handwriting analysis : fundamental & applications

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    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 1






    Dr. George and Mr. Vincent

    Human Behaviour Academy Ltd



    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 2

    Published by Human Behaviour Academy Ltd

    6 2 Larch Gardens, Manchester.

    E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.hbacademy.org.uk

    Copyright 2014 Human Behaviour Academy Ltd

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form or by any

    means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information

    storage or retrieval system, whatsoever without prior written permission from the publisher.

    First Edition January 2014

    British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

    Chee Seng, Leow; Vincent, Leong

    Handwriting Analysis: Fundamental and Application


    1. Handwriting 2. Personalities 3. Psychology 4. Social Psychology

    BF891 S237


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 3












    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 4

    You Are What You Write

    An analytical approach to ones personality from handwriting alone can yield many practical benefits.

    Is it possible to understand a persons personality through handwriting? It seems impossible but it

    really is possible to do so. Personality inventory can be categorised into projective and non-projective

    (Kathleen, 1978). Projective personality inventory uses pictures or diagrams to capture responses

    from the respondent. Hence, this method is a subjective form of personality inventory.


    Graphology or handwriting analysis is the science of interpreting a persons character from his/her

    personal handwriting. It is categorised as a projective personality test.

    The term graphology comes from two Greek words that mean to learn something about writing and

    the inferring of character or aptitude from it.

    Think of handwriting as a type of EEG (brain wave recording) of personality. In fact, some

    handwriting analysts describe brainwriting could be a more descriptive term than handwriting


    Distortions of the result due to the subjects knowledge that he is being analysed is common in

    most personality analysis tools.


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 5

    Graphology can analyse a persons personality without the person even knowing that he is being

    analysed. Through this method, we can reduce the possibility of inaccuracies due to conscious or

    unconscious efforts by the subject to affect the result.

    It is interesting to learn what your handwriting is able to tell you. Graphology is used widely in varied

    applications. The common application of graphology is in vocational guidance. Teachers often find

    they can use it to bring out better behaviour in problem students.

    While graphology cannot point to a specific career on the basis of a handwriting sample, it can

    certainly point someone in the right direction or away from the wrong direction, based on personality,

    abilities and inclinations.

    Besides vocational guidance, a handwriting analysis of both partners can confirm compatibilities,

    point out potential trouble spots and help the couple to understand and accept each others weaker


    People who investigate genealogy have used the service of graphologists to help them better

    understand their ancestors through an analysis of their handwriting. Graphologists can track clients

    progress in therapy, and some law enforcement agencies use handwriting analysis to determine how

    dangerous a suspect is, as well as truthfulness of victim and witness statements.

    Graphology is now being used increasingly by employers or assessment centres to help in personnel

    selection. It is especially used at the short listing stages. Small companies, in particular, need to avoid

    friction and personality clashes between staff as well as getting the right person for the right job.

    Some candidates are better at interviews than at their actual jobs; while others blow their chances

    through nervousness. A handwriting analysis can give a more complete picture.

    Practical graphology

    In practice, its better to use graphology to analyse the handwriting of a pure untainted subject, rather

    than to put the subject under unnatural stress of filling out a long questionnaire. Furthermore, a single

    personality questionnaire may reveal a single dimension of personality. However, two handwriting

    samples of the same person on different occasions may reveal different behavioural characteristics.

    In fact, handwriting analysis is an art. Each graphologist has different analytical styles. I have

    designed my own worksheet to help me to complete my handwriting analysis. In fact, there are a lot

    of computer programmes that offer the same service.

    However, I strongly believe, handwriting analysis is an art that needs human interpretation and the

    following are among the key factors I would be looking at:

    Margin of page;


    Height of writing;

    Slope or slant of writing;

    Word endings;


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 6

    Round and angular writing;

    Plain and fancy writing;

    Regular and irregular writing;

    Wide and narrow writing; and

    Thin and thick writing.


