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Handling primary sources in TEI XML TEI @ Oxford . . . Handling primary sources in TEI XML TEI @ Oxford September 2008

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sources in TEIXML

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Handling primary sources in TEI XML

TEI @ Oxford

September 2008

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Transcribable features

Transcription is a special kind of encoding, in which the aim is torepresent all the important features of a primary source withoutprejudging too much about it... hence the term diplomatictranscript.Here are some of the kinds of features concerned:

letter forms

page layout


word division



additions and deletions

errors and omissions

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Letter forms

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Letter forms

Unicode (ISO 10646) defines computer codepoints formost, though not all, of the abstract characters recognizedby modern scholars when reading ancient sources.

Different fonts realise those codepoints in different styles;however the underlying character remains the same.Data entry of Unicode characters can be

direct: some key combination or menu-selection generatesthe character æ for usindirect, using a numeric character entity reference such as&#xE6indirect using a mnemonic character entity reference suchas æ (this requires every document to carry a DTDwith it)

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Non-Unicode characters

Nevertheless, sometimes Unicode is not enough…… if your character doesn't exist… if you want to distinguish letter forms that Unicoderegards as identical e.g. for statistical analysis.

The <g> (gaiji) element stands for any non-Unicode character.Its content can be a local approximation to the desired letter (ornothing); its@ref attribute points to a definition for the requiredcharacter or glyph..


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<!-- in text --><g ref="#x123"/>

or... ..



<g ref="#x123">x</g>

in header:.


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<char xml:id="x123"><!-- character definition here --></char>

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Structure and layout

As elsewhere we distinguish ‘structure’ (the way theintellectual content of a work is logically organized) from‘layout’ (the physical arrangement of the text on the page).

The structural view is generally privileged over the layoutview in TEI documents. Common practice is to mark<div><p>, <lg>, <l> (etc) elements, elements, as inprinted texts, and to use empty ‘milestone’ tags forsignificant points in the physical layout, for example<pb/>, <cb/>, and <lb/> , for page-, column- andline-boundaries respectively.

(The opposite practice is also feasible: one could imaginemarking up a structural hierarchy of <gathering>,<leaf>, etc. with milestone elements to mark the pointsat which ‘structural’ components begin and end.)

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Abbreviations are highly characteristic of manuscript materialsof all kinds. Western MSS traditionally distinguish:

Suspensions the first letter or letters of the word are written,generally followed by a point, or other marker: forexample e.g. for exempla gratia

Contractions both first and last letters are written, generally withsome other mark of abbreviation such as a superscriptstroke, or, less commonly, a point or points: e.g. Mr. forMister.

Brevigraphs Special signs or tittels, such as the Tironian nota usedfor ‘et’, the letter p with a barred tail commonly used forper, the letter c with a circumflex used for cum (ĉ) etc

Superscripts Superscript letters (vowels or consonants) are oftenused to indicate various kinds of contraction: e.g. wfollowed by superscript ch for which.

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Encoding abbreviations (1)

TEI proposes two levels of encoding:

the whole of an abbreviated word and the whole of itsexpansion: <abbr> and <expan>abbreviatory signs or characters and the ‘invisible’characters they imply: <am> and <ex>

The Old Icelandic word hann (‘he’) is usually written as abrevigraph, combining the letter h with a horizontal strokerepresenting nasalisation (Unicode character 0305, functionallysimilar to the modern tilde). It looks like this:

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Encoding abbreviations (2)

Depending on editorial policy, we might represent thiscombination in any one of the following ways:... ..

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Encoding abbreviations (3)

We could also indicate multiple alternatives (at either level) byusing the <choice> element.


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And much more besides...

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Encoding abbreviations (3)

The@type attribute on <abbr> allows us to provide alternativerenderings for the same markup in different contexts..


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<choice><abbr type="susp">k<am>&#x307;</am></abbr><expan>k<ex>onungr</ex></expan>

</choice><choice><abbr type="tittel">ml<am>&#x305;</am>i</abbr><expan>m<ex>æl</ex>l<ex>t</ex>i</expan>


k(onungr) mællti

As elsewhere, the@resp and@cert attributes can also be used toindicate who is responsible for an expansion, and the degree ofcertainty attached to it.

