heart transplantation: challenges facing the...

Heart Transplantation: Challenges Facing the Field Makoto Tonsho 1 , Sebastian Michel 2 , Zain Ahmed 1 , Alessandro Alessandrini 1 , and Joren C. Madsen 1,2,3 1 MGH Transplantation Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114 2 Transplantation Biology Research Center, Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114 3 Division of Cardiac Surgery, Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114 Correspondence: [email protected] There has been significant progress in the field of heart transplantation over the last 45 years. The 1-yr survival rates following heart transplantation have improved from 30% in the 1970s to almost 90% in the 2000s. However, there has been little change in long-term outcomes. This is mainly due to chronic rejection, malignancy, and the detrimental side effects of chronic immunosuppression. In addition, over the last decade,new challenges have arisen such as increasingly complicated recipients and antibody-mediated rejection. Most, if not all, of these obstacles to long-term survival could be prevented or ameliorated by the induc- tion of transplant tolerance wherein the recipient’s immune system is persuaded not to mount a damaging immune response against donor antigens, thus eliminating the need for chronic immunosuppression. However, the heart, as opposed to otherallografts like kidneys, appears to be a tolerance-resistant organ. Understanding why organs like kidneys and livers are prone to tolerance induction, whereas others like hearts and lungs are tolerance-resistant, could aid in ourattempts to achieve long-term, immunosuppression-free survival in human heart trans- plant recipients. It could also advance the field of pig-to-human xenotransplantation, which, if successful, would eliminate the organ shortage problem. Of course, there are alternative futures to the field of heart transplantation that may include the application of total mechan- ical support, stem cells, or bioengineered whole organs. Which modality will be the first to reach the ultimate goal of achieving unlimited, long-term, circulatory support with minimal risk to longevity or lifestyle is unknown, but significant progress in being made in each of these areas. A lthough the first human-to-human heart transplant was performed in 1967, heart transplantation did not become the treatment of choice for patients with end-stage heart failure until the 1980s, when the use of cyclosporine (CyA) was extended to heart transplant recipi- ents, resulting in a dramatic improvement in pa- tient survival. One-year survival following heart Editors: Laurence A. Turka and Kathryn J. Wood Additional Perspectives on Transplantation available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a015636 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2014;4:a015636 1 www.perspectivesinmedicine.org on July 25, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press http://perspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/ Downloaded from

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Heart Transplantation: Challenges Facingthe Field

Makoto Tonsho1, Sebastian Michel2, Zain Ahmed1, Alessandro Alessandrini1,and Joren C. Madsen1,2,3

1MGH Transplantation Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 021142Transplantation Biology Research Center, Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital,Boston, Massachusetts 02114

3Division of Cardiac Surgery, Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,Massachusetts 02114

Correspondence: [email protected]

There has been significant progress in the field of heart transplantation over the last 45 years.The 1-yr survival rates following heart transplantation have improved from 30% in the 1970sto almost 90% in the 2000s. However, there has been little change in long-term outcomes.This is mainly due to chronic rejection, malignancy, and the detrimental side effects ofchronic immunosuppression. In addition, over the last decade, new challenges have arisensuch as increasingly complicated recipients and antibody-mediated rejection. Most, if notall, of these obstacles to long-term survival could be prevented or ameliorated by the induc-tion of transplant tolerance wherein the recipient’s immune system is persuaded not to mounta damaging immune response against donor antigens, thus eliminating the need for chronicimmunosuppression. However, the heart, as opposed to other allografts like kidneys, appearsto be a tolerance-resistant organ. Understanding why organs like kidneys and livers are proneto tolerance induction, whereas others like hearts and lungs are tolerance-resistant, could aidin our attempts to achieve long-term, immunosuppression-free survival in human heart trans-plant recipients. It could also advance the field of pig-to-human xenotransplantation, which,if successful, would eliminate the organ shortage problem. Of course, there are alternativefutures to the field of heart transplantation that may include the application of total mechan-ical support, stem cells, or bioengineered whole organs. Which modality will be the first toreach the ultimate goal of achieving unlimited, long-term, circulatory support with minimalrisk to longevity or lifestyle is unknown, but significant progress in being made in each ofthese areas.

Although the first human-to-human hearttransplant was performed in 1967, heart

transplantation did not become the treatmentof choice for patients with end-stage heart failure

until the 1980s, when the use of cyclosporine(CyA) was extended to heart transplant recipi-ents, resulting in a dramatic improvement in pa-tient survival. One-year survival following heart

Editors: Laurence A. Turka and Kathryn J. Wood

Additional Perspectives on Transplantation available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org

Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a015636

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transplantation in the era 1967–1973 was 30%,in the era 1974–1980, it was 60%, and in thecurrent era, it approaches a remarkable 90%(Stehlik et al. 2012; Colvin-Adams et al. 2013).Although progress has clearly been made overthe last 45 years, there are still serious challengesfacing the field, which limit the application andthe success of heart transplantation. Some bar-riers are well known, such as (1) the shortage ofdonor organs, which greatly limits the numberof patients able to receive a heart transplant;(2) cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) andmalignancy, which compromise the long-termsurvival of heart transplant recipients; and(3) drug-induced complications from chronicimmunosuppression including diabetes melli-tus, kidney disease, hypertension, and obesity,which contribute to patient morbidity and mor-tality. Other challenges, such as increasinglycomplicated recipients and antibody-mediatedrejection (AMR), have only become evident overthe last decade as the recipient demographicshave changed and the use of mechanical circu-latory support (MSC) devices has increased(Hunt and Haddad 2008; Kobashigawa 2012).Together, these obstacles account for the factthat there has been no increase in the numberof adult heart transplants performed over the lastdecade (�4000 documented worldwide trans-plants/year) despite almost a 20% increase inthe number of new adults on the waiting list(Colvin-Adams et al. 2013) and the fact thatthe 5-yr survival of patients lucky enough toreceive a heart is still only �70%, with a disap-pointing median survival of 11 yr and an annualattrition rate of 3%–4%, which has not changedsignificantly in the last three decades (Stehliket al. 2012; Colvin-Adams et al. 2013).

Strategies that have been and are being de-veloped to overcome these challenges have fo-cused on either controlling the human immunesystem more effectively and specifically withnewer immunosuppressive agents such as rapa-mycin and rituximab or, alternatively, attempt-ing to harness the immune system to achieve astate of transplant tolerance in which the recip-ient is induced not to mount a damaging im-mune response against the donor heart and re-mains free of chronic immunosuppression. In

this article, we review how the field has changedover the last decade, focusing on the new and oldbarriers facing heart transplant recipients. Wethen discuss a particular avenue of researchthat exemplifies the potential for immune tol-erance in overcoming these barriers and achiev-ing long-term, immunosuppression-free heartallograft survival.


