harzing journal.quality.list feb.2014

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  • 8/10/2019 Harzing Journal.quality.list Feb.2014


  • 8/10/2019 Harzing Journal.quality.list Feb.2014


    JOURNAL QUALITY LIST Fifty-second Edition, 11 February 2014Compiled and edited by Professor Anne-Wil Harzing, http://www.harzing.com

    IntroductionThe Journal Quality List is published primarily to assist academics to target papers at journals ofan appropriate standard. We would be concerned if the list were used for staff evaluation pur-poses in a mechanistic way. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of theJournal Quality List, we recommend that it be checked before used extensively for evaluationpurposes. The editor will not be held responsible for omissions or errors.

    AcknowledgementsThe first version of the JQL was collated when the editor was with the University of BradfordSchool of Management (UBSM). The editor gratefully acknowledges the assistance and contri-butions of the following people: Kathy Cousens (UBSM) for the initial data entry work, VictoriaLim, Ulrike Magner, Sebastian Reiche, Dinuka Wijetunga, Shea Fan, and Sofie Schtte (all Uni-versity of Melbourne) for data entry work between 2006 and 2012, Jos Benders, Yehuda Ba-ruch, Malachy Carey, Graham Hooley, Gunther Maier, and Andrew Kirchner for pointing out andsupplying me with various journal ranking lists and providing corrections, and my former col-leagues at the University of Bradford School of Management for their feedback. Special thanksare due to Marieke Mensch-Mathijsen, librarian at the Technical University of Eindhoven, theNetherlands who supplied me with a list of ISSN numbers and corrected many journal titles.

    Subject areas and abbreviation s Abbreviation Subject areaBus Hist Business History

    Comm Communication

    Economics Economics

    Entrep Entrepreneurship

    F&A Finance & Accounting

    Gen & Strat General & Strategy

    IB International BusinessInnovation Innovation

    Marketing Marketing

    MIS, KM Management Information Systems, Knowledge Management

    OB/OS, HRM, IR Organisation Behavior/Studies, Human Resource Management,

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    DISCUSSION OF THE RANKINGS WIE 2001 WU Wien Journal Rating 2001

    List developed by the Wirtschaftsuniversitt Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Busi-ness Administration). For more information and the complete list see: http://bach.wu-wien.ac.at/bachapp/cgi-bin/fides/fides.aspx/fides.aspx?journal=true;lang=DE.

    [Editors note] The WU Wien list contains over 1700 entries, but only entries in the research ar-eas covered by the current JQL have been included.

    Rank Interpretation A+ Top journals with world-wide distribution and readership; covering the entire scope of

    a discipline; contributions are scientifically and methodologically most fastidious andinnovative; very frequently pioneer work and milestones of the respective discipline;incomprehensible for non-scientists or readers without in-depth method knowledge;toughest competition of authors from all over the world (very high refusal rate ofmanuscripts); refereed in a double blind procedure (at least two referees).

    A World-wide distributed journals; emphasis in just one linguistic area as the exception;covering an entire discipline or an established subdiscipline; contributions are scien-

    tifically and methodologically most fastidious and innovative; frequently pioneer workand milestones of the respective discipline; understandable for graduates of relevantstudies; strong competition of authors from an international realm; refereed in a dou-ble blind procedure (at least two referees).

    B Journals with at least supraregional distribution in any language; covering at least anestablished subdiscipline; contributions are scientifically or methodologically innova-tive; understandable for practitioners without any degree in relevant studies; manu-script submissions from a supraregional realm; refereed in a double blind procedure(at least two referees).

    C At least national distribution; covering at least established subdiscipline; the editorspay attention to legibility for non-scientist, although research results have editorialpriority; practitioners rank among the core target group; at least national contribu-tions; not necessarily anonymously refereed; however one external referee at least.

    D At least national distribution; specialized on any level; contributions contain results insimplified form; practitioners appear frequently as authors; contributions are aimed atteaching or vocational training of practitioners; at least national contributions; no for-mal reviewing procedures.

