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  • Hakcipta Terpelihara © 2010 - Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia

    Hakcipta Terpelihara © 2010 - Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia

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    Zahuddin bin Sidek @ SallehPerpustakaan Negara Malaysia

    232, Jalan Tun Razak, 50572 Kuala Lumpur([email protected])


    Penggunaan perisian sumber terbuka (open source software) di kalangan perpustakaan/institusi tempatan dewasa ini, dilihat semakin berkembang dan cukup menggalakkan. Di kalangan perpustakaan di Malaysia, perpustakaan akademik dilihat lebih cenderung menggunakan perisian sumber terbuka khususnya untuk tujuan membangunkan perpustakaan digital dan membina repositori digital institusi masing-masing. Perisian berasaskan sumber terbuka menjadi alternatif serta pilihan terbaik bagi perpustakaan yang berhasrat untuk membangun dan membina sendiri sistem atau aplikasi yang diingini, tanpa terikat kepada mana-mana vendor.

    Perisian Sumber Terbuka dan Sektor Awam

    Penggunaan perisian sumber terbuka di sektor awam adalah sangat-sangat digalakkan. Berikutan dengan keputusan

    kabinet Kerajaan Malaysia, Pelan Induk untuk Perisian Sumber Terbuka (OSS) Sektor Awam telah diwujudkan MAMPU, menerusi Program Perisian Sumber Terbuka Sektor Awam sentiasa giat berusaha menggalak, menyediakan garis panduan, memberikan khidmat nasihat dan mempromosikan penggunaan perisian sumber terbuka bukan sahaja di kalangan agensi-agensi kerajaan malahan juga kepada institusi pendidikan, penyelidikan dan organisasi swasta di negara ini.

    Open Source Competency Centre (OSCC), MAMPU telah ditubuhkan untuk menjadi pusat rujukan utama dalam pelaksanaan OSS di Sektor Awam. Sasaran utama OSCC, MAMPU adalah untuk membantu, menyelaras dan memantau penggunaan perisian sistem terbuka di Sektor Awam. Dasar, Garis Panduan dan Piawaian bagi Perlaksanaan Perisian Sumber Terbuka Sektor Awam boleh dirujuk di laman sesawang rasmi OSCC di http://www.oscc.org.my/content/view/25/208/ .


    Kertas ini meninjau mengenai penggunaan perisian sumber terbuka (Open Source Software) di kalangan perpustakaan/institusi di Malaysia khususnya di dalam pembangunan perpustakaan digital dan pembinaan repositori digital institusi. Dengan memberikan contoh-contoh perisian yang dimaksudkan, kertas ini memberi penjelasan am mengenai perisian berkenaan, khususnya dari segi ciri, keperluan dan kemampuannya selain meninjau penggunaannya di kalangan perpustakaan-perpustakaan di Malaysia.

    Katakunci: Open source; Digital libraries; Digital resources; Institutional repositories; Open Access; Digitisation; Academic Libraries; DSpace; Eprints; Fedora; Koha; Greenstone Digital Library; Evergreen; NewGenLib

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    5. Perisian dan perlesenan seharusnya bersifat teknologi-neutral; dan

    6. Perisian seharusnya boleh digunakan tanpa sebarang diskriminasi akan tujuan penggunaannya.

    Sukhwinder Randhawa dalam artikelnya, Open Source Software and Libraries telah menggariskan beberapa kelebihan penggunaan perisian sumber terbuka, antaranya seperti berikut:

    1. Khidmat sokongan mudah diperolehi;2. Perisian berkualiti, telah diperakui

    menepati kebanyakan standard utama, telah melalui proses peer-review, mudah diperolehi kod sumbernya (source code) dan mudah diubahsuai mengikut keperluan.

    3. Sebahagian besar perisian sumber terbuka mudah disepadukan dengan lain-lain aplikasi, sistem pelayan dan perkakasan.

    4. Pada asasnya, ia adalah percuma dan tidak memerlukan sebarang bayaran bagi kos perlesenan;

    5. Ia boleh berfungsi pada perkakasan ICT konvensional atau berkapasiti rendah.

    Apa itu Repositori Institusi?

    Repositori institusi atau lebih dikenali dengan singkatannya IR, didefinisikan sebagai “an online locus for collecting and preserving -- in digital form -- the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution.” (Wikipedia, 2010). Johnson (2002) pula mendefinisikan repositori digital institusi sebagai “any collection of digital material hosted, owned or controlled, or disseminated by a college or university, irrespective of purpose or provenance”. Berdasarkan kepada kedua-dua definisi di atas, dapat kita disimpulkan di sini bahawa repositori institusi boleh dianggap sebagai suatu hos atau pusat sehentian bagi pengumpulan, pemuliharaan, pengurusan,

    Apa itu Perisian Open Source?

    Perisian Sumber Terbuka atau lebih dikenali sebagai Open Source Software (OSS) boleh didefinisikan sebagai sebuah program komputer atau perisian yang diedarkan secara percuma, di mana kod sumbernya (source code) boleh didapati dengan mudah, tanpa dikenakan sebarang caj oleh pemilik atau pengeluar lesen. Pada kebiasaannya, perisian sumber terbuka mudah diperolehi menerusi Internet di mana pengguna boleh memuaturun, memasang, mengguna dan memanipulasikannya secara bebas mengikut keperluan masing-masing.

    Laman web rasmi Open Source Initiative (http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition.php), ada menyenaraikan beberapa ciri-ciri utama perisian sumber terbuka, antaranya seperti berikut:

    1. Ia seharusnya diedarkan semula secara percuma. Sekiranya ia dilesenkan, ia tidak seharusnya menghadkan mana-mana pihak untuk menjual atau mengedarkannya kepada pihak lain. Pihak pengeluar lesen pula tidak seharusnya meminta sebarang royalti atau bayaran atas penggunaan atau penjualan perisian berkenaan oleh pihak lain;

    2. Perisian seharusnya disertai dengan kod sumber (source code) di mana ia seharusnya bebas diedarkan, tanpa sebarang caj. Ini bagi membolehkan para pengguna, khususnya pembangun sistem/pengaturcara mengubahsuai perisian aplikasi berkenaan bagi menenuhi keperluan masing-masing;

    3. Pihak pengeluar lesen seharusnya membenarkan sebarang pengolahan/pengubahsuaian kepada perisian dan menghormati hak/integriti kod sumber pihak yang membuat pengubahsuaian;

    4. Semua individu/pihak berhak mendapat faedah dan manafaat dari penggunaan perisian ini, tanpa diskriminasi;

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    pengurusan sesebuah perpustakaan dan menjimatkan dari segi kos. Sebenarnya, terdapat banyak perisian sumber terbuka yang boleh di perolehi di Internet, yang boleh diguna dan dimanafaatkan oleh perpustakaan. Laman web Open Source Systems for Libraries (http://www.oss4lib.org/) dan UNESCO-CI (http://www.unesco-ci.org/cgi-bin/portals/foss/page.cgi?d=1&g=35) , misalnya ada menyenaraikan beberapa perisian sumber terbuka yang boleh dimanafaatkan oleh perpustakaan. Walaupun begitu, dapat dikatakan di sini bahawa di antara perisian berasaskan sistem terbuka yang cukup popular penggunaannya di kalangan perpustakaan-perpustakaan di seluruh dunia adalah seperti berikut:

    a) Greenstone Digital Library (GSDL)b) DSpacec) FEDORAd) Sistem Perpustakaan Bersepadu : Koha e) Sistem Perpustakaan Bersepadu : NewGenLibf) Sistem Perpustakaan Bersepadu : Evergreen

    Justeru, kertas ini akan meninjau secara sepintas lalu mengenai penggunaan keenam-enam perisian sumber terbuka yang popular di kalangan perpustakaan, sebagaimana dinyatakan di atas.

    Greenstone Digital Library Software (GSDL)

    Perisian Greenstone Digital Library merupakan satu pakej perisian berkonsep sumber terbuka yang dikeluarkan di bawah terma GNU General Public License. Perisian ini dibangunkan oleh University of Waikato, New Zealand bagi menjayakan ̀ New Zealand Digital Library Project’ di mana perisian ini diedarkan dengan kerjasama UNESCO dan Human Info NGO.

    penyimpanan, penyebaran dan pengaksesan sumber-sumber intelektual dalam format digital, milikan sesebuah organisasi/institusi.Terdapat 4 objektif utama mengapa perlunya diwujudkan repositori institusi di sesebuah organisasi:

    • Untuk menghasilkan visibiliti secara global bagi sumber-sumber penyelidikan/ilmiah milikan institusi;

    • untuk mengumpul kandungan digital milikan sesebuah institusi di dalam satu lokasi sepusat;

    • untuk menyediakan akses secara terbuka kepada hasilan penyelidikan/sumber-sumber intelektual milikan sesebuah organisasi ;

    • untuk menyimpan dan memelihara aset-aset digital milikan institusi, dan ini termasuklah bahan-bahan yang tidak diterbitkan atau yang dibimbangi mudah hilang (sebagai contoh: tesis atau laporan teknikal).

