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hISSN 1592-8721

educational edition

volume 89, supplement no. 1

January 2004

Published by theFerrata-Storti

Foundation, Pavia, Italy

The Evolution of RecombinantFactors for Hemophilia:

Making Therapeutic Choices

Guest Editor: Louis M. Aledort





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e d i t o r i a l b o a r d

editor-in-chiefMario Cazzola (Pavia)

deputy editorsJoan Bladé (Barcelona), Carlo Brugnara (Boston), Rosangela Invernizzi (Pavia), Francesco Lo Coco (Roma), PaoloRebulla (Milano), Gilles Salles (Lyon), Jordi Sierra Gil (Barcelona), Vicente Vicente Garcia (Murcia)

assistant editorsGaetano Bergamaschi (Pavia), Luca Malcovati (Pavia), Vittorio Rosti (Pavia)

scientific societies committeeMichele Baccarani (Bologna, Italian Society of Hematology), Maria Benedetta Donati (Santa Maria Imbaro, ItalianSociety of Hemostasis and Thrombosis), Gianluca Gaidano (Novara, Italian Society of Experimental Hematology),Momcilo Jankovic (Monza, Italian Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology), Fernando Martínez Brotons(Barcelona, Spanish Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis), Ciril Rozman (Barcelona, Spanish Association ofHematology and Hemotherapy)

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Direttore responsabile: Prof. Edoardo Ascari; Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Pavia n. 63 del 5 marzo 1955.Editing: m Mikimos - Medical Editions via gen. C.A. Dalla Chiesa 22, Voghera, ItalyPrinting: Tipografia PI-ME via Vigentina 136, Pavia, ItalyPrinted in January 2004

Haematologica is sponsored by educational grants from the following institutions and companies:

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José Carreras International Leukemia Foundation



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The origin and power of a name

αιµα [aima] = blood; αιµατος [aimatos] = of blood, λογος [logos]= reasoning

haematologicus (adjective) = related to blood

haematologica (adjective, plural and neuter,used as a noun) = hematological subjects

Journal of Hematology2002 JCR® Impact Factor = 3,226

Ancient Greek

Scientific Latin

Scientific Latin

Modern English




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Haematologica 2004; vol. 89; supplement no. 1 - January 2004(indexed by Current Contents/Life Sciences and in Faxon Finder and Faxon XPRESS, also available on diskette with abstracts)


The Evolution of Recombinant Factorsfor Hemophilia: Making Therapeutic Choices

Guest Editor: Louis M. Aledort A dedication to Jeanne M. Lusher

1 IntroductionLouis M. Aledort

3 Viral Safety Measures of Recombinant Factor VIIIProductsErik Berntorp

8 Structural and Functional Role of the Factor VIIIB DomainS. W. Pipe, R. J. Kaufman

14 Issues Surrounding Making Therapeutic Choices forHemophilia PatientsH. Marijke van den Berg

20 Considerations in Pediatric Patients With HemophiliaW. Keith Hoots

26 Considerations in Adult Patients With HemophiliaClaude Negrier

29 Prophylaxis in Hemophilia:A Comprehensive PerspectiveVictor S. Blanchette

Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Aventis Behring L.L.C.

Haematologica • Supplement 1 • January 2004

Page 6: haematologicasupplements.haematologica.org/Haematologica_2004_S1.pdfried the risk of fluid overload. The subse-quent introduction of fresh frozen plasma significantly reduced that

A dedication to Jeanne M. Lusher

I would like to dedicate this supplement to Jeanne M.Lusher, who, through her dedication to the hemophiliaresearch and patient communities, has greatly expandedthe field of hemophilia medicine. Jeanne’s successes can belikened to producing a fine wine–planting the vineyardseedlings and dedicating time to cultivating the grapevines, managing good and bad conditions that may arise,until the vines bear their fruit. Jeanne’s medical trainingcan be equated with those seedlings, and her early aca-demic experiences until she found her niche are analogous to the vines growing tallerand spreading their branches. Her commitment in the area of pediatric hemophilia andour early cooperative study on prothrombin complex concentrates versus albumin forinhibitor patient bleeding, can be considered the time the vintner knows the wine grapesare maturing and will make a satisfactory wine. As she gained years of experience

through research, travel, andbedside care, Jeanne alsonurtured and inspired othersin the hemophilia communi-ty with her teachings andcountless publications. Thisera, including her intimateinvolvement in importantmulticenter trials, can beconsidered to parallel theuse of vine cuttings to culti-vate new vineyards, and theblending of excellent grapesto produce superior wines.Such wines receive inter-national recognition andawards, as has Jeannebecause of her fundamentalbelief in excellence, key con-tributions to the hemophiliaknowledge base, and com-

passionate patient care. As the vineyard weathers seasonal changes, the sturdiest vinessee productivity return in the right conditions of sun and rain. Jeanne, too, has contin-ued to flourish, and like a world-recognized wine, gets better with age.

Louis M. Aledort

Page 7: haematologicasupplements.haematologica.org/Haematologica_2004_S1.pdfried the risk of fluid overload. The subse-quent introduction of fresh frozen plasma significantly reduced that

haematologica 2004; 89(supplement 1):January 2004 1


The Evolution of Recombinant Factors forHemophilia: Making Therapeutic Choices

In this supplement to Haematologica, adistinguished panel reviews the develop-ment, safety, and efficacy of factor VIII

(FVIII) products, plasma-derived and recom-binant, which have reversed the previouslypoor prognosis of children born with hemo-philia A. Fifty years ago, most children withhemophilia had approximately 20 to 30annual bleeding episodes, which occurredspontaneously or after minor trauma. Theresult was a significantly shortened life ofpain and disability. The only known treat-ment, acute transfusion of whole blood, car-ried the risk of fluid overload. The subse-quent introduction of fresh frozen plasmasignificantly reduced that risk, and by the1970s, it was obviated by the removal ofnonessential proteins from the cryoprecip-itate used to create plasma-derived FVIIIconcentrates. This advance extended lifespan; however, many patients had severedisabilities caused by cumulative effects onyoung joints of the brief spontaneous bleedsthat occurred before treatment could beadministered.

Widespread adoption of home-adminis-tered replacement therapy allowed earliercontrol of hemorrhages, thus reducing thecrippling arthropathy characteristic ofuntreated patients. Concentrates manufac-tured from pooled plasma obtained fromthousands of donors, however, carried hep-atitis B or C virus contamination, resultingin post-transfusion hepatitis in practicallyall treated patients. Even so, treatment ben-efits seemed to outweigh risks until theearly 1980s, when the human immunode-ficiency virus (HIV) was introduced into thedonor pool, and the majority of severehemophilia patients in Western Europe andthe United States became HIV-infected.

By the mid to late 1980s, widespreadadoption of virucidal methods had reducedthe incidence of new HIV infections to onlya few well-documented cases, most ofwhich were related to inadequate process-ing of heavily contaminated plasma pools.Improved donor screening, mandatory test-ing for HIV and hepatitis C, and viral inac-

tivation procedures have resulted in aremarkably unblemished safety record forthe plasma-derived products during thepast decade.

Finally, identification of the FVIII genestructure and development of recombinantFVIII products all but abolished the possi-bility of viral transmission. Despite thisimproved outlook, some hemophiliapatients remain at risk for development ofantibodies to factor VIII and, in turn, foruncontrollable bleeding. Inhibitor patientscan be treated with modified FVIII regimensor with so-called by-passing agents, includ-ing factor VII. However, induction ofimmune tolerance to the antibodies is con-sidered the ideal goal for this complication.

The paper by Erik Berntorp reviews viralsafety measures of FVIII products, begin-ning with the plasma-derived concentrates,which are still used today to treat manyhemophilia patients in the developed world.Concerns that remain regarding viral con-tamination of these preparations should beconsidered more theoretical and psycho-logical than real, as stated by Dr. Berntorp.Safety measures in the production of eachrecombinant product are discussed, as arefuture developments in factor VIII replace-ment, including via the gene itself.

H. Marijke van den Berg surveys theissues involved in making therapeuticchoices for hemophilia patients, with afocus on early prophylactic treatment withrecombinant factor VIII. The features of astrict prophylaxis regimen initiated beforeany bleeding occurs versus a regimen tai-lored to an individual’s bleeding pattern arediscussed. Other considerations includevenous access, particularly in patientsundergoing prophylactic therapy; cost, anever-present concern with prophylacticfactor use; and evaluation of affected jointsto monitor disease status and therapeuticoutcome. Finally, inhibitor development isdiscussed with reference to both previous-ly treated and untreated patients.

Victor S. Blanchette expands on the ben-efits of prophylaxis compared with acute,



The Mary Weinfeld Professor ofClinical Research in Hemophilia,Mount Sinai School of Medicine,New York, NY, USA

Correspondence: Louis M.Aledort, MD, Mount Sinai Schoolof Medicine, 1 Gustav LevyPlace, Box 1006, New York, NY,USA 10029.

Page 8: haematologicasupplements.haematologica.org/Haematologica_2004_S1.pdfried the risk of fluid overload. The subse-quent introduction of fresh frozen plasma significantly reduced that

on-demand treatment of bleeding episodes in hemo-philia. He presents data showing that even dedicatedand skilled follow-up of severe hemophilia patientsreceiving on-demand treatment cannot prevent thedevelopment of significant musculoskeletal disease,and presents other studies examining various factordoses and individualized programs used for prophy-laxis. Preliminary results of the ongoing Canadianstudy of so-called escalation prophylaxis are outlined.Consensus, or lack thereof, regarding when to startprophylaxis, as well as when (or if) prophylaxis can bediscontinued are also discussed. Some findings suggestthat the answer to the latter question may lie in anindividual’s response to therapy, with a possible role foron-demand treatment in older patients.

S. W. Pipe and R. J. Kaufman discuss the structure ofthe factor VIII gene and the functional roles of its threedomains, with a particular focus on the B domain.Comparison of the currently available B domain-delet-ed (BDD) recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) product andfull length rFVIII products show the former to havecomparable ability to participate as a cofactor in thecoagulation cascade. In detailed studies, removal ofthe B domain improved the FVIII yield by no more thantwo-fold. Studies of several B domain mutants withvariably sized B domain segments showed increasedFVIII yield compared with that of BDD-rFVIII, suggest-ing that the B domain may not be as dispensable asoriginally thought. Meta-analysis of published studiessuggests that BDD-rFVIII may have a shorter plasmahalf-life than full-length rFVIII, the clinical signifi-cance of which is unknown. However, Pipe and Kauf-man noted that in the same meta-analysis, patientsreceiving routine FVIII prophylaxis with BDD-rFVIII hada two-fold higher bleeding incidence than thosereceiving full-length preparations.

W. Keith Hoots focuses on issues specific to younghemophilia patients, opening with a brief discussion ofimparting the diagnosis to both the family and thepatient. Although acute, on-demand treatment

remains the most common approach worldwide, ear-ly prophylaxis has become a standard treatment inmany European hemophilia centers and is gainingground in North America. The inadequacy of joint scor-ing systems for infants and young children is empha-sized, with specific suggestions for improvement. ASwedish program leading to home- and, eventually,self-treatment is presented. Evidence that very earlytreatment may be conducive to inhibitor developmentis tempered by a finding of no antibodies in childrenbeginning prophylaxis after the age of 18 months.Finally, the correlation of academic achievement withseverity of disease speaks for early prophylaxis againstprogressive arthropathy.

Claude Negrier discusses two trends involving pri-marily adult patients: the diagnosis and treatment ofestablished arthropathy and HIV infection. While theprecise role of MRI has yet to be established, one studyshowed it to be superior to plain radiography in bothearly and late hemophilic arthropathy. Managementapproaches for hemophilic arthropathy include radio-synovectomy, joint debridement, arthroplasty, and oth-ers depending on the affected area and severity.Because of advances in treatments of both hemophil-ia and HIV, deaths among HIV-infected hemophiliapatients have declined significantly since the late1990s. Furthermore, prognosis of this cohort contin-ues to follow the chronic HIV infection pattern seen inthe non-hemophilia community. HIV viral load is seenas an independent factor in determining need for pro-phylaxis, and disease progression seems to be influ-enced by genotype.

I want to thank the authors for their fine contribu-tions, which reflect the optimistic prognosis for hemo-philia patients afforded by effective and safe factorreplacement therapies available today, particularly therecombinant factor VIII products. We hope these pre-sentations will help practicing clinicians in makingoptimal therapeutic choices for their patients.

haematologica 2004; 89(supplement 1):January 20042

L.M. Aledort

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haematologica 2004; 89(supplement 1):January 2004 3



Professor, Department of Coagu-lation Disorders at Lund Univer-sity and Malmö University Hospi-tal, Malmö, Sweden.

Correspondence: Erik Berntorp,MD, PhD, Department ofCoagulation Disorders, 20502Malmo, Sweden.Phone: international +46-4033-1000. Fax: international +46-4033-6255. E-mail: [email protected]

Viral Safety Measures of Recombinant Factor VIIIProducts

The era of modern hemophilia therapybegan in the mid 1960s with the intro-duction for clinical use of human plas-

ma cryoprecipitate containing the coagula-tion protein factor VIII (FVIII).1 Continuedpurification measures resulted in theremoval of most contaminating proteins,and by the 1970s, the increased availabili-ty of plasma-derived concentrates led toearly control of hemorrhage and the result-ing musculoskeletal damage. In Sweden,the initiation of prophylactic therapy pre-vented most bleeding episodes and furtherminimized the impact of arthropathy.Patients with even severe hemophilia Acould finally look forward to relatively nor-mal lives and life spans.

Plasma-derived FVIII preparations The source of the life-saving factor,

pooled human plasma from thousands ofdonors, contained silent blood-borne hep-atitis B and C viruses, however. Thus, formost patients with hemophilia, the price oftreatment included chronic hepatitis infec-tion, albeit generally mild and non-pro-gressive enough to be acceptable whencompared to the risks of no treatment.2 Buta few years later, in the early 1980s, theequally silent but deadlier human immun-odeficiency virus (HIV) invaded the plasmapool to infect 60% to 80% of North Amer-ican and European patients.

The past two decades have seen substan-tially improved replacement therapy.Screening of blood and plasmapheresisdonors with mandatory testing for HIV-1and -2 and hepatitis C virus seropositivityas well as for hepatitis B surface antigengreatly reduces the viral burden of thestarting material from which FVIII prepara-tions are made.1 Moreover, in most coun-tries, the use of virucidal methods in thepreparation of licensed FVIII concentrates ismandatory.

Virucidal methods in current use includeterminal heating of the lyophilized prod-ucts at 80°C (dry heating), heating in solu-

tion at 60°C in the presence of stabilizers(pasteurization), heating with hot vaporunder high pressure, and adding a deter-gent-solvent mixture during manufacture.3The latter process is widely used because iteffectively inactivates hepatitis B and C andHIV viruses, all of which have lipidenvelopes, but it has no effect on non-enveloped viruses. Therefore, concentratemanufacturers may need to use more thanone virucidal method in order to inactivatenon-enveloped viruses such as hepatitis A,which caused a hepatitis outbreak in sev-eral countries in the early 1990s.4 To assessthe viral load, pooled plasma or single unitsof plasma are screened with assays involv-ing the amplification of nucleic acids, aprocedure that has become obligatory inthe United States and Europe.3

No significant transmission of hepatitis Band C and HIV viruses has been unequivo-cally documented since adoption of thesemeasures.5 However, the non-enveloped buthighly thermoresistant B19 parvovirus andthe transfusion-transmitted virus (TTV) maystill be transmitted by plasma concen-trates.6-8 Infection with parvovirus is of lit-tle significance in normal subjects, and inpersons with hemophilia the clinical conse-quences are rare and limited in severity.Nevertheless, a few clinically significantevents have been reported.6 Transfusion-transmitted virus may be transmitted par-enterally through transfusion of blood prod-ucts, by the fecal-oral route, and by preg-nant women to fetuses.7 It may have little orno pathogenicity but has been reported in67% of hemophiliac patients treated withvirus-inactivated concentrates.8

The more recently documented transmis-sion of West Nile virus through transfusionand organ transplantation once againdemonstrates the need for continued vigi-lance for and response to new pathogens.9However, the West Nile virus is lipid-enveloped and has features that make rea-sonable the expectation that even if pres-ent in source plasma, it would be inacti-


Page 10: haematologicasupplements.haematologica.org/Haematologica_2004_S1.pdfried the risk of fluid overload. The subse-quent introduction of fresh frozen plasma significantly reduced that

vated by virucidal methods currently employed in themanufacturing of coagulation factors.10

Another perceived threat is that of a new variant ofCreutzfeldt-Jakob (vCJD) disease that can affecthumans. Several studies carried out in multitransfusedhemophilic patients have shown that classical, spo-radic CJD is not transmitted by blood or its deriva-tives,11-14 but these data cannot be extrapolated to thenew variant form. The fractionation processes used topurify plasma proteins, including albumin and coagu-lation factors, contribute significantly to clearingabnormal prions, making it unlikely that these agents,even if present in plasma, would be carried into thefinal products at concentrations capable of causingclinical disease.15 Thus, the risk of new viral or prioninfection of plasma-derived products is probably moretheoretical and psychological than real, a result of theHIV epidemic and its dire consequences among thehemophiliac population. Of course, the absence of atest to screen donors for live virus supports the theo-retical possibility of transmission and infectionthrough transmission and should encourage strict sur-veillance.16

Safety issues with recombinant FVIII productsThe fears of viral/prion transmission have carried

over into the new state-of-the-art treatments forhemophilia A, recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) products,which do not inherit a potential risk for viral or priontransmission.17 Nevertheless, the theoretical and psy-chological problems remain. For example, the recent-ly published guidelines on the selection and use oftherapeutic products to treat hemophilia and otherhereditary bleeding disorders of the United KingdomHaemophilia Centre Doctors’ Organisation (UKHCDO)cite a case of viral infection of cell culture lines usedto produce recombinant concentrates.18-20 Thus, a viralinactivation step in the manufacturing process is seenas necessary to enhance safety.19 This step (in somecases, two such steps) is indeed included in the man-ufacture of all available preparations. Nevertheless,the current generation of rFVIII products has evenreduced or abolished the use of plasma-derived humanor animal proteins in the manufacturing process andin the final formulation.21 A second hypothetical situ-ation proposed by the guidelines concerns the possi-ble occurrence of new FVIII mutations during cell cul-ture, resulting, in turn, in a higher incidence ofinhibitors.18 Neither of these theoretical problems hasbeen seen during the more than ten years rFVIII prepa-rations have been in use.

