healthy ways to life

‘Healthy’... ways to live a wholesome life

Upload: drbala-subramanian

Post on 28-Jan-2015




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Health related and relevant to all.


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‘Healthy’... ways to live a wholesome life

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FOR ALL THAT HEALS, GIVES HEALTH... Improved circulation, hormonal balance, mental equilibrium, emotional wellness, lowered BP, better digestion and an overall immunity that makes you invincible...

The road to liberation and salvation, the Vedic philosophy of nirvana and moksh, attained through these 17 healers...

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Air means prana – the life sustaining force of human beings which

weaves the very fabric of life. Every form of life on earth is connected to

air. So by breathing consciously, you become conscious of life itself..

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Our body is made up of 75% water – keep it hydrated. Water maintains the health of every cell in the body, helps eliminate by-products, aids digestion, improves the texture of the skin, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells.

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Food can transform and influence the mind. It provides nutritional support, produces energy, maintains life and stimulates growth. Good food means a healthy mind and that means a healthy body.

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Exercise challenges the body, strengthens muscles, improves the cardiovascular system, improves efficiency and functionality, aids weight loss, boosts the immune system and helps the prevention of disease by increasing energy and strength.

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The body oscillates between activity and passivity. Rest, which is the passive stage, is very healing. It induces calmness, reduces stress, decreases muscle tension, lowers BP, slows heart and breath rate. Never take your burdens to bed.

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This is the self healing, the act of letting to brings inner peace and dissolves tension and stress.

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Apart from invoking divine intervention, prayer is empowerment. It charges us spiritually and is a great workout for the soul.

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The light and heat of the sun has a warming and cheering influence, it is a healing element because heat and light are energy, so absorb sunshine.

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The state of consciousness underlines almost every human action, so keep your thoughts constructive, and your actions selfless ... not selfish.

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These are our judgments and feelings, defined as the readiness of the psyche to act or react in a certain way. Keep your thoughts positive always, it increases self-esteem.

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Be responsible, remember that we are not alone, we live in an environment where life is coexistent and energies co-respond.

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Having empathy and sympathy for one and all is compassion... a virtue next to love. The moment you hate something outside of you, you correspondingly hate something inside of you.

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To err is human, to forgive is divine. Forgiving yourself and the world and not holding anyone responsible including yourself, for anything is unshackling yourself. This act leads to emotional contentment and also promotes physical health and healing.

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Stimulating the imagination with originality of thought generates energy, values, love and beauty.

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This is elegance of manner, and only people who are aesthetic, loving and creative get endowed by grace. Humility is grace.

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Be grateful for your existence, for all existence, count your blessings, acknowledge everything you receive, be aware of how much you have been given... not of what you lack. Giving thanks makes you happy and more humble.

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This is simple love for humanity, there is joy in giving, fulfillment in sharing, bliss in caring, reaching out to someone with just a smile or a prayer in good faith can unleash a powerful and joyous response in yourself.

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Heal ourselves and heal the world

• Every bit of these pointers influences your mind, body and spirit and triggers transformation with a healing touch... So let us heal ourselves and heal the world.

• Heal thy is... Healthy...

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Bid Stress Adieu

• Bring inner peace...

• Spread harmony

• Keep smiling

• Feel happy

• Use nice words

• Do nice things

• Let life be joyful...

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You won’t need a mirror to reflect the changes you feel in your soul, because you will see the effect it has in your life...

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