hardware firm the deere buggies - library of congress · 2017-12-16 · j-lon. john perkins,...

Moving Pictures of Current* Event*] Kinetiscopic Views of tht Local Happenings of the Week MAI! K RT llEI'ORT. These iiuotulious are corrected weekly by the Sisseton Milling Co.. and are absolutely reliable. Wheat, No. 1.. . f .gs Wheat, No. 2 V3 VVneai. No 3 84 Wheat, No. 4 7S Rejected -,j Feed Wheat id :ii Macaroni TU s l . .'1 Oats 2 j llarley No. 3 :tll Barley, No. 4 2V Barley. Mo. 5 25 Dakota Pride Flour t'er Cut i:|.20 White Oak- - IVr f'wi. jM.in Tomorrow i* April 1st. Mrs Soincrvill*! is on Uic sick list tiiis w»'fk. C L. Fullest ail N't UI IKMI Momluy from the cities- . Stunle.v Harris, of I'ct 'Vff, was in the city ynsaenlsiy. The April fool will In* |netty iimch in evi<1euce tomorrow. Clirs NPISOH. C.I 1'RR'M'I'. was in i he city between I niins t.idiiv. 11 ;i 1 K nitflit, joiirnfy.-d down to Or- t.nnvtllc Monday. Mrs. (i. UtMisel, of IVever, was shopping in t,ln- i-it.v Monday. 'Kev. TmjjKiM licld services in tin' (.iiiikl hull Tuesday (^vci)inL'. (J. R. iHirnette. of Wilmot, tran- sa'tl.'.'fi business in town Monday. Anton Koss, of Wiliuot,. was a vis- itor at. the county itapit.nl Monday. M. Opilz. unci John lVderson repre- sented Pecver in the city Monday. The STANDARD iloes joli printing in a down-to-now style. Call on us. Miss Muriel Lindquist, or Wilmot. is visiting relatives in the city. W. G. Calderwood will address the people of Sisseton Sundav April 9th. Fred Buriueister was at Appletnn, Minnesota, several days this week on hiisiness. Howard Baltcock went, to Aberdeen on business Tnesdav. returniim' to day. The W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. M. L. StaviK this aftereoon at 3:30. Tfctre will be a regular meeting of the hoard of county commissioners at the court house Tuesday, April 4th. C. F. Knappen, tlie Sioux Falls hanker, was transacting business in Slsseton Tuesday and Wednesday. Remember we do job printing in a down-to-now style. Cull on the S TANDARD for printing. G. O. Klvley returned trom a visit to Lac Qui Parle, Minnesota, Wed- nesday. Senator Ilougan, of Wilmot, was shaking hands with friends in Sisse ton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Axness return- ed Monday from a visit with relatives at Montivedo. Minn. A.J, Waioplei, who his been at Rose Bud for some time, returned to Sisseton Wednesday. J-lon. John Perkins, returned lo Pierre Monday to resume his duties as insurance commissioner. Dean Carmine, of Aberdeen, has accepted a position as stenographer in the office of E. J. Turner. 1 Take some of our fancy confection- ery home with vou. it vv 1 11 please vou. Mrs. li enriei.'.a Steele. If Miss Neva Knapin'ii viMi .e! in Wil- mot With ber sister Mis. A. W. I.inil- quist over Sunday, returning Mon- day. Weave. yl ;l (l lo llnle Ml'. I'elel Burns is so far recovered from his re- cent iliness as 1.1 lie about thesiiects again. John Olson, of I'eever. a.nl Sam Cnristopherson, of Sisseii.n. lel'i Mon- day for the Canadian Nm I li .vest ter- ritories. The ladies of t.he Enis.-opai churrh will hold as'ileof home made cakes eveiy Satur day dmn ^ Lent at the Hub reastaur int.. Miss Betsy Danielsim, who has lii-en in the employ of .Indue Andrews. fi:r some weeks past, departed tor her home at Red Wiou, Minn.. Tliuisd.iv Sheriff Minder rct.nr ied mondav ftotn Tamarac, At.kin count v. Minne- sota, where he had been in look after some mortgaged propei ty. Eniil Johnson, who lias been visit, log in Peever with rel.it ives for some time past, was in the cit y Monday on hisway borne to EDington. Miss NellGoslme went to Wilmot to spend the week. Paul Babcock expects to leave for a business trip to Sioux Falls next Monday. Waletich & Plut have been making some not.icible changes in the inter- ior of their mammoth store The Sisseton lire laddie* will re- ceive this year *1 77.12 as their share of the state lire fund. Mr. Burt Wilcox left Wednesday for Hot Springs. Arkansas, to get, the rheumatism boiled out of him. Mrs. I). 10. Evans, of Goodwill, re- turned Tuesday from Oshkosh, where sh" had been to accompany the re- mains of her mother for burial. Die Sioux I'alis schools are now having contests in arittuiietio be- tween the grades of the different schools. S. I. Simonson and wife returned iast, Saturday from a winter spcit, in Hot .Springs. Arkansas. / County Auditor Oliver went to Pieue last Saturday to attend a meet tug of the auditors of tne state. C. L. Folkestad has leased the back oage of the STANDAKD this week and lie who runs may read" and it will pay some of you to stop running and read. We handle the ciiebrated Capital Brand canned go ids which are all fresh, anfl are the best efforts of ex- perience in iiuying and canning. They are composed of the best fruits, cleanly and carefully packed, and are sure fi satisfy the most particular buyer. Mrs. Henrietta Steele, it The ladies aid society of the Pres- byterian church were entertained by Mrs. Andrews Wednesday afternoon at a tea. She was assisted by Mrs. Pmcomb and Mrs Dr. Taplin. In the guessing contest Mrs. C. L. Folkestad got the first, prize, Miss Prunty the second am 1 Miss Iliime the booby pri/.e. Sweets to the sweet is a soulful motto," and speaking about sweets, have you seen that, display