has den bosch international study programmes 2011-12

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Official HAS Den Bosch brochure featuring all English-taught Bachelor programmes as well as practical information about studying in the Netherlands.


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FUTUREThe heartbeat of your






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Create your future


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what is HAS Den Bosch

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we areHAS Den Bosch

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ContentBrowse through your future


The Heartbeat ofyour Future


Horticulture &Business ManagementBjorn & Liene21

Why study atHAS DenBosch 8

Your Destination


Floral Design& BusinessManagement San & Yvonne27

Facts & Figures


InternationalFood & AgribusinessZakaria & Destan15

1-Year CertificateFloral Design Yi33

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Tuition Fees 40

Did youknow?


Working inthe Netherlands 42




Funding 41

Visa Issues


Contact Information46

ApplicationProcedure 38

AdmissionCriteria 39

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The heartbeatHAS Den Bosch University of AppliedSciences specialises in agriculture, horticulture, food, nature conservationand environment. At HAS Den Bosch,enthusiasm for your field is key. Theuniversity is especially known for pro-viding its students personal attentionand support as well as professional supervision. HAS Den Bosch maintainsexcellent relations with the industryand therefore has established a widenetwork of important companies andorganisations in relevant fields of ex-pertise. As the university is small scale,each student can count on a pleasantand personal study atmosphere whereindividuality is valued.


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of your future

Your future starts with us.


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Facts & Figures HAS Den Bosch

Founded in 1948

Undergraduate programmes (Dutch) 11

Undergraduate programmes (English) 3

Number of students 1945

Growth rate student population (%) 14,2

International student population (%) 3

Lecturer/student ratio 1/11

Number of teaching staff 185

Number of support staff 246


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HAS Den Boschwww.hasdenbosch.com

Anton Jurgens Institutewww.antonjurgens.com

HAS KennisTransferwww.haskennistransfer.nl

Bachelor ProgrammesEnglishHorticulture & Business ManagementFloral Design & Business ManagementInternational Food & Agribusiness

DutchUrban & Rural DevelopmentGarden & Landscape ManagementLandscape DesignGeo Media & DesignHorticulture & Arable FarmingEnvironmental StudiesApplied BiologyAnimal Husbandry & Animal CareFood Design & InnovationFood TechnologyBusiness Administration & Agribusiness

MBA Business Creation in Food & HealthResearch Projects

Thesis ProjectsTraining for ProfessionalsResearch ProjectsConsultancy Services


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10reasonsto study at HAS Den Bosch!

1. High-quality education in a lively and innovative business environment.

2. Great (international) job prospects for graduates.

3. Our team of enthusiastic experts with a passion for teaching.

4. The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

5. Excellent relations with the industry.

6. Modern, high-tech facilities.

7. Personal support and professional supervision.

8. A pleasant and informal study atmosphere.

9. Flexible staff, always open to new ideas.

10. With us the student comes first!


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The NetherThe Dutch are busy bees and always

have been. Very successful international

traders since medieval times. They live in a

small, densely populated country. Where everything

seems to be organised to the last decimal. When you

think about it, it is quite extraordinary their very limited space gets

used in such a way it makes them a major global player in the

export fields of horticulture, agriculture and floriculture, plus in dairy

and meat production. And because they share this small slice of

the world between so many of them, they try to keep it neat and

liveable. So they are big on sustainability and good quality of life.

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lands Your destination

The Dutch are quite direct, much more so than many otherpeople. You might need a minute to get used to that. Theupside is: what you see is what you get. No frills for them.Go-getters, when it comes to business goals. Progressive,when it comes to life styles. And false modesty is alien tothem.

They are a level-headed, practical sort of nation. They arealso quite innovative, although they wouldn’t want to makea big deal of that, as it is in their nature. They are advan-ced researchers and scientists, always striving to becomeeven more effective, in production, technology and in ma-nagement, marketing and logistics. So it’s no surprise theyattract so many international people, both students andprofessionals, to their country. Keeping focussed and notresting on their laurels, makes them successful. The goodnews is they are very happy to share their renowned ex-perience and expertise with others. With you. The Dutchstrongly believe in knowledge transfer. Feel free to absorband learn from them as much as you can.


