h- //u. ala · governor william w. scranton papers, 1962-1967 subject file, 1963-1967 90 cartons...

GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems of, 1963-66 Air Force Academy Admissions, 1963-65 liC Airplane Tragedy (Correspondence sent to Governor, 12-2-66) 116 Allegheny County Group Meeting, 1965 Annapolis Admissions, 1963-66 Appointment Books (Governors) , 1963-66 Box 1 (end) 9 -05 1 8 1963, Jan.17-Dec. 20 1 vol. 1964, Jan. 6-Dec, 28 1 vol. 1965, Jan. 4-Dec. 28 1 vol. 1966, Jan. 3-Dec. 19 1 vol. I h- //u. Appointments (Requests) with the Governor, A-U, 1963-66 16 all- ala V-z , York CO. P l a n n i n g Comm. 1963-66 2 Y-0sa1 2 3 13- 3/2y Appointments (Scheduled) , Jan. 1963-Jan. 1967 2 2 3/25. [?in"' Architects & Engineers for State Work, A-G, 1963-66 3 31 I -315 H-Z, 1963-66 . , .3 q-asay 5 3,/;o-s/al Autographs, A-F , 1963-66 2 y/r- V/I~ F-M, 1963-66 4 q.t35:17 18 dl - 5/30 Mi-Z , 1963-66 5 9-QJ'BO 20 sljr Automobiles, Rules & Regulations 6 9.0513 1 d Avella (Washington Co . ) Water Situation, g$~~~,+~$c. PF L13 b/kl- hlly Bible Reading in Schools, A-Z , 1963-65 b/l>- Biographies, n. d. Adams, A r l i n M., Secretary of Public Welfare Alessandroni, Walter E., Attorney General Bloom,, George I., Secretary of Commonwealth Brackbill, Martin H., Budget Secretary Bull, Leland H., Secretary of Agriculture Charmbury, Secretary of Mines & Mineral Industries Conmy, Jack L., Press Secretary Goddard, Maurice K., Secretary of Forests & Waters Harral, Henry D., Secretary of Highways Hornbeck, Richard M., Secretary of Property & Supplies

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Page 1: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems


Sub jec t F i l e , 1963-1967

90 Cartons and 1 Box

Car ton Fo lde r s

Sub jec t F i l e , 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems o f , 1963-66 A i r Force Academy Admissions, 1963-65 l i C Airplane Tragedy (Correspondence s e n t t o Governor,

12-2-66) 116 Allegheny County Group Meeting, 1965

Annapolis Admissions, 1963-66 Appointment Books (Governors) , 1963-66 Box 1 (end) 9 -05 1 8

1963, Jan.17-Dec. 20 1 v o l . 1964, J an . 6-Dec, 28 1 v o l . 1965, J an . 4-Dec. 28 1 v o l . 1966, Jan . 3-Dec. 19 1 vo l .

I h- //u. Appointments (Requests) w i t h t h e Governor, A-U, 1963-66 16

al l - a l a V-z , York CO. Planning Comm. 1963-66 2 Y-0sa1 2

3 13- 3/2y Appointments (Scheduled) , J a n . 1963-Jan. 1967 2 2 3/25. [?in"' A r c h i t e c t s & Engineers f o r S t a t e Work, A-G, 1963-66 3 31 I -315 H-Z, 1963-66 . , .3 q-asay 5 3,/;o-s/al Autographs, A-F , 1963-66 2

y/ r - V / I ~ F-M, 1963-66 4 q.t35:17 1 8

d l - 5/30 Mi-Z , 1963-66 5 9-QJ'BO 20 s l j r Automobiles, Rules & Regulat ions 6 9.0513 1

d Avella (Washington Co . ) Water S i t u a t i o n , g $ ~ ~ ~ , + ~ $ c . PF L13 b/kl- h l l y B i b l e Reading i n Schools , A-Z , 1963-65 b/l>- Biographies , n . d .

