
Harriman National Bank Fifth Avenue and 44th Street New York l-îll 1012 1913 1014 1915 1916J 1917 .33._70jOOC w.mooo r*?U-36.0O0 ^.7*307000 "A2Q2.0ÖO ).63?.0CO .1- 'M.iy.OOO MARCH 20. 1911 (Date of (harter) . fl.lOO.OOl MARCH 20. Itlal (First Anniversary! . . 10.600.000 MARCH M, IM! (SfKMfJ A'ini»»r-,ary). 14,200.000 MARI II 20, 1011 (Thir.I A.ItWtfy) . 17,500,000 MARCH -'0. Itll (l'ourth Annivr-r-ary). 21.100.000 MARI H 2). Itll (PHHl Anniversary). 30.200.000 MARCH 20. 1917 (Sixth Anniversary' . 35.500.000 A National Institution The Harriman National Bank, celebrating its Sixth Birthday Anniversary, presents with gratification the ac¬ companying chart and table of its increase of business, year by year, reflecting the favor which its facilities find in the community and the response of the public to its sound anJ liberal banking policy, its prompt, attentive and courteous service and its unique hours of business. BANKING HOURS FROM 8 O'CLOCK A. M. TO 8 O'CLOCK P. M. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS OPEN FROM 8 A. M. TO MIDNIGHT . - ON VIEW TO-DAY AND FOLLOWING DAYS A1 the Gallen* Fifth Ave. Auction Rooms 333-341 Fourth Are. A tment Household Appointments Conaiating in i Modern and Antiqua Furniture Ira oreelnin Draperies. I' * '.íbroid- ar, Egyptian Cm r'ntrrav- inci«. Etch inga, Parlor Grand mid ;'iarios ar. «I :' home adornment ALSO ON VIEW, Archibald A. Campbell, Esq., Adr. A .Small <*oi!« OIL PAINTINGS Property of the Ks'ate of the late George K. Campbell, ,,f .l.r..» « il». V .1 and including '..'"' kl by A. Browar, J. 1- ( ropaejr, ¡, P. n :. 3, Paliizi, W. Pngo, A. Ronmegaua, R. W. Wtir 8nd oth« \Miuis »wtMOXHi . Toaaiaj \\ I- lll...i|rt» *| tun ..!.,. | rl,|.l» HIHl Katar-Jar, vi.u.i, .-,. tg, :-.,, .»n. ,;i. from .' ti'eltit la in li tl.i». HENRY A. HARTMAN. Auct'r. Auto Kills Girl on Drive Victim Ran Into Path of Ma¬ chine; Chauffeur Not Held .-.'¦ y, eighteen old. of 87.". injured by an automobile n lot th [rt McCarthy was with her old« I m, and -«viral other pirlf*. when aha became confused and ran di into the path of a motor ear ry Oritz Kirnchbergcr, of 11 _*r> .i Avenue. Kirachberp^r, who was in the her chat:'' h Mb- . ¡.ran in d she ken to St Lawrence Ho.«pital, . ¦'... Ma« nv .i:«i «i the accident Parole Law Clogs Courts, Says Swam Asks for Change, So Prisoner May Know Penalty in Advance On the ground that thr parole la' the indeterminate Matonee clog*: criminal courts of Now York Coun'y fa n'inir many men and women fror pleading ruilty to minor offence!« he cannot pet sortir ?»>rt <»f m ¦<:ra as to the length of time th- l.av.' t<» pend in prison. District At torney Swann has started a moreraen ..or of amending the law so ti permit the courts to impose a t.:;ed 0! indeterminate sentence, u he thii'k To this «il .'in has wi it. tea to Senator Robert K. Wagner a. foil»»» "The defendant before he plead; want-; to havo some Idea of what rail is in r the Jadee to iriv«' him an\ !i adraaei »'itirelj away from the .uidcro nndor th« term tatul Instances multi¬ ply every .lay where defendants in botr ! and Gem fectly willing and desirous of pi» Poill «n nu .»» about wl. .* nee tin. "There are many mitmr oflrnces. fot vhich the judges would like * tence for 11 r nine month*, <>t winch the defendanti would willingly plead guilty, but as th» law now stand?, for the defendant who plead» guilty is like- roinain for an p«-riod, isibly may meai, \ me.-f-ni» of the r the Disti IFiee of oanty it was the una: , ion »>!' ;i!l the of the DÍ8- .t that this la« .ut th«? judge, .-.) period, oi t.. i for on eminate period, h he thinks " Night School Term Ends For 60-Year-Old Pupils The night «»ehool of Montclair, N. .1., has closed for the seaaon, an»l the papila, twelv»' of whom are mure than did, will haw- to be content with their présent educations until n"\t Fall. One arl miles to the building each nipht. regardless of the W< ] .she has had a p' Í. " "id for »t« I tendance. In» oldest of the pupils is - ! " »UWaUIWWUMlHfflHl.ffl^ Southern Racific Lines z 'iinxuauxxiiwV I MEET SPRING HALF-WAY Wlirn wint«*r la.a become, m bürden; «*/ii*n apnng araopt on with maddening elowriraa, then ia lb** time for your vacation. Saul away to warmth and au nahme on Southern Pacific Steamshipa '.VIurfnn Una») New York.New Orleans r'a*»«irr, l,y «»..m«*r or rail or con tinM ymjf trip via the. Sun.rt Kou'«- ihwat Ottà C-Mocnia, UtOtalaM on A»k aix«iJt the "*Ap»v.he I mil" mo*or-tnp. ...rlwmr at 27il. I .>,->« II,....I. . . i ...... .. fat Celiforaie Oréate*. Ike NeUoaol Bitokfott trait n't»»» nmmsSí .a! , i .llíí tl iiiHrllii Billy Sunday's Doctrines a Peril, Rabbi Wise Says "I Am a Jew, but I Resent the Profanation of Christianity by Sundayism".Asserts 100 Ministers Here Back His Criticism Rabbi Stephen S. Wise yostordoy at tacke.! Billy Sunday, his doctrine, hif Christlaaity, even his tiaeonty, the ¦ t bitter condemnation that ha« ted upon tbe evnagoliot sir.ce he announced his intention of coming to New York. Hefore the congregation of the Free Synagogue in Carnegie Hall the rabbi defended what h»» «ai«! «va« reel Christianity again«! the interpretition niaced upon it by th« 1st, and 'I --»indavi -i.»i M one of *r.- mous and harmful movement«, of nod« rn t ¡me». "I don't believe what H 11 -. Sunday teach- . lid. "1 am not certain thai t hiau« Billy layiaai is something deeper than m It, or knows, r»r arprehends. H il gra\e and imperilling 14 r> social disorder, a moral fai!me. and a îeligiou? boni ' our "In one word, it means that the church may be in danger, on the verge of failure, doomed to extinction and Billy Snndajrlam will depart when religioi coiti"? to life again and the place of a posoifa per lb« ing church." The speaker said I hat h" Wal ex- ing, not. only his ot\ estimate of Sunday, but alr.o the opinion ol more than a hundred New York min who would lose their jobs ii -anl what they really thought. "I an only a Jew," he remarked "hut I resent the profanation I t tan it y by Sunday ism. For < hristianity bear«- 'h«j name of a .lew Peoplt- will comment on my condem¬ nation of Sunday by pointing out tnat hristian and I am a Jew Half of that statement will be tru.".' Dr. »« -' -ai'l numerou« ap¬ peal-, had been made to him to re¬ frain from criticising Sunday. '"There will be « hrmtiati minister*." be remarked, "who will thank (,od to- ¦ that «orne une says what they .«..:r to any." lie then quo'ed the evanfjeliit say ne-, "(iod tells America to wipe Mexico off the map." "If thi« is Billy Sunday'« God." h. .netl, "it i- nut my God. I will tin no obeiaanci' to n Cod who com¬ mands wrony, infamy and f-hame. JoatM never laid 'Wipe the Roman- off 'he m ip" :-orrow for th'« perversion '.« ntV'l '' Hilly Sunday and hi.« doctrine are accepted, the rabbi «aid, becauae nf "theological standpatti.m and intel¬ lectual m iribund'ü- « " "Sunday is intens'.fyin-f the dise«»*e he is seekinr* to cure," he concluded. the trreattst theological str:ke- bn-aker i'i Maton Next Sunday Dr. Wise will sneak on "What Made Sundayi-m Pw <ih!e." Ends Life After Deal to Prevent Loss to Friends Grocer Gets His Financial Affairs in Shape, Then Kills Himself After writing seven letter« an»l leav¬ ing them ready for mailing. David Will¬ iam Dailey, a grocer of l'étroit, com¬ mitted suicide in his room at the Van- «lerhilt H.itel Saturday night by shoot- ,rn«e!f in tbe temple. The body result of an unanswered telephone call. of the letters **.i» Mldrs the hotel management and di plorod the trouble caused. The » iiveloi»»' », !¦> pay for any expense curre*!. N'ear the body was "..und a magazine. A story entitled Laughing** was marked. A telegram addressed to W, Oilier, evous Hotel, Detroit, lay opon ob a table, M read "Planned and consummate.I deal in full. Further adrices to-night or .rning. Advise Read. Simply not allow any one to suffVr I'M Pleased to be able to report o favor- i ly. Continao with auditor, for that ii important. Sorry you and Road i !.. by the suicide »rere addrei -.1 to th rollón Ing; II. H. I. Read, care of Dailey (irorer*-. Ine., Di li'ia Lowenstein, car« Fear »V Co., 15 Jay Street, Neu York; W. Oilier, Will B. Hadley, il".'-« '.. enue, Philadelphia; tí. M. Hotel, Detroit " H. E. Dailey and Mrs. Vema T. Dailey, care of A. ('. Thomas, Waddle, Contre ¦>». penn. Dailey engaged a room at the hotel Priday afternoon. The hotel maidwenl in to turn down the shcel abotit .'. p\ Saturday evening, Dailey «a« r, tho bathroom, t>o she ¡«ft, and ¦'urning thr«»»» hours later found or bolted from th»» inside. Yesterday morning, when ringing of the 'phone in Dailey's room fa» il wa feared he was ill. Henry D. Brown, the assistant man¬ ager, opened the door w;-r D iMidy lay in the hath- room, half-.i'--' tod. The house cían said he had been dead several Mssrasa is I Detroit, March 25. David w. Dailcj wss presiden» of the Dalli In... a concern operating- a string of live large groceries in th'» city. No in¬ formation as to the affairs of the con¬ cern COUld he learned to-day. It was admitted 'hat un auditor was at work on the hooks, but what the exanm. .'