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The City ofDen Bosch


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‘s-Hertogenbosch (or ‘Den Bosch’ as thelocals call it) is a lively city in the south of the Netherlands, with an attractive medieval centre, leading architecture andsurrounded by green countryside. It is the provincial capital of Noord-Brabantand the centre of a region of rapid econo-mic growth. Den Bosch has approximately134,000 inhabitants and ranks among theTop 5 most attractive cities for students tolive in the Netherlands. It has an exuberantlifestyle and a sociable atmosphere.Check out the video about the city of DenBosch at hasdenbosch.com/city or scanthe QR code!

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Study Programmes

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InternationalFood &Agribusiness


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ambitiousI am, and can

’t deny it


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Hi there, I am Zakaria. I am from a small town where nothing is grown;

I want to (and will) change that. Definitely.

“I was born in Somalia but I grew up in a refugee camp in Kenya. In themidst of hunger and misery I learned the importance of being able togrow your own fruit and vegetables. Of being self-sufficient, not having torely on help from others. Four years ago our dad got my brother and meto come to the Netherlands. Now we study here, together. My brotherdoes Horticulture & Business Management with a specialisation in Research & Innovation, and I do International Food & Agribusiness (IFA).This way we complement each other really well, so in the future we couldstart up our own company. Grow flowers or vegetables in Kenya and export them to the Netherlands. IFA is a truly international course givingme the opportunity to work anywhere in the world. My brother and I don’tjust regard our education as an enrichment of our own lives. We also feelthat it enables us to contribute to the development of Africa. And here atHAS Den Bosch we get tremendous help with everything we do. My firstyear at HAS was quite hard for me. But thanks to the support and involvement of all lecturers I managed to succeed. Or more precisely: wemanaged to succeed.”

Want to know more about Zakaria?Scan the QR code or go to: hasdenbosch.com/zakaria

IFA is a truly international course,

so I could work anywhere in the world.


Deforestation is a hugeproblem, also in Africa.Even the Baobab tree

is no longer safe.

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Hi, I am Destan from Turkey.HAS Den Bosch gave a presentation at myformer school. That’s when I knew I wanted

to study there. A perfect choice.

“What I love here at HAS Den Bosch, is the relationship you have with yourlecturers. You can ask them anything, they will always take you seriously.They are almost like friends. Friends who happen to have a lot moreknowledge and experience. But with the same interests as you. And witha passion about what they teach.

The traineeships make sure you go back to the source of food. So besi-des mastering the high level theoretical side, you also have to get yourhands dirty in the soil. Practical is key in all subjects. Which is good, because things I learn from books, I tend to forget after some time. While things I learn by doing myself, I never forget.

Being an international student means you have to be adaptable, have anopen mind. But at HAS Den Bosch you can at the same time still stay whoyou are.”

My dream job is to work as a scientist or researcher.


As far as agriculture goes,the Netherlands is a

global top player.


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adaptableI sure am


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International Food & AgribusinessFacts & Figures

International Food & Agribusiness – in a nutshell – isabout international sustainable entrepreneurship. It’sabout learning how to build bridges between profit andnon-profit organisations, between national and inter-national affairs, between different kinds of worlds.

If you are open-minded and interested in other culturesand in the world around you, if you are motivated andcreative but you also have a sense for business, thenInternational Food & Agribusiness is the right study pro-gramme for you!

During your studies you learn about different food sys-tems all over the world, about sustainable food produc-tion, about the relationship between food and health,about the global food supply, and about internationalbusiness and corporate social responsibility (CSR).

The programme focuses on dealing with declining natural food and energy sources in today’s world andon increasing the efficiency of food production withoutcompromising the welfare of people or the environment.It also explores the so-called bio-based economy, which means the use of agricultural produce for non-food applications, such as bio-plastics or bio-fuels. You learn how to use technological innovations, how to cooperate internationally and how to do sustainablebusiness.

During your studies you get to specialise on one of fourprofiles: food and health, livestock production, crop production or bio-based economy. You choose whichprofile you like best, taking into account your qualitiesand interests.

In short, do you have a wide interest and an ambition tomake a difference in the world of food and business?Then this programme is a perfect match for you!

