haiwan yg tlh pupus

NAMA:NATASHA ISMALIYANA BT ISMAIL Tahun : 6 Bijak Nama guru:Pn.Sharifah Ahmad Tajuk:Folio Sains

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Page 1: Haiwan Yg Tlh Pupus


Tahun : 6 Bijak

Nama guru:Pn.Sharifah Ahmad

Tajuk:Folio Sains

Page 2: Haiwan Yg Tlh Pupus

Haiwan Yang Telah Pupus


Page 3: Haiwan Yg Tlh Pupus

The quagga was originally classified as an individual species, Equus quagga, in 1778. Over the other 2000 years or so, many other zebras were described by naturalists and explorers. Because of the great variation in coat patterns (no two zebras are alike), taxonomists were left with a great number of described "species", and no easy way to tell which of these were true species, which were subspecies, and which were simply natural variants.Long before this confusion was sorted out, the quagga had been hunted to extinction for meat, hides, and to preserve feed for domesticated stock. The last wild quagga was probably shot in the late 1870s, and the last specimen in captivity, a mare, died on August 12, 1883 at the Natura Artis Magistra zoo in Amsterdam. Because of the confusion between different zebra species, particularly among the general public, the quagga had become extinct before it was realized that it may have been a separate species.The quagga was the first extinct creature to have its DNA studied. Recent genetic research at the Smithsonian Institution has demonstrated that the quagga was, in fact, not a separate species at all, but diverged from the extremely variable plains zebra, Equus burchelli, between 120,000 and 290,000 years ago, and suggests that it should be named Equus burchelli quagga.[citation needed] However, according to the rules of biological nomenclature, where there are two or more alternative names for a single species, the name first used takes priority.

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As the quagga was described about thirty years earlier than the plains zebra, it appears that the correct terms are E. quagga quagga for the quagga and E. quagga burchelli for the plains zebra, unless "Equus burchelli" is officially declared to be a nomen conservandum.Quagga specimen in the natural history museum of MilanAfter the very close relationship between the quagga and surviving zebras was discovered, the Quagga Project was started by Reinhold Rau (1932–2006) in South Africa to recreate the quagga by selective breeding from plains zebra stock, with the eventual aim of reintroducing them to the wild.[3] This type of selective breeding is also called breeding back. A foal of the Quagga Project, named Henry, was born on 20 January 2005. In early 2006, the third and fourth generation animals produced by the project were reported to look very much like the depictions and preserved specimens of the quagga. The practice of breeding back generally and specifically whether looks alone are enough to declare that this project has truly recreated the original quagga are both controversial.DNA from mounted specimens was successfully extracted in 1984, but the technology to use recovered DNA for breeding does not exist. In addition to skins such as the one held by the Natural History Museum in London, there are 23 known stuffed and mounted quagga throughout the world. A twenty-fourth specimen was destroyed in Königsberg, Germany (now Kaliningrad), during World War II.[3]

Page 5: Haiwan Yg Tlh Pupus

Dodo: - Pupus sejak lewat abad ke-17


Tidak salah untuk mengatakan Dodo ialah haiwan yang telah pupus paling popular di dunia. Banyak peribahasa sering dikaitkan dengan dodo seperti ‘as dead as a dodo’ yang membawa maksud kematian yang ragu-ragu dan pelik. Seperti peribahasa ini, kematian dodo adalah pelik kerana Dodo dikatakan pupus secara tiba-tiba. Suatu ketika, Dodo boleh kelihatan berkeliaran sepertimana ayam-ayam dan itik-itik di kampung. Dodo adalah burung yang tidak boleh terbang. Ia sering bersarang di atas tanah sepertimana ayam dan itik. Habitat asal Dodo adalah di Kepulauan Mauritus.

Page 6: Haiwan Yg Tlh Pupus


Thylacine dipercayai pupus sejak 1936. Haiwan karnivor ini juga digelar Tasmanian Tiger kerana jalur ala-ala harimau yang terdapat di balakang badannya. Keunikkan haiwan ini menarik minat ramai saintis. Haiwan ini berhabitat di benua Australia, Tasmania dan New Guinea. Miskipun diumumkan haiwan yang telah pupus secara rasmi, terdapat beberapa pertembungan antara manusia dengan haiwan ini dilaporkan. Akan tetapi, tiada bukti kukuh untuk menyokongnya. Thylacine dipercayai pupus kerana pemburuan manusia secara berterusan dan habitatnya yang terancam.

Thylacine a.k.a Tasmanian Tiger :- pupus sejak 1936

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A mammoth is any species of the extinct genus Mammuthus, proboscideans commonly equipped with long, curved tusks and, in northern species, a covering of long hair. They lived from the Pliocene epoch from around 5 million years ago, into the Holocene at about 4,500 years ago.[1][2] and were members of the family Elephantidae, which contains, along with mammoths, the two genera of modern elephants and their ancestors.


Page 8: Haiwan Yg Tlh Pupus

Tyrannosaurus Rex ataupun nama ‘manja’nya T.Rex masih kekal sebagai haiwan pemangsa paling ditakuti yang pernah hidup di muka bumi. Panjangnya adalah 43.3 kaki, dan 16.6 kaki tinggi dengan berat sehingga 7 tan.! T.Rex dipercayai mempunyai otot kaki dan rahang yang kuat. Ini menjadikan T.Rex mempunyai pakej lengkap sebagai haiwan pemangsa yang paling ditakuti oleh mana-mana haiwan lain pada waktu itu. Fosil T.Rex kebanyakkannya ditemui di negara-negara Benua Amerika Utara. Setakat ini, saintis telah mengumpul kira-kira 30 fosil T.Rex daripada kawasan ini.

