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Headline Verdana Bold Connecting with the new client How the digital trends are applied across industries 25 de outubro de 2016

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Headline Verdana BoldConnecting with the new clientHow the digital trends are appliedacross industries25 de outubro de 2016

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 2

O que espero desta sessão?

1. Vou ouvir falar de inovação e novos desafios!

2. A Deloitte vai tentar vender os seus serviços…

3. Confesso que escolhi a sessão ao acaso.

4. Espero tudo menos ficção científica!

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 3


Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 4


Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 5


Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 6

90%dos telemóveis no Japão são à prova de água

40%dos brasileiros prefere um ano sem relações sexuais a ficar sem o telemóvel


Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 7

Digital defined

Digital Transformation

Business Reimagined

Digital at the Core

Integrated Front & Back Office

Digital Experiences

Engaged Customers & Employees

Sabem o que é “Kodaked”?

Como nasceu o Uber?

O foco continua a ser a otimizaçãoe eficiência de processos, nada mudou…há é mais ferramentas!

Há 10 anos imaginava o cliente ter tantaou mais informação do que o vendedor?

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 8

Digital defined

Digital Transformation

Caso Pay Per Laugh

Digital Transformation

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 9

Digital defined

Digital at the Core

Vision Picking –DHL I Industriefilm

Digital at the Core

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 10

Digital defined

Digital Experiences

Clerk and Green -Connected Retail

Digital Experiences

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 11

Disrupção potenciada pela era digital

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 12

Coerência Digital

Coerência Digital



Cultura“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 13

A new battlefield

Customer engagement







Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 14

Persona Pedro

Customer engagement

Persona Pedro

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 15


Customer engagement

Persona Pedro

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 16

Journey aspiracional

Customer engagement

Persona Pedro

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 17

Qual o ponto de contacto mais bem trabalhado na minha empresa?

1. Marketing contextualizado

2. Canais web e mobile

3. Redes sociais

4. Contacto direto e pessoal

5. Dominamos todos os canais!

6. Os mesmos que trabalhávamos em 2000

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 18

Qual o ponto de contacto que não funciona da melhor forma na minha empresa?

1. Marketing contextualizado

2. Canais web e mobile

3. Redes sociais

4. Contacto direto e pessoal

5. Podemos melhorar em todos

6. Estou bem, obrigado

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 19

SAP Customer Engagement and Commerce solutions

Hybris Marketing Hybris Cloud for SalesHybris Commerce Hybris BillingHybris Cloud for Service

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 20

A minha organização está preparada para endereçar um maior nível de interação com o cliente?

1. Sim, temos uma estrutura digital só dedicada a isso

2. A área de Marketing é responsável por esta componente

3. A área de IT é responsável por esta componente

4. Não, ainda estamos a definir o modelo de governo

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 21

Visualização de resultados

Digital Officer


Função de projeto numa fase de arranque

Disseminado no médio prazo

É necessário um CDO?

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 22

Customer Stories Selection Approach

Based on CX Stories Attractiveness and Feasibility, key CX Stories had been selected for each agile project

Examples of Wave DefinitionInitial CX Stories selection approach

1.CX Evaluation

2.CX Prioritization

3.CX Focus

• Evaluation of 81 existing customer experience stories based on pre-defined criteria, e.g. customer & business impact, technical feasibility etc.

• Mapping of agile project relevant CX stories

• Selection of most attractive and feasible CX stories based on evaluation score

• “Parking” of other relevant CX stories for next phase

• Prioritization of most important CX stories

• Partly implementation of selected CX stories

Evaluation11 CXs Stories

Prioritization9 Cxs Stories

Focus5 CxsStories

81 CXs Stories

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 23

You can shape the customer experience not the customer

Functional Building Block Map



Costumer Experiences Design Analytics & Insights Data Management


Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 24

“Your must unhappy customers are

your greatest source of learning.”

Bill Gates

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 25

O que achou desta sessão?

1. Ouvi falar de inovação e novos desafios!

2. A Deloitte tentou vender os seus serviços… mas até gostava de ouvir mais!

3. Escolhi a sessão ao acaso mas até gostei.

4. Foi mais que ficção científica!

Connecting with the new client | How the digital trends are applied across industriesDeloitte Consultores, S.A. 26

Want to know more?

César Marto

+351 912 381 086

[email protected]

Filipa Carvalho

+351 962 103 679

[email protected]

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Deloitte provides audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management, tax and related services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries and territories, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the insights they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte’s more than 225,000 professionals are committed to making an impact that matters.

This communication contains general information only, and none of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, its member firms, or their related entities (collectively, the “Deloitte Network”) is, by means of this communication, rendering professional advice or services. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect you, you should consult a qualified professional advisor. No entity in the Deloitte network shall be responsible for any loss whatsoever sustained by any person who relies on this communication.

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