Adams, A r l i n M . , Sec re t a ry of Pub l i c Welfare Alessandroni , Walter E . , At torney General Bloom,, George I . , S e c r e t a r y of Commonwealth B r a c k b i l l , Martin H . , Budget S e c r e t a r y B u l l , Leland H . , Sec re t a ry of A g r i c u l t u r e Charmbury, Sec re t a ry of Mines & Mineral I n d u s t r i e s Conmy, J ack L . , P re s s S e c r e t a r y Goddard, Maurice K . , S e c r e t a r y of F o r e s t s & Waters H a r r a l , Henry D . , Sec re t a ry of Highways Hornbeck, Richard M . , S e c r e t a r y of P rope r ty & Suppl ies

Page 2: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems

Ingram, John W . , Secre tary of Administrat ion Johnson, William D . , Ex. A s s i s t a n t t o Governor ~ e i ' g l i n g , William, Ass i s t an t t o Governor Kelly, Audrey R . , Insurance Commissioner Lourie, Norman V . , Ex. Deputy of Pub l i c Welfare Murphy, William Gaines, Secre tary t o Governor Pa t t e r son , G . Allen, Secre tary of Banking Purdy, Col. E . Wilson, Penna. S t a t e P o l i c e Commissioner Reichley, James, Leg i s l a t ive Sec re ta ry t o Governor Rosenn, Max, Attorney Scranton, Mary L., wife of Governor Scranton, Hon. William Warren, Governor Shafer , Raymond P . , Lieutenant Governor Smith, Theodore B . , Jr., Secre tary of Revenue Tabor, John K . , Secre tary of Commerce White, Thomas R . , Jr. , Adj. General Wilbar, Charles L . , Jr. , M. D . , Sec re ta ry of Health Young, William P . , Secre tary of Labor & Indust ry

f ~ ~ ~ \ b / b ~ r ~ I l ? Boxing, A-Z, 1963-66 C ~ B Buckley , William Q! , Editor-in-Chief , "National Review, I'

1965 eRsa Cabinet Meetings, 1963-66

bb Centrex Telephone System, 1963-66 7 / / - 7 / 1 9 Char i ty Requests, A-Z , 1963-66 7 1 ~ Christmas Tree Lighting , 1963-66 ~ ( 6 -$'/3~ Chronic Wr i t e r s , A-0, 1963-66 S(I - ? / I ? P-Wa, 1963-66 \0(1- lnl8 Wa-Z, 1963-66

9 C i t a t i o n s & Commendations Awarded by Governor, 1963-64 ( o \ \ 0 College Press Conference, Dec. 8 , 1965

Commendable L e t t e r s (Correspondence s e n t t o Governor, 12-2-66)

Community Af f a i r s Advisory Council, 1965-66 [ o l r a Community Development Department, 1963-65

\ r h ~ u k d ~ ~ Compacts-Interstate on Education, 1965 I n t e r s t a t e Mining, 1966 I : i f , , l , f i ~ z , r ? 1 : ~ 1 : 7 k ? t' :st!$

b-0 Conference of Appalachin Governors, 1963-66 ' ' l t \ l~\c&l~ Releases, Pamphlets, Map, A r t i c l e s , 1964-65 \ \ \~ '~l \ ' \ Releases, Pamphlets, Map, A r t i c l e s , 1964-65 - k t \ ~ - + f ' [ g Mater ia l , 1963-65

\ E \ Y - I \ ~ W J Meetings, Apr. 19, 1965; June 14, 1966 Correspondence, 1963-66

t t [V- 21\)&. A-B, 1963-66

- 3 Appalachian Regional Commission, A-Z, 1965-66 I 1 f+ Appalachian Thruway Associat ion, 1965 L \ I $ $ C-PI 1964-66

Carton Folders

Page 3: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems

Carton Fo lde r s

Department of Commerce, Harrisburg, 1963-66 Nashington, D.C. , 1963-66

G-L, 1963-66 Johnson, Hon. ~ ~ n d o n B . , P res iden t , 1964-65 L i t t o n I n d u s t r i e s , 1965 M-R, 1964-66 Mines & Mineral I n d u s t r i e s , 1963-65 Penna. Delegation Breakfas t , May 21, 1964, Washington,