Explore the curriculum online!hasdenbosch.com/internationalfood

Language of Instruction English

Duration of Study 4 years (incl. traineeships)

Duration of Traineeships 1 year (in total)

Specialisations Food Security & HealthLifestock ProductionCrop ProductionBio-Based Economy

Teaching Methods Projects, Practicals, Skills Training, Workshops, (Guest) Lectures, (International) Excursions, (International) Traineeships, Thesis Project

Facilities University Garden (completed 2011), High-Tech Climate Chambers, University Greenhouse, Microbiology Laboratory, Environment Hall, Food Technology Hall,Computer Rooms, Library, Print Shop

Degree Bachelor of Applied Sciences inInternational Food & Agribusiness

Job Prospects Manager, entrepreneur, sustainability coordinator, CSR business consultant, policy advisor, project manager, technical specialist, buyer for agrarian raw materials, regional export manager


Orientation DaysWednesday 30 November 2011Tuesday 27 March 2012

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Horticulture& BusinessManagement


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inquisitiveyou can

certainly say that

I am


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My name is Bjorn.

“I am heading for five weeks of cucumbers. Just came from the roses. This iswhat I like about Horticulture & Business Management: you get places andyou learn things through practice. How to grow flowers or fruit, but also every-thing there is to know about competition and the market – really interesting.This course is very international; a conscious choice for me. All lessons aretaught in English and you work with people from around the globe. Thatmakes it kind of special. Quite a change from Dutch secondary school, I mustsay: doing everything in English and being around all the different cultures.But you get used to it quickly, and after a couple of months it is the most natural thing in the world. Also because we are such a great group together.And in the future I would like to work abroad, or partly abroad. To eventuallybecome the managing director of an international company in this sector.That would suit me just fine! Where abroad? Doesn’t really matter. I’d prefer togo all around the world.”

Want to know more about Bjorn?Scan the QR code or go to: hasdenbosch.com/bjorn

My parents are in ‘the green business’, that’s why I gave this

university a try, and I like it just fine.


All lessons are in English and you work with people from around the globe.

I did a practical period at a rose nursery; fortunately my hands are on the mend again.


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Liene is my name, and I am from Latvia.

“Living an international life is important to me. So I liked theidea of going abroad for my education. To widen my chancesof getting an international job. At HAS Den Bosch you get stimulated to be an independent thinker. The project work isreally important. Nobody holds your hand, you just go for it.And that stimulates the creative and resourceful mind!All the excursions we get to make trigger your imagination.They make you realise the enormous variety of possible jobsin horticulture. Possibilities you would never have thought ofyourself.In my course you learn about the biological aspects of growing things. But you also learn to look at what you growas a lucrative product. As something you can put in the market, as a commercial possibility.”

My mind likes to be busy, I love a challenge tofocus on. Finding ways to reach my goal.


All the excursions we get to make, trigger your imagination.

My dream job is towork in marketing for

an international horticultural company.

I like the Hortensia!


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creativethat’s me


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Horticulture & Business ManagementFacts & Figures

The Netherlands is the second largest exporter ofagrarian products in the world while it covers no morethan 0.008% of our planet’s surface. How can this be?The secret lies in the industry’s technological advan-cement, its efficiency and its innovativeness.

The Netherlands represent a source of knowledge inthe fields of commercial plant breeding, cultivationtechniques, technological innovations and product qua-lity. About 80% of Dutch horticultural activities are ex-port-oriented. So the field of logistics and marketing isa crucial and well-developed sector of the Dutch horti-cultural industry and Horticulture & Business Manage-ment lets you in on their secrets.

Horticulture & Business Management covers all sectorsof horticulture plus the entire horticultural chain fromplant breeding to consumer marketing. Due to the busi-ness-oriented approach of the course, several elementsof the curriculum are run in cooperation with local andglobal horticultural companies.

