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Hazel Part # 2

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to the Messages with Hazel

My intense spiritual journey began about 10 years ago during which time I was introduced to the world of spirit. It was during these crucial years that I began my

journey with spirit and intense relationship with God.

Two years ago I awakened fully when the Father responded to my cry and filled me completely with His presence and love. Immediately thereafter I was led to Abundant

Hope. Thus begun a most rewarding journey into the deepest life of my soul- my highest self, God.

The Arch Angel Michael came to me in 2009 and said that I was being prepared to

undertake a task for God. Thereafter I was gifted with telepathic abilities which enable me to channel messages from divine sources. The Father also came to me

through automatic writing and said „Mighty God is present‟ and spoke to me. Since then I have channelled messages from the Masters and higher celestial beings of

Light including Christ Michael and The Source.

The Higher self teachings represent wisdom I received through my God mind during a state of inner communion. Initially I was surprised at the quality of the wisdom

which came through. More and more that voice within would direct me on that which it would have me write and the words would just flow. I started to realise the wealth of knowledge that I held/hold within me. I was told that I come from the Melchizedek lineage and that explains my predilection for spiritual teachings and love for divine

law and justice. I have vague memories of teaching in other dimensions.

I have had a few mystical experiences during the last 2 years which I can recall in which I have met Christ Michael and Esu Sananda and at times when I am coming

out of dream state I can hear the Masters teaching me.

Each day I awaken with a new determination to ignite the fire of God upon the altar on my heart and to effort through sustained momentum of energy and desire, to

launch the rocket of my soul that it may accelerate into the vibration of the Mighty I AM Presence.

I have chosen to be counted amongst the vanguard of “Light” and to serve the will

of my Father, the God incarnate, through service to humanity and to co create a civilisation as the earth ascends, based on Divine Law.

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One of my missions is to encourage and assist others to become spiritually independent through the education of their spirit, enlightenment of their God mind and emancipation of their God selves. I come to teach that there is only one Truth

and that is God‟s Truth. We can access God‟s Truth from within His God mind within which our minds rest in the seat of our souls. It is there that His Light resides and

holds the treasure of divine intelligence- the Truth of God‟s existence, Love and Wisdom.

I have offered my entire self in the service of God, for I remember who I Am. The

Father will write through me and He will teach through me and He will live through me; for above all things I choose HIM and HIS WILL. Nothing else truly matters. HE is my greatest joy, my greatest reward and my greatest fulfilment. Always will I give to HIM the glory for I of myself can do nothing; it is the Father within me who doeth

the work.

Blessed be in Love and purest Light


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Table of Contents

Message Page Introduction to Messages with the Masters ........................................................... 1 Table of Content ........................................................................................................ 3 # 51 Update #1 ............................................................................................................ 5 # 52 Diamonds amongst the Coal ............................................................................... 7 # 53 Update #4 ............................................................................................................ 9 # 54 Update #6 ............................................................................................................ 11 # 55 Update #7 Progress Report................................................................................. 13 # 56 Update #10 .......................................................................................................... 15 # 57 Creative Genius ................................................................................................... 18 # 58 It is Done ............................................................................................................. 21 # 59 Update #12 .......................................................................................................... 22 # 60 Update #13 .......................................................................................................... 25 # 61 What it means to be Enlightened ........................................................................ 26 # 62 Addendum to #13 ................................................................................................ 30 # 63 Update #15 .......................................................................................................... 31 # 64 Update #17 .......................................................................................................... 34 # 65 Update #18 .......................................................................................................... 36 # 66 Update #20 .......................................................................................................... 37 # 67 Update #22 .......................................................................................................... 40 # 68 Message of Love ................................................................................................. 42 # 69 Update #25 .......................................................................................................... 44 # 70 State of urgency .................................................................................................. 46 # 71 Update #26 .......................................................................................................... 47 # 72 Words for the Mother ........................................................................................... 50 # 73 Update #27 .......................................................................................................... 52 # 74 I AM That I AM- It's Truth .................................................................................... 54 # 75 Light and Life ....................................................................................................... 57 # 76 Sense of Belonging- The Kingdom of Light ......................................................... 59 # 77 General update .................................................................................................... 61 # 78 Solitude ............................................................................................................... 64 # 79 Gratitude- A state of being .................................................................................. 66 # 80 Rituals ................................................................................................................. 68 # 81 Christ Michael Issues Alert .................................................................................. 70 # 82 Lord Melchizedek -The Hand of Truth wears the Glove of Freedom .................. 71 # 83 Germain on The Art of Waiting ........................................................................... 74 # 84 What it means to be awake? ............................................................................... 77 # 85 "In vain you build a city when first you should build the man" ............................. 80

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# 86 Arch Angel Uriel - Tomorrow‟s Promise .............................................................. 83 # 87 Choices by Nada ................................................................................................. 86 # 88 Jeopardy .............................................................................................................. 89 # 89 'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life .................................................................. 91 # 90 Prepare yourselves for the time has come .......................................................... 94 # 91 Visionaries ........................................................................................................... 96 # 92 Words from Gaia ................................................................................................. 99 # 93 Judgment Day -Uriel ............................................................................................ 101 # 94 Courage ............................................................................................................... 103 # 95 This is the Time of the Resurrection ................................................................... 106 # 96 Clarity before Calamity ........................................................................................ 109 # 97 Fear ..................................................................................................................... 112 # 98 Boundaries- Dynamics ........................................................................................ 116 # 99 Remember Who You Are .................................................................................... 118 # 100 Progress ............................................................................................................ 121 END ............................................................................................................................. 123

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by

©2005-2011 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

Detailed explanation of AbundantHope's Copyrights are found here

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Update #1

By Christ Michael thru Hazel

# 51 May 15, 2010


Christ Michael

Update No 1

We are well and truly here. Yes and the work have begun in earnest to cleanse those institutions governed in darkness. We have been fortunate to have secured some co operation which will facilitate infiltration into certain ranks. You see dear ones we already had divine beings on the ground who were expecting our arrival.

Those who are a liability are going to betaken down post haste. We mean business now and will not tolerate anyone standing in our way.

In the coming days you will hear of strange things taking place without understanding what has happened. We are not disclosing what they might be but if you pay sufficient attention you will know. The dark will try to cover up many things from you during this time but we will take every measure necessary to ensure that the population is able to hear and see the truth. We have mobilised some of our ground resources and soon results should be seen physically.

There is an interesting development about to take place in the world of politics and finance and we suggest that you pay close attention. We are going to pull the necessary strings needed for a timely collapse to occur. We now assume the role of the puppet masters and those who have reigned with the dark wand will become the lowly minions.

We are primed in our plan and ready to start making things happen. Yes the occurrences and results in your coming days and weeks will shock the population into opening their eyes and ears. Gradulally at first, but then the severe repercussions which will flow shall create enough confusion to spark greater awareness not to mention fear and anger. This is going to be time of exposure. The events we are orchestrating will cause sequential demise of systems whose timeline has expired or has you ones say reached its "pass by date". The gluttons for punishment will receive such if they do not surrender to the light now. The ride has started so to you ones hold on tightly.

You do not need to know specifics. Just know that the process of disintegration has commenced with divine fervour.

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To my light workers soon your work will be at hand. I suggest you get your "houses" in order.

I am Christ Michael Aton and these are my words. I place the seal of the Father hereto.

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Diamonds amongst the Coal.

By S333 thru Hazel

# 52 May 15, 2010

S333 Message

Diamonds amongst the Coal.

We are amongst you now and know what your plans are. You are not going to be allowed to execute what you are planning. The people have a right to know what they have been subjected to for so long and there is nothing you can do to stop this. You may seek to delay this but time is not on our side anymore. We see you skittering around like mice and rats. It's not going to work. You either give up and give in now or be prepared to be transported to shores anew and I don't mean the shores of an exotic island.

Your frenzied appearance is most hilarious to observe so we know that you are at your wits end trying to find solutions where none exist. If you intend to go down with a fight then we will oblige you but it is better if you just capitulate now and save yourselves a worsening of your fate.

You know we are here. Do you still think that you are resourceful enough to win this battle? Your ammunition of metal and steel are no match for our artillery and the cadre of lies you have planned to besiege the general public cannot wield the light of truth that will confront them when we are finished with you. Your stubbornness shall be your downfall. Your plans to dominate the peoples of this earth will not materialise for we are here to stay until this is finished. Your days of prevail are over. Now you shall see that which the Father has promised unfolding before you and you shall know that your human strength is no strength at all and that His will is matchless.

We are here to squeeze the pus form those sores so that finally it can breathe in the light of day and begin the healing process.

We are standing in your midst whilst you plot and plan and we know the strategy to employ to diffuse your tactics. We are your shadow from now until this is over. Yes we will be your companions and as you plot we will undo them. You will find that success is not happening and spokes are flying left right and centre. You will be so weary by the time we are done with you that your lost resolve will cause you to slump. We are not here to indulge in your senseless childlike games. We are here to remove every vestige of darkness as part of cleansing the planet so that the Mother whom you have abused for aeons shall be able to continue with her transition into an era of great light free of your demoniac influences. Do not think that you can impede this for you are powerless to do so.

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I tell you that you will sense us; you will feel our presence and you will know that there is company but you will not see us. When you feel that light wind wash against your cheek know that that is the breath of divinity; when you feel that sharp stick in your ear know that it is the voice of scolding. When you feel that you are being followed know that you are.

When from the corner of your eyes you see stars of light flash know that we are here there and everywhere. Your nerves will grate through your inability to control this.

Give up now brothers and make your descent easier. There is not much time left before the walls of the economies plummet to its death. It's best that you hand things over to the professionals now so that some semblance of order can be restored before the final curtain is drawn on the world as you know it.

I bid you with haste to think carefully of your next action and ask that you find your courage and honesty for your sakes.


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Update #4

By CM thru Hazel

# 53 May 16, 2010

CM- Update No 4

Christ Michael


Calamity is about to beset those dark ones who have decided to interfere with some of our plans. Do not be surprised if you hear news of disappearances in thin air. You will know how it happened. They are trying to undermine the progress we made yesterday by imposing threats on those who have seen the wisdom in co operating with us. They will not be told again, they will just find themselves elsewhere. We have not come here to indulge them. We are here to iron out certain situations in preparation for their eventual removal.

As I indicated to you yesterday the military has been very co operative for they know what the alternative would have been had they refused. We are however experiencing opposition from those who govern the financial institutions. They still feel that they know best. It is not going to be possible for them to avert what is coming which is a major collapse of the system. We are merely suggesting that the reigns of control be handed over to those who could salvage in a measurable way a temporary reprieve. You see this is necessary to ensure that institutions and people could operate and live at a basic level until stasis. They are not budging at this moment. No need for worry as we are about to execute plan B. This they will not be able to stall.

You may be wondering in which locations we are present. We are dispersed all over. We are present in many countries as a matter of necessity for this is a global operation we are undertaking. There is need for a degree of synchronicity. We however know who must be brought down first in terms of priority.

There is a prominent presence however in the US, for this is where the seeds of change must be initially planted. They hold a major key that we need. The routing out starts here and will flow northwards.

There are fresh surges of energies crawling into the organisations and we are going sweep and mop them clean.

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I would like to give assurance that our plans will not be subverted by the dark for they do not hold the cards any more. This intransigence being shown by the bankers were not unexpected so we are more than capable of dealing with them. They feel that if they put up a collective front that the opposition and pressures being placed on them will dissipate and disappear. They are so wrong. We are not going anywhere until this is done.

We are executing a clandestine operation that will force them once and for all to forfeit their power hold.

Our next visit will be paid to those high ranking government officials. They will be feeling as if they are hearing things for so loud shall be our orders to them be that they will not be able to ignore the summons. Yes I promised yesterday that we would be the new puppet masters and so be it. Their strings are going to be pulled by those of the light now. It is promising to be a struggle however for this is the forum used by the cowardly sons of the dark to handle their minion workers. Without these minions the dark will not be able to vent their wickedness.

We are forcing them to come out form hiding dear ones. They have 2 choices, run and hide or come out. Since hiding is of no avail there is only one way and that is to show their ugly selves. They are going to face me and they will know that I am God their very Father for I shall remind them. They can call the name of Lucifer and Satan as much as they desire but that will not help them anymore. Against my light shall their darkness be measured and I will render to them a final choice before their ultimate fate is decided. In this way they cannot accuse me of not allowing them to change sides. I will however know their intent and make my judgment accordingly.

We are in happy times dear ones. I have said that I would come for you my faithful children and I have. First I have some pressing business to take care off, ridding the earth of the dark forces so that I could then free you that you may ever more walk in my light.

Do not be concerned by details. Leave them all to me. I know exactly what must be done and what needs to be done and it is with effectiveness and speed that I intend to bring matters to a conclusion that the business of the mother's cleansing may continue into rebirth and life.

Hear me clearly you of my fold. I am here amongst you again in different form but here nevertheless. I come to bring you home for home is where the light perpetually shines, where you can roam freely in your true being and grow in divine stature. I am in the process of removing the manacle of darkness by which you have been bound for aeons. I am freeing you. There will be no excuse left, no reason and explanation why you cannot ascend to your highest being. Prepare yourselves for I have come for you.

These words are mine and my seal is that of the Source of All.


Candace: Just as confirmation I have been told military first, bankers, then government as the priorities of our star fleet boots on the ground. I am kept generally, but not with big specifics, as I do not want to leak something on the phone. Also for my safety I should not know too much and neither should any of you.

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Update #6

By CM thru Hazel

# 54 May 17, 2010

CM- Update No 6

Christ Michael

17/0510 Update no 6

Well since the last message there has been a major breakthrough. We have got into their minds and some have defected to our side. This is a great victory for us and we proceed expeditiously now. I do not wish to utilise the option of removing these dark factions as of yet for I want them to be accountable to me and to the public at large.

Whilst this message is being given there has been some inroad in the governmental sectors. No news as yet here but watch this space as there should be something to report soon. We have a special plan for tackling these ones. It will be interesting to witness.

There are imminent geophysical movements to occur in expected areas so please be on guard. This is going to cause inconvenience and loss of life. I ask that you understand the bigger picture we made you aware of months ago. The mother is going to make a big turn and this will as a matter of course affect many. The volcano in Iceland continues to spurt and this is not going to stop anytime soon. It is going to affect the airline industry and the economy as a whole. The population is becoming more and more disgruntled and this is going to be exacerbated by what we plan to execute which will have disturbing and upsetting ramifications for all.

It is not at all pleasant for me to walk amongst the dark but they too are of me and I am efforting to send them light in more direct ways but some are too far gone. It is a very disappointing situation. I am however most delighted to be so close to my many children of the light who are enlightened. If you think I am close by know that I am.

I expect that there will be some developments to report later on but for now know that all is progressing well enough only with slight hiccups for which we have the remedy. You will start seeing results very soon so please do not think we are a fiction of your imagination. We are real and we are here. We are creating the foundation which will serve us well when

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we start to pull the various strings which will lead to the ultimate fall of the dark and collapse all that is duly expired.

Please know dear ones that whatever light surrounds your dark world must be dimmed before it can blaze again from the ashes to burn in the glory of the Phoenix.

Expect events and results to be culminating and sequential. For when they do occur you will know that the trajectory has changed.

I am Christ Michael Aton and I give approval to these my words.

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Update #7 Progress Report

By S333 thru Hazel

# 55 May 17, 2010


thru Hazel


Update No 7-Progress Report

Since your last message today there have been remarkable developments in the banking arena. They have finally realised that fighting us will yield no success for them. There are still those who are resistant but we are managing slowly to break the ice through the ones most needed to further our plan. Any day now we expect there to be specific announcements. I am not able at this time to say more on this but I ask that you listen to the various media which carry information,

The protagonists behind the banking carnage remains stuck in their resolve. We however are not deterred for there are other means at our disposal to open the door needed. There is no one key here. There are going to be devastating consequences for the global economy as the truth seeps out. The dark ones are now shivering with the knowledge of what is before them. They know that they have lost but many will not give up with out a last fight. We however will thwart every effort on their part to bring premature destruction. They will go down on their own. They will not take the Father's children with them.

There are a lot of hiccups taking place at the moment so don't be fooled by the relative quietness which seemingly pervade your world. There are shortly to be cataclysmic renditions from the political, financial and general economic spheres not to mention the earth changes that will complement them all. You see we have a most perfect plan which is unfolding naturally and just as we desire it to. This is a time for you of the light to allow the light of your faith to shine so that you can see beyond today and tomorrow and know that our words are effectual and will manifest in positive results for the greatest good of all. These are not just words. These are reminders to you of what we have promised. This is the rod of hope I extend to you this day that you may know we are here, we are working and we are going to render to you a world that is new when the infestation of darkness is obliterated.

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We have established ourselves within your military and we have made substantial inroads in the financial institutions. Our work is not yet done here however. The political departments are the ones that we are next going to target with gusto. We have already sent in some moles and prepare for greater infiltration shortly.

There is an intensity of solar energy manifesting itself on earth at the moment which will have diverse effects on all things. There is going to be restlessness amongst the people, geophysical upsets and movements and continued general aberrations with your weather patterns. Many will feel as if there lives are "topsy turvy". There is going to be speed up of events in all areas as we tie those threads together leading to the grand finale.

I assure you that victory is around the corner, literally. You will never again distrust the word of God and his helpers. This will be a veritable lesson to you of how important your word is. It will be a great teaching of how faith and knowing works. You shall have your proof and you shall know that you Father God is supreme ad His word is the seal from the Source of All.

I am S333 and I too now walk amongst you. It will be my pleasure to be able with the Father to soon hand back to you your world anew.

My seal I place on these words and thank this child for taking this message this day which makes it 2 now.

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Update #10

By CM thru Hazel

# 56 May 18, 2010

Christ Michael thru Hazel


Update No 10

I wish to address two issues in this update; that of the imminent earth changes due to manifest as a result of the increased geophysical activities and the progress we have made within the political arena.

First I shall deal with the earth changes. You have already this day witnessed an earthquake along your pacific rim in the country of Indonesia, a hot spot for earthquake activity. There is a promise that there will be a recurrence in that region but this time expect fatalities. I have allowed the Mother free reign now in where she turns in an effort to relieve her long suffering. . Expect explosions from above ground and implosions from below ground. Activity from the sea bed is also to be expected. There are going to be a spate of these activities simultaneously and sequentially. Many will feel that the world is coming to an abrupt end. You ones who are enlightened in this regard must dispel fear.

It has become inevitable. Jupiter will be brought out just enough to assist the mother but no more at this time. It is not the right time to bring her out fully for public viewing and I have not yet decided whether this should be done to completion before stasis. This I keep under review.

There are going to be great changes in your earth's land masses. Some will fall, others will rise. This is all in an effort for the cleansing to take place. The brunt of the cleansing will however occur during the stasis period for the protection of man. This I have said to you before and to date this remains the plan.

The general population will be angry with "God" for allowing these activities and will not be able to truly comprehend the deeper cause of why this must now occur in this way. Man must open his eyes and it seems that this will only occur when he faces a situation which shocks his very psyche. My concern has always been for my children and it still is but I have my planet's well being to consider also and these are crucial times for her.

These geophysical activities must be allowed to occur as the foundation for her eventual ascension. The lines of longitude and latitude are changing.

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This is the time for the new material foundation to be laid. I make no excuse to anyone for this. My children who have not yet come into the recognition of who I am will have ample opportunity to so in other placement should these events be unsuccessful in awakening them to the level needed.

I now move on to address the dilemmas facing your politicians. Some are so entrenched in the system of darkness which they serve that they cannot see beyond the shadows. We are walking amongst them and speaking to them but they budge not. So strong is their allegiance with the dark that they cannot pull their consciousness from that realm nothingness. For them what they are doing is normal. They have served the dark for so long that they do not know any better and are very much adamant that their way is the best way. We have however been able to win over a few although unwilling. They have moved sides but still harbour fear that there will be recriminations against them from the dark. They still do not believe us entirely but for now we have secured their co- operation. The clones will not pose a problem as they are entirely coordinated by the hands of others. So it's the puppeteers that we must target.

It is the ensouled dark ones who are trenchant. Our work is cut out here. We are not fazed though for if needs be they will be taken down from their positions for reasons untold. Now for some positive news, we have made an alarming breakthrough with a key player, a political directorate so to speak. This will auger well for the plan at hand.

Those who continue to balk at our attempts at persuasion are going to soon feel the upper hand. Our way is the co operative way as it has always been. We invite them to co-operate but if they refuse well we always have a back up measure.

I can say to you that we have lit the fire and they are being smoked out now. They will either have to move away form their dark stances or stay there and suffocate.

The politicians have lost control; they are good at fighting with innuendo and propaganda but are now unable to solve the world's problems which are of such a magnitude that it would take a miracle. That is why I and my crew are here; to save you and try to save them from themselves.

The curtain is well opened and the play has begun in earnest. Soon we will add some lightening and thunder to bring further excitement.

The politicians, bankers and military, the three bane of mankind existence will be brought down but not before we secure the necessary assistance needed to complete our covert operations on your soil. Those who have defected will be granted amnesty. What that entails is between them and me.

I am Christ Michael Aton and on these words I place my approval.

Candace: CM met recently with at puppet master, in form, all 9 1/2+ feet of himself visible, and got told to "fuck off." Just thought you all would enjoy that tidbit, he gave me permission to add it, but not the details of whom he met with. This person is of course, not the one mentioned where there was success and I have no idea who made that contact. (for those outside of the US, CM in this incarnation is about 3 meters tall).

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Also the mentioned earthquake was initially listed at a 6, but now downgraded to 5.4. USGS continues to game play. The last couple of days they go a few hours with no quakes, and then retroactivity, place the ones they want placed. This happened at least 3 times yesterday.

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Creative Genius

By Paul the Venetian thru Hazel

# 57 May 18, 2010

Dear All

I channelled this message tonight form Paul the Venetian- Ascended Master.This is the first time I have channelled him and he expresses an interest in bringing forth more teachings.

Love to All



Creative genius

I am Master Paul the Venetian and to you my friends on Planet Earth my preference is that you simply call me Paul.

I work with you to help you aspire to the genius within and release that which you truly are. For each is birthed with a special gem within which bears unique talents. There are many who are unable to access this gem and therefore are left with no alternative but to live off the enjoyment of the talents of others.

I am here to remind you that your soul encompasses all that God is. I assure you that the Father is multi talented and multi faceted. His creation married the arts with the sciences, each holding the key to a host of skills and talents born of His creative genius. There is no

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limit to your soul's creative attributes and in each lifetime you choose a skill or talent however humble, to master. The challenge lies however in your recognising this and nourishing those talents through the application of mental and physical rigours of effort and discipline.

The most purposeful achievement of your bestowed talents occurs when you can share them with your fellow man and in so doing speak to the love within his heart and soul. Your talents and skills must be moulded by the clay of love into the perfection of your soul. When love is the flame used to fire the clay oven then the result of your creation will radiate the sincerity of that love and touch all who partake of its beauty.