A review of the safety profiles, particularly viralremoval measures, involved in the currently availablesecond- and third-generation rFVIII preparations mayprovide the most effective way to reassure prescribing

physicians and, in turn, patients with hemophilia. Allrecombinant products undergo similar developmentalsteps including cell line development, with cloning ofthe human gene and its transfer to a suitable mam-malian host cell; preparation of master and workingcell banks, development of serum-free culture mediathat can support cell growth and ensure product sta-bility; development of a technical culture system forlarge-scale mammalian cell culture; a purificationprocess, for removal of host cell- and process-derivedimpurities and removal or inactivation of viruses; andformulation.1

Recombinant products now available in the UnitedStates include one first-generation, three second-gen-eration, and one third-generation products. The nomen-clature of generations is used here for practical pur-poses and is not based on any official consensus. Asshown in Table 1, first-generation products containadded human or animal proteins in the cell culture andfinal formulation, while more current generations haveno added protein in the final formulation (second-gen-eration), or no added protein in the cell culture or finalformulation (third-generation). The first-generationproduct is Recombinate (Baxter). Second-generationproducts are Helixate FS/NexGen (Aventis Behring) andKogenate FS/Bayer (Bayer), which are identical formu-lations, and ReFacto (Wyeth). Advate (Baxter) is a third-generation preparation. All the second- and third-gen-eration products include a dedicated, viral inactivationsolvent-detergent treatment step and a purificationprocedure that does not involve albumin as a stabiliz-er. In addition, these preparations are formulated usingsucrose as a final stabilizer, replacing the albumin usedin first-generation rFVIII products (when administeredintravenously, the disaccharide sucrose bypasses hydrol-ysis by gut glycosidases to its components glucose andfructose and is excreted unchanged in the urine with-out affecting blood glucose levels).22,23

RecombinateThe purification process for first-generation Recom-

binate begins with 7000 L of harvest, which is first runthrough a depth filter to remove cells and cell debris.24

Three column chromatography steps are then carriedout, the first of which is an immunoaffinity chro-matography using immobilized monoclonal antibodiesagainst rFVIII (Table 2). This is followed by two ion-exchange columns with an anion and a cationexchanger in series for the removal of additional hostcell impurities, media impurities, and contaminatingIgG derived from the immunoaffinity chromatography.Recombinate is formulated using human serum albu-min, polyethyleneglycol 3350, histidine, and calcium.

E. Berntorp

haematologica 2004; 89(supplement 1):January 20044

Page 11: haematologicasupplements.haematologica.org/Haematologica_2004_S1.pdfried the risk of fluid overload. The subse-quent introduction of fresh frozen plasma significantly reduced that

Helixate FS/NexGen and Kogenate FS/BayerThese second-generation products combine the

advantages of the natural full-length FVIII moleculewith an albumin-free formulation and improved virussafety profile by incorporation of solvent-detergentviral inactivation methods (Table 3).24,25 Improvementson the first-generation product include a faster purifi-cation procedure, consisting of a six-step columnchromatography process and viral inactivation.26 Thefiltered cell-free fermentation harvest is first purifiedusing anion-exchange chromatography, followed bythe solvent-detergent step and immunoaffinity chro-matography, using immobilized monoclonal antibod-ies to remove most of the host cell protein and remain-

ing DNA contaminants. The rFVIII eluate from the immunoaffinity chro-

matography column is subjected to high salt condi-tions as a further viral-inactivation measure. Thepurification process has been further improved withthe addition of immobilized metal affinity chro-matography; a column containing immobilized copperbinds rFVIII by building chelates and is subsequentlyeluted by an imidazole buffer that acts as a compet-ing chelating agent. This step removes additional tracelevels of residual host cell proteins.

The final steps are gel filtration, cation-exchangechromatography, and flow-through anion-exchangechromatography in which trace impurities specifical-ly bind to the column matrix and are screened out.Finally, the purified product is diafiltered and formu-lated in an albumin-free preparation consisting ofsucrose, glycine, histidine, and calcium as stabilizersand buffer, yielding a stable formulation withoutadded excipients from human or animal sources.27

ReFactoIn plasma, FVIII occurs as a heterodimer consisting

of a light chain (domains A3, C1, and C2) and variousheavy chain derivatives (domains A1, A2, and B).24

Because the heavily glycosylated B-domain appearsto be dispensable for the hemostatic activity of FVIII,the rFVIII preparation ReFacto is constructed withoutthe central part of the B-region (Table 4).

The purification process for ReFacto consists of afive-step chromatography process with the addition of

The Evolution of Recombinant Factors for Hemophilia: Making Therapeutic Choices

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Table 1. Key features of the rFVIII generations.

First Second Thirdgeneration generation generation

Culture medium Culture No human-orsupplemented with medium animal- derived HSA supplemented raw material

with HSA in culture medium

Specific viral Specific viral reducing step reducing step

Purification using Purification PurificationMabs against rFVIII using Mabs using Mabs

against rFVIII against rFVIII

Final formulation Final Finalstabilized with formulation formulationHSA stabilized stabilized

without HSA without HSA

HSA, human serum albumin; Mabs, monoclonal antibodies.

Table 2. Production process: Recombinate.

Cell line Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)

Expression system Full-length factor VIII molecule

Culture medium additives Bovine insulin, bovine albumin, bovine aprotinin

Fermentation systemMode of operation Batch reefed processLarge fermentor size 2500 LRun length 55 days with 15 growth and

harvesting cycles

PurificationColumn chromatographies 3 steps (immunoaffinity-anion

exchange-cation exchange)Virus inactivation None

Formulation Human albumin containing

Adapted from Boedeker,24 with permission.

Table 3. Production process: Helixate NexGen/Kogenate FS.

Cell line Baby hamster kidney BHK-21

Expression system Full-length factor VIII

Culture medium additives Human albumin fraction, recombinant insulin

Fermentation systemMode of operation Continuous perfusion culture

with cell retentionLarge fermentor size 100, 200, and 500 LRun length 185 days

PurificationColumn chromatographies 6 steps (anion exchange–

immunoaffinity–metal chelateaffinity–gel filtration–cation exchange–anion exchange)

Virus inactivation Solvent detergent treatment

Formulation Albumin-free, syntheticformulation with sucrose, glycine, histidine, calcium

Adapted from Boedeker,24 with permission.

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a virus-inactivation step using an active solvent deter-gent for selective removal of potential envelopedviruses.18,24,27 The five steps include cation-exchangechromatography followed by virus inactivation,immunoaffinity chromatography, anion-exchangechromatography, a hydrophobic chromatography usingbutyl-sepharose, and gel filtration. ReFacto is formu-lated using a human serum albumin-free formulationcontaining sucrose, polysorbate 80, histidine, and cal-cium for stabilization or as buffers.24 An improvedproduct, ReFacto AF, manufactured and formulatedwithout human or animal protein, is currently underclinical trial.18

AdvateThe cornerstone of the Advate purification process

is an immunoaffinity chromatography step in which amonoclonal antibody directed against factor VIII isemployed to selectively isolate it.28 The productionprocess also includes a dedicated viral-inactivationsolvent-detergent treatment step. The major differ-ence of Advate compared with previous preparationsis replacement of human albumin in the cell culture.21

A fourth generation of rFVIII productsGeneration four of rFVIIIs may well have longer half-

lives and less immunogenicity (Table 5). The productionof recombinant FVIII in a human cell line may over-

come the disadvantages of FVIII expression in the non-human mammalian cell lines used until now; specifi-cally, low FVIII secretion levels, the result of differ-ences in intracellular pathways of protein translationand posttranslational modification (which might alsoaffect FVIII biological activity) and potential contam-ination of FVIII purified from nonhuman cell lines withcellular components that may induce antigenic reac-tions.17 Current routes of administration for rFVIII infu-sion include a number of novel devices for venousaccess, external and implantable central venouscatheters, and portable or implantable minipumps(which allow patients to participate in activities suchas swimming), all of which are associated with somerisk of infection, sepsis, or thrombosis.29 One mind-challenging vision of future therapy scraps bothreplacement FVIII preparations and intravenousadministration, focusing on development of an oralcompound, peptide, or peptidomimetic agent with thecapacity to activate the coagulation cascade in a con-trollable way.29,30

Finally, a new promise for patients with hemophiliaA and B lies in gene therapy, aimed at correcting thephysiologic defect at the gene rather than the proteinlevel.17,24 Gene therapy is already in development by atleast six different companies at the preclinical or phaseI clinical stage.24

ConclusionsA variety of both plasma-derived and recombinant

FVIII preparations is now available. They differ in virusinactivation methods used and in purity. The mostimportant criterion in the choice of which to use isviral safety. Other aspects to consider are efficacy,availability, purity, cost, and convenience in handling.

In the United States, approximately 60% to 70% ofpatients with severe hemophilia currently use recom-binant products and the proportion is increasing.2 InEurope, the numbers are generally smaller. For exam-ple, given a dramatic recent shortage of recombinantfactors, priority guidelines were developed in Italy fortreatment with recombinant FVIII: first, newly diag-nosed, previously untreated patients; and then thosewho have been spared from blood-borne infections

E. Berntorp

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Table 4. Production process: ReFacto.

Cell line Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)

Expression system B-deleted, truncated factor VIII molecule with peptide linker(r-VIII SQ)

Culture medium additives Human serum albumin,recombinant insulin

Fermentation systemMode of operation Continuous perfusion culture

with cell retention, separategrowth and production phase

Large fermentor size 500 LRun length Unknown

PurificationColumn chromatographies 5 steps (cation exchange-

immonoaffinity-anion exchange-hydrophobic-gel filtration)

Virus inactivation Solvent detergent treatment

Formulation Albumin free, syntheticformulation with sucrose, polysorbate 80, histidine,calcium

Adapted from Boedeker,22 with permission.

Table 5. Key features of the rFVIII fourth generation?

• FVIII molecule with a longer half-life

• FVIII molecule with less immunogenicity

• Use of human cell line to overcome low FVIII secretion levels

• Improved routes of administration

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despite previous exposure to plasma-derived factors.2However, there seems little doubt that replacementtherapy will eventually be dominated by the recombi-nant preparations (ie, in resource-rich countries).

Recombinant factors cost from 20% to 50% morethan plasma-derived products, which are still used ina significant number of patients worldwide and arethe only foreseeable option for 80% of those who haveno or limited access to any replacement material.Patients currently using plasma-derived preparationsshould be reassured that the infection risks are moretheoretical and psychological than real. In an idealworld, however, the recombinant FVIII preparations —products of high technology perceived as guarantee-ing superior safety — would be the treatment of choicefor all patients with hemophilia A.

A fourth generation of rFVIII products may havelonger half-lives, less immunogenicity, and given thepossibility of a human cell line, higher secretion levelsand purer concentrate. None of these considerationsmay be relevant given the future development of oralcompounds that take control of the coagulation cas-cade.29

Finally, the fourth, or even the third, generation ofrecombinant FVIII product may be the last for replace-ment therapy. Gene transfer therapy is already in clin-ical trial and may well be the therapy of choice forfuture patients with hemophilia A. Despite this excit-ing picture, however, the greatest challenge in hemo-philia therapy has still to be faced: how to spread mod-ern hemophilia care to the large areas of the worldwhere it has still to be implemented.


1. Berntorp E. Factor VIII concentrates. In Forbes CD, Aledort L, Mad-hok R. Hemophilia. London; Chapman and Hall. 1997. p. 181-92.

2. Mannucci PM. Hemophilia: treatment options in the twenty-firstcentury. J Thromb Haemost 2003;1:1349-55.

3. Mannucci PM, Tuddenham EGD. The hemophilias – from royalgenes to gene therapy. N Engl J Med 2001;344:1773-9.

4. Vermylen J, Peerlinck K. Review of the hepatitis A epidemics inhemophiliacs in Europe. Vox Sang 1994;67(Suppl 4):8011.

5. Tabor E. The epidemiology of virus transmission by plasma deriv-atives: clinical studies verifying the lack of transmission of hepa-titis B and C viruses and HIV type 1. Transfusion 1999;39:1160-8.

6. Azzi A, Morfini M, Mannucci PM. The transfusion-associatedtransmission of parvovirus B19. Transfus Med Rev 1999;13:194-204.

7. Azzi A, De Santis R, Morfini M, et al. TT virus contaminates first-

generation recombinant factor VIII concentrates. Blood 2001;98:2571-3.

8. Chen BP, Rumi MG, Colombo M, et al. TT virus is present in a highfrequency of Italian hemophilic patients transfused with plasma-derived clotting factor concentrates. Blood 1999;94:4333-6.

9. Pealer LN, Marfin AA, Petersen LR, et al. Transmission of West Nilevirus through blood transfusion in the United States in 2002. NEngl J Med 2003;349:1236-45.

10. National Hemophilia Foundation. Medical advisories #392-395.Available at http://www.hemophilia.org/news/advisories/ma392.htm.Accessed 9/25/03.

11. Esmonde TF, Will RG, Slattery JM, Knight R, Harries-Jones R, de Sil-va R, Matthews WB. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and blood trans-fusion. Lancet 1993;341:205-7.

12. Heye N, Hensen S, Muller N. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and bloodtransfusion. Lancet 1994;343:298-99.

13. Evatt B, Austin H, Barnhart E, et al. Surveillance for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease among persons with hemophilia. Transfusion1998;38:817-20.

14. Lee CA, Ironside JW, Bell JE, et al. Retrospective neuropathologi-cal review of prion disease in UK haemophilic patients. ThrombHaemost 1998;80:909-11.

15. Stenland CJ, Lee DC, Brown P, Petteway SR Jr, Rubenstein R. Par-titioning of human and sheep forms of the pathogenic prion pro-tein during the purification of therapeutic proteins from humanplasma. Transfusion 2002;42:1497-500.

16. Mannucci PM. Treatment of hemophilia: recombinant factorsonly? No. J Thromb Haemost 2003;1:216-7.

17. Klinge J, Ananyeva NM, Hauser CA, Saenko EL. Hemophilia A—from basic science to clinical practice. Semin Thromb Hemost2002;28:309-22.

18. United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors Organisation (UKHC-DO). Guidelines on the selection and use of therapeutic productsto treat haemophilia and other hereditary bleeding disorders.Haemophilia 2003;9:1-23.

19. Minor PD. Are recombinant products really infection risk free?Haemophilia 2001;7:114-6.

20. Burstyn DG. Contamination of genetically engineered Chinesehamster ovary cells. Dev Biol Stand 1996;88:199-203.

21. Tarantino MD, Navale LM, Bray GL, Eewnstein BM. Clinical eval-uation of a new generation recombinant FVIII, plasma/albumin-free method (rAHF-PFM). Blood 2002;100:493a[abstract].

22. Martindale - The Extra Pharmacopoeia. 21 ed. London: Royal Phar-maceutical Society, 1996.

23. Armstrong N, Pickard A, Hamlow E. Sucrose. In: Handbook of Phar-maceutical Excipients. 2nd ed. Wade A, Weller P, eds. Washington:American Pharmaceutical Association, 1994:500-5.

24. Boedeker BGD. Production processes of licensed recombinant fac-tor VIII preparations. Sem Thromb Hemost 2001;27:385-94.

25. Kogenate, Bayer Product Monograph, Bayer, 2000.26. Lusher JM. Recombinant clotting factor concentrates. Baillieres

Clin Haematol 1996;9:291-303.27. Horowitz B, Wiebe ME, Lippin A, Stryker MH. Inactivation of virus-

es in labile blood derivatives. 1. Disruption of lipid-envelopedviruses by tri(n-butyl)phospate detergent combinations. Transfu-sion 1985;25:516-22.

28. Advate Antihemophilic Factor (Recombinant), Plasma/Albumin-Free Method (rAHF-PFM) package insert, Baxter.

29. Ljung RC. Prophylactic infusion regimens in the management ofhemophilia. Thromb Haemost 1999;82:525-30.

30. Kaufman RJ, Pipe SW. Can we improve on nature? "Super mole-cules" of factor VIII. Haemophilia 1998;4:370-9.

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Department of Pediatrics andCommunicable Diseases (SWP),Biological Chemistry and theHoward Hughes MedicalInstitute (RJK), University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Correspondence: Steven W. Pipe,MD, Assistant Professor of Pedi-atrics and Communicable Dis-eases, Hemophilia and Coagula-tion Disorders Program, Universi-ty of Michigan, L2110 Women'sHospital, 1500 E. Medical CenterDrive, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USAPhone: international +1.734.9366393. Fax: international+1.734.9365953. E-mail:[email protected]

Supported by the National HeartLung and Blood Institute(HL52173 and HL57346) to RJKand by a National HemophiliaFoundation Career DevelopmentAward in Hemostasis to SWP.

