he berkeley, -...

U »s»«U. « as fay, |jf tUd r fi •«*% i The Italians A y «nd% he tomato.. Then an Btotoof Captain John a » monitor, still h*l* 10, looks about 70 and JOB PRINTING. n varH-', •: .*,: , h jm^al- prices to suit Business Cards. WALDO & GROVER. 1>"- "v'USKLLOKS AT r 7 J. E.jBABNES, j Licensed Auctioneer FOE KSSEX COUNTY. I-All calls id the auctioneering line' prbniptly altendett to. Terms reasonable. Address J. E. BjABSCfcS, -W, CVNY : - M. P. QBOVEB. '"""p.'CHARD L- HA.ND, Counsellor at Law, ARODK. DUDLEY, JAME- W- SHEEHY BROWN, !M|iDeville. Kssex County Repairing D6ne With Neatnaj and Satisfaction Guarantei " unty.jf.Y. SCOTT BBOWN B B BISHOP, ivl> COUSSELLOE V F~-T u.anty. N. Y: DEVVITT STAFFORD, "FREDERICK: C HALE, ROWLAND C. KELLOGG, TTOaStl AND CO0NSEIAOB AJT LAW _ Elizabethtown, Essex Co., Nj Y. HARRY HALE. ' TT02S1T AND COTJXBELLOB AT LAW, EHz- ^.abethtown. Essex Co., N. Yi HE BERKELEY, E. WOODRUFF, - • - PBOPBIETOII SASANAC LAKE VILLAGE, Franklin Co.. N. Y A full assortment of A full assortment of TEAM TEAM HARNESS HARNESS TEED HOUSE. STFORD WEED, - PBOPKIETOR. WHSTPORT, N. Y. iiisH'->o>ebas recently been entirely re- el and remodeled, and is now one of the tconvenient for business men, andde- bie for pleasure seekers, affording every iityfor the traveling public. Free car- •e? to and from this House to the cars and s. Esppolal attention paid to local and medial travel. JWA flrst-elassl.tvery . in connection with this house. CL4RK R. POTTER, "RE Schroon Lake, N". Y. L YIHIT ADJACENT TOWNS. ED ORGANS KEGULATED AND REPAIRED. V^fffH experience. o-jrst-i'lnHH 3.* \U calls promptly nnswdred .->n yunnuitoi^. 35 ff E. TAGGART, M. D. S., Dentist. ce in the Masonic Building', , WESTPOBT, N. Y. HOB£ -, SAMUEL HAYNES . ccniiniifti lo ruccivo a limited H nf patients in diseases of the K H. Hit. K\>IUKL Siiranac, N.Y. IltAM BUCK. TDEJ?EY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW •>M MMUKON AVKXUE. ALBANY, N. Y. t)lic and Pension Notary, Detect- ive Service and Tax Land business a speciality. nnchOffice Crown PointN.Y HOTOGRAPHER Crown Point, Essex County, New York. , 4 pNSION HOUS VOLT 32. ELIZABETHTOWN, ESSEX CQUNTY, N. Y:, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16,18S3. NO.1. |M. J. McDERMOTT, ) and see > and see a and se« OSBOBNE OSBOBNE OSBORNE rhen in wao.t of any kind of ^hen in want of anv_ki nd of FLen in want of anjPkind HI LATEST IMPROVED FARM FARM And pleasure And pleasi Always on hand Alwa.VB on hi BOTTOM PRICES BOTTOM PRICES The place to buy The place to buy J, O. W^stpor Westport i We are desirous of extending on*: j-eln- tions with" the people of Eaeex cb« *- ana take,this occasion to ijjvite.UBe pa ing of deposit accounts, the pnrcbane nnd sale of foreign and domestic b i l U p f e r sal f g change, this th traaaotJ n and domest ooHectiott ojT fll moi exchange or purchase o f s State find railroad bonds boughta» irt Henry, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1879." F. a. ATWELL. Oftfi] Miss ELLA L. LAMSON, - ELIZABBTHTOWN, N. Y. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Har- mony. is - $12,00 for 20 Isaaona of | . hour References-Evxs TOTJIIGEE, Profs. J- C D PABXXB, S. A. EMEII*, H. M. DOHHAM New England Conservatory af Music "DBton, Mnae. Insure all your Property witli W. H. CARJl, >r Eteaex CO., P**t _ . Y-. Home Ins. Go. of New York, Capital $ 3,000,000 Losses paid in this Company in Essex Co. by me, to Jau'y 1st, 1882, over $24,000. Other first class companies represented and all business promptly attended to. Call on or address as above. 8w4 M... - .. CONSUMPTION. Dan 1 Caray WEHVl'OBT, Jf.T., JARR ARR WAOONF WA QO If8 WMONX fcbethtowii, N. Y. IERMAN HOUSE, fOitnn, ESSEX COUNTY, N. Y. L. BUTTERFIELD, Prop'r •>m Port Houry. and 3 m\Uin from Ih<> <-nl«br.it.Ml Or.) Uodtf Of Mlnovlll.i. Mli-lvo».Cr.».jn.>t iVS»0TIOB is -bur* by «lv»>n llmi nil \|l person* arc r<irl>td<lon to Slnm|. f?/ Fish ot Hnnt on any of tho pi-.»|u>t- Hi ly of ttu< •Adirondack Iron and Stnol Go -•"'Mil WUtartt Ti-<nt} in tUnVoimty of fx. Suta i.f S* V. 4U'> trp forbl.M. 0'ijia.Hfl thcri'on in ,m,v wuy, umloit xlt>of tho la*. All porxoiiN u-xpi<.< thoreon, for the (Utrpono. of HhvXlmj, Vij or Pimkint,, will U MES It. fflOHl'HOM,Pranidaul, How Mnny Mil* 1 * Do-Voo Drivel ODOMETER I «iitl«lioliu«or Umn Poetry. Cn toe crypt attoeloot at the stain They lay taert, a score (tf the dead. They otmia hear the priest at his prayers, And tie tttav overhead. jhpy knmr vrtien the great crowd sUrred, ABtbe Host was Ufted on high; And they smiled in the dark when they heard ~ eUhMooteamiattfpby. SWebysWe on their shelTW For years and yearn tber lay; And those woo nuatoenaTed themselves Had their coffin plates taken away. T. B. AlOrtcn. in Harper's UaoaMna. Miscellany. « He'a dreadful hard to get along with," said Mn. Jennings, in a complaining voioe. " As fall oi ktnta and freaks aa an egg is of meat. Bat for all that, I think that Mary would have suited him if it hadn't been for Bela Barlow." > " Glrlf* M «* qoeer," aaid Mifle Hetty Boone, screwing up one eye toward a arapery of ©obweba that awung to and fro In the northeast corner of the room. '' Ah- h-b-so inoonaiderate, too 1" " Bat it's an ill wind that blows no good to nobody," added Mrsr Jenninga, with a Borean sigh. "Pr'apa yc* can managfl him, Mebitable, and in that case it'll be a good home for you." Hetty Boone bridled. 1 ' As for that," said she, "I don't need to be beholdentonobody. But I don't denj that I'd like to keep house for Cousin Jaoob, crease thoir earnings, and in become wealthy; those wop do not Improve their opportunities ruroniu ii ,yerry, ~ ~ • ' ' h p Wo offer c to make „. great chi ey. We want many men, women, boys ind girlfl to work for us right in thelrown " - ?*P"»] g k f g localities. lAny one onn do the work prop- fly from thtf firstntnrt. Thh btiflJoeni will rny more than ton timoa ordiniuy wage*. Expensivo outfit fnruiahod fee. No one who engages fftilH to make mocy rapidly. You can devote your whole timo ID the work, or only yonr spare rrtoments. Fdll " mation and all that in needed sent AddrcsH STINHON A Co., F'ortland, e. 27 Jl Tho most rollhblo, onfotally pr«- l»aro<l and l»ost purirtitlvo of the present ago Is BRANDRETH'S PILLS. Thoy ar<roOmpouu^ed of-Rooln, Herb» nd GiJtnH of tho niOHt hnnlln^ ruxl bnn«- loial kind. a Family Modiciuo thry aro un- ivallod, curinn Iloail-nolio, OOIIHU|)UIIOII. Jiver CoiuplAinl, lUioumiitiHin, DyHpojiHlft ilcuring tho blobd of all imparities -»v»- ug on tho LiviT, KulnoyH ond olli<r Itn. jortant orKiuiH. rcmoviug tho wnHto IUHIID, mil adding yonrn to tlio UVOH of all w).n wo tbom. For illty yearn they 1MV« boon u«i>d by lio Atnrrloim puliliiv mill tltcir <nt ilantly inoroiuiiiiK m\Um »liow liow tli«' ir» »i»,»r.-0iai«.>. A Perfect Remedy in 20 Discruci. . AmiriKl.». MAHH. I Htn vi-rKlng on «il«lity yrnr". ">' <k>em it my duly to HuflT«rIiit( litimanlty to 'my IIJHI i«V IOUK lifit ii JillfcTH 1 !