hadomi labarik, hametin familia...7. fó oportunidade ba labarik atu halo fila fali. 8. fó opsaun...


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Post on 18-Feb-2021




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  • 2

    Introdusaun ba Programa

    Topiku 9 husi programa ida-ne’e:

    1. Estimulasaun Sedu

    2. Protesaun ba Labarik

    3. Disiplina ne’ebé la ho Violénsia

    4. Nutrisaun

    5. Fase Liman ho Sabaun

    6. Rejistu kona-ba Loron Moris nian

    7. Sinál Perigu Saúde nian

    8. Edukasaun ba Labarik sira Hotu

    9. Problema Adoloxente nian

    MODULU 1:

  • 3

    Inan no Aman mak fó influénsia boot liu ba oan sira-nia moris!

    MODULU 1:

    Introdusaun ba Programa

    Topiku husi programa ida-ne’e


    AdministratorSticky Noteyou can't write under logo! this should be placed underneath of the photo.

  • 4

    Komparasaun husi ‘Mapa kona-ba Ita-nia Suku Agora’ no ‘Mapa kona-ba Ita-nia Suku iha Futuru’

    Kuadradu iha liman-karuk reprezenta mapa kona-ba agora daudaun.

    Kuadradu iha liman-loos reprezenta mapa futuru nian.

    Liña ne’e entre kuadradu sira hatudu dalan hodi to’o iha ne’ebá.

    Saida mak ita iha no bele tulun ita atu to’o iha-ne’ebá?

    Rekursu sira saida mak ita bele utiliza atu hahu agora “daudaun” to’o “futuru”?”

    Dezafiu no difikuldade saida mak bele hasusar ba prosesu hodi to’o mapa futuru, no saida mak ita bele halo hamutuk hodi hasoru no manan husi dezafiu sira ne’e?

    Introdusaun ba ProgramaMODULU 1:

  • 5

    Komparasaun husi Mapa kona-ba Ita nia Suku Agora no iha Futuru

    Oinsa atu to’o iha ne’ebá?

    Agora daudaun Futuru

    Rekursu sira

    Dezafiu sira

    MODULU 1:

    Introdusaun ba Programa

  • 6

    Kada sesaun komunitaria ida sei iha parte lima, ne’ebé fasil atu hanoin-hetan liuhusi sura iha ita nia liman fuan:

    1. Introdusaun – Tamba sá mak topiku ida-ne’e importante mai ita?

    2. Informasaun – Aprende buat ne’ebé foun hodi hametin ita nia koñesementu no abilidade.

    3. Diskusaun – Koalia hamutuk kona-ba buat ne’ebé ita foin aprende.

    4. Solusaun – Fahe ideias no esperiensia ne’ebé ita iha hodi bele halo planu ba ita nia solusaun rasik.

    5. Konkluzaun – Reforsa buat ne’ebé ita aprende ona no oinsa ita sei fahe ida-ne’e.

    Introdusaun ba ProgramaMODULU 1:

  • 2. Informasaun

    3. Diskusaun

    4. Solusaun

    5. Konkluzaun

    Kada sesaun ita sei iha:

    MODULU 1:

    Introdusaun ba Programa 7

    1. Introdusaun


  • 8

    Estimulasaun Sedu

    Bebé sira aprende lalais hafoin sira moris, no mós molok sira moris – bebé bele rona di’ak loos husi fulan neen iha inan nia kanotak!

    Bebé sira bele haboot ho di’ak no aprende di’ak liu bainhira inan-aman no ema tau matan ba labarik sira fó sira-nia afeisaun, atensaun no estimulasaun ho mós nutrisaun, kuidadu saúde di’ak no protesaun.

    Aman sira no Inan sira: Koalia no kanta ba imi-nia bebé!

    Ema husi foto iha oin dehan:

    “Hau sempre responde ho hamnasa bainhira hau nia bebé koko atu koalia, tamba ida-ne’e ajuda nia aprende.”

