healer heal thyself. mwo - whprsfiles.comwhprsfiles.com/pdf/healer heal thyself mwo notes on the...

Healer heal thyself. MWO Here is a good example of some good science but without the skills to get it tested, registered and validated. All of this and much more is done in the SCIO, Indigo, and Eductor. All validated legal and registered for medical use and sale.

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Page 1: Healer heal thyself. MWO - whprsfiles.comwhprsfiles.com/pdf/Healer heal thyself MWO notes on the body... · Healer heal thyself. MWO ... Invented by Georges Lakhovsky in ... a high-voltage

Healer heal thyself. MWO

Here is a good example of some good science but

without the skills to get it tested, registered and

validated. All of this and much more is done in the

SCIO, Indigo, and Eductor. All validated legal and

registered for medical use and sale.

Page 2: Healer heal thyself. MWO - whprsfiles.comwhprsfiles.com/pdf/Healer heal thyself MWO notes on the body... · Healer heal thyself. MWO ... Invented by Georges Lakhovsky in ... a high-voltage

"As long as there is breath in my body

I will never ever cease to be a seeker after truth."

Todays thought

"The main hangup in the world today is hypocrisy and insecurity. If people can't

face up to the fact of other people being naked, or whatever they want to do, then

we're never going to get anywhere. People have got to become aware that it's

none of their business and that being nude is not obscene. Being ourselves is

what's important. If everyone practised being themselves instead of pretending to

be what they aren't, there would be peace."

John Lennon

Your only

defense is your

immune system?

Every illness is an autoimmune illness. When your immune system cannot ward off a

problem in your system in time, something fails. Your only defense is your immune system.

By raising the oscillating frequency of every cell in your body, we are increasing the rate at

which the immune system operates as well as eliminating the negative toxins that your body

is trying to fight off. The quantum fluctuations (vibrations) that make up the memory of the

cells of our body start creating different "memories." This type of frequency reprogramming

allows the body to remember the natural effectiveness of the immune system and regenerate

back to its original state

Professor Masayuki Matsumoto once stated: ‘Blood is the

foundation of health as acidic and sluggish blood is the cause

of various disease’. Numerous diseases can be detected from

blood tests. Purification of acidic blood can be the therapy to

prevent against chronic diseases and promote wellness.

Inside the body, our organs are kept apart by slick membranes. Inside our smallest

components, our cells, a similar separation is upheld with the help of electrical charges. In

the same way that reversed magnets repel each other, gauzes of negative charges prevent

proteins, genetic material, and fats from sticking to each other in the wrong way.

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"Genetic studies have recently shown that even tiny

disturbances in this balance of charges are one of the factors

that cause the hereditary form of ALS. The disease is

basically tied to the SOD1 protein suddenly starting to

aggregate in small lumps in the nerve cells of the spinal cord

and at the same time withering and dying. When this happens

the musculature becomes paralyzed," says Mikeal Oliveberg.

Similar mechanisms underlie several other feared protein

disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The discovery that

charges play such a critical role in ALS is an important step

toward understanding these processes in a broader

perspective.>>> More

Our cells and all living things are direct current (DC) systems created by the movement of

sodium and potassium ions in and out of cell membranes. Normal, healthy cells have an

electrical charge of about v -70 mV across the cell membrane.

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This electrical gradient is critical to the process of ion transport across the cell membrane and

normal cell metabolism. Key features of cellular metabolism include the exchange of oxygen

and nutrients for cellular waste, and ATP energy generation. These metabolic processes are

almost always lacking in dysfunctional cells and improved as the cell membrane charge

returns to normal.

According to Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg, We have cell

voltages of minus 70 to minus 90 millivolts When we are born a

healthy cell will have an electrical charge of between -70millivolts

and -90 millivolts. As we age the electrical charge around the cell

decreases; to as little as -35 millivolts by age 70 or so.

Scientist explains it this way. A NORMAL cell has an electrical

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potential of -70 millivolts, an AGED cell at -50 mVT to -35 mV,

and a CANCER or ill cell is 15 mV

Healthy cells has electric charge of -70~80mv

unhealthy / sick cells – 30~40mv

cancer cells survive on -20mv to 15mv

In a nutshell –All cells have small electrically powered pumps inside of them whose

function is to bring in nourishment, and take out toxins. Imagine going into a house

where the power is out. The water pumps wouldn't operate so the toilets wouldn't work.