* ril-Wi »lll«'ll liaVf earned, you "know." " But what is to beoome of as?" whined Mrs. Jenninga, shaking ont the folds of a calico-bordered pocket handkerchief. That's your own look-out," said Hetty Boone, indifferently, aa abe took off her tx-roge veil and folded it mathematically Inside of her hat- / Mr. Jacob Hopper lived in one of thoaa old peaked-roofed farm-houaea which attB stand among the green Oonneotiout mead- ows, like rolics of a p«*t generation, with a well-swoop on one side and a huge butter- nut tree shading its south exposure. Not vestige of paint' Mmainod ontoesiding, the ihingles were patched and repatched, the fence tied up with string and wire, the oow- Bhed propped with posts of every size and dimension, and yet th«ra was a roroor in the neighborhood Oat old Jake Hopper waa as rich a Orosatu. He had only one extravagance, and that was hisfioworgarden, llofle* of the rarest variety bloomed at the baok of th« bouse, where early fronts conld not corrupt, noi itray boy* break through and steal. Ex- pensive bulbs, imported direct from Holland, painted the border* with gold and scarlet In the early spring. Choice shrubs occu- pied th« position of exterminated goonebet- and currant bashes, and everybody be- lieved that Bola Barlow would have gained the old man's good will in that matter pretty Mary Jennings' love If he hod not declared that he would rather have a bunch' of good old-fashioned " pinies and Ug«r- tiUan" Mum «P iOousifc J*oofa.'s.~Japa ranK«a» and blotched ooleus planta. Oh, Bela, how ©ould you tell olat that V said Mary, in denpair. Wal»4«(*w ly. •< •• And M Mias Hetty Boone chanced to U visiUng there Just at that Um«, Mr. Hoppar teTtt«rfhi**>«i»ok*fceof hU household In the plao» of his widowed oousin and he* daughter. " Bvl Ii, nrrav woold hava happened, mother," a*|d Mary, with aplrit, "if Boone had not ftllad hk mind with doubti >nd ill-feeling toward us." "Oh, Mary, don'tb«unoharlUbl*!' the m*««k widow- " I dont iHtand to b#, mother," Mary. '' Bat h n qalU aan I hoard bar telling Ocftuin Jaoob lhat I OM4 too mnob migar in the aplM^ookiw, M>d that yew wny of baking rUnnsl-cakai WM In sxtravagant. IIM'S aly, oontrivlnf puaay-cat, iuotb«r, and that's th« long and •hortoflt- And Mr Fever mind," said Mary ; " IT1 plant .ftHlheaame." In the meantime, however, a storm-was brewing at U» Rpppsr homeatead. Oousln ^a«rt»Vwho had by this time «• overed so mr as to hobble about with o stlok and a peir of carpet-slippers, did no4 tfUjjh h f c * i f a > ; l * usedtodo. i4«Rr ?"- ' fkvor about And Miss Boone, who had a chronic ca irrb, and could not taste anything, declar that the flavor was excellent. "Humph I humph!" growled Jaoob Hopper, " I'd aa soon eat so much Btewed I Bat it in the pig's barrel I Bring our;puddi*g. A man muat eat some- thing I" Tha pudding—one of the variety known as "b'iled injin"—was brought on, and luokily it proved to be tolerably palatable. 8o thftt, after the mid-day meal, old Jaoob t out to look for his bulbs on the shelf. Tm [late a-plantln' 'em," said he. ' Bd that's aoinethln' I oarer could trust any on* elaatoty. Bnt, dear m^ thta 'ore's a moal _*—__*_»:,. .. itanoe. Whaw xtlfn IIHI foil ' lo thvi••< J.-I s ftulnv ttino^ p onkcoountable thicrr' Htt B l.irpn.iv f.ur ,.r|..l 1-v.T uxi <li.trrluvi4. •>«, d l,if<> .lh.< wtlrtrlcl n Mil, Brasher Falls j Apncnllnral Works. M.W IMPROVED THREDHINQ n in tho m i , mxA 1% ™W patUlry «•* spring ku»bs, snd ytm »h*U nit In pvlm, Ilk* U<ly, w(ih y.nu twat cap, •very day. Oooatn Jacob ah*U •«« Ui»t j> g* a h n f wtywmt bim, - w«ll - »• n«ot along wttlwti* «•" Mary Janniana Armw up h.r trim, litti* b«~»nthoris«4, And ao IW1« Dw , for That's »l" nt love and ymith mn aJfnrd to Andao UM two J<KW« IW w«al lako Oonain Jwiob'a -*«k mm, ki hid him good-by i.|ow.li«.|H,r.M..w»r.or.jU.*r»fI»l.^ j » M A I N M VuhluliM I" I.lvoryiiun. P»*n.iif«- £«4v»i».iJU A U II 1 11 «• """ Youn« liullaa wiU And.h**fil\ ihi «>m^i<« A^Ti r «t r l ^21iail fc'iijr' Hb^por, comptac«nUy. •'They^rt ppea in paper on the ah<slf whert the rden fools are. And mind you take good reof'em. It's just tho time o' year to! plant them out, and ef thoy do well, monej 't buy f em.» ! And Mr; Hopper sank, alternately groan* and chuckling, baok among his pillows. flo the young <*m»le w>re qnletly married, went to live in t!io litUe yellow farm- se behind thefaliiekftraitb'sShed. Bang tho gladiolle*!»"said Bela Biwlow. ve a blindtofeed 'emtothe pig." Oh, Bela, don't!" said Mary. " Giro to me. Til plant 1 em in the little south for. Cousin Jacob meant it in all kied- ness, y(w know." " B t what do we care for gladiolles V Bl THE HOLLAND COUNTRY. OUR OPIUM EATERS. Tfce H|»rni(i of it Terrible Evil. Hatty Boom waa summoned from her dlah-waahing to solve the problem. 1 Oladioly bulbs 1" naid she. " I don't nr nothin' about 'em. How should I ?" 1 But they were on the shelf hero I" said Jaoob. "In a flat, yellow pic-plate. of the Boyal Prinoem variety, at a dol- apteoe." Miaa Boone turned livid. " I guesa the rate haa got 'em," said she. Or, hold on, Oousin Jaoob—you glvo 'om > Bela Barlow's wife yourself !" " Them waa In a blue pie-plate.!" shrill: cried Mr. Hopper. "When are my glad- iolias, Hetty Boone » ThM'a what I wani to know. Twelve dollars a down ! Vario- Uoa as can't be replaced not for the mint it- ilf." Miss Boone wisely got behind the *kel< ton of the old spinning-wheel. said she, "if you mtwt know, Jacob H*pper, you e ^ them glafllolio* fo your dinner. I s'posed they WM onionr and stewed 'em up, with butter an<1 pnpp«>i and a few bita o' salt pork. And, n/trr nl what's the UM of suoh a mortal fnwi about few dried-up old roots ?" So speaking, Miss Hetty fled for her Itf«, and none too soon, for Jacob Hopper had Mixed th« wooden nUM In kU wrath. "TV, Lord ba'goW to tan*" said tb« penten* old manj M the sound ot the bang- kitchen door warned him that Mias Hatty h a * * * beyond th« readh <rf his rage. " I never struck a woman yet, but I dunno what I might be Vonpted *-" do " thlvl ur bad stayed on h « n " Mary Barlow WM weeding her china-aster bad, wbon Oousia Jacob trudged slowly and painfully nptoUw bUokumith's shop. "Mary," said h«i, "have you planted •m bulbs r "Well, you "may dig 'am up sg'in, 1 groaned th« old man. '• They ain't nothin 1 but red miioau. Hatty give you &• ' flhs b'U«1 UM ^olUr-bulba In • «tei that Wt*1 Hk« old n«w«p»p«n. <wA, tot all I knuw. And I dnnno Uwl kkM mudb 0iflM.no* wtwtfeor I b* or not." •• Oh, ootMln I- " Mary," por»u«l c;oiwJn Jaonb, rq #'poM ycrar mother wmUl ™iti« linn] ke«p botwa for mo J Holly Ikxi Aatt U> a%ht. I hain't t^n half w»j Odtn/orUliU rjnr^ ulia rotnr Ui k<w| w. And If j<m *t><\ Itela w.n.M I'd lot him ha Ye tha farm <m uhnttm. meadows and wooded pastures. The land- scape changes as our train advances, a Bud> cession offlakbaand a constant dampneu, which causes a heavy and richly-colored growth of herbage, in which I noticed a great many black and white oattle browsing. Fhone farms .are evidently as carefully at- tendol to and tilled as any garden ever was, uid lure and there are fruit trees, already beginning to bend under the growing load of apploH, peaches and pears. The town* and villages which we pans, ntand out from i surrounding verdure, so spiok span and an that had I not previously visited the country I might have auspooted the thrift; Hollanders had washed and painted all thoir dwellings in honor of the visitors who uid aUuud their exposition. Here and irn, too, we catch glimpses of seaport rrin in the <liiUinco—Uioir harbors crowd- wilh ft]>ip;)iug, blnck with the funnels of Ronwhow, I'm km * wlUttml yoii wr«<ig, bntfaat] ycrai moth« wouldn't »» itnk > \i\ttni\m am Uiat to ow>» (Ul 1'V> Ixtei tknft jrm In Iha ri(ihf iy ore*. in J»»)b, Mary MUW VM, Oanai bwtil; kk^n« U>* <M mat. HQ -twl«l UM niua of Mi« »U«r Ikxn Tbo fatfl of th* Kt».1)olu. bull* ha<l x»i hw down. Art.1 .Jl the