habana. - latin american studies · during' the past thirty years of nibre. mr. se~ser said that...

EticloslU'e No;V elllber2 9,l948, ' t1'QIIl American &!bassy, Habana. Cuba. ,,' " . , ',', REPUBLIC OF COBA, MINISTRY ' OF STATE Protocol ' '" LIST THE PRESIIJENT OF THE REPUBLIC. ON HIS TRIP, TO , WASHINGTON AND NEW YORK The President of' the Senate. Dr. , Miguel Suarez Fernandez : .: ', ' The Speaker of the House of Representatives. Dr. Lincoln ,Rod6n Minister of State. Engineer Carlos Hevia Chief , of the General Staff of the Arm:r. Major General . Nres . Senator Francisco ?rfo .. ". Dr. Luis Botifoll Mr . Rafael Mendoza 3 Aides

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  • EticloslU'e tOdespat~h . N".9i9, No;Velllber29,l948, ' t1'QIIl American &!bassy, Habana. Cuba. ,,' " . ,',',


    Protocol '




    The President of' the Senate. Dr. , Miguel Suarez Fernandez

    : .: ', '

    The Speaker of the House of Representatives. Dr. Lincoln ,Rod6n

    Minister of State. Engineer Carlos Hevia

    Chief, of the General Staff of the Arm:r. Major General . ~oveVo Nres ~era .

    Senator Francisco ?rfo Socarr~s . . " .

    Dr. Luis Botifoll

    Mr. Rafael Mendoza

    3 Aides


    , '

    ,J ,

  • E;:tclosure .tOdespatchNo~ 919', ' November 29; i94B, tromAmeric,an Embassy" Habana,: Cilba ,

    ,, '

    '-": -; "" ,

    , , j , , '

    " :







    President of the Senate,Dr.Migu~l Suarez Fernandez Speaker ofth~ House ofRepre~entatives,Dr. Lincolii RQd6n ,

    , Minister of State, Engineer Carlos Hevia

    Chief of the General Staff of the Army,Ma.jorGenerlll~ovevo, P~rez pSmera '

    Senator Mr. Francisco pdo Socarras

    Dr. Luis , BotHoll

    Mr. Rafael Mendoza

    3 Aides ,

    ' " .


    , '

    The President , of the RepubUc will, also be accompanied iil the plane by the foll0wlngpersons: '

    His Excellency Robert Butler, Ambassador of the United' , States ,of America 'in 'Cuba

    Her Excellency MrB. Butler " ;

  • ........... -


    December 1948


    Wednesday 8

    12:00 N. - 1:00 p .m. -, Departure from, Rancho Boy-eros airfield, in ,President Truman's personal plane.

    4:30 p.m. Arrival in Washington.

    He will be received by President Truman who will greet him briefly.

    President Pr!o will answer him, and will salute the American people. '

    Immediately there~fter the Minister of State wl.ll read the English version of President Prfo i swords. '

    5:00 p.m. Arrival at Blair House.

    Possibly a press conference.

    President PrloSocarras and Minister of State ' ,Hevia will lodge at Blair House the day and night of the arrival~, From there, they wiil move to the Cuban Embassy the following day.

    The rest of the retinue will stay, from the ' time of ,their arrival, at theShorehiun, Hotel. '

    President Truman will g!.vea dinner, att.ended by 16 persons, at which, in addition to Presi-dent Fr!09 ths 'foilowing Cuban authorities will , be 'present: '

    The Presiqent of the Senate.

    The $peaker of the House of Representatives.

    Minister of State Hevia.

    Ambassador Belt.

    The Chief of, the , GEner~l Staff of the Army.

    Senator Franoisoo Pdo Sooarras~ " .' '. .. .

    At this dinner there will be two i;.oasts, offrol" 2 to3 ~utes ~cili; oneby(Pr'ssident Tru,tnan and the oth.rby .l"r.j1dentl'r!o~ ," , ' . . .' '.' .'. ", . . ,

    . ".,." "

    , i

    ; , ,

  • Thursday 9

    Friday 10

    Saturday II

    . 11:,30 .a.m.

    1:00 p.m • .

    i '. f i . .