of delic- ious creams in the window of the Red Cross Di ut( Storey Get a box for your wife or your best girl. They are sure to give pleasure to those who eat them. By the way some one of Mr. Towle's customers is- going to get that hands,mie 10-pound cameo box of candy, shown in the window abso- lutely free. Let him tall you about it, Wanted—Capable men and women for CENSUS WORK and to act as repre- seatitives in this and adjoining ter- ritory for magazine and music busi- ness of old established house. Our catalogues list over 3,000 magazines and ">.000 selections of music at CUT PRICES. Salary HI 8.00 per ween. Experience unnecessary, but good reference required, Arldress. SI'KAGVE WHOLES AT.E Co.. 270-278 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. ti -is C. Louis » v eeks, who has been in the law office of Howard Babcock for the past- six months, has decided to leave Sisseton and locate in Minne- apolis. lie will leave Monday for that city via Sioux Falls. We are sorry to lose Mr. Weeks from our city, but, wish him the unlimited seccess. which his talents desei ve. in the new field. V ' A daily paper for jsl.no a year is sninotlrng the. public lias <ongdesired The Chicago Dailv Review, a del'gnt- ful family daily giving all important news, market, reports ind many in- teresting departments for men wo men and children, is sent to sub- scribers for $1.00 a year, 'He., for six months 5o cents tor three months. Subscribe today. Address The Chicago Review Co.. :t!M» Coco Cola Building Chi.-ago, 111. The London cable states that "The Russians are. losing everything." They do not se«m to lie able to lose Oy:»ma, WANTED -Trustworthy ma l or w man to m inage business in the coun ty and adjoining territory for wpll established house nf solid financial standing, gin.oo straight, cash salar> with all necessary expenses piid weekly by check from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Posi tion permanent. pri vinus experience not, essential. No investment, re- quired. We furnish ever) thing En close self addressed envelope. Address Manager, 810 Como Block, Chicago Hi. Mrs. P. H, Towue came home Wed- nesday from a visit to Minneapolis. Miss Altce Kennedy returned Wed- nesday from a visit to Towner, N. 0. G. W. Zen low, general manager of the Dakota Central Telephone Co., was in the city today. flu; gentlemen of the cinch club entertained the ladies of the club at Cortelyou's hail last night and a most enjoyable time is reported. Wanted—-10 men in each state to travel, tack signs and distribute samples and circulars of our goods. Salary $7 ">,00 per month, $3.00 per day for expenses. Kuhlman Co., Dept S. Atlas Building, Chicago. 8t. CRADLE. ALTAR AXB GRAVE llirths. STEID1.. Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Steinl of Peever, a boy. on Sunday, March 2<i. - ^ NOUDVl'lsT. Born on March 22 to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nordquist a girl baby. TOKVICK. Born to Mr. and Mr. Andrew Tor- vick on Marcn 27 a boy. UROWN. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Gust Brwwn, of I'eever, on March 23, a girl. WKINNKKBKOUCII. Born on March 23. to Mr. and Mrs. l Veinnerskorch. a son. Deaths. K.IOLSTAD. Died in Good Will township March 24, Andrew Nelson Kjolstad. The funeral took place Tuesday and the remains were interred in theceinetary in in Dry Wood Lake township. THE CHURCHES. St. l'cters—Services at St. 1'eters Catholic church at, 10:30, Sunday. Rev Father Quilty. Lutheran—Preaching services tn- the Norwegian Lutheran church Sun day morning at 10:3Q, no evening vice. Methodist,— Class meeting, 10 a. in.: preaching. 10:30: Sabbath School, 1:45: Junior E. L. 3 p. m.; Epworth League. 0:30: no evening service. Rev. !•. B. Dunn, Pastor Presbyterian Church—Sunday ser- vices. Preaching 10:30 a. in., Sun- day School, 12 in.; C. E. meeting 6:45 iu.: no evening service. 0 te of attendance 89. Mither absent nor tardy: Hilda Start- v Earl Bok Alvln Forry Rudolph Jan isch Tatltr Miller s v - VV Josle Plut Kinma Waited) Laura StavlK ^ Harold Warring Hazel Brewster Annie Truutner Ljda Mitrvick Rity Maioalt Albert ErioUsoii NEVA KNAPPEM, Tcaoher. KIKST INTERMEDIATE Number pupils enrolled 17. '! Averse dally attendance l'eacentace of attendance »j. l'uplle neither absent nor tardy': ; .lotia'Arrowsmllli l,ora Uraniscs (itinera Brown - Verner liroirn Flo»sie Hicks Leslie Horton Paul Linster Earl McColcman Paul Metsalr Kuth Morton Jamet Oliver Lloyd Oliver | Mabel Olson Basil Perkins | MabelSweuumaoa Carl Thorson Pearl Toftum Nora Talllk son ,,,| Nkllik I. TODD, Teacher. SECOND INTERMEDIATE. Number pupils enrolled 4."i. ' Average aailjr attendance :tj. I'erceutaye of attendance ;0, Pupila neither absent nor tardy - Eita Anderson Fanny fc'orry siigfred Harrison Annie Jantsch barlv Multley .Merle Muf!lt>y Donald .MeK'alf Alice Nelson Albert Kendabl lia/.el Spai'kuian Besur Wilcox FMANCES HAMMOMO, Teacher i THIRD INTERMEDIATE. Number pupils enrolled »» Average dailv attendance S4. Percentage of attendance sr. ' Pupils neither absent nor lardy: Irene Hickner Oscar bwenumson < Clifford Perkins Newell Anderson / Willie VunderhoS Susie Ti>wer .. Albert Dahl John Wilkins M. ANNA KKK.NS. 