wayne, Neb.,

Mr, and Mrs, Ken Dunker

Waitresses were Kourtney Roe- 6B787.ber of Hooper, Sandi Burback of The bride is a 1979 graduate ofCarroll, Heidi Zimmerman of Ver- Wayne-Carr'''1 High School and amillion, S.D., jacki Rolland of Blair 1982 graduate of Norfolk Beautyand Ann O'Hara and Shanna College. She is employed as a cus­O'Hara of Schuyler. tomer service representative at

Pamida Discount Center in Wayne.The bridegroom, a 1979 gradu­

ate of Schuyler High School, isemployed at the Milton G.Waldbaum Co. in Wakefield.

~WQII.......... Mciada,., A ......." ....'. ,.r)

CHAPTER awards included cer­tificate and note cards for com­pleting both presidential bonuses;certificate and pen for first quartercommunity development fast start;certificate and pen for first quarterincentive for Success System' par­ticipation; and from national a cer.tificate and pin for educationalprogram on Lost Child Network,certificate for educational programon March of Dimes, U.S. creedbookmark for growth in first quir­ter, second quarter, third quarterand year end, and certificate andblue ribbon for achieving AllAmerican Chapter.

Wayne County Women of To­day meet the second Thursday ofeach month at 7:30 p.m. in theColumbus Federal meeting room.

Persons wishing additional In·formation about the organizationare asked to contact PresidentDebbie Bargholz, 375·4239.

Dianne leighty - Certificateand U.S. Women of Today sta­tionery as a two member recruiter.

Gerry and Terry Hurlbert and given'to David Moulden, who in tum pre-:sented her to the bridegroom. •

She wore a white satin and'Chantilly lace gown featuring a lace!overlay on the bodice with a;Sabrina neckline and modest Vback. The balloon sleeves werecaug ht with a cuff'and bow above'the elboW, and the full skirt flowedfrom a dropped waistline to floorlength.

She wore a band of 'pearl spra~:and delicate silk rosebuds in he/':hair. A curly pouf accented the.back with two layers of bridal lIIu·/·sian flowing to fingertip I~ngth. .

The bride carried a bouquet ofwhite lilies, red roses, black pearlbeads ~nd red and white stream­ers.

Her personal attendant wasPatty Deck of Winside. '

THE BRIDE'S attendants woreapple red dresses of satin andChantilly lace. The lace ·covered·bodices and sleev.e ·patternmatched the bride's gown, and thegathered satin skirts flowed to floorlength from basque waistlines.

Each carried an arm bouquet offlowers to match the bride's bou­quet.

The bridegroom was attired in awhite full dress tuxedo with a whitebow tie and cummerbund, arid hisattendants wore black tuxedoeswith apple red ties andcummerbunds.

For her son's wedding, Mrs.Dunker selected a light blue tealdress of knit fabric and lace.

A RECEPTION and dance .fol­lowed in the. Winside auditorium.Greeting the 350 guests were Bradand Connie Dangberg of Columbusand Kevin and Sheryl Rolland ofBlair.

The wedding cake was baked byJoyce Zimmerman of Vermillion,S.D., and cut and served by CarolDunker of lola, Kan. and GailDunker of Stilwell, Kan. CilleSchnoor of Carroll poured andjoyce Zimmerman and Ron Marnellof Vermillion, S.D. served punch.

WEDNESDAY,AUGUST 21Villa Wayne Bible study, 10 a.m.Alcoholics Anonymous, Wayne State College Student Center, noonTops .200, West Elementary School, 6:30 p.m.Alcoholics Anonymous, Fire Hall, second floor, 8 p.m.AI-Anon, City Hall. second floor, 8 p.m.

. FRIDAY, AUGUST 23Leather and Lace Square Dance Club, Wayne State College Student

Center (AI Stelling calling), 8 p.m.SUNDAY, AUGUST 2S

Alcoholics Anonymous,. Fire Hall, second floor, 8:30a.m.

ommunity CalendarTUESDAY, AUGUST 20

Sunrise Toastmasters Club, City Hall, 6:30 a.m.Villa Wayne Tenants Club weekly meeting, 2 p.m.Tops 782, St. Paul's lutheran Church, 6 p.m.Wayne Business and Professional Women's Club, Gena's Steakhouse,

6,30 p.m.

laura Hochstein and DebbieBargholz of Wayne County Womenof Today attended the NebraskaWomen of Today summerconvention held last month inGrand Island. Eleven chapters wererepresented.

It was announced that DebVanMatre of Gibbon is the new na­tional U.S. Women of Todaypresident. Her assistants are janMaaske of Kearney and TerriSherman of lincoln. Maxine Turnerof Fremont· is the national U.S.Women of Today parliamentarian.

LOCAL chapter members re­ceiving awards included:

Laura Hochstein - 'You're theBest' award for individuals who ex­ceed what is expected of themand have a true commitment toWomen of Today throughout theyear.

Debbie 8argholz - "PresidentialMedallion' presented foroutstanding service, dedication andactive participation in projects andprograms of Women of Today:

Local chapter represented

Women of Today gather forconvention in Grand Island

SO-year members honored

Upcoming eve'nts"'an"noun'ced' at OES,.~~";' ".J""':~ .""~"':"'~:' :~t.,~.->-.,·,: ..?'''i,!f.'f''l''.r:U<1l~-''''' "'''~'l;",<>::~ '_"',.~.''''':''. ",." '0'.'" ~.~".,v._ <~.,- ,

Wayne Chapter 194 Order of The General Grand Chapter" rrreeting for org~nizing' a BetHel of 50-year member and will receivethe Eastern Star met recently at Convention will meet from Nov. 1, Jobs Daughters for Northeast Ne- her pin from Grand Chapter ofthe Masonic Temple. Mr. and Mrs. 9. Members may go by bus and braska will take place in Wayne on Nebraska as a gift.loyd Thomas of Seattle, Wash. may leave from lincoln or Omaha. Aug. 19 at 7:30 p.m. Parents or Birthdays in August were rec-were guests. Several events are planned, in- girls with questions concerning the ognized by Marilyn Carhart who

Eileen Mitchell of Wayne was cluding the Nebraska luncheon on organization are asked to call linda also served as chairman of the re-welcomed as a new member of the Nov. 4 at 11 a.m. luncheon tickets Teach, 375-1521. freshment committee and was as-Wayne chapter. She was affiliated must be purchased by Sept. 1. . Mrs. Jane Macklin sent news sisted by the officers.With IrIS Chapter 173 of Sioux City. items and information about Jen- The next regular meeting will be

It was announced that the an- WAYNE Chapter members are nifer Macklin, who has received a Sept. 9 with Elda jones as chairmannual 4~H Achievement Day at the invited to the centennial celebra- $1,000 scholarship from the Ma- of the refreshment committee.Masonic-Eastern Star Children's tion of Andrews Chapter 41, Grand sonic Lodge, St. Charles, III. MissHome In Fremont will be held Aug. Island, on Sept. 22 at 2:30 p.m.; Macklin plans to enroll at Augus-25. at 2 p.m. Wayne members are and to an ice cream social spon-' tami College in Rock Island, III. SheInvited to attend. sored by Beulah Chapter 40, Nor- is the. daughter of Bill Macklin,. The Past Matrons Club will hold folk, on Aug. 18 from 6:30 to 8:30 formerly of Wayne, and theIts annual meeting on Oct. 3 at p.m. at Skyview Lake. granddaughter of the late George9:30 a.m. at the Masonic Temple in Worthy Matron Marilyn Carhart M~cklin, who' served many years asleXington. 0 announced that an informational ~'an officer in Wayne Masonic Lodge

120 and Wayne OES Chapter 194.

HONOR attendants were DonaBrockman of Marysville, Calif. andGary Dunker of lola, Kan.

Bridesmaids were Mikki Dowlingof Hooper, Robyn Hurlbert of Car­roll, Nicki Zimmerman of Vermillion,S.D., and Missy Sanderson ofNorfolk, and junior bridesmaid wasKristen Hurlbert of Carroll.

Serving as groomsmen werelarry O'Hara, jim Louden and GeneLimbach, all of Schuyler, and MikeRolland of Blair. Junior groomsmanwas Chad Bas of Schuyler.

Flower girl was Kimberly Hurlbertof Carroll and ring bearer wasJoshua Moulden of Denver, Colo.The flower girl's basket was madeby janet O'Hara of Schuyler.

Mark Dunker of Stilwell, Kan.,brother of the bridegroom, sang'My Only love: 'God, a Womanand a Man" and 'The WeddingSong." Organist was Mrs. PatMeierhenry of Hoskins,

Distributing programs wereNoah and Tressa Dunlar of Stilwell,Kan. and Matthew and MelissaHurlbert of littleton, Colo,

ON HER wedding day, the bridewas escorted down the aisle by

Red and white carnations at thealtar, a unity candle, red and White.peW bows and a white carpet run.ner decorated St. Paul's LutheranChurch in Winside on Aug. 3 forthe marriage of lorree Lyne Dan.gberg of Wayne and Ken EugeneDunker of Schuyler.

The bride is the. daughter of the'late Fred and Mildred Dangberg.Parents of the bridegroom areGordon and Margaret Dunker ofSchuyler.

The Rev. jeffrey Lee of Winsideofficiated at the 6 o'clock, doublering service.

Ushering guests into the churchwere Denny Dangberg of Califor·nia, leff Bowers of Littleton, Colo.,Ron Uhrmacher Sr. of Schuyler andTroy VanHeufeln of Fremont.Louise Calhoon of Wayne andRhonda Topp of Orchard wereseated at the guest book.

August. c:eremony'irt Winsideun,itesLorreeDangberg and Ken Dunker

- ' ~ J '

meal. ..Thursday: Swiss steak, French

baked potato, spinach with veg·etable sauce, whole wheat bread,apricots.

Friday: Cod nuggets, au gratinpotatoes, beets, Pacific salad,whole wheat bread, ice cream.

Frances Doring, community ser­vice chairman, announced thatveterans from the Norfolk Veter·ans Home will be guests for supperat the Wayne Vet's Club on Sept.23 at 6:30 p.m. The supper issponsored by the American le­gion, Veterans of Foreign Wars(VFW) and Disabled AmericanVeterans (DAY) auxiliaries.

CHAPLAIN Hoft'man closedwith a prayer for peace and thegroup sang "America." The littleRed Schoolhouse march was con­ducted for nurses scholarships.

Serving were Rose Fredr:cksonand Eveline Thompson.

President Siefken announ~edthat the auxiliary will not meetduring September. The next reg­ular meeting will be Oct. 7 at 8p.m. in the Wayne Vet's Clubroom.

THE MEETING closed withprayer and a reading by ClevaWillers, entitled 'Priceless Com­pany.' Serving were Inez Baker andRuth Baier.

The next WElCA meeting isscheduled Sept. 11 at 2 p.m. withthe program by Naomi Circle.Hostesses will be Opal Harder andElaine Draghu.

THE AFTERNOON'S programwas presented by the sewing groupwith Mary Martinson in charge. Sheexplained how quilts are sewn andsaid that some are Rpiece makers"and others are ftpeace makers."

She also told where the quiltsare sent and how they are used,and announced that the quilt forCamp Carol joy Holling sold for$279.

An article, entitled ftWomen andWater: was read by Ardyce Reeg.

Mary Martinson read"Intergeneration Quilt MakIng' andclosed with 'Prayer for a New Be­ginning,' with everyone taking part.

The remainder of the afternoonwas spent tieing quilts.

noon.It was reported that Group 1 will

serve at the 50th anniversary openhouse for the Lavern Harders ,onAug. 18 at the church and Group 3will serve the Claussen-Gemelkewedding on Aug. 31 at St, Paul's.Group 2 will serve the UnitedChurch Women meeting.

Rod Tompkins of Wayne. Thereare six grandchildren.

The couple's anniversary wascelebrated with the immediatefamily in June.

Their daughters are requestinga card shower for their parents inobservance of the speci",1 event.Cards and letters should be ad·dressed to the couple at Rt. 1,Wayne, Neb., 68787.

Nine members of Irwin L. SearsAmerican Legion Auxiliary Unit 43met Aug. S in the Wayne Vet'sClub room.

President Helen Siefken openedthe meeting and .Chaplain FauneilHoffman gave prayer, followedwith the flag salute and singingone verse of "The Star SpangledBanner."

The group repeated' thepreamble to the constitution ofthe American Legion Auxiliary.

EVELINE Thompson read thetreasurer's report and announcedthere are 54 paid·up membersand one new member, LauraleeHuyck.

Ethel lOhnson, Americanismchairman, reported on the SpaceCenter in florida and Winifred,(:raf~,safety chairman, gave areadmg on .alcohol and drug'abuse.

. SeGlor CItIzen.

,<:ongregate Meal Menu.__. (Week of Augu$t '9.23)

Monday: Pork'roast, whi~ped

potatoes, sweet and sour. cab·j)age, white bread, strawberries.,'TuesdaY'Beef cUbes over riee,caUliflower vIIth cheese sauce, fruit~Ol;ktall, whole Vfh~at bread, cake.',;. 'Wednesday: . Monthly pcnluCk

Nineteen members attendedthe Aug. 14 meeting of Women ofthe Evangelical lutheran Church inAmerica' (WElCA) at St. Paul'slutheran Church in Wayne.

President Cleva Willers openedthe meeting with scripture and areading of "Polish Your Pearls.'

Christian action reported mailingeight get well cards and one babycard. Eleanor Petersen thanked thegroup for the card she received.Joy Gettman thanked everyone forthe cards sent to Glenn Granquistand asked that lillian and herfamily be remembered withprayers.

Donations of $479 were re­ceived for the curtain fund. It wasannounced that the new curtainsfor the stage and windows are upand paid for.

DiSCUssioN was held on the11 Oth anniversary dinner of St.Paul's to be held Sept. 22 at thechurch. A potluck dinner will beserved at noon with Group 1 incharge.

. The 1991 convention of theWELCA is scheduled Oct. 11·13 atthe Holiday Inn Central in Omaha.This year's convention theme is"let Your light Shine."

Altar Guild will meet Sept. 5 at 9a.m. at the Black Knight forbreakfast. Ruth Fleer will have de­votions and Evie Schock is hostess.

5ewing group will meet at thechurch on Aug. 22 to tie quilts.There will be a potluck luncheon at

Mr. and Mrs. Val Damme of ruralWayne will observe their 60thwedding anniversary on Aug. 27.

Val Damme and BerniceGreenwald were married Aug. 27,1931 at Trinity lutheran Church ofAltona and have lived and farmedIn the Altona community all theirlives.

Their daughters and spousesare Joanne and Bob Nagel of Al­buquerque, N.M., and loreta and

Auxiliary meets at Vet's Club

Mr, and Mrs, Val Damme

Card shower requested forDamme 60th anniversary

At St. Paul's WELCA

Program focuseson 'piece makers'

••EAKINGO·PPBOPJ.,a\":~c_~:,,,-;:..,·_l<?, ,', _' ~" '>_ .:", ,.' ',' ,""', ',: .• ,., ..-,'",.,' :.,',"",',.' ,,\:':".

Page 3: Herald (1888-Present)/1991-2000... · the 1988 WH$ gr,duate said, ... Wayne will receive $165,300 for the acquisition and

parents, Mr. and Mrs. GotthilfJaeger of Winside. Also attendingwere Mr. and Mrs. Terry Davis andWendy, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Davis,Joshua and Matthew, Mr. and Mrs.Ken Hall, Mandl, Brandon andAshley, Mr. and Mrs. ClarenceMorris, Kelli Davis and RuthPaulsen, all of Carroll; Mr. and Mrs.Brad Iaeger, Candace, Trista,Lacey and Jordan, Mr. and Mrs.Randy Wills, Alicia and Nathan andJason Kruger, all of Winside; Mr.and Mrs. Robert Bodenstedt ofWayne; and Brandon Williams of

Dorothy Isom''',md Janel' Isomof Lincoln recently returned from aweekend stay in Midwest City,Okla. While there they stayed inthe home of Scott and JenniferMoore.

Tuesday, Aug. 20: Hillcrest, Es­ther Batten.

Wednesday, Aug. 21: HappyWorkers, Ivy Junek.

Saturday, Aug. 24: Libraryopen, 1-3 p.m.

Sunday, Aug. 25: Fireman's pic­nic, park.

Laura lones, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Perry lones, celebratedher sixth birthday with a party inher home. Guests were AshleyLoberg, Brittni Bethune, AliseBethu ne and Shawna Hefti.

Jacob Davis, two year old son ofMr. and Mrs. Rick Davis, was hon­ored for his birthday on Aug. 14.Guests were grandparents, Mr. andMrs. George Jaeger of Winside andMrs. Don Davis of Carroll. Also at­tending were Jacob's great grand-

SC.~~"~~I.$fOJt~~~Eij/HA$l"·.···I.~~.••··~ •.·••·~.~P.ftI.·.·.·TQ .•.·.C;;HOQIE·aOM~ .'

SOCIAL CALENDAR.Monday, Aug. 19: Senior Citi­

zens, Dora Stolz hostess.

Carroll News~ _Jonl TietzS85-48OSSENIOR CITIZENS

Mrs. Paula Paustian was hostessfor the Senior Citizens last Mondayfor her 82nd birthday. Her daugh·ter-in-law, Mrs. Carl Paustian,baked the special birthday cakeand she was honored with thebirthday song. Twenty were pre­sent. Card prizes went to VernieSchnoor, Clara Rethwisch, GeorgeJohnston and Pauline Frink. A thankyou card was 'signed and sent tothe Carrolliners 4-H Club.