.». svas for n<> one Would nay. Laws Urged to Curb Growing Heroin Habit Justice Collins Tells How Un¬ derworld Gets Its Supply of Narcotics .--'».urces of the underworld's supply ».f heroin were diecusaed In ¦ report on the extent of and means of curbing the drug evil, made public yesterday by Justice Colline, of Bpoeia] sessions, chairman of the drug evil eomn ttoi Association of Magistrates, ition bsj states or na¬ tional legislation in an e.\i urged. ¦It »a« learned during 101« r»y n of prevailing conditions," "'ha! th» dr'ir evil had increase) thai deplorable *-..*e of affairs !. par) eu la» ly n Neu Yorl A '*u»lv »if Now York County stal .». I that while the ii-.' of 60- caine, morphine and opium wai sortons, tie three put together were not nearly no serious as the growth of the heroin habit. This Mrikes. particularly young men between th»' ages of ¡"'Venteen and twenty-two. "It. is safe to say that In 20 to .".o i»«-i i'T.1 of the cases coming into the ( ouït of Special | moral turpitude, the culprit» are given to »Irug addict ion " other."1 The oaderworld li luppliod with drugs, according to the r«port, bv itrgliag of crude opium, I -, thievery ».r the par* of employes of man an»! of whole ale drui thiough illegal manufacturing and by ii*> phv «íciai. ¦|- is said," the ropori lays, "that .nuiggler« crossed the !.. i or M in the wheels of automobiles. No order blank is reqtrr»»»! for drag! ..I Into for«:gn countries from this countiv It is ur.doiibtai'dly true that heroin exported to t"*ans i, Mi « |eo and tuba »in»j then smuggled back into this country." Discussing opposition on the p-itt of Irug oril ttion, Justice Collini ««id: "I think I voice the SOUtim« Btl »»f the nrh »nd bar in saving that it would he -rtremelv helpful and aa.uring to ,,» it out of all the criticism we ... constructive ad of upbuilding that would relieve the horrors of the situstion confronting us." Buffalo Gives Sunday 542,204 As He Departs 59,500 Persons Hear Evan¬ gelist on Last Day of Campaign IBv T-lffTiih to Tt:i* Trttmnrl Buffalo. March IS, Hilly Sunday re- ceivetl a check for .«42,204.74 to-night n«. Buffalo's freewill (rift to the depart- in«« evangeliat Tha city failed to real- i7.e its ambition, for throughout the week« of the campaign those be- hind tha movement were aiming at Bo«. t oil's mark of $.ri2..">00, positivo the Queen City would «elipse all previous MCOrdl «if «riving. Mr. Sunday left here to-night fur hi.» home in Winona Lake, Ind., less than »wo hour-- after he had tired hi.« flnal bolt against Sntan i'l Húrtalo. Ho was accompanied only by "Ma" Sunday, the Chicago L m tot being ¦ topped to take Billy and h il w fa aboard. The evangelist said he had been sur- at tha roanlta of his campaign. Ha bed ftotletot an attendance of ami .1.0.000 trail-hitters. Both Bgnrea arora surpassed, total« for the eight «reekl showing an attendance of 1.020.440 and 36,785 trail-hitters. Mr -''' ida« crowded four sermons into the last dav of hi« «tav. the at- îi tiilai.i-,. ,:. ..M services being large«? Pifty-nina thousand t'.vt iiuntli -il BOraona heard the ser¬ mons and many hundred« knocked at the door.« of th« big bnra without gam- ing admittance. The trail-hitters for day nnmbered up**. B nal bolt to-night, when 17,- '"' peroona crowded into the Tab.r- nacle trat bitherto had been incapable >.r ateommodatir »c more than 16,000 mi "Ho Not Delay Repent ing." In his lemon thia afternoon he rapped thoee »v ¡,o have criticised him. - "I am poing away from Buf- the knowledge that '1 iiav» I i'i-,:.' Buffalo i.« going for God, according to my wav of thinkit.- -.- Men in Auto Kidnap Girl from Church Escape with Victim as Po¬ liceman Fires After a Speeding Car A small boy tiptoed down the aislc I of St. Lucy's Roman Catholic Church, Kent and Park Avenues, Brooklyn, ! during vespers service last evening and tiggeti at the aleera of Miaa Maggie "There« a man outside want« to .«ee ; 'i." he whispered. "He says it's ¡m- portant.** Callo turned to her thirteen- year-old aiater, Tessic, explained that '««uld be back in a minute and fol- the boy out. A moment later ! pf | | r<«n¡*rcgation were brought to their feet bv a f-irl's «icream«. At1 the samt' tme, Patrolman John Pankin. <.!' the Flushing Avenue station, who v. turned to if,« Mis« Itrnggiing in front of the church v .th two men, w !... were dragging her toward an automobile standing ut the Before he had covered fifty feet they | ,,i palled th« irirl inside the car, a limousine with drawn curtain«, loor »ml put en fuil speed. As the car whizied down th«» veral «hots in the air. 10 machine turned a corner and resole, «ho hat) recognized her Bie¬ ter*! aereaaae, came running from the church with other parishioners who in «rd the «hoot mg. "Where's niv sister?" she asked, grabbing the bov by the arm. "TV«« mea tool her awai in an auto¬ mobil "i dnnno who in 't ::-, before." By the time Pankin had returned the boy had diaoppenred and no one cu' be found -*\\o kn< «ne. Pankii ,i j. eth m."i woie dark suit« and dark »Pf with long peaks. Mis« Callo'.« father. Nicola Gallo, of 101 Skillman Street. Hrooklyr. told detec- :hat ¡.lthouirh hi.« daughter wa.« .1. she never had any he knew of. Tea« «»id she never ha«i known her «ister to have a awretheart. Simon Cameron Long tin <~-imeron, general man- nf the Pennaylrania Railroad Hnoa enst of Pittabnrgh and Fríe, died yeoterdoy "n a train which was «* irrying h:m to his home. pi Morion, Pom He was lintf year«. iad entered the »ervire of the Penneyhmaia Ballraod la IWl a* an employ«* af the construction depart- I '«"i? he graduated from from iaa'ayette College. His wife and three daughter! aunrire him. ' A. S. Williams, Former Police Inspector, Dead i_ "Fighting Alec," Seventy- seven, Gave "Tender¬ loin" Its Name A Terror to Toughs Declared There Was More Law in Nightstick Than in Court Decision Alexander >. William», one s ¦nos* p.cturesque of the dw» t.umber of survivors o:' the antc-lacxow police force, died yesterday at his. home, 8 West Ninety-!:fth Street. He' was seven'y-seven years old and had been ill since December. The funeral will he held on Wednesday "Fighting Alec" snd "Clubber" Will¬ iam» were titles thai he won in the turbulent day» of the »lepartment. It was often said that he had clubbed his way to the top, but though few police¬ men were oftener "on the carpet" none had a better record of arrest«, and con¬ victions. Out of the wealth of his vocabulary he minted the word "Tenderloin," and from the moment, it, left his lips it has stuck to a section of New York and has been applied to the more succulent por¬ tions of other cities. Another pungent phrase that came from "Fighting Al»-c" was: "There--1 more law in the end of a policeman'« nightMiek than in a decision of the Su premc Court." It was Alec Williams whose detiance of the Lexow com:, has passed down into history along with more apocryphal tales of his ex¬ ploits. Lie Wa* Pa««»ed Captain SehmittbiTg» :. now Chief Inspector, had testified that Williami had received money collected from ille¬ gal resort»1. Williams swore that Schmittberger was a liar, and when the committee expressed curiosity as ti source of hank accounts he had ad¬ mitted said that he got the money spec¬ ulating in real estate in .Japan. Wh tie he realized that hie frankness at times approach.».! a point that ham¬ pered his ambition, Williams always credited to it hi« apnortnient to the force. Ho was a shipwright and ha»l sailed the seven seas in barks ami clip¬ per« and boasted of being the first white man to lay the keel of a I in Japan, when he called at the Police Commissioner*' office in Im'»'.. Commissioner Bergen, who re* him, t<»!-¡ 'he big applcant that, for all tin» conim.*«-oner« knew, lie was just out of Sm ** Sing. Williams thumped the official's desk till the inkstand rattled ami vowed 'hat he'd have nothing to tto with such s force anyhow. He had got m far a* Broadway and Hojston street before the Commis'ioner's m.- senger caught up with him and ca!!.»»l him back Be was appointed. He was sent to Brooklyn to break in. but it was only a few months befon« he was assigned to, the Broadway *<)uad On July to, 1171. he was made roundsman, and in the following Sep¬ tember he became a lorgoaot and wa« placed in command of the mounted «quad Un May II, !*..-', he was made a captain an»l put it; command of th«- 21st Precinct. Thp station Im». Thirty-tirst Street n«'ar Thinl Avenue and the precinct incluiled the house District. It was notor.ous'y "tough," and it was there that Williams laid the visible foundations of his career. The locust- wood law «wept the place as clean sa a rew whistle, and after a few months there, according to one story, "FTill* ianos proved it to a doubting acquaint¬ ance. Sent to Tenderloin "Tough, is it"" he il laid to have inquired. "Full or' thieves an' rob¬ bers? 1 tell you wha* I'll do; I'll Jost hang my watrh and chain on this lamp po*t and we'll walk around th»- block and when WS come hoch 'twill still be there " And. as the story g The lamp post is still to be seen at Thir¬ ty-fifth Street hp»1 Third Avenue, in i)*7í> ""FiDiama was sent to «.till unchristened Tenderloin. "IVe been eat»ng chuck steak ever since I've been on the force." Saul Williams, "and now I'm going to have a bit of tenderloin." For two years he was detailed t<. take charge of th.