heart secrets

Secrets of The Heart Between Science and Belief Shawky Allam www.kaheel7.com/eng

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Page 1: Heart  secrets

Secrets of The Heart

Between Science and Belief

Shawky Allamwww.kaheel7.com/eng

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Have they not traveled through the land, and have they

hearts wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it

is not the eyes that grow blindbut it is the hearts which are in the

breasts that grow blind.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

This research offers a scientific vision for the heart which agree with the descended Qur’an fourteen century ago

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What is the objective of this research?- God mentioned the heart more than hundred times in Qur’an which refers to the importance of this organ.

The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail, Except him who brings to Allah a clean heart {clean from polytheism and hypocrisy }

(Sûrat Ash-Shuarâ- verse 88-89)

- Your health is measured by the health of your heart.

- When heart is stopped , it means your life was ended.

- If heart is in a good condition, it means all the body in a good condition and if it is in a bad condition the entire body is in a bad condition , so heart determines your fate.

- O My dear, don’t read this research just for information but it is very important for all of us in this world and in the hereafter.

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Introduction…..What is the new in this research

This research offers a new vision for human heart , for many years scientists studied heart from the physiological side and they considered it only a blood pumping machine no more no less, but starting from the twenty one century and because of the high development in heart transplantation and artificial heart surgeries , researchers started to notice a strange and vague phenomenon which is a change in the patient's psychological status after heart transplantation !!

This research is based on more than 70 scientific references


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we are going to review the latest scientific researches about this phenomenon . This phenomenon is the change in psychology of the patient who exchanged his natural heart with an artificial one as he face a serious psychological changes in what he loves and what he hate and also in his beliefs.

Heart…Affects our psychology

Heart has a vital role in human psychology!

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The heart start its mission since you are an embryo (21 days after start of pregnancy) to pumping blood to the entire body, when you are adult your heart can pump more than seventy thousand liter of blood every day. When you reach the age of seventy, the total pumped amount of blood would be more than million barrel during these years.

Heart and the embryo!!

Heart is created before brain , and it starts to pulse from its first day till death.

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Heart contains a sophisticated network of neurons and it secrete hormones that control the entire body, it can remember ,feel and control emotions as each heart strike transmits messages to brain and all organs of the body , these messages are no more than electromagnetic signals , heart performance and its signals change according to the emotional status of heart.

Heart… Is more than a blood pumping machine!

Heart can remember, feel and send orders to all organs of the body.

Does your heart sense your emotional state? www.msnbc.msn.com, Jan. 26, 2006.

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Many researchers believe that heart leads brain and each heart cell has a memory!! DR. “Schwartz” say that our history is written inside each cell in our body , also many researchers believe that heart cells store information.

Surprise: Hearts think and understand !

University of Hawaii.

Many researches confirm that heart controls the entire body not only brain

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Heart provides all cells of our body with oxygen, as cells picks up oxygen to burn it to feed itself, and then it throw carbon gas and poisoned materials in blood as heart pumps it again toward the lungs which purify blood and throw carbon gas during the breathing process (inhalation and exhalation). length of the vascular network in our body is about one hundred thousand kilometer.

Heart mechanism

Human heart pumps blood through a network of blood vessels . Its length is up to100000 kilometer!!

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Only from thirty years, researchers started to notice the relation between brain and heart when they noticed that heart has a vital role in understanding the surrounded world and they had found that heart can affect the electrical activity of brain.

The relation…Between heart and brain

Paul Pearsall, Gary E. Schwartz, Linda G. Russek, Organ Transplants and Cellular Memories, Nexus Magazine, April - May 2005.

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Dr.” Armour” say that Heart has a special system in processing incoming information from entire body and the success of any heart transplantation surgery depends on the neural system of the transplanted heart and how much it is able to adapt with the patient.

The neural system of the heart

Science of the heart, Institute of HeartMath

Lately , scientists discovered secrets of the neural system of the heart.

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Prof “Gary Schwartz” specialist in Psychiatry in Arizona University and Prof Linda Russek believe that heart has a special power which enables it to store and process information. Therefore memory is not only in brain but also in heart. Prof Gary made a research which included more than three hundred patient who performed transplantation surgery and he found that all patients were exposed to many psychological changes after the surgery.

Memory….. is not only in brain



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Prof Gary Schwartz says: we performed a heart transplantation surgery for an ill child as we implanted heart of a dead child in the body of the ill one. Mother of the dead child says: every time I huge the child I feel as if my child is still alive and that child is my own one.