Explore the curriculum online!hasdenbosch.com/horticulture

Language of Instruction English

Duration of Study 4 years (incl. traineeships)

Duration of Traineeships 1 year (in total)

Specialisations International BusinessResearch & InnovationCrop & Farm ManagementAgrotechnology

Teaching Methods Projects, Practicals, Skills Training, Workshops, (Guest) Lectures, Excursions, Traineeships, Thesis Project

Facilities University Garden (completed 2011), High-Tech Climate Chambers, University Greenhouse, Computer Rooms, Library, Print Shop

Degree Bachelor of Applied Sciences in Horticulture & Arable Farming

Job Prospects Export or Import Manager, Sales or Purchasing Manager, Marketing Manager, Project Leader, Consultant, Researcher, Breeding Manager, Entrepreneur, etc.

Orientation DaysWednesday 7 December 2011Wednesday 28 March 2012

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Floral Design& BusinessManagement


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optimisticis my middle nam


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Hi, I am San, from Seoul.

“In Korea flowers are still a luxurious item, mostly used for celebra-tions. They are true symbols. I chose this course so I can go backto Korea and make those special moments, that involve flowers,even more memorable. I studied in England first. But when I waslooking for inspiration, I noticed almost all floral designs I liked bestwere Dutch designs. They have such an organic feel to them. So Iswitched from England to HAS Den Bosch. To be closer to ‘themasters’ so to speak.The business management side of this course has broadened myhorizon. It has taught me to be analytical, to really understand howa successful business operates and how I could be part of one. Oreven run one myself.The international character of HAS Den Bosch is a bonus. Here youmeet people from around the globe. And you don’t have to feel likean outsider. Plus I love to travel, which is very easy when you are inthe Netherlands.”

Want to know more about San?Scan the QR code or go to hasdenbosch.com/san

All the blooming possibilitieshere! Dutch floral designs areamong the best in the world.

So it’s great to be right in the middle of that.

I want to be closer to ‘the masters’ so to speak.

My dream job is to work for aKorean trade company and to export natural Korean products worldwide.

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My name is Yvonne, born and bred in Cameroon.

“The combination of the creative side of floral design and the commercialside of business management seemed pretty unique. HAS Den Boschwas the most international school I could find to offer this. And I googleda lot before I made a definite choice. The school being in the Nether-lands was a big pull for me. As everybody knows this country is renownedworldwide for their successful flower industry. And I like being part of something successful. Group work, practical lessons and internships all show you can’t learn thisbusiness just from keeping your nose in books. HAS Den Bosch makesyou practice what you learn. Very capable teachers, very approachable. The international office is really helpful and international students feel very welcome here!”

Making a business success of somethingso beautiful as a flower is what drives me.I already did two other university degrees before Icame here. But I know this is my thing. Maybe I amlike a flower, slowly unfolding its full colour.

My dream job is to bethe owner of a high

end flower shop backhome in Cameroon.Or maybe start myown flower growing

business there.

You can’t learn this business just from keeping your nose in books.

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I am proud to be!

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Floral Design & Business ManagementFacts & Figures

The Netherlands is famous for its tulips. The Dutchhave a great affinity for flowers and you will find freshlycut flowers in nearly every Dutch home. But flower pro-duction and floral design is also big business in theNetherlands. Floral Design & Business Management isan ideal combination of business subjects and floraldesign modules, taught by lecturers who are world-renowned for their expertise in the field.

During this unique programme where creativity getsmixed with management, you will be instructed in theart of floral design by highly trained experts. People witha passion for their field, who are also official examinersand delegates of the Dutch Florist Organisation. You willstart out with getting acquainted with the theory of de-sign, colour and technique and by creating your first flo-wer arrangements. Once you have mastered the basics,you will enter the world of personal creativity. Here youwill learn how to work with different kinds of materialand understand art and composition – all important as-pects of any successful floral designer.

The Business Management side will trigger your entre-preneurial spirit. Business Management provides youwith an understanding of the structure and culture of(floral) businesses, encompassing wider fields such asmarkets and processes and how these factors all worktogether. You will learn about developing strategies,handling risks and taking business decisions. The fourtraineeships ensure you gain practical experience in theDutch floral design industry. So you will put your skills inpractice even before your graduation. In the final yearyou write your Bachelor thesis in cooperation with aDutch company.