They would be no running water, therefore no showers or baths or doing dishes. The

refrigerator wouldn't work so there wouldn't be any food to eat, and the food that was

in there would go bad. Add to that a garbage man strike, and now garbage is piling up.

As you could guess, anyone living in that house would probably get sick.

It is the same for the cells of the body. Without enough energy to operate, the cells

become toxic and malnourished. Then, when presented with an infectious organism,

whether it is the virus that causes cancer, or the common cold, they have lost the vitality

to resist.

Human Cells have Electric Fields as Powerful as Lighting

Bolts -A Galaxy Insight

Using newly developed voltage-sensitive nanoparticles,

researchers have found that the previously unknown electric

fields inside of cells are as strong, or stronger, as those

produced in lightning bolts. Previously, it has only been

possible to measure electric fields across cell membranes, not

within the main bulk of cells, so scientists didn't even know

cells had an internal electric field. >>>More

The fastest way to raise cell voltages is with an MWO. Invented by Georges Lakhovsky in

the early 1900's. Dr. Lakhovsky discovered that healthy cells acted like little batteries and

found out how to recharge them (raise their voltages). He found that transmitting energy in

the range between 750,000 hertz and 3,000,000,000 hertz raised the cell's voltage.

He had great results with all types of physical imbalances, including Tumors. Not only was

his unit able to return sick cells (and people) to health, but those who used it regularly

noticed that they never got ill anymore.

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They both rely on the same principle, that is, that life forms can absorb radio wave energy.

The MWO uses that principle to strengthen the healthy cells of the body so that they can

resist any physical imbalances. They both rely on the same principle, that is, that life forms

can absorb radio wave energy

Dr. Becker, M.D., author of the "Body Electric" and "Cross

Currents" and one of the most respected research scientists in

this area, stated, "We now live in a sea of electromagnetic

radiation that we cannot sense and that never before existed

on this earth. New evidence suggests that this massive amount

of radiation may be producing stress, disease and other

harmful effects all over the world by interfering with the most

basic levels of brain function."

In his book, "The Body Electric," he says, "these dangers

must be brought into the open so forcefully that the entire

population of the world is made aware of them. Since our

civilization is irreversibly dependent on electronics, abolition

of electromagnetic radiation is out of the question. However,

as a first step in averting disaster, we must halt the

introduction of new sources of electromagnetic energy while

we investigate the biohazards of those we already have with a

completeness and honesty that have so far been in short

supply." (page 328).

Due to the constant stresses of modern life and a toxic environment, cell voltage tends to

drop as we age or get sick. As the voltage drops, the cells are unable to maintain a healthy

environment for themselves. If the electrical charge of a cell drops below minus 50, a person

can become chronically fatigued and may get sick often. If the voltage drops to minus 15, the

cell becomes diseased. When the body's immune system gets overwhelmed and cannot fight

an abundance of toxins and then we continue to put toxins into our bodies and minds such as

alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, negative fear-based thoughts and heavy emotions, we can

experience a physical imbalance.

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Any challenge to the cell, such as oxygen/nutrient deficiency, toxicity, or inflammation can

degrade the gradient from its optimal -70 mV. As the gradient falters, sodium is less

efficiently pumped out of the cell, resulting in edema (fluid retention) and inflammation. As

the gradient falls lower, oxygen delivery across the cell membrane into the interior of the cell

is compromised. Without oxygen, the cell cannot generate ATP energy; the sodium-

potassium ion pumping mechanism cannot be fueled, and the gradient falls further. A

downward cycle of disordered cellular physiology will follow, which can ultimately lead to

cell degeneration.

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How the Sodium - Potasium pump works Animated

Through the increase in the body’s electrical charge,

sodium ions (Na+) and calcium ions (Ca2=) within cells

will enter the extra cellular fluid (blood); Conversely,

potassium ions (K+) and magnesium ions (Mg2+)

retained in the blood will diffuse back into cells to

regulate balance of electrolytes inside and outside the

cells (potassium-sodium transport). This results in the

calcium ions regulating the blood to be maintained at

pH7.33 ~ 7.4, mild alkaline, excess sodium is not

retained in cells and is prepared for removal from the

body, and the cells’ ATP production is enhanced or

increased with the increase of potassium. >>>More

The electrical charge of mammalian red blood cells PDF

The electrical charge of inflamed cells causing pain changes to approximately +30 mV.

