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Health and Safety Handbook 2017/2018

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Page 1: Health and Safety Handbook - Bath and Safety Questionnaire Please answer all the questions on the

Health and Safety Handbook 2017/2018

Page 2: Health and Safety Handbook - Bath and Safety Questionnaire Please answer all the questions on the

ON HEARING THE ALARMLeave the building immediately and go to your assembly point. Don’t use the lift.

IN CASE OF ACCIDENT OR ILLNESSCheck safety notice for information.

MinorCity Centre Campus – call #333Somer Valley Campus – call #334

UrgentDial 9-999 for ambulance and call First Aider on:

City Centre Campus – call #333Somer Valley Campus – call #334

EMERGENCY ACTION ON DISCOVERING FIRERaise the alarm and leave the building by your nearest available route.

Safety in MindYou probably don’t think of Bath College as a place of danger, but like any other place where lots of people work or study, potentially it is.

We are all expected to keep it safe.

By reading this booklet we hope that you will come to understand how you and the College can act together, ensuring that students and staff are able to study and work in a safe, secure environment.

The LawWho do you think is responsible for your safety and well-being?In the box below write down the people you think should make College safe for you.

You could include friends and colleagues on that list too. You probably also had your lecturer or tutor on the list. He or she has the same responsibility as everyone else, and a few more specific duties as well.

You could also add:• Technicians• First aiders• Health and safety officer• Premises and security staff (you will see them around

the College wearing black or blue uniforms)

If you see something that may be unsafeYou must report it. Don’t grumble to your friend “somebody should do something about that”. You can do something by reporting it.

What do you think ‘to act responsibly’ means?Write down one example of responsible behaviour and one of behaviour which might endanger yourself or others in College.

Everyone in the College

– teaching staff, non-teaching staff and

students – is required by the Health and Safety

at Work Act to act responsibly at all


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Suppose you trip over a piece of floor tile that is coming unglued and you don’t tell the Premises staff or your lecturer. Who is responsible if you trip over it the next day? What if someone trips over it and breaks a leg? This is your share of ‘acting responsibly’.

The Principal must make sure that:• All members of staff and all students know their responsibilities and are familiar with

safety practice and procedures• Safety procedures are set up to cover both the day-to-day working of the College, and

emergency situations such as fire and injury

The first is being done now, as you are reading this booklet. You will also soon have a fire drill, and learn how to use equipment safely and how to behave safely.

Safety ProceduresWhy do we need safety procedures?You may think yours is a ‘safe course’; no dangerous machinery, no poisonous or corrosive substances, no sharp knives or naked flames.

Or you may view your course as more dangerous because of power tools and complicated equipment.

Safety procedures are meant to keep you safe by:• Assessing all hazards and risks to health• Developing safe working practices• Informing you of the procedures through your induction and lessons

In our Safety procedures we identify how staff and students will be kept safe.

What places or activities on your course should have safety procedures?

If you have any queries about health

and safety, or any useful suggestions, contact your

lecturer or main reception on the ground floor of the Roper

Building for City Centre Campus or the Wellow

building at Somer Valley Campus.

College Safety ProceduresAs a student of the College you will be expected to:• Comply with College procedures, including those for evacuation and accident reporting• Comply with the safe working practices and procedures you are taught• Use safety devices and protective equipment, clothing and footwear as required• Not interfere with measures designed for your safety (especially fire extinguishers)• Not enter workshops or laboratories until permitted to do so, or prohibited areas at any

time• Keep a tidy workshop and make sure floors are not blocked by bags or equipment

Now look around the room. Can you see anything which could be the cause of an accident if not handled properly? Write down three examples.

Hazard or potential hazard?

Risk(What’s the likelihood it could cause an injury? and what is the potential severity of this)

How can this risk of injury be eliminated

or reduced?

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EmergenciesWe have looked at ways of maintaining safety on a day-to-day basis. But what about emergencies?

Emergency ProceduresCan you give two examples of an emergency?

Obvious examples of emergencies are fires and accidents. Others such as illness, vandalism, flood, suspicious items etc. should be reported immediately to a member of staff.

In an emergency such as a fire or accident you will need immediate information, so we have put a special ‘NEED HELP’ notice in every room. This notice tells you what to do in case of fire or accident.

Have a look now and find the notice in your classroom.

FireFire has the potential to endanger the greatest number of people. So we will look first at what to do if fire breaks out.