Structural and Functional Role of the Factor VIIIB Domain

The cloning of the human factor VIII(FVIII) complementary DNA (cDNA)allowed the study of FVIII expression,

the genotyping of molecular defects caus-ing hemophilia A, and the production ofrecombinant FVIII (rFVIII) ultimately avail-able as a commercial product for the treat-ment or prevention of bleeding episodes.Recombinant DNA technology has allowedthe design of modified rFVIII molecules thataid in studying the consequences of FVIIIgene defects and to investigate FVIII struc-ture and function through detailed exami-nation of FVIII subdomains and criticalresidues. Recently, FVIII molecules havebeen bioengineered to improve on its func-tional properties and to adapt FVIII forimproved expression in gene therapy stud-ies (reviewed in Saenko et al., 2003).1 Thesebioengineering strategies have built oninsights gained from such structure andfunction analysis.

Several biochemical qualities of FVIII helpto account for the high cost and, in turn,limited universal availability of rFVIII com-mercial preparations. Expression of rFVIII inheterologous mammalian systems is two tothree orders of magnitude lower than thatof other comparably sized proteins, thuscompromising rFVIII production and genetherapy strategies. The reasons for this lim-itation are multiple and inherent for FVIII,and much insight has been gained fromstructure and function analysis of FVIII. Thisreview will focus on insights gained fromthe study and comparison of B domain-deleted (BDD) forms of FVIII compared tofull-length FVIII.

FVIII structure and activationFVIII is synthesized as a 2351 amino acid

monomer with the domain structure A1-a1-A2-a2-B-a3-A3-C1-C2.2 Domains a1, a2and a3 represent acidic amino acid richregions between the major structuraldomains and contain sulfated tyrosineresidues.3 Upon secretion, the FVIII precur-sor molecule is processed to a heterodimer-

ic complex formed by a heavy chain (A1-a1-A2-a2-B) and light chain (a3-A3-C1-C2) associated through a cation. This dimeris stabilized by non-covalent interactionwith von Willebrand factor (vWF) within theplasma. FVIII is activated by thrombinthrough a series of proteolytic cleavagesduring which the heavy chain is bisectedbetween the a1 and A2 domains, the Bdomain is removed and the light chainacidic region (a3) is cleaved from the lightchain.4-6 This facilitates dissociation fromvWF and results in an active FVIII het-erotrimer (A1-a1/A2-a2/A3-C1-C2). Throm-bin-activated FVIII (FVIIIa) is then able toassociate with the protease, activated fac-tor IX (FIXa), and its substrate, factor X (FX).FVIIIa provides cofactor activity to FIXa,increasing its catalytic efficiency by four tofive orders of magnitude.7

Interestingly, the domain structure andprocoagulant functions of FVIII are verysimilar to that of factor V (FV).8 FVIII and FVare both activated by thrombin and theactivated cofactors form complexes withtheir respective enzyme partners, FIXa andFXa, to activate FX and prothrombin. The Adomains of FVIII share ~40% amino acididentity with each other and to the Adomains of FV. The FVIII C domains in turnalso exhibit ~40% amino acid identity toeach other and to the C domains of FV andproteins that bind negatively charged phos-pholipids, suggesting a role in phospholipidinteraction. The B domains of both cofactorsare encoded by single exons and do notshare homology with each other or with anyother presently known gene. However, bothB domains contain by far the largest clus-tering of asparagine (N)-linked oligosac-charides suggestive of a functional signifi-cance of this structural component.9,10

The functional roles of the FVIII A and Cdomains have been extensively investigat-ed, aided by insights gained from analysis ofstructural models of FVIII. The first struc-tural insights followed analysis of scanningtransmission electron microscopy of human


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and porcine FVIII and FVIIIa, which demonstrated thatthe A1, A2, and A3 domains of the heavy chain and thelight chain were closely associated and formed a glob-ular core structure, with the B domain forming aperipheral satellite appendage.11,12 Modeling of the trip-licated A domains based on their homology to copper-binding proteins13,14 suggests that each A domain com-prises two highly conserved β-barrel core structures,with the domains arranged concentrically to form aheterotrimer with a tightly packed hydrophobic core ata pseudo-threefold A1-A2-A3 interface. Recent stud-ies have now provided some insights into C domainstructure and function. A crystal structure for the C2domain15 and of the C1-C2 bound to a phospholipidmembrane,16 demonstrate the C2 domain as a β-sand-wich core, with two pairs of hydrophobic residuesextending from adjacent loops forming a major lipidbinding surface, and may also contribute to vWF bind-ing.17 In another structural study, two-dimensional crys-tals of FVIII lacking the B domain were prepared onphospholipid monolayers.18 The hydrophobic loops ofthe C2 were shown to be embedded in the lipid mono-layer, with the C1 domain almost forming a right anglewith the C2 such that its long axis nearly paralleled themembrane.

Until recently, there has not been extensive charac-terization of the structural and functional role of theFVIII B domain. However, the presence of the B domainand a similar predominance of N-linked oligosaccha-rides has been conserved amongst a number of species'FVIII analyzed thus far.19-21 This review will summarizerecent insights into the functional role of the B domaingained from analysis of BDD-FVIII, variants of FVIII withmodified B domains and comparison with the FV Bdomain.

Role of the FVIII B domain within the secretionpathway

The study of FVIII expression within heterologousmammalian expression systems has identified severalinherent limitations (reviewed in Saenko et al., 2003,and Kaufman et al., 1997).1,22 The mRNA is inefficientlyexpressed, a significant portion of the primary transla-tion product is misfolded and ultimately degraded, andFVIII is retained within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)through interaction with various ER chaperones includ-ing immunoglobulin binding protein (BiP), calnexin(CNX) and calreticulin (CRT). Properly folded FVIIIrequires a facilitated transport mechanism for efficienttransport from the ER to the Golgi via interaction withthe mannose-binding lectin LMAN1 (previously identi-fied as ERGIC-53). The FVIII B domain contributes inpart to all of these observations within the secretionpathway.

Early on in the study of rFVIII expression, it was

demonstrated that the B domain of FVIII could beremoved from the cDNA without loss of FVIII procoag-ulant activity. Removal of the B domain, the equivalentof approximately 38% of the primary cDNA sequence,significantly improved the yield of FVIII.19 The increasedexpression resulted from markedly increased levels ofmRNA and increased translation.23 However, detailedstudies on the expression of B domain deleted forms ofFVIII (BDD-FVIII) indicated that despite an increase inmRNA approaching 20-fold, the yield of secreted BDD-FVIII was improved by no more than 2-fold.24

A significant portion of the FVIII primary translationproduct is misfolded, resulting in its retention withinthe endoplasmic reticulum (ER). FVIII is co-transla-tionally translocated into the lumen of the ER where itfolds and assembles into its tertiary structure. Enzymesand molecular chaperones facilitate these reactions byinteracting with FVIII folding intermediates. Molecularchaperones assist in folding by inhibiting alternativeassembly pathways that produce non-functional struc-tures. Within the ER, FVIII acquires N-linked oligosac-charide structures. Of the 25 potential N-linked glyco-sylation sites, 19 are located within the B domain. Pro-ductive secretion of FVIII requires interaction and sub-sequent release from several ER chaperones includingBiP, CNX, and CRT. BiP binds FVIII at a hydrophobic sitewithin the A1 domain.22,25,26 BiP has a peptide-depend-ent ATPase activity and FVIII release from BiP andtransport out of the ER requires high levels of intra-cellular ATP.27-29 CNX and CRT both display substratespecificity for glycoproteins containing partially glu-cosylated N-linked core oligosaccharides. Interaction ofFVIII with CNX and CRT is mediated in part by interac-tion with N-linked oligosaccharides within the Bdomain.30 Properly folded FVIII is released from thesechaperones but requires interaction with the mannose-binding lectin LMAN1 for efficient transport from theER to the Golgi apparatus. Recent work has also demon-strated that LMAN1 directly interacts with FVIII andthat high mannose-containing oligosaccharides, most-ly clustered within the B domain, provide a significantcontribution to this interaction.31,32 Thus, the N-linkedoligosaccharides within the B domain can participatein the folding interactions within the ER as well aspotentially facilitate ER-Golgi transport.

BDD-FVIII variantsA number of BDD-FVIII variants have undergone bio-

chemical characterization, which has yielded importantinsights.24,33-35 Previously described mutants have all beendesigned to reduce the size of the FVIII construct toimprove FVIII mRNA expression, yet retain functionalbiochemical characteristics. However, insights fromanalysis of the role of the B domain within the secre-tion pathway suggested that complete FVIII B domain

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deletions may be compromising the efficiency of intra-cellular trafficking and reducing potential proteinyield.23,24 Recently, FVIII B domain mutants were con-structed with variably sized B domain segments in aneffort to retain proper intracellular chaperone interac-tions.36,37 Oligonucleotide site-directed mutagenesis wasused to prepare variants with variably sized B domains,each of which included one or two additional consen-sus sites for N-linked glycosylation. Amino-terminal Bdomain sequence was used, with size ranging from 29amino acids (aa) to 269 aa, beginning with residue 741.The number of consensus sites for N-linked glycosyla-tion ranged from one to eight. The relative efficiency ofFVIII secretion was measured by a one-stage clottingassay and a FVIII-specific ELISA (enzyme-linkedimmunoabsorbent assay) and compared to expressionof a complete BDD-FVIII.

A stepwise incremental increase in the amount ofFVIII measured in the cell media from transiently trans-fected COS-1 monkey kidney cells correlated with eachB domain size increase and the addition of each addi-tional consensus site for N-linked glycosylation. A vari-ant with 226 amino acids of B domain sequence and 6potential N-linked oligosaccharides (226aa/N6) wasexpressed with an approximately 10-fold increase byone-stage clotting activity assay compared to BDD-FVIII. The secretion advantage of these mutants wasalso confirmed with pulse-chase analysis of metaboli-cally labeled cells expressing the B domain variants. Asimilar pattern of results was observed in transientlytransfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, indicat-ing that the observations were not cell-line specific.

To elucidate further the source of these B domainvariants’ superior secretion efficiency, an alternate FVIII B domain variant was prepared that encoded forthe same 226 amino acids of B domain sequence as the226aa/N6 construct, but with Asn→Gln point muta-tions at the consensus sites for N-linked glycosylationat residues 757, 784, 828, 900, and 963. Although theremaining Asn at residue 943 is a potential consensussite for N-linked glycosylation, previous detailed studyof B domain glycosylation indicates that this site is notused.38 Thus, this construct should be completely devoidof N-linked oligosaccharides within the B domain seg-ment. After being transfected into COS-1 cells, thisalternative B domain variant was analyzed for secre-tion efficiency compared to BDD-FVIII and the226aa/N6 variant. This new construct, 226aa/N1, wassecreted 4.4-fold more efficiently than BDD-FVIII, asdetermined by one-stage clotting activity assay, butsignificantly less efficiently than 226aa/N6 (11-foldmore efficient than BDD-FVIII), which retained all con-sensus sites for N-linked glycosylation. Antigen deter-mination by ELISA was also significantly lower for the226aa/N1 than for the 226aa/N6 variant indicating

that this was not attributable simply to a decrease inspecific activity. Thus, the B domain, at least in part,increases FVIII secretion efficiency through the N-linked oligosaccharide content. Nevertheless, 226aa/N1was still secreted more efficiently than BDD-FVIII, sug-gesting a residual benefit of the B domain primaryamino acid sequence as well.

To test whether the secretion improvementsobserved in vitro within the COS-1 and CHO cellswould also be observed in an in vivo heterologousexpression system, the authors utilized hydrodynamictail vein injection of DNA to obtain transient expres-sion of the FVIII variants in the liver of hemophilia Amice.36 The animals were injected with 100 µg of plas-mid DNA containing the 226aa/N6 construct. Expres-sion of the variant was analyzed from mouse plasmaharvested at 24 and 48 hours post-transfection.Results were compared to littermate controls injectedwith BDD-FVIII, and activity determined by two-stagechromogenic activity assay. The 226aa/N6 variant wasexpressed 5-fold higher than BDD-FVIII, suggestingthat the chaperone interactions and inherent limita-tions to FVIII expression in tissue culture systems arerelevant to in vivo expression and can be overcomewith similar strategies. These results are importantbecause they support that information gained fromthe analysis of FVIII expression in tissue culture sys-tems is likely relevant to FVIII expression in hepato-cytes in vivo.

Role of the B domain in intermolecularinteractions

The first and only bioengineered FVIII molecule tocome to commercial production so far is B domaindeleted recombinant FVIII (BDD-rFVIII, ReFacto,Wyeth).34 This product lacks residues 744 to 1637 ofthe B domain, resulting in the fusion of Ser 743 to Gln1638, creating a 14 residue B domain linker betweenthe A2 and A3 domains. This portion of B domain con-tained no consensus sites for N-linked glycosylation. Itwas observed that with this B domain deletion, theprotein was less prone to proteolytic degradation.Therefore, no addition of plasma-derived albumin wasneeded for stabilization of the final product.39 Com-parison studies with full-length FVIII have shown BDD-rFVIII to have comparable ability to participate as acofactor in the coagulation cascade: in interactionswith thrombin and activated protein C; in FXa gener-ation in a mixture of FIXa, FX, phospholipid, and calci-um; and in binding capacity for phospholipid vesiclesand vWF.34

Despite the B domain’s apparent dispensability forFVIII procoagulant function and its unique advantages,some biological differences between BDD-rFVIII andthe full-length protein remain. For example, unacti-

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vated BDD-rFVIII binds to activated platelets with high-er affinity than native FVIII, with thrombin activationfurther increasing binding affinity.40 These resultsdemonstrate that the binding of FVIII to plateletsincreases with each activation step largely throughrelease of the B domain and is consistent with the mul-tistate binding described for FVIII.41

Moreover, FVIII assay discrepancies exist in whichone-stage clotting assays of BDD-rFVIII activity, usingcommercial activated partial thromboplastin time(APTT) reagents, are consistently about 50% lower thanthat measured by the chromogenic assay.42,43 This assaydiscrepancy occurs in vitro as well as ex vivo after plas-ma analysis from treated patients. At low levels ofphospholipid, the one-stage activity of BDD-rFVIIIexceeds the chromogenic result. However, when mix-tures of phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidyl-choline were used as the source of phospholipid, theone-stage activity results were in agreement with thechromogenic results as long as the content of PS wasmaintained below 10%.32 This is an unexpected obser-vation following deletion of the B domain, and themechanism has not yet been explained. BDD-rFVIII alsohas a high specific activity (~15,000 U/mg protein) asmeasured by the chromogenic assay compared to full-length FVIII (~4000 U/mg).39 The mechanism for this isalso not determined; however, several studies indicatethat BDD-FVIII has increased sensitivity to thrombincleavage.24,33,44 Therefore, the B domain may provide abuffer to protect against cleavage and activation. Thisfeature may be attributed to the negative charge ofsialic acid residues in the carbohydrate structures ofthe B domain that reduce interactions with thrombinand FXa.

Despite these observed biochemical differences, clin-ical studies demonstrate that the bioengineered BDD-rFVIII is safe, well-tolerated and an effective treatmentfor hemophilia whether given as on-demand therapyfor hemorrhagic complications, administered in rou-tine or intermittent prophylaxis, or for surgical man-agement.45 Most significantly, despite concerns regard-ing potential neoantigenicity of the truncated FVIIImolecule, rates of inhibitor formation in previouslyuntreated patients with hemophilia A were similar tothat observed with full-length rFVIII concentrates.46

However, ReFacto has only been directly comparedwith a full-length rFVIII protein in a clinical trial bypharmacokinetic analysis. In a randomized, single-blind(patient blind) cross-over study, the volume of distri-bution at steady state and during elimination phase aswell as the clearance were higher for ReFacto than fora full-length plasma-derived FVIII.39 Although this didnot result in an observable difference in plasma half-life in this analysis, data from comparison with otherclinical trials,45,47 and a meta-analysis of published stud-

ies have provided some evidence that the plasma half-life may be shorter than that of full-length FVIII.48 It isnot clear if this is clinically significant although thesame meta-analysis of studies reporting patients underroutine FVIII prophylaxis indicated that the bleedingincidence was more than two-fold higher in patientsreceiving ReFacto than in those receiving other full-length FVIII products.48

Functional role of the FV B domainThe high homology between the functional domains

of FVIII and FV has provided additional insights intotheir structure and function. The A domains of FV arealso predicted to form a heterotrimeric structure49 andprovide sites for functional interaction with FXa andprothrombin. Similarly, the crystal structure for the FVC2 domain50 also predicts two hydrophobic spikes atthe tips of protruding β-hairpin turns that are hypoth-esized to penetrate the hydrophobic core of the phos-pholipid bilayer. Although the B domains of FVIII andFV share no apparent amino acid homology, they areboth heavily glycosylated with N-linked oligosaccha-rides.

Studies suggest a similar role for the FV B domain,and in particular N-linked and O-linked oligosaccha-rides, in interaction with molecular chaperones withinthe ER. However, CNX and CRT display different pref-erences for FVIII and FV interaction, as FV does notrequire CNX interaction for efficient secretion.30 FV alsoexhibits a requirement for a facilitated transport mech-anism for efficient transport from the ER to the Golgivia interaction with the mannose binding lectinLMAN1, and this interaction is also facilitated by N-linked oligosaccharides primarily within the B domain.31

The FV B domain also exhibits important functionalroles in intermolecular interactions following FV secre-tion. The B domain is required for proper thrombin acti-vation of FV51 and regulates exposure of the FXa bind-ing site,52 preventing the association of FXa with intactFV which may avoid premature thrombin generation.The importance of the FV B domain for expression ofFV-activated protein C cofactor function has also beeninvestigated.53 These studies demonstrated that the car-boxy terminal portion of the B domain was crucial forthis anticoagulant activity.