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Additions, deletions, and substitutions

<add> (addition) or <del> (deletion) are used for evidentalterations in the source

a combined addition and deletion may be marked using<subst> (substitution)

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Additions, deletions, and substitutions



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<l>And towards our distant rest began to trudge,</l><l><subst><del>Helping the worst amongst us</del><add>Dragging the worst amongt us</add>

</subst>, who'd no boots</l><l>But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame;<subst>


</subst> blind;</l><l>Drunk with fatigue ; deaf even to the hoots</l><l>Of tired, outstripped <del>fif</del> five-nines that dropped behind.</l>

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Corrections and emendations

The <sic> element can be used to indicate that the reading ofthe manuscript is erroneous or nonsensical, while <corr>(correction) can be used to provide what in the editor's opinionis the correct reading:... ..






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Alternatively, they may be combined within a <choice>element, thus allowing the possibility of providing multiplecorrections:.


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<choice><sic>giorit</sic><corr cert="high">giorir</corr><corr cert="low">gioret</corr>


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Supplied text

Sometimes, a transcript may need to include words not visiblypresent in the source:

because the carrier has been damaged or is barely legible

because of (assumed) scribal errorThe <supplied> element is provided for use in eithersituations; the@reason attribute is used to distinguish them..


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…Dragging the worstamong<supplied reason="omitted">s</supplied>t us…

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Metadata for supplied text

Attributes@resp and@cert can be used here as elsewhere. A@source attribute is also available to indicate that anotherwitness supports the reconstruction:.


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<p>ath þeir <supplied reason="omitted" source="AM02-152">mundu</supplied>sundr ganga</p>

When missing text cannot be confidently reconstructed, the<gap> element should be used. Its@reason attribute explainsthe reason for the omission and its@extent attribute indicatesits presumed size.... ..



<gap reason="damage" extent="7cm"/>

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Source texts rarely use modern normalized orthography. Forretrieval and other processing reasons, such information may beuseful in a transcription. The <reg> (regularized) element isavailable used to mark a normalized form; the <orig>(original) element to indicate a non-standard spelling. Theseelements can optionally be grouped as alternatives using the<choice> element:

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Normalization example



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<lg><l>There was an Old Woman,</l><l><choice><orig>Liv'd</orig><reg>Lived</reg>

</choice> under a hill,</l><l>And if she <orig>'int</orig> gone,</l><l>She lives there still.</l>


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Why are manuscript descriptions special?

Manuscripts are unique objects, sometimes (though notalways) of great cultural or political value

Books, by contrast, exist in multiple copies, and can bedescribed adequately by well-established and formalizedbibliographic conventions.

For manuscripts, there are several traditions, oftendescriptive or belle lettriste, and little consensus.



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.Similar concerns apply to other text-bearing objects.

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The TEI <msDesc> element is intended for several differentkinds of applications:

standalone database of library records (finding aid)

discursive text collecting many records (catalogueraisonné)

metadata component within a digital surrogate (electronicedition)

tool for ‘quantitative codicology’

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Catalogue Raisonné

An <msDesc> can appear anywhere a <p> paragraph can.


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<div><head>The Arnamagnæan Institute and its records</head><p>Probably the finest collection of ……</p><p>For example: </p><msDesc xml:id="AMI-1" xml:lang="en">

<!-- …--></msDesc><p>In the following manuscript….</p><msDesc xml:id="AMI-2" xml:lang="en">

<!-- …--></msDesc>


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Digital edition

metadata in the header

transcription in the body, with links to

images in a <facsimile> element



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<!-- … metadata describing the manuscript --><!-- includes a msDesc within the sourceDesc --></teiHeader><facsimile>

<!-- … metadata describing the digital images --></facsimile><text>

<!-- (optional) transcription of the manuscript --></text>


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Example minimal structure



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<teiHeader><fileDesc><titleStmt><title>[Title of manuscript]</title>

</titleStmt><publicationStmt><distributor>[name of data provider]</distributor><idno>[project-specific identifier]</idno>

</publicationStmt><sourceDesc><msDesc xml:id="ex1" xml:lang="en">

<!-- [full manuscript description ]--></msDesc>

</sourceDesc></fileDesc><revisionDesc><change when="2008-01-01">[revision



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Quantitative Codicology: is it possible?

