heimatfest is september 6thhope-jordan.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/newsletter-septemb… · from...

September 2014 We have many ways that you can represent your church during Heimatfest! Sign-up to help out in the Taco Stand or walk with us in the parade. We are also looking for someone with an antique type truck and several people to walk along side it. There is a poster with sign-up sheets on it in the narthex, or email the church at: [email protected]. Heimatfest is September 6th A hug delights, warms, and charms. That’s why God gave us arms. On Sunday, September 7, our congregation will gath- er to serve our community in ways that share the love of God with all God’s people. Our members are called to put our faith into action by engaging in service activities in our neighborhood and surrounding community. Members of all ages and abilities are invited to participate. There is a job for everyone! This event will also serve as our Family Celebration Sunday for Kids of the Kingdom. We WILL NOT gather for our regular worship service on September 7. Teams will meet at their designated job site for their work project. All teams will meet back at church at noon to share a meal and stories of God’s work. You can sign up for a work team online at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c49a5a829a 2f49-gods or at the information station in the narthex. Each job site will have a team captain – your team captain will guide your group at the job site and will be available to answer any questions you may have. Please contact Leah Holmberg at 492- 2099 or [email protected] with questions. We hope to see you on September 7! God’s Work. Our Hands. Sunday, September 7 Fall Bonfire ~ Sept. 19th @ 6:00pm Grab your spouse, grab your kids, grab your neighbors and friends and head on over to Hope for an evening of guaranteed fun! Come at 6:00 pm to our fire pit (just below the hill on the side of the church). We will sing campfire songs, play some games and eat hot dogs and s’mores. After that you can head on over to the Jordan Varsity football game! Please contact the church office with any questions at (952) 492-2099.

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Page 1: Heimatfest is September 6thhope-jordan.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/NEWSLETTER-Septemb… · From Pastor Steve... The Kitchen of Hope Back from vacation today I had a few phone

September 2014

We have many ways that

you can represent your

church during

Heimatfest! Sign-up to

help out in the Taco

Stand or walk with us in

the parade. We are also

looking for someone with an antique type

truck and several people to walk along side

it. There is a poster with sign-up sheets on

it in the narthex, or email the church at:

[email protected].

Heimatfest is September 6th

A hug delights,

warms, and charms.

That’s why God

gave us arms.

On Sunday, September 7, our congregation will gath-er to serve our community in ways that share the love of God with all God’s people. Our members are called to put our faith into action by engaging in service activities in our neighborhood and surrounding community.

Members of all ages and abilities are invited to participate. There is a job for everyone! This event will also serve as our Family Celebration Sunday for Kids of the Kingdom.

We WILL NOT gather for our regular worship service on September 7. Teams will meet at their designated job site for their work project. All teams will meet back at church at noon to share a meal and stories of God’s work.

You can sign up for a work team online at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c49a5a829a2f49-gods or at the information station in the narthex. Each job site will have a team captain – your team captain will guide your group at the job site and will be available to answer any questions you may have. Please contact Leah Holmberg at 492-2099 or [email protected] with questions. We hope to see you on September 7!

God’s Work. Our Hands.

Sunday, September 7

Fall Bonfire ~ Sept. 19th @ 6:00pm Grab your spouse, grab your kids, grab your neighbors and friends and head on over to

Hope for an evening of guaranteed fun! Come at 6:00 pm to our fire pit (just below the hill

on the side of the church). We will sing campfire songs, play some games and eat hot dogs

and s’mores. After that you can head on over to the Jordan Varsity football game! Please

contact the church office with any questions at (952) 492-2099.

Page 2: Heimatfest is September 6thhope-jordan.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/NEWSLETTER-Septemb… · From Pastor Steve... The Kitchen of Hope Back from vacation today I had a few phone

Page 2

From Pastor Steve...

The Kitchen of Hope

Back from vacation today I had a few phone calls to make so I was

paging through Hope’s phone directory. There we are with our vari-

ous stories of joy and struggle, our different kinds of piety, our various

levels of participation in the church. All of us are on some kind of spir-

itual journey. There are several pictured there that are no longer with us and there are sev-

eral who have joined our community since that directory was made. For better or for worse

we are together in this congregation. I am filled with a sense of how, what happens in the

life that we share in Christian community matters.