    Pembangunan repositori institusi kini menjadi suatu `trend’ di mana kita dapat lihat bahawa kebanyakan organisasi dan perpustakaan di seluruh dunia amnya dan di negara ini khasnya sedang giat membangunkan repositori institusi masing-masing untuk pelbagai tujuan. Ada diantaranya membangunkan sendiri sistem repositori bagi memenuhi keperluan organisasi, membeli atau memperolehi perisian/sistem pengurusan dokumen sedia ada yang terdapat di pasaran ataupun menggunakan mana-mana perisian sumber terbuka bersesuaian, yang mudah diperolehi di Internet.

    Kegunaan perisian sumber terbuka di perpustakaan

    Bagi kebanyakan perpustakaan, kewujudan pelbagai perisian sumber terbuka terutamanya yang berkaitan dengan bidang kepustakawanan cukup membantu di dalam

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    Perisian GSDL digunakan bagi membina dan menyebarluaskan koleksi-koleksi perpustakaan digital di mana ia menyediakan satu cara baru bagi pengurusan sumber-sumber digital dan membolehkannya diterbitkan sama di Internet ataupun ke dalam CD-ROM. Perisian Greenstone Digital Library boleh dimuaturun di laman sesawang rasmi GSDL di http://www.greenstone.org/ .

    MyManuskrip: Pustaka Digital Manuskrip Melayu adalah satu contoh pembangunan repositori digital manuskrip Melayu yang telah dibangunkan oleh Universiti Malaya, dengan menggunakan perisian Greenstone Digital Library. (Rujuk: http://mymanuskrip.fsktm.um.edu.my/Greenstone/cgi-bin/library.exe)


    EPrints adalah perisian percuma yang dibangunkan oleh University of Southampton, England. Ia menyediakan satu platform yang fleksibel bagi membina repositori digital di mana ia menyediakan suatu cara termudah dan terpantas bagi membangunkan repositori sumber-sumber ilmu dan maklumat seperti hasil penyelidikan, data-data saintifik, tesis pelajar, laporan projek, bahan-bahan multimedia, bahan-bahan pembelajaran, koleksi-koleksi ilmiah dan seumpamanya. Ia menyokong fungsi pelbagai bahasa dan menepati piawaian Open Archives Initiative (OAI). Sila layari laman sesawang EPrints di http://www.eprints.org/ untuk memuaturun perisian dan mendapatkan maklumat lanjut.

    Perisian GSDL digunakan bagi membuina dan menyebarluaskan koleksi-koleksi perpustakaan

    digital di mana ia menyediakan satu cara baru bagi pengurusan sumber-sumber digital dan

    membolehkannya diterbitkan sama di Internet ataupun ke dalam CD-ROM. Perisian Greenstone

    Digital Library boleh dimuaturun di laman sesawang rasmi GSDL di http://www.greenstone.org/ .

    MyManuskrip: Pustaka Digital Manuskrip Melayu adalah satu contoh pembangunan repositori

    digital manuskrip Melayu yang telah dibangunkan oleh Universiti Malaya, dengan menggunakan

    perisian Greenstone Digital Library. (Rujuk: http://mymanuskrip.fsktm.um.edu.my/Greenstone/cgi-


    EPrints EPrints adalah perisian percuma yang dibangunkan oleh University of Southampton, England. Ia

    menyediakan satu platform yang fleksibel bagi membina repositori digital di mana ia

    menyediakan suatu cara termudah dan terpantas bagi membangunkan repositori sumber-sumber

    ilmu dan maklumat seperti hasil penyelidikan, data-data saintifik, tesis pelajar, laporan projek,

    bahan-bahan multimedia, bahan-bahan pembelajaran, koleksi-koleksi ilmiah dan seumpamanya.

    Ia menyokong fungsi pelbagai bahasa dan menepati piawaian Open Archives Initiative (OAI). Sila

    layari laman sesawang EPrints di http://www.eprints.org/ untuk memuaturun perisian dan

    mendapatkan maklumat lanjut.

    Rajah X : Contoh-contoh repositori digital dibangunkan menggunakan perisian EPrints.

    Universiti Utara Malaysia : http://eprints.uum.edu.my/

    Universiti Sains Malaysia: http://eprints.usm.my/

    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia: Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang http://eprints.ukm.my/

    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: Institutional Repository http://eprints.utm.my/

    Di Malaysia, antara perpustakaan dan institusi yang telah menggunakan perisian aplikasi

    respositori digital EPrints adalah seperti berikut:

    Rajah 3: Repositori-repositori institusi menggunakan perisian EPrints di kalangan Perpustakaan-perpustakaan Universiti di Malaysia

    Nama Perpustakaan/ Institusi

    Kegunaan URL

    Universiti Utara Malaysia: Perpustakaan Sultanah Bahiyah – UUM IRepository

    Pengurusan sumber dan menyediakan akses kepada beberapa dokumen/terbitan UUM seperti artikel, kertas persidangan, dan tesis.


    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

    Pengurusan sumber dan menyediakan akses kepada beberapa dokumen/terbitan UTM seperti artikel, buku, tesis, bahan-bahan audio/video, bahan-bahan pengajaran, kertas kerja persidangan/bengkel/penyelidikan dan sebagainya.


    Universiti Sains Malaysia –ePrints@USM

    Pengurusan sumber dan perkongsian akses kepada bahan-bahan terbitan/ penyelidikan yang dimilki oleh USM.


    Universiti Putra Malaysia: Perpustakaan Sultan Abdul Samad

    Pengurusan sumber dan menyediakan akses kepada beberapa dokumen/terbitan UPM seperti tesis, artikel, berita-berita UPM, keratan akhbar, kertas persidangan/seminar dan bahan-bahan syarahan.


    Rajah 1 : Contoh-contoh repositori digital dibangunkan menggunakan perisian ePrints

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    Di Malaysia, antara perpustakaan dan institusi yang telah menggunakan perisian aplikasi respositori digital ePrints adalah seperti berikut:

    Jadual 1 : Repositori-repositori institusi menggunakan perisian ePrints di kalangan Perpustakaan-perpustakaan Universiti di Malaysia

    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia: Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang http://eprints.ukm.my/

    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: Institutional Repository http://eprints.utm.my/

    Di Malaysia, antara perpustakaan dan institusi yang telah menggunakan perisian aplikasi

    respositori digital EPrints adalah seperti berikut:

    Rajah 3: Repositori-repositori institusi menggunakan perisian EPrints di kalangan Perpustakaan-perpustakaan Universiti di Malaysia

    Nama Perpustakaan/ Institusi

    Kegunaan URL

    Universiti Utara Malaysia: Perpustakaan Sultanah Bahiyah – UUM IRepository

    Pengurusan sumber dan menyediakan akses kepada beberapa dokumen/terbitan UUM seperti artikel, kertas persidangan, dan tesis.


    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

    Pengurusan sumber dan menyediakan akses kepada beberapa dokumen/terbitan UTM seperti artikel, buku, tesis, bahan-bahan audio/video, bahan-bahan pengajaran, kertas kerja persidangan/bengkel/penyelidikan dan sebagainya.


    Universiti Sains Malaysia –ePrints@USM

    Pengurusan sumber dan perkongsian akses kepada bahan-bahan terbitan/ penyelidikan yang dimilki oleh USM.


    Universiti Putra Malaysia: Perpustakaan Sultan Abdul Samad

    Pengurusan sumber dan menyediakan akses kepada beberapa dokumen/terbitan UPM seperti tesis, artikel, berita-berita UPM, keratan akhbar, kertas persidangan/seminar dan bahan-bahan syarahan.


    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia - PTSL@UKM Repository

    Pengurusan sumber dan menyediakan akses kepada beberapa dokumen/terbitan UPM seperti artikel jurnal,


    Universiti Malaya: UM Digital Repository

    Pengurusan sumber dan menyediakan akses kepada beberapa dokumen milikan dan terbitan UM seperti artikel jurnal, kertas persidangan/bengkel, seminar, buku dan sebagainya.


    Universiti Teknologi Petronas : UTP Institutional Repository

    Pengurusan sumber dan menyediakan akses kepada beberapa dokumen milikan dan terbitan UTP seperti artikel jurnal, kertas persidangan/bengkel, tesis, seminar, buku dan sebagainya.


    Universiti Malaya: Malaysian Indexing and Abstracting System (MyAIS)

    MyAIS yang dibangunkan pada tahun 2007 oleh Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Malaya menyediakan maklumat bibliografik dan abstrak-abstrak kepada artikel-artikel yang diterbitkan di dalam jurnaljurnal akademik dan kertas-kertas persidangan tempatan..


