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  • 8/20/2019 handout Dan Dorgan 1of2 6pp.pdf



      –Agency’s Emergency Response

    Dan DorganState Bridge Engineer

    Minnesota Department of Transportation

    February 15, 2010

    I-35W Bridge

    • Bridge Background

    • Bridge Collapse August 1, 2007

    Emergency Response

    Rescue Operations

    Traffic Management

    • August 2, 2007

    Investigation Begins

    Media Coverage

    • Responding to Public and Media

    • Recovery of Victims and Bridge Removal

    •Mn/DOT Actions Following August 2007

    •NTSB Investigation

    •Minnesota Legislature: Victims Fund andTransportation Funding

    •Impact on Employees

    •Observations - Lessons Learned

    II--35W Bridge35W Bridge

    DowntownDowntownMinnea olisMinnea olis

    UniversityUniversityof of 



    I-35W BridgeBridge Background

    •Bridge Completed in 1967

    •1907 Feet Long

    •3 span continuous truss

    • Main span 456’

    •11 approach spans

    •ADT 141,000

    •Sufficiency Rating – 50.0

    •Annually Inspected

    •Mn/DOT 20 year plan called forReplacement/Renovation 2020-25

    July 1967

    Two Previous Studies of the Bridge

    2001 University of Minnesota –“Fatigue Evaluation of the DeckTruss of Bridge 9340”

    “  –Redundancy Analysis”

    Multi Girder Approach Spans HadRequired Retrofits for Cracks atDiaphragm Connection

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    Previous Bridge Modifications

    1977 Concrete overlay

    1998 Railing repair, drainage system, minor deckrepair 

    1999 Paintin Portion of Truss S ans 

    1999 Anti Icing System

    2001 Curb & Slab repair 

     Average yearly Mn/DOT Maintenance Hours 500

    Contract Maintenance Work at Time of Collapse

    Contract to replace concreteoverlay, and repair joints.

    Work completed:

    North bound – two inside lanes

    South bound – two outside lanes

    Scheduled completion datewas September 30, 2007

    Contractor employees and Mn/DOTinspectors on bridge at collapse

    August 1, 2007

    The Collapse

    Collapse occurs at 6:05 p.m.

    Wednesday, August 1, 2007Over 100 vehicles on thebridge at the time• 13 fatalities• 140 injuries North End – I 35W Bridge – South End

    North End Main Span

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    Pier 6 South End Main Span South Spans

    Emergency Response

    6:05 p.m.

    Numerous calls to 911

    Motorists on bridge, constructionworkers, citizens in area assistinjured

    mergency personne rom w nCities and Western Wisconsinrespond

    6:10 p.m.

    District Emergency OperationsCenter activated

    Mn/DOT’s RegionalTransportation Management

    Center (RTMC)

    Immediate traffic control for ramp andImmediate traffic control for ramp and

    freeway closures provided by FIRST units,freeway closures provided by FIRST units,maintenance units, and contractors in themaintenance units, and contractors in thevicinityvicinity

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    Response the First 12 Hours

    Unified commandcenter set up oncollapse site.

    p s. re epar men ncharge of rescue operation

    Hennepin County Sheriff incharge of recovery

    Rescue operationswell coordinated byemergencyresponders.

    August 1, 2007

    First 12 Hours – continued)

    6:20 p.m.

    Maintenance started converting I-35W temporary traffic controlmeasures to longer term trafficcontrol standards with barriers andsigns

    20 changeable message signsactivated

    800 megahertz communicationsystem was critical for responders

    First 12 Hours – continued)

    7:00 p.m. Over 150 employees activated,

    most just returned without a call

    10:00 p.m. Governor and Mayor provide an

    up a e o pu c. um er ovictims unknown.

    Rescue Operations Ended,Recovery Begins

    11:00 p.m. Detour maps for a.m. rush posted

    on Mn/DOT Web site


    Expanded signing and barricadesof closed I-35W

    Converted T.H. 280 to a freeway

    I-35W Detour Map

    Key Decisions – Early August 2


    • Division of Tasks

    •Dedicate a team to bridge replacement

    •collapsed bridge

    •Retain a forensic expert for the collapse investigation

    •Previous planning for a bridge emergencyreplacement addressed typical interchangebridges, not a major river crossing.

