hard hat hub, changing the marketplace for construction talent

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Upload: builtworlds

Post on 09-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. CONFIDENTIAL This document contains trade secrets or otherwise confidential information owned by Hard Hat Hub. Access to and use of this information is strictly limited and controlled by Hard Hat Hub. This document may not be copied, distributed, or otherwise disclosed outside of Hard Hat Hubs facilities except under appropriate precautions to maintain the confidentiality hereof, and may not be used in any way not expressly authorized by Hard Hat Hub. The new marketplace for construction talent.
  2. 2. 2015 Hard Hat Hub | Confidential & Trade Secret The construction industry has a labor problem. Sourcing talent is so inefficient that many projects fail due to inadequate staffing. U.S. CONSTRUCTION 6,000,000M annual hires 6,380,000M employed A record number of weekly hours for Craft Workers and a pause in the employment level point to need for measures for recruiting and preparing future employees to avoid risk of project delays and cancellations. AGC, July 2, 2015 All teachers, doctors, lawyers in this country...each year.
  3. 3. Mobile Easy No applications and company black-holes Complex and thoughtful data model Demo 2015 Hard Hat Hub | Confidential & Trade Secret Hub Community Members Anonymous. Easy. Free.
  4. 4. 2015 Hard Hat Hub | Confidential & Trade Secret Employer Wizard Easy industry specific filters Simple process to unlock contact information and call candidates A process that typically takes weeks now takes hours Hub Employers The relevancy of a recruiter at a fraction of the price.
  5. 5. 2015 Hard Hat Hub | Confidential & Trade Secret Insights for the Hub community Is my profile being viewed? Which skills are in demand? Am I being fairly compensated? Hot locations? Who are the best employers? Insights for Employers Chicken or the egg answered - Can I hire someone for this job? Where is the best place to hire this person? Are we competitive in the market?
  6. 6. 2015 Hard Hat Hub | Confidential & Trade Secret