You see dear ones, your creations fashioned from love through the exercise of your talent is another language by which you can communicate with your brothers and sisters. Spoken words are not always necessary, for the soul often responds to subtle language of inspiration created by the light within all.

It is a travesty of your divine heritage to say that you were born without talent. If your talent is not glaringly conspicuous to yourself it does not negate its existence. It will merely take some effort on your part to discover what they are. That perennial excuse used by many is the unpalatable reason why so many live a bland life without discovering the finer features of themselves, which they can court to create a world of beauty and harmony.

Your talents and the fruits therefore enrich your existence and those of others and can elevate your world by harmoniously drawing together all facets of God that the end tapestry reflects the complete divinity which already exists in your world yet not recognised. However, it takes all to create the One and therefore requires each to unearth from the recesses of his soul that which he must use in this lifetime to play his part in adding to the whole.

This is Paul the Venetian who comes in the Light of the Father. I am a Cohan who is here to help you enrich your life by showing you how to release your idea of love through the flow of your divine gift, your talent. Call upon me and I shall work with you in unison.

My blessings to all


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Candace: Paul is one of the 7 "rainbow" masters" covered in PJ#7. I don't know if Christ and friends have place a full version on our site or not. If not, you can find it under the Phoenix Journals at www.fourwinds10.com Unless Paul has changed his ray, he is of a ruby red Ray, the 3rd ray. Some groups associate the Rainbow Rays Masters with certain chakras, and for Paul that would be the Heart Chakra. And other sources describe his role, similarly to his own description above.

Nada, Esu's lovely soul mate, is one of these Rainbow Masters also. She holds the 6th ray, which is pink, associated by some with the solar plexus. She is generally stated to be about devotion. Perhaps we will hear from some of the other Rainbow Masters.

And of course the Rainbow Master most well know in new age literature, is Germain, of the 7th ray, Violet

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It is Done

By Hazel's god Mind, thru herself

# 58 May 18, 2010

Whilst communing this night, I was given entrance into the higher echelons of the library of my God mind (These were the exact words used)and was given this.


Take my hand

This lonesome road shall end

The burgeoning silence culled

By the ecstasy which greets

Your curdled palate

To initiate the golden taste

That sweet liquor of freedom

Which travels through lambent veins

To stir the rhythm of your mind

Take my hand

Join me in the final bow

The actors in this pageantry relates

The eclipse to this divine play

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As the trembling curfew lifts

A vision of your fledgling sun permits

The dawn of a new day

Its prowess speaks in plural tones

It is done.



Candace: increasingly, all of you will be allowed access to more and more of your higher knowledge. Before it has been veiled until the time is right.

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Update #12

By CM thru Hazel

# 59 May 19, 2010

Christ Michael thru Hazel


7:15 am

Update No 12

This is going to be a brief update with more to follow later. As part of the infiltration talking place within the military we also targeted various ranks in the navy. We have had much success here in cordon in off various assets for use in the future should that become necessary. Let us say that various ranks now appreciate that there is no where for them to go to. It did help that we had a presence here before.

Back now to developments with your politicians. Since your last update there has been some marginal breakthrough. There are some tough cookies here . Some too far gone I am afraid. The puppet masters have these well secured within their evil clutches. Never mind it's not as if I expected co operation from all. I knew that this would be the case so I am preparing to execute an alternate strategy. Their failure to see the light has not affected the outcomes we project it has only pushed them further away from me and sealed their inevitable fate. They still don't believe dear ones and have been very recalcitrant and downright cynical about our presence.

I have approached directly a few puppet masters now and one has agreed to give support begrudgingly. The others remain cantankerous and loyal to their master Satan. They do not recognise me as their Father. One has accused me of being a "bastard alien" with no earthly rights and ask me to "piss off". Beloveds they know not what they do. So soon shall they meet their end but face me they shall first in the nakedness of their soul and then I shall see what they say

Apart form the apathy shown by some in your "high" places, plans are progressing. I can say that a new stream of powerful energies are being released through your planet today and that shall have the effect of creating greater openings for us. More of your population are going to find themselves becoming alert. These new energies should also create further breakthroughs within the various spheres of those in authority.

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Now you see what is going to happen is a series of mind boggling events that will once and for all show those in authority that we are real and we are here, for many still believe that they are seeing and hearing things. Some speak openly between themselves about our presence yet others are too embarrassed to, for fear that they would be accused of being "mad". Many of them shake their heads or rob their ears when we speak to them in disbelief that they are hearing right.

A massive earthquake is due and I ask that all be prepared. This shift in the earths crust is going to create a shift in man's outlook.

That is all for now. More to come later.

This is your Father Christ Michael Aton who walks amongst you and is here to clean the debris of darkness clouding your world and impeding your ascent. I place my divine seal hereto.

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Update #13

By CM thru Hazel

# 60 May 20, 2010

Christ Michael thru Hazel

18:30 Update No 13

Well we have made some firm decisions you will all be happy to hear. This has now become inevitable. The dark ones we have sequestered below ground are not giving away much. There has been some mileage made with a few. Yes they will serve their god Satan to the very end, so be it. It does pain me that my own cannot recognise who I am. What I am saying to you is that a few will have to be uncreated. So sinister are their ways that I will not even risk placing them in lower placement to infest and continue their blind robbery of the souls of my beloved children efforting back to light.

Be prepared to see within the next day or 2 a sequence of activities on the earth plane which will manifest its self in heavy movement of Mother Gaia. This will be the first set of events. There will be a follow up of more earth movements via volcanic activity. The markets are going down this I can assure you of. I have considered various options with my crew and I have decided the priority of events best placed to fulfil divine objective. I can confirm that there have been many removals from the political arena and from the media. Not much cooperation here dear ones. I am reviewing my original idea of taking control of your media but have not yet come to a confirmed decision. I have carte blanch from Source to take whatever measures I deem necessary to bring this to a conclusion.

I am not going to say a lot more at this moment in time for a follow up will be given through another channel. Well little ones it seems that you will be getting what you desire. I do hope that being the light workers that you are you will hold the hands of your brothers and sisters who are not yet awakened but who will be by the time these events occur. They will need your help to understand the whys and wherefores of all this. I urge you to show the utmost love and compassion for they are my children and I love them too immeasurably. This is going to be your test, my beloveds. This is the time for positive action both from us and you.

I am Christ Michael Aton, your Father and I place my seal on these words.

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What it means to be Enlightened

By Nada thru Hazel

# 61 May 20, 2010


Nada thru Hazel

What it means to be Enlightened

Enlightenment is derived from the word Light. Its finer connotation suggests one who sees, not a subset of outer sight through the eyes but inner sight through the mind of God.


What it means to be enlightened? 20/05/10

One cannot become enlightened through external bestowals. Enlightenment is earned from within but not without the desire to attune to a higher level of understanding. When man wishes to remove himself from the loneliness of this world cloaked in darkened veils, then he will feel the inevitable pull of his spirit luring and cajoling him to come within, to breathe the air of spirit and to rest within that sanctum of his inner being which has the power to direct him to the light, being the Source of all. When man can navigate his way to his centre he will be able to truly see, for the light within shines most brightly and with acute clarity. Nothing divine is hidden, but all is exposed for the light that it is within his very core.

Recognition will dawn that his newly discovered light is really in fact the light of the divine and Source of all whom he calls God. This is the hidden treasure that the soul of man chooses incarnation after incarnation to find; yet many are unable to find their way back to their centre. Many are led to the path and given directions yet during the course of their exploration they somehow tend to lose their way through the offered distractions that time and space present.

Man cannot become enlightened by reading a book for that which he reads becomes a source of belief not confirmed knowledge. He may seek to imitate the lessons taught which is not altogether negative. It still however means that he is borrowing from the experiences of another without efforting to experience it first hand. An enlightened soul will become a teacher amongst men and a follower only of the divine omnipotent source moving within

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him. He will share what he garners in knowledge through the experience of inner communion but cannot by any measure undertake another's experience for him.

Many in your world are exploring notions of spirituality without truly comprehending the simplicity of what that means. They get hooked on people who sell themselves as experts. They commit themselves to cults and read all manner of literature on the subject which proposes half truths and in some cases falsities. All they are required to do to enter into the realm of light is to journey within, with desire, devotion and genuine soul intent and they shall be led to the eternal wellspring from which all knowing and wisdom flows. There they can nourish themselves with as much or as little as they need.

So I have just marked the path for you to where that invaluable treasure is hidden Once found and used with spiritual integrity it will shine its light for you that you may be cloaked with its radiance and thus begin your true inner journey to becoming an enlightened being.

How you get there is up to you but I will make a few suggestions. You need the vehicle of discipline and the fuel of effort but your tyres of desire must be firm and mobile for it is the state of those tyres that will determine how quickly you get to point of enlightenment. Additionally, if you decide to have stops along the way then it will take you longer to reach your goal. Your time for accessorising yourself with the treasure will be also be curtailed. This will also have an impact on your ability to share them with others.

It is your intent to achieve an enlightened state that will propel you into the solitude of your being. This, coupled with your call for the guiding hands of Source and guides will enable you to acquire the gems you need that will inevitably provide the completed jewel.

I now revert to address what it means to be enlightened. It means first of all knowing who you are, where you came from, why you are here and where you are going. These are signposts dear ones. You now need to dress yourselves with the accessories/ornaments and begin the journey. Now the treasure lies before you but it is your choice which piece to adorn yourself with first. It might be that you assume the challenge of wearing many pieces at once and bravely go out into the world to try them on for size and comfort. What do I mean? Well each treasure is a Godly attribute and quality, all of which you must eventually be able to balance before you can claim the title of an enlightened being.

When you can wear the light (being the treasures) of God harmoniously, with balance and equanimity; when you do not constantly have to replace and re clasp the ornaments then you know that enlightenment is near. You certainly will have to keep them polished and can only do so through conscious attention lest they tarnish and become dull without usage.

You cannot be enlightened some of the time but must effort to live constantly within the state of God's light and therefore glow eternally with the radiance that His treasures bestow upon you. Do I need to spell out the qualities of God? I think a reminder is always worthwhile. Kindness and compassion to your fellow man, patience with those less informed and slow, understanding to those not in the knowing, eternal love for all in the oneness of the Source; generosity of spirit and thought, forgiveness of self and others, gentleness in words and mannerism, respect and honour to all. I merely wish to remind

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you to reconnect with the God light from which all of these jewels sparkle. It is up to you how rich you wish to be.

There are many who walked your earth who suffered through challenges and opposition. Through their lessons they were able to learn how to wear God's bestowed treasures with balance and thus be able to shine in the illumined light of their immortal soul and be a light in the world. They epitomised what was close to perfection. They came to raise the vibration of the world and help man to see that his supremacy lay within him and that man was his own creator and that he was the light. They came to help man reclaim his true being and in so doing become and live the light that he was born to be.

When enlightenment is the destination only then your journey ends, otherwise it continues to be a journey. Your current world does indeed make it difficult for one to maintain one's light but that is only if you cave in to the illusions. You see dear ones once you have found the power of that light force, through electric thinking and action you can create your destiny and overcome the hurdles of illusion that life throws your way.

If you can find balance in the light during your sojourn on earth and be able with conscious knowledge to keep the lantern of your soul pure then the light will seldom flicker but will blaze in continuous glory. An enlightened being is a happy being, not necessarily with what is faced extraneously but happy and at peace within, regardless of the external influences. When the light of wisdom and higher knowing is truly entrenched the sharp knives of earthly striving cannot carve etches of darkness within.

When you can align yourself with your God light, you will begin to know what He knows and draw from His intelligence. You can then journey through desire into higher states of insight and understanding and you will truly begin to know God. When you begin to know God you will begin to know yourself. For knowing can only be taught and learned from within. When you know God you will not doubt God for you will never perceive yourself as being in separation from His light, your light. When you doubt God you unconsciously disconnect from Him which leads to disconnection with self.

An enlightened being knowingly nurtures with effort and wisdom a consistent union with the divine light. He knows that the ultimate goal is to become God in manifest.

I have asked this beloved child to take this message crucially at this juncture; for you who are our light workers need to have a clear understanding of what it means to be enlightened. You are the ones who must strive to acquire this state of being along your journey that you may be a living example and teachers to others. Your dawning world will require greater emphasis on the nature of and being enlightened because it is only through effort to become enlightened beings that you and your new earth will ascend into LIGHT AND LIFE.

I am Nada and I give my blessings to these words.

Candace: for newbies, Nada is Esu's "big squeeze", his long time soul mate. She does NOT like to be called Lady Master Nada, or any of that type of stuff. She is most informal in

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that regard, as are every single "master" I have worked with. Stuffed shirts do not exist in the higher realms. Nada holds the 6th ray, of the Rainbow Masters, the pink ray. And you can get an idea of her purpose from this piece above.

Nada and Esu will walk this plane at some appropriate point after stasis, as a couple. Nada was incarnate as Mary Magdalene 2000 years ago. All those stories you probably heard are mostly true. They were sweet hearts then, but they did NOT marry.

She found herself in France after the crucifixion, and Esu went on to India as he did survive the crucifixion. They did have one child together, a girl named SaRa (Saw Raw), which is behind a lot of mythology in Europe. SaRa was boorn at sea, shortly before Nada set foot in France after the crucifixion. There are a LOT of untrue stories out there about Esu and Nada. They did NOT go to Egypt together, as some suggest for example.

Esu married a woman in Kashmir and fathered 5 children there. He and Nada did stay in touch over those years. Esu passed this plane in Kashmir around the age of 115. His eldest Son Joseph returned to the Holy Land after his burial, and placed the notes Judas made over Esu's lifetime in the old gravesite there.

These notes were dug up in the 1960's and some were translated from the Aramaic into German, and then eventually from the German into English, as The Talmud of Immanuel, which maybe is still available on the net if you search. Otherwise, search www.fourwinds10.com for an online copy.

Also, Judas was not the enemy it is said he was. It was a Juda with a similar last name that was the betrayer. and that Juda was NOT an "apostle." Judas was Esu's best friend back then, and make notes that became the above book, the ones that survived.

Now, if you have not read Phoenix Journal #2, you will enjoy it, as Judas himself translated some of those ancient notes of his, into English and you find them in that volume, entitled "And They Called His Name Immanuel." Esu never went by "Jesus", Paul created that.

We do have it online here on AH. Just browse thru the Phoenix Journal section for an easy to download version, especially for those on dialup. You can find the original version also at Fourwinds10. But the download is quite long as the books were copied on a copy machine and then scanned into the computer. The Phoenix Journals take an average of 1-2 hours to download on dial up.

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Addendum to #13

By CM thru Hazel

# 62 May 20, 2010

CM- Addendum Dear Candace

CM came all of a sudden again and asked to post this addendum. This is second to the one I just received earlier. I get the feeling that they really mean business now.

Christ Michael



Further to the message I just gave I wish to announce that there is going to be state of panic through out your world. Every country will declare a state of emergency. Your earth is going to heave with such force that every structure will feel her pain. My children around the globe are going to feel that the world is coming to an end. Dear ones this is but an interlude leading to other fierce activities to reign on your planet. The cataclysmic action will move from earth to ocean to air. Everything is going to come to a resounding halt. That is when your markets are going to be finished off.

I am going to give these updates in increments. I have my reasons. I ask all chanellers to be on high alert for you can be called upon at any time.

Christ Michael Aton

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Update #15

By CM thru Hazel

# 63 May 21, 2010


Update No 15

Christ Michael thru Hazel

Things continue to transpire behind the scenes. We are back in full swing attending to important matters. We are currently delving a bit more into media activity and courting some media personnel for further co operation.

We have now secured further puppet masters from the number last reported. They are in the basement of the undergrounds facilities giving us some "Hell". You will not begin to imagine how many of these kind exist. We have managed to uncover some crucial information which we can use to our advantage. We are pushing them to voluntarily hand themselves over to the people for confession of their crimes. This does not seem likely to happen. We shall persevere a bit more and if that fails then I am going to ensure that information is leaked through various media with substantiated proof so that the population can draw their own conclusions.

I have decided that I am going to ensure that announcements occur before stasis one way or the other. How soon before stasis I have not yet determined. It all depends on these rogues that I have in the cellar.

The foundation of our work here is almost complete as best as is allowed given all the circumstances.

I now wish to say more about the state of your markets. Have you ones been following the news? Do you not see that exactly what we said is unfolding? Did we not give you a prior heads up on this? Well this is just the beginning. There is nothing they can do to stem the collapse which imminently looms. Beloveds, there is so much fear amongst them. Also some of the puppet masters currently incarcerated are the ones that pull the trading strings and they can't be found? Yes they are visibly missing and those who rely on their mandate are floundering just as your markets are currently. This was all part of our orchestration.

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There will be no recovery and that is my divine dictate. This sore is now cankered. We will not allow reprieve. If they do try to find a quick fix we will step in and unfix it. We will play musical chairs with them if necessary but they will never get the seat of financial power again.

Having dealt with the recalcitrant dark puppeteers, I can now fully and profoundly appreciate what my children have been subjected to and it is time to rid this world of their kind. I have begun to pull the strings and I want you all to watch this mighty collapse. All is going to tumble to a raging end, to be no more. They are "rank" beloved and for me to say that being their Father should say something to you. They are well and properly sold to the darkness of the antichrist. I assure you that after I am done with them they will not see the light of day again, for that is the only extent that they know the light.

My team have been able to acquire some assets and cooperation from various sources and shall utilise these resources to implement temporary programmes pre stasis that there may be some semblance of order.

I am afraid dear ones, that my children are in for a very rude awakening. The life that they have created based on false notions and ideologies is drawing to a close, as it must.

Do not underestimate what we have accomplished so far. The best of plans must have a solid foundation before execution can commence.

Further to the update of the earth movement I highlighted to you over the last few messages, please be on extremely high alert now. It can happen at any time between now and your coming Monday. So loud will be the explosions below the mother's level that it will be felt and heard far and wide. She must have her release. She cannot bear the pain anymore. I have come for her, know this.

I ask again that you pay careful attention to the message brought by my beloved child on your forum (Ray) who has provided details of potentials for the occurrences. He was specially chosen to bring these details forthwith.

There is not much more I can say at this time but rest assured that it is close to completion. Yes, as I walk your lands I am now convinced that perhaps I let this go on for too long. The air is so polluted that you will not even believe me if I am to give you the full details. All life is dying a slow death and that is not the reason why I sent you here. I sent you to live and grow though your experiences but not to slaves to all that is dark. Yes my little ones there has been a learning in this for me too. So very soon I am going to whisk you all away from the putrefaction that lies in your midst.

I would like to extend my thanks and love to all you my children who have conscientiously sent light, love and support for those in my troops and to me. You have and continue to grow in my image. I am well pleased.

This is my promise to you. The days are becoming shorter until stasis will be initiated. I have brought the light of my presence to you on earth and in a matter of days you will hear and see the power of divine presence. Know then that it has started and once started will roll with fervour unto completion.

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These are my words brought in the light of my being which comes from the Source of All. I AM THAT I AM Christ Michael Aton

Candace: I only saw a short piece by Ray at AHS yesterday and it suggested there may be a really great quake coming in the Pacific near Hawaii, and there is a huge raising of the sea floor, by some 13 feet a day off the Pacific Coast of Australia.

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Update #17

By CM thru Hazel

# 64 May 23, 2010

CM-thru Hazel 23/05/10

Update No 17

There are latent energies manifesting itself underground at the moment. These energies are adding to the intense pressures that the Mother is currently experiencing. She is bursting at the seams beloveds. I am still in two minds as to whether or not I should assist her in her release. I feel great compassion for her but she too can be stubborn and wants to do it on her own. I cannot see her lasting for much longer. The hours grow very short for her now. This labour is about to begin. Her water has broken and she has been told that it is time to make that first push. Her contractions are now very close together.

Her pushing can start any time so please prepare yourselves emotionally and spiritually. It is not going to be pretty and even the strongest of you will be affected. I implore that you remember all my words to you. Be strapped into the centre if your being. This is just the very beginning. You must retain your equilibrium at this time.

We are escalating other activities, for things must be in place when this disaster strikes. The world is going to come into a greater awareness now or so we hope. There is a tendency for man to cast blame on God during such times instead of seeing the cause of what is. We shall see. Our next move will depend on the reactions of your world's population

You have heard from Siraya through Jess and you know that I have the approval of Source in effecting the various stages necessary for the ascension to be kicked off. These stages are almost ready to completion. There can be no holding back now I am afraid, not even to allow my children to awaken further. The time has come for decisive action. It must be done. It must be done.

Chelas, many have sacrificed to be here in your plane of existence at this time for this purpose, and their roles are about ready to start. You have had your initiation period wherein I prepared you; now I am sending you out in the fields to attend to the casualties of the mother's birthing process.

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Be aware and be present. The rotation is about to start. I ask again that those who will be in areas that will suffer from the mother's birthing should not hesitate to approach the levitation beams of the ships stationed above your skies. They will descend as low as they can. Remember hesitance can cause you your mortal life so pleaes with alacrity go to the beam. Do not be afraid for I too am here now with you.

This is the only logical way forward. I do not wish my children to suffer through fear but there is no other way. The curtain is well lifted now and will not be drawn together until the play is well and truly done. Please take your places. This is the first call of your mission.

I am Christ Michael Aton and I come to bring this most urgent message. Know that I am with you now. My seal I place on these my words.

Candace: I began to feel this about 3 days ago. Today I am really picking up changing energies, hugely. And this is different from previous times, something is changing.

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Update #18

By CM thru Hazel

# 65 May 24, 2010

Update 18

Christ Michael thru Hazel


The time is here. I can confirm that the mother is going to make her first major movement. By the time this message is posted it may have already occurred. It is likely that this movement will initiate in the countries/islands in the South Pacific. I have already through Rubens provided safety measures for all to follow in the event that your regions are affected please take heed.

Now this initial movement is going to catalyse further movements in what promises to be a cascade of earth movements with tumultuous effects and devastating results. The tsunamis are going to be triggered and waves in excess of 75 feet can be produced and this will lead to many areas being wiped out.

So quickly with these events unfold that you will not even to be able to count 5 proper breaths. So please move swiftly to the ships. Do not dawdle. Our personnel from the ships will guide you. Do not be concerned for your material things. Hold on to you faith now. This is the time. It has started.

I am Christ Michael your Father and I approve these words.

Candace: I woke up an hour ago (3 am my time) in a sweat. So I got up and am still up but going back to bed. There was nothing in my mail then from Hazel, but then she saw me posting to AHS, and made a note to check my mail. This came about 10 UTC, for anyone needing times. Since I normally wouldn't be up for at least another 2 hours, which CM knows, obviously, last I checked there is nothing of interest yet on usgs. He would be expecting me to post this 3 hours after Hazel sent it. I did ask to be awakened if anything important was happening, so maybe that is why I woke up when I did. I am going back to bed now.