    VHB 2003 Assoc . of Professors of Bu siness i n German speaking co untr ies A ranking developed on behalf of the Association of University Professors of Business in Ger-man speaking countries (Verband der Hochschullehrer fr Betriebswirtschaft - VHB). Based ona highly interactive and individualised survey distributed via the Internet, 651 professors anduniversity researchers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland assessed the scientific quality of

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    Rank Interpretation A+ VHB-JourQual Index 9

    A VHB-JourQual Index 8

    B VHB-JourQual Index 7

    C VHB-JourQual Index 6

    D VHB-JourQual Index 5

    E VHB-JourQual Index < 5

    BJM 2004 Briti sh Jn l of Management 2001 Business & Mgmt RAE rankingsPublished as Geary, J.; Marriott, L.; Rowlinson, M. (2004) Journal Rankings in Business andManagement and the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise in the UK , British Journal of Man-agement, vol. 15, pp. 95-141.

    This list is based on the premise that academic staff in institutions with a higher RAE rating willtend to publish in higher-quality journals. Journals are therefore rated based on the frequencywith which they are included in each of the seven RAE ratings (5*, 5, 4, 3A, 3B, 2, 1). Theoreti-cally this means that a journals score could run from 1 (only cited in RAE submissions from in-stitutions with a 1 lowest rating) to 7 (only cited in RAE submissions from institutions with a

    5* highest rating). Since academics in institutions rated 1 or 2 tend to publish very little, thepractical range is 3-7, while most journals are in the 4-7 range. The BJM04 list includes 562

    journals that accounted for 83% of the citations in the RAE submissions. As recommended inthe article median scores were used rather than mean scores.

    [Editors note] In order to keep the JQL to a manageable length, lower-ranked journals (ranking1-4) of the BJM04 list were only added if they already featured in the JQL. Journals that hadless than 10 submissions are indicated with the respective score in brackets. Please note thatsome journals only had 1 or 2 submissions and hence scores can be idiosyncratic.

    Score Interpretation7 Highest; only or mostly cited in RAE level 5* submissions

    1.5-6.5 Intermediate scores reflect the frequency with which the journal was cited ateach RAE level, weighted against the RAE level.

    1 Lowest; only or mostly cited in RAE level 1 submissions

    HKB 2005 Hong Ko ng Bapti st Universi ty School of Bu siness 2005List approved by the Executive Committee of HKBU, April 2005. Ratings on a A , B+, B and B-scale, where A represents the highest and B- the lowest rating.

    [Editors note] Journals that were mentioned on the HKBU list, but not on any other list, were on-ly included if they had at least a B ranking. Law journals were excluded, as were Statistics &Probability journals unless they already appeared on the list. The HKB00 list was used as a ba-sis so journals that did appear on the 2000 list but were no longer included in the HKB05 list

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    spondents were asked to choose from a comprehensive list of journals in their respective fieldand rank up to 10 journals as top tier and up to 10 journals as second tier based on each jour-nals contribution to the discipline in terms of rigor, prestige and importance. The calculated in-dex combines a journals average rank position with its familiarity (i.e. the number of respond-ents who placed the respective journal among their top 20), assigning a decreasing weight tolower rank positions. The overall (world) index was used, which has a theoretical maximum of100. Index figures for the Information Systems subfield were calculated manually from the avail-able raw data.

    The surveys have been published in a variety of discipline-based journals between 2001 and2005. One paper is still under review. For more information on the various listings, see:http://www.alba.edu.gr/survey/ For the purpose of the JQL the seven different surveys havebeen combined to one aggregate list. It should be noted, however, that comparison across sub-disciplines is only possible in a very limited way, since each survey is based on a different sur-vey population and ranks the journals relative to each other.

    [Editors note] For journals that were included in the list of more than one scholarly field, thehighest index score is reported. In consultation with the authors, the ranking for Production andOperations Management had to be excluded as it followed a different methodology. Statistics

    journals were only included if they already featured in the JQL. The small set of other journalsthat were not yet featured in the JQL were also ignored since they had low quality scores (below5 in most cases below 10 in virtually all cases).