ConclusionsThe inefficient expression of FVIII in heterologous

mammalian systems has compromised rFVIII produc-tion and may be contributing to reduced expression fol-lowing gene transfer strategies. Expression is limitedby unstable mRNA, interaction with ER chaperones, anda requirement for facilitated ER to Golgi apparatustransport through interaction with the mannose-bind-ing lectin LMAN1. Insights into the role of the FVIII B

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domain have aided bioengineering strategies designedto overcome each of these limitations. FVIII bioengi-neered for improved secretion will significantly improverFVIII production in cell culture manufacturing or trans-genic animals, as well as increase the potential for suc-cess in gene therapy strategies for hemophilia A. Thefunctional role of the FVIII B domain for intermolecu-lar interactions following secretion is less well charac-terized than the role of the FV B domain. However, thereare important biochemical differences, and observa-tions from clinical experiences with BDD-rFVIII shouldnot be overlooked. Studies over the last 20 years, sincethe cloning of the FVIII cDNA, have provided insightsinto the functional role of the FVIII B domain, suggest-ing it may not be as dispensable as once thought.


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Van Creveldkliniek, and theDepartment of Pediatrics andInternal Medicine, The UniversityMedical Centre, Utrecht, TheNetherlands.

Correspondence: H. Marijkevan den Berg, MD, PhD, VanCreveldkliniek, PO Box 85500Utrecht 3508 GA, The Nether-lands. Phone: international +31-3-050-8450. Fax: international+31-3-054-4397E-mail: [email protected]

Issues Surrounding Making Therapeutic Choicesfor Hemophilia Patients

Of the several clinical issues surround-ing therapeutic choices for hemo-philia patients, prophylactic therapy

stands out as the most positive. The firststudy comparing prophylactic and on-demand treatment, which involved 22 yearsof follow-up, found that the primarily pro-phylactic treatment strategy led to betteroutcome at equal treatment costs in youngadults with severe hemophilia.1

In contrast, one of the most challengingissues in hemophilia treatment is develop-ment of inhibitors to factor VIII (FVIII). Pre-vious reports of inhibitor development riskhave varied widely, ranging from approxi-mately <5% to 40%.2-5 This variability maystem from patient-related, therapy-related,and assay-related influences on inhibitordevelopment and detection, as reported byWight and Paisley in a current review.2 Theirsystematic review concluded that, based onlarge-scale prevalence studies and hemo-philia registry data, 5% to 7% of all hemo-philia patients have antibodies to FVIII, witha substantially higher prevalence of approx-imately 13% among those with severe dis-ease (with prevalence referring to the pro-portion of the patient population withinhibitors at a given time).2 On the otherhand, the cumulative risk of inhibitor devel-opment (number of new cases over a pro-longed period adjusted for different patientfollow-up durations) varied from 0%6 to39%.7 In any case, inhibitor developmentcomplicates patient management and mayrequire immune tolerance induction. Otherimportant issues attendant on FVIII therapy,whether preventive or acute, include cost,venous access, FVIII dosage and dosingintervals, and joint scoring systems.

Prophylaxis or on-demand therapy?The rationale for prophylactic treatment

of hemophilia is based on observations thatpatients with moderate hemophilia (FVIII/FIX>0.01-0.05 IU/mL) rarely develop chronicarthropathy.8 Moreover, many studies haveshown that, even at high doses, on-demand

therapy is not effective in preventingarthropathy.9,10

The possibility of changing the clinicalphenotype of patients with severe hemo-philia to a moderate phenotype has been achallenge. Without adequate therapy,patients with severe hemophilia (FVIII/FIX< 0.01 IU/mL) have a life expectancy ofabout 20 years, during which they sufferfrom severe bleeds, spontaneous or fromminor trauma, and early, crippling arthropa-thy.11 Those with moderate disease experi-ence only traumatic bleeds and, in turn,develop far less arthropathy. It follows,therefore, that increasing the level of clot-ting factor activity to at least 1% with pro-phylactic therapy should prevent bleedingin patients with severe hemophilia.

As defined by the European PaediatricNetwork for Haemophilia Management, pri-mary prophylaxis is started before the age of2 years, either before or after the first jointbleed.12 Classic treatment consists of thrice-weekly doses for hemophilia A, to achievepermanent minimum factor VIII levels of>1%. Another option is one dose every 2days. Dosage varies between 20 and 50IU/kg of weight, depending on the pharma-cokinetic properties of a particular productin each patient and dosing intervals. Theprogram is continued until the end of thegrowth period, when the patient has theoption of suspending continuous prophy-laxis and changing to on-demand treatmentinterspersed with periods of prophylaxis ifappropriate.

Prophylaxis has been practiced for manyyears in Sweden and The Netherlands, aswell as other European countries.1,8,13-18 Anumber of early studies demonstrated thatlong-term prophylaxis can prevent arthropa-thy. The first study to compare on-demandwith primary prophylactic treatmentinvolved 49 Dutch (prophylaxis) and 106French (on-demand) patients.1 All were bornbetween January 1970 and January 1981;none had a history of antibodies to FVIII orFIX. On-demand therapy was given per


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bleeding episode; prophylaxis was started at an earlyage according to each patient’s bleeding pattern, inmost, after several joint bleeds. For prophylaxis, inter-mediate doses of 15 to 25 IU/kg were administeredtwice or three times a week, with doses adjusted in cas-es of breakthrough bleeds. Patients with very mildbleeding patterns received only episodic prophylactictreatment, and some discontinued prophylaxis in adult-hood.19 Compared with those primarily treated with pro-phylaxis, on-demand patients had more joint bleeds,higher clinical scores, and higher Pettersson scores.1

In the United States, the Orthopedic Outcome Study,a 6-year prospective, cross-national follow-up study ofclinical outcomes associated with different patterns offactor VIII utilization, confirmed the beneficial effectsof prophylaxis compared with on-demand therapy.10 Onthe basis of these positive data, the Medical and Sci-entific Advisory Council of the National HemophiliaFoundation recommended prophylaxis as optimal ther-apy for individuals with severe hemophilia A and B.20

Among the concerns raised about prophylactic ther-apy is the potential increased exposure to blood-borneinfectious agents with large donor pooled plasma prod-ucts. This concern has been obviated by modern donorscreening, plasma-derived FVIII concentrate purifica-tion and virucidal procedures, and the introduction ofrecombinant products.21

Venous access Regimens of primary prophylaxis beginning in the

first year of life can prevent hemophilic arthropathy.However, reliable venous access is needed for thesetreatments and repeated peripheral venipuncture canbe difficult or impossible in very young children. Thus,

central venous catheters (CVCs) are commonly used inthese patients, with the attendant risks of infectionand deep venous thrombosis (DVT).

Most studies with implantable venous access devices(IVADs) have been conducted using the Port-A-Cathsystem. However, peripheral ports have been associat-ed with a higher frequency of thrombophlebitis andthrombosis. In a study of central and peripheral portsin 35 children, the rates of local infection and bac-teremia with central devices were 3% and 33%,respectively, compared with rates of local infection of25% and bacteremia of 25% with peripheral ports.22

One patient required removal of a central port due tothrombosis. The majority of infections were clearedwith antibiotics, and ports remained intact. Both typesof IVADs were associated with high patient and par-ent satisfaction.

Infection is the most frequent complication whenusing an IVAD. Several recent, large studies are listedin Table 1.23-28 A 1998 review reported that 50% to 83%of patients with inhibitors can be expected to get aninfection.29 One possible reason for this is that thepatients have small hemorrhages around the portpost-injection, which can stimulate bacterial growthin subcutaneous tissue.

For patients without inhibitors, the need for a porthas to be considered together with risk of complica-tions. Whether the infection frequency in these chil-dren is acceptable depends on individual patient fac-tors and treatment regimens.24 A recent case ofcatheter-associated Staphylococcus aureus septicemiain a hemophilic child (eradicated with antibioticsinjected via the catheter) prompted a warning to cli-nicians.30 In another study of CVCs in 23 children with

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Table 1. Rate of infection in hemophilia patients using central venous lines.

Study Number of patients Rate of infection per Comment1000 patient days

Blanchette et al., 199625 19 0.7 3 patients with inhibitors, 3 HIV+

Perkins et al., 199722 35 1.2 (central) 7/32 inhibitors, 2/32 vWD0.7 (peripheral device)

Ljung et al., 199824 53 0.19 11 patients with inhibitors

Santagostino et al., 199826 15 0.3 2 inhibitor patients,13 on prophylaxis

Miller et al., 199827 41 0.14 Includes external

McMahon et al., 200028 58 1.6 (without inhibitor) 77/86 devices Port-A-Cath; 4.3 (with inhibitor) 37/58 patients hemophilia

Tusell 35 0.28 (prophylaxis) Port-A-Caths used for[personal communication, 2002] 0.68 (ITI) prophylaxis/on demand or ITI

ITI, immune tolerance induction; vWD, von Willebrand disease. Adapted from Ljung,23 with permission.

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severe congenital coagulopathy, despite 13 document-ed catheter infections (five children had inhibitors),both clinicians and parents believed the potential haz-ards of the devices to be acceptable given the consid-erable benefits.31

Thrombosis in patients with bleeding disorders isseemingly paradoxical. Nevertheless, thrombi do occur,albeit more slowly, perhaps because hemostasis is onlyintermittently normalized by factor infusions. Figure 1depicts the probability of a patient remaining free ofDVT after insertion of a CVC.32 Among 15 boys withsevere hemophilia, eight had evidence of DVT on con-trast venograms. However, these children had had CVCsin place for at least 4 years. The investigators conclud-ed that removal of catheters within 4 years might pre-vent thrombosis, and screening venography may bewarranted for patients who require the devices forlonger periods.

Others have reported little or no infection and noDVT associated with implantable catheters; rather, theiruse has permitted optimal prophylactic home treat-ment by parents,33 low risk of infection and other com-plications,27 and overwhelming enthusiasm by parentsand children with no major complications.34

Cost Cost is the main reason why prophylaxis is not imple-

mented on a larger scale. Several studies have attempt-ed to measure the cost-effectiveness of thisapproach.35–37 One major cost analysis was conductedusing data from the Orthopedic Outcomes Study.35 Atotal of 831 patients with severe hemophilia aged 1 to31 years from 19 centers were included. Patients were

categorized into three groups according to the numberof weeks in which they received prophylactic regimens,and costs of hospitalization, surgery, days lost fromschool or work, and factor VIII utilization were estimat-ed. Patients who received factor VIII on demand incurredsubstantially greater disability-related costs (mostaccounted for by hospitalization for hemophilia-relat-ed conditions) than those who received prophylaxis forsome or all of the study period. Reductions in non-fac-tor healthcare costs and disability associated with pro-phylactic therapy helped to offset the much higher costsof the prophylactic regimen. Although frequent on-demand treatment may be more expensive than full-time prophylaxis for certain patient subgroups, totalhealthcare expenditures were highest among patientsreceiving prophylaxis, given the high cost of year-roundfactor VIII use.

Several groups have tried to reduce cost by modify-ing strict prophylactic regimens, including using earlybut progressive, escalating-dose, or individualized reg-imens.38,39 Treatment is started equally early, before 2years of age, but the interval between doses is adjust-ed according to each patient’s clinical behavior. Theseand other studies suggest it is possible to selectpatients for prophylaxis based on clinical factors. Usingthe date of the first joint bleed as a parameter of clin-ical severity, one group found the age to range from 0.4to 7.7 years (mean 2.4 years).40 Whereas prophylaxiswould have been routinely started at 1 year of age, inthis study population, 50% of the patients would havebeen treated a minimum of 1.5 years before experi-encing their first joint bleed. These investigators havealso shown that waiting for the first joint bleed beforestarting prophylaxis does not increase the risk ofarthropathy.41

Dosing and dose interval are important issues inefforts to optimize hemophilia care (primarily ortho-pedic outcomes)10 and treatment costs. Low doses atfrequent intervals and ideally, as continuous infusion,will probably give the best cost efficacy of prophylax-is.18 Prophylaxis can be targeted at preventing sponta-neous joint bleeds (intermediate-dose regimen), or atmaintaining minimum clotting factor activity levels(high-dose regimen).42 In young adults, clotting factorconsumption for intermediate dose prophylaxis is sim-ilar to consumption for on-demand treatment, where-as outcome is more favorable. Clotting factor con-sumption for high-dose prophylaxis is two-fold high-er, but outcome is only slightly better than thatachieved with intermediate-dose prophylaxis.42

One group suggested prophylaxis as a standard treat-ment until the age of 18 years,43 and recently a cohortstudy in 49 patients suggested that 22% of patientswith severe hemophilia could safely stop taking pro-phylaxis in adulthood.19 Apparently, these patients were

H.M. van den Berg

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Months after CVC infection




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Figure 1. The probability of hemophilia patients remain-ing free of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) at various inter-vals after insertion of a central venous catheter (CVC).No patient whose catheter was in place for < 48 monthshad an abnormal venogram, whereas all those withcatheters in place for >73 months had venographic evi-dence of DVT. Adapted from Journeycake et al.,32 withpermission.

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all treated with early prophylaxis, but were character-ized by a milder bleeding pattern than the patients whocontinued prophylaxis. However, the long-term effectsof discontinuing prophylaxis in patients with milderbleeding patterns should be assessed, preferably in aprospective study, before becoming standard treatment.

Evaluation of jointsA main goal of prophylaxis is to prevent not only

joint bleeds but also the development of arthropathy,which is independently associated with the age of pro-phylaxis initiation.44 However, neither the orthopedicnor the radiologic (Pettersson) joints score, both ofwhich are approved by the World Foundation of Hemo-philia (WFH),45,46 detects very early joint changes inyoung children. The advent of magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) has opened up new possibilities of pre-cise evaluation of small joints,18 resulting in more con-sistent assessment of changes and more targeted treat-ment.47 Comparison of findings from clinical examina-tion (including bleeding scores, pain scores, and phys-ical examination scores) and MRI assessments of blood,synovia, and cartilage in 21 joints of 16 hemophiliapatients showed little correlation.48 Clinical examina-tion revealed evidence of a bleeding episode in 12joints, whereas MRI identified blood or blood productsin 15 joints. Given the MRI findings, therapeutic man-agement was changed from on-demand to prophylac-tic therapy in six study patients. MRI is difficult to per-form in young children, however, who require generalanesthesia for the procedure. It is also time-consum-ing and costly.

FVIII inhibitorsDevelopment of inhibitors is a primary concern of

physicians with current use of highly purified bloodproducts and recombinant FVIII preparations. Theimmune systems of patients with severe hemophilia Arecognize administered FVIII as foreign, and in somepatients, mount an immune response. The resultingantibodies rapidly inactivate FVIII, dramatically decreas-ing treatment efficacy.

Inhibitor development appears to relate to defectsin the factor VIII gene rather than to concentrate infu-sion.3 Mutations leading to the absence of endogenousfactor VIII protein (for example, large multidomaindeletions, nonsense mutations, or intron 22 inversions)are associated with the highest risk of inhibitor devel-opment.49,50 It has been confirmed that other factorsalso influence inhibitor development. For example,severity of disease seems to be an important risk fac-tor, whereas few patients with mild disease acquire theantibodies.5 Some families seem more likely to devel-op inhibitors,5 as do children of African and Hispanicdescent.48 Recently, study results demonstrated that

age at first exposure was associated with inhibitordevelopment.5,51 Patients who received their first expo-sure very early had a higher probability of developingan inhibitor. Other studies are necessary to confirmthese results.

Patients with FVIII antibodies are generally catego-rized into two groups: low responders (inhibitor titer≤ 5 BU) and high responders (>5 BU), based on theBethesda assay.52 Development of a high titer inhibitoris the strongest challenge in the field of hemophiliatherapy.

Previously treated patients (PTPs) seem to be at low-er risk for inhibitor formation than those previouslyuntreated (PUPs), although this has not been defini-tively established. For example, the CooperativeInhibitor Study sponsored by the National Heart, Lung,and Blood Institute reported an incidence of newinhibitor formation of 8 cases per 1,000 patient yearsof observation, but based these findings on a patientpopulation of PTPs.53 In prospective trials with rFVIIIpreparations (both full length and B-domain deleted),the percentage of PUPs with severe hemophilia A whodeveloped FVIII inhibitors has varied between 28.3%and 30.6%.54 Many of the inhibitors were transient,however, disappearing while the patient was receivingon-demand treatment, others responded to immunetolerance induction regimens with rFVIII alone, whileother inhibitors persisted. Moreover, in trials with rFVIII preparations in PTPs, no or only one subject pertrial developed an inhibitor.

Although immune tolerance induction is generallyseen as the therapeutic goal for patients withinhibitors, opinions differ regarding how to performinduction, and cost remains a deterring factor. Sever-al regimens of FVIII products have been described,involving low, moderate, and high doses. Another,termed the Malmö regimen, combines factor VIII infu-sions with immunomodulating treatment with cyclo-phosphamide and high-dose intravenous gamma glob-ulin followed by a regular prophylactic program of fac-tor VIII therapy.55 For patients who are resistant toimmune tolerance induction, or for whom it is impos-sible for economic or availability reasons, treatment ofacute bleeding has been possible with so-calledbypassing agents. Recombinant activated factor VII isreported to induce hemostasis in many patients,56 andprophylaxis with activated prothrombin complex con-centrate has successfully controlled bleeding episodesin patients with high-titer inhibitors.57

Induction of early immune tolerance (already testedin animal models)58 or use of recombinant factors thatlack immunogenic regions of factors VIII or IX to pre-vent inhibitors from developing in the first place,59 areboth potential solutions to a problem that continues tojeopardize outcome of hemophilia patients.

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ConclusionsThe hemophilia community generally agrees that fac-

tor prophylaxis is the 21st-century method-of-choicefor treating severe hemophilia A or B. A number of pro-phylactic regimens are currently in use, all of whichmarkedly reduce/prevent bleeding episodes and pre-vent arthropathy. Some concerns remain, however,including the high cost of such therapy and its require-ment for long-term venous access in young patients.