One way to think about our congregation is as a kitchen where we Christians are “cooked”

into the sort of people God intends us to be. We worship, study, pray and share meals, knit-

ting us closer to God and each other. We have much in common with each other and we

practice being gracious with one another despite our differences. Congregations like ours

matter because Christians would not be Christians if we did not have people with whom to

practice loving God and loving neighbor.

There are certain practices that are critical to the life of community: embracing gratitude;

making and keeping promises; living truthfully; and practicing hospitality. Our life together

in this congregation both requires and molds us into these practices.

We need each other to be prepared to experience Christ and participate in the coming of the

kingdom of God. I am grateful to be part of what God is doing in this family of Hope

Lutheran Church.

Bring on the increased intensity and involvement as fall programs begin!

Page 3: Heimatfest is September 6thhope-jordan.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/NEWSLETTER-Septemb… · From Pastor Steve... The Kitchen of Hope Back from vacation today I had a few phone

Fifth Annual Lutherfest ~ October 19th at Hope Join us following the education hour as we celebrate with a mini-festival full of FOOD,

FAMILY GAMES, FELLOWSHIP, and FUN! We’ll be having a German breakfast

brunch!! This will include hard boiled eggs, sausages, meat/cheese platters, and

pastries. Watch for the October newsletter on what you can bring to make this day

even tastier! Those of you who attended last year know how much fun it was, and you

are not going to want to miss it this year for sure. Invite your friends, family and neigh-

bors to join us.

Mark your calendars for this fun event. We will need shop-

pers, crafters and vendors! All proceeds from table rentals

will be used toward youth programs here at Hope. If you are

interested in participating as a crafter or vendor or know

someone that would be, please email [email protected]. You

may also contact Steph Olstad at (952)454-3604.

Calling All Veterans!Calling All Veterans!Calling All Veterans!Calling All Veterans!

Page 3

Craft and Vendor Fair November 8th, 9am-3pm

Annual Golf Tournament~Ridges at Sandcreek~Sept. 21st, 3pm

Dust off your clubs and dig out your golf shoes! It’s time again for Hope’s

annual golf tournament. Sign-up your foursome (if you don’t have a four-

some, we will be placing groups together) on the sheet in the narthex at

Hope, or simply call or email the church office. This will be a best-ball

style tournament. This year we’ll be hanging out afterward at the golf

course. Coffee, lemonade and soda will be provided. Join us afterward

even if you’re not golfing!

The Prayer Team is looking to honor all of our past and present Veterans on Sunday, November 9th! Please

email [email protected] if you are or know someone who is a Veteran. Include Veteran’s name, branch

of service, and years served.

Page 4: Heimatfest is September 6thhope-jordan.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/NEWSLETTER-Septemb… · From Pastor Steve... The Kitchen of Hope Back from vacation today I had a few phone

If an adult you know has a birthday in September, If an adult you know has a birthday in September, If an adult you know has a birthday in September, If an adult you know has a birthday in September, but is not listed here, please call the church office at but is not listed here, please call the church office at but is not listed here, please call the church office at but is not listed here, please call the church office at


Happy Birthday to You!

Page 4

1 Dave Holzer, Dawn Bergsholm

2 Carol Oltmans

3 Scott Hennen, Todd Oakes,

Paige Hotchkiss

4 Char Senske, Ryan Conrady

5 Virgil Jones, Angie Larson

7 Sally Voss, Shari Saul,

Sarah Fritzke, Kathy Mattson

8 Doralyn Dibble

9 John Hulet, Al Pickar

10 Sandy Iverson, Scott Sievers

12 Quentin McDermid

13 Randy Eckstein, Todd Garnhardt

15 Larry Breitung

16 Brian Forseth, Angie Wood

17 Cathy Smisek, Gordy Volkmann

18 Duane Herman

21 Joe Kruger, Sandy Louis

22 Sarah Wicklund, Kay Guenther

24 Paul Schmidt, Bonnie Carlson,

Brenda Carlson, Katelyn Kasper,

Cullen Bahn

29 Lol- ly Gosewisch

30 Ker- ra Sieve

Families Moving Forward --

Volunteers Needed!