- Street Cleaning Department, and in l*"*1? he was ma»le inspector. The Roooovoll Pe lee Board retired him in ISM, ander ti.» eompalsory retirement act, w pension of SI,7!i0. The hoard was in secret session at th" time, and .!. of its action never became known. Same Old Circus, But Has Surprises The Wombat Is New, and So Are Man and Monkey Who Look Like Twins With jungle beasts by the humlred, clowns by the score and all the new feature.« th»» minds of the & Bailey organization have been able to devi»«, the circus came to town yester¬ day preparatory to it« Thursday open¬ ing in Madison Square Carden. Al! day long the lumbering en* loaded with the paraphernalia needed for the big show, tr«-kk"d from the Mott Haven freight yards to the Ger¬ den. To-day or to-morrow the rehear¬ sals will begin. This year the circus bring.» again lion«, elephant«, bears, leopards and msny oth-'r jungle beasts from darkest Africa and '¦';.¦ depths of A«.a. It brings, too, a coupl" of phascolomyo: : marsupial«. Th»'«e are not Russian generals. though the manag-'m. n* wmhes ju*t now they were, but they are revolutionary in the circus world and must be pro-Ally at that. In Australia, where they live and wher»' the circus ag«" *hem, lonely fold digger» sail these rare ani¬ mals the only ones m eaptivity worn- bata, A wombat ha» a head !ik<* a beaver's, and feet like a beir'*. Its hair is «hort «n»l bristly. Moot o:' the it sleeps, but Pat, head animal keeper with the rireuas, i* free with predictions that at least one wombst will L»* s'-rak. daily to welcome »mall New Yorkers, «a no can't. see a -v». »* very »lay they go out. Mor. wonderful than a wombat or1 any other beast of the forest and the circus boast» th;s >«»r the posses¬ sion of t msn-monkey and t monkey- man like the wombats, the only ones in captivity. The monkey looks like a man. The man look» like a iror.key The cii-itu folks are positivo of thst. arrested three men who were riding in a machine stolen from K¿ra B. Eddy, of tha H««.<! Woodward, Manhattan. One of the three was wearing a sailor's uniform, with "U. S. 8. Panther" on hii cap. lie wa« nor a member of the ravy and was held in bail for trial. IMPORTANT Kngagcmeut Marriage, Birth. In Mrianriim and Uaaül N.tin* mar a* t»l««j)hon«»J to Th» Tiikaue any u_>. ap to midnight for ina«rtwn in Um n»it dar'« papar. Jut call Beekman 3000 and rr «d th. notice as yoa wkh it i*aerta*d. Rill f >r ..¦. ».ill mailed to you later. Th« not»« will reach .»v.r *«D0.0«D0 reader» daily. BIRTHS « tl.LM.VNV Mr ar«t M--. H.rtwrt (»llmar.n rev Bath S; .»>«. a son. March m. ir»i7. ¦ ihi " a-aard oiler. n l-Vaepe. I '¦.¦¦. I B Breaa daughter, at Loog bland College HaapètaL - DOBTMAN Ht aa«i Mn De id Darfaaan, POa <t "«..»: t«« announce th. arriva! of a ran, Match FLAl'M M- Bad Mn ;'«mu.l K. Kiaum i.... , ¦ .¦:. ,'.:.. FRKIMAN Mr an«l Ml nan ici I reinian, of .'« B -. .a timi témemete th. » of a .«en. la*, 1-17. BIBS' H Mr ar,i M R Hirfch 511 Bari kirn. N Ta, ¦ ion, Arnold MM a, aa Mar«.h M. f'ru.«...-,¦. Height«, Hoapilal. ,-eii.i. N v.. i'.it«..-H picasa moo*. SAMH.OYV I««*- rr.« A.lele !.. Unv». Mar-fi I, .i SI IIVV \K/ Mr. and Mr» Kdwarl leaamra inee Wmtrnt Ahaea»), III st. NVh- ola» av., a daughter, at» flOOOtft riu m srHWAR/Bvi'M Mi and M .! J El MOI zbauiii, 1 ¦.. I: ' ¦«-. Malta - WMSMAN Mr. an.I Mr. Joseph nee BaOO BOM«roil iudhn the h¡rth of a daughter. Dent CONFIRMATION ARRAHAM Ml Bad Mr-. Samuel Abra¬ ham nee Molla! <. announce the bar mit/vah of their MM, Irving. March 111. at 10 a. m at Templa v.l. Chain. 107 Baal Reception «»* the Juliet«». 1«.;! «Teat IKth -t., Sumlay. Apt il i. .«u.r L No carda. Ill \KK. M lliver- MéO Drive, ainnounoi*» th. har mitivah of hat aan, Fenttaoad, Satardar, Mari-h II, n M«: ml Nehoh, ¦.!« .' and '¡roadway, at 10 o'eloa-k. At horn. Sunda». .>, ril i. HVMAN Mr. .'in.i Mía. i 8 Bran aa- aoonea th.- her adtsroh af their toa, Ar¬ thur S. ,n SaVirdu», MOHh .'. !. at 10 ». m.. at Temple .lo-horim. 11 ¦') Baal Mth ** RoSKNMKIN Mr. an,! Mr« Uo«..n«tein nfirmation of th« -r MiltOO I. on Satunlay, Mai '.'.!".. 'i a. m at ('or.grtvation Ite'n I - .».¦l, Dioohljo, >i Aiaelia at Beeeptfcm on Snn«i:n. April '. I '«. a' MTUlia Mat r. Braohj n. .SOLOMON Mr an.i Mr». Han i ock »v., annou'i.-e cntirmation reception at thei- «on. in, 1 April !, after 8, at Juliette. 11.* West U7th. ENGAGEMENTS iiknn, «DUES Ira. M Cehee announce tin' cat their daugh¬ ter, 111 - Mr -....Ire-, Ke:i ., of N'e-v York. At home after I p. m Sunday April 1, at their raaMen . H-,«iklvn. N't. otttt iu.I'Mvn BOBBNFBLO Mr at! M i., E M.-.-.. i.i. 'iiat.. ;.¦ «Teat Uik, an- r 11 i.-. . the engagement .«f their «¡a -¡ghter. Marie \. B ... ¦-.. .- h eld- man. MNhKI.STKI.N WBIN8TE1N Mr. and Mrs. Ir-.-ng \.e,n--. II«. af Ml We««, tilth announe. the eagaceOMOl dnug'tifer, Mae U ¦'. Yi-.-tV.. lK\\k KBtLKHBB Rcha L ii the» rtf¦. GOLDMAN BAC-BAI h Moortee Rachmck) tha haliofhal of hi« tUughter. Har teme, to Mr. '.«-r, V. QoldOMS, York «,OM)SMITH I.KVY M I.e»y inw H«>«ie Kahn i. at ""I Bl aimi'in.ea the l--tr. (h.I af hat «laughter. Emilia B. (MIUW), t«. Vn- Raeepttaa la aa hi M al »h- « ., :.. ¦¦ «tpril ','. '. .. y p '" GBOM BriBNBB Br Ooeoi Wit nor, of !r.'l Brood -' N' art, H. J the hefothal of I Do id i. i i, .«¦¦ Mattorhei Mao >utvla:. e ^.nrg. April I. No -, HIT STKVI H s»rau««. of '.«'.« w«-«t 119th *mw the erg3g.m'n» of Umkt tlauw-'er. Myrtle. o B H «' \* I , 1 ta> >> p m No card« hi.KIN I \SKh '.v. .- .1 ¦ engagement of their da ighter. Pella. '«« Ir. Harry EW HUAI S hl.KIN M " I I Klein. af N... engagemert af «heir daughter, I-ranee-». Mr. Arthur <_ I v s I it'iit Mr. and I Bab, 7th av.. an- .»»rm*nt of their «laughter. Sophie, to Mr. Ar*hur l_n« I.KSNI« k GIN8BI EG Ml an.) Mr». I«...-! hard «. 17th et, FiriHikiyn. anaawnaa tha daugh'e-. Hilda, a* Mr Me r. -on. ol Mr »ntl Mr< | l..-ni«k. BiaaklfB Reee|)ti-«n at Chai LBWINBOHN h\HN Mr. an-l M«*« Kn«l A. Kaiin. ¦¦¦ ¦ '"ila* . an- th.- aogBataa t«i Mr La B ..- Lee hanha M Sur«!.- A:«r«l I, fr««iii I to I MKT/.I.KK NATHAN «Bee Nathan, .«. ment I I *o Mr Jr. K. Metalar. Rec.i.ti.m. n -. Rav. S.iinlay. A««ril 1. feMü - Mil II M SU*. SM \ KR M hi- llfrer, .«/ «'.' feteet . al »ngiigemer». of l Mr. Ja m, N. T. . NOfCBEBfJ I.KVY Mr »ni M .... engag«.erf of «heir daughter. Heatri-» , to Mr. 'oaaph Nooi émb. AI I oa. 1 aa>» Hay evening» in April. NOB* EBBE ITSBN Mr and Mr». I^-aiU St«.-n, ef V. «he e-»-agen-i« it«, of their daughter, V . .e. »»KKNSTI IN h-iPl.VN M- BBal Mh ¦ Kap'an. af Miel ** Bl the betrothal of ir-i* .'auiihter, Kmma, in Mr Henry M. Or- Ql INT BOEBNBEBG Mr. «I Mr« Be_te .lei P*a New York Tity, annoti i-e «h« engagement af ter. Dolly, to Reuhen Quint. of New Yn-k BOB1 NBAI M 1'INSKY | pf P'airfie'.t. N I MBB I I'maky. of Orang BOBBNBBBG KATZMAN Mr. ar«l Mr». '.V Ka'/man. af -'' Beat '.«ilft «t.. an-, BOMB the ergaf.itien'. of their daughter, RoK.lind. to Mr. [.«« in K. Ri-aenberg. BCHANin LANBBMAN Mr. and Mn. -..ev¡ -ie, .'.' 'i the eni-ak-ereT« ' the«^- mee». Mar'ha. h A. S.-hanier. of N«-j» Y'orV N cartl«. SHAPIRO -MITH Mr Al .«-inith. *l* Rel- r>>nt a. New.rV. N .', anr.oun^«. ¦ gagen.ei.l of h.» «laughter, Seima, tn Saul f». S*i*¡:ro. t.í Un York. TOLE BMI RF Mr. ami Mm. Max Shure, of rrin«-*t««n. N. BBIMOOM th. b«*troth.l of thet- daugh'.r. Kthel, t/» Mr. .lae.ib Volk. »on «f Mr. Sara Volk, of New York. MARRIAGES COHEN BOLARZ At B."*ou»rh Park Club '..'.:. Miss Sayde '".oían to Irving Cohen. - t.N(°I.ANI>KK CRAMTYIER Mot lander to *syl\.a Gr.«m«y««r, Monday. M-arch Fl.EISCHMAN BEER Mr. ami Mr. M.» FVisehman »nnoun.*e th. marriawe of their »on. Law, to JoMphtne B««». ««f t'nion I'jur.». March ». *.J'7. At home tl--. first Sundays in May. IS! Che»tnut -I-, Prr>oklyn. FKIEDL INDER DRECHSLER Th« mar- riaaje of Mi». latría Dreihaler to Mr. lx>ui* Friedlarder loel place Wedne-aday. March Lt. at th«-ir h m s St. Nicholaa «v. Rev. l»r. MaroN Liaaman oflu-iate.1 Mil I 4.KRHARD On Saturday. March M, a', «".race Church. Orange, N*. J., by the Rev. Ch.rl«-» T. Walkley, HiM-rt-ar**. 'aufhter .f Mr. and Mr». Faul K. har.l. of g_-t Oran»;«'. K. t- t.' Mr. Robert pt Mr. an»! Mr«. 01 1 ¦ ¦.!. of Jamaica Plain. Mat». JACOBS ITOUOM At Mata] loeae, . Wolhur*-;. .ter of Mr Hnd Mr». Morris Wolburg. I « Mr. DooM B. Jacob*. MOFFATT IIOOU »«t Nes» York ll'v Tttmtrj '¦'. ItlT, Clara IXelyn Moore to i : g -v | it.- Man Karnlao. !:t BSNBIBIN 80LDBMM Mr and Mr». i OaMbars, »f i'.-;i 7th «v.. pmmtmmtt th. aa-e tt tttttt dauuhfer Vd.i, te Haro!.i là«. -rri*>t«'tii. SO March 1.', '.'-'.7. SI HII.l.KR SKI KIN Mr. and Mr.. D ! ¦..-. -t.. Brooklyn, an- ¦ e the rn-trueire of their dau.'hter. Cecil, to Mr. Kuaiolph MM«, on Sun.ia.. Maieh --S. Itl?, at the BsOjina Maiaoion. by Raw, P- T*M SCHIOSSFR MICH AM.IM Mr. M Mi. i.riis. .«i M Weal "ta -t.. ans th* marriaare »f her damthtír, Blanch», to '.! _|| Bel»!-*- .t. en Wednesday. March .'!. 