    Should it bepossible l visit of the ~plomatic . Corps to President Pr!o, in "The DiplOmatic ' . Cir-olen• if the latter asks for it (the ~ricans would prefer t.hat it not be made),

    Visit to Arlington National Cemetery 'B..!ld the pladng of a wreath on the Tomb ' of theUnkno1lll Soldier.

    Visit to Mount Vernon, placing of a wreath on George Iiashington i s grave.

    Luncheon of the Pan ' American C::>uncil.

    (C::>uncil of Organizati::>n of the American States.)

    A ten-minute speech by the President of the .Cowicil.

    Reply by President Prio.

    Dinner given by the Secretary 91' State at the ' Hotel .Carlton • .

    A short toast or speech.

    President Pr!o's reply • ... :, '

    Luncheon at 'the Press Club

    Ambassador Butler will make the presentation of President Prio.

    Villanova (Philadelphia). Degree of the Cathalle Uill.versity (rather t.oo far: it is difficult).

    Reception.at the Cuban Embassy.

    A possible visit to Annapolis by Minister at State Hevia.

    Departure f .or New York: ' Friday 10 p.m. I by train; Saturday 11 ve:ry early: by plane.

    Receptiol;l by Mayor Willian O.IDwyer who. will hand hiJn the keys of the City and . deliver a short · address. . ~ . President Prl.O will reply to him briefly •

    . Pressconference •

    LWlC)heon . given by the Sugar Council, at ·the . "BasUdom Suite" of the1JaldOrt. •.

    . '.


  • Encl~suret~ despatch No. 9191

    NovelDber 29, 1948, - from American &massy, Habana., Cuba "

    J, ••

    " " ",',

    Sunday 12


    Speech on economic~social matters. . .' .

    Ambassador Butler' will make the presentatiOn , of President. Prfo. ' , ,'.,' .

    Dinner gIven by the Pan American 8ociett. Poa-sibly at the RainboVf Club of Radio City.

    Speech on general lines of Pan American con-fraternity and gene:t"al politics.

    Free day or retum, ~

    DRESS; , Full dress Dinner clothe,s Dark business suit f~:t"o~e~ occasions

    HAT: Homburg

    . i







    Control 264 I

    Action: Info S3

    . . _ .. Rec!d-Ile.cel!lber 1. ,u"ii l,~idil uF :iTliTEls4 p.M.

    UfFIG, OF

    C nCR



    Uj;§' (: 1 .. ".19J. ~ 8 Secretary of Sta e v-~

    778. Deoember 1, Noon \\'. '.)~ ~ TO


    RegRrding Prio Visit, confidentially informed Prio, President's brother, seriously ill unable p~rtr. Gravity illness withheld from President. no announceMent o~ even discussion With Belt.

    IfWA :MHP



  • ..



    '1:&lephone Memoranclum Q[!c.:.onversation


    No Speeches Planned by United States OffiCials on Occa s i on of Pr esident Priols Visit J

    I I i .

    PARTICIPANTS: Ambassador Robert Butler - Habana :





    Memoranc:lum of Conversation

    Cuba-United States Problems and the Visit of President Prio Socarras to 1;lashington.

    PARTICIPANTS: CP - 14r. Corse Nat'l Foreign Trade Council Hr. H. H. Pike

    IR CRB

    - Mrs. Hood - Mr. Setser - Mrs. Mulliken - Hr. iialker - Hr. Price

    Mr. 1;Jilliam H. Baldwin Mr. A. E.Denari Mr. Otto Scho.enrich l·fr. Charles Centner


    .R I .,' :'I



    AM - Mr. vloodt..ra.rd CP - }!r. Corse, J'.f.rs. Hood, l'lr. Setse~ IR - Mrs. J-fulliken AmEmbassy, Habana (informally)