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    August 2, 2008

    • Mn/DOT Engineers assess stability ofwreckage for recovery personnel

    • Mn/DOT retains Wiss Janney Elstnerand TranSystems/Lichtenstein for

    • Federal Agencies Arrive at CommandSite FEMA, FBI, Coast Guard, OSHA,OIG, FTA, NTSB, Rick Capka andNational FHWA staff 

    • NTSB Leads Investigation Team

    • Law Enforcement and NTSB UpdateVictims’ Families

    • Mn/DOT Engineering Team is organizedfor rapid replacement

    Command Site

    Media Coverage August 2nd

     – Governor Conducts interviewsthroughout morning

     – 2:00 pm Press ConferenceGovernor announces

    ○ Emergency Statewide BridgeInspections beginning withunderdeck trusses

    ○ Forensic Investigation Team WissJanneyElstner 


    ○ Independent Review ofMn/DOT Inspection Program

    FHWA Participates

    Mn/DOT provides bridge background

    and responds to questions

     – National and International NewsOrganizations present

     – National Transportation SafetyBoard Begins Updates

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    Responding to Public and Media Requests

    Held Daily 2:00 pm PressConference• Became only means to respond to

    volume of requests• Format was Statement, Update on specific

    issue, Open to questions• Length was held to a reasonable time – 30

    to 45 minutes• When it ended, held uestions till next da

    Approach to Press Conferences• Share the information we possess• Be factual and calm•  Avoid speculation. Ok to admit you don’t

    know.• It is Ok to stop and think before

    answering.• Use non-engineering terms when possible• Provide information that informs the public• Keep accusatory questions in perspective

     – lives have been lost

    8/3/07 Press Conference

    Responding to Public and Media Requests


    Mn/DOT goal was to betransparent• Document requests were

    voluminous• Website posting of plans,

    inspection reports, bridge

    studies• Dedicated I-35W Website

    included all documents

    Later needed to removeinspectors names aftercalls were made to theirhomes.

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    Responding to Public and Media Requests


    Mn/DOT priority was localmedia requests

      ,own investigations andspeculation.

    Correcting factual errorsconsumed time

    Document ManagementSystem established to gatherand store all bridgeinformation

    Spectators and Media on Adjacent10th Avenue Bridge

    National Response

     Aug. 2 – Secretary Peters andFHWA Administrator Capka onsite

     Aug. 4 - President Bush pledgeso cut re tape t at cou e ay


    Several site visits by SecretaryPeters and President Bush, andcontinuing presence by RickCapka

    Within days, Congress authorizes $250million in Emergency Relief money to replacebridge and restore highway facilities to pre-disaster conditions

    Total Federal Emergency Relief $373.5M

     Access to site controlled by po lice and fending –24/7

     Aug. 6 – Careful bridge demolition began to a idrecovery, and NTSB investigation

    Navy Divers from Norfolk, VA assist in recovery

    NTSBInvesti ation TeamSu ervisesRemoval

    Recovery of VictimsRecovery of Victims


     All steel members marked and in dexed

    Members removed by torch – underwater cutscould take 1-4 hours

    Extensive coordination required with divers,sheriff, investigators and contractor 

    Site protocol followed during recovery of victims

    Navy Dive Team

    Navy Divers Perspective

     Assigned bridgeengineers to assistNTSB not previouslyinvolved in bridge

     Aug. 20 – Navy Divers

    recover 13th victim, site

    Sept. 6 - Navigationchannel opened tocommercial traffic

    Sept. 27 – Final steelremoved from river

    Removing Wreckage from Navigation Channel

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    Structural Steel Laid Out

    On River Flats

    September 2007 – November 2008

    Anticipate and Act

    Identify what we should do Resulting from the investigation or internal process reviews

    Don’t wait – Take action

    Take opportunities to communicate what you are doing

    Encouraged and reassured our staff  Keep them focused

    Understand rebuilding credibility is a journey

    Minnesota Actions Following 

    August 1, 2007

    Bridge Inspection

     Aug. 2 - Governor directs MnDOT to inspec tall bridges on the trunk highway systemin priority order

    Inspection continued of all MnDOTbridges, with priority to fracture criticalbridges and those rated “structurallydeficient”

    By December 21, 2007

    • 3875 MnDOT bridges inspected• 840 Local Bridges

    • Supplemented MnDOT inspectionteams with PB Americas, MichaelBaker, HDR, Volkert, and STV