    DSpace Perisian DSpace merupakan antara perisian pilihan oleh kebanyakan institusi akademik,

    pertubuhan serta organisasi komersil di dalam membina repositori digital serta menyediakan

    akses kepada sumber-sumber digital milik institusi. Ianya percuma dan mudah dipasang serta

    diubahsuai agar menepati keperluan sesebuah perpustakaan/institusi. Terdapat lebih kurang 700

    organisasi telah menggunakan perisian ini di seluruh dunia.

    DSpace telah dibangunkan secara usahasama di antara perpustakaan-perpustakaan MIT dan Hewlett-

    Packard Company, di mana pembangunannya mendapat peruntukan daripada HP menerusi invent@MIT —

    the HP-MIT Alliance. Perisian aplikasi ini boleh didapati secara percuma menerusi laman sesawang rasmi

    DSpace di http://www.dspace.org/ di bawah terma BSD Open Source License di mana hakcipta perisian ini

    dimiliki oleh DSpace Foundation. Perisian DSpace boleh diubahsuai bagi memenuhi keperluan khusus

    institusi yang menggunakannya.

    Bagi kebanyakan perpustakaan akademik dan penyelidikan, antara kegunaan utama perisian

    DSpace adalah bagi tujuan membina , mengurus dan menyelenggara koleksi sumber-sumber

    digital yang dimiliki selain dari tujuan untuk menguruskan output fakulti dan para pelajar.

    Nama Perpustakaan/ Institusi

    Kegunaan URL

    Digital Repository

    Institutional Repository

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    Manakala bagi sesetengah organisasi yang lain, penggunaan perisian ini adalah bertujuan untuk membina dan menguruskan repositori sumber-sumber digital milikan institusi masing-masing secara lebih sistematik dan berpusat samada mengikut subjek, dataset atau jenis bahan.


    Perisian DSpace merupakan antara perisian pilihan oleh kebanyakan institusi akademik, pertubuhan serta organisasi komersil di dalam membina repositori digital serta menyediakan akses kepada sumber-sumber digital milik institusi. Ianya percuma dan mudah dipasang serta diubahsuai agar menepati keperluan sesebuah perpustakaan/institusi. Terdapat lebih kurang 700 organisasi telah menggunakan perisian ini di seluruh dunia.

    DSpace telah dibangunkan secara usahasama di antara perpustakaan-perpustakaan MIT dan Hewlett-Packard Company, di mana pembangunannya mendapat peruntukan daripada HP menerusi invent@MIT — the HP-MIT Alliance. Perisian aplikasi ini boleh didapati secara percuma menerusi laman sesawang rasmi DSpace di http://www.dspace.org/ di bawah terma BSD Open Source License di mana hakcipta perisian ini dimiliki oleh DSpace Foundation. Perisian DSpace boleh diubahsuai bagi memenuhi keperluan khusus institusi yang menggunakannya.

    Bagi kebanyakan perpustakaan akademik dan penyelidikan, antara kegunaan utama perisian DSpace adalah bagi tujuan membina , mengurus dan menyelenggara koleksi sumber-sumber digital yang dimiliki selain dari tujuan untuk menguruskan output fakulti dan para pelajar.

    Manakala bagi sesetengah organisasi yang lain, penggunaan perisian ini adalah bertujuan untuk

    membina dan menguruskan repositori sumber-sumber digital milikan institusi masing-masing

    secara lebih sistematik dan berpusat samada mengikut subjek, dataset atau jenis bahan.

    Rajah X : Contoh-contoh sistem repositori digital dibangunkan oleh beberapa buah perpustakaan tempatan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Dspace.

    Universiti Malaya: Institutional Repository URL: http://dspace.fsktm.um.edu.my/

    Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) URL: http://dspace.uniten.edu.my/xmlui

    Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM): Intellectual Repository URL: http://ddms.usim.edu.my/

    Perpustakaan UNIMAP: Digital Repository URL: http://dspace.unimap.edu.my/

    Di antara kelebihan dan keupayaan perisian aplikasi DSpace adalah seperti berikut:

    ! DSpace menyimpan data/sumber-sumber ilmu dan maklumat digital dalam sebarang format digital – teks, video, audio, dan fail-fail data.

    ! DSpace mengindeks kandungan digital institusi agar pengguna dapat membuat

    pencarian dan mendapatkan semula bahan yang tersimpan di dalam repositori.

    ! DSpace menyedia dan menyebarluaskan akses kepada kandungan digital yang dimiliki oleh sesebuah perpustakaan/institusi menerusi Internet.

    ! DSpace memelihara sumber-sumber digital untuk jangka masa panjang.

    Manakala bagi sesetengah organisasi yang lain, penggunaan perisian ini adalah bertujuan untuk

    membina dan menguruskan repositori sumber-sumber digital milikan institusi masing-masing

    secara lebih sistematik dan berpusat samada mengikut subjek, dataset atau jenis bahan.

    Rajah X : Contoh-contoh sistem repositori digital dibangunkan oleh beberapa buah perpustakaan tempatan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Dspace.

    Universiti Malaya: Institutional Repository URL: http://dspace.fsktm.um.edu.my/

    Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) URL: http://dspace.uniten.edu.my/xmlui

    Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM): Intellectual Repository URL: http://ddms.usim.edu.my/

    Perpustakaan UNIMAP: Digital Repository URL: http://dspace.unimap.edu.my/

    Di antara kelebihan dan keupayaan perisian aplikasi DSpace adalah seperti berikut:

    ! DSpace menyimpan data/sumber-sumber ilmu dan maklumat digital dalam sebarang format digital – teks, video, audio, dan fail-fail data.

    ! DSpace mengindeks kandungan digital institusi agar pengguna dapat membuat

    pencarian dan mendapatkan semula bahan yang tersimpan di dalam repositori.

    ! DSpace menyedia dan menyebarluaskan akses kepada kandungan digital yang dimiliki oleh sesebuah perpustakaan/institusi menerusi Internet.

    ! DSpace memelihara sumber-sumber digital untuk jangka masa panjang.

    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia - PTSL@UKM Repository

    Pengurusan sumber dan menyediakan akses kepada beberapa dokumen/terbitan UPM seperti artikel jurnal,


    Universiti Malaya: UM Digital Repository

    Pengurusan sumber dan menyediakan akses kepada beberapa dokumen milikan dan terbitan UM seperti artikel jurnal, kertas persidangan/bengkel, seminar, buku dan sebagainya.


    Universiti Teknologi Petronas : UTP Institutional Repository

    Pengurusan sumber dan menyediakan akses kepada beberapa dokumen milikan dan terbitan UTP seperti artikel jurnal, kertas persidangan/bengkel, tesis, seminar, buku dan sebagainya.


    Universiti Malaya: Malaysian Indexing and Abstracting System (MyAIS)

    MyAIS yang dibangunkan pada tahun 2007 oleh Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Malaya menyediakan maklumat bibliografik dan abstrak-abstrak kepada artikel-artikel yang diterbitkan di dalam jurnaljurnal akademik dan kertas-kertas persidangan tempatan..


    DSpace Perisian DSpace merupakan antara perisian pilihan oleh kebanyakan institusi akademik,

    pertubuhan serta organisasi komersil di dalam membina repositori digital serta menyediakan

    akses kepada sumber-sumber digital milik institusi. Ianya percuma dan mudah dipasang serta

    diubahsuai agar menepati keperluan sesebuah perpustakaan/institusi. Terdapat lebih kurang 700

    organisasi telah menggunakan perisian ini di seluruh dunia.

    DSpace telah dibangunkan secara usahasama di antara perpustakaan-perpustakaan MIT dan Hewlett-

    Packard Company, di mana pembangunannya mendapat peruntukan daripada HP menerusi invent@MIT —

    the HP-MIT Alliance. Perisian aplikasi ini boleh didapati secara percuma menerusi laman sesawang rasmi

    DSpace di http://www.dspace.org/ di bawah terma BSD Open Source License di mana hakcipta perisian ini

    dimiliki oleh DSpace Foundation. Perisian DSpace boleh diubahsuai bagi memenuhi keperluan khusus

    institusi yang menggunakannya.

    Bagi kebanyakan perpustakaan akademik dan penyelidikan, antara kegunaan utama perisian

    DSpace adalah bagi tujuan membina , mengurus dan menyelenggara koleksi sumber-sumber

    digital yang dimiliki selain dari tujuan untuk menguruskan output fakulti dan para pelajar.

    Rajah 2 : Contoh-contoh repostori digital dibangunkan menggunakan perisian D space

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    Di antara kelebihan dan keupayaan perisian aplikasi DSpace adalah seperti berikut:

    • DSpace menyimpan data/sumber- sumber ilmu dan maklumat digital dalam sebarang format digital – teks, video, audio, dan fail-fail data.

    • DSpace mengindeks kandungan digital institusi agar pengguna dapat membuat pencarian dan mendapatkan semula bahan yang tersimpan di dalam repositori.

    • DSpace menyedia dan menyebarluaskan akses kepada kandungan digital yang dimiliki oleh sesebuah perpustakaan/institusi menerusi Internet.

    • DSpace memelihara sumber-sumber digital untuk jangka masa panjang.