    It is important to identify the limitation of handwriting analysis to avoid unrealistic

    expectations during analysis.

    From the handwriting analysis, we would not be able to determine the age or gender of the

    writer. What it actually does is to indicate masculine and feminine influence, which is present

    in both sexes. It reveals maturity rather than actual chronological age.

    Nor can graphology predict happenings and future events. From graphology, we can point to

    a persons potential that needs to be brought out once they are made aware of it.


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 7

    Programming Your Life Through Handwriting Modification

    Have you had experience of fixing things in your house? You might have experience fixing a light bulb

    or paint a wall. In order to perform these tasks, you need a tool box. The right tool enables us to fix the

    problem effectively.

    It seems ridiculous to fix a person personality and psychological problem with handwriting. I learned

    handwriting analysis and it becomes one of my tools like a screw driver to fix human psyche. When

    meeting new friends, I love to observe their handwriting. As short as 30 seconds, I am able to identify

    what they scared of, how emotional he is and his strength and weakness. In fact, I based on the

    science of handwriting analysis to read their personality.

    However, if I wanted to help this person to stop anger or overcome phobia, I do not only use

    handwriting analysis as behavioural modification but I apply cognitive behaviour therapy together

    with handwriting analysis.

    As simple as change of handwriting enable you to change your personality and improve quality of life.

    Here is the brief description of some tools that I used when applying behaviour modification with

    handwriting analysis. The handwriting behaviour modification must be started with goal setting.

    Candidate needs to identify what to be achieved and set a realistic target when to reach the target



    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 8

    After setting the goal, candidate needs to change their belief system and elicit values in their life.

    Changing belief system is important because creating new belief could empower you to be the person

    you choose to be and eliciting values help you to discover what emotion is the most important to you,

    what you value most in life. By understanding these basic elements, you can start your handwriting


    Handwriting analysis is the science of determining personality and characteristic from our

    handwriting. By understand our own handwriting; we would be able to identify our own strength and

    weaknesses within us.

    Behaviour Modification through handwriting Grapho Therapy. Grapho therapy can be done by

    changing your handwriting to change your behaviours. The following are some of the negative

    personality handwriting that needs to be changed to enhance your quality of life.


    Shown when the lower loops of y s, g s, and sometimes j s are retraced completely. The anti-social

    person does not trust anyone and rarely lets people get close enough to really know him. He fears

    getting hurt emotionally. This is a roadblock to intimacy. In addition, it is difficult to enter his heart

    because he tends to put a huge block to enable you to understand him.


    Shown by the breakaway p with a high beginning stroke. This person likes to argue. The trait will be

    increased if the writer is also analytical, irritated, sarcastic, stubborn, and/or impulsive. When dealing

    with this person, he would always focus on the negative attitude that we have. They would try to

    discourage us and focus on the negative perspective.


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 9


    Down-slanted t-bar, to the right, with a sharp ending. The dominant person tends to fight for control.

    He takes charge, insisting people follow him. The sharp t-bar signifies sarcasm, whining, griping, and

    possible cruelness when he doesnt get his way. Sometimes, it is difficult to deal with the person

    because he always want to be the leader and people around him would feel pressure when dealing with

    him. An unpleasant trait.

    Dual Personality

    Shown by an obvious slant variation from left to right in the same sentence. This person has trouble

    making decisions because the head and heart are in conflict. He withdraws into the introverted

    personality when he feels insecure. Emotional unbalanced influence the person

    personality. Unpredictable mood swings.

    Emotionally Withdrawn

    Shown by a consistent leftward slant. The upstrokes and slant are a minimum of 90 degrees from the

    baseline. An introvert. This person keeps his own counsel, rarely expresses feelings, and makes logical

    unemotional decisions. Sometimes, the person tend to do something emotionally and regret after this.

    If this negative traits can be eliminated, the person could be a better person.