1. Fischer K, Van der Bom, Molho P, et al. Prophylactic versus on-demand treatment strategies for severe haemophilia: a compari-son of costs and long-term outcome. Haemophilia 2002;8:1365-2516.

2. Wight J, Paisley S. The epidemiology of inhibitors in haemophiliaA. A systematic review. Haemophilia 2003;9:418-435.

3. Lusher JM, Arkin S, Abildgaard, Schwartz RS. Recombinant factorVIII for the treatment of previously untreated patients with hemo-philia – safety, efficacy and development of inhibitors. N Engl J Med1993:328:453-9.

4. Bray GL, Gomperts ED, Courter SG. A multicenter study of recom-binant factor VIII (recombinate): safety, efficacy, and inhibitor riskin previously untreated patients. Blood 1994;83:2428-2435.

5. Ehrenforth S, Kreuz W. Incidence of development of factor VIII andfactor IX inhibitors in haemophiliacs. Lancet 1992;339:594-8.

6. Schimpf K, Schwarz P, Kunschak M. Zero incidence of inhibitors inpreviously untreaed patients who received intermediate purity fac-tor VIII concentrate or factor IX comples. Thromb Haemost1995;73:553-5.

7. Rothschild C, Laurian Y, Satre EP, et al. French previously untreat-ed patients with severe hemophilia A after exposure to recombi-nant factor VIII: incidence of inhibitor and evaluation of immunetolerance. Thromb Haemost 1998;779-83.

8. Ahlberg A. Haemophilia in Sweden. VII. Incidence, treatment andprophylaxis of arthropathy and other musculo-skeletal manifesta-tions of haemophilia A and B. Acta Orthop Scand 1965;(suppl77):3-132.

9. Petrini P, Lindvall N, Egberg N, Blomback M. Prophylaxis with fac-tor concentrates in preventing hemophilic arthropathy. Am J Pedi-atr Hematol Oncol 1991;13:280-7.

10. Aledort LM, Haschmeyer RH, Pettersson H. A longitudinal study oforthopaedic outcomes for severe factor-VIII-deficient haemophil-iacs. The Orthopaedic Outcome Study Group. J Intern Med 1994;236:391-9.

11. van den Berg HM, Fischer K. Prophylaxis for severe hemophilia:Experience from Europe and the United States. Semin ThrombHemost 2003;29:49-54.

12. Ljung R. Second Workshop of the European Paediatric Network forHaemophilia Management, 17-19 September 1998 in Vitznau/Swi-tzerland. Haemophilia 1999;5:286-91.

13. Nilsson IM, Berntorp E, Lofqvist T, Pettersson H. Twenty-five years’experience of prophylactic treatment in severe haemophilia A andB. J Intern Med 1992;232:25-32.

14. Nilsson IM. Experience with prophylaxis in Sweden. Semin Hema-tol 1993;30(suppl 2):16-9.

15. Schramm W. Experience with prophylaxis in Germany. SeminHematol 1993;30 (suppl 2):12-5.

16. Liesner RJ, Khair K, Hann IM. The impact of prophylactic treatmenton children with severe haemophilia. Br J Haematol 1996;92:973-8.

17. van den Berg HM, Nieuwenhuis HK, Mauser-Bunschoten EP,Roosendaal G. Haemophilia prophylaxis in the Netherlands. SeminHematol 1994;31(suppl 2):13-5.

18. Berntorp E, Michiels JJ. A healthy hemophilic patient withoutarthropathy: from concept to clinical reality. Semin Thromb Hemost2003;1:5-10.

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20. National Hemophilia Foundation. MASAC recommendation con-cerning prophylaxis (prophylactic administration of clotting factor

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venous access devices (IVADs) in children with hemophilia. J Pedi-atr Hematol Oncol 1997;19:339-44.

23. Ljung R. Central venous lines in haemophilia. Haemophilia 2003;9(suppl 1):88-93.

24. Ljung R, van den Berg M, Petrini P, et al. Port-A-Cath usage in chil-dren with haemophilia: experience of 53 cases. Acta Paediatr1998;87:1051-4.

25. Blanchette VS, al Musa A, Stain AM, et al. Central venous accesscatheters in children with haemophilia. Blood Coag Fibrinolysis1996;7(suppl 1):S39-S44.

26. Santagostino E, Gringeri A, Muca Perja M, Mannucci PM. Aprospective clinical trial of implantable central venous access inchildren with haemophilia. Br J Haematol 1998;102:1224-8.

27. Miller K, Buchanan GR, Zappa S, et al. Implantable venous accessdevices in children with hemophilia: a report of low infection rates.J Pediatr 1998;132:934-8.

28. McMahon C, Smith J, Khair K, et al. Central venous access devicesin children with congenital coagulation disorders; complicationsand long-term outcome. Br J Haematol 2000;110:461-8.

29. van den Berg HM, Fischer K, Roosendaal G, Mauser-Bunschoten EP.The use of the Port-A-Cath in children with haemophilia – a review.Haemophilia 1998;4:418-20.

30. Li CH, Ou Y, Lee AC, So KT. Septic arthritis in hemophilia with cen-tral venous catheter: a case report. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2000;17:187-9.

31. Liesner RJ, Vora AJ, Hann IM, Lilleymann JS. Use of central venouscatheters in children with severe congenital coagulopathy. Br JHaematol 1995;91:203-7.

32. Journeycake JM, Quinn CT, Miller KL, et al. Catheter-related deepvenous thrombosis in children with hemophilia. Blood 2001;98:1727-31.

33. Ljung R, Petrini P, Lindgren AK, Berntorp E. Implantable centralvenous catheter facilitates prophylactic treatment in children withhaemophilia. Acta Paediatr 1992;811:918-20.

34. Girvan DP, deVeber LL, Inwood MJ, Clegg EA. Subcutaneous infu-sion ports in the pediatric patient with hemophilia. J Pediatr Surg1994;29:1220-3.

35. Bohn RL, Avorn J, Glynn RJ, et al. Prophylactic use of factor VIII:an economic evaluation. Thromb Haemost 1998;79:932-937.

36. Smith PS, Teutsch SM, Shaffer PJA, et al. Episodic versus prophy-lactic infusions for hemophilia A: a cost-effectiveness analysis. JPediatr 1996;129:424-31.

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39. Astermark J, Petrini P, Tengborn L, et al. Primary prophylaxis insevere haemophilia should be started at an early age but can beindividualized. Br J Haematol 1999;105:1109-13.

40. van den Berg HM, Fischer K, Mauser-Bunschoten EP, et al. Long-term outcome of individualized prophylactic treatment of childrenwith severe haemophilia. Br J Haematol 2001;112:561-5.

41. Fischer K, van der Bom JG, Mauser-Bunschoten EP, et al. The effectsof postponing prophylactic treatment on long-term outcome inpatients with severe hemophilia. Blood 2002;99:2337-41.

42. Fischer K, van den Berg M. Prophylaxis for severe haemophilia:clinical and economical issues. Haemophilia 2003;9:376-81.

43. Brackmann HH. Eickhoff HJ, Oldenburg J, Hammerstein U. Long-term therapy and on-demand treatment of children and adoles-cents with severe haemophilias: 12 years of experience. Haemosta-sis 1992;22:251-8.

44. Petrini P. Treatment strategies in children with hemophilia. Pedi-atr Drugs 2002;4:427-437.

45. Manco-Johnson MJ, Nuss R, Funk S, Murphy J. Joint evaluationinstruments for children and adults with haemophilia. Haemophil-ia 2000;6:649-57.

46. Kilcoyne RF, Nuss R. Radiological assessment of haemophilicarthropathy with emphasis on MRI findings. Haemophilia 2000;9(suppl 1):57-64.

47. Ljung R. Paediatric care of the child with haemophilia. Haemophil-ia 2002;8:178-82.

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57. Negrier C, Goudemand J, Sultan Y, et al. Multicenter retrospectivestudy on the utilization of FEIBA in France in patients with factorVIII and factor IX inhibitors. French FEIBA Study Group. Factor EightBypassing Activity. Thromb Haemost 1997;77:1113-9.

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Professor of Pediatrics and Inter-nal Medicine at The University ofTexas Houston Health ScienceCenter, and The University ofTexas- M.D. Anderson CancerCenter, Houston, TX, USA.

Correspondence to: W. KeithHoots, MD, University ClinicalResearch Center, 6655 TravisStreet, Suite 400, Houston, TX77030, USA.Phone: international +1.713.500.8360. Fax: international+1.713.500.8364. E-mail:[email protected]

Considerations in Pediatric Patients WithHemophilia

Before factor concentrates becamereadily available, children with hemo-philia lived with chronic pain from

hemarthropathy. With currently availablecare, the average child with hemophilia canenjoy a relatively normal quality of life, andclinicians can focus more attention onissues of growth and development, as wellas other conventional pediatric concerns.Dr. van den Berg discusses the major issuesinvolved in making therapeutic choices forall patients with hemophilia elsewhere inthis supplement.1 This brief review willapproach some of these issues as theyrelate to the youngest patients, as well asother considerations specific to childhood.

Pediatric care of children with hemophil-ia should focus on the health of the child,not on the disorder. The information firstgiven a family with a child diagnosed withhemophilia is of crucial importance, since itinfluences how this family and later thechild will cope with the disease in their dai-ly lives.2 Also, the patient, once he is oldenough to understand, is in need of differ-ent information from that provided to par-ents.

The optimal approach to hemophiliatreatment is the use of factor VIII (FVIII)preparations, plasma-derived or recombi-nant, in such a way that bleeds and chron-ic joint damage are prevented, short- andlong-term complications of treatment areavoided, and the patient is fully integratedinto society. This goal can best be achievedby early home treatment and primary pro-phylaxis.3,4

Care for young children with hemophiliais evolving rapidly, with a particular empha-sis on the prevention of joint disease.5 Cur-rent standard measures of joint functionare inadequate for evaluation of children’sjoints, however.6 Three new instruments,revisions of the standard World Federationof Haemophilia Physical Joint Examinationscale, have now been designed to detectthe subtle abnormalities in the developinggait and coordination of children. Radio-

graphic scoring using conventional radio-graphy has also been useful in monitoringthe progress of hemophilic arthropathy, butit, too, is inadequate for the identificationand monitoring of early changes and minorprogress.7 Several systems based on mag-netic resonance imaging (MRI) promise toimprove the visualization of these earlyarthropathic changes.8 Additional MRI datafrom hemophilic cohorts are needed to con-firm the reliability and validity of this tech-nology before it can be considered the stan-dard assessment tool for hemarthropathy.

Finally, antibodies to FVIII usually devel-op during the first few administrations ofclotting factor concentrates and thus, arefrequently seen early in a patient’s life.4Treatment of bleeding episodes andimmune tolerance induction in patientswith inhibitors are similar in both childrenand adult patients.

Introducing the diagnosis The word hemophilia and its description

can have a great impact on how it is per-ceived by the young patient’s family.2 Thisinitial information should ideally be givento both parents and the patient’s older sib-lings. All family members, particularly theparents, are likely to be in a state of shockduring this first talk and may rememberonly fragments of what they are told aboutthe child’s diagnosis; thus, informationshould be repeated in subsequent meetings.

The goal of this first talk should be thatthe family understands it is possible for thepatient to live a practically normal life withnormal life expectancy. Vital questions thatmust be answered in the initial interviewinclude: Will the patient survive into adult-hood? Will he be able to play like normalchildren? Will he be able to attend school?The mother who might be a genetic carrieris obviously at risk for feeling guilty, andfamilies may also harbor the belief that thechild’s illness resulted from totally irrele-vant past events or things they may havedone wrong. Once the child is old enough


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to understand, he, too, must be informed about hischronic disorder. He should be approached different-ly, however, since small children are more involvedwith immediate than with the existential worries of hisparents. He will be involved more with the necessityof current blood sampling and hospital stays. It isimportant that he not feel guilt for having causedinconvenience and/or distress to his parents.

ProphylaxisIn much of the world, on-demand treatment of

bleeding episodes is still the main approach to hemo-philia care of patients of any age. Training patients’caregivers in infusion techniques permits interventionat an early stage, thereby enhancing control of bleedsand minimizing both their immediate impact and thelikelihood of complications. Optimally, hemarthrosesshould be treated with a combination of factorreplacement, rest, ice, and supervised rehabilitation.In developing countries, however, factor concentratesare usually unavailable, necessitating the treatmentof bleeding episodes in hemophilic children with phys-ical means alone or with cryoprecipitate or freshfrozen plasma (see Berntorp9 and van den Berg,1 thisissue). In the developed world, prophylactic regimenshave an established role in the management of severehemophilia. Popularized in Europe, where prophylaxisis now standard pediatric treatment at many hemo-philia centers,10 these regimens are being used increas-ingly in the United States and Canada. Prophylacticregimens have been shown to be effective in prevent-ing not only joint bleeding but also the later develop-ment of arthropathy when started early in childrenwith severe hemophilia.11 There is some discrepancy inpublished estimates of the proportion of patients withsevere (<1 U/dL) and mild (>5 U/dL) hemophilia, how-ever. A survey of 30 hemophilia centers in Europefound that 52% of patients had severe hemophilia and29% had mild disease,10 whereas epidemiologic stud-ies showed that 50% to 55% of the total hemophiliapopulation had mild hemophilia.12 Thus, either mildhemophilia is underdiagnosed in some countries or,more likely, many children with mild disease are notbeing treated at hemophilia centers.2 The obviousanswer is the registration and regular attendance of allchildren with hemophilia at specialty centers, whetherdiagnosed as severe, moderate, or mild, thus ensuringthat all receive the same information, general treat-ment, and choice of concentrate.

The child with moderate hemophilia (1-5 U/dL) pres-ents another interesting issue.2 Some of these childrenhave the same clinical manifestations as those withsevere disease but rarely bleed. On the other hand,approximately 10% to 15% of boys with severe involve-ment also have a low bleeding tendency.13 The effect of

this low bleeding tendency on joint function later inlife is unknown. However, an early radiologic studyshowed joint changes at the start of prophylaxis despiteno clinically recognized joint bleeds.7 This suggests thatsubclinical bleeds may trigger the development ofarthropathy in children with only isolated clinicalbleeds, and that better instruments to monitor jointstatus, both clinical and radiologic, are needed.

Joint scoring systems for children Current orthopedic scoring systems, which were

originally devised to monitor adult patients, are notsensitive enough for follow-up of children with hemo-philia who today are being treated more intensively.New scoring systems have been proposed,6 whichexpand on the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH)Physical Joint Examination (see Blanchette,14 thisissue). The WFH instrument contains many tasks thatcannot be performed by young children due to theirdevelopmental immaturity and was not designed todetect abnormalities in normal childhood activitiessuch as walking, skipping, hopping, jumping, galloping,running, and stair-climbing. Nor does it provide anadequate evaluation of adults with mild hemophilicarthropathy. Two of the new scoring systems candetect subtle abnormalities of joint structure andfunction in children.6 These systems are called the Col-orado physical examination (PE) 1 and PE-0-5 instru-ments. The actual assessments are the same for thesetwo instruments but are scored differently, with thehalf-point scale of PE-0-5 reflecting the lesser impor-tance of very early abnormalities. As with the WFHinstrument, healthy preschool children were develop-mentally incapable of completing all of the tasks onthe Colorado PE instruments. Therefore, a third scale,Child PE, is specifically tailored to the dynamic growthand gait development of young children (Table 1).6

Comparison of the WFH instrument with all threenew scales showed the three to have better correla-tion with the WFH pain scale. Preliminary findings sug-gest that all three are more indicative of early jointdysfunction than the WFH instrument. According tothe developers of the instrument, if future analysesvalidate these findings, it may be reasonable to replacethe WFH instrument with the Colorado PE-0-5 forchildren at and above the age of 7 years and the ChildPE scale for those aged 12 months to 6 years.

Radiographic scoring systems for childrenAssessment of hemophilic arthropathy using con-

ventional radiography has been useful, particularly inadults with advanced disease, but does not reveal ear-ly and minor progressive changes.7 Furthermore, manyterms used in current Pettersson or Arnold-Hilgartnerschemes need clarification.8 For example, in the former,

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Table 1. Child Instrument.

Physical finding Score Scoring key

Swelling 0-3 0 = none1 = joint looks slightly “puffy”; there is slight palpable swelling present; may not be any measurable difference between the joints; bonylandmarks clearly visible.2 = joint looks swollen and the swollen area feels firm on palpation; mayalso feel boggy; there is measurable difference between the joints; bony landmarks are palpable but not visible.3 = swollen and are tense on palpation; there is measurable difference between the joints and the bony landmarks are difficult to palpate.

Muscle atrophy 0-3 0 = none1 = muscle has slightly less contour than the contralateral side.2 = flattening of the muscle belly.3 = severe muscle wasting and depression.