Explore the curriculum online!hasdenbosch.com/floraldesignbm

Language of Instruction English

Duration of Study 4 years (incl. traineeships)

Duration of Traineeships 1 year (in total)

Teaching Methods Projects, Practicals, Skills Training, Workshops, (Guest) Lectures,Excursions, Traineeships, Thesis Project

Facilities University Garden (completed 2011), Design Room, University Greenhouse,Computer Rooms, Library, Print Shop

Degree Bachelor of Applied Sciences in Horticulture & Arable Farming

Additional Certificates Dutch Flower Arrangements 1, Advanced Dutch Flower Arrangements 1

Job Prospects Floral Designer, Interior Designer, Entrepreneur, Export or Import Manager, Sales or Purchasing Manager, Marketing Manager, Project Manager, Consultant, Product Developer, etc.


Orientation DaysWednesday 14 December 2011Thursday 29 March 2012

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1-Year CertificateFloral Design


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thoughtfulthat is m



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Hi there, I am Yi. I am from China.

“I came here to study horticulture, but when I saw all the flowers atHAS Den Bosch, they really got to me, and I immediately switchedcourses. Now I sometimes feel like I am an artist. So not only a flo-rist and entrepreneur. And as an artist I make my own choices. I have the freedom to do things as I like them. The lecturers at HASencourage me to develop my own style and to trust my own judge-ment. That is very valuable to me and it is very different from what I learned in China. I absolutely love flowers. They are what I workwith, like an artist uses paint. When I go back to China I want toopen my own special flower shop, but not just to sell flowers. I wantit to be a place where people love to come. Where they can stayfor a while, have coffee, read books and even make flower arrange-ments themselves. My purpose for this shop is to slow life down.HAS Den Bosch has inspired me to think like that, to see possibili-ties beyond things I already knew or saw.”

Want to know more about Yi?Scan the QR code or go to: hasdenbosch.com/yi

Flowers have become part of my life, myfuture. Working with them and studying

them has opened up a new me.

My dream job is to open my own special shop.

This beautiful forest reminds me

of my home province Yunnan.

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1-Year Certificate FloralDesign Facts & Figures

HAS Den Bosch offers a 1-year certificate programmeat undergraduate level in Floral Design. During thiscourse year you obtain two prestigious, internationallyrecognised floral design diplomas (DFA 1 and AFDA 1),issued by the Dutch Florist Organisation (VBW). Youalso gather practical experience during a traineeship.

You learn to understand and work with the versatility offlowers. The main focus of the course lies on the crea-tive, practical side of arranging flowers. You make de-signs for commercial use; pieces for big occasions, butalso for displays and to sell in shops. You will developyour own style but will also be able to create a flowerpiece following the instructions of an assignment. At theend of this year you will look at flowers professionally,and that means both with an artistic eye and a profita-ble approach.

Explore the curriculum online!hasdenbosch.com/floraldesign

Language of Instruction English

Duration of Study 1 year (incl. traineeships)

Duration of Traineeships Min. 2 days a week for 10 weeks

Teaching Methods Projects, Practicals, Skills Training, Workshops, (Guest) Lectures, Excursions, Traineeship

Facilities University Garden (completed 2011), Design Room, University Greenhouse, Computer Rooms, Library, Print Shop

Degree Certificate of Attendance

Additional Certificates Dutch Flower Arrangements 1, Advanced Dutch Flower Arrangements 1

Job Prospects Floral Designer, Interior Designer, Entrepreneur, Marketing Manager, etc..


Orientation DaysWednesday 14 December 2011Thursday 29 March 2012

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Practical Information


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Application ProcedureHow to apply?

1. Download the application form from our website.

2. Complete the application form and send it back by e-mail along with allthe required documents.

3. You will receive a confirmation of receipt when we start to process your application to check whether you are eligible for the study programme of your choice.

4. After 2-4 weeks we will inform you on the result of your application. If you are eligible you will receive a (conditional) admissionletter.

5. After you have paid your tuition fees we will start your visa procedure (if applicable) and send you more information about accommodation arrangements and introduction activities.