    MODULU 2:

  • MODULU 2:


    Hamnasa hodi hateke ba malu


    Estimulasaun Sedu

  • 10

    Atu ajuda bebé no labarik ki’ik sira nia kakutak dezenvolve ho di’ak, fó estimulasaun barak iha tempu sedu, hanesan tuirmai ne’e:

    • Kanta ba sira, no diak mos atu fo hatudu kanta ho liman hodi sira bele haree movimentu ruma.• Konta istoria no ai-knanoik.• Husu ba maun no biin sira atu le’e livru ho sira nia alin ba minutu sanulu loroloron. • Fó hatudu no fo naran ba animál, ai-horis no sasan selu- seluk.• Koalia ho ita nia bebé, hamnasa no haree nia matan.• Fó hahán oi-oin (hahú husi fulan ne’en deit) atu sira bele aprende kona-ba gostu oi-oin.• Lori labarik sira ba pasiar no buka halimar ai-tahan no ai- funan ne’ebé oi-oin.• Aman sira, tenke buka tempu barak liután hodi kous no halimar ho ita nia bebé – ida ne’e sei halo sira sai boot ho saude diak liu no kontente liu!

    Ema husi foto iha oin dehan:

    “Hau husu ba oan sira, ‘Le’e livru ba imi nia alin minutu sanulu loroloron.’”

    Estimulasaun SeduMODULU 2:

  • Le’e ba Alin Loroloron

    MODULU 2:



    Estimulasaun Sedu

  • 12

    Halimar hamutuk tamba labarik no bebé sira aprede liuhusi halimar! Labarik sira hotu – inklui labarik mane, labarik feto no labarik ho nesesidade espesiál – tenke iha tempu barak hodi halimar, no sira presiza sasan halimar ne’ebé interesante ba sira hodi halimar ba.

    Ita bele uza produtu lokál no sasan ne’ebé atu soe hodi halo rasik sasan halimar nian. Ezemplu hanesan tuirmai ne’e:

    • Hamoos nuu nurak ida hodi hatudu ba ita nia oan oinsa atu hatama fatuk no hasai fali – fatuk sira ne’eba.

    • Halo kareta simples husi botil aqua, botil matan, no ai-sate ka ai-kiikoan ruma.

    • Halo boneka husi karong foos nian ka hena ne’ebé la uza ona.

    • Halo bola husi kaisa aat no tali rafia.

    • Hikar surat-tahan hanesan aviaun hodi haree: sé nian mak bele semo dook liu?

    • Tesi au badak no halo kuak balun atu bele huu musika hanesan toka flauta.

    • Tesi botil aqua iha leten, no tesi hanesan ai-funan hodi halo sasan halimar ida ne’ebé labarik sira bele soe – ida-ne’e semo hanesan helikopter ida no halimar furak loos!

    Estimulasaun SeduMODULU 2:

  • Fasil atu halo sasan halimar!

    MODULU 2:



    Estimulasaun Sedu

  • 14

    Labarik sira iha nesesidade oi-oin hodi sira bele dezenvolve aan no sai boot ho kontente no isin di’ak:

    1. Nesesidade Fíziku. Hanaran mós ‘Nesesidade Moris’ tanba sira-ne’e mak buat báziku ne’ebé labarik sira presiza hanesan ai-han, bee no hela- fatin.2. Nesesidade Emosionál. Labarik hotu-hotu tenke sente domin, sente ema rona sira, fó kariñu no atensaun.3. Nesesidade Intelektuál. Oan-mane no oan-feto presiza atu iha estimulu husi tinan sedu no simu edukasaun ida-ne’ebé di’ak.4. Nesesidade Sosiál. Sira mós presiza atu sente katak sira pertense ba família no komunidade.5. Nesesidade Espirituál. Fiar la’ós deit ba ema adultu maibé importante ba labarik sira mós. 6. Nesesidade ba Protesaun. Labarik sira presiza atu bele seguru, atu hetan supervizaun no atu hetan protesaun hasoru tratamentu aat no abuzu.