Mrs. Dora Stolz will be the Aug.19 hostess.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas ofSeattie, Wash. and Mrs. Tillie lonesof Carroll were Tuesday afternoonvisitors in the Clarence Hoemannhome. They were supper andevening guests in the Mrs. HildaThomas home. Other guests whocame to visit the out-of-state folkswere Marci Thomas and MerlinLambrecht and Carrie of Beemerand')lHt-Thomah ,


Youth gets fundsChristopher Fredrickson, son of

James Fredrickson of Carroll, hasbeen awarded an athletic scholar­ship by Midland Lutheran College.Fredrickson received the scholar·ship, valued at $2,500 and renew­abl.. each academic year, basedon his past high school athleticperformance.

Elmhurst, III. Aug. 9 and on Aug. 10attended the wedding of Patricia10 Puis and Robert McColl at SI.Peter's United Church fo Christ inElmhurst.

Fire strikes haystack south of WayneWAYNE VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS work on dousing a fire which occurred to a haystacks 13 miles south of WayneThunday. The 'blaze, which appeared to be contal"ed to two haystacks, caused extensive damage to one and minimaldamage to there other. The fire did create a lot of smoke, however.

and Brittany met them there andreturned home with the Gnirks fora visit. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs.Keith Thomson, Amber and Bran·don of Uncoln and Kathy Gnlrk ofOmaha were guests in the Gnirkhome to visit theout·of·state folks.

Arlene Gnirk attended the Ne·braska Conference on Mathemat·ics and Science at the Holiday InnCentral in Omaha Wednesday andThursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Puis, Jenniand Dustin, Mrs. Rose Puis, Mr. andMrs. Dennis Puis and Mr. and Mrs.Reg Gnirk, aU of Hoskins, went to.

At the directive of the new law,the department of education isreqUired to develop a standardizedinformation form to be distributedto all school districts. The schoolsthen may develop their own formor use the standardized one. Allstudents. regardless of gender, arerequired to be given these hand·outs.

'It upsets me that anytimethere's a crisis, it gets dumped inthe schools' lap," Warner con­cluded.

!Wethen let them know thatwithin 1S days they need to get Ii.censed or reduce the number ofchildren they care for In theirhome: she said.. 'If they exceedthe lS day limit, we cilnthen referthe names to the county at~or.


Bishop said while it Is not an lri.frequent occurrence that the. whis-'tie is blown on unllclmsed facilities,most of the facilities comply withlthe 1S day·perlod.

.On rare occasio'ns, a worst casescenario occurs when the countyattorney files .an injunction for theday care operation to cease.Bishop said most operators are notaware this law even exists, since Ithas only been in existence sinceMay.

At any rate, the pains of Iicens·ing will be beneficial for Arlckx. Sheindicated that she was glad shedecided to license.

'I enjoy being with children andI like being an adult child myself,'she said. 'What kind of fun you can·have as a child unless you'rearound children? !enjoy this.'

Ed and Arlene Gnirk returnedhome Aug. 2 from Indianapolis,Ind., where they had visited theirdaughter, Capt. Lynnette Hupmanand their, Rick Chewn·ing, who both are attending schoolat Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indi­anapolis. Mrs. Chewning,. Meagan

age seeks an abortion. A judicialwaiver of parental notification ispermitted in the bill. The schoolsare involved in this issue due to therequirement that on or beforeOct. 1 of each school year eachschool district shail provide writteninformation to all students grades7-12 explaining the three provi·sions of the bill regarding parentalnotification and judicial bypass:the law reads;

Hoskins News. _Mr., HIlda Tho_SfJS-4S69CORRECTION

The Hoskins Garden Club willmeet at the home of Mrs. HazelWittler on Aug. 22, instead of thehome of Mrs. Laura Ulrich, as pre­viously reported.

(continued from page 1)

(contlnuecUrom Page 1)

than .three children. It wasn't untilrecently that I got so many kids.'

Currently, Arickx is caring forfour children, plus her own, withplans for two more In the near fu •.ture. On Friday, she began to fillout the paperwork for her home tobecome licensed.. Fortunately, onlyone of. the four children she'scurrently caring for Is full time.

. 'I'm experienced in dealing withgtlvernment· paperwork since myhusband and I are foster parents,'she said.' 'I think the state has aright. to ask all. the.questlons. Foryears, children havl! suffered fromneglect. I think. the state has theright to. check me out to makesure I'm caring appropriately forthe children. Thl!y need to checkanyone out who cares for kids.'

ACCORDING TO Diane Bishop,acting supervisor for the earlychildhood licensing office in lin·coin, whenever the Dl!partment ofSocial Services receives an unli·censed care complaint, Social Ser·vices will make an unscheduled visitto the providers' home.



~ lIDJ])@~©lliC!JJ-f f2 @your personal finances bytrading at home...where your money does an extra job for you that can be worthfar more to you than the goods and services they buy-keepingthese needs available in minutes instead of after hours ofhazardous and costly hilUlway adventUring.And the money we spend at home can turn over and over amongus several times to increase our property values and improveessential seIVices in our area.

:It Pan to Trad.e Where You Live


















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lit ~tti."''!''I',1










'- ~----'

Page 4: Herald (1888-Present)/1991-2000... · the 1988 WH$ gr,duate said, ... Wayne will receive $165,300 for the acquisition and






Ph~tographr- Kevin "hnon

Make us yourprescription'headquarters!


in 1989, and is the spiritual leaderof the nationally-ranked Wildcatdefense, He and Kleidosty are'among the strongest Wildcats­both bench pressing over 440'pounds and squatting over 700pounds.

Colbert is dubbed the "unsunghero of the offensive line" by WSChead. coach Dennis Wagner. Col­bert has started every game atW5C since transferring fromChabot Junior College, where hewas a first-team all-league selec­tion.

All four student-athletes wereselected to the Omaha World­Herald all-state team following lastyear's 7·4 season. The Wildcatsopen the regular season on Aug.31 at Missouri Western State Col­lege.





Ladies Morning League(8-13)

A Golfe'a:Char Bohlin, 41; Ginny Hansen,44.

BGolfe,.:Joni Holdorf, 42: Judy Berres,51.

C Golfe,s:Carol Novak, 54; ShirleyFredrlckson,58.

o Golfe,s:Elizabeth Griess, 63; GinnySl'Jymour, 66; LoreeneGildersleeve. 66.

Ladies Evening League(8-13)

A Golfera:Ginny Hansen, 40; SandraSutton, 42: Char Bohlin, 42.

B Golfe,s:Joni Holdorf, 42: Jan Casey, 45.

.' , C Golf.,.:Terl Bowers,' 47: CarolaeStuberg.54,

o Golf.r.:Jan Kardell. 60: Sharon Olson,63,

. 31.5Men'. Cons

linebacker. Kleidosty transferredfrom the University of Nebraska,where he was a fullback.

He and Sterba were prepteammates at Omaha South HighSchool. and have run a pair ofswimming pools in the Omaha areathe past two summers.

Goolsby led the Cats' with 39receptions, 638 yards receiving,and five TD catches in 1990. Hisnine receptions for 169 yardshelped WSC down Northwestern(fA) 23-18 in the season finale.

Goolsby, who runs a 4.36 40­yard dash, was a all.region per·former at North Iowa Area Com­munity College before transferringto WSc.

Sterba totalled 113 tackles lastfall despite being hampered by in·juries. He led WSC with 131 tackles

StateNationalBank &Trust eo.





Charles Surber,Gerald McGath.

Gary Wright:JL...."... """"....".."""""..33.526._ ....3339. """""""""""." " """,,31.532 """"".... """""""""..""""..,,3'33 ..... 3121 """"""""""""... ",,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.29538 "".2834 "." """""..".""."..26.524 " ..26536..... .".245Zl """..""""""""" " "".245<llL "".. 2431... . """"""....23.525 """""""""'" """""""""""",,23.528...". """""""""'''.'''''' . "",,2323 """."",,2329 ".,."""".22.535.", " ..""". '" ".... ".21.522.. . """""."".18

':r7." ...



_ A Golf.'.John Fuelberth, 34; Bob Reeg,35; ~hil Griess, 35; Dave Ellis,36; Randy 'simonson, 36.

S Golf.,.:Ray Murray, 39; Virgil Kardel,l,41: Gerald McGalh, 42: Rick~rkman, 42: Lynn Lessmann,

CGolte,.,Lowell Olson, 42; ClydeFlowers,1l3; Stan Stednitz, 45;Garry Poutre, 45.

Men'. ProsOO....o;;~iiR~~;: 38

Lynn Lessmann,Kevin Darcey

18.".. """""....",, .,,3301.""_. .._""."",,, ."".",32.520"""" .."",31.501;"'""" ,.""",,31,503, """"""."."""... """"""",,,,,,,.. 3111;........ . 30

18."" """"""""",,29.515."".... ."""",,2917...""" "..,,28.5OIL" """""""""..28,501....."""...."."" "".",,28514".". "..""..."."."""".. 2412.."""""."""." ..,,23.513"....".."" ,,,,,,,,,,...,,.,,,,,,.,,,,23519..".""._ "__""""."_",,,,.23f;f1"...." .. "".."""...""".""",, 2302................ . 2110....... ..__ .1604_ 14



Fall drillsFOOTBALL PRACTICE for the 1991 campaign began last week for the Wayne State Wild­cats. Above Wildcat coach Scott Frear works with some of the lineman while belowtransfer quarterback Troy Mott hands off to running back Lamar Daniels.

WSC players earn honorsFour Wayne State College

football players are honored in thecurrent issue of Don Hansen's Na­tional Weekly Football Gazette aspreseason NCAA Division II all-

\':Amerkans. ~.

Junior linebacker JerryKleidosty(6-0, 230, Omaha) earned second·team honors, while senior wide re­ceiver Marlon Goolsby (5-10, 165,Columbus, OH) was selected tothe third team,

Seniors Bob Sterba (LB, 6·0,23S, Omaha) and Eric Colbert (OT,6-3, 270, Hayward, CAl werenamed to the honorable mentionsquad.

Kleidosty led WSC's ninth­ranked defense with 116 tackleslast fall. He also intercepted twopasses and recorded eight tacklesfor losses in his first year at

(I DON'T.~ .. ' TELL MOM


Nightly at 7:15 Late Fri Sat Tue 9:15 BargainMat Sun 2 Bargain Night Tue 7:15 & 9:15

Hoskins; Kim Smith, Pender.Jr. Jr. Barrels lO-under-B·I·

Goetsche, South Sioux; RandyHansen, Stanton; Adam Wade,Hoskins; Amanda Rath, Randolph,

Jr. Barrel 11-14-Kim Smith,Pender; Susan Riffey, Ponca; JennyRiffey, Ponca; Kim Smith, Pender,

Sr. Barrel 15-up-Brenda Bea­com, South Sioux; Brian Beacom,South Sioux; Kris Hansen, Stanton;Jana jenkins, Carroll.

Horseshoe Pair-Emily Deck,Hoskins; Mark Fleer, Hoskins; KimSmith, Pender; Barb Webster,Hoskins.

Four in Line-Riffey Girls,Ponca; Emily Deck, Hoskins; BrendaBeacom, South Sioux; Mark Fleer,Hoskins,

Baton Race-Kim Smith, Pen·der; Mark Fleer, Hoskins; BarbWebster, Hoskins; Emily Deck,Hoskins.

Nightly at 7:00 Late Fri Sat & Tue at 9:15BargailM.5<II2Bogain ~IT,"7&9:15


(nY 61. . L1CI<ERS'

Athletic Kick-off Aug. 22,WAYNE-The Wayne athletic kick·off will be Thursday, Aug, 22 at

7:30 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of Wayne High SchooL It is an informalaffair according to Wayne athletic director Ron Carnes but anyoneinterested in grades 7·12 going out for any sport during the 1991·92 school year is required to attend. "We also expect all parents toattend," Carnes said.

Along with the feature presentation which features speakers EricPiatkowski, Karen Jennings, Rick Schwieger and former Wayne stu­dent Keith Zimmer who is now the athletic/career counselor for theUniversity of Nebraska, there will be a recognition for those who ex­celled in the weight room over the summer, and the Booster Clubwill have a short announcement.

Following the program the Booster Club will be serving cookies,bars and soft drinks,


.Beat the Clock, CALL NOW!


Egg & Spoon-Kris Hansen,Stanton; Jeanne Follette, Norfolk;Margo Irish, Norfolk; Matt Behmer,Hoskins.

Western Relnlng-T adBehmer, Hoskins; Tom Etter,Wayne; Tad Behmer, Hoskins andDe Irish, Norfolk.

Rat Race-Kim Smith, Pender;Kim Smith, Pender; De Irish, Nor·folk and lenny Riffey, Ponca,

Ir. Jr. Pole 10·under-B.I,Goetsche, South Sioux; RandyHansen, Stanton; Adam Wade,Hoskins; Kelly Appel, Hoskins.

Jr, Pole 11-l4-Susan Riffey,Ponca; Kim Smith, Pender; BelindaAppel, Hoskins; Kim Smith, Pender.

Sr. Pole 15·up-Brian Beacom,South Sioux; Jolene Ensminger,South Sioux; Becky Appel, Hoskinsand De Irish, Norfolk.

Serpentine Race-BrendaBeacom, South Sioux; Mark Fleer,


YTRICIKS School of Dance• Girls, Boys, Adults _. beginning at age 3• Personalized and individualized attention

.- only 12 students per class,• AI/level classes -- beginner through advanced

Tricia's School of OaDce5332. So, 138IhSlreere PO BoX 37428 e Omaha, NE 68137

Phologreph,: kevin Pet.non

PICTURED ABOVE are the women's Senior/Junior golfchamps. From left Is Marge Reeg, Sharon Olson, Judy So­rensen lind Blanche Collins.

WAYNE-There will be a Men'sBowling Association Meeting atMelodee Lanes on Tuesday, Aug.20 at B p.m, All prospective andexisting bowlers are welcome toattend.

The overall scratch champion ofthe tournament was Judy Sorensenwith a gross score of 49. Pin prizewinners on the day includedBlanche Collins, Ad Kienast andMylet McGath. Lil Suhr received anaward for having the least amountof putts with 15 including six, one­putts.

Association meetsat Melodee Lanes

The Women's Annual Se­nior/Junior Golf Tournament washeld Thursday at the WayneCountry, Club with a 'Gold' ,and'Silver' division which was flightedby age. The 'Gold' division was forwomen aged 65 and over whilethe "Silverll division was for womenaged 50-64.

In the first flight of the 'Gold'division Blanche Collins wascrowned champion after she net·ted )l five under par 31. Evle Mc­Dermott finished runner-up with a38. All handicaps were subtractedfrom the gross score for a net to­tal.

In the second flight of the'Gold' division Marge Reeg wascrowned champion following a netscore of 34. Runner-up honorswent to Elizabeth Griess with a netscore of 40.

In the 'Silver' division the firstflight champion was Judy Sorensenwho netted a 36. Judy Berres fin­ished in the runner-up slot with anet score of 37. In the secondflight Sharon Olson was the cham·pion with a net score of 36 whilerunner·up honors went to Lil Suhrwho 'also netted a 36.

Hoskins Saddle Club ishost of Annual Play Day

The Hoskins Saddle Club heldtheir 26th Annual Play Day re­cently with Don Barr of York doingthe judging. Th..... results of theevents are as follows. All spellingsof names are printed as theyappear on a release given to theWayne Herald. They are also listedin order of finish,

1990-91 Halter-Jake Graf,Belden; Chasda Tichota, Wayne.

1989-01der Halter-VickySchlueter, Humphrey; Buffy Appel,Hoskins; lash Graf, Belden; DebGaston, Monroe.

Pony Halter 56" and under­Gabe Taylor, Ponca; Tami Behmer,Hoskins; Nicole Mohr, Carroll andMargo Irish, Norfolk.

Balloon Race, 5 and under­Ronnie Graf, Belden; Abby Ander­son, Hoskins; Cody Lange, Hoskins;Grant Daniels, Norfolk.

Jr. Jr. Potato Race 10 and un­de r-Chris Winkelbauer,Randolph; Beth Cunningham,Wausa; Derek Cunningham, Wausaand Lindsay Ehrisman, Beemer.

Jr. Potato Race 11-l4-NicholeSuhr, Wausa; Randy Hansen, Stan­ton; Bradly Winkel bauer,Randolph; Emily Deck, Hoskins.

Sr. Pleasure-Lori Jaixen,Genoa; Lori Haase, Norfolk; MitchStinger, Dakota City; Tom Etter,Wayne,

Walk Trot 10-under-ShaylaUrkoski, Monroe; Reid Ehrisman,Beemer; Gabe Taylor, Beemer andKristin Preston, Wakefield.

Jr. Pleasure 11-14-MikeStinger, Dakota City; Kelly Smith,Pender and Nichole Gasten, Mon­roe.

Stick Horse Race 5-under­Kolby Smith, Pend!,r; Kerr; Winkel·bauer, Randolph; Kimberly Deck,Winside and Cody Lange, Hoskins.

Barrel Crawl 10-under-RandyHansen, Stanton; Casey Conrad,Beemer; Derek Cunningham,Wausa; Lindsay Ehrisman, Beemer.

Barrel Crawl 11-14-Nate.. Behmer, Hoskins; Tracy Graf,Belden; Mandl Hanks, Carroll andEmily Deck, Hoskins.

Sr. Hat Race-Terri Suhr,.Wausa; Corey Loewe, Beemer;Brenda Beacom, South Sioux andJ.D. Behmer, Hoskins.

Jr. Hat Race 14-under-MandiHanks, Carroll; Susan Riffey, Ponca;Jenny Riffey, Ponca;· Lindsay Ehris­man, Beemer,

. Flag Race-Corey Loewe,Beemer; Mark Fleer, Hoskins;lyanne Conrad,Beemer and SusanRiffey, Ponca, .'