    Rank Interpretation95 Highest quality rating

    1.3-94.9 Intermediate quality ratings

    1.2 Lowest quality rating

    EJIS 2007 European Jou rnal of Info rmation Systems 2007 Mingers & Har-zing

    This list provides an integrated ranking of all journal rankings available in the JQL as at Decem-ber 2005 (17 th edition). The details of its construction as well as a range of additional analyseshave been published in the European Journal of Information Systems , vol. 16, no. 4. An earlierworking paper is also available from http://www.harzing.com/papers.htm#jqlrank . Two rankingsare available (EJIS07 and EJIS07-CI); the second ranking includes the JIF for 2004 as part ofits analysis.

    [Editors note] Some journals were removed from this analysis because they had a very limitednumber of rankings (e.g. all communication journals that were only ranked on the UQ list). Fur-ther, several dozens of journals have been added to the JQL since this list was constructed.Hence, ratings for some 100 journals are not available.

    UQ 2007 Univer sit y of Queensland Journal Rating 2007Thi li i i ll d i 2003 i h

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    Rank Interpretation1 Highest quality rating


    Intermediate quality ratings3


    5 Lowest quality rating

    AST 2008 A ston March 2008New version of the Aston lists originally published in 1999/2003/2006. The 1999 list was based

    on a large survey of opinions of academics of the Midlands universities. In 2003 this list wassent to Aston research convenors for discussion within their group and each group then sent inrevised lists which formed the basis of the new rankings. Anybody who wanted to add a journalwas asked to provide evidence, preferably citation evidence from the World of Knowledge DataBase, but failing that expert opinions in the field from other universities. In the 2006 rankingsare made on the basis of citation rates, impact factors, interrogation of data bases and the eval-uations of senior academic staff in Aston Business School and other international businessschools. They are subject to change as the standing and impact of journals changes. No infor-mation was available about the procedures for the 2008 update.

    [Editors note] Journals that were mentioned on the Aston 2008 list, but not on any other list,were only included if they had at least a 3 ranking. Law journals were excluded. Where journalswere ranked differently in different subdisciplines, the highest rating was used.]

    Rank Interpretation4 World leading

    3 Internationally excellent

    2 Recognised internationally

    1 Recognised nationally

    0 Unclassified

    WIE 2008 WU Wien Journal Rat ing May 2008List developed by the Wirtschaftsuniversitt Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Busi-ness Administration). For more information and the complete list see: http://bach.wu-

    wien.ac.at/bachapp/cgi-bin/fides/fides.aspx/fides.aspx?journal=true;lang=DE The 2001 journal list was updated in the context of an incentive scheme that provided financialincentives for publication in top journals. As such the 2008 list only contains journals with an A+and A ranking and the WIE01 was therefore maintained in the JQL.

    [Editors note] Journals that were mentioned on the WIE 2008 list, but were not included in theJQL were only included if they had an A+ ranking.

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    4 th edition (March 2010) a review panel of experts considered feedback from academic associa-tions, publishers and individual academics. For further details see excellent 15 page Introduc-tion: Context, Purpose and Methodology Guide available on the following URL:

    http://www.the-abs.org.uk/?id=257 [Editors note] In order to keep the JQL to a manageable length, lower-ranked journals (1 and 2)were only added if they already featured in the JQL. Also excluded were journals in the area oflaw, education (unless related to Management), psychology (unless related to OB), general so-cial sciences (unless related to Management) and medicine.

    [Editors note] In the 4 th edition of this list only journals that had 2 or more submissions in the UKResearch Assessment Exercise were included. As a result some 150 journals that were listed inthe 3 rd edition no longer appear in the 4 th edition. As is to be expected, most of these journals

    were only tangentially related to Economics or Business. However, some of these journals werehighly ranked, so omission from the 4 th edition should not be seen as a sign of low quality].