When exposed to a pulsed magnetic field, these cells are changed to a charge of

approximately -90mV alleviating pain in the process. Cells that are scarred or fibrotic with

adhesions have a charge of approximately -15 mV. Due to the density of the cell tissue,

change requires stronger pulsed magnetic fields to be able to restore them to the optimal -70

mV. Degenerative or immune-compromised cells average -30 mV.

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Diseased or weakened cells tend to vibrate out of harmony with the

rest of the body and with a lower electrical charge. In the early

1920's, French engineer, Georges Lakhovsky, developed a frequency

instrument known as the Mutilple Wave Oscillator. This device used

an elaborate antenna system to broadcast millions of radiowave

harmonic frequencies into the system. Lakhovsky viewed the

filamentous material within the cells as behaving like resonating

structures or antennas that could be stimulated with the proper

external frequency (radiowaves) to help regain their normal vibratory

rate, thus assisting the body to restore a state of equilibrium or health.

This concept is similar to striking a Tuning Fork, which can then

produce a sympathetic resonance in a second tuning fork.>>>More

A state of wellness requires that our cells maintain an optimal electrochemical gradient of -

70 mV. We know that the gradient is compromised in unhealthy cells. Research has shown

that pulsed magnetic fields have a beneficial effect on the cell membrane’s ability to regain

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its optimal electrochemical gradient which supports healthy cellular functions.

Lakhovsky believed that living cells are batteries; the nucleus holds the positive charge and

the cytoplasm carries the negative. If cells were irradiated with a range of electromagnetic

oscillations, they could be "recharged" and thus rejuvenated. A range of frequencies is

necessary because the cell and its parts respond to different frequencies.

Mainstream research supports the idea that "We are electrical creatures using a biochemical

body to exist in an electro-chemical environment," as Van Tassel wrote. The name

"Integratron" actually applies to a machine, a high-voltage electrostatic generator, that would

supply the range of frequencies to recharge cell structure. Added to this are certain magnetic

field principles and Nikola Tesla's technique of creating high ionization static fields.


The Health Secrets of a 114-Year Old Man

The researchers found one central theme to gene expression and aging in all four

species. They all developed a slowing of the cells’ energy factories>>>.More


In his book, "The Secret of Life," Georges Lakhovsky said, "the cell is an electromagnetic

resonator, capable of emitting and absorbing radiations of every frequency. " He stated , "the

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nucleus of the cell consists of a tubular filament, chromosomes and mitochondria, made up

of insulating materials and filled with a conducting fluid containing mineral salts found in


"These filaments are comparable to oscillating circuits endowed with capacity (the ability to

store energy) and self-inductance (energy flowing through a cell causes a magnetic field to

be set up around it) and therefore capable of oscillating according to a specific frequency."

He realized cells worked as a conductor and had energy flowing through it, thus causing a

magnetic and electromagnetic field.

Each cell is unique, depending on its form and function. He recognized cells acted like

condensers that could store energy. He believed that the cells of all living organisms waged a

continual war against microbes that he described as a "war of radiations."

Life – Aging and Photons

The MWO's magnetic field and harmonics is supportive energy that can be used to restore

damaged cellular structures, pump out toxins, and optimize cell performance without

generating heat, ionizing radiation, or tissue damage. In essence, all cells exposed to a pulsed

magnetic field are being exercised: expanded during peak exposure to the magnetic field and

relaxed on the off phase. By increasing ion transport across the cell membrane, the pulsed

magnetic field is creating bio-available energy that triggers a cascade of biochemical events

inside the cell. The wave from the MWO actual excites and donates electrons as they pass

through cells creating an electrical field. This donation of electrons reduces cellular

chemistry with anti-oxidant benefits.

The Electrical Properties of Cancer Cells

"Lakhovsky pointed out that all cells capable of reproduction contain in their

nuclei "filaments" of highly conductive material surrounded by insulating

media." This filament, which may be the RNA-DNA complex, is always in

the form of a spiral or helix, in other words, a coil.

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Therefore, each will react as a tuned circuit if its resonant frequency can be

approximated by an external oscillating coil. I postulate that by exciting the

nuclei with electromagnetic energy a "charge" can be induced by the long

established principle of electromagnetic induction.