    MODULU 3:

    Protesaun ba Labarik

  • Labarik nia Nesesidade Tipu 6

    Fíziku Emosionál





    MODULU 3:

    Protesaun ba Labarik 15@UNICEF/Timor-Leste/2016/NancyZhou

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  • 16

    Saida mak diferénsia husi kakutak rua ne’e?

    Kukutak ida iha sorin karuk mak boot liu duke ida iha sorin loos.

    Kukutak ida iha sorin karuk ita haree moos, maibe katutak iha sorin loos iha parte balun ne’ebé nakukun no la moos.

    Imajen kukutak nian sira ne’e mai husi labarik nain rua ne’ebé otas hanesan. Labarik nain rua tinan tolu hotu, entaun tamba sá mak kakutak rua ne’e diferente liu?

    Tamba, ida iha sorin karuk inan-aman proteje diak no ida sorin loos la proteje hanesan neglijénsia. Liuhusi komparasaun ida-ne’e ita bele haree ho matan ba rezultadu no impaktu boot bainhira proteje no hadomi labarik duke bainhira la kuidadu di’ak ba labarik sira.

    Protesaun ba LabarikMODULU 3:

  • 17

    Kakutak Dezenvolve Di’ak hasoru Kakutak ne’ebé Impaktu husi Neglejensia


    Kakutak Dezenvolve Di’ak

    Perry & Pollard, 1997

    MODULU 3:

    Protesaun ba Labarik

    Kakutak ne’ebé Impaktu husi Neglejensia

  • 18

    Ema hotu iha responsabilidade atu fó protesaun no seguransa ba ita-nia oan.

    • Labarik sira mak ita nia futuru, no ita tenke proteje sira atu nune’e sira bele boot ho seguru, kontente, isin-di’ak no moris ne’ebé produtivu. • Husu ita-nia família ka viziñu ka belun sira atu hela ho imi-nia oan kuandu imi sai tiha. Keta husik imi-nia oan mesak – sira presiza atu sente seguru no protejadu!• Protesaun ba labarik hahú ho prevensaun iha uma, iha eskola, no iha ita nia komunidade.• Responde ho lalais ba labarik sira ne’ebé tanis ka presiza tulun ruma.• Tékniku Sosiál MSS nian iha Postu Administrativu hodi fó tulun ho kontente ba labarik sira no adultu sira bainhira iha problema!• Se bainhira iha krimi ruma, tenke involve polísia VPU tamba ida-ne’e mak sira nia servisu, no mós hanesan obrigasaun tuir lei RDTL nian.

    MODULU 3:

    Protesaun ba Labarik

  • 19

    MODULU 3:

    Protesaun ba Labarik

    Protesaun hahú iha uma-laran, eskola no komunidade nia leet

    “Ita hotu iha responsabilidade atu proteje labarik!”



  • 20

    Disiplina ne’ebé la ho Violénsia

    Disiplina (di’ak):• Fó hatene ho klaru ba labarik sira kona-ba saida mak sira bele halo, atu nune’e sira nia hahalok sai pozitivu.• Rekoñese labarik nia hahalok ne’ebé di’ak.• Bainhira labarik sira tuir regras tamba sira hatene no konkorda ho regra sira ne’e.• Moral husi inan-aman apár ho inan-aman sira nia hahalok.• Sai pozitivu no hatudu respeitu ba labarik.• Uza estratéjia ne’ebé la ho violénsia, hanesan asaun ho liafuan nakonu ho dame.

    Kastigu (la di’ak):• Fó hatene deit ba labarik kona-ba saida mak sira LABELE halo.• Reasaun makaas ba hahalok ne’ebé la di’ak.• Bainhira labarik sira tuir regras tamba atu evita ameasa ka tamba atu hetan buat ruma hanesan rebusadu, nsst.• Kontrola, halo moe labarik, goza ka haterus.• Negativu no la respeitu ba labarik.• Violénsia fisiku no koalia ho agresivu.

    MODULU 4:

  • Dixiplina KOMPARA Kastigu

    MODULU 4:




    Disiplina ne’ebé la ho Violénsia

    AdministratorSticky Noteshould be underneath of the photo.