    Rank Interpretation4* A world elite journal

    4 A top journal

    3 A highly regarded journal

    2 A well regarded journal

    1 A recognised journal

    Den 2011 Dani sh Min is try Journ al li st 2011In collaboration with academics, the Danish Ministry publishes an annual list of journals it rec-ognizes as peer-reviewed and of a particular quality. It assessed those included in the list witheither a score of 1 (low) or 2 (high). Exact details of this list are unknown, but around 85 % of

    journals are scored 1, with the remaining 15% scored 2. Of the 900+ journals in the JQL morethan 40% are scored 2, clearly indicating that the JQL tends to focus on high quality journals.

    Rank Interpretation2 Top journals

    1 Other recognized journals

    HEC 2011 Hautes tud es Commerciales d e Pari s Ranking L ist Jul y 2011The overall approach to construct this list consisted of searching for an algorithm to combine thedifferent sources of information in a standardized way across all journals of all fields. Thesesources were expert opinions (solicited from outside of HEC), existing rankings, and journal im-pact factors. Borderline cases were then discussed and some corrections made. All corrections

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    was applied to French-language journals. Also excluded were journals in the area of law andstatistics (unless related to Business & Economics).

    Rank Interpretation A Highest quality rating

    B+Intermediate quality ratings


    C Lowest quality rating

    UQ 2011 University of Queensland Adju sted ERA Rankings ListThis list is a combination of the UQ 2007 list and the ERA (Excellence in Research Australia)list. Information on the ERA list is available at: http://www.arc.gov.au/era/era_journal_list.htm . Itis a "Revised ERA" list in that some journals are ranked higher on the UQBS journal list andtheir higher score is maintained, but no journal is ranked lower than its ranking on the ERA list

    [Editors note] In order to keep the JQL to a manageable length, lower-ranked journals (ranking3&4) of the UQ list were only added if they already featured in the JQL. The UQ list also includ-ed some professional journals, but these were only ranked if they were already included in theJQL.

    Rank Interpretation1 Highest quality rating, A* ERA

    2 Intermediate quality rating, A ERA

    3 Intermediate quality rating, B ERA

    4 Lowest quality rating, C ERA

    VHB 2011 Asso c. of Professor s of B usin ess in German speaking coun tri es A ranking developed on behalf of the Association of University Professors of Business in Ger-man speaking countries (Verband der Hochschullehrer fr Betriebswirtschaft - VHB). This ver-

    sion (VHB-JOURQUAL 2.1) is an update of the second edition (2008). Rankings of journals onthe list were not updated, but new journals were added. For details about the update, see:http://vhbonline.org/service/jourqual/vhb-jourqual-21-2011/

    Details a about the procedures followed in the second edition (2008) are available here:http://www.business-research.org/2009/2/01jourqual2/2166

    There is an English-language article on the second edition of the VHB-JOURQUAL which is

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    Rank Interpretation A+ VHB-JourQual Index 9

    A VHB-JourQual Index 8

    B VHB-JourQual Index 7

    C VHB-JourQual Index 6

    D VHB-JourQual Index 5

    E VHB-JourQual Index < 5

    AERES 2012 Agence dval uat ion de la recher che et de lensei gnement su-pri eur (17 Oct 2012)

    The AERES journal list has been constructed by the section 37 of the CNRS, in consultationwith academics from institutions such as CNRS, INRA and CNU. It has continuously evolvedover time. The 2012 update is a combination of the CNRS 2011 and FNEG 2011 list. Journalsranked 1*, 1 or 2 on these lists were classified as A, journals ranked 3 as B, and journals ranked4 as C. As such there is less differentiation in the highest rank than in other journal rankingswith more than a third of the ranked journals (20% of the journals on the list is unranked) in thehighest (A) category.

    In order to be qualified as research active, academics generally have to publish at least threeitems, including at least two articles in a five year period in journals on the AERES list if theyhave a teaching & research contract and at least five items, including at least three articles infive years if they have a research only contract.

