hci 2015 (7/10) hci engineering. ui evaluation. models

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco Human-Computer Interaction model-based user interaction in the context of software engineering https://labs.ideo.com/2014/09/19/digital-tools-for-design-research/

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Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Human-Computer Interaction

model-based user interactionin the context of software engineering


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

“If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.”

Reid Hoffman

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

How we can evaluate the usability (quality) of interactive systems?

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Presentation of information

multiplicity of devices & representations

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Presentation of information

input/output reusability

use output produced by one action as input for another

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Ordering of task planning

multiplicity of user roles

regular user versus administrator

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Ordering of task planning

multiplicity of execution paths

menu versus toolbox versus shortcuts

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Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Ordering of task planning


degree of freedom for users to decide what’s next

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Ordering of task planning


possibility to navigate in the system (e.g., undo, redo, breadcrumb pattern)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Ordering of task planning

observability versus browsability

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Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Adaption of interaction


system ability to support user personalization

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Adaption of interaction


system ability to support user personalization

configuration versus personalization

affects system function & performance

relevant to the individual user

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Adaption of interaction


system ability to support automated adaptation

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Adaption of interaction


system ability to transfer responsibilityfrom one user to another,

among users,among users and systems/platforms

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Adaption of interaction


system ability to adapt to the context of use while preserving predefined usability properties

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality


ISO/IEC 9126-1 (2001) – quality modelISO/IEC 9126-2 (2003) – external measuresISO/IEC 9126-3 (2003) – internal measures

ISO/IEC 9126-4 (2004) – quality in use measures

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Quality in use is the user’s view of the quality of the software product when it is used in a specific

environment and a specific context of use

ISO/IEC 9126-4 (2004)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

External quality is the totality of characteristicsof the software product from an external view

ISO/IEC 9126-2 (2003)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

External quality is the totality of characteristicsof the software product from an external view

measured and evaluated in the testing phasewithin a simulated environment,

by using external metrics

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Internal quality is the totality of attributes ofa product that determine its ability to satisfy

stated and implied needs when usedunder specified conditions

ISO/IEC 9126-3 (2003)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

Internal quality is the totality of attributes ofa product that determine its ability to satisfy

stated and implied needs when usedunder specified conditions

remains unchanged until the system redesign

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

UI quality

For details, consult:

E. Law, E. Hvannberg & G. Cockton (Editors),Maturing Usability. Quality in Software, Interaction

and Value, Springer, 2008

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

CriteriaScapin & Bastien, 1997; Vanderdonckt, 1995

compatibilityconsistencywork loadadaptation

dialog controlguidance

error management

Usability evaluation

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Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Important aspects

a priori and/or a posteriori

design versus testing (evaluation)

Usability evaluation

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


the lack of explanatory messages in the case of Web links

Usability evaluation

Click here to go to the UAIC main page.Click here to visit our HCI Website.Click here for details about this event.

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


the lack of explanatory messages in the case of Web links

Usability evaluation

Click here to go to the UAIC main page.Click here to visit our HCI Website.Click here for details about this event.

“click here”anti-pattern

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Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


adoption of different placement strategiesfor content and navigational methods

Usability evaluation

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Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

“Optimal” placement of links for the main pageof a Website (Shaikh & Lenz, 2006)

case study

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“Optimal” placement of links for the subsidiary pages(Shaikh & Lenz, 2006)

case study

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“Optimal” placement of the internal search tools(Shaikh & Lenz, 2006)

case study

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“Optimal” placement of the advertisements(Shaikh & Lenz, 2006)

case study

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

One of the most used general technique:eye tracking

30—60 minute interviews, in which users are asked to complete real-life tasks online, while the eye tracking

monitor captures their eye movements

J. Nielsen, K. Pernice, Eyetracking Web Usability, New Riders, 2009


Usability evaluation

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Usability evaluation

What areas of the page draw users’ attention?Do users notice and use key navigation elements?

Do users notice key marketing elements and do they recall them? Are users successful in completing a particular task?Which pages, ads, videos, or images do users prefer?What do they expect to find but overlook on the site?


