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Melanie Owen Eleventh Grade English III Text All About It Establishing the Lesson Framework NETS-S: (2) Communication and collaboration : Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. A. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. B. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. C. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures. D. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. E. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. TEKS: (13) Writing / Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text.

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Melanie Owen

Eleventh Grade

English III

Text All About It

Establishing the Lesson Framework


(2) Communication and collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.

A. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.

B. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.

C. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.

D. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.E. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.


(13) Writing / Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text.

A. Plan a first draft by selecting the correct genre for conveying the intended meaning to multiple audiences, determining appropriate topics through a range of strategies (e.g., discussion, background reading, personal interests), and developing a thesis or controlling idea.

B. Structure ideas in a sustained and persuasive way and develop drafts in timed and open-ended situations that include transitions and rhetorical devices to convey meaning.

C. Revise drafts to clarify meaning and achieve specific rhetorical purposes, consistency of tone, and logical organization by rearranging the words, sentences, and paragraphs to employ tropes (e.g., metaphors, similes, analogies, hyperbole, understatement, rhetorical questions, irony), schemes (e.g., parallelism, antithesis, inverted word order, repetition, reversed structures), and by adding transitional words and phrases;

D. Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling; and

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E. Revise final draft in response to feedback from peers and teacher and publish written work for appropriate audiences.

Applicable Student Expectations:

Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.

Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. Use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and

publishing) to compose text. Structure ideas in a sustained and persuasive way and develop drafts in timed and

open-ended situations that include transitions and rhetorical devices to convey meaning.


1. The student will be able to accurately use a handheld device to create, print, and scan a QR code.

2. The student will be able to share thoughts and ideas about a persuasive prompt by creating QR codes that communicate these thoughts and ideas.

3. The student will be able to generate a thorough list of arguments for and against a persuasive prompt by using QR codes to scan other classmates’ ideas.

4. The student will be able to use these ideas to create a web graphic organizer to plan a persuasive essay.


The purpose of teaching high school students to use handheld devices to create QR codes is to help them improve their writing by communicating and learning from each other. Many high school writers struggle to think of ideas when they are writing essays. Teaching students a novel way to communicate their ideas and provide feedback to other students will demonstrate to students how the complete and thorough brainstorming process can make writing easier.

Designing Supportive Learning Environments

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Teacher Use Student UseResources Chart assigning groups posted

outside classroom doorColor tents with group numbers on at each stationQR codes linking to different persuasive promptsBrainstorming web

TechnologyComputer I-Pad with Lynkee 2 QR Barcode Reader

Or Iphone with Lynkee 2 QR Barcode Reader

Projector Internet AccessI-Pad Cart Wireless printerLynkee 2 QR Barcode Reader AppInternet AccessWireless printerMultimedia PowerPoint teaching how to scan, create and print QR codesPowerPoint with station instructionsPoll Everywhere


This lesson is designed for an eleventh grade level English III high school class of twenty students. It can be adapted for larger or smaller classes.

The desks will be arranged in groups of four students at five different stations. The stations will have a tent with the group number. Each station’s tent will be a different color, so students can find their groups quickly and easily by color or group number.

The teacher will assign the groups to enable consideration of necessary accommodations or modifications. Students will check the chart outside of the classroom to find their names and group numbers.

Groups will be given fifteen minutes per station. A timer will cue groups to change stations.

The first part of the lesson is designed for one ninety-minute class period.

The second part of the lesson is designed for another ninety-minute class period.

Student Needs / Adaptations

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This lesson may be modified to meet required accommodations.

This lesson may be modified by giving tiered assignments. If this accommodation is needed, three different prompts of differing levels of complexity could be offered to those students needing this modification.

This lesson may be also be modified by the use of flexible groupings based upon tiered assignments.

Prior knowledge will vary in a classroom of English III level students. Some students will be highly skilled with technology, some will know a little, and others will know very little. The flexible grouping allows students to help each other before turning to the teacher for help.

Since the English II Texas End of Course Exam tests students’ abilities to write persuasive papers, most of the students should be familiar with persuasive prompts and be able to write a one page persuasive paper. English III courses, however, require students to writer longer essays with more specific details and elaboration to support their thesis statements. This lesson is designed to help them with this writing skill.

Instructional Strategies:

Instructional Procedure:

Introduction / Focus:

Poll Everywhere: Project a controversial persuasive writing prompt.

Texting while driving should be illegal.

Do you agree or disagree with this prompt?

Pre-Assessment : English

Before we begin our lesson, I would like to see the brainstorming or planning process you use to organize your thoughts before you write a persuasive essay or editorial.

I am going to give you ten minutes to individually brainstorm and plan a persuasive essay about this topic. There is no right or wrong way to brainstorm. My goal is simply to see what technique you use to generate and organize your ideas.

Give students ten minutes to individually brainstorm using blue or black ink.

Think-pair-share in your group. Okay, now let’s see what your other group members think. Discuss your ideas with the people in your group.

Please use a different color ink (red) to add any new ideas that you think of after talking to your group to your initial brainstorming list.

How many of you have a longer list of ideas after discussing the prompt with your small group? Do you think that your idea list would be even longer if you could get ideas from everyone in class? Well, today you are going to do just that. Today, you are going to use your I pad or

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Iphone to communicate your ideas with all of your class members, and to get ideas from your other class members.

To complete today’s activities, you will need to be able to scan QR codes, create QR codes, and print QR codes. Let’s look at a PowerPoint which will walk you through these steps.

Pre-Assessment : Technology

Poll Everywhere:

1. Do you know how to scan a QR code?2. Do you know how to create a QR code?3. Do you know how to print a QR code from a phone or I pad?4. Do you have a QR scanner APP on your I pad or Iphone?