    [Editors note] In order to keep the JQL to a manageable length, lower-ranked journals (rankedB, C or unranked) of the AERES 2012 list were only added if they already featured in the JQL.Journals in Law, Agricultural/Energy Economics and Health that were not already included inother lists in Business and Management were also excluded as were French journals. Similar tomany French rankings, the list seems to have a rather strong emphasis on Economics andmany of the journals in Management & Marketing are ranked much lower than on other lists.

    Cra 2012 Cranfi eld Universi ty School of ManagementFebruary 2012 (9th ed)

    This list provides guidelines to staff on which journals they should consider submitting their pa-pers to. It should be noted that the grading for each journal is the Schools view, and guided theSchools submission to the RAE 2008. The projected grading has been produced using a large

    number of internal and external sources, including journal impact factors.[Editors note] If a journal of the Cranfield list was not already included in the JQL (which was ra-re), it was only added if it had a score of 3 or 4.

    Rank Interpretation4 World leading

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    an exhaustive list of all the journals in the domain of research in management. The ERIM jour-nal list is based on judgment by peers and (ISI) impact scores.

    The first edition of the list came out in 2002. In 2011 ERIM solicited proposals from each re-

    search program for the fourth edition of the list. Five journals were upgraded to STAR, 12 jour-nals were upgraded to P, and three journals were downgraded to S. Four new PA journals wereadded and a new category (M*) was created. 31 S journals were removed from the list.

    [Editors note] If a journal of the EJIM list was not already included in the JQL (which apart fromhalf a dozen Dutch journals was rare), it was only added if it had a score of STAR or P(A).

    Rank Interpretation

    STAR Top journals among P

    P Best journals in the fieldP A Top international journals (aspirant). By 1/1/2016 these journals will be trans-

    ferred to the secondary list unless ISI with high impact has been attained

    S Scientific refereed journals of a recognized academic reputation that do notreach the quality levels of the Primary Set

    M* Top managerial journal

    ABDC 2013 A ustral ian Busines s Dean s Co unci l Journal Rankings ListNovember 2013

    The ABDC Journal List is a collaborative list developed by the Australian Business DeansCouncil that seeks to list journals relevant to Australian business academics and group these

    journals into four quality categories ranging in descending order from:

    Rank Interpretation

    A* Best or leading journal in its field - publishes outstanding, original and rigorousresearch that will shape the field. Acceptance rates are typically low and the edi-torial board is dominated by leading scholars in the field or subfield, includingfrom top institutions in the world. Where relevant to the field or subfield, the jour-nal has the highest impact factors or other indices of high reputation.

    A Highly regarded journal in the field or subfield - publishes excellent research interms of originality, significance and rigour, has competitive submission and ac-ceptance rates, excellent refereeing process and where relevant to the field orsubfield, has higher than average impact factors. Not all highly regarded journalshave high impact factors, especially those in niche areas.

    B Well regarded journal in the field or subfield - publishes research of a goodstandard in terms of originality, significance and rigour and papers are fully ref-ereed according to good standards and practices but acceptance rates are high-er than for Tiers A* and A. Depending on the field or sub-field, will have a mod-est impact factor and will be ISI listed.

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    Council of Law Deans (CLD) Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Economics Society of Australia (ESA) Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS) Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA) Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ) Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ) Society of Organisational Behaviour Australia (SOBA

    The 2013 revision followed a similarly comprehensive process, which was supported by publicsubmissions according to a standard template, (all available here:http://www.abdc.edu.au/ ), qualitative and quantitative data assessment, pub-lic exposure feedback and international expert consultation.

    [Editors note] In order to keep the JQL to a manageable length, lower-ranked journals (rankingB and C) of the ABDC list were only added if they already featured in the JQL. Also excludedwere journals in the area of law, education (unless related to Management), psychology (unlessrelated to OB), general social sciences (unless related to Management),statistics (unless relatedto Economics or Management) and medicine.

