hance sohaham

हहहहहहहहहह .. hamsasso.aham .. About Mhora This software was written by Ajit Krishnan (http://www.mudgala.com) for his own use, on his own time, as a way to tinker with Jyotisha related concepts. It is presented to the public on the auspicious occasion of Vishu 2005 (pArthiva) in the hope that it will furthur Jyotisha related research. This entire work is © Ajit Krishnan except where explicitly marked otherwise. Mudgala Hora Feature List General Works with SJC Jagannatha Hora data files (.jhd files) Runs on Windows with .NET Framework v1.1 (Windows NT, 98, 2000, ME, XP, 2003) Work with multiple horoscopes at a time Work with global or per-chart options (ayanamsas etc) Choice of layouts: 2x1, 2x1 (Tabbed), 2x2, 3x3 to maximize screen space Customizability and Flexibility in both calculations and display Ability to customize strength rules used throughout the software Varga Charts Standard Vargas: D-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,16,20,24,27,30,40,45,60 D-2 Variations: Parivritti, Jagannath, Kashinath D-3 Variations: Parivritti, Jagannath, Somnath D-11 Variations: Rath, Raman D-30 Variations: Parivritti, Non-continuous zodiacal Other Variations (all vargas): Parivritti (d-9), regular (d-60), trikona (d-3), kendra (d-4) Higher divisions: Parivritti D-108, Raman D-150 Built-in well known composite divisions: d-108 (d-9-12), d-144 (d- 12-12) Support for any multi-level user-defined composite divisions eg. d-9-3-7, d-19-12 etc D-150 Variations: Variable varga cusp lengths Bhavas: Equal length, 9 padas, Sripati, Alcabitus, Companus, Koch, Placidus, Regiomontanus Non equal-length bhavas with lagna in the beginning / middle of 1 st house Ability to extrapolate bodily longitudes from varga charts, and treat as Rasi Graphical display of longitudes in rasi charts

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Post on 08-Apr-2015




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Divisional Charts


॥ हं�सः�सः�अहंम् ॥.. hamsasso.aham ..

About Mhora

This software was written by Ajit Krishnan (http://www.mudgala.com) for his own use, on his own time, as a way to tinker with Jyotisha related concepts. It is presented to the public on the auspicious occasion of Vishu 2005 (pArthiva) in the hope that it will furthur Jyotisha related research. This entire work is © Ajit Krishnan except where explicitly marked otherwise.

Mudgala Hora Feature List

General Works with SJC Jagannatha Hora data files (.jhd files) Runs on Windows with .NET Framework v1.1 (Windows NT, 98, 2000, ME, XP, 2003) Work with multiple horoscopes at a time Work with global or per-chart options (ayanamsas etc) Choice of layouts: 2x1, 2x1 (Tabbed), 2x2, 3x3 to maximize screen space Customizability and Flexibility in both calculations and display Ability to customize strength rules used throughout the software

Varga Charts Standard Vargas: D-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,16,20,24,27,30,40,45,60 D-2 Variations: Parivritti, Jagannath, Kashinath D-3 Variations: Parivritti, Jagannath, Somnath D-11 Variations: Rath, Raman D-30 Variations: Parivritti, Non-continuous zodiacal Other Variations (all vargas): Parivritti (d-9), regular (d-60), trikona (d-3), kendra (d-4) Higher divisions: Parivritti D-108, Raman D-150 Built-in well known composite divisions: d-108 (d-9-12), d-144 (d-12-12) Support for any multi-level user-defined composite divisions eg. d-9-3-7, d-19-12 etc D-150 Variations: Variable varga cusp lengths Bhavas: Equal length, 9 padas, Sripati, Alcabitus, Companus, Koch, Placidus, Regiomontanus Non equal-length bhavas with lagna in the beginning / middle of 1st house Ability to extrapolate bodily longitudes from varga charts, and treat as Rasi Graphical display of longitudes in rasi charts Display SAV bindus for rasi chart / respective varga chart in background Displays include standard view, dual graha arudha view, varnada view, karaka view Display: South Indian Charts, East Indian Charts

Bodies and Calculations Position of all bodies in all vargas Grahas: 9 standard Grahas (Sun-Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) Rahu/Ketu based on true / mean positions Sun-based upagrahas (Dhuma, Vyatipata, Parivesha, Indrachapa, Upaketu) Graha-based upagrahas (Kala, Mrityu, ArthaPraharaka, YamaGhantaka, Mandi, Gulika) Gulika calculated from beginning / middle /end of Saturn’s / lordless’ portions Graha-based upagrahas calculated from beginning / middle / end of their respective portions Lagnas: Lagna, BL, HL, GL, SL, ViL, Pranapada Chandra Lagnas: HL (Chandra Ayur Lagna), BL, ViL, GL Time-based progressed special lagna for all 12 houses Nadi Midpoints: Brighu Bindu (Ra-Mo), Ra-Ke, Ke-Ra

Longitude Sums: Lagna-Mandi, Sun-Moon, Jup-Moon-Mars, Sun-Ven-Jup, Sat-Moon-Mars, 6th-8th-12th lords, Lagna-MoonSign.