'leueJiei. UtiAMMAU. Number pupils eurolled 52. Average daiiy attendance 43. Percentage ot attendance 83. ' ' Pupils neither absent nor lardy: Cieorge Crosby Ueorge Uosliue Claude Muffley Junior Towle> Abner Auderson Lyun Pincomb Vera Spackuian Mary ^tapleion Laura Wilkina Hazel Wolfe MTHTII MAY TODD, Teacher HIGH SCHOOL. Number of pupila enrolled 2ti. Average dally attendance u'il. Percent of perfect atteudance 9B.G. Pupils neither tardy nor absent: Bessie Dunn Fred Dunn Carston Eggan .Mary Hanson Gertie Swenunison Hilda Swenumson Emma Thorson M illie Thorson Esther Wilkins Eudora Wilkliu HONME F. ANUHKW.S, Teacher. Total number of students enrolled lilt). Total Average daily attendance 256. Total average percent age of attendance 84. Total uumber of star students Kl. Respectfully submitted, LKSI.IE A. H ECKS. Supt. of .Schools, Real Estate Transfers. (T)ils list Is furnished by the courtesy of the Sisseton Loan and Title Company. A com- plete list of real estate transfers will appea each week.) Charles O. Tyson to E. L. Kinney, lots I and 2 sec 2H 129 49 and lots 1 andJ2 sec 2-128 49. fl. U. S. to Ole A. Teigen, n '$ se % and se se H sec '-'I and nw 'i nw hi see 22-134 53. (8. Carl .lorgenson and wife to Carl Knudsom, undivided \\ of lot 4 block 9 Wilmot. 1500. William C. Stempke and wife to Herman T. Stempke. sw H ne U and nw se sea 27- 182-48. $1800. Veronlka Steppa and husband to A. D Panl- son, lot 10 block 42 Sisseton. $3000. Emeretts Gilbert and husband to W. Moorehead. nw sec 29-127-49. I3V3. J. H. Lant;c to Minnesota Loan & Trust Co, se >4 sec 9125-51. Clflo. Thco. Hamm Brewing Co. to Minnesota Loan & Trust Co. se ' 4 sec H-125 m. •too. Charley E Starn to Bud/.et H. Starn, nw '< •ec 4-128 48. St. rs. U> Peter ltoob. lots 8 and 4s', nw >. £•-139-SU, t'has. R. Brunette to Eddie Halvorson. n ^ uw ta and se '< se '4 It and sw 'i sw 13- 123-51 Morn. Martin C. Knudson and wife to t'red I.ariso. se Itl 122-M. $4000. Jamer> Olson and wife to Cari .lorgenson. lots 1 and s block II Wilinot. fttKKl. W. D. Sloan and wife to Martin C. Knudson. Out lots "O" and "P" Woodward's addition to Summit. *1. Martin E. Ilerg and wtfo lo (iiinliild Hone, nw v MM23-51. J2S00. Fred V, Dale to Samuel H. Runiiingen. lot and sw sc >4 :il-tr*r>-.-,2. (tti.vi. ENTERPRISE SCHOOL NO. 2. Report of Enterprise school number 2. Number months taught, tt. Numoer of monthly perfect attendance cer- tificates issued during term, 70. Those not absent during term: "Susie Sonstegard Nanny Olson ' OsCar Krogstad - Henry Kro^stad Inga Loe Esther ()lson| Julia tte Those neither absent nor tardy during the term: Julie Loe Susie Sonstegard Nanny Olson Inga Loe ; MAUD'SHANN, Teacher. V GRANT SCHOOL NO. 1. Fallowing Is the report of Grant school number l for month ending March 2ti. Number pupils enrolled. 14. Pupils neither absent nor tardy: Selmer Hagen Helmena Hagen Marcus Hagen WUUe Hagen Susie Hoss John Hoss Frank Hoas llo^or roll: Seiner Hagen Helmena Hagen Marcus Hagen VICTOHIA O. SCHMIDT, Teacher I' liion . Heeling:. T'ifre will he a Union .Meeting at tli<> opera house Sanda.v April 2d afternoon and evening and we have been requested to ,iublish the program: 2:45 P. M. Solo - Miss Mar vick SONG M. E. Church Quartet Speech. "Our Duty Toward our Fellowmen" Prof. Hllleboe Song Lutheran Church Quartet •Song - - Oscar Swenumsen Benediction. : :45 P. M. . . . H i g h S c h o o l Q u a r t e t Duet Miss I'armetar and Miss Wumpler Song Presbyterian Church Quartet Speech . Prof. Hllleboe JOl ° - Miss Parmeter t)uel - M'ss Hegge and Hiss Marvick Benediction. School Reports. Report of Sisseton Putilic Shoots for moni ending March 24.1905. FIRST PRIMARY. Number pupils enrolled 57. Average daily attendeuce 42. Percentage of attendance 73. Pupils neither absent nor tardy : Gordon Babcock Hobart Nelson Mabel Dahl Elsie Pryor Grace Kerry Leo Swaaton Avis Knappen Harold Swenson Verna Olson Anack Meyer ANNA PKUHTY , Teacher. SECOND PRIMARY. Number of pupils enrolled 44. Average dally attendance 39. Jerusalem. The second in the series of arti- cles on food-adulteration comes oloee home in relating*" How the Baby Pajg the Tax." The fiction is unusually good—"The Iving of Diamonds." by Louis Tracy, producing new ami faciuating complications, and in the tec ond installment of "Martha and her American Kitchen." Marion Harlnnd enlisting our in- tere»t still further in the woes of the newly married oouple—and the short stories are cap- ital. "Fads and FrillB of Fashion" tell, of course, about Easter hats and gowns. "Na- ture-Study," Mrs. gangster's helpful talk, Mrs. Richardson's practical advice to 'The Girl Who Earns Her Own Living," and other regular departments, are as fall of interest as ever. Published by The Crowell Publishing Company, Springtleld Ohio; one dollar a year ten cents a copy. Advertised Letters. Following is a listoHetters remain- ing uncalled for at the Sisseton, S. 1). postofllce Mar. 24. 1H05. Carigan, Dr. John E, Huston, Mark Jones, Mary - Swinebart. Levi ' ' r •• ' Parties calling Tor any of t,he above will please say advertised. CASPER KENNEDY. 1'. M STANDARD POPULAR WANTS Advertisements in this column will be in serted at 1 cent a word per issue. No iidver tisemcnt less tlian 15 cents an issue. \\ ANT.KD 25 sales ladies, 15 oloihtng men, * * . 10 shoe men.