Heart…….And sentiment of the mother

Pearsall P, Schwartz GE, Russek LG, Changes in heart transplant recipients that parallel the personalities of their donors, School of Nursing, University of Hawaii.

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An interesting discovery that is all people who changed their hearts with an artificial one had lost their feelings and their ability to love. In 11/8/2007, the American newspaper "Washington post" published reportage about Peter Houghton who performed an artificial heart transplant surgery. He says: my feelings had changed, I am not able to know what I hate and what I love even I don't have feelings toward any of my grandchild.

Heart…. and feelings

Washington Post, 11/8/2007

People who implanted artificial hearts had lost their feeling with love and sentiments

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Till this moment, scientists don't understand this phenomenon and the secret behind that psychological change. Prof Arthur Caplan Head of Medical Ethics at University of Pennsylvania says: ’’ scientists used to deal with human body as if it is a machine and we never gave any attention to the relation between feelings and organs of our body.”

Scientists admit…. That they didn’t study heart enough

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Heart pulses rate is changing according to the psychological and emotional status of us. DR J. Andrew Armour confirm that there is a very complicated brain inside the heart. In our heart there are more than forty thousand neuron which works in an extraordinary precision to control heart pulses, hormone production and information storing. then this information are sent to brain. This information plays a vital role in realizing and understanding.

A brain in the heart

Science of the heart, Institute of HeartMath

Heart contains 40000


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Researchers confirm that information flows from heart to inside brain through special paths, as these information leads brain cells to be able to understand and realize , nowadays scientists are working to establish many centers concerned about studying relationship between heart and brain and the relation between heart and cognitive and psychological operations.

Heart…directs brain’s neurons


Incoming information from heart

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After many researches, DR “Paul Pearsall” say : “heart can feel and remember and it transmit vibrations to communicate with other hearts, also it helps in organizing immunity of the body. also it transmit information in each pulse to the entire body “ therefore some researchers have got a question , is it possible for memory to stay deep inside our hearts? in his book ‘the heart’s code’ Dr Paul says:" when you suddenly feel with anything or when you feel happy or sad , you put your hand on your breast without feeling ”

The Heart’s code

The Heart's Code, 1999.

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Today, researches confirm that heart with its organized harmony controls the entire body as it considered to be a method to linking all cells, when blood goes into each cell then it feed these cells not only with oxygen but also with information.

Heart ……Transmits information to brain

Institute of HeartMath.


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In heart math institute they found that heart has a very strong electrical field which affects all surrounding people. Therefore human can communicate with others only with his heart without talking. !! Also they found a relation between number of heart pulses and the transmitted waves from brain (Alfa waves). The more heart pulses the more transmitted waves from brain.

The electrical field of heart

Science of the heart, Institute of HeartMath.


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The heart math institute had performed many experiments to prove that heart transmit electromagnetic vibrations which affect brain. So heart may affect the realizing and the understanding of human, also they found that heart transmit a very strong electrical field which controls the entire body.

Heart ..Affects other hearts

Science of the heart, Institute of HeartMath.

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Rollin McCraty and Mike Atkinson had made a research which was published in the annual meeting of the Pavlovian Society. They found that there is a relation between heart and realization. They proved this relation by measuring the electromagnetic activity of heart and brain when people are trying to understand something. They found that when heart performance is in a low level, realizing also will be low.

Heart…and realization

Rollin McCraty, The Scientific Role of the Heart in Learning and Performance.

Heart performance changes during receiving of information ,which prove that heart has a vital role in realization , also it prove that healthy hearts leads to more understanding !!

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The results of the Institute of Heart Math was marvelous .they found that when you speak or touch another person, changes in your heart will affect the brain activities of the other person!! This means that your heart affects his brain. Also, researchers confirm that the heart affected by nice words so that pulses rate changes also the electromagnetic field of the heart.

Heart…..affects brain of theother people


Science of the heart, Institute of HeartMath.

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One day a woman married a man and after couple of years and due to his atheism, he committed suicide by a gun to end his life. doctors found that his heart is in a good condition so they decided to implant it in a body of an ill man who used to a believer. by coincidence , that man met the widow of the dead man (who committed suicide), when he saw her he felt as if he knows her from a long time , and he told her that he is in love with her and he can't live without her. But the surprise is that the believer man became atheist till he decided to suicide by a gun. He shot himself in head and he died by the same way as the atheist man did!! Explanation is very simple, the realization and thinking center is in heart not brain.

