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Health Midterm Project Alena Turner

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Alena Turner Health Presentation


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Health Midterm Project

Alena Turner

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Personal Health History• My full name is Alena Bennett Heald Dundas Turner• I got my name from my father, who decided on my first

name and my first middle name. Heald and Dundas were the maiden names of my two paternal great grandmothers

• My name Alena is Greek, and it means bright one

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Personal Health History Cont.

• I was born the 23rd of November 1997, in San Diego, California

• A fun fact is that my two brothers and I were all born in San Diego, but on different moves

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Family Health History (Family Tree)My family is quite large, and when I made a family tree it was too large to fit, so I have the link to the website where I made my family tree:

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25 Questions with my Grandmother Judy

1. What were some of the major diseases when you were a child?

Measles, mumps, chicken pox, polio, scarlet fever, tetanus, small pox, and the flu

2. Did you ever contract any of these diseases?

Yes, I contracted the measles, chicken pox, mumps, and the flu

3. How were they treated?

With the measles and the chicken pox you were put in a darkened room and given baths filled with oatmeal and baking soda

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25 Questions Cont.4. How were colds treated differently when you were a child?

Coal tar was used, you would put red flannel around your neck, and sometimes parents would give children rock candy that was dissolved in rye whisky

5. How was dental hygiene different when you were a child?

Fluoride was used a lot, and teeth were filled with silver or gold. Often people did not have good dental hygiene, but my parents made me go to the dentist every 4 months

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25 Questions Cont. 6. Has anyone in our family had a mental illness?

Yes, my mother had bipolar disease and my grandfather had depression

7. Are their any genetic diseases that run in our family?

Pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, type 1 and 2 diabetes, and varicose veins

8. What was the cause of death for your parents?

My mother died at 92 of old age, and a fun fact is that she smoked huge cigars up until she was 91 and 1/2. My father died when he was 75 of pancreatic cancer and he lived with the cancer for two years before he started to deteriorate.

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25 Questions Cont. 9. Do we have a history of cancer in our family?

Yes, pancreatic cancer and breast cancer both run in the family

10. How was cleanliness of the body different from now?

You mostly just used soap and water to clean yourself, if you needed something strong then you used Natha soap

11. Have you had any major diseases?

Not really, but I had an allergic reaction to poison ivy where I almost lost my leg

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25 Questions Cont. 12. How was the poison ivy treated?

I was given a large amount of steroids and watched carefully

13. What did people think of smoking back when you were a child?

Smoking was cool when I was a child, some doctors even prescribed it to calm people’s nerves

14. Do you have any interesting stories about your parents?

My father loved oranges, and one time he ate so many that he turned orange!

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25 Questions Cont. 15. What was your diet like as a child?

Pretty much the same as now, our family ate a lot of oily fish and vegetables

16. How was skin care different from now?

If you were fair skinned then you stayed out of the sun for the most part, and sunscreen use varied from family to family

17. How was physical fitness different when you were a child?

No one really worked out, you walked a lot, most people gardened, and a lot of men got fit doing their jobs

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25 Questions Cont. 18. What did you do for fun as a child?

A lot of people in our family played musical instruments and everyone sang, you talked to your neighbors, walked around the neighborhood, and went to parties or parks

19. What is the biggest change from when you were a child to now?

I think technology. It has helped a lot, but also has changed a lot of things for the worse.

20. What was one piece of technology you found interesting?

My family had one of the first washing machines, although it couldn’t spin fast enough to wring all the water out, so that was done by hand before you hung the clothes up to dry

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25 Questions Cont. 21. What did you love doing most when you were a young adult?

I loved to go dancing, I would probably dance for 10 hours each weekend at the dance

22. If you had one piece of advice about school, what would it be?

Do it, go to college and get your degree no matter what it takes, the more technical the better right now

23. If you had one piece of relationship advice, what would it be?

Work as a team with your spouse. Another would be don’t go to bed angry.

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25 Questions Cont. 24. One piece of advice for how to be happy in life?

Money doesn’t buy you happiness, you have to be happy with the people around you

25. If you could require every student to read one book, which would it be?

Atlas Shrugged, I just think it is something everyone should know

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How My Family Came to America

My father came to America from England with his parents, who both accepted jobs from Bell Labs.

