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  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs



  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs




  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs





  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs




  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs


    A DOCTORAL DEGREE IN BUSINESSis the path tobecoming a tenure-track professor at an institutionof higher learning, most commonly at a businessschool. These positions are offered to doctoral stu-dents, trained as scholars, who are able to demon-strate their independent research and thought lead-ership through publications in academic journals

    and scholarly presentations of their work.

    Business scholars investigate a wide range of topicsfrom a scientic perspective, pursuing questionsrelating to management, markets, finance, andorganizations and aspire to rewarding careers lledwith inquiry and intellectual growth. They createand disseminate knowledge inuencing not onlythe practice of business, but also education, gov-ernment, and public policy on a global scale.

    Successful doctoral students come from a variety ofbackgrounds, including economics, mathematics, psychology, sociology, engineering, and statistics,and from all stages of life. Some begin immediatelyfollowing their undergraduate studies while othersstart the doctoral degree after a decade or more ofprofessional experience.


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  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs


  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs


    WHILE ALL ACADEMICS CANmake their mark in a eld, those in business academia have theopportunity to inuence both the academic and the corporate sectors. Because most researchis grounded in the reality of business, many scholars today see their theories enacted in thepractice of business. In addition to writing scholarly publications and collaborating with col-leagues on cutting-edge research, business professors can also be found advising leaders ofindustry and public policy and guiding students as well as executives in search of new ideasand practices.

    Most research evolves into published works that impact both academia and business practice,and many professors assume leadership roles as consultants to and board members of interna -tional corporations that dene the way our world does business. Academics also work on issuesand ideas that affect emerging global markets and infrastructures of national economies.

    Although the work is challenging, a career in academia offers great exibility. It requires thatyou serve as your own managercompelling you to be exceptionally disciplined and self-guided,while rewarding you with the freedom to pursue ideas and topics that most interest you.



  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs


    You must have passion for knowledge and research, for developing new ideas

    and paradigms. Creativity and the potential to do outstanding research mustbe a hallmark of your personality and intellectual skill set. Scholarly pursuitrequires both the ability to work independently and to examine a topic indetail for extended study, involving long periods of reading and reection onyour own as well as an ability to engage collaboratively with other doctoralstudents and faculty to develop and rene your ideas.

    As success is determined in large part by your ability to communicate yourndings to your peers, mentors, and the business world at large, you mustpossess excellent written and oral communication skills. Successful can -

    didates must not only hold exemplary academic credentials, but must alsoexhibit superior leadership qualities, as well as the potential to do outstand-ing research.

    Although there are no required courses to begin a doctoral program at HBS,candidates should have a strong grasp of the fundamentals of mathemat -ics, statistics, and other quantitatively rigorous subjects. Depending onyour individual program of study, it may also be benecial to have a goodunderstanding of the basic principles of your chosen eld, for example,psychology or sociology, if you are pursuing graduate work in organizationalbehavior, or economics if you are interested in nance. Whatever area youchoose, you should be prepared to undertake a rigorous disciplinary curric-ulum before you begin to work more specically in your eld of study.

    Before embarking on a career in academia, you should consider the signi-cant professional and personal commitments you will be making. A doctoralprogram entails at least four years of intensive study, offering little time foroutside pursuits or employment. Candidates must wholeheartedly embraceall aspects of the curriculum to get the most out of the doctoral experience.Although the challenges of graduate study are weighty, the hurdles facingdoctoral students can be overcome by the well-prepared and highly motivated



    While some basic foundations are helpful in the pursuit of a doctorate, themost important requirements involve who you are. To undertake doctoral studies,you must be self-directed, motivated, and highly disciplined because you holdultimate responsibility for your success.

  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs


    For example, if you are planning to pursue research that has a practical

    application in brand marketing, the school you attend should focus onresearch that managers in this eld will actually employ in their work. Asyou review your choice of schools, you will nd that each school not onlyspecializes in different elds, but also prepares its students for various roleswithin academiafrom highly theoretical to more practical applications.


    Students should know that HBS offers the best possible training and research resources.We have access to the eld, we have access to organizations, and students work on andsolve important problems. They will be doing something qualitatively different than they

    would at any other business school.Gary Pisano, Harry E. Figgie, Jr. Professor of Business Administration

    You should research each doctoral programs curriculum and admissionsprocess, as well as various faculty members research interests. Some candi-dates also review professional journals to identify scholars and schoolsthat are working on the topics they hope to study. Because of the competi-tive nature of admission to top doctoral programs today, potential candidatesshould identify several schools to which to apply.

    Perhaps the most important factor to consider in choosing a school is how wellits program supports your research interests. The schools you apply to shouldoffer both coursework and opportunities for research in your chosen eld thatare compatible with your career goals.

  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs


    WHY HBS?



    FACULTYHarvard Business School faculty are

    world-class scholars who have had animpact on organizations and economies

    on every continent. As teachers, mentors,researchers, and co-authors, facultyfrom across the University create a

    collaborative and rich learningenvironment.

    COMMITMENT TO RESEARCHEach academic year, HBS faculty

    author or co-author more than 300academic papers and 35 books.

    The School ranked rst in researchoutput in the 2014 FT.com BusinessSchool Rankings.


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    PROGRAM STRUCTUREIn addition to training you in cutting-edgeresearch methods, the two years ofcoursework, followed by a comprehensiveexamination, ensure you possess the skillsneeded to become a world-class scholar.The remaining two to three years foryour research are designed for you to testyour abilities with the various methodsand learning from the coursework phase,culminating in your own original,independent, scholarly dissertation inyour chosen eld.

    COMMUNITY OF SCHOLARSAll doctoral students receive rigorousmethods training in their discipline of

    choice by taking courses at HBS, HarvardUniversity, and neighboring schools,offering an unparalleled network ofresources and opportunities for develop-ment as a scholar.

    B.E.S.T. COURSE SERIESIn addition to a rigorous and foundationalresearch curriculum, HBS doctoral

    students are offered a multi-year courseseries known as B.E.S.T. (BusinessEducation for Teachers & Scholars),to enhance foundational knowledge ofbusiness fundamentals as well asthe teaching and communication skillsneeded to thrive as a faculty member.

    RECORD OF PLACEMENTOur doctoral programs are recognized

    as a leader in educating faculty forbusiness schools and universities

    throughout the world.


