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Post on 07-Mar-2016




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Angelica | Mark | Gustavo | Laura

It’s Not A Party Without the Heineken:30 television spotHeinken

The spot begins as an extension of “The Entrance” -- everyone’s having a good time, until The Man takes a sip of the beer he is handed. Right away he can tell it isn’t Heineken, but some other generic brand. Everything at the party starts falling apart: the beer taps are out of Heineken, the music goes out of tune, the Gunsliger and the Ninja get into a fight. The Gunslinger accidentally shoots bullets into the air. Everyone goes into panic mode and starts fighting.

An evil, maniacal laugh is heard from the back of the scene. The crowd follows it to the doors, where the trucks with the Heineken supply are being driven away -- stolen by the mysterious character.Close-up shot of The Man’s face in shock and distress.

Super: Heinken logo. “Find out where the beer has gone. www.heineken.com”

Shot 1: Woman is standing with a clean solid colour background, arms delicately crossed in front of her. Medium distance shot, we can see everything above her waist. She addresses the viewer with confidence, and a strong Dutch accent. She is well spoken and poised, but she holds a sexy but sinister smirk almost constantly.

Woman: Theft is such a strange word when it comes to how one uses what one has… As I like to say: procured.

Recently, with little to no effort whatsoever, I … Procured, the contents of the Heinek-en warehouses.

[Cut to a shot of a huge empty warehouse with the front doors wide open and a ‘Heinek-en’ sign swinging from a wire with sparks flying from it.]

[Back to Shot 1 position of Woman]

Woman: – So let’s just say, quantities are bit more than limited.

During this process, It came to my attention that all of you lovely people are paying for the delicious and refreshing taste of Heineken…

[A hand holding a tray with a single, moist looking, Heineken pops up infront of her and another hand reaches in to pop off the beer cap. The woman picks up the Heineken without missing a beat.] Well, that is absurd! It is in my opinion, as the new face of Heineken…

[She smirks and adjusts a string of hair] There must be a time for free Heinek-en!

Cuts to shot of her standing in an infinite green space surrounded by stacks upon stacks of Heineken cases, she is still holding her beer as if presenting it on an infomercial.

Woman [Spreads her arms out, presenting the mass of Heineken]:In order to show you how much Heineken loves and adores you, I will be hold-ing a series of parties in the very near future. If you want to attend, and we DO want you to attend, simply follow us on Facebook or Twitter to find out when and where these parties will be. Following us will also score you free Heineken AT any of these pop up parties.

But a little party can only go so far, so when you’re at one of these splendid gatherings – grab a ticket for the Final Party I will be holding. It will be an eve-ning of music, magic, and unlimited Heineken for all of you dedicated fans.

I’ll see you at the parties.. Oh, and I really did take all the Heineken..

[Cuts to a shot of empty shelves at the beer store where Heineken should be, then cuts back to woman.]

She winks and then the video cuts out as if it lost connection, going to a black screen.

Two Buttons pop up, one leads to Facebook Page, the other to Twitter.

Shot 1


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Online Video Introduction - Interactive Video

The Big Party

Venue - Airship37


Host Free Beer