Recipient Demographics

Over the last decade, the demographics of heartrecipients have shifted in ways that have broughtnew challenges to transplant clinicians. A great-er proportion of patients in their sixties andseventies along with their age-related comor-bidities are being transplanted. These patientstend to have higher risks of infection and CAV(Kobashigawa 2012). At the other end of thespectrum, advances in congenital heart surgeryhave led to a greater proportion of younger pa-tients with congenital heart disease (CHD)surviving past childhood and developing heartfailure later in life. These patients can have com-plex cardiopulmonary anatomy and usuallyhave undergone multiple previous median ster-notomies, which increases the risk of postoper-ative bleeding and mortality. Indeed, CHD isone of the strongest risk factors for 1-yr mortal-ity after heart transplantation in adults (Stehliket al. 2012).


The past decade has seen changes in what isconsidered to be standard, triple-drug, mainte-nance immunosuppression for the convention-al heart transplant recipient. Corticosteroids(usually prednisone) remain the backbone ofmost immunosuppressive regimens. However,mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) has replacedazathioprine as the most commonly used anti-proliferative agent, and tacrolimus (TAC) hasreplaced CyA as the most commonly used calci-neurin inhibitor (CNI). The MMF/TAC com-bination seems to possess the optimum risk–

M. Tonsho et al.

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benefit ratio in preventing acute rejection (AR)and perhaps CAVeven though it does not appearto improve long-term survival (Kobashigawaet al. 2006; Guethoff et al. 2013).

There are several important unansweredquestions concerning immunosuppression forheart transplant recipients that require furtherstudy. For example, which recipients should re-ceive induction therapy and using what agent?Although a survival benefit has not been clearlydocumented (Hershberger et al. 2005), halfof all transplant programs currently use induc-tion therapy, most commonly a short course ofantithymocyte globulin (ATG) or anti-CD25monoclonal antibody (basiliximab) (Stehliket al. 2012). The general consensus is that theselective use of an induction agent is appropri-ate in highly sensitized patients or in patientswith perioperative renal failure where delay-ing CNI therapy is beneficial. However, clearsupporting data are lacking (Aliabadi et al.2013).

The role for some of the newer immunosup-pressive agents in heart transplantation is alsobeing investigated. Several clinical trials haveshown that inhibitors of the mammalian targetof rapamycin (mTOR), such as sirolimus andeverolimus, have been effective in preventingacute rejection (AR) (Eisen et al. 2003), mitigat-ing CAV (Mancini et al. 2003), and improvingoutcomes in recipients with malignancies (Va-lantine 2007). They may allow for CNI minimi-zation or elimination, which could avoid theprogressive nephropathy associated with chron-ic CNIuse (Zuckermann et al. 2012). Rituximab,a chimeric anti-CD20 (anti-B-cell) monoclonalantibody, has recently been shown to attenuateCAV in CNI-treated nonhuman primates (Ke-lishadi et al. 2010). An NIAID-sponsored trial(U01AI063623) is currently under way to deter-mine whether preemptive rituximab will ame-liorate CAV in human recipients. Bortezomib, aproteasome inhibitor that depletes plasma cells,has shown efficacy in the treatment of AMR anddesensitization in kidney recipients (Walsh et al.2012). In a recent pilot study, bortezomib andplasmapheresis appeared to decrease circulatingantibodies in sensitized patients awaiting hearttransplantation (Patel et al. 2011).

Antibody-Mediated Rejection

Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) is a partic-ularly challenging form of rejection in hearttransplant recipients. The absence of practiceguidelines for surveillance and diagnosis has re-sulted in it only recently being recognized as animportant clinical entity. AMR results from al-loantibody targeting donor antigens on capil-lary endothelium. It is increasingly recognizedas a major cause of allograft failure and is asso-ciated with a greater risk of CAVand death (Nairet al. 2011). Prevention of AMR is dependent onidentifying the sensitized patient before trans-plantation. This process has been assisted in re-cent years by the use of solid phase assays, whichmore accurately detects anti-HLA antibodies. Inturn, this information permits virtual cross-matching, which identifies and rules out thoseprospective donors with HLA types that corre-spond to the specificities of the recipient’shigh-level anti-HLA antibodies without theneed for complement-dependent cytotoxicityassays (Stehlik et al. 2009). Advances in assessinganti-HLA antibodies in the recipient and the useof virtual cross-matching have allowed for betterchoices of suitable organ donors.

At present, the guidelines for the diagnosisof AMR rely solely on the presence of antibody-mediated injury on endomyocardial biopsy andnot on the presence of circulating alloantibody,which may be bound to the donor tissue (Berryet al. 2011). The treatment of AMR dependson the patient’s presentation, the degree of car-diac dysfunction, and the detection of alloanti-body (Kittleson and Kobashigawa 2012). Proto-cols differ by center because there is still a lack ofrandomized trials for AMR therapy (Kobashi-gawa et al. 2011). However, in most centers, pa-tients with AMR and a significantly reducedejection fraction are treated with intravenouscorticosteroids and ATG. Patients presenting incardiogenic shock can require plasmapheresis,intravenous immune globulin (IVIg), heparin,and mechanical support (Kittleson and Koba-shigawa 2012). The long-term management ofAMR is also complicated because patients can beleft with a low ejection fraction, restrictive phys-iology, and accelerated CAV. Some institutions

Heart Transplantation

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are treating these patients with rituximab, bor-tezomib, and photopheresis, and if necessary,redo transplantation (Kobashigawa et al. 2011).

Surgical Technique and Organ Preservation

The most significant technical advance in theheart transplantation surgery over the last dec-ade has been related to the method of reestab-lishing systemic venous return. The original or-thotopic heart transplant operation introducedby Lower and Shumway (1960) incorporated abiatrial technique in which cuffs of the left andright atria were preserved in the recipient andanastomosed to the corresponding atria of thedonor heart. However, over the last decade, abicaval method of systemic venous return hasgained favor. The recipient’s right atrium iscompletely resected, and the remaining superiorand inferior vena cavae are anastomosed directlyto the corresponding donor structures. The rea-son for the switch is that the conventional bi-atrial technique puts the sinoatrial node at riskof injury, in addition to adversely impactingatrial hemodynamics and contributing to an in-creased risk of atrial arrhythmias in the post-operative period (Freimark et al. 1995; Leyhet al. 1995; Brandt et al. 1997). The bicaval tech-nique eliminates the right atrial suture line, pre-serves right atrial morphology, and maintainsthe sinoatrial node and tricuspid valve function(Traversi et al. 1998; Aziz et al. 1999). A meta-analysis of 41 papers comparing bicaval to bi-atrial anastomoses found significant benefits forthe bicaval technique in terms of early atrialpressure, tricuspid valve regurgitation, returnto sinus rhythm, frequency of permanent pace-maker implantation, and even perioperativemortality. However, long-term outcomes wereless disparate between the groups (Jacob andSellke 2009).