    Peer Review of Major Bridge Designs – April 2008

    Spans over 250 feet

    Minnesota Actions (Continued)

    Unique bridge types

    Independent design review by a separate design firm

    Design Criteria and Assumptions

    Review of Design

    Constructability Review

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    Bridge Inspection

    Governor Directs Mn/DOT to conduct an independent “Stem toStern” review of bridge inspection program Mn/DOT retains PB Americas to conduct 301 bridges inspected and used in Condition Rating Comparison

    Findin s – June2008

    Minnesota Actions (Continued)

      Condition ratings for 282/301 bridges within 1 NBI rating MnDOT Program Consistent with other States and complies with NBIS Better documentation to track- inspection findings to follow up

    maintenance actions Clarify responsibilities between routine and fracture critical inspection


    Process Reviews of Internal Procedures

    Completed as a follow-up to PB study and Legislative Auditor Study

    Internal QC/QADesi n Procedures areunder review

    Minnesota Actions (Continued)



    Consolidated documentation of QA/QC procedures for Routine andFracture Critical Inspections

    Increased use of UT to assess corrosion


    Revised procedures to document maintenance follow up to inspectionfindings

    Gusset Plate Reviews and Inspections

    January 15, 2008

    NTSB urges truss and gusset

    plate load ratings for bridges

    citing design error in I-35W


    Mn/DOT developed a checkingprocess for gusset plates inOctober-November 2007

    No software or rating methodsexisted for checking trussgusset plates, few examples inreferences

    Mn/DOT began the analysis ofseveral bridges in Fall 2007

    January 15, 2008 Press Conference

    Mn/DOT conducted news conference following NTSBPress Conference on January 15 Informed the public we had already begun the design review of

    gusset plates on our truss bridges Commit ted to com let in the rocessb Jul of 2008  Shared the purpose was to determine if original designs were

    correct Noted we had no reason to suspect a similar error – this was


    Rivets/bolts in shear and bearing

    Buckling at ends of diagonals

    Truss Bridge Gusset Plate Checks Performedby Mn/DOT in 2008


    Tension at ends of all tension members

    Block shear at ends of all tension members

    Gusset Plate free edge unsupported length to thickness ratio

    Gusset Plate Rating Results

    By July 1, 2008:

    25 trusses load rated toverify original design wascorrect

    y ugus , :

    25 bridge fieldinspections of gussetscompleted

    No design deficiencies

    similar to I-35W foundWabasha Bridge

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    Results of Reviews

    Typical Areas of Loss• Gusset Plates Below:

    • Deck Joints• Drain Pipes

    • Section Loss Areas:• Interior Face Along Chord (Red)• Interior Face Along Edges of

    Dia onals Green• Interior Face Along Edges of

    Verticals (Blue)• Exterior Face Along Top of

    Lateral Brace Gusset Plate

    • Extensive use of ultrasonicdevices to measure platethickness

    Blatnik Bridge

    Documentation of Losses

    Visual (≤ 1/8”) & NDT (≥ 1/8”) Quantify Depths Quantify Areas Identify Locations Include Contours

    Results of Reviews

    St. Cloud Bridge – closed and replacement accelerated Blatnik Bridge in Duluth – gusset stiffened to restore full

    safety factor  Winona Bridge – reinforced gusset due to corrosion  All necessary repairs were completed by July 2008

    Blatnik Bridge

    Local press conference on the day we restricted or closed abridge.

    Commissioner, State Bridge Engineer, District Engineer, andElected Officials Participated.

    Commissioner emphasized safety was our number onepriority.

    Press Conferences Held in Each City Impacted

    Described what our inspectors had discovered. Why we needed to act. Stated we were acting conservatively “out of an abundance of

    caution”. Committed to repairing as soon as possible. Promised to update them on progress.

    DESOTO BRIDGE – St. Cloud

    Closed March 20, 2008-Replacement Accelerated


    Restricted May 6, 2008 – 1 Lane Each Direction

    Repairs Completed July 2008

    Overlay weight andPrevious Corrosion had

    reduced Safety Factors at29 Locations

    $1.1 Million Repair Job

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    Closed Temporarily June 3, 2008

    Repairs Completed July 2008


    $108,000 total cost

    Corrosion hadreduced Safety

    Factors at 15 locations

    Revised Bridge Construction Load Specifications inresponse to FHWA August 8, 2007 Advisory – April2008

    Minnesota Actions

    • Unless otherwise allowed in plans, limits construction to loadingssimilar to design liveload.