If you discovered a fire, what would you do? Write down your first reaction.

You could begin by looking at the ‘NEED HELP’ notice under FIRE. It tells you to raise the alarm when leaving the building. Do you know where the closest fire alarm call point is?

• Do not tackle fire yourself. The College has trained staff ready to deal with emergency situations. Only use an extinguisher on a fire to aid your escape

• Extinguishers can be found at the end of corridors or in the room itself. They are clearly labelled, stating the type of extinguisher and what type of fire they can be used on

All new extinguishers are red with a small coloured panel to indicate their type.

Fire Extinguisher Labelling• All red – Water. Unsafe for all voltages. Safe for wood, paper, textiles etc• Cream panel – Foam. Unsafe for all voltages. Safe for flammable liquids, wood,

paper, textiles etc• Black panel – CO2. Safe for all voltages and flammable liquids• Blue panel – Dry Powder. Safe for all voltages, flammable liquids, wood, paper, textiles etc

Don’t forget, your safety

comes first. Don’t fight the fire, just raise the alarm and leave the


In Case of Fire1. Operate nearest fire alarm call point2. Leave building immediately by nearest exit and go to the assembly point for the

building you are in3. Only use an extinguisher to aid your escape

Fire alarm call pointThere are fire alarm call points like the one pictured here at both ends of every corridor. Look at the notice next to it. It tells you where to assemble when you leave the building. This is important. Each building has its own assembly point and when you get there, your lecturer will need to check that everyone in his or her class is safely out of the building.

It is most likely that the first you will know of a fire is the sound of the fire alarm. It is a loud bell or electronic sounder that keeps sounding.

Fire drills are held every year so you will know what to expect. Fire drills and actual fires are treated exactly the same. All emergency evacuations, whether a drill or a false alarm, must be treated as the real thing.


Safe for:Wood, paperand textiles.

Not for:Live electricalequipment.

Not for:Flammableliquids.

Not for:Flammablemetal fires. Carbon dioxide

Safe for:Flammableliquids.

Safe for:Live electricalequipment.

Not for:Flammableliquids.

Not for:Flammablemetal fires.


Foam spray

Safe for:Wood, paperand textiles.

Not for:Flammablemetal fires.

Safe for:Flammableliquids.

Not for:Live electricalequipment.

Wet Chemical

Safe for:Wood, paperand textiles.

Safe for:Cooking oils anddeep fat fires.

Not for:Flammablegases.

Not for:Live electricalequipment.

Not for:Flammableliquids.



ABC Powder

Safe for:Wood, paperand textiles.

Safe for:Flammableliquids.

Safe for:Live electricalequipment.

Safe for:Gaseousfires.

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Evacuation InstructionsWhen you hear the fire alarm:• Leave the building immediately• Do not use the lift• Do not collect bags, coats etc• Go to the fire assembly point• Do not come back to the building until you are told it is safe

Your lecturer is responsible for making sure all students get to the assembly point as quickly as possible (see the map on the back cover). If anyone is missing, your lecturer will tell an Evacuation Marshall (who you will see wearing a yellow hi-visibility vest).

Fire EvacuationAre you a student with mobility problems or the friend of a student who is not fully mobile?

Special arrangements have been made for people with mobility problems if an emergency evacuation takes place. A member of the Additional Learning Support team will help you produce a personal safety plan so you know exactly what to do. You must tell your tutor if you have a mobility problem so that your personal evacuation plan can be prepared. The safest course of action is to stay in the building until the staircases are clear. Then proceed to the nearest

Refuge Point. These are safe areas located near the staircases on most floors; they have a green notice stating ‘Refuge Point’. A volunteer may stay with you. This should not be the lecturer, who is expected to make sure that the other class members are out of the building and counted at the assembly point. Premises staff can evacuate you using the evacuation chairs situated in all buildings. Ensure you inform a member of the evacuation team that someone is waiting at a Refuge Point.

Tick yes or no to the following statements

A If the fire alarm stops I can go back into the building Yes No

B I can stop to collect my personal belongings Yes No

C The quickest way down is by the stairs Yes No

D If the staircase is crowded, I can go by lift Yes No

E As long as I check that no-one has been left behind, it is a good idea to lock the door when I leave Yes No

F I should check the toilets and workrooms before leaving the floor I am on Yes No

G After we have stood about outside, had a laugh, got cold and bored, and there is obviously no fire, we can go back inside Yes No

Check your answers on page 13

Safety in the WorkshopIn areas of the College where you use specialist equipment you will receive training on how to use this equipment.

