hardware hacking and arduinos

Hardware Hacking and Arduinos Howard Mao and Mason Silber

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Presentation from ADI's pre-HackNY hardware-hacking workshop


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Hardware Hackingand Arduinos

Howard Mao and Mason Silber

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Downloading the Arduino IDE

● Go to www.arduino.cc/en/main/software○ Download whichever software fits your Operating

System● Linux users: find the "arduino" package in

your distro's repository● OSX users: make sure to also install USB

FTDI drivers○ http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm

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What you have in front of you:

● Arduino Duemilanove● USB Cable● Breadboard● Box of jumper wires● 4 1k-ohm resistors (Brown-Black-Red)● 1 100k-ohm resistor (Brown-Black-Yellow)● 1 100k-ohm potentiometer● 4 Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)● 1 push button switch

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● Light-emitting Diode● Produces light when current flows through● Current can only flow one way

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Rules for LEDs

● Always use inline resistor● Make sure direction is right (long pin is +)

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Digital Output

Voltage can be HIGH (+5 V) or LOW (0 V)pinMode(pin, OUTPUT) sets pin to outputdigitalWrite(pin, HIGH) sets voltage highdigitalWrite(pin, LOW) sets voltage low

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Breadboards● Red channel for power● Blue channel for ground● Slots on horizontal channels all

connected together internally● Except break in middle of

board● Bridge two unconnected lines

of breadboard to build your circuit

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Basic Arduino Program Structure

void setup(){

//All initial settings go here}

void loop(){

//Runs indefinitely after setup has completed}

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Lab 1: LED sweep

● Connect LEDs to Arduino pins 8, 9, 10, 11● Turn only one on at a time● Sweep left and then right

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"Analog Output" : PWM

● Higher voltage gives brighter LED● Use PWM to approximate lower voltages● More time spent high (duty cycle) means

higher average voltage● analogWrite(pin, level) sets PWM duty cycle● Levels are from 0 to 255 (8 bits)


Duty Cycle = th / T

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Lab 2: Analog LED Sweep

● Sweep left and right as before● But keep a trail of dimmer LEDs behind● Divide the level of secondary LEDs down by

two after each step

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Voltage Division

Vout = R2 / (R1 + R2) * Vin

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Analog Input

● Arduino has an Analog-to-Digital Converter● Pins A0 - A5● Use analogRead(pin) to get voltage level● Levels go from 0 to 1023 (10 bits)

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Lab 3: Variable Speed

● Use potentiometer (variable resistor) and resistor to form variable voltage divider

● Connect output of voltage divider to pin A0● Read output voltage and use it to control

delay time

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Buttons and Switches

● Two kinds of switches○ Single Throw - open or closed○ Double Throw - one branch or another

● Closed switch has 0 resistance○ Acts as a wire

● Open switch has infinite resistance○ No current can flow

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Pull-up Resistors

● Open switch with no voltage driver is an antenna, not necessarily ground

● Use pull-up resistors when combining single-throw switches and digital logic

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● Tell the Arduino that a digital input has changed

● attachInterrupt(interrupt, function, mode) sets function to be run on interrupts

● Interrupt 0 -> pin 2, Interrupt 1 -> pin 3● Modes are CHANGE, RISING, FALLING,


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Lab 4: Pause Button

● Connect push button to Arduino pin 2● Set pin mode to INPUT_PULLUP● Attach interrupt for pin 2● When button pressed (switch closed), pause

the sweeping● When button released (switch open), resume

the sweeping

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Congratulations! You did it!

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Some safety rules to remember

● Do not use very high voltages○ microcontrollers like Arduino use either 5 V or 3.3 V

● Do not short power to ground● Do not touch small resistor (< 100 Ohm)

after voltage is applied○ power is inversely proportional to resistance○ power in resistor is dissipated as heat○ small resistor + normal voltage = hot! hot! hot!

● Make sure directional components are in right direction

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Learning More

● Arduino website (http://arduino.cc) has many good tutorials and resources

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The EndHave fun at HackNY