Scramble Egg Race-M a r.kFleer, Hoskins; Lisa Rath, Sholes;

,Ion Behmer, Hoskins;· Barb Web-sters, Hoskins. .

. RIbbon ... Race-Jenny Rilty,. POr'lca; BarD Webster", Hoskins;

..'::Jeanne Follette, Norfolk; AmandaRath, SHoles.

'Women's senior golf,tournament held'

Page 5: Herald (1888-Present)/1991-2000... · the 1988 WH$ gr,duate said, ... Wayne will receive $165,300 for the acquisition and


You name it-We print it!





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Obituaries -...i ...! -------

Edna MichaelsonEdna Michaelson, 89, of Norfolk died Saturday, Aug. 10, 19~1 at a

Norfolk hospital. .. 'Services were held Aug. 15 at Grace Luther~n Church, Norfolk. The

Rev. Ray Wilke and the Rev. jeffrey Pik.e.:officiated.Edna Michaelson, the daughter of· William and Emma Schroeder Eck·

ert, was born Aug. 15, 1902 at Hoskins. She graduated from Hoskins High'School and attended Wayne State College, after which she taughtschools in Wayne and Madison Counties. She also graduated from theNorfolk Conservatol)' of Music in 1920 and retired in 1967 as an em­ployee of the Nebraska Public power; where she worked for 28 years.Following her retirement, she taught organ, piano and accordian music. formore than 20 years. She was a member of Grace Lutheran Church andthe Mal)' Martha Society and was the 1983 LaVitsef Time Sweeth.eart.

Survivors include two nieces and one nephew, Lorraine Snodgrass ofHemet, Calif., Donna Garmon of Pensacola, Fla. and Dwaine Eckert of SunValley, Calif.; one, Larl)' Kron of Flower Mound, Texas; one 'sis­, Nell Eckert of Pensacola, Fla.; and a brother-in-law and sister-in·law, Frank and ,Eleanor Kelling of Bellevue.

She was preceded in death by one daughter, Bette Michaelson Kron;three brothers and one sister.

HonoraI)' pallbearers were Irwin Underberg, Leo Ringer, Richard Bohac,Tom Hughes, Gary Don Luckert, Norman Moritz and Ray Krehnke.

Active pallbearers were Duane Timperley, Tim Kelling, Clifford Gibbs,Wayne Hebb, Burton Weichenthal and Verne Fuhrman.

Burial was in the Prospect Hill Cemetel)' in Norfolk with Home for Fu­nerals in charge of arrangements.

·17 •

WILL DAVIS, R.P.375-4249


900 Norfolk Avenue402/371·3160

Norfolk, NebraskaGeneral Surgery: G.D. Adams, M.D.,FACS; O.F. Hehner, M.D., FACS. Pedi­atrics: R.P. Votta, M.D., FMP, D. BIo­man Berg, M.D.. FMFP; Familf Prac­lice: T.J. Biga, M.D.; LG. Handke, M.D.;W.F. Becker, M.D., FMFP; F.D. Dozon,M.D. "nlemal Medicine: WeJ. Lear,M.D., D. Dudley, M.O,; Psychialry: V.Canganalli, M.D. .



I" ····PH~~JPJ~..I.r\1


Rob.rt B. B.nthack. M.D.B.nJamln .I. Mertln, M.D.

Gery .I. Weet. PAoC215 2nd St....t

Phon.: 37502500Wayn.,

30 days during 1990.All ballots shall be cast in the

county office no later than Aug.30. Ballots will be filed timely ifpostmarked no later than Aug. 30,Jnd received in the county officebefore close of business on Sept. 6.

Visiting in the Lloyd and AnnBehmer home at Winside for theAug. 10-11 weekend were Mr. andMrs. Keith Mason and Stephanie,Michael and J.P. Cantrell, all ofLenexa, Kan. Joining them for Sat-

. urday ,upper were Mr. and Mrs.Lonnie Behmer and sons, Scott andKent. The Mason grandchildrenremained in Winside to spend aweek with their grandparents.

the Grand Canyon and an after.noon of c.ards. Blood pressurechecks were taken and thehostesses were Yleen Cowan andDolly Warnemunde; The nextmeeting will be today (Monday) JPthe Legion Hall at 2 p.m.SCHOOL PICTURES

Individual school pictures will betaken on Friday, Aug. 30 at th"i!Win,ide schools. If you wish a pre­,chooler child picture taken,

. please have them in the elemen­,chao I', multi·purpose rOom by8:15 a.m.

• &.,111 ..·...,,31 <

WAYNE .FAMILY PRACTICE GROUP P.C.Willis L Wiseman, ...D.oJamesA. Lindau,M.D.

Dave Felber, ".D.214 P.... St....t Wayne. NE 37501600

Houra: Monday.Frld.y8012 & 1130.4:30, saturday 8012



313 lIaln St.Phone 375·2020 Wayne, NE


Dr. Larry M. MegnuaonOptometrist

S09 Deilrbom Str_t.De.rborn M.lIl

W.yn., 68787T.I.phon.: 375-5180



611 North Main StreetWayne, NebraskaPhone: 375-2889


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Wisner, Nebraska


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1 200 Valley View DrivePender, Nebraska 680t17

We invite you to visit our beautiful facility at your earli­est convenience. We think you'l/find good cause for cele­bration.

If you have an elderly parent In need of supervised com­panionship. you may sometimes wish you could ilnd aspecial place that would care about your parent's welfareas much as you do. One that would provide lots of stimu­lating actiVIties. Interesting friends and nutritionalgUidance. One that encourages Independence, and familyparticipation. And above all. one that provides the peaceof mind that comes from knOWing that skilled medicalpersonnel are always on hand.

,~_ M!Mo,,,,",",S:.l,"I.M,,,;~."J

der to be eligible to vote:-The producer had an interest

as owner or partial owner in one ormore sheep.

·The sheep were six·months oldor older.

-The ownership was for at least

TOPSMembers of TOPS NE 589 met

Wednesday for weigh-in. An article'Think Thin' was passed out and adiscussion was held on calciumtablets. The contest will run for twomore weeks. Anyone, .~anting moreinformation on this weight losssupport group can call 286·4425or Kris Marotz at 2864207.SENIOR CITIZENS

Twenty-three Senior Citizensmet last Monday for a movie on

The wool referendum will beheld Aug. 19 through Aug. 30.The ballot box will be in theCounty Office, serving the which the producer's farmheadquarters is located.

The follOWing must apply in or·

referendum, deductions will bemade from shorn wool and unshornlamb payments for 1991 through1995 to finance ASI's activities.

According to Teresa Post at theASCS office, the National Wool Actof 19S4, as amended, providesthat a referendum will be can·ducted to determine whether woolproducers approve of a newagreement between the Adminis­trator, AMC and the AmericanSheep Industry Association Inc.,(ASI), for the advertising and salespromotion of lamb and wool. Ifproducers indicate approval in the

'llenefit for the <]lowell's 3'lood ~ictlms



9:00 • 12:00 PM

ADMISSION $5.00 (INCLUDES ALL EVENTS)Tickets may be purchased at the door.

Benefit sponsored by: The Stanton NursingHome & The Stanton Jaycees

Winside 'News,' ~------~--Dianne .' oJaeser There will be a leadership train. The next regular meeting willo~ ing session Oct. 26 at the Grand be Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 1:30 p.m.LEGION AUXILIARY Isla.nd Veterans Home. Beverly in Winside.

Thirteen members and one ju-~ Neelwill drive for anyone wanting TOWN AND COUNTRYnior member of the Roy Reed a ride. . Pat Miller 'hosted the TuesdayAmerican Legion Auxilial)' met last An appreciation picnic will be Town and Countl)' Club meetingMonday with Rose Ann janke, I)elll Sunday, Aug..18 in the Legion with 10 members. Pitch was playedpresident, presiding. The meeting Hall at 6 p.m. for all Legion and with prizes going to Carol jar.opened with the flag salute, Aux.ilial)' members, their spouses or gensen, Bonnie Frevert andpreamble and they sang 'one verse a friend and all others who .assisted Dorothy)o Andersen. The birth-ofthe Star Spangled Banner. in making the new Legion Halla days of. Carol jorgensen and Pat

reality.' . Miller were observed. The nextThe secretaI)' report was given. The next Auxilial)' meeting will meeting \"i11 be Tuesday, Sept. 10

Arlene Pfeiffer gave a membership be Monday, Sept. 9 for initia.tion of 'with Marilyn Morse.'report showing 46 members, in· new members; All other membersch'ding five permanent members are asked. to', bring a salad for- Lorraine Denklau, Dorothy jo lunch. Serving 'committee will beAndersen, Charlotte Wylie, Goldie Dorothy jo Andersen, Adallne An·Selders and Helen Witt. derson and Lea Applegate.

A thank you was read from Lu- Hostesses for this meeting werecas. Mohr for the prize he received several of the officers.

A .• CHURCH WOMENin the 'Why I Love menca essay Six members of the Unitedcontest. Methodist Church Women at-

Doris Marotz and Arlene Pfeiffer tended a study of Missions in japanwill assist Beverly Neel of the Nor- last Monday at the Randolphfolk Veterans Home Sept. 3 with United Methodist Church. Athe Christmas wishes. potluck noon dinner was served.

Referendum calls for wool producer approval

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Page 6: Herald (1888-Present)/1991-2000... · the 1988 WH$ gr,duate said, ... Wayne will receive $165,300 for the acquisition and


JUSTII\I WARNER OF Allen displays his grand champion ayr­shire entry. Warner also won honors for prettiest cow,Junior showman dairy entry and grand champion ayrshireIn the open class.

The over-all Herdsmanship Trophysponsored by the First Nebraska Bank,Emerson, was won by the Country Style4-H Club of Wakefield.

Ribbon placings in the variousherdsmanship categories were:

Beef Herd"1anshlp: Purple: Dad'sHelpers 4·H Club, Concord; CountryStyle 4-H Club, Pop's Partners 4-H Club,Wakefield. Blue: New Generation 4-HClub, Concord. Red: Lucky Lads kLassies 4-H Club, Allen. White: Plea~

sure lit Profit 4·H Club, Allen.Dairy Herdmanshlp: Purple: Dad's

Helpers 4-H Club, Concord. Red: Pop'sPartners 4-H Club, Wakefield. White:New Generation 4-H Club, Concord.

Swine Herdmanshlp: Purple: LuckyLads &: Lassies 4-H Club, Pleasure &.Profit 4-H Club, Allen; Dad's Helpers 4­H Club, New Generation 4-H Club,Concord; Country Style 4-H Club,Wakefield.

Sheep Herdmanshlp: Purple: LuckyLads « Lassies 4-H Club, Ailen; NewGeneration 4-H Club, Concord. Red:Pleasure &: Profit 4-H Club, Allen.

Horse Herdmanshlp: Purple: Coun­try Style 4-H Club, Wakefield. Blue:Dad's Helpers 4-H Club, Concord. Red:New Generation 4-H Club, Concord;Pop's Partners 4·H Club, Wakefield.

Rabbit & Poultry Herdsma.nshlp:Purple: Dad's Helpers 4-H Club, NewGeneration 4-H Club, Concord; Pop'sPartners 4-H Club, Wakefield. Red:Pleasure &; Profit 4-H Club, Allen.

COREY VAVRA of Allenwon grand champion penof three and grand cham­pion breeding heifer.


Purple: Justin Wa~ner, Allen.Junior Dairy Showmanship: Purple:

Jeff Stewart, Dixon.Senior Dairy Showmanship: Blue:

Tricia Bathke, Dixon.Junior Calves-Dairy: Purple: leff

Stewart (2), Dixon.Intermediate CalveS-Dairy: Purple:

jeff Stewart(2), Dixon.Senior Calves-Dairy: Blue: Tricia

Bathke, .Dixon.Spring Yearllngs.Dalry: Blue: Jeff

Stewart, Dixon.Three Year Olds-Dalry: Purple:

Justin Warner, Allen.

ERIC THOMSEN of Wakefleld won grand champion breed­Ing heifer and grand champion slmmental.

Commercial: Purple: jason Stewart,Dixon. Blue: Jeff Keagle, Kyle Keagle,Wakefield.

Registered Helfer Calves-May/June Previous Year: Purple:Tiffany McAfee, Allen; Jeff Stewart,Dixon. Blue: Joel McAfee, Allen.

Heifers-March/April PreviousYear·Commerci al: Purple: TanyaPlueger, Concord; jeff Stewart, Dixon.Blue: Brad Johnson, Mark Johnson,Sonya Plueger, Concord.

Registered Helfer Calves-March/April Previous Year: Purple:Corey Vavra, Allen; Sonya Plueger,

"Tanya Plueger, Concord; Eric Thomsen,Wakefield. Blue: Tanya Plueger, SonyaPlueger, Mindy Plueger (2), ReneePlueger, Concord; Jeff Stewart, Dixon;Eric Thomsen, Wakefield ..

Cow With Calf Under 7 Months:Purple: joel McAfee, Tiffany McAfee,Corey Vavra, Allen; Chad Johnson,"Mark johnson, Brad johnson, DebbiePlueger, Tanya Plueger (2), Mindy,Plueger, Sonya Plueger, Renee Plueger(2), Sonya Plueger (2), Concord; PhilipBloom, Steve johnson, Christina John­son, jason Stewart, jeff Stewart (2),Dixon; Sara Mattes, Sco/t Mattes, EricThomsen, Wakefield. Blue: JoelMcAfee, Tiffany McAfee, Philip Mor­gan, Amy Morgan, Allen; Chad John­son, Mark Johnson, Brad Johnson,Michael Olson, Debbie Plueger, SonyaPlueger, Renee Plueger (2), TanyaPlueger, Concord; Philip Bloom, laurieJohnson, jason Stewart, Dixon; BrianMattes, Eric Thomsen, Wakefield.

Feeder Calves: Purple: ReneePlueger, Mindy Plueger, Sonya Plueger(2), Concord; Jeff Stewart (2), JasonStewart, Dixon. Blue: Tiffany McAfee(2), joel McAfee, Allen; Brad Johnson,Chad Johnson (2), Michael Olson,Sonya Prueger, Tanya Plueger, ReneePlueger, Debbie Plueger, Renee Plueger,Concord; Tricia Bathke, Dixon; EricThomsen, Wakefield.

Bucket Calf.8,9,10: Purple: MelissaWilmes, Allen; Jeff Keagle, Eric Thom­sen, Wakefield. Blue: Justin Warner,Allen; Erin Boeckenhauer, AdamBoeckenhauer, Wakefield. Red: JeffHoferer, Joel McAfee, Allen; Kyle Kea·gle, Wakefield.

Below are the Breed Champions andReserve Champions:

Ayrshire Champion: Justin Warner,Allen.

Guernsey Champion: jeff Stewart,Dixon.

Holstein Champion: Jeff Stewart,Dixon.

Jersey Champion: Jeff Stewart,.Dixon.

Res. Champion-Jersey: Jeff Stewart,Dixon.

Ribbon winners in the variousclasses were as follows:

Beginning Dairy Showmanship:

Beef-Club Groups: Purple: NewGeneration (4), Concord.

Beef-Pen Of Three: Purple: CoreyVavra, Allen.

Market Beef Calf Shown PreviousYear: Purple: Sonya Plueger, Concord.Blue: Renee Plueger, Concord.

Breeding Helfer Calf Shown Pre­vious Year: Purple: Tanya Plueger (2),Concord; Jason Stewart, Jeff Stewart(2),Dixon; Eric Thomsen, Wakefield. Blue:Corey Vavra, Allen; Brad Johnson, MarkJohnson, Sonya Plueger, MindyPlueger, Concord; Eric Thomsen, Wake-

Cow/Calf Shown PrevIous Year:Purple: Corey Vavra, Allen; ReneePlueger, Concord.

RegIstered Helfer Calves-BornMay Current Year: Blue: TanyaPlueger (2), Concord.

Commercial Helfer Calves-March/April Current Year: Purple:Sonya Plueger, Concord. Blue: Markjohnson, Brad Johnson, Concord.

Registered Helfer Calves-March/April Current Year: Purple:Corey Vavra, Allen; Renee Plueger,Concord; Jason Stewart (2), Dixon.

Registered Heffer Calves-Jan·uary/February Current Year: Purple:Debbie Plueger, Concord.

Registered Helfer Calves-Septem­ber/October Previous Year: Blue:Debbie Plueger, Concord.

Heifers-May/June Previous Year-

Philip Marburger, Debbie Plueger,Concord; Jeff Stewart, Jason Stewart,Dixon.

Senior Beef Showmanship: Purple:Sonya Plueger, Renee Plueger, TanyaPlueger, Concord; Tricia Bathke, Dixon.

Other Breed Steers: Blue: JenniferSimpson, Wakefield.

Crossbred Steers: Purple: ShannonKoester (2), Debbie Plueger, TanyaPlueger, Sonya Plueger, Concord; WyattErwin, Jeff Stewart, Jason Stewart (3),Dixon. Blue: Tiffany McAfee, CoreyVavra, Allen; Philip Marburger, ReneePlueger, Concord; Wyatt Erwin, Dixon.

Crossbred Heifers: Purple: joelMcAfee, Allen; Shannon Koester, Con­cord; Jeff Stewart, Jason Stewart (2),Dixon.

Best Dixon County Bred: Purple:Shannon Koester, Concord.

Both 4-H and Open Class Dairy andDairy Goat Winners were named at the1991 Dixon County Fair on Aug. 12, atthe Dixon County Fairgrounds in Con·cord.

4-H results were as follows:The Top Beginning Dairy Showman

was Justin Warner, son of Mr. and Mrs.Jack Warner, Allen. The Top JuniorDairy Showman was Jeff Stewart, son ofMr. and Mrs. Martey Stewart, Dixon;with Adam Bauman, son of Mr. andMrs. Allan Bauman, Newcastle, takingthe Second Place Junior Dairy Show­man honors.