1 «IT. SCIH I.MAX JAKOBHON Mr a».J Mr-». A.iajiph .-». «lafceOeea, at IM MMMh a«. Brooklyn, « the« marriage tt .ter. Th.-.»a. to Jacob Cariton S. hulmán, »on of Mr. and Mr*.» Schulman. of l"J Miller av., Brooklyn. Bailey, JeeepMae t. Johnaon. John Q, i.ili <; I aaariis, Fred i.eon Letona Etta II. I UfMF. McQarioa, Hasp A Hir'.tiiue. Louisa A. M'Mahon, Klua H:-.!..»». Marthe,*. Miller, Bra B Burgheim. Roaaalie Wilier. Thorna» « «steil, losao I Mill*. BadMa-l. i.-.-..i> Meere, aMsrt I Conflict, I'ui-dy, Rehec.-a C. lehn Roa.-her, la.ui.a », Mar> A. Russell, R. F jr. Bads*, William W. Ryan, Bridget lar.-oll, .lohn .1 Sanhorn. Thornton F. Ma-y M. S.«:.I'aai ¦!. I'hi'.tp Q, Frits, Cht K 'tiert II Edward P. Bleomona. Caa*L er. Oral mi. Margaret K. S«»uthwirl.. Anilin M. iirncii. Beabas .' Btaatao, Kth.i tlnckne>. Walter S Sutton. llarhara P, H»!:lav. tieorge H 1 »rnllir.r, Sarah A. 1 (taring. Ann K nenia.*, laor«;.- .-. li. I. Fran \ Thorne. Kvelyn Herrick. Frances P. Thorp. A Ifr*»l II. Il.-l-len. Minnie II. \ an Hen ..-hotel). M «i Horton, Kli'«i,.-th V Vu Wie. am.« \ Michael W.-rleli, Marion R. A. HAII.KY OR March M, it M Wet 51.1 «:.. 1. Bailey, la»t.* uf Newport, K. 1 i. traeiil ..t seavsoisoce tt family. BAKU \'!ah O, H March B, wife of John M. ami »la ighter et Mr, aid Mr.. A <.. Itfla, Service, pruate. BKRMANX Leea, hu*.hand of tl.-* late n.-rtha It. Hermann, in th. "»'th year of HI. on Saturday. March 24. at resi- .'.eiiee, itXt Park av. Funeral privat«. I* .»lestcd that m. hSM he »ent. HKKTiN «in Helar-lar Mass* .'*. 'M7. Ai- i're«I Kruno.» Barrtin, »it hi», 17SS Marmion av.. Brom. Funeral private -mi» flower«. BIKKMIRF Os I liar. March A, ««ifeof William H Hirkmire. Funeral 'vlay e«ei'.ii!ii. Mar I ...-lock, at her late hem«-. Place, I'niremty Meijrhi«, Bron«. Ir.ier- Ihi'aalrlphu» paper, BfcRDKTT A4 Badewaetl N I * Murtha Jane, wife of the la'e W lii.m nul rn.'lter .¦' from St. Paul'« < SMaO, I li ,>. m March M Iriter- -»...I. liene.a i.N. "l paper» ill Hi.Hl-IM Raaalto, .*.'. tt 'he i««e fir eral fr.i»« he -.nee. Manhaltnn S'l' II .-. I.» k ». m CASTFI.I. M.»-, h ..« | I. 1-uner.! prisoSa "lOSS h^r la«e I... at I m .' »an II.ARK Ja- -.ael».»..! .'f Ida »nee -iimnnii !. .¦- . ¦«. ' «h »t.. CO.HBtl r liter March .1 UeS, lelo«.«d hur-hand of lennie U -'..r. at hi» re" l"-v < ».«¦ l-'une-al H 'iday evetiinu, *. o'clock, tat his DITTHH M Ver a brief illn«.». Pr».'e.«or ilit' at h.« home, N'.rwavnd a»., Broo'ilyn. I'eceaae«! «vaa, in In» .'.sth '.'. -, .p if ¦-.-«. »..nerd:. «..: BTM Harmony Quartet. Odd 1-elkw Mam- r and«» >l»o member ' Order »if lr».«r"»i'«, lieh'» ludiré. .*. Ms serebas! ko h». erMea I 'Uin-h- latr», Km ma and HatUe Monday evenir.f, March Zt. at % n I'. irai rPssáSO, U ». rtx. lntermei DOOUTTLB Or. S.t'.rday, M.rrh "I at < ha*»hi'e. lann Mary A widow of \|e... -i>aarn( l-'ine-gl «er», i.-e* «*!! tve he'd at her latas reaidrnee or. rueawlay, March ft, at I p m F.ADV H»!"mm V«. kvi\ 14 Ku- y»rntt Bjnal and . Ith av., corner .. -t.. T .-«.la. ¦»AI-MI I M-.-h ' HIT, John 1 . loved hoaband of Julia A. Ilelaney. fu- i.«ral Monday, March M, from hi. late 'hence to ' f Onoa. U NO Am-terdam a«, ar-1 Hro«J»a».y. at 1 a. m. H I Mi*««. Ma-y Mate, . Ma late .eniinr. el 'a«:», Hr-.iA an Si .* pTa l-er '»I'h ye.r, at 111 Norwood ir. I I ikii/ Boi ? Sarah it and the lata. K. A Ha» S time» and friend, in- -.¦1 to furi.ral i.rvica-s V « | p, m at lie resUflMS '.f Mr». Sarah B. .s a... Philadelphia. '.r.'- a'e. «.AI.I.A'.HI K 0 -'ay. Map h | of OUI» e laonohl, eon ei Pair». ». lata Catherin« da aiche- and feffatlwr f Mary. Panerai I r'je.rt.r. MOfOl M a m therre 1 r.*«, «"h ireh. t M st. Il h and f.RAHAM M.rira-«^ F., Idow et Wdliam (i-aham, m the S.'ith year of her tt'. at th« eure, of Lai» renca Burdtrk, R»**elaii«i. **.. J. Funeral pri .a'a. I.REEN Or» TmmWmmmT, March 12. HIT. in tne City pt X.w Vork, Ke-joeri J. Oreen, the .',7th year of Öls »p.. Funeral pri- HA« hXEY In Santa Barhara. (al . .ud- « on the '."th inat . Walter S Hasek* rey. of Providence. Funeral »ervic« at . Memorial <'h»irch. Dtaman Place. dence. Monday. March M, at ".JO p m Relative.« ard 'riend» invitesl to attend H'ieiasl private HAI.IDAY On Marth m% IMS. f>or*r» B. -t« -.ear. at hi* residence, .tl*» Weat .t F'ineral »enrice at St. Andre»*» 1. ¡»th av and 127th at. on Monday March .*. at t lM p. m. Ha t~uu and Chicago papers pleave cop« DEATHS BASING At Ha.;.*-.««.'.. N J Ma- Ann L. vriilow of ¡'avid Hanne aa*cd *j ¦eon, Kuneral »er»!.*» at her let« real- .lence. 3;«S Park »t . Hark.naack. N. J.. on Txie«»<_.y, March .'7, at .'.:¦¦¦ p m HKNBlri On Friday, at St. l.uke"» Hô¬ pital. Krank A beloved Ku«»»and of Jenala 'Sheridan' Hennci He-iut-m ma«« Tii.'day. ? S«'. at St. COeS.ft Church. Engleweod. N J HKRKIt K «.. Roeele. N J or» Sunday morning. March .'«. Praa«na Price, wi«iaw Herri,-» and daughter of «he late Thorr-.on tritt N Verb. Notiea af funeral twr.after. Pal I papen plaaae aapp, H«»Dt»lH'\ On Saturier, March Cf. 1117. Mlaaia II Ho»t»<*on Kuneral service» at bat late home. Hloohera, Ma»». OB Toa.- day, March .". at .' p. m Bo»ton paper» plea»« aapp. horion On Belog oar, March .'« 1'JI7. at her re«!«leiu-e. MiiHie«.» ¦«.. N \ I- i_beth h. Horten, ¡il year» af age. widow of Webb Hofoii. I'ummI .ervicr» at h.r lenco. \\ erlneo.lav Ma «I« .«. at '.' p. a». DOTONB Mi haei, March Î4. In hi. 7Mh -.,-e IS Irv iiiK «t North. ..rk. N. J Monda». p. m. Inte-n. tit BrookaèéBj Enwla- JOHNSON *l. 1*17. at K . . > '»la«ma»n »t Brooklyn, leba M Her- »..ce. Toeeoaa aAaraeea, March : :. at*:!*. o'clock, at hi» re« ¦.¦ LASABI I *tt lenbwe, Ohio, em rr.\ !.:ii»ru« 'her af Bi M Bl ¦'tha Stern, of New v.o.-, t ity. LOBSMI Ofl» mornm». March "j, ftto Belt Laon Daniel K. 1 .-»i.-ea at Ih« taosAf MaUaaeo, IU > »titrai I'ark v»»»«. mi iiie».¡.i». Mareh -«'. at 1 p. m. Mi.akkaii o-.i I aitvr, Morab ..'«. HIT. - MiOeiioÉ and alaughtrr of the \atS K lan«l I'canall, in tn. I un.r.l aar. vice at her ¡ale re...|*ti.-.\ »V.«tfMd, N J.. on Monda». Mareh I, tt I p Wh Car. nave» vill meet Iraifl l-aving f.ot of Lib¬ erty -t t'c' I.« In «I «>f New Jer»«t>, Bt .* p. m. Interment al M,«'ir«H». N. Y. It i- kindly r»v;iio»«od «hat M SowON ba »ant. M'MAHoN March I. K¡ix« M.Mabon. «aido« Bad« « McNahea. Kuneral her late reaatowee, .".''! Weat lllth n.-».i«y. .;¦¦ Solemn rniui.m mat»» al Church ad «Bl Cathari« at Oeaaa, ISM .t an«i Aaarterdaoi l" a m Relative», friemti» are invite,) to a' « MII.I.KH A' Ua Ange ... ( a!.. March 74. v, .. | liller, i" kneed daughter of the Inte Matthew II Moleil and ¦*.lu»h»«h Mateer and b»love«l wife of Jo-eph H MUter Mil I.KH Bl '¦¦'¦' Mm lb "I. 1*1*. Thoma« MIIMr, aged m .. ¦. i i »h» i»t» fa- mill. (.;. Miller, fo- fourteen yean captain of the Kth Separate '<-n. a-ty. of Kltiaba ing, N. Y Bad interment private. Klti»!:ing and Ku'g.tot, t.N Y I paper» MILLS V. da». March !k!«l Boule¬ vard. Kmili.» J Mill.. beloved wife of haeloi a. MBB Mai at Ora»*« t y. « Oea. m..i PaeiaaS a»»., on Monday, Me.rrh :.'.. »t I M l' ¦OOBB A fer a ¦ on Krlday. Edward Moore, fo. nal eitl »h. Brooblpn l'nion <;.« Cemmmttt I-uneral aervieaa at Maaonic Lmple. I laNBBal ami Ijifavette i. n. Maola). M»-.-h ".¦. «t t p in. M'tttl- ..i.i.n lx>Aa* N" || .. | . | A M ii U] B » hapter Na. III. S. A. M. ; Bei I! ¦..'¦« -I O. T. «Hr»>ok!>n I MO» I O O M., invited to Bfeh «I I PI RII*i V ir- March .'I. w, t Mer of th« »at« «¡«hrtel I., at I KIM« I e«it I urly fit* ne:«il trim th« re.i.le.t.-e «if her ne«,.he»«* ,r'e. h U I Mon. .«-. I ROS« HKR V ' M.rrl l. « i.e. m h.r late r. « BO Tue«> d«y ¦. WiaoiPawn «Vm«' . l'.i. Ion I II.,«' | f Mr» tlllvee Byron and «be l.i» V.U Rehan Y un.ral «I* private. R*! »N a l_ke Mal.«n .¦. n.ral a. > Monda». Mar. h .'.. a' a m SANHOKN On Mai roBnfa M.,nda» Bt I . . e* «-hier BAMPOBB -4 . k«i"^ pUe.« .«.p/ '. at. «. .,. Marefc MI'.M»'.'- a* mann, in Ha» *. i ' m roi TTBWM h ' » ». her late la- at of .e.t!««n and Mr. . P. n »I Stan ihn Uiy. at t ¦....« a re al Vt«~h ». ita. r ,. ., I ... «.. Igt Sutteo TIRWIlIIi.KK A- T.r». tger, mo'h.r tf -. i.»-«n»d> and Jam»-. TerariUleer. iiaiTieaa at 4:» *,**< :tth «t_. on Moi.d.iy. March at I *¦! i», rr, I-i'erment a*. Srw Ppnapeet, N. Tuead.y, Mack ft, at ': p. »a. THOMA* On March 24. 1917. Gee-roe B. N ;»b«nd of r-,»Ma A. TtKaena« I . ». «be CKapel at th- Inter . ». .nd liirfc H.. Tueaji,, TH KM -0 " » .! ar.,! TBOBf \lfrri « lateral VAN BBNECHOTEM a. I, Var Ben».»vn«ni, * T -in it y Cetae. day. «alareh tf, 4 p. M. Ke. .- VAN WIE At I »tureU» .a by Vr .i.i Mr. Iran',. I. Vat. \\ i.. F jna>ral .er» i.e. *-U Yf bed at the bom« «f her párenla. 14 l.iew»i>n Road, Monda, afern.«n at 1:10 . WODKI.L On Mai Marte« Bottom A««- .. . xx »»f Millbr.aik. .'. *, . af j.La P. Adriane* ar.«l V.«r« «., tat« of New York a«.I ,.-rl.-.^xte K.uieral »ervirea on Ti*f»-iay afie-t.-.n. Mar . at her old hon... ,f ..r broth.». »-.- w »t Pnijgb. kaevxe. on arr^.l «i train I- «vina i.i.iad » mn,«I at m. T-!in rMtirnin»; ' »'¦.ue'>k»*»'P- ' U p m. l».indl» omit flow.r« CEMETERIES i.t» irooDLAWN « i aitTrni. nid M »it 11 -i aad tig ire I.ita . f .mal. ii«. fot »»I» omc xi Kaat :ie at., u. T.