aUpnUlt<m II Jmnoh m*k>, WM Uml UMt ». or (*> « I.aitd Which the Induatrloife Hatch Rosoned From tho Hew! 4 ' ' . . . - Almost any" physicimi of reputable prno You never saw such a country as this and ticc isqnaUfieH to tell us that the intemper you never will until you come here. ; mce that agitates society and puzzles legis. Originally tho Almighty or nature-there Mj UmeH h ftfte? nU Ubt 1l,e most subtle or dan. }ome doubt on this points-created the •• goipm tha t afflicts the country. Disease, in country, but the industrious inhabitants i te Varied and acute manifestations, is to be have re-created it, that is to aay, they have dreafled, Bot rimpl^ because it inflicts imm escued it from the sea and from the rivers, they never cease to defend their lands n the encroachments of tile beating ives on the coast and the stealthy currents C tho interior. I could not help feeling; as journeyed along, that the hand of man had passed over everywhere and that not a single foot of land had been left untouched by his caresses. Neither waste lands nor owns are given up to nature. Here con- uered mother earth has become a faithful rant to our species and the well-dis- aiplinod waters circulate through innumer- able ditches that border cultivated fields md reflect the sun like sheets of polished diver. The rivers and streams are confined in dykes and levees, and the innumer- t)le canals are covered with boato, whost diate injury upon tjie body and sometimes the mind, but because it so often opens wide the doortothe habit of opium eating, which js a greater evil than almost any dis- ease can be. It is not easy to satisfy «ui e o f justice by; holding the victims ol :rountability, i Boea everywhere—boate to be navigating plowed lands, ld j-uiiHliips, gruy with tho network of rig- iig ivud thoir whiirv«H swarming with ivwloroH and sailors* *l;i An<l the next min- o wo nro huok again in the green country, flying nlorig, pant ditches and cnnulu, over- taking and jiftHning whlto-nailod boata that, cr<1«Hing thn flolds of ripening tfrmn, Hlurlling thn mttlc grazing in the rioh moiulows and trying onr bout to count h<\ many windmillR. Wlmt a country thin would have boen for Don Quixote ! For my pnrt I never knew until i vimtod Holland Uutt thoro were BO nny windmilU in tho world. Sometimes o nee n. Hinglo ono Httvuding nil by himself ill waving bin gignntio orniH in despair, »n<,'liinr'9 wo Hi'."! wholo coiupauies and igim nts of tli'-m, grout my|terioua-looking •outi'MiH of brick, wood and iron, now ending motiunlewi M denth and now vinginr; their grt<nt anna with mioh angry irkn that it liwly in tho compartment snys sha believes "thoy nre mad from overwork." ^u indffd are those countless windmills ; m Unling ovor a tnsk nn hopeless and as •m an t)mt ot the Danoides, that of rnuring nn<l cutting out Into the sea the ever- flowing wnt^m ttatt but for thorn would Boon oovor tho \i\nii. Oorn>j>p>ndrno« Philadei- Timr». TO TO8Uf?CJTATH THjT DROWNINQ. *qn«mny of noridmita should in- y pwimn, wbwili^r old or young, lo U*rn Uia bmt moan* known to pbywicianf for rMusciUting Uiose who »xe taken Just how long penon ca la w»t«r and be only sagphyxistsd but not itonlly dtftfl variM, as obs«rv»Uon proves. Prompt, inUlllgoat and pom«v«ring meant hav« failed to r«atore wli«n they b*va been In UM water UirM mintitm; tho same means tro tiooMnful when tan or more minutes I*™ |KIWUK). T1>O •ymptonui an UM Mine n nonrly all—respiration slow, labored or »MM>nt for minuted, pabeleM, somotlmsa ipiwt »onn(ts nr© inaudible and ypt Ui this habit t for abont the first effect of the drag used habitually istodeaden the will power and make the partaker a slave to a craving that wan planted independently of his own motion. Women are^the greatest sufferers. Tho nervous disorders to which thoy are subject, and the peWand mn:a']ieR which at- tack them }n myriad forms, seem to drive the doctor to the imorphino bottle as the enevitable resort for;the relief of his patients. This is" likb feeding babies upon soothing syrups, it accomplishe/i what it is intended to accomplish for the time being, bnt it exacts a penalty which it takes the Buffering, and sometimes the agony of a lifetime to satisfy. Alcoholic stimulant never establish a mastery over body-nnd mind in tho same short period of time that suffices to implant the opium craving, hi an ordinary human constitution. The effects of alcohol manifest themselves even to the most ordinary ob- server. The effects of opium, on the other hand, almost defy detection by the experi- enced eye of the skillful physician. 1 lioae under its itifluenoe are lively, cheerful, fre- quently brilliant, and they get the credH of being in excellent health and spirits, when, in fact, they are in deadly warfare with all the laws of physical and moral health. The roBult of this Widespread practice, which is as secret as it is terrible, is to enfeeble the oppose, titry, generations that co'me from these sources. The impjortation, and we tho consumption ojf opium in this has increased 140 per cent, during tho kst four yeara, and we| fear the doctors nre re- sponsible for not ajjiule of Urs sli:llinrr ex. hibit. Thoy ahoul'i use opium tu ..I its pioparntionfl only in very extreme ex.- , itfid then not long onou<;h or regulii'-ly pnoiwh Mto a craving. Othonvifio they may, bo, and in many ctuses will ba, laying the ;rnin for habitunl f>jvum pvirln-ii'nn and lrnnkennnsB, which is almost worse then loath ilsolf. __. J FEET DISTORTION IN CHINA. The binding of a child's, ieet is not begun until she has learnedtowalk and do certain things for herself, as it would be difficult, If not impossible to teach her afterward. The rieh bind their children's feet from tV the sixth or seventh year, but the poor do not begin until they are 12, Or even older. Parents who have been forced by poverty to aeUftdaughter as a slave when she waa a child, will bring her back afterward if thoy can, and then, no matter how old she js, they bind up her feet and marry her as a lady. But the pain of binding a fuU-grown foot is said to be most intense. Strong white bandages two inches wide, arc manu- factured for the purpose, Those worn the flret year are two yafls long, and sbout five feet in length worn afterward. The follow- ing, accordingtoMiss Fieldc, iB tho method adopted: '' The end of the Btrip is laid, on the inside of the foot at tho inatcp, then carried over thetopof the toes and undoi four toes with it down The Smyrna (Del.) 2V*« says «•» leJtfe. 3old.borough has a Durham-AH«My odl, Mght months old, which givai * qwrt * milk drily. : . - • Fraudulent gypsies aw raping a T k h h » vest from credulous Ywk** in "H,w T land. It is probable that they nre i ed from tha inventors of wooden h.ima vw& i lutiaegs. . ' -,* Tho Prince of Wfti«n i^siiidtobe engaged - ! n tJi(TUudnble ottorl to color B tue«r-.