My mother’s great grandparents came to America from Italy because they wanted the better life they could have in America.

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My Family’s Health HistoryOn my father’s side there is a history of heart disease skin cancer, and diabetes. I don’t have any problems with my heart so far, and I have a much better diet than my father’s relatives so I don’t think I will have a heart disease. I also have much darker skin than my father’s side, but I do have to go to a dermatologist to check out my moles to see if they are cancerous because the risk of skin cancer in his family is very high. As for the diabetes, I don’t know yet if I will get it because it normally shows up later in life.

On my mother’s side there is a history of sinus problems, teeth problems, and pancreatic cancer. I already know that I have sinus problems, and I am already figuring out how to deal with the sinus problems. The teeth problems come later in life, but I have already had braces and have a retainer to keep my teeth from twisting. I hope I don’t get pancreatic cancer, but that is something that I cant prevent other than having a healthy diet and having regular doctor’s visits.

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Fitness Data and NutritionStudying per night:

Tuesday July 15th: 2 hours

Wednesday July 16th: 1 hour

Thursday July 17th: 1.5 hours

Friday July 18th: .5 hours

Saturday July 19th: 1 hour

Total: 6 hours

Sleep per night:

Tuesday July 15th: 8 hours

Wednesday July 16th: 8 hours

Thursday July 17th: 9 hours

Friday July 18th: 8 hours

Saturday July

19th: 7 hours

Total: 40 hours

TV watching per night:

Tuesday July 15th: 0 hours

Wednesday July 16th:.5 hours

Thursday July 17th: 0 hours

Friday July 18th: .5 hours

Saturday July 19th: 0 hours

Total: 1 hour

Computer use per night:

Tuesday July 15th: 2 hours

Wednesday July 16th: 1 hour

Thursday July 17th: 1 hour

Friday July 18th: 0 hours

Saturday July 19th: .5 hours

Total: 4.5 hours

Phone use per night:

Tuesday July 15th: 1 hour

Wednesday July 16th: 1 hour

Thursday July 17th: .5 hours

Friday July 18th: 0 hours

Saturday July 19th: 1 hour

Total: 3.5 hours

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Social and Emotional HealthHobbies I Enjoy

A hobby that I really enjoy is knitting, because it is easy to fit in around my busy schedule. I’ve been knitting for 10 years, and I’ve made all kinds of sweaters and scarves and hats. For a while I knit squares that were sewn together into blankets that are given to children in need. I just learned to crochet so I can make blankets that are sold and the profit is used to provide scholarships to college for girls in need.

Another hobby I enjoy is volunteering. I’ve volunteered for many different societies in different places, but my favorite would have to be at the Raptor Rehabilitation Center in South Carolina. My mother and I started a live feeding program to help the injured birds learn how to hunt after being hurt. One of my favorite experiences there was watching 3 baby owls learn to hunt after being in our care for so long.

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Pets• My family owns three dogs; Dixie, Griff and Jack. • Dixie is a 12 year old Black Lab who was given to us as

a gift after she and the rest of her litter were abandoned in the church parking lot.

• Griff is a 9 year old Australian Shepherd who is most happy when my family and I (his sheep) are all standing together, successfully herded into an invisible box.

• Jack is a 4 year old Corgi who loves belly rubs and food

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Pets Cont.

Our Lab, Dixie, and I when we were both young

This is Jack, on the first day I met him. At this time we were not looking to buy a dog yet, but we fell in love with Jack and he fell in love with us.

This is Griff, wondering why his sheep never stay in the box.

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Favorite TripLast summer I went to Italy with my mom, my mothers parents and a bunch of singing Germans. My family and I spent a week in Naples, Italy (where I used to live) going to class to brush up on our Italian and then spent a week with a German Choir that my mother and grandmother sing in. We traveling around Italy, singing in different churches, eventually ending up in Rome where the choir sang mass in the Vatican as part of a celebration of the anniversary of the Vatican choir. I loved spending time with my grandparents, which I don’t get to do very often because they live in New Jersey. I also had a great time looking at all the art I had learned about when I took AP Art History that year in school.