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Page 1: · Harriman National Bank Fifth Avenue and 44th Street New York l-îll 1012 1913 1014

Harriman National BankFifth Avenue and 44th Street

New York

l-îll 1012 1913 1014 1915 1916J 1917.33._70jOOC






MARCH 20. 1911 (Date of (harter) . fl.lOO.OOlMARCH 20. Itlal (First Anniversary!. . 10.600.000MARCH M, IM! (SfKMfJ A'ini»»r-,ary). 14,200.000MARI II 20, 1011 (Thir.I A.ItWtfy) . 17,500,000MARCH -'0. Itll (l'ourth Annivr-r-ary). 21.100.000MARI H 2). Itll (PHHl Anniversary). 30.200.000MARCH 20. 1917 (Sixth Anniversary' . 35.500.000

A National InstitutionThe Harriman National Bank, celebrating its Sixth

Birthday Anniversary, presents with gratification the ac¬

companying chart and table of its increase of business,year by year, reflecting the favor which its facilities findin the community and the response of the public to itssound anJ liberal banking policy, its prompt, attentiveand courteous service and its unique hours of business.


. -


A1 the Gallen*

Fifth Ave. Auction Rooms333-341 Fourth Are.

A tment oí

Household AppointmentsConaiating in i

Modern and Antiqua Furniture Iraoreelnin

Draperies. I'* '.íbroid-

ar, EgyptianCm r'ntrrav-

inci«. Etchinga, Parlor Grand mid;'iarios ar. «I:' home adornment

ALSO ON VIEW,Archibald A. Campbell, Esq., Adr.

A .Small <*oi!«

OIL PAINTINGSProperty of the Ks'ate of the late

George K. Campbell,,,f .l.r..» « il». V .1

and including '..'"' kl byA. Browar, J. 1- ( ropaejr, ¡, P.

n :. 3, Paliizi,W. Pngo, A. Ronmegaua, R. W.Wtir 8nd oth«\Miuis »wtMOXHi . Toaaiaj

\\ I- lll...i|rt» *| tun ..!.,. | rl,|.l» HIHl

Katar-Jar, vi.u.i, .-,. tg, :-.,, .»n. ,;i.from .' ti'eltit la in li tl.i».


Auto Kills Girl on Drive

Victim Ran Into Path of Ma¬chine; Chauffeur Not Held

.-.'¦ y, eighteenold. of 87.". W« injured by an automobile

n lot th [rtMcCarthy was

with her old« I

m, and -«viral other pirlf*.when aha became confused and ran di

into the path of a motor ear

ry Oritz Kirnchbergcr, of 11 _*r>

.i Avenue.Kirachberp^r, who was in the

her chat:'' h Mb-. ¡.ran in

d sheken to St Lawrence Ho.«pital,

. ¦'... Ma«

nv .i:«i «i the accident

Parole Law ClogsCourts, Says Swam

Asks for Change, So PrisonerMay Know Penalty in

AdvanceOn the ground that thr parole la'

the indeterminate Matonee clog*:criminal courts of Now York Coun'y fa

n'inir many men and women frorpleading ruilty to minor offence!« he

cannot pet sortir ?»>rt <»f m¦<:ra as to the length of time th-l.av.' t<» pend in prison. District Attorney Swann has started a moreraen

..or of amending the law so a» ti

permit the courts to impose a t.:;ed 0!

indeterminate sentence, u he thii'kTo this « il .'in has wi it.

tea to Senator Robert K. Wagner a.

foil»»»"The defendant before he plead;

want-; to havo some Idea of what railis in

r the Jadee to iriv«' him an\

!i adraaei»'itirelj

away from the .uidcro nndor th«term tatul Instances multi¬ply every .lay where defendants in botr

! and Gemfectly willing and desirous of pi»Poill «n nu

.»» about wl. .*

t» nee tin."There are many mitmr oflrnces. fot

vhich the judges would like *

tence for 11 r nine month*, <>t

winch the defendantiwould willingly plead guilty, but as th»law now stand?, forthe defendant who plead» guilty is like-

roinain for an p«-riod,isibly may meai,

\ me.-f-ni» of ther the Disti IFiee ofoanty it was the una: ,

ion »>!' ;i!l the of the DÍ8-.t that this la«

.ut th«?judge,

.-.) period, oi t.. .¦ i for oneminate period, h he thinks"

Night School Term EndsFor 60-Year-Old Pupils

The night «»ehool of Montclair, N. .1.,has closed for the seaaon, an»l the

papila, twelv»' of whom are mure thandid, will haw- to be content

with their présent educations until n"\tFall.One arl

miles to the buildingeach nipht. regardless of the W<

] .she has had a p' Í. " "id for »t«I tendance. In» oldest of the pupils is


! " »UWaUIWWUMlHfflHl.ffl^SouthernRacificLines

z 'iinxuauxxiiwV


MEET SPRING HALF-WAYWlirn wint«*r la.a become, m bürden; «*/ii*n apnng araopt on

with maddening elowriraa, then ia lb** time for your vacation.

Saul away to warmth and aunahme on

Southern Pacific Steamshipa'.VIurfnn Una»)

New York.New Orleansr'a*»«irr, l,y «»..m«*r or rail or continM ymjf trip via the. Sun.rt

Kou'«- ihwat Ottà C-Mocnia, UtOtalaM on

A»k aix«iJt the "*Ap»v.he I mil" mo*or-tnp.

...rlwmrat 27il. I

.>,->« II,....I.. . i ...... ..

fat Celiforaie Oréate*. Ike NeUoaol Bitokfott traitn't»»»nmmsSí .a! , i .llíí tl


Billy Sunday's Doctrinesa Peril, Rabbi Wise Says

"I Am a Jew, but I Resent the Profanation ofChristianity by Sundayism".Asserts 100

Ministers Here Back His Criticism

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise yostordoy at

tacke.! Billy Sunday, his doctrine, hif

Christlaaity, even his tiaeonty,the ¦ t bitter condemnation that ha«

ted upon tbe evnagoliot sir.ce

he announced his intention of coming

to New York.Hefore the congregation of the Free

Synagogue in Carnegie Hall the rabbidefended what h»» «ai«! «va« reelChristianity again«! the interpretitionniaced upon it by th« 1st, and

'I --»indavi -i.»i M one of *r.-

mous and harmful movement«, ofnod« rn t ¡me».

"I don't believe what H 11 -. Sundayteach- . lid. "1 am not certainthai t hiau« Billy

layiaai is something deeper thanm It, or knows, r»r arprehends.

H il gra\e and imperilling 14 r>

social disorder, a moral fai!me.and a îeligiou? boni ' our

"In one word, it means that thechurch may be in danger, on the vergeof failure, doomed to extinction and

Billy Snndajrlam will departwhen religioi coiti"? to life again and

the place of a posoifa per lb«ing church."The speaker said I hat h" Wal ex-

ing, not. only his ot\ estimateof Sunday, but alr.o the opinion ol

more than a hundred New York minwho would lose their jobs ii

-anl what they really thought."I an only a Jew," he remarked

"hut I resent the profanation oíI t tan it y by Sundayism. For< hristianity bear«- 'h«j name of a .lewPeoplt- will comment on my condem¬nation of Sunday by pointing out tnat

hristian and I am a JewHalf of that statement will be tru.".'

Dr. »« -' -ai'l numerou« ap¬peal-, had been made to him to re¬frain from criticising Sunday.

'"There will be « hrmtiati minister*."be remarked, "who will thank (,od to-

¦ that «orne une says what they.«..:r to any."

lie then quo'ed the evanfjeliit a«

say ne-, "(iod tells America to wipeMexico off the map."

"If thi« is Billy Sunday'« God." h..netl, "it i- nut my God. I will

tin no obeiaanci' to n Cod who com¬

mands wrony, infamy and f-hame.JoatM never laid 'Wipe the Roman- off'he m ip" :-orrow for th'« perversion

'.« ntV'l ''

Hilly Sunday and hi.« doctrine are

accepted, the rabbi «aid, becauae nf"theological standpatti.m and intel¬lectual m iribund'ü- «


"Sunday is intens'.fyin-f the dise«»*ehe is seekinr* to cure," he concluded.

the trreattst theological str:ke-bn-aker i'i Maton

Next Sunday Dr. Wise will sneakon "What Made Sundayi-m Pw <ih!e."

Ends Life AfterDeal to PreventLoss to Friends

Grocer Gets His FinancialAffairs in Shape, Then

Kills Himself

After writing seven letter« an»l leav¬

ing them ready for mailing. David Will¬iam Dailey, a grocer of l'étroit, com¬

mitted suicide in his room at the Van-«lerhilt H.itel Saturday night by shoot-

,rn«e!f in tbe temple. The bodyresult of an unanswered telephone call.

of the letters **.i» Mldrsthe hotel management and di plorod thetrouble caused. The » iiveloi»»'

», !¦> pay for any expensecurre*!. N'ear the body was "..und a

magazine. A story entitledLaughing** was marked.A telegram addressed to W, Oilier,

evous Hotel, Detroit, lay opon oba table, M read"Planned and consummate.I deal

in full.Further adrices to-night or

.rning. Advise Read. Simplynot allow any one to suffVr I'M

Pleased to be able to report o favor-i ly. Continao with auditor, for that iiimportant. Sorry you and Road

i !.. by the suicide »rereaddrei -.1 to th rollón Ing; II. H. I.Read, care of Dailey (irorer*-. Ine., Di

li'ia Lowenstein, car«Fear »V Co., 15 Jay Street, Neu York;

W. Oilier, Will B. Hadley, il".'-«'.. enue, Philadelphia; tí. M.

Hotel, Detroit "

H. E. Dailey and Mrs. Vema T. Dailey,care of A. ('. Thomas, Waddle, Contre

¦>». penn.Dailey engaged a room at the hotel

Priday afternoon. The hotel maidwenlin to turn down the shcel abotit .'.

p\ Saturday evening, Dailey «a«

r, tho bathroom, t>o she ¡«ft, and¦'urning thr«»»» hours later foundor bolted from th»» inside.

Yesterday morning, when ringing ofthe 'phone in Dailey's room fa»

il wa feared he was ill.Henry D. Brown, the assistant man¬ager, opened the door w;-r

D iMidy lay in the hath-room, half-.i'--' tod. The housecían said he had been dead several

Mssrasa is IDetroit, March 25. David w. Dailcj

wss presiden» of the DalliIn... a concern operating- a string oflive large groceries in th'» city. No in¬formation as to the affairs of the con¬

cern COUld he learned to-day. It was

admitted 'hat un auditor was at workon the hooks, but what the exanm. .'.».

svas for n<> one Would nay.

Laws Urged to CurbGrowing Heroin Habit

Justice Collins Tells How Un¬derworld Gets Its Supply

of Narcotics.--'».urces of the underworld's supply

».f heroin were diecusaed In ¦ reporton the extent of and means of curbingthe drug evil, made public yesterdayby Justice Colline, of Bpoeia] sessions,chairman of the drug evil eomn ttoi

Association of Magistrates,ition bsj states or na¬

tional legislation in an e.\i

urged.¦It »a« learned during 101« r»y n

of prevailing conditions," h»"'ha! th» dr'ir evil had increase)thai '« deplorable *-..*e of affairs

!. par) eu la» ly n Neu YorlA '*u»lv »if Now York County stal

.». I that while the ii-.' of 60-caine, morphine and opium wai sortons,tie three put together were not nearlyno serious as the growth of the heroinhabit. This Mrikes. particularly youngmen between th»' ages of ¡"'Venteen andtwenty-two.

"It. is safe to say that In 20 to .".o i»«-ii'T.1 of the cases coming into the ( ouït

of Special | moralturpitude, the culprit» are given to»Irug addict ion " other."1The oaderworld li luppliod with

drugs, according to the r«port, bvitrgliag of crude opium, I -, thievery

».r the par* of employes of manan»! of whole ale drui

thiough illegal manufacturing and byii*> phv «íciai.

¦|- is said," the ropori lays, "that.nuiggler« crossed the !..

i or Min the wheels of automobiles.

No order blank is reqtrr»»»! for drag!..I Into for«:gn countries from

this countiv It is ur.doiibtai'dly truethat heroin i» exported to t"*ans i, Mi «

|eo and tuba »in»j then smuggled backinto this country."

