harborough locality teenage pregnancy workshop tuesday 19 th jan 2016

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Workshop Agenda 9:15amArrival and refreshments 9:30amIntroductions, Ice breaker and plan of the day 9:50amOverview Presentation 10:00amGroup Activity: 10:15am Service Showcase: Shelly Barton – The Integrated SH Service Helen Perkins – UAVA Gary Brown – The Cube 11.00amBreak 11:15am New Challenges: Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Ayshea Dalby – Multi-agency CSE Team 11:35amYoung Parent’s Support and ‘Becoming Dad’ 12:00noonActivity: What should our ongoing priorities be? 12.30pmClose, food and networking


Harborough Locality Teenage Pregnancy Workshop Tuesday 19 th Jan 2016 What about my work is exciting and challenging me? What do you want to get out of today? Workshop Agenda 9:15amArrival and refreshments 9:30amIntroductions, Ice breaker and plan of the day 9:50amOverview Presentation 10:00amGroup Activity: 10:15am Service Showcase: Shelly Barton The Integrated SH Service Helen Perkins UAVA Gary Brown The Cube 11.00amBreak 11:15am New Challenges: Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Ayshea Dalby Multi-agency CSE Team 11:35amYoung Parents Support and Becoming Dad 12:00noonActivity: What should our ongoing priorities be? 12.30pmClose, food and networking Progress update Best Start in Life 11 baby boxes distributed to mums in Harborough Broadening of input to TP Data (TBAG) meetings Work with young fathers New YP Provision New group in Broughton Astley Progress update Healthy Schools and Pupils RSE training delivery and new CSSP sites YP friendly SH Services Expansion of provision at The Cube Discussion re access of ISH service Child Line The pressure of modern life is making children depressed Reported in the press on 7 th Jan 30 years on from the launch of ChildLine In 1986 main issues were sexual and physical abuse and family problems In 2014/5 35,244 sessions related to low self-esteem, loneliness and cyber bullying I hate myself. When I look at other girls online posting photos of themselves it makes me feel really worthless and ugly. Im struggling to cope with these feelings and stay in my bedroom most of the time, one 13-year-old girl told a counsellor at the charity Relate Leicestershire Information collected from all young people (426) seen by Relate counsellors between Sept 2014 and June % female After counselling, 58% of yp felt that their problems were much better and 41% a bit better. 1% felt things were about the same Market Harborough Clinic attendance by age & gender Under 15s 1% years 45.5% 10.5 % 89.5 % Market Harborough Health Centre, District Hospital, Out Patients Dept, Coventry Road. Tuesday 5 7.30pm What can we celebrate from the data? What are areas of concern in the data? The Service Showcase The Service Showcase The Integrated Sexual Health Service Shelly Barton UAVA Helen Perkins The Cube Gary Brown Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Sexual & Domestic Violence Services Briefing Background Leicester City Council working with Leicestershire County Council, Rutland County Council and the Police & Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire recently tendered Sexual & Domestic Violence Services. Leicester City also contracted City Specific services. These contracts awarded to United Against Violence & Abuse (UAVA) Services commenced on 1 st December 2015 and will run till 2020 UAVA Consortium between FreeVA, Womens Aid Leicestershire Limited(WALL) & Living Without Abuse (LWA) All providers are established local Sexual and Domestic Violence voluntary sector organisations with a long history of delivery in LLR. Aims of DV/SV Services To provide appropriate and timely support, information and practical assistance to anyone who has been affected by sexual and domestic violence to support their safety and recovery. Government Definition of DV Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. The abuse can encompass, but is not limited to: Psychological, Physical, Sexual, Financial & Emotional In the city UAVA will also be working with adolescents and children who have been affected by DVA but also those who are using abusive behaviours towards partners (13+) and partners /carers. This definition also includes victims at risk / have been affected by Honour Based Violence ( HBV), Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Forced Marriage. Sexual Violence & Abuse Service Definition of Sexual Assault by World Health Organisation Any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed against a persons sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting, including but not limited to home and work World Health Organisation Definition For UAVA this definition is the basis of all our work where the perpetration of Sexual Violence and Abuse