You must not use any equipment for which you have not received training by a member of staff.

College TripsIf you attend a College trip you will be given a health and safety briefing, or training, before the trip starts. You must follow the instructions from a member of staff without question.

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Health and Safety Questionnaire

Please answer all the questions on the next

page and return it to your tutor.

Safety QuestionsThere is a lot of information in this booklet. Answering these self assessment questions will help you to remember it. Our answers are on page 15.

In some cases, accurate completion of this booklet will contribute evidence towards NVQ criteria.

Q1 What is everybody required to do by the Health and Safety at Work Act?

Q2 What is the College’s legal responsibility

Q3 What can you reasonably expect of other people in College?

Q4 What can they expect of you in return?

Q5 What should you do if you discover a fire?

Q6 Where does it tell you where to go if you hear the fire alarm?


Health and Safety Handbook 2017 – 2018

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Q7 When should you go back into the building after the alarm has stopped?

Q8 What is the most exact way of explaining where you are in the College?

Q9 How will you know how to contact a First Aider?

Q10 Name four examples of when to call an ambulance.

Q11 Where would you record an accident?

Q12 What does the safety notice tell you?

I confirm that I have read the Health and Safety Handbook and understand my responsibilities for health and safety.

Name of Student:

Signed: Date:

Remove this form from the Health and Safety Handbook and give it to your tutor.

They will keep it as evidence that you have completed the health and safety induction.

Accidents and Other EmergenciesSometimes people become ill in College. Sometimes they have accidents. It is good to know in advance what help is available.

The Safety NoticeLook around the room. You should be able to see a NEED HELP notice. Please familiarise yourself with this notice as it has information on what to do and who to contact in an emergency.

The College has a number of trained First Aiders. The on-call First Aider can be contacted by calling #333 for City Centre or #334 for Somer Valley, from an internal phone.

There is a medical room on the ground floor of the Roper Building in City Centre or the Wellow Building in Somer Valley for minor illness. The Premises staff allow access to it.

Serious AccidentsIf a more serious accident occurs you will need to get help immediately.

To call an ambulance find a College telephone and dial 9-999. Alternatively you can phone #333 for City Centre or #334 for Somer Valley, or contact reception.

Minor accidents will be dealt with by your lecturer or tutor if you are in class. If you are not in class, or if a member of staff has an accident, you may need to get help.

To call for help ring the number above and explain precisely what has happened.

How do you decide that an accident or illness is an emergency? Write down one or two examples.

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There are a number of ‘emergency situations’. You cannot be expected to know them all, but assume it is an emergency if someone:

• Is unconscious and unresponsive• Has no pulse• Is not breathing or breathing with great difficulty• Is spurting blood

In these cases call an ambulance, then a First Aider.

There is no need to call an ambulance for an epileptic seizure, unless the patient has been hurt in falling. Call a First Aider who will know what to do.

One last thingThe College is responsible for your health and safety; it has to keep a record of all accidents. Should you need it, you can obtain an accident report form from the First Aiders or Roper reception at the City Centre or Wellow Building in Somer Valley.

If a First Aider has been involved, he or she will help the casualty to fill it in. But if you are in doubt about it, check with your lecturer that the form has been completed correctly and send to the Estates Office.

Can you remember how to contact a First Aider?

If you cannot make contact on the phone, or if you aren’t sure what to do, then contact reception.

REMEMBER! If you cannot get to

a phone, go to the main reception in the Roper

Building in the City Centre, Wellow building in Somer Valley or a staff office. A

member of staff will know what to do.

Answers to questions on page 8A. No. If the fire alarm stops before or after you

leave the building, carry on with the fire drill. Just because the bell has stopped, it does not mean it is safe to return.

B. No. Don’t stop to collect personal property. Thirty extra seconds in a smoke-filled building can make the difference between life and death. Better to lose your belongings than to suffer serious injury or death.

C. Yes. The stairs are the quickest way down. Use the route you have practiced unless it is impassable, in which case use the

recommended alternative. Don’t run or push, but move quickly towards the exit.

D. No. Never try to use the lift in the case of fire.

E. Yes. Close the windows, switch off the power, shut the door and lock it, if the key is to hand.

F. No. The Premises staff on duty will do that as they check that the building is empty.

G. No. Never go back into the building once you have left it unless the Fire Officer declares it safe.

Safety Scenarios

What if....Here are three scenarios. Explain what you would do if this happened to you.