Two conflicting desires:

preserve (or perpetuate) existing descriptive prose

reliable search, retrieval, and analysis of data

The <msDesc> tries, wherever possible, to have its cake andeat it.

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Components of a manuscript description

We separate, and tag differently, aspects concerned with…


intellectual content

physical description

history and curation

… and other manuscript descriptions

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msDesc structure



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<msDesc xml:id="ex2" xml:lang="en"><msIdentifier>

<!-- Repository location, shelfmarks, etc. --></msIdentifier><msContents>

<!-- Structured description of MS contents --></msContents><physDesc>

<!-- Physical and codicological description --></physDesc><history>

<!-- Origin, provenance, acquisition, etc. --></history><additional>

<!-- Additional bibliographic and curatorial information,and associated materials etc. --></additional><msPart>

<!--Composite manuscript details --></msPart>


<msIdentifier> is the only one that is required.

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Simple example <msDesc>



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<msDesc xml:id="ex3" xml:lang="en"><msIdentifier><settlement>Oxford</settlement><repository>Bodleian Library</repository><idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno><altIdentifier type="other"><idno>28843</idno>

</altIdentifier></msIdentifier><p>In Latin, on parchment: written in more than one hand of the 13th

cent. in England: 7¼ x 5⅜ in., i + 55 leaves, in double columns: witha few coloured capitals.</p>

<p>'Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie,' the Deorigine et gestis Regum Angliae of Geoffrey of Monmouth (GalfridusMonumetensis: beg. 'Cum mecum multa &amp; de multis.'</p>

<p>On fol. 54v very faint is 'Iste liber est fratris guillelmi deburia de … Roberti ordinis fratrum Pred[icatorum],' 14th cent. (?):'hanauilla' is written at the foot of the page (15th cent.). Boughtfrom the rev. W. D. Macray on March 17, 1863, for £1 10s.</p>


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Structured form of <msDesc> (1)



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<msDesc xml:id="ex4" xml:lang="en"><msIdentifier><settlement>Oxford</settlement><repository>Bodleian Library</repository><idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno><altIdentifier type="internal"><idno>28843</idno>

</altIdentifier></msIdentifier><msContents><msItem><author xml:lang="en">Geoffrey of Monmouth</author><author xml:lang="la">Galfridus Monumetensis</author><title type="uniform" xml:lang="la">De origine et gestis Regum

Angliae</title><rubric xml:lang="la">Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie</rubric><incipit xml:lang="la">Cum mecum multa & de multis</incipit><textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>


<!-- … --></msDesc>

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Structured form of <msDesc> (2)



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<physDesc><objectDesc form="codex"><supportDesc material="perg"><support><p>Parchment.</p>

</support><extent>i + 55 leaves <dimensions scope="all" type="leaf" unit="in">

<height>7 ¼</height><width>5 ⅜</width>


</supportDesc><layoutDesc><layout columns="2"><p>In double columns.</p>


</objectDesc><handDesc><p>Written in more than one hand.</p>

</handDesc><decoDesc><p>With a few coloured capitals.</p>


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Structured form of <msDesc> (2)



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<history><origin><p>Written in <origPlace>England</origPlace> in the

<origDate notAfter="1300" notBefore="1200">13th cent.</origDate></p>

</origin><provenance><p>On fol. 54v very faint is <quote xml:lang="la">Iste liber est

fratris guillelmi de buria de<gap reason="illegible"/> Roberti ordinis

fratrum Pred<ex>icatorum</ex></quote>, 14th cent. (?):

<quote>hanauilla</quote> is written at the foot ofthe page (15th cent.).</p>

</provenance><acquisition><p>Bought from the rev. <name type="person" key="MCRAYWD">W. D.

Macray</name> on<date when="1863-03-17">March 17,

1863</date>, for £1 10s.</p></acquisition>


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Identification (1)

The <msIdentifier>Traditional three part specification:

place (<country>, <region>, <settlement>)repository (<institution>, <repository>)identifier (<collection>, <idno>)



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<msIdentifier><country>France</country><settlement>Troyes</settlement><repository>Bibliothèque Municipale</repository><idno>50</idno>


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Identification (2)

Alternative or additional names can also be included:.