Axial deformity:Knee 0-2 0 = normal; 0-7° valgus

1 = 8-15° valgus or 0-5° varus2 = > 15° valgus or >5° varus

Ankle 0-2 0 = no deformity1 = up to 10° valgus or 1-5° varus2 = > 10° valgus, or > 5° varus

Crepitus with motion 0-3 0 = none1 = barely detectable audible or palpable sensation during joint motion2 = more pronounced cracking and/or rough sensation during joint motion3 = audible and palpable grinding and crunching during joint motion

Range of motion 0-3 0 = no loss1 = loss of < 10% of total FROM2 = loss of 10-33% of total FROM3 = loss of >33% of total FROM

Flexion contracture: measured 0-3 0 = normalat hip, knee, ankle and elbow 1 = 0-7°

2 = 8-15°3 = >15°

InstabilityNew additions: DeletedPain with activity 0-3 Uses Faces Pain Rating Scale (Wong-Baker)

0 = Face is very happy1 = Wong-Baker faces 1 & 2: hurts a little bit or a little bit more2 = Wong-Baker face 3: hurts even more3 = Wong-Baker faces 4 & 5: hurts a whole lot and as much as you can imagine

Pain without activity 0-3 Uses Faces Pain Rating Scale (Wong-Baker)0 = Face is very happy1 = Wong-Baker faces 1 & 2: hurts a little bit or a little bit more2 = Wong-Baker face 3: hurts even more3 = Wong-Baker faces 4 & 5: hurts a whole lot and as much as you can imagine

Gait 0-3 0 = normal walking, running, skipping, galloping, stairs1 = normal walking, one or more other gait abnormality2 = abnormal walking and ≤ 2 other gait abnormalities3 = abnormal walking and > 2 gait abnormalities

Strength 0-3 0 = moves easily through full ROM against gravity withoutobservable/measurable atrophy and can take additional resistance1 = moves through available ROM, easily against gravity, may haveobservable/measurable atrophy and can take some additional muscleresistance2 = moves through full or available ROM against gravity, cannot take resistance3 = unable to move through full or available ROM against gravity due toweakness

Splinting/Orthotics 0-3 0 = no use of splinting/orthotics1 = splinting/orthotic use required as needed after an acute hemarthrosisor for occasional support2 = splinting/orthotic use required regularly for high activity sports orto prevent recurrent hemarthrosis3 = splinting/orthotic use required continuously

Total 0-31 Ankle or knee0-29 Elbow

FROM, free range of motion; ROM, range of motion. Reprinted from Manco-Johnson et al.,6 with permission.

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narrowing of joint space uses the terms greater thanor less than 1 mm, numbers not applicable in a youngchild. In the latter, cartilage space narrowed may beeasy to tell in adults, but is far more difficult in chil-dren, particularly if comparison films are unavailable.

Radionuclide studies including bone scans, bonemineral density studies with quantitative computedtomography or dual-energy x-ray scanning15,16 andsonography17,18 have all been used to evaluate early andlate changes. However, neither spatial nor tissue res-

olution is as good as that achieved by magnetic reso-nance imaging (MRI), which is capable of delineatingall of the soft tissue findings long before they are evi-dent on plain radiographs.

The key to successful early treatment of hemophilicjoint disease is the recognition of synovial hyperpla-sia, which can develop after only one or a few bleed-ing episodes. Quantification of synovial hypertrophyusually involves drawing a region of interest meas-urement on a given MRI slice, summing the areas oncontiguous slices to form a volume estimate.19

Alternatively, the semiquantitative Denver MRI scalehas been developed to describe the various compo-nents of hemophilic joint disease (Table 2).20 However,this scale also needs further clarification.8 Effusion andsynovial hyperplasia are critical MRI findings. It isimportant to ascertain whether these findings can bequantified more precisely. Other outstanding questionsinclude whether it is important to distinguishhemarthrosis from effusion, whether hemosiderin de-position should be counted as a finding separate fromsynovial hyperplasia, whether cartilage loss is easy todetect in adults, and whether, in young children, onecan differentiate articular cartilage from immaturegrowth cartilage.

In short, MRI is a powerful tool in the diagnosis,staging, and treatment of patients with hemophilicjoint disease. It is much more sensitive than radiolog-ic assessment because it identifies early soft tissuechanges and can differentiate between blood and non-hemorrhagic synovial fluid in joints.8 Yet this technol-ogy awaits further standardization with regard tothese elements before it can be established as thestandard for quantifying hemarthropathy.

Home treatmentHome therapy programs have been expanding over

more than three decades. For example, in The Nether-lands, the proportion of hemophilia patients in suchprograms increased from 4% to 53% from 1972 to1985.21 In addition, prophylaxis has been initiated atearlier ages than was the traditional practice: Karolin-ska Hospital in Sweden has a standard protocol forinitiating home care of children between 1 and 2 yearsof age.3 Prophylaxis may be initiated with one injec-tion of clotting factor concentrate weekly (made lesspainful by the use of cream containing 2.5% each oflidocaine and prilocaine). As soon as possible, the fre-quency of injections is raised to two to three injectionsper week. Before the age of 2 years, and before bleed-ing symptoms are occurring frequently, patients areon home treatment with full prophylaxis given by theirparents every day. When treatment was initiated thisway, only 4 of 34 children needed an implanted portto make regular injections feasible.22

The Evolution of Recombinant Factors for Hemophilia: Making Therapeutic Choices

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Table 2. Denver MRI Scale.

Finding Score

Effusion Absent 0Small 1

Moderate 2Large 3

Hemarthrosis Absent 0Small 1

Moderate 2Large 3

Synovial hyperplasia Absent 0Small 4

Moderate 5Large 6

Hemosiderin Absent 0Small 4

Moderate 5Large 6

Erosion Absent 0Partial surface erosion 7

Full surface erosion 8Subchondral cyst Absent 0

1 cyst 7> 1 cyst 8

Cartilage loss Absent 0< 50% loss 9≥ 50% loss 10

Ancillary findings onDenver MRI Scale

Pseudotumor AbsentPresent

Osteonecrosis AbsentPresent

Fibrocartilage tear Absent(applies to knee) Present

Ligament tear AbsentPresent

Loose body AbsentPresent

Reprinted from Kilcoyne et al.,8 with permission.

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Another advantage of introducing preventive ther-apy with small doses at greater intervals may make thefrequent treatments more acceptable to children andparents because patients are likely to experience jointhemorrhage before starting the full prophylactic reg-imen. However, the question of when to start treat-ment remains controversial given findings that suggestearly primary prophylaxis regimens in infants may pre-dispose them to the development of FVIII antibodies.Also, individualized prophylaxis regimens, includingthose in which treatment is not begun until after oneor more joint bleeds, apparently do not increase therisk of arthropathy.1

In general, safety issues are infrequent with all formsof home therapy for hemophilia whereas patient sat-isfaction is high.3,23,24 An early study of the impact ofprophylactic treatment on children with severe hemo-philia outlines how treatment was given in 27 children,aged 1.3 to 15.9 years.24 Nine children required theinsertion of a right atrial indwelling catheter. In allfamilies, parents were taught to use the catheter asep-tically and were able to give the factor VIII or IX reg-ularly at home. Eight of the older children were ableto administer the intravenous injection themselves.Many children will require the reliable venous accessafforded by implantable venous access devices forlong-term prophylactic therapy. These devices are dis-cussed by van den Berg in this issue.1

FVIII inhibitorsAccording to an early study of recombinant factor

VIII for the treatment of previously untreated childrenwith hemophilia A, transient or low levels of inhibitormay represent part of the natural history of hemo-philia in infants.25 Others have found antibodies to beassociated with specific mutations in the factor VIIIgene, with severity of disease, with ethnicity, and withfamily disposition. It has also been suggested that ear-ly treatment with FVIII may be associated withincreased risk of inhibitor development. In one studyof 62 previously untreated patients, the cumulativeincidence of inhibitors was 41% in patients treatedbefore the age of 6 months, 29% in those treatedbetween 6 and 12 months, and 12% after the age of1 year.26 Similar findings were reported in a study of 81previously untreated (PUPs) Dutch patients.27 Incidenceof inhibitors was 31% among infants first treated dur-ing their first 6 months, 17% in those treated between6 and 12 months, and 11%, between 12 and 18months. None of the children first treated after age 18months developed inhibitors. Controlled, prospectivestudies may be required to determine age effects oninhibitor development risk. Nonetheless, optional ageat prophylaxis initiation in children is still an openquestion.

An ongoing prospective, multicenter study of PUPswill compare different types of concentrates withregard to their propensity to induce inhibitor develop-ment.28 Immune tolerance induction (ITI) is the onlymethodology at present with the potential of elimi-nating inhibitors. Various therapeutic regimens havebeen attempted (see van den Berg).1 One small longi-tudinal study of the influence of the type of concen-trate used for ITI showed success rates as high as 90%with concentrates containing high amounts of vonWillebrand factor,28 compared with success rates of70% to 80% reported in other published studies.29,30

Academic achievementA study of the association between academic

achievement and coordination and gait abnormalitiesin children with hemophilia found that loweredachievement was related to the functional severity ofhemophilia.31 Another investigation among school-aged children with severe hemophilia explored theassociation between bleeding episodes experiencedduring the year before study enrollment and academ-ic achievement.32 Results showed better total achieve-ment among those with fewer bleeding episodes afteradjusting for IQ and parents’ education level. More-over, those with fewer bleeds scored higher on a Phys-ical Summary measure, which captured limitations inphysical activity and in the kind or amount of school-work or social activities the child engaged in, and thepresence of pain or discomfort. According to the inves-tigators, these data support the assertion that thera-peutic care programs in young children must not beevaluated exclusively in terms of financial cost toachieve adequate musculoskeletal outcomes. Otherquality-of-life assessment tools for hemophilia arebeing developed to broaden outcome assessment.

ConclusionsWith the advent of safe, effective replacement ther-

apy, a relatively normal childhood and a normal lifespan have become possible for children with severehemophilia A. One of the first challenges for physi-cians and other health professionals caring for thesechildren lies in the diagnosis itself: learning to informparents, and eventually the child himself, that despitethis seemingly devastating disease, he can live a longand fruitful life. With registration at a specializedhemophilia clinic, treatment can usually be centeredat home and can eventually be self-administered. Clin-ical considerations include the need for improved visu-alization modalities to monitor joints in infants andchildren, and the identification and possible elimina-tion of inhibitors to factor VIII concentrates. A majorissue for all children with chronic disorders who arenow living essentially normal lives is the impact of the

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associated physical or emotional disabilities on theirdaily lives, particularly their academic achievement.


1. van den Berg M. Issues surrounding making therapeutic choicesfor hemophilia patients. Haematologica 2004; 89(suppl. 1):14-9.

2. Ljung R. Paediatric care of the child with haemophilia. Haemophil-ia 2002;8:178-82.

3. Liesner RJ, Khair K, Hann IM. The impact of prophylactic treatmenton children with severe haemophilia. Br J Haematol 1996;92:973-8.

4. Petrini P. Treatment strategies in children with hemophilia. Pae-diatr Drugs 2002;4:427-37.

5. DiMichele D, Neufeld EJ. Hemophilia. A new approach to an olddisease. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1998;12:1315-44.

6. Manco-Johnson MJ, Nuss R, Funk S, Murphy J. Joint evaluationinstruments for children and adults with haemophilia. Haemophil-ia 2000;6:649-57.

7. Petterson H, Ahlberg A, Nilsson IM. A radiologic classification ofhemophilic arthropathy. Clin Orthop 1980;149:153-9.

8. Kilcoyne RF, Nuss R. Radiological assessment of haemophilicarthropathy with emphasis on MRI findings. Haemophilia 2003;9Suppl 1:57-64.

9. Berntorp E. Viral safety measures of recombinant factor VIII prod-ucts. Haematologica 2004; 89(suppl. 1):3-7.

10. Ljung R, Aronis-Vournas S, Kurnik-Auberger K, et al. Treatment ofchildren with haemophilia in Europe: a survey of 20 centres in 16countries. Haemophilia 2000;6:619-24.

11. Santagostino E, Gringeri A, Mannucci PM. State of care for hemo-philia in pediatric patients. Paediatr Drugs 2002;4:149-57.

12. Larsson SA. Hemophilia in Sweden. Studies on demography ofhemophilia and surgery in hemophilia and von Willebrand’s dis-ease. Acta Med Scand Suppl 1984;684:1-72.

13. Aledort LM. Haschmeyer RH, Pettersson H. A longitudinal study oforthopaedic outcomes for severe factor-VIII-deficient haemophil-iacs. The Orthopaedic Outcome Study Group. J Intern Med 1994;236:391-9.

14. Blanchette VS. Prophylaxis in hemophilia: a comprehensive per-spective. Haematologica 2004; 89(suppl. 1):29-35.

15. Bender JM, Unalan M, Balon HR, Nagle CE. Hemophiliac Arthro-pathy. Appearance on bone scintigraphy. Clin Nucl Med 1994;19:465-6.

16. Forbes CD, Greig WR, Prentice CR, McNicol GP. Radioisotope kneejoint scans in haemophilia and Christmas disease. J Bone JointSurg 1972;54B:468-75.

17. Chhem RK, Beauregard G. Sinovial diseases. Clin Diagn Ultrasound1995;30:43-57.

18. Walther M, Harms H, Krenn V, Radke S, Kirschner S, Gohlke F. Syn-ovial tissue of the hip at power Doppler US. Correlation betweenvascularity and power US signal. Radiology 2002;225:225-31.

19. Clunie GPR, Wilkinson ID, Lui D, et al. Changes in articular synoviallining volume measured by magnetic resonance in a randomized,double-blind, controlled trial of intra-articular Samarium-153particulate hydroxyapatite for chronic knee synovitis. Rheuma-tology (Oxford) 1999;38:113-7.

20. Nuss R, Kilcoyne RF, Geraghty S, et al. MRI findings in haemophilicjoints treated with radiosynoviorthesis with development of anMRI scale of joint damage. Haemophilia 2000;6:162-9.

21. Smit C, Rosendaal FR, Varekamp I, et al. Physical condition,longevity, and social performance of Dutch haemophiliacs. Br MedJ 1989;298:235-8.

22. Perini P. What factors should influence the dosage and interval ofprophylactic treatment in patients with severe haemophilia A andB. Haemophilia 2001;7:99-102.

23. Pabinger I, Niessner H, Korninger C, et al. Home treatment ofhemophilia. Wien Klin Wochenschr 1987;99:773-7.

24. Varon D, Schulmn S, Bashari D, Maartinowitz U. Home therapywith continuous infusion of factor VIII after minor surgery or seri-ous haemorrhage. Haemophilia 1996;2:207-10.

25. Lusher JM, Arkin S, Abildgaard CF, Schwartz RS. Recombinant fac-tor VIII for the treatment of previously untreated patients withhemophilia A – safety, efficacy, and development of inhibitors. NEngl J Med 1993;328:453-9.

26. Lorenzo JI, Lopez A, Altisent C, Aznar JA. Incidence of factor VIIIinhibitors in severe haemophilia: the importance of patient age.Br J Haematol 2001;113:600-3.

27. Giangrande PLF. Adverse events in the prophylaxis of haemophil-ia. Haemophilia 2003;9(suppl 1):50-6.

28. Kreuz W, Ettingshausen CE, Auerswald G, et al. Epidemiology ofinhibitors and current treatment strategies. Haematologica 2003;88(suppl 9):17-9.

29. DiMichelle DM, Kroner BL. North American Immune ToleranceStudy Group. The North American Immune Tolerance Registry:practices, outcomes, outcome predictors. Thromb Haemost 2002;87:52-7.

30. Wight J, Paisley S, Knight C. Immune tolerance induction inpatients with haemophilia A with inhibitors: a systematic review.Haemophilia 2003;9:436-63.

31. Usner DW, Donfield SM, Sirois PA, Gomperts ED, Bale JF Jr, MitchellWG. Hemophilia morbidity, cognitive functioning, and academicachievement. J Pediatr 1998;133:782-7.

32. Shapiro AD, Donfield SM, Lynn HS, et al. Defining the impact ofhemophilia: the Academic Achievement in Children with Hemo-philia Study. Pediatrics 2001;108:E105.

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Professor of Hematology,Edouard Herriot UniversityHospital and University of Lyon,Lyon, France.

Correspondence: Claude Negrier,MD, Unite de Recherche surl’Hemophilie et les MaladiesHemorragiques Constitution-nelles EA 1508, Faculté deMedecine R.T.H., Laennec 8, rue Guillaume Paradin, 69372Lyon Cedex 08, France.Phone: international + Fax: international + [email protected]

Considerations in Adult Patients With Hemophilia

The treatment of adult patients withhemophilia is influenced by two verydifferent historical trends. One is the

dwindling cohort of patients with humanimmunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection:advances in care appear to have reducedthe mortality rate from HIV-related diseasein this population, while the principalsource of new HIV infections in hemophil-iacs was long ago eliminated through safe-ty improvements in the production of plas-ma-derived factor concentrate and in themanufacture of recombinant factor con-centrate (see Berntorp,1 in this issue). Sec-ond is the dwindling cohort of patients withmore severe complications of hemophilia—in particular, arthropathy: with improve-ments in delivery of on-demand treatmentand the growing use of prophylactic regi-mens, increasing numbers of hemophilicpatients are reaching adulthood with less-er disability than that suffered by earliergenerations of patients. Along with thesetrends, one constant remains: the need forregular factor replacement.

Choice of factor concentrateSeveral considerations influence the

choice of factor concentrate in adultpatients with hemophilia. Availability andcost are important. Personal preference maybe involved: a patient with a long-term his-tory of successful use of a particular prod-uct understandably may wish to continueusing it. Treatment history — in particular,past transmission of blood-borne infectionswith untreated plasma-derived factor con-centrates — may also play a role in factorchoice. Concern about potential transmis-sion of infectious agents via factor con-centrate may favor use of recombinantproducts due to the perception of greatersafety. Of particular concern in this regardwas the emergence in the 1990s of a newvariant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD)in the United Kingdom.2 Emergence of vCJDhas suggested the theoretical potential forcontamination of plasma-derived concen-

trates with the prions implicated in trans-missible spongiform encephalopathies.Although to date there is no evidence impli-cating factor concentrates in the transmis-sion of prion disease,3 the possibility of suchtransmission has been the driving forcebehind the progressive switch to recombi-nant products in the United Kingdom,where blood donors may have consumedproducts from cattle with bovine spongi-form encephalopathy. New recombinantfactor VIII products, which are free ofhuman or animal proteins, are unlikely tohave any risk of viral or prion transmission,4and are now considered the treatment ofchoice for hemophilia.