    Mr . Pike ovened the discussion by referring to the . forthcoming visit of President Prio to \vashington. He trea t members of the Cuba Committee and the Treaty C~;;:','~;; ;E&~;!t of the National Foreign Trade Council had been ~' the situation "lith r:egard to problems c.onfronting Amer business firms operating in Cuba 'and that it was the . of these Committ.ees "that the visit of President Prio a propitious oPPGrtunlty for the renewal of efforts to ' a solution tp some of" these problems. He referred to +-"\.:,,, .• , CC"C' need for a treaty of 'friendship, commerce and naviga , between the United States and Cuba and asked Judge Scho to give a revie\'/ of events in C,ubaover the past years,.'o i ';,'; :;;s;¥F~ •• ' •. /2 )]'1 have suggested the need for a treaty which \,rould ." ..•• certain guarantees for Amerioan interests in Cuba. Judge Schoenrich identified himself as an American a member of the Bar in Cuba and who had been active fairs in that country since Cuba first became a Judge Schoenrich gave a brief review of the histn~v 24~ restrictions which the Cuban Government has time to time on- the operationsof", Amerlcans during' the past thirty years of nibre.

    Mr. se~ser said that ~'\a;~t~~~ treaty of fri~ndl3.l1.1pj " commerce and navigatlon..Jlad b",en ' prepared alid dellverea ~e

  • iCESTRICTED - 2-

    the Culk'1n C.overnment. He indicated that this draft embodies c l~ e [lOst recent technique in treaty preparation and follows the D8ttern of the treaty between the United States and Ita ly. He said that a treaty of sorts could have been ne lo'otiated Fith Cube. some time ago, but that the Department be lieved tl'El. t a be.d trea ty was worse than no treaty. l·lr. Pike and other representatives of the National Foreign Yrade Council expressed very definite concurrence in this ';iel" n nd expressed t he opinion that, even though it might :~ean fUrther delay, it ,vas far better to agree only on a -"'ood comprehensive treaty. l-:[r. vTalker said that the draft treaty had been the subject of very active discussions between our Embassy at Habana and officials of the Cuban G'~vernment during both the Grau administration and the pre-sent aOJninistration under President Prio. Mr. Price men-tioneQ that efforts to negotiate such a treaty with Cuba ~ad been ~oing on for the past ten years, and he saw no l)art icular reason for optimism with regard to the immediate success of these efforts nOl.,. He inquired, therefore, .!hether the National Foreign Trade Council had given thought to any other means of effecting a solution to the problems 'meier (iiscussion. Hr. Pike indicated some thought had been :; iven toJ the s1Jbject, but did not particularize.

    Hr. \ 'alke:' Ge'.iel. that as soon as the new administration came into office in Habana, Ambassador Butler haD. renewed n t once our efforts to negotiate a treaty. He pointed out, ho,·.'ever, that other able Ambassad ors had !!lacIe similar efforts in a very active manner over the past ten years, including suc h Ambassadors as J. Butler "[right, Messersmith, Braden a nd Norweb. He said that these efforts had not met with success at any time, and he thought, therefore, that l~e must be realistic and recognize that there will have to be some inducement for the Cuban Government to agree to enter into a basic treaty of establishment ''llth the United States. He suggested that further thought be given by the National Foreign Trade Council to the possibility of solving the pro-blems in ouestion by some means other than a treaty. He expressed the thought that in this ,manner certain of the pro-blems mlght be solved on an interim basis pending the success-ful ne gotiation of a treaty. He said, however, that the Depart-ment l-Iould of course continue to make every effort to negotiate the treaty as (luickly as possible. Mr. Bald .. rln said he thought the membsrs of the National Foreign Trade Counol1 had reason to take heart· in Mr. l'Talker IS statement that




    ArnbaSS8>dor Butler had i mmediately undertaken treaty dis-cussions y ith the offici a ls of the Cuban Government as soon a s the Prio adminiotr ation carne into office. He said the member s ,·:oul d a l so be gl ad to kno1V t ha t these efforts would continue.

    Hr . Pike r eferred to the f orthc oming negotiation of tar iff ur c ference sand. ,·rondered if anything ,-[auld be done '-lith regarcl to the tariff urefe rence on Cuban sugar. I-Irs. Hood and Mr. Corse outlined in some detail the si tua.-tion h'ith regar c') t o the Cuban sugar preference, pointing out t ha t no definitive u red ic t ion 1'Tould be made at this time regarcling t he outcome of the tariff negotiations. They pointed out tb~t eleven other countries l~ould participate in t he n egotia tions at Geneva in Auril and that the Unlted States l~a s committed to Ci. iscuss- the matter of tariff on sugar imported into the United States.