occurs within an intimate relationship, through a family relationship or through a stranger or acquaintance. This can include rape, attempted rape, sexual assault, revenge porn, Child Sexual Exploitation, blackmail etc LLR SVDV services Ongoing Helpline Support - Sexual Violence/ISVA Support - Domestic Abuse/IDVA Support - Recovery & Engagement Team - Counselling/Therapeutic Support - Group/1-2-1 Support - Signposting/referrals for specialist support Leicester City Services - Perpetrator Work - Young People using Violence - Safe Home/ Accommodation - Children & Young People, Family Services (0-18) UAVA Central Referral Hub SVDV Helpline Business Line (for members of the public only) (for agency referrals/professionals) am 8pm8am 6pm Monday to SaturdayMonday to Friday Website: Overview Risk Assessments/Safety Planning Case Management system across UAVA Co-ordinated Sexual and Domestic violence training across Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Providing co-location at key sites across the area; including Police, Local Authorities, Hospitals and the Sexual Assault Referral Centre Information for Referring Agencies HELPLINE REFERRALS Immediate Risk concerns need an immediate response e.g REFUGE Please call the helpline FIRST before completing a referral form as this will elicit an immediate response. We need name, DOB, SAFE contact details as a MINIMUM. Referral Forms- ALL information on the referral form is necessary for monitoring & recording purposes, for the safety of victim and children and to be able to track cases. If you dont know the information, please ask the client before referring or state why you dont have this information. DASH Risk assessments should be completed if you have had the training. Also your agency can continue to refer to MARAC but can refer to us for IDVA support. Due to our new OASIS system clients can be created using basic information, and we can track the clients journey throughout the various services across UAVA. If you have not been given the information of the allocated worker- pleaseus (unless it is an urgent case) to reduce helpline traffic. Once a case is allocated to one of the services, you should call that individual service/worker for updates /information sharing and not the HELPLINE. Contact For more information/enquiries: Business Line: (8am 6pm) Break New Challenges: Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) In the words of a victim of CSE I am a teenager. I was sexually exploited by a 40 year old man. I started using cannabis when I was worried about my Mums health and because my Dad didnt seem to care about me. I tried MCat for the first time when out with some friends because they looked like they were having fun. I started to do more MCat but it was expensive. My behaviour changed and I started missing lessons at school. My relationship at home became very difficult with Mum. It came to light that there were inappropriate pictures of me on Facebook with an older man. My Mum was told. The pictures were reported to the Police and my case was referred to the CSE Team. I told the team that sex had happened during my time at the mans house. The sex performed had been instead of payment for MCat. They said this was abuse - I didnt agree. I understand now that I was groomed and exploited. What can you do? Understand what makes a young person vulnerable Recognise the warning signs Consider the wider picture Use the CSE Risk Assessment Tool if you have a concern and are unsureCSE Risk Assessment Tool Seek help and advice Useful contacts and support CSE Team Childrens social care Leicester City Council, , Leicestershire County Council, , Rutland County Council, , Resources Leicestershire and Rutland Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB)NSPCCprotect-children-young-people-sexual-exploitation-cse.pdf A focus on young parents support Vicki Smith Baby Box Data Self Referral 9 Community Midwifery 82 Specialist Midwifery 35 Early Help 10 Early Start 4 Health Visitors 6 TBAG 3 POP - 1 Other - 4 Support for young parents - resources What should our on-going priorities be? Positive Relationships and Resilience Clinical Services Health messages Community Services Reduce health inequalities - RSE - Community approaches - Other health services - Young parent support - Tiers Specialist SH Services - Campaigns - RSE - Social media - Different methods of communication - Primary Prevention - Universal services - Community approaches - GPs A wide range of information from today and resources are available to download from our website or complete an order form. Thank you for attending and your on-going support! For more information contact; Katie Phillips Website:Find us on Twitter Training Enquiries: My pledge. Write on a post-it a promise of something you will do after todays workshop