-chAtn> r pipe, tho gift of the Ciiisvn Prince ol Swedou. He is enfitUdtorthe sjttlptithy -• lepiihlic. • i"r It u reported that a woman k MiUa, ^ I'min., was stung onttwBOM by a be« M> V; oDtly and died from vh« «i!»ttr fa a f«w Diuutcs, althongh h,»- iug beaa atb*iwlM ia 1 apparent good health. ' ~ The negroes of UM Lowor Itiasinippi : region are exodusting is large numbers to -';• NorUi Louisiana, Arkwwafl and Eart Texas - for fear of yellow fever breaking pat in Unit old homes this aummor. ii named James Oonna?,, living nwu GiMnesvillo, Ga., tested hw capacity for eat ng egg* tiud roamgod to dispose nt forty. \ : tour, half ot which were tried «>i:l AAH ' boiled.. His death is expected to be tbr result of the effort. impetuous youth in Indiana, with tht appropriate name of Gosling, saw a gut at church, wooed her there for two hours, and xt the end of the third hour had married her. But then-you'd expect a gosling to ?et on swimmingly. A new style of counterfeit coin ia being jiroulated quite freely about Boston. - ,. French " dix centimes" pieces are washed . with silver, when they make to all appear- ances very good - half-dollars. They an worth two cents each. For having kissed a young lady against her will, Sapauel Potter, a gentleman, was ' at MargatsltEngland, committed to jail for twenty-one days, without the option of a fine. 'The prisoner hod previously beou fined for a similar offense. As the Des Moines State Lfpint.'r'.JTIS+IT j' says : " The eiSeacy of the mMstoas tear reasonably be doubted. Fred J&emy., whv j died of hydrophobia at Bed Oak,-iH- low. ' recently, ha^.ifepllsci K ^nmWon,^*o th. ound soon after being bitteju" ' They are selling in G««gla- |hi» yea? i great many farm boils irf Urge "rfrttotUM In country neighborhoodsaBalanns^ case of tramps. Neighborhoods are t&i^tening the best localities that a,fi£$ bell would snmtaon a doien familieju ri$,* The valuation of the n ^ &M(» of flue City of New York for th« #Wat ymq nearly H44.'oOO,'oOO'over the viilqrton of 1882. The increate is mainly in t&e ward* iffected bytiwElevated railroads. A boy in Wilmington, K. 0., WMbitten by a rattlesnake a few day. ago, thefang erf the serpent entering the and- of one of Ua •titly d d, M efforts re*n»r;iUU of ton prove. The following rut<r. tall down ' HftllU* gr«A Hcotrh pW thropbt and phywlcUn, an gnmnvl); i by th* fumlty, *nA, M Uwy nm no ewiUy imd pr»HJo«l, mn both in this ormnlry and Kurop* pl»ow4«fl by >KWrds at health in Mli<w, •round dock* mi'I vasseU, Mfl many a pmnou. bm b^a «»v«<l by U; I'hjmrUai (why not •v*ryone T) carry tham t> Ux>ir ii.»U> Uxika »nd rood U)*iutonurse* xl, wii«titer tntta drnwnlog, fa« ua«d for U- lumiu»Un«| yxtrytmrn, troiji obtrooaJ or othai rnal, or that found in d«op wells ot mlnaa ktv.wn M flr-xWup. f 1 T r o t O>« jwlin.it ItwU&Uy oa UMapot, in Ux> «j.«,n air, ftoaly •lpcwil>K UM f»O«, i»r. k MWI rJ»«ttotbe bx**M, uoapt In a»- *. »o wc«U>«r. •i In order lo olaw Ihm threat, plaea th« j, Jicul ^nUy OS Oia fm«9, with OS* wrist ..u-lor UM,/t>rolwwd, UMI all fluid, and th* tteelf, may fall forward aad laata fingers, when he tmixod « hatchet whieh happened to be near at hand, and out oft ' bisflr.Sor before the poison had T mreed through maByatea,,. During a hea*y « * rn city a few Sand i waa thrown into a panic, by the W J Ihe foot, drawing the l " upon the sola; thence it is passed 9 Ter UM foot and around the heel; and by thin stretch the .toes and heel are drawn together, leaving a bulge on th» inatep and a deep indentation in th« sole, under tha instep. This oonne gone over in saooeesive layert of bnndage until the strip of oloth is all unod and the final end ia aewn down. Tc plewie a Ohinawomftn the " identation" inunt measure about on inch and a half from tho port qj Uu» foot which rests on the ground uptothe instep. Thetoesore then aorapletely dmwn over the sole, and th-s foot is w squoozfld upward that in walkin.T only UJO ball of the groat toe touches 4h< ground. Largo quantities of powdored alum arc u*c<t when thd forit arc first bound, nnd nlwnyii afterward, to i>revent ulconxMo: and lwion 'thn oHfrvdro odor. Tho bandn;- {* tnkan off only onco it month. At the enO of thrt «rnt month tho foot is put in hoi wnt«r, on<t aftor it hnn been nllowod tosivik fin rmtifUgfl id onrofully un .i^ <intl«U, of which thore ift ainoh, boHig mhnu\*& during the process F iinbiudlrtK. Wtud the foot is entirely abouud, it i» i and other abon g p , y vivid flashes of lightning, bnt order WM -t quickly restored when a Cool-headed deacon H went and stood afc* wmdowaiid/wated «a>'^.- collection basket at She lightning. | - AlR).oi,;!i has fourteen- iron «atf stee) .^ innufactories, eighteen ootton factories. J eighteen foundry and machine shops, 807 ^ flouring and grist mill*, and'*$ hunbor 'Vt mills. The capital invested in fiiMe indus- trio, is $8,8*9,223.; EmploynMnt Ja} ghren,,3 6,536 hands, who receh* #169,1TOwagea.; % A Liverpool thief wished to get into a | % pawn-brokert office, and thought he could! slip down the chimney if aakeaV So he took off his clothes and made the trinl,.orJy: . to get stuck in'tfreif til night and was gl into custody by the police b to rescue him. Oanadian jewelen complain tftat h has become almost impoa»tbl« for UMTO tb oom-' pete legitimately witti dsaitea h^amuggle^ ti a m warn bf brtak friction) If noi MBMsafBj, Was. no *m», but, to fc hi Mn. 1., at Cm»bml On y horn JJUWUU It W<M)4 h* If Un » ' , <UuahU». Him. C!., of lU/t/.frl «ml4 loo- Tel* rauwk WM r* (»r«, Utra UM body Maty 9mmn*. «MH *f—*mm* WtlsMisf htm lwv» lMf|a>» mu*l to find ulcers kions. Fre<iaoutly too, pdeoe of flesh sloughs off th* aoU, and it aomothnt* happena one or twotowdrop off. When this hap- pens, (be potieut id f dditi hersali- amply repald for additional suffering by having •n*Jl*r and more delioato {Mt than her aaigbbbnl Indead, the desire to have small feat ia ao inknu that girls will alyly Bgbtffi their own bandages in spite of the PRISON PRODUCTS. Speaking at the effect* of the recently np- p pete legitimately witti gg^ goods. •They «*nnot p»y duttss on what they buy nera and sell at a profit when the ' tame things are deUvered there »t price* that are an acknowledgement thai they hare ^ noipaid. . .'. .'.."• V "\ k ^eat rtitement of tiie oaae was that I mid« by a^ajBtera fanner who had tried---••* to make a Uviug on some of the arid^ Government grants of the Far^eis*. OOBW^ ono snMtohim: « r Th«it'8 aTp^et^r goo# ; , law giving » man 160 M m if His, H«; H onttflve years." «' JJo ^mehrMng^ aa»: K «,e other. This is «»ther« b dfttf . aovernuiont gets ; a man there, J and. five yi-ats. Aud tJncleSSnvwiasnin«t&»«ii' in ten." ' " £f* HOW TO BAT A MARCW, * ,. ":1|- A Mexican correspondent at ''iii^kfatt^ft Herald says: K |a;-a.'euatomi«i'T^etSi^ ooffee with an indulgence in fm.t, which if claUcious and cheap in this ooaatey, w&Mp regarded M particularly heaWiful at ;!_ time of day, and the great basketful Mi ^ fore one is t«mp ing : enough , ^ i h | :* varieties of colors and shapes oranges, freshly plucked and bananaf of vaiious sixes, from- yellow onestohuge n/i | one of the mort deliskwtt tropics is the mango, < provafl law»neceaaitating tho stamping of however, is apt to embarrws ~ ? r ^ S > > all oOBTkt owde goods, Warden bright, ol j stwnger to. no small degree. Ea i nape -,.; . tta P«nlt*ott*ryr aaid lait night Uiat he had | Tnwgo resemblea a pear wife «* thm «|5 The «t week Oft P a n i t a s y , g aiysa ttoH«*d no particular effects. shopa w»« • ! « • 4Uwa darinfrthe p.»«t Ibtrapss^aDdpasafbly tho effect of the few wWkl b . mot* noticeable when all the ,fc| apacattoe, us they would I* Boasid further that thefewdid M H did tbt wrong end, flattened, however, nk« >; bean, and with the amaU en4 tfrnf^ on; itide,"something like mod on cashmere cbawla. s entirely yellow, and* follow, wilh rioh red " * In* Workhoow, M f»Uy tni»a4oortha of th* [ rery bwg* aeed, whish forms » f^Mnrt.rr prTin-f "T aold Mtaid* the irnp«4iiaaattott»eu|oymantof •^ V* 1 *«.' -ir

