healthy living - bilingual byme€¦ · 22 listen to a radio reporter talking about gertrude...


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Look at the people in the photo.

What are they doing?

What are they eating?

Do you eat any of these foods for breakfast?

Why is it important to have breakfast everyday?

Are these different breakfast menus healthy or unhealthy? Why?

biscuits and chocolate milk

whole grain cereal with milk

natural yoghurt with oats

donuts with cream filling

Listen to the Healthy habits song. In your notebook, write the words in the order you hear them.

hands exercising happy sleep laugh

Sing the song.







I think it’s important

because ...

Breakfast (helps) you ...

Useful language

What do you know? Let’s find out!


Listen to a radio reporter talking about Gertrude Elion’s life and write the correct answers in your notebook.

a Elion invented 25 / 45 / 23 different types of medicine.

b The drugs Elion invented included a drug for laryngitis / cancer / pneumonia.

c Elion was the first / fourth / fifth woman to join the National Inventors Hall of Fame in the USA.


Listen, read and act out.

Gertrude became interested in science in

1933 when her grandfather died of cancer.

Later, she joined an important medical company

and worked on new ways of creating medicine.

But it was difficult to find work in science as

a woman, especially in what she wanted to do.

In 1988, she won the Nobel Prize for creating medicine

for leukaemia, cancer, herpes, malaria and many more.




People who made a difference

Gertrude Elion

Have you decided

what you want to

study at university?

Accept this

award for all your

contributions. Thank you. And I hope

for more to come.Wow, you’re a fast

learner, aren’t you?

If we do it this way,

we can produce

medicine that works!

Chemistry, so one

day I can find a

cure for cancer.

What? Well at

least I’m working

in a lab ...

Please test

the acidity of

these pickles,

Miss Elion.


Work together

Looking after your teeth


Materials: three hard-boiled white eggs, three clear plastic cups, water, orange-flavoured juice, fizzy drink, toothbrush, toothpaste.

Teeth are essential for eating and speaking clearly, so it is very important to look after them. Eggshells are similar to teeth because both are made up of calcium. You are going to test the possible effects sugary and acidic drinks can have on your teeth by putting eggs in the drinks for 24 hours. Think about the following questions individually. Then discuss them as a group. Take notes on your group’s answers.

a. What will coloured drinks make the eggs look like?

b. How will sugary and acidic drinks affect the eggshells?

Think first


Revise your answers to the Think first questions. What happened to the eggs after you brushed them? Did they return to their normal colour? What do you think this experiment shows you about your teeth and the different liquids you drink?


1 Carefully put one egg into each plastic cup.

2 Pour the fizzy drink into the first cup, orange-flavoured juice into the second cup and water into the third cup.

3 Put the cups together in a safe place and wait for 24 hours.

4 Take the eggs out of the cups. What do they look like? Record your observations.

5 Brush the eggs carefully with the toothbrush and toothpaste. What do they look like now? Record your observations.

Evaluate your cooperative learning.


An important way to stay healthy is to eat well. A balanced diet consists of eating the correct amount from each food group everyday.

What happens if you eat unhealthy food?If you do not eat a balanced diet, your body can suffer. Eating

too much sugar can cause obesity and is bad for your teeth.

Having too much salt in your diet can give you high blood

pressure, which is bad for your heart.

Healthy eating How many food groups

are there?

Which food groups provide energy? What do fibre and antioxidants do?

In pairs, find out ways you can reduce the amount of salt in your diet.

What can cause diabetes? What do people with diabetes do to stay healthy?

Listen to a nutritionist talking about breakfast. What does she say?

• Breakfast gives you nutrients to grow.

• Breakfast makes you nervous in class.

• Breakfast helps you concentrate.

• Breakfast helps you get better test results.





Bread, pasta, cereals, and potatoes contain fibre and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide your body with long-lasting energy.


Fruit and vegetables give you lots of vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy. They are full of antioxidants, which protect your cells and fight off cancer. They also contain fibre, which helps the digestive system stay healthy.


Olive oil, seeds, avocados, and nuts contain healthy fats and oils which can help lower cholesterol and improve blood circulation. They also provide lots of energy.


Meats, poultry, fish, eggs and pulses contain proteins which help your body build and repair muscles and organs. They also have iron, which helps your body transport oxygen.