Present QR Code Multimedia PowerPoint

Now that you know how to use QR codes, let’s get started.

Project Station Instructions (attached)

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First, scan the QR code at your station to read the persuasive prompt.

Discuss the prompt with your group. Decide if your group supports or opposes the prompt.

Generate a QR from text with your group’s response. Your text should include:

1) Your position stated as a persuasive thesis statement.

Example: Texting while driving should be illegal.

2) Reasons supporting your position.3) Specific examples “proving” your thesis

Now print your QR from text.

Be sure to write:

Your Team Number on the paper with the QR Code.

The station number on the paper with the QR Code.

You will turn these in, and we will discuss them as a group.

Now it is time to move to your second station. You will find a different QR with a different persuasive prompt. You will follow the same steps you completed at the first station.

Once students have completed all of the stations, discuss each of the prompts.

Now that you have completed all of the stations, let’s see what everyone thinks.

With the I Pad, scan and project the different QR codes that the groups created.

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Generate a class list of pros and cons of the prompt.

Discuss as a class. Do you see any ideas that you did not think of?

Have any of you changed your mind? If so, why?

Now, I’m going to show you how to take all of these thoughts and ideas that you have gotten from everyone’s tests and create a web graphic organizer that will help you organize your thoughts and ideas if you were going to write a persuasive paper with one of these prompts.

Draw the graphic organizer on the white board. (Attached) Walk students through each step.

Post Assessment:

Part I: Technology

Individually, find an interesting editorial.

1. Generate a QR from URL

Save the QR to the Lynkee QRcode Book.

Share it with me via email at [email protected].

2. Using the same editorial, create a QR from text

Text the:

Title and author of the editorial

Thesis idea of the editorial

Author’s reasons supporting the thesis

Examples elaborating the thesis

Part II: English

New Persuasive Prompt:

Complete a brainstorming web for this prompt which contains a thesis statement, reasons, transitions and elaboration.

Closure: Let’s review what you learned today.

Poll Everywhere:

1. List the skills that you learned or practiced today.2. How can these skills improve your writing?3. What do you consider the main goal of today’s lesson?4. Did you master this goal, or do you still have questions?

Discuss any of the points that students may have omitted. Today we used technology to help communicate ideas and opinions with everyone in class. By creating QR codes and using our

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handheld devices to share the codes, we were able generate many more ideas than you could have on your own. We learned a way to take all of these ideas and create a brainstorming web that makes it easy to see how to organize your thoughts to create a thesis, supported by reasons, elaborated by specific examples, and linked with transitions.

Evaluation Strategies



Students complete a Poll Everywhere survey to assess current QR code skills


Students brainstorm a persuasive writing prompt.

This assesses the strength and weaknesses of the brainstorming techniques students currently use to plan a persuasive essay.


At each station, students scan, create, and print QR codes. The teacher can observe and evaluate the students’ mastery of the QR skills at each station. Each station gives students an opportunity to scan and create codes. Five stations provide students several opportunities to practice the skills. It also gives students the opportunities to help struggling members in their groups. Finally, teachers have several opportunities to evaluate students’ progress.

Students also practice the brainstorming web which gives teachers the opportunities to evaluate their progress with these skills before they complete the summative assessment.


A copy of the summative is attached. The post-assessment requires students to scan, create, and print QR codes. This post-assessment also requires students to create a brainstorming web to write a persuasive essay for a novel prompt.


Two Hundred Prompts for Argumentative Writing:


Poll Everywhere


Summative Assessment

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Part I: Technology: You may use an I Pad or Smartphone for Part I.

1. Create a persuasive writing prompt.

2. Generate a QR from text containing this prompt.

Save the QR to the Lynkee QRcode Book.

Print the QR code.

Part II: English: You may NOT use an I Pad or Smartphone for Part II.

3. Scan the QR below. Write the persuasive prompt.

4. Complete a brainstorming web with a clear thesis statement, reasons, concrete details, transitions and elaboration for the following prompt.:

Summative Assessment Rubric

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Technology: QR Codes


Create a high interest and appropriate persuasive writing prompt

Inappropriate to writing purpose

Persuasive writing prompt, but the language is unclear

Appropriate persuasive writing prompt

High interest and appropriate persuasive writing prompt


Create and print a QR code from text

QR No printed QR Code

Printed QR Code does not link to anything

Printed QR Code does not show persuasive prompt

Printed QR Code easily scanned to show prompt


Scan QR and write persuasive prompt

No written persuasive prompt

Written persuasive prompt


Writing: Brainstorming Web


Position statement (thesis) and focus

Thesis statement is missing, unclear, illogical position

Thesis statement is evident but the position is somewhat weak or unclear

Clear position

For the most part the thesis is

appropriate to purpose &

responsive to persuasive task

Clear position

Clearly appropriate to purpose & responsive to persuasive task


Three reasons supporting thesis statement

One reason supports the thesis statement

Two reasons support the thesis statement

All three reasons strongly support

the thesis statement

All three reasons strongly support the thesis statement


Concrete and specific examples and details which develop and elaborate the reasons

Weak:, ineffective argument; unconvincing; support is inappropriate, vague, or insufficient

Minimal; largely unconvincing not appropriate; too brief; partial

Sufficient; largely convincing; evidence supports position

specific & appropriate

Highly effective; forceful & convincing reasons, specific evidence and concrete details that prove reason and thesis


Transitions Progression of ideas related to thesis throughout, logical progression

Weak progression of ideas; wordiness; lack of transitions; random or illogical ideas

Transitions too weak to support flow

Logical, controlled; for the most part--meaningful transitions

Logical, well controlled; strong, meaningful transitions


TOTAL: 100

QR Codes for Persuasive Prompts

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Station One

Station Two

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Station Three

Station Four

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Station Five

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