    CNRS 2013 Cent re National de la Recherche Scienti fique (www.cnrs.fr )November 2013 (versio n 4.01)

    6 th update of the ranking of journals in Economics and Business constructed by the French Cen-tre National de la Recherche Scientifique . The list of journals was constructed through consulta-tion with experts in the field, both in France and abroad. Directors of the various researchgroups (and through them the researchers in these groups) were consulted in an iterative pro-cess. Rankings of foreign universities were also consulted as well as listings such as SSCI andEconLit. Only academic peer-reviewed journals were included in the list and hence it excludeshigh-ranked professional journals such as Harvard Business Review. Rankings are based on

    several criteria: academic reputation, audience and impact. For more information and the full listsee: https://www.gate.cnrs.fr/IMG/pdf/Categorisation37_nov2013.pdf

    [Editors note] In order to keep the JQL to a manageable length, lower-ranked journals (ranking3-4) of the CNRS08 list were only added if they already featured in the JQL. Journals in Law,

    Agricultural/Energy Economics and Health that were not already included in other lists were alsoexcluded as were French journals.

    Previous lists appeared to have a rather strong bias towards Economics and (to a lesser extent)towards the more quantitative fields of Business (Finance & Accounting, IS and Operations Re-

    search). This bias has been partially addressed in the new list. Many journals in Management &Marketing were upgraded, whilst several journals in Finance & Accounting were downgraded.Even so Management & Marketing still appears to be somewhat undervalued in comparison toother ranking lists in the JQL.

    Rank Interpretation1* Highest quality rating (only 14 journals were given this ranking)

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    [Editors note] In order to keep the JQL to a manageable length, lower-ranked journals (1-3)were only added if they already featured in the JQL. Also excluded were journals in the area oflaw, politics, mathematics, computing (unless related to OR), psychology (unless related to OB),and medicine as well as most French journals. Several journals had to be excluded becausetheir titles were ambiguous and/or could not be found in public sources.]

    Rank Interpretation0+ Recognised internationally as the best in the discipline

    0 Excellence at a level close to the top journals in the field

    1 High level scientific journals of international reputation and circulation

    2 Generally national-circulation journals, or international journals of lesser reputation

    3 Journals with a very narrow circulation or low profile.

    FNEG 2013 Foundation Nation al pou r l Enseignement de l a Gesti on desEntreprises, versi on June 2013

    A ranking created by the French Management Association to complement the CNRS list, whichis oriented more towards Science and Economics. The FNEGE Scientific Board includes all the

    Academic Associations of Management representing the community of researchers in the field.

    The list of scientific journals below is unanimously supported by the 14 scientific associations ofthe discipline with the shared desire to obtain a categorization that reflects as accurately aspossible the specificity of management as a science. This unanimous support from a whole sci-entific community confers high legitimacy on it.

    In creating the list, the Association combined peer review with reference to a wide range ofFrench and international journal rankings (all included in the JQL) as well as bibliometric indica-tors (ISI Journal Impact Factor, Google Scholar h-index, SCImago SJR).

    [Editors note] In order to keep the JQL to a manageable length, lower-ranked journals (2-4)

    were only added if they already featured in the JQL. The same principle was applied to French-language journals. Also excluded were journals in the area of health, politics, and medicine.]

    Rank Interpretation1* Most notable management journals with a prominent position (only 8 journals)

    1 Most notable management journals, very selective and particularly recognizedin France and abroad

    2 Highly selective journals with a very demanding peer review process

    3 Very good journals with a good scientific reputation and significant contribu-tions

    4 Good journals with good selectivity and original contributions

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    Harvard Business Review (Harvard Business School Publishing)Human Resource Management (John Wiley and Sons)Information Systems Research (Informs)[International Journal of Human Resource Management (Routledge)]Journal of Accounting and Economics (Elsevier)Journal of Accounting Research (University of Chicago)Journal of Applied Psychology (American Psychological Association)Journal of Business Venturing (Elsevier)Journal of Consumer Research (University of Chicago)Journal of Consumer Psychology (Elsevier)Journal of Finance (Blackwell)Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