    Hr . Prlce inquired ,-,hat the Natlonal Foreign Trade Counc il considered to be the p rinCipal objectives of the treaty of friendship, commerce a nd navigatlon between the Un ited States and Cuba. Ml'. Pike sald that, l1hile the Council had certa in general ideas on the subject, such as nr ot ec tion ~gainst onerous re s trictioos on American techni-cians ['.nd suecialists. operating in Cuba, no definitive s t atement of objectives had yet been prepared. He thought, :,ol·rever, that a list of such objectives could be prepared in the CounCil, a nd he asked Hr. Centner to see that suoh a li s t 1'la s nreuared in the Council and furnished the Denart-me n t . ;'ir. ~ ~alker e),"pressed t he vie~1 that such a list might be u.seful to the Department and our Embassy at Habana 1n : considering the possibilities of effecting a solution to certain uroblems on an interim basis pending the successful negotiation of a basic treaty of establishnient 1Vith Cuba.

    Hr. Pike inquired l·rhether 1 t 1~6 exuected that Section 202 e of the Sugar Act of 1948 l"ould be lit subject for dis-cussion between President Prio and President Truman. Mr. ~lalker replied that it l;as not anticipated that S~~,F10n 202 e ~rould be discussed. Hr. Pike observed that any1.!!~iOll of the Suge.r Act at this time ,-[auld be contrary to the '-" ' : interests of Cuba, a s such revision might preCipitate strong pressure by other sugar Buppliers for greater quotas than they now enjoy.


    # ARA:CRB:LHPrice:arp

  • FOR M OS.322 7 . 18 · 4 6

    ' NO IC ATI:

    Col ! ~d




    itpartmtttt nf l'tatt 4 wamfi~U.J

    The Honorable William O'Dwyer,

    Mayor of New York, New York.

    DEC 3

    His Exoellenoy Carlos Prio, President ot Ouba,

    party of fifteen will arrive in

    airport, at approximately 11:00 a.m."~ ,,,8atllr4., . '." ':, ber 11. The President will remain 1n New York'llAtll

    Sunday morning Deoember l2,when he will depart at ao'oa

    by plane for CUba.

    The ~sual co~teo~B oonsideration and auoh

    protection as you oonsider appropriate will be grea'tlJ


    B~-Jr 8Woodvar4:1b4


    HOBERT A. Aoting Seoretary

    z n

    '" '" . ~ i:'?

  • ',Don£5 5 O""IC l"~ c6"' ,,"UN1C ... T 1DN$ TO

    ji\.o& SECRETAR Y OF ST Arn W"" H 1NIH''VN. o. C.


    Deoember 7, 1948


    SUBJECT: Arrival of Preeident of Cuba, Washington National Airport, MATS Terminal, December 8, 1948, 4 p.m.

    Enolosed is a list of the persons who will make up the reoeption committee to greet the Pres1dent ot Cuba upon his arrival at National Airport, MA!S Terminal, at 4 p.m., Wednesday, Deoember 8.

    The oeremonies at the airport will oonsist ot "1(" the following:

    1. President Truman, aooompanied by .Ambauador Belt, will greet PreSident Pr10 at the foot of the steps from the plane; (21 gun salute)

    2. Pres1dent Prio w111 1ntroduoe to Prelident Truman the members of the Cuban president1al party.

    3. Pres1dent Truman w111 then introduoe the members of the reoept1on odmm1ttee to Pres1dent Prio.

    4. The two Pres1dents and Senor Hevia, Cuban Minister of State, will then go to the m1orophones -where President Truman will -make a ehort addr~s ot weloome to be followed by a short response 1n ~]Ih by Pres1dent Pr10, translated by Senor Hev1a. ~

    _ 0

    5. The two Pres1dents, with the1r m1l1t~, naval and air a1des, w1l1 move otf to the gu~ot honor and take the 111l1tary honors (ruttlea,tt'our1she., nat10nal anthems).

    6. The two

    X 052309 ..

  • _ 2 _

    6. The two Pres1dents, with a1des, 1nspeot the guard.

    7. President Truman w1ll then take Pre8ident Pr10, aooompanied by Senor Hevia, to Bla1r House • .



    Stanley Woodward Chief of Protoool


    WASHINGT ON , D . C.