    • Construction materials limited to 65,000 lb per 1000 SF.

    • Individual Stockpiles limited to 25,000 lb per 100 SF.

    • Vehicles, materials, equipment limited to 200,000 lbs per span.

    •  Alternate loadings require submittal by contractor’s engineer andapproval of Mn/DOT Project Engineer.


    Hearings and Investigations

    Congressional Hearing September 2007

    Several Minnesota Legislative Hearings RegardingTransportation Issues and the I35W Bridge

    Investigative Report to Joint Committee toInvestigate the I35W Bridge Collapse – May 2008

    Office of the Legislative Auditor, State ofMinnesota “Evaluation Report: State Highwaysand Bridges – February 2008”

    National Transportation Safety Board


    NTSB led the investigation with a team of professionalsincluding metallurgists, engineers, and experiencedinvestigators

    nves ga on oc e as een pos e on ewebsite at: www.ntsb.gov under Highway Accidents.

    Process was very disciplined progressing through factfinding, analysis, conclusions and recommendations.

    NTSB parties and contributors to the investigationincluded the FHWA, Wiss Janney, Elstner andTransystems, Mn/DOT, Jacobs Engineering, and PCI.

    NTSB Investigation Results – November 13-14, 2008 NTSB Public


    Collapse of I-35W Highway Bridge

    Minneapolis, Minnesota – August 1, 2007 – Page 152

    Probable cause – “inadequate load capacity dueto a design error by Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates, of the gusset plates at the U10


    1) Substantial increases in the weight of the bridge,which resulted from previous bridge modifications,and

    2) The traffic and concentrated construction loads on

    the bridge on the day of collapse.”

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    NTSB Investigation Results Continued)

    Collapse of I-35W Highway Bridge

    Minneapolis, Minnesota – August 1, 2007 – Page 152

    “Contributing to the design error was the failure ofSverdrup & Parcel’s quality control procedures toensure that the appropriate main truss gusset platecalculations were performed for the I-35W bridge andthe inadequate design review by Federal and Statetransportation officials.

    Contributing to the accident was the generally acceptedpractice among Federal and State transportationofficials of giving inadequate attention to gusset platesduring inspections for conditions of distortion, such asbowing, and of excluding gusset plates in load ratinganalyses.”

    Mn/DOT Communication Following

    November 13-14, 2008 NTSB Hearing

    Commissioner responded to mediafollowing the hearing expressing thanks


    Due to actions already taken, Mn/DOTwas able to state action was complete orunderway regarding all NTSBrecommendations.

    2008 Transportation Bill○ License Plate Fee and 5 cent Gas Tax Increase

    ○ $1.8 billion in bonding of which $600M bridges

    ○ Up to 3.5 cent added gas tax for bond payments

    ○ By June 2018, replace all bridges rated SD and below 50,

    Minnesota 2008 Transportation Funding

    and FC bridges, unless reason documented to remain in

    service○  Approximately 120 bridges to be repla ced or repaired

    Victims Fund Legislation○ Existing statutory limits on liability inadequate

    ○ $37 million in payments completed

    Bridge Replacements Completed to Date

    41 bridge projects are completed orunderway.

    13 ma or brid e ro ects lanned overthe next 8 years with 6 Mississippi Rivercrossings.

    Impacts on Employees and Organization

    Responded well on August 1. They returned without a call. Tremendous strength and perseverance shown. Stress debriefings were valuable tools to share emotions. We watched for signs of employee struggles with mental and

    h sical health. Reassi ned to other duties as needed. Communicate with employees as often as possible, rather than

    the news be their source. Provided reassurance. Important to have Governor and other leaders in forefront to help

    reassure the public. Media communication handled by Assistant Commissioner and

    Bridge Engineer to allow employees to focus on their job.

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    Observations and Lessons Learned

    Existing partnerships/relationships with the FHWA,

    Minneapolis, and other agencies were key in respondingto the tragedy. Dedicating a team solely to rapid replacement was

    needed. Others dealt with colla se. Establish a Web Site to make information public versus

    responding to individual data requests. Daily News conferences are manageable, individual

    interviews are overwhelming.

    Observations and Lessons Learned


     A redundant traffic management systemis invaluable.

    Understand politics will be part of it.

    Within tragedy is also the impetus toreview processes and improve, be opento the opportunity.