In the area of donor heart preservation, apromising new technology is currently beingevaluated in which normothermic perfusionprovides continuous warm blood flow to thebeating donor heart during transportation(Ghodsizad et al. 2012). This switch from con-ventional cold, static storage may not only de-crease reperfusion injury and primary graft dys-

function but may also allow greater utilizationof available organs.


As described above, despite improvements inearly posttransplant survival over the last threedecades, a relentless annual attrition rate con-tinues to plague recipients of previously success-ful heart allografts, resulting in a median sur-vival of only 11 yr (Stehlik et al. 2012). Althoughinfection accounts for most recipient deaths 1-yr posttransplant, CAVand malignancy accountfor most cardiac recipient deaths after 5 yr(Stehlik et al. 2012). These sobering statisticsemphasize the limitations of chronically admin-istered immunosuppression and make clear theneed for strategies that achieve long-term graftsurvival without the use of chronic immuno-suppression. Inducing a state of tolerance hasthe potential to prevent or ameliorate the threegreatest contributors to heart transplant recipi-ent mortality, namely, infection, CAV, and can-cer, while at the same time eliminating drug-specific morbidities.

Tolerance of kidney allografts has beenachieved in nonhuman primates (NHPs) (Ka-wai et al. 1995, 1999, 2004) and in humans (Ka-wai et al. 2008) by using a combination of non-myeloablative conditioning and donor bonemarrow transplantation that results in transientmixed chimerism. However, mixed chimerismprotocols that achieve long-term tolerance ofkidney allografts in NHPs fail to induce toler-ance in recipients of heart allografts (Kawai et al.2002). The reasons for this organ-specific differ-ence are not clear. However, it is clear that alltransplanted organs are not created equal. Notonly does the strength of the immune responseto a particular organ vary with the organ trans-planted, but also the nature of the response itself,rejection versus tolerance, varies from organ toorgan. In most experimental models of trans-plantation, heart and lung allografts evoke astronger rejection response than kidneyand liverallografts. Moreover, under the right circum-stances, kidney and liver allografts can promotea state of unresponsiveness instead of inciting anaggressive alloresponse and thus can be consid-

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ered “tolerance-prone” organs. The same can-not be said for heart and lung allografts, whichare, for the most part, “tolerance resistant.” Notonly do tolerance-prone kidney and liver allo-grafts appear to contribute to the actual processof tolerance induction, but also they possess theunique ability to confer unresponsiveness uponcotransplanted, tolerance-resistant organs likehearts. The mechanisms underlying this phe-nomenon are unclear, but understanding themcould aid into our attempts to bring tolerance tothe clinic. Below, we review organ-specific dif-ferences in allograft rejection and tolerance, fo-cusing on ways we might harness the tolero-genicity of kidney allografts to achieve long-term, immunosuppression-free survival of morestringent heart allografts.


The most extreme examples of organ-specificdifferences in transplantation are experimentalmodels in which kidney and liver allografts areaccepted spontaneously (without the use ofimmunosuppression), whereas other allograftssuch as heart, intestine, and skin transplantedacross the same MHC barrier are rejected acutely(Russell et al. 1978; Dahmen et al. 1994; Qianet al. 1994; Zhang et al. 1996; Bickerstaff et al.2001; Cook et al. 2008; Li et al. 2008; Miyajimaet al. 2011; Wang et al. 2011). Zhang et al. (1996)compared liver, kidney, and heart transplanta-tion in three different MHC disparate mousestrain combinations without treatment. The dif-ferences in the patterns of rejection between or-gans were remarkably consistent (Table 1). Themajority of liver allografts in each strain combi-nation were spontaneously accepted long term,whereas heart grafts transplanted across identi-cal histocompatibility barriers were all rejectedin ,10 d. The pattern of kidney allograft rejec-tion was mixed, with 20%–50% of organs sur-viving long term (Table 1) (Zhang et al. 1996).Our results (Madsen et al. 1997; Miyajima et al.2011) and others (Bickerstaff et al. 2001; Cooket al. 2008; Wang et al. 2011) in mice support thefact that kidney allografts have a significantlyprolonged survival compared with heart allo-

grafts transplanted across the same MHC barri-er. Organ-specific differences in rejection re-sponses extend to human transplantation. Forexample, the graft half-life for heart allografts is11 yr (Stehlik et al. 2012), whereas the graft half-life for lung allografts is only 5 yr (Christie et al.2012). Thus, the organ-specific differences intransplantation have clinical significance anddeserve further study.


Our laboratory has compared the immunobiol-ogy of heart, kidney, and lung transplantation inMHC inbred miniature swine (Madsen 1998).These large animals provide the only preclini-cal model in which organ transplants can beperformed across the same histocompatibili-ty barrier reproducibly (Sachs 1992). In brief,when porcine recipients were transplanted withMHC class I disparate hearts and treated with12 d of CyA, they all rejected within 55 d andshowed the florid intimal proliferation of CAVon necropsy (Madsen et al. 1996). In contrast,when swine were transplanted with class I dis-parate kidney allografts and treated with thesame course of CyA, they all became tolerantto donor antigen and maintained excellent renalfunction long term, in some instances for .2 yr(Fig. 1) (Rosengard et al. 1992). The survival oflungs transplanted across the same class I barrierwith 12 d of CyA were in between that of heartsand kidneys, with graft survival ranging from 67to .605 d and two-thirds developing oblitera-tive bronchiolitis (Allan et al. 2002). A similar

Table 1. Proportion of liver, kidney, and heart allo-grafts surviving .100 d in fully MHC disparatemurine recipients

Strain combination Liver Kidney Heart

C57BL/6 into BALB/c(H-2b) (H-2d)

72% 20% 0%

BALB/c into CBA(H-2d) (H-2k)

57% 33% 0%

C57BL/6 into C3H/HeN (H-2b) (H-2k)

73% 50% 0%

Recipients received no treatment; n � 6 recipients/group

(from Zhang et al. 1996).

Heart Transplantation

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hierarchy was observed when organs were trans-planted across a more rigorous two-haplotypefull MHC barrier and FK506 was substituted forCyA. Long-term tolerance was induced in renalallografts (Utsugi et al. 2001), whereas lung sur-vival ranged 100–500 d and hearts survived55–134 d. Thus, there are also organ-specificdifferences that affect the process of toleranceinduction. In swine, kidneys are easier to tolerizethan lungs, which are easier to tolerize thanhearts. This pattern seems to be true in mostexperimental transplant models. These observa-tions emphasize that protocols designed to in-duce tolerance may not be directly transferablefrom one organ system to another and that thepreclinical testing of tolerance protocols for hu-man transplantation must proceed in an organ-specific manner (Massicot-Fisher et al. 2001).


Murine models of spontaneous kidney and liverallograft acceptance have been well studied andare arguably our best source of information re-garding potential mechanisms of organ-specifictolerance induction.