D.C. Reception Room Meeting, Apr. 22, 1964 S t 1964-66 S t a t e Planning Board, 1965-66 T-Z, 1964-66 Task Force f o r Coal Region Programs, 1964 VanZandt, Hon. James, Spec ia l Rept. of t h e Gov.,

1964-65 Water Development Coordinating Committee, 1966 Scran ton ' s Appalachia F i l e s , Rept by M i s s Bet ty

Umbenhauer, 1963-66 Conrad, Charles Day, Nov. 10, 1965 C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Revision Commission, 1963-64

k$a Meetings, 1963-64 t, I,-. , Books, 1964 t2 :*.) Releases, Pamphlets, 1963-64

,a\\> S t a t e Const i tu t ion-Ser ies , Nos. 1-7, n.d.

~ j i p Committees f o r Revision of t h e ~ o n s t i t u t i o n , Members, 1963 f

1; ' 7 Vote Yes Luncheon, Oct. 22, 1963

1 ,/- I $ 1 ~ Correspondence, A-Z , 1963 Jackson, Robert F . , "A Revised Con-

s t i t u t i o n f o r Penna.," 1963 0 'Connor, Alber t L . , "Proposal t o

Amend A r t i c l e I1 , I 1 1963

13) 7 Council f o r Human Services Conference, P h i l a . , 1964 Harr isburg , Dec. 11-

~ / r o 12 , 1963

r d E 3 County Chairmen L i s t , 1963-66

I Defense, 1963-66 \3, '$ Releases, Pamphlets, Books, e t c . , 1963-66 -

Direc to r s Appointed-Resignations, A-Z, 1963-65 Disas te r Funds, 1963-66

Agr icul ture , Washington, D.C. , 1963-66 Correspondence, 1963-66

A-L, 1963-66 Floods, 1963, 1964, 1966 Closing of M i l i t a r y Instal lat ions-Releases-Pamphlets ,

A-Z, 1963-66 G e r s t e l l , D r . Richard, Di rec to r of C i v i l Defense,

1963-66 Labor & Indust ry , 1963

Page 4: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems

O f f i c e of Emergency Planning, 1963-66 t l [ ( h S t a t e Council o f C i v i l Defense, Meeting, Aug. 4 , 1965

tub United S t a t e s Army, 1964-66 Delega tes t o Conferences:

! ' , ( - Congress of Correc t ion , 1963-66 . r r - Nat iona l Conference on C i t i z e n s h i p , 1963-66 , , t ' r s -p: ,

! r :% Nat iona l Conference of S t a t e Execut ives on Aging, 1963-65 r4*1SI . * ' r r ! f ;3 , Nat iona l Probat ion & Paro le Assoc ia t ion , 1964

prt. .' 1 .+ Nat iona l Recrea t ion Congress, Oct. 4-9, 1964

[ : ' " Nat iona l Rivers & Harbors Congress, 1963-66 f J Nat iona l Tax Assoc ia t ion Annual Conference, 1963-66

' 3 - Surgeon General Annual Conference , 1963-66 1~\3a-~tbq Dogs Saved from Death, A-Z, 1963 (2 I r i s h S e t t e r s t o p e r i s h

by w i l l ) 61 1- I;/& Donora-Monessen Bridge, 1964-65

Economic Development, 1963-67 1 ~ b - 1 ~ 1 b Releases , 1963-67, Jan . 6 1917- lif q Pamphlets, ~ o o k s , 1963-66 , . 1 . -

Correspondence, 1963-66 A , 1963-66 Aero Se rv i ce Corpora t ion , 1963 Aluminum Company o f America, 1965 American, A-T, 1963-66 Armstrong Co. Planning & Zoning Commission,1964 B (A-Z) , 1963-65 Boeing Company, V e r t o l D iv i s ion , Morton, Pa . , 1963-66 Business P re s s Conference, Hote l P i e r r e , N . Y . C . ,