4-8 and Open Class Dairy and Dairy Goat _

4-8 Clotbing _

The 4-H Beef winners at the 1991Dixon County Fair were named Aug. 13.Following is the listing.

ChampIon Market Steer: WyattErwin, Dixon.

Reserve ChampIon Market Steer:lason Stewart, Dixon.

Champion Market Helfer: ShannonKoester, Concord.

Reserve Champion Market Helfer:lason Stewart, Dixon.

Champion Rate-Of-Gain Steer:Wyatt Erwin, Dixon.

Res. Champion Rate-Of-GalnHelfer: Shannon Koester, Concord.

Champion Pen-Of·Three: CoreyVavra, Allen.

Best Dixon County Bred: ShannonKoester, Concord.

Champion Beginning Showman:Mindy Plueger, Concord.

Champion Junior Showman: JasonStewart, Dixon.

Res. Champion Junior Showman:Jeff Stewart, Dixon.

Champion Senior Showman: SonyaPlueger, Concord.

Res. Champion Senior Showman:Renee Plueger, Concord.

Champ. Jr. Bucket Calf Exhibitor:Eric Thomsen, Wakefield.

Res. Champion Cow-Calf Pair: Ja­son Stewart, Dixon.

Champ. Commercial BreedingHelfer: Jeff Stewart, Dixon.

Res. Champ. Commercial BreedingHelfer: Jason Stewart, Dixon.

Champion Feeder Calf: SonyaPlueger, Concord.

Champion Chlanlna BreedingHelfer: Tanya Plueger, Concord.

Champion Gelbvleh BreedingHelfer: Corey Vavra, Allen.

Champion Simmental BreedingHelfer: Eric Thomsen, Wakefield.

Champion Malne-Anjou BreedingHelfer. Jason Stewart, Dixon.

Ribbon winners in the variousclasses are as follows:

Beginning Beef Showmanship: Pur­ple: Tiffany McAfee, )oel McAfee,Allen: Shannon Koester, MindyPlueger, Concord; Jennifer Simpson,Wakefield. Blue: Corey Vavra, Allen;Wyatt Erwin Dixon; jeff Keagle, KyleKeagle, Eric Thomsen, Wakefield.

Junior Beef Showmanship: Purple:


Opell Class Porse Sbow----__---~----------

JEFF STEWART of Dixon shows off his champion Jersey,guerney, holstein and Intermediate showman championentry. Stewart was one of a number of youth who hadentries during the Dixon County Fair.

.JESSI.CA WARNER ·ofAllen· holds the halter of ·her reserVechampion ayrshire•. Warner won reserve' champion hon­01'$ In the open c1ass~ompetltlonduring the Dixon Coun'ty Fair.

Constructed and purchased garmentswere judged July 23 at the NortheastCenter, Concord, with top 'projects be­ing announced at the Dixon CountyFair on Aug. 14. 4-H members had theopportunity to visit with the judgeabout their garment or outfit, to re­ceive feedback and ideas as a learningexperience.

Special awards for outstanding gar­ment construction were received byKelcey Berg, laurel, Beginning UnitChampion; Peggy Stanley, Dixon, Mid.die Unit Champion and Brandy Hintz,Dixon, Advanced Unit Champion.Donors for the trophies received byKelcey and Peggy were donated by Se­curity National Bank at Allen andNorthwest Fabrics and Crafts. The scis­sors received by Brandy were donatedby the Dixon County Home ExtensionCouncil.

The Champion Decorate Your DudsExhibit winner was also Kelcey Berg oflaurel. The trophy Kelcey received wassponsored by "Just Sew," Sandra Wriedt,Wayne. The Champion Crochet Trophy,sponsored by ,Betty Anderson, Concord,was won by Tricia Bathke, Dixon.

4·H'ers whose garments were se­lected, for State Fair were: Clothing I:Kelcey Berg, laurel. Clothing 2: Peggy

Winners of the Dixon County FairPlay Day held Aug. 1S1 are as follows:

Junior; 'Wom'en's Western' Plea·sure: Holly Blair, Allen; third:Suzann Ekberg, Wakefield; Fourth:Krlsll Gustafson, Wakefield.

Senior Women's' Western Plea.;sure: First: Hillery Blair, Allen; Sec·ollll:. Trlshalutt, Wayne; Fourth: Becky

Stanley and Mandy Hartung, Dixon.Challenging Patterns: Angela Abts,Brandy Hintz, Dixon. Decorate YourDuds: Peggy Stanley, Dixon; JenniferSimpson, Wakefield.

The follqwlng ribbons wereawarded to the 4-H'ers:

Decorate Your Duds-Decorative:Purple: Penny Brentlinger, Allen; KelllHuetig, Rachel Olson, Concord; MandyHartung, Brandy Hintz, Dixon; JamieKellog, Jennifer Simpson, Wakefield.Blue: Alania Bupp, Kristen Hansen,Kenneth Rahn, Lana Schutte, Allen;Joan Clarkson, kate Harder, Elly Harder,jennifer Malnquist, Katie Martindale,Concord; Julie Abts, Peggy Stanley,Dixon; Becky Pearson, Ponca; KristinBrudigam, Jennifer Carson, Andrea Car­son, Wakefield. Red: lesslca Bock,Stacey Martinson, Stephanie Martinson,TIffany McAfee, Vicky Puckett, Allen;Quin Bohlken, Shannon Kowester, Am..ber M.artlndale, Concord; Megan Abts,Dixon;. Tara Anderson, Mindy Eaton,Sara Mattes, Becky Simpson, Wakefield.White: Daniel Puc~ett, Allen; BeckyAnderson, Cori Clarkson, Concord.

Decorate Your Duds.Clothlng Ac­cess: Purple:' Peggy Stanley, Dixon;jennifer Roeber" Jennifer Simpson,Wakefield. Blue: lana Schutte, Allen;

. Amber Martindale, Concord; AngelaAbts, Dixon. Red:, Megan" Kumm, Ken-

Appel, Hoskins,Senior Men's Western Pleasure:·

First: Chris lutt, Wayne; Third: GaryBlair, Allen.

Reining: First: Tom Etter, Wayne;Second: Trlsha Lutt, Wayne; Third:Becky Appel, Hoskins.. Senior Hat Race: First: MarteyStewart, Dixon.

neth Rahn, Allen; Kelli Huetig, Con­cord; LaUrie Johnson, Dixon; TaraAnderson, Kristin Brudigam, Wakefield.Sewing For Fun:

Needlebook and Pincushions: Red:Missy Mann, Debbie Plueger, Concord;Amber Hansen, Dixon; KristinBrudigam, Wakefield.

Bags.Tote, Sleeping: Purple: EllyHarder, Concord. Red: Karen Koch,Megan Uster, Jennifer Carson, Wake­field.

PillOW-Straight, Square, Patch:Blue: Philip Morgan, Allen.

Plllow·Olagonal Patch, Sew Fun:Blue: Jennifer Carson, Wakefield.

Wrlstwallet: Purple: Elly Harder,Concord; Amber Hansen, Dixon. Blue:Missy Mann, Katie Martindale, RachelOlson, Concord. .

Clothing Level I:Pull-On Pants/Shorts/Or Skirt:Purple: Lana Schutte, Allen; Becky

Anderson, jennifer Mainquist, Concord;Julie Abts', Dixon; Ke~cey Berg, laurel;Jennifer Roeber, Becky Simpson, Wake­field. Red: Tiffany McAfee, Allen;Jennifer Simpson, Wakefield. White:Stacey Martinson, Allen; Mindy Eaton,Wakefield.

Pull-Over Top/Shlrt!Vest: Purple:Julie Abts, Dixon. Blue: Jennifer Simp·son, Wakefield.: Red: laurie Johnson,

Senior Pole Bending: First: T.J. Pre­ston, Wakefield,

Senior .Clover1e:a,f Bartels: First:Hillery Blair,. Allen;. Second: . AlyssaMcGrath, Allen; Third: Ryan Ekberg,Wakefield.

Rat H.ace: Fourth: Ryan Ekberg,Wakefield.

Dixon. White: Jamie Kell09, Wake­field.Clothing Level II:


Skirt/Blouse: Blue: Penny Brentli~ger,Allen; Mandy Hartung, Dixon. Red:Mindy Plueger, Concord; ChristinaJohnson, Dixon.

Jog-Iumpsult-Pant/Short And Top:Purple: Peggy Stanley, Dixon. Blue:Joan Clarkson, Concord. White:Stephanie Martinson, Allen; DebbiePlueger, Concord.Challenging Patterns:

Pant Outfit: Red: Tanya Plueger,Concord. White: Sonya Plueger, Con.cord.

Dress Including Formal/Semi­Formal: Purple: Angela Abts,Olxon.

Wardrobe Building: Purple: BrandyHintz, "()ixon.Challenging Fabrics:

Pant OutfIt: Red: Kirstin Thompson,Wakefield.

Dress Including, Formal/Semi.Formal: Red: Renee Plueger, Concord.Crocheting:

Non-Wearable Item: Purple: Jen­nifer Mainquist, ConcQ:rd; TricfaBathke, Brandy Hintz (2), Dixon; BetsyErickson, Wakefield. Blue: MarciaHansen, Allen.

Four In Une:.First: Wes Blazer Team;SecPhd: Warren Ehrlsman Team; third:Jeff Schuetze Team; Fourth: Dave Cun­ningham Team.

, "a~ori Rac'e: First:. Ryan EkbergTeam; Second; Merlin Peterson Team'third: Oave Cunningham Team; Fourth;Marley Stewart Team.


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• Exhibit Print-Unit III: Purple: PennyBrentlinger, Pat Brentlinger, Allen•.

Nebr. Buildings: Purple: Gteg Hast­ede; Allen; Heidi. Mull~r. Wakefield.

Wakefield. Blue: Tara Anderson, Wake­field.

Framing/leading Lines-Unit II: Pur­ple: Heidi Muller, Wakefield. Blue:Andy Muller, Wakefield.

Exhibit Print-Unit I: Purple: PennyBren.tlinger, Pat Brentlinger, Allen;Andy Muller, .Heidl Muller, Wakefield.Blue: Tara Anderson, Wakefield. Red:.

"Renee"l'lueger, Concord.

Tammy Kneifl of Ponca. .Exhibitors and their ribbon placlngs

were:Sewing For Fun:

Fashion Revue·8ags: Blue: EllyHarder" Rachel Olson, Concord; AmberHansen, Dixon.Clothing Level I:

Fashion Revue-Pull-On Pants: Pur­ple; Julie Abts, Dixon. Blue: TiffanyMcAfee, Lana Schutte, Allen; JenniferRoeber, Wakefield. Red: Becky Ander­son, Concord.

Fashion Revue-Pull·Over Top: Red:Jamie Kellog, Wakefield.Clothing Level II:

Fashion Revue-TOp and Pants: Pur.pIe: Joan Clarkson, Concord. Blue:Peggy Stanley, Dixon. Red: DebbiePlueger, Concord.

Fashion Revue-Dress &; Topllump:Purple: Penny Brentlinger, Alien.Challenging Patterns: .

Fashion Revue-Pants Outfit: Blue:Tanya Plueger, Concord.

Fashion Revue-Dress: Purple: An­gela Abts, Dixon.

Fashion Revue·Outdoorwear: Blue:Jennifer Simpson, Wakefield.Challenging Fabrics:

Fashion Revue-Pant Outfit: Blue:Kirstin Thompson, Wakefield.

Fashion Revue-Dress: Red: ReneePlueger, Concord.

Fashion Revue-Costume: Purple:Mandy Hartung, Dixon.Teen Shopping Smart:

Everyday/Casual Wear-FashionRevue: Purple: Angela Abts, Dixon.

Oress~Up Wear-Fashion Revue:Purple: Sara Mattes, Wakefield. Blue:Jamie .,paulson, Allen.

Concord; Christina Johnson (2), Lauriejohnson, Dixon; Laura Erickson, JimErickson (2), Kurt Thompson, KirstinThompson, Kent Thompson, Wakefield.Red: Amanda Kumm, Allen; Lauriejohnson, Dixon.

Swine·Pen Of Three: Purple: MarkOlson, Concord; Wyatt Erwin, SteveJohnson, Dixon; Betsy Erickson, KurtThompson, Kent Thompson, Wakefield.Blue: Robert Kumm, Jeremy Kumm,Megan Kumm, Daniel Puckett, Allen;Christina Johnson, Laurie Johnson,Dixon; Laura Erickson, Wakefield.

Swine-Club Group: Purple: DarleneRoberts, Allen; Gerald Muller, Wake­field. Blue: Bonnie Marburger, Concord.

Swine-Rate of Gain: Purple: DanielPuckett, Alien.

KURT THOMPSON ofWakefield won champion­ship honors for pen ofthree hogs during the Dlx_.on County Fair.

-.' ',-

Panar~ma Exhibit-Unit I: Purple:Heidi Muller, Andy Muller, .wakefield.

Picture Story SerJe$-Unlt II: Purple:Greg Rastede, Allen;. Andy Muller,

Wakefield. Blue: Tiffany McAfee,Philip Morgan, Vicky Puckett, JustinWarner, Allen; Carly Salmon, BeckySimpson, Wakefield. Red: JeremyKumm, Stepha"i~ Martinson, KennethRahn, Allen; Joan Clarkson, Concord.

Picture Story Serles·Unlt·l: Purple:Jennifer Simpson, Wakefield. oBlue:Jamie Paulson, Allen; Debbie Plueger,Concord.

The County's over-all Champion andReserve Champion were selected fromthe County's Champions and ReserveChampions by project areas. Thesewinners were Champion, Kelcey Berg ofLaurel and Reserve Champion, JulieAbts of Dixon, in the Beginning Pro­ject Level. In the Middle project Level,the Champion was Mandy Hartung,Dixon and Reserve Champion, JoanClarkson of Concord. Champion in theAdvance Project Level was AngelaAbts, Dixon and Reserve Champion was

The Dixon County 4-H Fashion Re­vue for the public was held on Aug. 14in front of the fairgrounds grandstandin Concord. judging had been heldprior to fair on july 23 at the NortheastCenter, Concord. Mandy Hartung,daughter of Jeff and julie Hartung ofDixon, was selected for the secondyear, as Dixon County's Fashion Re.vueChampion and will represent DixonCounty at the State Fair Fashion Revueto be held in Lincoln. Mandy is amember of the Pins and Pans 4-H Club.Angela Abts, daughter of Dave andMarilyn Abts of Dixon, and also amember of Pins and Pans 4-H Club, wasnamed the County's Reserve Champion.Both girls received a trophy donated byMary jean's House of Beauty, Allen.

4-H Fashion Revue

4-H Swine -The Swine entries were judged at

the Dixon County Fairgrounds on Aug.14. The champions of the various divi­sions were the following.

Champion Market Swine: WyattErwin, Dixon.

Res. Champion Market Swine:Kent Thompson, Wakefield.

Champion Pen·Of-Three: KurtThompson, Wakefield.

Res. Champion Pen-Of-Three: Wy­att Erwin, Dixon.

Champion Swine Producer: WyattErwin, Dixon.

Top Beginning Swine Showman:Wyatt Erwin, Dixon.

Second Place Beginning SwineShowman: Jeremy Kumm, Allen.

Top Junior Swine Showman: LauraErickson, Wakefield.

Top Senior Swine Showman: KentThompson, Wakefield.

Second Place Sr. Swine Showman:Bob Kumm, Allen.

Champion Club Group: CountryStyle 4-H Club.

Res. Champion Club Group: Plea­sure & Profit, Allen.

Champion Rate"Of-Gain: Dan Puck­ett~ Allen.

Res. Champion Rate-Of-Galn: Wy­att Erwin, Dixon.

Ribbon placings in the divisionswere as follows:

Beginning Swine Showmanship:Purple: jeremy Kumm, Allen; Wyatt Er­win Dixon; Kurt Thompson, Wakefield.Blue: Amanda Kumm, Allen; LaurieJohnson, Dixon.

Junior Swine Showmanship: Pur­pI Laura Erickson, Wakefield. Blue:D niel Puckett, Allen; Christina John­

n, Dixon.Senior Swine Showmanship: Pur­

ple: Robert Kumm, Allen; Steve john­son, Dixon; Kent Thompson, Wake­field. Blue: Megan Kumm, Allen; MarkOlson, Concord; Betsy Erickson, Jim Er­ickson, Kirstin Thompson, Wakefield.

Market Pigs: Purple: Robert Kumm(2), Jeremy Kumm, Megan Kumm, Allen;Wyatt Erwin (2), Steve johnson (2),Dixon; Jeremy Morse, Maskell; Laura Er­ickson, Betsy Erickson (2), Kurt Thomp­son, Kirstin Thompson, Kent Thomp­son, Wakefield. Blue: jeremy Kumm,Megan Kumm, Amanda Kumm, DanielPuckett (2). Alien; Mark Olson (2).

WYATT ERWIN OF Dixon holds his trophies and ribbonsIn front of his winning hogs. Erwin won beginningchampion showman hog, champion pork producer, cham­pion market swine and reserve champion rate of gainhogs.

daughter 01 Greg and Denise Simpsonof Wakefield and a member of Pop'sPartners 4-'H Club. Jennifer will receivea trophy donated by Tri-County Insur­ance Agency, Allen. The ChampionExhibit In Photography II and III, wasan Exhibit Print belonging to AndyMuller. Andy is the son of Gerald andKathy Muller of- Wakefield and a mem­ber of Country Styie 4-H Club. Andywill receive a trophy donated by StateFarm Insl,.lrance, Allen. 4-H'ers_ ~xhibit­ing photC?graphy and their ribbonplacings were:_

Picture Display-Unit I: Purple: Deb­bie Plueger, Concord; Jennifer Simpson,

derson, Wakefield. Red: Jamie Paulson,Allen.More Baking Is Fun:

Cool Rise Yeast Rolls: Blue:Stephanie Martinson, Allen.

