healing with herbs and spices

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  • 7/29/2019 Healing With Herbs and Spices


  • 7/29/2019 Healing With Herbs and Spices


    Healing with Herbs


    This e-book is intended as an introduction to how some herbs and spices areused for medicinal uses. It is intended for educational purposes only.Herbsand spices should not be used in place of traditional medical care, or usedwith pharmaceutical medicine, or taken during pregnancy. If any reaction toherbs or spices occurs that is of concern to you, contact your trained herbalpractitioner or doctor.

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  • 7/29/2019 Healing With Herbs and Spices


    Healing with Herbs

    Healing with Herbs and Spices ........................................................................4Aloe..................................................................................................................4Cardamom.......................................................................................................5

    Cayenne ..........................................................................................................6Cinnamon ........................................................................................................7Cloves..............................................................................................................8Cumin ..............................................................................................................9Eucalyptus .......................................................................................................9Garlic .............................................................................................................10Ginger ............................................................................................................11Ginseng .........................................................................................................12Jojoba ............................................................................................................13Juniper ...........................................................................................................14Kava Kava .....................................................................................................15

    Mustard..........................................................................................................16Myrrh..............................................................................................................16Nutmeg ..........................................................................................................17Saffron ...........................................................................................................18St. Johns Wort...............................................................................................19Tea Tree ........................................................................................................21Turmeric.........................................................................................................20Vanilla ............................................................................................................22YlangYlang ..................................................................................................23

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  • 7/29/2019 Healing With Herbs and Spices


    Healing with Herbs

    Healing with Herbs and Spices

    The medicinal use of herbs and spices is believed to be as old as mankinditself. Because herbal medicine is holistic medicine, it is, in fact, able to lookbeyond the symptoms to the underlying systemic imbalance. Herbs, beingorganic substances, possess an affinity for the human body and aresynthesized effectively.

    In this e-book I discuss medical properties and benefits of some herbs andspices, as well as provide suggestions on how to use them.


    Aloe (Aloe Vera) is a gel like substance procured from the thick cactus-likeleaves of the Aloe Vera plant.


    Aloe gel is known for its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, sunscreenand healing properties that soothe skin problems like eczema andpsoriasis.

    Internal consumption of the gel may heal ulcers, relieve stomachdisorders, arthritis, asthma, skin cancer and menopausal troubles.

    It may help control blood sugar in diabetics as well as treat obesity. It is particularly known to moisturize and soften the skin and hair. It also

    encourages hair growth.

    How to use Aloe

    Apply fresh clear gel from the leaves to wounds, bruises, burns andsunburns etc. It helps them heal faster.

    Apply the gel on your face, hands or any part of the body that isexposed before stepping out in the sun. It serves as a sunscreen lotionprotecting your complexion. Moreover, it softens your skin and makes it

    glow. Gently rub the gel on your hair to make it look smooth and shiny. It

    especially helps manage curly tresses.

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    Healing with Herbs

    Massage cold Aloe gel in the affected areas to subdue mastitis(inflammation of breasts).


    Cardamom (Elettaria Cardamomum) is a small seedpod with brownish-blackaromatic seeds.


    Cardamom has aphrodisiac, antidote and anti-emetic properties apartfrom being carminative and anti-spasmodic.

    It is used in various medicinal preparations to relieve digestivedisorders and flatulence.

    Traditionally it has been used to cure infected teeth, gums and sorethroat. It also improves bad breath.

    The anti-inflammatory quality of Cardamom helps to cure inflammationof the urinary tract.

    It also alleviates heart burn and skin inflammation.

    How to use Cardamom

    Simmer Cardamom powder in water and add sugar when cooled.Intake of this decoction helps regain lost appetite and improvesdigestion and distension of abdomen. Hot beverage made of roasted

    Cardamom seeds boiled with betel nuts may also help. Mix half a gram of Cardamom powder with an equal amount of dry

    Ginger and a little honey. It helps in relieving coughs and alsoalleviates tracheal and bronchial congestion.

    Chewing Cardamom seeds act as an instant mouth freshener. Gargle amixture of crushed Cardamom and Cinnamon or dry Mint leaves totreat sore throats, mouth ulcers and inflammation.

    Cardamom Seeds and the skin can be added to black or green tea,which is known to reduce stress and depression and acts as arefreshing agent.

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    Healing with Herbs


    Cayenne (Capsicum frutescens) is a red, hot, dried chilly pepper available inground form.