Apr. 22, 1965 C (A-Z) , 1963-66 Chrys l e r Corporat ion, 1963-65 Commerce, Department o f , 1963-66 Commerce Department of Washington, D.C. , 1963-66 Committee of F i f t y , 1963 Committee of 100,000, 1963-67

Re leases , 1963-67 Pamphlets, Books, 1963-67, Act ion S a l e s Force , 1963-65 A-Z, 1963-66 Page Ad, "Saturday Evening P o s t , I' 1964-65

Commonwealth I n d u s t r i a l Research Corpora t ion , 1963 Community Dinner, N .Y . Business & F i n a n c i a l , Oct. 14 ,

1963 Curtis-Wright Corpora t ion , Quehanna, Penna., 1963 D l 1963-66 Development C r e d i t Corpora t ion , 1963-66

Car ton F o l d e r s 1 1 1

- \ ? [ I [ - V I \ ~ ~ Do-DuPont Company, 1963-66 1"!(13-~?11~ E (A-Z) , 1963-66

Page 5: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems

Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 Anti-Poverty Program, 1964

Releases , 1964-67 Books, Acts , Pamphlets, 1964 A-F, 1965-66 Commerce, Department o f , 1964-66 Community Action Program (CAP), 1966

Releases , 1966 Memos, 1966

G-L, 1963-66 Job Corps, 1964-66 Migrants , 1966 M-R, 1963-66 Neighborhood Youth Corps, 1965-66

Releases, 1965-66 Correspondence, 1965-66

O f f i c e of Economic Opportunity, 1966 - Operat ion Discovery, 1966. Operat ion Ret r ieve , 1966 P r o j e c t Enable, 1966 P r o j e c t Head S t a r t , 1965-66

Releases , 1965-66 Correspondence, A-Z, 1965-66

Rogers, Daniel, D i rec to r of Bureau of Community Develop- ment, 1965-66

S-Z, 1964-66 Shr ive r , Hon. Sargent , D i rec to r , O f f i c e of E.O.,

Washington, 1964-66 Summer Work & Recreat ion P r o j e c t , 1966 Upward Bound, 1966 V i s t a , 1966

1963-66 \ ' f \k *"'cijc! G (A-Z) , 1963-66

["I ' 2 General E l e c t r i c Company, 1964-66 17' General S t e e l Indus t ry , 1963-64

Governor's Council of Business & Indus t ry , 1963-65 t?bk Releases , 1963-65

141r?,. 146~ Books, Pamphlets, Mate r i a l , 1963 \ ? I I Q Minutes, 1963

Reports , 1963-64 \I.! .- Correspondence, A-Z, 1963-64

Governor's Council of Science & Technology, 1963-66 tq [ t8 Releases, 1965-66

Reports , 1963-64 ao\\.ao\3.. Correspondence , 1963-66

3 4 3 "Operation A l e r t , " 1965

Carton Fo lde r s

Page 6: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems

Car ton Grea t A t l a n t i c & P a c i f i c Tea Company, 1964-65 Grea t e r P o t t s v i l l e I n d u s t r i a l Corpora t ion , 1964 H (a-h) , 1963-65 I , 1963-66 I n d u s t r i a l Development-Governor's Speech t o Gen. Assembly,

1963 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Business Machines Corpora t ion , 1964-66 J , 1963-64 J o i n t P lanning Commission, Lehigh-Northampton Counties , 1963-64 K , 1963-64 L, 1963-65 Lancas t e r , 1964 Lancas te r County Planning Commission, 1964

( M , 1963-65 Ma, 1963-65 M i , 1963-65 M i l i t a r y I n s t a l l a t i o n s - L e t t e r t o a l l bases , 1965 N , 1963-66 Na t iona l (c-w) , 1963-66 Na t iona l Aeronaut ics & Space Admin i s t r a t i on , 1963-65 New Jobs For Pennsylvanians, 1965 0 , 1963-66 Otocs in P r o j e c t , 1963-64 P (a-z) , 1963-66 Penn S o i l Resource Conservat ion & Development P r o j e c t ,

