hatch! fair 2015 / ipp midterm demo report

HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP MIDTERM DEMO Report Hanoi Museum, Pham Hung, Tu Liem, Hanoi October 31 – November 1, 2015

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Page 1: HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo REPORT

HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP MIDTERM DEMOReportHanoi Museum, Pham Hung, Tu Liem, HanoiOctober 31 – November 1, 2015

Page 2: HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo REPORT

Table of contents

About the eventObjectiveNew at HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm DemoEvent HighlightsMedia Clipping ReportEvent Performance and Feedback

2 Report on HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo Updated Nov 15th

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HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo was a two-day Startup Conference and Exhibition organized on Oct 31 and Nov 1, 2015 in Hanoi Museum, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Ø  HATCH! FAIR (fair.hatch.vn) is the Vietnam’s largest annual startup conference and exhibition organized by HATCH! PROGRAM (HATCH!, hatch.vn). This year, HATCH! FAIR was on its third year.

Ø  IPP Midterm Demo was a showcase event for innovation projects and consortiums in the Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP), a project of Innovation Partnership Programme (IPP, ipp.vn) – a Finnish government ODA project.

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To create a platform where the top influencers in Vietnam’s startup ecosystem gather to recognize achievements, exhibit new innovative startups, introduce and connect entrepreneurs with potential partners and investors.

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Speed-dating Session:Series of 3-minute sharing rounds between one startup and one/ two angel investors and representatives from venture capital firms.

Networking Dinner:160+ influencers, founders and investors from the startup ecosystem joined the dinner to expand and strengthen networks to create discussions for further collaboration and investment opportunities.

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PRE-EVENT HIGHLIGHTS: HATCH! BATTLEHATCH! BATTLE was a national startup competition seeking for the most promising and competitive teams to participate in HATCH! FAIR 2015 and preparer to pitch to investors. September 1 – October 31

Number of Applicants from Hanoi, Danang and HCMC: 60+Number of Applicants pitching at First Pitching Round: 32 Short-listed for the Final Pitching Round: 14

14 mentoring sessions and 2 workshops to improve business pitchMain mentor: Mr. Csaba Bundik, Strategic Advisor at HATCH! PROGRAM, Mentor at IPP.

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First Pitching Round in Hanoi18 teams pitchedJury board of 5 members


Teams  were  presen+ng    their  businesses  

Founders  were  checking  the  prototype    before  the  pitch  

Teams  were  answering  the  ques+ons    from  Jury  board  

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First Pitching Round in HCMC15 teams pitchedJury board of 3 members


Teams  were  presen+ng  their  businesses  

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Mentoring session and Workshops Organized in Hanoi - Participation of 7 teams


Mr.  Csaba  Bundik,  Strategic  Advisor  at  HATCH!  PROGRAM,  were  mentoring  teams  to  improve  their  business  pitches  

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PRE-EVENT HIGHLIGHTS: HACKATHON HACKATHON FOR SOCIAL GOOD was a hacking competition which brought together creative coders and social activists to build an innovation product, addressing social challenges. September 10 – October 31

Content partners: UNDP, Live & Learn, British CouncilNumber of Social Topics: 4 topics01 Information session with 70 participants48-hours coding day with 80 participantsNumber of Coders: 64Number of Social Activists: 16Number of Projects on the Pitching Day: 16Short-listed to the Final Pitching Round: 05

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Information session07 partners04 main topics raised70 participants


Partners  were  presen+ng  the  topics   Par+cipants  were  asking  ques+ons    about  the  topic  presented  

Par+cipants  were  networking  to  team-­‐up  

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48-hours Coding and Pitching Round

16 projects pitched80 participants


Teams  were  working  with  mentors   Teams  included  coders  and  social  ac+vists,    working  on  their  products  for  48-­‐hours  

16  projects  pitched  in  front  of    jury  board  of  9  people  

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EVENT HIGHLIGHTS: EXHIBITION Startup Exhibition provided startup businesses to promote their competitive products and services, create credibility in the market, attract media attention and investment, as well as approach and receive direct feedback from potential customers. October 31 – November 1

Number of Startups Exhibiting: 43 (19 projects belong to IPP Portfolio)70% is ICT-based30% is Health, Agriculture and Education TechnologyImpact startups increased by 30% (in comparision to H!F 2014)