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Page 1: HE BERKELEY, - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn92061912/1883-08-16/ed-1/seq-1.… · U »s»«U. « as fay, |jf tU d rfi i The Italians Ay «nd% he tomato


»s»«U.« as fay, |jft U d




The Italians Ay «nd%he tomato..

Then anBtotoof

Captain Johna» monitor, still h*l*10, looks about 70 and


n varH-', •: .*,: ,h jm^ al- prices to suit

Business Cards.


1>"- "v'USKLLOKS ATr 7

J. E . jBABNES, j

Licensed AuctioneerFOE KSSEX COUNTY.

I-All calls id the auctioneering line'prbniptly altendett to. Terms reasonable.

Address J. E. BjABSCfcS, -W,CVNY : -


'"""p.'CHARD L- HA.ND,

Counsellor at Law,



B R O W N ,

!M|iDeville. Kssex • County

Repairing D6ne With Neatnajand Satisfaction Guarantei "



ivl> COUSSELLOEV F ~ - T u.anty. N. Y:




TTOaStl AND CO0NSEIAOB AJT LAW_ Elizabeth town, Essex Co., Nj Y.


TT02S1T AND COTJXBELLOB AT LAW, E H z -^.abethtown. Essex Co., N. Yi



Franklin Co.. N. Y

A full assortment ofA full assortment of






iiisH'->o>ebas recently been entirely re-el and remodeled, and is now one of thetconvenient for business men, andde-bie for pleasure seekers, affording everyiityfor the traveling public. Free car-•e? to and from this House to the cars ands. Esppolal attention paid to local andmedial travel. J W A flrst-elassl.tvery

. in connection with this house.

CL4RK R. P O T T E R ,


Schroon Lake, N". Y.



V fffH experience. o-jrst-i'lnHH3.* \U calls promptly nnswdred.->n yunnuitoi^. 35 ff

E. TAGGART, M. D. S.,Dentist.

ce in the Masonic Building',, WESTPOBT, N. Y.


-, SAMUEL HAYNES. ccniiniifti lo ruccivo a limited Hnf patients in diseases of the

K H.

Hit. K\>IUKLSiiranac, N.Y.



ALBANY, N. Y.t)lic and Pension Notary, Detect-ive Service and Tax Land

business a speciality.nnchOffice Crown PointN.Y

HOTOGRAPHERCrown Point, Essex County,

New York.




) and see> and seea and se«


rhen in wao.t of any kind of^hen in want of anv_kind o f

FLen in want of anjPkind



And pleasureAnd pleasi

Always on handAlwa.VB on hi


The place to buyThe place to buy

J, O.

W^stporWestport i

We are desirous of extending on*: j-eln-tions with" the people of Eaeex cb« *-ana take,this occasion to ijjvite.UBe paing of deposit accounts, the pnrcbane nndsale of foreign and domestic bi lUpfersal f gchange, thisth traaaotJ

n and domestooHectiott ojT

f l l


e x c h a n g e or p u r c h a s e o f sState find railroad bonds boughta»

irt Henry, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1879."F. a. ATWELL. Oftfi]


Teacher of Piano, Organ and Har-mony.

is - $12,00 for 20 Isaaona of | . hourReferences-Evxs TOTJIIGEE, Profs. J- C DPABXXB, S. A. EMEII*, H. M. DOHHAMNew England Conservatory af Music"DBton, Mnae.

Insure all your Propertywitli W. H. CARJl,

>r Eteaex CO., P**t_ . Y-.Home Ins. Go. of New York,

Capital $ 3,000,000Losses paid in this Companyin Essex Co. by me, to Jau'y1st, 1882, over $ 2 4 , 0 0 0 .

Other first class companiesrepresented and all businesspromptly attended to. Callon or address as above. 8w4


Dan 1 CarayWEHVl'OBT, Jf.T.,



fcbethtowii, N. Y.


L. BUTTERFIELD, Prop'r•>m Port H o u r y . a n d 3 m\Uin f r o m Ih<>• <-nl«br.it.Ml Or.) Uodtf Of Mlnov l l l . i .

• Mli-lvo».Cr.».jn.>t

iVS»0TIOB is -bur* by «lv»>n llmi nil\ | l person* arc r<irl>td<lon to Slnm|.f?/ Fish ot Hnnt on any of tho pi-.»|u>t-Hi ly of ttu<• A d i r o n d a c k I r o n a n d Stnol Go

-•"'Mil WUtartt Ti-<nt} in tUnVoimty offx. Suta i.f S* V. 4U'> trp forbl.M.0'ijia.Hfl thcri'on in ,m,v wuy, umloitxlt>of tho la*. All porxoiiN u-xpi<.<thoreon, for the (Utrpono. of HhvXlmj,Vij or Pimkint,, will U

MES It. f flOHl'HOM, Pranidaul,

How Mnny Mil*1* Do-Voo Drivel


«iitl«lioliu«or Umn


Cn toe crypt at toe loot at the stainThey lay taert, a score (tf the dead.

They otmia hear the priest at his prayers,And tie tttav overhead.jhpy knmr vrtien the great crowd sUrred,ABtbe Host was Ufted on high;

And they smiled in the dark when they heard~ eUhMooteamiattfpby.

SWebysWe on their shelTWFor years and yearn tber lay;

And those woo nuatoenaTed themselvesHad their coffin plates taken away.

—T. B. AlOrtcn. in Harper's UaoaMna.


« He'a dreadful hard to get along with,"said Mn. Jennings, in a complaining voioe." As fall oi ktnta and freaks aa an egg is ofmeat. Bat for all that, I think that Marywould have suited him if it hadn't been forBela Barlow."> " Glrlf* M «* qoeer," aaid Mifle HettyBoone, screwing up one eye toward aarapery of ©obweba that awung to and froIn the northeast corner of the room. '' Ah-h-b-so inoonaiderate, too 1"

" Bat it's an ill wind that blows no goodto nobody," added Mrsr Jenninga, with aBorean sigh. "Pr'apa yc* can managflhim, Mebitable, and in that case it'll be agood home for you."

Hetty Boone bridled.1' As for that," said she, " I don't need to

be beholden to nobody. But I don't denjthat I'd like to keep house for Cousin Jaoob,

crease thoir earnings, and inbecome wealthy; those wop do not

Improve their opportunities ruroniu ii,yerry, ~ ~ • ' '

h pWo offer c to make„. great chi

ey. We want many men, women, boysind girlfl to work for us right in thelrown

" - ?*P"»]g k f g

localities. lAny one onn do the work prop-fly from thtf firstntnrt. Thh btiflJoeni will

rny more than ton timoa ordiniuy wage*.Expensivo outfit fnruiahod fee. No onewho engages fftilH to make mocy rapidly.You can devote your whole timo ID thework, or only yonr spare rrtoments. Fdll

" mation and all that in needed sentAddrcsH STINHON A Co., F'ortland,

e. 27 Jl

T h o m o s t rol lhblo, onfo ta l ly pr«-l»aro<l a n d l»ost purirtitlvo o ft h e p r e s e n t a g o Is

BRANDRETH'S PILLS.Thoy ar<roOmpouu^ed of-Rooln, Herb»

nd GiJtnH of tho niOHt hnnlln^ ruxl bnn«-loial kind.

A« a Family Modiciuo thry aro un-ivallod, curinn Iloail-nolio, OOIIHU|)UIIOII.Jiver CoiuplAinl, lUioumiitiHin, DyHpojiHlftilcuring tho blobd of all imparities -»v»-ug on tho LiviT, KulnoyH ond olli<r Itn.jortant orKiuiH. rcmoviug tho wnHto IUHIID,mil adding yonrn to tlio UVOH of all w).nwo tbom.

For illty yearn they 1MV« boon u«i>d bylio Atnrrloim puliliiv mill tltcir <ntilantly inoroiuiiiiK m\Um »liow liow tli«'ir» »i»,»r.-0iai«.>.

A Perfect Remedy in 20 Discruci.. AmiriKl.». MAHH.

I Htn vi-rKlng on «il«lity yrnr". ">'<k>em it my duly to HuflT«rIiit( litimanltyto 'my IIJHI i«V IOUK lifit iiJillfcTH1!* ril-Wi »lll«'ll liaVf

earned, you "know."" But what is to beoome of as?" whined

Mrs. Jenninga, shaking ont the folds of acalico-bordered pocket handkerchief.