4 Dairy products contain protein and calcium, which is good for healthy bones and teeth.








Why do you need to brush

your tongue?

Food and drinks with lots of sugar can harm your teeth. They

can produce a layer of plaque on your teeth. Plaque contains

bacteria which can create holes in your teeth called cavities.

Cavities and too much plaque can cause tooth decay.

Now wash your hands! Do you know you touch your face about three times every

minute? Now think about how often you touch a door, a pencil,

a classmate’s rubber, etc. Germs can be on all types of objects,

especially if they are used a lot. Germs are viruses and bacteria

and can make you ill. If you wash your hands regularly, you

can stop from spreading germs.

Healthy hygiene

Make a list of four things you do to look after your teeth. Compare your list with a partner.

Why is it important to have a bath or shower?

Listen to a doctor speaking about hygiene. How else can you keep your body clean?

• put on ..... • clean your .....• cut your .....




Hand-washing rules1. Rub warm water and soap together on your hands. Clean the

backs of your hands, between your fingers and under your fingernails too.

2. Wash the soap off with clean water.

3. Dry your hands with hot air or a clean towel.

How to prevent tooth decay• Brush your teeth after every meal for two minutes.

• Brush the outside and inside of your teeth and your tongue!

• Use floss to clean in between your teeth.

• Visit your dentist regularly.


In which ways do regular check-ups keep you healthy?

What happens to your body when you sleep? Why?

Why must people not take antibiotics very often?

With a partner, talk about how many hours of sleep you get each night. Say how often you have a check-up and why it is important.





You can make sure to have a healthier lifestyle by following

some basic rules.

Have a check-up• Have a check-up with your family doctor every year.

• Take the correct amount of medicine the doctor prescribes.

Taking too much can cause serious health problems.

• Visit your dentist regularly.

• See an eye doctor. If necessary, they can help correct your

vision with glasses or contacts. Without them, you can harm

your eyes even more.

Sleep eight hours a night• When you sleep, your body releases hormones. These

hormones repair cells, control the body’s use of energy and

regulate appetite.

• During sleep, your heart and breathing slow down. This is so

blood can go to the muscles to repair and grow tissues.

• If you do not sleep well, you could forget things, feel stressed,

angry, depressed, hungry or have difficulty concentrating.

Keep your room cleanAn organised room can make you feel more relaxed and

improve your mood. Also, a room with fewer objects collects

less dust. Breathing in too much dust can cause problems in

the respiratory system. This is why it is important to

regularly clean all the surfaces in your room.

Healthy lifestyle What is stress?

Beat stressTry this breathing exercise to calm you down and control your emotions.

1. Breathe in through your nose for three seconds.

2. Hold your breath for two seconds.

3. Breathe out slowly through your mouth.

4. Wait another three seconds and repeat.


Do some exercise When you exercise, your brain produces endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals which make you feel happy and less

stressed. Exercise is also very good for your body. It makes your

heart stronger and your circulatory system work better. But

remember, too much exercise can be just as bad as too little!

Get into some good habits• Organise your free time. Make a list of the things you enjoy

doing and do them!

• Watching TV and playing computer games can be fun, but

make sure you keep your mind and body active. Go for a walk

with your friends, read a book or play outside.

• Avoid junk food and fast food. These are full of chemicals and

food additives which harm your body.

• Learn and tell your friends about the health problems tobacco,

alcohol and drugs can cause. Being healthy is fun and makes

you feel great!

How does exercise positively affect your body? Which chemical does your brain produce during exercise?

Listen to the TV commentator. Which athlete is she talking about?

a b c

Think about activities you like doing in your free time. Talk to your partner and make a list of five different activities together. Share your list with the class.

What are food additives and why are they used? What types of physical reactions can they produce? What other substances in food are harmful?





Why don’t we put ... on our


That’s a good idea!

I don’t agree, because ...

The activities we’ve decided

to put on our list are ...

Useful language

Physical activities, such as

going on a nature hike, can

improve your well-being.

This is a state of both good

physical and mental health.

Project tips


Our world

You and I are the same


How empathetic are you?Empathy is the ability to understand the experiences of other people

and to be sensitive to what they are feeling. Can you put your feet in

someone else’s shoes? Write the sentences in your notebook and choose

the option which best describes you. How empathetic will you be?

1. A classmate does not understand their

classwork, so ...

a. I ask the teacher to help them.

b. I give them my book to copy.

c. I try to explain how to do it.