1965 Pennsylvania I n d u s t r i a l Development Au thor i ty , 1964-66 Pennsylvania Manufactures ' Assoc ia t ion , 1963 Pennsylvania S t a t e Un ive r s i t y , 1963 P h i l a d e l p h i a I n d u s t r i a l Development Corpora t ion , 1963 P r o c t o r & Gamble, 1965-66 Radio Corporat ion of America, 1963-66 Redevelopment Author i ty of , 1963-66 Reuter & Bragdon, 1963 Ri-Ru, 1963-66 S ( a - z ) , 1964-66 SC, 1964-66 Scranton Redevelopment Au thor i ty , 1965

$ I / ? 9 % So, 1963-66 1 I S t , 1964-65 ca\ut. su, 1963-64 a b \ q T , 1963-65 r&%& U , 1963-65

I . United A i r l i n e s , 1966 ",.'a United S t a t e s Atomic Energy Commission, 1965-66 r~ I , I , : United S t a t e s S t e e l Corporat ion, 1963-66 & a \ ~ v, 1963-65

F o l d e r s 1 1 2 1

1 1 1 1

Page 7: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems

Carton Folders VanZandt, Hon. James E., Special Rep. to the Gov., 1963-66

Venango County, 1963-65 Vivian, Hon. Weston E., H.R., Washington, 1965 W, 1963-65 We, 1963-66 Westinghouse Air Brake Company, 1963 Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 1963-65 Wi-Z, 1963-66

Education, 1963-67 ~ a 1 k ? - a % / ~ ~ Releases, 1963-66

Correspondence, 1963-67 aab\ A, 1964-66

Appalachia Regional Laboratory, 1965 B (a-z) , 1963-66 Bell, Hon. Clarence D., Penna. Senator, 1965-66 Bro, 1963-66 Bryn Athyn School District, 1964-65 Bucks County Public Schools, 1965-66 C (a-z) , 1963-66 Collingdale School District, 1964-65 Conference on Quality Education, Holiday Inn, Mar. 1965, Sept. 20-21, 1965

Council for Basic Education, 1963 Council for Higher Education, A-Z, 1964-66 (Charles G. Simpson)

Dl 1963-66 Davison, Hugh M., Editor, Penna. State Univ., 1963, 1965

Delaware, 1965-66 Dubois Area-Reyn-Sykes School Merger, 1965 E, 1963-67 Edgewood School District, 1965 Erie County School District, 1965 F, 1963-66 Fountain Hill School District, 1963-65 GI 1963-66 Governor's Committee of 100 For Better Education, 1963

Governor's Council of Science & Technology, 1964-65 Governor's Science Advisory Committee, 1966 H, ,1964-66 Ha, 1964-66 He, 1963-66 Health, Education & Welfare, 1964-66 I, 1965 J, 1963-66

Page 8: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems

L, 1963-66 Lehigh Val ley Community Col lege , 1965 M , 1963-66 Mc, 1963-66 Ma, 1963-66 Marple-Newtown J o i n t School System, 1964-66 M i , 1963-66 N , 1963-66 Na t iona l Defense Educat ion Act , 1963 0 , 1963-66 P (a-z) , 1963-66 Pennsylvania , 1963-66

Carton F o l d e r s 1


Pennsylvania Higher Educat ion Ass i s t ance Agency, 1965-66

Releases , Pamphlets, Books, e t c . , 1965-66 1 Correspondence, 1965-66 1

P h i l a d e l p h i a , 1965-66 1 P i t t s b u r g h , 1965-66 1 P o i n t Park J u n i o r Col lege , 1966 1

Pub l i c I n s t r u c t i o n , Dept. o f , 1963-66 26q.0cY8 1 Q, 1965 1 R, 1963-66 1 Redevelopment Author i ty o f New Kensington, Westmoreland Co.,

1964 1 R i , 1963-66 1 S (a-z) , 1963-66 3 S a i n t Thomas High School , 1966 1 School D i s t r i c t Reorganiza t ion Law of 1963 1 School Finance Survey Committee, 1964-65

Re leases , Repor ts , H i s t o r y , Minutes , 1964-65 1 Pamphlets, Books, e t c . , 1964 1 Correspondence, 1964-65 1