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    OUR DOCTORAL STUDENTS COLLABORATEwithfaculty on research, writing, and teaching. By thetime they graduate, most students have co-authoredat least one scholarly article with another graduatestudent or a faculty member. As one of the worldsgreat academic centers, Boston offers a wealth

    of opportunities for seminars, events, and collab-orations with leading scholars across all elds anddisciplines.

    The collaborative process could not be more re-warding. When we talk through our research design,theory, and the interpretation of our analysis, we areable to push each other to higher ground than if oneof us were pursuing this alone, says DBA studentMichelle Shell.

    At the heart of the HBS experience are the rela-tionships formed among doctoral students. In thiscollegial environment, students challenge eachother, grow together, collaborate on research, andenrich the learning process for one another. Aftergraduating, they belong to a lifelong alumni net-work of nearly 70,000 inuential business leadersand scholars.



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  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs


    The research and teaching resources at HBS are unmatched by any other school.Students can make use of virtually any methodology required to pursue theirresearch interests, including eld studies, large-scale statistical databases,consumer panel research, behavioral experiments, and theoretical and empiricalmodels. Support is available for methodological and statistical consultation,

    data procurement and analysis, programming, research software, subject pooladministration, travel, and region-based eld support. And, the collections ofBaker Libraryone of the worlds largest and most respected business librariesare available at the center of the campus.


    RESEARCH COMPUTING CENTERResearch Computing Services provides expertise and personalized guidancein all phases of faculty and doctoral student research projects, including

    planning, data collection, analysis, and reporting. With a staff consisting ofstatisticians, research analysts, and applications and system programmers,the Services center assists doctoral students with all their research comput-ing needs.

    ACADEMIC JOB PLACEMENT SUPPORTThe Doctoral Programs Ofce in conjunction with faculty and program chairsalso offers support for your placement on the job market during your nalyear. We provide support for attending recruitment conferences as well astailored seminars and group and individual coaching for presentation andcommunication skills. The Ofce also offers one-on-one professional helpwith slide and presentation materials.

    BUREAU OF STUDY COUNSELThe services of the Bureau of Study Counsel (BSC) are designed to supportyou in your efforts to learn and grow at Harvardto approach your intellec-tual work with skill, strategy, and spirit; to make difcult choices about yourtime and your priorities; to conduct yourself with integrity and honor; to de-velop a sense of voice and authority in your scholarship, relationships, and

    leadership; to work well and play well with others; to discover what leavesyou feeling enlivened and engaged; and to make meaning of your work andyour life.

  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs




    Silicon Valley

    Latin America

    Buenos Aires

    South Asia



    Hong Kong | Shanghai | Tokyo


    Paris | Istanbul

    RESEARCH SUPPORTBaker Research Services provides doctoral students with research assis-tance, specializing in data retrieval, analysis, and management. Servicesinclude, but are not limited to data sourcing and purchasing, locating data,nding articles, managing citations, creating charts and graphs for papersor presentations, utilizing Baker Librarys databases, diving deeply intoExcels functionality (including creating models), merging data from dispa-rate sources, designing your study, deciding which statistical methods toemploy, interpreting results, and writing a STATA or SAS program.

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  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs


  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs



    The DBA and PhD programs are equivalent in terms of their rigor, intensity,structure, and purpose. Because of a historical Harvard Universityrequirement, doctoral programs administered by or jointly administeredwith the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) are considered PhDprograms. Those administered exclusively by Harvard Business Schoolare called DBA programs. There is, however, no difference in terms of thecareer path and placement record between the DBA and PhD programs.Both are designed to offer you equivalent opportunities for success asscholars in Business Academia. All of our doctoral students work closelywith faculty and access resources throughout HBS and Harvard University.

    Flexibility in learning, independence in study, research with deep impact,

    outstanding faculty who are leaders in their elds, and the nest resources inacademiathese are the distinguishing characteristics of Harvard BusinessSchool Doctoral Programs.

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    Accounting & Management

    Business Economics

    Health Policy (Management)



    Organizational Behavior


    Technology & Operations Management




  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs


    The doctoral program in Accounting and Management focuses on under-standing the role of information and measurement systems for the following:

    Allocating resources among rms in the economy and between departmentsor divisions of individual rms

    Formulating, executing, and evaluating strategy by rm managers

    Managing franchise risk

    Rewarding and monitoring the performance of managers

    Understanding the protability of suppliers, products, customers, distribu-tion channels, and business units

    Students in the accounting and management program work closely withfaculty in the Accounting and Management Unit, among other groups acrossHBS. The unit s research falls into two broad areas: Financial Reporting andAnalysis and Management Accounting.

    The Accounting and Management program stands out to me as a group deeply investedin its people and their pursuit of big questions. Equipped with a rigorous training inboth analytical and empirical modeling and exposed to a broad range of managementresearch, students are enabled to set bold research trajectories.

    Abigail Allen, DBA 2013

    Accounting &

    ManagementThe Accounting and Management unit at Harvard Business School strivesto be the worldwide leader in research, course development, and teachingon top managements use of performance measurement systems to com-municate with external investors ensuring that their rms securities arefairly priced and that they are able to access capital, measure and evaluate

    their rms economic performance, improve resource allocation and strategyimplementation within their rms, and build accountability for performancethrough effective external and internal governance.

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    The program is distinguished from the Harvard PhD in Economics by itsgreater emphasis on business elds and its focus on the use of economicanalysis and statistical methods in dealing effectively with managementproblems.

    Possible elds of specialization include

    Business and government

    Business strategy and industrial organization

    Capital markets and nancial institutionsCorporate nance

    Corporate governance

    International business

    Organizations and markets

    Students take an active role in selecting and dening the combination ofsubjects that will make up their own individual elds of specialization.

    In my view, the Business Economics program provides the best of both worlds: rigoroustraining in economics alongside other Economics PhD students and access to theincredible resources at HBS, including faculty, students, and courses that make it easyto identify research questions that are relevant to the world.

    Andrew Hillis, PhD student


    EconomicsA joint degree offered by Harvard Business School and the Departmentof Economics in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the PhD in BusinessEconomics combines economic analysis with the practical aspects ofbusiness. This degree is primarily intended to prepare students forcareers in research and teaching in business administration and related

    elds of economics. The general management approach of the HarvardBusiness School is an important ingredient in the program.

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    While the program is interdisciplinary in nature, students specialize in oneof six concentrations, with Management as the concentration afliated withHarvard Business School. This management-focused program preparesstudents to do research on the managerial, operational, and strategic issuesfacing a wide range of organizations in the health care industry includinghealth care providers, pharmaceutical and biotechnology rms, device andtechnology companies, and private and public insurers.