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Update #20

By CM thru Hazel

# 66 May 24, 2010

Update 20

Christ Michael thru Hazel

You have noticed this day the drastic occurrence of earth movement in different parts of your globe. This is the mother's way of building the momentum needed. At this point in time I can assuredly say to you that she is choking below. I have asked her to unleash and she has concurred. The time frame given to you has not changed for as of this moment she wrestles with the energies. Our instruments show increased activity in her tectonic plates occurring in the region of Tonga, the seat of an earthquake today. It might be that she will have her first release here.

We maintain the imminence of this movement and have secured all fleet resources in place for immediate attendance. Once her initial movement takes place we will be in a more certain position to anticipate the effect that this will have on the subsequent movements.

My team are working around your clock monitoring her. She is ready to give birth and like a birthing partner I stand by her side giving her all the encouragement she needs to push. She has asked me to allow her to this the natural way. In other words she would rather I not interfere. So for now I hold her hands as she goes through the process. This is by no means an easy birthing for her for she is currently enduring a range of emotions. She knows it must be done.

I am not going to be redundant again by proffering warnings to you for I am of the view that this has been covered sufficiently. Do not underestimate the effects of the birthing process for it will be as none you have ever witnessed. Her energies are raging at the moment so expect this major move at any time.

I shall tomorrow provide a further update on how we are managing on your grounds. Other than that I only wished this to be a fleeting update. Be prepared I say for the moment approaches with haste.

This is Christ Michael Aton and I bid you to pay attention that you may hear the alarm

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Candace: OK, This will be briefer than my previous attempt. There were NOT a lot of quakes today posted on the various sites. There may have been some that were not posted, as USGS does that, we often catch them removing quakes shortly after they happen. I was a slower day. And what ones that were allowed to show, they were marked way down, and I ask if you have not yet read the summary commentary I added thru the day to Update #19 and Ron's warning piece today, that you check there.

USGS is NOT posting quakes as they occur. This has been going on for several days at least. They are apparently batching any above a certain point, 5 and above for review. Today several of the 5 plus quakes were not reported for more than an hour, yet they were on Geofon as they apparently occurred. ALL were downgraded substantially to less than 5, most the apparently magic number of 4.7, even the 5.8 at the Santa Cruz Islands. I don't know if other quakes were not reported at all. This is the geofon site, please bookmark it if you like watching the action. The European site was usless, it followed with USGS. http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/db/eqinfo.php

I am a bit worried about this game. I am sure they do not want people to freak out. So I myself consider whether they should be posted as truth or not. Obviusly USGS folks are aware that something is impending, otherwise they would not do this. Most people don't visit these sites anyway. It could be that ignorance is bliss and it might be better for people to not know in congested areas and just be out clogging the highways.

I hope they do give tsunami warnings so at least some people can evacuate. I read someplace that the southwestern pacific tsunami warning system is offline. I have no idea if that is true or not. This would be a good time for all you creator sons wanna bees to ponder some of these ideas while we wait.

Now, despite what you are being told on TV, the "oil leak" exploded yesterday, tossing off the remaining BOP and is wide open with some collapse of the sea floor. The "leak" is massisve and man is not going to be able to put a cork in the thing.

This is a major disaster and at least one reason for us to move forward. Some of you have written that star fleet should do something to protect the animals and put a cork in it. There are too many leaks forming to cork. And please, those of you sensitive to the animal live, this is worthy, but please understand all the quakes, Tsunami's and volcanic eruptions do exactly the same thing. You must let your self look because you are on the fast track to universal management you know.

Man is NOT protected from his kharma and errors. Except we have actually, because the planet was going to roll over after WW2 and has been stabilized to allow man to grow, or not it seems, and give a chance to the starseeds to have this important experience. Please as you observe all that is going to come, or has occurred in the past, that you chose to come to learn, and be about that!

ALL evolutionary planets are cleansed periodically. Even if they have no people yet on them. All go thru pole reversals and hits from comets because this causes land change outs and renewals. These activities help FORM an evolutionary planet such as this. It might be worthwhile to be reading the Urantia Book on some of this. That is one reason the

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book was given, to remind the star seeds of their roots and the problems faced in universal management.

I wrote a piece on survival, which was lost, I didn't plan to write it, just happened as I went with the flow.. Perhaps I will try to reconstruct it later. I hope all of you ARE prepared, for you have been purposely given a long time to carry that out.

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Update #22

By CM thru Hazel

# 67 May 25, 2010

Christ Michael thru Hazel


Update 22

The mother has been bleeding from within. This is as a result of her efforts to push harder in some places. She is sore as a result and takes a break to recoup her energies that she may have the strength to push again.

You will notice this day that there will be several other earth movements around your globe. She is being prepared to execute the big push. I am assisting her through this time through a combination of compassion and gentle encouragement. There are other devices being used to assist her onward for she has accepted that she is unable to undertake this on her own.

The warnings given to you previously remain and I exhort vigilance and alertness. It was our hope that by this time the grand movement would have taken place but as you can see this has not unfolded. Her current situation means that she needs a little more time and we are working with her to make the release as comfortable as possible.

I would now like to address the recent explosions which have exacerbated the Deepwater horizon oil spill. This is beyond correction so don't be fooled by their half measure attempts. There is no remedy available. Their attempts will all fail as has every attempt they made to stem the flown of the original spill. This additional damage is a further scourge upon the mother and her life forms and dictates even faster action in promoting this birth.

You may think these explosions to be accident please note they are not. I shall not at this time go through the details of what we know but just bear this in mind. This is another attempt of the dark to drive a spoke in the plans for the mother's ascension but this shall not manifest I tell you.

At this present moment in time we have added a few more dark ones to the line up in the dungeon for interrogation. Our plans have progressed to a limit where we are now required

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to take certain action that must be shown in your spheres. I have received my mandate from the SOURCE that this operation must be expedited for He wishes to see the ascension process begin in some earnest.

So what can you expect? First some more earth movements amongst which may very well be that mammoth one we promised would occur. In fact I can assure you that this big movement will take place so please do not lose your hope and faith. Thereafter all will flow from this.

We are sufficiently pleased with the current state of market activity and will admit to having a hand in this. Yes we are ensuring that all is in place so that when the mother gives that big blow the tumble will start fervently leading to the demise.

I am not saying more for now but please note that we continue to monitor the mother. It is her actions that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

This is all for now. I am Aton and will provide a further update later on.

Candace: This was sent 4 hours ago, but held up by somebody, as it didn't arrive in the mail until much later, it was not there 2 hours ago when I last checked.

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Message of Love

By CM thru Hazel

# 68 May 26, 2010

CM- Message of Love

Dear Candace I got the impression that CM wanted this message to be spread far and wide. He said He wanted it to be very simple so that it could be understood by all who read.

Message of Love

Christ Michael 26/05/10

I am within you as you are off me. All creation on your planet resounds with my energy. Yet some are unable to tune into the finer frequency of me. It does not mean that I am not within them.

If you could but take a moment in your days and breathe the breath of silence you will feel a vibrant flow of light enhance your auras and feel the laughter of energy splinter your inner space. You will know that I am present with you.

My children I want you to experience me that I may experience you. I have not denied you of me so why do you deny me of you?

Your time is but a filter whereby you must learn to sift away that which is not of me and you( your true self) and keep only that which binds us in true Oneness.

This is a time of your awakening as much as it is mine for I too must awaken to that which is no longer beneficial to the whole. I must take responsibility to remove that which hampers your growth. The pockets of darkness must be removed or purified that your vision becomes clearer. I cannot experience you if you cannot experience my light. Can you do this also? See that which is not of benefit to you and by extension not beneficial to the whole and take steps to remove them. Let them be filtered away.

What I do now beloveds are geared towards strengthening our connections. I am healing old wounds and replacing old ways that you may once again glow with the knowing of my light and resume your journey within and without to the light that you are.

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Don't you see my children that I am helping you to re connect with me that you may experience me in the fullness of who I Am, that you may taste of my fare and come into the remembrance of who you are and seek YOU with fervour.

There is no separation dear ones. However, as you are, you do not know me sufficiently and therefore cannot know yourselves, your true being. My efforts here will rebuild the bridge that you may comfortably journey to higher ground and the ecstasy of your being.

I am giving you back your heritage. Will you rise to claim it? If you could see with mine eyes you should see that I offer the energy from my light for you to hold in the knowing that I am here to elevate you into the light of my love, that you may experience its poignance and allow its meaning to be your foundation in the dawning world.

When you can see clearly you will know how to find me and you will be able to experience the different facets of my love that you may know how to create a world reflective of the Christ energy.

I am Love my children and when you can understand me you will know that love in strength. I am going to take all who desire to be taken into spheres of knowing that will transcend the pittance of your senses. I am going to render lessons on and of true love and you will learn that this basis of creation emanated from the point of your stillness, me.

I am giving you the opportunity to know me, to know love.

Will you take my hand? I offer it in love.

I am you beloved Father, Christ Michael Aton

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Update #25

By CM and S333 thru Hazel

# 69 May 31, 2010

(Candace: this came earlier today but I was away from the computer)

Update #25 S333 and CM


This is a brief update to let you know that our backup plans have now been implemented and been activated.

We expect that anytime soon there will be reports through your media of strange occurrences in the political and banking realms. Please be vigilant to these reports as they won't necessarily be reporting direct information so you may have to draw inferences or conclusions.

We are now prepared to go full speed ahead and are currently giving the Mother the personal attention she needs. She is thrusting now and soon shall have that extra impetus to give that big heave. She is now more assured than before that those in harms way due to her movements will be rescued or evacuated and taken to safety whether aboard ship or where it is safe.

We know that tensions are currently running high not only amongst this group but by many ones in many places on the planet. Most at a soul level are feeling the changes. It is like a wave forming and getting ready to make a big turn and so many are feeling that a big change is on the way. This is at the physical level causing much discomfort which is manifesting itself in various ways.

You our light workers are aware of what is taking place on the planet at this time and we expect that you have been preparing yourselves to face and deal with the inevitable events. The energies are manifesting more and more in your sphere of reality and unless you are consciously preparing yourself to deal with them your will be overtaken. We ask again that you stay centred and true to this cause and do not allow yourselves to be sidetracked. No one knows the exact moment when the earth will throw up and turmoil ensue, but it is certainly not far off. We are measuring her every movement. We may not ourselves exactly know the time of the big push but will have a fair idea very close to when it is going to happen. We may not however have an opportunity to alert you of it though. If it becomes necessary Candace will be given an impromptu warning and she could ring the bell for you ones.

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Now that all measures are in place we are urging her to bite the bullet and push so that this birthing may get well under way.

Hold on my beloved children for it us not long again. I will now pass you over to my comrade S333. I am Christ Michael giving approval to these words.


Yes dear ones the tide is turning big time. The joy ride of the dark ones are almost over. Their penny hoarding days are drawing to a close. We are still most present on the planet and taking care of final matters before the zones change. We have encountered many difficulties with the dark ones but are now assured that our measures will control their opposition. One by one they are being stripped and removed.

We have a big surprise for you but you will have to wait and see. Yes it is all going to come together now. As the mother pushes her way through this birthing you will start to see evidence of our presence here. Your proof will be forthcoming with the wind of change that is about to sweep over your planet. These are not just words dear ones. We have all worked very assiduously on the planet to ensure that all mechanisms are in place to deal with various eventualities when the mother starts to birth is earnest. The stage is now fully set and unless there is need for last minute tweaks we are now awaiting the Mother. I ask that all of you give her the encouragement to push now for the more support she gets the faster we will get to the point where the big event occurs which will rapidly create a catapulting foray of events necessary to propel this cause to the stasis event, long awaited.

We are in the last laps of this race so please do not let your strength be sapped. Fortify yourself for as the pace picks up, as it will in the days and weeks ahead, so too must your physical emotional and spiritual stamina.

I am S333 and I say hold on, hold on, the rollercoaster can tip at any time now.

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State of urgency

By CM thru Hazel

# 70 Jun 1, 2010

Candace: I was called by S333 nearly 5 hours ago and he didn't realize I was involved in another channeling situation with a group of people. So there was movement to others. I do have a piece coming from Esu shortly also. CM was involved with what I was doing earlier today as was Monjoronson with Daniel Raphael.

State of urgency- Christ Michael thru Hazel. 01/06/10

State of Urgency

I have this night issued a warning through another one of impending movement. I place you all on high alert. The mother is ready to move and can do so at any time. The frequency of her contractions now are increasing rapidly and she shows signs of imminent heaving .

The vulnerability remains in the areas of the south pacific around the extended fault line identified to you some time ago. Please note however that there are a series of underground movements at this point around other weakened areas of the rim and she can choose to explode in any of these places At this very point in time our devices cannot pinpoint the area where that large movement can occur.

If she does move as we are anticipating this could result in a massive upheaval so please take every precaution as advised in previous updates. The loss of lives promises to be heavy and all are in place to initiate evacuations as needed.

Kindly spread this warning to as many as possible. The likelihood of heavy movement at this point is great so please heed this warning. Cover yourselves now with my light for the mother's destiny is in motion.

Christ Michael

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Update #26

By CM and S333 thru Hazel

# 71 Jun 3, 2010

Update #26

Christ Michael and S333 thru Hazel

Ok we are here to provide an update. We have chosen this child to bring this message for a reason. Candace has had a lot on her plate in recent days and we desire her to rest for she has an incomplete assignment which must be complete for us.

I wish to first address the weather patterns. There are going to be many aberrations shortly due to the rage of incoming energies being streamed onto your planet. This is going to serve a two fold purpose. First of all it is going to assist the mother in part with her birthing and secondly it is going to cause destruction due to the increase likelihood of storms and enhanced earth activity. You will already be noticing the intensity of the storms assaulting various parts of the planet and the distinctly abnormal nature of some of the destruction occurring. This is going to continue.

I can confirm that a lot of souls are currently leaving your planet and the process of sifting is well under way. It may seem strange to you that there are no marked recognisable movements taking place in the physical realm. A lot is in fact going on if you are to take a closer look.

The signs are all there. It should be most evident to you ones that something big is on its way. Flood warnings, tsunami warnings, and hurricane warnings will all be issued. Know that this is only the start. Many of you are being deliberately given dreams by your higher selves and guides of what is to come. Some you remember others you don't. What you recall is meant to acclimatise you to the depth of what looms. I say again the signs are there. Are you looking dear ones?

You are all waiting for the big movement but are you aware of the spate of other activities which cumulatively foretells of grave expectations.

So how is the Mother? I know this remains in your mind. The mother is doing as well as she can as one in the throes of birth. You are wondering why she has not given that big push as yet. There are certain complications at the moment with this birthing that we are carefully attending to. All is in hand though so need for concern. We should get her going again shortly. I am not at this moment going into the details but rest assured that she will move in a big unexpected way. I wish to reiterate that my previous warning of being on

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high alert remains. The fussing will stop in a bit and she will render that big push. This beloved child asks what I mean. Well when a woman is giving birth does she not get cranky at times? Well the mother is no different.

The lights have dimmed severely in the world of the dark ones who are still not willing to concede defeat, yet have been made to clearly understand what their fate is. Yes there will many uncreations which is sad but very necessary.

Some of them continue to play their random games with us. They are scheming to execute all manner of nefarious deeds as a last bid to hold on or destroy you ones, meaning the planet and its inhabitants. We have barricaded them though. They will never succeed.

Now I wish to address some of your concerns. Firstly, I shall address the situation with the recent Israeli demoniac attempts to annihilate those who seek to help my innocent ones. This was neither accident nor incident of self defence. It was a well thought out premeditated plan to impede assistance from reaching the shores of those in Gaza. We note that there has been an international outcry.

Well this is just for media purposes for it to be seen as if something will be done. You ones of mine when will you open your half sleepy eyes? They are out to conquer your planet and will stop at nothing. They purposefully conspire to carry out these acts of terrorism under the banal excuse of self defence. They are all lies. Saying this there are a few countries who legitimately would like to see Israel punished through sanctions for their crimes against the innocent. Unfortunately in the greater scheme of international politics these little countries rank very low.

There are so many countries in this world which are under Israeli thumbs. But not for long beloveds; for we are instituting a series of events that will once and for all bring that nation of thieves and liars down. Don't worry, for my innocent ones in the midst of these snakes will be saved. The truth will be told I say to you, it will be told.

Do not feel that justice will not be rendered for they shall receive in just measure that which they have wielded on my children. This is now between them and me beloveds. They are fully aware of this. The mountains of Israel shall cave in and the earth shall open in a thunderous roar as the blood on their soil is cleansed. Not one iota of evil energy created by these sons of Satan shall be allowed to fester and contaminate the new world. Rest my children in the knowledge that all will be brought to right.

I wish to address in brevity the discord that I have noticed brewing amongst you ones as a result of the latest Monjoronson instalment. I have addressed this in part with Lucia and will add here that your attention must now be placed on the activities that are imminent for your energies must be conserved for this. There is no need for disappointment. A message shall be brought through addressing this either by me or Esu in due course.

Please note that during the stasis period you will receive adequate training as to what should be expected after stasis and how we intend as a team to go about dealing with contingencies and issues post stasis. All will be made clear and in truth we will have a clearer idea then as to how certain matters will be best dealt with. I understand your concerns but please know that there is much to do before then and I would rather have you

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prepared and equipped to deal with what is at hand. I have never and will never forsake you for we are in this together and you shall receive all the guidance and assistance you need during the stasis period and even thereafter. At this moment we need to get the mother going so that the necessary events leading to stasis can manifest.

Trust me my children trust me. I am Christ Michael Aton and I ask are you prepared?


Address to the dark ones

My dark brothers, since we have landed on this holy plant which you have desecrated, you have been at war with us. You have tried to take out many of ours and you have battled using loathsome means and puny useless machines. Have you won? I say no, we are still hare are we not? Your purse strings are about to be zapped and most of you are going to the void.

This is by no means an appeal for you to surrender for you have had your ample chances and have daftly refused the Father's hand. This is merely a bold statement that your time expires with the birthing by the earth. Soon you shall hear and feel the belly of this planet roar, hiccup, belch and spew. You will feel movement as you never have before. Ashes will rain upon your sorry heads and you will know that heaven's voice have spoken and redemption is no more. The energies which shall bombard will be so strong that you will literally feel as if your are boiling. So afraid will you be that you will at that point beg to be uncreated. It will be with great sadness that we oblige you.

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Words for the Mother

By AA Michael thru Hazel

# 72 Jun 6, 2010

Dear All

Tonight I had a lengthy meditation connecting with AA Michael through Tom Kenyon's Angel Code. At the end of the meditation I asked AA Michael for a message. The message is below;

Love and Light Hazel

Words for the Mother

Mother Gaia sings a plaintive tune as her wails belie her birthing pains. The drudgery of this birthing takes its toll on her wilful yet delicate structures. She cradles you her children whilst knowing that it is time to birth a new child, so that all in readiness may partake of this new creation. The load that she bears will be lightened as she purposefully moves to join with the light now extended by the Father.

She knows that as she joins with Him her release will come. She has been anticipating this reunion for such a long time and now that He is here she is overwhelmed as the conflicting emotions wrench her into the turmoil of hesitancy, for she knows that she must temporarily abrogate her duty to you her children in order to facilitate the birthing of her new child. She carries mankind's salvation, for it is the birthing of this new child which is the beginning of the new world that will contextualise the ascension into life and light for all who remain.

Join with us the angels as we hold her up by the warmth of our love and angelic light. Speak in gentle tones of encouragement that she may know your love and deep appreciation for what she is about to do for mankind. Praise her for her courage; comfort her in her misery for having to leave behind those who are not yet equipped to take on higher spiritual responsibility. Caution her that their fate is cast in the light of the Father's wisdom as He places them where they can grow and evolve comfortably.

Wipe her tears and encourage her to visualise the beauty of her soon to be born child that she may in a rush of love wish to cradle this child as she cradles you. Say the following:

Mother, your strength gives us strength. Your love has always sustained us.

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In your magnificence you have brought us to this cycle's end. Now mother you are heavy with child, conceived by and through the will of the Father. This child is our hope Mother, for in birthing this child you will be born anew and so will we. You shall rise again Mother and you and we shall have that rare chance to partake of a wondrous journey, free of unwholesome obstacles that we may walk into the realms of true life and vibrate at frequencies on high.

Each new day will bring wondrous enlightening experiences and no more will you have to cower at the assaults of those who cared not for you. You see Mother we are going to be your new and trusted custodians sent by the Father to restore you. All who will join you in time to come will have new soil to tread upon and bring new energies to you that your consciousness may be enhanced as you journey into the entrance of dimensions anew.

Take a deep breath, please Mother, and exhale with all your might. Let us see this baby born that we may hold it in our arms with you and welcome our new creation. We will assist you Mother in nurturing this new born until it resonates with a vitality of its own and can in unity with us claim the trophy for its ascension into the glory of the 5th.

I am the Arch Angel Michael.

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Update #27

By CM thry Hazel

# 73 Jun 7, 2010

Monday 7th June 2010

Update 27 CM thru Hazel

I come to provide an update on the Mother's progress. The Mother is flouncing now as the pressures build below. She is showing increased signs of movement at this time. Whether it will be the big one anticipated remains to be seen. We have however managed to get her going. The lull in her movement has given her some extra energy that she may now give a serious push to get the birthing well and truly initiated. She remains morose as the reality now faces her as to what must be done. She knows beyond a doubt that this next move is inevitable. She also knows that she must play the next card. The shake up must occur before other events fall into place and we are now working against a tight timetable.

I wish to remind you to ensure that your houses are in order and that you are mentally and spiritually prepared to meet this challenge. With each moment the Mother grows weaker with pain so it is most necessary to get this next milestone done with in her birthing cycle.

I ask that you ones continue to send her your support through conditioned light and love. Be gentle with her yet firm in your undertakings for she will feel comforted that she is not to stand alone after the project of this birthing commences. This is not a time to pray for her healing for she can only be healed and restored after the cleansing is allowed to unfold as it must. In fact dear ones it will be you who will be working to restore her through the rebuilding.

You ones cannot fall prey to short-sightedness at this time. This is a time for gentleness in love yet firmness in purpose. Her time is almost up so expect the expected at any time. I am aware that we seem to be singing this as a mantra but it is our responsibility to keep you updated as and when it become necessary. She has given us many false alarms in recent days. I have however now brought her to a point of understanding that this must be done and the message has been understood by her loudly and clearly. However I continue to treat her with the utmost love and in many ways as she too is my child I coax her and gently encourage her to take her rightful place. She is moving already which is a good sign. Our instruments detect significant movement in the eastern region of the rim at this moment in time.

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I shall provide you perhaps with a further update later this day if it becomes necessary to do so. I ask that you all remain on high alert. These are crucial times and soon I shall be able to discern those amongst you are fully garbed with my mantle.

The judgment of those who have created disunity and division in your world draws very near. Yes beloveds I can confirm to you that you are in the last days, for this cycle is to be closed. The ascension of other planets within my universe now depends on matters being brought to a conclusion here.

Sit tight. I am Christ Michael Aton your Father who walks amongst you to separate the light from the dark and set in motion the events which will liberate you. My seal I place upon these words.