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 10

    Emotionally Responsive

    The hard rightward slant reveals the heart-ruled, moody, impulsive person. The farther the writing

    slants to the right, the more this person is subject to emotional stimuli. This writer naturally relates to

    people emotions and has a constant need for affection. He can be very expressive with his emotions

    and relates to others easily. Over expressive sometimes let people feel we are acting. A balance

    emotion helps us to deal with others in a more efficient perspective.


    A tight beginning loop that is small and almost square. It must make completely closed circle. This

    person fears the loss of someone he loves can be very possessive. The person could encounter mood

    swing due to small inner feeling. However, it creates emotional disturbed for the people next to them.

    Low Self-Esteem

    Shown by the t-bar crossed very low on the stem. This person fears failure and fears change, thus sets

    goals with low risk. He remains in bad situations much too long and finds imperfections with himself.

    He is rarely successful in his own eyes. Low self-esteem lead to low confident level of a person.


    Shown by a combination of loops in the right and left side of lower case as and os. Huge inner loop,

    that cross signify a person that lies pathologically. These people are not trustworthy. However, we


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 11

    cannot judge a person just a simple letter. A more comprehensive observation should be conducted to

    understand a person personality.

    Physical Frustration

    Lower loops that are incomplete. This signifies the presence of frustration in areas such as

    relationships, exercise, or sexual activity. Something is incomplete in this persons life.


    A t-bar that is crossed predominately on the left side of the stem. Procrastinators will put off until

    tomorrow what could have been done today. This trait is one factor of laziness. Low motivation are the

    main reason for procrastination. Positive and negative reinforcement can be used to eliminate this

    negative personality. At the same time, peers support is very important to motivate them.


    Revealed by sharp-pointed t-bar. Sarcasm is like a verbal dagger defending the ego. Sarcasm is

    forming a dual meaning to whatever is said and is often mixed with humor. Sarcastic people have a

    sharp tongue that can hurt others feelings. If the t-bar is crossed from right to left, the sarcasm is

    directed toward self, instead of toward others, creating a tendency to be self-critical. If the self-critics

    are too extreme, it is advisable to consult a counsellor.



    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 12

    Revealed by t and d- stems shaped like a tepee or upside down V. The more this letter is braced, the

    more this person is braced to his own ideas. Stubborn people rarely admit they are wrong, and dont

    want to be confused with the facts after they have made up their minds. They could stick to their own

    opinion without accepting other people's view.

    Surface Thinker

    Wedge-shapa ms and ns that do not penetrate the upper zone. This person is a quick thinker. He

    tends to depend on other peoples views rather than on personal investigation. He often makes

    decisions based on others opinions. A more critical thinking is needed so that the person would not

    jump into the conclusion.


    Open circle letters such as as and os. The less connected the upper part of these letters are, the more

    they must move their mouth. Sometimes they will talk just to hear their own voice. Giving opinion is

    good but sometimes, it is good to control our own speech so that it would not irritates others.

    Moderation is the key principle in all conversation.


    By identifying the negative traits within ourselves, we should admit our weaknesses. Then, we shall

    change and set our new goals to eliminate our negative traits by changing our handwriting slowly.

    When changing our handwriting, it was a way to set neuro programming to remind us to dispute

    negative beliefs that could form our behaviour. With the repetition, new positive traits would be

    programmed within us and finally it becomes a habit for us to success in our life. Good Luck!


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 13

    Signature and Human Personality:

    Secret of Brainwriting

    Our Brain controls our hand muscles. Our personality and traits are clearly shown through

    our signature and handwriting.

    A person personality can be reveal through a signature. Handwriting analysis would be

    incomplete if we analyse handwriting solely without considering the signature. Similarly, a

    signature alone is not sufficient is not sufficient to draw a clear, precise portrait. This article

    aims to analyse the signature and its relationship between the writers.


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 14

    Journey of Analysis

    1. The initial letters bend towards the left-hand side, and are followed by straight or

    progressive letters.