    ' .

    , , / , -. . (t)

    .:) I~. I.I..J ~')

    - ?;(, .. " ' ~ ;:""

    .... r~. ~ L1 -

    (l.~ :... 0: -r " :.,; " ,


    I have the honor to transmit herewith, the auto-

    graphed letter, with copy. of the President of the

    Republic of Cuba, addressed to His Exoellency the

    President of the United States of America, informing

    . of his accession on October 10, 1948 to the Chief

    Magistracy of Cuba, to which he was &-1-eoted ' ~;-iI;~~:;:'-1 I ., ... ; "'. ;', i .'-.:. , v .. ,-ICE OF

    1, 1948, and proclaimed in Joint Mee~ tli:iF&r' tift~ G Ll C AFFAIRS .. ,:\

  • ~ar105 JlriO$.,C~ gPl.'"esidante de la~publica de \,..UtJtJ;:

    a Su Gxcelencia el senor :Harry 5, j'residenfe de los 6siados Uniclos de '

    Srande'y ~3uen Omiso:

    %e\1.9 0 el honor de parhclpara. '\)uestra I..>X9

    9ue, COITIO resultado de las e.lecciones generales efeduadas

    e1 dla pt-in,ero dejunio ultimo, fui proclarnado pore!

    lTteira de :Rept-esentantes reu.niclos en G'onsreso, ~resiclente de

    blLCC1, de C u,Yo alto CO.1:'90 tom.e posesi.6n. en. el dia de ho'y despues

    eljurC!1l1C2l1.to consh tuclonaL.

    at cotT1.untcar"lo a t"\)uestra. 8:x:celel1.cia., asesu.t-a\-os9ue l't-opendere pOl~ cuantos tnedios tesates €stenamLClI

    cance,a Cjue sean. cada vez 111.0.5 eslrechos .y cordialea los (azos.

    tad 9u.e feli.zmel1.te ex.isrel1. entre nuesh-os dos paises.

    C(provecho csta oca.sion parafol-l11.ular sit1.cl!l:'os';;;

    uotos 1)01" 1n l~l-(\"' ... o,-;rI,..,,..l _. _. __ ._ ..J ___ • _1. _ __ . GYT ,/

  • C(Senso et hono l- de parti.ciparct CVuestrct uxc:ele

    9ue, COITIa yesultado de las elecclones generales efeduadasenla

    et did pt-i111ero dejunio ultimo, fui proclarnado poretcSenacio y to.

    l11.ara de :J1?epl-esentantes reunidos en (?on91-eso, 'Presiden.te deto.;J




    TC NO,

    I I,!'v 8 'the honor- to inform Your Excellency that,

    rr: [' rc ~ult of tho (cncrrl ele ctions held in the Nation ,

    0:; 'o::c i' il'8t (:DY of J une l ast, I 1-las proclaim-eO., by

    t" ,e Scm".;c nne1, the Cho,mber of RepreG8ntatives assembled' :

    L -, 8 ~ !-, 1' Cns , Presicl ent of the Repub ci"pi';lr;-Wliieh ili\\'gh ~ , ~I .l 'iF

    OlG t I t oo )~ ',0 1:[,("'8ion toc1.a~' after aMnJj;A ';tlw' ,;eL@;n~1'.4Ik8l

    JAN 121949

    In com!:mnic[l,tinc; the foregoing I to Your Excellency; , I t['lI:e n J.e2.SUI'e in assurinc:: you that I shall direct

    " 0"'C 1' t o the end that the bonO.s of friendship 11hich

    , h[,," "') i10' exint bct1'.'een our t1'JO countries may be

    strong ,and cordial.

    I avail myself of this occasion to forlnulate my

    sincere wishes for the prosperity and greatnes s of

    your N2.tion and .1'01' Your Excellency I s personal

    Loyal and Good Friend, , .

    (s.) carlos ,pdo

    ' (s.) 11anuel A. de

    (s.) Carlos Hevia. -

    Ministerof ·State


  • j,

    - 2

    /Seal of the Ministry of state;

    RC'Jublic of Cuba/

    '1'ittcn in Hp~rnr, Presidential Palace, on

    o~to~~cr 10, 19~8.

    l ,