Kidney Allografts

Spontaneous renal allograft survival was first re-ported 35 years ago by Russell et al. (1978). Sincethen, several studies have shown that MHC-dis-parate kidney allografts transplanted across cer-

tain strain combinations are accepted spontane-ously (Russell et al. 1978; Bickerstaff et al. 2001;Cook et al. 2008; Miyajima et al. 2011; Wanget al. 2011). We have recently shown that spon-taneously accepted kidney allografts showedprominent periarterial lymphoid sheaths con-taining nodules of CD3þFoxp3þ T cells, CD4þ

T cells, DCs, B cells, and indoleamine-pyrrole2,3-dioxygenase (IDO)þ cells (Miyajima et al.2011). The majority of the cells were CD3þ,and �20%–30% of them were Foxp3þ. Theseregulatory T-cell-rich organized lymphoidstructures, which we term “TOLS,” are distinctfrom tertiary lymphoid structures (TLOs) foundin chronic inflammation in that they lack highendothelial venules (MECA792). Similar struc-tures have been identified in tolerant pig andnonhuman primate kidneyallografts (E Farkash,A Alessandrini, and RB Colvin, unpubl.). Wehave recently shown that Foxp3þ regulatory Tcells (Tregs) are necessary to maintain unre-sponsiveness in spontaneously accepted MHCmismatched mouse kidney allografts (Miyajimaet al. 2011). Administering diphtheria toxin(DT) to kidney recipients expressing the humandiphtheria toxin receptor (DTR) under the con-trol of the foxp3 gene (B6.Foxp3DTR) allowed usto transiently deplete Foxp3þ Tregs withoutmorbidity (Kim et al. 2007). Treg depletion inlong-term surviving kidney allograft recipientstriggered acute cellular rejection, manifested bya sudden increase in BUN. The previously iden-tified TOLS disintegrated after Treg depletionand was accompanied by widespread CD8þ in-terstitial mononuclear inflammation, tubulitis,and endarteritis, indicating acute cellular rejec-tion (Miyajima et al. 2011). Although there isconvincing evidence that Tregs play a role inmediating the spontaneous acceptance of renalallografts (Bickerstaff et al. 2001; Cook et al.2008; Miyajima et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2011),the mechanisms by which cells or cell productsintrinsic to kidney but not heart allografts pro-mote or expand Tregs is unclear.

In addressing this question, we know thatthere are two cell populations present in kid-neys with the capacity to down-regulate alloim-mune responses: (1) plasmacytoid dendriticcells (pDCs), which have been shown to be ca-






ft su




0%0 100 200

Postoperative days300 400

Figure 1. Heart versus kidney transplantation inMHC class I disparate swine treated with a 12-dcourse of CyA.

M. Tonsho et al.

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pable of promoting the generation of Tregs andinducing tolerance to heart allografts in mice(Abe et al. 2005; Ochando et al. 2006; Gehrieet al. 2011); and (2) renal tubular epithelial cells(RTECs), which have been shown to be capableof inducing T-cell unresponsiveness to self- andalloantigens in mice and humans (Hagerty andAllen 1992; Kirby et al. 1993; Singer et al. 1993;Hadley et al. 1996; Deckers et al. 1997; Frascaet al. 1998). These cell types form the basis fortwo nonmutually exclusive hypotheses to ex-plain spontaneous kidney allograft acceptance.

The pDC Hypothesis

The “pDC hypothesis” predicts that donor pDCstransferred within the kidney allograft traffic tothe host thymus and lymph nodes, where theyfacilitate the activation/expansion of donor-spe-cific Tregs (Fig. 2A). It is known that abundantCD11cþ DCs are present in normal mouse kid-neys (Soos et al. 2006). We have recently shownthat CD11cþ cells isolated from naıve, untrans-plantedkidneys(fromDBA/2andBALB/cmice)contain a subpopulation of PDCA-1þB220þ

pDCs not found in hearts from the same animals(A Alessandrini and RB Colvin, unpubl.). Thepresence of PDCA-1þB220þ pDCs in DBA/2kidneys but not hearts may explain why DBA/2kidneys are spontaneously accepted when trans-planted into B6 wild-type recipients, whereasDBA/2 hearts are uniformly rejected (Bicker-staff et al. 2001; Cook et al. 2008).

The RTEC Hypothesis

The “RTEC hypothesis” predicts that RTECs,intrinsic to the donor kidney, down-regulateor inactivate effector T cells emigrating fromthe host thymus or convert them to Tregs, thusshifting the balance of the immune responseaway from rejection and toward tolerance (Fig.2B). There is precedent for this theory in that ithas been previously shown that Foxp3þ cells areenriched in the tubules of mouse (Brown et al.2007) and human (Veronese et al. 2007) renalallografts. Frasca and colleagues (1998) haveshown that IFN-g-treated human RTECs induceallospecific tolerance via a class II pathway. IFN-g induces the T-cell inhibitor molecules PD-L1and IDO on RTECs (Schoop et al. 2004; Mohibet al. 2007), and PD-L1 can induce the genera-tion of allogeneic Foxp3þ Tregs (Krupnick et al.2005), in part by down-regulating PTEN (Fran-cisco et al. 2009). Importantly, Amarnath et al.(2011) have recently shown that PD1 signalingresults in the conversion of human TH1 cellsinto Treg cells. Finally, RTECs are known to pro-duce and activate TGF-b (Robertson et al.2001), which is a major inducer of Foxp3þ

Treg (Zheng 2008) and tolerogenic pDC (Pal-lotta et al. 2011) generation. High levels ofTGF-b have been documented in acceptedDBA/2 kidneys (Bickerstaff et al. 2001; Cooket al. 2008). Together, these findings supportthe possibility that RTECs contribute to sponta-neous tolerance of kidney allografts.

Liver Allografts

Like kidney allografts, liver allografts are spon-taneously accepted across certain mouse and ratstrain combinations (Dahmen et al. 1994; Qianet al. 1994; Sriwatanawongsa et al. 1995; Zhanget al. 1996; Li et al. 2008). Like kidney allografts,depletion of recipient Tregs using anti-CD25 an-tibody induces acute liver allograft rejection (Liet al. 2008). And, like kidneys, the mechanism(s)by which Treg-mediated tolerance is induced byliver allografts is not known. However, the inher-ent tolerogenic properties of murine liverswould suggest that, as in kidneys, cells or cellproducts intrinsic to the liver play a role. Three

Host thymusA


pDC theory

RTEC theory






Figure 2. Hypothetical models explaining kidney-in-duced cardiac allograft tolerance.