    • DSpace menyokong format metadata dan piawaian terkemuka seperti Dublin Core, MODS, MARC dan OAI-PMH.

    Repositori-repositori digital DSpace boleh diakses secara meluas menerusi Internet

    dan mendapat liputan dari kalangan enjin-enjin carian terkemuka, termasuk Google. Dengan tersimpannya sumber-sumber digital di dalam repositori digital, ia akan memudahkan para penyelidik serta pengguna untuk mengakses apabila diperlukan. Bukan itu saja, malah kini perpustakaan, organisasi dan pelbagai institusi kini boleh menjadikannya sebagai suatu sistem bagi pengarkiban dan pemuliharaan koleksi-koleksi bercorak ilmiah seperti buku-buku, tesis, bahan-bahan fotografi, artikel akhbar/majalah/jurnal, kertas kerja penyelidikan, bahan-bahan audio dan video. Oleh kerana DSpace merupakan repositori digital yang berasaskan Internet, ia menyediakan kemudahan kepada pengguna untuk menghantar,menyimpan dan menyediakan akses kepada koleksi-koleksi digital yang tersimpan dari mana-mana lokasi di seluruh dunia.

    DSpace banyak digunakan oleh institusi-institusi akademik, pusat penyelidikan, pusat sumber, muzium, hospital, jabatan kerajaan serta organisasi komersil.Penggunaan DSpace sebagai platform bagi membina repositori digital dilihat semakin popular,dengan lebih dari 300 repositori digital telah terbina di 50 buah negara seluruh dunia. Komuniti pengguna DSpace

    Manakala bagi sesetengah organisasi yang lain, penggunaan perisian ini adalah bertujuan untuk

    membina dan menguruskan repositori sumber-sumber digital milikan institusi masing-masing

    secara lebih sistematik dan berpusat samada mengikut subjek, dataset atau jenis bahan.

    Rajah X : Contoh-contoh sistem repositori digital dibangunkan oleh beberapa buah perpustakaan tempatan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Dspace.

    Universiti Malaya: Institutional Repository URL: http://dspace.fsktm.um.edu.my/

    Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) URL: http://dspace.uniten.edu.my/xmlui

    Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM): Intellectual Repository URL: http://ddms.usim.edu.my/

    Perpustakaan UNIMAP: Digital Repository URL: http://dspace.unimap.edu.my/

    Di antara kelebihan dan keupayaan perisian aplikasi DSpace adalah seperti berikut:

    ! DSpace menyimpan data/sumber-sumber ilmu dan maklumat digital dalam sebarang format digital – teks, video, audio, dan fail-fail data.

    ! DSpace mengindeks kandungan digital institusi agar pengguna dapat membuat

    pencarian dan mendapatkan semula bahan yang tersimpan di dalam repositori.

    ! DSpace menyedia dan menyebarluaskan akses kepada kandungan digital yang dimiliki oleh sesebuah perpustakaan/institusi menerusi Internet.

    ! DSpace memelihara sumber-sumber digital untuk jangka masa panjang.

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    `user group’ yang telah dibentuk.Di Malaysia, antara perpustakaan dan institusi yang telah menggunakan perisian aplikasi respositori digital DSpace adalah seperti berikut:

    kebanyakkannya adalah dari kalangan para pembangun sistem maklumat, pustakawan, pentadbir dan penyelidik di mana mereka secara aktif akan biasa berkomunikasi, menyelesaikan permasalahan dan berbincang di kalangan mereka menerusi


    Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture (FEDORA) telah dibangunkan oleh penyelidik-penyelidik di Cornell University sebagai satu sistem bagi tujuan menyimpan, mengurus dan menyediakan akses kepada kandungan digital di mana ianya diinspirasikan daripada Kahn and Wilensky Framework.

    Perisian FEDORA dipasang dan digunakan oleh pelbagai institusi di seluruh dunia. Ianya fleksibel dan boleh diubahsuai untuk pelbagai tujuan seperti pengurusan koleksi/aset-aset digital, pengarkiban, pemuliharaan digital, e-penyelidikan, pembangunan perpustakaan digital, pembinaan repositori institusi, penyediaan akses terbuka kepada terbitan (open access publishing) dan sebagainya. Laman sesawang FEDORA (http://fedora-commons.org/) boleh dilayari untuk maklumat lanjut.

    Sistem Perpustakaan Bersepadu : KOHA

    KOHA merupakan perisian sistem perpustakaan bersepadu (ILS) berkonsep

    open source yang pertama dihasilkan di dunia. Ia dicipta pada tahun 1999 oleh Katipo Communications for the Horowhenua Library Trust di New Zealand. Koha diedarkan secara percuma di bawah GNU General Public License (GPL). Kini, lebih dari 500 buah perpustakaan di seluruh dunia telah menggunakan perisian sistem perpustakaan bersepadu ini. Di Malaysia, setakat tahun 2008, sebanyak 6 buah perpustakaan telah pun memasang dan menggunakan perisian ini. Perisian KOHA boleh dimuaturun di laman sesawang rasmi KOHA di http://koha.org/.

    Sepertimana sistem perpustakaan bersepadu yang lain, KOHA turut dilengkapi dengan modul-modul asas penting yang diperlukan oleh sesebuah perpustakaan seperti sirkulasi, pengkatalogan, perolehan, pengurusan terbitan bersiri, tempahan bahan, pengurusan keahlian dan sebagainya. Lain-lain modul juga boleh didapati untuk memenuhi keperluan khusus perpustakaan.

    KOHA menggunakan dua (2) rekabentuk pangkalan data berasaskan industri yang popular iaitu berasaskan teks dan Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

    ! DSpace menyokong format metadata dan piawaian terkemuka seperti Dublin Core, MODS, MARC dan OAI-PMH.

    Repositori-repositori digital DSpace boleh diakses secara meluas menerusi Internet dan mendapat liputan

    dari kalangan enjin-enjin carian terkemuka, termasuk Google. Dengan tersimpannya sumber-sumber digital

    di dalam repositori digital, ia akan memudahkan para penyelidik serta pengguna untuk mengakses apabila

    diperlukan. Bukan itu saja, malah kini perpustakaan, organisasi dan pelbagai institusi kini boleh

    menjadikannya sebagai suatu sistem bagi pengarkiban dan pemuliharaan koleksi-koleksi bercorak ilmiah

    seperti buku-buku, tesis, bahan-bahan fotografi, artikel akhbar/majalah/jurnal, kertas kerja penyelidikan,

    bahan-bahan audio dan video. Oleh kerana DSpace merupakan repositori digital yang berasaskan Internet,

    ia menyediakan kemudahan kepada pengguna untuk menghantar/menyimpan koleksi digital dan

    menyediakan akses kepada koleksi-koleksi yang tersimpan dari mana-mana lokasi di seluruh dunia.

    DSpace banyak digunakan oleh institusi-institusi akademik, pusat penyelidikan, pusat sumber, muzium,

    hospital, jabatan kerajaan serta organisasi komersil. Penggunaan DSpace sebagai platform bagi membina

    repository digital dilihat semakin popular, dengan lebih dari 300 repositori digital telah terbina di 50 buah

    negara seluruh dunia. Komuniti pengguna DSpace kebanyakkannya adalah dari kalangan para pembangun

    sistem maklumat, pustakawan, pentadbir dan penyelidik di mana mereka secara aktif akan biasa

    berkomunikasi, menyelesaikan permasalahan dan berbincang di kalangan mereka menerusi `user group’

    yang telah dibentuk..

    Di Malaysia, antara perpustakaan dan institusi yang telah menggunakan perisian aplikasi

    respositori digital DSpace adalah seperti berikut:

    Rajah 3: Repositori-repositori institusi menggunakan perisian DSpace di kalangan perpustakaan-perpustakaan Universiti di Malaysia

    Nama Perpustakaan/ Institusi

    Kegunaan Alamat URL:

    Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)


    Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP) : UNIMAP Digital Repository


    University of Malaya http://dspace.fsktm.um.edu.my/ Universiti Tenaga Nasional http://dspace.uniten.edu.my/xmlui


    Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture (FEDORA) telah dibangunkan oleh

    penyelidik-penyelidik di Cornell University sebagai satu sistem bagi tujuan menyimpan, mengurus

    Jadual 2 : Repositori-repositori institusi menggunakan perisian DSpace di kalangan perpustakaan-perpustakaan Universiti di Malaysia

    Nama Perpustakaan/ Institusi Kegunaan Alamat URL:

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    di mana ia berupaya menangani beban transaksi sesebuah perpustakaan tanpa mengira saiz . KOHA dibina menggunakan piawaian-piawaian perpustakaan dan protokol yang standard bagi memastikan kebolehoperasiannya dengan lain-lain sistem dan teknologi. Antaramuka Sistem Katalog Atas Talian (OPAC), sirkulasi serta sistem pengurusan & peminjaman layan diri bagi sistem KOHA, kesemuanya berasaskan sesawang dan menepati piawaian World Wide Web (WWW) - XHTML, CSS dan Javascript.