    Students in the program examine how theories and concepts from elds such

    as technology and operations management, organizational behavior, organi -zational economics, and competitive strategy can be applied to and furtherdeveloped for understanding health care organizations.

    Key research themes include

    Information technology and the management of health care processes

    Learning and process improvement

    Managing R&D organizations

    Managing teams in clinical and research settings

    Organizational structure and performance in health care delivery

    Health Policy


    This is a truly unique program that brings together health policy and a disciplinary areaof managementin my case, operations management. It trains students to become anexpert in both elds and supports us in doing research at the intersection of the two.In fact, students take two sets of qualifying exams, one in health policy and another inan area of focus within management. This uncompromising rigor and the stellar facultylay a strong foundation for incredible research.

    Hummy Song, PhD candidate

    The Harvard PhD in Health Policy, awarded by the Faculty of Arts andSciences, is a collaborative program among six Harvard University faculties:Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard Business School,Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School,and Harvard School of Public Health.

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    ManagementPerhaps the most distinctive feature of Management is its focus on realorganizational phenomena from a multidisciplinary perspective. Students inManagement typically choose at least one discipline in which to anchor theirresearch. As organizational phenomena cut across economics, psychology,sociology, organizational behavior, and administrative sciences, our studentsdevelop discipline-based expertise in at least two substantive domains.Students in Management focus on research creating management theory andknowledge that is relevant to business practice.

    Through a curriculum covering multiple disciplines and functional perspec-

    tives and through thesis work that typically includes eld-based research,students in Management master concepts and research skills that enablethem to do rigorous research that is directly relevant to business problems.

    Key research themes include


    General management


    Globally distributed teams



    Networks and strategic alliances

    Organizational learning

    Senior teams

    Social enterprises

    The Management program is evolving quickly and students are constantly asked to par-ticipate in shaping its development, which is representative of how faculty members treatdoctoral studentslike junior colleagues. Even as a rst-year student I was encouragedto think deeply about the type of research that would be signicant and also fulll myinterests.

    Patricia Satterstrom, DBA candidate

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    MarketingThe doctoral program in Marketing draws on a variety of underlying disci-plines to research important marketing management problems centeredaround the immediate and future needs and wants of customers.

    While the program encourages the use of eld research to sense and denea problem, it does not have an ideological view on any single methodology asbeing superior to others in terms of the full scope of the research. Be it an-alytical, experimental, or qualitative, it is the appropriateness of the methodin addressing the specic problem that matters. As a result, marketing fac-ulty draw on a variety of underlying disciplines in research and consequently

    engage doctoral students in a broad spectrum of disciplinary bases.

    Students in the marketing program work closely with faculty in the Market-ing Unit, among other departments across the University. The program drawson economic, behavioral, psychological, and administrative theory to focuson marketing problems faced by the rm and its management. Through acombination of discipline- and eld-based methods, the curriculum enablesstudents to master concepts and research skills directly relevant to businessproblems. Candidates must come to understand the point of view of prac -ticing managers and be able to bring theory and careful research to bear inilluminating important business problems.

    Key research themes include

    Brand management

    Business to business marketing

    Consumer behavior

    Consumer involvement and co-creation

    Digital Marketing

    High-technology marketing

    Marketing of Innovations

    Social marketing

    When coming to HBS, I imagined I would have little face-time with the faculty becauseof their demanding schedules. However, I generally see my advisor multiple times a weekand have regular meetings about our research. It turns out the faculty are really passion-ate and excited about research and count it as one of their most engaging pursuits. They

    make time to talk about it.Grant Donnelly, DBA student

  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs


    The doctoral program in Organizational Behavior trains scholars who areable to draw on the concepts and methods of psychology and sociology inconducting research on behavior and management within complexorganizations. Special attention is given to studies that bridge the gapbetween research and theory on one hand and constructive organizational

    practice on the other.



    The Organizational Behavior program is presented jointly by the faculty ofHarvard Business School and the Department of Sociology in the Facultyof Arts and Sciences. The program combines training in the theory andmethods of psychology and sociology, the study of business administration,and empirical research on organizational phenomena. Students have thechoice of focusing their research at either the micro (i.e., psychological, in-terpersonal) or macro (i.e., sociological, organizational) level. OrganizationalBehavior faculty members come from both the Faculty of Arts and Sciencesand the Harvard Business School.

    Although specic research interests span a wide range of subjects, theOrganizational Behavior program features a problem-driven, interdisciplinary,multi-method approach that has led to signicant impact on theory andpractice. Our current intellectual agenda builds on the rich history of OBat HBS and focuses squarely on the organizational changes and challengesarising from todays increasingly global and more competitive economy.In the last decade, the faculty have been recognized for their work on lead-ership in an increasingly diverse and dynamic environment, the evolutionof managerial careers in our society, managing diversity, and organizational

    design and change to meet evolving needs and expectations in a changingworld.

    Collaborating with doctoral students is the most important part of my career. Workingwith spectacular doctoral students is a real joy, and I take great pride in seeing myformer students thrive as professors at the best management schools in the world. Forme, working together is simultaneously a great way to conduct research and allowsus all to grow as better researchers.

    Max Bazerman, Jesse Isidor Straus Professor of Business Administration

  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs


    The doctoral program in Strategy encourages students to pursue multi-disci-plinary research that utilizes multiple methodologiesquantitative, as wellas qualitativeto study how companies and industries around the worlddevelop and sustain competitive advantage. The program draws on multi-ple disciplines, including economics, sociology, and political science, andfocuses on both domestic and global competition.


    Many of these topics can best be addressed by drawing on both microeco-nomics, the foundation that has traditionally been used to study strategy,and on other complementary disciplines. For example, work on how manag-ers perceive their strategic choices requires delving into the broad literature

    on cognition, which itself draws on psychology and the behavioral sciences.Work on non-market strategy and the regulatory environment of the rmmight well draw on political science and law.

    Students in the program are expected to master graduate-level microeco-nomic theory and econometrics. In addition, they are expected to devotesubstantial time to mastering one additional complementary discipline, suchas psychology, sociology, or political science, and to develop expertise inresearch methodologies suited to their particular interests, such as qualita-tive analysis, designing effective eldwork, and analysis of survey data.