Candace: I am really feeling the ups and downs, the waves of action and rest.

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I AM That I AM- It's Truth

By Nada thru Hazel

#74 Jun 7, 2010

Monday 7 June 2010

NADA thru Hazel

I AM That I AM- It's Truth

I AM THAT I AM is the Father's way of saying that which I AM is self and that which I AM is the soul. The I AM presence within each who bears the Father fragment represents your God identity.

It is a title that you inherited upon your soul's creation. With every incarnation you are meant to progress in your ability to find the I AM within and effort to be that presence. I AM That I AM for you ones mean that which I am is the soul and that which I am is God. After all were you not created through the light of His thinking? He merely divided himself in parts that those various parts may experience the realms of time and space away form Him but not without Him. This brief journey of the soul was meant to enrich the Father through its experiences and enable the soul through its incarnations to reconnect with its Father Fragment and make its way back home

If you were to explain this phrase or title to one who has little spiritual understanding of his origin, you may be accused of indulging in arrogant conjecture to think yourself so worthy or supreme that you dare assume the title preserved only for the most high.

The truth is that these ones live in the downs of ignorance and deprive themselves of the enlightened vision of who they truly are. Subconsciously they also reject it as they are not yet prepared to rise to the ethos associated and born of that title. The cell memories of their God minds remain dormant as they become subjects of an earthly physical conditioning in abstinence of spiritual fortitude conferred by that subtle yet empowered presence within.

The I AM is real for those who can feel its presence palpably within. The I AM is your vibrancy, your passion, your truth. It is who you are. It takes great effort and discipline to access the delights of your powerful soul that you may be able to propel yourself in the

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presence of the I AM. Affirming that you are the I AM is in a manner one way of conditioning your psyche to accept your true being. The more you warrant that affirmation, the greater the probability that you will behave in a way reflective of that presence.

I wish to make it abundantly clear however that saying it and stating it is insufficient if you do not believe it, for belief is the power which manifests its workings. Yet saying it and stating and believing it still falls short of its true value and worth, for you will only reap and know its worth when you can discipline yourself through effort to explore its different facets so that you may know the I AM and begin in earnest to align yourself with its virtues and qualities.

I AM THAT I AM should be a motto, an insignia that man in the new world uses as an affirmation of identity and his spiritual strivings. The Father has bestowed this gift upon you, how will you thank him for this? I humbly suggest that you use it with humility yet spiritual pride and consciousness. The Father has said that He is but you grown in wisdom and presence. Allow this motto to be your vehicle that you may journey, knowing who you are, back to You. In so doing you shall find God.

The difficulty in your world is that separation centres all things for there is a human need for division within the mass consciousness, that man may be ranked hierarchically. The man who stands at the base can seldom feel or experience his sovereignty because there is always someone above who seeks to discriminate or define who his. Those who find themselves or place themselves in the higher echelons convey a self imposed supremacy defined by man-created laws and expectations. The divide is well and truly conditioned in man's thinking and in these limiting circumstances man is unable to breach the barriers of human creations so as to discover offerings of higher truth.

The religions of your world have further entrenched man in the false thinking that God is separate from man and must be seen as an entity so far removed that obeisance and praise must be rendered if man is to ever have hope for salvation. How can man in this cloistered environment think for himself and come to a greater understanding that He and the Father by whatever name is One and the same. He is merely experiencing life away from home for a short time. It is his experiences that will lead him back home to the Source if he is able to find himself in the rubble of his earthly physical existence.

I am here to tell you that the I AM is your salvation, your saviour, your wealth, your guru, your messenger, your counsellor, your constant companion, your creativity, your beauty and essence. Do not reject who you truly are because you disbelieve the eminence of you and your true worth. Allow the motto IAM THAT I AM to define you, to be you in every sense of its meaning.

For those who use I AM THAT I AM, you must lean to feel its divine presence move within. You must give the I AM control over every thought and action. You must be aligned with its virtues and eternal nature. I AM THAT I AM is your cosmic self not your mortal self. The goal is that as you wear the uniform of humanness you must find the I AM and live the I AM until your human existence merges with cosmic awareness that your life on earth becomes a life of spirit and all that is of spirit influences and persuades your actions. Your ascension will be in the measure that you find, know and live the I AM presence.

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I AM THAT I AM For I am You and I am Me You are You and You are Me No boundaries can divide The singleness of One You are an expression of the One The consciousness of the One The unbridled power of the One

I AM THAT I AM The valour of you The identity of me The knowing of you The loving of me I AM THAT I AM We.


Candace: As some of you remember from the early days, I encouraged you to sign with I AM THAT I AM. I gave up using it on forums,and in letters for exactly the reason Nada suggests above. I was accused of "ego" problems, so best left it alone, as it establishes a barrier. I remain delighted to see some using on letters to me, and on AHS. I am delighted to see that from Nada today as just a couple days ago I was again thinking on it.

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Light and Life

By AA Uriel thru Hazel

# 75 Jun 13, 2010


Sunday 13 June 2010

AA Uriel- Light and Life

This is Uriel, the Arch Angel representative of the Holy Light of the Divine. Though my role is varied its root is founded in the dissemination of light projected to assist in clearing, elevating and enlightening.

I have heard your call. It is a pleasure to be with you in this way this morning. This is my first message through you and it is my hope that you will nurture this connection that you many be used to transmit angelic tunes of wisdom to help your brothers and sister on their ascent.

I come in humble service to the One, Aton. My role during these pivotal times is to work with you ones who seek the light within and help you to navigate your way to the internal aspects of that light that you may see and reap its exquisite benefits. I am also helping in the clearing of darkness and negativities that light may shine through and prevail in your realm of existence both at an individual and global level. I am helping to set the scene and creating the context for the influx of light and energy into your realms.

I participate very much now in the lives of many who walk your earth plane, both those who are advanced is soul evolution come to serve and those who are fledgling in the their pursuit of the light. I encourage deeper connection with the Arch Angels for you shall be led in the ways of each and learn the discipline to rise to your inherent quality. Many of you walking the earth are angelic and should be drawn to connections with the angelic realm. As changes manifest in your current dimension, the ethereal veil is to be lifted that more of you will have access to direct angelic and spirit guidance.

My message to you this day is that the light in all things will prevail for that is an ordination that surpasses your realm of understanding. At this point in earthly evolution there is a poor understanding of what light truly means. Very few can grapple with the intricacies of light, its conception and consequence.

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This is an exciting time in planetary evolution and in particular for you ones on Urantia. It is divined that clusters of darkness shall be removed that the earth and her inhabitants of a certain degree of light shall enter into a new phase initiating an ascent into life and light.

Well what does that mean? It simply means that a new level of consciousness is being gifted that you ones who remain will have to build on, so that the Father's will of a fifth dimension for earth is realised. As your sedentary existence turns to one of mobile generation you will find that your understanding of light and life grows.

The true meaning of eternalness will become clearer and perspectives will be greatly enlightened. The short-sightedness that has assailed you ones of earth due to the blinding ways of dark persuasion will be lifted. As you enter and work to higher levels of consciousness you will see a reflection of God in yourselves through the dawning light. The higher the levels of consciousness, being God consciousness, you acquire, the greater the measure of light that will flow from within. It is from this inner evolvement that your understanding shall be enhanced.

As man grows in understanding he shall come to a startling realisation that all that there is, is life. Death is merely a concept, illusory to the understanding of the infinite spirit within. As the dark glaze is removed from man's consciousness he will recognise that life resides in spirit only. The concept of death is unreal and a manifested necessity only for the spirit to be free to move on to other levels of leaning and dimensions of experience.

Too much energy is injected into death in your world. Excessive grief binds your emotions and stifles the truth. You deny life when you hold on to death. In your new world, as you ascend, the light of knowing shall flash and man will engage only in all that is representative of life and learn to see the demise of the body for what it is.

I leave you with a thought- Light is the embodiment of creation, it is the divine spirit within each, it manifests your presence ethereally, it is you, it is that which you call God. Light is all there is and when you can see that, nothing other than light shall be welcome within your sphere. Your reality will be light only and you will reject all that is not of light. Life is found only in the spirit, for it is only the spirit that eternally lives. The body does not live; it exists for the purpose of giving a home to the spirit so that the spirit can consciously through this vehicle make choices which should ultimately lead to its evolution. When you choose spirit and all that is spiritual you choose life eternal.

The opportunity to travel into light and life is being generously bestowed to the inhabitants of earth by the Father. How many will choose to accept this gift?

I am the Arch Angel Uriel come this day to introduce myself and bring a message on Light and Life

I leave you with the sword of light and ask that you use this sword to cull any darkness within and around that you may see clearly your way and walk with us that we may help you on your journey into higher realms of light and life.

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Sense of Belonging- The Kingdom of Light

By AA Uriel thru Hazel

# 76 Jun 18, 2010

18 June 2010

Arch Angel Uriel (Ariel) thru Hazel

Sense of Belonging- The Kingdom of Light

On your planet at this moment there are many soul groups unknown to and beyond the comprehension of the physical aspect of man. These soul groups incarnate for different reasons, some karmic, others in service.

It becomes inevitable during the journey that is your life, that streamlining takes place. Beings fall naturally into the categories they agreed to be a part of. The exception being, those who cannot be brought into an awareness of their decisions at soul level. These ones sometimes drift with the flow of mortal creations, never recognising their true purpose and unknowingly fall into an unconscious soul group which slumbers throughout the mortal experience.

I want to speak to you Light workers who come in service to God and self. Unbeknownst to many of you, by holding out your selves as light workers you are claiming your destiny and gravitating to the soul group of Light through the awakening of your higher consciousness.

You feel a sense of belonging within this group because at a soul level you recall your choice, your will for you, before incarnating. It matters not that your mortal senses cannot understand or lay claim to that knowledge, for your knowing is refined and emanates from your God mind which brings a natural understanding devoid of the need for proof.

There are pockets of you all over your world at varying degrees of enlightenment but sharing one soul purpose being, to spread the Light of God in different ways. You are mediums of the Light though you choose to channel that Light differently. Some spread that Light through the extension of truth learning; others through love awareness and others through the healing of spirit and body incorporating spiritual techniques to channel divine energy, the highest of God's Light. This is your spiritual matrix, your comfort zone.

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You are drawn to the divinity of those who come to share your experience albeit through slightly different tangents. You are representing the Kingdom; that is the Kingdom of Light, being the ultimate achievement, yet primal source.

The measure of your light is reflected in the variety and quality of your service. The quality of your light reflects the measure of your intent. For intent can never be hidden, it can be read through the instrument which calibrates your light- the frequency thermometer of your soul.

God's Light never dims or extinguishes. If this were to take place, part or all of creation would be made obsolete. Your light must therefore glow at its highest peak. You are to be veritable stars. You must shine and sparkle when it is most dark. Do you understand?

During this time of momentous change, the battle field is divided for the final confrontation between dark and light. This is the time for you light workers to take hold of your mighty sword of divine light, empowered by the energy of God and go forth to reclaim your heritage of light for the ALL. You are warriors within the Father's regiment come to lead his children home. Are you up to the task? Beloveds this is one of the most onerous challenges you may have to face but you would not have been sent had you not been equipped to assume the role responsibly. Let go of whatever baggage which seeks to dim your light for you can only win the battle through your highest vibration.

Allow the oneness of your purpose to give you that meaningful sense of belonging. Know that you come from the Kingdom of Light to serve the divine cause. You are light bearers, light warriors and light teachers.

Let the light mould your every action, thought and feeling and use it conscientiously to break down your self limiting boundaries of human perception and conception so that your primordial form may echo, breathe and resonate light on to all things and all ones.

My message to you is that you must represent the Kingdom with honour. Be worthy emissaries of the Light. This is your commission. At the end of your service you shall be awarded higher degrees of light which can be used to decorate your crown.

I am the Arch Angel Uriel, come again to bring a message to enlighten your immortal soul that you may know who you are -"The Light" and feel that sense of belonging . You are defined in spirit by the measure of your Light. Seek it with fervour and you shall be able to re-give it with fervour.

Blessed be to you, children of the most High.

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General update

By CM thru Hazel

# 77 Jun 24, 2010

Christ Michael 24/06/10


General update

I know dear ones that it has been a while since we provided a general update so here it goes.

I will firstly address that which is currently transpiring behind the scenes as it relates to the work we came to accomplish here. We are still very much on the ground taking care of some urgent matters at the moment.

Yes the dark ones are giving us some thrills. They are set to wage a final war against us. They have now well and truly come to the realisation that we mean business. Nothing short of their removal will bring an end to this almighty charade they have been playing with you one for a very long time.

This journey has been arduous for many including my troop, unaccustomed to lower densities and vibrations. We however continue to tread your soils until this is over. I have at certain times been back and forth but Esu has been holding the forth during my brief absences.

So firstly I will update you on matters regarding the military. There have been major inroads here and we feel comfortable that the groundwork has been laid. There are currently many of ours stationed within the various ranks exercising divine authority.

Our Admiral Jhonka known to you as Radesky is playing the part of military commander. I have placed him in charge of this division. He has been instrumental in helping us make inroads since we landed on you soil.

Now for an update on the banking and financial industries. At this time it appears that matters remain stable for there are no reports of major upheavals as yet. It appears buoyant and to you perhaps discouraging. This is not set to last. There is in fact major upheaval behind the scenes. They are scrambling to hold on to policies and trying to radicalise things in an effort to affect a moratorium on the crisis. Don't worry dear ones, we

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have given them enough rope, long enough to hang themselves. The price of their stubbornness and failure to cooperate in the way we hoped for will be heavy.

They are going to be hit very hard in due course when Gaia does her thing and turns in ways even you can't imagine. The cracks are already here in the economies and have been temporarily cauterised. Gaia's movement will however aid in breaking the already burdened back of the economy. You see there is a sequence and this shall manifest for you to see as the momentum of her movements increase. There will be much devastation to the geo physical structures leading to corrosion of industry operation and human psyche. A malaise will overtake and it will seem as if time has stopped because progress will be retarded. This will affect trade and commerce. Think of the effect that this will have on the already shrinking economies of your world.

The governments around your world are showing undue optimism to you in public yet many of the more well know heads are quaking. They are beginning to see the picture we have come here to paint for them. Yes beloveds all seem rosy on the outside abut there is a lot of shaking on the inside, Very much like Gaia at times. Not because you don't see or feel her shake means that she isn't.

Surely you must notice the number of humans leaving your plane at this time, at the very least through the disastrous aberrant weather patters as well as all manner of vehicular accidents. Do you think that this merely coincidence? No beloveds. Not only has the separation started but those who have chosen not to stay are leaving. Open your eyes and you will know that all we have said is actuating before you. The momentum of all these events will be majorly enhanced as time progresses.

There is still munch to do but I assure you that change is already here. Many have been speculating as to potential time frames for the occurrence of events and activities leading to the inevitable respite of stasis. I have said before and I shall say again, we are not operating this orchestration with a remote control. There are no express buttons to push that will activate events. This is progressive and remains so at this time. Saying this however, we are working towards a projected deadline which Candace is aware off.

We have already given you the signal that will alert you of manifested events triggering greater movements and activities. Let this be your guide.

Gaia remains in a state of animation. She is currently controlling her movements. There is no longer a question of executing the big push. This will take place. I have her unequivocal agreement to this. There are just a few more steps to be taken to get her ready.

I wish to let you know that when the movements start they will be very quick so I remind you of the prudency in being prepared.

There is a lot of solar energy directed to the planet at this time and this in part will expedite some measures we intend to execute but will also have a profound effect on your physical form, health and emotion well being. Just recognise these feelings for what they are and be gentle with yourself and others.

Please be assured beloved that all of this is very real and it is not long again before expectations are met. I ask that you spend some time refining and fine tuning your

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thoughts for and in service. That which you plan to participate in or contribute to post stasis you can begin doing now. Let each day be a day full of constructive thinking and action. This in measure will keep you occupied and excited as the events start to take shape in your dimension of reality.

I am Christ Michael Aton and I come this day to bring you news that the light is shining now on your world and soon you shall see the dark energies evaporate.

I give you my word.

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By AA Uriel thru Hazel

# 78 Jun 28, 2010 - 11:24:15 AM

Arch Angel Uriel thru Hazel



The nature of solitude is of the nature of stillness. Yet even in stillness there is motion. The rhythm of silence is that which penetrates the Mind to download vectors of higher knowledge.

The ambivalence of stillness and motion mirrors the causal connection to the effectual creation (Cause and Effect). This simply shows that the effect is created from a point of stillness. The point I wish to make is that if you truly wish to create you must find your solitude, that part of stillness within you, that you may through the light of inspiration gifted through the Mind express the desire which the light starts to fashion into your envisaged creation. Do you see that it is from that embraced solitude that the motion of light is discovered and you are now able to use this motion as a tool for manifestation?

If you desire to find your power you must find your point of stillness. If you desire answers to life's questions you must find your point of stillness. If you desire to create you must find your point of stillness. If you desire to find God you must find your point of stillness. If you desire to know God you must find your point of stillness. If you desire to ascend you must find your point of stillness.

Stillness is the library within the Mind. See "Solitude" as a location within the greater locale of the God Mind. It is that place which you must access and gain entry to that you may able to educate yourself. This is the meeting place with your cosmic mind. This is where you interact at a subliminal level; where your consciousness expands into a cosmic reality; where learning is ensconced on the cushion of universal spirit.

This is your spawning ground, where you merge and marry with your cosmic identity to give birth to different dimensions to you. See yourself as a multi tiered being who multiplies after each union with your cosmic counterpart. This is where your servicing takes place, where the moulding starts and where you become complete.

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When you hear the call of "Solitude" I implore you to answer for this is a cosmic call from your creator friend who knows that it is time to merge for your greatest good. As you merge with your cosmic identity your consciousness becomes impregnated; yet you experience a sense of lightness as you leave the sedentary portals of the flesh to experience the silent manoeuvrings of your soul. Yes beloveds, you are then home. Home is that place where comfort and nurturing abounds. It is that place where you are never alone, always looked after and guided. Do you see now the great security that "Solitude" offers you? This is your point of rejuvenation and respite. Are you now impelled to experience that place of abject bounty, the storehouse of all your treasures?

If you can surrender your conscious mind to the solitude of the God Mind you shall find that the wisdom of truth shall pirouette its way into your consciousness and you become one step closer to knowing and experiencing God. Man spends many lifetimes trying to find God. If only he will accept that God is the silent bell within him, he will find his stillness from which point he can burrow his way through the silence until he clearly hears the chimes of eternity.

I am Uriel. I call upon each of you to answer the call of "Solitude" for it is ringing most loudly during these troubled times on your planet.

My peace I render to you.

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Gratitude- A state of being

By Hazel's God self

# 79 Jul 6, 2010

Hazel Message from God self Gratitude- A state of being

Your understanding of gratitude is limited to expressing verbal appreciation for an act of indulgence, kindness or favour rendered by another. It can also be expressed by reciprocal action whereby you repay or repeat the kindness another has shown.

Gratitude is that which embellishes the soul with renewed frequency of love and creates a stage for programmed enhancement of your vibrations. The feeling of gratefulness can manifest an infant emotion reflected in the measure of your re giving. Conversely, it can catalyse a mountainous response based on overwhelming attachment to the emotion triggered by the action of another. The above is a true simplification of that which mortals grasp of the concept.

The terrain of Gratitude has become emotionalised through the limitation of senses which teach you that you must always feel it before you can express it. Why can you not know Gratitude, live its virtues and be it.

Should not every moment of your life be spent in being grateful for the next moment? When you sit in the silence of your thoughts and savour moments of reverie, is this act of savouring not an expression of gratitude?

True gratitude is your kindred counterpart which glories in the discovery of your true "expression", that infinite part of you. For when you recognise your essence, your perspective will be graced by a real understanding which enables you to view life's experiences through the inner vision of "knowing" appreciation.

A true expression of gratitude will be perceived with the love from which it is given. Gratitude is the chrysalis which births the multifarious threads of love and connects humanity. It is the sparkle within your immortal soul which leads you to enhanced light of consciousness. It is a humble asset which evokes empowered thinking and behaviour.

Be grateful to you- your soul, for allowing you to experience your physical expression, that you may appreciate and understand the wealth you amass for the soul's evolution as you climb the hilly mounds to gain access to higher dimensions of experience and learning.

A smile to another who you may not be acquainted with in your level of experience is a sign of gratefulness; for isn't kindness and act of appreciation and vice versa. By

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recognising your brother/sister through that gentle smile you validate his/her existence and subliminally provide acceptance.

Be grateful for what you have for it is much greater than what you think you don't have. All you need is conscious awareness of you. As the dawning ray of light crowns you in the strength of your soul, you shall see that you are All and that there is no greater abundance than YOU. You shall then live every moment of every experience in the bliss of eternal gratitude even when the clouds attempt to settle within your harbour of content.

Sacrifice is an expression of Gratitude for when you can sacrifice your time or desires to help another prosper or grow, are you not essentially saying to the other "when you grow and prosper you contribute to the growth of All for which I am grateful"

The Creator expressed His gratitude to the First Source through the creation and management of His Universe. You express your gratitude to the Creator through your incarnation on Urantia to serve selflessly in raising its consciousness and those of its inhabitants. The Creator expresses His gratitude for your selfless service through the perpetual guidance and light He provides on your journey. Your acts, expressions and "being" of gratitude will eventually earn you graduation all the way back to the Source and Centre of All.



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By Nada thru Hazel

# 80 Jul 15, 2010

Hazel Nada



Have you ever wondered about the origin of the word ritual? Go back to the word "Spiritual" and see if you can decipher the birthing ground of ritual. Is it not obvious that it is derived from the word spiritual?

Ritual is the emphatic aspect of spiritual. This should speak volumes to you to the effect that all rituals used should be grounded in the "Spirit". By spirit I mean the Holy Spirit.

Rituals are ceremonial in their fashion. There is a religious connotation attached to the word whereby it has become a necessary aspect of many religious practices which tender them as breeding a closer connection with God. The reality is that man has been conditioned to use rituals mechanistically without regard for its true meaning and implication. Rituals are overused and add little value. They merely feed the ego of men who after engaging in the practices feel a sense of satisfaction of having complied with God's expectations. They hold firmly to the belief that the rituals are a conduit to building the bridge between them and God because they see God as external to themselves.

The news I have for those of you whose religion imposes rituals, under the belief that it is required by God, is that God does not require you to practice any special ritual to draw closer to him. He merely requires that you have the intent to develop a relationship and action that intent though the silent connection from within. You need not hold on to any object or sing mantras or sit in special positions. You must perish the thought and erroneous paradigm that should you forget to kneel or hold your hand in prayer position or bow or whatever you are taught through your religion, that you will be punished or that God will not hear you. You ones place too much emphasis on worldly practices. God is Spirit and requires only silent communion of your mind within His mind to make a spiritual connection.