Hope Lutheran Church, in partnership with St. John

the Baptist Catholic church, will provide overnight

housing for families experiencing homelessness

Sept. 7 - 14.

The first hosting week (back in May) was VERY suc-

cessful thanks to the many volunteers that partici-

pated from Hope, St. John's and our community.

All the families that we hosted are now in homes

of their own!

We are very blessed to have another opportunity to

offer this hospitality to more families in transi-

tion. Our next hosting week will be September

7-14. Please go to the volunteer sign up website at


75-fmfsept1 to sign up.

If you have questions about volunteering, please

contact Nancy Stevenson at njw-

[email protected] or 952-200-6136 with ques-

tions. Thank you for your support!

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Page 5

Men of HopeMen of HopeMen of HopeMen of Hope

In September, the men’s group

will meet on the 2nd Saturday at

the Feedmill Restaurant on

Water Street in Jordan for

breakfast. So, mark your

calendar for September 13th @

7:30 am, and please feel free to

invite anyone you know that

might be looking for a new

church home or just some good

Christian guys to hang out with.

Choir News….by Char Senske

Adult choir will resume on Wednesday, September 10th at 7:30pm.

High School Singers! Hope's choir would love to have your voices join us. Rehearsal is 7:30 - 8:30 on Wednesdays. That means you will be finished just in time to join High School Youth Group at the fire circle. (It also means, since you may arrive last, that you will not have to carry the wood!)

We sing 3 Sundays each month, and have one Sunday off to sleep in. The music is fun, and Mr. Ohnsorg will be so impressed with your dedication to music. (I've heard he also sings in a church choir!) Hope to see you September 10!

Need to acvate Hope’s

Prayer Chain?

Email Sarah Gavert at

[email protected]

Date Description Expense Income Balance

6/16/13 Donation in Memory of Darrell Nelson 1300.00 5761.77

6/17/13 Malaria Campaign 30.00 5731.77

7/30/13 Loan Modification Fee (refinance) 5061.69 670.08

12/22/13 Donation in Memory of Darrell Nelson 500.00 $1170.08

6/24/14 Donation in Memory of Mary Lou Docken 100.00 $1270.08

7/27/14 Donation in Memory of Mary Lou Docken 415.00 $1685.08

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Page 6

New Members of Hope Hope Lutheran Church welcomes the Benko family – Dawn, Taylor (14)

and Josie (12). Dawn enjoys photography and Taylor and Josie enjoy

volleyball and hanging out with friends. They all enjoy visi0ng the family

cabin in Ely, MN. Dawn is employed with Thrivent Financial as a financial

representa0ve. Taylor and Josie nanny and babysit. Why did they

choose Hope Lutheran Church? They were a5ending another

congrega0on in Shakopee when Taylor and Josie visited the Wednesday

night youth program and “begged” to a5end here at Hope. Dawn said she had to make the decision to be

selfish or selfless. She chose selfless and they began to a5end Wednesday nights. Dawn got involved as a

co-teacher for 6th

grade youth and was a small group leader for H2H last year. Dawn says this church has

opened its arms to them the past two years and is also filled with amazing people who want to do God’s

work – that is something she can get on board with!

My daughter handed me her school progress report. Although it displayed a steady stream of posi0ve check marks,

there was one check mark standing dejectedly alone from the rest.

“How am I doing, Mom?” my child asked with a level of maturity that did not match the small disheveled person gazing

up at me with smudged eyeglasses that teetered on the 0p of her nose. With her small finger, she pointed to her teach-

er’s neatly printed words next to the lone check mark.

It read: Distracted in large groups. But I already knew this. I knew this long before it was wri5en on an official report

card. Since she was a toddler, this child has offered astute observa0ons of the world around her.

ABer poin0ng out all the posi0ves on the progress report, I told her what was wri5en. Upon hearing the news, she

gave a 0ny, uncertain smile and shyly admi5ed, “I do look around a lot.”