Quick One Egg Cake: Blue: AndreaCarson, Jennifer Seibrandt, Wakefield.Red: Tracy Mortenson, Wakefield.Outdoor Cooking:

Cookies For Hike Or Bike Trip:Purple: jennifer Simpson, Wakefield.

Hiking Snack: Purple: Brian Mattes,Jennifer Simpson, Wakefield_Better Breakfast &: All AmericanFoods:

Breakfast Muffins Or Biscuits:Purple: Lana Schutte, Allen. Blue: An­gela Abts, Dixon; Laura Erickson, TracyMortenson, jennifer Simpson, Wake­field. Red: Laurie johnson, Dixon.Lunches And Suppers:

Baked Quick Loaf Bread: .Purple:Angela Abts, Dixon. Blue: Sara Mattes,Wakefield.

Menus For 1 lunch And 1 Supper:Blue: Becky Simpson, Wakefield.Adventures With Dinners:

White Yeast Loaf Bread: Blue:Penny Brentlinger, Allen; Mandy Har­tung, Dixon. Red: Bobbi Strivens,Allen.Cultural Foods:

Corn Bread-Cultural Foods: Red:Marcia Hansen, Allen.Microwaving:

Microwave Poster: Red: JenniferRoeber, Wakefield.

Banana Bread: Blue: Tricia Bathke,Dixon Susan Brudigam, Jennifer Roeber,Wakefield. Red: Tracy Mortenson,Wakefield.Foods For The Future I:

Dried Fruits-Unit I: Purple: JeffStanley, Dixon.

Dried Fruit Leather-Unit I: Blue:Jeff Stanley, Dixon.Foods For The Future II:

Meat Jerky-Unit II: Pur pie:Christina Johnson, Dixon.

Dried Vegetables.Unlt II: Purple:Peggy Stanley, Dixon. Blue: ChristinaJohnson, Dixon.

3 Jar Exhibit-Unit II: Red: PeggyStanley, Dixon.Foods For The Future IV:

3 Jar Jellied Fruit Product: Blue:Megan Kumm, Allen.

Jessica Bock, Brian Stewart (2). Allen;Tanya P\ueger (2), Debbie Plueger (2),Renee Plueger, Concord.

Market Lambs-Pen Of Three: Pur­ple: Brian Stewart, Allen; DebbiePlueger, Concord; Jeff Stewart, Dixon.Blue: Jessica Bock, Allen.

Registered Ewe Lamb/DroppedCurrent Year: Purple: Mindy Plueger,Concord; Jeff Stewart, Dixon.

Ewe Lamb Commercial, DroppedCurrent Year: Purple: Tanya Plueger,Concord; jeff Stewart, Dixon. Blue: Re­nee Plueger, Concord (2).

Yearling Ewe-Registered-DroppedPrevious Year: Purple: Jeff Stewart,Dixon. Blue: Renee Plueger, Concord.

Yearling Ewe-Commerclal-Dropped Previous Year: Purple:Mindy Plueger, Concord; jeff Stewart,Dixon.

Mature Ewe-Registered-DroppedPrevious Year: Purple: Tanya Plueger,Concord; Jeff Stewart, Dixon. Blue:Brian Stew~rt, Allen.

Mature Ewe Commercial-DroppedPrevious Year: Purple: Debbie Plueger,Concord; Jeff Stewart, Dixon. Blue:Brian Stewart, Allen. Red: Brian Stew­art, Allen.

Registered Ram Lambs DroppedCurrent Year: Purple: Brian Stewart,Allen.

Ram Lamb Commerclal.DroppedCurrent Year: Purple: jeff Stewart,Dixon.

Jennifer Simpson's Picture Displaywas seleCted .as the Champion Exhibitin Photography Unit 1. Jennifer is the

Dixon County 4-H members enrolledin photography projects were given theopportu,nity to visit with the judgewhile their phqtos were critiqued andplacings decided on Juiy 23, at theNortheast Center, Concord. Interviewjudging gives the 4-~.'ers a chance torealize the good· aspects of theiT ex­hibits, to ask questions, and to learnhow to improve their photographytechniques. $

4-H Photography _

4-H Foods _=_

Winners of the Foods and FoodPreservation projects at the DixonCounty Fair were selected on Aug. 13.Jennifer Roeber, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Byron Roeber, Wakefield, wasnamed the winner of the BeginningFoods Exhibit trophy, which was do­nated by The Fair Store, Wakefield. TheChampion Middle Foods Exhibit win·ner was Lana Schutte, daughter of Mrand Mrs. David Schutte, Allen. Thetrophy Lana won was sponsored by TheCash Store, Allen. Christy johnson,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson,Dixon, was the "winner of the Cham­pion Advanced Foods Exhibit trophy,sponsored by Breisch's Store,Newcastle.

Ribbon placings in the foods andfood preservation projects were:Fit It All Together I:

Unbaked Cookies: Purple: JellHoferer, Kenneth Rahn, Allen.

Muffins: Blue: jeff Hoferer, Allen.Red: jessica Bock, Kenneth Rahn,Allen.Road To Good Cooking:

Peanut Butter Squares: Purple:Elly Harder, Concord. Blue: Kristen

Hansen, Allen; Quin Bohlken, KatieMartindale, Rachel Olson, Concord.

Oatmeal Drop Cookies: Purple':Amanda Kumm, Allen; Elly Harder,Katie Martindale, Concord. Blue: Kris"ten Hansen, Allen; Rachel Olson, Con­cord; Julie Abts, Dixon. Red: StaceyMartinson, Allen; Quin Bohlken, MissyMann, Concord.Baking Is Fun:

Super Cookies: Purple: Kate Harder,Concord; jennifer Roeber, Wakefield.Blue: Kristen Hansen, Philip Morgan,jamie Paulson, Shelly Smith, Allen;Kelli Huetig, Concon:~.

Snlckerdoodles: Purple: KelliHuetig, Concord; Erin Boeckenhauer,Jennifer Roeber, Wakefield. Blue: Kris­ten Hansen, Jamie Paulson, Vicky Puck­ett, Allen; Amber Hansen, Dixon;Mindy Eaton, Wakefield. Red: JeremyKumm, Allen; Megan Abts, Dixon.

Oatmeal Muffins: Purple: KateHarder, Concord; Jennifer Carson,Wakefield. Blue: Tiffany McAfee,Allen; Jennifer Hoesing. Red: JenniferRoeber, Wakefield.

Art Collage Poster: Blue: Tara An-

Ewe: jeff Stewart, Dixon.Res. Champ. Registered Yearling

Ewe: Renee Plueger, Concord.

Champion Commercial YearlingEwe: Mindy Plueger, Concord.

Res. Champ. Commercial YearlingEwe: Jeff Stewart, Dixon.

Champion Reglster~d MatureEwe: Jeff Stewart, Dixon.

Res. Champion Reg. Mature Ewe:Tanya Plueger, Concord.

Champion Mature Ewe(Commercial): Debbie Plueger, Con­cord.

Res. Champion Mature Ewe(Comm): jeff Stewart, Dixon.

Champion Over-All Ewe: Jeff Stew+art, Dixon.

Champion Ram (Registered Lamb):Jeff Stewart, Dixon.

Res. Champ. Ram (RegisteredLamb): Brian Stewart, Allen.

Ribbon placings were as follows:Beginning Sheep Showmanship:

Purple: Mindy Plueger, Concord. Blue:Jessica Bock, Allen.

Junior Sheep Showmanship: Pur­ple: Debbie Plueger, Concord; JeffStewart, Dixon.

Senior Sheep Showmanship: Pur­ple: Tanya Plueger, Renee Plueger,Concordl Blue: Brian, Allen.

Market Lambs Commercial: Pur­ple: Jessica Bock (2), Brain Stewart,Allen; Mindy Plueger, Debbie Plueger,Concord; jeff Stewart (3), Dixon. Blue:

JESSICA BOCK OF Allen displays her sheep reserve entry,which also won her championship In the beginningshowmanship competition. Bock proudly holds her prizeribbon up as she attempts to keep her sheep from mov­Ing. The sheep had different Ideas In mind, however, as Itdidn't seem to want to have Its picture taken by newspa­per photographers Wednesday.

Beginning Horsemanship: Purple:Kristi Gustafson, Wakefield. Blue: AndyBose, Dixon; Kristen Preston,Wakefield.

Junior Horsemanship: Purple: AndyMuller, Wakefield. Blue: Andrea Mc­Grath, Allen; Brad Johnson, Co"cord:Suzann Ekberg, Matt Gustafson, Wake­field. Red: Todd Kahl, Wakefield.

Senior Horsemanship: Purple:Alyssa McGrath, Allen; Heidi Muller,Wakefield. Blue: Scott Taylor, Concord;Kelly Ekberg, Wakefield.

Western Pleasure, Beginning (S­9): Blue: Shannon Koester, Concord;Wyatt Brown, Wakefield.

Western Pleasure, )unlor (10-13):Purple: Kristi Gustafson, Andy Muller,Wakefield. Blue: Andrea McGrath,Allen, Brad Johnson, Concord, AndyBose, Dixon; Matt Gustafson, Wake­field. Red: Todd Kahl, Kristen Preston,Wakefield. _

Western Pleasure, Senior (l4-Up):Purple: Alyssa McGrath, Allen, HeidiMuller, Wakefield. Red: Scolt Taylor,Concord, Kelly Ekberg, ~akefjeld.

Reining-Junior: Purple: Andy Muller,Wakefield. Red: Todd Kahl, Wakefield.

Reining-Senior: Purple: Alyssa Mc­Grath, Allen.. Red: Heidi Muller, Wake­field.

Beginning &: Junior Trail Ride: Pur.pie: Brad Johnson, Concord; Andy Bose,Dixon. Blue: Shannon Koester, Concord;Wyatt Brown, Andy Muller, KristenPreston, Wakefield, Red: Todd Kahl,Wakefield. .

Beginning & Junior Pole Bend: FirstPlace: Andy Muller, Wakefield. SecondPlace: Kristen Preston~ Wakefield.

Senior Pole Bend,. First Place: T.l.Preston, Wakefield. Second Place:Alyssa McGratl:1, Allen. Fourth Place:Heidi Muller, Wakefield.

B~glnning I< Junior Barrel Race:Second P,lace:, Andrea "McGrath, AII~n.

Fourth Place: Andy Muller, W~kefield.

Senior Barrel, Race: First Place:Ryan. Ekberg, WakefJeld. Third, Place:Heidi Muller, Waf(efield. Fourth Place:LeAnn' Stewart, Dixon.

Res. Champion Market Lamb: JeffStewart, Dixon.

Champion Rate-Of-Gain Lamb:Brian Stewart, Allen,

Res. Champion Rate-Of-Galn lamb:Brian Stewart, Allen.

Champion Pen-Of-Three: JeffStewart, Dixon.

Res. Champion Pen-Of-Three:Debbie PI ueger, Concord.

Champion Registered Ewe Lamb:Jeff Stewart"Dixon,

Res. Champ. Registered EweLamb: Mindy Plueger, Concord.

Champion Breeding Ewe Lamb(Comm): Jeff Stewart, Dixon.

Res. Champ. Breeding Ewe Lamb(Comm): Tanya Plueger, Concord.

Champion Registered Yearllnq

4-H Horse Show _

BRAD JOHNSON OF Concord won grand champion honorsIn the trail ride competition. He proudly shows off hishorse for photographers during picture day at the DixonCounty Fair.

The 1991 Dixon County 4-H HorseShow was held Aug. 12 at the DixonCounty Fairgrounds in Concord. Cham­pion in the various division were:

First Year Horsemanship: juneDickey, laurel.

Second Place Sr. Showman: KellyEkberg, Wakefield.

Champion Sr. Western Pleasure:Heidi Muller, Wakefield.

Champion Jr. Trail Ride: Bradjohnson, Concord.

Jr. Pole Bending: Andy Muller,Wakefield.

Sr. Pole Bending: T.j. Preston,Wakefield.

Champion 'Pole Bending: T.J. Pre·stan, Wakefield. ...

Sr. Barrel Ride: Byan Ekberg, Wake­field.

Sr. Horseman: Heidi Muller, Wake­field.

Other ribbon placings were: .Beginning Horse Showmanship:

Blue: Andy Bose, Dixon. Red: ShannonKoester, Concord; Wyatt Brown, KristiGustafson, Kristen Preston, Wakefield.

Junior Horse Showmanship: Blue:Andrea McGrath, Allen; Brad Johnson,Concord; Andy Muller, Wakefield. Red:June Dickey, Tyler Erwin, laurel; SuzannEkberg, Matt Gustafson, Todd Kahl,Wakefield.

Senior Horse Showmanship: Blue:Alyssa McGrath, Allen; Scott Taylor,Concord; LeAnn Stewart, Dixon; KellyEkberg, Wakefield. Red: Heidi Muller,

"J(ent Thompson, Wakefield.Halter Mares: Blue: jeff Stewart,

LeAnn Stewart, "Dixon; Matt Gustafson,Krist! 'Gustafson, Todd Kahl, HeidiMuller, Andy Muller, Wakefield. Red:Brad Johnson, Concord.

Halter Geldings: Blue: Alyssa Mc­Grath~ .Allen; Aridy Bose, Dixon; WyattBrown, Kristen Preston, .Wakefield. Red:Scott Taylor, Concord; Kelly Ekberg,Kristi Gustafson, Andy Muller, Wake-field. .'

,First Year Horsema,nship: Red:Shannon Koester, Concord; WyattBr"wn, Wakefield; .

Dixon County 4·H'ers showed theirsheep at the sheep show on Aug. 14 atthe Fairgrounds at Concord. The fol­lowing special award winners werenamed:

Top Beginning Showman: MindyPlueger, Concord.

Second Place Beginning, Showman:Jessica Bock, Allen.

Top Junior Showman: DebbiePlueger, Concord.

Second Place Junior Showman: JeffStewart, Dixon.

Top Senior Showman: ReneePlueger, Concord.

Second Place Senior Showman:Tanya Plueger, Concord.

Champion Market Lamb: leffStewart, Dixon.

JEFF STEWART OF Dixon stands with his prize sheep. Hewon grand championship honors In a number of catego­ries during the Dixon County Fair.

4-H Sheep .....,-_-"- _


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Home Ec. Miscellaneous ...;... _

ickson, Wakefield. Red: Erin Boecken­hauer, Betsy Erickson, Andy Muller,Wakefield. White: Amber Martindale,Concord.

Let's Create·Leather: Blue: JenniferSiebrandt. Wakefield.

let's Create-Metal: White: TaraAnderson, Wakefield.

Let's Create-Miscellaneous: Purple:Brandy Hintz, Dixon. Blue: MeganKumm, Allen; Joan Clarkson, AmberMartindale, Concord; Peggy Stanley,Dixon; Erin Boeckenhauer, JenniferCarson, laura Erickson, KobeyMortenson, Jennifer Simpson, Wake­field. Red: Amanda Kumm, Allen; CooClarkson, Concord; Christy Qtte,Jennifer Slebrandt, Wakefield. White:Kumm, Allen; Tara Anderson, Wake­field.Do Your thing:

Do Your Thing-Beginning: Blue:Jennifer Siebrandt, Wakefield. fled:Sara Mattes, Wakefield.

Let's Create.Wood (No Fumlture):Purple: Cori Clarkson, Concord; KristinBrudlgam, Wakefield. Blue: JeremyKumm, Allen; Laura Erickson, Wake­field. White: Megan Kumm, Allen.

Let's Create-Nature/Corn Shuck:Purple: Jennifer Malnquist, Concord;Kristin Brudlgam, Heidi Muller, Wake-­field. Blue; Peggy Stanley, Dixon.

Let's Create-OII, Water Color: Red:Joan Clarkson, Concord; Erin Boecken­hauer, Kristin Brudlgam. Betsy Erickson,Wakefield. White: Amanda Kumm,Allen.

Let's Create-Weaving/Macrame:Red: Tara Anderson, Wakefield.

pie: Pat Brentlinger, Allen. Blue: BreIHarder, Concord.Engineering, Computers:

Literacy Computer Poster: Blue:Christopher Wilmes,. Allen.

Computer Art-Black And White:Purple: Becky Simpson, Wakefield.Entomology:

Entomology Display-First Year:Purple: Marcia Hansen, ,Allen.Conservation And Wildlife:

Wildlife Harvesting Equipment:Red: Btad Nuemberger, Wakefield.Outdoor Education, Forestry:

Leaf Display: Purple: Greg Rastede,Allen.Safety:

First Aid Kit: Purple: lana Schutte,Justin Warner, Allen; Jennifer Maln­quist, Concord; Adam Boeckenhauer,Kristin Brudigam, Susan Brudigam,Mindy Eaton, Tracy Mortenson, JenniferRoeber, Becky Simpson, Wakefield.Blue: Tiffany McAfee, Jamie Paulson,Allen; Tara Anderson, Erin Boeck­enhauer, Todd Kahl, Wakefleld. Red:Joel McAfee, Allen.

Disaster Kit: Blue: Angela Abts,Dixon.

Safety Scrapbook: Purple: JenniferMainqulst, Concord; Jennifer Simpson,Wakefield.

Fire Safety Scrapbook: Purple: Jen·nifer Malnquist, Concord. Blue: MarciaHansen, Allen.

Producers of fine quality fresh, frozen anddried egg products. Also Crystal Farms

cheese and dairy products.

Managing the Money Maze:Managing Money Maze~Unlt

Purple: Tiffany McAfee, Allen.Handicrafts:

Handicraft: Purple: Jennifer Main­quist, Concord; Kristin Brudigam,Wakefield.Know Your Heritage:

Heritage Exhlblt·Level I: Red: JulieAbts( Dixon.

