hb 5 community & student engagement francisco rodriguez education specialist...

HB 5 Community & Student Engagement Francisco Rodriguez Education Specialist [email protected] 806/281-5890 School Family Community AND

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What Is the Purpose • To evaluate community and student engagement• Districts and campuses can showcase where they are

excelling and where there is room for improvement– Not all should be exemplary…..

• To tell the story of what is happening in districts and on campuses when it’s not a test day

• An opportunity to highlight community values, which are varied across the state and sometimes within a district

Community & Student EngagementTEC Section 39.0545

• Each school district shall evaluate:– District’s performance– Performance of each campus

• Assign a performance rating of:– Exemplary– Recognized– Acceptable– Unacceptable

• For both:– Overall performance and– Each individual factor under Subsection (b)

• Ratings are publicly available no later than August 8PIEMS Summer Submission June 26

Community & Student EngagementTEC Section 39.0545

Subsection (b)1. The following programs or specific categories of

performance at each campusA. Fine artsB. Wellness & physical educationC. Community and parental involvement, such as:

i. Opportunities for parents to assist students in preparing for assessments

ii. Tutoring programs that support students taking assessments

iii. Opportunities for students to participate in community service projects

Community & Student EngagementTEC Section 39.0545 (cont.)

Subsection (b) [continued]D. The 21st Century Workforce Development

programE. The second language acquisition programF. The digital learning environmentG. Dropout prevention strategies andH. Educational programs for gifted and talented



Report Data to TEA and Make Ratings Publicly Available

• HB 5 requires: – districts to report each performance rating to TEA – districts to make the ratings publicly available by August 8

• As noted earlier, TEA has added new coding to the PEIMS Data Standards and the new codes must be reported in the Submission 3 Summer Collection, June 26.

Evaluate the district and campuses performance

8 categories (exemplary, recognized, acceptable, or unacceptable)

For the compliance category an answer of “yes” or “no”

Compliance and Policy Reporting Requirements

• Improvement plans that include statutory requirements.

• Compliance with state and federal program requirements.

• Compliance related to NCLB, FIRST Rating, PBMAS, PEIMS, transportation, etc…

• Campus Plan/District Plan

Parental Involvement

• Public Law (P.L.) 107-110, Section 1118 (a) (2)– The LEA shall develop jointly with, agree on with,

and distribute to, parents of participating children a written parent involvement policy that shall be incorporate into the LEA’s plan developed under section 1112 and establishes the expectations for parent involvement…

P.L. 107-110, Section 1118 (b) (1)

• Each school served under Title I, Part A shall jointly develop with, and distribute to, parents of participating children a written parental involvement policy, agreed upon by such parents, that shall describe the means for carrying out the (parental involvement) requirements…

TEA Coordinated Toolkit Teams

• Fiscal/Allowable Costs

• Homeless/Foster Care

• Private Non Profit

• Parental Involvement Policies (PIPs)

ESCs Parental Involvement Policy Toolkit Team Members• Kristi Veitenheimer, ESC 9• Kathy Duniven, ESC 11• Melissa Sulak, ESC 11• Sherry DiMarco, ESC 13

• Francisco Rodriguez, ESC 17

What all is in the toolbox?

Parental Involvement Policy (PIP) Training PowerPoint Developing a Written PIP Publication

District/LEA PIP Checklist School/Campus PIP Checklist Sample USDE District/LEA PIP

Sample USDE School/Campus PIP


• Francisco RodriguezEducation [email protected]/281-5890