Discussing opposition on the p-itt ofIrug oril

ttion, Justice Collini ««id: "Ithink I voice the SOUtim« Btl »»f the

nrh »nd bar in saving that it wouldhe -rtremelv helpful and aa.uring to

,,» it out of all the criticism we... constructive ad of upbuilding

that would relieve the horrors of the

situstion confronting us."

Buffalo GivesSunday 542,204As He Departs

59,500 Persons Hear Evan¬

gelist on Last Day of


IBv T-lffTiih to Tt:i* Trttmnrl

Buffalo. March IS, Hilly Sunday re-

ceivetl a check for .«42,204.74 to-nightn«. Buffalo's freewill (rift to the depart-in«« evangeliat Tha city failed to real-i7.e its ambition, for throughout the

week« of the campaign those be-

hind tha movement were aiming at Bo«.t oil's mark of $.ri2..">00, positivo the

Queen City would «elipse all previousMCOrdl «if «riving.

Mr. Sunday left here to-night fur hi.»

home in Winona Lake, Ind., less than»wo hour-- after he had tired hi.« flnalbolt against Sntan i'l Húrtalo. Ho was

accompanied only by "Ma" Sunday, the

Chicago L m tot being ¦topped to take

Billy and h il w fa aboard.The evangelist said he had been sur-

at tha roanlta of his campaign.Ha bed ftotletot an attendance ami .1.0.000 trail-hitters. Both

Bgnrea arora surpassed, total« forthe eight «reekl showing an attendanceof 1.020.440 and 36,785 trail-hitters.Mr -''' ida« crowded four sermons

into the last dav of hi« «tav. the at-îi tiilai.i-,. ,:. ..M services being large«?

Pifty-nina thousandt'.vt iiuntli -il BOraona heard the ser¬

mons and many hundred« knocked atthe door.« of th« big bnra without gam-ing admittance. The trail-hitters for

day nnmbered up**.B nal bolt to-night, when 17,-

'"' peroona crowded into the Tab.r-nacle trat bitherto had been incapable>.r ateommodatir »c more than 16,000

mi "Ho Not Delay Repenting." In his lemon thia afternoon herapped thoee »v ¡,o have criticised him.

- "I am poing away from Buf-the knowledge that '1 iiav»

I i'i-,:.' Buffalo i.« goingfor God, according to my wav of


Men in Auto KidnapGirl from Church

Escape with Victim as Po¬liceman Fires After a

Speeding CarA small boy tiptoed down the aislc

I of St. Lucy's Roman Catholic Church,Kent and Park Avenues, Brooklyn,

! during vespers service last evening andtiggeti at the aleera of Miaa Maggie

"There« a man outside want« to .«ee ;v« 'i." he whispered. "He says it's ¡m-

portant.**Callo turned to her thirteen-

year-old aiater, Tessic, explained that'««uld be back in a minute and fol-

the boy out. A moment later !

pf | | r<«n¡*rcgation were broughtto their feet bv a f-irl's «icream«. At1the samt' tme, Patrolman John Pankin.<.!' the Flushing Avenue station, who

v. turned to if,« Mis«Itrnggiing in front of the church

v .th two men, w !... were dragging hertoward an automobile standing ut the

Before he had covered fifty feet they| ,,i palled th« irirl inside the car, a

limousine with drawn curtain«,loor »ml put en fuil

speed. As the car whizied down th«»veral «hots in the air.

10 machine turned a corner and

resole, «ho hat) recognized her Bie¬ter*! aereaaae, came running from thechurch with other parishioners whoin «rd the «hoot mg."Where's niv sister?" she asked,

grabbing the bov by the arm.

"TV«« mea tool her awai in an auto¬mobil "i dnnno who

in 't ::-, before."By the time Pankin had returned the

boy had diaoppenred and no one cu'be found -*\\o kn< «ne. Pankii

,i j.eth m."i woie dark suit«

and dark »Pf with long peaks. Mis«Callo'.« father. Nicola Gallo, of 101Skillman Street. Hrooklyr. told detec-

:hat ¡.lthouirh hi.« daughter wa.«

.1. she never had he knew of. Tea«

«»id she never ha«i known her «ister to

have a awretheart.

Simon Cameron Longtin <~-imeron, general man-

nf the Pennaylrania RailroadHnoa enst of Pittabnrgh and Fríe, died

yeoterdoy OÍ "n a train

which was «* irrying h:m to his home.pi Morion, Pom He was lintf year«.

iad entered the »ervire of the

Penneyhmaia Ballraod la IWl a* an

employ«* af the construction depart-I '«"i? he graduated from

from iaa'ayette College. His wife andthree daughter! aunrire him. '

A. S. Williams,Former PoliceInspector, Deadi_

"Fighting Alec," Seventy-seven, Gave "Tender¬

loin" Its Name

A Terror to ToughsDeclared There Was MoreLaw in Nightstick Than

in Court Decision

Alexander >. William», one s

¦nos* p.cturesque of the dw»t.umber of survivors o:' the antc-lacxowpolice force, died yesterday at his.home, 8 West Ninety-!:fth Street. He'was seven'y-seven years old and hadbeen ill since December. The funeralwill he held on Wednesday

"Fighting Alec" snd "Clubber" Will¬iam» were titles thai he won in theturbulent day» of the »lepartment. It

was often said that he had clubbed hisway to the top, but though few police¬men were oftener "on the carpet" none

had a better record of arrest«, and con¬

victions.Out of the wealth of his vocabulary

he minted the word "Tenderloin," andfrom the moment, it, left his lips it hasstuck to a section of New York and hasbeen applied to the more succulent por¬tions of other cities.Another pungent phrase that came

from "Fighting Al»-c" was: "There--1more law in the end of a policeman'«nightMiek than in a decision of the Su

premc Court." It was Alec Williamswhose detiance of the Lexow com:,

has passed down into history alongwith more apocryphal tales of his ex¬

ploits.Lie Wa* Pa««»ed

Captain SehmittbiTg» :. now ChiefInspector, had testified that Williamihad received money collected from ille¬gal resort»1. Williams swore thatSchmittberger was a liar, and when thecommittee expressed curiosity as tisource of hank accounts he had ad¬mitted said that he got the money spec¬ulating in real estate in .Japan.Wh tie he realized that hie frankness

at times approach.».! a point that ham¬pered his ambition, Williams alwayscredited to it hi« apnortnient to theforce. Ho was a shipwright and ha»lsailed the seven seas in barks ami clip¬per« and boasted of being the firstwhite man to lay the keel of a Iin Japan, when he called at the PoliceCommissioner*' office in Im'»'..Commissioner Bergen, who re*

him, t<»!-¡ 'he big applcant that, for alltin» conim.*«-oner« knew, lie was justout of Sm ** Sing. Williams thumped theofficial's desk till the inkstand rattledami vowed 'hat he'd have nothing to

tto with such s force anyhow. He hadgot m far a* Broadway and Hojstonstreet before the Commis'ioner's m.-

senger caught up with him and ca!!.»»lhim back Be was appointed.He was sent to Brooklyn to break in.

but it was only a few months befon«he was assigned to, the Broadway*<)uad On July to, 1171. he was maderoundsman, and in the following Sep¬tember he became a lorgoaot and wa«

placed in command of the mounted«quad Un May II, !*..-', he was madea captain an»l put it; command of th«-21st Precinct. Thp station Im».Thirty-tirst Street n«'ar Thinl Avenueand the precinct incluiled thehouse District.

It was notor.ous'y "tough," and itwas there that Williams laid the visiblefoundations of his career. The locust-wood law «wept the place as clean sa a

rew whistle, and after a few monthsthere, according to one story, "FTill*ianos proved it to a doubting acquaint¬ance.

Sent to Tenderloin"Tough, is it"" he il laid to have

inquired. "Full or' thieves an' rob¬bers? 1 tell you wha* I'll do; I'll Josthang my watrh and chain on this lamppo*t and we'll walk around th»- blockand when WS come hoch 'twill still bethere "

And. as the story g Thelamp post is still to be seen at Thir¬ty-fifth Street hp»1 Third Avenue,

in i)*7í> ""FiDiama was sent to«.till unchristened Tenderloin."IVe been eat»ng chuck steak ever

since I've been on the force." SaulWilliams, "and now I'm going to havea bit of tenderloin."

For two years he was detailed t<.

take charge of th.- Street CleaningDepartment, and in l*"*1? he was ma»leinspector. The Roooovoll Pe leeBoard retired him in ISM, ander ti.»

eompalsory retirement act, w

pension of SI,7!i0. The hoard was in

secret session at th" time, and .!.

of its action never became known.

Same Old Circus,But Has Surprises

The Wombat Is New, and So

Are Man and Monkey WhoLook Like Twins

With jungle beasts by the humlred,clowns by the score and all the new

feature.« th»» minds of the &

Bailey organization have been able to

devi»«, the circus came to town yester¬day preparatory to it« Thursday open¬

ing in Madison Square Carden.

Al! day long the lumbering en*

loaded with the paraphernalia neededfor the big show, tr«-kk"d from the

Mott Haven freight yards to the Ger¬

den. To-day or to-morrow the rehear¬

sals will begin.This year the circus bring.» again

lion«, elephant«, bears, leopards andmsny oth-'r jungle beasts from darkestAfrica and '¦';.¦ depths of A«.a. It

brings, too, a coupl" of phascolomyo: :

marsupial«. Th»'«e are not Russiangenerals. though the manag-'m. n*

wmhes ju*t now they were, but theyare revolutionary in the circus worldand must be pro-Ally at that.

In Australia, where they live andwher»' the circus ag«" *hem,lonely fold digger» sail these rare ani¬mals the only ones m eaptivity worn-

bata,A wombat ha» a head !ik<* a beaver's,

and feet like a beir'*. Its hair is «hort«n»l bristly. Moot o:' the it sleeps,but Pat, head animal keeper with therireuas, i* free with predictions that at

least one wombst will L»* s'-rak. daily towelcome »mall New Yorkers, «a no can't.see a -v». »* very »lay they go out.Mor. wonderful than a wombat or1

any other beast of the forest andthe circus boast» th;s >«»r the posses¬sion of t msn-monkey and t monkey-man like the wombats, the only ones

in captivity. The monkey looks like a

man. The man look» like a iror.keyThe cii-itu folks are positivo of thst.

arrested three men who were riding ina machine stolen from K¿ra B. Eddy, oftha H««.<! Woodward, Manhattan. Oneof the three was wearing a sailor'suniform, with "U. S. 8. Panther" on

hii cap. lie wa« nor a member of theravy and was held in bail for trial.

IMPORTANTKngagcmeut Marriage, Birth. In

Mrianriim and Uaaül N.tin* mar a*

t»l««j)hon«»J to Th» Tiikaue any u_>. ap

to midnight for ina«rtwn in Um n»it

dar'« papar. Jut call

Beekman 3000and rr «d th. notice as yoa wkh it

i*aerta*d. Rill f >r ..¦. ».ill h« mailedto you later. Th« not»« will reach.»v.r *«D0.0«D0 reader» daily.

BIRTHS« tl.LM.VNV Mr ar«t M--. H.rtwrt(»llmar.n rev Bath S; .»>«. a son. Marchm. ir»i7.

¦ ihi " a-aard oiler.n l-Vaepe. I '¦.¦¦. I B Breaadaughter, at Loog bland College HaapètaL -

DOBTMAN Ht aa«i Mn De id Darfaaan,POa <t "«..»: t«« announce th. arriva!

of a ran, MatchFLAl'M M- Bad Mn ;'«mu.l K. Kiaum

i.... ,

¦ .¦:. ,'.:..FRKIMAN Mr an«l Ml nan ici I reinian,

of .'« B -. .a

timi témemete th. » of a .«en.*, 1-17.

BIBS' H T« Mr ar,i M R Hirfch511 Bari

kirn. N Ta, ¦ ion, Arnold MM a, aaMar«.h M. f'ru.«...-,¦. Height«, Hoapilal.