Scrapbook.Family Hlstory·Level I:Purple: Tricia Bathke, Brandy Hintz,Dixon. Blue: Mandy Hartung, Dixon.

Heritage Exhlblt·Level III: Blue:Angela Abts, Dixon.

Scrapbook.Famlly Hlstory.Level III:Purple: Angela Abts, Dixon.

Framed Family Grouping·Level III:Purple: Angela Abts (2), Dixon.

Let's Create:Let's Create.Applique, Embroi·

dery, Cross Stitch: Purple: BrandyHintz, Dixon. Blue: Jennifer Siebrandt,Wakefield.

Let's Create . Clay / Porcelain /Ceramics: Blue: Trlcia Bathke, PeggyStanley, Dixon. Red: Tonia Burnham,Allen.

Let's Create-Fiber Arts: Purple:Cori Clarkson, Concord. Blue: laura Er.

Toy Made for Pre-Schooler: Red:Peggy Stanley, Dixon.

Babysitting Kit: Purple: ChristinaJohnson, Dixon.The Sitter:

Entertainment Kit-Sitter: Purple:Jennifer Mainquist, Concord. Blue:Megan Kumm, Allen; Tara Anderson,Jennifer Simpson, Wakefield. Red: To·nia Burnham, Allen.

Funtlme Book-Sitter: Blue: TiffanyMcAfee, Allen.

Vegetable Collection of 5: purple:Amber Hansen, Dixon.Electronic Pro/ects:

Quiz BClard.Unlt I: Blue: DanielPuckett, .Allen.Welding:

Wielding Article: Blue: Michael 01.son, Concord; Kevin Carvin, Dixon;Brad Nuernberger, Wakefield.Rope:Woodworking:

Articles Made With Hand Tools:Purple: Joel McAfee, Allen; JenniferSimpson, Wakefield. 'Blue: )oelMcAfee, Allen.

ArtIcles Made With Power Tools:Purple: Jeremy Kumm, Allen. Blue: GregRastede, ,Allen;· Brad Nuernberger,Wakefield. Red: Stephanie Martinson,Allen.

Advanced Method Woodworking:Red: Daniel Puckett, Allen.

Article Made Large Power Tool.s:Purple: Robert Kumm, Allen.Engineering, Small engines:

Small Engines Demo Display: Blue:Robert Kuinm, Allen.Engineering, Tractors:

Tractor Demo Display: Purple:Greg Rastede, Allen.Rocketry:

Single Stage Rocket.Up To 15',Blue: Jeff Stanley, Dixon.

Single Stage Rocket-Over 15": Pur-

dents, parents and 4·H'ers, who chosethe Interview option. Judge like thevisit too, because they can ask ques·tions and the 4-H'er can give and getanswers. In years past,· clothing, knit­ting and crOcheting and photographyhave been routinely jntervie~ Judgedprior to the fair.

4~H exhibit hall exhibits were upfrom 1990 from approXimately 420 to480 this year.

Ribbon placings in all areas were:Child Development:

Toy Made For Baby: Red: lanaSchutte, Allen.

Toy Made For Toddler: Blue: Mar­cia Hansen, Allen; Andy Muller, Wake­field.

Create Trophy was won by HeidiMuller, Wakefield, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Gerald Muller. Heidi's trophy wasdonated by Mrs. laverne Ellyson, New·castle. The Champion Middle Let'sCreate Trophy sponsored by the New·castle Community Club, Newcastle, waswon by Corl Clarkson, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Bob Clarkson, Concord. TheChampion Beginning let's Create Ex~

hibit Trophy was won by JenniferSimpson, Wakefield, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Greg Simpson. The trophy thatJennifer will receive was sponsored byWal-Mart, South Sioux City, Nebraska.

Wilmes, Allen. Blue: Amanda Kumm,Christopher Wilmes, Allen.

Pullet-Standard Size: Purple:Amanda Kumm, Melissa Wilmes, Allen.Blue: Christopher Wilmes, Allen;Tanya Plueger, Concord.

Trio-Bantams: Purple: Robert Kumm,Allen. Blue: Tanya Plueger, Concord.

Pen (Brollers).Standard Size: Pur·pie; Robert Kumm, Megan Kumm, AJlen;Laurie Johnson, Dixon. Blue:· AmandaKumm, Allen.

SlIclng Cucumbers: Blue: KristenHansen, Allen. Red: Marcia Hansen,Jamie Paulson, Allen.

Pickling Cucumbers: Blue: laura Er·ickson, Wakefield.

Yellow Onions: Blue: Betsy Erick.son, Wakefield. Red: laura Erickson,Wakefield.

White Potatoes: Blue: MarciaHansen, Jeremy Kumm, .Allen; Betsy Er­ickson, Wakefield. Red: Jamie Paulson,Allen; Brad Nurenberger, Wakefield.

Red Potatoes: Blue: krlsten Hansen,Allen. Red: Amanda Kumm, Megari'Kumm, Allen.

Pumpkin: Blue: Kristen Hansen,Megan Kumm, Amanda Kurom, Allen.

Summer Green Squash: Purple:Jeremy Kumm, Allen. Blue: AmandaKumm, Allen. Red: Marcia Hansen,Megan Kumm, Allen.

Summer Yellow Squash: Purple;Marcia Hansen, Allen. Red: KristenHansen, Allen,

Sweet Corn: Blue: Betsy Erickson,laura Erickson, Wakefield. Red: BradNuernberger, Wakefield.

Red Tomatoes: Blue: KristenHansen, Allen. Red: Marcia Hansen,Jamie Paulson, Allen.

TurnJps: Red: Megan Kumm, JeremyKumm, Allen,

Other Vegetables: Blue: Betsy Er­ickson, laura Erickson, Wakefield.

Pen (Egg Productlon).StandardSize: Purple: Laurie Johnson, Dixon.

Cockerel·Bantams: Purple: ChrisMortenson, Wakefield.

Hen·Bantams: Purple: ChrisMortenson, Wakefield.

Trlo~Bantams: Blue: Chris Morten·son, Wakefield.

Young Drake: Purple: MindyPlueger, Debbie Plueger, Tanya Plueger.Concord; Kobey Mortenson, Wa~ield.

Young Duck: Purple: DebbiePlueger, Concord; Kobey Mortenson,

.' Wakefield..Dog:

Beginning Novlce.Dog: Purple:Tracy Mortenson, Wakefield. Blue:Kobey Mortenson, Wakefield.

Novice-Dog: Purple: Chris Morten­son, Wakefield.

Champion Senior Dog Showman:Chris Mortenson, Wakefield.

Res. Champ. Senior Dog Show·man: Kobey Mortenson, Wakefield.

Beg. Novice Champion-Obedience:Tracy Mortenson, Wakefield.

Res. Beg. Novice Champlon­Obedience: Kobey Mortenson, Wake·field.

Res. Novice Champion-Obedience:Chris Mortenson, Wakefield.

Ribbon placings in all the showswere as follows:

Beginning Poultry Showmanship:Purple: Melissa Wilmes, Allen; MindyPlueger, Concord. Blue: Jeremy Kumm,Amanda Kumm, Allen; laurie Johnson,Dixon.

Junior Poultry Showmanship: Pur·pie: Christopher Wilmes, Allen; Deb­bie Plueger, Concord.

Senior Poultry Showmanship: Pur·pie: Tanya Plueger, Concord; ChrisMortenson, Wakefield. Blue: RobertKumm, Allen. Red: Megan Kumm,Allen.

Beginning Dog Showmanship:Blue: Tracy Mortenson, Wakefield.

Senior Dog Showmanship: Purple:Chris Mortenson, Wakefield. Blue:Kobey Mortenson, Wakefield.

Poultry:Cockerel·Standard Size: Purple:

Megan Kumm, Jeremy Kumm, Melissa

For the first time, Dixon County 4­H'ers were able to interview judges(visit with the judge) when taking allexhibit ball exhibits to the fair thisyear. They also had the option to leavetheir exhibits off as in the past. Therewere several 4·H'ers who took advan·tage of the additional learning experi­ence according to Extension Agent,Karen Wermers. The feedback has been100 percent positive by superinten.

Dixon County 4-H'ersinterview judge at fair

Champion exhibits in the HomeEconomics area were selected on Aug.12 at the Dixon County Fair. TheChampion Home Economics ExhibitTrophy was won by Jennifer Malnquist,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Todd Briese,Concord. The Trophy Jennifer will re­ceive was donated by VFW Gasser Aux­iliary 5435, Martinsburg. The Cham­pion Child Development and SitterExhibit Trophy which was donated byPetals & Pines Pre~School, Marcialundin, Wakefield, was won by ChristyJohnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. leeJohnson, Dixon. Brandy Hintz,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M~rvin May,Dixon, was the winner of the Cham~

pion Know Your Heritage Exhibit Tro­phy sponsored by The Over 60 Club,Newcastle. The Champion Do YourThing Exhibit Trophy sponsored by theAmerican legion Auxiliary, Newcastle,was won by Jennifer Seibrandt, Wake­field, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LarrySiebrandt. The Champion SenIor let s

Ag Miscellaneous awards were se­lected at the Dixon County Fair heldAug.. 12..Champion Garden Exhibitwent to Bernard kneifl~ son of Mr. "andMrs. Stan Knelfl, Ponta. The TrophyBernard will receive was donated byEaton's Greenhouse, ·Wakefield~ TheChampion Woodworking Trophy do.nated by, Anderson Lumber Company,Wakefield, was won by Robert Kumm,son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kumm,.Allen. -Robert also was the winner ofthe Champion Small engines Trophydonated by Farm Bureau" Ron Wen­strand, Allen.

Ribbon placlngs In these mlseella.neous projects were as follows:Floriculture:

Cut Flowers-Annuals: Purple:Christopher Wilmes, Allen. Blue: BetsyErickson,. laura Erickson, Becky Simp­son, Wakefield.

Flowering Potted Piant: Biue:Amanda Kumm, Allen.

Foliage Potted Plant: Blue: Christo.pher Wilmes, Allen.

Terrarium: Blue: Megan Kumm,Allen.Vegetable Gardening:

Snap Beans: Red: Jamie Paulson,Allen.

Beets: Purple: Betsy Erickson,Wakefield. Blue: laura Erickson, Wake.field.

Carrots: Red: lami@ Paulson Allf'n.

Ag Miscellaneous ----- _

The Dixon County Poultry, Dogs,Cats and Household Pets Shows wereheld Aug. 12 at the Dixon County Fair·grounds. The following 4·H'ersreceived trophies in the PoultryDivision:

Champion Beginning PoultryShowman: Mindy Plueger, Concord.

Champion Junior Poultry Show~

man: Debbie Plueger, Concord.Champion Senior Poultry Show·

man: Tanya Plueger, Concord.Champion Single Poultry: Melissa

Wilmes, Allen.Champion Poultry Trio: Robert

Kumm, Allen.Champion Poultry Pen: Laurie

Johnson, Dixon.All trophies won by the above 4·

H'ers were donated by the Milton C.Waldbaum Company of Wakefield.

In addition to the trophies thatWaldbaum's sponsored this year, theyalso sponsored three "Incredible EdibleEgg" belt buckles in the following ar­eas:

Best Single Standard Poultry:Melissa Wilmes, Allen.

Best Single Bantam Poultry: ChrisMortenson, Wakefield.

Best Single Poultry Other Than

Chickens: Tanya Plueger, Concord.Award winners announced in the

Dog Division were:

4-H Small Animals _

PHILIP MARBURGER ofConcord received the tro·phy for the champion Jun.lor showman categoryduring the Dixon CountyFair.

Tie and Dye: Purple: JenniferMainquist, Concord.Thingmajlgs and Other Doodads:

3-0lmensional Deslgn-Non.Fabric:Purple: Brandy Hintz, Dixon. Blue:Sonya Plueger, Debbie Plueger, Con·cord. Red: Renee Plueger, TanyaPlueger, Mindy Plueger, Concord.

Picture: Purple: Brandy Hintz,Dixon.Heirloom Treasures:

Newly Made Treasure/Restored:Purple: Greg Rastede, Allen; JonathanMarburger, Concord; Brandy Hintz,Dixon; Kobey Mortenson, Wakefield.

Furniture Refinished/Renovated:Blue: Brandy Hintz, Dixon.Teens Shopping Smart:

Teens Shopping Smart·PurchasedGarment: Purple: Angela Abts, Dixon;Sara Mattes, Wakefield. Blue: JamiePaulson, Allen.Booths:

4·H Booths: Purple: Dad's Helpers,Concord. Blue: Pins & Pans, Concord.

Secretary's Books: Blue: Amy Mor­gan, Allen; Jennifer Simpson, Wake.field. Red: Christopher Wilmes, Allen.Posters:

4-H,' Youth, America: Purple: SusanBrudigam, Wakefield.

Safety: Purple: Kristin Brudigam,Susan Brudigam, Wakefield.

News Reports: Blue: Tonia Burn·ham, Allen.

LAURIE JOHNSON of Dixonreceived a trophy for thechampion poultry hen. Shewas a number of area chil­dren who fared well In thesmall animals competition.

Home Environment Exhibitor spe­cial awards were announced at theDixon County Fair on Aug. 12. JenniferMalnqulst, Concord, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Todd Briese, won the Beg!n.nlng Unit Champion Trophy sponsoredby Anna 80rg, of lubbock, Texas. TheMiddle Unit Champion Trophy spon­sored by Chase Plumbing, Allen, waswon by Brandy Hintz, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Marvin May, Dixon. The Ad­vanced Unit Champion Trophy waswon by Greg Rastede, son of Mr. andMrs. Allan Rastede, Allen. The trophyGre$) will receive was sponsored byDixon County Farm Bureau.

Ribbon placings were as follows:Home Building Blocks I:

4-8 Miscellaneous _

4-8 Rabbit Show _The Dixon County 4·H Rabbit ShOWo

was held Aug. 11, at the Dixon CountyFairgrounds. Special Awards. In theRabbit Division were as follows:

ChampiClnBeglnnlng Showman:Tracy Mortenson, Wakefield.

Rue"", Champion Beg. Showman:Jonathan Marburger, Concord.

. Champion Junior Showman: Philip .•Marboxger, Concord.

Champion Meat Class Rabbit:Chris Mortenson, Wakefield.

,Res. CharnplonBreedlng Doe Rab·'*' Jeremy Marburger, Concord.Champion Breeding Buck Rabbit:

Chris Mortenson, Wakefield.

Beginning Rabbit Showmanship:Purple: .Tracy Mortenson, Wakefield.Blue: Je,emy Marburger, Jonathan Mar·burger, Concord.

Junior Rabbit Showmanship: Pur.pie: Philip Marburger, Concord.

Senior Rabbit Showmanship: Blue:Chris'Mortenson, Wakefield~

Ribbon placings in the divisionswere as follows:

Junior Doe Rabbit: Purple: JeremyMarburger, Concord. Blue: Philip Mar·burger, Concord. Red: Jonathan Mar­burger, Concord.

Junior Buck R.bbit: Blue: JonathanMarburger, Concord.

Intermediate Doe Rabbit: Red:Chris Mortenson, Wakefie;ld.

Intermediate Buck Rabbit: Purple:Chris Mortenson, Wakefield.

Senior Doe Rabbit: Purple:Jonathan Marburger, Concord. Blue:Philip Marburger, Jeremy Marburger,Concord; Chris Mortenson, Wakefield.

Senior Buck Rabbit: Purple: PhilipMarburger, Concord; Kobey Mortenson,Wakefield. Blue: Tracy Mortenson,Wakefield. Red: Jonathan Marburger,Concord; Chris Mortenson, Wakefield.

Small Fryer Rabbit: Blue: ChrisMortenson, Wakefield.





. , MEMBER FDIC256·3247'



Grains, feeds and seeds.Storage and drying

584·2284Dixon, Nebraska

Manager: Jeff Hartung




earnedour tE __

;support••• '.


Page 9: Herald (1888-Present)/1991-2000... · the 1988 WH$ gr,duate said, ... Wayne will receive $165,300 for the acquisition and

Macklin presldentlals,cholar ,9

Connie Van Houten, news re­porter.

yearbooks.The next meeting will be a

potluck dinner, achievement partyand talent show, In the park onSunday, Sept. 15, beginning at 1p.m.

HELPING· HANDSThe Helping Hands 4-H Club

met Aug. 7 in the Winside parkwith the Bloomfield family hosting.Attending were· five members,three leaders and three mothers.

Beth Bloomfield gave ademonstration on how to makedough art. Mrs. Cherry handed out

The • .,p. .......... JofGedas'. Aupd at, a"a4-8 News, CQtreetionWrong number

Due to an editing error,the wrong censusflgure WiI$provided for Wayne in an ar.ticle dealing with the censusin the Thursday. Aug. 15edition of The Wayne Herald.

Wayne's correct censuscount is 5,142.

age are important criteria for se·:lection;Last ·'year's' 'Presidential'SCholars, on av~rage, ranked in thetop . five percent.' of their highschool class.

Macklin is th~ daught~i of Billand Pattie Ma.cklin of St. Charles,III., 'and '.grari'ddaughter of JaneMacklin·ofWayne.

scholarship and will allow. Macklinto participate in special programsat the college. "

Augustana Presldenti~1 Scholarsmust demonstrate exception~1academic' ability, intellectual. cu·riosity and the capacity fOr effec.tive, thoughtful express. Class rank,college admission test (ACT orSAl) scores, and grade point aver-

C;,g'l~ge namesJennifer M. Macklin of St.

