hallucination and waham disease

Hallucination and Waham Disease Someday in Grhasia Mental Disorder Hospital at 09.00 AM. Patients hallucination named Yusuf was relaxing with singing in under banyan tree. Then the patient visited by a nurse, patient will be given treatment to eliminate the hallucination. Yusuf : (relax while singing) Ades : (coming) “Assalamu’alaikum. good morning Yusuf, what are you doing here?” Yusuf : “I'm singing bro, you want to join?” Ades : “Oh, no thanks. Yusuf, nurses’ Ratna ask you now to come her room”. Yusuf : “What for?!” Ades : “She want assessment about you”. Yusuf : “No, I do not want to! I want to sing here!” Ades : “How do we sing together in the nurses' Ratna room?” Yusuf : “Really? I don’t believe, you'll surely lie”. Ades : “No, I promise”. Yusuf : “Ok, Come on!” Nurses’ Ades and Yusuf on the way go to nurses’ Ratna room.... Ades : “Assalamu’alaikum, excuse me ma’am!”. Nene : “Wa’alaikum salam, please come in. You can sit here and how are you Yusuf?” Yusuf : “Fine, thanks and you?” Nene : “I’m happy today. Yusuf, introduce I’m Ratna, nurses in this hospital. I want to assessment about you, we will learn how to eliminate your hallucination. Maybe just 10 minutes. Before I start the assessment, would you ask? You agree not it?”

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Post on 24-Oct-2015




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Page 1: Hallucination and Waham Disease

Hallucination and Waham Disease

Someday in Grhasia Mental Disorder Hospital at 09.00 AM. Patients hallucination named

Yusuf was relaxing with singing in under banyan tree. Then the patient visited by a nurse,

patient will be given treatment to eliminate the hallucination.

Yusuf : (relax while singing)

Ades : (coming) “Assalamu’alaikum. good morning Yusuf, what are you doing here?”

Yusuf : “I'm singing bro, you want to join?”

Ades : “Oh, no thanks. Yusuf, nurses’ Ratna ask you now to come her room”.

Yusuf : “What for?!”

Ades : “She want assessment about you”.

Yusuf : “No, I do not want to! I want to sing here!”

Ades : “How do we sing together in the nurses' Ratna room?”

Yusuf : “Really? I don’t believe, you'll surely lie”.

Ades : “No, I promise”.

Yusuf : “Ok, Come on!”

Nurses’ Ades and Yusuf on the way go to nurses’ Ratna room....

Ades : “Assalamu’alaikum, excuse me ma’am!”.

Nene : “Wa’alaikum salam, please come in. You can sit here and how are you Yusuf?”

Yusuf : “Fine, thanks and you?”

Nene : “I’m happy today. Yusuf, introduce I’m Ratna, nurses in this hospital. I want to

assessment about you, we will learn how to eliminate your hallucination. Maybe just 10

minutes. Before I start the assessment, would you ask? You agree not it?”

Yusuf : “What?!! He promised me wanna sing together in here”.

Nene : “Oh, ok we will sing together. But, after I did the assessment on you. How? You agree?”

Yusuf : “Hmmm.. Ok! But, just 10 minute”.

Nene : “Ok, let’s start. Yusuf, how you feeling at this time?”

Yusuf : “I feel happy, because my friend tell me that I won the competition Indonesian Idol

and I will go Jakarta”.

Page 2: Hallucination and Waham Disease

Nene : “Your friend? Where your friend are?”

Yusuf : “I just listen but I don’t see him”.

Nene : “Ok, Yusuf you get hallucination. The whisper is not real. You should eliminate this


Yusuf : “No, I believe it’s real! Why I should eliminate the whisper?”

Nene : “If you don’t eliminate the whisper, you would long stay here. Do you want long stay here?”

Yusuf : “No, I want to quickly go home”.

Nene : “So, I want teach you how to eliminate your hallucination. First: scold, Second:

conversation with your friend, Third: Doing activities, Fourth: Drink regulary your drugs.

Now we want learn just scold. Are you ready?”

Yusuf : “Yes, ready”.

Nene : “Ok, we are doing together. Firstly: If whisper coming, You should cover both ears

with your hands. Secondly: you shout and saying GO GO GO I don’t listen! You’re not real!!

Until the whisper lost. Can you try it?”

Yusuf : “......”

Nene : “Good Yusuf! Perfectly! Yusuf, you should do that every whisper coming. Ok?!”

Yusuf : “Ok, I will do it”.

Nene : “I think enough Yusuf. It was time for lunch, you can back to your room. Have a

nice day”.

Yusuf : “Before leaving, I wanna sing together. You have promised”.

Nene : “Oh yes, sorry I forgot, hehehe... You want sing a song what?”

Yusuf : “Happy Birthday”.

Nene : “Ok. Come on singing together!”

Yusuf, Nene, and Ades sing a song Happy Birthday together.