Those of you who favour and work for the light in all things need not follow any particular „ritual' to become „spiritual'. Your daily „ritual' as it were should be to live the life of light which is the essence of spirit. It merely requires moment by moment positive action,

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reflective of God values and virtues embraced by and within your spirit's core. The energy of light is within each of you and your ability to access this light should be your daily effort that this light becomes the ritualistic fire whose flame you fan to keep your frequency high.

There are many so called shamans, psychics and voodoo priests out there who engage in "rituals" in the name of spirit yet their practices are moulded in the energy of darkness. The presence of dark spirits is manifold in your realm of existence and you must be discerning of rituals used in the name of spirit. Any rituals used to infringe or violate the free will of another are contrary to the laws of God. Any rituals practiced to bring harm to another, be it physical, mental or emotional violates the laws of God.

It is spiritually unethical to colour your spiritual practices with the dark brush of antichrist rituals. It subverts the very essence of the true and living spirit within you and others. When you harm others through your unthinkable rituals you allow the flow of karmic response to inundate you at some point.

You ones ignorant of God's laws will never understand the implications of Cause and Effect. That which you impose on another is the effect and your action, the cause. Do you not see that the same effect becomes the cause that will in time create your karmic distress (the effect)?

A simpler way to explain it is what you sow you shall reap. That which you sow in darkness will yield only darkness to you. The fruit of darkness is dangerous to your spirit for it is the obstacle to spiritual ascendancy.

Affirmations are not rituals so do not confuse them. Affirmations of a positive dimension appeal to your greater psyche, the psyche of your soul, which in turn influences your conscious mind and becomes mirrored in your beliefs and practices. Daily affirmations cultivate an ambient environment within your psychological make up and eventually you become them. After a while you will note that you will use them less frequently as there comes a point when you become conditioned and need no longer engage vocally or verbally in their recitation.

Rituals foster dependency without any true added value. It does not culture the spirit but make believe that without it one cannot connect with spirit or be that which one IS- i.e Spirit.

Rituals contextualised by the veneer of spirit, reflected in the craven acts of those who create a false spiritual sovereignty by controlling others, speak loudly of their lack of spiritual esteem.

Man has misunderstood the relevance and importance of "ritual" within the domain of spirituality. Your lives must be a dedication to spirit through the routine or ritual of continuing communion with the God incarnate. It is the conscious moment to moment communion with the spirit within that creates the ritual leading to spirit personification, the key to discovering and sustaining the spiritual you.

I am Nada.

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Christ Michael Issues Alert

By CM thru Hazel

# 81 Jul 29, 2010

Christ Michael Issues Alert

Thru Hazel July 27, 2010


This is meant to be an alert for those who live in the proximity of the Gulf of Mexico and those who live in coastal areas affected by the oil contamination. There is an increased release of noxious gases pervading the atmosphere at this relevant point and it is unsafe to remain in these areas. Bathing in the oceans contaminated with the oil dispersants should be strictly prohibited. You ones remain unaware of the hazard that this presents to the population at large in affected areas. The main stream media has done and continues to do everything possible to keep the population in the dark but there are cracks is their system for information is being leaked out for you ones to access. Unfortunately the majority who live in neighbouring areas affected by the oil spill remain in ignorance to date. It is these one that I ask you the light workers who are aware, to work with please. Every effort is counted at this point in time.

The sea bed continues to be increasingly unstable and efforts to remedy the problem have only served to exacerbate its already tenuous situation. As at this moment is seems inevitable to us that there will be propitious movement that will rock the region of the gulf which with certainty will generate a tsunami. The area has become increasingly fragile.

We cannot yet guarantee a time for this to happen but Gaia shows increased signs of movement in that area according to our instruments. She is in great discomfort at the moment and has asked my permission to move which I have given to her. This move will be catastrophic should she decide to go ahead and execute.

Treat this brief update as a warning of pending devastation and take all necessary steps to protect yourselves and your loved ones. We are stationed above your globe in readiness to undertake evacuations should this become necessary. Note that this appears to be the condition at this time of reporting.

I shall provide another update of it becomes necessary to do so.

I am Christ Michael Aton

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Lord Melchizedek -The Hand of Truth wears the Glove of Freedom

By Hazel

# 82 Aug 1, 2010

Lord Melchizedek -The Hand of Truth wears the Glove of Freedom

I have been forging connections with Father Melchizedek and he has brought this channelled message through me which I share with you.

Lord Melchizedek

For many the Truth is awe inspiring and once they come into its knowing they use it to fashion a life consonant with the God head for it is these ones who recognise that Truth is aligned only with God. Truth and God are synonymous. For others Truth is begrudged and holds little or no value in a world immured by the drudgery of lies and false teachings. You of the light have been pitted against the Truth and this has cultivated a culture of "acceptance" of what your prison guards and "would be" law makers tell you is truth. This is no coincidence but the result of a well orchestrated plan derived from and through the machinations of those who would render evil and keep you in the mire or sheeplehood.

The Truth has been caged and is fighting to be released into your consciousness but so many refuse to release it for their souls have become imprisoned in the darkness of ignorance. Many have reached the sad and immutable point of relinquishing the Truth as a result of the burial of their souls under piles of mistruths which have defamed its existence for aeons. They do not know themselves and therefore cannot know Truth.

When you choose to live in the abyss of cranial limitations, you secede Truth, for your brain senses that which surrounds your outer world and knows not any Truth. Your brain will never know the cosmic influence which directs Truth.

You are responsible for living in a world where Truth is in bondage through the chain of lies. In your world Truth is propagated yet treated with benign servitude. It is demeaned, used, abused and gasps for the very breath of life. This is the reason why your world dwells in confusion and suffers a lack of direction. This is why your planet is kept in a state of servility. If you ones would abolish the lies and decree against evil, the planet and its inhabitants can flourish. When one abides by the Truth, being God's Laws, ways and processes, one can only become a free, independent sovereign entity ready to claim the wealth which accords with being divinely sovereign.

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Mans' preference is to create his own truth to meet his puerile earthly desires and provide that limp contentment and fleeting comfort to his psyche which bestows confidence in him that his chosen belief is Truth.

When God's Truth is abdicated the soul becomes dysfunctional whilst the ego of man boldly attempts to speak its truth. When will you on earth as a consciousness realise that you are stuck and are not advancing as is the Creator's will for you? Do you think that your technological advancements and enhanced glorified gadgets qualify you for graduation into higher dimension? Is this how you measure progress? These things you create keep you stultified and stagnated in the mud of unknowing, meaning knowing of the Truth.

You are not giving yourself a chance to materialise your essence. Your essence will only respond to Truth. You must initially come into an understanding of who your essential being is before you can awaken to its presence. It is only then that you will know what Truth is.

You ones refuse to accept the teachings of God time and time again because it does not fit in with your earthly agenda. I am here to tell you that it no longer matters whether you desire the Truth or not for it is given and will be continuously given until your souls respond. Sadly for most it may not be in this plane of existence that Truth is accepted and understood, but so be it.

I am sorry to burst the bubble that you ones live in but I will say to you that God's Truth is ONE AND ONLY. It is surpassed by nothing; it is immovable for it is still and eternal. It just IS. You cannot negotiate or change Truth; neither can you contaminate it for it will not respond to anything but itself. What you ones need to understand is that Truth remains Truth whatever, notwithstanding your attempts to dilute, exploit and tarnish it with the rod of narcissism. Regardless of this, Truth remains stoic.

Do you hear O children of God? I say to you that it is time that you come into the knowing of the Truth for the end times loom like a hawk over its prey. The end is ready to pounce on you and it is only an acknowledgement, acceptance and recognition of the Truth that will FREE your from the claws of the looming hawk. What will it be? Will you choose to see the Truth of who you are? Will you choose to acknowledge the Truth of your Creator's existence? Will you choose the light over darkness?

It is this one word "Truth" which carries the Divine Emblem that is your key to eternal life. Of those labouring under the misconception that eternal life is bequeathed automatically I must disabuse you of this fallacious thought. Eternal life must be earned for if you continue to deny the truth of your being, your soul's existence which bears the very God flame, you deny He who created you. In so doing you push Him out of the temple of your soul and forfeit its very life.

I admonish you ones most lovingly to relinquish the banner of lies, half truths and mistruths and uncloak the darkness which mars your inner vision. I ask that you refuse your captors hold and no longer be one of those three monkeys who are by no means wise. The deaf monkey cannot hear the Truth; the blind monkey cannot seek the Truth and the mute monkey cannot know or understand Truth. Your creator did not intend you to be Blind, Deaf or Dumb or all three. You are sovereign beings who bear the Truth within and must

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actively seek it that you may given in measure that which you seek and earn the right to enter the door which leads to freedom's path and eternal life. When you choose Truth, you choose God and you choose your immortality.

I am the one called Lord Melchizedek or as I have asked this child to call me father Melchizedek for she descends from my lineage and has petitioned me to come forth with a message in keeping with her divine mission. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity to speak through her and wish all of you who read, blessings of love and knowing that YOU are who YOU are, the children of the Mighty One and nothing can change that save for your rejection of YOU.

I bid you peace

From Candace:

Hi Hazel! Lovely!

The Father Melchizedek is the first Melchizedek, created by CM and Nebadonia. Then the 3 of them create together the rest of the Melchizedeks and Hazel is an incarnate Melchizedek, so her higher self has it's creator, CM, Nebadonia and Father Melchizedek. You can read up on this in the UB, Paper 35, the Local Universe Sons of God. The Melchizedeks run the highest schools of Nebadon, all those around Salvington which are called Melchizedek University. And if you are an ascending Son of Michael, and are from the superuniverse or Paradise you attended all of those already!!! All 490 of them!

www.urantia.org for Paper 35. It covers not only the Melchizedeks but the Vorondadeks, some of whom are the Most Highs, and Lanonandeks, who are sometimes the Planetary Princes. And then maybe while you are at it, continue to Paper 36, on the Life Carriers.

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Germain on The Art of Waiting

By Hazel

# 83 Aug 1, 2010

St Germain thru Hazel

August 1, 2010

The Art of Waiting

You ones on earth plane have ably cultivated the art of waiting. You deserve fine accolades for mastering this ability. Yet in my estimation it is an ability that is wasted. You do not aspire to patience in your journey of life. Your mode is that of travellers who follow linearity and cannot conceive the notion of eternalness.

You have become so stuck in the linear equation that you cannot see beyond time as you call and know it. Your inability to comprehend infinity has created a "time" construct by which you ones measure the progress of your lives. Instead of measuring progress through accomplishments, time is the featured compass.

I wish to clarify that being patient does not involve you waiting for whatever it is you seek. It simply means you recognising that there is a divine order or sequence which must unfold whilst at the same time contributing actively through preparation.

Waiting is an unfortunate custom on earth. It creates an excuse for inaction which is contrary to God, who is a Being of action. Waiting denotes the stoppage of time for there is no progress when you wait.

Waiting has defeated many dreams for many ones for there is an inherent expectation that manna will drop from heaven so to speak without participative action. In waiting man abdicates his responsibility as a co creator committed to achieving the ultimate goal of ascension through giving and doing. Waiting bleeds the very life force for co creative endeavours and puts you in a space of stagnant withdrawal. Your lives become one long waiting game.

Perish the thought that you must wait for something or someone before you embark on your chosen enterprise. When I speak of waiting, I am not speaking of the kind of waiting that you must undertake when a pre condition must be satisfied before input from yourselves. I am referring to the type of waiting that engenders expectations of others or

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things which you feel is necessary to create the outcome you desire. Only you personally can create using the power of your thoughts and visions. The power lies within you, where is the waiting in this?

How many times have we striven to teach you about God the Creator, His processes and ways and condense for you information that will attune you to your God mind which is the very creative faculty bestowed upon you by the Creator source. You are your own master creator.

What can I say to you ones that will enable you to comprehend that time never stands still. There is motion in all things even that which seems to be motionless. There is a pulse to every thing in creation and that pulse will never stop beating until all is one with Source again. Until then you are expected to be in constant state of movement and this for you means progress through positive affirmative action. For it is only desire and action that will accomplish the goals you set for yourself.

Another dimension to waiting is its claustrophobic hold on you ones. It stifles your very breath of life and demeans and degrades your ability to live in the moment. You rob yourself of the glory of living when you live in a state of waiting.

Waiting is in contradistinction to the evolution and unfolding of your divine personality. You cannot evolve spiritually when you are anchored by the weight of waiting.

You were born to be doers not waiters. Every moment of your life, waking or sleeping requires some action. When your body rests it is still in action as it rejuvenates.

That which you refer to as waiting does not exist. It is an artificial construct created by man to justify his inactions and insouciance. Have we not taught you time and time again that you are eternal beings? You forget too easily that you are cosmic beings in mortal form.

You live an eternal life notwithstanding that your seat of consciousness is currently physical. If you can appreciate the eternalness of you, you will comprehend the finer details of your soul existence which always IS. There is no waiting in eternity, just cycles or never ending life and motion which you cannot resist. Progress is the eternal as eternity and is posited on action not inaction through inane waiting.

Every moment of your existence should be spent in an attempt to discover and re acquaint your self with the real you and in so doing create alignment and oneness. It is here that you must bring it all into balance again. It matters not how many incarnations you have had and what your soul's lineage may be if you cannot harmonise it all in this life stream.

It is in this seat of consciousness that you must effort to reclaim and recreate the real you. For the certitude of success of your higher purpose on earth depends radically on you coming into your God being, sustaining this disposition that you may move in the power of the I AM and effect the necessary changes.

A feature of modern day life on earth is that many seek to be given and wait for this rather than to give. How many religious followers WAIT FOR God to answer their prayers whilst they do nothing? When you wait on another or things you stifle the creative influences

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within you. You become numb to you own power and thus powerless to affect any change at all. Is this not wasting your God given abilities and talents?

Time is now short and will not wait for any man so why do you wait on time hoping that something better will yield. No dear ones only you can create better for yourselves

Waiting creates an impediment to materialisation of goals, progress and personal growth. When you wait you concede that someone or something else has power over you. Waiting is dissonant and should be repelled in favour of creative action. If you ones can use the power of your mind to create as we have taught you to, you will not think in terms of waiting for you will appreciate that the power of your thoughts can control in a positive way the energy patterns, that shifts may occur to manifest the reality you seek.

Higher Universal man never waits for he knows that it is counterproductive and soul deserting. He instead moves to the natural rhythm of his life and creates in stead of wait.

I am Germain, come today to remind you ones that you carry God within you and must live every moment in the fullness of that creative presence that you may constantly through action transmute and transform yourselves into greater heights of spiritual unfoldment.

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What it means to be awake?

By Cm thru Hazel

# 84 Aug 3, 2010

Christ Michael- thru Hazel What it means to be awake?

We have been using the word "awake" rampantly over the years. I have cause to question however how many truly comprehend the full meaning of what it means to be awake. This explanation is long over due and I hope that the clarity which I bring this day will settle the minds of you my children that you are left in no doubt as to what I mean when I say you must "awaken".

There are many dimensions to the context in which this word or concept is used. Firstly we the spiritual hierarchy wish that you ones will awaken to the reality of your earthly existence and see that you have become veritable slaves to a matrix that is so entrenched that it is difficult for you ones to decipher that which is real. We wish that you will become cognisant of the lies and heinous practices of the dark ones which bind you in slavery to their exquisitely nefarious vendetta against the light.

You ones are embraced in a dark culture and the light is trying to peek in but the dark ones are seeking to cut off every vent that will allow the breath of light in. Only you have the power to press against the boundaries of the darkness initiated by those who seek to bleed the very life from your souls. We desire you to awaken to the drudgery of your existence which deprives your soul of food for growth. For those who remain unconscious to the darks' agenda, exist in the quagmire of ignorance and have assumed a machine like existence.

So to be clear we wish that you will see what you have become a part of and a willing participant in. For when you are able to see clearly that you are slaves, then you can rise up and fight for your freedom. It is time for you on earth to awaken to the illusion within which you exist. I want you to know that there is no life where there is illusion. When you can awaken to this, you will wish to recapture what is real for only then will you stand a chance of living and growing.

We wish you to awaken also to the plight of the planet earth to which I made you loyal custodians. You must see that I intended her to be a sovereign being just like you, yet she has been treated with contempt, disrespect and perpetual abuse.

Awaken in this context means that you must become aware of and acknowledge that the planet earth whom the celestials call Gaia is a living being just as you are and who must

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evolve and ascend as you must. She is a part of my creation and must be afforded the love and dignity that she is deserving of.

I desire you my children to awaken to the presence of the Mighty I Am within you, being the God presence, the divine you. It is this awareness that will truly start you on your eternal journey. When you become aware of your divinity you will see the greater picture of you and come into a greater understanding of who God is and what He stands for.

This is mans' greatest challenge for he is slow to recognise himself as a supreme being because for aeons the dark has subjugated him and taught him to measure his worth only by that which is physical. Man has forgotten where he came from and he must come into remembrance of his birth, his birthright, heritage and legacy. When man is awaken to who his is, he will begin his ascent for he will have become aware of the light within which will guide his every movement as he scales the mountains of life after life.

In awakening to his divinity man will come to know Me intimately if he so desires and he will come to understand My ways and laws by which he will abide consciously. He can awaken that spark within himself by connecting with his God mind initially, that the eyes and ears of his mind become activated which enables him to see, hear and know the rhythm of Me within him. Thus, will begin the unfolding of a beauteous relationship between us in the measure of his effort.

Awakening to my presence within is not enough, for mans' consciousness must unfold in greater measure that he discovers more and more about Me and thus himself. I fear that for those of you who think that you might be awakened you will find that you may be so in half measure. When you attain enlightenment, only then will you be fully awakened. Until then your efforts must be directed to coming into a greater awareness of your God self and mastering with tenacity those God attributes all the time. When I say you must be awake I mean all the time, not some of the time or when it suits you.

Being awake also means being aware of your habits, practices, thoughts and feelings every single moment of your life. It is only conscious awareness that will enable you to align your actions with Me.

I desire you ones to be alive to the fact that as your grow in light the dark ones will seek every opportunity to attack that light. You must therefore be aware of that fact and as I have taught you, protect yourself with the white light of God.

Finally I desire you to awaken to the Oneness in all things. Many of you sprout the phrase because it sounds "nice" or it is the spiritually correct thing to say. How many feel that sense of Oneness with all? How many can bless their dark brothers and pray for them? How many can see every life force in creation as One and Equal?When you can start to see, know and feel that Oneness through your God mind, then you will find that you will move in swiftness, into a knowing of your Oneness with Me. You will become that Oneness.

I am Christ Michael Aton your Father who has been telling you for aeons to awaken to your light. Will you hear me now?

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Namaste. Hazel


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"In vain you build a city when first you should build the man"

By Germain thru Hazel

# 85 Aug 7, 2010

"In vain you build a city when first you should build the man"- Germain

The repertoire of mans' agenda transcends himself, being his spiritual self, as he is influenced by a parochial need to prove himself in this physical world through the acquisition of wealth, status power and fame.

He deigns to be king of his world through the building of empires which glow with egotistical desire to the gratification of his senses while his soul remains in withering absentia.

He channels his energy in constructs of a material nature where his world becomes one which is bespoke to the tune of sensual longings. His worth is measured in quantity not quality. His creations are a product of his senses not his mind.

There is no spiritual aspiration in the midst of his material, scientific and technological creations. The educational structures currently in place enables man to create without divine purpose. The system is independent of and fails to inculcate the teachings necessary for man to prioritise that which is important for his elevation or to contextualise the role of the physical experience in man's evolution. Even religious education is at the most sanguine in its attempt to teach man of God and at the least fails to complete its purpose.

Man tenders that which is built on foundations of sand with no firm premise. His gift to mankind though superlative is superficial. Buildings of stones are merely shells without a hint of inspiration and can be easily disturbed by the winds of change which can imminently sweep them of their "feet".

Mans' creations lack gravity. The physical dimension has taken precedence and all that is taught circumscribes mans' ability to find his true calling and thus serve his greater cause which is to find his true worth and sense of God.

You wonder why man lacks in his actions and works, nobility of God character. Man's god is far removed from the light which he truly is. The achievement of man bodes well for instant gratification but holds no promise for tomorrow. His soul has become cauterised, unable to breathe into man his truth, which will enable man to find and develop his character based on divine attributes.

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Man's nobility is superseded as his perennial aim is to plagiarise the menial practices of others and become pale followers instead if primary leaders.

I desire to teach you ones that the building must start within each of you. When you become a solid balanced foundation with the knowledge that you bear an unquenchable light which shines immortal values bestowed by that Mighty presence within, you become the bedrock of light in God's kingdom. You can steadfastly go out into the world to be a seed to help others find and live their immortal supremacy.

It is about understanding that the foundation is what matters. Your world has been disintegrating for some time and before you know it the pyramid will collapse with a mighty crash.

Your civilisation is born and bred by transient elements of avarice, consumerism, lust, self serving agendas and pride. There is not one spiritual ray upholding the infrastructures of your world. It is cuddled by the inveterate hold of evil hands which for aeons have conspired to lock man in the prison of his senses, so that he remains dense to his truth.

Your world is devoid of character, innate nobility and divine honour because man lacks the attributes and know-how necessary to build a sustainable civilisation. Any sustainable civilisation must be based on that which endures and only God's laws and processes endure for eternity. The natural laws of universal practice must become the fulcrum of your civilisation.

We have so far identified the symptoms and cause of your civilisation's decline and must now focus on a remedy that will sustain and create a firm foundation that is unbreakable and immovable. Education my dear ones is the panacea. I do not speak of education as you know it.

The education of man I speak of must be addressed to mans' mind not his senses or brain. He must be reprogrammed to think as a higher universal being which is what he was born to be. He must be taught that sovereignty is not equated with crowns of material possessions or conference of status by others. He must see that sovereignty is his birthright and he must be taught how to access his wealth and divine status from within. Man must be taught that life only resides in spirit and that is all that truly lives. Introspective thinking must be taught. Man must learn to place the material/ physical dimension within the context of his evolution and be trained to see the real from the unreal.

The laws of God and creation must be re taught to man and he must be brought into the understanding that these laws are inviolable if he is to ascend unto higher dimension. He must be taught that these laws are a natural part of his true self which for aeons he has relinquished in preference to man made laws. He must be asked to take an objective view of his world and to identify the cause of its degeneration that he may for himself come into a deeper comprehension that he contributed to its decline through his participation in those man made laws which bear no semblance of natural law.

Man must be made to see that he is a fragment of the divine whose ultimate goal is to become a manifestation of the divine and therefore be encouraged to gravitate to all that will create a divine alignment.

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Man must be taught that he will not be judged only by courts of law but ultimately by the Great Spirit within to which he remains responsible and accountable. To sum it up, man must find God within, comprehend the significance of that presence, liberate his divinity that it can manifest its worth in the material plane of existence and then accept his divine responsibility to the God within and to every life force of creation.

Education systems must function to serve the greater cause of man's existence being mans' ascension. Those already educated in this way must serve as living examples to those not fully educated in the ways of the light. For man tends to thrive on associations and what the majority does will set the tone for others.