But before my child could feel one ounce of shame, one iota of failure, I came down on bended knee and looked her

straight in the eye. I didn’t want her to just hear these words, I wanted her to feel them. This is what I said:

“Yes. You do look around a lot. You no0ced Sam siEng off by himself with a skinned knee on the field trip, and you

comforted him.

You no0ced Banjo had a running nose, and the vet said it was a good thing we brought him in when we did.

You no0ced our waitress was working really hard and suggested we leave an extra good 0p.

You no0ced Grandpa was walking slower than the rest of us so you waited for him.

You no0ce the beau0ful view every 0me we cross the bridge to go to swim prac0ce.

And you know what? I don’t ever want you to stop no0cing because that is your giB. It is your giB that you give to the


As I watched my daughter beam with the glow of acceptance, I realized her approach to life had the power to change

the world.

You see, we are all just wai0ng for someone to no0ce—no0ce our pain, no0ce our scars, no0ce our fear, no0ce our joy,

no0ce our triumphs, no0ce our courage.

And the one who no0ces is a rare and beau0ful giB.

Let us all be No0cers today.

© Rachel Macy Stafford 2011


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September Service Team Schedule

~Congratulations & God’s Blessings to Abigail Josephine Mapes who was baptized at Hope on

August 3rd. Abigail is the daughter of Tina Anderson & Brandon Mapes, and her sponsors are Tara

Anderson and Samuel Leeper.

~ The following members and friends of Hope walked sixty miles during the Breast Cancer Three

Day event: Deb Barker, Lindsay Barker, Marshall Barker, and Sheunna Jabs. Great job friends!!

~ Do you feel called to serve on one of Hope’s Boards or Committees? Many opportunities to serve will be open at the end of the year. Open positions are listed below. Please contact Leah Holmberg at 952-492-2099 or [email protected] for position descriptions or if you are interested in serving.

Executive Board

President (2 year term) Vice President (2 year term)

Board of Deacons 1 opening, 3 year term

Audit Committee

1 opening, 3 year term

News of our Members & Community

September 7

September 14

September 21

September 28

Greeter *** Renee Leik Breitung’s Joyce Roberts

Ushers ***







Comm. Prep *** ———— ———— ————

Comm. Serve



Sandy Louis






Comm. Clean-up *** ———— Kristie Breitung ————

Read & Prayers *** Kevin Louis Kevin Louis ————

Provide Treats *** Molly Kalow

Cindy Bennett

Renee Leik

Kristie Breitung

Joyce Roberts


Nursery *** Molly Kalow ———— ————

Coffee Clean-up *** ———— ———— Gosewisch’s

Media Specialist *** Ben Kalow ———— ————

Acolyte *** Jack Newton Claire Newton Bryce Sievers

Page 7

Board of Youth and Educational Ministries (BOYEM) 3 openings, 3 year term

Board of Trustees 2 openings, 3 year term

Nominating Committee 2 openings, 3 year term

Mission Endowment Fund 1 opening, 3 year term

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H2H Confirmation & 5/6 Youth Group Orientation

Wednesday, September 3rd 7:00 pm All 5-8 grade students should have received information recently about H2H confirmation and 5/6

youth group. This meeting is for parents and students. Registration forms will be available at the

meeting or you can complete a form on the website at www.hope-jordan.org. Class begins on September

17th at 7:00 pm.

Kids of the Kingdom – Register Now! Don’t forget to register for the 2014 - 2015 Kids of the Kingdom program. You can complete the

registration process online at http://fs30.formsite.com/201HopeLutheran/form1/index.html or

complete a registration form (copies are available at the information station in the narthex.

KOK officially kicks off on Sunday, September 7 with the God’s Work. Our Hands. event. Please see

the article on page 1 of this newsletter for more information. Regular rotation

curriculum and classes will begin on Sunday, September 14. Kids of the Kingdom

meets from 10:15 - 11:15 a.m. Sunday mornings. We look forward to another fun-

filled year at Kids of the Kingdom!