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

One of the most used general technique:eye tracking

several open-source software solutions:EyeWriter – http://eyewriter.org/developer/

ExpertEyes – http://code.google.com/p/experteyes/

Gaze Tracking – sourceforge.net/projects/gazetrackinglib/

OGAMA – http://www.ogama.net/

PyGaze – http://www.pygaze.org/

Usability evaluation

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

PUI – Plastic User Interfaces

adaptation to the context of usewhile satisfying predefined usability properties of interest

Usability evaluation

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Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


D. Thevenin, J. Coutaz & G. Calvary, 2004

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Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

PUI – Plastic User Interfaces

levels of adaptation:lexical


performed tasksconcerning the user goals

Usability evaluation

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


successful access to information and IT applicationsby people having special needs

visual, hearing, motor, cognitive, seizure disorders


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


realities:20% of US population have a certain type of disability

10% of persons are having severe problems

4% of world-wide humans have major sight problems


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


general usabilityaffects all users

physical barriersaffects only disabled people

variablesinconveniences for some

barriers for others

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


offering alternative means in order to facilitatethe completion of users’ tasks for people having

temporary (on short/long term) or permanent problems


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


general strategies:

textual descriptions of multimedia content(images, audio, animations, video, 3D)


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


general strategies:

a proper (logical) organizationof the content and navigational paths


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

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general strategies:

support for keyboard-only interaction


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Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


general strategies:

using standardized formats


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Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


guidelines and tools:




Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Internationalization (I18N) and localization (L10N)

languagelinguistic preferences of the users

localecultural preferences concerning number and date

formatting, currency, etc.


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Internationalization (I18N) and localization (L10N)

“If the user can’t read the description of the preference, he/she doesn’t even have a chance to make a choice.”

Achim Ruopp, 2007


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Internationalization (I18N) and localization (L10N)

it is desirable to use complete phrasesin order to give a better translation


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Internationalization (I18N) and localization (L10N)

Web guidelines & resources:




Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


avoid absolute width (texts in other languages could have different lengths)

avoid pictures (use translatable


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

analytical evaluationcontrolled experiment

field studyformative evaluationheuristic evaluationpredictive evaluation

summative evaluationusability laboratory

usability studiesuser testing

Usability evaluation (Rogers, 2007)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Multiple existing heuristicsproposed by Jakob Nielsen (1994)


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Multiple existing heuristicsproposed by Bruce Tognazzini (revised in 2014)



DiscoverabilityEfficiency of the UserExplorable InterfacesFitts’ LawHuman-Interface ObjectsLatency ReductionLearnability

MetaphorsProtect Users’ WorkReadabilitySimplicityState: Track itVisible Interfaces

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Multiple existing heuristicscontext: mobile computing (E. Bertini et al., 2006)

1. Visibility of system status & device findability2. Match between system and the real world3. Consistency and mapping4. Good ergonomics & minimalist design5. Ease of input, screen readability and glancability6. Flexibility, efficiency of use and personalization7. Aesthetic, privacy and social conventions8. Realistic error management

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

The evaluator could not substitute the real users

an UI has usability problemsonly if its final common users have these problems

code inspection vs. code testing

Usability evaluation (Rogers, 2007)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

UI quality evaluation could be performed by users

user testing

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Aspects of interest (J. Dumas & J. Fox, 2008)

the focus is on usability

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Aspects of interest (J. Dumas & J. Fox, 2008)

the participants are (potential) end users

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Aspects of interest (J. Dumas & J. Fox, 2008)

there is a real product/service to be evaluated

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Aspects of interest (J. Dumas & J. Fox, 2008)

the participants perform tasks,usually while thinking aloud

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Aspects of interest (J. Dumas & J. Fox, 2008)

the data are recorded and further analyzed

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

a usability test plan HTML5 templatehttp://profs.info.uaic.ro/~stefan.negru/usability/

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Considered metrics

effectiveness, efficiency & satisfaction

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Considered metrics

effectiveness, efficiency & satisfaction


fun, challenge & stimulation

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing: planning (Adaptive Path, 2001)

t –2 weeks Determine test audience, start recruiting immediately

t –2 weeks Determine feature set to be tested

t –1 week Write first version of guide, discuss with team, check on recruiting

t –3 days Write second version of guide, recruiting should be completed

t –2 days Complete guide, schedule practice test, set up and check equipment

t –1 day Do practice test in the morning, adjust guide/tasks as appropriate

t Test (usually 1-2 days, depending on scheduling)

t +1 day Discuss with observers, collect copies of all notes

t +3 days Watch all video recordings, take notes

t +1 week Combine notes, write analysis

t +1 week Present to team, discuss and note directions for further research

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing


formative evaluation

field study

controlled experiment

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Formative evaluation

finding problems for next iteration of the design project

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Formative evaluation

prototype/implementation is evaluatedwithin a controlled environment (lab),

with focus on specific tasks

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Formative evaluation

users, facilitators, observers offers qualitative data (usability issues)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Field study

tries to find problems with respect to a given context

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Field study

evaluates the (preliminary) UI in a concrete context,with focus on real tasks

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Field study

evaluates the (preliminary) UI in a concrete context,with focus on real tasks

offer qualitative annotations

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Controlled experiment

to test a hypothesis

e.g., interface X is easier to be used than interface Y

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Controlled experiment

could be used to evaluate a preliminary UI,in lab rigorous conditions, with focus on specific tasks

has one or more conditions (independent variables)and measures (dependent variables)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Controlled experiment

gives quantitative information:time of reaction, error rate, user satisfaction,…

Ron Kohavi et al., “Practical Guide to Controlled Experiments on the Web”, KDD 2007, ACM Press, 2007