DeadlinesNon-EU students with visa requirement: 1 May 2012

Non-EU students without visa requirement: 1 June 2012

EU students: 1 June 2012


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Admission CriteriaInternational Food & Agribusiness• 6 years of secondary school education• Final year subject: mathematics• English language proficiency (IELTS or TOEFL or Cambridge Certificate)

Horticulture & Business Management• 6 years of secondary school education• Final year subjects: mathematics and chemistry• English language proficiency (IELTS or TOEFL or Cambridge Certificate)

Floral Design & Business Management• 6 years of secondary school education• final year subjects: mathematics and chemistry• English language proficiency (IELTS or TOEFL or Cambridge Certificate)

1-Year Certificate Floral Design The course is open to applicants wishing to become professionals in the floral design industry. Therefore, we expect our students to have a creative mind and enthusiasm for (floral) design. Experience in floral design is beneficial but not obligatory. All students need to be proficient inthe English language.

English Language RequirementsUnless you have completed your previous education in a country where English is the official language of in-struction you are obliged to submit proof of English language proficiency.

When taking your language exam, please make sure to enter HAS Den Bosch as a score recipient. Your results will then automatically be sent to us.The institutional code for the TOEFL test is 4451.

IELTSOverall band score in the academic IELTS programme6.0


TOEFLInternet-based test : 80 Computer-based test : 213 Paper-based test : 550


Cambridge ESOL CertificateLevel C1



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International Food & Agribusiness EU & EER Non-EU

Tuition Fee ¤ 1.713* ¤ 6.250

Total ¤ 1.713 ¤ 6.250

Horticulture & Business Management EU & EER Non-EU

Tuition Fee ¤ 1.713* ¤ 6.250

Total ¤ 1.713 ¤ 6.250

* National tuition fee 2011-12. Subject to change.

* National tuition fee 2011-12. Subject to change.

Floral Design & Business Management EU & EER Non-EU

Tuition Fee ¤ 1.713* ¤ 6.250

Flower Money incl. DFA 1 Examination (Year 1 ) / ADFA 1 Examination(Year 2) ¤ 1.400 / ¤ 1.900 ¤ 1.400 / ¤ 1.900

Total ¤ 3.113 / ¤ 3.613 ¤ 7.650 / ¤ 8.150

* National tuition fee 2011-12. Subject to change.

Additional FeesAccommodation deposit : ¤ 350Health insurance (per year) : ¤ 438Residence permit including visa (if applicable) : ¤ 600Outdoor Activity : ¤ 150

No rights can be derived from the content of this publication.

Estimation of Expected CostsExcursions : ¤ 200-400 per yearBooks and lecture notes : ¤ 300-400 per yearLiving expenses (food, travel, etc.) : ¤ 300-350 per monthAccommodation : ¤ 350-450 per month

1-Year Certificate Floral Design EU & EER Non-EU

Tuition Fee ¤ 6.250 ¤ 6.250

Flower Money ¤ 2.500 ¤ 2.500

DFA 1 Examination ¤ 400 ¤ 400

ADFA 1 Examination ¤ 400 ¤ 400

Total ¤ 9.550 ¤ 9.550

Tuition Fees 2012-13

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FundingEU studentsAll students who are citizens of a European Union member state can request a student loan from the Dutchgovernment. This loan is known as a “tuition fee loan” (in Dutch: collegegeldkrediet) and is paid out monthly.It covers no more than the national tuition fee set by the government every year (¤ 1713 for 2011). After you finish your studies you need to pay back the amount you borrowed.

You can find the application form for this loan on the website of the IB Groep/DUO, the organisation that handles the loan request on behalf of the Dutch government. Please note that the application procedure forthe tuition fee loan can take several weeks.

There are more funding possibilities available to EU students, being, however, dependent on a number of conditions. More information is available on the website of the IB Groep/DUO.


Non-EU studentsHAS Den Bosch gives a ¤ 1000 grant to each non-EU student enrolling in one of the undergraduate program-mes. This grant has already been included in the tuition fees for non-EU students. HAS Den Bosch does notaward any individual grants.

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Working in the Netherlands

Students from EU/EEA-countries are allowed to work unlimitedly in the Netherlands, without a work permit. NonEU/EEA-students are allowed to have a student job for a maximum of 10 hours per week or a full-time summerjob in the summer months of June, July and August.

Before you can start working, you need to have a valid residence permit and a work permit. The applicationsfor a residence permit and a work permit may take up several months.

Please note that it will not always be easy to find a student job unless you speak (some) Dutch.