    The doctoral program in Strategy provides students with the multi-disci-plinary training required to examine such questions. Students in theStrategy doctoral program work closely with faculty in the Strategy Unit,as well as faculty in departments across the University.

    Key issues include

    Analysis of the competitive environment

    Development and effectiveness of rm strategy at both a business andcorporate level

    Sustainability of strategy over time

    Given my main research interests, the Strategy program is a great t as it is located atthe intersection of many academic disciplineseconomics, psychology, and moreandalso physically at the intersection of the intellectual wealth of Harvard and Bostonsmany neighboring schools.

    Anoop Menon, DBA 2013

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    Technology &


    By combining education in disciplinary theories, training in a variety ofresearch methods, and exposure to practicing managers through eld re-search, the curriculum enables students to bring theory and careful researchto bear to address research questions that illuminate important businessproblems.

    The doctoral program in Technology & Operations Management preparesstudents to conduct important research on a broad range of issues inoperations and innovation, including the following:

    Leveraging operational capabilities to create and sustain competitive advantage

    Managing innovation and new product development

    Operations management and strategy

    Organizational learning and process improvement

    Supply chain management

    Faculty in the Technology & Operations Management Unit are trained in

    various disciplinary areas including operations research, operationsmanagement, economics, engineering, and organizational behavior. Facultyand doctoral students research addresses managerially relevant problems,integrating discipline-based theory with rigorous research methods.

    A key strength of the TOM unit is the diversity of the faculty, in terms of backgroundsand research interests. There are economists, operations management scholars, organiza-tional theorists, and others studying topics ranging from open innovation to informationtechnology to product innovation. I have borrowed freely from these many perspectives

    to develop my own research.

    Anil Doshi, DBA candidate

  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs



    Completed online application form

    Resume or CV

    Statement of Purpose

    Transcripts for all college/universitydegrees and courses(Self-reported transcripts are acceptedfor DBA programs. Ofcial transcripts arerequired for PhD programs.)

    Current GMAT or GRE scores

    Current TOEFL scores (if applicable)

    Three letters of recommendation

    Application fee via credit card




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  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs






  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs



    Harvard Business School is recognized as a leading supplier of facultyrenowned researchers and educators who are rmly grounded in both theoryand practicefor business schools and universities across the country andaround the globe. Graduates of the HBS Doctoral Programs have gone onto become prominent scholars in a wide range of disciplines at many of theworlds most prestigious institutions.

    A complete list of academia placements since 2005 follows.

    With the expanding role of business in global society and the increasing

    sophistication of the practice of management, the demand for faculty researchersand educators at business schools has never been greater.

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    Business academia is an exciting career that offers unparalleled autonomy,independence, exibility, and intellectual freedom for individuals who arecreative and driven to succeed. As a professor you are free to explore themost interesting and pressing issues facing businesses today with a skill setthat enables you to inuence how individuals and organizations succeed andgrow. If you are looking for a career that is rewarding and impactful,

    we hope you will consider this unique and fullling route for your future.

    Students are forever changed by their HBS experience. They are challengedto ponder the most critical issues in business management and to form newinsights by thinking at levels they never thought possible. Ultimately, thesestudents become the next generation of faculty who will make a differencein the world through their teaching and research.


    ColumbiaHarvard Business School


    London Business SchoolMIT


  • 8/10/2019 Hbs Doctoral Programs



    Kyle Travis Welch, DBA 2014The George Washington UniversityPrivate Equitys Diversication Illusion: EconomicComovement and Fair Value Reporting

    Abigail McIntosh Allen, DBA 2013Harvard Business SchoolEssays in Financial Accounting Standard Setting1) Agenda Setting at the FASB: Evidence from the Role

    of the FASAC, 2) The Auditing Oligopoly and AccountingStandards Lobbying, 3) Toward an Understanding of theRole of Standard Setters in Standard Setting

    Maria Loumioti, DBA 2012University of Southern California, Marshall School ofBusinessThe Use of Intangible Assets as Loan Collateral

    Aida Sijamic Wahid, DBA 2012University of Toronto, Rotman School of ManagementDirector Heterogeneity and Its Impact on Board Effec- tiveness

    James P. Naughton, DBA 2011Northwestern University, Kellogg School of ManagementEssays on Corporate Pension Plans

    Soa Loureno, DBA 2010Instituto Superior de Economia e GestoDo Monetary Incentives, Feedback and Recognition Mat- ter for Performance? Evidence from a Field Experiment ina Retail Services Company

    George Serafeim, DBA 2010Harvard Business School

    Essays on Fair Value Reporting 1) Consequences andInstitutional Determinants of Unregulated CorporateFinancial Statements: Evidence from Embedded ValueReporting, 2) Information Risk and Fair Values: An Ex- amination of Equity Betas, 3) Did Fair Valuation DepressEquity Values During the 2008 Financial Crisis?

    Lloyd Tanlu, DBA 2009University of Washington, Foster School of BusinessEssays on Forecasting 1) Do Rolling Forecasts ImprovePlanning? 2) Are Managers Unable or Unwilling to ReviseEarnings Forecasts?

    David Maber, DBA 2009University of Southern California, Leventhal School ofAccountingEssays on Compensation: 1) Skill Intensity, PerformanceEvaluation and Compensation: Evidence from Sell-sideEquity Associates, 2) What Drives Sell-Side Analyst Com- pensation at High-Status Banks, 3) Say on Pay Votes andCEO Compensation: Evidence from the UK

    Craig Chapman, DBA 2008Northwestern University, Kellogg School of ManagementEssays on Real Earnings Management

    Wan Wong Sun-Wai, DBA 2007Northwestern University, Kellogg School of ManagementDoes Venture Capitalist Quality Affect Corporate Gover- nance?

    George Eli Batta, DBA 2005National Economic Research Association

    Financial Informations Role in Credit Analysis andCredit Derivative Valuation

    Dennis Campbell, DBA 2005Harvard Business SchoolPerformance Measurement and Joint Production Be- tween the Customer and Firm: Empirical and AnalyticalPerspectives.