,-eii.i. N v.. i'.it«..-H picasa moo*.SAMH.OYV

I««*- rr.« A.lele !.. Unv».Mar-fi I, .i

SI IIVV \K/ Mr. and Mr» Kdwarlleaamra inee Wmtrnt Ahaea»), III st. NVh-ola» av., a daughter, at» flOOOtftrium

srHWAR/Bvi'M r» Mi and M .! JEl MOI zbauiii, 1 ¦.. I: ' ¦«-. Malta


WMSMAN Mr. an.I Mr. Joseph Wei.mannee BaOO BOM«roil iudhn the h¡rth of

a daughter. Dent

CONFIRMATIONARRAHAM Ml Bad Mr-. Samuel Abra¬ham nee Molla! <.

announce the bar mit/vah of their MM,Irving. March 111. at 10 a. m at Templav.l. Chain. 107 Baal Reception «»*

the Juliet«». 1«.;! «Teat IKth -t., Sumlay.Apt il i. .«u.r L No carda.

Ill \KK. M lliver-MéO Drive, ainnounoi*» th. har mitivah ofhat aan, Fenttaoad, Satardar, Mari-h II,

n M«: ml Nehoh, ¦.!« .' and'¡roadway, at 10 o'eloa-k. At horn. Sunda»..>, ril i.

HVMAN Mr. .'in.i Mía. i 8 Bran aa-aoonea th.- her adtsroh af their toa, Ar¬thur S. ,n SaVirdu», MOHh .'. !. at 10». m.. at Temple .lo-horim. 11 ¦')Baal Mth **

RoSKNMKIN Mr. an,! Mr« Uo«..n«teinnfirmation of th«

-r MiltOO I. on Satunlay, Mai'.'.!".. 'i a. m at ('or.grtvation Ite'n I - .».¦l,tí Dioohljo, >i Aiaelia at Beeeptfcm on

Snn«i:n. April '. I i« '«. a' MTUliaMat r. Braohj n.

.SOLOMON Mr an.i Mr». Han iock »v., annou'i.-e cntirmation

reception at thei- «on. in, 1April !, after 8, at Juliette. 11.* WestU7th.

ENGAGEMENTSiiknn, «DUES Ira. M Ceheeannounce tin' cat their daugh¬ter, 111 - Mr -....Ire-, Ke:i ., of N'e-vYork. At home after I p. m Sunday

April 1, at their raaMen. H-,«iklvn. N't. otttt

iu.I'Mvn BOBBNFBLO Mr at! Mi., E M.-.-.. i.i. 'iiat.. ;.¦ «Teat Uik, an-

r 11 i.-. . the engagement .«f their «¡a -¡ghter.Marie \. B ... ¦-.. .- h eld-man.

MNhKI.STKI.N WBIN8TE1N Mr. andMrs. Ir-.-ng \.e,n--. II«. af Ml We««, tilth

announe. the eagaceOMOldnug'tifer, Mae U ¦'.

Yi-.-tV..lK\\k KBtLKHBB Rcha L

iithe» rtf¦.

GOLDMAN BAC-BAI h MoorteeRachmck)tha haliofhal of hi« tUughter. Harteme, to Mr. '.«-r, V. QoldOMS,York

«,OM)SMITH I.KVY M I.e»yinw H«>«ie Kahn i. at ""I Blaimi'in.ea the l--tr. (h.I af hat «laughter.Emilia B. (MIUW), t«. Vn-Raeepttaa la aa hi M al »h-

« ., :.. ¦¦

«tpril ','. '. .. y p '"

GBOM BriBNBB Br Ooeoi Wit nor, of!r.'l Brood -' N' art, H. Jthe hefothal of I

Do id i. i i, .«¦¦ MattorheiMao >utvla:. e ^.nrg. April I.

No -,

HIT STKVI Hs»rau««. of '.«'.« w«-«t 119th *mwthe erg3g.m'n» of Umkt tlauw-'er. Myrtle.o B H «' \* I , 1 ta>

>> p m No card«hi.KIN I \SKh

'.v. .- .1 ¦

engagement of their da ighter. Pella. '««

Ir. Harry EWHUAI S hl.KIN M " I I Klein.

af N... .¦

engagemert af «heir daughter, I-ranee-».Mr. Arthur <_ I

v s I it'iit Mr. and I Bab,7th av.. an- .»»rm*nt of

their «laughter. Sophie, to Mr. Ar*hurl_n«

I.KSNI« k GIN8BI EG Ml an.) Mr».I«...-! hard «. 17th et,FiriHikiyn. anaawnaa thadaugh'e-. Hilda, a* Mr Me r.

-on. ol Mr »ntl Mr< | l..-ni«k. BiaaklfBReee|)ti-«n at Chai

LBWINBOHN h\HN Mr. an-l M«*« Kn«lA. Kaiin. ¦¦¦ ¦ '"ila* a» . an-

th.- aogBataat«i Mr La B ..- Lee hanha MSur«!.- A:«r«l I, fr««iii I to I

MKT/.I.KK NATHAN «Bee Nathan,.«.

ment I I *o Mr K. Metalar. Rec.i.ti.m. n -.

Rav. S.iinlay. A««ril 1. feMü-

Mil II M SU*. SM \ KR Mhi- llfrer, .«/ «'.' feteet . al»ngiigemer». of l

Mr. Ja m, N. T. .

NOfCBEBfJ I.KVY Mr »ni M....

engag«.erf of «heir daughter. Heatri-» ,

to Mr. 'oaaph Nooi émb. AI I oa. 1 aa>»

Hay evening» in April.NOB* EBBE ITSBN Mr and Mr». I^-aiU

St«.-n, ef V.

«he e-»-agen-i« it«, of their daughter,V . .e.

»»KKNSTI IN h-iPl.VN M- BBal Mh ¦Kap'an. af Miel ** Bl

the betrothal of ir-i* .'auiihter, Kmma, inMr Henry M. Or-

Ql INT BOEBNBEBG Mr. «I Mr« Be_te.lei K« P*a NewYork Tity, annoti i-e «h« engagement af

ter. Dolly, to Reuhen Quint.of New Yn-k

BOB1 NBAI M 1'INSKY n«| pf P'airfie'.t. N I MBB I

I'maky. of OrangBOBBNBBBG KATZMAN Mr. ar«l Mr».

'.V Ka'/man. af -'' Beat '.«ilft «t.. an-,

BOMB the ergaf.itien'. of their daughter,RoK.lind. to Mr. [.«« in K. Ri-aenberg.

BCHANin LANBBMAN Mr. and Mn.-..ev¡ -ie, .'.' 'i

the eni-ak-ereT« ' the«^- mee». Mar'ha. hA. S.-hanier. of N«-j» Y'orV

N cartl«.SHAPIRO -MITH Mr Al .«-inith. *l* Rel-

r>>nt a. New.rV. N .', anr.oun^«. ¦

gagen.ei.l of h.» «laughter, Seima, tn Saulf». S*i*¡:ro. t.í Un York.

TOLE BMI RF Mr. ami Mm. Max Shure,of rrin«-*t««n. N. BBIMOOM th. b«*troth.lof thet- daugh'.r. Kthel, t/» Mr. .lae.ib Volk.»on «f Mr. Sara Volk, of New York.


'..'.:. Miss Sayde '".oíanto Irving Cohen. -

t.N(°I.ANI>KK CRAMTYIER Motlander to *syl\.a Gr.«m«y««r, Monday. M-arch

Fl.EISCHMAN BEER Mr. ami Mr. M.»

FVisehman »nnoun.*e th. marriawe of their

»on. Law, to JoMphtne B««». ««f t'nionI'jur.». March ». *.J'7. At home tl--.

first Sundays in May. IS! Che»tnut -I-,


riaaje of Mi». latría Dreihaler to Mr. lx>ui*

Friedlarder loel place Wedne-aday. MarchLt. at th«-ir h m s St. Nicholaa «v. Rev.

l»r. MaroN Liaaman oflu-iate.1Mil I 4.KRHARD On Saturday. March M,

a', «".race Church. Orange, N*. J., bythe Rev. Ch.rl«-» T. Walkley, HiM-rt-ar**.'aufhter .f Mr. and Mr». Faul K.

har.l. of g_-t Oran»;«'. K. t- t.' Mr. Robertpt Mr. an»! Mr«. 01

1 ¦ ¦.!. of Jamaica Plain. Mat».

JACOBS ITOUOM At Mata] loeae,. Wolhur*-;.

.ter of Mr Hnd Mr». Morris Wolburg.I « Mr. DooM B. Jacob*.

MOFFATT IIOOU »«t Nes» York ll'v

Tttmtrj '¦'. ItlT, Clara IXelyn Moore to

i : g -v | it.- ManKarnlao.

!:t BSNBIBIN 80LDBMM Mr and Mr».i OaMbars, »f i'.-;i 7th «v.. pmmtmmtt th.

aa-e tt tttttt dauuhfer Vd.i, te Haro!.ilà«. -rri*>t«'tii. SO March 1.', '.'-'.7.

SI HII.l.KR SKI KIN Mr. and Mr.. D! ¦..-. -t.. Brooklyn, an-

¦ e the rn-trueire of their dau.'hter.Cecil, to Mr. Kuaiolph MM«, on Sun.ia..

Maieh --S. Itl?, at the BsOjina Maiaoion. byRaw, P- T*M

SCHIOSSFR MICH AM.IM Mr. MMi. i.riis. .«i M Weal "ta -t.. ansth* marriaare »f her damthtír, Blanch», to

'.! _|| Bel»!-*- .t. en Wednesday. March.'!. 1 «IT.


A.iajiph .-». «lafceOeea, at IM MMMh a«.

Brooklyn, « the« marriage tt

.ter. Th.-.»a. to Jacob CaritonS. hulmán, »on of Mr. and Mr*.»Schulman. of l"J Miller av., Brooklyn.

Bailey, JeeepMae t. Johnaon. John Q,i.ili <; I aaariis, Fredi.eon Letona Etta II.

I UfMF. McQarioa, Hasp AHir'.tiiue. Louisa A. M'Mahon, KluaH:-.!..»». Marthe,*. Miller, Bra BBurgheim. Roaaalie Wilier. Thorna»« «steil, losao I Mill*. BadMa-l.

i.-.-..i> Meere, aMsrt IConflict, I'ui-dy, Rehec.-a C.

lehn Roa.-her, la.ui.a», Mar> A. Russell, R. F jr.

Bads*, William W. Ryan, Bridgetlar.-oll, .lohn .1 Sanhorn. Thornton F.

Ma-y M. S.«:.I'aai ¦!. I'hi'.tp Q,Frits, Cht K 'tiert II

Edward P. Bleomona. Caa*L er.Oral mi. Margaret K. S«»uthwirl.. Anilin M.iirncii. Beabas .' Btaatao, Kth.itlnckne>. Walter S Sutton. llarhara P,H»!:lav. tieorge H 1 »rnllir.r, Sarah A.1 (taring. Ann K nenia.*, laor«;.- .-.

li. I. Fran \ Thorne. KvelynHerrick. Frances P. Thorp. A Ifr*»l II.Il.-l-len. Minnie II. \ an Hen ..-hotel). M «i

Horton, Kli'«i,.-th V Vu Wie. am.« \

Michael W.-rleli, Marion R. A.

HAII.KY OR March M, it M Wet 51.1 «:.. 1. Bailey, la»t.* uf Newport, K. 1i. traeiil ..t seavsoisoce tt family.

BAKU \'!ah O, H March B, wife ofJohn M. ami »la ighter et Mr, aid Mr.. A

<.. Itfla, Service, pruate.BKRMANX Leea, hu*.hand of tl.-* late

n.-rtha It. Hermann, in th. "»'th year of

HI. on Saturday. March 24. at resi-

.'.eiiee, itXt Park av. Funeral privat«. I*

.»lestcd that m. hSM he »ent.