    Cayenne is known as an effective blood stimulant that promotessmooth circulation of blood.

    It helps keep high blood pressure and blood cholesterol under control.

    It can also cure gastrointestinal disorders by promoting digestion.

    Capsaicin contained in Cayenne helps alleviate migraine, rheumaticarthritis and skin irritation through external application of ointmentcontaining this element.

    Cayenne Pepper has a diaphoretic property which promotes sweatingand helps cure colds, sinus problems and fever. It acts as anexpectorant facilitating mucous flow.

    How to use Cayenne

    Cayenne extract or tincture is considered to be an effective first aid inemergencies like heart attack and hemorrhage. A teaspoon of thismixed in a glass of warm water should be given to the patient every 15minutes until the crisis is surmounted.

    Planned and systematic consumption of Cayenne and Hawthornberries over a period of time may strengthen the heart and reduce the

    chances of heart attack. Use a Cayenne poultice to get relief from back pains. Topical

    application of Capsaicin may also soothe skin problems like itching andpsoriasis.

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    Healing with Herbs


    Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) is the fragrant brown bark of the Cinnamontree, which is available in its dried tubular form known as a quill or as aground powder.


    Essential oil of Cinnamon has anti-coagulating, anti-microbial andantioxidant properties. It can also work as an effective insect repellent.

    Cinnamon may significantly help people with type 2 diabetes improvetheir ability to respond to insulin, thus normalizing their blood sugarlevels.

    Inhaling the warm, spicy and sweet scent of this spice is believed toboost brain activity.

    Traditionally, Cinnamon is considered as a warming remedy to helpalleviate colds, cough and flu.

    How to use Cinnamon

    Simmer Cinnamon sticks with milk or soymilk and honey for adeliciously warming beverage.

    Mix 1 to 3 teaspoons of ground Cinnamon powder in 1 cup of hotwater. Let it steep for 15 minutes. Strain and drink this potion to curediarrhea.

    Dab a little powdered Cinnamon on minor cuts or wounds.

    Sprinkle some Cinnamon on chicken noodle soup for an instant pick-me-up, particularly to recover from colds or fever.

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    Healing with Herbs


    Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) are the dark brown aromatic flower buds of

    the clove tree, which are available in dried form.


    Essential oil of Cloves acts as an antiseptic and germicide which helpscure tooth decay and bad breath. It kills intestinal worms and helpstreat digestive ailments.

    Its expectorant quality aids in asthma and bronchial problems.

    The anti-inflammatory property of Eugenol contained in Cloves helps inthe treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.

    Skin disorders such as acne, ulcers and sores can also be cured by


    How to use Cloves

    Intake of Clove infusion or powder mixed with honey provides relief invomiting, nausea, flatulence and indigestion.

    Chew Cloves or apply Clove oil on decayed teeth to alleviatetoothache.

    Apply Clove oil in the form of a poultice to allay muscular cramps andsprains.

    Fry a few Cloves in a teaspoon of sesame oil, remove the cloves andput 3-4 drops of this warm oil into the ear to alleviate earache.

    Make a paste of 2-3 Cloves and a little bit of salt in milk and apply thisover the forehead to subdue headaches.

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    Healing with Herbs


    Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) are small, pale green or yellowish-brown, and dryaromatic seeds, which is available in whole or ground form.


    Cumin is an effective remedy for a wide range of digestion problemsand improves appetite.

    Pregnant and nursing women can benefit in terms of reduced nauseaand increased lactation.

    Cumin may help treat insomnia, colds, and fever. It also enhances liverfunctioning.

    Essential oil of Cumin is antibacterial and helps kill larval pests.

    How to use Cumin

    A beverage made of Cumin, black pepper and honey serves as anaphrodisiac.

    Simmer the seeds in boiling water and then infuse it for 8-10 minutes tomake a warm and soothing tea.

    Apply paste of Cumin powder and onion juice on scorpion bites.

    A Cumin poultice helps palliate general swelling of the breasts.


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    Healing with Herbs

    Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globules) is an intensely fragrant oil from the leaves ofthe Eucalyptus tree.


    Eucalyptus oil has anti-septic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbialproperties. It is extensively used to provide relief in respiratory and skindisorders.

    The oil is used as an inhalant to clear catarrh and used externally toease laryngitis and throat troubles.

    Internal consumption of the fluid extracts (approx. 1/8 oz), may help intreatment of scarlet fever, intermittent fever, typhoid and pulmonarytuberculosis.