That's your own look-out," said HettyBoone, indifferently, aa abe took off hertx-roge veil and folded it mathematicallyInside of her hat- /

Mr. Jacob Hopper lived in one of thoaaold peaked-roofed farm-houaea which attBstand among the green Oonneotiout mead-ows, like rolics of a p«*t generation, with awell-swoop on one side and a huge butter-nut tree shading its south exposure. Notvestige of paint' Mmainod on toe siding, theihingles were patched and repatched, thefence tied up with string and wire, the oow-Bhed propped with posts of every size anddimension, and yet th«ra was a roroor inthe neighborhood Oat old Jake Hopper waaas rich a Orosatu.

He had only one extravagance, and thatwas his fiowor garden, llofle* of the rarestvariety bloomed at the baok of th« bouse,where early fronts conld not corrupt, noiitray boy* break through and steal. Ex-pensive bulbs, imported direct from Holland,painted the border* with gold and scarletIn the early spring. Choice shrubs occu-pied th« position of exterminated goonebet-

and currant bashes, and everybody be-lieved that Bola Barlow would have gainedthe old man's good will in that matterpretty Mary Jennings' love If he hod notdeclared that he would rather have a bunch'of good old-fashioned " pinies and Ug«r-tiUan" Mum «P iOousifc J*oofa.'s.~Japa

ranK«a» and blotched ooleus planta.Oh, Bela, how ©ould you tell olat

that V said Mary, in denpair.Wal»4«(*w

l y . • •< • • •

And M Mias Hetty Boone chanced to UvisiUng there Just at that Um«, Mr. HopparteTtt«rfhi**>«i»ok*fceof hU householdIn the plao» of his widowed oousin and he*daughter.

" Bvl Ii, nrrav woold hava happened,mother," a*|d Mary, with aplrit, "ifBoone had not ftllad hk mind with doubti>nd ill-feeling toward us."

"Oh, Mary, don'tb«unoharlUbl*!'the m*««k widow-

"I dont iHtand to b#, mother,"Mary. '' Bat h n qalU aan I hoard bartelling Ocftuin Jaoob lhat I OM4 too mnobmigar in the aplM^ookiw, M>d that yewwny of baking rUnnsl-cakai WM Insxtravagant. IIM'S • aly, oontrivlnfpuaay-cat, iuotb«r, and that's th« long and•hortoflt-

And Mr

Fever mind," said Mary ; " IT1 plant.ftHlheaame."

In the meantime, however, a storm-wasbrewing at U» Rpppsr homeatead.

Oousln a«rt»Vwho had by this time «•overed so mr as to hobble about with o

stlok and a peir of carpet-slippers, did no4tfUjjh h f c * i f a > ; l * used to do.

i 4 « R r ?"-' fkvor about

And Miss Boone, who had a chronic cairrb, and could not taste anything, declar

that the flavor was excellent."Humph I humph!" growled Jaoob

Hopper, " I'd aa soon eat so much BtewedI Bat it in the pig's barrel I Bringour;puddi*g. A man muat eat some-

thing I"Tha pudding—one of the variety known

as "b'iled injin"—was brought on, andluokily it proved to be tolerably palatable.

8o thftt, after the mid-day meal, old Jaoobt out to look for his bulbs on the shelf.Tm [late a-plantln' 'em," said he. ' • Bd

that's aoinethln' I oarer could trust any on*elaatoty. Bnt, dear m^ thta 'ore's a moal_*—__*_»:,. .. itanoe. Whaw b«

x t l f n

IIHI foil' lothvi••< J.-I

s ftulnv ttino^


Htt B

l.irpn.iv f.ur,.r|..l 1-v.T

uxi <li.trrluvi4. •>«,

d l,if<>

.lh.< wtlrtrlcl n Mil,

Brasher Falls j

Apncnllnral Works.



n in tho m i , mxA 1% ™W patUlry «•*spring ku»bs, snd ytm »h*U nit Inpvlm, Ilk* • U<ly, w(ih y.nu twat cap,•very day. Oooatn Jacob ah*U •«« Ui»t w«

j> g * ahnf wtywmt bim, - w«ll - »•n«ot along wttlwti* « • "Mary Janniana Armw up h.r trim, litti*

b«~»nthoris«4,And ao IW1« Dw , for h»

That's » l "nt love and ymith mn aJfnrd to

Andao UM two J<KW« IWw«al lako Oonain Jwiob'a -*«k m m , ki hidhim good-by

i.|ow.li«.|H,r.M..w»r.or.jU.*r»fI»l.^ j » M A I N MVuhluliM I" I.lvoryiiun. P»*n.iif«- £«4v»i».iJU A U II 1 11 « •

" " "

Youn« liullaa wiU And.h**fil\ ihi «>m^i<« A^Ti r«t rl^21 ia i lfc'i ijr'

Hb^por, comptac«nUy. •'They^rtppea in paper on the ah<slf whert the

rden fools are. And mind you take goodreof'em. It's just tho time o' year to!

plant them out, and ef thoy do well, monej't buy fem.» !

And Mr; Hopper sank, alternately groan*and chuckling, baok among his pillows.

flo the young <*m»le w>re qnletly married,went to live in t!io litUe yellow farm-se behind the faliiekftraitb's Shed.Bang tho gladiolle*!»"said Bela Biwlow.ve a blind to feed 'em to the pig."Oh, Bela, don't!" said Mary. " Giroto me. Til plant 1em in the little southfor. Cousin Jacob meant it in all kied-

ness, y(w know."" B t what do we care for gladiolles V

B l


Tfce H|»rni(i of it Terrible Evil.

Hatty Boom waa summoned from herdlah-waahing to solve the problem.

1 Oladioly bulbs 1" naid she. " I don'tnr nothin' about 'em. How should I ?"1 But they were on the shelf hero I" said

Jaoob. "In a flat, yellow pic-plate.of the Boyal Prinoem variety, at a dol-apteoe."

Miaa Boone turned livid." I guesa the rate haa got 'em," said she.Or, hold on, Oousin Jaoob—you glvo 'om

> Bela Barlow's wife yourself !"" Them waa In a blue pie-plate.!" shrill:

cried Mr. Hopper. " W h e n are my glad-iolias, Hetty Boone » ThM'a what I wanito know. Twelve dollars a down ! Vario-Uoa as can't be replaced not for the mint it-

ilf."Miss Boone wisely got behind the *kel<

ton of the old spinning-wheel.said she, "if you mtwt know,

Jacob H*pper, you e ^ them glafllolio* foyour dinner. I s'posed they WM onionrand stewed 'em up, with butter an<1 pnpp«>iand a few bita o' salt pork. And, n/trr nlwhat's the UM of suoh a mortal fnwi about

few dried-up old roots ?"So speaking, Miss Hetty fled for her Itf«,

and none too soon, for Jacob Hopper hadMixed th« wooden nUM In kU wrath.

"TV, Lord ba'goW to tan*" said tb«penten* old manj M the sound ot the bang-

kitchen door warned him that MiasHatty h a * * * beyond th« readh <rf his rage." I never struck a woman yet, but I dunnowhat I might be Vonpted *-" d o " th lv l

ur bad stayed on h « n "Mary Barlow WM weeding her china-aster

bad, wbon Oousia Jacob trudged slowlyand painfully np to Uw bUokumith's shop.

"Mary," said h«i, "have you planted•m bulbs r

"Well, you "may dig 'am up sg'in,1

groaned th« old man. '• They ain't nothin1

but red miioau. Hatty give you &• 'flhs b'U«1 UM ^olUr-bulba In • «tei

that Wt*1 Hk« old n«w«p»p«n.<wA, tot all I knuw. And I dnnno UwlkkM mudb 0iflM.no* wtwtfeor I b* or

not."•• Oh, ootMln I-" Mary," por»u«l c;oiwJn Jaonb,rq #'poM ycrar mother wmUl ™iti« linn]

ke«p botwa for mo J Holly IkxiAatt U> a%ht. I hain't t ^ n half w»j

Odtn/orUliU rjnr^ ulia rotnr Ui k<w|w. And If j<m *t><\ Itela w.n.MI'd lot him ha Ye tha farm <m uhnttm.

meadows and wooded pastures. The land-scape changes as our train advances, a Bud>cession of flakba and a constant dampneu,which causes a heavy and richly-coloredgrowth of herbage, in which I noticed agreat many black and white oattle browsing.Fhone farms .are evidently as carefully at-tendol to and tilled as any garden ever was,uid lure and there are fruit trees, alreadybeginning to bend under the growing loadof apploH, peaches and pears. The town*and villages which we pans, ntand out from

i surrounding verdure, so spiok span andan that had I not previously visited the

country I might have auspooted the thrift;Hollanders had washed and painted allthoir dwellings in honor of the visitors who

uid aUuud their exposition. Here andirn, too, we catch glimpses of seaportrrin in the <liiUinco—Uioir harbors crowd-wilh ft]>ip;)iug, blnck with the funnels of

Ronwhow, I'm km * wlUttml yoii


bntfaat]ycrai moth« wouldn't »»itnk > \i\ttni\m am Uiat

to ow>» ( U l 1'V> Ixteitknft jrm In Iha ri(ihf

iy ore*.


