henry miller_the time of the assassins.txt

Henry Miller, The Time of the Assassins: A Study of Rimbaud. "Now and then, during his sojourn in the lower depths, he remarks, quite as thou gh he were stirring in his sleep - "C'est la vie encore!" Yes, life it is, no mi stake about it. Only it is the other side of hat double-faced coin. And he, who, however mockingly he phrases it, is nevertheless in possession of the truth, mu st put up with it, must see it through. There will be no other life for him... h e chose it from beyond the grave. All the elements of his character were laid do wn at birth; they will lend to his destiny the unique character of agony. He wil l suffer not only because his parents willed it, not only because the age demand ed that he suffer, he will suffer because of the whole evolution through which t he spirit of man has gone. He will suffer precisely because it is the spirit of man which is in travail. He will suffer as only the seed suffers when it falls u pon barren ground."

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Post on 10-Jul-2016




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Page 1: Henry Miller_The Time of The Assassins.txt

Henry Miller, The Time of the Assassins: A Study of Rimbaud."Now and then, during his sojourn in the lower depths, he remarks, quite as though he were stirring in his sleep - "C'est la vie encore!" Yes, life it is, no mistake about it. Only it is the other side of hat double-faced coin. And he, who, however mockingly he phrases it, is nevertheless in possession of the truth, must put up with it, must see it through. There will be no other life for him... he chose it from beyond the grave. All the elements of his character were laid down at birth; they will lend to his destiny the unique character of agony. He will suffer not only because his parents willed it, not only because the age demanded that he suffer, he will suffer because of the whole evolution through which the spirit of man has gone. He will suffer precisely because it is the spirit of man which is in travail. He will suffer as only the seed suffers when it falls upon barren ground."