-15 cash boys, experienced cashier and 2 bundle wrappers. Call at t". L. h oiliest;iit Store Friday evening. I NCI. BATOR—For sale a 50-egg Buckeye in- cu bat or. new. Will be sold at a bargain Address "K" Standard ofllce. H 0l i §?•' iinJ v eral lots for sale in the city »I of Sisseton. A bargain if taken at once. Address .1 Standard office, Sisseton. Ij^OR SALE—A second hand copy press and P new copy book. A snap. Address "P" Standard »mce. A 'V Prin , ters - We have for sale one eight column hand press, one seven col- umn army press which we will sell cheap if ^andaVd^ieton! 8 '* a Be,,Uine sna »' Th '' MUNICIPAL. ' etTV omcatu*. ' Mayor, Howard Babcock; City Auditor, L. C, Emmerson; City Treasurer. A. D. Paulsen; City Attorney, .1. J. Hattcrton;- City Marshal, Mack Hiislian. CITY COUNCIL. Meets at City Hall llrst Monday evening of each month. Aldermen 1st Ward—Ellas Monson, O. T. Oxness. Aldermen 2d Waid—M. I.. - ieren. B. E. Lekness. Aldermen 3d Ward—Dan I'l rummer, 1. C.. Hill. CITY KI It K UECAKTMKNT. Meet every Thursday evenlnii at City Hall. Chief -H. L. Cortelyou, t Asst. Chief—R. M. Howell. Captain—M. A. Murphy. Foremen—A, J. Tuor. D. J. I'rlndiville. MAIIKKT IM.ACKS KOK SAI.K OK MOHTUAOED CIIAT'rKI.S. At the Ironi door of the postotlice In. the following towns: >isset.on. Wilm31, .Summit, Peever. Wliite Hock. iOlllngtou , Vernon. I'roul tloor of store building on Sectlou 25 township 12S. runne 52. COUN sheritr Register of Deeds Auditor Treasurer •upt. of Schools.. Clerk ef Courts.. County Judge Slate's Attorney. Surveyor Coroner 1'Y orncEiis. lolin Minder lvur Siadstad. 'l'lios. Thompson. O.MI. Jones' L, Wm. Foss,- I. O. Andrews. F. McNulty. ominissio lei . I V' Nt ins' .... :.'nd ' ... »d " ... lib " ... tli " ... I>r. Wilson.' S. E. Allen.: . ..U. A. Vrelm,- ..C. W. Minges. . ..Kohl. Lalnp ... O. H. Odin P ractical IJ IIINTINI,' '• UOHKBI.Y -t KINTtll IJAR'ricur.AHI .v pi 1 AKTICI1I .AK i I .KA8KS \ M, KUPI.I. See THE STANDARD f^r good printing The Standard For Down-to-now Job Printing The Style and the Making Of the New Spring Hats , T r!'. : .7i™ r '' , b ?h ter cu pibin,itio:is of materials possible in the - < re.Hioni of this spring t.han over before. There are better reasons why we. feel we can suit every taste. We liavo just leturncd from the cities where we studied the iiewrni shapes ' and Ideas and purchased a. fine line of the £citest Shapes in Znillineru »JP pnspfr*"! toI give our customers the bcnellt. of our olt- ' man °w tt ^ Cy w , ork department, you will find In- man Musketry. We have for Bale all tho materials and uiw ^ « ouropeuSg Watch ibis paper for uiiuouucemeni of Mrs. A W. Lancaster. This Space is Reserved for ttie use ofif y. MATTHEWS & LEAVITT .The Stiuare dealing HARDWARE FIRM SISSETON S. D. AMONG THE MAGAZINES. UBVIKW OP KBVIF.WS. J^VERYUODY want* to knew: what mannee of man is the Marquis Oyama, the littir old Japanese wno, last month, out in Miui- chuaia. won the greatest battle of modern history; what the Lewis and Clark Exposi- tion. about to open, really stands for; how the Government got the facts about the beef in- dustry; whether the state of Kansas is put- ting up a real tight against the Standard Oil Company, or only making a "bluff;" what Dr. Osier actually said and actaally believes about men over forty and men over sixty; how it happens that the University of Vlrglniit Jefferson's University—installs Its llrst presi dent on Jefferson's birthday (April l:)) of tills year; what are the real issues in the Chicago municipal election; what the trouble IF in Austria-Hungary; what Japan's victory at Mukden signifies. All these questions are, answered—some in more detail than others - in the Review of Reviews for April. No other magazine of the month treats of these special subjects so fully, or gives so much other use- ful Information on a wide raii^e of timely to pics. THE HOUSEKBKPBR. Seasonable and springlike from cover to coyer is the April Housekeeper. In addition to a wealth ef actios, verses and beautiful illustrations there.are numerous articles cov ering the various phases of Eustertide. Unique table decorations for this festival oc casion are portrayed oy illustrations from photos. In the regular department of The Entertainer, condnoted by Marjorie March, hints are given for Eastertide purties and luncheons. Delicious seasonable dishes that can be made in the most modestly equipped kitchen are' described aud illustrated by Elisabeth W. Morrison, the well known authority on matters culinary. A striking 'iustrated feature is a double page of photo- graphs showing typical summer homes of Minnesota. Nearly every field of feminine activity is covered in the regular departments devoted to fancywork, fashions, cookery, dress making, care of children, hygiene in tiie home, floriculture, etc. Published by The House- keeper Corporation, Minneapolis. .Minn. Sixty cents a year. WOIiAS'8 HOME COMPANION. The Woman's Home Companion for April is the Easter number, and weli befits the season. A leading article, "Most Picturesque of Eas iter Celebrations," describes An Easter. 4n The Deere Buggies Always Give Satisfaction For Sale A By M. W. TOWER, IrC"' *1 \ *• ?{t Watch This space for the announce mint : 10. T. AXNESS & CO. * v * f ' *1- H i'» J -• . ..." -,l' —' ^ ^ ^ v ipf 'hf. V 1 « "'V ^ " ' r 4 ? ^ 11- \ #• it h:$ i 'J, i, ». P * '\K