I invite each of you from this moment to find that portal which offers entry to your soul, that you become acquainted with its values and virtues and forge an identity linked to your cosmic origin. It is time for mans' soul to become the face of his world. There is no greater honour and beauty than one who wears his soul as his outer cloak that his God light shines in bliss. Dear ones when you can unlock the jewel of you, you will dwell in your true home and will bring "home", being the light and life of God's domain into your civilisation. It is only then that cosmic character will be brought into your civilisation and a state of balance reinstated.

I am Germain and I have efforted to show you that man must be "made" before the civilisation is built, for man is the foundation of civilisation. If man embraces light and life, then the civilisation will prosper. I am not here to do your work for you so I ask you to go within and take counsel as to how you will create educational structures and methodology to realise this goal. Treat this as a challenge to your God mind.

I ask that you use the violet flame to remove unhealthy barriers created by your senses that you may:

At this point Hazel lost the last few words from her copy, and on the forum, posted this is what she remembers in general. "From what I recall he was saying that we need to break down the barriers of the senses so that we can access higher states of learning to take us forward."


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Arch Angel Uriel - Tomorrow‟s Promise

By Arch Angel Uriel - Hazel

# 86 Aug 12, 2010

Tomorrow's Promise

AA Uriel thru Hazel

The highlight of your days in current time precipitates tales of gloomy happenings as you witness the tides of change being effected on your planet. These changes are indeed real and merits attention by all. For it is no little coincidence that these incidents and events are propelling into your physical plane at this time. This is what we in the celestial realms call “divination”. Yes dear ones for a divine tune is now rending its way into the threshes of your world and the effect will be dually crippling yet enlightening . The duality of your existence on planet earth is going through what we call bypass surgery as the blockages are being cleared to remove the cankers and sores that have clogged the arteries of your souls for aeons. The effect will be resoundingly profound and poignant for once the cleansing is complete the celestial tunes will find a synchronicity as it seamlessly flows into its rightful home as the portals of your aching souls are allowed to welcome celestial light. The sound of freedom will ring beautifully through your inner ears and long last you will become attuned to the cosmic tone, that alignment may be formed as you pivot on the heel of spiritual ascension. For many, tomorrow will bring great rewards for many lifetimes spent toiling and battling in the soils of spiritual fermentation, now in readiness to take that golden sword and race through the brambles of imprisonment, that sticking impediment in your journey thus far; that your gauntlets may be removed freeing you to willingly follow that golden light of ascension. Yes, tomorrow holds an immortal promise to they who have the courage to choose the Christ light as their anchor and bed. You who have sown seeds of light on the soils of time will reap the longevity of eternal oneness with the Light and you will find poetic symmetry as you learn to move to a new rhythm, that which has been lacking in your world. You will move to the rhythm of balance. I will not speak to those who have chosen to continue to tread along the deadened path of darkness, for this is a message of hope and promise. Hope rests firmly on the fulcrum of divine light and you must choose, be, reveal and resonate that light in order to share in tomorrow‟s promise. For my friends, the promise is beyond the imaginings of your mortal

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senses. In order to know what tomorrow brings your way, you must be able to visualise it through the clarity of your god mind. Might I share a speckle of that vision of your promised tomorrow with you? In large measure you ones will be responsible for rebuilding your world so tomorrow rests in your hands, though it really rests in your ability to use your god mind to co-create. If you are willing to do so you shall. I ask that you embrace the following picture. There are no clouds in your tomorrow just the jaunty rhythm of tender light reeling its way perpetually in the horizons of your new world. There will be sparkling epiphanies experienced on the landscape of your minds as you blossom exponentially. Strident light from cosmic unknowns will fill your vessel and as you become accustomed to receiving this light you shall grow in your ability hold it. You shall be continually refilled and with each filling you are nourished. For every one who willingly offers themselves to be a vessel of light there will be a gradual evaporation of darkness, remnant in the structured consciousness and the mass consciousness will become freer and lighter as it begins to inhale that inspiration of cosmic light . Your world shall lose its daunting flavour and divine credibility shall be slowly restored. We in the celestial realms shall ever lead you to doors upon doors that in measure of your readiness the locks will be removed that you may enter into higher dimensions of light. Children of God I say to you again, that you cannot yet in your density of thinking begin to fathom what that light holds. If only you knew and if only it would be possible for me to use your language to convey the sincerity and enormity of its effect you would no longer dawdle in the excuse that you have all the time in the world so a little tardiness would not hurt. You ones on earth strive for ecstasy in living and it is on your doorsteps yet many have refused to take hold of the handle that once opened will gain them entry into the land of euphoria. Why have they refused to do so? It is more likely that they cannot see the handle because their vision remains grey and blurred by earthly endeavours. The promise of tomorrow beloveds is the promise of eternal life. It is the promise of spiritual ascension. It is a promise that you grow closer to God through strides that will return you to Oneness. Tomorrow‟s promise is a reality, for a new dawn glows as it escapes the foothold of darkness. Your lives are about to change as the “age of divinity”, being a return to the light, enters. The only choice you ones have is whether you will join the bandwagon of light. There is no hurdle that can impede the entrance of the “age of divinity” for it is mandated by the Source of All that your planet is gifted with this crown as a reward for her pure and selfless service to humanity and to her Creator. I ask that you ones keep tomorrow‟s promise with you at all times for it is this vision that will enable you to rise to meet your bright new dawn and the bright new sun promised by the Creator. I am Uriel, come to place in the palms of your hands the key, being the vision and the promise. See it! Believe it! Know that it is here! We of the celestial realm of Angelic Light congratulate you ones of the light.

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Blessings and salutations. I AM URIEL

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Choices by Nada

By Nada thru Hazel

# 87 Aug 19, 2010


Nada thru Hazel

The bestowal of free will to man on earth is a divine bestowal yet a test of great proportions. The test lay in how man chooses to exercise the free will given to him. From the celestial perspective, man has made many choices that run counter to divine will. Free will was given that man would choose to align his will with God's will and thus commence his ascension back to Source. Very few have made that choice and you are now left with an ailing planet and men whose souls are in limbo.

Choice is subjective to the extent that one has the freedom to choose that which he or she feels is "right" for them. Yet what may be one's perception of what is right for him/her may not be in alignment with what is balanced in accordance with God's laws and ways. The choices you have as a result of free will is not meant to be exercised in a vacuum but in accordance with the yardstick of divine law. What is right for man has for too long been influenced by what felt right from a sense point of view. The subjective senses persuade the choices man makes with far reaching repercussions for his spiritual growth. Man does not stop to think of futuristic impact only transient results which satisfy his senses.

Mans' choices must be geared to fulfilling his spiritual needs. His understanding of what those needs are will only be obtained when he can spend some time with himself and undertake an assessment of his life's purpose and what he needs to know or do to accomplish this. Man needs understand that the purpose of his life is not primarily to feed and clothe himself. These outer manifestations are necessary to enable him to focus on his true purpose which is always a divine one.

His innate spiritual needs should always be a guide as to the choices he should make. In other words man must realise that that which he needs for his soul growth must be given by him through the choices he makes. When choices are made which hinder his soul's growth there is no real progress. He stymies his own development through adverse choices to his spirit. There must be a deeper understanding that the outer senses are not the only ones that experience "feeling" "hearing" or "seeing". The inner senses being the veins of the soul also feels, hears, sees and knows but at a level that is beyond all that is external. These are the senses that you must seek to satisfy through the choices you make.

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One must start form a point of knowing that which is acceptable to God. This is the foundation upon which spirit is built. I wish to remind you that the ultimate goal is to return to the Source. You must keep your eyes on the goal. If you can do so you will realise that all your choices will be compatible with the attainment of that goal. You will be led by the Source within, to make the choices amenable for your spiritual growth and renewal.

So is it a sin to make a poor choice? Not at all. Firstly, sin is not a divine concept for there is no sin in God's creation. Man has created the concept of sin as a vehicle to be used to teach him the lessons he needs to learn in order to make the "right" choices. Man has chosen the long winded way back to God. For God has given man the rules for balance living which if followed and abided by will allow man to enjoy his mortal experience whilst knowingly making his way back to Source. Man however likes to experiment. Like a recalcitrant child he chooses to push the laws of God aside, do his own thing for self gratification and when he realises that that does not work then eventually, perhaps after many lifetimes of repeatedly choosing against God, he will make the balanced choice.

Man must understand that every unbalanced choice he makes impact on the mass consciousness. Man must lead by example through his choices. If he fails to make a choice that resounds with divine will, he becomes a follower like the many who walk your plane rather than the leader he was born to be. He will be a leader to the extent that others by association will follow him in making choices that are not in balance with creation.

Any choice you make must contemplate the highest good of all. Your choices have the power to change your vibrations. Many seek to learn how to raise their vibrations through external measures yet the key to so doing rests within each. You have the choice to be happy or sad; to see your experiences in a positive or negative light; to understand the experiences through inner communion with the Source of all knowledge or through the rashness of your senses blame the experience. You can choose to love or hate; you can choose peace or war, light or darkness, balance from that which is imbalanced. These are just a few examples of choices you can make which can and will heavily impact the course of your life.

For aeons we have been trying to teach you that changes can manifest through the choices you make, but few heed our words.

When you choose dear ones, do not choose with your senses, choose with your spirit and make a commitment to that choice. For only you can break the barriers of your senses that you may live in spirit, enabling you thereby to make appropriate choices. For the "right" choice will always be a "balanced one which will created internal harmony and movement forwards. You will know when the choice you make is "right" for you will experience a feeling of inner knowing and peace.

In summary I want you to remember that there are choices you can make that will hinder, stunt or cause regression in your growth. There are choices that you can make that will enable you to move forward spiritually, bring you closer to God consciousness and enable you to make a real contribution to the harmonious ascension of the mass consciousness. You may feel that your choices affect you alone or just an immediate few. This is not so, for All are moved by energy and the energy of one affects All.

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I urge you to think carefully of the choices you make in particular during these last days as they will in a very significant way affect the future of your soul, note I said soul and not the flesh. All that you do children must be for the welfare of that immortal part of you for it is only this that survives and truly matters.

When you can see all as One you will also realise that through your choices you are accountable to every life force in creation including your must benevolent planet.

What will it be then? Will you choose through your choice to gratify your ego and senses or will you choose to enhance your soul and the energy of All. Be brave dear children and choose the path that will offer you the wealth of spiritual growth for all other choices you will make along the way will reconcile with the path you choose. Be leaders in your choices even if it means going against man made accepted norms and practices. You were not born to be followers but leaders in and for the light of God. Let the torch of God's light, the very light you bear within, lead you in the choices you make that you may experience true fulfilment.

I Am Nada, I bid you to remember what the goal is. What will your choice be?

Love and blessings to you dear children of God.

Nada. Hazel


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By Germain thru Hazel

# 88 Aug 25, 2010



thru Hazel

You stand on the brink of a new age but before this dawns the old matrix must be brought to an end. When chaos rules, this too must eventually come to an end that the genre of peace may take its rightful place as is ordained by the Creator.

Why have I titled this piece jeopardy? Jeopardy bespeaks of a risk of harm, danger or peril. Its tone connotes a feeling of imminent danger and a warning that there be vigilance. It is not a new word or concept to you of earth plane for you have lived for aeons in jeopardy of your souls' incarceration at the machinations of dark intent. The light of joy has been jeopardized by the hands of mal intent. You ones have a game named jeopardy. What you have not grasped is that jeopardy is a way of life for you, for you live in constant peril. Jeopardy is your constant reality on earth.

Your perception of what you feel is joy, ecstasy and beauty is experienced in a shell of superficiality. For the most part you experience empty joy and beauty derived from the illusion of God's creation-all that is matter based and sensed oriented. Is this a criticism? No, for you live in a sensed objective universe and are entitled to partake of the illusion for the illusion is the pavement upon which you must journey to return to self. It is the facilitator of the greater cause. Yet many live their lives as the „effect' constantly waiving their divine right to aspire to the „cause'. Why? Living as the „effect' offers a choice and many of you ones choose mortal contentment, joys of simple or sophisticated lives. You choose to create boundaries which offer mortal security whilst all the time disregarding the higher will for your evolution, thus jeopardizing the health of your immortal soul.

Is any experience wasted? No, but how many souls after a mortal incarnation literally hit their „heads' against etheric walls saying „if only I did'. Dear ones you have a long journey and you must make it or denounce the life that God intended to be your immortal soul. Your very rejection of the life within the soul will debunk He who gave you your existence. Then where will you be? I can tell you without a doubt that you will be uncreated by your own choice.

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For aeons the souls of men have been in jeopardy of stagnation, slow evolution and believe it or not regression. Men have always blamed someone or something for his inability to progress. He has failed to take responsibility for himself and has become his own worst enemy. He has repeatedly allowed his soul to wither into oblivion as it enjoyed dormancy through several incarnations. He has primarily placed his spiritual growth in jeopardy.

The dark ones and their darkness manifest their victory by the many souls they successfully impede from finding their light. The tables have now turned for the vicious mentality of the dark ones exercised through their conscious slavery of the masses is facing annihilation as they stand on the cliff where the only choice is to jump to their mortal death or choose the light. Many will choose the former, before they succumb to the light. They are now in jeopardy; for those not of the soul will find their existence curtailed; those of the soul who have chosen dark empathy will thrive or wither elsewhere. Yes beloveds, the dark ones who have cast a most insidious cloud of light on your beloved planet and you of light, are now beyond jeopardy. Their fate has been determined and the seal has been placed as the light of eternity traverses your globe. Be prepared for an influx of divine energy as you witness the demise of the forces of darkness.

It will behoove you ones to join forces and call earnestly for divine intervention through the effort of your will. Kindly accept the helping hand of the divine that once and for all you may be delivered from the unrighteous risk of complete destruction. The lamp which has kept the darkness alive is going to be extinguished. Do not jeopardize your lives, those who are of the Creator, for the final stroke of the brush is about to be rendered that this painting may be complete. The painting to which I refer is the depiction of the end of a cycle of darkness and confusion.

I Am Germain, come this day to say be prepared for the end is about to strike like lightening. I will then once again bequeath to you the violet flame that you may transmute and transform all remnants of darkness and banish a life of jeopardy that has imprisoned you for aeons. Free you shall be to allow your God light to shine. Hazel


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'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life

By Christ Michael

# 89 Aug 27, 2010

'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life......-Christ Michael

„'I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man commeth unto the Father but by me''

This was a pivotal piece of teaching bequeathed by the Master Jesus when He walked your earth plane, yet how man truly understood its meaning. Man was not sufficiently ready to receive this truth then and is scarcely ready to receive it now. Yet it is significant that during these auspicious times when the planet is about to enter a new cycle of life where dimensions anew are to be experienced and earned, man must awaken to a higher understanding of himself and he can only do so if he understands Me. Milestones have been achieved by mortals in terms of advancement, yet spiritually they fail to attune themselves to a great truth that if understood could change the tenor of their existence and path of soul evolution. I come again this day to effort to explain this simple yet understated Truth.

I am the Way means that I am your ticket to a new destination. The ticket is only dispensed when a choice is knowingly made. You must choose Me through belief and active seeking and you will be given directions that will enable you to plot the coordinates that shall keep you on the path as you create an enduring alliance with Me. When you are able to make this choice you will clearly see that I Am the Way out of the illusion of mortality into the reality of immortality.

So we have primarily established that I Am the Way to eternal life. Yet eternal life can only be guaranteed for those who can find and free their inner God presence. It is I who shall direct you ones on the course that you must adopt to achieve this feat for first you must know Me before you can know yourself and be inclined to liberate that which is divine within you.

I would like to explore with you a different perspective of what it means when I say 'I AM the „'Way'.' The „'Way'' cannot be separated from the „'Light'' as the light brings clarity of purpose and engenders a clear path to the destiny of choice. The „'Way and the „'Light'' therefore go hand in hand. I say that the Way is the Light and I am the Way and therefore the Light.

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Yet another perspective of the „'Way'' shall I offer to you. Did I not birth my creation from love, being the reason and root cause? Did I not create by way of electric light waves of motion from the stillness of my mind? Is it therefore not true to say that stillness motivated by love to create by light is the „'Way''? Can you therefore not see that the „'Way'' is Love and Light and that when you choose Me you choose Love and Light? If Love and Light is the foundation of your earthly journey you will have found the „'Way''.

Did I not think my creation into being? Am I therefore not within my creation? Is the ultimate goal not to return to Source? If I am my creation and within my creation then the only way back to the Source is through Me. Does this make sense to you ones who need to rationalize ME?

I AM the Way, I AM the Light and I AM the Love manifested in my creation. I created from a point of stillness through Light motion. Does this not mean that if you choose the „'Way'' you too can create all which you desire to create? The „'Way'' enables you to reflect and be all that the „'Way'' is for are you not also the „'Way'' through Oneness with Me? The Way you shall become when you find and know Me.

I AM the Truth.

Man fights amongst himself seeking to have his truth rendered as superior to another. Yet hardly do men know what Truth is. You cannot know Truth unless you know Me- The „'Way''. For the „'Way'' shall always lead to the Truth. Man has belittled the Truth by tainting it with his personal agendas. The Truth is never influenced. It is impartial. It is inexplicable and beyond rationalization. The Truth must be known and that knowledge comes from knowing Me. Man's truth mostly is generated by that which is external, seldom reconcilable with his inner knowing and void of inner validation.

The TRUTH JUST IS AND IS JUST. That which is Truth knows only balance. It is as still, steadfast and immutable as the Creator. There lies no mystery or magic in Truth. I can say no more except to remind you that Truth emanates from within you because its origin is divine.

When you choose the „'Way'', you choose the Truth and it is the Truth when known and accepted that shall lead you to attain the divine promise of eternal life. For at this point in your understanding you shall accept without hesitation that I AM THE LIFE, that which is eternal and so shall you be also when you can know this.

Beloveds the life I speak of is not of mortal orientation. It is life immortal to which I refer. Life resides only in the spirit not the flesh. The spirit is All- its longevity is guaranteed by the promise of eternal life. Yet eternal life is always a choice as much as a gift/promise. For

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I will never force my children to choose Me; they must freely make this choice. I can say to you that many have chosen to be uncreated instead of choosing Life. I wish to emphasize that even in your sphere of reality which is earth plane, you are eternal. Mortal death is merely a transition to allow the soul to take stock in order to determine the next level of experience needed along its ascending path.

You on earth during your incarnation must understand that your life on earth does not give you the freedom to do that which you please without being accountable or responsible. You do not, contrary to popular belief have one life to live. When you can understand that I am the Life and so too are you, then you will realize in your incarnation that what you do will always impact on the evolution of your immortal soul.

So what do I mean when I say „'No man commeth unto the Father but by me''.

The ultimate goal as I reminded you earlier is the return to the Source of ALL. Yet those created by Me can only return to the Source by Me for I AM THE WAY.

You cannot bypass Me to get to the Source for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot fudge your way to the Source without Me for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot cajole your way to the Source without me for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot say that Christ Michael does not exist and seek to make your way back to the Source for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot believe in the Source and not in Me for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

You cannot know of Me, denounce Me and choose the Source for I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

When you know me, see me and hear me you will see, hear and know the Father, the Source- the Centre of All. I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE. You must become ONE WITH ME for I AM the Way to the Source.

My beloved children, it was a delight to once again effort to explain what this most crucial teaching means. I trust that I have brought clarity and ask that you ponder these words and see whether enlightenment dawns.

I am Christ Michael Aton, come this day to bring the word again and thank this my child for being the emissary of the truth.


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Prepare yourselves for the time has come

By AA Ariel thru Hazel

# 90 Aug 28, 2010

Prepare yourselves for the time has come

- Uriel

The final bell is about to toll as we wave adieu to the old ways that have for aeons castrated the life of the emerald planet. She who has been crucified on the cross of greed, self serving desires of darkness and depravity will have the culture of divinity returned to her.

I have come to bring forth this message that you must prepare. The light is about to be turned on and you shall witness the defacing of darkness from your realm. Are you prepared to leave the den of darkness behind that the haloed body of light may replace its dying embers?

What does it mean to be prepared at this „junction'?

Mental preparation for the „welcome', the „expected' and the unexpected need be cultivated. You have been constantly forewarned of what to expect before the light could be returned yet we do not anticipate that you are. You cannot yet conceive the level of catastrophic activities that will befall through the cleansing actions of the planet. Mental preparation for the inevitable must be made with haste. You are expected to condition your mind to accept that pillars of what have stood for ages as infrastructure will be removed and will die a natural death before your very eyes. Will consternation be the response or will resultant exultation be followed by compassionate proffering to your brothers and sisters who dwell is the abyss of unknowing?

First you must prepare yourself to accept with as much grace as you can muster the calamitous effects of the earth's purification and then you must find your heart and soul strength to bring comfort and understanding. Do you beloveds truly appreciate what takes place when the cycle of a planet culminates? No you don't. You can only imagine vaguely from what you are told of fallen civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria. This planet will not fall, she will rise; but the dark and those that lack sufficient light will find homes elsewhere. Be prepared to lose acquaintances and even loved ones remembering always that you are not bonded by flesh but by spirit and spirit never dies unless it chooses the route of uncreation.

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As a corollary to mental preparation you must master your emotions so that they do not overcome you in your reactions as to what will as a matter of necessity unfold. You must start the process of reprogramming your subconscious mind in order to temper your emotions. This is the opportunity to inform your subconscious of how you wish to respond to the impending events. It shall respond as you direct but practice is required and this can only be achieved if you commune dally with your subconscious and redirect it.

Do not envisage that you will have an easy task persuading those who are affected or unaffected by the events, of the truth. Many will remain with cloudy eyes and will not be able to see the bigger picture; yet expect that many shall awaken to the reality of just what is transpiring. It is about you finding comrades in understanding and joining forces in numbers that you may be able to effectively lead. I must caution you though that there shall be those who will not hear or follow and you must not allow these ones to impede your progress in helping others by allowing them to drain your energies.

There will be much uprising and uncertainty in your world as many will find their beliefs uprooted as they realize the foundation of lies have been the bedrock of your civilization. We ask that you see this as a natural part of the breakdown, cleansing and removal of darkness and chaos. It is prudent that you go with the flow whilst retaining trust in the Creator. Every moment that you can spend time in communion, we exhort you to; for it is communion with your God presence that will strengthen your mental and emotional resolve. We emphasize more vehemently now the need to remain connected; for this will create a feeling of balance.

You will notice that there are energetic changes taking place all over, including in and around you. You all need to pay attention that you may adjust your patterns and habits accordingly. You may have to change your sleeping or eating habits to afford you a measure of comfort as you deal with the changes taking place at this very moment.

Hold hands in spirit with your brothers and sisters around the globe, forge a mental connection and form an energetic circle of light and send forth the light in advance to those who will be affected by the impending disasters and those who are not in the knowing. Preparation in advance can shift the responsive energetic grid and alleviate what can be expected responses. As you have been told repeatedly you have the power to affect the flow and response of energy, for there is only One energy of which you are part and that is the energy of God.