HKKTiN «in Helar-lar Mass* .'*. 'M7. Ai-i're«I Kruno.» Barrtin, »it hi», 17SSMarmion av.. Brom. Funeral private

-mi» flower«.BIKKMIRF Os I liar. MarchA, ««ifeof William H Hirkmire. Funeral

'vlay e«ei'.ii!ii. Mar I...-lock, at her late hem«-.Place, I'niremty Meijrhi«, Bron«. Ir.ier-

Ihi'aalrlphu» paper,

BfcRDKTT A4 Badewaetl N I *

Murtha Jane, wife of the la'e W lii.mnul rn.'lter .¦'

from St. Paul'« <

SMaO, I li ,>. m March M Iriter--»...I. liene.a i.N. "l paper»

ill Hi.Hl-IM Raaalto, .*.'. tt 'he i««e fireral fr.i»« he

-.nee. Manhaltnn S'l' II .-.

I.» k ». m

CASTFI.I. 1» M.»-, h ..« |I. 1-uner.! prisoSa "lOSS h^r la«e

I... at I

m.' »an

II.ARK Ja- -.ael».»..! .'f Ida »nee

-iimnnii !..¦- . ¦«. ' «h »t..

CO.HBtl r literMarch .1 UeS, lelo«.«d hur-hand of lennie

U -'..r. at hi» re"

l"-v < ».«¦ l-'une-alH 'iday evetiinu, *. o'clock, tat his

DITTHH M Ver a brief illn«.». Pr».'e.« ilit' at h.« home, .« N'.rwavnda»., Broo'ilyn. I'eceaae«! «vaa, in In» .'.sth

'.'. -, .p if

¦-.-«. »..nerd:. «..: BTMHarmony Quartet. Odd 1-elkw Mam-

r and«» >l»o member' Order »if lr».«r"»i'«, lieh'»

ludiré. .*. Ms i» serebas! ko h». erMeaI 'Uin-h-

latr», Kmma and HatUeMonday evenir.f, March Zt. at % n

I'. irai rPssáSO, U ». rtx. lntermei

DOOUTTLB Or. S.t'.rday, M.rrh "I

at < ha*»hi'e. lann Mary A widow of\|e... -i>aarn(

l-'ine-gl «er», i.-e* «*!! tve he'd at herlatas reaidrnee or. rueawlay, March ft, atI p m

F.ADV H»!"mm V«. kvi\ 14 Ku-y»rntt Bjnal and. Ith av., corner

.. -t.. T .-«.la.¦»AI-MI I M-.-h ' HIT, John 1 . h»

loved hoaband of Julia A. Ilelaney. fu-i.«ral Monday, March M, from hi. late

'hence to' f Onoa. U

NO Am-terdam a«, ar-1 Hro«J»a».y. at1 a. m.

H I Mi*««. Ma-y Mate, . Ma late.eniinr. el 'a«:», Hr-.iA

an Si .* pTal-er '»I'h ye.r, at 111 Norwood ir.

I Iikii/ Boi

? Sarah it and the lata.K. A Ha» S H» time» and friend, in-

-.¦1 to furi.ral i.rvica-s V « | p, m

at lie resUflMS '.f Mr». Sarah B. !¦.s -» a... Philadelphia. '.r.'-

a'e.«.AI.I.A'.HI K 0 -'ay. Map h .«

| of OUI»e laonohl, eon ei Pair». !« ».

lata Catherin« da aiche- and feffatlwr f

Mary. Panerai Ir'je.rt.r. MOfOl M a m therre

1 r.*«, «"h ireh. tM st. Il h and

f.RAHAM M.rira-«^ F., .» Idow et Wdliam(i-aham, m the S.'ith year of her tt'. at th«

eure, of Lai» renca Burdtrk, R»**elaii«i.**.. J. Funeral pri .a'a.

I.REEN Or» TmmWmmmT, March 12. HIT. intne City pt X.w Vork, Ke-joeri J. Oreen,

the .',7th year of Öls »p.. Funeral pri-

HA« hXEY In Santa Barhara. (al . .ud-« on the '."th inat . Walter S Hasek*rey. of Providence. Funeral »ervic« at. <¦ Memorial <'h»irch. Dtaman Place.dence. Monday. March M, at ".JO p m

Relative.« ard 'riend» invitesl to attendH'ieiasl private

HAI.IDAY On Marth m% IMS. f>or*r» B.-t« -.ear. at hi* residence, .tl*» Weat

.t F'ineral »enrice at St. Andre»*»1. ¡»th av and 127th at. on Monday

March .*. at t lM p. m. Ha t~uu andChicago papers pleave cop«

DEATHSBASING At Ha.;.*-.««.'.. N J Ma-Ann L. vriilow of ¡'avid Hanne aa*cd *j¦eon, Kuneral »er»!.*» at her let« real-.lence. 3;«S Park »t . Hark.naack. N. J.. on

Txie«»<_.y, March .'7, at .'.:¦¦¦ p m

HKNBlri On Friday, at St. l.uke"» Hô¬pital. Krank A beloved Ku«»»and of Jenala'Sheridan' Hennci He-iut-m ma«« Tii.'day.? S«'. at St. COeS.ft Church. Engleweod.N J

HKRKIt K «.. Roeele. N J or» Sundaymorning. March .'«. Praa«na Price, wi«iaw

Herri,-» and daughter of «he

late Thorr-.on tritt N Verb. Notieaaf funeral twr.after. Pal I papen plaaaeaapp,

H«»Dt»lH'\ On Saturier, March Cf. 1117.Mlaaia II Ho»t»<*on Kuneral service» at

bat late home. Hloohera, Ma»». OB Toa.-day, March .". at .' p. m Bo»ton paper»plea»« aapp.

horion On Belogoar, March .'« 1'JI7. at

her re«!«leiu-e. MiiHie«.» ¦«.. N \ I- i_beth

h. Horten, ¡il year» af age. widow ofWebb Hofoii. I'ummI .ervicr» at h.r

lenco. \\ erlneo.lav Ma «I« .«. at '.' p. a».

DOTONB Mi haei, March Î4. In hi. 7Mh-.,-e IS Irv iiiK «t North.

..rk. N. J Monda».p. m. Inte-n. tit BrookaèéBj Enwla-

JOHNSON *l. 1*17. atK.. > '»la«ma»n »t

Brooklyn, leba M B» Her-»..ce. Toeeoaa aAaraeea, March : :. at*:!*.o'clock, at hi» re« ¦.¦

LASABI I *tt C« lenbwe, Ohio, em\ !.:ii»ru« 'her af

Bi M Bl ¦'tha Stern,

of New v.o.-, t ity.

LOBSMI Ofl» mornm». March "j,ftto Belt LaonDaniel K. 1 .-»i.-ea at Ih«

taosAf MaUaaeo, IU > »titrai I'ark v»»»«.mi iiie».¡.i». Mareh -«'. at 1 p. m.

Mi.akkaii o-.i I aitvr, Morab ..'«. HIT.- MiOeiioÉ

and alaughtrr of the \atS K >» lan«l I'canall,in tn. I un.r.l aar.

vice at her ¡ale re...|*ti.-.\ »V.«tfMd, N J..on Monda». Mareh I, tt I p Wh Car.nave» vill meet Iraifl l-aving f.ot of Lib¬erty -t t'c' I.« In «I «>f New Jer»«t>,Bt .* p. m. Interment al M,«'ir«H». N. Y. Iti- kindly r»v;iio»«od «hat M SowON ba »ant.

M'MAHoN March I. K¡ix« M.Mabon.«aido« .« Bad« « McNahea. her late reaatowee, .".''! Weat lllth

n.-».i«y. :» .;¦¦ Solemn rniui.m mat»»

al Church ad «Bl Cathari« at Oeaaa, ISM.t an«i Aaarterdaoi a» l" a m Relative»,friemti» are invite,) to a' «

MII.I.KH A' Ua Ange ... ( a!.. March 74.v, .. | liller, i" kneed daughter of

the Inte Matthew II Moleil and ¦*.lu»h»«hMateer and b»love«l wife of Jo-eph HMUter

Mil I.KH Bl '¦¦'¦' Mm lb "I. 1*1*. Thoma«

MIIMr, aged m .. ¦. i i »h» i»t» fa-

mill. (.;. Miller, fo- fourteen yean captainof the Kth Separate '<-n. a-ty. of Kltiabaing, N. Y Bad interment private.Klti»!:ing and Ku'g.tot, t.N Y I paper»

MILLS V. J« da». March!k!«l Boule¬

vard. Kmili.» J Mill.. beloved wife of

haeloi a. MBB Mai at Ora»*«t y. « Oea. m..i PaeiaaS a»»., on

Monday, Me.rrh :.'.. »t I M l' n»

¦OOBB Afer a ¦ on Krlday.Edward Moore, fo.

nal eitl »h. Brooblpnl'nion <;.« Cemmmttt I-uneral aervieaa at

Maaonic Lmple. I laNBBal ami Ijifavettei. n. Maola). M»-.-h ".¦. «t t p

in. M'tttl- ..i.i.n lx>Aa* N"

|| .. | . | A M ii U] B » hapter Na.

III. S. A. M. ; Bei v«

I! ¦..'¦« -I

O. T. «Hr»>ok!>n I MO» I O O

M., invited to Bfeh «I I

PI RII*i V ir- March .'I.w, t Mer of th«

»at« «¡«hrtel I., at I KIM« I e«it I urly fit*ne:«il trim th« re.i.le.t.-e «if her ne«,.he»«*

,r'e. h U I Mon..«-. I

ROS« HKR V ' M.rrll. « i.e. m

h.r late r. « BO Tue«>

d«y ¦. WiaoiPawn«Vm«' .

l'.i. Ion III.,«' | f Mr» tlllvee

Byron and «be l.i» V.U Rehan Y un.ral«I* private.

R*! »N a

l_ke Mal.«n .¦.

n.ral a.> Monda».

Mar. h .'.. a' a m

SANHOKN On Mai roBnfa

M.,nda» Bt I . . e* «-hier


k«i"^ pUe.«.«.p/


at. «. .,. Marefc


mann, inHa»

*. i ' m

roi TTBWM h ' » ».

her late la- of

.e.t!««n andMr. .

P. n


Stan ihn Uiy. at t¦....«

a re al

Vt«~h». ita. r ,. ., I ... «.. Igt


T.r».tger, mo'h.r tf \« -. i.»-«n»d> andJam»-. TerariUleer. iiaiTieaa at 4:» *,**<:tth «t_. on Moi.d.iy. March M» at I *¦!i», rr, I-i'erment a*. Srw Ppnapeet, N. T»Tuead.y, Mack ft, at ': p. »a.

THOMA* On March 24. 1917. Gee-roe B.N ;»b«nd of r-,»Ma A.

TtKaena« I . ». «be CKapel atth- Inter . ». .nd liirfc H..Tueaji,,

TH KM -0 " » .!


TBOBf \lfrri

« lateralVAN BBNECHOTEM a. I,

Var Ben».»vn«ni,* T -in it y Cetae.

day. «alareh tf, 4 p. M.

Ke. .-

VAN WIE At I »tureU».a by V«Vr .i.i Mr.

Iran',. I. Vat. \\ i.. F jna>ral .er» i.e. *-UYf bed at the bom« «f her párenla. 14l.iew»i>n Road, Monda, afern.«n at 1:10


WODKI.L On Mai Marte«Bottom A««- .. . xx »»fMillbr.aik. .'. *, . af j.La P.Adriane* ar.«l V.«r« «., tat«of New York a«.I ,.-rl.-.^xte K.uieral»ervirea on Ti*f»-iay afie-t.-.n. Mar .

at her old hon... ,f ..r

broth.». »-.- w »t Pnijgb.kaevxe. on arr^.l «i train I- «vina i.i.iad

» mn,«I at .« m. T-!inrMtirnin»; ' »'¦.ue'>k»*»'P-

' U p m. l».indl» omit flow.r«

CEMETERIESi.t» irooDLAWN « i aitTrni.

nid M »it 11 -i aad tig ireI.ita . f .mal. ii«. fot »»I»

omc xi Kaat :ie at., u. T.