2. I see a horrible photo of a classmate and ...

a. I laugh and show it to everyone.

b. I take it away so nobody else can see it.

c. I pass it to the next person.

3. I meet someone for the first time and do not

think they are very nice, so ...

a. I never talk to them again.

b. I listen more and see what they are like.

c. I ask them questions to learn their story.

4. I see a friend who cannot carry a very

heavy bag ...

a. and I say sorry and that I think it is too

heavy for me.

b. and I keep walking because I am too

busy to stop.

c. and I walk over to them and say we can

try to carry the bag together.

5. I see a classmate being bullied, so ...

a. I walk away because I do not want to be

bullied too.

b. I go and tell a teacher.

c. I ask the bully to stop then comfort the

other person.

6. I am busy with my own life and my own

problems ...

a. but I think positively and always try to

be kind.

b. but sometimes I stop and listen to other

people too.

c. because my problems are really


Listen and check your answers. What is your score?

Empathy level:

6–9 Not very empathetic. You are more interested in yourself than in anyone else.

10–14 Quite empathetic. You sometimes think of other people’s feelings.

15–18 Very empathetic. You think about others and can understand what they are feeling.


On the inside, we are all the same

The children in the picture above look different, but this is just

on the outside. On the inside, these children are the same as

you: they each have a heart and brain, and they all have

feelings. Sometimes they get scared or nervous and others get

happy or sad. Some are good at maths and others at sport.

These differences teach you about life and respecting one

another. Being different is fun and makes life more exciting!

Free and equal


If everyone was the same,

the world would be ...

I would feel (bored).

Useful language

Talk to your partner about the picture above. What do you think all the children have in common?

Tell your partner what you think the world would be like if everyone was the same. How would you feel?

Why should you respect others? Why should others respect you?

“We are all equal in the fact that we are all different.” Talk to your partner about what this quote means.






On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly agreed

on a Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 1 says, “All

human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”



Listen and write which habit from activity 1 the health specialist is describing.


a Obesity

b Cavities

c The flu

d Plaque

e Stress

f Diabetes

• not washing your hands properly.

• not brushing your teeth properly.

• not sleeping enough.

• a bad diet.

can be caused by

Match and write sentences in your notebook about these health problems.5

Look at the photos. Unjumble the letters and write the words in your notebook.


a b c d

Copy and complete the table in your notebook.1

drinking water playing computer games eating lots of salt

drinking fizzy drinks watching TV everyday getting check-ups

playing sports exercising three hours a day sleeping eight hours

healthy habits unhealthy habits

..... .....

Write the name of missing food group or groups in your notebook. 3

a ..... provide you with antioxidants. c ..... provide you with energy.

b ..... provide you with fibre. d ..... provide you with calcium.

z y z i f k i n r d r e e i s c x e w e h o s r s t l a


• Choose a topic you are interested in. This is


• Find information from different places (the

internet, newspaper, scientific sources, etc.).

• Investigate different points of view

(interviews, statistics, etc.).

• Write an introduction to present your main


• Use your research to write a body paragraph

for each main idea or argument.

• Summarise your main points in a conclusion.

A report is a type of writing which examines information you have investigated. To write a report, follow the tips below.

Study skills

With a partner, say two reasons why you should ...6

• wash your hands. • brush your teeth.

1 dinner / lunch / snacks

2 fruit / toys / football

3 families / groups / shops

4 ice cream / apples / vegetables

5 yoghurt / vitamins / bananas

6 unhealthy / good / types

Many school children eat 1 ..... at school. Some take food from

home, like sandwiches and 2 ....., and others use the school

canteen. School lunches must include all the food 3  ....., for

example, fruit and 4 ....., dairy products (milk, 5 ..... or

cheese) and and food with carbohydrates, like rice and pasta.

There are many rules about how the food is cooked, how the

kitchen is cleaned and the 6 ..... of food which are served.

Read the text. Then copy and complete the sentences in your notebook.


What do you know now? Check your progress!

You should ... your ... so you

(don’t spread germs).

Useful language

ReviewTERM 1

Listen and write the name of the body systems being described.