    Tatiana Sandino, DBA 2005University of Southern California, Leventhal School ofAccountingIntroducing the First Management Control Systems:

    Evidence from the Retail Sector


    Catherine Grace Barrera, PhD 2014Cornell University, Johnson School of ManagementSkill, Job Design, and the Labor Market UnderUncertainty

    Thomas Rutford Covert, PhD 2014University of Chicago, Booth School of BusinessEssays in Industrial Organization and Finance

    Raluca Ecaterina Dragusanu, PhD 2014Federal Reserve Board Research and Statistics, EconomistEssays in International Trade and Development

    Samuel Arthur Kruger, PhD 2014The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School ofBusinessEssays in Financial Economics

    Heather Ward Schoeld, PhD 2014Center for Global Development Post-Doctoral Fellow(20142015), University of Pennsylvania Health Policy

    Department (2015)Essays in Development and Health

    Dmitry Taubinsky, PhD 2014Harvard University and University of California, Berkeley,Post-Doctoral Fellow in EconomicsEssays in Behavioral and Experimental Economics


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    Eric Meinberg Zwick, PhD 2014University of Chicago, Booth School of BusinessFinance Implications of the Great Recession

    Stephanie Ruth Hurder, PhD 2013MIT, Sloan School of Management, Post-DoctoralAssociate (2013), University of Michigan (2014)Essays on Matching in Labor Economics 1) An

    Integrated Model of Occupation Choice, Spouse Choice,and Family Labor Supply, 2) Spouse Choice andFemale Labor Supply: Evidence from Lawyers,3) Evaluating Econometric Models of Peer Effects withExperimental Data

    Benjamin Charles Iverson, PhD 2013Northwestern University, Kellogg School of ManagementEssays in Corporate and Consumer Finance 1) Get in Line:Chapter 11 Restructuring in Crowded Bankruptcy Courts,2) The Ownership and Trading of Debt Claims in Chapter 11

    Restructurings, 3) Can Gambling Increase Savings? Empiri- cal Evidence on Prize-linked Savings Accounts

    Hoan Soo Lee, PhD 2013Tsinghua UniversityEssays on Applied Microeconomics 1) Competing AdAuctions, 2) Consumer Search Pattern in Internet Adver- tising, 3) Value Access in Venture Capital

    Shai Bernstein, PhD 2012Stanford Graduate School of BusinessEssays in Entrepreneurial Finance 1) Does Going Public

    Affect Innovation? 2) Private Equity and Industry Perfor- mance, 3) Contracting with Heterogeneous Externalities

    Julian Emil Kolev, PhD 2012MIT, Sloan School of Management, Post-Doctoral FellowEssay in Finance and Innovation 1) Of Mice and Academ- ics: Examining the Effect of Openness on Innovation,2) Strategic Corporate Layoffs, 3) Credit Constraints in theFunding of Innovation: Theory and Evidence

    Jacob Dov Leshno, PhD 2012Microsoft Research New England, Post-Doctoral

    Fellow (2012), Columbia University, Graduate Schoolof Business (2013)Essays in Market Design 1) Dynamic Matching in Over- loaded Systems, 2) A Supply and Demand Framework forTwo-Sided Matching Markets, 3) Will an Increase in theMinimum Wage Improve Training?

    Carolin Elisabeth Pueger, PhD 2012University of British Colombia, Sauder School of BusinessInation and Asset Prices 1) Ination Risk in Corpo- rate Bonds, 2) An Empirical Decomposition of Risk and

    Liquidity in Nominal and Ination-Indexed GovernmentBonds, 3) A Heteroskedasticity and AutocorrelationRobust Pre-Test for Weak Instruments

    Michael James Sinkinson, PhD 2012University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of BusinessEssays on Industrial Organization

    Michael Dickstein, PhD 2011Stanford University, Department of EconomicsEssays on the Industrial Organization of Health Care

    Samuel Hanson, PhD 2011Harvard Business SchoolEssays in Financial Economics

    Judd Kessler, PhD 2011

    University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of BusinessSocial Forces and Public Good Provision

    Scott Duke Kominers, PhD 2011University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute forResearch in Economics, Post-Doctoral Fellow (2011)Matching Models of Markets

    Hongyi LI, PhD 2011MIT, Post-Doctoral FellowEssays in Microeconomic Theory

    Amanda Kay Starc, PhD 2011University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of BusinessThe Industrial Organization of Health Insurance Markets

    Aditya Sunderam, PhD 2011Harvard Business SchoolEffects of the Organization of Financial Markets

    Laura Elena Serban, PhD 2010U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Division ofRisk, Strategy, and Financial InnovationLiquidity and Traders Behavior in Financial Markets

    Sergey Chernenko, PhD 2010Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business

    Capital Market Imperfections and Corporate Finance

    Lucas Coffman, PhD 2010Ohio State University, Department of EconomicsEssays in Experimental Economics

    Itay Fainmesser, PhD 2010Brown University, Department of EconomicsEssays on Networks and Markets 1) Community Struc - ture and Market Outcomes: Towards a Theory of RepeatedGames in Networks, 2) Effective Word-of-Mouth: Reputa- tion Networks and Market Structure, 3) Social Networksand Unraveling in Labor Markets

    Winnie Wan-Yi Fung, PhD 2010Wheaton CollegeMalnutrition, Infectious Disease, and EconomicDevelopment

    Soojin Yim, PhD 2010Emory University, Goizueta Business SchoolIndividuals and Corporate Decisions

    Amrita Ahuja, PhD 2009Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Post-Doctoral FellowEssays in Empirical Contracting and Development

    John Beshears, PhD 2009National Bureau of Economic Research, Post-Doctoral Fellow(2009), Stanford Graduate School of Business (2010)Financial Choices and the Decision-making Context

    Eric Budish, PhD 2009University of Chicago, Booth School of BusinessEssays on Market Design

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    Jennifer Dlugosz, PhD 2009Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve SystemEssays in Corporate Finance: 1) What Lies Beneath: AnInside Look at CLOs Collateral, 2) The Alchemy of CDOCredit Ratings, 3) Large Blocks of Stock: Prevalence, Sizeand Measurement

    Ioannis Ioannou, PhD 2009London Business SchoolEssays on Strategy and Industrial Organization

    Steven Leider, PhD 2009University of Michigan, Ross School of ManagementEssays on Experimental Economics and Behavioral Con- tract Theory 1) Norms and Contracting, 2) Contractualand Organizational Structure with Reciprocal Agents,3) Gift Exchange in the LabIt Is Not (Only) How MuchYou Give...