    Inhaling the refreshingly aromatic Eucalyptus oil raises the spirits and

    energy levels. It is also known to reduce stress. It can also be used as an insect repellent.

    How to use Eucalyptus

    Put a few drops of Eucalyptus oil on a tissue/handkerchief. Breathe infrequently through this by holding it next to your nasal passage whenyou breathe. It will ease the breathing process thus providing relieffrom asthma, sinus, bronchitis and common colds and cough.

    Boil water in a saucepan and put a couple of drops of Eucalyptus oil init. Turn off the stove and inhale the steam emanating from this water toget immediate relief from blocked nose, common colds or difficulty inbreathing.

    Make an effective mouth rinse by mixing a drop or two of Eucalyptus oilwith water.

    Apply the oil (mixed with olive oil, if necessary) on affected parts of thebody to alleviate arthritis, muscle pains and swelling.


    Garlic (Allium sativum) is strongly aromatic with a white head with a cluster of

    small bulblets (also referred to as cloves or pods) attached to it.

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    Healing with Herbs


    Essential oil of Garlic has antibiotic and antiviral qualities which help in

    curing common colds, bronchial infections and fight plague. It may alsohelp in treating cancer and other diseases like spinal meningitis andpoliomyelitis.

    The diluting property of Garlic helps keep blood cholesterol levelsunder control. Garlic also helps in lowering blood pressure.

    It cleanses the blood, promotes blood circulation, helps in eliminatingcongestion and prevents heart attack. This is due to its anti-coagulativeproperties.

    It acts as a stomach stimulant relieving several stomach and digestionproblems.

    How to use Garlic

    If your loved ones are willing to deal with potent Garlic breath, considerchewing a couple of raw cloves of Garlic everyday to prevent colds,cough and bronchial infections. Raw Garlic juice can also be effectivein curing sinus and flu.

    Garlic tea can provide relief for sore throats.

    Intake of infusion made of crushed Garlic cloves leads to the secretionof digestive juices thus helping in digestive disorders.

    If you can get past the smell of raw Garlic, consider rubbing freshlypeeled raw Garlic on acne afflicted areas 3 or 4 times a day.

    Briefly fry a few slices of Garlic cloves in extra virgin olive oil. Let it cooldown and then instill a drop or two into the ear to alleviate earache.


    Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is the fragrant, whitish-brown, rhizome of the plantwhich can be used fresh as well as dried.


    It is known to be effective in curing digestive system disorders.

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    Healing with Herbs

    Ginger has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps withnausea, morning sickness, vomiting and stomach-ache.

    It is used to cure colds, cough, respiratory problems and arthritis.

    The warming effect of Ginger promotes blood circulation. It may alsohelp in coronary artery disease and other heart problems.

    How to use Ginger

    Simmer freshly grated Ginger, let it steep for around 10 minutes, strainit into a cup and add a teaspoon of honey. This tea is an effectiveremedy for sore throats, colds, flu and mucus. You can also use dryGinger powder to make this.

    Ginger tea, if taken after meals, stimulates digestion.

    Make a compress of Ginger to alleviate joint pains.

    Add Ginger infusion into bath water, it aids in colds and flu.


    Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) is the root of the Ginseng plant which isusually available in dried form, either whole or sliced.


    Ginseng can benefit diabetics, especially those suffering from type 2diabetes, as it may help keep blood and uric sugar levels under control.

    This herb boosts the immunity and is believed to add more years to apersons life. It is believed to work well against fatigue, old age and itsinfirmities.

    The Adaptogenic property of Ginseng improves blood circulation,energy levels; controls cholesterol and hypertension; and fights againstinfections.

    Traditionally, it is known to have aphrodisiac properties that encouragethe production of sex hormones and sexual desire.

    How to use Ginseng

    Prepare Ginseng tea by simmering a few slices in hot water. Honeycan be added to sweeten. This tea acts as a health restorer for the sick

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    Healing with Herbs

    by enhancing blood circulation, blood quantity and speeding up therecovery process.

    Ginseng powder can be added to juices or water to get the benefit of its

    various medicinal properties. Massage your body with Ginseng oil to nourish and moisturize your

    skin. Other beauty therapies may include a Ginseng facial, Ginsengbody glow, body detoxifying, etc.


    Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) is the oil, also known as liquid wax or ester,obtained from the fragrant, hard, dark brown seeds of the Jojoba plant.


    Jojoba oil is a low-calorie, cholesterol-free oil which makes it preferredover other edible oils.