Kids of the Kingdom Planning Team Members needed! We are still in need of some planning team members for the 2014 - 2015 Kids of the

Kingdom program. Open positions include Volunteer Coordinator; Family Events

Coordinator; K – 4 Materials/Preparation Coordinator; Preschool Materials/

Preparation Coordinator; Preschool Teachers (2); and Pre-K Teachers (2). Please

prayerfully consider sharing your gifts and the love of Jesus with our children. If you are interested in

serving or would like more information, please contact Leah Holmberg at 952-492-2099 or email

[email protected].

Youth & Family StuffYouth & Family StuffYouth & Family StuffYouth & Family Stuff

Page 8

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More Youth & Family StuffMore Youth & Family StuffMore Youth & Family StuffMore Youth & Family Stuff

Page 9

Do you have a heart for teens? Helpers are Needed

Would you like to be an impact adult for a few of our kids? We’re living in times that are hostile to

faith in Jesus. Our teens need mentors! It’s time to round up guides and service/fellowship leaders for

our Head to Heart Confirmation ministry. We are looking for adults who: love God, like kids (we have

great kids around here), and are willing to engage with a small group of 7th or 8th graders on Wednesday

nights to process issues of faith and life (this can be a shared position with another adult). Our goal is

to help the kids of our church family serve, connect, and grow at a formative moment in their life

journeys. Interested? Questions? Is the Holy Spirit tugging at your heart even a little? Contact

Pastor Steve @ (952) 492-2099 or [email protected]

Children’s Choir Resumes September 10th

ALL kids, ages 3 through 4th grade are invited to be a part of the choir!! The Joy Choir

(3 years old through Kindergarten) meets each Wednesday in the sanctuary from 6:00-

6:30 pm and is led by Bethany Nissen. The Praise Choir (1st through 4th graders) meets

each Wednesday from 6:30-7:15 pm and is led by Char Senske.

Operation Christmas Child 2014 is coming!

Kids of the Kingdom will hold its 8th annual

Operation Christmas Child box packing party on

Sunday, November 9th during the Education Hour.

This special project helps our children share the love

of Jesus with impoverished children around the

world! Over the next several months, Kids of the

Kingdom will be collecting various gift items to help

fill these boxes. As you are shopping for school

supplies, please consider purchasing a few extra

items for Operation Christmas Child. Needed items

include pens, sharpened pencils, crayons, markers,

small pads of paper, rulers, & calculators. You will

find a collection box in the narthex at Hope.

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September 2014

Page 10

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Labor Day ~ Office Closed


5:00pm CoDA 7:00pm AA


6:30pm BOYEM 7:00pm H2H & 5/6 Youth Group Orientation


7:30am PIT Stop 8:00pm AA


Car Cruise ~ Taco Stand 6:00pm Bachmann Wedding Rehearsal


Heimatfest ~ Parade & Taco Stand 3:00pm Bachmann Wedding



7:00am-12:00pm God’s Work. Our Hands. 12:00pm Lunch-Fellowship Hall 4:00pm Latino Worship





5:00pm CoDA 7:00pm AA



6:00-7:15PM Children’s Choir 7:00pm H2H Leader Training 7:30pm Adult Choir



7:30am PIT Stop 8:00pm AA





7:30am Men’s Breakfast @ Feedmill Restaurant



8:00am Trustees 8:30am Coffee Fellowship 9:00am Worship 10:15am Education Hour 4:00pm Latino Worship



6:30pm Knitters 7:00pm Council


5:00pm CoDA 7:00pm AA


6:00-7:15PM Children’s Choir 6:30pm MS Piz-za Supper 7:00pm H2H & 5/6 Youth Group 7:30pm Adult Choir


7:30am PIT Stop 8:00pm AA




8:30am Coffee Fellowship 9:00am Worship 10:15am Education Hour 4:00pm Latino Worship

22 23

5:00pm CoDA 7:00pm AA


6:00-7:15PM Children’s Choir 6:30pm MS Piz-za Supper 7:00pm H2H & 5/6 Youth Group 7:30pm Adult Choir


7:30am PIT Stop 6:00pm Sara DeMorett ~ Activity Room 8:00pm AA

26 27


8:30am Coffee Fellowship 9:00am Worship 10:15am Education Hour 4:00pm Latino Worship