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Page 1: HARDWARE FIRM The Deere Buggies - Library of Congress · 2017-12-16 · J-lon. John Perkins, returned lo Pierre Monday to resume his duties as insurance commissioner. Dean Carmine,

Moving Pictures of Current* Event*]

Kinetiscopic Views of tht Local Happenings of the Week

M A I ! K R T l l E I ' O R T .

These iiuotulious are corrected weekly by the Sisseton Milling Co.. and are absolutely reliable.

Wheat, No. 1.. . f .gs Wheat, No. 2 V3 VVneai. No 3 84 Wheat, No. 4 7S Rejected -,j Feed Wheat id :ii Macaroni TU

s l . .'1 Oats 2 j llarley No. 3 :tll Barley, No. 4 2V Barley. Mo. 5 25 Dakota Pride Flour t'er Cut i:|.20 White Oak- • • • - IVr f'wi. jM.in

Tomorrow i* April 1st.

Mrs Soincrvill*! is on Uic sick list tiiis w»'fk.

C L. Fullest ail N't UI IKMI Momluy from the cities- .

Stunle.v Harris, of I'ct 'Vff, was in the city ynsaenlsiy.

The April fool will In* |netty iimch in evi<1euce tomorrow.

Clirs NPISOH. C.I 1'RR'M'I'. was in i he city between I niins t.idiiv.

11 ;i 1 K nitflit, joiirnfy.-d down to Or-t.nnvtllc Monday.

Mrs. (i. UtMisel, of IVever, was shopping in t,ln- i-it.v Monday.

'Kev. TmjjKiM licld services in tin' (.iiiikl hull Tuesday (^vci)inL'.

(J. R. iHirnette. of Wilmot, tran-sa'tl.'.'fi business in town Monday.

Anton Koss, of Wiliuot,. was a vis­itor at. the county itapit.nl Monday.

M. Opilz. unci John lVderson repre­sented Pecver in the city Monday.

The STANDARD iloes joli printing in a down-to-now style. Call on us.

Miss Muriel Lindquist, or Wilmot. is visiting relatives in the city.

W. G. Calderwood will address the people of Sisseton Sundav April 9th.

Fred Buriueister was at Appletnn, Minnesota, several days this week on hiisiness.

Howard Baltcock went, to Aberdeen on business Tnesdav. returniim' to day.

The W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. M. L. StaviK this aftereoon at 3:30.

Tfctre will be a regular meeting of the hoard of county commissioners at the court house Tuesday, April 4th.

C. F. Knappen, tlie Sioux Falls hanker, was transacting business in Slsseton Tuesday and Wednesday.

Remember we do job printing in a down-to-now style. Cull on the STANDARD for printing.

G. O. Klvley returned trom a visit to Lac Qui Parle, Minnesota, Wed­nesday.

Senator Ilougan, of Wilmot, was shaking hands with friends in Sisse ton Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Axness return­ed Monday from a visit with relatives at Montivedo. Minn.

A.J, Waioplei, who his been at Rose Bud for some time, returned to Sisseton Wednesday.

J-lon. John Perkins, returned lo Pierre Monday to resume his duties as insurance commissioner.

Dean Carmine, of Aberdeen, has accepted a position as stenographer in the office of E. J. Turner.1

Take some of our fancy confection­

ery home with vou. it vv111 please vou. Mrs. li enriei.'.a Steele. If

Miss Neva Knapin'ii viMi.e! in Wil­mot With ber sister Mis. A. W. I.inil-quist over Sunday, returning Mon­


Weave. yl;l(l lo llnle Ml'. I'elel Burns is so far recovered from his re­cent iliness as 1.1 lie about thesiiects


John Olson, of I'eever. a.nl Sam Cnristopherson, of Sisseii.n. lel'i Mon­day for the Canadian Nm I li .vest ter­


The ladies of t.he Enis.-opai churrh will hold as'ileof home made cakes eveiy Satur day dmn ^ Lent at the

Hub reastaur int..

Miss Betsy Danielsim, who has lii-en in the employ of .Indue Andrews. fi:r some weeks past, departed tor her home at Red Wiou, Minn.. Tliuisd.iv

Sheriff Minder rct.nr ied mondav ftotn Tamarac, At.kin count v. Minne­sota, where he had been in look after some mortgaged propei ty.

Eniil Johnson, who lias been visit, log in Peever with rel.it ives for some time past, was in the cit y Monday on hisway borne to EDington.

Miss NellGoslme went to Wilmot to spend the week.

Paul Babcock expects to leave for a business trip to Sioux Falls next Monday.

Waletich & Plut have been making some not.icible changes in the inter­ior of their mammoth store

The Sisseton lire laddie* will re­ceive this year *1 77.12 as their share of the state lire fund.

Mr. Burt Wilcox left Wednesday for Hot Springs. Arkansas, to get, the rheumatism boiled out of him.

Mrs. I). 10. Evans, of Goodwill, re­turned Tuesday from Oshkosh, where sh" had been to accompany the re­mains of her mother for burial.

Die Sioux I'alis schools are now having contests in arittuiietio be­tween the grades of the different schools.

S. I. Simonson and wife returned iast, Saturday from a winter spcit, in Hot .Springs. Arkansas.


County Auditor Oliver went to Pieue last Saturday to attend a meet tug of the auditors of tne state.

C. L. Folkestad has leased the back oage of the STANDAKD this week and • lie who runs may read" and it will pay some of you to stop running and read.

We handle the ciiebrated Capital Brand canned go ids which are all fresh, anfl are the best efforts of ex­perience in iiuying and canning. They are composed of the best fruits, cleanly and carefully packed, and are sure fi satisfy the most particular buyer. Mrs. Henrietta Steele, it

The ladies aid society of the Pres­byterian church were entertained by Mrs. Andrews Wednesday afternoon at a tea. She was assisted by Mrs. Pmcomb and Mrs Dr. Taplin. In the guessing contest Mrs. C. L. Folkestad got the first, prize, Miss

Prunty the second am1 Miss Iliime the booby pri/.e.