    It is reputed to be a good tonic for the skin and hair. It acts as amoisturizer, cleanser, softener and conditioner and is used in a widevariety of cosmetic products.

    Jojoba oil controls sebum production and helps prevent acne. This anti-bacterial oil also helps in treating other skin diseases like eczema andpsoriasis.

    The minerals and proteins of the oil improve brain and pituitary


    How to use Jojoba

    Use Jojoba oil as a relaxing and refreshing body massage. A mixture ofa few herbal oils along with Jojoba oil may also be used for massageas well as in bath water.

    Apply Jojoba oil on your hair around half an hour before you shampooyour hair to get soft and glossy hair. Jojoba oil mixed with water andsprayed onto dry hair serves as a healthy conditioner and has aninstant moisturizing effect.

    Rub the oil to soothe skin irritations, burns, cuts, bruises and scars. Italso helps reduce stretch marks and wrinkles by reducing epidermalwater loss.

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    Healing with Herbs


    Juniper (Juniperus communis) is the black ripe fruit (berries) of the Junipershrub. The berries may be available fresh or in a powder form.


    Juniper is a detoxification agent that clears uric acid. It aids in thetreatment of urinary infections, water retention problems and gout.

    It stimulates menstruation, regulates periods and alleviates menstrualcramps.

    It is also known to aid in digestion disorders, kidney and bladderdiseases.

    The essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy to reduce stress,depression and cure sleep problems. It is also a good tonic for the skin.

    How to use Juniper

    Chew Juniper berries to cure inflamed and infected gums.

    Consume Juniper berry tea to treat dyspeptic, flatulence and colic. Thetea is a diuretic and is considered to be an excellent remedy forhyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels associated with diabetes).

    Apply tea on pains, infections or snake bites as an antiseptic. Juniperoil mixed with lard can also be applied.

    Use a Juniper compress to treat skin inflammations and problems likeacne, athletes foot, eczema and psoriasis. It can also cure dandruff.

    Decoction of the leaves can be used as a poultice to alleviate arthritisand rheumatism.

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    Healing with Herbs

    Kava Kava

    Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) is the rootstalk of the plant which is availablewhole, ground, extract or a supplemental drink.


    Kava Kava has sedative properties and is known to treat nervousness,anxiety, depression and insomnia. It sharpens the memory andconcentration of people experiencing anxiety and induces peacefulsleep.

    The relaxant properties of Kava Kava helps relax the muscles andalleviates cramps. It is considered to be a good substitute for aspirinand other pain relieving drugs.

    Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-pathogenic

    properties enable it to help cure gout, congestion, cystitis andprostatitis. It also acts as a disinfectant for urinary and reproductiveinfections.

    How to use Kava Kava

    Hot Kava Kava tea acts as a diaphoretic and reduces fever and colds.

    Mix ground rootstalk with water or coconut milk. This infusion makes agood beverage and overall tonic.

    It is a good remedy for insomnia and anxiety when mixed with Valerian

    root and a little honey. Keep the chewed rootstalk in the mouth to alleviate toothache.

    Applying it as an ointment acts as a mild anesthetic and will help healsore muscles.

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    Healing with Herbs


    Mustard (Brassica nigra/juncea) are the tiny, black, brown or yellow seeds ofthe mustard plant which are available in dried form.


    Mustard oil stimulates circulation which helps palliate muscular painsand ease stiff muscles.

    The oil does not contain a high amount of saturated fatty acids andthus reduces the risk of coronary heart diseases.

    Bronchitis and other respiratory problems can be cured with the help ofMustard seeds.

    It is an effective remedy against scorpion stings and snake bites.

    Also toothache, colic, rheumatism and epilepsy can be treated withmustard.

    How to use Mustard

    Infuse the seeds in water and let it cool down for 5 minutes. Take thistea three times a day to cure bronchitis. It can also be an effectiveremedy for colds and fever.

    Intake of Mustard oil combined with Turmeric or Garlic will help inrelieving muscular and joint pains.

    Rub the oil or apply it as a poultice to soothe skin irritation.

    Use Mustard oil as a bath oil to reduce the effect of colds.


    Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) is the aromatic yellow or reddish-brown resinousgum of the Myrrh tree, which may be used dried or ground, in the form of a

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    Healing with Herbs

    tincture or capsule. The essential oil is extracted from the dried sap and iswidely used for various medicinal benefits.