Heart Transplantation

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cell populations present in liver have been showncapable of suppressing an alloimmune response.They are (1) pDCs, located within the periportalareas and around the central veins (Sumpteret al. 2007); (2) liver sinusoidal endothelial cells(LSECs), which generate anti-inflammatory cy-tokines, such as IL-10 (Knolle et al. 1995), anddiminish the survival CD8þ T cells (Limmeret al. 2000; Bowen et al. 2004; von Oppen et al.2009); and (3) hepatic stellate cells (HSCs),which can promote the induction of Tregs (Fig.3) (Yang et al. 2009).

The pDC Hypothesis

The “pDC hypothesis” predicts that, like renalpDCs, liver pDCs migrate to the host thymusand lymph nodes, resulting in the activation/expansion of donor-specific Tregs. Support forthis hypothesis comes from the observation thathepatic dendritic cells are less immunogenicthan splenic dendritic cells and that only 5% ofsplenic DCs are made up of pDCs, whereas 19%of the liver DC population is made up of pDCs(Pillarisetty et al. 2004). Support also comesfrom that fact that circulating pDCs were in-creased relative to myeloid DCs (mDCs) in op-erationally tolerant pediatric liver allograft re-cipients as compared with patients maintainedon chronic immunosuppression (Mazariegoset al. 2005).

The LSEC Hypothesis

The “LSEC hypothesis” predicts that these cellsregulate the immune response by secreting IL-10

(Knolle et al. 1995). LSECs also constitutivelyexpress MHC class I molecules and, via cross-presentation of antigen to CD8þ T cells, are ableto induce CD8þT-cell tolerance rather than im-munity (Limmer et al. 2000; von Oppen et al.2009). LSEC-primed, naıve CD8þ T cells areinitially induced to proliferate, to release cyto-kines, such as IL-2 and IFN-g, and to expressCD69 and CD25, but eventually begin to secretelow levels of the cytokines and show low cyto-toxicity activity (Limmer et al. 2000). The in-duction of CD8þ T-cell tolerance has correlatedwith and has been shown to be dependent on theinduction of the negative costimulatory mole-cule PD-L1 by LSECs (Diehl et al. 2008). Wheth-er LSECs are able to induce Tregs or convert Teffto Tregs is not yet known, but their contributionto the down-regulation of an immune responsebegs further study in this area.

The HSC Hypothesis

Finally, the “HSC hypothesis” predicts that he-patic stellate cells (HSCs) are able to convertnaıve or effector T cells to Tregs. HSCs storevitamin A and can produce TGF-b in responseto inflammation and injury (Diehl et al. 2008;Tiegs and Lohse 2010). Vitamin A–derived ret-inoic acid and TGF-b have been shown to par-ticipate in the conversion of CD4þ T cells toTregs (Xiao et al. 2008; Liu et al. 2011). It hasbeen further shown that activated HSCs expressPD-L1 (Yu et al. 2004). There is precedent for theHSC theory because HSCs are able to conferunresponsiveness and long-term survival toislet allografts by inducing Tregs (Yang et al.2009) and myeloid-derived suppressor cells(Chou et al. 2011a,b).


Although, as mentioned above, some organs areknown to be tolerance prone (liver and kidney),whereas others are tolerance resistant (heart andlung), less is known about why tolerance-proneorgans are able to confer a survival advantageupon another organ allograft procured from



CD4+ T cells







Figure 3. Hypothetical models explaining the sponta-neous acceptance of liver allografts.

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the same donor and cotransplanted into thesame recipient. This phenomenon was first de-scribed in pigs and termed the “liver effect” byCalne et al. (1969). It is now clear that a similareffect occurs in human recipients of liver trans-plants (Calne et al. 1969; Hart et al. 1971; Calneand Davies 1994; Rasmussen et al. 1995; Prasee-dom et al. 2001) and to a lesser extent in kidneyallograft recipients (see below).

Kidney-Induced Cardiac Allograft Tolerance(KICAT)

We have studied the phenomenon of kidney-in-duced cardiac allograft tolerance (KICAT) inMHC inbred miniature swine by taking advan-tage of the ability of kidney allografts to inducelong-term stable tolerance of cotransplantedheart allografts, which, if transplanted alone,would reject acutely (Table 2, No. 1). Recipientscotransplanted with the heart and kidney fromthe same class I disparate donor all developedrapid and stable tolerance to the donor, whichled to long-term survival of both kidney andheart allografts with no evidence of rejection

on serial biopsies. In addition, there was no allo-antibody formation, loss of antidonor respon-siveness in cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) as-says, and prevention of CAV (Table 2, No. 2).Neither heart nor kidney allograft survival wasaffected by the placement of donor-specific andthird-party skin grafts despite the return of anti-donor CML reactivity, which suggested the on-going effects of regulatory T cells (Tregs) (Table2, No. 3).

Kidney-Specific Elements Responsiblefor KICAT

Donor Antigen Load

To test whether KICAT was simply due to theadditional donor antigen presented by the co-transplanted kidney, we compared heart/kidneyrecipients to recipients grafted with two class Idisparate hearts. Although the allografts in re-cipients of two hearts survived longer than theallograft in recipients of one heart, (1) the dou-ble-heart allografts showed high-grade rejectionwith early and severe CAVon serial biopsies; (2)

Table 2. Results in class I disparate swine treated with 12 d of CyA

No. Experiment


survivalaHeart rejection

biopsiesb CAVc


responsed References

1 Heart alone þþ þþþþ þþþþ þ/þ Madsen et al. 19962 Heart and kidney þþþþ 2 2 2/2 Madsen et al. 19983 Heart and kidney and

MHC-disparate skinþþþþ 2 2 þ/2 Madsen et al. 1998

4 Double hearts þþþþ þþþ þþ þ/þ Yamada et al. 20005 Heart and kidney

nephrectomized earlyþþþ þþþ þþþ þ/2 Mezrich et al. 2005

6 Heart and kidneynephrectomized late

þþþþ 2 þþ 2/2 Mezrich et al. 2005

7 Irradiated heart andkidney

þþþþ þþþ þþþ þ/2 Mezrich et al. 2003b

8 Irradiated heart andshielded kidney

þþþþ 2 2 2/2 Mezrich et al. 2003b

9 Heart and kidneythymectomized early

þþþ þþþ þþþ þ/2 Yamada et al. 1999

10 Heart and kidneythymectomized late

þþþþ 2 þþ 2/22 Mezrich et al. 2005

aGraded on a relative scale from þ (�10 d) to þþþþ (.100).bGraded on a relative scale from þ (ISHLT grade 2) to þþþþ (ISHLT grade 4) on serial biopsies.cGraded on a relative scale from þ (rare, minimal luminal obstruction) toþþþþ (frequent, significant luminal obstruction).dGraded as þ (response present) or – (response absent).

Heart Transplantation

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antidonor responsiveness in CML assays wasmaintained in the double-heart recipients; and(3) alloantibody was generated in the double-heart recipients (Table 2, No. 4). Thus, althoughaugmentation of donor-antigen load could de-lay rejection, it could not induce tolerance.