Tyrannosaurus Rex: – Pupus sejak 65 juta tahun yang lalu

T. Rex

Page 9: Haiwan Yg Tlh Pupus

Haiwan yang hampir pupus

Ada empat belas jenis kelewar di Britain yang sedang terancam. Kelewar tapal kuda yang lebih besar adalah salah satu yang paling menarik. Semasa ini ada 35 diakui lahir. Estimasi semasa ini berkisar antara 4.000 dan 6.600.

Binatang ini juga pupus akibat dari penggunaan insektisida (zat kimia beracun disembor pada tanaman untuk membunuh serangga berbahaya) . Ini telah merampas serangga yang menjadi sumber utama makanan binatang ini.

. Kelawar Tapal Kuda

Page 10: Haiwan Yg Tlh Pupus

Sangat menarik dan mungkin ada kurang dari 200 ekor di alam bebas, mungkin semua dalam alam khusus. Diburu para pemburu haram kerana dapat memberi makan keluarganya selama satu tahun dari hasil hanya membunuh seekor harimau.

Harimau Siberia

Page 11: Haiwan Yg Tlh Pupus

Penyu pernah intensif diburu untuk daging dan telur, namun lemak juga digunakan dalam industri kosmetik. Banyak dari inatang ini mati setiap tahun tertangkap dalam jaring ikan dari crabfishers. Di Turki, hotel telah dibina tepat di atas tempat pembiakan

Penyu Tempayan

Page 12: Haiwan Yg Tlh Pupus

A dugong or manatee male calf,named is Si Tenang was found stranded at Pasir Gudang, Johor in 1999.They are endangered because they get caught in nets, they were and still are hunted for meat and oil for thousands of years, they are hurt by boats, they are also hunted by tiger sharks.


Page 13: Haiwan Yg Tlh Pupus

Sebelum manusia membuat kajian dengan penggunaan feromon, burung buas spektakuler jauh lebih banyak daripada sekarang ini. Binatang ini juga telah diburu oleh para gembala dan gamekeepers yang menganggap binatang ini sebagai ancaman. Intens dengan tindakan konservasi, populasi di Eropah Timur pulih, rancangan pemulihan bertujuan untuk mendapat beberapa daerah peternakan tradisional di Eropah.

Helang Ekor Ikan Putih

Page 14: Haiwan Yg Tlh Pupus

It's hard to miss the rhinoceros hornbill, even in the wild: Though this three-foot tall bird weighs only about 6 pounds, the brightly colored bill makes it stand out in any environment. Native to Southeast Asia--Sumatra, Borneo, Java--the animal is born with a white beak and casque that picks up the red and yellow color from rubbing its beak against a gland; the red-orange secretions dye the beak over the course of the bird's life. The hornbill faces population threats from habitat loss and poachers who try to get its feathers, while they're also a key part of Malaysian rituals. Another feature that sets this bird apart? According to the Phoenix Zoo, "They have long, thick, curly eyelashes and are one of the few birds with eyelashes."

Rhinoceros Hornbill

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The bateleur, which gets its name from the French word for tightrope walker, is found most often in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe--but don't count on seeing one: Population estimates for these endangered birds place the current number at 75 percent fewer than in the early 1900s, and 50 percent less in the last 30 years. Raptors Namibia places most of the blame on poisons, which the bateleur picks up from carcasses on farms placed next to protected nesting areas, but a decrease in the availability of carrion prey hasn't helped. The birds are usually only about 2 feet long but have a wing span of up to 6 feet, and will fly more than 200 miles on one hunting expedition.


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While the shoebill is technically a type of stork, it's not hard to see why the cartoon kinds that always show up delivering babies don't look much like this hook-billed cousin. Measuring up at nearly 5 feet tall, and native to the East African White Nile marshes, the shoebill has a wingspan of as much as 10 feet--and a reputation for violent nocturnal feedings of fish, turtles, baby birds, and small crocodiles; however, with as few as 5,000 left in the world, the IUCN Red List deemed it Vulnerable. And as these amateur photos from the San Diego Wild Animal Park show, the shoebill isn't always in predator mode--here, it gently moves a duck out of its way with only a few feathers lost.


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The wattled curassow depends heavily on rivers (and the humid lowlands and forests that house them) for the fish, insects, and other small waterlife that it feeds on--and since they're native to South America, the deforestation, hunting, development, and logging that have been built up along the Amazon have also caused a drastic drop in the population of these birds.In 1998, the birds were found in Bolivia, where they'd previously been considered extinct, and conservation groups are still working on preserving and protecting these birds.

Wattled Curassow

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Binatang ini hidup di beberapa daerah di Karnataka, Kerala dan Tamil Nadu. Semasa ini,hutan tropika yang merupakan habitat monyet ini, telah dibersihkan dan digantikan dengan perladangan teh dan kopi.Sebagaimana dengan begitu banyak mamalia, pada masa ini ancaman utama di alam bebas memusnahkan habitatnya. Pemburu liar juga seringkali menangkap anak kera, dan membunuh yang dewasa dalam proses perburuannya, untuk kemudian dieksport. Binatang ini dianggap sebagai monyet yang paling terancam, dengan hanya 400 ekor yang berbaki di alam liar. Binatang diburu untuk daging dan bulu.

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