Sweets to the sweet is a soulful motto," and speaking about sweets, have you seen that, display of delic­ious creams in the window of the Red Cross Di ut( Storey Get a box for your wife or your best girl. They are sure to give pleasure to those who eat them. By the way some one of Mr. Towle's customers is- going to get that hands,mie 10-pound cameo box of candy, shown in the window abso­lutely free. Let him tall you about it,

Wanted—Capable men and women for CENSUS WORK and to act as repre-seatitives in this and adjoining ter­ritory for magazine and music busi­ness of old established house. Our catalogues list over 3,000 magazines and ">.000 selections of music at CUT PRICES. Salary HI8.00 per ween. Experience unnecessary, but good reference required, Arldress. SI'KAGVE WHOLES AT.E Co.. 270-278 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. ti -is

C. Louis »veeks, who has been in the law office of Howard Babcock for the past- six months, has decided to leave Sisseton and locate in Minne­apolis. lie will leave Monday for that city via Sioux Falls. We are sorry to lose Mr. Weeks from our city, but, wish him the unlimited seccess. which his talents desei ve. in the new field. V '

A daily paper for jsl.no a year is sninotlrng the. public lias <ongdesired The Chicago Dailv Review, a del'gnt-ful family daily giving all important news, market, reports ind many in­teresting departments for men wo men and children, is sent to sub­scribers for $1.00 a year, 'He., for six months 5o cents tor three months. Subscribe today. Address The Chicago Review Co.. :t!M» Coco Cola Building Chi.-ago, 111.

The London cable states that "The Russians are. losing everything." They do not se«m to lie able to lose Oy:»ma,

WANTED -Trustworthy ma l or w man to m inage business in the coun ty and adjoining territory for wpll established house nf solid financial standing, gin.oo straight, cash salar> with all necessary expenses piid weekly by check from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Posi tion permanent. pri vinus experience not, essential. No investment, re­quired. We furnish ever) thing En close self addressed envelope. Address Manager, 810 Como Block, Chicago Hi.

Mrs. P. H, Towue came home Wed­nesday from a visit to Minneapolis.

Miss Altce Kennedy returned Wed­nesday from a visit to Towner, N. 0.

G. W. Zen low, general manager of the Dakota Central Telephone Co., was in the city today.

flu; gentlemen of the cinch club entertained the ladies of the club at Cortelyou's hail last night and a most enjoyable time is reported.

Wanted—-10 men in each state to travel, tack signs and distribute samples and circulars of our goods. Salary $7 ">,00 per month, $3.00 per day for expenses. Kuhlman Co., Dept S. Atlas Building, Chicago. 8t.


llirths. STEID1..

Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Steinl of Peever, a boy. on Sunday, March 2<i. - ^


Born on March 22 to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nordquist a girl baby.

TOKVICK. Born to Mr. and Mr. Andrew Tor-

vick on Marcn 27 a boy. UROWN.

Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Gust Brwwn, of I'eever, on March 23, a girl.

WKINNKKBKOUCII. Born on March 23. to Mr. and Mrs.

lVeinnerskorch. a son.

Deaths. K.IOLSTAD.

Died in Good Will township March 24, Andrew Nelson Kjolstad. The funeral took place Tuesday and the remains were interred in theceinetary in in Dry Wood Lake township.


St. l'cters—Services at St. 1'eters Catholic church at, 10:30, Sunday. Rev Father Quilty.

Lutheran—Preaching services tn-the Norwegian Lutheran church Sun

day morning at 10:3Q, no evening vice.

Methodist,— Class meeting, 10 a. in.: preaching. 10:30: Sabbath School,

1:45: Junior E. L. 3 p. m.; Epworth League. 0:30: no evening service. Rev. !•. B. Dunn, Pastor

Presbyterian Church—Sunday ser­vices. Preaching 10:30 a. in., Sun­day School, 12 in.; C. E. meeting 6:45

iu.: no evening service.

0 te of attendance 89. Mither absent nor tardy:

Hilda Start- v Earl Bok Alvln Forry Rudolph Jan isch Tatltr Miller s

v - VV Josle Plut Kinma Waited) Laura StavlK ^ Harold Warring Hazel Brewster Annie Truutner Ljda Mitrvick Rity Maioalt Albert ErioUsoii


Number pupils enrolled 17. '! Averse dally attendance l'eacentace of attendance »j. l'uplle neither absent nor tardy': ;

.lotia'Arrowsmllli l,ora Uraniscs (itinera Brown - Verner liroirn Flo»sie Hicks Leslie Horton Paul Linster Earl McColcman Paul Metsalr Kuth Morton Jamet Oliver Lloyd Oliver | Mabel Olson Basil Perkins | MabelSweuumaoa Carl Thorson Pearl Toftum Nora Talllk son ,,,|


Number pupils enrolled 4."i. ' Average aailjr attendance :tj. I'erceutaye of attendance ;0, Pupila neither absent nor tardy -

Eita Anderson Fanny fc'orry siigfred Harrison Annie Jantsch barlv Multley .Merle Muf!lt>y Donald .MeK'alf Alice Nelson Albert Kendabl lia/.el Spai'kuian Besur Wilcox


Number pupils enrolled »» Average dailv attendance S4. Percentage of attendance sr. ' Pupils neither absent nor lardy:

Irene Hickner Oscar bwenumson < Clifford Perkins Newell Anderson / Willie VunderhoS Susie Ti>wer .. Albert Dahl John Wilkins

M. ANNA KKK.NS. 'leueJiei. UtiAMMAU.

Number pupils eurolled 52. Average daiiy attendance 43. Percentage ot attendance 83. ' ' Pupils neither absent nor lardy:

Cieorge Crosby Ueorge Uosliue Claude Muffley Junior Towle> Abner Auderson Lyun Pincomb Vera Spackuian Mary ^tapleion Laura Wilkina Hazel Wolfe


HIGH SCHOOL. Number of pupila enrolled 2ti. Average dally attendance u'il. Percent of perfect atteudance 9B.G. Pupils neither tardy nor absent:

Bessie Dunn Fred Dunn Carston Eggan .Mary Hanson Gertie Swenunison Hilda Swenumson Emma Thorson • M illie Thorson Esther Wilkins Eudora Wilkliu

HONME F. ANUHKW.S, Teacher. Total number of students enrolled lilt). Total Average daily attendance 256. Total average percent age of attendance 84. Total uumber of star students Kl.