Donor Nephrectomy

Donor kidney graftectomy on postoperative day(POD) 8 led to early cardiac allograft rejection.One recipient rejected its heart allograft on POD29 with severe CAV. The other two showed pro-longed heart allograft survival but showed high-grade interstitial rejection with severe CAV asearly as POD 32 and never lost antidonorCML responsiveness (Table 2, No. 5). Further-more, 2 wk after donor and third-party skingrafts were placed on the extended survivors,the heart allografts were acutely rejected. Thus,the donor kidney must remain in the recipientfor .8 d to achieve KICAT. When donor ne-phrectomy was performed late (.100 d) rejec-tion was not seen, although eventually mild CAVdeveloped (Table 2, No. 6). However, within2 wk of donor and third-party skin grafting,the heart allografts were rejected. These resultssuggest that the kidney allograft participates inthe process of both tolerance induction andmaintenance. More specifically, the skin graftingdata suggest that elements associated with thedonor kidney were able to actively suppress theantidonor response of circulating class I cytotox-icT lymphocyte precursors (CTLps), whichweregenerated by the skin grafts (documented byCML) and which had the capacity to mediateacute rejection after the kidney allograft was re-moved (Madsen 1998; Christie et al. 2012).

Donor Kidney Irradiation

Cells of hematopoietic origin are extremely sen-sitive to radiation, with an LD50 estimated at300–500 rads, but renal parenchymal cells areable to tolerate doses of 1000–2000 rads of un-fractionated irradiation (Russell et al. 1978;Massicot-Fisher et al. 2001). Recipients of heartand kidney allografts from donors irradiatedwith 1000 rads before organ procurement failed

to develop tolerance, maintaining strong anti-donor CML responses despite having function-ing, life-sustaining kidney allografts (Table 2,No. 7). Irradiating the donor heart while shield-ing the donor kidney before combined trans-plantation led to KICAT, indicating that it wasunlikely that nonspecific irradiation-associatedinflammation within the cardiac allograft wasthe reason for failure of KICAT. Instead, a radio-sensitive, lymphohematopoietic cell populationintrinsic to the donor kidney but not heart ap-peared necessary for the development of KICAT.


Host Thymectomy

Regulatory T cells are primarily generated in thethymus (Wood and Sakaguchi 2003). To deter-mine whether KICAT is dependent on an intacthost thymus, total thymectomies were per-formed in recipients 21 d before heart and kid-ney transplants. Two of three thymectomizedheart/kidney recipients rejected their heartgrafts within 100 d, and the third animal hadsevere rejection when euthanized for seizures.Unlike the euthymic heart/kidney recipients,thymectomized heart/kidney recipients showedCAV, as well as persistent antidonor CML activ-ity (Table 2, No. 9). The kidney grafts in theseanimals continued to function with stable cre-atinine values, but there was evidence of tubu-litis and vasculopathy at necropsy. When thethymus was removed late (.100 d) no rejectionwas observed and CML assays remained unre-sponsive, although CAV eventually developed(Table 2, No. 10). These data suggest that, likethe donor kidney, the host thymus plays a crit-ical role during the induction phase of KICATbut has less influence late after transplantation.

Coculture Suppression Assays

We have found that primed naıve peripheralblood leukocytes (PBLs) cocultured with naıvecells augmented lysis of class I mismatched tar-get cells. In contrast, primed PBLs from tolerant

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heart/kidney animals completely suppressed ly-sis of the same targets by naıve cells. Suppressionwas lost following removal of CD25þ T cellsfrom the tolerant heart/kidney PBL populationbut was reestablished by incubation of naıvecells with CD25þ T cells from tolerant heart/kidney animals. In summary, these preliminarydata suggest that CD25þ T cells in PBLs fromtolerant swine contain regulatory T cells butthat they require priming to fully suppress theresponse of naıve-matched T cells in cocultureCML (Mezrich et al. 2003a).

Putative Intragraft Tregs

We have examined the phenotypes of graft infil-trating lymphocytes (GILs) retrieved from iso-lated kidneys transplanted across a class I barrierthat accepted versus rejected (Giangrande et al.1997). The number of cells expressing the phe-notypic markers of Tregs (which in swine areCD4þCD8þCD25high) were substantially high-er in acceptor than in rejector transplants at alltime points.

KICAT in Fully MHC-Mismatched Swine

We have recently repeated these studies usingdonor/recipient pairs fully mismatched at theMHC and have again shown a dramatic differ-ence in outcomes between recipients of isolatedclass I and II mismatched hearts, which rejecttheir grafts by POD 35, and recipients of co-transplanted class I and II mismatched heartand kidneys, whose heart allografts continueto contract strongly, show no rejection on serialbiopsies, and no evidence of alloantibody for.350 d (Madariaga et al. 2013).

KICAT in Nonhuman Primates

We have also extended these studies into cyno-molgus monkeys using a mixed chimerism tol-erance induction strategy and found that themajority of isolated heart recipients developedantidonor cellular and humoral immunity andlost their grafts to severe rejection with CAV byd 175. In contrast, recipients of heart and kid-ney allografts survived for .380–745 d with

strongly contracting cardiac allografts (Tonshoet al. 2013). Impressively, every heart/kidneyrecipient that successfully completed its mixedchimerism conditioning regimen became toler-ant. To our knowledge, these heart/kidney re-cipients represent the first nonhuman primatesto become tolerant of cardiac allografts.


Together, these results underscore the robust-ness, consistency, and the clinical potentialof kidney-induced cardiac allograft tolerance.Based on these findings and others from studiesin isolated class I mismatched kidney transplantmodels (Ierino et al. 1999; Wu et al. 2003; Grie-semer et al. 2008; Okumi et al. 2013), we hy-pothesize that cells or cell products intrinsic tokidney, but not heart allografts, promote theactivation/expansion of host Tregs, which me-diate tolerance of the heart grafts (for review, seeMezrich et al. 2004). The intrinsic mechanismsthat allow a kidney but not a heart allograft toamplify regulatory mechanisms in the host fol-lowing transplantation are unknown. Based onthe findings in murine models described above,we are currently investigating whether pDCs orRTECs are the cells responsible for KICAT inlarge animals.


Review of Combined Heart andKidney Transplantation in Patients

Given the remarkable effects a cotransplantedkidney allograft has on the survival of heart al-lografts in large animals undergoing tolerance-induction regimens, it is logical to expect to seea survival advantage in human recipients trans-planted with combined heart and kidney allo-grafts. However, the data are conflicting.