S h a l e r Township School D i s t r i c t , 1965 1 S t a t e Board of Educat ion, 1963-66

Re leases , Pamphlets, e t c . , 1963-66 Correspondence, 1963-66 McCreery , D r . O t i s C . , 1965-66 Meeting, Oct. 22, 1963 Pennsylvania , 1965-66

S t a t e Commission on Academic F a c i l i t i e s , 1966 TI 1964-66 Teachers Publ i sh ing Corpora t ion , 1965 T u r t l e Creek School D i s t r i c t , 1964-66 U-V, 1964-66 W-Z, 1963-66 W a , 1963-66

Page 9: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems

a7113 wei t Side Wyoming Valley Consolidated, 1964 37b l~ W i , 1963-66

Educational Television, 1963-66 . alll( Releases, Pamphlets, Books, e t c . , 1964-65

2' llc'a'lt' Correspondence, A-Z , 1963-66 2 7 ~ e a l t h , Education & Welfare, Washington, D .C. , 1963-64 % ? / i ~ Lehigh Valley Educational TV Corporation, 1963-64 %?(m Public I n s t r u c t i o n , Dept. o f , 1963

27(?1-27 9% Emergency Inter im Successors t o S t a t e O f f i c e r s , 1963-65 b6 I 1966

a8L Environmental Health Center , 1964 I 2-8 3 E r i e Sesquicentennial , 1963 Executive Directives(Nos. 1-80), 1963-67

ably Nos. 1-10. 1963, Jan. 18-Feb. 4 9 b / ~ Nos. 11-20. Feb. 5-July 2 at(b NO. 21-30. J U ~ Y 16-act. 10

. 9b/7 Nos. 31-40. Oct. 21-May 13 , 1964 Nos. 41-50. 1964, June 8-Jan. 4, 1965 1 Nos. 52-60. 1965, Feb. I l - O c t . 6 (No. 51miss ing)

aa\o Nos. 61-70. Oct. 26-May 5 , 1966 ( A ' , ,

i t ' Nos. 71-80. 1966, May 10-Jan. 3, 1967 Executive Mansion, Front & Maclay S t r e e t s , Harrisburg,

1964-66 ~ h b Federa l Pos i t ions , 1963-64

%IN- 17 Federa l Surplus Foods, A-Z , 1963-66 &fl/ 18 Federa l Surplus Property, 1963-64 %b\ l y Federa l Surplus Property, G.S.A., 1963-66

c -I Foreign O i l Imports, 1963-66 Gettysburg Centennial, 100th Anniversary, J u l y 1-3, 1963

Releases, Pamphlets, Books, e t c . , 1963 Correspondence, A-Z , 1963 "National Geographic," J u l y , 1963 Lincoln ' s Gettysburg Address Anniversary, Nov. 19, 1963

G i f t s (correspondence s e n t t o Governor a t Marworth, 12-2-66)

Governor's Committee on Children & Youth, 1963, 1966 Governor's Commonwealth Conference on Youth Opportunit ies ,

June 22, 1966 Governor's Commonwealth Conference on Higher Education,

J u l y 28, 1966 Governor's Conference on Aging, Aug. 18, 1966 Governor's Conference on Natural Beauty, Sept . 12-13, 1966

P u b l i c i t y , 1966 I n v i t a t i o n L i s t , 1966 L i s t s of In te res ted Organizat ions, 1966 Biographies & Photos, 1966 Minutes, 1966

Carton Fo lders

Page 10: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems

Budget, 1966 Correspondence, 1966 A-Z, 1966 &pp1&a.t&m+s1 L e t t e r s o f , 1966 'PLYf 1 ' Masland, Frank E . , Jr. , Chairman, 1966 S tee r ing Committee, 1966

Room Reservations, 1966 Research Mater ia l , 1966

New York Conference, Feb. 25, 1966 Publ ica t ions & Background Information, 1966 Western Penna. Conservancy, 1966 White House Conference, May 24-25, 1965