Copy and complete the sentences in your notebook.

a You can stop the spread of ..... by covering your mouth when you cough.

b Blood carrying oxygen enters the heart in the ..... atrium and blood carrying carbon dioxide enters in the .....

c There are ..... types of blood vessel in the body and the ..... are the smallest ones.

d The small air sacs in the ..... are responsible for giving blood oxygen. They are called .....

e Eating lots of salt is ..... for your heart.

f ..... last about nine months in humans.


In your notebook, write these sentences about pregnancy in the correct order.

a The face begins to form.

b Organs begin to develop.

c The sperm goes into an ovum.

d It now has all its organs.

e The cells grow into an embryo.

f The baby is born.

g The embryo grows into a foetus.

h The mother’s pelvis expands.


Talk to your partner about the route of blood in the heart and lungs. Include the:

• left and right ventricle

• left and right atrium

• veins

• capillaries

• lungs

• arteries


Match and copy the correct sentences in your notebook.

a Antioxidants protect ...

b Iron helps ...

c Fibre helps ...

d Calcium helps ...

1 ... keep your teeth and bones healthy.

2 ... your cells and fight off cancer.

3 ... keep your digestive system healthy.

4 ... your body receive oxygen.



Team test

Get into teams. Take turns guessing what the other team is talking about.


Listen and check your answers.2

Write two more definitions and test the other team.3

Team 1

1 These blood vessels carry blood to the heart.

2 This chemical is produced when you exercise and makes you happy.

3 This is where blood exchanges carbon dioxide and oxygen.

4 This contains bacteria on your teeth and causes tooth decay.

5 This food group builds and repairs your muscles.

6 These are the main parts of the female reproductive system.

Team 2

1 When you breathe in, your diaphragm does this.

2 This food group gives your body long-lasting energy.

3 These are the main parts of the respiratory system.

4 This has four chambers and contracts about 70 times a minute.

5 Eating too much sugar and not exercising can cause this.

6 Your heart and your breathing slow down when you do this.

Check your progress!

Write the food group of these foods in your notebook. 6

a b c d

Talk to your partner about these habits. Say which ones you have and if they are healthy or unhealthy.

doing exercise washing your clothes playing computer games

eating breakfast eating sweets sleeping for eight hours


I do / don’t

(eat sweets).

(Eating sweets) is ...

Useful language

Centre for well-being

Your local health committee wants the community to be healthier and happier, so they want to build a centre for well-being. First, they want to hear your ideas about which facilities to include in the centre and why. Create a proposal and say which facilities you want the centre to have and how each one benefits your well-being. Then you will present your proposal to the health committee. Are you ready? Let’s start!


Before you start, it is important to find out what you already know about health and well-being.

Answer the following questions in your notebook.2a What is a balanced diet?

b What is stress and how can you avoid it?

c Which foods give you energy? Which help you repair muscles?

d Why is sleep so important?

e Why do you need to have regular check-ups?

f What are the benefits of exercise?

Decide on the roles in your group.4

coordinator secretary spokesperson materials manager

Choose four different facilities you want for the new centre of well-being. You can choose from the box.


health food market gym yoga studio outdoor activity areas doctor’s officemassage centre pool playground spaces for indoor sports cooking classes

Have you got a team? What are you waiting for?! Get together in groups of four.

Look at the photos. Which healthy habits can replace these unhealthy ones? 3

ba c d


Share your individual findings with the group and decide on what information to use in your presentation. Is there any other information you need? Remember to make a checklist of the things you need to include in your project.


Now it is time to create the presentation of your proposal. Remember that each member of the team has to take part.


Present your proposal to the class.9

You can use many different sources to research your project: Units 1 and 2 from this book, magazines, blogs, TV documentaries, or by asking your teacher, your family or your doctor.

Your team will now show its most creative side!

Look at these questions individually. Do research and write down the answers in your notebook.


a Which health benefits do the facilities have?

b Are they for all ages?

c What equipment do the facilities need?

d Must users bring any special equipment?

e Do the facilities need a lot of space?

f Are the facilities expensive? Do they need employees?

g Is there a limit to how many times you can use the facilities a week? Why?


Choose how you want to present your proposal with your group. Think of what you will need. Here are some ideas.


short video presentation audio file leaflet

materials• tablet • actors • fancy clothes

• computer• digital images• video clips

• voice actors• sound effects• tablet

• paper• photos• pens and glue

Evaluate your project.

The health benefits are ...

The facilities need ...

You must bring ...

I found out that ... is / isn’t

expensive because ...

You can only go (once) a


Useful language