    Jakub Jurek, PhD 2008Princeton University, Department of Economics

    Exploring Deviations Between Prices and Values inCapital Asset Markets

    Anna Kovner, PhD 2008Federal Reserve Bank of New YorkEssays in Financial Economics: 1) Venture CapitalInvestment Cycles: The Impact of Public Markets, 2)The Private Equity Advantage: Leveraged Buyout Firmsand Relationship Banking, 3) Unnecessary Termination:Public and Corporate Pension Plans Asset ManagerDecisions

    Robin Lee, PhD 2008

    New York University, Stern School of BusinessEssays on Platform Competition and Two-Sided Markets

    Gregor Matvos, PhD 2007University of Chicago, Booth School of BusinessEssays in Proxy Voting and Human Capital Investment

    Harini Parthasarathy, PhD 2007World BankEssays on the Lending and Underwriting Industries:1) Mergers and Impact on Customer Retention andAcquisition, 2) Do Firms Engage in One-Stop Shopping?3) Information Asymmetry and One-Stop Shopping

    Parag Pathak, PhD 2007MIT, Department of EconomicsEssays on Real-life Allocation Problems

    James A. Costantini, PhD 2006INSEADEssays on Effects of Financial Institutions on IndustrialDevelopment 1) Impact of Financial Development onFirm Growth and Firm Size Distribution, 2) FinancialInstitutions and Industry Growth, 3) Cross-IndustryVariation in Effect of Bankruptcy Procedures: Case Studyof Italy

    Pavel Savor, PhD 2006University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of BusinessEssays in Financial Economics: 1) Holding on to YourShorts: When Do Short Sellers Retreat?, 2) Value forAcquirers? 3) Stock Returns After Major Price Shocks:The Impact of Information

    Ryan D. Taliaferro, PhD 2006Harvard Business SchoolEssays in Financial Economics: 1) Firm Investment andSystematic Risk, 2) Live Prices and Stale Quantities: T+1Accounting and Mutual Fund Mispricing*, 3) PredictingReturns with Managerial Decision Variables: Is There aSmall Sample Bias?***with Peter Tufano (HBS and NBER) and Michael Quinn

    (Analysis Group) **with Malcolm Baker (HBS and NBER)and Jeffrey W urgler (NYU and NBER)

    Catherine Atterbury Thomas, PhD 2006Columbia University, Graduate School of BusinessEssays on the Industrial Organization of MultinationalEnterprises

    Yuhai Xuan, PhD 2006Harvard Business SchoolEssays in Financial Economics 1) Empire-Building orBridge-Building? Evidence from New CEOs Internal Cap - ital Allocation Decisions, 2) The Role of Venture Capital-

    ists in the Acquisition of Private Companies, 3) Shuttingthe Pearly Gates: The Determinants and PerformanceImplications of Mutual Fund Closures

    Katherine Emily Ho, PhD 2005Columbia UniversityEssays on the Industrial Organization of Medical Care:The Welfare Effects of Restricted Hospital Choice in theU.S. Medical Care Market; Insurer-Provider Networks inthe Medical Care Market; Moment Inequalities and TheirApplication

    Kristin Elizabeth Knox, PhD 2005Harvard University, Institutional Research OfceEssays in Financial Economics: How Does the Presenceof Collateral Affect Banks Views of Takeover Defenses?How Does Collateral Affect Loan Spreads? Earnings Pre- announcements (joint with Randolph Cohen and TuomoVuolteenaho)

    Michael Ostrovsky, PhD 2005Stanford Graduate School of BusinessEssays on Matching: Stability in Supply Chain Networks;Trade Patterns Under Transportation Cost Heterogeneity;Two-Sided Matching with Common Values

    Michael Yampuler, PhD 2005University of Houston, C.T. Bauer College of BusinessThree Essays on Standards and the Capital Market:Principles-Based Accounting Standards, EarningsManagement and Price Efciency; Earnings ManagementDeterrence; Audit Opinion Levels


    Melissa A. Valentine, PhD 2013Stanford University

    Team Scaffolds: How Minimal Team Structures EnableRole-Based Coordination

    Ayfer H. Ali, PhD 2012Universidad Carlos III de MadridFrom Idea to Product: Translating Research Between theBench and the Clinic 1) Buyer Behavior in TechnologyMarkets: Technology Proximity Between Firm Portfolioand In-Licensed Patents, 2) Translating Inventions into

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    Products: Inventors Educational Background and theSpeed of Technology Licensing from Academic MedicalCenters, 3) Do Diversity and Focus in Routine Work Inu- ence Creative Output? Evidence from Cardiac Surgery

    Julia Adler-Millstein, PhD 2011University of Michigan, School of Information and Schoolof Public HealthThe Use of Information Technology in U.S. Health CareDelivery

    Jonathan Clark, PhD 2010Pennsylvania State UniversityEverything for Everybody? An Examination of Organiza- tional Scope in the Health Care Industry

    Lucy Hamilton MacPhail, PhD 2010New York University, Wagner Graduate School of PublicServiceWork Process Failure and Organizational Learning inHealth Care Delivery Settings

    Syeda Noorein Inamdar, PhD 2008San Jose State UniversityExamining the Scope of Multibusiness Health CareFirms: Implications for Corporate Strategy, ManagementControl Systems and Performance

    Ingrid Nembhard, PhD 2007Yale University, School of Medicine and School of ManagementOrganizational Learning in Health Care: A Multi-MethodStudy of Quality Improvement Collaboratives

    Sara Singer, PhD 2007Harvard University, School of Public Health

    Safety Climate in U.S. Hospitals: Its Measurement,Variation, and Relationship to Organizational SafetyPerformance

    Darren Edward Zinner, PhD 2006Research Fellow, Massachusetts General HospitalEssays on the Management of Clinical Trial Sites:Lessons for Health Policy, Technology Development, andOrganizational Theory


    Matthew Scott Lee, DBA 2014INSEADMission and Markets? Organizational Hybridity in SocialVentures

    Hila Lifshitz-Assaf, DBA 2014New York University, Stern School of BusinessShifting Loci of Innovation: A Study of KnowledgeBoundaries, Identity and Innovation at NASA

    Everett Stuart Palmer Spain, DBA 2014United States Military AcademyFinding and Keeping Stars: The Leadership Performanceand Retention of High Potentials

    Ethan S. Bernstein, DBA 2013Harvard Business SchoolDoes Privacy Make Groups Productive?