This demonstrably raises the energy level and perhaps the vitality of every

call in the field simultaneously. Since each cell is an individual, and of

slightly different physical dimensions, the exciting wavelengths must be

multiple, and must span a broad

frequency spectrum. Diathermy machines, limited to crystal-controlled single

frequences in the 27.255 MC (Mhz) region, can do nothing but heat the tissue;


yet this approach, abandoned by Lakhovsky in the 1930s, can still be found in

"modern" doctors offices!

The electromotive force (emf) produced by the MWO and induced in the cell

nucleus, can raise the cell's metabolic rate by electrolysis, and perhaps jog the

RNA/DNA " memory" and reproductive capabilities to their level at an

earlier, younger age, thus the rejuvenation.

Even more subtle changes might be postulated, such as a magnetic

"progression" of effects as evidenced by heavy water in magnetic fields.

Perhaps, in cancer, the emf induced by the MWO raises the vitality and

memory of marginal cells to normal reproduction levels. In the case of other

diseases, perhaps cells given higher energy levels can more readily throw off


The MWO described here radiates a bandwith of radio frequency energy from

the audio frequencies up beyond . By actual measurement with standard field

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strength meters, this vast bandwidth of frequencies and harmonics can be

shown. A fluorescent lamp held anywhere within close proximity of the

subject glows brilliantly.

Within this multiple-wave range of frequencies, every cell in the body can

find its ONE resonant frequency and absorb energy at its own natural


Obviously the electrostatic energy cannot penetrate the body. This is known

as the "skin effect". However, the electromagnetic component of the energy


and does permeate and will induce an emf in each cell. It is precisely this

energy to which Lakhovsky attributes his almost miraculous "cures". More

Every healthy cell in the body vibrates at a particular rate.. "Every atom in the Universe has a frequency. Whether it's a grain of sand, a

piece of steel, a plant, animal or an organ in your body, each cell resonates, or

vibrates, at a specific frequency or oscillation. Your body consists of a variety of

atoms, which contain photons, electrons & an overall bio-electric energy that

runs through it. The way you take care of your body physically, emotionally and

mentally determines how many negative frequencies or toxins are being built up

in it."

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Lakhovsky 1950 Modern Thinking 2000

When these outside sources of

oscillations are in sympathy, that is

they are exactly the same frequency

as that produced by the cell, the

strength and vigor of that cell will

be reinforced and become stronger.

If, on the other hand, these outside

frequencies are of a slightly

different frequency, rather than

reinforce the cell's native

oscillations, they might dampen or

weaken them, resulting in a loss of

vigor and vitality for that cell. The

cells of disease causing organisms

within an infected person, produce

different frequencies than that of

normal, healthy cells. For people or

plants suffering from disease

conditions, Lakhovsky found that if

he could increase the amplitude (but

not the frequency) of the oscillations

of healthy cells, this increase would

overwhelm and dampen the

oscillations produced by the disease

causing cells, thus bringing about

the demise of the disease causing

cells trying to set up shop in the

body. If he pumped up the

amplitude of the disease causing

The cells of a body that are being

affected by a negative condition, have

an oscillating rate that is lower than it

was originally designed to have. After

many months or years of this internal

disharmony, our immune system can

weaken and the symptoms begin to

show in the form of an actual terminal

physical imbalance or disease. All

cells have small electrically powered

pumps whose function is to bring in

nourishment, and take out toxins.

Imagine going into a house where the

power has been turned off. The

plumbing wouldn't operate so the

toilets wouldn't work. There would be

no running water; therefore, no

showers or baths could be taken and

doing dishes would be impossible.

The refrigerator wouldn't work so

there wouldn't be any food to eat, and

the food that was in there would go

bad. Add to that trash strike and now

trash is piling up. As you could guess,

anyone living in that house would

probably get sick.

It is the same for the cells of the body.

Without enough energy to operate, the

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cells, their oscillations would gain

the upper hand and cause the person

or plant to become weaker and more

ill. Lakhovsky viewed the

progression of disease as essentially

a battle between the resonant

oscillations of host cells versus the

oscillations emanating from

pathogenic organisms.

cells become toxic and malnourished.

Then, when presented with an

infectious organism they have lost the

vitality to resist.