    Myrrh oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiseptic and anti-microbial. It also helps get rid of intestinal worms.

    It enhances blood circulation and mucous flow which aids in curingcolds and respiratory infections. It is believed to treat bronchorrhea andleucorrhoea.

    Myrrh is stomachic and carminative and stimulates the appetite and theproduction of gastric juices which helps with gastric troubles.

    How to use Myrrh

    Myrrh tincture can be used as an effective mouthwash to treat sorethroats, gums, foul breath and to strengthen weak teeth. Owing tothese benefits Myrrh is also used in toothpowders.

    Topical application of the tincture on teeth can allay toothache.

    Apply the essential oil on wounds, bruises and ulcers for quick healing.

    It can also be useful in curing bronchitis by rubbing it on the chest.

    Skin disorders like ringworm, athletes foot, itching etc can be treatedby applying the oil directly onto the affected area. It may also helpprevent your skin from developing a harsh and cracked surface.

    Burned as incense, Myrrh helps expel mosquitoes and other insects.


    Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) is the brown, slightly egg-shaped seed concealedin the fruit of the Nutmeg tree, and is available in a dried form.


    Nutmeg is an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant. It relievespainful muscles and rheumatism.

    Inhaling the aromatic essential oil, which is slightly hallucinogenic,soothes the nerves and stimulates the brain. It helps in reducing stress,anxiety and treats insomnia.

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    Healing with Herbs

    The oil aids in relieving toothache and gum problems.

    How to use Nutmeg

    Mix it with milk or sprinkle on desserts to improve digestion and to helpwith nausea.

    Make a paste of a pinch of nutmeg powder and cold water. Mix it in an8 oz. glass of water that has been boiled and cooled down. Intake ofthis potion helps in kidney problems, indigestion, vomiting and nausea.

    1 teaspoon of powder is enough to raise your spirits for 6 to 24 hours!


    Saffron (Crocus sativus) is the bright red stigma of the Saffron Crocus flowerwhich is available in a dried thread-like form.


    Saffron is anti-allergic and is a natural skin care remedy. It tones theskin and can cure skin problems like acne.

    Its calming effect helps infants to calm down when they are teething. Italso alleviates toothaches and prevents tooth decay.

    It relieves flatulence and improves digestion and functioning of the

    stomach. Saffron prevents accumulation of free radicals and defends the body

    against tumors and cancers. It improves the overall resistance power ofthe body against infections.

    The aphrodisiac properties of Saffron promote sexual desire andextenuates impotence and infertility.

    How to use Saffron

    Steep 4-5 threads of Saffron in warm milk to make a good beverage aswell as a general tonic. Drink this milk to treat digestion problems,

    headache and colds. Regular intake of saffron infused in milk improvesskin complexion.

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    Healing with Herbs

    Infuse Saffron threads in boiled water and instill it into the nose. It helpstreat insomnia as well as a pounding headache.

    Make a face mask of Saffron paste to treat pimples and rashes.

    St. Johns Wort

    St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is the bright yellow flower of the plantand is available fresh or as an extract.


    St. Johns Wort is traditionally known to treat neural disorders likedepression, anxiety and insomnia.

    Hypericin and other flavonoid compounds in the flowers helps in the

    treatment of varicose veins. It also heals inflammation. The essential oil can effectively heal ulcers, wounds, burns, bruises

    and insect bites.

    The herb is particularly beneficial to women. It also helps them dealwith menopausal problems such as mood swings, emotionaldisturbances, depression etc. It also helps prevent stretch marks, treathemorrhoids and pains during pregnancy.

    How to use St. Johns Wort

    Use the flowering tops, leaves or extracts to prepare tea. Tea reducesanxiety, treats insomnia, acts as a relaxing agent and lifts the mood.

    The infusion or tea improves urinary flow and also helps in treatingpulmonary consumption, infected bowels or urinary passage andchronic catarrh.

    Oils can be extracted from the leaves and the buds for topicalapplication to alleviate sprains, strains, inflammation, bruises, ulcersetc.

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    Healing with Herbs

    Tea Tree

    Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is the oil obtained from the leaves of theMelaleuca alternifolia plant.


    Tea Tree is anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, antiseptic and aninsecticide. It is believed to cure vaginitis, paronychia (nail infection),yeast infection, and athletes foot. It also strengthens the immunesystem.

    Various skin disorders like acne, eczema, black heads, ringworm andscabies can be treated effectively with Tea Tree.

    It is also used extensively in aromatherapy to cure respiratory disorderssuch as asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and tuberculosis.