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<msIdentifier><country>Danmark</country><settlement>København</settlement><repository> Det ArnamagnæanskeInstitut </repository><idno>AM 45 fol.</idno><msName xml:lang="la">Codex Frisianus</msName><msName xml:lang="is">Fríssbók</msName>


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Intellectual Content

May simply use paragraphs of text…… or a tree of <msItem> elements… optionally preceded by a prose summary

We can describe the content in general terms:.


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<msContents><p>An extraordinary charivari of heroic deeds and

improving tales, including an early version of<title>Guy of Warwick</title> and several hymns.</p>


or we can provide detail about each distinct item:.


. ..



<msContents><summary>An extraordinary charivari of heroic deeds,

improving tales, and hymns</summary><msItem>

<!-- details of Guy of Warwick here --></msItem><msItem>

<!-- other items here --></msItem>


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The <msItem> element

Manuscripts contain identifiable items, usually physically tied toa locus.

<locus>, if present, must be given firstthen any of the following, in a specified order:

<author>, <respStmt><title>, <rubric>, <incipit>, <explicit>,<colophon>, <finalRubric><quote>, <textLang>, <decoNote>, <bibl>,<listBibl>, <note>…… or nested <msItem>s

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<msContents>with multiple <msItem>s



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<msContents><msItem n="1"><locus>fols. 5r-7v</locus><title>An ABC</title><bibl><title>IMEV</title><biblScope type="pages">239</biblScope>

</bibl></msItem><msItem n="2"><locus>fols. 7v-8v</locus><title xml:lang="fr">Lenvoy de Chaucer a Scogan</title><bibl><title>IMEV</title><biblScope type="pages">3747</biblScope>


<!-- … --><msItem n="6"><locus>fols. 14r-126v</locus><title>Troilus and Criseyde</title><note>Bk. 1:71-Bk. 5:1701, with additional losses due to mutilation



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Physical Description

An artificial (but helpful) grouping of many distinct items.You can simply supply paragraphs of prose, covering suchtopics as

<objectDesc>: the physical carrier

<handDesc>: what is carried on it

<musicNotation>, <decoDesc>, <additions><bindingDesc> and <sealDesc><accMat>: accompanying material

Or, group your discussion within the specific elementsmentioned above.Similarly, within the specific elements, you can supplyparagraphs of prose, or further specific elements.

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The carrier 1

The <objectDesc> contains just paragraphs, or<supportDesc> and <layoutDesc>.


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<objectDesc form="codex"><supportDesc material="mixed"><p>Early modern <material>parchment</material> and<material>paper</material>.</p>

</supportDesc><layoutDesc><layout columns="1" ruledLines="25 32"/>


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The carrier 2

A more complex substructure with specific elements for<support>, <extent>, <foliation>, <collation>,<condition>.Multiple layouts may also be specified:.


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<layoutDesc><layout ruledLines="25" columns="1"><p><locus from="1r-202v"/><locus from="210r-212v"/>

Between 25 and 32 ruled lines.</p></layout><layout ruledLines="34 50" columns="1"><p><locus from="203r-209v"/>Between 34 and 50 ruled lines.</p>


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<handDesc> and <decoDesc>

<handNote> (note on hand) describes a particular styleor hand distinguished within a manuscript.

<decoNote> contains a note describing either adecorative component of a manuscript, or a fairlyhomogenous class of such components.

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<handDesc> examples



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<handDesc hands="2"><p>The manuscript is written in two contemporary hands, otherwise

unknown, but clearly those of practised scribes. Hand I writesff. 1r-22v and hand II ff. 23 and 24. Some scholars, notably VernerDahlerup and Hreinn Benediktsson, have argued for a third hand onf. 24, but the evidence for this is insubstantial.</p>




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<handDesc hands="3"><handNote xml:id="Eirsp-1" scope="minor" script="other"><p>The first part of the manuscript, <locus from="1v" to="72v:4">fols

1v-72v:4</locus>, is written in apractised Icelandic Gothic bookhand. This hand is notfound elsewhere.</p>