Number of Partners Booths: 10500+ visitors/day

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List of Exhibitors

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List of Exhibitors

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List of Exhibitors

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List of Exhibitors

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Exhibition photos


During  the  2  days  of  exhibi+on,  exhibitors  received  hundreds  of  visits  from  special  guests,  investors,  mentors,  other  founders,  event  audiences  and  visitors  

Report on HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo Updated Nov 15th

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EVENT HIGHLIGHTS: CONFERENCEStartups Conference topics were around startups management for scale-up, angel investment and policy supports from public sectors in form of 30-minute workshops and 60-minute panel discussions.October 31 – November 1

6 workshops:5 30-minute workshops 1 150-munite training workshop by IPP

13 speakers with varied backgrounds50+ distinguished guests, including Vice Minister of MOST and MPI, Ambassador of Finland Embassy in Hanoi230+ audiences/session

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Opening ceremony

Mr.    Tran  Quoc  Khanh    Vice  Minister  of  MOST  

Mr.  Dang  Huy  Dong  Vice  Minister  of  MPI  

Mr.    Ilkka-­‐Pekka  Similä  Ambassador  of  Finland  to  


Mr.  Lauri  Laakso  Chief  Technical  Adviser  of  IPP  

Mr.  Pham  Quoc  Dat  Co-­‐founder  and  Director  of    


Dis+nguished  guests  and  representa+ves  from  Organizing  commi[ee  delivered    Opening  speeches  

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Opening Ceremony


Dis+nguished  guests,  founders,  mentors,  investors  and  other  visitors  and  audience  joined  the  Opening  ceremony  and  Networking  to  exchange  contacts  

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Mr.  Adrian  Latortue,  UBER:  UBER's  Secret  Sauce  for  Launching  business  in  Southeast  Asia  and  in  Vietnam  

Mr.  Quang  Phan,  ADB:    TPP  –  Opportuni+es  and  Challenges  

of  Transforma+on  

Mr.  Nam  Nguyen,  FPT:    Managing  a  Scale-­‐up  business    

Mr.  David  Bea[y,  Golden  Seeds:  Angel  Investment  Scene  

Mr.  Hung  Dinh,  Joomlart:    Angel  Investment  in  Vietnam  vs.  US  

Mr.  Csaba  Bundik,  CEEC  &  HATCH!  PROGRAM:  Improving  your  

investment  pitch  

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Panel Discussions


From  lec  to  right:    Mr.  Nguyen  Minh  Duc,  VCCI;  Mr.  Hoang  Minh  Duc,  Duane  Morris;  Ms.  Linh,  Moderator;  Mr.  Duong  T.  Hoang,  KPMG  in  Vietnam;  Mrs.  Phan  Hoang  Lan,  NATEC  

Panel  Discussion:  Legal  Framework  for  Startups  and  SMEs  

Panelists  were  answering  ques+ons  from  par+cipants  

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Panel  Discussion:  Funding  your  startups  through  Angel  Investments  

From  lec  to  right:    Mr.  Dat  Quoc  Pham,  HATCH!  PROGRAM;  Mr.  David  Bea[y,  Golden  Seeds;  Mr.  Csaba  Bundik,  CEEC  &  HATCH!  PROGRAM,  Mr.  Steve  Landman,  Lotus  Impact,  Mr.  Hung  Dinh,  Joomlart  

Panelists  were  answering  ques+ons  from  par+cipants  

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Workshops & Panel Discussions


Par+cipants  were  sharing  their  thoughts  and  giving  ques+ons  to  Guest  Speakers  

Report on HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo Updated Nov 15th

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Speed-dating Sessions40+ startups 20+ angel investors 150+ audiences

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IPP Training Workshop4 teams presenting and receiving direct feedback from board and audiences5 members on board of Mentors and Investors, 200+ audiencesMentor: Mr. Csaba Bundik, Mentor at IPP, Strategic Advisor at HATCH! PROGRAM

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HATCH! BATTLE: Final Round


TOP  14  teams  pitched  directly  with  the  jury  board  of  10  members  and  250+  audience  members,  including  founders,  mentors,  and  investors  

Jury  members  were  giving  ques+ons  to  teams  and  discussing  the  results  of  the  compe++on  

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HATCH! BATTLE: Final Round


3  teams  were  selected  for  3  prizes  granted  by  3  organiza+ons  

IPP  granted  Beeke+ng  team  a  +cket  to  SLUSH  Conference  in  Helsinki,  Finland    

HATCH!  PROGRAM  and  Seedstars  World  granted  EzCloud  team  a  +cket  to  Seedstars  World  Conference  in  