    How to use Tea Tree

    Add a few drops of essential Tea Tree oil to warm water. Use thisrefreshing gargle to heal mouth ulcers, sore throats and other dentalproblems.

    Rub the oil on minor wounds, sores, cuts, burns, insect bites andplantar warts to enable quick healing.

    Get rid of dandruff and head lice by applying the oil to the scalp.

    Make a poultice to alleviate a headache.

    Rub the oil onto the nose or inhale it at regular intervals to cure coldsand a running nose.

    Mix a little Tea Tree oil with water in a spray bottle and spritz it in aroom as a disinfectant and room freshener.

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    Healing with Herbs


    Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is the yellowish-orange rhizome of the Turmericplant which is available fresh or dried, whole or ground.


    Turmeric is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. It is traditionally used forhealing wounds, cuts, sprains and swelling in joints or ankles. It alsotreats various skin diseases like eczema, acne and psoriasis.

    Turmeric is believed to prevent various types of cancer as it restrictsthe growth of cancerous cells in the body. It is also used in thetreatment of skin cancer.

    It purifies the blood, unblocks arteries and ensures smooth circulationreducing the chances for heart attack. It also helps lower the LDL

    cholesterol level. Turmeric is excellent for the skin and hair. The plant extracts promote

    hair growth, cure dandruff and serve as a coloring agent.

    How to use Turmeric

    Turmeric and honey paste or Turmeric mixed in a cup of warm milk isan effective remedy for common colds, cough and flu.

    Regular usage of Turmeric in food, as an extract or bitters, helps in awide range of digestion problems. It improves liver functioning andtreats jaundice, hepatitis and cirrhosis.

    Women experiencing menstrual cramps may consume Turmericextract or bitters twice a day for two weeks preceding expectedmenstruation. It smoothes muscles and alleviates menstrual pains.

    A paste of Turmeric powder and milk, when applied onto the skin,tones the skin, improves complexion and prevents wrinkles. Freshrhizome juice, paste or decoction may also help in dealing with skindiseases.

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    Healing with Herbs


    Vanilla (Vanilla fragrans) isthe dark brown aromatic seed pod or bean of theVanilla plant which is available in dried form as whole or ground and also asan extract.


    Vanillas heady fragrance makes it ideal for aromatherapy. It reducesanxiety, nervousness and frustration and relaxes the mind.

    The aphrodisiac properties of Vanilla helps in treating impotence.

    It can be used to cure fever and stimulate the digestive system.

    Some other benefits include weight loss, improved blood circulation,

    curing respiratory problems, alleviating joint pains and improvedalertness.

    It reduces morning sickness and nausea among pregnant women.

    How to use Vanilla

    Add a little amount of pure Vanilla extract to mineral water, milk or juiceto cure upset stomach. It can also alleviate such problems amongteething babies.

    Put a few drops of Vanilla onto the tongue to palliate burningsensations after consuming too hot or spicy foods.

    Put a squeezed cotton ball soaked in Vanilla extract, under the tongueto sedate someone suffering from hysteria or convulsion.

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    Healing with Herbs


    Ylang-Ylang (Cananga odorata) is the beautiful greenish-yellow flower of theCananga tree and which releases an aromatic oil.


    Ylang-Ylang has aphrodisiac properties that help in curing impotenceand frigidity. Also, it effectively deals with PMS and hormonalimbalances.

    It is known to regulate heartbeats, breathing and keeps blood pressurelevels in check.

    Widely used in aromatherapy, it relaxes body and mind with itsbeautiful aroma. It also helps cure anxiety and insomnia.

    Ylang-Ylang is suitable for all skin types. It is used to tone the skin and

    alleviate skin problems. It moisturizes the skin whilst reducingexcessive oil content.

    How to use Ylang Ylang

    Rub the oil on the scalp. It acts as a conditioner and helps with hairgrowth. An effective remedy for split ends is to apply Ylang-Ylang oilbefore shampooing.

    Applying oil on the skin may soothe irritation from eczema, insect bitesand treat blemishes.

    Ylang-Ylang bath or massage oil and inhaler can act as a relaxingagent reducing stress and depression. It raises the spirits andrejuvenates the individual.

    Add a few drops of YlangYlang oil to your face mask. It can contributeas a skin softener and promote smoother skin.

    Essential oil of YlangYlang, Lavender and Roman Chamomile can bespritzed on the bed to cure sleeplessness.