
Hammurabi By:Melvin Wednesday, February 1, 2012

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Page 1: Hammurabi


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Page 2: Hammurabi

Who was Hammurabi?

King Hammurabi was an important Babylonian king known for his early law code, the Code of Hammurabi. HE was the 6 king of babylon from 17-92-1750 bc.

He was born in year 1810 BC in Babylon and he died in year 1750 bc when he was 60 years old

He became the first king of the babylonian empire following the abdication of his father

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Page 3: Hammurabi

What time or era he lived

Hammurabi lived in the stone age with his father.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Page 4: Hammurabi

MAPThis is the map of the country when Hammurabi born

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Page 5: Hammurabi

RulesThey Are 282 rules every law is different and its hard to understand because the word its

not easy to read and understand and he write it in a stone as tall as a human.The rules is

located in the museum of paris and written in akkadian or cuneiform .

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Page 7: Hammurabi

Rules 1

If a man has stolen a child, he shall be put to death.

They will put to death

I agree with this rules because some people like to steal someone child

This rule is still exist today

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Page 8: Hammurabi

Rules #2

If a man has lent his boat to a boatman, and the boatman has been careless and the boat has been sunk or lost, the boatman shall restore a boat to the owner.

This law mean that if you lent a bout to someone and that someone make your boat sink he shall restore the boat

I agree with the punishment because they have to buy a new bout for the owner because he lent the bout for him to use.

I think that his law is still exist today.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Page 9: Hammurabi

Rules#3If he has borne false witness in a civil law case, he shall pay the damages in that suit.

If the judge calls wrong witness in a law case, he shall pay the damage in that suite.

It mean that if the judge calls a wrong witness he shall pay the damge to the witness

I agree with this law because some judge can be bribe with the person that hate the witness

I this rules is still exist because my parents always talk about.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Page 10: Hammurabi

Hammurabi code picture

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Page 11: Hammurabi







Wednesday, February 1, 2012