We have reviewed and summarized theworld experience in combined heart and kidneytransplantation in Table 3. The first clinical useof combined heart and kidney transplantationwas reported in 1978 by Norman et al. (1978).Although combined heart and kidney trans-

Heart Transplantation

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Table 3. Outcomes of heart versus heart/kidney transplantation in humans

References Year Patients Follow-up

Freedom from acute

heart rejection Overall survival

Czer et al. 2011 2011 30 5 yr Heart/kidney:96% at 1 mo96% at 1 yr91% at 5 yr

Heart/kidney:93% at 1 mo87% at 1 yr68% at 5 yr51% at 10 yr

Heart:99% at 1 mo95% at 1 yr88% at 5 yr81% at 10 yr

Heart:98% at 1 mo93% at 1 yr76% at 5 yr53% at 10 yr

Conclusion:No significant difference

Conclusion:No significant

differenceGill et al. 2009 2009 263 4 yr Heart/kidney:

85% at 1 yrHeart/kidney:84% at 1 yr77% at 4 yr

Heart:69% at 1 yr

Heart:87% at 1 yr77% at 4 yr

Conclusion:Significantly less

rejectionin the combinedgroup

Conclusion:Significantly lower risk

for combined groupon multivariateanalysis

Bruschi et al. 2007 2007 9 10 yr Heart/kidney:56% at 3 mo

Heart/kidney:89% at 1 yr78% at 5 yr65% at 10 yrHeart:87% at 1 yr78% at 5 yr63% at 10 yrConclusion:No significant

differenceVermes et al. 2009 2009 67 10 yr Heart/kidney:

73% at 1 yr73% at 3 yr73% at 5 yr73% at 10 yr

Heart/kidney:62% at 1 yr60% at 3 yr53% at 5 yr47% at 10 yrHeart:71% at 1 yr65% at 3 yr60% at 5 yr47% at 10 yrConclusion:No significant



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Table 3. Continued

References Year Patients Follow-up

Freedom from acute

heart rejection Overall survival

Hermsen et al. 2007 2007 19 5 yr Heart/kidney:57% at 1 yr43% at 5 yr

Heart/kidney:90% at 1 yr82% at 5 yr

Heart:28% at 1 yr20% at 5 yr

Heart:88% at 1 yr75% at 5 yr

Conclusion:Significantly less

rejection in thecombined group

Conclusion:No significant


Wang et al. 2006 2006 16 10 yr Heart/kidney:100% at 10 yr

Heart/kidney:83% at 1 yr83% at 5 yr55% at 10 yrHeart:63% at 5 yr46% at 10 yr

Groetzner et al. 2005 2005 13 5 yr Incidence of acuteheart rejectionepisode

Heart/kidney:0.02/100 patient-days

Heart/kidney:92% at 1 yr92% at 5 yr

Heart:0.04/100 patient-days

Heart:88% at 1 yr84% at 5 yr

Conclusion:No significant


Conclusion:No significant difference

Trachiotis et al. 2003 2003 8 10 yr Heart/kidney:50% at 3 yr

Heart/kidney:88% at 1 yr88% at 5 yr88% at 10 yr

Heart:50% at 4 yr

Heart:91% at 1 yr74% at 5 yr52% at 10 yrConclusion:No significant

differenceLuckraz et al. 2003 2003 13 10 yr Incidence of acute

heart rejectionepisodes per 100patient-days wassignificantly lower inthe combined groupthan that in theisolated hearttransplant group

Heart/kidney:77% at 1 yr67% at 10 yr


Heart Transplantation

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Table 3. Continued

References Year Patients Follow-up

Freedom from acute

heart rejection Overall survival

Heart:82% at 1 yr58% at 10 yrConclusion:No significant

differenceLeeser et al. 2001 2001 13 5 yr Heart/kidney:

85%Heart/kidney:92% at 1 mo77% at 1 yr60% at 5 yr


Heart:91% at 1 mo80% at 1 yr67% at 5 yr

Conclusion:Significantly less

rejection in thecombined group

Conclusion:No significant difference

Vermes et al. 2001 2001 12 12 yr Heart/kidney:90% at 6 mo70% at 1 yr

Heart/kidney:66% at 1 yr55% at 5 yr28% at 12 yr

Heart:65% at 6 mo49% at 1 yr

Heart:66% at 1 yr44% at 5 yr32% at 12 yr

Conclusion:Significantly less

rejection in thecombined group

Conclusion:No significant difference

Blanche et al. 2001 2001 10 5 yr Heart/kidney:90% at 30 d80% at 1 yr80% at 2 yr

Heart/kidney:100% at 1 yr88% at 2 yr55% at 5 yrHeart:92% at 1 yr84% at 2 yr71% at 5 yr

Conclusion:Suggestive of lower rates

of acute rejection thanin hearts alone

Conclusion:No significant difference

Col et al. 1998 1998 6 2 yr Heart/kidney:66% at 2 yr

Heart/kidney:67% at 2 yr

Kocher et al. 1998 1998 9 4 yr 67% at 4 yr Heart/kidney:89% at 4 yr

Conclusion:No significant difference

Conclusion:No significant difference


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plantations account foronly 1.5% of heart trans-plants performed annually, the last decade hasseen a significant rise in the number of com-bined heart and kidney transplants conductedin humans, with excellent short-term successes(Cecka and Terasaki 2003). Indeed, since 1994,the number of patients in the United States re-quiring combined heart and kidney transplantshas more than tripled to 78 recipients in 2012(Stehlik et al. 2012).

Data regarding long-term outcomes in re-cipients of these transplants are now becomingavailable. The recent publication by Czer et al.(2011) is the latest in a series of papers exam-ining the results of heart and kidney cotrans-plantation. The investigators compared the out-comes of 30 patients receiving heart and kidneytransplants with those of 440 patients receiv-ing isolated heart allografts and found that theheart/kidney recipients had the same excellentlong-term survival rates and low incidence ofcellular rejection (ISHLT grade .2) as recipientsof isolated hearts. Although there were no stat-istical differences between the two groups interms of overall outcomes, cellular and anti-body-mediated rejection of the cardiac allo-graft was not observed more than 5 yr follow-ing heart/kidney transplantation, whereas it was

observed 5 yr after heart-alone transplantation(Table 3) (Czer et al. 2011). Thus, combinedheart/kidney transplantation may confer a lateimmunological advantage.

In contrast, the most recent cohort analysisusing the OPTN/UNOS database showed thatthe risk of death was 44% lower in heart/kidneyrecipients compared with heart-alone recipientsafteradjustingforpotentialconfoundersonmul-tivariate analysis. Furthermore, acute rejectionrates at 1 yr posttransplant were lower in heart/kidney recipients (Table 3) (Gill et al. 2009).

Taken together, the world’s literature sug-gests that recipients of combined heart and kid-ney allografts have less acute and possibly lesschronic posttransplant rejection than recipientsof isolated hearts (Rasmussen et al. 1995; Na-rula et al. 1997; Opelz et al. 2002; Goldfarb 2003;Luckraz et al. 2003; Hermsen et al. 2007). How-ever, most studies do not show an increase inlong-term survival following heart and kidneycotransplantation. The immunological advan-tage of heart and kidney recipients may nottranslate into a long-term survival benefit in hu-man recipients because any tolerogenic effectengendered by the kidney allograft could be ab-rogated by the presence of continuous immuno-suppression.