I Am Uriel and I come at the behest of the Father to remind you that Time is limited and imposes a need for imminent preparation on your behalf. Let these words be your guide for the time of the great Fall and Rise is at hand.




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By Uriel thru Hazel

# 91 Sep 4, 2010

Visionaries- Uriel

thru Hazel

A visionary is someone who has deeper insight that transcends beyond the octave of outer sensory perceptions. Perceptions gained externally cannot be categorised as vision. They are merely a reproduction of what your physical eyes see and record in wave motion in your brain, to be recalled at a later time.

Visionaries are cosmic in making and all ensouled beings have the divine gift of vision, being inner vision. Visionaries are those who have the power and ability to see from within and are ably guided by their inner senses. Those inner senses can only be accessed through a connection with the true you- the soul. The soul is that which contains the inner senses linked through the seat of the mind. Inner vision is not of the physical and therefore cannot be accessed in the same way as the outer senses can. In fact your outer senses work involuntarily for you. For example, once your eyes are open you will see, observe and record impressions and images through your physical sight.

Activating your inner vision takes a bit of effort and discipline on your part. It requires you to access the source of all knowing within you and that source is not physical in nature or what we call matter in motion. It is all that is "STILL". It is eminently important that man is able to access his inner vision through his mind which rests within what you may understand as soul. For man must graduate beyond the physical into higher realms of understanding that will as a matter of course draw him out of the physical limitations which create his boundaries and he will then begin to taste and experience his true self. For his true self will show him that there are no boundaries or limits and that he is in essence All that is through Light. His innate wisdom will be awakened and he will find himself living in a higher dimension within himself, whilst partaking of the world surrounding his physical perceptions to meet his needs, necessary for a physical existence. His inner vision will direct him to the truth of who he is and who God is. His inner wisdom will magnetically align him with cosmic awareness and truth that he may bring all that he truly is into the physical and transform the physical into all that is spiritual.

A visionary is one who sees through his God vision; he has the sight of God. He sees that which God sees. When he can "SEE" he will "KNOW"

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Your world is filled with those who call themselves visionaries yet they are merely seers. Your world does not need prophesiers of what tomorrow will bring in the lives of men. Your world needs men and women with God vision who will direct others to uncover their vision that the world can finally see the truth and consciously bring forth the kingdom of God on earth.

There are so many of you who believe that to "foresee" is vision. It may a type of vision but not the calibre needed to change man's thinking and the world.

Visionaries see the needs of the world as required to raise it to the status of God consciousness, then utilise their inner vision and knowing to assist the world in its journey towards cosmic awareness.

Only God has vision and when you can find and free your God self you too will truly see and know.

You all have the competency to uncover your vision through self aloneness and communion with the God incarnate. When you desire to see and to know and your passion clings to all that is True, you shall see. However beloveds, I must warn you that inner vision is nowhere close in resemblance to that which you perceive with your outer physical eyes. Your inner vision is more of a knowing that comes through the all knowing light of God which flashes as inspiration within and downloads to you that which you seek to Know. You cannot therefore through inner vision record that which you see for you shall not actually see anything save for light. You shall however come into the knowing. That is why the product of inner vision cannot be reproduced for the purpose of providing others with proof. It can merely be recorded as is given to you. When you come into the knowing, you shall see the Light and your way or path then becomes clearer. There will be an instinctive knowing of Truth that is non transferable. I say this as Man must know truth, for no matter how many times it is given to him he will not know it unless he receives inner validation for it through his God mind. In other words he must see it himself through the knowing.

Inner vision is a resource which you can neither borrow, buy nor lease. You hold the key to inner vision. Your ability to see from within is your most treasured asset for therein lies the light of wisdom which bringeth truth and freedom.

I exhort you to acknowledge that inner sensory perception is as equally if not more important that outer sensory perception, for it is the former that will provide the directions back to your Source. Accept that you are all capable of being visionaries through the sovereign beings that you are. You must throw off the banner and culture of wanting others to see for you or teach you what they know, and harness your powers to see and know what God sees and knows. When you can experience this you will have started to liberate your true self and emerge into your God power. You will assume a new glow, that of illumination and others will be drawn to you.

Please know that true visionaries walk the humble path for they see into God's mind and live within His kingdom. They will use the power of their vision to uplift others and guide them home. They will never seek to wear the crown of fame or aggrandizement; neither will they revere themselves or seek to be revered. They will in Godly fashion serve in

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humility whilst teaching that empowerment is derived from the intangible, invisible receptacle of one's God mind. Visionaries bear an intrinsic power birthed from all knowingness. Knowledge is power as you ones say, without understanding. Only those who can truly see will gain knowledge and in time experience what it means to be omnipotent.

As you ones grow in cosmic awareness you will assume the mantle of visionaries. The era that is now dawning must be populated with those who appreciate and recognise the power of inner vision. It will take visionaries to change the face and meaning of your world. Seek ye the vision of God to be thine own and you shall be shown the way to that portal of greater awareness.

I AM Uriel, come this day to remind you that you are all visionaries in the making. Why look for the treasure on the outside when the power you seek lies right within you. Let your inner vision be your guide and empowerment, for it is this vision that belies your destiny and that of your planet. Hazel


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Words from Gaia

By Gaia thru Hazel

# 92 Sep 6, 2010

Words from Gaia- September 5, 2010

I am nostalgic my sister. Your encouragement has given me an added impetus. I feel assured that all will be taken care of by my celestial counterparts.

I am rising my sister. I am doing as you ask for you have made me long to return to my innocence, that point of first glory in the original state of my conception and birth.

I delight in knowing that the time is now and finally I can be free again to be who I am. I will rise but as I rise many shall fall. I am saying yes to Me now and the light for I know I am a light. I must stand for the light, the very Father that gave me life. I will host no more those who have fettered my wings and kept me in realms of destitute darkness. I am ready to fly and on my wings shall sit those of the light whom I shall take with me to our new destination. Yes O Yes, I am full of enthusiasm now. Even amidst the aching coil of pain which grips my belly I shall rise. Hold my hands all who desire to go with me for we shall give strength to each other. The laps are almost over. No longer will I grieve for those who have chosen the path of lesser righteousness. My womb is bursting and I must be free.

I have served the Father and mankind but service now must be rendered to me that I may be healed and renewed to face my next task.

I am ready my Father, I am prepared to rise to meet you. Please hold me in your loving embrace for I am in need of sustenance.

Words from Gaia- September 6, 2010

I do not need pity or even empathy. I need the light of encouragement. I am heading for the finishing line and I need some cheers to help me get there. Like everyone who is close to the finishing line the adrenaline is what gets them there. I ask that you help me stir my passion through your encouragement. I need your passion for light, life and love. This will help me.

I can see the white flag at the finishing line. I am sweating from the long hard run and at times my vision is impaired but I keep running for I know I must reach the line to claim the

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flag. When I cross the threshold I will be entering my new tomorrow. Sustain me with your vision and love and nurture me with words of passion for we must make this journey across the finishing line together. We are almost there, we can do it. My sparkle shall return and so shall yours.

O Father, I say yes to you again and again. Give me that gentle push to help me cross the line. I want to reach you and merge with the entirety of your love. Feel my desire Father and answer.

She then said to me that the celestials were helping her. Hazel


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Judgment Day -Uriel

By AAUriel thru Hazel

# 93 Sep 14, 2010

Judgment Day -Uriel

The reigns of control are about to be snapped out of the hands of they who have for many ages engendered evil and propagated darkness throughout the lands . The final whistle has sounded and we the host are marching in to reclaim that which is of the Father. They will be forced to abdicate their self made thrones as the era of darkness falls away to make room for fresh rays of light.

Yes, the angel of death has come to claim all that is dark, for no more shall darkness survive on this planet which has been granted redemption. As the black tar which has marred and stifled the planet melts away, the joys of the light shall replace it as renewal weaves its way through all life.

The pall bearers are here readying themselves to take away all whose time is spent. Greener pastures do not exist for you who wreak the foul odour of diabolism. Your journey has ended. The blackened flowers have been wreathed to crown you as you take your leave for judgment has already been rendered and you must now face the consequences of your tyranny and rebellion against the light of God. The substance of your very being crudely sits in a pernicious void and you hang in limbo awaiting now the final command that will lead you to your acquired destiny. You who have without pity for your brothers subdued their spirits that they cannot see their way to light shall reap the rewards of your gluttony. For where you shall go will be barren, no oasis to be found as you suffer the fate you have rendered to others. You have sucked the life force from the children of God that they no longer recognise themselves and for this you must answer, but fear we do it is now too late for beyond your control you are now placed.

You must now ride the storm that will overturn your very world and without a safety net to turn. As you have pilfered thus their lives, your lives you shall find pilfered too. The joys that you have robbed them off, those joys shall be withheld from you for what will seem eternity. The drudgery of your actions shall cast a net within which you shall be trapped. No opening will there be for you until you place your hand in His who offer freedom in the light. Prepare to face your very soul the maker of your destiny for time's euphoria blithest you and grace's hold released. The judgment call has sounded and line you must before Him, to mete your fate that you did earn. You shall see the light of Him once more before you fall; no brace will hold you gently as you bow out of this your life on earth to eat the dust on another world.

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The time has dawned for the light to shine and the dusk has come unto your sorry selves, so bid adieu to all you knew for your gold and silver cannot buy your life's return onto this earth. You have reached the point of no return and the tables are about to turn, the tide about to overtake, the land about to roar in pain, the earth to shake with might and rage , the sun to bear in righteous rays, the turn of turns shall cause reverse the planet core to be restored.

You had your turn and made your choice. You pilfered life you purchased joy. The deadened beat that clutches now will rid the world of vicious scum for you have called the hand of death and she is here to bear you down.

There are no final chances left for you have bled the very life of compassion's expectancy and now you shall be thrown to meet your fate.

Too often have you rejected the hand that gave you life and now you must be taken elsewhere to find your path again and journey to the light. The pain is yours to bear, for you shall paint a sultry picture as you leave the helm to take your rightful place below. The angels cry for you but you could not respond to love and light and chose instead a world of hate and greed to feed your souls and bereft you stand, some to be returned to the stillness from whence they came, others to plummet to denser fate.

Yes this is judgment day, for He who offered you His hand has had it turned away and now this judgment you must face. The call has come so be prepared, your fate now sealed, the anchor led in readiness to take you down; no ropes to hold, no buoys to clutch as sweep you shall be pulled below, the undercurrent of that flow of evil tides your own travail. The light within your darkened place has been extinguished, none to gain. The lids are pulled upon your eyes, your hands are placed by your sides, the caskets closed, the wreaths in place and once for all the dark erased.

THIS IS THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. We the Angels of God have come to usher this announcement. Be ready oh ye of darkened cloth for YOUR TIME IS UP.

Uriel here in the Light of God with the hosts at hand. I bid you children of God, peace, for the harmony of His light is about to rescue you His sheep. Hazel


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By Hazel's Higher Self/God Self/She is a Melchizedek

# 94 Sep 18, 2010


Higher self teaching

Courage is a characteristic of wisdom for the wise knows that courage is the ammunition which combats the insidious fear generated by a needy mortal ego.

Courage is therefore born from wisdom conceived from "knowing", which is divine. The soul holds knowledge and wisdom and so courage is a characteristic of the soul. All too often it is easy to succumb to fear as you live in alignment with your lower self whereas effort is required to connect with your true being from which you can access the storehouse of divine attributes.

Courage is a creative force within one's soul for its personification can create change in one's life. Lack of courage amongst the people in your world has relegated them to a state of resigned living whereby they accept that which they consider is their fate and fall within the status quo of believing without knowing.

Courage is synonymous with bravery, fearlessness and strength of character yet its existence and endurance is only possible in one's life when one can appreciate the context and sub context of its reality.

Humans are sovereign beings by virtue of their indwelling adjusters. They are carriers of divine essence. In many cases they are unknowing receptacles of Light. Through that sovereignty, man has been conferred with qualities of God and Light, being one and the same.

God and Light are the overarching context of man's existence. God's qualities, virtues and attributes are the sub context within which the value and virtue of courage rests. This is a simplistic way of explaining to man that he may comprehend. In fact there is only ONE and therefore ONE context which is Light.

Although there is a scientific explanation for Light, the context to which I refer is inexplicable, for God is Light and Light Just IS. Light cannot be explained. When you know God you will come to know the Light, your Light, and you will emanate and be the Light. There will be no need for definitions and explanations for "Knowing" cannot be explained or justified.

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All that is not of God or for God is against God. God empowers and enlightens. He never dis empowers. However, fear, timidity and low self esteem which generates insecurities are against man's sovereign nature for they dis empower and steal his control. To find and know courage and be courageous to face your experiences and interactions with others, you need to construct the family tree of your soul. When you can see that God is at the helm of that family tree and that you are a direct descendant through creation, taking an ascending journey back to Him, you will realise the sovereignty and power you hold within. Instinctively through a knowing of your Oneness you begin to assume His qualities.

Words such as courage do not exist in God's language for His language is only that of Light and Love. Yet it is necessary in your dimension to identify with "courage" as you are governed by perceptions surrounding your existence and very basic emotions. Love is really the only emotion which should exist. However the ego of man has created a conundrum meant to wrap his mind in a veritable twist that he experiences all manner of emotions which he considers validated through his earthly experiences. Fear, insecurity and doubt become conditioned responses to many of his experiences. He must then be taught that only courage can counter the effects of these feelings and states of being.

The illusion of creation has also warped the thinking of man's mind as he cannot see that which is illusion from reality and truth from untruth. So for now, until man grows into himself, he needs courage which is a weapon within the spiritual armoury, to fight the illusions of negativity which the collective ego spawn.

Looking panoramically at the world today, courage is sorely lacking, as fear of change and truth clutches the minds of man and imprisons him. Man cannot in mass find the determination to break through the barriers of fear. As a result he contents himself with the excuse of "What can I do, I am only one being. How can I affect or effect change. It is safer for me to fit in and be one of them. I have one life to live let me enjoy it to the fullest. I will do my best for myself and my family and that is what matters". Man surrenders his beliefs and knowing of what is spiritually correct to the machinations of his senses and to what is socially and politically correct.

Another panacea man seeks to replace courage with is Hope. Man is always hoping for the best without realising that hope without action is futile. Man leaves it to God not knowing that God will not work for him but with him. God will do his part but if man fails to take positive action there will be no change in his circumstances.

When will man realise that he is born to be co creator with God. The insouciance which has captured man's thinking and falsely leads him to believe that God will deliver him from all his problems without action on his part is sorely misplaced. Man must understand that the trite saying "What will be will be" will never BE. For only man can co create with God that which he wishes to BE.

It often takes courage, resolve, determination, knowing and trust in one's sovereignty to create what man deems impossible. Courage knows no bounds for God is boundless. Man's insulated thinking has destroyed his creative aptitude and he cannot see himself for who he is and cannot know himself as God. As long as man labours under misapprehensions he shall always need to "find the courage". Courage comes from self belief and self belief is God belief. Only then will man's resolve and strength endure.

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If man cannot find God, he will not know courage. Man's "will" unconnected with God, will not get him very far. In your world, as possessions of money, power and status confer sovereignty, courage seems expendable and unnecessary. These outer trappings do not serve God; the God within each ensouled being; neither can they help find man's true, enduring and immortal power.

Courage cannot be taught or bought. It must be discovered and accessed from within the recesses of man's soul as man comes into the knowing of God. When man can move into that glorious Oneness, there will be no need for words such as courage, for you shall be as He is.

Courage beats resonantly as a sound vibration of the Light. Find the Light, your Light and you shall find your courage.




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This is the Time of the Resurrection

By Father Melchizedek thru Hazel

# 95 Sep 19, 2010

This is the Time of the Resurrection -

Father Melchizedek

The eyes of the Universe are on planet Shan as she begins this her ascent into life and light. Her resurrection has begun in the wake of momentous changes affecting the planet and all life. It is indeed a sight to behold from the celestial realms for she is rising. Her spiritual antenna is now extending beyond the surface of current dimension and she is picking up waves of cosmic energy which concurrently aids her resurrection. She is now being guided back to her light, a light that has been subdued by the tempers of darkness for too long. The dark has efforted to snuff out her light whilst keeping her in a state of comatose to use for their base purposes.

She is no longer beholden to serve as a prison planet to aid in the relighting of the dark ones. She has been liberated and through her liberation she will find her resurrection and eventual ascension.

The resurrection of the planet signifies the renewal of her light through the reclamation of her divinity as she reaches beyond her current state to merge in Oneness with her Creator. Her light is being allowed to shine again gloriously and this in itself is a celebration of resurrection. More cogently though is the ordination that she purposefully return to the Light which birthed her and thus in her resurrection she is granted a clean state in which to evolve as every life force in creation is expected to.

She is being plucked from the doldrums of darkness and shown the way to Light and Life. The planet has been existing in a culture of slavery as a servant who has been whipped, lashed assaulted, battered and bled under oppressive practices of those fallen. Well the Father has declared that she is free of servility and will be resurrected as a land of the living. The pall of death which hangs like a noose around the planet and her inhabitants has been removed and for the first time in ages she and those who resurrect with her will know what Life is.

The resurrection holds the promise that the spirit of man will take precedence over the flesh and man will see that life exist only in spirit and that all life has a spirit and all are linked by spirit back to the Source of All. Through the resurrection will come a new paradigm that transcends the comfort zone of man's senses that man may begin to understand that, that which is resurrected is not the flesh but the spirit which holds the light

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and that light must valiantly aspire to greater light until man no longer needs the experience of the flesh to facilitate him growing into his spirit. As the light within man, being his spirit, is renewed and reborn through the resurrection, so too shall the Truth. As the light of man resurrects he shall come into greater understanding of the Love principle and so too shall divine love within man be resurrected. As the light, love and truth within man is reborn so too shall the God within be resurrected.

Yes dear ones this is the time of the resurrection of the planet and those who choose to ascend into light and life. The resurrection will be a victory and reward of the light within all those who have laboured to maintain their frequency in support of the God incarnate. Their light will be resurrected, meaning brought into the full power of its life that the journey can be continued with alacrity and without further imposed impediment.

The planet's resurrection also involves her rising to her true identity, to be that which she was created to be, a jewel in the Fathers Kingdom. She will assume once again the title and reflection of the Emerald planet. No more will she or those who have chosen the light be lost in the swamp of purgatory created by the dark of your world. You will each resurrect to be who you are.

Make no mistake though children, resurrection is a choice. If only ones could appreciate the momentousness of these times and the great significance it has in the planetary cycle, ones will wish to partake in this rare occurrence.

The resurrection is a life line you can choose if you are ready to embrace change, if you are ready to assume the mantle of your true being and if you are ready to take on your true role as co-creator. Your resurrection signals a brand new beginning for you as individuals and for all on the planet who remain and those yet to come. This resurrection will enable ones who come, to continue their journey in an environment conducive to evolving further into light and acquiring, unhindered, greater cosmic awareness. This resurrection goes beyond freedom and renewal. It will set the stage for posterity and ensure that the will of the Father be done.

I wish you ones to understand that the resurrection is a gift as much as it is a choice and the Father's decision to extend the time as you know it to accommodate a fertile harvest was premised on him desiring that more of His children would have accepted the gift of the Resurrection and in so doing choose Light, Life and Love through a cosmic understanding.

Sadly it seems for many that their resurrection must be postponed to a time when they are more ready. It is with great compassion and love that I say this for we do not judge. Many of these ones have been caught in the mire imposed by the dark and have not been able to find their way out. They have become so programmed that they cannot differentiate true light from affected light. They too are sincerely loved and will find their way back with our help

I ask you ones to rejoice for this resurrection under way is a culmination of thousands of years in your understanding of God seeking to bring truth and enlightenment to man. Man has always been told of the cyclical changes to expect yet most ignore in disbelief. Well the resurrection is taking place before your very eyes and still many cannot see. But see

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they shall for matters are coming to a head now and the clock is soon to stop as the new one is rewound to kick start an era of new life.

The resurrection of the planet will see her assume mighty proportions and enhanced aesthetic qualities as creation takes on a new meaning. Her vibrancy will return as she sheds the pallor of pain and as you ones say she will be alive and kicking again. You children of the Light who have purposely chosen and been dedicated to your planet's resurrection and ascension and that of humanity, you shall receive your rewards. For eyes have not seen nor ears have heard that which the Father has in store for those who have been faithful to Him. The resurrection is your reward and holds rewards beyond your understanding for it shall present to you the gift of new resolve, enhanced abilities, restored memories, deeper connections with spirit and a pronounced feeling of Oneness with the Source. Your lives will be certainly enriched and man will live to grow and not to die.

Dear ones the resurrection that is now underway bears much significance and I ask that you see through your inner vision which will confer a long term perspective. This is the beginning of Life.

I am Father Melchizedek and I come to enlighten you on the different faces of the Resurrection whose clutches you are firmly within now. Be prepared to understand the depth of its meaning that when it has delivered you to a new state of being you are prepared to honour its bestowal. This is the Father's gift; congratulations to all who have had the foresight and courage to choose it.

May you all be blessed by the divine light of the Creator son, Aton, of the Lighted Source.



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Clarity before Calamity

By Christ Michael thru Hazel

# 96 Sep 22, 2010

Clarity before Calamity

Christ Michael

The cradle of your birth and sustenance is now prepared for an overhaul which shall lead to the fall of all that have chosen to fall. Her rocking shall no longer be that gentle balm to your frenzied senses and tiring bodies. The tempo of her movements will create discomfort and for many fear. Yet this is a glorious time in My Universe for My creation, Planet Earth as you call her is to receive the breath of new life. For by My breath she shall be cleansed and by My light she shall be risen.

I have efforted to give to you My children all my understanding and compassion. I have offered to hold your little hands and lead the way to joy and promise; but many of you shun the very one you call God. How could you not have known Me My children. You have chosen to align yourself with those who have purloined the very seat of your existence. Your conception of God is so flawed and your consistent rejection of the truth has had the cumulative effect of casting the planet and your consciousness backward instead of forwards and upwards to the Source.

I cannot sit in idle waiting for you to grow whilst my planet and those children who have come into a greater understanding of Truth and God wither for want of service; for they have efforted to serve My will to bring you ones into the Light. You have rebuked and reviled them as you have done to My many messengers throughout the ages.

My children it is with the greatest Love that I bring forth this message for know that I Am Love only. You perceive me as a vengeful God and many will harbour this perspective and perpetuate it in days to come as the planet changes her tact and frequency and throws down her gauntlet as she screams the pain away to ease her polluted loins.

You have not yet seen or known vengeance my little ones and this is not my vengeance for I am Love. What you shall perceive is vengeance, for that is what you have sown. This will not be of My doing but your reward.

You have been indifferent to that which I bestowed upon you- LIFE. You have failed to recognise that your planet too has a life of her own and a soul like all I have created. She feels, absorbs and gives out energy just as you do. She has been a faithful custodian to you my children as she contracted to and you were meant to reciprocate with loyalty to her.