Our International Officers may be able to assist you in finding suitable accommodation for your stay in DenBosch. A limited number of furnished rooms can be offered in cooperation with a local housing corporationand private landlords, as HAS Den Bosch does not have a campus of its own.

More information on accommodation will be made available after admission.




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Visa IssuesIf you need a visa to enter the Netherlands, HAS Den Bosch will apply for your visa at the Dutch ImmigrationService (IND) through a fast-track procedure. Please note that the fast-track procedure will only be started afteryou have paid the first instalment of your invoice. More information about the visa application procedure willbe made available after admission.

If you are a national of one of the following countries you do not need a visa to enter the Netherlands:• an EU member state• Australia• Canada• Iceland• Japan• Liechtenstein• Monaco• New Zealand• Norway• South Korea• Switzerland• United States of America• Vatican City

Upon arrival our International Officers will help you with your application for a residence permit for the Netherlands.


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Did you know?


• On average, the Dutch are the tallest people in the world.

• More than half of all flower bulbs exported from the Netherlands are tulips.

• The tulip is not originally a Dutch flower. Tulips were brought to Europe in the 16th century.

• In 1637, the first econo-

mic bubble was caused

by Dutch tulips which were

valued at 10 times the ave-

rage craftsman’s annual


• The world's largest permanent display of tulips can be found at the Keukenhof, in the Netherlands.

• The Netherlands is the second largest ex-porter of agrarian products in the world eventhough it only covers 0.008% of its surface.

• The Netherlands is one of the most denselypopulated countries in the world.

• 25% of the country is located below sea leveland its highest point is 323 metres high. It iscalled a “mountain”.

• In the Netherlands, there are twiceas many bicycles than cars, and morethan 15.000 km of bike paths.

• In almost everyDutch living roomyou will find abunch of freshlycut flowers.

• The Dutch have the second highest coffee consumption in the world.

• Almost 200 different nationalities are living in Amsterdam.

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Calendar 2011/2012


When? What Where?

1-4 Nov 2011 Hortifair Amsterdam RAI, Netherlands

12 Nov 2011 Open Day HAS Den Bosch, Netherlands

30 Nov 2011 Orientation Day International Food & Agribusiness HAS Den Bosch, Netherlands

2 Dec 2011 Informationstag für deutsche Studenten HAS Den Bosch, Netherlands

14 Dec 2011 Orientation Day Horticulture & Business Management HAS Den Bosch, Netherlands

14 Dec 2011 Orientation Day Floral Design & Business Management HAS Den Bosch, Netherlands

20-29 Jan 2012 International Green Week Berlin, Germany

24-27 Jan 2012 Internationale Pflanzen Messe (IPM) Essen, Germany

10-11 Feb 2012 Einstieg ABI Messe Köln, Germany

17 Mar 2012 Open Day HAS Den Bosch, Netherlands

27 Mar 2012 Orientation Day International Food & Agribusiness HAS Den Bosch, Netherlands

28 Mar 2012 Orientation Day Horticulture & Business Management HAS Den Bosch, Netherlands

28 Mar 2012 Orientation Day Floral Design & Business Management HAS Den Bosch, Netherlands

24 May 2012 Open Evening HAS Den Bosch, Netherlands

14-17 Jul 2012 OFA Short Courses & Trade Show Columbus, USA

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Contact InformationPostal address:P.O. Box 901085200 MA ‘s-HertogenboschThe Netherlands

Visitors address:Onderwijsboulevard 2215223 DE ‘s-Hertogenbosch The Netherlands

E-mail : [email protected] : +31 73 6923600Fax : +31 73 6923699Website : www.hasdenbosch.com

ColophonText: Marc van Doornewaard, Helen Potters, ‘s-HertogenboschDesign: Studio Jean Philipse, Sint-MichielsgestelIllustrations: Edith BuenenPhotography students: Karin Jonkers, Sint-MichielsgestelMake-up: Mirella FeekesProduction and editing: Department of Communication & International Affairs HAS Den Bosch

Thank you to all the students who participated in the photoshoot and interview for this brochure.

Copyright: HAS Den Bosch University of Applied Sciences, August 2011


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Welcometo theNetherlands


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