heart rate measurement.pptx

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  • 7/27/2019 Heart Rate Measurement.pptx


    Heart Rate Measurement


  • 7/27/2019 Heart Rate Measurement.pptx


    Heart Rate Phases


  • 7/27/2019 Heart Rate Measurement.pptx


    Heart Beat The heart generates its own electrical impulse

    The cardiac electrical signal controls:

    the number of electrical impulses ( heart rate)

    It triggers the heart muscle to contract in the correct

    sequence as it spreads across the heart

    Lubb-dubb heart sounds are caused by closing of heart valves Valves of the heart close when heart contracts to prevent

    blood from flowing back into the ventricles3

  • 7/27/2019 Heart Rate Measurement.pptx


    Heart Beat


    1. Atria relax, fill with blood Diastole

    2. Atria pushes blood into ventricle3. Ventricles contract, pushing blood into arteries Systole

    Increased pressure during systole causes AV valves to close

    lubb sound Ventricles relax, pressure decreases, causes Semilunar valves

    to close dubb sound 4

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    Heart Rate

    It is a Speed of heartbeat

    The number of heartbeats per unit of time

    The heart rate is typically expressed as beats per minute(bpm).

    The heart rate can vary according to the body's physical

    needs, including the need to absorb oxygen and excrete

    carbon dioxide.5

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    Average Heart Rate

    The normal heart rate ranges from 60 100 bpm


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    It is below 60 bpm, refers to slow heart rate

    - Bradycardia It is above 100 bpm, refers to fast heart rate

    - Tachycardia

    If Heart rate is not regular in a regular pattern, this is referred


    - Arrhythmia.

    Activities that can provoke change include physical exercise,

    sleep, illness, ingesting, and drugs. 7

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    Heart rate is measured by finding the pulse of the heart.

    This pulse rate can be found at any point on the body

    where the artery's pulsation is transmitted to thesurface.

    The radial artery is the easiest to use to check the heart


    For emergency situations the most reliable arteries to

    measure heart rate are carotid arteries.8

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    Electrical activity of the heart is measured using an


    Instrument that detects electrical activity of the heart

    Electrocardiograph produces electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)

    Graphical record of heart rate and rhythm

    A more precise method of determining pulse involves the useof an electrocardiograph, or ECG (also abbreviated EKG).


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    An ECG the heart rate is measured using the R wave to R

    wave interval (RR interval).

    Additionally pulse oximeters measure heart rate by pulsedetection.


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    Basal heart rate

    The basal or resting heart rate (HR rest ) is measured while

    the subject is relaxed but awake.

    The typical resting heart rate in adults is 60 80 beats perminute (bpm) .

    This is the firing rate of the heart Sinoatrial Node (SAN),

    where are located the faster heart pacemaker cells

    driving the self-generated rhythmic firing and

    responsible for the cardiac muscle automaticity 11

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    Maximum heart rate

    The most accurate way of measuring HR max is via a cardiacstress test.

    In such a test, the subject exercises while being monitored by

    an ECG. During the test, the intensity of exercise is periodically

    increased through increasing speed or slope of the treadmill ,

    continuing until certain changes in heart function are

    detected in the ECG, at which point the subject is directed to


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    Stethoscopes are used to transmit heart sounds from chest

    wall to the human ear.

    When the stethoscopes chest piece is firmly applied, low

    frequencies are attenuated more then high frequencies.

    the stethoscopes is in shape of a bell and it makes contact

    with skin which serves as the diaphragm at the bell rim.

    The diaphragm becomes taut with pressure, thereby low

    frequencies are attenuated.13

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    AED (automated external defibrillator)

    Machine that delivers electric shock to the heart to restart

    the heart

    Used when:

    Heart contractions are not coordinated and muscles are quivering not

    contracting (ventricular fibrillation)

    Heart rate is abnormal (cardiac arrhythmia)

    Heart rate is too fast (ventricular tachycardia)

    Improves survival rates by up to 30% if delivered in the first

    few minutes.14

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