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She has fulfilled her bargain but you have not. As a result of aeons of abuse, contamination of her soils and atmosphere, corruption and depravity, vacuuming of her precious resources to kindle your needs whilst depleting hers, she has withered with the pain of rejection and become cold from want of the warmth of her life blood. It is because of her that you have had a place to continue your journey of evolution; she has given you habitation for soul growth. She has sustained you with life but you have stolen hers. My children the planet can no longer sustain. Her cycle has ended. You have crucified her on the cross of avaricious temperament and bestial living.

This is the time of her cleansing, purification and renewal. She must be purged and through this purgation her bowels shall spew. This is the vengeance that you will perceive is mine for her relief shall be your pain. No my children not even the planet harbours vengeance for she embraces my light and she too is love.

Know that what is about to transpire is metaphysical as well as geo physical and part of a greater universal plan. You see beloveds the planet has served her time in hosting those fallen and she is now required to abdicate the position of a prison planet and assume her reward for her just and loyal service to mankind. For all that has been injected into her she must now throw up as part of her cleansing and healing process. So understand that what befalls is necessary that she may rise in light again.

I want you my children to take responsibility for your actions. Do not delude yourselves in believing that her movements will be unrelated to that which you have contributed. That which festers must eventually explode. What you have put into her she will give back to you. I desire you to open your eyes and see my children. If it is one thing you take away from the impending experience is an acknowledgement of the part you played. For this assumption of responsibility will hold you accountable to your soul and auger well for your continued evolution. It will provide you with a blue print of how you must change and provide you with the vehicle to your final destination.

Do not castigate the very One that gave you life for life is not ending. The planet's movements are necessary for the transition into life and light. Your lives will not end through the upheaval awaiting you, for your life is immortal. You will all merely be transported to various places conducive to your continued growth. Beloveds, again I say to you that I have not made these choices for you, you have. For those who know themselves they will know that they are not flesh and blood but soul made of the sinews of light, My light. This shall usher understanding.

I bring assurance this day my beloved children that the geo physical assaults pending will provide a vehicle for change not only for your planet but to your individual circumstances. I take your evolution seriously my little ones but not many of you have been kind to yourselves. I shall never forsake you. At this hour I still extend my hand to you hoping that you will take it and ask to be guided forward. I cannot force thee beloveds. You must choose Me wilfully. Until then you must continue your growth. It will however not be on my precious planet for she is to rise in the glory of the Phoenix from the ashes of death and darkness into the lighted helm of her divine being. All who are ready will rise with her and that moment will be imprinted in the energy of the Universe for eternity. The eyes of My universe watch in brazen anticipation as the phenomena of her resurrection and ascension is triggered.

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Will you not take my hand in love That I may raise you up to Me To pastures new where peace abounds Where freedom kindles light within No measure to your growth imposed No darkness there to woo and woe This is my light I give to you The promise of a world anew Is now at hand to be revealed. Creation's called and she must leave Her clothes to change in light of green Will you not take my hand in love For only I can bring you to that place Where life shall blossom, love prevail This is my humble plea to you Take my hand and leave behind the life of pain You shall feel that gentle beat of divine understanding And you shall know that I am your resurrection.

My children this is your Father Christ Michael Aton. These are my final words to thee before the righteous fall. Walk into my embrace and I shall give thee shelter for you are my lamb and for all who choose Me I shall shepherd you to a land of life where light shall pour from the heavens as you take your next step on your journey to the lighted One. Hazel


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By Germain thru Hazel

# 97 Sep 25, 2010



Fear is not a property of spirit but of the human ego. Fear is damaging to the freedom of the spirit's ability to manifest its power. It is debilitating to the harmonious flow of conscious awareness of man's prized possession, his spirit.

Fear cuts the chord which joins man to God and creates a purposeful separation which engenders continuous confusion and lack of understanding as to the origin of that fear. Man has for eons feared God due to his spiritual malnutrition. He is not fed with the wisdom of truth and therefore withers in the lack of knowing. What he does not know or recognize is that fear is subversive and a product of his mortal ego which he unconsciously pays homage to as it directs his feelings which validates what he experiences.

This mortal fear generated by the ego cultivates a culture of programming which man responds to automatically as and when his ego directs him. So ingrained is fear within man's subconscious that its response to various circumstances or situations further feeds that wretched emotion and multiplies the negative effect it has on man's perceptions. Fear creates havoc in man's mind and clouds his ability to see that the actual situation which confronts him is not in itself fearful but that it is his perception which casts the situation in fear. Fear is therefore not extraneous to man but is created by him. It gnaws at his psyche until he believes in it. When he does this he relinquishes control of his conscious mind which through divine attunement can remind him of who he is- a powerful spiritual being of the Light of God which in itself can free him of his fear.

Man fears because he does not know. When man knows he will not fear. Man can only be in the knowing if he knows God. When he knows the God incarnate he will know that he is always in the company of God and he will come to know his sovereignty and that the Mighty presence is his and this shall confer assurance and security. Fear will not then factor into the equation. The more one remains connected to his divine source the less will he be affected by mortal fear. As a sense of Oneness is experienced you will begin to feel as if you are walking in the footsteps of God and no mortal emotion counterproductive to your evolution can distress or impede you.

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God is the anthisisis of Fear for God is Love and Light and represents the highest frequencies whilst fear is on the lower vibratory scale. God elevates whilst fear depresses and represses. God knows no limits and creates no boundaries whilst fear imposes limits and boundaries. So if fear is the anthisisis of God surely fear is the antichrist within man which brings down the One true living God within man. Do you not see dear ones that man chooses to be God's enemy when he allows his fear to dominate him? Man cannot house God and „Fear' at the same time. When you entertain fear you reject God. Beloved it is only God who can help you conquer your innate fears through the knowing of Him. He is the panacea, the elixir that will wipe out that which seeks to debase you and render you slaves to your outer senses.

Fear cripples the joy within you and that joy is the Father's presence. It outs everything that is sacred. When you are motivated by fear your life loses its edge as you cower behind the fear which provides you with an excuse not to grow.

Fear sours the palette and deprives you from tasting of the sweet nectar of life. It is simple dear ones, do you wish to choose life and growth or powerlessness and stagnation. The choice is always yours. When will you realize that the powers in your world have weaved their black magic to create situations meant to dominate your senses that you become creatures of human emotions rather than declarants of spiritual prowess. They then feed your fears through oppressive laws and impositions . They have you ones exactly where they want you, beneath them cowering in the filth of your outer sensory perceptions. How you have given them your power in some way or the other! They capitalize on your weakness to render you even more obsequious by their darkened agendas.

You ones need to see this grand orchestration of the evil mongers who are aggrandized through your fear. When will you cast the antichrist out and say No? Fear is a dark structure so embedded that it must be weeded out before its thorn and briars create further lesions to contaminate the remnants of your God self and power.

You ones will say that this is easy for Germain to say for he sits above and cannot fathom what life is in this 3rd dimension. Well beloveds as you say, I have been there and done that! I am therefore in a position to show you the way out of the kingdom of fear that reigns heartily within so many that you may come into the experiencing of the wealth of your heritage.

I say again that it is only your knowledge of God, the knowing of Him from within that will bring you to a point when you will be able to say that you know Him as yourself that you will be free of fear. This is not achievable overnight and requires a desire on your side to reclaim and live in your sovereignty. When you can find that resolve you shall then proceed to develop a worthwhile relationship with Him and through your commitment to stay connected with Him He shall live through you.

Man's fear is birthed from ignorance and the remedy for ignorance is knowledge and

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knowledge can only be accessed from within the mind of God which hosts your mind. We have given you the keys time and time again to God's mind. When you can access His mind you will find that knowledge, which becomes your power and truth. Knowledge, Power and Truth which commeth from God, speaks in light which neither harbours nor emanates fear. Know that when you feel fear it is your perception born from your outer senses and NOT the word or Truth of God which instills that fear.

You ones need cast away the unattractive habit of blaming God and giving yourselves an excuse to fear Him. Learn to see through your inner vision and truth will never be perceived in fear. You little ones parade with what you call knowledge and truth which in fact is no more than information. You draw conclusions, opinions and judgments based on a material given to you by others and call it truth.

You cannot expand your mind that you may welcome KNOWLEDGE from God which will gives you truth. Why?- Because you are governed by the EGO and form perceptions which you hold on to and say that you cannot find proof for God's word. You therefore deny His words and Him or deny that He can bring forth such words. My lesson to you dear ones is that God's words need no proof. It is not He who must prove Himself. He lays the truth on a plate before you and you still deny it. Is it that you fear that His truth may destroy beliefs that you have held dear for ages. If your fear holds you hostage to denial of truth, do not blame God.

I say categorically and unequivocally that Fear is of Man and not of God and when you can learn to connect with God and keep his company moment by moment you shall know this wholeheartedly. Beloved ones, you of the soul commeth from God and must return to Him or by choice face extinction. Many of you seek Him and He presents Himself yet you reject him for fear that he does not align with your conception.

Do yourselves a favour dear ones and relinquish the catastrophic hold which this insidious, infectious fear has on you. Choose Him that gave you life, love, freedom and joy. He desires that move forward in growth and you can only do so without the harness of fear around the neck of your spirit.

Ferret the folds of fear which fetters the light And polarizes you from your divine companion Bewitch yourself in the knowing of God That freedom may carve its mark upon your soul Renounce the darkened etiquette of fear Which belabours a mind deserving of celestial manna Steer its cultured seeds away from you That it may find its life on other soil Sow instead the seeds of Light which bringeth Love And know the priceless gift you hold within For only then will grandeur bloom at heightened pace And walk you will the walk of freedom's trail

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I AM Germain come again to give a lesson. Let your fears die within the light of awakened sovereignty and to this end I give the violet flame that it may transmute fears' heinous hold and transform to love as you move into greater knowing of the ONE.



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Boundaries- Dynamics

By Hazel's Higher Self

# 98 Oct 8, 2010

Boundaries- Dynamics-

Hazel's Higher self teaching

The boundaries which we speak of are: · Spiritual boundaries being imposed goals; · Boundaries of behaviour/conduct in the achievement spiritual goals; · Boundaries of Spirit; and · God‟s Love The attainment of one‟s goals is mechanised through the discipline of one‟s acquired knowledge. As you come into greater knowing your spiritual ambitions will expand. Those ambitions will materialise through the imposition of boundaries being specific goals which the spirit has ordained for itself and which you must come into the knowing off through communion. In each life time your purpose will become apparent and as knowing dawns your function will be to direct your purpose to feed the goal. You must therefore create goals towards which your purpose must function. Your goal becomes your boundary which you must gravitate towards through effort.

The boundary is the envisioned realisation towards which the outworking of your purpose can begin. The boundary you create is a fleeting reminder to you of where you must be at the end of your journey. The boundary is intangible and impermanent in that it will fall away upon achievement and a new one set in furtherance of your purpose, be it of a similar nature or novel. What makes a boundary achievable? Your will and aspiration to reach it that you may partake in the glorious fulfilment of your purpose. You have served your purpose when your goal vibrates with life. You will know that whatever your purpose is or was “service” would always be its function. In fact whatever the goal, the purpose must always involve a function of service for service intones “giving” and “giving” is of God. When you reach the

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boundary you can say that “my purpose which honours the will of the Father is done”. The achievement of your imposed spiritual boundary involves the application of boundaries of behaviour and conduct which are delimited by Creational Laws and natural instincts derived from spirit influence. A conscious application of divine ethics and cosmic ethos must be applied in your effort so that you may gain entry into the boundary of fulfilled desire. Anything less than perfect application will impede your ability to experience the goal. When you are committed in your desire, always shall you be guided by your spirit and you will know when the boundary is met as the infinite spirit within shall applaud. Know that, the rewards of reaching the boundary, is the instillation of further light to illumine your immortal path. The life of spirit is boundless for spirit is immortalised within the framework of its Source and therefore the achievement of spirit is demarked by nothing and empowered by everything being ONE with ALL through its omnipotence, to create by its inherent light. Man must be taught that notwithstanding the finite life of mortal flesh, the spiritual boundaries he sets for himself to achieve in his incarnation shall contribute to his advancement in spirit and his eventual return to Source. If man could be persuaded by his inner light to know the ultimate goal being his return to Source, he will cultivate his boundaries in accordance with his destined and chosen purpose to procure and secure advancement thereto. Perfection is God‟s way. When you can achieve perfection you have arrived at your final and ultimate boundary, being your destination. Every aspired goal must be brushed with the light of God‟s perfection that man might clearly see the goal and every act of performance in furtherance of achieving the goal must be touched by the intent of purity that man may remain in his natural flow towards culmination. God„s “love” is every man‟s love for the love of God is the love within man and whatever God‟s love is capable of so too is man‟s love. God‟s love creates no boundaries and knows no boundaries. Its omnipresence and unconditional reverence is emblematic of man‟s primal nature. When man achieves Oneness with God there will be no need for boundaries but until then man must appreciate that boundaries are his stepping stone towards his completion.


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Remember Who You Are

By Christ Michael thru Hazel

# 99 Oct 12, 2010

Remember Who You Are

Christ Michael

These are my words to thee that you may know that you are that which I Am. How the tendency is that you forget, with excuse that your earthly lives create division in your thoughts, that you must separate the world you live in from the world you are from. You continue in your minds to live in a world which separates your earthly existence from your spiritual one when in truth there should be unification. I need each of you to bring the kingdom of God on earth and that can only be accomplished if you experience that kingdom within you. Then you shall appreciate that there is truly no separation and the infinite spirit resides where you do. I am within thee and with thee and that is truly the end. I do not float above you like some ethereal distant being. I Am your centre, your very core. You ones keep creating an artificial distinction between what you call your 3 D life and where you would like to be. Can you not bring where you would like to be in the present through the I Am within? I speak not in terms of finite coordinates but in terms of your personal evolution; for your experiences can never hinder your growth only nurture it if you allow them to. I am ever with thee and if you choose you can know Me as yourself. I am in fact your constant companion and when you can see from within you shall see and know My presence. Is it not prudent that you ones programme your minds to be consciously aware of this? My children I shall remind you as many times as I deem necessary, for you must be the ones to live Me so that you can effectively teach others how to accomplish what you all think is a monumental task. Is it really a task to effort to be Me? Should it not be a relief to be Me? If you can perceive the being of Me in this way then your efforts shall be made with joy and knowing and not censured for the laborious task that you sometimes deem it to be. If you could but remember who you are and seek in your moments to be yourselves your lives will graduate moment to moment in the sweet pleasure of my presence and there will be little possibility for you to forget. You will experience an automatic desire to harness My energy from within and you will progress your earthly tasks in and with delight and grace. No task will be insurmountable if you will only recall the power that you are. To remember who you are you must know me and effort to keep the light of communion burning brightly

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lest it dims for want of perseverance. What you perceive as battles are my battles as I am within thee. If you rely on the rays of light within to provide guidance and assistance you shall receive that which you need to overcome your life‟s battles and crises. I desire that you see your presence in the here and now as your test that you be prepared for the challenges ahead, which will enable you all to graduate into life and light. What will it profit you to seek that which is to come when you must first overcome that which is before you? That which I refer to is the impediments within each which precludes you from breaking through the barriers of a limited consciousness that you may experience higher consciousness. How can you deal with what impends if you cannot be who you are in the present? My children, like a Father would, it is my duty to push you to attain your fullest potential. It is appreciated that in your incarnation there are many experiences beyond your liking. However if you can through the power within address these experiences in light the division which you create in your living will fall away. Surely the task at hand requires that you reach for the light within which is your impenetrable armour. Your days are becoming shorter as you wait for the changes which loom. I am asking that you use these final hours to bind yourselves to the light within and consciously apply that light every moment. As you effort you shall be effectively programming yourself to live in that awareness that you are a light and that light is all powerful, unquenchable and victorious in all things. That light will create for you that which you desire to be. If you desire to reap the benefits of the fullness of your light you shall and your efforts will be a labour of love and not a burden. You my little ones must abandon the excuses for they do not fit into the trajectory of My being and neither does it fit into yours. For excuses create your discomfort. It is very simple. If you desire be like Me you can. The Father within each shall lead you every moment if you would but ask. The saying that you are God must follow with the doing that your actions and words may be aligned and your life be a living well of goodness which springeth from the source within. Beloveds it is in the here and now that you must find your balance. Don‟t you see that notwithstanding the impediments you face it is this environment that will truly offer you the opportunity to find your God light and be through your living, God. The times ahead will require much from you and it will auger well for you if you can start or continue in the now to make every conceivable effort to have your God light shining all the time. Beloveds I am aware of the challenges that each of you face in your individual lives. How about you each make use of the God within with constancy and experience the miracle of you, the I Am within. I wish you my children to see through panoramic vision and you can only do so if you see through your inner eyes, My eyes. I have not and never will deny you of that which you seek in My name that you may grow into Me. Wisdom and Presence is that which you are required to reap before you can be Me. How much do you desire this? You should see an opportunity in every encounter with experiences as one to shine your

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God light. Strive to mitigate the effects of your less than harmonious ego and start seeing Me in all things. When you can do so you will be reminded every moment of who you are for every life force reflects Me. This message to you my children is brought forth in the love of My being. Will you remember who you are that you may be that life which strums the chords of immortality and show through your living where God resides that others may be moved to find the God within and start their journey to be who they are? My blessings I give to you my children. I delight in you and your experiences for I know that they give you opportunity to grow into Me . Will you not see your lives as a blessing and cherish each moment in the joy of knowing that through the I Am within you shall overcome. I am Christ Michael and I come to remind you to „Remember Who You Are‟. When you remember who you are and walk in the light of your sovereignty I feel it and the joy that I experience is beyond expression for then I know that My little ones are well and truly on their way home. I offer these words to encourage you so please accept them in the spirit of the offering Christ Michael

Hazel www.pathtofreedomistruth.com

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By Nada thru Hazel

# 100 Oct 16, 2010

Progress- Nada

I wish to speak of progress on your earth plane as it relates to your individual purpose at this point. How do you ones know when you are progressing towards your goal, whatever that goal may be? Materialization of the goal is a positive indicator of progress or at least movement achieved towards fulfillment of the goal.

Yet progress will not only be measured through physical manifestation of the goal. Effort could be invested without physical signs appearing to prove attainment or graduation toward that which you seek to achieve. I need you ones to understand that progress must also be measured by an assessment of your efforts; for whether or not the goal is achieved your efforts are counted. You progress within yourself through your efforts. You learn in the process and grow regardless of the outcome. There is no failure, only progress, for the jewel lies in your efforts and the learning there from. Does this mean that you abandon the goal? Of course not, it simply means that you re evaluate the goal and that which you need to achieve it.

Progress is essential to you as in your plane it provides a sense of emotional comfort and encouragement that you can continue with expectation; and so it should be. This however is not always the reality and when attainment seems distant or inconspicuous your heart plummets in disappointment. Seldom do you ones look at the effectiveness of your efforts in terms of the wisdom gained from the experience. You ones measure success in finite terms as if the goal is „All' . What pleasure will you derive from the goal's fulfillment if you cannot step back after its completion and assess what you have gained from the process? Not all goals are meant to be achievable- some are meant to facilitate the learning of lessons which will then equip you to progress other goals.

Do you give up if the goal is not achieved or do you re assess what needs to be done in order to secure attainment? The cloud of emotions which you invite in when you perceive that there has been failure stymies your growth and ability to focus on persevering. Many a time you will be faced with impediments as you effort to move closer to the goal. These impediments are meant to help you progress personally and prepare you to attain greater heights of success; if only you can perceive it as such.

We above see the efforts that you make towards enlightening the masses in Truth. That Truth relates to many different aspects of your existence and is not confined to one area. There have been breakthroughs, dents, watering of seeds, sowing of seeds, reaping of

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results; yet in totality you may perceive that there has been little success in achieving that which many have set out to achieve.

Dear ones even the planting of a seed should be seen as a progressive step as seldom might any of you successfully win over one person entirely. The culminated efforts of many will do the job eventually. Progress may not be instant but cumulative and many hands will effort to the task to secure one soul for the return to light or progress therein.

You ones are facing a radical shift in thought patterns as deeper energies manifest in your realm. This is in preparation for productive changes that loom large upon your world. The time is now for you ones to de confine your selves from the limitations of your thinking, There is still too much „ in the box' contemplation when what you must of necessity do is take yourselves out of your human zonal pattern and start to envisage a picture that transcends mortal understanding. This requires a close connection with spirit- meaning the Great Spirit within you from which all wisdom dawns.

This is where true light will shine that you may see your way and understand the different facets of your experiences. Too much tunnel vision can impair true vision.

I invite you ones to consider this. If you would attempt to create and progress that creation to a final outcome, vision as well as effort, desire, discipline and persistence are necessary ingredients.

Yet acting without a plan will impede progress. In the conceiving of that plan do you act on your own impulse and knowledge? Surely this will in part assist movement. Yet self reliance without soul input will not ensure the quality of success that will sustain as if you were guided by the Great Spirit within.

True progress towards any goal will always require the participation of your higher being or God self . There is no eluding this. For your creation to be balanced and sustainable so must the tools used to create it. Your spirit is the fulcrum from which all effort and knowledge will lead to a balanced creation. Look at your world today. You might submit to me that many a man has achieved his goals. To what end do I ask? Is your world not crumbling like a poorly baked cake around you? Their achievements bear impermanence due to the faulty platform on which they were achieved.

I desire you ones to think about your current goals and those to come. Ask yourself these questions: · Do I rely on myself solely to achieve my chosen goal or do I seek to co create with the Great Spirit within and in so doing access guidance that is premised on objectivity and balance · Is my intent and desire poised on the fulcrum of purity? · If I am to be confronted with challenges along the way will I perceive this as an impediment to the achievement of my goal or do I see this an opportunity to ascertain that which I need to progress within myself so that the eventual achievement of the goal is memorable, constructive and sustainable? · Do I see myself as the only player or might I just have a role within the larger context of achievement? Is team effort necessary to ensure progression and attainment of the goal?

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· Is the goal the „be all and end all' or is the journey, its trials and triumphs an added sweetener that the benefits of the experience match the elation of the achievement.

Must progress be always visible or can it be known? Children, the goal is already achieved; see it, feel it and know it. You must start from a point of knowing for that will allow an appreciation of the secret ingredient, being a comprehension that progress can never truly occur unless one understands the Great Spirit within and how that spirit's involvement is vital towards the attainment of the goal.

Do not feel that the tasks ahead can be undertaken effectively if you do not seek at every moment guidance from your inner source. Failure to consult divinely may result in feelings of discomfort and doubt as you seek to progress your goal. We cannot do this for you dear ones. You must of you own accord and wisdom know that all must be divine that the end result sustains. The goal, the effort, the love, the desire, the tools of wisdom and knowledge must all be divinely oriented.

I ask that you ponder these words that you may re evaluate your futuristic goals and seek to identify what you need to change or undertake in order to ensure that you are prepared at your best to perform and progress those goals.

I am Nada and I come to bring clarity on what „Progress' means and entails that you may broaden the horizon of your thinking and re evaluate your goals and the tools with which you shall achieve those goals