    Andrew A. Hill, DBA 2011U.S. Army War CollegeRisk, Hiring and Organizational Performance: Essays in

    the Management of Human Capital

    Barbara Zepp Larson, DBA 2011University of SussexWorking Across Societal Borders: Essays on Cross-sectorInteractions

    Howard H. Yu, DBA 2011IMD Switzerland

    Leopards Sometimes Change Their Spots: How Estab- lished Firms Can Transform Themselves

    Adam Kleinbaum, DBA 2008Harvard Business School, Post-Doctoral Fellow (2008),Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business (2009)The Social Structure of Organization: Coordination in aLarge, Multi-Business Firm

    Spela Trefalt, DBA 2008Simmons CollegeBetween You and Me: A Relational Perspective onManaging Work-Nonwork Boundaries

    Amanda Paige Cowen, DBA 2006Harvard Business School, Post-Doctoral Fellow (2006),University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce(2007)The Liabilities of Status: Merger Outcomes in the Invest- ment Banking Industry, 19802000

    Julia Prats, DBA 2004University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of BusinessSustaining Superior Performance Through an Entre- preneurial Boom and Bust: Inter-Firm Differences in the

    e-Consulting Industry (19972001) and the InvestmentManagement Industry (19271931)


    Clarence Lee, DBA 2014Cornell UniversityEssays on the Digital Consumer: Models of Engagement,Upgrade, and Referral Behaviors

    Jeffrey Kwok-wai Lee, DBA 2013MIT, Sloan School of Management, Visiting Scholar and

    Lecturer; Post-Doctoral Research FellowThe Downsides of Status Consumption 1) Omnivores,Status Consumption and Self-Expression, 2) UncoveringReverse Placebo Effects: When Better Brands Lead toWorse Performance, 3) The Consequences of ImaginingConspicuous Consumption

    Taylan Yalcin, DBA 2012Chapman University, Argyros School of Business andEconomicsThe Effect of Quality Decisions on Competitive Strategy1) Complementary Goods: Creating, Capturing, and

    Competing for Value, 2) Competing for Consumers Online:The Advertising Strategies of Vertically DifferentiatedFirms, 3) Content Quality in Media Markets

    Zo Chance, DBA 2011Yale School of Management, Post-Doctoral Fellow (2011),Yale School of Management (2012)Live Long and Prosper: Ironic Effects of Behavior onPerceptions of Personal Resources

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    Lalin Anik, DBA 2011Duke University, Post-Doctoral FellowExperiments in Social Networks

    Tuan Quang Phan, DBA 2011National University of SingaporeEssays on Social Networks

    Neeru Paharia, DBA 2010

    Harvard Kennedy School, Director, Safra Center for Ethics(2010), Georgetown University, McDonough School ofBusiness (2012)Essays on Ethics & Identity in Consumer Behavior1) Dirty Work Clean Hand: The Moral Psychology of Indi- rect Agency, 2) The Underdog Effect, and 3) SweatshopLabor Is Wrong Unless the Jeans Are Cute

    Renee Richardson, DBA 2009MIT, Sloan School of ManagementThe Real Value of Fakes: Dynamic Symbolic Boundariesin Socially Embedded Consumption

    Jill Avery, DBA 2007Simmons CollegeSaving Face by Making Meaning: The Detrimental Con- sequences of Consumers Self-serving Response to BrandExtensions

    Mary Caravella, DBA 2007University of Connecticut, School of BusinessPrivacy, Strategic Information Disclosure and New Cus- tomer Acquisition: Implications for Customer Relation- ship Management

    Marco Bertini, DBA 2006

    London Business SchoolIndirect Effects of Marketing Decisions on ConsumerResponse

    Ozge Turut, DBA 2006Washington University in St. LouisEssays on New Product Decisions Under Market Uncer- tainty

    Tuba Ustuner, DBA 2005City University, LondonSelling in Knowledge-Intensive Contexts: The Role ofSocial Capital

    Andrea Carol Wojnicki, DBA 2005University of Toronto, Rotman School of ManagementTalking About Products, Talking About Me: ConsumersSubjective Expertise and Word-of-Mouth Behaviors


    Sujin Jang, PhD 2014INSEAD, Organisational Behaviour DepartmentBringing Worlds Together: Cultural Brokerage in Multi- cultural Teams

    Mary Carol Mazza, PhD 2013Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute andStanfords Clinical Excellence Research Center, PAMFRI/ STANFORD Levy Post-Doctoral FellowEncouraging Healthful Dietary Behavior in a HospitalCafeteria: A Field Study Using Theories from SocialPsychology and Behavioral Economics

    Vaughn Tan, PhD 2013University College LondonIntentional Ambiguity

    Andrs Tilcsik, PhD 2012University of Toronto, Rotman School of ManagementRemembrance of Things Past: Individual Imprinting inOrganizations

    Andreea Daniela Gorbatai, PhD 2012University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of BusinessSocial Structure and Mechanisms of Collective Produc- tion: Evidence from Wikipedia

    Sameer Bhatt Srivastava, PhD 2012University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of BusinessSocial Capital Activation During Times of OrganizationalChange 1) Social Capital Activation During theUncertainty of Organizational Restructuring, 2) Situation- al Uncertainty and Network Activation in Organizations,3) Shadowing Networks: A Field Experiment toAssess the Effects of a Cross-Training Program on Work- place Networks

    Erin Marie Reid, PhD 2012Boston University, School of ManagementMen and the Ideal Worker Image

    Lisa L. Shu, PhD 2012Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management,Post-Doctoral FellowEssays on Ethics: Antecedents and Consequences1) Sweeping Dishonesty Under the Rug, 2) Making EthicsSalient, 3) Morality as Muscle

    Chia-Jung Tsay, PhD 2012University College LondonThe Impact of Visual Cues on Judgment and Perceptionsof Performance

    John Almandoz, PhD 2011University of Navarra, IESE Business SchoolThe Invisible Hand and the Good of Communities: TheInuence of Institutional Logics on the Founding Teamsof Local Banks

    Colin Fisher, PhD 2010Boston University, School of ManagementThe Timing and Type of Team Coaching Interventions

    Modupe Akinola, PhD 2009Columbia University, Graduate School of BusinessDeadly Decisions: An Examination of Racial Bias in theDecision to Shoot Under Threat

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    Qingxia Tong, PhD 2009Zayed UniversityProperty Rights and Corporate Governance in ChinesePublic Companies 19942005

    Marya Besharov, PhD 2008Cornell University, School of Industrial and LaborRelationsMission Goes Corporate: Employee Behavior in aMission-Driven Business

    Heather Maiirhe Caruso, PhD 2008University of Chicago, Booth School of Business,Post-Doctoral FellowWhat We Can Gain from Losses: How Framing AffectsWillingness to Collaborate with Outgroup Members