</handNote><handNote xml:id="Eirsp-2" scope="major" script="other"><p>The second part of the manuscript,

<locus from="72v:4" to="194v">fols 72v:4-194</locus>, iswritten in a hand contemporary with the first; it canalso be found in a fragment of <title>Knýtlinga

saga</title>, <ref>AM 20b II fol.</ref>.</p></handNote><handNote xml:id="Eirsp-3" scope="minor" script="other"><p>The third hand has written the majority of the

chapter headings. This hand has been identified as theone also found in <ref>AM 221 fol.</ref>.</p>


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The <additions> element can be used to list or describe anyadditions to the manuscript, such as marginalia, scribblings,doodles, etc., which are considered to be of interest orimportance..


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<additions><p>The text of this manuscript is not interpolated with

sentences from Royal decrees promulgated in 1294, 1305and 1314. In the margins, however, another somewhatlater scribe has added the relevant paragraphs ofthese decrees, see pp. 8, 24, 44, 47 etc.</p>

<p>As a humorous gesture the scribe in one opening ofthe manuscript, pp. 36 and 37, has prolonged the lowerstems of one letter f and five letters þ and has themdrizzle down the margin.</p>


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<accMat> (accompanying material) contains details of anysignificant additional material which may be closely associatedwith the manuscript being described, such asnon-contemporaneous documents or fragments bound in withthe manuscript at some earlier historical period..


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<accMat> A copy of a tax form from 1947 is included inthe envelope with the letter. Itis not catalogued separately. </accMat>

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<origin>: where it all began

<provenance>: everything in between

<acquisition>: how you acquired it

<origin> is datable element and thus has attributesnotBefore and notAfter

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<history><origin><p>Written in <origPlace>England</origPlace> in the<origDate notAfter="1300" notBefore="1200">13th

cent. </origDate></p>

</origin><provenance><p>On fol. 54v very faint is <q>Iste liber

est fratris guillelmi de buria de<gap reason="illegible"/>

Roberti ordinis fratrumPred<expan>icatorum</expan>

</q>,14th cent. (?): <q>hanauilla</q> is written at thefoot of the page (15th cent.).</p>

</provenance><acquisition><p>Bought from the rev. <name type="person">W. D.

Macray</name>on <date when="1863-03-17"> March 17,1863</date>,

for 1pound 10s.</p></acquisition>


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Additional information

<adminInfo> : administrative information

<surrogates> : information about other surrogates egpictures

<accMat> : accompanying material

<listBibl> : bibliography

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Administrative information

record history


custodial history

miscellaneous remarks



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<adminInfo><recordHist><source><p>Information transcribed from <ref target="IMEV123">IMEV 123</ref></p>

</source></recordHist><custodialHist><custEvent type="conservation" notBefore="1961-03" notAfter="1963-

02"><p>Conserved between March 1961 and February 1963 at Birgitte Dalls

Konserveringsværksted.</p></custEvent><custEvent type="photography" notBefore="1988-05-01" notAfter="1988-

05-30"><p>Photographed in May 1988 by AMI/FA.</p>

</custEvent><custEvent type="other" notBefore="1989-11-13" notAfter="1989-11-13"><p>Dispatched to Iceland 13 November 1989.</p>



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And finally

A <msDesc> can contain a nested <msDesc>, <msPart>,catering for a combination of two MSS, formerly distinct..


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<msDesc xml:id="ex5" xml:lang="en"><msIdentifier><msName xml:lang="la">Codex Suprasliensis</msName>

</msIdentifier><msPart><altIdentifier type="partial"><settlement>Ljubljana</settlement><repository>Narodna in univerzitetna knjiznica</repository><idno>MS Kopitar 2</idno><note>Contains ff. 10 to 42 only</note>

</altIdentifier></msPart><msPart><altIdentifier type="partial"><settlement>Warszawa</settlement><repository>Biblioteka Narodowa</repository><idno>BO 3.201</idno>

</altIdentifier></msPart><msPart><altIdentifier type="partial"><settlement>Sankt-Peterburg</settlement><repository>Rossiiskaia natsional'naia biblioteka</repository><idno>Q.p.I.72</idno>