J»»)b, Mary MUWVM, Oanaib w t i l ; kk^n« U>* <M mat.

HQ -twl«l UM niua of Mi« »U« r IkxnTbo fatfl of th* Kt».1)olu. bull* ha<l x»ihw down. Art.1 .Jl the aUpnUlt<m II

Jmnoh m*k>, WM Uml UMt » .or (*>

« I.aitd Which the Induatrloife HatchRosoned From tho Hew!4

' ' . . . - Almost any" physicimi of reputable prnoYou never saw such a country as this and ticc isqnaUfieH to tell us that the intemper

you never will until you come here. ; m c e that agitates society and puzzles legis.Originally tho Almighty or nature-there M j UmeH h ftfte? nU Ubt 1l,e most subtle or dan.}ome doubt on this points-created the •• goipm t h a t afflicts the country. Disease, incountry, but the industrious inhabitants i te Varied and acute manifestations, is to behave re-created it, that is to aay, they have dreafled, Bot rimpl^ because it inflicts immescued it from the sea and from the rivers,

they never cease to defend their landsn the encroachments of tile beating

ives on the coast and the stealthy currentsC tho interior. I could not help feeling; asjourneyed along, that the hand of man

had passed over everywhere and that not asingle foot of land had been left untouchedby his caresses. Neither waste lands nor

owns are given up to nature. Here con-uered mother earth has become a faithful

rant to our species and the well-dis-aiplinod waters circulate through innumer-able ditches that border cultivated fieldsmd reflect the sun like sheets of polisheddiver. The rivers and streams are confined

in dykes and levees, and the innumer-t)le canals are covered with boato, whost

diate injury upon tjie body and sometimesthe mind, but because it so often openswide the door to the habit of opium eating,which js a greater evil than almost any dis-ease can be. It is not easy to satisfy «ui

eof justice by; holding the victims ol:rountability,

i Boea everywhere—boateto be navigating plowed lands,

l d

j-uiiHliips, gruy with tho network of rig-iig ivud thoir whiirv«H swarming withivwloroH and sailors* *l;iAn<l the next min-o wo nro huok again in the green country,

flying nlorig, pant ditches and cnnulu, over-taking and jiftHning whlto-nailod boata that,

cr<1«Hing thn flolds of ripeningtfrmn, Hlurlling thn mttlc grazing in therioh moiulows and trying onr bout to count

h<\ many windmillR.Wlmt a country thin would have boen for

Don Quixote ! For my pnrt I never knewuntil i vimtod Holland Uutt thoro were BO

nny windmilU in tho world. Sometimeso nee n. Hinglo ono Httvuding nil by himselfill waving bin gignntio orniH in despair,»n<,'liinr'9 wo Hi'."! wholo coiupauies andigim nts of tli'-m, grout my|terioua-looking•outi'MiH of brick, wood and iron, nowending motiunlewi M denth and nowvinginr; their grt<nt anna with mioh angryirkn that it liwly in tho compartment snys

sha believes "thoy nre mad from overwork."u indffd are those countless windmills ;

m Unling ovor a tnsk nn hopeless and as•m an t)mt ot the Danoides, that ofrnuring nn<l cutting out Into the sea the ever-flowing wnt m ttatt but for thorn would Boonoovor tho \i\nii. — Oorn>j>p>ndrno« Philadei-



*qn«mny of noridmita should in-y pwimn, wbwili r old or young,

lo U*rn Uia bmt moan* known to pbywicianffor rMusciUting Uiose who »xe taken

Just how long • penon cala w»t«r and be only sagphyxistsd but not

itonlly dtftfl variM, as obs«rv»Uon proves.Prompt, inUlllgoat and pom«v«ring meanthav« failed to r«atore wli«n they b*va beenIn UM water UirM mintitm; tho same meanstro tiooMnful when tan or more minutesI*™ |KIWUK). T1>O •ymptonui a n UM Minen nonrly all—respiration slow, labored or»MM>nt for minuted, pabeleM, somotlmsaipiwt »onn(ts nr© inaudible and ypt Ui

this habit tfor abont the first effect of the drag usedhabitually is to deaden the will power andmake the partaker a slave to a craving thatwan planted independently of his ownmotion. Women are^the greatest sufferers.Tho nervous disorders to which thoy aresubject, and the peWand mn:a']ieR which at-tack them }n myriad forms, seem to drivethe doctor to the imorphino bottle as theenevitable resort for;the relief of his patients.This is" likb feeding babies upon soothingsyrups, it accomplishe/i what it is intendedto accomplish for the time being, bnt itexacts a penalty which it takes the Buffering,and sometimes the agony of a lifetime tosatisfy. Alcoholic stimulant never establisha mastery over body-nnd mind in tho sameshort period of time that suffices to implantthe opium craving, hi an ordinary humanconstitution. The effects of alcohol manifestthemselves even to the most ordinary ob-server. The effects of opium, on the otherhand, almost defy detection by the experi-enced eye of the skillful physician. 1 lioaeunder its itifluenoe are lively, cheerful, fre-quently brilliant, and they get the credH ofbeing in excellent health and spirits, when,in fact, they are in deadly warfare with allthe laws of physical and moral health. TheroBult of this Widespread practice, which isas secret as it is terrible, is to enfeeble the


generations that co'me from thesesources. The impjortation, and wetho consumption ojf opium in thishas increased 140 per cent, during tho kstfour yeara, and we| fear the doctors nre re-sponsible for not ajjiule of Urs sli:llinrr ex.hibit. Thoy ahoul'i use opium tu ..I itspioparntionfl only in very extreme ex.- , itfidthen not long onou<;h or regulii'-ly pnoiwh

Mto a craving. Othonvifio they may,bo, and in many ctuses will ba, laying the;rnin for habitunl f>jvum pvirln-ii'nn andlrnnkennnsB, which is almost worse thenloath ilsolf. __. J


The binding of a child's, ieet is not begununtil she has learned to walk and do certainthings for herself, as it would be difficult,If not impossible to teach her afterward.The rieh bind their children's feet from tVthe sixth or seventh year, but the poor donot begin until they are 12, Or even older.Parents who have been forced by povertyto aeU ft daughter as a slave when she waaa child, will bring her back afterward ifthoy can, and then, no matter how old shejs, they bind up her feet and marry her as alady. But the pain of binding a fuU-grownfoot is said to be most intense. Strongwhite bandages two inches wide, arc manu-factured for the purpose, Those worn theflret year are two yafls long, and sbout fivefeet in length worn afterward. The follow-ing, according to Miss Fieldc, iB tho methodadopted: '' The end of the Btrip is laid, onthe inside of the foot at tho inatcp, thencarried over the top of the toes and undoi

four toes with it down

The Smyrna (Del.) 2V*« says «•» leJtfe.3old.borough has a Durham-AH«My odl,Mght months old, which givai * qwrt *milk drily. : . - •

Fraudulent gypsies aw raping aTkhh»vest from credulous Ywk** in "H,w Tland. It is probable that they nre ied from tha inventors of wooden h.ima vw& ilutiaegs. . ' • -,*

Tho Prince of Wfti«n i^siiid to be engaged -!

n tJi(TUudnble ottorl to color B tue«r-.-chAtn> rpipe, tho gift of the Ciiisvn Prince olSwedou. He is enfitUd tor the sjttlptithy • -•

lepiihlic. • i"rIt u reported that a woman k MiUa, ^

I'min., was stung on ttw BOM by a be« M> V;oDtly and died from vh« «i!»ttr fa a f«wDiuutcs, althongh h,»- iug beaa atb*iwlM ia 1apparent good health. ' ~

The negroes of UM Lowor Itiasinippi :region are exodus ting i s large numbers to -';•NorUi Louisiana, Arkwwafl and Eart Texas -for fear of yellow fever breaking pat in Unitold homes this aummor.

ii named James Oonna?,, living nwu •GiMnesvillo, Ga., tested hw capacity for eatng egg* tiud roamgod to dispose nt forty. \ :tour, half ot which were tried «>i:l AAH 'boiled.. His death is expected to be tbrresult of the effort.

impetuous youth in Indiana, with thtappropriate name of Gosling, saw a gut atchurch, wooed her there for two hours, andxt the end of the third hour had married •her. But then-you'd expect a gosling to?et on swimmingly.