    Oleh kerana perisian ini merupakan perisian berkonsep sumber terbuka, perpustakaan

    bebas memasang dan mengguna sistem perpustakaan bersepadu ini bagi memenuhi keperluan masing-masing dan sekiranya perlu, mereka boleh mendapatkan khidmat sokongan dan bantuan pembangunan dari pelbagai sumber.

    Di Malaysia, Insitut Perubatan dan Pergigian Termaju (AMDI), Universiti Sains Malaysia adalah di antara institusi terawal yang telah berjaya membangun dan mengimplementasikan sistem KOHA. Ini kemudiannya diikuti oleh perpustakaan-perpustakaan lain, diantaranya Perpustakaan Asia e University, Kuala Lumpur dan Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Kelantan.

    masing-masing dan sekiranya perlu, mereka boleh mendapatkan khidmat sokongan dan bantuan

    pembangunan dari pelbagai sumber.

    Di Malaysia, Insitut Perubatan dan Pergigian Termaju (AMDI), Universiti Sains Malaysia adalah di

    antara institusi terawal yang telah berjaya membangun dan mengimplementasikan sistem KOHA.

    Ini kemudiannya diikuti oleh perpustakaan-perpustakaan lain, diantaranya Perpustakaan Asia e

    University, Kuala Lumpur dan Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Kelantan.

    Rajah X : Penggunaan sistem perpustakaan bersepadu KOHA di kalangan perpustakaan tempatan.

    Sistem OPAC di Perpustakaan AMDI, USM yang dibangunkan dari sistem KOHA, boleh diakses di http://library.amdi.usm.edu.my/ cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl

    Sistem OPAC di Perpustakaan Asia e University, Kuala Lumpur yang dibangunkan dari sistem KOHA, boleh diakses di http://library.aeu.edu.my/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl

    Sistem OPAC di Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Kelantan yang dibangunkan dari sistem KOHA, boleh diakses di http://koha.kelantan.edu.my/cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl

    Sistem Perpustakaan Bersepadu : NewGenLib

    masing-masing dan sekiranya perlu, mereka boleh mendapatkan khidmat sokongan dan bantuan

    pembangunan dari pelbagai sumber.

    Di Malaysia, Insitut Perubatan dan Pergigian Termaju (AMDI), Universiti Sains Malaysia adalah di

    antara institusi terawal yang telah berjaya membangun dan mengimplementasikan sistem KOHA.

    Ini kemudiannya diikuti oleh perpustakaan-perpustakaan lain, diantaranya Perpustakaan Asia e

    University, Kuala Lumpur dan Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Kelantan.

    Rajah X : Penggunaan sistem perpustakaan bersepadu KOHA di kalangan perpustakaan tempatan.

    Sistem OPAC di Perpustakaan AMDI, USM yang dibangunkan dari sistem KOHA, boleh diakses di http://library.amdi.usm.edu.my/ cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl

    Sistem OPAC di Perpustakaan Asia e University, Kuala Lumpur yang dibangunkan dari sistem KOHA, boleh diakses di http://library.aeu.edu.my/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl

    Sistem OPAC di Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Kelantan yang dibangunkan dari sistem KOHA, boleh diakses di http://koha.kelantan.edu.my/cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl

    Sistem Perpustakaan Bersepadu : NewGenLib

    masing-masing dan sekiranya perlu, mereka boleh mendapatkan khidmat sokongan dan bantuan

    pembangunan dari pelbagai sumber.

    Di Malaysia, Insitut Perubatan dan Pergigian Termaju (AMDI), Universiti Sains Malaysia adalah di

    antara institusi terawal yang telah berjaya membangun dan mengimplementasikan sistem KOHA.

    Ini kemudiannya diikuti oleh perpustakaan-perpustakaan lain, diantaranya Perpustakaan Asia e

    University, Kuala Lumpur dan Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Kelantan.

    Rajah X : Penggunaan sistem perpustakaan bersepadu KOHA di kalangan perpustakaan tempatan.

    Sistem OPAC di Perpustakaan AMDI, USM yang dibangunkan dari sistem KOHA, boleh diakses di http://library.amdi.usm.edu.my/ cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl

    Sistem OPAC di Perpustakaan Asia e University, Kuala Lumpur yang dibangunkan dari sistem KOHA, boleh diakses di http://library.aeu.edu.my/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl

    Sistem OPAC di Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Kelantan yang dibangunkan dari sistem KOHA, boleh diakses di http://koha.kelantan.edu.my/cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl

    Sistem Perpustakaan Bersepadu : NewGenLib

    Rajah 3 : Penggunaan sistem perpustakaan bersepadu KOHA dikalangan perpustakaan di Malaysia

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    NewGenLib adalah sistem pengurusan perpustakaan bersepadu berasaskan sesawang yang dibangunkan oleh Verus Solutions Pvt Ltd dan The Kesavan Institute of Information and Knowledge Management, India.

    NewGenLib versi 1.0 telah dikeluarkan pada Mac 2005. Pada 9 Januari 2008, NewGenLib telah diisytiharkan sebagai perisian sistem terbuka di bawah GNU GPL License oleh Verus Solutions.

    Versi terkini bagi perisian ini adalah NewGenLib v2.4. Setakat ini, dianggarkan sebanyak 2,500 perpustakaan di 58 negara telah menggunakannya sebagai sistem pengurusan perpustakaan bersepadu.

    Antara modul yang terdapat di bawah perisian ini adalah seperti modul perolehan, pengkatalogan, pengurusan terbitan bersiri, sirkulasi, pentadbiran sistem dan OPAC. Perisian ini juga menyokong piawaian MARC21, Unicode 3.0, Dublin Core, OAI-PMH serta boleh disesuaikan dengan kemudahan RFID.

    Ia boleh dipasang samada pada platform sistem operasi Linux atau Windows. Laman sesawang rasmi NewGenLib boleh dilayari di http://verussolutions.biz/ untuk maklumat lanjut.

    Sistem Perpustakaan Bersepadu : Evergreen

    Evergreen, yang dilancarkan pada September 2006 adalah merupakan sebuah perisian sistem perrpustakaan bersepadu berkonsep sumber terbuka, dilesenkan di bawah GNU General Public License yang dapat membantu fungsi-fungsi pengurusan sesebuah perpustakaan. Setakat ini, adalah dianggarkan sebanyak 544 buah perpustakaan di seluruh dunia telah menggunakan perisian ini. Laman sesawang rasmi boleh dilayari di http://www.evergreen-ils.org/ untuk maklumat lanjut.

    KesimpulanPenggunaan perisian aplikasi sumber terbuka semakin berkembang dan seharusnya digalakkan di kalangan perpustakaan di negara ini. Ia boleh menjadi alternatif dan mampu menyediakan penyelesaian terbaik yang dapat membantu perpustakaan serta institusi yang berhasrat membangunkan sistem atau aplikasi yang dikehendaki pada kos yang minimum. Penggunaan perisian sumber terbuka juga membolehkan perpustakaan melangkah ke hadapan ke arah perpustakaan digital serta membolehkan perpustakaan tempatan mengenengahkan sumber-sumber ilmu dan maklumat digital terbitan/milikan masing-masing kepada pengguna sasaran khasnya dan masyarakat awam amnya.

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    1. Bailey Jr., Charles W. `Open Access and Libraries’. Retrieved July 23, 2010 from website: http://www. digital-scholarship.com/cwb/ OALibraries2.pdf

    2. Balas, Janet L. `Considering Open Source Software’. Accessible : 26 July 2010. ttp://www.infotoday.com/ cilmag/sep04/balas.shtml

    3. Corrado, Edward M. `The Importance of Open Access, Open Source and Open Standards for Libraries. Accessible : 26 July 2010. http://www.istl.org/05-spring//article2. html

    4. KOHA. `KOHA: Open Source ILS (Official website). Accessible : 19 July 2010 : http://koha.org/

    5. Malaysian Public Sector OSS Portal. Accessible : 19 July 2010 http://www.oscc.org.my/

    6. Meitei, L. Shanta and Purnima Devi. `Open Source Initiative in Digital Preservation: The Need for an Open Source Digital Repository and Preservation System’.

    Paper presented at the 7th International CALIBER (Pondicherry University, Piducherry: February 25-27, 2009) p.41-47 .

    7. Edzan, N.N. `Looking at Institutional Repositories in Malaysian Public Universities’. Jurnal PPM, v.3, 2009, p.79-86.

    8. Randhawa, Sukhwinder. `Open Source Software and Libraries’. Retrieved July 23, 2010, from website: http:// arizona.openrepository.com/arizona/ bitstream/10150/ 105743/1/Open_Source_Software_ and_Libraries.pdf

    9. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. `Open Source Software’. Retrieved July 23, 2010 from website: http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Open_Source_software.