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Advices + aspects of interest (Lukas Mathis, 2011)

do not influence the testeravoid stressful situationsethics of conducting tests

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

A/B testing

comparing 2 versions of an UI element or an entire Web page

for a length of time to see which performs better

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

A/B testing

comparing 2 versions of an UI element or an entire Web page

for a length of time to see which performs better

performance criterion = conversion rate (from visitors to goal achievers)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

L. Swanson, “A Primer on A/B Testing”, A List Apart, 2011www.alistapart.com/articles/a-primer-on-a-b-testing/

see also http://elem.com/~btilly/effective-ab-testing/

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

A/B testing

multivariate testing – different versions of individual parts of the design are tested at the same time

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

A/B testing

several tools:Convert

Genetify – https://github.com/gregdingle/genetify/wiki


Vanity – http://vanity.labnotes.org/

Wingify Visual Website Optimizer

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

real case studies:http://visualwebsiteoptimizer.com/


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Pilot study

a trial run of an experimental procedure,not expected to produce valid research data

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Remote testing

by using a screen-sharing software

for details, read N. Bolt, “Quick and Dirty Remote User Testing”, A List Apart, 2010:


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

User testing

Remote testing

the tester’s environment cannot be typically controlled

also, the tester might get distracted during the test

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Predictive evaluation

Having a correct model of the interactionbetween users and computers, we can predictthe usability of a system, without the need of

designing and/or testing a concrete UI

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Predictive evaluation

User testing could only relieve certain problems, but can not explaining them

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Predictive evaluation

Classical models:

GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods, Selection rules)CMP-GOMS (Cognitive-Motor-Perceptual)

probabilistic – e.g., Bayes networks

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Predictive evaluation

task graph used by CMP-GOMS model

the critical path is the path of taskshaving the longest time of execution

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Predictive evaluation

Directions of research

objectives beyond productivityhedonomics (Hancock et al., 2005)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Predictive evaluation

Directions of research

RITE – Rapid Iterative Test and Evaluation

used by Microsoft (M. Medlock et al., 2002, 2005)

focused on fixing usability problemsrather than finding them

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

For further information, study:

G. Cockton, Usability Evaluation, “The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction” (2nd Edition), 2014


C. Bank & J. Cao, The Guide to Usability Testing, UXPin, 2014


Usability evaluation

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Major differences between software engineering and the effective UI development

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


Target-applications & domains of interest

personal productivity, business, entertainment, etc.

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


Notations and engineering tools

software (formal) modeling

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


Multiple interaction paradigms

textual, graphical, multimedia, natural, 3D,…

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

RealityEvolution of the interactive apps: context of use = (U, P, E)






Jean Vanderdonckt, 2006

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


UI #12UI #11UI #10UI #9Application 3

UI #8UI #7UI #6UI #5Application 2

UI #4UI #3UI #2UI #1Application 1

Platform #4Platform #3Platform #2Platform #1

Multiple models to be considered (Abrams et al., 2001)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


UI #12UI #11UI #10UI #9Application 3

UI #8UI #7UI #6UI #5Application 2

UI #4UI #3UI #2UI #1Application 1

Platform #4Platform #3Platform #2Platform #1

Application 1

Application 2

Application 3

UI model #1

UI model #2

UI model #3

Platform #1

Platform #2

Platform #3

Platform #4

Platform model #1

Platform model #2

Platform model #3

Platform model #4

Multiple models to be considered (Abrams et al., 2001)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

MDA (Model-Driven Architecture)


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Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

Model(s) facilitate(s) an abstract viewof the interaction

separation of concerns, ability of correlation

parsability, editability

if possible, human readability

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design


explicitly capture knowledge about UI and interactive applications with appropriate abstractions

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design


structures the definition and use of underlying modelsin a stage-wise approach

example: agile usability (Scott Ambler, 2008)www.agilemodeling.com/essays/agileUsability.htm

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

Supporting tools

support the use of the method by providing toolsfor models and their related operations

ideally, one model should be supported byat least one tool

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Proiectarea bazată pe modele

Models used in the processes of UI design(P. Forbrig et al., 2004)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Proiectarea bazată pe modele

Using notations to model tasks to be performed by users(L. Marucci et al., 2004)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