Geneva,  Switzerland    

HATCH!  PROGRAM  and  Tigers@Mekong  granted  Hamona  a  

Cash  prize  of  US  $1,000  

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Hackathon for Social Good:Final Pitching Round


TOP  5  teams  selected  from  a  48-­‐hours  coding  event  were  delivering  their  pitches  and  demo  

Jury  Board  were  giving  ques+ons  to  teams  about  their  products  business  and  social  impact  sides  

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Hackathon for Social Good:Final Pitching Round


3  teams  were  selected  for  3  prizes  granted  by  3  organiza+ons  

Second  prize  with  grants  in  cash  up-­‐to  US  $500:  NOTA  –  People  Services  

Addi+onal  support  of  US  $2,000  from  UNDP  

Second  prize  with  grants  in  cash  up-­‐to  US  $:  GT  101–  Driver  Educa+on  

Addi+onal  support  of  US  $1,000  from  UNDP  

First  prize  with  grants  in  cash  up-­‐to  US  $1,000:  NOBITA  –  Eventoon    

Report on HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo Updated Nov 15th

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OVERVIEW*Updated  on  November  14th,  2015  

8  TV  Channels:  VTV  1  VTV  2  VTV4  HanoiTV    VTC  1  VTC  10  InfoTV  VOVTV    

30+  Online  Media  VnExpress  Dantri  TuoitreThudo  GenK  ICTNews  CafeBiz  DealstreetAsia  E27  Talk  Vietnam  and  others..  

33 HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo Clipping Book

TV  &  Broadcast  Programs   12  Print  Media   2  Online  news   100+  Social  Media  Reach   16,674  

2  printed  Media  The  Word  Vietnam  Economic  Times    

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Event media coverageTelevision and Broadcast Program

Chuyển  động  24h  18:30  –  31.10.2015  Link:  h[p://bit.ly/chuyendong24h1830      

Chuyển  động  24h  18:30  –  31.10.2015  Link:  h[p://bit.ly/chuyendong24h11h15      

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Event media coverageTelevision and Broadcast Program

7  Ngày  Công  Nghệ  22:30  –  04.11.2015  Link:  h[p://bit.ly/vtv2bayngaycongnghe    


VTV4  News  15:00  –  07.11.2015  Link:  h[p://bit.ly/vtv4news0711    

Report on HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo Updated Nov 15th

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Event media coverageTelevision and Broadcast Program

Việt  Nam  Online  18:30  –  31.10.2015  Link:  h[p://bit.ly/vtc1vietnamonline3110    

Việt  Nam  Online  18:30  –  01.11.2015  Link:  h[p://bit.ly/vtc1vietnamonline0111    

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Event media coverageTelevision and Broadcast Program

Việt  Nam  &  Thế  Giới  20:30  –  31.10.2015  Link:  h[p://bit.ly/vtc10vietnamvathegioi      


Thanh  Niên  10:45  –  09.11.2015  Link:  h[p://bit.ly/vovtvchuongtrinhthanhnien0911      

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Event media coverageOnline News

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Event media coverageOnline News

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Event Performance Survey 4.23/5.00

3.98/5.00  Overall  Event  Content  

3.96/5.00  Speaker  Presenta+on  

3.97/5.00  Panel  Discussion  

3.85/5.00  Speed-­‐da+ng  

4.10/5.00  Workshop  on  Business    Pitch  for  Investment  

3.70/5.00  Networking  Dinner  

40 Report on HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo Updated Nov 15th

61  Surveys  were  collect  independently  from  the  event  audiences  on  November  1st,    acer  the  Final  Pitching  Sessions.  

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Event Performance Survey 4.23/5.00

4.05/5.00  Overall  Event  LogisLcs  

4.09/5.00  Venue  &  Facili+es  

4.31/5.00  Support  from  Staff  

4.24/5.00  Documents  and  Materials  

41 Report on HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo Updated Nov 15th

61  Surveys  were  collect  independently  from  the  event  audiences  on  November  1st,    acer  the  Final  Pitching  Sessions.  

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“We highly appreciate the initiative of organizing this annual startup conference and exhibition. This will be a forum for young entrepreneurs, startups companies within and without the IPP, investors, incubators and universities to meet up, partner and bring to the market valuable products and services with high quality.”