    AdministratorSticky NoteWhy these logos are here! ensure consistency.

  • 22

    Dalan 10 hodi responde ho diak liu ba hahalok ne’ebé la di’ak:

    1. Fó tempu balun dook husi situasaun. 2. Prende buat ruma ne’ebé labarik gosta (relevante ba hahalok ne’ebé la di’ak).3. Fó hatudu kalma liuhusi ita-nia isin-lolon no lian bainhira ita responde ba hahalok ne’ebé la di’ak.4. Troka hahalok ne’ebé la di’ak ho hahalok ne’ebé di’ak.5. Fó labarik sira nia atensaun ba atividade seluk.6. Asegura katak fasil ba labarik atu komprende konsekuensia husi nia hahalok di’ak no hahalok la di’ak. 7. Fó oportunidade ba labarik atu halo fila fali. 8. Fó opsaun ba labarik atu nia bele hili rasik, hanesan “Ita hakarak hariis ka mai halimar iha uma-laran?” 9. Buka solusaun hamutuk ba problema. 10. Husu tulun bainhira presiza.

    Disiplina ne’ebé la ho ViolénsiaMODULU 4:

  • MODULU 4:

    Disiplina ne’ebé la ho Violénsia 23

    Fó opsaun ba labarik

    Kalma isin-lolon

    ho lian

    Fó opsaun ba labarik

    Maneja Hahalok liuhusi Dalan ne’ebé Pozitivu


  • 24

    Dalan 6 atu prevene hahalok ne’ebé la di’ak:

    1. Pasa tempu hamutuk ho ita-nia oan sira.2. Sai matadalan ne’ebé di’ak liu ba ita-nia oan.3. Deskreve ba labarik kona-ba hahalok ne’ebé di’ak no hakarak nia atu halo – no uza liafuan ne’ebé fasil ba nia atu komprende.4. Involve labarik sira iha prosesu atu halo regras ba imi nia familia.5. Rekoñese ita-nia oan wainhira nia halo di’ak.6. Fó motivasaun ba labarik sira hodi halo di’ak. Ida ne’e la presiza osan maibe bele aumenta sira nia tempu halimar nian, ka sira bele hetan oportunidade atu ajuda ita halo buat ruma ne’ebé espesiál ba sira.

    Disiplina ne’ebé la ho ViolénsiaMODULU 4:

  • Rekoñese Hahalok Di’ak

    MODULU 4:

    Disiplina ne’ebé la ho Violénsia 25@UNICEF/Timor-Leste/2016/NancyZhou

  • 26

    Minimum Acceptable Diet

    Protein Foods

    Protein is often described as ‘the building blocks of life‘ because it is found in every part of our bodies and is used for both the growth and repair of our bodies. If you don’t eat enough protein-rich foods you will lose rather than gain muscle, meaning that you are weaker and you will also have trouble recovering from illness and injury.

    It is important for everyone, but critically important during childhood to ensure that children‘s bodies grow properly.

    Insufficient protein in a child’s early years can cause stunting; this is irreversible regardless of improved diet later in life.

    MODULE 5:

  • Protein Foods








    A protein food should be eaten with every meal

    Milk should be drank as a


    MODULE 5:

    Minimum Acceptable Diet 27

  • 28

    Minimum Acceptable DietMODULE 5:

    Multinutrient Foods

    Fruit and vegetables are incredibly important because of the range of vitamins, minerals and nutrients they contain.

    Eat vegetables three times a day and a piece of fruit at least twice a day.

    These are used by our bodies to boost our immune systems, meaning that we are less likely to become sick and more likely to recover quickly if we are.

    They can also prevent a range of cancers, lower blood pressure and reduce our risk of eye problems. Fruit and vegetables are also high in fibre which helps healthy digestion and prevents constipation, leading to a further range of health benefits.

    Eat vegetables and fruit raw if possible; cook vegetables for only a short time in little water, and use the water in soups and gravies; cut vegetables and fruit just before preparation and serving, or at table when eating.