Respectfully submitted, LKSI.IE A. H ECKS.

Supt. of .Schools,

Real Estate Transfers. • (T)ils list Is furnished by the courtesy of the

Sisseton Loan and Title Company. A com­plete list of real estate transfers will appea each week.)

Charles O. Tyson to E. L. Kinney, lots I and 2 sec 2H 129 49 and lots 1 andJ2 sec 2-128 49. fl.

U. S. to Ole A. Teigen, n '$ se % and se se H sec '-'I and nw 'i nw hi see 22-134 53. (8.

Carl .lorgenson and wife to Carl Knudsom, undivided \\ of lot 4 block 9 Wilmot. 1500.

William C. Stempke and wife to Herman T. Stempke. sw H ne U and nw se sea 27-182-48. $1800.

Veronlka Steppa and husband to A. D Panl-son, lot 10 block 42 Sisseton. $3000.

Emeretts Gilbert and husband to W. Moorehead. nw sec 29-127-49. I3V3.

J. H. Lant;c to Minnesota Loan & Trust Co, se >4 sec 9125-51. Clflo.

Thco. Hamm Brewing Co. to Minnesota Loan & Trust Co. se '4 sec H-125 m. •too.

Charley E Starn to Bud/.et H. Starn, nw '< •ec 4-128 48. St.

rs. U> Peter ltoob. lots 8 and 4s', nw >. £•-139-SU,

t'has. R. Brunette to Eddie Halvorson. n ^ uw ta and se '< se '4 It and sw 'i sw 13-123-51 Morn.

Martin C. Knudson and wife to t'red I.ariso. se Itl 122-M. $4000.

Jamer> Olson and wife to Cari .lorgenson. lots 1 and s block II Wilinot. fttKKl.

W. D. Sloan and wife to Martin C. Knudson. Out lots "O" and "P" Woodward's addition to Summit. *1.

Martin E. Ilerg and wtfo lo (iiinliild Hone, nw v MM23-51. J2S00.

Fred V, Dale to Samuel H. Runiiingen. lot .» and sw sc >4 :il-tr*r>-.-,2. (tti.vi.

ENTERPRISE SCHOOL NO. 2. Report of Enterprise school number 2. Number months taught, tt. Numoer of monthly perfect attendance cer­

tificates issued during term, 70. Those not absent during term:

"Susie Sonstegard Nanny Olson ' OsCar Krogstad - Henry Kro^stad Inga Loe Esther ()lson| Julia tte

Those neither absent nor tardy during the term: Julie Loe Susie Sonstegard Nanny Olson Inga Loe ;

MAUD'SHANN, Teacher. V

GRANT SCHOOL NO. 1. Fallowing Is the report of Grant school

number l for month ending March 2ti. Number pupils enrolled. 14. Pupils neither absent nor tardy:

Selmer Hagen Helmena Hagen Marcus Hagen WUUe Hagen Susie Hoss John Hoss Frank Hoas

llo^or roll: Seiner Hagen Helmena Hagen Marcus Hagen


I'liion .Heeling:. T'ifre will he a Union .Meeting at tli<> opera

house Sanda.v April 2d afternoon and evening and we have been requested to ,iublish the program:

2:45 P. M. Solo - Miss Mar vick SONG M. E. Church Quartet Speech. "Our Duty Toward our Fellowmen"

Prof. Hllleboe Song Lutheran Church Quartet •Song - - Oscar Swenumsen Benediction.

: :45 P. M. . . . H i g h S c h o o l Q u a r t e t

Duet Miss I'armetar and Miss Wumpler Song Presbyterian Church Quartet Speech . Prof. Hllleboe JOl° - Miss Parmeter t)uel - M'ss Hegge and Hiss Marvick Benediction.

School Reports. Report of Sisseton Putilic Shoots for moni

ending March 24.1905. FIRST PRIMARY.

Number pupils enrolled 57.

Average daily attendeuce 42. Percentage of attendance 73. Pupils neither absent nor tardy :

Gordon Babcock Hobart Nelson Mabel Dahl Elsie Pryor Grace Kerry Leo Swaaton Avis Knappen Harold Swenson Verna Olson Anack Meyer


Number of pupils enrolled 44. Average dally attendance 39.

Jerusalem. The second in the series of arti­cles on food-adulteration comes oloee home in relating*" How the Baby Pajg the Tax." The fiction is unusually good—"The Iving of Diamonds." by Louis Tracy, producing new ami faciuating complications, and in the tec ond installment of "Martha and her American Kitchen." Marion Harlnnd enlisting our in-tere»t still further in the woes of the newly married oouple—and the short stories are cap­ital. "Fads and FrillB of Fashion" tell, of course, about Easter hats and gowns. "Na­ture-Study," Mrs. gangster's helpful talk, Mrs. Richardson's practical advice to 'The Girl Who Earns Her Own Living," and other regular departments, are as fall of interest as ever. Published by The Crowell Publishing Company, Springtleld Ohio; one dollar a year ten cents a copy.

Advertised Letters. Following is a listoHetters remain­

ing uncalled for at the Sisseton, S. 1). postofllce Mar. 24. 1H05.

Carigan, Dr. John E, Huston, Mark Jones, Mary -Swinebart. Levi ' ' r •• ' Parties calling Tor any of t,he above

will please say advertised. CASPER KENNEDY. 1'. M

STANDARD POPULAR WANTS Advertisements in this column will be in

serted at 1 cent a word per issue. No iidver tisemcnt less tlian 15 cents an issue.