. Charles,·IlI.· has been named apres)de.!'tial scholar at AugustanaCoiiege In Rock Islalld; III. The.highly selective award was grantedto Macklin on> the basis of highschool academic record and po.,tenliakto, excel in college~tudies.

The Presidential Scholar awardcarries. a substantial monetary

Legal Notices __~ ~__..;-.- +-__

ACILJal AClUal ActualExpellsc Exocllsc Ex 10IlSC ReoLJiremenL.

fUNDS Cash on fcc and TOIaINecessary Hand and Deliquent Pmpcny

1981\-89 1989-90 199a-91 1991-92 Cash ESlimatctl TaA TaJtReserve Olher Revenue Allowance Rc<!uiremefll

(I) 121 (J) (4) (~) (6) (7) . 181<kner.J1 * 3,002,324. 3,350 478. 3 620 807. RQ1'63 5A>.n32. 2,982,027. 59,803. 1,554,871.SinkinQ Fund 46,27B. 59 B06. 120 000. 144 000. O. O. 5,760. 149,760.TOTALS 3 04B 602. 3 410 284. 3 740 B07. 4,035,463. 5B5,632. 2,982,027. 65,563. 1,704,631.

Ouildino Fund .. 30 642 • 12B 693. 360 000. 256 000. O. 256 000. O. O.

Oenreciat ion Account 51 073. 55 441. 60 000. 101 000. O. 101 000. O. O.

11" Includes Federal Funds*1I"Carried forw~rd from Sinking Fund



ATTEST,City Clerk

Fe, 35.00; Medlc.1 Expen..s, RE, 900.48;Doug Sturm, So, 800,00; smeal Fire, SU,475.19; NPPD, Se. 139694.48: WAPA, So.10911.48; U.S. We't, Se. 1339,41; WayneCounty Court, Re. 118.80; ICMA, Re, 1961.82;City of Wayne. 80830.53: Nebr. Dept of Rov·enue. Re. 2052.73; Stale Nellonal Bank, Re,19952.20; Postmaster, SU, 400,00; Trio Travel,Se, 103.00: Flexcomp Benefit Account.2757,57; City 01 W~yne Ubrary, Su, 913.23;Jeremy Sturm, So. 73.50; Dan Nelson, So,18.00: Joe Lun. So. 18.00; Jaimey Holdort, So.9.00; Dusty Jensen, SO, 13,50; TnICi Gemble.Se, 12.00; Todd Obomy, So, 30.00; RegerBentz, So. 68.00: LerryE_. So, 93.00.

A PubUe Hearing on me Proposed 199Ht2Budget_ held,

Resolution 91·50 adopling the 1991·1992BOOgOl .

Ordinance 91·16 to appropriate the sums01 money I18C8SSllIY to de~~y all "'" neceneryexpenses and liabilities of the City 01 Wayne,Nebraska, for the fiacal year ending July 31,1992, was adopted.

The special designated pennllS for theWindmill Restauranl were approved.

Resolution 91-49 accepting bid for side­walk improvement District No. 91-1 was ap­proved.

Resolution 91·51 establishing sold wastelees was approved.

Resolution 91-52 authorizing execution ofMemorandum of Participation regarding theLeague 01 Municipalities group application rorStorm Water Discharge Permit Program wasapproved.

Resolution 91-53 accepting and authoriz·ioo execution of an agreement with the WayneMinisterial Association lor Sunday use 01 thehandivan was approved.

A motion to provide up to $1,500 financialsupport toward the S.T.A.R.T. Public FacilityCommittee Btudy for a mulli-purpose commu­nity building was approved.

A motion to remove from the City accountsfiscal year end bad debts was approved.

A motion to proceed to create an agree­menl with the properly Own&nI In regard to thosewer line on West FirSI Street was approved.

A motion to negotiate a lease wilh HazelMau for the rental space she now occupies Inthe Auditorium was approved.

A motion to accept the Easement Agree­ment with lois Hall, owner of the WayneGreenhouse, regardi~g··-gtbrm water drainagewas approved. '

A molion to grant the Permit 10 ConstructWell to Mark Sorensen was approved.

Meeting edjourned et9:45 P.M.THE CITY OF WAYNE, NEBRASKA,

By: Mayor

IPu~. Aug. 19)NOTICE


Estate of DALE M. VON SEGGERN. De­ceased.

Estate No. PR 91-26.Notice Is hereby given that on August 8,

1991, In the County Court 01 Wayne County,. Nebraska, the Registrar Issued a wrinenStalement of Informal Probate of the Will 01said Decedent, and that carol SChalter whole .address Is 1116 Wilson, Norfolk, Nebraska,was informally appointed by the Registrar ••Personal Representative'of the Estate.

Creditors of this Estate must file theirclaims with this Court on or before October 17,1991, or be forever barred.

(.) PMrI. A. hn).mlnClerk of lh. County Court

Char". E. McDermottDuane W. SchroederAnomey for Applicant

IPu~.AU9. 12, 19,28)2d1po

Abbreviations for this legal; Ex, Expense;Fe, Fee: Gr, Groceries; Mi, Mileage; Re, Reim­bursements; Rpt., Report; Sa, Salaries; Se,Services; Su, Supplies.


July 30, 1991The Wayne City Council met in regular

session at 7:30 p.m. on July 30. 1991. In atten­dance: Mayor Carhart; Council membersWieland, Prather, Heier, Fuelberth, H~sen,O'Leary, Lindau and Barclay; Attorn!;')' Ensz;Administrator SaJitros; and Clerk Bl\lmmond.

Minutes of the regUlar meeling of JUly 9,1991, and the reconvened meetings of Jury 15and 16, 1991 ,were approved.

The following daims were approved.ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO

CLAIMS US! OF JULY 9 1991- MorningShopper, Se, 25.SO; Wayne Auto Parts, changefrom 20.90 10 20.98; and Utility Customers,change from 920.90 to 940.90.

fAIIIQl.L: 60630.53.VARIOUS FUNpS: A & L Mdwest lab,

Inc., Su, 30.00: Abstract & Title Co., So, 10.00;A.B. Dick, Se, 120.00; American Safety Uti!.Corp., SU, 39.82; AmerilaS Life, Re, 610.57;Asphalt & Conaete Mat., Su, 2160.72; AT&T,Se, 93.25; Betsy Ross, Su, 672.32: DelmarCarlson, Re, 117.00; Casey Roofing, Re,2765.00: Central States lab., Su, 927.08;Charlie's Refrigeration, Re', 28.70; A.W.Chesterton Co., Su, 496.05; ChristiansenConst., Sa, 47151.97; Colfax Creosoting Co.,Su, 3334.90; Cole-Palmer, Su, 35.31; CompleteComputer, Su, 10.22; Corporate Diversified,Re, 72.00; Credit Bureau of Norfolk, Se, 59.11;Dave's Body Shop, Re, 180.00; Ooescher Ap·plicance, Su, 448.45; Drummond AmericanCorp., Su, 132.54; Dugan Business Forms, Su,1625.90; DUllon lainson, Suo 1215.85; LonEdwards, Se, 60.00; Electric Fixture, Su,825.00: FirsTier Bank, Fe, 1060.96; Fredrick­son on Co., Su, 1993.80: Gerhold Concrete,Su, 3600.90; loP. Gill, Inc., Se, 4883.36; BruceGilmore, Fe, 416.SO; Harding Glass, Re, 48.00;Howard R. Green, Sa, S018.30: Hungrys, Inc.,Su, 69.75: Int. Society of Arboriculture, Su,25.00; James W. Bell Co., Inc., Su, 8150.00;Kepeo Engraving, Suo 3.95; Kiwanis MessFund, Se, 135.00: Koplin Auto Supply, Re,204.66; Kriz Davis Co., Su, 567.33; Robertlamb, Re, 128.00; lanier, Re, 235.00: leagueof Nebr. Mun., Fe, 566.00; Lun Trucking, Su,647.82; May Engineering. Se. 2013.60; Mid­Nebr. Communications, Re, 33.17; WilliamMellor. Re, 222.00; Nebr. Floral & Gifts, Su,18.00: Nebr. liquor Control Commission. Suo10.50; Nebr. Power Review Board, Se, 197.13;Nebr. Tractor, Su, 6451.00; Norfolk Daily News,Se, 62.79; Norloik Office Equip., Re. 4.58; Of­fice Connection. Su, 8.42: Olds, Ensz & Pieper.Sa, 1072.32; Omaha Sand & Truck, Su, 521.85;Pamida, Inc., Su, 81.12; Phillip 66 Co., Su,19.72; Quality Food Center, Su, 4.12; Keith R.Reed, Re, 200.50; Tom Roberts. Mi, 15,12:Rogers Wholesale Electric, Su, 44.12; Ron'sRadio, Re, 30.00;' Royal Towel, Su, 130.00:Leonard Schwanke, Re, 159.50; Servall Towel,Su, 105.18; New Sioux City Iron, Su, 28.20;Sioux City Journal, Sa, 38.44; Spann Aula Ma­chine, Re, 20.00; Stalheim Machinery, Inc., Re,480.73; TNEMEC Co., Inc., Su, 96.40; Ultra­Chem,lnc., Su, 109.68; U.S. Sprint Telephone,Se, 165.01; Vakoc Home Building, Su, 5.00:Vel's Bakery, Su, 18.90; Herman Wacker, Re,222.00; Wayne Auto Parts, Ae, 49.28; WayneCo. Public Power Disl., Se, 1530.08: WayneSchool Dist,#1?, Re,1340.88; Wayne SportingGoods, Su, 803.55; Wayne's True Value, Su,SB.D1; Wesco, Su, 40.32: Weslern Paper, Su,42.90; Wigman Co., Su, 40.14: W.W. Grainger,Su, 444.1 0: Zach Oil. Re. 314.72; Zep Manu­faCllJring, Su, 87.89.


(Pu~ Aug. 19)

(PubI.Aug.12,19,26)4 dips

Attest:Carol M. Brugger, clerk


August 5, 1"1Wlnllde, N.braska

The Board of Trustees of the Village ofWinside, Nebraska met in regular session onAugust 5. 1991 at 7:30 p.m. in !he auditoriummeeting room. Present were: Wamemunde.Weible and Frahm. Absent were Cherry andGallop. Visitors were: Jeff Hrouda. Dan Fuer­hoff and Nancy Brozek.

Action taken by the Board included:·Approved July meeting minutes·Accepted July Treasurer's repon·Accepted the Annual Treasurer's report·Agreed 10 hold Sept meeting on the 9th

due to labor Day-Acknowledged the dispatcher rate in­

crease·Agreed to hold a hearing on Sept.. 9th for

properties violating ordinances-Granted a building permit to Wilva Jenkins

for a garaOe·Approved Ihe budget for 1991-1992·Agreed to pay Old Settler's insurance

costsThe following claims were approved for

payment Bank, sa, 600.00; NE Dept. at Rev­enue, tax, 315.20; NE Dept. of Revenue, sa,136.00; Western Area Power, ex, 3,305.57;Payroll, ex, 2,476.99; Farmers Coop, ex,129.69; L. Prince, ex, 103.23; Robert Thies, ref,952.00; Robert Thies, ex, 366.67; Wayne Her­ald, ex, 97.10; Winside Welding, ex, 1,007.71;Oberle's, ex, 25.15; Utilities, ex, 251.82; Win­side Motor" ex, 267.54; City of Wayne, ex,50.00; WinSide State Bank, ex, 11.00; WesternTypewriter, ex, 301.42; Pecaut Equipment, ex,246.26; Sidney Laner, ex, 63.90; Library, ex.1,451.00; Brad Pold, ref. 100.00: Lorree Dang­berg, ref, 100.00; Winnelson, ex, 66.69; Long­necker Electric, ex, 49.75; Koplin Auto, ex,61.38; Warren Jacobsen, ex, 72.03; KennethFrahm, ref, 919.00; Jeff Hrouda, ex, 178.55; Di­amond Center, ex, 53.70; CDSI, e;lt, 46.00;Christensen Associates, ex, 500.00; Warne­munde Ins, ex, 437.75; ABC Manufacturing, e;lt,143.29; US West, ex, 230.83; Wayne Co. PublicPower, ex, 5,010.54: Water Products, ex,55.89; NE Municipal Power Pool, ex, 213.23;NE Power Review Board, ex, 9.26; UtilitiesSection. ex, 157.00; Dutton lainson, ex,982.88; Cenlral States lab, ex, 565.49; D PSanitary, ex, 1,764.50; K-N Energy, Inc., ex,48.76.

Meeting adjourned 8t9:25 p.m.The Board of Trustees of the Village of

Winside, Nebraska, will meet in regUlar sessionat 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 9,1991 inthe audilorium meeling room, which meetingwill be open to the public. An agenda for suchmeeting, kept continuously current, is availablefor public inspection at the office of the VillageClerk. of said Village.

Marvin R. Cherry, Chairman


COUNrY. NEBRASKAEstate of JOHN N. EINUNG, Deceased. NOTICEEstate No. PR 91·25 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF WAYNENotice is hereby given that on August 6, COUNTY, NEBRASKA

1991, in the County Court of Wayne County, Estate of Ida Mann, Deceased.Nebra9ka, the Registrar i9sued a written Estate No. PR 91-14statem~n{lll\lr\formal Probate'of the Will ot said NOtice is hereby given thai a report of ad-Dec8den!.&t1d that Marguerite N. Milner. whose mlnistration and a Pelition for complete sertle-address i& 30-7 Country Club Rd, Costa Mesa, ment, probate of Will and determinatf~n ofCA 92626 was informally appointed by the heirs have been filed and are set for heanng InRegistrar as Personal Representative of the the County Court 01 Wayne County, Nebraska,Estate. located al Wayne, Nebraska, on August 29,

Creditors 01 this Estate must file their 1991 at or after 1:00 o'clock with this Court on or before October 12, Lowen A. Mann1991 or be forever barred. Personal Representative/Petitioner

(e) Pearla A. Benlamln Olde, Ensz & PieperClerk of tho County Court . ~ Michael E. Pieper

John V. Addison, Attorney(Publ. Aug. 12, 19,26)

Amended budget as adopted by the Wayne Board of Education,School District #17 on August 13, 1991

D~~~~t;~~li~...~&il ..~ .•~..

~#~~~~~eWl\,...~ ..~.J¢]S as


~\\\.·ep~al'ldS P'~~~$"da~fOr

Monday'. paper.

Herald, 'proceedings, 38.47;' Wayne TrueV~lue, building maintenance, 20.35; WeeklyReader, ..teaching: supplies, 1.,723.00;. WigmanCo., hendicappeddralns, 41,35; V/'l/lgert.JonesMusic, I~c., choir music; 40.00; World Bc?o~Educ. ,Products, world book, 559.00; Zach '011CO,,9asoline & grouhds·.xp., 2,215.71;ZllChPropane'.Servlce, Inc., repair, 28.45; CarolinaBiological Supply, S):ience let>, 190,76; Delmar'Publishers Inc., teaching supp!ielil:,. 38.97;·Glencoe Publis!'llng ,Co., textbooks" 5:96~10:Hammond & Stephens. prine, office expense,135.63; Macmillan School Publishing C~.,leaching supplies, 902.57: Quincy SpecialtiesCo., science lab, 71.40; Silver Burderf& Ginn,textbooks & teaching supplies, 980.37; AppleComputer, computer hardware, -75.69; ~irstNational Bank, office supplies, 80.00; HardingGlass, building maintenance, 14.95; KathyFink, vocational conference, 114.35;' MayoClinic Health letter, teaching supplies, 2~.00;Commission of Industrial Relations. renewal,SO.OO; A. B. Dick Products Co., teaching sup­plies, 110.55: American Assoc. of Teachers ofGerman, teaching supplies, 6.00; ATC Envi­ronmental Inc., AHERA Reinspection, 1,541.48;Kaley's Medical Supply, health suppUes, 37.80;Office Connection, compu'ler" hardware,631.55; Olds, Ensz & Pieper, annual retainer,650.00; Tom's Body & Paint Shop, van repair,106.91; Northern School Supply, furniture &supplies, 5,616.36: Benthack Clinic, bus driverphysical, 36.75; F. R. Haun, admin. expense,81.60; City of Wayne, sidewalk improvement,4,770.00; Hogan's Sporting Goods, athleticequipment, 719.40.TOTAL., $200,777.68

SINKING FUNDOtte Construction Co., final - elem. addition,$14,095.85; Municipal Bond Underwriters. in­terest, 7,130.00.TOTAL $21.225.85

Doris Daniels, Secretary(Pu~. Aug. 19)