For patients with high-titer inhibitorsthat have not responded to an immune tol-erance protocol, or in whom such a proto-col cannot be undertaken, treatment withby-passing agents such as recombinantfactor VIIa or activated prothrombin com-plex concentrates may achieve hemostasis.It should be emphasized, however, thatclinical efficacy achieved with those prod-ucts is usually not as high as that achievedwith factor VIII concentrates, and that areal difficulty still remains with regard tolaboratory monitoring.

Factor use is especially high with patientson prophylaxis programs. Although the bestage at which to initiate such programsremains uncertain, prophylaxis is typicallybegun at an early age to minimize thedevelopment of arthropathy. It has beensuggested that when patients on prophy-laxis reach adulthood, it may sometimes bepossible to switch to treatment on demandwhile still maintaining a low rate of bleed-ing.5 Alternatively, prophylaxis might be dis-continued only when the patient becomeselderly, or not at all. Further research isneeded to resolve this question.6

Treatment of arthropathyMost bleeding episodes in hemophilic

patients involve the joints, particularly inthose with severe disease. The knee is most


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commonly affected, followed by the elbow, ankle, hip,and glenohumeral joint. In an individual hemophiliac,the number of joints involved has usually stabilized byage 20; often, however, progressive damage toinvolved joints from repeated intra-articular bleedsresults in arthropathy. Initially, affected joints exhibitonly synovial hyperplasia. Early arthropathy is markedby subsynovial fibrosis; as the arthropathy progresses,both intra-articular and capsular fibrosis develop, andjoint contracture may ensue.7 Periarticular bone isinvolved as well: osteoporosis is a relatively early find-ing, followed by the formation of subchondral cysts.Collapse of these cysts can lead to loss of joint surfacecongruity, mechanical instability, and degradation ofcartilage.7

The precise role of magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) in patient follow-up remains to be established.MRI may be considered as more sensitive than x-raysin identifying cartilage damage and subchondrallesions, but its use is not yet widely accepted as stan-dard practice. In both early and late hemophilicarthropathy, MRI was, however, found superior to plainradiography.8 Hemophilic synovitis is easily seen onMRI because of the presence of hemosiderin depositsin much of the inflamed synovium. Bone and joint

damage can be documented using classification scalesfor hemophilic joints.9,10

For patients with chronic hemophilic synovitis,radiosynovectomy with intra-articular injection of 32Pchromic phosphate, yttrium and rhenium has provedeffective, with one study reporting a 75% to 100%reduction in hemarthrosis in 79% of patients 6 monthsto 8 years later.11 Advanced arthropathy, marked byirreversible bone changes, may be an indication forsurgery.

In patients disabled by advanced arthropathy —especially around the elbow or ankle — joint debride-ment may effectively restore function while minimiz-ing risk to the patient.12 In patients who have painfulgenu varum but have maintained mobility of the joint,proximal tibial valgus osteotomy is reliably effective.Total knee arthroplasty has been shown to improvephysical activity and quality of life, although arthropa-thy in other joints and intercurrent diseases seemgradually to reduce these benefits.13 In one series, sur-vival rate for knee prostheses was 90% after 5 years;the most common cause of failure was infection.14

Postoperative infection is especially problematic inHIV-positive patients; the infection rate after arthro-plasty may be 10-fold higher in this population.12

The Evolution of Recombinant Factors for Hemophilia: Making Therapeutic Choices

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Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier curves showing time to AIDS-related illness for strata defined by baseline HIV viral load. Asseen here, viral load immediately affected disease progression. Illness-free survival for patients with high baselineviral loads diverged rapidly from that for patients with lower viral loads. Over time, this divergence was less appar-ent, however, implying attenuation of the effect of baseline viral load. In a survival model with an interaction termbetween log10 viral load and time since baseline, baseline viral load remained important, but the magnitude of its effectdecreased about 20% a year. Adapted from Engels et al.,16 with permission.

Months of follow-up

0 12 24 36 48 60

< 4.00 log10 copies/mL

4.00-4.99 log10 copies/mL

5.00-5.99 log10 copies/mL

≥ 6.00 log10 copies/mL1.0









n o

f p





ut A


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HIV infection and prognosisIn the last two decades of the 20th century, HIV infec-

tion devastated the hemophilia community. Approxi-mately 70% of hemophiliacs who received pooled,untreated factor VIII concentrates became HIV posi-tive. In the United States, HIV-related disease wasresponsible for almost half of deaths in persons withhemophilia A.15 Mortality in patients with hemophiliaA increased markedly in the late 1980s. In the last halfof the 1990s, however, deaths in hemophilia A patientswith HIV-related disease decreased by 78%. Thisdecrease appears to reflect advances in care for HIV-related disease, and parallels a decline in HIV mortal-ity seen in the general population.15

Previous studies have shown that in the first 3 yearsafter HIV seroconversion, HIV viral load is predictive oflong-term prognosis: patients with viral loads of10,000 copies/mL or higher were at 16-fold higher riskfor AIDS-related illness than were patients with viralloads of less than 1,000 copies/mL. More recent stud-ies have shown that in hemophiliacs with late-stageHIV disease, viral load continues to predict disease pro-gression, and does so independently of CD4 cellcounts.16 Viral load apparently reflects the patient’scurrent level of immunosuppression, in that it moststrongly predicts progression in the immediate future(Figure 1). Engels et al.16 have suggested that viral loadcould be incorporated as an independent measurewhen determining the need for prophylaxis. For exam-ple, among patients with CD4 cell counts below 200cells/mm3, risk of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia waslow when viral load was less than 5.00 log10 copies/mL.

In hemophiliacs with HIV infection, progression ofdisease appears to be influenced by genotype. Aprospective study of 207 HIV-infected hemophilicpatients has shown lower levels of HIV RNA in plasmaand higher levels of CD4+ T cells in patients with thechemokine receptors CCR2b, and to a lesser extentCCR5. The risk of progression to AIDS and of AIDS-related death tended to be lower in patients with theCCR2b mutant allele compared with those who hadthe wild type allele; this effect is incompletelyexplained by viral load or CD4+ T cell count.17

Many hemophiliacs with HIV infection are alsoinfected with hepatitis C virus (HVC). Coinfection withHIV and HCV has been associated with a reduced like-lihood of HCV clearance, and higher levels of HCV RNAare associated with increased hepatic inflammation.18

A different picture emerges in hemophiliacs who havebeen infected with hepatitis G, a distant flavivirus rel-ative of HCV that apparently does not cause chronicdisease. For unknown reasons, hemophiliacs witheither past or current infection with hepatitis G havebeen found to have higher CD4 cell counts and betterAIDS-free survival rates.19

ConclusionsBefore the advent of virus-inactivation procedures,

most hemophilia patients who were treated with plas-ma factors became chronically infected with the hep-atitis B virus, the hepatitis C virus, and during its dis-astrous introduction in the 1980s, with HIV. Given theadvances in treatment of hemophilia and HIV infec-tion, most patients with both diseases live out theirlives. Such advances, primarily early prophylactic ther-apy in hemophilia, have also seen a significantdecrease in the number of adult hemophilic patientswho have painful arthropathy and physical disability.


1. Berntorp E. Viral safety measures of recombinant factor VIII prod-ucts. Haematologica 2004; 89(suppl. 1):3-7.

2. Scott MR, Will R, Ironside J, et al. Compelling transgenetic evidencefor transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy prions tohumans. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1999;96:15137-42.

3. Farrugia A. Risk of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease from factorconcentrates: current perspectives. Haemophilia 2003;8:230-5.

4. Stenland CJ, Lee DC, Brown P, et al. Partitioning of human and sheepforms of the pathogenic prion protein during the purification oftherapeutic proteins from human plasma. Transfusion 2002;42:1497-500.

5. Van Den Berg HM, Fischer K: Prophylaxis for severe hemophilia:experience from Europe and United States. Semin Thromb Hemost2003;29:49-54.

6. Astermarck. When to start and when to stop primary prophylaxis inpatients with severe haemophilia. Haemophilia 2003;9(suppl 1):32.

7. Kerr R. Imaging of musculoskeletal complications of hemophilia.Semin Musculoskeletal Radiol 2003;7:127-36.

8. Kilcoyne RF, Nuss R. Radiological evaluation of hemophilic arthropa-thy. Semin Thromb Hemost 2003;29:43-48.

9. Pettersson H, Gilbert M. Diagnostic imaging in hemophilia: muscu-loskeletal and other hemorrhagic complications. Berlin, Heidelberg:Springer-Verlag 1986:56-65.

10. Pettersson H, Ahlberg A, Nilsson IM. A radiologic classification ofhemophilic arthropathy. Clin Orthopaed & Related Res 1980;149:153-9.

11. Rodriguez-Merchan EC. Pathogenesis, early diagnosis, and prophy-laxis for chronic hemophilic synovitis. Clin Orthop 1997;343:6-11.

12. Rodriguez-Merchan EC. Management of musculoskeletal complica-tions of hemophilia. Semin Thromb Hemost 2003;29:87-95.

13. Legroux-Gerot I, Strouk G, Parquet A, et al. Total knee arthroplastyin hemophilic arthropathy. Joint Bone Spine 2003 Feb;70:22-32.

14. Norian JM, Ries MD, Karp S, Hambleton J. Total knee arthroplasty inhemophilic arthropathy. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2002 Jul;84-A:1138-41.

15. Chorba TL, Holman RC, Clarke MJ, Evatt BL. Effects of HIV infectionon age and cause of death for persons with hemophilia A in theUnited States. Am J Hematol 2000;66:229-40.

16. Engels EA, Rosenberg PS, O’Brien TR, Goedert JJ. Plasma HIV viral loadin patients with hemophilia and late-stage HIV disease: a measureof current immune suppression. Ann Intern Med 1999;131:256-64.

17. Daar ES, Lynn H, Donfield S, et al. Effects of plasma HIV RNA, CD+T lymphocytes, and the chemokine receptors CCR5 and CCR2b on HIVprogression in hemophiliacs. Hemophilia Growth and DevelopmentStudy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 1999;21:317-25.

18. Daar ES, Lynn H, Donfield S, et al. Relation between HIV-1 and hep-atitis C viral load in patients with hemophilia. J Acquir Immune Def-ic Syndr 2001;26:466-72.

19. Yeo AET, Matsumoto A, Hisada M, et al. Effect of hepatitis G virusinfection on progression of HIV infection in patients with hemo-philia. Ann Intern Med 2000;132:959-63.

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Chief, Division ofHematology/Oncology, The Hos-pital for Sick Children, Toronto,Canada; Professor of Pediatrics,University of Toronto, Toronto,Canada

Correspondence: Dr. VictorBlanchette, Division of Hematol-ogy/Oncology, The Hospital forSick Children, 555 UniversityAvenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G1X8, Canada. Phone: internation-al +1.416.813.5852. Fax: interna-tional +1.416.813.5327.E-mail: [email protected]

Prophylaxis in Hemophilia:A Comprehensive Perspective

Hemophilia A and B are inherited hem-orrhagic disorders caused by deficien-cies of factor VIII (hemophilia A) and

factor IX (hemophilia B), respectively.1 Theclinical hallmark of the hemophilias is bleed-ing into muscles and joints, especially theankles, knees and elbows.2 The frequency andseverity of bleeding is greatest in boys withthe severe form of the disorder, defined bycirculating factor VIII or IX levels of 1% orless; boys with moderate and mild hemo-philia (factor levels of 2% to 5% and 6% to30%, respectively) bleed less frequently.

The consequence of repeated bleeding intojoints is the development of hemophilicarthropathy. This unwanted complication ofhemophilia can be prevented by early insti-tution of a program of prophylaxis definedas treatment by intravenous injection of fac-tor concentrates in anticipation of and inorder to prevent bleeding.3 The gold standardprophylaxis regimen is that pioneered byProfessor Inga Marie Nilsson and her col-leagues in Sweden, starting in the late1950s.4 In this regimen (the Malmö proto-col), prophylaxis is usually started when boyswith severe hemophilia are 1 to 3 years ofage and continued at least until the age of20 years but usually for longer. The infusiondose is 25 to 40 factor VIII Units/kilogram(U/kg) on alternate days (minimum × 3/week) for hemophilia A cases and 25 to 40factor IX U/kg × 2 per week for hemophiliaB cases.

If compliance is good, this regimen is asso-ciated with very few joint bleeds and a highpercentage of cases with perfect muscu-loskeletal status.4,5 However, prophylaxis pro-grams are very expensive and a number ofimportant questions remain unanswered,including: 1) when should prophylaxis bestarted in boys with severe hemophilia; 2)what is the optimal prophylaxis regimen, andshould this regimen be the same for all agegroups; 3) when should prophylaxis bestopped, if at all; and 4) what are the barri-ers to prophylaxis? To set the stage for a dis-

cussion of these questions it is useful to firstsummarize key outcome measures relevantto prophylaxis, as well as the evidence thatsupports prophylaxis as the optimal treat-ment strategy for prevention of musculo-skeletal disease in persons with hemophilia.

Outcome measuresKey outcome measures relevant to pro-

phylaxis programs are musculoskeletal sta-tus as assessed by physical examination andplain radiographs. Widely used scoring sys-tems are the orthopedic joint score as rec-ommended by the Orthopaedic AdvisoryCommittee of the World Federation ofHemophilia6 and radiologic joint scores asdescribed by Pettersson et al.7 For the ortho-pedic assessment each joint is scored on a15-point scale (Table 1); the sum of theelbows, knees, and ankles is the patient’sjoint score with a maximum possible scoreof 90. For the radiologic assessment, eachjoint is rated on a 13-point scale (Table 2);the sum for the elbows, knees, and ankles isthe patient’s radiologic score with a maxi-mum possible score of 78. The two assess-ments are generally performed in parallelwith a perfect musculoskeletal score ratedas 0/0.

A limitation of the WFH orthopedic jointscoring system is its insensitivity to earlyhemophilic arthropathy plus the fact thatthe measurement tool contains certain tasksthat cannot be performed by young childrendue to their developmental immaturity (seeHoots,8 this issue). To address these limita-tions, Manco-Johnson and coworkers havereported modified joint scoring systems tai-lored to the dynamic growth and gait devel-opment in children.9 In like fashion, plainradiographs may not be the optimal meas-ure for detection of early joint damage;magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may bebetter, and studies are now required toassess the role of this powerful imaging toolin the assessment of early hemophilicarthropathy in boys with hemophilia.


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On-demand versus prophylaxis therapyOn-demand therapy refers to the administration of

clotting factor concentrates following the occurrence ofbleeding. Although generally very effective in the short-term, this management approach is suboptimal whenconsidered over the long-term. The report of Molho andcolleagues for a group of 116 males with severe hemo-philia treated from birth using an on-demand strategyis instructive in this regard.10 The mean age of the studycohort was 23 years with replacement therapy startedon average at the age of 2.2 years in boys with hemo-philia A and 1.7 years in boys with hemophilia B. At thetime of assessment, only 16% of patients had all jointsnormal on physical examination and only 3.7% on radi-ologic examination. Sixty-three subjects (54.3%) had ahistory of orthopedic surgery (chiefly synovectomy) orrheumatology procedures since birth, and 26 subjects(22.4%) were hospitalized because of their orthopedicstatus. The frequency of bleeding into the knees, elbows,and ankles averaged 16.3 during the one year periodbefore study entry, and the annual factor consumptionwas 1634 factor U/kg.

Our experience with an on-demand treatment regi-men is similar.11 Forty-one percent (14/34) of boys withsevere hemophilia, aged 13 years or younger, requiredat least one short-term (3 to 6 months) course of sec-ondary prophylaxis. Five boys received intraarticularcorticosteroid therapy into at least one joint, and anklesynovectomy was performed in three patients. Medianannual factor use was 1450 U/kg (range, 129 to 4800U/kg/year). Perfect orthopedic and radiologic joint

scores (0/0) were present in only 45% (14/31) ofpatients. For the group of 34 boys orthopedic scoresranged from 0 to 6 and radiologic joint scores, from 0to 5.

Comparable data for 20 older boys with severe hemo-philia, ages 14 to 18, showed progression of muscu-loskeletal disease. Ninety percent (18/20) of boys in thisolder age group had received at least one course ofshort-term factor prophylaxis, 40% (8/20) had receivedat least one corticosteroid injection into a target joint,and 50% (10/20) had undergone surgical synovectomyin at least one joint. None of the older group had per-fect, 0/0, joint scores. Orthopedic joint scores rangedfrom 1 to 23 (median, 7) and radiologic scores from 3to 19 (median, 9). Annual factor use for this group ofboys ranged from 468 to 1800 U/kg (median value, 994U/kg/year).

In summary, in patients 18 years of age or youngerwith severe hemophilia treated with on-demand ther-apy, joint disease develops early and is present inapproximately one-half of cases by age 13. Moreover,joint disease is progressive over time. Disturbingly,severe joint disease, assessed by the need for surgicalsynovectomy in at least one joint, occurred in 24%(13/54) of the entire cohort. Based on our clinical expe-rience over two decades, we conclude that conventionalon-demand factor replacement therapy fails to preventthe development of significant musculoskeletal diseasein boys with severe hemophilia.10

The experience of other groups is confirmatory. Man-co-Johnson and colleagues reported the outcome of

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haematologica 2004; 89(supplement 1):January 200430

Table 1. Orthopedic Joint Score.