1. You are early for College. Your classroom door is open and the sound of a vacuum cleaner can be heard. When you walk in, you find the cleaner is on the floor, eyes shut, holding the vacuum cleaner which is making such an awful noise you can hardly hear yourself think. What would you do next?

2. You come across a fire extinguisher being used to prop open the self-closing doors you find in long corridors. What would you do?

3. You pass a room with the door open and notice that there is a smell of burning. Peering in you see smoke around the area near the photocopier. You cannot tell if it is coming from the waste paper bin or from the electric plug on the wall behind it. What would you do? What would you not do?

Our answers are on page 16.

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Answers to questions on page 10Q1. To act responsibly at all times.

Q2. To ensure the health and safety of everyone in the College.

Q3. That they will always act responsibly to ensure your safety, their own safety and everyone else’s safety.

Q4. The same as Q3.

Q5. Break the glass on the fire alarm call point and raise the alarm.

Q6. On the notice next to the fire alarm call point.

Q7. When the Evacuation Marshall (wearing a yellow hi-visibility vest) tells you it is safe to do so.

Q8. By quoting the room number.

Q9. It will be shown on the safety notice found in every room. (#333 for City Centre or #334 for Somer Valley,)

Q10. If someone is unconscious and unresponsive, Has no pulse, Is not breathing or breathing with great difficulty, Is spurting blood. This list is not exhaustive.

Q11. On an Accident Form which can be obtained from Reception.

Q12. What to do in an emergency.

Answers to scenarios on page 141. Do not touch the cleaner. Before you do anything, switch off the electricity at

the wall! Find the safety notice and use it to call a First Aider. If the cleaner is unconscious call an ambulance as well.

2. There are two things wrong here. Do you know what they are? First, ‘self-closing doors’ (also known as ‘fire doors’) are there to slow down the spread of fire, and to allow more time for people to escape. As such they should never be propped open. Second, fire extinguishers should only be moved when they are needed to put out fires, or when they are being checked. So, as a responsible student, you can either move it back to where it belongs (if you know) or report it to your lecturer or the Premises staff.

3. There is the possibility here of an electrical fire, and as many of the fire extinguishers contain water, by using one you risk turning a minor fire into a personal tragedy - yours! Fortunately, fires in College are very rare. You should simply close the door, raise the alarm and leave the building. What you should not do is try to put out the fire yourself.

ChecklistAfter you have worked through this booklet, you should feel confident of the following things. Tick them off if you are; if not look back to the relevant section.

Recognising an emergency

Summoning help for a medical emergency

Raising the fire alarm and leaving the building

Taking responsibility for day-to-day personal safety

Your legal responsibilities to the College and each other

What to expect from the College

What the emergency procedures are

The safety procedures and when to apply them

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Cam Building







Horticulture Building

Animal Houses


Animal Care Building

A367 Somer ValleyCampus

Fire Assembly Points1. Meet at the

Lower GreenhouseFire Assembly Point

2. Meet at theMain Car Park

Fire Assembly Point


Main Car Park – Fire Assembly Point

Lower GreenhouseFire Assembly Point

Beau St.








AllenA001 to A312

HerschelH001 to H407

The ForgeT001 to T017

MAPAPA001 to PA307

Avon Street Multi-storey Car Park


n St



St. James’s Parade

Lower Borough Walls

Kingsmead Square


n St


James St. West

James St. West



MacaulayM001 to M512

Odd Down Park & Ride


Bath SpaRailway Station

Shrubbery Restaurant • Tel: 01225 328 502The Bite, Ground Floor

Main Reception • Tel: 01225 312 191Student Advice Centre • Tel: 01225 328 720Information, Advice and GuidanceEnrolments & Funding,Ground FloorThe Academy Hair, Beauty & ComplementaryTherapy Salon, First Floor • Tel: 01225 328 511

The Futures Hub, Second Floor

The Crib (Student Common Room)Students’ Union • Tel: 01225 328 540Learning Centre


R002 to R211

John WoodJ001 to J102

City Centre Campus Site Plan Somer Valley Campus Site Plan

City Centre Fire Assembly Points1, 2, 3, 6, 7 – Avon St. Coach Park 4, 5 – Milk St. (Trinity Close)

8. Westmoreland St.

Roper BuildingMacaulayHerschelAllenJohn WoodThe ForgeMAPAConstruction Skills Centre

College BuildingsKey:to A4 (M4)



Bath Abbey


Construction SkillsCentre


National Cycle Networkto Saltford & Bristol


A367 Radstock, WellsOld Down Park & Ride

A36 Bristol

A4 (A431) BristolNewbridge Park & Ride


SquareCharlotte St.