A new story….To prove that heart is the center of belief

Daily Mail, 10/4/2008

القلب االصطناعي

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The holy Qur’an told us about some facts in cardiology , these facts were undiscovered till the twenty one century . Current researches expose many facts about miracles in Qur’an to be a clear reply on skeptics who believe that Qur’an is a human made.

Holy Qur'an…..and cardiology

Did Qur'an precede west scientists?

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Qur’an confirms that ….heart is a way to understanding

1.Heart is a thinking method. 2.Eye is a sight method. 3.Ear is a hearing method. God be blessed and exalted says: ( And surely, we have created many of the jinn and mankind for Hell. They have hearts wherewith they understand not, and they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth). They are like cattle, nay even more astray; those! They are the heedless

ones ) (Sûrat Al-Arâf - verse 179).

They have hearts wherewith they understand not

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Today , scientists tell us about a brain in the heart which consists of 40000 neuron and it leads the brain in its missions , so our God created heart as a method of understanding , God says:( Have they not traveled through the land, and have they hearts wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind.) ( Sûrat Al-Hajj – verse46).

Qur’an refers to …..Heart’s role in realization

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Also, scientists tell us about the vital role of the heart in understanding and realizing , God says: (They have hearts wherewith they understand not) ( Sûrat Al-

A‘râf - verse 179), so Qur'an told us about heart as a realization center in human body.

Heart ……Has a vital role in realization

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Most people who implanted an artificial heart feel that their heart became solid with no feeling or love inside, God says to Jews :(Then, after that, your hearts were hardened and became as stones or even worse in hardness) ( Sûrat Al-Baqarah- verse 74) .Qur'an told us about two features of our heart which are hardness and softness, so God says about disbelievers :( So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembrance of Allah! They are in plain error) (Sûrat Az-Zumar -

verse 22) ,but on the other hand God says about believers :( Then their skin and their heart soften to the remembrance of Allah) ( Sûrat Az-

Zumar - verse 23) .

Heart….Between hardness and softness

Can we precede western scientists in discovering characteristics of heart from the holy Qur’an?

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Scientists confirm that each cell in our heart is considered to be a warehouse for events and information .so scientists tell us about memory of the heart, God be he blessed and exalted told us that everything is in heart. God says :( but that Allah might test what is in your breasts; and to examine closely which was in your hearts (sins), and Allah is All-Knower of what is in (your) breasts.) ( Sûrat Âl‘Imrân – verse 154).

Qur’an refers to …. Heart memory

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According to the most recent researches, heart has an important role in learning because it leads and control brain's neurons. Qur'an linked between heart and learning. God says: ( and Allah has sealed up their hearts (from all kinds of goodness and right guidance) so that they know not (what they are losing).) ( Sûrat At-Taubah - verse 93)

Heart ….And learning

Neurons in the heart stores information!

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Now , it is confirmed that laying center is in the forelock which is in the upper front of brain, scientists observed a great activity in this area when man tell lies , but the stored information in heart is real and sincere, so when a man tell lies he speaks by his tongue with what is not in his heart . God says: ( They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts) (Sûrat Al-

Fath - verse 11) . Tongue obeys the forelock, God says about this forelock :( A lying, sinful forelock) (Sûrat Al-‘Alaq – verse 16).

Heart … And lying

Qur’an determines lying area and truth area

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Many stories confirm that anyone use an artificial heart may lose his belief in God , which confirm that belief is in heart not brain ,also Qur’an referred to heart’s role in human belief in saying :(O Messenger let not those who hurry to fall into disbelief grieve you, of such who say: "We believe" with their mouths but their hearts have no faith ) (Sûrat Al-Mâ’idah-verse 41 ) also God confirm on heart’s role in directing people to the Straight Way : (and whosoever believes in Allah, He guides his heart to the true Faith And Allah is the All-Knower of everything.) (Sûrat At-Taghâbun – verse 11)

Heart…. and belief

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After many researches on the artificial heart, scientists had found that heart has a vital role in fear and scare , as when they asked the man who implanted an artificial heart , he told them that he became not able to feel with fear , the Qur'an told us about hearts that feel with fear, God says :( The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts and when His Verses (this Qur'an) are recited unto them, they (i.e. the Verses) increase their Faith; and they put their trust in their Lord (Alone)) ( Sûrat Al-Anfâl - verse 2) also God says : (and He cast terror into their hearts) ( Sûrat Al-Hashr- verse2).

Heart…. and Fear

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Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) had preceded all western scientists when he told us fourteen century ago about heart and its importance for the entire body and for the soul , therefore if heart is in a good condition and good relation with God the entire body would be in a good condition . That is confirmed when we review case of the man who implanted the artificial heart and how much his body and feeling were destroyed , the prophet said : ( in the body there is a little lump of flesh if it is in a good condition the entire body will be good and if it is in a bad condition the entire body will be bad , this little lump of flesh is heart).

The prophetic Miracle

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Breast Memory

Scientists identified Many changes after performing heart or lung change operation . We know that human’s breast contains heart and lung , We can conclude that what inside breast is responsible for memory.

God says: (but that Allah might test what is in your breasts; and to purify that which was in your hearts (sins), and Allah is All-Knower of what is in

(your) breasts.) (Sûrat Âl-Imrân – verse 154) .

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Scientists found a profound changes in personality of patients after lung implantation surgery. Qur’an referred to role of the breast in storing information, God says: (And whether you keep your talk secret or disclose it, Verily, He is the All-Knower of what is in the breasts (of men) ) (Sûrat Al-Mulk – verse 13). researchers confirm (see attached references ) that heart and lung cells (what is inside breast ) store information .

Qur’an refers to …role of the breast in storinginformation

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Scientists confirm that the first reason of death is the disturbance in heart mechanism and the best treatment is to keep heart stable, also it was proved that some sound frequencies may affect performance of heart .is there a better than the sound of Qur'an ? God says: ( Those who believed (in the Oneness of Allah), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah: verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest) ( Sûrat

Ar-Ra‘d – verse 28). Indeed, reading this verse leads to a big rest and stability in heart.

Heart stability Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest By experiment ,they found that

listening to Qur’an heals heart disturbance and remove psychological tension.

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1. Heart is not only a pumping machine , it stores information and

distribute orders to entire body and it controls brain , so heart is

dominating the entire body.

2. Heart has a vital role in understanding , God speaks to atheists

and skeptics saying: (They have hearts wherewith they understand


3. In many verses Qur’an mentioned that heart has an important role

in learning, love, hate and fear.

4. western doctors haven’t realize all these facts because of the

great difficulty of that kind of researches . So , we hope that

Muslim scientists do some efforts concerning heart as they may

get treatment of some incurable diseases.

The results

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1- Pearsall P, Schwartz GE, Russek LG, Changes in heart transplant recipients that parallel the personalities of their donors, School of Nursing, University of Hawaii, www.springerlink.com, 2000.

2- Paul Pearsall, The Heart's Code: Tapping the Wisdom and Power of Our Heart Energy, New York, Broadway Books, 1998.

3- Linda Marks, THE POWER OF THE HEART, www.healingheartpower.com, 2003.4- Dorothy Mandel, Spirit and Matter of the Heart, Grace Millenium, Winter 2001.5- Linda Marks, The Power of the Soul-Centered Relationship, HeartPower Press, 2004.6- Paul Pearsall, Gary E. Schwartz, Linda G. Russek, Organ Transplants and Cellular Memories,

Nexus Magazine, April - May 2005.7- Schwartz GER, Russek, LGS. The Living Energy Universe. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads

Publishing, 1999.8- His Heart Whirs Anew, Washington Post, August 11, 2007.9- Heart, Wikipedia.10- Science of the heart, Institute of HeartMath.11- Rollin McCraty, The Scientific Role of the Heart in Learning and Performance, Institute of

HeartMath, 2003. 12- Does your heart sense your emotional state? www.msnbc.msn.com, Jan. 26, 2006.13- Annual Meeting of the Pavlovian Society, Tarrytown, NY, 1999.14- Some Researches on British Heart Foundation Website, www.bhf.org.uk15- http://www.dhzb.de/arabic/tx.htm16- http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/arabic/sci_tech/newsid_4096000/4096387.stm17- One heart links two men in life and death, http://www.smh.com.au/18- http://www.kansascity.com/440/story/563838.html


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We have to supplicate God by saying:

( Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the

truth) after You have guided us, and grant us

mercy from You. Truly, You are the Best granter.)Sûrat Âl-Imrân- verse 8

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