\\ ANT.KD 25 sales ladies, 15 oloihtng men, * * . 10 shoe men.-15 cash boys, experienced

cashier and 2 bundle wrappers. Call at t". L. h oiliest;iit Store Friday evening.

I NCI. BATOR—For sale a 50-egg Buckeye in-• cu bat or. new. Will be sold at a bargain Address "K" Standard ofllce.

H 0li §?•'iinJ s«veral lots for sale in the city »I of Sisseton. A bargain if taken at once. Address .1 Standard office, Sisseton.

Ij^OR SALE—A second hand copy press and P new copy book. A snap. Address "P" Standard »mce.

A 'V Prin,ters- We have for sale one eight column hand press, one seven col­

umn army press which we will sell cheap if

^andaVd^ieton!8'* a Be,,Uine sna»' Th''


' etTV omcatu*. ' Mayor, Howard Babcock; City Auditor, L.

C, Emmerson; City Treasurer. A. D. Paulsen; City Attorney, .1. J. Hattcrton;- City Marshal, Mack Hiislian.

CITY COUNCIL. Meets at City Hall llrst Monday evening of

each month. Aldermen 1st Ward—Ellas Monson, O. T.

Oxness. Aldermen 2d Waid—M. I.. - • ieren. B. E.

Lekness. Aldermen 3d Ward—Dan I'l rummer, 1. C..


Meet every Thursday evenlnii at City Hall. Chief -H. L. Cortelyou, t

Asst. Chief—R. M. Howell. Captain—M. A. Murphy. Foremen—A, J. Tuor. D. J. I'rlndiville.


CI IAT ' rKI .S .

At the Ironi door of the postotlice In. the following towns: >isset.on. Wilm31, .Summit, Peever. Wliite Hock. iOlllngtou , Vernon.

I'roul tloor of store building on Sectlou 25 township 12S. runne 52.

COUN sheritr Register of Deeds Auditor Treasurer •upt. of Schools.. Clerk ef Courts.. County Judge Slate's Attorney. Surveyor Coroner

1'Y orncEiis. lolin Minder

lvur Siadstad.

'l'lios. Thompson. O.MI. Jones'

L, Wm. Foss,-I. O. Andrews.

F. McNulty.

ominissio lei . I V'

Nt ins'.... :.'nd ' ... »d " ... lib " ... tli " ...

I>r. Wilson.'

S. E. Allen.: . ..U. A. Vrelm,-..C. W. Minges. . ..Kohl. Lalnp ... O. H. Odin

P r ac t i ca l IJ I I INTINI , ' ' • UOHKBI .Y - t KINTt l l

IJAR 'ricur.AHI.v pi 1 AKTICI1I.AK i I


See THE STANDARD f^r good printing

The Standard For Down-to-now Job Printing

The Style and the Making Of the New Spring Hats

,Tr!'.:.7i™r'' ,b?hter cupibin,itio:is of materials possible in the -< re.Hioni of this spring t.han over before. There are better reasons why we. feel we can suit every taste. We liavo just leturncd from the cities where we studied the iiewrni shapes ' and Ideas and purchased a. fine line of the

£citest Shapes in Znillineru »JP pnspfr*"! toI give our customers the bcnellt. of our olt- '

man °w tt^Cy w,ork department, you will find In-man Musketry. We have for Bale all tho materials and uiw • ^ « ouropeuSg Watch ibis paper for uiiuouucemeni of

Mrs. A W. Lancaster.

This Space is Reserved for ttie use ofif y.

MATTHEWS & LEAVITT .The Stiuare dealing



UBVIKW OP KBVIF.WS. J^VERYUODY want* to knew: what mannee

of man is the Marquis Oyama, the littir old Japanese wno, last month, out in Miui-chuaia. won the greatest battle of modern history; what the Lewis and Clark Exposi­tion. about to open, really stands for; how the Government got the facts about the beef in­dustry; whether the state of Kansas is put­ting up a real tight against the Standard Oil Company, or only making a "bluff;" what Dr. Osier actually said and actaally believes about men over forty and men over sixty; how it happens that the University of Vlrglniit Jefferson's University—installs Its llrst presi dent on Jefferson's birthday (April l:)) of tills year; what are the real issues in the Chicago municipal election; what the trouble IF in Austria-Hungary; what Japan's victory at Mukden signifies. All these questions are, answered—some in more detail than others -in the Review of Reviews for April. No other magazine of the month treats of these special subjects so fully, or gives so much other use­ful Information on a wide raii^e of timely to pics.

THE HOUSEKBKPBR. Seasonable and springlike from cover to

coyer is the April Housekeeper. In addition to a wealth ef actios, verses and beautiful illustrations there.are numerous articles cov ering the various phases of Eustertide. Unique table decorations for this festival oc casion are portrayed oy illustrations from photos. In the regular department of The Entertainer, condnoted by Marjorie March, hints are given for Eastertide purties and luncheons. Delicious seasonable dishes that can be made in the most modestly equipped kitchen are' described aud illustrated by Elisabeth W. Morrison, the well known authority on matters culinary. A striking

'iustrated feature is a double page of photo­graphs showing typical summer homes of Minnesota. Nearly every field of feminine activity is covered in the regular departments devoted to fancywork, fashions, cookery, dress making, care of children, hygiene in tiie home, floriculture, etc. Published by The House­keeper Corporation, Minneapolis. .Minn. Sixty cents a year.


The Woman's Home Companion for April is the Easter number, and weli befits the season. A leading article, "Most Picturesque of Eas iter Celebrations," describes An Easter. 4n

The Deere Buggies Always Give Satisfaction

For Sale A By M. W. TOWER, IrC"'

*1 \

*• ? { t

Watch This space for the announce mint :

10. T. AXNESS & CO. * v

* f ' *1- Hi'» J -• . ..." -,l' —'

^ ^ ^ v ipf 'h f . V1 «

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^ 11- \ #• i t h:$


'J, i, ».

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