ScoreItem 0 1 2 3

Chronic pain None Mild Moderate SevereAxial deformity

Elbow None ≤ 10° varus or valgus >10° varus or valgus −Knee No deformity 8-15° valgus or 0-5° varus >15° valgus or > 5° varus −

(0-7° valgus)Ankle No deformity ≤10° valgus or ≤ 5° varus >10° valgus or > 5° varus −

ContractureFlexion < 15° − ≥ 15° −Equinus < 15° − ≥ 15°

Joint physical findingsInstability None Slight Severe −Range of motion* 0–10% 11–33% 33–100% −Pronation and supination* 0–33% − > 33% −Chronic swelling None − Present −

Atrophy None/minimal Present − −Crepitus on motion None Present − −

*Expressed as percentage loss of full range of motion. Possible joint score 0-15 points. Reproduced from Löfqvist et al.,5 with permission.

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secondary prophylaxis in a group of 13 boys. Despite theinstitution of prophylaxis, 6 boys had progressive jointdisease and 4 required synovectomy.12 It is clear, there-fore, that on-demand therapy, even if delivered by adedicated and expert comprehensive care hemophiliateam, cannot prevent the development of clinically sig-nificant arthropathy that becomes evident at a rela-tively early age of life. Once established, musculoskele-tal damage is progressive.13

Fischer and colleagues have reported a comparison ofcosts and long-term outcome in a multicenter cohortof 49 Dutch and 106 French patients with severe hemo-philia born from 1970 through 1980.14 Treatment inFrance (on-demand group) was primarily given perbleeding episode. Prophylaxis was the primary treat-ment strategy in The Netherlands (prophylaxis group).Prophylaxis was started at an early age and was aimedat preventing joint bleeds, with the intensity of pro-phylaxis adjusted in case of breakthrough bleeds. Theregimen of prophylaxis was intermediate in intensity:15 to 25 factor U/kg 2 or 3 times per week for hemo-philia A and 30 to 50 U/kg once or twice per week forhemophilia B cases. Clotting factor consumption wassimilar for patients receiving primarily on-demandtreatment and those on intermediate-dose prophylax-is (median, 1260 and 1550 U/kg/year, respectively).

Patients treated with prophylaxis had fewer joint bleedsper year than the on-demand group (2.8 versus 11.5,respectively), a better joint status (25% with 0/0 scoresversus 11%), and a more favorable quality of life. Theinvestigators concluded that a primary prophylacticstrategy leads to a better outcome at equal treatmentcosts in young adults with severe hemophilia and rec-ommended, therefore, that prophylaxis be offered to allchildren with severe hemophilia.

The Dutch group has also reported a comparison oftheir intermediate dose prophylaxis regimen with theSwedish high-dose Malmö prophylaxis protocol.15 Atotal of 128 patients (86 Dutch; 42 Swedish) withsevere hemophilia, born between 1970 and 1990, werestudied. The Swedish prophylaxis regimen involved theinfusion of factor VIII, 25 to 40 U/kg three times a weekfor hemophilia A patients and 25 to 40 U/kg twice aweek for hemophilia B patients. Prophylaxis was gen-erally aimed at keeping trough factor VIII/IX levelsabove 1%. Patients treated with high-dose prophylax-is had fewer joint bleeds than those on the intermedi-ate dose (median, 0.3 and 3.3/year, respectively). More-over, the proportion of patients without arthropathy asmeasured by the Pettersson radiologic joint score washigher in the high-dose as compared to the intermedi-ate-dose group (69% and 32%, respectively). However,the reduction in arthropathy at the 17 year follow-uptimepoint was only slightly greater for the full-dose ascompared to the intermediate-dose prophylaxis regi-men, raising the question as to whether the two-foldincrease in clotting factor consumption associated withthe high-dose prophylaxis regimen is cost-effectivewhen compared to the intermediate-dose regimen.Future prospective studies are needed to address thisquestion.

When to startRecommendations regarding the optimal time to start

factor prophylaxis in boys with severe hemophilia are,in the main, based on retrospective studies and areopinion driven. Currently there is consensus that, inorder to achieve maximal benefit, prophylaxis should bestarted before the onset of recurrent joint bleeding andearly arthropathy. However, recommendations rangefrom starting prophylaxis before or following the firstjoint bleed16 to waiting until boys have experienced atotal of three joint bleeds or two successive bleeds intothe same joint.17 In the context of this discussion it isinstructive to review the data presented in support ofthese divergent recommendations.

The recommendation that effective prophylaxisshould be started before or at least after the first jointbleed in boys with severe hemophilia was made byKreuz and colleagues in a study of 21 patients, aged7.35 to 27.75 years, of whom 18 had hemophilia A and

The Evolution of Recombinant Factors for Hemophilia: Making Therapeutic Choices

haematologica 2004; 89(supplement 1):January 2004 31

Table 2. Radiologic Joint Score.

Radiologic Change Finding Score(Points)

Osteoporosis Absent 0Present 1

Enlargement of epiphysis Absent 0Present 1

Irregularity of subchondralsurface Absent 0

Present 1Pronounced 2

Narrowing of joint space Absent 0< 50% 1> 50% 2

Subchondral cyst formation Absent 01 cyst 1

> 1 cyst 2Erosions at joint margins Absent 0

Present 1Incongruence between joint Absent 0

surfaces Slight 1Pronounced 2

Deformity (angulation Absent 0and/or displacement of Slight 1articulating bones) Pronounced 2

Possible joint score: 0-13 points. Adapted from Pettersson et al.7

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three hemophilia B.16 Patients received factor prophy-laxis of 30 to 50 U/kg three times per week or on alter-nate days for those with hemophilia A, twice a week orevery 3 days for hemophilia B. A significant correlationwas found between the presence of hemophilicarthropathy, as assessed radiologically, with theabsolute number of joint hemorrhages before startingprophylaxis, and in boys who started prophylaxis at 3years of age or older, musculoskeletal status showeddeterioration (groups II and III, Table 3). A perfect jointscore (0/0) was preserved in boys who experienced noor only one joint hemorrhage before starting factor pro-phylaxis. Although these data clearly support startingprophylaxis early in life before significant joint bleed-ing and the development of early hemophilic arthropa-thy have occurred, they fall short of providingirrefutable evidence-based support for the investiga-tors’ conclusions, our data strongly indicate that pro-phylaxis treatment in severe hemophilia A and B shouldbe instituted at the latest after the first joint bleeding.16

The recommendation that prophylaxis be deferreduntil boys with severe hemophilia have experiencedthree joint bleeds or two successive bleeds into thesame joint comes from Liesner and colleagues.17 Theinvestigators base their recommendations on the needto ensure that each new severe hemophiliac, in termsof factor level, behaves as a clinically severe hemophil-iac before embarking on an expensive and demandingprogram of factor prophylaxis.

How can these two approaches best be reconciled? Astudy by Astermark and colleagues of 121 boys withsevere hemophilia (108 with hemophilia A; 13 hemo-philia B) is helpful.18 Study subjects had started factorprophylaxis at least once weekly before the age of 10years and had no history of inhibitor development. In 75patients, prophylaxis was started before age 3 years; in

31, between ages 3 to 5 years; and in 15, between 6 to9 years. Patients received 25 to 40 U/kg three times perweek for those with hemophilia A and twice a week forthose with hemophilia B. A key finding was the obser-vation that boys who started prophylaxis before the ageof 3 years had a better clinical outcome (ie, significantlymore subjects had an orthopedic joint score of 0 ascompared with those starting prophylaxis at a later age(Figure 1).18 Also important was the finding of noincrease in number of joint bleeds or in severity ofarthropathy among subjects given only one infusioneach week during the first year(s) of life followed by two(hemophilia B) or three (hemophilia A) infusions perweek at the age of 3 to 5 years when compared withpatients on the more intensive prophylaxis regimenfrom the time of diagnosis. Based on these observa-tions, the investigators suggested it might be possibleto further individualize treatment by following thepatient’s bleeding pattern during the first year(s) withweekly infusions and thereafter shortening the interval,with or without the use of a central venous access sys-tem, thus possibly reducing the need for a surgicalimplant as well.18

The potential benefit of an individualized program ofprophylaxis was emphasized by van den Berg and col-leagues.19 In a study of 75 boys with severe hemophilia(70 hemophilia A, 5 hemophilia B), prophylaxis was ini-tiated and intensified based on the frequency of jointbleeding. The investigators concluded that the low-doseprophylactic regimen used in The Netherlands can pre-vent arthropathy to a large extent. Use of an individu-alized program in which the patient’s bleeding patterndrives any increase in treatment intensity or frequencyresulted in significantly lower factor consumption ascompared with programs designed to maintain pre-infusion factor levels above 1% irrespective of thepatient’s bleeding pattern. The Netherlands group hasalso reported the effect of postponing prophylaxistreatment on long-term musculoskeletal outcome in76 patients with severe hemophilia.20 Their data suggestthat postponing prophylactic treatment has a negativeeffect on outcome and that prophylaxis started beforethe third joint bleed may prevent joint damage. Aftertwo decades of follow-up, the radiologic joint score(Pettersson) was 8% higher (95% confidence interval,1-16%) for every year prophylaxis was postponed afterthe first joint bleed.

Several conclusions can be drawn from these studies.The goal of preventing hemophilic arthropathy in boyswith severe hemophilia, while avoiding excessive use ofexpensive factor concentrates and the need for centralvenous access devices, can best be achieved by 1) delay-ing the start of prophylaxis until at least one definitejoint hemorrhage has occurred but starting before or atthe third joint bleed, and 2) using a prophylaxis regimen

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haematologica 2004; 89(supplement 1):January 200432

Table 3. Orthopedic and radiologic joint scores in boyswith hemophilia related to the age of onset of prophy-laxis.

Group I Group II Group III

Number of cases 8 6 7Median age (yr) at start 1.75 4.25 8.75

of prophylaxisMedian number of 1 6 >10

joint bleeds before start of prophylaxis

Orthopedic joint score*1993 0 0 41997 0 4 8

Radiologic joint score*1993 0 0 111997 0 0 19.5

Reproduced from Kreuz et al.,16 with permission.*Orthopedic joint score as recom-mended by the Orthopedic Advisory Committee of the World Federation of Hemo-philia,6 and radiologic joint scores as described by Pettersson et al.7

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in which the intensity (dose/frequency) is adjustedbased on an individual’s bleeding pattern rather than anarbitrary pre-infusion factor level above 1%.

The Canadian experienceA novel prophylaxis program is being used in an ongo-

ing prospective Canadian study. In this study, boys withsevere hemophilia A (factor VIII levels < 2%) betweenthe ages of 1 and 2.5 years who have no current or pasthistory of a circulating inhibitor are started on onceweekly prophylaxis at a dose of 50 U/kg.21 The frequen-cy of prophylaxis is escalated to 30 U/kg twice weeklyand finally to 25 U/kg on alternate days (minimum threetimes a week) based on any of the following bleedingpatterns: more than three bleeds into any single joint ina consecutive 3-month period (the arbitrary study def-inition for target joint bleeding); more than four signif-icant soft tissue or joint bleeds into any number of jointsin a consecutive 3-month period; and more than fivebleeds into any single joint over any time period.

A key component of this study is the use of anenhanced episodic treatment protocol for breakthroughbleeds: 40 U/kg on the day of the bleed, 20 U/kg on thefollowing day, and 20 U/kg after a gap of one day. Treat-ment is continued until full resolution of the bleed, atwhich time the prophylaxis regimen is resumed.

The Canadian study was started in 1997 and has justcompleted its first 5 years, for which preliminary resultshave been reported.21 Briefly, 48% (12/25) of boys haveremained on once weekly prophylaxis and a further

36% (9/25) on twice weekly treatment. The orthopedicoutcome, based on serial assessment of orthopedic jointand radiologic scores, appears very favorable with min-imal joint disease present in the cohort.21 Exit MRIs areplanned.

Our experience raises the intriguing question ofwhether enhanced on-demand treatment of break-through bleeds on a background of low-dose prophy-laxis in the first 6 years of life affords a musculoskele-tal outcome comparable to full-dose prophylaxis. Theadvantages of a low-dose prophylaxis program includea reduction in the use of factor concentrates and adecrease in the need for central venous access devices.Answers to these questions must await the full reportof the Canadian dose escalation study plus the antici-pated results of a prospective, randomized trial of full-dose prophylaxis versus enhanced on-demand therapythat is now ongoing in the United States. The finalresults of the US study, which recruits young boys (ages1-2.5 years) with severe hemophilia and no history ofan inhibitor, are anticipated in the fall of 2005. The USstudy includes entry and exit MRIs of the ankles, knees,and elbows, and will provide data regarding the onsetand severity of early hemophilic arthropathy as assessedby serial physical examination plus radiographs and MRIstudies of the ankles, knees, and elbows.

Prophylaxis:When to stopThe issue of discontinuation of factor prophylaxis is

important and currently unresolved. In a recent study of

The Evolution of Recombinant Factors for Hemophilia: Making Therapeutic Choices

haematologica 2004; 89(supplement 1):January 2004 33

Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier plot showing development of arthropathy (ie, orthopedic joint score above zero) in patientsstarting prophylactic treatment before age 3, at ages 3 to 5, and at ages 6 to 9 years. The difference between thelatter two subgroups was not significant (p = 0.275). Reproduced from Astermark et al.,18 with permission.

0 5 10 15 20

Age at first joint score (yr)




n o

f p




h jo



re o

f ze








6-9 yr

p = 0.001

3-5 yr

0-2 yr

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49 patients with severe hemophilia treated with factorprophylaxis from an early age (median, 5.5 years), Fis-cher and associates reported that approximately onethird of subjects permanently discontinued prophylax-is in early adulthood (median, 20.4 years).22 This sub-group appeared to have milder bleeding patterns thanthose who temporarily discontinued prophylaxis, as evi-denced by an older age at the start of prophylaxis, alower number of joint bleeds, and a lower prophylaxisdose per kilogram body weight. Although the radiolog-ic joint scores were lower in the 15 subjects who con-tinued prophylaxis compared to the 34 who temporar-ily or permanently stopped (4.0 and 8.0, respectively),the data suggest that a significant subgroup of patientscan discontinue prophylaxis permanently while main-taining a low frequency of joint bleeding. The questionof when to stop factor prophylaxis deserves furtherstudy and may be an area where an enhanced on-demand treatment program could be of value in pre-venting significant deterioration in joint status.

Prophylaxis: BarriersSince the musculoskeletal benefits of long-term pro-

phylaxis started from an early age are now clear, itmight be assumed that the majority of boys with severehemophilia in North America are on such treatment.This is not the case, however. In a 2002 survey of fac-tor prophylaxis use in Canadian and US hemophiliatreatment centers, only 33% (177) of 533 boys 5 yearsof age or older with severe hemophilia were receivingfull-dose prophylaxis, defined as infusion of 25 to 40U/kg of factor VIII on alternate days (minimum threetimes per week) or 25 to 40 U/kg of factor IX twiceweekly.23 Reasons for this relatively low frequency ofprophylaxis use include fear of clotting factor concen-trate-transmitted viral infections, the need for centralvenous access devices, and cost.

The fear of clotting factor concentrate-transmittedviral infection is understandable given the tragedy ofthe HIV and HCV epidemics in the 1980s, but is likelyto abate with the availability of very high purity, virus-inactivated, plasma-derived and recombinant factorconcentrates. However, the need for central venousaccess devices to assure reliable venous access for full-dose prophylaxis started at a very early age in life, andthe high cost of factor concentrates are real ongoingbarriers even in countries with significant health careresources.

The complications of long-term central venous accessdevices placed from a very early age in boys with severehemophilia, in particular, systemic infection and throm-bosis, are now better appreciated. The frequency of cen-tral venous line (CVL)-associated thrombosis was notappreciated until recently. We first reported this com-plication in 1999.24 In a follow-up study, which includ-

ed repeat ultrasound examinations of the jugularvenous system and bilateral arm venograms, 81% of 16boys with hemophilia who had a Port-a-Cath placedwere found to have evidence of catheter-related deepvein thrombosis.25 Although this complication is oftensilent and non–life-threatening, occasional patientsmanifest severe and potentially life-threatening symp-toms such as superior venocaval occlusion.26 Otherinvestigators have reported a similar high prevalence ofPort-a-Cath-associated thrombosis in boys with hemo-philia, leading to a recommendation that such devicesbe removed whenever possible by 4 years after initialplacement.27 To minimize the need for central venousaccess devices in boys with severe hemophilia, Petriniand colleagues start factor prophylaxis using a onceweekly regimen with an increase to full-dose prophy-laxis over the subsequent 18 months to 2 years.28

The high cost of factor concentrates is undoubtedlythe single largest barrier to more widespread use offactor prophylaxis in both well-resourced and under-resourced countries. In a 1996 publication, Smith andcolleagues, using US data, published estimated costsfor three factor VIII regimens: on-demand therapy,$2,890,180; prophylaxis from age 3 to 20 years fol-lowed by on-demand therapy to age 50 years,$3,357,320; and prophylaxis from ages 3 to 50 years,$4,955,780.29 Factor concentrate cost accounted formore than 90% of the total healthcare costs of bothon-demand therapy and prophylaxis. Although prophy-laxis significantly reduced the number of joint bleeds ascompared with on-demand therapy, the cost was clear-ly substantial. Nonetheless, these investigators con-cluded, as expensive as this improvement is, its poten-tial for markedly restoring the quality of a child’s lifemay provide excellent value. Similar findings and rec-ommendations were made by Bohn and colleagues fol-lowing an economic evaluation of factor VIII prophy-laxis.30 The investigators found that because of the veryhigh cost of year-round prophylaxis, total health careexpenditures were highest among patients receivingthis therapeutic regimen. They concluded, however, thatsince prophylaxis clearly offers important clinical ben-efits, this approach may be warranted on medical ratherthan economic grounds. The benefits of prophylaxis aresuch that Schramm and colleagues have recommend-ed that clinicians and health policy decision makersshould consider the advantages of prophylactic thera-py for hemophilia patients in formulating treatmentprotocols and allocating health resources.31


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