36 Sahamas User-input custom longitude, to see its placement in all vargas Nakshatra lordships of all bodies based on all nakshatra dasa Special tithis, special nakshatras, and nakshatra aspects and lattas 64th navamsa and 22nd drekkana from lagna, moon and sun Arudhas of all 12 houses in all divisions (including dual arudhas for sco & aqu) Varnadas of all 12 houses in all divisions (house based definitions) Sunrise / Sunset based on apparent / true positions of sun’s edge / center, or Local Mean Time Other Panchanga calculations: Tithi, Karana, Nakshatra, Yoga Hora: Divide LMT day into 24 parts, Sunrise – Sunrise day into 24 parts, or Sunrise – Sunset –

Sunrise into 12 + 12 parts. Vighatika graha at birth Current Muhurta for mundane charts Ayanamsa offset, LMT offset Ayanamsa: Lahiri, Fagan, Usha, Raman, Krishnamurti, or custom ayanamsa

Strengths Rasi Strengths with breakdown: Narayana Dasa, Naisargika Dasa, Moola Dasa Graha Strengths with breakdown: Co-Lord, Naisargika Dasa

Dasas Nakshatra Dasas: Vimsottari, Ashtottari, Shodashottari, Dwadashottari, Panchottari, Shatabdika,

Chaturashiti-Sama, Dwisaptati-Sama, Shattrimshat-Sama, Yogini Dasa, Tithi Ashtottari, Yoga Vimsottari, Karana Chaturashiti-Sama

Graha Dasas: Naisargika Graha Dasa, Moola Dasa, Karaka Kendradi Graha Dasa Rasi Dasas: Naisargika Rasi Dasa, Narayana Dasa, Narayana Sama Dasa, Shoola Dasa, Niryaana

Shoola Dasa, Drig Dasa, Sudarshana Chakra, Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa, Sudasa, Navamsa Dasa, Chara Dasa, Trikona Dasa

Tithi Pravesh: Tithi Pravesh Dasa, Compressed Tithi Ashtottari (Tithi,Solar,Fixed), Yoga Pravesh: Yoga Pravesh Dasa, Compressed Yoga Vimsottari Dasa (Yoga, Fixed) Karana Pravesh: Karana Pravesh Dasa, Compressed Karana Chaturashiti-Sama Dasa (Fixed) Nakshatra Pravesh: Nakshatra Pravesh Dasa Tajaka Dasas: Compressed Sudarshana Dasa

Dasa Options Custom Fixed Year lengths, Solar years, Tithi years Compress/Extend dasas to arbitrary years (custom param ayus) Compress/Extend dasas to arbitrary days (compress to 1 year, year length=#days) Compress dasas to tithi pravesha year (based on tithis, sun’s progression, fixed days) Compress dasas to any dasa, antar dasa using dasa pravesha charts Offset dates by custom number of days, hours and minutes Edit all parameters affecting dasa sequence and lengths (including relative strenghts of rasis and

strengths, where appropriate) Edit dasa sequence, starting time and lengths after computation (still get antardasas) Unlimited number of dasa divisions (where possible) Dasas available for all varga charts (where possible) Dasa pravesh chart of any [sub-]dasa period Sunrise chart for any dasa pravesha View past / future cycles of dasa

Annual Charts Tithi Pravesha and Tajaka charts

View annual charts using dasa pravesh option of yearly dasas View sunrise charts using sunrise chart option of yearly dasas Tithi Pravesha: Tithi pravesha dasa & Tithi ashtottari dasa

Transit Charts Apply to Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn Search forward / backward for retrograde cusps of Mars, …, Saturn Search forward / backward for transits of Lagna, Sun, …, Saturn Search forward / backward for varga changes of Lagna, Sun, … Saturn Search forward / backward for local solar eclipses, global solar eclipses and lunar eclipses

Progressions Time based progression chart by progressing Sun per divisional charts, or Add this degree to all bodies in the chart, or Time based progreesion chart based on progreesion of individual grahas to this degree (taking

retrograde motion into account)

Ashtakavarga Standard nine chart view of Sarva-ashtakavarga and Prastara-ashtakavarga Sarva-Chancha-Chakra based view (east-indian anti-clockwise and south-indian clockwise) of

ashtakavarga, with ability to filter prastara-ashtakavarga and relevant bindu contributing grahas Narasimha Rao’s house based SAV variation

Chakras Navamsa pada based graphical circular view of grahas, longitudes, speeds and distances Sarva-Chancha chakra based view of ashtakavarga Sarvatobhadra Chakra Vara chakra Interactive Graphical Lagna based rectification view, showing lagna cusps in all vargas

Panchanga Calculate information for any number of user-specified days Calculate cusps for lagnas, tithis, nakshatras, karanas, yogas, horas and kalas Show vara, sunrise, sunset, rahu / yama / gulika kalas Print neat Mudgala-panchanga type panchangas

Using Mudgala Hora’s Unique features

Varga Longitude Extrapolation

Extrapolate planetary positions based on offset within a varga division. Extrapolating lontigutdes from a horoscope’s navamsa positions, and taking the dvadasamsa of this extrapolated chart gives the standard D-108 Ashtottaramsa chart! This feature effectively allows you to find divisional charts of divisional charts. The traditional use of D-108 (navamsa-dwadasamsa) and D-144 (dwadasamsa-dwadasamsa) gives support to this technique.

Custom Dasa Lengths and Compression

Swearing-in charts: Set the Param Ayus to 4/5 years as appropriateDays: Set the Param Ayus to n days of length 1 day to compress the dasa to a few days

Dasa Options

Change the parameters affecting the calculation, or change the net results (order and length of dasas)…and still be able to subdivide the dasas as if the computer had generated these values. For example, this allows you to change the narayana dasa lengths freely.