Process Reference Frameworkfor the development of plastic user interfaces

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Environment T

Final userInterface T

Concrete userInterface T

Task and Domain T

Abstract userInterface T

T = Target context of use

Concrete userInterface S

Final userInterface S

Task and Domain S

Abstract userInterface S

S = Source context of use





User S Platform S Environment S Platform TUser T

Jean Vanderdonckt, 2006

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Task &






Final UI Reformating








Reverse Engineering

Design recovery



Bouillon (2006)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

CADUI – Computer-Aided Design of User Interface

(formal) descriptions of interactive systems,in terms of existing meta-models,

used to design and deploy multiple user interfaces

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design



Model of the IS

Model of the IS’





Jean Vanderdonckt

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

At the abstract level, the specification of the interactive system is given

by CIM (Computation-Independent Model)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

At the abstract level, the specification of the interactive system is given

by CIM (Computation-Independent Model)

mission statement, function reference tree, use casesinteraction requirements, concurrent tasks trees

Requirements Model

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

At the abstract level, the specification of the interactive system is given

by CIM (Computation-Independent Model)

see also “Requirements Engineering from an HCI Perspective” (A. Sutcliffe, 2014)http://www.interaction-design.org/encyclopedia/requirements_engineering.html

Requirements Model

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

The platform independent description is based on PIM (Platform-Independent Model)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

The platform independent description is based on PIM (Platform-Independent Model)

object modeldynamic model

functional modelpresentation model

Conceptual Model

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

The development focused on a specific platform is based on PSM (Platform-Specific Model)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

The development focused on a specific platform is based on PSM (Platform-Specific Model)

uses software tools of transformation (compilation)based on an application model

Compilation Model

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

The concrete implementation is usingCM (Code Model)

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

The concrete implementation is usingCM (Code Model)

concerns creation/generation of the source-code:interface tier

application tierpersistence tier


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

Task and



User InterfaceConcrete

User Interface


User Interface


User Interface

T1 RenderingT2


Task and



User InterfaceConcrete

User Interface


User Interface


User Interface

T1 RenderingT2


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

Task and



User Interface


User Interface 1 (2-D Desktop)


User Interface




T3 Concrete

User Interface 2(2-D small display)


User Interface 3 (auditory)


User Interface


User Interface


User Interface


User Interface

Task and



User Interface






T6 T7

Task and



User Interface


User Interface 1 (2-D Desktop)


User Interface




T3 Concrete

User Interface 2(2-D small display)


User Interface 3 (auditory)


User Interface


User Interface


User Interface


User Interface

Task and



User Interface






T6 T7

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model-based UI design

(Meta)languages for describing UI

UIML – User-Interface Modeling LanguageUsiXML – USer Interface eXtensible Markup Language

XAML – eXtensible Application Markup LanguageXUL – eXtensible User-interface Language

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Model to Model

PlatformIndependentModel (PIM)


Model (PSM)Model to Code Source code

MDA (Model-Driven Architecture)


ComputingIndependentModel (CIM)

Model to Model

UsiXML model:Abstract user


UsiXML model:Concrete user

interfaceRendering Final user


UsiXMLmodels: task,




Jean Vanderdonckt, 2006

Model-based UI design

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

designing the abstract UI of a computer gameuser task modelling via a specific tool

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Support for multiple displays(Grolaux & Vanderdonckt, 2005)


case study

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

case study

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Support for multiple displays(Grolaux & Vanderdonckt, 2005)


for migration, rules and/or design patterns could be used

case study

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

Support for multiple displays(Grolaux & Vanderdonckt, 2005)

the use of rules – example:

x Ts : x = input and (x.type = “text” or x.type = “password” or x.type = NULL)

AddNode (“textComponent”, idText) where idText = NodeValue (Tt)

case study

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

case study

substitution removal moving

examples of actions that could be performed for migration and/or creating PUI – revisit responsive Web design

Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco133 Polytechnic University of Valencia – Doctoral Course, Valencia, November 2006

Target Applications, Domains

Notations &Engineering Tools

User Interface Interaction Techniques

Invisible UI

No more programming: only models

All Applications 2020

No Interaction TechniqueAutomated, batch systems Nothing

Character UIsBusiness applications Screen definitions

Graphical UserInterfaces

Information systems Entity-relationshipAttribute model

State-transition diagrams

Multi-platform User Interfaces

Web, desktop, mobile apps

Task model, context model, UML,…

Virtual Reality User Interfaces3D Applications Scene model

Mixed RealityUser Interfaces

Command &control systems,


World models

Tangible UIs

Embodied UIsPhysical modelsEmbedded systems



e, 200

2 & V




t , 200


Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco


interactivity in the context of software

engineeringUI quality,

testing, models http




Master on Software Engineering :: Human-Computer Interaction

Dr. Sabin-Corneliu Buraga – www.purl.org/net/busaco

next lecture:an introduction to data visualization