    10. Zuraidah Abd. Manaf . `Establishing the National Digital Cultural Heritage Repository in Malaysia. Library Review, 57 (7), 2008 p.537-548


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    National Library of Malaysia232, Jalan Tun Razak, 50572 Kuala Lumpur

    Tel: 03-2687 1719 Fax: 03- 2692 [email protected]


    Public libraries place importance on information technology for the delivery of quality services. One aspect of quality services is to know the usage of the electronic information resources (EIRs) among the library users. The findings revealed that EIRs services provided by PPLC are being regularly used by the users. It was found out that the younger group relied more on the EIRs. The most preferred EIRs were Internet (51.9%) and OPAC (43.2%). The preference of Internet was higher among school students with 25% users and college students with 17.2% users, whereas preference of OPAC was higher among the professional group with 30% users. It was found out that most of the users who used Internet were for information searching. For OPAC, they seemed more likely to use title search in searching library materials and they learned to use the OPAC by themselves. The usage of other EIRs was less popular with Electronic Journals (19.1%), Online databases (16.0%) and CD-ROMs (7.4%). Therefore, PPLC must strive aggressively to promote the less popular EIRs which are provided but seldom used by the library users.


    1.1 What is a library?

    Libraries today are known as a vast store of information, and have the ability to organize, manage and disseminate information and knowledge which can contribute in achieving a knowledge-rich society in any country.

    As the twentieth-first century begins, it has turned libraries and information centers into new institutions with the growth in the electronic dissemination of information. This trend is likely to help libraries continue existing as in the past. However, the basic purpose of libraries to organize and disseminate information is now needed more than ever. Moreover, with the widespread availability and use of electronic information,

    libraries are no longer defined by the size of their physical collection but rather by the amount of information to which they can provide access.

    1.2 Types of libraries

    Based on the definition above, libraries were generally divided into five major categories; National Libraries, Academic Libraries, Public Libraries, Special Libraries and School Libraries. The five types of libraries mentioned are only the primary kinds. Each library has its general roles and a specific group of customers to serve.

    1.3 Public libraries roles

    Providing access to knowledge in a variety of formats to support formal and informal

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    education has been the basis in the foundation and maintenance of most public libraries and remains the core purpose of the public library. Today, the public libraries in Malaysia often function as local centers for making knowledge and information readily available to the general public through its main library, district libraries, branch libraries, town libraries, mobile libraries, village libraries and reading rooms

    1.4 The Penang Public Library Corporation

    The Penang Public Library Corporation currently has its headquarters in Seberang Jaya, Perai (mainland) and its branches in George Town, Balik Pulau, Bukit Mertajam and Jawi. The corporation also has its own Children’s Library in Jalan Scotland, Penang, and 1 township library in Bagan Ajam, 2 libraries at shopping mall in KOMTAR and Bayan Baru, 51 village/community cyber libraries and 10 mobile libraries. All these libraries are well distributed all over the island and the mainland. The library network is widespread and located not only in the urban areas but also in the remote villages, thus establishing a network of information services among the public. According to Penang Public Library Corporation, it has made a paradigm shift by developing all its libraries as electronic libraries (being the first public library in Malaysia to have linkages to all its libraries), taking advantage of the enabling technologies, creating a single, integrated virtual library. The aim is to make global intellectual knowledge readily available online to the general public through its 69 service points.The objective of the paper is to highlight the usage and effectiveness of electronic information resources offered by the Penang Public Library.

    It is clear that electronic information resources provided by the Penang Public Library Corporation play an important role to the communities. The library has visualized and

    strategized its mission and vision to create new services in line with the advancement of the technology. However, little is known on how the electronic information resources are being utilized in meeting the needs of the public user.


    This study employed a multi-method approach to collect data; including a printed questionnaire survey, group interview, observations, and examination of documents.

    2.1 Questionnaire

    A total of 200 forms have been distributed to users of Penang Public Library Corporation who visited the Cyber Cafe, OPAC Section and Electronic Journal Section. Majority (60.4%) of the respondents were professionals, college, school and university students.

    2.2 Observations

    Two sessions were conducted and the main objective is to gain the pattern of EIRs usage among the users. A total of 75 users were observed on 8th January and 19th February 2005. Observation among the users using OPAC was conducted to obtain information and to investigate the following aspects:

    1. Which group (younger or older) uses the EIRs most

    2. The amount of time spent accessing information at each section

    3. Whom did they ask for help and4. Which section of the library is the most


    2.3 Group Interview

    The target groups were selected based on regularly users who visit the EIRs section .They were selected mainly because as regular users they can express ideas and

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    give some comments and also suggestions on the effectiveness of the EIRs services provided by the library. Eight participants were selected for the discussions. They were first asked some introductory questions, aiming to get some general information. Later, they were asked to give comments and suggestions on aspects which were related to the usage of EIRs. The interview took about 1 ½ hours.

    2.4 Examination of Documents

    Documents related to the usage of EIRs; namely Internet and Online Databases were examined and analyzed.

    3. Findings

    3.1 Usage of Electronic Information Resources (EIRs)

    3.1.1 EIRs usage among PPLC Library Users

    One of the main objectives of this survey was to investigate the EIR usage of the PPLC library users. Based on the respondents feedback, 108 (66.7%) of the respondents indicated that they used EIRs and only 54 (33.3%) did not use EIRs provided by the library. A cross tabulation of use of EIRs against age group is shown in Table 3.1 below.

    The table above showed that the younger group uses EIRs more than the older group. This is seen in the first two groups of 13 – 29 years with a total of 79 respondents who used EIRs, compared to those of the age 30 and above where only 29 respondents used EIRs. This is also supported from the observations done on 8th January and 19th February 2005 between 10.15am - 4.30pm, where it was observed that there were 51 younger group users used EIRs compared to 14 older users.

    An examination of the usage forms also indicated a similar trend, as shown in Table 3.2 below.

    Thus it can be inferred that the younger library users use electronic information resources more than older users.

    3.1.2 Types of EIRs used

    Users were asked the types of EIRs used. The responses are shown in Table 3.3 below.

    Use of electronic resources


    Age Group

    Yes No

    13-19 years 29 10 39

    20-29 years 50 26 76

    30-39 years 19 14 33

    40-49 years 8 3 11

    55-59 years 1 1 2

    60 and above 1 0 1

    Total 108 54 162

    Table 3.1`: Cross Tabulation of Age group and Use of EIRs


    Group Internet CD-ROMs Online Databases

    Younger Group 24 - 2

    Older Group 4 - -

    Table 3.2: Usage of Internet, CD-ROMs and Online Databases


    Types of EIRs used

    Internet OPAC CD-ROMs

    Online Databases

    Electronic Journals











    Table 3.3: Types of EIRs used

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    From the table above, it was observed that Internet and OPAC had the highest users, with 88 (54.3%) respondents and 68 (42%) respondents respectively, while only 13 (8%) said they used CD-ROMs. This suggests that Internet and OPAC were utilized more by the PPLC users. However, it is interesting to note that all EIRs provided by PPLC are being used by the users. The findings showed that the usage positively matches the PPLC mission to ensure citizens of Penang enjoy the opportunities of various hi-tech services parallel to the state’s expansion and development program.

    3.1.3 Purpose of using Internet

    Their main purpose of using the Internet, as shown in Table 3.4, was to search for information as reported by 37% of the respondents.

    As can be seen from Table 3.6, out of 70 respondents (43.2%) who used OPAC, 39 respondents (24.1%) searched by title. This suggests that users primarily searched for resources by title. This may be due to users being more familiar with the title than other search approaches. It may also be that they remembered the title better than an author. The low use of searching by keywords is surprising. 3.2 Reasons for not using EIRs

    The reasons as to why respondents were not using EIRs services in PPLC.

    54 respondents (33.3%) did not use EIRs provided by the PPLC. The reasons given by 22 respondents (13.8%) were that they did not need EIRs, 12 respondents (7.4%) did not know how to use them, 11 respondents

    This finding is also supported by (Al-Haddabi, 2004) who noted that 58.4% postgraduate’s students preferred to use Internet for their information searching.However, from the group interview, nearly all participants reported that they used Internet to look up for information to do their assignments.

    3.1.4 Usage of OPAC

    The usage of OPAC by the respondents can be seen in Table 3.5 below, which showed that 66.0% of the respondents, representing 66.7% of the EIR users, used the OPAC.


    Table 3.4: Purpose of Using Internet


    Purpose of using Internet

    Info Searching

    Browsing WWW e-mail Chatting Assignment Games

    Others: Download software















    This finding is also supported by (Al-Haddabi, 2004) who noted that 58.4%

    postgraduate’s students preferred to use Internet for their information


    However, from the group interview, nearly all participants reported that

    they used Internet to look up for information to do their assignments.

    3.1.4 Usage of OPAC

    The usage of OPAC by the respondents can be seen in Table 3.5 below,

    which showed that 66.0% of the respondents, representing 66.7% of the

    EIR users, used the OPAC.