Just like your car when the battery has run

down and won't turn the engine over and start

What Lakhovsky discovered was simply mind boggling: He postulated that all living cells

(plants, people, bacteria, parasites, etc.) possess attributes which normally are associated with

electronic circuits. These cellular attributes include resistance, capacitance, and inductance.

These 3 electrical properties, when properly configured, will cause the recurrent generation

or oscillation of high frequency sine waves when sustained by a small, steady supply of

outside energy of the right frequency. This effect is known as resonance. It's easiest to

compare it with a child swinging on a playground swing.

As long as the parent pushes the swing a little at the right moment (the correct 'frequency'),

the child will continue to swing high and continuously. In electronics, circuits which generate

these recurrent sine waves can be called electromagnetic resonators, but more commonly

they are referred to as oscillators. Lakhovsky tells us that not only do all living cells produce

and radiate oscillations of very high frequencies, but they also receive and respond to

oscillations imposed upon them from outside sources. This outside source of radiation or

oscillations are due to cosmic rays which bombard the earth continuously. This stupendous

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realization, achieved during the golden years of radio, not only led to a new method of

healing by the application of high frequency waves, but broadened appreciation for the newly

emerging field of hidden science known as Radionics or Radiathesia.

Therapeutic uses of pulsed magnetic-field exposure, a review.pdf

Time Needs to Be Invested to Normalize Cell Electrophysiology The foundation of a long-term investment in your health should include the following

fundamental philosophy: Optimize the electrical charge and related nutritional status of the

cell; ensure that the cells get all the oxygen and hormonal support that they need; and

exercise dysfunctional cells to aid in the removal of cellular toxins. If we support the cellular

electrophysiology and biochemistry, energy generation will improve, the sodium-potassium

pump will begin to function normally, the cell will thrive – and so will the suffering

individual! This process takes time. In advanced conditions, the cells of the affected area are

too far gone to take in adequate oxygen/nutrition, or the cells may be so toxic that they just

can’t generate the energy needed to restore the cell’s electrical gradient. In these situations

extensive pulsed magnetic cellular exercise is necessary to maximize results. Without bio-

available energy compromised cells cannot correct themselves and the journey back to health

is prolonged. Just as the application of a battery charger to your worn out, energy depleted

car battery returns its charge to normal, recharging your cells when they are energy depleted

is essential to their ability to function fully and requires an investment in time.

Every food we eat has an electrical charge.

The closer the food to its natural state, the higher the charge.

Who Can Benefit?

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Everyone’s cells need exercise. The stresses of everyday life, toxicity from pollutants,

oxygen and nutrient deficiency have compromised our cellular biochemistry. We all can

benefit from the kind of total body cellular exercise that the MWO delivers. The benefit to

areas of local cell dysfunction and energy deficiency that manifest in the experience of

chronic pain can be demonstrated by the diminishment of pain following a session. Painful

cells are energy deficient; thus they are low in oxygen, high in sodium, with a falty

electrochemical gradient. When we restore the gradient, the cell starts pumping out sodium,

potassium enters the cell, the swelling resolves, oxygen starts flowing back in, and pain


All cells exposed to a pulsed magnetic field are being mildly stretched and relaxed

(exercised). In the first 10 minutes of exposure, oxygen content in the cells increases which

can further stimulate the exit of toxins. Water is essential for the transport of many of these

toxins for elimination. It is a good habit to drink plenty of pure water before and after

exposure to the pulsed magnetic field to maintain optimal cellular hydration. Please drink 2-3

liters of water daily while you are using the mwo.

Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to

complement each other based on the principle that life forms

absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle to

strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while a Rife

machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with

an overdose of frequency energy.

Many illnesses are autoimmune in nature. When your immune system cannot ward off a

problem in your system in time, something fails. Your only defense is your immune system.

By raising the oscillating frequency of every cell in your body, we are increasing the rate at

which the immune system operates as well as eliminating the negative toxins that your body

is trying to fight off. The quantum fluctuations (vibrations) that make up the memory of the

cells of our body start creating different "memories." This type of frequency reprogramming

allows the body to remember the natural effectiveness of the immune system and regenerate

back to its original state.

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Here is a good example of some good

science but without the skills to get it

tested, registered and validated. All of this

and much more is done in the SCIO, Indigo,

and Eductor. All validated legal and

registered for medical use and sale.

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