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My Closest FriendsAbbi Webb, Minh-Khoa Tran, Ava Scally, Molly Kennedy and Jack (my dog) are my closest friends. I would count these people and my dog to be my closest friends because they are all very different people from me, and make me a better person. My dog is also one of my closest friends because he is extremely in tune to what I am feeling, and always makes me feel better after a long day.

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Schools AttendedI was lucky to be on the tail end of most of the moves before my father retired from the Navy, so I have only been to a few schools compared to my brothers.

I attended St. Andrews in Naples, Italy, James B. Edwards in Charleston, South Carolina, and then Shoal Creek, Meadowbrook, Mount Carmel, and Palomar in San Diego.

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Clubs and SportsMostly I volunteer wherever I am needed, which ends up being everything from cleaning an elderly woman's house to wrapping regurgitated owl pellets and sanitizing them so they can be sent to schools to be dissected.

Although I joke that my sport is physical therapy, I am not really able to participate in sports because of my back problems, so I mostly just focus on my school work. If I was able to participate in a sport, I would love to do long distance running.

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My Health Triangle• 

Emotional/Mental HealthPhysical Health

Social Health




I gave myself an 85 in physical health because I eat very well, but because of my back problems I am not able to engage in a lot of physical activities. My emotional/mental health is an 85 because I stress more than I should, but I am also very good at sharing my feelings. I have a great group of good friends, but I have a hard time making new friends, which is why I gave myself a 90 in social health. Not having a good score on one side of the triangle can hurt your score in other areas of the triangle, for instance not eating well could make you have less energy or make you grumpy.

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Photo TimelineThis is one of the youngest pictures of me I have available, it was taken about 2001-2002, when I lived in Naples, Italy. The woman in the picture with me is my mother

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2002, in our house in Naples when my mother and I were cleaning

out some of her yarn storage.

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2002 on a trip back to America to see my family. In this picture are (from left to right) my mother, my great grandmother, me, and my grandmother

(the one I asked the questions to).

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Photo TimelineThis was around Christmas of 2002, and in this picture with me are my two brothers

and my mother

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Photo TimelineThis picture was taken in 2002 when my family and I went to go visit my “Uncle” Jon for a Navy football game. In this picture are my Uncle Jon’s now ex-wife, my mother,

my father (with me on his shoulders), and my Uncle Jon.

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Photo TimelineThis picture was from 2004, when we had moved to Charleston, South Carolina.

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2004 when I went to Santa Barbara with my family to visit my

Aunt Laurie, and this picture is while we were taking a break on a hike.

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2005 in San Diego, soon after we moved here. Shown are the two

dogs wishing that what I was making would fall on the floor.

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2006. The story behind this picture is that this was the year my

father was in Iraq, and my mother was volunteering for the Girl Scout Father Daughter Day. I was supposed to come along with my father, but because he was not available

so my brother dressed up and went with me.

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2006 when my family and I went to go visit my Oma and Oompah.

(My grandparents)

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2006, of our dog Dixie watching the video of my father with the

rest of the family.

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2007 when my father returned from Iraq

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2007 when my family and I went and hiked Zion National Park

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2008 with my family at the gardens in Balboa Park

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2008 when I returned from Girl Scout Camp and was forced to have pictures taken even though I just wanted to go home and take a long shower.

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2009 in the middle of the night when my mother, my friend

Sophia, and I went grunion running. Grunion running is when these little fish come up on land to find a mate.

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2009 at the school talent show where my friends and I preformed

Abba’s “Dancing Queen”

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2010 when I was visiting my soon to be dog, Jack.

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2010 when I was visiting Jack the week before we took him home

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2012 when I was in Italy, and I was very excited that their was a

vending machine with only Pringles

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2012 when I was in Italy on a boat with my mother and the rest of

the German Choir.

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2013 when I was in London with my friend Tessa for the 50th

Anniversary of Doctor Who, and sci-fi show. While at a demonstration, I was covered in fake snow, and was completely wet the rest of the day.

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2014 after I had just finished a 6 mile hike with my boyfriend and

our families.

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Photo TimelineThis picture is from 2014 (just a few days ago) when I met Elijah Wood after spending

the night sleeping out in line at Comic Con.