    Table 3.5: Usage of OPAC


    OPAC Frequency Percent

    Yes 70 43.2

    No 37 22.8

    Total 107 66.0

    NA 55 34.0

    Total 162 100.0

    3.1.5 Searching method

    The method of using OPAC is shown in Table 3.6 below.

    Table 3.6: Searching method


    Searching Method Frequency Percent

    Search by title 39 24.1

    Search by author 13 8.0

    Search by keyword 10 6.2

    Search by subject 8 4.9

    Total 70 43.2

    NA 92 56.8

    Total 162 100.0


    Table 3.5: Usage of OPAC


    OPAC Frequency Percent

    Yes 70 43.2

    No 37 22.8

    Total 107 66.0

    NA 55 34.0

    Total 162 100.0

    3.1.5 Searching method

    The method of using OPAC is shown in Table 3.6 below.

    Table 3.6: Searching method


    Searching Method Frequency Percent

    Search by title 39 24.1

    Search by author 13 8.0

    Search by keyword 10 6.2

    Search by subject 8 4.9

    Total 70 43.2

    NA 92 56.8

    Total 162 100.0

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    (6.8%) said that they never heard of any and it was complicated and difficult to use. 3.3 Users’ suggestions on how to improve EIRs services provided by PPLCThis section gathered the respondents’ opinions on how to improve EIRs services provided by PPLC. A total of 64 (60.5%) respondent gave their suggestions. Those suggestions can be categorized as follows:

    1. To add computers in the Internet Section and speed up the connections

    2. To add OPAC terminals3. Maintenance of the computers need to

    be look into4. Need staff to assist the users5. Need user education program6. Promote the services provided 7. Reduce charges or provide free service

    of the Internet

    3.4 Summary of the Findings

    The analysis of the data led to the followings findings:1. All EIRs provided by PPLC are being used

    by the users and it positively matches the PPLC’s mission.

    2. Younger age group rely more on the EIRs.

    3. Internet is the most popular EIRs used and this is followed by OPAC. However the usage of CD-ROMs, Online databases and Electronic Journals has not been fully utilized by majority of the respondents due to lack of awareness and effective promotions by the library.

    4. Reasons for not using EIRs included being unaware of the services, not needing the electronic resources, and not knowing how to use.

    5. Library users requested guidance from the librarian and effective training programmes to help them in using the EIRs efficiently.

    4. Discussion

    4.1 Reasons for not using EIRs

    Based on the findings that 7.4% of the respondents ‘don’t know how to use’, there is a possibility that they did not obtain the professional library help they need or they were reluctant to approach the librarian for assistance. In this case the library needs to improve the training program. The library also needs to do marketing and promotion for the EIRs services provided, because it was clearly stated that 6.8% of the respondents answered ‘never heard’ about the services. In this case the library needs to take a more aggressive approach to market the EIRs. Beside that, 6.8% of the respondents stated that they did not use EIRs because it was ‘complicated and difficult to use.’ In this situation PPLC should set some strategies to provide training or individual user assistance to some potential users.

    However, 13.8% of the respondents said that they did not need EIRs. This may be because they did not know the advantages of EIRs. It is important to note that according to the Public Library Service, IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines for Development (2001), the public library should help its users develop skills that will enable them to make the most effective use of the library’s resources and services.

    4.2 New roles of the Librarians

    Through the observations, it was found out that lack of efficiency of the librarian somehow had led to the low usage of the EIRs. The librarian seemed to neglect the needs of the users, by not attending the users when they faced problem of accessing the EIRs services. This may be due to the fact that PPLC did not have enough staff to attend all the users, or the librarians were bogged down by their heavy workload. The

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    request for guidance and assistance, as suggested by the respondents also justifies this observation.Nowadays, with the great variety of electronic resources offered by the library, librarians are often seen as electronic-resources expert. PPLC should emphasize on enhancing the role of reference librarian and training of library users for EIRs use should be a high priority. In fact the users need more guidance in using electronic resources than they did in using a library of print materials. Reference librarian should play an important role in advising and recommending these electronic resources that are available in the library and help the users in using them at the point of enquiry and information need. The librarian must develop and maintain a good knowledge of the content and scope of each resource.

    5. Conclusion

    The overall findings of this study revealed that the users at Penang Public Library Corporation used EIRs and the younger

    group used more of the EIRs services. However it is interesting to note that the age group of 60 and above also used the EIRs services provided by the library. Through these findings it also indicated that the users used EIRs according to their preference and accessibility of the EIRs. Internet and OPAC were seen to be the preferred EIRs. In order to increase the usage of other EIRs, PPLC needs to promote and improve the training programme so as to create awareness of their benefits. Through the suggestions given by users, PPLC should actively guide the users in recommending the resources and help the users in using the electronic resources. The findings also stated that there were users at PPLC who did not use EIRs services. Given this scenario, PPLC needs to plan in term of minimizing the percentage of non-users of EIRs. It was found that all EIRs facilities provided by the library were being used by the users at different levels. It is hoped that the findings will be useful to the PPLC and that the study has made a contribution to the body of knowledge on the use of electronic information resources.

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    Al-Haddabi, Asma Mohamad (2004). A study on CD-ROM use behaviour od end-users at the Sultan Qaboos University in the Sultanate of Oman. Unpublished Master Thesis, University of Malaya.

    Ariyapala, P.G. and N.N. Edzan (2002). Foreign postgraduates students and the online catalogue at the University of Malaya library. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science. 7(1): 57-67.

    Ibrahim, Ahmed Elhafiz (2004). Use and user perception of electronic resources in the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU). Libri 54 (1): 18-29.

    Norden, D.J. and G.H. Lawrence (1981). Public terminal use in an online catalog: some preliminary results. College & Research Libraries. 42(2): 308-316.

    Penang Public Library Corporation (PPLC) (2003). [Online]. Retrieved 30 July 2004 from http://www.penanglib.gov.my

    Public Library Manifesto (1994). [Online]. Retrieved 30 July 2004 from http:// www.ifla.org/VII/s8/unesco/eng.htm

    Sridhar, M. S. (2002). OPAC vs card catalogue: a comparative study of user behaviour. The Electronic Library. 22 (2): 175 – 183.

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    Che Zainab Hj. Abdullah, Wan Ab. Kadir Wan Dollah, Zulkefli Mohd Yusop and Mohd Jailani Paiman

    Faculty of Information ManagementUniversiti Teknologi MARA,

    40150 Shah Alam


    This article is based on a study that focuses on the creation of institutional repositories whereby a digital repository has been created in Faculty of Information Management, UiTM to capture and preserve intellectual output of the faculty members that can be accessed worldwide. The study is important to determine how the Faculty of Information Management, UiTM is exploiting the latest information and communication technologies to improve the information services to the faculty members and the academic community. The findings indicate that various formats of academic work from lecturers have been created and most of the lecturers have written academic papers. Recommendations are made on the need to enlarge the collections in the institutional repository and cooperation with other faculties. The main contribution of this research is the creation of a Knowledge Repositories Systems in the Faculty of Information Management, UiTM.


    In this era of knowledge, the evolving of new technology advancements have influenced all spheres of human activity including the scholarly communication landscape. As one of the vital communication technology, Internet has become an essential medium for information exchange. Researchers increasingly publish their research findings in subject-specific and web-based archives for wider and faster dissemination. Knowledge repositories system offer a convenient infrastructure through which to store, manage and reuse digital materials. They can be used by a variety of communities, may carry out many different functions and can take many forms. Knowledge repositories system enable quick, easy, simultaneous and remote access to deposits. It also minimizes physical storage requirements whilst increasing the potential mass of deposits.

    Organizations including Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have been using new technologies to store information in various formats. Knowledge Repositories system are becoming widely accessible as part of organizational repositories. Knowledge Repositories provide faculty members of HEI the ability to add or self-archive, items that they have authored into the repository, thereby facilitating instant access to their work. 1.1 Statement of Problem

    The amount of information produced in the world is increasing every year. Trends imply that technology evolution is leading to information explosion. The challenges of managing this becomes more difficult and this can lead to information overload or information fatigue. This condition results from having a rapid rate of growth in the

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    amount of information available around us. Information professionals therefore, need to develop skills for managing this information overload. Managing this load can be a tough challenge. It involves securing, managing and archiving the data in such a way that appropriate users have access to it and use the data for making more informed decisions. Information life cycle management (ILM) is one of the solutions for managing information overload. It is a combination of data management capabilities of the database server with appropriate storage technology. Organizations that manage large volumes of information (journal articles, seminar papers, dissertations, theses, research projects, and other kind of printed and non printed forms require self-managing databases. 1.2 Study Objectives

    The objectives of the study are as follows:1. To recommend the creation of knowledge

    repositories systems in the Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi Mara

    2. To determine how knowledge repositories systems support learning process

    3. To identify the perceived needs of knowledge repositories in higher learning institution.

    4. To identify the problem pertaining to introducing the knowledge repositories systems

    5. To investigate how KRs helps the faculty members in their teaching

    6. To identify how KRs can support excellent research among faculty members.

    1.4 Significance of Study

    The principal significance of this research is to create a knowledge repositories system to be used by faculty members of Faculty of Information Management and researchers in Universiti Teknologi MARA. Therefore,

    the study contributes in terms of filling gap to literature pertaining to digital repositories in Malaysia. This study is regarded as an attempt to find solution and way to develop digital repositories in academic institution and also setting the agenda for the future knowledge repositories systems in this country.