A new style of counterfeit coin ia beingjiroulated quite freely about Boston. - ,.French " dix centimes" pieces are washed .with silver, when they make to all appear-ances very good - half-dollars. They anworth two cents each.

For having kissed a young lady againsther will, Sapauel Potter, a gentleman, was 'at MargatsltEngland, committed to jail fortwenty-one days, without the option of afine. 'The prisoner hod previously beoufined for a similar offense.

As the Des Moines State Lfpint.'r '. JTIS+IT j'says : " The eiSeacy of the mMstoas tear •reasonably be doubted. Fred J&emy., whv jdied of hydrophobia at Bed Oak,-iH- l ow . 'recently, ha^.ifepllsci K ^nmWon,^*o th.

ound soon after being bitteju" 'They are selling in G««gla- |hi» yea? i

great many farm boils irf Urge "rfrt tot UMIn country neighborhoodsaBalanns^ caseof tramps. Neighborhoods are t&i^tening

the best localities that a , f i £ $ bellwould snmtaon a doien familieju ri$,*

The valuation of the n ^ &M(» of flueCity of New York for th« # W a t ymq

nearly H44.'oOO,'oOO'over the viilqrton of1882. The increate is mainly in t&e ward*iffected by tiw Elevated railroads.

A boy in Wilmington, K. 0 . , WM bittenby a rattlesnake a few day. ago, thefang erfthe serpent entering the and- of one of Ua

•titly d d, M efforts U» re*n»r;iUUof ton prove. The following rut<r. tall down

' HftllU* gr«A Hcotrh pWthropbt and phywlcUn, an gnmnvl); iby th* fumlty, *nA, M Uwy nm no ewiUy

imd pr»HJo«l, mn both in thisormnlry and Kurop* pl»ow4«fl by >KWrds athealth in Mli<w, •round dock* mi'I vasseU,Mfl many a pmnou. bm b^a «»v«<l by U;I'hjmrUai (why not •v*ryone T) carry thamt> Ux>ir ii.»U> Uxika »nd rood U)*iu to nurse*

xl, wii«titer tntta drnwnlog, fa« ua«d for U-lumiu»Un«| yxtrytmrn, troiji obtrooaJ or othairnal, or that found in d«op wells ot mlnaaktv.wn M flr-xWup. f

1 Trot O>« jwlin.it ItwU&Uy oa UMapot,in Ux> «j.«,n air, ftoaly •lpcwil>K UM f»O«,i»r. k MWI rJ»«t to tbe bx**M, uoapt In a»-*. »o wc«U>«r.

•i In order lo olaw Ihm threat, plaea th«j, Jicul ^nUy OS Oia fm«9, with OS* wrist..u-lor UM,/t>rolwwd, UMI all fluid, and th*

tteelf, may fall forward aad laata

fingers, when he tmixod « hatchet whiehhappened to be near at hand, and out oft 'bisflr.Sor before the poison had Tmreed through maByatea,,.

During a hea*y « *rn city a few Sand

i waa thrown into a panic, by the

WJ Ihe foot, drawing thel " upon the sola; thence it is passed 9 T e r UM

foot and around the heel; and by thinstretch the .toes and heel are drawn together,leaving a bulge on th» inatep and a deepindentation in th« sole, under tha instep.This oonne 1» gone over in saooeesive layertof bnndage until the strip of oloth is allunod and the final end ia aewn down. Tcplewie a Ohinawomftn the " identation"inunt measure about on inch and a halffrom tho port qj Uu» foot which rests on theground up to the instep. The toes ore thenaorapletely dmwn over the sole, and th-sfoot is w squoozfld upward that in walkin.Tonly UJO ball of the groat toe touches 4h<ground. Largo quantities of powdoredalum arc u*c<t when thd forit arc first bound,nnd nlwnyii afterward, to i>revent ulconxMo:and lwion 'thn oHfrvdro odor. Tho bandn;-{* tnkan off only onco it month. At the enOof thrt «rnt month tho foot is put in hoiwnt«r, on<t aftor it hnn been nllowod tosivik

fin rmtifUgfl id onrofully un.i^ <intl«U, of which thore ift

ainoh, boHig mhnu\*& during the processF iinbiudlrtK. Wtud the foot is entirelyabouud, it i» i

and other abon

g p , yvivid flashes of lightning, bnt order WM - tquickly restored when a Cool-headed deacon Hwent and stood afc* wmdowaiid/wated «a>'^.-collection basket at She lightning. | -

AlR).oi,;!i has fourteen- iron «atf stee) .^innufactories, eighteen ootton factories. J

eighteen foundry and machine shops, 807 ^flouring and grist mill*, and'*$ hunbor 'Vtmills. The capital invested in fiiMe indus-trio, is $8,8*9,223.; EmploynMnt Ja} ghren,,36,536 hands, who receh* #169,1 TO wagea.; %

A Liverpool thief wished to get into a | %pawn-brokert office, and thought he could!slip down the chimney if aakeaV So hetook off his clothes and made the trinl,.orJy: .to get stuck in'tfreiftil night and was glinto custody by the police bto rescue him.

Oanadian jewelen complain tftat h hasbecome almost impoa»tbl« for UMTO tb oom-'pete legitimately witti dsaitea h^amuggle^ t i

a m warn bf brtak friction)

If noi MBMsafBj, Was. no *m», but, tofc hiMn. 1 . , at Cm»bml

On yhorn JJUWUU It W<M)4 h* If Un

» ' , <UuahU». Him. C!., of lU/t/.frl «ml4loo- Tel* rauwk WM r*

(»r«, Utra UM body

Maty 9mmn*. «MH *f—*mm*

WtlsMisf htm lwv» lMf|a>»

mu*l to find ulcerskions. Fre<iaoutly too,pdeoe of flesh sloughs

off th* aoU, and it aomothnt* happenaone or two tow drop off. When this hap-pens, (be potieut

id f dditihersali- amply

repald for additional suffering by having•n*Jl*r and more delioato {Mt than heraaigbbbnl Indead, the desire to havesmall feat ia ao inknu that girls will alylyBgbtffi their own bandages in spite of the


Speaking at the effect* of the recently np-

ppete legitimately witti g g ^goods. •They «*nnot p»y duttss on whatthey buy nera and sell at a profit when the 'tame things are deUvered there »t price*that are an acknowledgement thai they hare ^noipaid. . .'. .' . ."• V "\

k ^eat rtitement of tiie oaae was that Imid« by a^ajBtera fanner who had tried---•• *to make a Uviug on some of the a r i d ^Government grants of the Far^eis*. OOBW^ono snM to him: «rTh«it'8 aTp et r goo# ;,law giving » man 160 M m if His, w » H«; Honttflve years." «' JJo ^mehrMng^ aa»: K«,e other. This is «»ther« b dfttf .aovernuiont gets; a man there,J and.

five yi-ats. Aud tJncleSSnvwiasnin«t&»«ii'in ten." ' " £f*

HOW TO BAT A MARCW, * ,. ":1|-A Mexican correspondent at ''iii^kfatt^ft

Herald says: K |a;-a.'euatomi«i'T^etSi^ooffee with an indulgence in fm.t, which ifclaUcious and cheap in this ooaatey, w&Mpregarded M particularly heaWiful at ; ! _time of day, and the great basketful Mi ^fore one is t«mp ing: enough , ^ i h | :*varieties of colors and shapesoranges, freshly plucked andbananaf of vaiious sixes, from -yellow ones to huge n/i |one of the mort deliskwtttropics is the mango, <

provafl law»neceaaitating tho stamping of however, is apt to embarrws ~ ? r ^ S > >all oOBTkt owde goods, Warden bright, ol j stwnger to. no small degree. Ea i nape -,.; .tta P«nlt*ott*ryr aaid lait night Uiat he had | Tnwgo resemblea a pear wife « * thm «|5

The«t week

Oft P a n i t a s y , gaiysa ttoH«*d no particular effects.shopa w»« •!«• 4Uwa darinfrthe p.»«tIbtrapss^aDdpasafbly tho effect of thefew wWkl b. mot* noticeable when all the

, f c | apacattoe, us they would I*Boasid further that the few did

M H did

tbt wrong end, flattened, however, nk« > ;bean, and with the amaU en4 tfrnf^on; itide,"something likemod on cashmere cbawla.s entirely yellow, and*follow, wilh rioh red " *

In* Workhoow, M f»Uy tni»a4oortha of th* [ rery bwg* aeed, whish forms »f^Mnrt.rr prTin-f " T aold Mtaid* the irnp«4iiaaattott»eu|oymantof

• V*1*«.' -ir