    Journal of Financial Economics (Elsevier)Journal of International Business Studies (Academy of International Business)Journal of Management Studies (Wiley) Journal of Marketing (American Marketing Association)Journal of Marketing Research (American Marketing Association)Journal of Operations Management (Elsevier)Journal of Political Economy (University of Chicago)Journal of the American Statistical Association (American Statistical Association)[Management International Review (Gabler)]

    Management Science (Informs)Marketing Science (Informs) MIS Quarterly (Mgmnt Information Systems Research Centre, University of Minnesota)Operations Research (Informs)Organization Science (Informs)Organization Studies (Sage)Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes (Academic Press)Production & Operations Management (POMS)Quarterly Journal of Economics (MIT Press)Review of Accounting Studies (Springer)Review of Financial Studies (Oxford University Press)Sloan Management Review (MIT)Strategic Management Journal (John Wiley and Sons)The Accounting Review (American Accounting Association)The American Economic Review (American Economic Association, Nashville)The Journal of Business Ethics (Kluwer Academic)The Rand Journal (The Rand Corporation)

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    Jour nal Quality List 2000-2014 Prof essor Anne-Wil Harzing

    Subject area Wie Vhb Bjm Hkb Theo Ejis EjisCI UQ Ast Wie ABS Den HEC UQ Vhb Aeres Cra EJL Abd c Cnrs Ess Fneg

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    ISSN Journal [Range highest tolowest]

    2001 A+-D

    2003 A+-E


    2005 A-B+






    2008 A+-A



    2011 A-C+


    2011 A+-E

    2012 A-C



    2013 A*-C




    0144-1647 Transport Reviews OR,MS,POM 2 2 2 2 B S A 3

    0049-4488 Transportation OR,MS,POM A 2 2 2 2 C S A

    0965-8564 Transportation Research Part A: Policy & Practice OR,MS,POM A+ (B) (4) 3 3 3 2 B A S A* 2 1

    0191-2615 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological OR,MS,POM A+ A 4 3 A 4 2 B A P A* 20968-090X Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies OR,MS,POM (A) 4 3 2 S A

    1361-9209 Transportation Research Part D: Transport & Environment OR,MS,POM A (A) 4 3 2 2 B S A 3

    1366-5545 Transportation Research Part E: Logistics OR,MS,POM 3 3 3 2 B A 3 S A* 2 2

    0041-1655 Transportation Science OR,MS,POM A+ A 3 3 A 3 2 A A STAR A 2 1

    0042-0980 Urban Studies PSM A 4 3 3 3 A 3 2 A 3 A* 2 1

    0957-8765 VOLUNTAS PSM A (B) 2 2 1 A 2 B 4

    0140-2382 West European Politics Sociology 2 2 2 B

    0730-8884 Work & Occupations OS/OB,HRM/IR A (A) (7) B 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 B 3 A 3 1 3

    0267-8373 Work & Stress OS/OB,HRM/IR 6 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 B 2 A 3 30950-0170 Work Employment & Society OS/OB,HRM/IR B B 5 3 3 2 3 A 4 2 2 C B 4 S A 3 3

    0258-6770 World Bank Economic Review Economics A 4 3 A 3 1 B A 4 A 1

    0257-3032 World Bank Research Observer Economics A 2 2 2 1 C B

    0305-750X World Development Economics A 6 B- 3.06 3 3 3 A 3 2 B+ A 3 A 1

    0378-5920 World Economy Economics A 5 1.2 3 2 2 2 1 A 3 A 2

    1386-145X World Wide Web - Internet and Web Information Systems MIS, KM 2 S C

    0741-0883 Written Communication Comm 3 2 3 B

    0044-2372 Zeitschrift fr Betriebswirtschaft Gen & Strat A B 3 2 A 1 B

    0341-2687 Zeitschrift fr Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung Gen & Strat 3 3 A 1 B0340-1804 Zeitschrift fr Soziologie Sociology A B 2 2 A 2 C