    Malaysian higher educational institutions are striving to become world-class universities. Many Malaysian universities are targeting to be ranked among the foremost in the world based on international standards of academic excellence. In accomplishing the university’s quest to be world-class, there should be conducive teaching, learning and research environment. Knowledge repositories system provide the basis of references and information sources that the researchers and academicians could rely on.


    Related research literature was collected and examined from on-line databases such as Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), ProQuest, Emerald, INFOTRAC, Lib Lit and Wilson. Sources from Internet that were pertinent to the research were also reviewed. In searching for the literature, keywords such as digital repository, institutional repository and repositories were used. Other related terms including digital libraries, electronic services, online services and social sciences were also used to support the research.The findings from the literature are summarized in the following sections:1. The concepts of Institutional Knowledge

    Repositories2. Benefits of Institutional Knowledge

    Repositories3. Examples of Institutional Repositories4. Issue and challenges

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    2.1 Defining the concept of knowledge repositories

    Knowledge repositories systems are also commonly referred as digital repositories, institutional repositories or digital archives. According to Sutradhar (2006), digital repositories enhance the professional visibility of the faculty, and raises the prestige of the institution. It also provides a global platform for local research and hence improved visibility. Apart from this, digital knowledge repositories preserve and provide long-term access to the scholar’s research output and also serves as resources for supporting classroom teaching. As noted by Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), digital knowledge repositories are becoming a major component of the evolving structures of scholarly communication. Knowledge Repositories allows authors, gain visibility, and users find information more easily. In addition, the potential benefits of Knowledge Repositories extend to institutions, which increase their research profile, and funders, could see wider dissemination of research output.

    The definition of “institutional repository” has evolved in the past several years. For the purposes of analysis, Crow (2002) used the basic definition that an IR is a digital collection that captures and preserves the intellectual output of an institution whether it represents a single or multi-university community. Note that this definition does not define purpose or provenance.

    However, while the definition put forth by the Association of Research Libraries requires that the content be scholarly, the researchers acknowledge that IRs may have a wider range of content which could include documents that record the “intellectual life of the institution” and “experimental and observational data” from the institution as

    well as the traditional intellectual works (Lynch, 2003).

    For universities, repositories are marketing tools communicating capabilities and quality by showcasing faculty and student research, public service projects, and other activities and collections. Repositories in universities may include preprints and postprints of journal articles, technical reports, white papers, research data, theses, dissertations, work in progress, important print and image collections, teaching and learning materials, and materials documenting the history of the institution.

    2.2 Benefits

    According to Drake (2004), repositories provide services to faculty, researchers, and administrators who want to archive research, historic, and creative materials. The open access and open archives movement, the need for changes in scholarly communication to remove barriers to access, and the increasing awareness that universities and research institutions are losing valuable digital and print materials have begun driving the establishment of institutional repositories. Using open archive models (http://www.openarchives.org), established metadata standards, and digital rights management, important new information sources are seeing the light of day and becoming more generally available.

    While the main purposes of institutional repositories are to bring together and preserve the intellectual output of a laboratory, department, university, or other entity, the incentives and commitments to change the process of scholarly communication have also begun serving as strong motivators. Computers have been ubiquitous on campuses since the late 1980s. Students and faculty are comfortable with the power of online communication. Faculty teachers and researchers want to archive their own

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    materials and have them available on personal or institutional Web sites, these articles, along with the development of the Internet and more powerful search engines, have enabled people to think in practical terms about the establishment of central facilities for storing, archiving, preserving, and making scholarly and artistic materials available.

    Repositories may be limited to one field, one department, one institution, or a consortium of several institutions. Collaboration through a consortium reduces costs for each member through resource sharing while expanding access to digital materials. Institutional Repositories can provide an immediate and valuable complement to the existing scholarly publishing model, while stimulating innovation in a new disaggregated publishing structure that will evolve and improve over time. Further, they build on a growing grassroots faculty practice of self-posting research online. While institutional repositories necessitate that libraries--as their logical administrative proponents--facilitate development of university intellectual property policies, encourage faculty authors to retain the right to self-archive, and broaden both faculty

    and administration perspectives on these issues, they can be implemented without radically altering the status quo. Moreover, they can be introduced by reallocating existing resources, usually without extensive technical development (Singarella, 2005)

    2.3 Examples of institutional repositories

    Drake (2004), The Dspace repository project [http://dspace.org] at MIT has received extensive coverage in the news and literature. The Dspace Web page describes the project as “a groundbreaking digital institutional repository that captures, stores, indexes, preserves, and redistributes the intellectual output of a university’s research faculty in digital formats” [http://dspace.org/introduction/index.html]. The MIT repository contains a variety of research materials deposited in accordance with the policies developed by departments and research units at MIT. Dspace developed open source software with a grant from Hewlett Packard and created a federation of universities to work collaboratively on the project. The Federation includes Cambridge

     Figure 1: Knowledge Repositories System (KRS) Features

    Source: Deitel, H. M., Deitel, P. J. & Goldberg, A. B. (2004). Internet and World Wide Web: how to program. 3rd ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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    University, Columbia, Cornell, MIT, Ohio State, University of Rochester, University of Toronto, and the University of Washington. Research institutions worldwide may acquire the Dspace software at no cost and any institution can adapt it to their own needs.


    In general, research design provides a framework for the collection and analysis of data. Bryman (2004) noted that a choice of research design reflects decision about the priority being given to a range of dimensions of the research process.

    In this research, the researcher adopted the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), that is a logical process used by a systems analyst to develop an information system, including requirements, validation, training, and user ownership. An SDLC resulted high quality system that meets or exceeds customer expectations, within time and cost estimates, works effectively and efficiently in the current and planned ICT infrastructure, and is cheap to maintain and cost effective to enhance.


    Knowledge Repositories System (KRS) has simple basic features to retrieve the information resources electronically. To facilitate the users searching for resources, KRS has provided several of searching techniques such as simple search, advanced search, keyword search and browse items by location. The simple search query uses Dublin Core (DC) title and author/ creator elements to retrieve the complete metadata resources. It is a basic technique to search for information in KRS and reaching the actual resources. The advanced search query uses a combination search criteria that has Boolean search capability to retrieve more precise

    searching results. It is a powerful and fast combination query done by the KRS search engine. The search also can limit the query by specifying the range of publication years to get more specific results. KRS also provides keyword search query which enable the indexed keywords in Dublin Core elements are searchable to display more relevant resources. In order to facilitate the users KRS also provided a browsing feature which specifying the locations of the resources availability. It assists the users to identify the locations of the theses, journal articles, research reports, seminar and conference papers by listing the faculty names and its current total collection. Users can view the complete metadata and abstract to get an overview of the resources. KRS also provides the users with a 24 pages theses, journal articles, research reports, seminar and conference papers access in PDF format before viewing the full-text (PDF) version of theses, journal articles, research reports, seminar & conference papers. Normally a 24 pages theses, journal articles, research reports, seminar & conference papers size is smaller and faster to download and view. KRS has established for almost two years and having excellent achievements in supporting the research activities for the faculty. At current stage, the KRS is enhancing its features in terms of hardware, software, concept, access modes, searching capability, interfaces, and integration with other systems. These elements are existingly be revisited. The hardware need to be upgraded to higher specifications for faster access, reliability, robust and stable. The software has to be upgraded to the latest version to prevent bugs, unauthorized access and external attacks as well as compatibility with current operating system software. The concept will be revised to accommodate the current information requirements and to adapt with the new concept of managing

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    metadata. The access modes have to be variety including accessing via wireless broadband and mobile environment such as EDGE and 3G technologies. Searching capability would be redesigned to include the taxonomy features to facilitate the access and browsing of resources comprehensively. System interfaces will also be redesigned to more user-friendly looks and navigations that speed-up the retrieval of information. Integration with other system software such as integration with e-commerce software, knowledge management system, and artificial intelligence would be researched and deployed.

    5. CONCLUSION KRS is one of the solutions to centralize repository of faculty publications collection. By having such database, it will facilitate

    access to the resources within university community. Organization which has intention to provide knowledge sharing or to practice knowledge management among the community should implement KRS as it facilitates content management and information dissemination. KRS is not only applicable for the faculty members but it also benefits its stakeholders such as students, administrators, researchers, ministry and the nation as a whole.. We can imagine the impact of having a central repository that can serve the university communities in order to produce a quality research and to support teaching and learning as a whole. The KRS could bring together researches done by the scholars who brought significant impact to the nation growths and progresses. Lastly, we can turn KRS becoming a central repository to the world as a reference site for the Malaysian heritage.

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