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Personal Crest

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Unique Self

The Wombats

Let’s Dance to Joy Division

I'm back in Liverpool,

And everything seems the same,

But I worked something out last night,

That changed this little boys brain,

A small piece of advice,

That took twenty-two years in the make,

And I will break it for you now,

Please learn from my mistakes,

Please learn from my mistakes.


Let's dance to joy division,

And celebrate the irony,

Everything is going wrong,

But we're so happy,

Let's dance to joy division,

And raise our glass to the ceiling,

'Cause this could all go so wrong,

But we're so happy,

Yeah we're so happy.


So if you're ever feeling down,

Grab your purse and take a taxi,

To the darker side of town,

That's where we'll be,

And we will wait for you and lead you through the dance floor,

Up to the DJ booth,

You know what to ask for,

You know what to ask for.


Go ask for Joy Division,

And celebrate the irony,

Everything is going wrong,

But we're so happy,

Let's dance to Joy Division,

And raise your glass to the ceiling,

'Cause this could all go so wrong,

But we're so happy,

So happy.


So let the love tear us apart,

I've found the cure for a broken heart,

Let it tear us apart,

Let the love tear us apart,

I've found the cure for a broken heart,

Let it tear us apart,

(Let it tear us apart)

So let the love tear us apart,

I've found the cure for a broken heart,

Let it tear us apart,

(Let it tear us apart)

So let the love tear us apart,

I've found the cure for a broken heart,

Let it tear us apart,

Let it tear us apart,

Let it tear us apart.


Let's dance to joy division,

And celebrate the irony,

Everything is going wrong,

But were so happy,

Let's dance to joy division,

And raise our glass to the ceiling,

'Cause this could all go so wrong,

But we're so happy,

Yeah we're so happy,

So happy,

Yeah we're so happy,

So happy,

Yeah we're so happy.

I think this song represents me because my life is always changing, and I am good at adapting to what I need to do next even if it is something goes wrong.

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Self Portrait

I am really not much of an artist, but I tried!

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Someone Who Made A Difference

One person who has made a huge difference in my life is Molly Kennedy along with her mother, Mrs. Kennedy. Molly was a mentally challenged girl who joined the same girl scout troop as me in elementary school and we also went to middle school together. Over the many years I have known her, I have been privileged to see her grow into a beautiful young woman. Molly helped me see the world in a much different way than I was used to seeing, and she showed me that just because someone else doesn’t understand you doesn’t make you wrong or bad. She taught me to be patient and she showed me that the world could be a kind and loving place. I want to thank Molly and her mother, for always being there when I lose faith in the world, for always being there to show me how wonderful people can be.


Dear Molly,

Thank you for being the best friend I could ever ask for. You and your mother are the type of people who I can not see for a year, and when we talk again, feel like it has been days since I last saw you. Thank you for being the most loving and kind person I know. When I see you Molly, I see a smart woman who is going to go above and beyond everyone’s expectations. You inspire me to be a better person, and to keep trying no matter what is thrown in my way.



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My Future AspirationsIn 3 years I see myself studying neuroscience or biomedical in college. I am looking at a few different places to go to college, but I will most likely be somewhere on the east coast. I hope that my brothers and I will continue to talk to each other, and my parents will probably come out to see me.

In 5 years I see myself in medical school. I will probably be somewhere close to where I went to college if I like it there. I would like to be starting to seriously date or dating someone.


In 10 years I would like to be transitioning from being a medical intern to a residency program. I would like to be somewhere on the east or west coast, or possibly in England. I hope that I am either married or engaged in 10 years.

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If I Could Do One ThingIf I had to pick something realistic to accomplish in my life, it would be to make myself and all the people I love happy.

However, if I could choose something that will probably never happen, it would be to make everyone happy. So many people go around their days unhappy and frustrated. If I could, I would want to brighten their days.

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Media AwarenessThe media doesn’t particularly influence how I dress, I think I will always choose to dress how I think looks nice. However, the media does limit what types of clothes I can find in stores. The media very much influences what activities I do because it is really hard to find activities to do other than what the media thinks is cool. The media doesn’t really influence my taste in music because my parents always thought it was important that we listened to different types of music then decided what we actually liked.

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Positive Body Image SloganLove Yourself the Way You Are