Table 3. Continued

References Year Patients Follow-up

Freedom from acute

heart rejection Overall survival

Narula et al. 1997 1997 82 2 yr Heart/kidney:88% at 1 mo71% at 6 mo66% at 12 mo

Heart/kidney:92% at 1 mo76% at 12 mo67% at 24 mo

Heart:64% at 1 mo44% at 6 mo39% at 12 mo

Heart:92% at 1 mo86% at 6 mo83% at 12 mo79% at 24 mo

Conclusion:Significantly less

rejection in thecombined group

Conclusion:No significant difference

Colucci et al. 1997 1997 6 3.5 yr Heart/kidney:100% at 3.5 yr

Heart/kidney:100% at 3.5 yr

Gonwa et al. 1992 1992 3 6 mo Heart/kidney:100% at 3 yr

Heart/kidney:100% at 6 mo

Heart Transplantation

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Review of Combined Heart andLiver Transplantation in Patients

Although many less patients have undergoneheart and liver cotransplantation, the data thatare available suggest that there is also an immu-nological benefit conferred upon the heart bythe cotransplanted liver allograft. In a single-center study, Raichlin et al. (2009) reportedthat although 1-, 5-, and 10-yr survival ratesin combined heart/liver recipients were similarto those in isolated heart recipients, the heart/kidney recipients showed significantly less acutecardiac allograft rejection. Moreover, heart/liv-er recipients showed no evidence of angiograph-ic CAV, which was diagnosed in 38% of compa-rable isolated heart recipients (Raichlin et al.2009). In a recent follow-up study using intra-vascular ultrasound (IVUS) to interrogate thecoronary arteries, the same group showed thatpatients with heart/liver transplants had slowerprogression of CAV, which translated to bettercoronary-related clinical outcomes in unadjust-ed and adjusted analysis (Topilsky et al. 2013).These data suggest that the cotransplanted livercan modify the recipient’s immunological riskfactors and improve the natural history of CAV.Finally, a protective “liver effect” can be docu-mented by the fact that heart–liver recipientsrequire less immunosuppression than recipientsof isolated heart and still maintain low rates ofacute rejection (Te et al. 2008).


Kidney-induced cardiac allograft tolerance hasproven effective across two large animal modelsand across two different tolerance-inductionprotocols. Understanding how tolerance-proneorgans confer unresponsiveness upon toler-ance-resistant organs could provide importantmechanistic information that is relevant to ourattempts at inducing tolerance in human trans-plant recipients. Data from studies in mice,swine, and nonhuman primates suggest thatcells or cell products resident within kidneysand livers but not hearts actively participate inthe induction of tolerance by amplifying thecontributions of Tregs. Isolating and harnessing

these cells or cell products could provide anavenue toward the induction of tolerance in hu-mans. Of course, cotransplanting a kidney witha heart allograft to induce tolerance in a recip-ient that does not have irreversible end-stagerenal failure is an untenable strategy. Instead,one might imagine achieving tolerance of iso-lated heart allografts without sacrificing a donorkidney, possibly by obtaining the to-be-identi-fied, KICAT-mediating cells via a simple kidneybiopsy at the time of organ procurement andexpanding them in vitro for subsequent use ina delayed tolerance protocol that our group de-scribed previously (Yamada et al. 2012). Indeed,this strategy could be applicable to all deceased-donor transplantation and to all tolerance-re-sistant organs/tissues including islets and vas-cularized composite allografts.


The future of heart transplantation must fo-cus on the disappointing late outcomes thathave not changed in decades and the donor or-gan shortage. Achieving tolerance could ad-dress both challenges by eliminating the needfor chronic immunosuppression (Kawai et al.2008) and by providing a potential avenue topig-to-human xenotransplantation (Kuwaki etal. 2005). However, there are other exciting pos-sibilities on the horizon that could achieve thesame end including stem cell therapy (Shibaet al. 2012), advanced mechanical assistance(Abraham and Smith 2013), and whole-organbioengineering (Ott et al. 2008). Which modal-ity will be the first to reach the ultimate goalof achieving unlimited, long-term, circulatorysupport with minimal risk to longevity or life-style is unknown. However, significant advancesare being made and will continue to be made ineach of these areas.


This work is supported in part by grants fromthe National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute(P01HL18646) and the National Institute ofAllergy and Infectious Disease (U01AI94374,R01AI081734-01A1) of the National Institutes

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of Health. We acknowledge C06RR020135-01for construction of the facility used for produc-tion and maintenance of miniature swine andare indebted to J. Scott Arn for herd manage-ment and quality-control typing.


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2014; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a015636Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med  Makoto Tonsho, Sebastian Michel, Zain Ahmed, Alessandro Alessandrini and Joren C. Madsen Heart Transplantation: Challenges Facing the Field

Subject Collection Transplantation

FieldHeart Transplantation: Challenges Facing the

al.Makoto Tonsho, Sebastian Michel, Zain Ahmed, et

for Liver TransplantationOverview of the Indications and Contraindications

SchlittStefan Farkas, Christina Hackl and Hans Jürgen

Bioethics of Organ TransplantationArthur Caplan

Facial and Hand Allotransplantation

SchneebergerBohdan Pomahac, Ryan M. Gobble and Stefan

Overview of Clinical Lung TransplantationJonathan C. Yeung and Shaf Keshavjee

Induction of Tolerance through Mixed ChimerismDavid H. Sachs, Tatsuo Kawai and Megan Sykes

XenotransplantationImmunological Challenges and Therapies in

Marta Vadori and Emanuele Cozzi

Pancreas Transplantation: Solid Organ and IsletShruti Mittal, Paul Johnson and Peter Friend

Organ-Specific Issues of Renal TransplantationClinical Aspects: Focusing on Key Unique

Sindhu Chandran and Flavio Vincenti

Is It Worth It?−−ToleranceErik B. Finger, Terry B. Strom and Arthur J. Matas

TransplantationT-Cell Costimulatory Blockade in Organ

Jonathan S. Maltzman and Laurence A. Turka

Lessons and Limits of Mouse Models

Miller, et al.Anita S. Chong, Maria-Luisa Alegre, Michelle L.

Moving to the ClinicRegulatory T-Cell Therapy in Transplantation:

Qizhi Tang and Jeffrey A. Bluestone

Effector Mechanisms of Rejection

al.Aurélie Moreau, Emilie Varey, Ignacio Anegon, et

Immunosuppression?Coming to the Limits of−−Opportunistic Infections

Jay A. Fishman

The Innate Immune System and Transplantation

Steven H. SacksConrad A. Farrar, Jerzy W. Kupiec-Weglinski and

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