42 Report on HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo Updated Nov 15th

Mr.   Tran   Quoc   Khanh,   Vice   Minister,   Ministry   of   Science  and  Technology  (Vietnam)  

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“I was impressed by HATCH! FAIR 2015/ IPP Midterm Demo, where the organizers and entrepreneurs are very energetic and enthusiastic. There should be more events l i ke th is to encourage and insp i re entrepreneurship, establish a platform to share experience and help companies raise fund, as well as together build up a startup ecosystem in Vietnam.”

43 Report on HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo Updated Nov 15th

Mr.  Dang  Huy  Dong,  Vice  Minister,  Ministry  of  Planning  and  Investment  (Vietnam)  

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“HATCH! FAIR 2015/ IPP Midterm Demo is an excellent example of the entrepreneurial ecosystem developing in Hanoi. The event provided opportunity for startups to learn from and meet experienced and successful business people and investors.”

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David  Bea[y,  Managing  Director  at  Golden  Seeds  (USA)  

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“The event is very organized. It is so excited to see a lot of energy and passionate in the room. Our main criteria when approaching startups are business investment return and social impact, and there are several companies that meet these goals, and we will follow up with them.”

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Shuyin  Tang,  Principal,  Unitus  Impact  (Vietnam)  

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“HATCH! FAIR 2015/ IPP Midterm Demo is a great activity for startups. There was a good energy throughout the event. We have a chance to tell who we are, networking with other peers and experts in diverse business fields.”

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Phan  Thi  My  Hanh,  Fablabs  Saigon  (Vietnam)  

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“At HATCH! FAIR 2015/ IPP Midterm Demo, we received lots of feedback on our products, not only visitors but from mentors and potential partners too. And, we are following up with 2-3 investors after the event.”

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Nguyen  Ba  Tien,  Founder  at  Mylink.vn  (Vietnam)  

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“This is truly a forum for startups. The event provided us with useful sharing and discussions from experienced and successful entrepreneurs, opportunities to network with investors and sources of fund to finance our businesses.”

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Tran  Thanh  Tung,  NV  Vietnam  Jsc  (Vietnam)  

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"HATCH! FAIR 2015 demonstrated the tremendous strides of the HATCH! PROGRAM organizing team in building a startup ecosystem and community from a grass-roots level in 2013, to its current, regionally significant and world-class level. I am extremely encouraged by this team: by what it has done, and is doing for their country.”

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Aaron  Everhart,  CEO,  Consor+o  Services  (Vietnam)  

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“It is an honour for Harmona to attend this competition. HATCH! BATTLE was well organized and very useful. Through the contest, we have gained more knowledge of presentation skills for investors as well as how to access potential investors. We are looking forward to the more competitions held by HATCH! PROGRAM in the future.”

50 Report on HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo Updated Nov 15th

Nguyen   Hoang   Long,   CEO   of   Harmona,   the   winner   of  HATCH!  BATTLE  2015  (Vietnam)  

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“Joining HATCH! BATTLE, JAMJA has set the goal to improve our pitching skills. And we made it with HATCH! PROGRAM support. Moreover, HATCH! BATTLE and HATCH! FAIR 2015/ IPP Midterm Demo brought us a chance to meet and build the relationship with potential investors, learn from other start-ups as well as spread our brand to numerous users through media activities and exhibition.”

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Le  Hoang  Viet,  Founder  and  CEO  of  JAMJA  (Vietnam)  

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“The Hackathon for Social Good is innovative and opens new partnerships to expand voice and space fo r t he Sus ta inab le Deve lopmen t Goa l s implementation in Viet Nam. I hope that we will explore to further build on this contest, especially using digital devices and mobile apps for social innovations and social entrepreneurship to deliver the Global Goals.”

52 Report on HATCH! FAIR 2015 / IPP Midterm Demo Updated Nov 15th

Dr.  Pra+bha  Mehta,  UN  Resident  Coordinator  and  UNDP  Resident  Representa+ve  in  Viet  Nam  (Vietnam)  

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“I really appreciate the support as well as the effort of the organizers during the contest. Thanks HATCH! and mentors for creating such an amazing platform for us to gain more knowledge and experiences.”

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Minh   Tien,   GT101,   Runner   up   of   the   Hackathon   For  Social  Good  Compe++on  (Vietnam)  

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Register  Now  for  Early-­‐Bird  Sponsorship  of  HATCH!  FAIR  2016  at  [email protected]    Limited  slots  are  available.  

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THANK YOU!For future collaboration, please kindly contact:[email protected]@ipp.vn