    The writer is still attached to his parents and suffers from past family conflicts. As the result,

    the person tends to slow down in decision making and sometimes the person is lack of

    confident. They have some negative personalities that derived from the past experience

    regards to family.

    2. The initial letters are high and narrow.

    The writer is vain due to a profound feeling of inferiority, selfishness, arrogance. All these

    negative traits contribute to difficulties in communication with others. They have difficulties

    to mix with people and also difficult to communicate with people. In fact, as a defence

    mechanism of inferiority, they act arrogance so that people feel hard to close with them.

    3. The signature is smaller than the handwriting in the text.

    The writer feels isolated and socially ill at ease; he suffers from psychological complexes and

    inhibitions. He is not confident. He usually associates with people less well educated than he

    is in order to be at ease. The humility of the writer is excessive and sometimes neurotic.


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 15

    4. The baseline of the signature ascends while the text is straight.

    The goals of the writer transcend his ability to achieve them. He lacks good judgment.

    Sometimes, the person acts too fast and do not focus on precision and accuracy. This

    personality leads to misjudgement in daily activities.

    5. The baseline is meandering.

    The person is probably instability and unreliability. The person is diplomatic and will lie if

    necessary. When dealing with this person, you cannot fully trust message delivered by the

    person. Spend more time to observe the validity and reliability of his statement. In addition,

    the person could promise you something but he would not deliver it. By understanding this,

    you are able to read a person better.

    6. The signature differs greatly from the handwriting of the text and address. (If the writer is a

    businessperson, doctor, or anyone who signs many letters a day, the following meaning does

    not apply.)

    The writer is untrustworthy; he lies and dissimulates. Similarly, this person is a good story

    teller. He is very creative and innovates when talking to others. He could give a promise just

    to entertain a person without have the intention to deliver what he has promised. In addition,

    he always masks himself so that people have difficulties to reach his heart.


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 16

    7. The signature is surrounded by a paraph.

    The writer is attached to his belongings; he can be possessive, but takes care of his family.

    The person would get offended when you challenge his family. In addition, he is very

    protective towards his own family and belongings. He puts a very clear cut to differentiate

    self and not self. In order to reach his heart, you need to be inclusive in his life.

    8. Vertical strokes or paraphs in the signature.

    The writer is pragmatic and can be ruthless, selfish, and materialistic. If you observe a person

    with this personality, you need to be more extra careful because the person could scarify you

    for his own benefit. He always put himself to be the centre of decision making. In order to

    achieve his objective, he could scarify anyone next to him. In addition, you would waste your

    effort if you use emotion and relationship to deal with this person. He focuses on materials.

    As the result, tangible materials would be the best way to deal with this person.

    9. The signature is followed by a dot or a full stop.

    The writer hardly ever trusts anyone and is usually lying. The person always put high defence

    towards his life. He would not simply believe what others. He always manipulates facts to

    protect himself. Try to evaluate the truthfulness before making any decisions. In addition, you

    need to get sufficient information and references before dealing with the person because the

    person has difficult to trust other person. You need to use statistics, evidence and concrete

    references to when dealing with him.


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 17

    10. The signature is crossed out by its paraph, which is often angular.

    The angles reveal vengefulness, and the paraph that crosses the signature shows the writers

    destructive and often self-destructive tendencies. If you observe people next to with this

    signature, you need to be extremely careful on each action you did. The person could keep in

    his heart all the unhappiness and dissatisfaction and revenge it when the time comes. The

    person could do something that do not benefit himself but would harm you.


    Remember, the handwriting itself would not be sufficient to understand a personality. You

    need to learn the skills to analyse the handwriting in a holistic ways to reach the heart of a

    person. Your life is more meaningful and the quality of life boosts up quickly when you are

    able to reach peoples heart. Learn more through workshop of Brainwriting!