A4 Upper Bristol Rd.

Midland Bridge Rd.

A36 Lower Bristol Rd.

A367 Wells Rd.

Westmoreland Station Rd.




d St


Green Park



Bath Spa

River Avon


Corn St.


n St

. St. James’s Pde.

James St. West

South Gate Development

Widcombe Hill

Prior Park Rd.

Dorchester St.







Monmouth St.



Upper Borough Walls

Bus Gate

Long Stay

LansdownPark & Ride

Royal Crescent



Gt Pulteney St.




y Rd


North Parade Rd.

Sports Centre

Upper Oldfield Park

Lower Oldfield Park


Student AdviceCentre





A367 Radstock, WellsOld Down Park & Ride


LansdownPark & Ride


A4 (A431) Bristol Newbridge Park & Ride



Roper BuildingMacaulayHerschelAllenJohn WoodThe ForgeMAPAConstruction Skills Centre

College BuildingsKey:to A4 (M4)



Bath Abbey


Construction SkillsCentre


National Cycle Networkto Saltford & Bristol


A367 Radstock, WellsOld Down Park & Ride

A36 Bristol

A4 (A431) BristolNewbridge Park & Ride


SquareCharlotte St.


A4 Upper Bristol Rd.

Midland Bridge Rd.

A36 Lower Bristol Rd.

A367 Wells Rd.

Westmoreland Station Rd.




d St


Green Park



Bath Spa

River Avon


Corn St.A


St. St. Jam

es’s Pde.

James St. West

South Gate Development

Widcombe Hill

Prior Park Rd.

Dorchester St.







Monmouth St.



Upper Borough Walls

Bus Gate

Long Stay

LansdownPark & Ride

Royal Crescent



Gt Pulteney St.




y Rd


North Parade Rd.

Sports Centre

Upper Oldfield Park

Lower Oldfield Park


Student AdviceCentre





A367 Radstock, WellsOld Down Park & Ride


LansdownPark & Ride


A4 (A431) Bristol Newbridge Park & Ride




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Lockdown and Armed AttackAlthough it is very difficult to plan for every emergency situation; the College has procedures in place to help ensure the safety of students, visitors and members of staff in the case of rare or unlikely emergencies.


Lockdown is about quickly restricting entry and exit to a College building or multiple buildings by securing external entrances; with the overall aim of protecting those already inside the building

Lockdown procedures may be initiated for a number of reasons, but the most likely is when it is unsafe to leave a building or buildings due to an external hazard or threat.

Examples of this include:

• A major fire or natural disaster near the College e.g. gas explosion, local flooding, air pollution etc.

• A reported incident or civil disturbance outside or in the vicinity of the College

• A threat whereby a person or group of persons is looking to cause harm to anyone in the local area

When you become aware that the College is in lockdown you must try to remain calm and listen to the advice and guidance provided by all members of staff; they will know how to respond.

If you are away from College and become aware that the College is in lockdown you must not attempt to return to College as you may not be able to get into College buildings and could put yourself in danger. You should get as far away as possible from areas that may have been affected by any of the above emergencies and wait to hear communication from the College either through text or by checking the College website.

Armed Attack

The likelihood of an armed attack in this country is still very rare. However, the College has considered this risk and has measures in place to ensure a threat of this nature will be prevented where possible and if not prevented; can be quickly identified so that students, staff and visitors can react accordingly and stay safe.

If you notice anyone looking to cause harm to other people either inside or outside a College building you should notify a member of staff immediately and treat this in the same way you would with any other security incident. College staff are trained in how to respond to an incident of this nature and will know what to do.

In the event of an armed attack the College will initiate the Run, Hide, Tell emergency response as circulated by National Counter Terrorism Policing:

Please listen carefully to what staff are asking you to do and if possible support others to stay safe.

Make sure you watch the Stay Safe video at the next opportunity.

A poster can also be found here

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Bath College, Avon Street, Bath, BA1 1UP

Telephone: 01225 312 191Email: [email protected]: