harvest moon magical melody buku panduan

Harvest Moon Magical Melody Part I Gameplay Di antara berbagai macam tujuan pribadi yang ada dalam game ini, mungkin untuk dicapai dalam Melody Magical, terdapat dua tujuan utama. Pertama, pemain yang terdaftar oleh elfs Harvest untuk membangunkan Dewi Harvest. Dewi Harvest yang telah berubah menjadi batu agar dirinya keluar dari melankolis dan berhenti mengabaikan penduduk kota. Untuk melakukan hal ini, pemain harus mengumpulkan catatan musik dengan mencapai beberapa titik tertentu dalam game. Misinya ada mengumpulkan setidaknya lima puluh dari total seratus catatan yang akan memungkinkan pemain untuk menciptakan melodi magis tituler yang akan menghidupkan kembali sang wanita pelindung desa. Kedua, pemain harus mampu merayu dan akhirnya menikah dengan salah satu warga kota. Model pemain memiliki pilihan baik karakter laki-laki atau perempuan dalam versi GameCube. Gender Masing-masing memiliki pilihan sepuluh pasangan potensial dari lawan jenisnya. Selain itu, permainan juga mencakup beberapa mini games sampai hingga empat pemain dapat menguji keterampilan mereka. Pernikahan Pemain hanya bisa menikah setelah bertemu sejumlah persyaratan, seperti salah satunya mendapatkan "bulu biru". Sekitar 1 musim setelah pernikahan karakter, pemain dan pasangan mereka mengungkapkan akan mengharapkan seorang anak. Para pemain dan pasangan mereka akan dating ke klinik Alex, di mana ia akan memberitahu mereka bahwa sang wanita telah hamil. Sekitar dua musim kemudian, pemain dan pasangan mereka akan pergi lagi ke klinik, di mana sang wanita hendak melahirkan bayi, sang bayi pun akan diberi nama oleh pemain. Sementara

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Post on 16-Sep-2015




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Panduan game harvet moon magical melody , cocok untuk para pemula


Harvest Moon Magical Melody Part I


Di antara berbagai macam tujuan pribadi yang ada dalam game ini, mungkin untuk dicapai dalam Melody Magical, terdapat dua tujuan utama.

Pertama, pemain yang terdaftar oleh elfs Harvest untuk membangunkan Dewi Harvest. Dewi Harvest yang telah berubah menjadi batu agar dirinya keluar dari melankolis dan berhenti mengabaikan penduduk kota. Untuk melakukan hal ini, pemain harus mengumpulkan catatan musik dengan mencapai beberapa titik tertentu dalam game. Misinya ada mengumpulkan setidaknya lima puluh dari total seratus catatan yang akan memungkinkan pemain untuk menciptakan melodi magis tituler yang akan menghidupkan kembali sang wanita pelindung desa.

Kedua, pemain harus mampu merayu dan akhirnya menikah dengan salah satu warga kota. Model pemain memiliki pilihan baik karakter laki-laki atau perempuan dalam versi GameCube. Gender Masing-masing memiliki pilihan sepuluh pasangan potensial dari lawan jenisnya.

Selain itu, permainan juga mencakup beberapa mini games sampai hingga empat pemain dapat menguji keterampilan mereka.


Pemain hanya bisa menikah setelah bertemu sejumlah persyaratan, seperti salah satunya mendapatkan "bulu biru".

Sekitar 1 musim setelah pernikahan karakter, pemain dan pasangan mereka mengungkapkan akan mengharapkan seorang anak. Para pemain dan pasangan mereka akan dating ke klinik Alex, di mana ia akan memberitahu mereka bahwa sang wanita telah hamil. Sekitar dua musim kemudian, pemain dan pasangan mereka akan pergi lagi ke klinik, di mana sang wanita hendak melahirkan bayi, sang bayi pun akan diberi nama oleh pemain. Sementara Woody akan member tempat tidur kepada pemain untuk bayi yang baru lahir.

Pada awalnya, sang bayi masih sangat kecil dan imut. Seiring pergantian musim, bayi akan menjadi lebih tua, ia mulai merangkak. Kemudian setahun setelah kelahirannya, pemain akan terbangun dan menemukan istri atau pasangan mereka dalam kepanikan karena kemampuan baru dari anak mereka. Kemudian keluarga akan segera mengunjungi Klinik, di mana sang bayi akan mengambil langkah pertama, ya dia telah bisa berjalan. Setelah prestasi ini, anak tidak akan tumbuh lebih tua. Karena itu, penampilannya pun akan tetap sama.

Ada juga peristiwa persaingan. Kejadian ini dapat berlangsung antara karakter satu dengan yang lainnya. Biasanya dalam acara persaingan memperebutkan pasangan, mereka akan bergiliran menggoda satu sama lain.

Beberapa pasangan dalam acara saingan:Carl dan EllenRay dan MariaAlex dan GinaDan dan HawaBob dan GwenBasil dan NinaLouis dan LylaBiru dan AnnJoe dan Katie.

Selain itu, Anda juga dapat menikahi Jamie tidak peduli apa jenis kelamin karakter Anda. Namun, Anda harus memenuhi persyaratan yang sulit untuk menikahi Jamie: Anda harus memiliki setidaknya 50 catatan melody, menggunakan Ramuan Miracle di setiap binatang, dikirim ke setiap tanaman, dan terakhir adalah memiliki bulu biru. Ketika menampilkan Jamie sehelai bulu biru, dia akan menyebutkan bahwa sejak Dewi Harvest telah terbangun, ia berencana meninggalkan kota, dan jika Anda masih ingin menikahinya, Anda harus ikut pergi dengannya keluar kota. Permainan Anda memang akan berakhir jika Anda menikahi Jamie.

Harvest Moon Magical Melody Part IITanah

Dalam permainan ini, gambaran "dunia" secara keseluruhan adalah lahan pertanian untuk sang pemain. Terdapat empat buah jenis properti yang dapat dilihat dalam 4 kode warna:Biru merupakan pemain milik properti.Kuning menunjukkan banyak townsperson itu.Merah adalah tanah milik Jamie.Hijau adalah lahan publik.

Terdapat pula tiga buah bidang yang berbeda dengan tanah dimana pemain dapat memilih untuk menetap di di awal permainan, tentunya masing-masing dengan kelebihan dan kekurangan: Village Center, Riverside, dan Oceanside.

Peternakan berbasis kota berbentuk agak kecil, namun keuntungannya adalah dekat dengan bangunan utama desa dan cukup subur untuk bercocok tanam dengan baik. Tanah dekat sungai adalah patokan rata-rata untuk memelihara hewan dan memiliki tanah yang subur untuk tanaman. Properti pantai pun sangat besar dan cocok untuk memelihara hewan, tetapi jaraknya paling jauh dari kota dan kurang subur.


Kota Bunga dan Desa Bud, di mana alur permainan diatur, lokasinya ditemukan diantara bukit-bukit dan laut serta berbatasan di sebelah barat oleh danau. Ketika permainan dimulai, kota ini cukup kosong, tapi toko-toko baru dan karakter akan tiba di kota setelah kriteria tertentu terpenuhi, seperti berpartisipasi dalam festival atau pengiriman beberapa item tertentu.

Kota ini berpusat di sekitar Flower Bud Square, di mana sebagian besar festival akan diselenggarakan sepanjang tahun. Toko-toko di kota menjual segalanya seperti kebutuhan pemain jika ingin memulai peternakan. Toko-toko di kota telah menyediakan berbagai macam keperluan termasuk binatang, bibit, peralatan, dan mebel. Sementara rumah, lumbung, dan kandang ayam dapat dibangun di properti pemain dengan mempekerjakan para murid Lokakarya. Tidak setiap bagian dari properti dapat menyesuaikan setiap jenis bangunan, sehingga membeli properti tambahan mungkin diperlukan untuk memiliki bangunan yang benar-benar kita inginkan.


Pertambangan dapat dilakukan dalam Gua Moonlight di belakang peternakan milik Jamie, yang terbuka sepanjang tahun. Tempat lain juga tersedia seperti di Gua Danau, namun hanya bisa diakses ketika Sunny Lake membeku di musim dingin. Alat yang digunakan untuk menghancurkan batu dan kristal untuk mengumpulkan bijih dan permata adalah sebuah palu. Barang lain yang diperlukan adalah cangkul dan digunakan untuk menggali tanah liat, uang, dan pontana obat akar.

Selain itu permainan ini menambah beberapa aspek menantang lain untuk pertambangan, seperti lubang dalam tanah yang dapat menyebabkan Anda jatuh "up" ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi dan "down" ke tingkat yang lebih rendah. Hal yang perlu dicermati, adalah ketika batu yang pecah, mereka dapat melepaskan gas berwarna yang dapat menjadi berbahaya atau justru membantu - gas oranye mungkin dapat menyetrum Anda, tetapi gas merah muda dapat menyembuhkan anda.Harvest Moon Magical Melody Part IIIUpdate Harvest Moon Magical Melody part 1

Max/ Infinite MoneyV4JX-TRMN-E9A0X63UT-K5GF-DU3D7


Infinite StaminaZK9R-B8GG-65D7FA84J-0CYK-NT9MU



Have All BooksEY81-5JZT-RBK3D294X-FRHW-C52X3

Eleventy Billion Steps TakenUUPU-GH01-N5BF59VJK-VZYP-J7DG6

B+D-Pad Left=Advance Time QuicklyEP5Z-T9XH-Z7K4MA6YG-QPPF-9RWHMQNBV-4UF7-6W4EF

B+D-Pad Down=Stop Time0JXV-9AGC-T6YKTBC4N-0C96-64KTJ4FZJ-VQWU-6CJT2


TOOL BOX SLOT 1 MODIFIER:Make sure the top row of the toolbox is empty before using

Iron SickleV7B3-EMBP-0B04779WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQ9F1D-H55Q-QPU5A




Goddess Sickle247E-875W-NAK5T79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQK014-Y5AX-7HEEJ


Copper Hoe49YZ-CUDF-C71Y379WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQJW18-K3Q2-RJ2H3



Goddess Hoe7563-G4P2-GAATU79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQV64V-TK0Q-5UTN9

Iron Axe9CYF-16DF-UJ85079WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQUEM8-0QPU-3PE23


Silver AxeMPAK-Q68T-DT4Q779WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQWK4Y-E1X2-20U8U


Goddess AxeB7AD-V0UK-35Q0D79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQ9AJ3-9GHX-2RMJ0



Silver HammerU32W-C94M-CPQQB79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQA60E-JYX6-UWE09

Gold HammerX4R0-48Q9-29U9879WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQ8Z1W-HYVZ-UCN57

Goddess HammerUG2K-RRYG-FBG5E79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQMY8E-156X-KP07C

Iron Watering CanN5J8-1ZP3-J9DXC79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQZTMJ-V1XJ-XEGM8

Copper Watering CanXDW3-JF7U-7RNBE79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQ01MA-Q8T2-H61Z3

Silver Watering CanP41C-UZK5-5KV0K79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQDG1A-6H8Z-26HTD

Gold Watering Can4E5N-ZXBG-B2PRZ79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQU56J-CYPK-YG51Z

Goddess Watering CanVFD8-F0Q5-1URP179WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQKH1J-RYP5-X2XFH


Copper Fishing Rod6MJN-QV9J-QX92F79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQARP3-P21A-QCWMT


Gold Fishing Rod05P5-TENK-4VUXP79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQTJW7-RU9A-1YCW6

Goddess Fishing RodMBKA-G6C8-JXKZJ79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQ9VGR-7M4H-34AHR







Picture BookC82N-5AYP-NQ94Y79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQDV68-C559-AY028



Strawberry SeedRX1Q-3BH3-03C9579WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQQCYC-K7XG-RF3D5


Breadfruit Seed4BKP-86J3-0X9T979WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQ72RU-U44H-9JDEY

Tomato SeedHTPP-NH59-HND1479WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQYF8Z-9ZKW-2M6Q0


Onion SeedQH1Q-37M1-3Y77879WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQK72M-X1D4-QA9MV

Cocoa SeedCNFD-06M8-W49P079WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQCFWU-42YY-WC4X9

Eggplant SeedXREV-U0X3-GGN0279WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQB3NP-Y67M-G6AP3

Pumpkin SeedWN86-DWVK-P839579WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQECTT-02X5-7VT6M

Yam Seed4VRR-XB7T-2720N79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQVGJT-E71G-7D671

Bell Pepper SeedTF2U-RM1T-DWX0279WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQC5DG-Q5R0-6950H

Carrot SeedUE3E-RY5J-MD86279WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQNHX8-174A-9VUAM




Spring Seed PouchXAWW-8AY9-D4BBD79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQ37TH-8XJV-AN60M

Summer Seed Pouch C0X4-UXB2-MKFCB79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQF5WP-3W8J-JH1W9


Moondrop Flower Seed5H06-A23J-YFFHP79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQP5W5-V8BE-R5QFP

Pinkcat Flower Seed6WDY-60MH-PCFJ279WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQW212-13NR-QU4C0

Green Herb SeedJUEN-VTBZ-GV07V79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQN8NC-8C55-CT337



Chestnut Seedling4T83-HKJU-GKDAC45HH-1C9V-Q8XZ93Y4X-79QG-PGQ0K

Orange SeedlingFUBE-35MM-6A67545HH-1C9V-Q8XZ94T25-QH5K-BJV8VHarvest Moon Magical Melody Part IVGrape Seedling39Z1-ABR9-55VGQ45HH-1C9V-Q8XZ9HQCP-NQW2-7HPEP

Apple SeedlingQVWJ-FJ97-C6PMP45HH-1C9V-Q8XZ96EUE-VP4V-R7XCY

Evergreen SeedlingWH6W-H5N6-Z573T45HH-1C9V-Q8XZ9D15U-YG59-QVFCQ

Animal Medicine23G8-HN1V-PWEWP79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQDX3P-DP38-YB30M



Cow Miracle Potion094N-6R07-NZ1W279WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQDEV0-RZDF-PB2GH

Sheep Miracle PotionB676-RB9D-WEFRR79WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQQCYF-KAMB-64RNY

Horse Miracle PotionFTT1-HN25-MVNH979WZ-KCRQ-7U8UQ1AZU-XE16-1RYJA

TOOL BOX SLOT 2 MODIFIER:Make sure the top row of the toolbox is empty before usingIron Sickle1FDW-UCCP-ADU8F9NZJ-FTYB-YDFZACMTJ-XWP4-BKMZT




Goddess Sickle4511-MGU5-WJ92B9NZJ-FTYB-YDFZA8640-MPA6-FPU16















Goddess HammerF27Y-VG6U-UK1HB9NZJ-FTYB-YDFZA0H22-Y3Z5-C6067



Silver Watering Can6D1Y-MNQD-8571K9NZJ-FTYB-YDFZA7DE6-529N-HR3KJ

Gold Watering CanP2C5-7RWX-CW1419NZJ-FTYB-YDFZA8826-0A3V-J3V2A

Goddess Watering CanHT52-32FU-01Y1M9NZJ-FTYB-YDFZANJYT-93EX-8H8QD





Goddess Fishing RodAB3Q-H0JG-05PK99NZJ-FTYB-YDFZA0WX6-W4W3-JHVG2





















Carrot SeedU11X-B588-4D46P9NZJ-FTYB-YDFZAJFUM-8FX0-QZ37J







Moondrop Flower SeedUNK7-0U95-GA0KG9NZJ-FTYB-YDFZAT3X1-2RY5-MV4UT

Pinkcat Flower SeedWW2H-0N2C-1ND279NZJ-FTYB-YDFZAR021-KC7C-GC84B

Green Herb Seed6W1A-G8XE-NEGWK9NZJ-FTYB-YDFZAFE62-A085-M534R


Mora SeedlingJYGM-4QZA-GC35XN95J-AGJ7-NNZK2X6VP-2H2C-2A9UE

Chestnut Seedling92UP-NPUY-QGDF3N95J-AGJ7-NNZK27YDZ-H2TK-4FDTP

Orange Seedling9CHE-36JZ-Q7FYKN95J-AGJ7-NNZK2ZR26-EQ73-GW2NR

Grape Seedling8V12-RJ3R-6PX3FN95J-AGJ7-NNZK29QWK-46J8-ERYNXHarvest Moon Magical Melody Part VApple SeedlingM3GX-ZGFZ-2BFGGN95J-AGJ7-NNZK29PCD-J5BE-A3XMR

Evergreen Seedling8EXB-FQ4D-RU3WBN95J-AGJ7-NNZK25GUE-YVZ9-04ZDP




Cow Miracle PotionG6E4-G1WB-ZGPV59NZJ-FTYB-YDFZATV88-7759-XUCY3

Sheep Miracle Potion5Z8X-8D28-5PCA89NZJ-FTYB-YDFZA9V96-4W7P-Z809F


TOOL BOX SLOT 3 MODIFIER:Make sure the top row of the toolbox is empty before using



Silver SickleGEJ1-K4A2-3HHKBTP17-9AKC-0DHHQV8NV-81ZF-2KPE4

Gold Sickle64V5-X3FT-D8EUATP17-9AKC-0DHHQK4CB-WVK7-K299Q

Goddess SickleA0C2-0RRV-F8NY1TP17-9AKC-0DHHQKZK6-FUDB-3Q5YA


Copper Hoe4F92-MET0-673JBTP17-9AKC-0DHHQC7WA-2WPQ-WCXF0











Silver HammerXB10-A7A8-XM6TKTP17-9AKC-0DHHQK85J-PV23-5YUMU


Goddess HammerGX5P-11BF-TFJGZTP17-9AKC-0DHHQV03R-T61V-KZ1AT

Iron Watering Can9749-BTXM-K3619TP17-9AKC-0DHHQURG6-J9X5-0JYFH

Copper Watering CanX5UB-W9AK-253C7TP17-9AKC-0DHHQPDYC-1U0Q-GAR0B

Silver Watering CanR68F-281U-7XX8WTP17-9AKC-0DHHQFH8V-QDAD-GAZWY


Goddess Watering Can0X97-PFMZ-UQ2WMTP17-9AKC-0DHHQWMV6-X85F-79WQV

Iron Fishing RodH1M0-0489-B0J0YTP17-9AKC-0DHHQ72F1-T6BG-B9N2Z

Copper Fishing Rod7ZHT-XTYZ-52UG6TP17-9AKC-0DHHQCRHH-M451-J6A30

Silver Fishing Rod21UG-UMZZ-YDUC4TP17-9AKC-0DHHQ6NK7-WY58-JZD43

Gold Fishing RodBY06-8R3V-AXYA3TP17-9AKC-0DHHQR37V-YCJ7-4XNQR

Goddess Fishing Rod7JUD-877J-ENDW5TP17-9AKC-0DHHQWNWR-5WPV-M2X1N







Picture BookGDH7-6Z1N-KFT5VTP17-9AKC-0DHHQ8BHW-5UB1-X9EZ6


Potato SeedQGDM-2TBM-J9C4MTP17-9AKC-0DHHQ62XK-EV49-M5CR6

Strawberry SeedKZXQ-9J8Q-AM9W0TP17-9AKC-0DHHQ09ZB-QUVR-E77Y3

Cabbage SeedTE98-7P4T-J1R11TP17-9AKC-0DHHQ83T6-CMQY-51YB6

Breadfruit SeedP4Z2-VM4B-7AHM2TP17-9AKC-0DHHQ25Y0-Z9JD-UDG95



Onion SeedUG6Q-472U-K3MHGTP17-9AKC-0DHHQCY66-4D10-CDH50


Eggplant SeedZFCU-039A-ZF3CGTP17-9AKC-0DHHQFNQW-547U-9GXTZ

Pumpkin SeedFPA9-4Q7B-1W0QHTP17-9AKC-0DHHQ4CMF-BX9F-UR2G2

Yam SeedN368-NAU9-UX5M8TP17-9AKC-0DHHQ0A1G-05PK-9GWXJ

Bell Pepper Seed66B1-5T3N-DAM1JTP17-9AKC-0DHHQ6T0M-N0JX-ZH4ZP

Carrot Seed6GM4-H3PM-Q273BTP17-9AKC-0DHHQ98N0-PP5V-H29N0

Spinach Seed90E1-K4WN-MP478TP17-9AKC-0DHHQ0TU8-UX2V-5WE43

Grass Seed0FH8-706D-R1WFTTP17-9AKC-0DHHQV141-0T8R-8Q4K5



Summer Seed PouchPPAA-F8E2-MEC9QTP17-9AKC-0DHHQ0J0B-FHT0-UCR43

Fall Seed PouchZYVR-H8WF-231MDTP17-9AKC-0DHHQBW39-GG7F-XX5W3

Moondrop Flower SeedKQ3X-E8EA-22XFQTP17-9AKC-0DHHQPDHE-H6X0-TA7WF

Pinkcat Flower SeedPTF8-PAPB-QQ85UTP17-9AKC-0DHHQ0P7Z-0Z3N-HCFFZ

Green Herb SeedBCG6-9RQB-33BAFTP17-9AKC-0DHHQ63MB-G86T-EDRGK

Orange Herb SeedG4Q4-8FDQ-X6XNQTP17-9AKC-0DHHQ2539-4Z2Y-99QBP



Orange SeedlingJ44F-2UFD-7ZFKFTF23-PGEF-F3BTZU790-CA2U-8RBV9



Evergreen Seedling4FAG-A8U5-7MV1XTF23-PGEF-F3BTZ2XHY-XFZT-06RRT

Animal MedicineXPYR-Q28T-Y463BTP17-9AKC-0DHHQ25W1-36M2-4EBC1

Bonfire SetV7FZ-K18C-UEF8YTP17-9AKC-0DHHQBCNB-E1UV-D920YHarvest Moon: Magical Melody [ Hewan ]

Kandang Hewan.

Semuahewan ternakdapat dibelidi peternakanBlue Sky.Pengecualianuntukayam,hewanyang dibeli berupa anak hewan,sehingga ketikapertama kali membelitidak bisaberbuat apa-apa.

Ayam AyamyangdibelidariRanchBlue Sky sudah besar,dan memerlukankandangsebelum merekadapat dibeli.Tempatkan telur dalaminkubatoritu akanmemakan satuminggusebelummenetastelur,kemudiansatu minggulagi sebelumayammatangmenjadi dewasa.Ayammemakanbijiburung,untuk menyediakanpakanuntuk ayamAnda,Andadapatmenanam jagungdanmenggilingnyasendiri (setelahAnda membangunsebuah kincir angin),ataumembeli beberapabibitburung daripeternakanBlue Sky.Namun, jikaAndakehabisanbenihburung,dan tidak memilikicara untukmemproduksi lebihatautidak bisa membeliapapun, Andadapatmemungkinkan mereka untukmerumputdi luaruntuk mendapatkanransumharian mereka-asalkan itu tidakmusim dinginataubersalju.Ayamjuga memproduksitelursetiap hari,kecuali:1)mereka tidakmakanpada harisebelumnya atausakit,2)mereka hanyamatang menjadiayamdewasa daricewek,dan3)Andabaru sajamembeliayamdewasa,karena merekatidak akanbertelursampai keesokan harinya.Untukberkembang biakayamAnda sendiri,telurharus ditempatkandiinkubator dalam kandang.

Barn AnimalsKuda

Kudayangdibeli adalahanak kuda(foals).Anda tidakakandapat naiksampai diatumbuh(20 hari), harusdielus,disikat dandikasih makan lewat tanganuntuk membangunkasih sayang.Karena diperlukan2hatibagi Anda untukdapat menaikkikuda Anda,itu ide yangbaik untuk melakukan inisaat dia masihmuda. Sekalianak kudaAndatumbuh,maka Anda dapat mulaimelatihdia untukbalapan kuda di musim semi,atau dapat menggunakanramuankudauntuk membuatnyahamil.Ini akan memakan waktu15hari setelahRamuaninidigunakan sebelumkudahamilmelahirkan,dan dia tidakbisadikendaraiataudiletakkankeluar untukmerumputsampai saat itu.Tidak seperti permainanHMlainnya,kudatidak dapat digunakanuntuk memproduksibarang,ataudia bisamembantu membawabarang-barangke kapal.Namun,kudadiperlukantidak hanyauntukcatatanHorse Race(ketika Andamemenangkan perlombaanpertama Anda),tetapi jugamendapatkanPower Berry(sebagaihadiah untukmemenangkanbalapan ketiga),jadiitu adalahide yang baik untukmeningkatkansetidaknya satukuda jikaAndaberencana untukmendapatkansalah satu ataukeduaitem.

SAPISapiyangdibeli sepertikuda,dibutuhkan20hariuntuksapiagar tumbuhmenjadisapidewasa,apakah merekadibeliatau lahirdi pertanian.Selama waktu ini,karena dia terlalumuda untukmemproduksi susu,itu ideyang baik untukmeningkatkan kasih sayangterhadapAnda. Sapimenghasilkan susuyang lebih baiksebagaikasih sayang merekauntuk Andatumbuh.Begitu diasudah dewasa,Andakemudian dapatsusunyauntuk menghasilkanproduksusu,atau menggunakanMiracle RamuanSapiuntuk membuatsapi Andahamil.Dibutuhkan15hari(setelah menjadi hamil)sebelumsapi Andaakan melahirkan,dan selama waktu itudia tidakakanpergi kepadang rumput,tidak memproduksisusu.Tapi etikasapi Andatidak hamil,iaakanmenghasilkan sususetiap hari,asalkan iatelah diberi makandantidak sakit.MemenangkankontesFestivalSapiakanmendapatkanAndaMoo Note.

DOMBA Dombadibeliadalahanak domba.Berbeda denganhewanyang lebih besar,dibutuhkan16hariuntuktumbuh menjadiseekor domba(baikdibeli ataulahir).Sementara diamasih muda,Anda tidak dapatmencukur wol domba anda,samasepertisapi,ideyang baik untuk memberikananak dombacintasebanyak mungkinsehingga merekamenghasilkan wolkualitas yang baiksaat dewasa.SetelahdombaAndatelah matang menjadidewasa,Andadapat mulaimencukurwoluntuk dijualatau dirubah menjadibenang.(Setelahdicukur,dibutuhkansatu minggupenuh untuktumbuh kembali,itemyang berhargatetapimemakan waktuuntuk menghasilkan)Anda jugadapatmenggunakanMiracle RamuanDombabegitu diatelah jatuh tempo. Akan memakan waktu12harisebelumdomba melahirkan,dan selama waktu ituAnda tidak akan dapatuntuk menempatkandombaAndakeluaruntuk merumputataumencukurwolnya.MemenangkankontesFestivalDombauntuk mendapatkanBaa Note.

PELIHARAANANJINGAndamenerimaanjing dariEllenpadaawal permainan.Anda dapatmemberi makananjingAnda setiap hari(meskipuntidak diperlukan),angkat anjingmuuntuk mendapatkankasih sayangnya,danmembawanyakeluaruntuk menjelajahhalaman.Ketikaanjing Andamemiliki tigahati,AndamendapatkanBowNote.Namun,tidak seperti digameHMkebanyakan,anjing Andasebagian besarhal yang baru,tidak adaanjing-anjing liaryangperlu dikhawatirkan(sehinggatidak perlubaginya untukmenjagaproperti),dan Anda tidak memilikimainanuntuk bermainlempar tangkap dengan anjingmu.Andabisa, bagaimanapun,jari-peluit(digunakan untuk memanggilanjingdan babi)50kaliuntukmendapatkanCatatanWhistle.

BABI Anda menerimababisegera setelahAnda memasukkangudang(barn)Andauntuk pertama kalinya(inibisasebelum atausetelah upgrade kegudang2Tingkat).Babiyangbersembunyi dariGourmet, dantidakingin kembalikepadanyasaat berhadapan.Bagaimanapun, Gaourmetsenang untukmemberikanbabi,babimampumengendustruffledi bawah pohonmora(keterampilanini bekerjabaik ketikakasih sayangbabitinggi).Setelahberhasildigalidan dikirimtrufflepertamamu,babitidak diperlukanlagiuntuk ini.AndamendapatkanOinkOinkNote.

Catatan:AnjingdanBabiakan munculdi rumahAndasetiap pagi,dan tidak adacara untukmenyingkirkan mereka.Hewan Liar.

Flower VillageBudadalah rumah bagibanyak satwa liar,yang mana semuanyaTerryberusahauntuk melindunginya.Setiap hewanterlihatmengunjungilokasi tertentu,beberapahanya ada selamamusim-musim tertentu.TerrymendorongAndauntukberteman dengansemua binatang,yang menguntungkanAndadalam tiga cara.Pertama,lumba-lumbayang beradadekatPierakanmembawaAnda ke Pulau(yang merupakansatu-satunya lokasibeberapa ikanbertelur),tetapi hanyajikatelah mendapatkanhati.Kedua, setelah Andatelah mendapatkan4hatikasih sayangdari hewanuntuk pertama kalinya,hewanakanmengunjungi Andadi depan pintu Andasuatu pagi.(Initidak termasuklumba-lumba).Dengan iniAndamendapatkan Wild Note.Tetapi yang paling penting,kasih sayangbinatangke Andaberhubungan denganTerry,jika Andamengabaikanhewan danTerryterlalu lama,Terryakanmeninggalkan kotasampai Andatelah memberikanperhatian yang cukupterhadaphewan.Setelah initercapai,Terryakan kembalike kota.(Hal ini dimungkinkan untukmengabaikanTerryseluruhnyasementara dia hanyaberbicara denganbinatang,dan masihmenjaganyadi kota).CatKucing berada disekitar desa sepanjang tahun. kamu dapat melihatnya disekitar Town Square.Loves: Sashimi.RabbitKelinci muncul antara musimgugur dan musim semi. Kamubisa melihatnya diseluruh desa.Loves: WeedsSquirrelTupai muncul antara musimgugur dan musim semi. Kamubisa melihatnya diseluruh desa.MonkeyMonyet ada disepanjang tahun. Mereka bisa dilihat disekitar Sunny Lake dan digunung.RaccoonRakuntersebutmunculpada malam hari antaramusim semi danmusim gugur.Hal ini dapatdilihatdi DanauSunny dangunung.DolphinLumba-lumbasepanjang tahunaktifdi dermaga.Dapatkanhatiyang banyak danakanmemungkinkan Andauntuk naikke sebuahpulau"rahasia"di manaAnda bisa mendapatkanikan yang terbaik.Inijuga merupakantempat di mana AndamenangkapPrince Squid.Loves: Fish, Sashimi.WeaselMusangmunculselama musim dingin,biasanya pada malam hari.Mereka dapatdilihatdidanau dangunung.SparrowBurung gerejayang aktifantaraSpring dan Fall.Andamelihat merekadi dekatjembatan dandi desa.CuckooCuckooaktifantaraSpring dan Fall.Anda dapatmenemukan merekadiSunny Lake.DuckBebekmunculantara Springdan Summer.Anda dapatmenemukan merekadi dekatjembatan dandiStardrop Pond.189 Resep Masakan Harvest Moon Magical Melody (COMPLETE) - See more at: http://simple-campur.blogspot.com/2012/10/189-resep-masakan-harvest-moon-magical.html#sthash.POWMrIGs.dpufuntuk membuat masakan yang enak tentu kalian harus punya resep, nah kali ini saya akan berbagi mengenai resep harvest moon magical melodyBerikut Daftar Resep Masakan Harvest Moon Magical Melody :

001 -- [Veggie Salad] -- Sell Price: 280G A delicious salad that's well balanced. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Cabbage .Tomato .Corn .Onion .Mayonnaise .Boiled Egg002 -- [Tomato Sandwich] -- Sell Price: 1190G A delicious sandwich with tomatoes. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Bread .Butter .Tomato .Mayonnaise003 -- [Egg Sandwich] -- Sell Price: 1120G A delicious sandwich with lots of egg. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Bread .Butter .Boiled Egg .Mayonnaise004 -- [Quesadilla] -- Sell Price: 1100G A tortilla with lots of good stuff inside. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Tortilla .Tomato .Onion .Bell Pepper .Cheese005 -- [Amago Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 110G Raw Amago cut up and served on a plate. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Amago006 -- [Char Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 100G Raw Char cut up and served on a plate. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Char007 -- [Rainbow Trout Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 45G Raw Trout cut up and served on a plate. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Rainbow Trout (Listed in your memo as "R. Trout Sashimi.")008 -- [Yamame Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 90G Raw Yamame cut up and served on a plate. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Yamame009 -- [Salmon Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 130G Raw Salmon cut up and served on a plate. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Salmon010 -- [Huchen Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 1010G Raw Huchen cut up and served on a plate. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Huchen :: Recipe received only when you catch the Huchen and make it yourself!011 -- [Snapper Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 260G Raw snapper cut up and served on a plate. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Snapper012 -- [Opaleye Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 70G Raw Opaleye cut up and served on a plate. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Opaleye013 -- [Shinapper Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 210G Raw Shinapper cut up and served on a plate. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Shinapper014 -- [Snadore Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 260G Raw Snadore cut up and served on a plate. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Snadore015 -- [Bonito Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 150G Raw Bonito cut up and served on a plate. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Bonito016 -- [Yellowtail Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 160G Raw Yellowtail cut up and served on a plate. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Yellowtail017 -- [Toro Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 410G Raw toro served on a plate. Fantastic! // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Tuna Sashimi (Listed in your memo as "Tuna Sashimi." Not sure what Toro means.) UPDATE: Thanks to syndi via email, I've learned that "toro" is the fatty belly meat of the tuna and is highly prized.018 -- [Sardine Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 35G Raw Sardine cut up and served. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Sardine019 -- [Halfbeck Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 45G Raw Halfbeck cut up and served. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Halfbeak (Wow, typo?)020 -- [Saury Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 40G Raw Saury cut up and served. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Saury021 -- [Halibut Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 60G Raw Halibut cut up and served. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Halibut022 -- [Flounder Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 55G Raw Flounder cut up and served. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Flounder023 -- [Maple Flounder Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 70G Raw M. Flounder served. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Maple Flounder (Listed in your memo as "M. Flounder Sashimi.")024 -- [Squid Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 145G Raw Squid cut up and served on a plate. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Squid025 -- [Nice Squid Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 1110G Raw Prince Squid cut up and served. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Squid Prince026 -- [Jamasquid Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 1110G Raw Jamasquid cut up and served. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Jamasquid027 --[Lampsquid Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 170G Raw Lampsquid cut up and served. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Lampsquid028 -- [Blowfish Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 113G -- Beware of poisoning! -- Tastes good, but it can get you! // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Blowfish According to syndi via email: "Blowfish sashimi randomly either takes a chunk of your stamina away or replenishes it. when it takes stamina away it's not too much but it really fills up your meter when it gives you some!"029 -- [Chulowfish Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 15G -- Beware of poisoning! -- Tastes great, but it can get you big time. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Chulowfish syndi has once again helped me, and has informed me that chulowfish can either fully restore your stamina or take all of it away. Be careful!030 -- [Lobster Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 100G Raw Lobster cut up and served. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Lobster031 -- [Shrimp Sashimi] -- Sell Price: 110G Raw Shrimp cut up and served. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Shrimp032 -- [Pie Dough] -- Sell Price: 640G Dough kneaded from breadfruit. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Knife Set .Breadfruit .Butter .Egg033 -- [Sunny-Side Up] -- Sell Price: 140G Eggs fried with the yolk up. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Egg034 -- [Plain Omelet] -- Sell Price: 620G Just a plain omelette. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Egg .Milk .Butter035 -- [Cheese Omelette] -- Sell Price: 890G An omelette made with cheese. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Egg .Milk .Butter .Cheese036 -- [Tomato Omelette] -- Sell Price: 790G An omelette made with tomato. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Egg .Milk .Butter .Tomato037 -- [Char Meuniere] -- Sell Price: 580G Char covered with flour and sauteed. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Char .Breadfruit .Butter038 -- [Rainbow Trout Meuniere] -- Sell Price: 675G Trout covered with flour and sauteed. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Rainbow Trout .Breadfruit .Butter (Listed in your memo as "R. Trout Meuniere".)039 -- [Yamame Meuniere] -- Sell Price: 570G Yamame covered with flour and sauteed. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Yamame .Breadfruit .Butter040 -- [Salmon Meuniere] -- Sell Price: 610G Salmon covered with flour and sauteed. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Salmon .Breadfruit .Butter041 -- [Sardine Meuniere] -- Sell Price: 515G Sardine covered with flour and sauteed. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Sardine .Breadfruit .Butter042 -- [Halibut Meuniere] -- Sell Price:495G Halibut covered with flour and sauteed. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Halibut .Breadfruit .Butter043 -- [Flounder Meuniere] -- Sell Price: 535G Flounder covered with flour and sauteed. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Flounder .Breadfruit .Butter044 -- [Maple Flounder Meuniere] -- Sell Price: 700G M. Flounder covered with flour and sauteed. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Maple Flounder .Breadfruit .Butter (Listed in your memo as "M. Flounder Meuniere".)045 -- [Yellowtail Teriyaki] -- Sell Price: 300G Sweet-n-spicy with teriyaki sauce. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Yellowtail046 -- [Tuna Steak] -- Sell Price: 450G Tuna served as a steak. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Tuna 047 -- [Grilled Clam] -- Sell Price: 400G Clams grilled with butter. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Butter .Clam :: Recipe received from Hank at 5 hearts?048 -- [Steamed Clam] -- Sell Price: 515G Clams grilled with grape soda. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Grape Soda .Clam (Sounds appetizing, doesn't it?)049 -- [Mushroom Saute] -- Sell Price: 140G Mushrooms sauteed in butter. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Butter .Mushroom050 -- [Truffle Saute] -- Sell Price: 1090G Truffles sauteed in butter. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Butter .Truffle051 -- [Toadstool Saute] -- Sell Price: 160G -- Dangerous! -- Will wake you up but wear you out. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Butter .Toadstool052 -- [Spinach Saute] -- Sell Price: 220G Spinach sauteed in butter. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Butter .Spinach053 -- [Baked Potato] -- Sell Price: 190G A potato baked with butter added on top. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Butter .Potato054 -- [Fried Veggies] -- Sell Price: 310G Vegetables fried up together. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Cabbage .Onion .Bell Pepper .Spinach .Eggplant055 -- [Spicy fried Veggies] -- Sell Price: 370G A spicy pan-fried dish. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Cayenne .Cabbage .Onion .Bell Pepper .Spinach .Eggplant056 -- [Popcorn] -- Sell Price: 210G A snack made from popcorn kernels. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Corn. (Personally, I like my popcorn with butter...)057 -- [Tortilla] -- Sell Price: 440G Ground corn mixed with water and fried. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Corn .Milk058 -- [Pancake] -- Sell Price: 893G Breadfruit floud with milk and eggs, all fried. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Frying Pan .Butter .Breadfruit .Milk .Egg .Honey059 -- [Boiled Egg] -- Sell Price: 140G An egg boiled in water. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Egg060 -- [Hot Milk] -- Sell Price: 260G Milk heated up before drinking. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Milk061 -- [Cocoa] -- Sell Price: 470G Hot milk mixed with cocoa powder. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Milk .Cocoa062 -- [Herb Tea] -- Sell Price: 160G Tea made from steeped herbs. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Green Herb063 -- [Potage Soup] -- Sell Price: 390G Stewed potatoes in milk. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Milk .Potato 064 -- [Corn Soup] -- Sell Price: 410G Stewed corn and in milk. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Milk .Corn065 -- [Tomato Soup] -- Sell Price: 440G A stewed mixture of tomatoes and milk. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Milk .Tomato066 -- [Pumpkin Soup] -- Sell Price: 470G Chunks of pumpkin stewed in milk. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Milk .Pumpkin067 -- [Mushroom Soup] -- Sell Price: 340G Stewed potatoes in milk. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Milk .Mushroom :: Recipe received from Harvest Sprites.068 -- [Onion Soup] -- Sell Price: 1310G Soup made by stewing fried onions in broth. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Butter .Onion .Bread .Cheese069 -- [Bouillabaisse] -- Sell Price: 695G Shellfish stewed in a tomato soup base. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Tomato .Onion .Herb .Fish .Clam .Prawn070 -- [Stew] -- Sell Price: 1510G Soup made by stewing vegetables in milk. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Milk .Butter .Breadfruit .Carrot .Onion .Potato071 -- [Cream Salmon] -- Sell Price: 1530G Soup made by stewing salmon in milk. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Milk .Butter .Breadfruit .Carrot .Onion .Salmon072 -- [Spicy Stew] -- Sell Price: 490G A spicy stew made by stewing with cayenne. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Butter .Carrot .Onion .Potato .Cayenne073 -- [Stewed Pumpkin] -- Sell Price: 240G Cooked down so it's sweet-n-spicy. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Pumpkin074 -- [Stewed Potato] -- Sell Price: 160G Potatoes that have been cooked down. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Potato075 -- [Stewed Yam] -- Sell Price: 140G Yams that have been cooked down. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Yam076 -- [Boiled Spinach] -- Sell Price: 190G Spinach boiled just the slightest bit. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Spinach077 -- [Stewed Eggplant] -- Sell Price: 260G Eggplant fried, then cooked in stock. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Eggplant078 -- [Stewed Flounder] -- Sell Price: 105G Flounder stewed so it's sweet-n-spicy. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Flounder079 -- [Stewed Yellowtail] -- Sell Price: 210G Yellowtail cheeks stewed marvelously. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Yellowtail080 -- [Stewed Snapper] -- Sell Price: 210G Snapper stewed so it's sweet-n-spicy. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Snapper081 -- [Miso Mackerel] -- Sell Price: 140G Mackerel stewed with miso. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Mackerel 082 -- [Tomato Sardine] -- Sell Price: 360G Sardines stewed with tomato. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Sardine .Tomato .Herb083 -- [Tomato Squid] -- Sell Price: 370G Squid stewed with tomato. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Squid .Tomato .Herb084 -- [Carmelized Amago] -- Sell Price: 110G Amago stewed so it's sweet-n-spicy. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Amago .Amago085 -- [Carmelized Smelt] -- Sell Price: 110G Smelt stewed so it's sweet-n-spicy. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Smelt .Smelt086 -- [Carmelized C. Carp] -- Sell Price: 150G C. carp stewed so it's sweet-n-spicy. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Crucian Carp .Crucian Carp087 -- [Carmelized S.Carp] -- Sell Price: 130G S.Carp stewed so it's sweet-n-spicy. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Silver Carp .Silver Carp (Just so you know, every single recipe that had the word "stewed" in it, I had misspelled as "stweed" EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's true. My backspace key shows battle scars.)088 -- [Strawberry Jam] -- Sell Price: 490G Strawberries cooked down to make jam. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Strawberry .Strawberry089 -- [Verry Berry Jam] -- Sell Price: 180G Very berries cooked down to make jam. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Very Berry .Very Berry090 -- [Blueberry Jam] -- Sell Price: 190G Blueberries cooked down to make jam. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Blueberry .Blueberry091 -- [Marmalade] -- Sell Price: 490G Orange cooked down to make jam. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Orange .Orange (OrangeS, not Orange...)092 -- [Apple Jam] -- Sell Price: 690G Apples cooked down to make jam. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Pot .Apple .Apple093 -- [Grilled Rainbow Trout] -- Sell Price: 220G Trout topped with herbs, then grilled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Rainbow Trout .Herb (Listed in your memo as "Grilled R. Trout".)094 -- [Grilled Sardine] -- Sell Price: 210G Sardine topped with herbs, then grilled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Sardine .Herb095 -- [Grilled Snapper] -- Sell Price: 335G Snapper topped with herbs, then grilled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Snapper .Herb096 -- [Grilled Saury] -- Sell Price: 215G Saury topped with herbs, then grilled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Saury .Herb097 -- [Grilled Salmon] -- Sell Price: 305G Salmon topped with herbs, then grilled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Salmon .Herb098 -- [Grilled Mackerel] -- Sell Price: 215G Mackerel topped with herbs, then grilled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Mackerel .Herb099 -- [Grilled Halibut] -- Sell Price: 235G Halibut topped with herbs, then grilled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Halibut .Herb100 -- [Grilled Tuna] -- Sell Price: 485G Tuna topped with herbs, then grilled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Tuna .Herb101 -- [Grilled Smelt] -- Sell Price: 195G Smelt topped with herbs, then grilled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Smelt .Herb102 -- [Squid Teriyaki] -- Sell Price: 145G Squid grilled teriyaki-style to perfection. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Squid103 -- [Nice Squid Teriyaki] -- Sell Price: 1110G description // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Squid Prince :: Recipe received when you first make the dish.104 -- [Jamasquid Teriyaki] -- Sell Price: 170G description // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Jamasquid :: Recipe received when you first make the dish.105 -- [Lampsquid Teriyaki] -- Sell Price: 170G Lampsquid grilled teriyaki-style. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Lampsquid106 -- [Grilled Lobster] -- Sell Price: 200G Lobster grilled whole. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Lobster107 -- [Grilled Crawfish] -- Sell Price: 120G Crawfish grilled whole. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Crawfish108 -- [Grilled Shrimp] -- Sell Price: 210G Shrimp grilled whole. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Shrimp109 -- [Bread] -- Sell Price: 610G Breadfruit flour kneaded, then baked. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Breadfruit .Butter .Egg110 -- [Corn Bread] -- Sell Price: 590G Corn flour kneaded, then baked. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Corn .Butter .Egg111 -- [Pizza] -- Sell Price: 1465G Cheese and stuff on dough that gets baked. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Pie Dough .Tomato .Cheese .Onion .Bell Pepper .Corn112 -- [Seafood Pizza] -- Sell Price: 1355G Pizza topped with fish and shellfish. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Pie Dough .Tomato .Cheese .Prawn .Clam .Squid113 -- [Potato Gratin] -- Sell Price: 930G A gratin dish made with lots of potatoes. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Butter .Cheese .Milk .Potato :: Recipe received from Mayor Theodore after giving him Saibara's plate.114 -- [Eggplant Gratin] -- Sell Price: 900G A gratin dish made with lots of eggplant. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Butter .Cheese .Eggplant .Tomato115 -- [Mushroom Gratin] -- Sell Price: 880G A gratin dish made with lots of mushrooms. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Butter .Cheese .Milk .Mushroom116 -- [Seafood Gratin] -- Sell Price: 975G A gratin dish made with lots of seafood // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Butter .Cheese .Milk .Prawn .Clam .Squid117 -- [Pudding] -- Sell Price: 390G A sweet dessert made with eggs and milk. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Milk .Egg118 -- [Cocoa Pudding] -- Sell Price: 570G Has body and a nice cocoa smell. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Milk .Egg .Cocoa119 -- [Pumpkin Pudding] -- Sell Price: 590G Pumpkin strained in a sieve, then mixed. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Milk .Egg .Pumpkin120 -- [Cake] -- Sell Price: 810G A sweet and good-tasting dessert o/` // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Breadfruit .Egg .Butter .Milk121 -- [Cocoa Cake] -- Sell Price: 990G A nice-smelling cake made with cocoa o/` // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Breadfruit .Egg .Butter .Milk .Cocoa122 -- [Honey Cake] -- Sell Price: 913G A super sweet cake made with honey o/` // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Breadfruit .Egg .Butter .Milk .Honey123 -- [Orange Cake] -- Sell Price: 1030G A moist cake with an orange fragrance o/` // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Breadfruit .Egg .Butter .Milk .Orange124 -- [Chestnut Cake] -- Sell Price: 880G A super sweet cake made with chestnuts o/` // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Breadfruit .Egg .Butter .Milk .Chestnut125 -- [Cheesecake] -- Sell Price: 1080G An old standby but with an adult flavor o/` // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Breadfruit .Egg .Butter .Milk .Cheese126 -- [Apple Pie] -- Sell Price: 1150G Made with oodles of sweet apples o/` // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Pie Dough .Egg .Apple127 -- [Pumpkin Pie] -- Sell Price: 1030G Made with strained pumpkin o/` // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Pie Dough .Egg .Pumpkin :: Recipe received from Liz at 5 hearts.128 -- [Chestnut Pie] -- Sell Price: 900G Made with strained chestnuts o/` // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Pie Dough .Egg .Chestnut129-- [Yam Pie] -- Sell Price: 1300G A super sweet dessert with baked yams o/` // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Oven .Yam .Egg .Milk .Butter130 -- [Strawberry Milk] -- Sell Price: 480G A drink made from strawberries and milk * // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixer .Strawberry .Milk131 -- [Milkshake] -- Sell Price: 360G Made with milk and ice cream * // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixer .Egg .Milk 132 -- [Very Berry Juice] -- Sell Price: 95G Juice made from very berries * // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixer .Verry Berry133 -- [Blueberry Juice] -- Sell Price: 100G Juice made from blueberries * // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixer .Blueberry134 -- [Orange Juice] -- Sell Price: 250G Juice made from oranges * // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixer .Orange 135 -- [Apple Juice] -- Sell Price: 350G Juice made from apples * // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixer .Apple136 -- [Grape Juice] -- Sell Price: 270G Juice made from grapes * // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixer .Grape137 -- [Tomato Juice] -- Sell Price: 200G Juice made from tomatoes * // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixer .Tomato138 -- [Veggie Juice] -- Sell Price: 320G Juice made from vegetables * // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixer .Carrot .Spinach139 -- [Grass Juice] -- Sell Price: 590G This'll wake you up! But watch out! // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixer .Cabbage .Spinach .Green Herb .Bell Pepper :: Recipe received from Tai at 5 hearts. (I've drank this concoction several times and had no problems.. so I'm not sure what you're supposed to watch out for.)140 -- [Pickled Turnip] -- Sell Price: 200G Turnips lightly pickled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Aging Pot .Turnip :: Recipe received from Woody at 5 hearts.141 -- [Pickled Cabbage] -- Sell Price: 280G Cabbage pickled to a soft texture. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Aging Pot .Cabbage142 -- [Pickled Eggplant] -- Sell Price: 230G Eggplant pickled to a nice color. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Aging Pot .Eggplant143 -- [Grape Soda] -- Sell Price: 580G Grape juice with bubbles. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Aging Pot .Grape .Grape144 -- [Apple Soda] -- Sell Price: 740G Apple juice with bubbles. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Aging Pot .Apple .Apple :: Recipe received from Duke at 5 hearts.145 -- [Very Berry Soda] -- Sell Price: 230G Very Berry juice with bubbles. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Aging Pot .Very Berry .Very Berry :: Recipe received from Ronald at 5 hearts.146 -- [Yogurt] -- Sell Price: 540G A healthy food made by fermenting milk. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Aging Pot .Milk .Milk147 -- [Deviled Egg] -- Sell Price: 250G Boiled eggs filled with seasoning. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Aging Pot .Boiled Egg148 -- [Salted Amago] -- Sell Price: 110G Grilled Amago salted down with coarse salt. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Amago149 -- [Salted Char] -- Sell Price: 100G Grilled Char salted down with coarse salt. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Char150 -- [Salted Rainbow Trout] -- Sell Price: 45G Grilled Trout salted down with coarse salt. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Rainbow Trout (Listed in your memo as "Salted R. Trout".)151 -- [Salted Yamame] -- Sell Price: 90G Grilled Yamame salted down with coarse salt. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Yamame152 -- [Salted Dace] -- Sell Price: 25G Grilled Dace salted down with coarse salt. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Dace153 -- [Salted Salmon] -- Sell Price: 230G Strips of Salmon salted, then grilled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Salmon154 -- [Salted Huchen] -- Sell Price: 1010G Strips of Huchen salted, then grilled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Huchen :: Recipe received when you first make the dish.155 -- [Salted Cureall] -- Sell Price: 60G Cureall salted, then grilled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Cureall (Cures your sleepy status! Very useful.)156 -- [Broiled C. Carp] -- Sell Price: 40G C. Carp broiled whole. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Crucian Carp 157 -- [Broiled S. Carp] -- Sell Price: 30G S. Carp broiled whole. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Sliver Carp 158 -- [Broiled Snapper] -- Sell Price: 160G Snapper strips broiled to perfection. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Snapper159 -- [Broiled Opaleye] -- Sell Price: 70G Opaleye broiled whole. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Opaleye 160 -- [Broiled Shinapper] -- Sell Price: 210G Shinapper broiled whole. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Shinapper161 -- [Broiled Snadore] -- Sell Price: 260G Snadore broiled whole. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Snadore 162 -- [Bonito Steak] -- Sell Price: 250G Bonito skewered and lightly toasted // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Bonito .Potato163 -- [Broiled Mackerel] -- Sell Price: 40G Mackerel strips broiled to perfection. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Mackerel164 -- [Broiled Yellowtail] -- Sell Price: 160G Yellowtail strips broiled to perfection. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Yellowtail165 -- [Salted Smelt] -- Sell Price: 20G Smelt grilled to perfection. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Smelt 166 -- [Broiled Tuna] -- Sell Price: 310G Tuna strips broiled to perfection. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Tuna167 -- [Anchovy] -- Sell Price: 35G Anchovy dried just a bit, then grilled. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Sardine168 -- [Salted Halfback] -- Sell Price: 45G Halfbeck grilled whole. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Halfbeak (Someone can't spell... at least choose just one way to misspell a word.)169 -- [Salted Saury] -- Sell Price: 40G Saury totally toasted on a fire. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Saury 170 -- [Broiled Halibut] -- Sell Price: 60G Halibut toasted on a fire. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Halibut 171 -- [Broiled Flounder] -- Sell Price: 55G Flounder toasted on a fire. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Flounder 172 -- [Broiled Maple Flounder] -- Sell Price: 70G Maple flounder toasted on a fire. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Maple Flounder (Listed in your memo as "Broiled M. Flounder".)173 -- [Broiled Squid] -- Sell Price: 45G Squid toasted on a fire. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Squid174 -- [Broiled Nice Squid] -- Sell Price: 1010G Nice Squid grilled to perfection on a fire. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Squid Prince :: Recipe received when you first make the dish.175 -- [Broiled Jamasquid] -- Sell Price: 1010G Jamasquid grilled to perfection on a fire. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Jamasquid :: Recipe received when you first make the dish.176 -- [Broiled Lampsquid] -- Sell Price: 70G Lampsquid grilled to perfection on a fire. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Lampsquid177 -- [Broiled Blowfish] -- Sell Price: 113G -- Beware of poisoning! -- It's good, but if it gets you, you'll get it. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Blowfish. (Thank you, Natsume, for this epitome of redundance.)178 -- [Broiled Chulowfish] -- Sell Price: 15G -- Beware of poisoning! -- Really good, but dangerous. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Chulowfish179 -- [Broiled Lobster] -- Sell Price: 100G Lobster grilled to perfection on a fire. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Lobster180 -- [Broiled Crawfish] -- Sell Price: 20G Crawfish grilled to perfection on a fire. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Crawfish181 -- [Broiled Shrimp] -- Sell Price: 110G Shrimp grilled to perfection on a fire. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Shrimp182 -- [Broiled Clam] -- Sell Price: 90G Clam broiled plan as a simple treat. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Clam183 -- [Baked Yam] -- Sell Price: 90G Yam baked plain as a simple treat. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Yam184 -- [Baked Chestnut] -- Sell Price: 60G Chestnut baked plain as a simple treat. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Chestnut185 -- [Baked Corn] -- Sell Price: 160G Corn baked so it has a pleasant smell. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Bonfire .Corn186 -- [Potion] -- Sell Price: 423G Will restore some of your strength. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixing Pot .Green Herb .Honey .Pontata Root :: Recipe received from Alex at 5 hearts.187 -- [Caffeine] -- Sell Price: 610G This will wake you up a bit. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixing Pot .Milk .Cocoa .Cayenne :: Recipe received from Louis at 5 hearts, or when you receive the mixing pot. Hahaha. I said pot. 188 -- [Stamina Drink] -- Sell Price: 403G This will really restore your strength. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixing Pot .Red Herb .Pontata Root .Honey :: Recipe received from Alex at 2 and a half hearts.189 -- [Bravo Drink] -- Sell Price: 498G Restores your strength and sleepiness. // Cooking Tools: // Ingredients: .Mixing Pot .Egg .Pontata Root .Honey .Purple HerbKarakter Perempuan (Bachelorettes) Harvest Moon Magical Melody - See more at: http://simple-campur.blogspot.com/2012/10/karakter-perempuan-bachelorettes.html#sthash.6wKq1Zcl.dpufKarakter Perempuan (Bachelorettes)


Name:Ann.Birthday:Summer 18.Origin:Flower Bud Village.Rival:Blue.Family:Michael (father).Loves:Corn, Rare Ore, Amethyst Ring, Amethyst Brooch, Spicy Fried Veggies, Spicy Stew, Deviled EggBaked CornLikes:Cayenne, Milk, Egg.Dislikes:Onion, Toadstool, Weed, Toadstool Saute, Veggie Juice, Grass Juice, Failed Dish, Weird Dish.

Present #12-Heart Gift:Good ClayPresent #25-Heart Gift:Stir Fry


Name:Dia.Birhtday:Winter 9.Family:none.Rival:Kurt.Unlock by:Ship 30 herbs and unlock the Sanatorium. Once it's built, walk in to meet Dia.Location/Schedule:Inside the Sanatorium, Inside the clinic, Walking around just north of the Carpenter's shop.Love:Strawberr, Cocoa, Blueberry.Likes:Very BerryOrangeGrapeAppleChestnutMoondrop FlowerPinkcat FlowerDislikes:Weed, Fodder, Bird Feed.Present #1:Blueberry.Present #2:Chocolate Cake.


Name:Ellen.Birhtday:Fall 8.Family:Hank (Father), Blue (Cousin).Rival:Carl.Unlock by:Introduces herself on Spring day 2.Location/Schedule:Inside the Blue Sky Ranch barnInside the Blue Sky Ranch coopInside the Blue Sky Ranch shedInside the Blue Sky Ranch shopOut in the Blue Sky Ranch field.Love:Special Egg, Special Milk, HQ Cocoa, HQ Breadfruit, Chocolate Cake/Cocoa Cake.Likes:all flowers, Butter, Moonstone, Strawberry.Dislikes:Weeds, Toadstool, Failed Cooking.Present #1:Sashimi.Present #2:Apple Pie.


Name:Eve.Birhtday:Winter 16.Family:Terry (Grandfather), Duke (Uncle).Rival:Dan.Unlock by:Unlocking the Moonlight Cafe.Location/Schedule:Inside Moonlight Caf.At the bridge above the carpenter's workshop.In the Village Square.At the beach.At Sunny Lake.By the mountain path (where Paradise Orchard is built).Love:Strawberry,Soda,Special Cheese,Ruby Jewlery.Likes:all flowers,Cheese,Mushroom,Moonstone.Dislikes:Weeds, Toadstool,Toadstool Saute.Present #1:Very Berry Soda.Present #2:Grape Soda.


Name:Gina.Birhtday:Fall 20.Family:Martha (Grandmother).Rival:Alex.Unlock by:Unlocking Sanatorium, befriending Alex, unlocking Martha.Location/Schedule:Unknown.Love:Bell Pepper, Shiny Wool, Coral Jewelry,HQ Onion.Likes:Green Pepper, Pontata Root, Good Egg, Wool, Herbs, Mushroom, Toadstool, Coral, Pudding, Moondrop Flower, All Fish.Dislikes:Weeds, Perfumes, Balms, Sauteed Toadstool.Present #1:Milkshake.Present #2:Miso Mackerel.


Name:Gwen.Birhtday:Summer 8.Family:Doug (Uncle), Woody (Grandfather).Rival:Bob.Unlock by:Go to the Horse Races for the first time.Location/Schedule:Unknown.Love:Shiny Wool, Very Berry Jam, Special Cheese, Fertilized Carrot.Likes:Carrot, Good Milk, Boiled Egg, Moondrop Flower, Orange, Orange Juice, Good Egg, Yellow Yawn, Pink Cat Flower, Regular Wool, Any Sashimi.Dislikes:Weeds, Toadstool.Present #1:Cheese Omelet.Present #2:Pizza.


Name:Katie.Birhtday:Fall 29.Family:none.Rival:Joe.Unlock by:Entering Caf Callaway when it opens on Fall Day 1.Location/Schedule:Just outside Caf Calloway (before it opens for the day).Inside Caf Calloway.At the bridge above the Spring Farm.Love:Special Milk, Special Egg, Breadfruit, Yam, Orange Cake, Apple Jam, Apple Pie.Likes:Honey, any flowers, Egg, Milk, Cheese, Butter, Moonstone, Amethyst, Diamond, Cocoa, Very Berry Jam, Pink Perfume, Marmalade, Potato.Dislikes:Chicken Feed, Toadstool, Weeds.Present #1:Yogurt.Present #2:Cheesecake.


Name:Lyla.Birhtday:Spring 27.Family:Unknown.Rival:Louis.Unlock by:Attend the Flower Festival for the first time.Location/Schedule:Inside Hearty Lyla.In the Vilage Square.Love:Pumpkin, Pinkcat Flower, Yellow Perfume.Likes:Flowers, Sapphire, Soda, Moonstone, Sp. Wool, Herbs, Yarn, Wool, Diamond, Coral.Dislikes:Weeds, Toadstool, Fish Broth.Present #1:Wool.Present #2:Cheesecake.


Name:Maria.Birhtday:Winter 5.Family:Theodore (Father).Rival:Ray.Unlock by:Walk into the Library when it opens on the 10th of Spring.Location/Schedule:Inside the Library.Inside the Mayor's house.Around the Square.Love:Stewed Yam, Cabbage, Sashimi, Stewed Potato, Stewed Eggplant or HQ Eggplant.Likes:Coral, Perfume, Pinkcat Flower, Moondrop Flower, Very Berry Jam, Cheesecake, Strawberry Jam, Boiled Egg, Mushroom.Dislikes:Weeds, Toadstool, Garbage.Present #1:Pickled Cabbage.Present #2:Pickled Veggies.


Name:Nina.Birhtday:Spring 20.Family:Liz (Mother).Rival:Basil.Unlock by:Available from start of the game.Location/Schedule:Inside the Spring Ranch shop.Inside the Spring Ranch shed.Outside in the Spring Ranch planting field.Love:Fertilized Strawberry, Strawberry Milk, Blue Mist Flower, Herb Tea, Orange Juice.Likes:Cheese, Mayonnaise, Limestone, Milk, Tomato, Corn, Hot Milk, Red Herb, Good/Special Egg, Topaz, Aquamarine, Spinach, any flower.Dislikes:Verry Berry Soda, Bell Pepper, Carrot, Crawfish, Halibut, Mackerel.Present #1:Honey.Present #2:Stew.


Name:Jamie. (secret)Birhtday:Unknown.Family:Unknown.Rival:None.Unlock by:You'll meet Jamie in the opening cut scene of the game.Location/Schedule:In the field on his ranch.At Sunny LakeAt the beach.Just outside the Blue Sky Ranch shop.Inside the Moonlight Cave (first floor).Love:Jams, Special Butter, Special Milk, Special Cheese, Cake, Cheesecake.Likes:Juices, High Quality/Fertilized Crops.Dislikes:Medicines.Extra Marriage Requirements:Must get 50 notes instead of 30.Present #1:Unknown.Present #2:Unknown.( Bachelor) karakter laki-laki

Name:Alex.Birthday:Spring 30.Origin:Flower Bud Village.Family:Related to the Midwife.Hobbies:Reading and Napping.Height:173cm.First Appearance:When you first visit the Clinic.Home:The Clinic.Loves:Turnip (Top Quality), Veggie Juice, Grilled Snapper.Likes:Herbs, Milk, Pontana Root, Turnip.Dislikes:Can, Boot.Present #1:Purple Herb.Present #2:Potion.Extra Info:Alex's nickname in the Village is "Doctor", and he fills this role very well. You may recognize him from Harvest Moon: Back to Nature for the Playstation One. If you collapse during the day, you will wake up in the Clinic to Alex telling you not to overwork yourself.