    Katerina Pick, PhD 2007Harvard Business School, Post-Doctoral Fellow (2007),Claremont Graduate University, Drucker School ofManagement (2008)Around the Boardroom Table: Interactional Aspects ofGovernance

    Dolly Chugh, PhD 2006New York University, Stern School of BusinessWhose Advice Is It Anyway?: An Exploration of Bias andImplicit Social Cognition in the Use of Advice

    Shoshana Dobrow, PhD 2006Fordham UniversityHaving a Calling: A Longitudinal Study of YoungMusicians

    Won Yong Kim, PhD 2006

    Columbia UniversityNetwork of Audiences: FDA Review Time and Innovationin the Pharmaceutical Industry, 19902004

    Elizabeth Lingo, PhD 2006Vanderbilt University Post-Doctoral Fellow (2006),Vanderbilt University, Curb Center for Art, Enterprise andPublic Policy (2009)Negotiations and Lovesongs: A Theory of Nexus Work inMarket-Based Cultural Industry Projects

    Wendy K. Smith, PhD 2006University of Delaware

    Managing Strategic Contradictions: Top ManagementTeams Balancing Existing Products and InnovationSimultaneously

    Michael Beers, PhD 2005Babson College, Senior Research FellowWhen Strangers Dance: Social Capital and the GenderEarnings Gap in Elite Workers

    Linda-Eling Lee, PhD 2005Parsons New School for DesignConspicuous Consumption: A Theory on ProducersQuality Ideals

    Christopher Owen Wheat, PhD 2005MIT, Sloan School of ManagementModeling the Structure of Social Organization


    David Brunner, PhD 2009Harvard Business School, Research AssociateComputer-Assisted Organizing

    Katherine Milkman, PhD 2009University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of BusinessStudies of Intrapersonal Conict and Its Implications

    Jolie Martin, PhD 2008Harvard Program on Negotiation, Post-Doctoral FellowSeeing the Forest for the Trees: Information Aggregationin Online Decision-Making

    Feng Zhu, PhD 2008University of Southern California, Marshall School ofBusinessDynamics of Platform-Based Markets

    C. Jason Woodard, PhD 2006Singapore Management UniversityArchitectural Strategy and Design Evolution in ComplexEngineered Systems


    Tiona Zuzul, DBA 2014London Business SchoolEntrepreneurship and Innovation in Nascent Industries

    Anoop Ramachandran Menon, DBA 2012University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of BusinessEssays on Cognition in Strategy

    Sanjay Patnaik, DBA 2012University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business,Visiting Senior Fellow (2012), The George WashingtonUniversity School of Business (2013)Essays on International Non-market Strategy and thePolitical Economy of Environmental Regulation

    Kristin Elizabeth Wilson, DBA 2012University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler BusinessSchoolEssays on Competitive Dynamics in Regulated Indus- tries: Evidence from Commercial Banking 1) Managingin Boom and Bust Markets: Market Experience and RiskManagement Capabilities, 2) Regulatory Oversight inBoom and Bust Markets: Evidence from CommercialBanking, 3) The Performance Effects of RegulatoryOversight

    Claudine Madras Gartenberg, DBA 2011New York University, Stern School of BusinessEssays on Firm Scope and Incentives

    Markus Taussig, DBA 2011National University of SingaporeEssays on Firm Strategy and Performance in EmergingEconomies

    Prithwiraj Choudhury, DBA 2010University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of BusinessInnovation in Emerging Markets

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    Emilie Feldman, DBA 2010University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of BusinessEssays on Corporate Strategy 1) Selling Your Heritage:Legacy Divestitures and the Hidden Costs of CorporateRenewal, 2) The Talent at the Table: Business Expertiseand Share Ownership in Fortune 500 Boardrooms,3) When Do Analysts Add Value: Evidence from CorporateSpinoffs


    Nathan Charles Craig, DBA 2014Ohio State University, Fisher College of BusinessEssays on Retail Operations Management

    Jillian Alexandra Berry Jaeker, DBA 2014Boston University, School of ManagementImpact of Workload and Resource Availability onHospital Productivity

    Sen Chai, DBA 2013Harvard University, Post-Doctoral FellowEssays on the Emergence and Diffusion of Break- throughs

    William Schmidt, DBA 2013Cornell University, Johnson School of ManagementSupply Chain Disruptions and the Role of InformationAsymmetry 1) Signaling to Partially Informed Investorsin the Newsvendor Model, 2) Belief Renement andOperational Choices, 3) Are Supply Chain Disruptions soDisruptive?

    Ryan Williams Buell, DBA 2012Harvard Business SchoolThe Experience of Production: Essays on Customers inService Operations 1) Are Self-Service Customers Sat - ised or Stuck? 2) The Labor Illusion: How OperationalTransparency Increases Perceived Value, 3) HowDo Customers Respond to Service Quality Competition?

    Venkat Kuppuswamy, DBA 2011University of North CarolinaThe Performance Consequences of Firm Scope Choices

    Christopher Liu, DBA 2010University of Toronto, Rotman School of ManagementEssays on Network Antecedents in a Knowledge Produc- tion Context

    Matthew Marx, DBA 2009MIT, Sloan School of ManagementEssays on Employee Non-compete Agreements

    Santiago Mingo, DBA 2009University of Miami, School of Business AdministrationEssays on Industrial Policy, Strategy, and Entrepreneur- ship

    Bradley Staats, DBA 2009

    University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler BusinessSchoolMicrofoundations of Organizational Capabilities: Empiri- cal Evidence from Indian Software Services

    Richard Lai, DBA 2008University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of BusinessEmpirical Operations ManagementThree Essays

    1) Is Inventorys Fiscal Year End Effect Caused by SalesTiming? A Test Using a Natural Experiment fromGermany, 2) Inventory Signals, 3) Inventory and theStock Market

    Saravanan Kesavan, DBA 2007University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler BusinessSchoolForecasting and Benchmarking Firm Level Performanceof Retailers Using Econometric Models

    Marcelo Pancotto, DBA 2007Universidad Austral, IAE Business SchoolUnderlying Dynamics of Organizational Learning from aProblem Solving Perspective: Quality Improvement Effortsand Problem Population Dynamics

    Santiago Kraiselburd, DBA 2005Instituto de EmpresaThree Essays on Supply Chain Contracts: Impact ofContract Limitations on Inventory and Sales

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