6:30pm Knitters


5:00pm CoDA 7:00pm AA

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Council Minutes from July 21, 2014

Page 11

Mee0ng called to order: 7:03 pm

Present: Denny Lindell, Roger Anderson, Craig Swanson, Dave Holer, Leah Holmberg, Brenda

Lieske, Leah Gregoria, Kris0e Breitung

Agenda Approved: June minutes approved

Shared Ministry: Wri5en report: We have three new families joining Hope Lutheran. The new website is

live, sugges0ons are welcomed. Formed a team for God’s Work our hands, and have

compiled a list of work projects. Teams will meet up at noon for lunch and share their

experiences. A5empted to form a team to work on the HeimaOast parade float but

were unsuccessful, asked the Deacons for assistance and brainstorming. Sent out

correspondance for August/September service team sign ups.

Financial Report: Wri5en report: No extraordinary income or expenses to report.

Deacon Report: Wri5en report: Open seat on the Deacons board, Brian Stensland has resigned his

posi0on. Thank you for your hard work and leadership during the past years. Thrivent

will sponsor the aBer-party on Sept 7th for the God’s Work Our Hands teams. Deacons

will set up and organize. Policy review lead to a discussion sugges0ng that the Prayer

team and Crea0ve Worship commi5ee should submit reports to the Deacons as they

have Council representa0on. It was suggested that more silverware was needed for

the kitchen. Al Anderson from Belle Plaine donated 200 sets to Hope Lutheran.

BOYEM Report: Wri5en report: Pastor Steve met with the group to discuss changes to the confirma0on

mentorship program from a 2 to a 3 year program. (7th

to 9th

grade) The board agreed

to lend the popcorn machine for use at HeimaOast fireworks. Dona0on of a foosball

table from Cindy Lind was accepted, will try to sell the old one. Reviewed policies

under Youth and Educa0on KOK 0me should read 10:15 instead of 10:45. Ask church

council if background checks should be required for middle and high school leaders.

Would like to modify the youth room door to make ac0vi0es more visible.

Trustees Report: The trustees did not meet .

Pastor Report: Pastor is working on a le5er wri0ng campaign for stewardship. He will be on vaca0on

the 2nd

and 3rd

weeks of August.

Old Business: Review policy guidebook; God’s Work our Hands; Retreat notes were tabled un0l the

next mee0ng

New Business:

Adjourn 8:15 pm Next mee0ng Monday, August 18, 2014

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Address Service Requested

201 Hope Avenue

Jordan, Minnesota 55352

Hope Lutheran Church Standard

Non-profit Organization Permit # 9

Jordan MN 55352

News of Hope is published monthly by Hope Lutheran Church,

201 Hope Avenue, Jordan MN.

You can reach Hope Lutheran Church at (952) 492-2099,

FAX (952) 492-6884. [email protected]

Check us out on the web at: www.hope-jordan.org

Office Hours: Mon-Thur 9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00pm; Fri. 9-12pm

Pastor Steve Thompson

Shared Ministry Coordinator: Leah Holmberg Office Manager: Angie Larson

Thank you Meals on Wheels Volunteers! Thank you Meals on Wheels Volunteers! Thank you Meals on Wheels Volunteers! Thank you Meals on Wheels Volunteers!

Many thanks to the drivers who delivered Meals on Wheels in August!

A great month of service!!

Do you qualify for Meals on Wheels??Do you qualify for Meals on Wheels??Do you qualify for Meals on Wheels??Do you qualify for Meals on Wheels??

We’d like to inform the Jordan citizens about the CAP agency’s Senior Dining and

Meals on Wheels program. You need to be age 60 or older to be eligible. If you

or someone you know could benefit from this program, please call Helene

Schmitt at 952-492-2208 between 8:30am-12:30pm week days. The Meals on

Wheels are great for the homebound or someone recovering from illness/surgery.

Eligible seniors are also welcome to join us at the Schule Haus for the meal

served at 11:30am weekdays. There is a suggested donation of $4 per meal.

The menu is published in the Jordan Independent.