Daily ScheduleMorning:Inside/Outside Clinic, Across the Suspension Bridge.Afternoon:Inside/Outside Clinic, inside Moonlight Cave, near Blue Sky Ranch.Evening:Outside Clinic.

Name:Basil.Birthday:Spring 16.Origin:Unknown.Family:None.Hobbies:Studying plants.Height:Unknown.First Appearance:When you ship 10 points worth of flowers, Basil will appear in Flower Bud Village.Home:None.Loves:Strawberry (Top Quality), Pumpkin (Top Quality), Herb Tea, Pontata Root.Likes:Strawberry (Normal/Low Quality), Blueberry, Green Herb, Copper Ore, Limestone, Very Berry Jam.Dislikes:Mayonnaise, Junk Ore.Present #1:Limestone.Present #2:Orange Balm, with formula.Extra Info:Basil is extremely passionate about nature, and has come to Flower Bud Village in order to study plants. Each year, he will leave for Winter and return in the Spring. Basil does not have a home, but prefers to wander about.

Daily ScheduleMorning:Outside Moonlight Cave, Near Blue Sky Ranch, Sunny Lake, Near Stardrop Pond.Afternoon:Inside Moonlight Cave, Inside Hearty LylaEvening:Outside/Inside Moonlight Cave.

Name:BlueBirthday:Winter 20.Origin:Flower Bud Village.Family:Nephew of Hank, Cousin of Ellen.Hobbies:Caring for animals.Height:174cm.First Appearance:When you first visit the Blue Sky Ranch.Home:The Blue Sky Ranch.Loves:Potato (Top Quality), Special Milk/Butter/Cheese, Yogurt.Likes:Potato (Normal/Low Quality), Eggplant, Milk, Sunny-Side Up Egg, PopcornDislikes:Honey, Caramelized Amago/Smelt/Crucian Carp/Silver Carp, CakesPresent #1:Good Milk.Present #2:Sapphire Brooch.Extra Info:Blue, recognizable as Gray from Harvest Moon 64, lives and works at the Blue Sky Ranch. He is very quiet and keeps to himself, however he opens up rather quickly as you become friends.

Daily ScheduleMorning:Pasture of Blue Sky Ranch, inside Blue Sky Ranch buildings.Afternoon:Pasture of Blue Sky Ranch.Evening:Inside Moonlight Cafe.

Name:BobBirthday:Summer 1.Origin:Flower Bud Village.Family:Grandson of the Tai, Brother of Tim.Hobbies:Horseback riding.Height:195cm.First Appearance:He will visit your farm on the 3rd day of Spring to explain the Shipping process.Home:The Blacksmith's.Loves:Spinach (Top Quality), Shiny Wool, Silver Ore.Likes:Cabbage (Normal/Low Quality), Spinach, Gold Ore, Egg.Dislikes:Eggplant, Stone.Present #1:Good Egg.Present #2:Topaz Brooch.Extra Info:Bob was first seen in Harvest Moon: STH for the Playstation 2, however instead of running a ranch, he has taken place of the shipping guy.

Daily ScheduleMorning:Blue Sky Ranch pasture, inside Perch Inn, inside Blacksmith, inside Blue Sky Ranch buildings.Afternoon:Inside Moonlight Cave, inside Calloway Cafe, inside Perch Inn.Evening:Unknown.

Name:CarlBirthday:Spring 5.Origin:Village near Flower Bud Village.Family:Unknown.Hobbies:Baking.Height:168cm.First Appearance:He will visit you in the morning the day before the Egg Festival in your first Spring.Home:Calloway Cafe, briefly Moonlight Cafe.Loves:Yam (Top/Normal Quality), Apple, Special Egg/Milk/Butter.Likes:Strawberry, Pumpkin, Orange, Herbs, Blueberry.Dislikes:Can, Boot, Junk Ore.Present #1:Pudding.Present #2:Chestnut Pie.Extra Info:Carl is a new character in the game, however he very much resembles Jeff of Harvest Moon 64, who owned the Bakery and was your potential rival for Elli. Carl loves to bake, and has a dream of opening a cafe someday. He will eventually open the Calloway Cafe. Before he opens his cafe, Carl works for Duke at the Moonlight Cafe to save up money.

Daily ScheduleMorning:Inside Cafe, near Blue Sky Ranch.Afternoon:Inside Cafe, near Blue Sky Ranch, Flower Bud Square.Evening:Unknown.

Name:DanBirthday:Summer 26.Origin:Unknown.Family:Unknown.Hobbies:Womanizing.Height:Unknown.First Appearance:You will first meet him at the Horse Race Festival in the Spring..Home:Paradise Orchard.Loves:Strawberry (Top Quality), Clam, Sodas.Likes:Strawberry (Normal/Low Quality), Orange, Apple.Dislikes:Mushroom, Toadstool.Present #1:Apple Soda.Present #2:Grape Soda.Extra Info:Dan closely resembles Kai from Harvest Moon 64/Back to Nature, both in appearance and attitude. Ever a ladies man, Dan does not especially like being tied down to one place, but can be a good worker if he puts his mind to it.

Daily ScheduleMorning:Outside/Inside Paradise Orchard, near Blue Sky Ranch, Flower Bud Square.Afternoon:Outside/Inside Paradise Orchard.Evening:Outside Paradise Orchard, Moonlight Cafe, Mountain path (near sign).

Name:JoeBirthday:Summer 10.Origin:Sugar Village.Family:Brother of Kurt.Hobbies:Fishing.Height:179cm.First Appearance:When you first visit the Workshop.Home:The Workshop.Loves:Turnip (Top Quality), Tuna Steak, Salted Rainbow Trout.Likes:Turnip (Normal/Low Quality), Fish, Branch.Dislikes:Junk Ore, Yogurt.Present #1:Dace.Present #2:Coral Brooch.Extra Info:Joe was first seen in Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland on the Playstation 2. He is very outgoing and energetic, and is friendly to you when you visit the Workshop. He is a carpenter in training, serving an apprenticeship for Woody.

Daily ScheduleMorning:Inside Workshop.Afternoon:Inside Workshop, inside Calloway Cafe, near Suspension Bridge.Evening:Unknown.

Name:KurtBirthday:Winter 10.Origin:Sugar Village.Family:Brother of Joe.Hobbies:Woodworking.Height:178cm.First Appearance:When you first visit the Workshop.Home:The Workshop.Loves:Tomato (Top Quality), Tomato based foods.Likes:Copper/Silver/Gold Ore, Branch, Tomato (Normal/Low Quality), Squid Sashimi.Dislikes:Toadstool, Clams, Clam based foods.Present #1:Red Herb.Present #2:Aquamarine Brooch.Extra Info:Kurt was first seen in Harvest Moon: Save The Homeland on the Playstation 2. Kurt is a very short person, meaning he doesn't like to converse with people. He is rather shy, but takes a bit of time to open up. He is a carpenter in training, serving an apprenticeship for Woody.

Daily ScheduleMorning:Inside Workshop, inside Sanatorium, outside Moonlight Cafe.Afternoon:Inside Workshop, inside Sanatorium, inside/outside Moonlight Cafe.Evening:Unknown.

Name:LouisBirthday:Fall 2.Origin:Sugar Village.Family:Unknown.Hobbies:Inventing and working with machines.Height:178cm.First Appearance:During the Fireworks Festival.Home:Junk Shop (after expansion).Loves:Bell Pepper (Top Quality), Special Egg, Rare Ore.Likes:Bell Pepper (Normal/Low Quality), Copper/Silver/Gold Ore.Dislikes:Carrot.Present #1:Silver Ore.Present #2:Caffeine and Recipe.Extra Info:Louis was first seen in Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland, and is very much the same character. He loves inventing things and working with machines, and naturally finds his home in the Junk Shop.

Daily ScheduleMorning:Flower Bud Square, outside Library.Afternoon:Flower Bud Square.Evening:Unknown.

Name:RayBirthday:Fall 27.Origin:Flower Bud Village.Family:Unknown.Hobbies:Fishing.Height:Unknown.First Appearance:When you first visit Sunny Lake.Home:None. Ray seems to live outside.Loves:Special Egg/Butter, yellowtail Sashimi/Teriyaki/Stew.Likes:Corn (Normal/Low Quality), Fish, Copper/Silver/Gold Ore, Fish based foods.Dislikes:Toadstool, Jam, Junk Ore.Present #1:Amago.Present #2:Salmon Meuniere.Extra Info:Ray is a wandering fisherman who lives in the village. You will always find him outside with a fishing rod in hand. He closely resembles Cliff from Harvest Moon 64/Back to Nature.

Daily ScheduleMorning:Sunny Lake, by the Pier, outside Moonlight Cave, Stardrop Pond.Afternoon:Sunny Lake, the Island, near Blue Sky Ranch, Callaway Cafe.Evening:Moonlight Cafe.