  • Fruits andVegetables





    Eat vegetablesthree times a


    Eat fruit twice a day

    29Minimum Acceptable DietMODULE 5:

  • 30

    Minimum Acceptable DietMODULE 5:

    Energy Foods

    Carbohydrates are really important because they give you energy to work, play and think.

    Some examples of good carbohydrate-rich foods are red/brown rice, brown bread, fresh noodles, sweet potatoes and corn.

    Examples of other, less healthy carbohydrate-rich foods include cakes and biscuits, white bread and white rice, soft drinks and dried/fried noodles.

    It is really important to choose the right carbohydrates because these will help you to maintain your energy, aid digestion due to their high fibre content, and keep you feeling well.

    Eating a large portion of white rice twice a day is not good for your health. Try to reduce the white rice that you eat and replace it with red rice or sweet potatoes.

  • Energy Foods





    Eat 6 to 8 servings of cooked grains

    or root vegetables every day

    Use oils in moderation and

    limit intake of sugary, salty and

    fried foods


    MODULE 5:

    Minimum Acceptable Diet

    AdministratorSticky Noteplease hide the brand name of the oil

  • 32

    HandwashingMODULE 6:

    The important times to wash your hand are:

    Before:• Preparing food.• Eating.• Feeding a baby or young child.

    After:• Using the toilet.• Cleaning or washing a young child’s bottom.• Touching trash or other dirty things.

  • 33

    MODULE 6:


    When to wash your hands

    BEFORE preparing food

    BEFORE feeding your baby

    AFTERusing the


    AFTERcleaning your baby

    AFTERtaking out the


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  • 34


    Steps to correct handwashing

    1. Put both hands under running water

    2. Lather both sides of your hands with soap

    3. Rinse your hands under running water

    4. Dry your hands with a clean towel

    MODULE 6:

  • MODULE 6:






  • 36

    HandwashingMODULE 6:

    As a parent, teach your child to wash their hands at all the important times by singing a song together.

    Fase liman, fase limanDiak lo’os! Diak lo’os!Ba ita nia saude, ba ita nia saudeFase liman, fase liman

  • MODULE 6:


    Fase liman, fase limanDiak lo’os! Diak lo’os!

    Ba ita nia saude, ba ita nia saude

    Fase liman, fase liman


    AdministratorSticky Noteadd photo credit.

  • 38

    Birth RegistrationMODULE 7:

    Any member of the medical team, including the medics, can fill out the paperwork.

    Doing the birth registration within the first four weeks guarantees your child access to school and health care when they need it.

  • MODULE 7:

    Birth Registration

    The nurse helped me fill out the paperwork

    Register your child within the first 4 weeks


    AdministratorSticky Noteadd photo credit.

  • 40

    Birth RegistrationMODULE 7:

    You should register your child right away. Later on if the child’s name changes with baptism then you can just present the baptism certifcate at the office to have it changed.

    If you don’t have the father’s documents, the baby can still get the birth certificate with just the mother’s documents. when they need it.

  • MODULE 7:

    Birth Registration

    No father’s documents? Baby

    can still get the birth certificate with

    just the mother’s documents

    Name change at baptism? You can have it changed on the certificate after


    AdministratorSticky NoteAdd photo credit.

  • 42

    Birth RegistrationMODULE 7:

    Placeholder - Consider swaping out one birth registration page for a page on skin to skin at birth and breast feeding! Which section would this best go in?

    Remember: Breast Milk Helps Protect Babies from Sickness. When a baby is sick you should continue to give them breast milk. Babies should be given nothing but breast milk for the first six months. The first breast milk that comes out is yellow and is very good for the baby. It should not be discarded. This yellow milk should be the first thing a baby drinks.

  • MODULE 7:

    Birth Registration

    Register your child right away


    AdministratorSticky Noteadd photo credit

  • 44

    Danger Signs MODULE 8:

    Danger signs during pregnancy Pregnant mother should go to a health facility if:

    • Bleeding during pregnancy• Amniotic discharge occurs (water breaks) before the due date • Swelling feet, hands or face that comes with headache and or convulsions• High fever• Foetus movement decreasing or there is no movement at all• The woman keeps vomiting and doesn’t want to eat

    If any of the above danger signs have occurred, the pregnant mother should be helped to immediately go to a health facility.