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 18

    Certified Handwriting Analyst

    Human Behaviour Academy is the world leader in handwriting analysis certification.

    Through our courses, you will learn to be a professional handwriting analyst. HBA teaches

    the trait stroke method of analyzing handwriting. HBAs Accreditation is responsible for the

    administration of HBAs examination program. The Certified level exams contain theory and

    practical parts.

    Needs of the Certified Handwriting Analyst

    Our handwriting is the product of brain and hand, mind and body thoughts expressed on

    paper using the muscles of the arm and hand, physical movements controlled by the brain.

    Not only brain and body are involved, however. Each time we write we are influenced by our

    inner feelings, by our emotions and moods of that moment. Worry, depression, optimism,

    elation, anger and passing thoughts will all be reflected in the writing we produce. It should

    be called brainwriting rather than handwriting.

    Certified Handwriting Analyst is the highest qualification in graphology that covers both

    theoretical and practical approach.


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 19

    A persons handwriting is as unique as their fingerprints and facial features. Even identical twins have slight differences. A trained graphologist is able to assess the personality of the

    writer not only the way he wishes to be seen, his public face or persona, but also the inner person as he really is, the ego. We produce a portrait of ourselves as we conduct this

    certification will train you to translate this picture into a description of the personality of the

    writer. With this special skills candidate would be able to reach the heart and soul of a person.

    The objectives of the certified examination include:

    To understand development of graphology

    To learn elements of handwriting analysis: graphology

    To introduce to candidate techniques used in graphology

    After completion this certified program, candidates will be able to

    Understand the basic element of handwriting analysis

    Identify the inner mind of a person and response according to their needs

    Practise skills on handwriting analysis

    Appreciate human attitude and behavior through handwriting analysis

    Enhance their knowledge to deeper knowledge in the area of graphology- initial step to be graphology consultant

    Influence people after understand their needs and their attitude

    This certified program provides candidates with a special skill that would not be covered in

    the syllabus of psychology program. This skill help a lot of psychologist, counsellors or even

    entrepreneurs to start their own business and venture their career in the field of graphology.

    With this certified program, candidate would have sufficient ability to initiate their

    graphology clinic/ center.


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 20

    Certified Exam

    The Certified exam is the second in HBAs examination process. Successful completion of

    the Certified exam bestows the honour and title of Certified Handwriting Analyst The

    prerequisite is required to apply for the Certified exam by completing certification training by


    The purpose of the Certified exam is to evaluate the ability to practice handwriting analysis at

    a professional level. A HBA Certified Graphologist is considered to be a qualified

    professional graphologist. HBA encourages its members to become a Certified Member to

    increase the standard of excellence in the graphological community, as a whole.

    Certified Handwriting Analyst helps you to enjoy the product and service differentiation to

    win the competitors. The program helps you to enjoy the competitive advantage with the

    support from the community in more than 30 countries in the world.


    Handwriting Analysis : Fundamental and Application 21

    Certification Process

    In stage one, candidate needs to complete 10 modules to equipped themselves with sufficient

    skills to conduct handwriting analysis. These skills enable candidate to understand

    fundamental of handwriting analysis (Module 1 to Module 5) and also advance handwriting

    analysis (Module 6 to Module 9). In the last module, candidate is trained how to perform a

    professional reports in handwriting analysis (Module 10).

    In stage two, candidate is given a handwriting to analyse and perform a complete report for

    evaluation. The evaluation consists of all elements trained in the ten modules. Candidate

    needs to perform professionalism during completing this task.

    After passing the examination, candidate needs to conduct AT LEAST 10 reports analysis to

    earn back their fees. Candidate need to write to the center with the 10 completed report to

    claim their title

    Certified Handwriting Analysis and the title of CHAHBA

    Stage One:

    Complete 10 Modules on Graphology

    Stage Two:

    Comprehensive Report Writing

    Stage Three:

    Internship/ Industrial