H~alth Supply Co.• health supplies, 225.92:School Specialty Supply, teching supplies,2,751.09; Science Kit & Boreal Lab., sciencelab. 181.13; Shar Products Co., stringssupplies, 22.85; Silver-Burdett Co., teachingsupplies, 518.48; Skylight Publishing, teachingsupplies, 14,95; Social Siudies Sch SelVlc,guidance & teaching supplies, 153.42: South­Western PUblishing, textbooks & teachingsupplies, 1,953.76; Steck-Vaughn Co., SPEDtextbooks, 75.86; Subscription Services­America, subscriptions, 54.35; Supt. of Docu­ments, guidance supplies, 13.00; Teacher'sDiscovery, teaching supplies, 33.50; TeachersPet/School Suppl., Softwar9, , 43.25; Trlarco.teaching supplies, 51.n; Wayne Music:Boost­ers, transfer - uniforms, 1,500.00; WeeklyReader, teaching supplies, 65.00; Wilcox &Follett Book Co., teaching supplies, 60.74:Wings For learning', teaching supplies, 162.00;Wolverine Sports, PE equipment, 266.78:Wright Group, teaching supplies, 108.00;Youngs Inc., chair glides, 36.54; A B Dick Prod­ucls Co., teaching & office supplies, 2,329.02;ACE Refrigeration, walk-in freezer, 9,200.00;Arnies, driver ed. & bus expense, 168.71: AT &T, telephone, 12.31; AT & T Information Sys­tem, telephone, 123.20; Ben Franklin Store,keys, 1.89; Bowlus School Supply, Inc., teach·ing supplies, 23.17: Business ManagementServ., data processing, 394.45; Carhart Lum­ber Co., building maintenance, 462.76; Car­olina Biological Suply, science tab, 40.03; Car­olyn linsler, in-service, 600.00; City of Wayne,utilities, 2,503.32; Community Intervention Inc.,gUidance supplies, 16.45: Creative Educ. Ser­vices, teaching supplies, 44.00; Curriculum In­nov. Group, teaching supplies, 19.95; DeltaSystems Co., teaching supplies, 49.39; Delta XIndustries, Inc., leaching supplies, 26.85; Dept.of labor - Safety Div., boiler inspection, 60.00;Dick Blick, teaching supplies, 16.90; Diers Sup­ply, building maintenance, 37.99; Dietze MusicHouse, sound system, 1,508.73; Eakes OfficeProducts, teachings upplies, 312.88; EasternNE Telephone Co., telephone, 22.73; EbscoSubscription Servie, leaching supplies, 43.55;Educators Publishing Serv .. leaching supplies,147.37; Ellingson Motors. dr. ed. car lease.60.00; Entertainment Consultants. leachingsupplies, , 2.45: ESU 1, audio-visual repair,

54.34; Executive Photo & Supply"photo equip­ment, 425.00', First National Bank, office sup­plies, 245.00: Focus Media, Inc., teaming sup­plies, 156.60; Hammond and Stephens, expense, 773.10; Harding Glass Indus­tries, building maintenance, 126.20; HeikesAutomotive Service, bus expense, 430.39;Hogans Sporting Goods Inc., P.E. equipment,215,91; Home Baking Assoc., teaching sup­plies, 16.00; Hotho and Co., Chapter I. 16.19:Instructional Materials, IMC membership,392.82; J Weston Walch PUblisher, teachingsupplies, 97,74; Jays Music, band music,138.30; Kaplan, Chapter I, 7.78; Kendall Hunt

Publishing Co., teaching supplies, 238.,32; Ko­pllnger Washington letter, teaching supplies,48.00; Koplin Auto Supply, grounds, bldg. & busexpense, 55.14; Lou's Sporting Goods,, 521.01; lyle E. Samuelson, fire in­spection, 105.00; M M lessmann Co., paint,98.67: MacMillan School Pub. Co., software,textbooks & teaching supplies,.17,461.17; Me­OQ~g.l. Litt.II,~.Co•., lo"bOQ.~S. 5~,);l;).lCITelecommunications, te!ephone, ~6.36; Mld­west Typewriter Co. Inc., maintenance, 376.15;Modern Curriculum Press, teaching supplies,153.58; Morris Machine-Weld Shop, repair,4.50; NCSA, dues, 553.00; Newsweek, renewal,24.91; Norfolk Office Equipment. onica sup­plies, 37.65; Northeast Nebr, Insurance,, 500.00; Office Connection, office sup­plies, 109.00; Olson's, exterminate, 80.00; Ori­ental Trading Co., Inc., teaching supplies,48.94; Otte Conslruction Co., handicapped re­stroom renov., band room floor, sod, wiring,12,423.00; Peoples Natural Gas Co., utility,87.00; Perma-Bound, library books, 509.14; PhiDelta Kappa, dues, 40.00; Promaco, Inc., airmover - gym, 482.10; Real World EducationalProduct, teaching supplies, 39.00; Rieken Up­holstery, fumiture repair, 70.00; S 0 17 ActivityFund, postage, 600.00; S. D. 17 ConllngencyFund, transfer, 5,000.00; S. 0.17 Sinking Fund,transfer - building main!., 3,247.00: 5,0.17 De­preciation Acct, transfer - school bus,36,000.00; Scholastic Inc., Chapter I, 49.50;Scholastic Magazines, SPED supplies, 59.50;School Specialty Supply, prin. onice expense,486.80; Silver-Burden Co., software, 118.31;Social Studies Sch Servic, teaching SUpplies,31.75; Soltwarehouse· School Div., software,208.30; Spann Auto Machine, bus expense,135.86; State of Nebraska, energy loan,3,124.25; Tri Tech Sales, custodial supplies,31.72; U.S. Post Office, postage, 6,000.00; U. S.West Communications, telephone, 384.02;Univ. of Lincoln, sUlVey educ. facilities,3,580.00; Viking Ollice Products, supplies,84.98; Village of Carroll, water & sewer, 90.00;VWR Scientific Inc., science lab, 116.14; W WGrainger Inc., casters, 257.77; Wayne AutoParts, indo arts equip., 170.00; Wayne Co. Pub­lic Power Dsl., utility - Carroll, 57.81: Wayne


41 I, " August 13, 1991The regular monthly meeting of the board

of education was held at the West ElementarySd'l'?Ql-on Tuesday, August 13. 1991 at 8:00p.m. ,No.1ice of ,the meeting and place of agendawere published In The Wayne Herald on Au­QUst 8,~ J.991.

The following members were present:Kenneth bahl, Wilt Davis, Sidney Hillier, Ken­neJh:tiska;Cap Peterson and Neil SandahL

Board Aetion:1. Approved minutes and bills.2. Adopted sChOQI district 17 budgets as

published in the Wayne Herald on August 5,1991.

3. Accepted low milk bid from Gillene Dairy.4. Accepted health insurance proposal

from United of Omaha for 1991-92.5.:Approved the hiring or-Stacy Kerkman as

half-time Chapter Ileacher for 1991-92.6. Approved a $.20 per hour increase on

hourly, support staff salary schedules.7. Approved a 4% salary Increase lor ad­

ministrators and salaries support staff.Fearon/Janus/Quercus, SPED supplies,109.72; ABC School Supply, Inc., teachingsupplies; 64.43; All American, athletic equip­ment, 552.00; Associated Colleges of Midwest,gUid~nce supplies, 17,50: American Legion,guidance supplies, 160.00; Apple Computer.Inc:, computers. 9,242.30; Amies, car rental,420.00; B.A.P. Direct, office supplies, 72.48;BantamtCoubledaylDelt, periodicals, 271.92;Beckley-Cardy Inc., teaching supplies, 49.90;Benthack Clinic, bus driver physical, 36.75;Book-Of-The·Month Club, textbooks, 99.65;Brunner/Mazel,lnc., guidance supplies, 19.45;Cambridge Career Products, teaching sup­plies, 43.95; Carolina Biological Suply. sciencelab".366.76; Central Scientific Co., scienceequipment, 592.69; Chase Tree Service.stump removal, 80.00;, Crealive EducationalMaterials, guidance supplies, 11.46; CreativeTeacher, teaching supplies, 81.79; CriticalThinkir:ag Press, teaching supplies, 76.85; eTB,guidance, 254.70; Cuisenaire Co. of America,Inc., teaching supplies, 104.93; Dairy Council ofCentral State, leaching supplies, 6.60; DaleSeymour Publications, teaching supplies,91.47; Dallon Band lnstr. Repair, instrumentrepair, 789.75; Oasco Electrostatic Refinish,paint locker doors, 1,356.00; Delmar Publish­ers Inc., textbooks, 101.47; Delta Systems Co.,teaching supplies, 36.25; Diane Creamer, carexpense, 20.00; Dick Blick, teaching supplies,2,010.33; Eakes Office Products, teachingsupplies, 772.38; Ebsco Subscription Servic,periodicals, 1,208.86; Econo-Clad Books,teaching supplies, 126.11; ESU 1, co-op pur­chase & repair, 8,936.33; ETR Assoc.-NetworkPub., teaching supplies, 49.34: Extra Editions,Inc., 'teaching supplies, 43.50; Flinn Scientific,Inc., science lab, 304.95; Frey Scientific Co.,teaehlng supplies, 188.00: G E C Manufactur­ing ..GQ., computer covers, 21.00; Gaylord, Ii­bra(y sl,lpplies, 37.89; GLP International,teaching supplies, 8.00; Goodheart-WillcoxInc., textbooks. 222.92: Gruner & Jahr Ag, USA,teaChing supplies, 34.50; H W Wilson, periodi·cals, 205.00; Hammond and Stephens, expense, 654.82; Harcourt Brace Jo­van.QVlch ••extbooks & teaching supplies,3,483,52; Highsmith Co. Inc., library & guid'¥lcesupplies, 376.89; Houghton Mifflin Co., text­boQks,i('5.38; Instructional Fair, Inc., prin. officeexpehpe, 65.89; Jays Music, band music,123.'10; Joumal Star Printing, periodical, 59.80;Kaplan, Chapter I, 10.75; Kelvin Electronics,shop equipment, 90.93; Kentuckiana Music

~~:t::,y.~uC:~::S~a1g:'s;5~~;s~~~i~~~~,Sh~~fthsupplies, 18.48; lang Equipment Co., buildingmaintenance, 126.00; Learning Tree Pub.,lnc.,gUIdance supplies, 82.16: Library Book Selec­tlpn, library books, 117.96: lou's SportingGoods, athletic equ'ipment, 352.44; Lueders G­Men, August disposal, 229.17: M M LessmannCo., paint, 1,018.12; McCall Pattern Co.,teaching supplies, 33.00; McDougal, Littell' &Co., teaching supplies, 849.22; Meridian Edu­cation Corp., teaching supplies. 42.12; Mokan,custodial supplies, 3,6n.94; NASCO, teachingsupplies, 143.68; NASSP, guidance supplies,72:00; NCSA, dues, 204.00; NLS, Inc. - Video,audio-visual, 25.00; NMSA, gUidance supplies,7.00; Norfolk Office Equipment, office supplies,16.68; Nystrom, teaching supplies, 165.15;Omaha Worfd Herald, subscription, 44.85; 0p­portunities for Learning, teaching supplies,95~84; OrientSl Trading Co., teaching supplies,48.94; Perfection Form Co., teaching supplies,14,3.54; Pickle-Bali, PE equipment, 85.45;Prentice Hall School Div., texlbooks, 85.90;Cb:J~ue, Inc., science lab, 393.75; Readers Di­gO,st, periodical, 12.70; Reading Circle,periodicals, 812.22; Robert Jacobson Design,p~lli. office expense, 46.00; Rourke Publishing,G,fOUP, library books, 153.20; Running Press,library books, 54,92; S D 17 Activity Fund,trknsfer - athlelics, 4,070.00; S 0 17 LunchFund. transfer - lunch fund supplement,61~'00; S. R. A., teaching supplies, 244.07;SCholastic Inc., software, 227.81; School

117 SOUTH MAIN WAYNE 375.3424


Tom's Body & ,Paint Shop, .Inc.


Fredrickson Oil Co. (conoco)New _rvlce. 8v8118ble 8t our


S.1f Sorvlc. Full S.rvlc....o....lhlv. pricing­4 full & 4 ••If ••rvlc. produc_..k•••mc.

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lIoNIay.FrWq 7-.. ..........turlIaJ 7.... .,..


Page 10: Herald (1888-Present)/1991-2000... · the 1988 WH$ gr,duate said, ... Wayne will receive $165,300 for the acquisition and

~, -. - .


The Wape Herald, ~daF.A...... J:~. J:r'J:I ",_j'



Day or night shift positionsavailable at both Pender buildingand Broyhill Building in Wayne.

. Apply in person Monday • Friday,8 a.m•• 3 p.m.


Experienced farm worker to assist with generalfarming and cattle feeding activities associatedwith research. Must have experience In operatingfarm equipment and be capable of conducting rou­tine maintenance on facilities and equipment. Ex­perience In arc and acetylene welding preferred.Contact The University of Nebraska, Northeast Re­search and Extension Center, Concord, NE 68728(584-2261) for an application form. The UniversityOf Nebraska Is an AA/EEO employer.

SOCIAL SERVICES CASE AIDEDept. of Social Services - Pender Office - 1252/mo.

Perform clerical support for Income Maintenance, Title XXand Child Protective Services staff to: prepare/mall appli­cations; set up appointment/review Interviews; set upcase flies and closures; order and keep Inventory offorms. Send out medical authorizations; monitor HealthCheck formS; help with commodity distribution; mall Issu­ance of food stamps and act as backup cashier and back­up receptionist. REQUIREMENTS: High school educationor equivalent and able to demonstrate experience workingwith clients, applicants and the pUblic. Typing ability re­quired. Computer knowledge/word processing experiencehighly beneficial. Must have knowledge of Native Ameri­can culture. Application required, Contact,'I''St floor, 301Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, NE 68509 (402)471-2075or a NE Job Service Office. Application must be post­marked on or before 8/28/91 to be considered.

NE DEPT. OF PERSONNELEqual Opportunity Employer. M/F/H.


~ ARE YOU ~~ LOOKING FOR ~~ WARM FUZZIES? ~~ We only have a few ~~ openings left for RNs, ~~ LPNs & Nurse ~~ Assistants. ~~ Also need one ~

~ full-time Cook. ~~ Become a member of ~~ OUR CARING ~~ TEAM' ~~ . ~~ If Interested call ~

~ 385-3072 ~~ ~

~ ~vpender ~~ i:: ~ care centre ~~ ~~ "Where caring makes ~

~ 8-5 the difference" ~'/////////////////////////////////

CARPENTERS and -construction labor.Vakoc Construction, 110 S. Logan,Wayne. Au12t3Full-time Bulk

Propane TruckDriver Wanted.

Must have gooddriving record.

Applications may bepicked up at

Zach Propane,310 So. Main, Wayne.

Dairy Queen is tak­ing applications fora cleaning person.Hours 6 a.m. to 9a.m. Monday, Wed­nesday and Friday.

Apply in person atDairy Queen.

WANTED:Sales person

with agriculturalbackg"ound.

Above averageearnings, fUll or


available.For interviewwrite fully to:

PersonnelManager, POBox82253, Lincoln,NE 68501-2253.

NOTICETO LOT OWNERS:The Annual LotOwners meeting ofGreenwood CemeteryAssociation, Wayne,Nebraska will be heldTuesday, August 20,1991 at 10:00 A.M. atthe office atGreenwood Cemetery.Any Information,contact MyletBargholz, Sec-Treas.


Standard Ads ­2,$~·······~.·.~9td

(Mtatm..... ~)~:J;so)3t'd· COJ),$AAUtl'Vel\un



1986 PONTIAC 6000 LE. Call GalenWiser. 375-4855. Au1912


Qipl'-r~f~.7".....$3;71 Per

Column Inch


1987 CELEBRITY Wagon, 3 seals;V6, nice equipment. 1 owner, local trade.May be seen at Paus Motor Sales in WestPoint. Phone 1-800-672-7287. If

THANKS TO all who made CollegeGraduation a Special Day. Sandra Emry.


EKBERG AUTO is now in the autosalvage business. We are buying carsand selling parts. Wakefield. 4021287­2950. Au15t4


TlfucK DRIVER fOf livestock and dryvan.' Clean and well maintained late modelKenworth conventional. Good drivingrecord required. 402-385-2206, 385-2405dsys, 385-2174 evenings.

Au 1912

FOR RENTFOR RENT: One bedroom apartment.Elderly, handicapped or disabled mayapply. Stove and refrigerator furnished.Carpeted. Leisure Apartmenls. EqualOpportunity Housing. Call 375-2322 or 1­800-762-7209. Ju17tf

FIVE bedroom house • fireplace, closeto pool, park, college, schools. Couplepreferred. No pets. 375-5189. Au19

A Drnies




PART-TIME energetic clerk to work 25­30 hours a week. Apply in person atWayne's True Value. Au19

PRODUCTION Welders. Top pay.fringe benefits, 4 ten hour days. ApacheMfg., 371-1400 or apply in person at1001 East Eisenhauer Avenue,Norlolk.Au15t2

WANTED: '71 or '72 4-door DodgeCoronet. Need not run. 695·2165 days,1195-2151 evenings. Ask for Dennis.. Au19



Dependable new carsat affordable rates.

4SSISTANT DANCE INSTRUC·TOR. Tricis's School of Dance will bestarting classes in the area soon. We are\ooklng for a part tima dance instructor toassist in teaching Tap, Ballet and Jazzclasses with students from age 3 tosciult. Dance instruction experience ishelpful bul not necessary. The idealcandidate will be an enthusiasticindividual with excellent interpersonalskills and a strong desire to work withothers in helping them learn dance andenjoy hi To explore this new and excitingopportunity, call (402) 895-7270 Mon.­Fri. 8-5. Au1912


3 homeowners i~ this general area will be given the opportunity of havingVinyl Siding applied to their homes with optional decorative work at a verylow cost. This amazing new product has captured the interest 01 home­owners throughout the United States who are led up with constant paint·ing and olher maintenance costs., It has a life~time non-prorated warrantyanc;l we provide full insulation summer and winter. Our new product can beused over fNery type of home. It comes in choice of colors and is now go­ing to be introduced to the local market. Your home can be ashow placein your vicinity. Our Applicators are trained and certified.1110% FINANCING AVAILABLE. With Approved CreditCALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-628-3072 or Mall Cou­pon To:

American Home ImprovementP;O. Box 70

Wayne, NE 68787

Gentlemen: Under No Obligation Please Contact:

NaiT1e ---_-------,

HELP WANTED!Full-time press assistantat The Wayne Herald.Will train right individual.- Apply In person -The Wayne Herald

:1:14 Main - Wayne

-_------_- State _


'PRESSPERSON,: .... Full-time 40 1I0u.ri" week. Experience a

!Wi . plus, but notI'; nli!(essary. Will train.. the right Individual.j,Appl,l/8 a.m.-5 p.m.~:' Monday-Friday.>'THE WAYNEI.': HERALDI. 114 Main - WayneI,·' E.O.E.