  • 45

    MODULE 8:

    Danger Signs

    Danger signs during pregnancy

    High res artwork required from UNICEF


  • 46

    Danger Signs MODULE 8:

    Danger signs in a new bornTake your baby to a health facility if:

    • Baby cannot suck• Baby is abnormally sleepy or unconscious• Rapid breathing (more than 60 times a minute)• Lower chest drawing in (retracting)• Blue on the finger tips, toes or lips• Convulsions• Jaundice (baby’s body is yellowish)• Babies hands and feet feel cold• Fever• The umbilical cord stump looks red, and isn’t drying up or has a bad smell• Babies eyes have a lot of pus

    If your baby is growing poorly ask for advice from a healthcare provider.

    If you observe fast breathing, or difficulty breathing, take the baby immediately to a healthcare provider. These are signs of pneumonia which is a leading cause of dealth in babies.

  • 47

    MODULE 8:

    Danger Signs

    Danger signs in a new born

    High res artwork required from UNICEF


  • 48

    Danger Signs MODULE 8:

    Danger signs for child under five

    Take your child to a health facility if:


    • Child has fast breathing• Child has difficulty breathing• Chest indrawn when breathing• Coughing doesn’t stop in 5 days • Child has a fever as well as a cough


    • If your child has a fever with convulsions• The fever does not decrease within two days. • Fever comes with red spots, bleeding from the nose and/ or the child has blocked bowel movements.• You think your child may have malaria or dengue fever.


    • Your child’s skin looks reddish • Skin itches • Wounds are draining pus or has a foul smell


    • Child has a fever and diarrhoea• There is blood in faeces• Diarrhoea gets worse• Child looks thirsty• Child does not want to eat or drink

  • 49

    MODULE 8:

    Danger Signs

    Danger signs for children under 5

    High res artwork required from UNICEF


  • 50

    EducationMODULE 9:

    Tips for Parents to Help Children Do Well in School

    We all want our children to succeed in school. Below are some tips for things you can do as a good parent to help your children get a good education:

    • Make sure that daughters, sons and children with special needs go to school.• Encourage children by telling them what they are doing right and by being a good example. • Listen to children and tell them that they can always talk to you if there is something wrong. This tells them that they can trust you and that they can come to you for help without fear. • Make sure your children do their homework at the same time every day in a special place that is just for homework. • Talk to their teachers about how they are doing and get involved with your children’s education

  • MODULE 9:


    Fatin Estuda


    AdministratorSticky Notetoo clumsy! also add photo credit

  • 52

    EducationMODULE 9:

    Education is Part of a Whole Package

    To succeed in school, children need a variety of things:

    • Complete nutrition every day with ai-han haburas, ai-han protesaun and ai-han forsa• At least 8 hours of sleep every night• Breakfast before they go to school• A safe classroom with teachers who use positive, non-violent discipline• Parents who are involved with their school activities• Reading and telling stories every day• Time for rest and playing

  • MODULE 9:


    Nutritious snacks

    between meals are needed

    Children need at least

    8 hours of sleep every



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  • 54

    EducationMODULE 9:

    Placeholder - How to support your child’s education

    - Support with homework- Encourage children and provide lots of praise for their good work.- Ensure children attend classes regularly.- Talk with your child’s teachers and school administration.

  • MODULE 9:


    Praise your children for their good work


  • 56

    Youth IssuesMODULE 10:


  • MODULE 10:

    Youth Issues 57

  • 58

    Youth IssuesMODULE 10:


  • MODULE 10:

    Youth Issues 59

  • 60

    Youth IssuesMODULE 10:


  • MODULE 10:

    Youth Issues 61

  • Layout and design: Nancy Zhou and Sierra James.March 2016 Draft Flip Chart

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