Programs & Sl ides , 1966 Remarks, 1966

Governor's, Sept. 12 & 13, 1966 Masland's, Chairman, Sept. 12 , 1966 UdalJ.,Hon. Stewart L . , Secy. of I n t e r i o r , Sept. 12, 1966

Panels , 1966 Membership, 1966 1. State-Local Par tnerships , 1966 (Joseph W . Barr , Jr . ,

Chairman) 2. The Pennsylvania Ci ty , 1966 (Edmund N. Bacon,

Chairman) 3. The Complete Highway, 1966 (Wm. B. Froel ich ,

Chairman) 4. Penna. Water Resources, 1966 (Wm. Voigt, Chairman) 5. Penna. Suburbs, 1966 (Morton Lust ig , Chairman) 6. Roadside Control: B i l lboards , Junkyards, L e t t e r ,

1966 (Donald C . Wagner, Chairman) 7. Protect ion & Reclamation of Mining Areas, 1966

( D r . Ralph W. Marquis, Chairman) 8. Large Parks, Scenic Roads & Open Spaces, 1966

( D r . M. Graham Net t ing , Chairman) 9. U t i l i t i e s & The Landscape, 1966 (Wm. H. Wilcox,

Chairman) 10. Teaching & Preaching Natural Beauty, 1966 (James B.

Stevenson, Chairman) 11. The Pennsylvania Countryside, 1966 (Hon. John P .

Saylor, chairman) 12. Ci t izen Action, 1966 (Robert W. Crawford, Chairman)

[Report of Conference], n.d. MSS, typed with cor rec t ions f o r p r i n t e r , n.d. Galley, 23pp, n.d.

Carton Folders 1

Page 11: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems

Carton Fo lde r s Tapes, 1966

Conference, Hershey, P a . , A.M. & P.M., Sep t . 12 , 1966, (6;35mm) 1-7" r e e l

Sept . 13 , 1966, (6.35mrn) 1-7" r e e l

Blue Room Sess ions , n.d. (6.35mm) 1-7" r e e l Panel 11, n.d. (6:35mm) Uda l l , Hon. S tewar t L. , Secy. of I n t e r i o r , Sep t . 1 2 ,

1966 (6.35mm) 1-7" r e e l Governor 's Conferences, 1963-67

Miami Beach, F l o r i d a , J u l y 21-24, 1963 (55th) Cleve land , Ohio, June 6-10, 1964 (56th) Execut ive Committee Meeting, Las Vegas, Mar. 11-12,

1965 Highway Sa fe ty , Nov. 14 , 1964 see : Highway S a f e t y Minneapolis , Minn., J u l y 25-29, 1965 ( 57th) Middle A t l a n t i c Meeting, P h i l a d e l p h i a , Aug. 23, 1965 Execut ive Committee Meeting, Brun i , Texas, Dec. 10-11,

1965 Middle A t l a n t i c Meeting, P h i l a d e l p h i a , Jan . 27, 1966 Execut ive Committee Meeting, Feb. 11, Mar. 1 2 , 1966 White Sulphur Sp r ings , West Va., Dec. 16-17, 1966 Los Angeles, C a l i f . , J u l y 4-7, 1966 Vi rg in I s l a n d s , Oct. 16-24, 1967

Governor 's Conference on Alcoholism f o r Labor & Management, Y:,\ I @ M a r . 19 , 1964

! Governor 's Messages, Other t han Pennsylvania (Correspondence only) , 1963-66

Governor 's Personal F i l e s - s e n t t o Marworth, Dec. 2 , 1966 Highway S a f e t y , 1963-66 .as rg:

Re leases , 1963-66 Correspondence, 1963-66

A , 1963-66 B, 1963-66 Bra ine rd , Harry H . , Commissioner of T r a f f i c S a f e t y ,

1963-66 C , 1963-66 Chi roprac tors -Phys ica l Examination f o r Dr ive r s , 1963 Conference on Highway S a f e t y , Nov. 21, 1963; Nov. 18 , 1964;

Dec. 16 , 1965;Dec. 8 , 1966 D-E-F, 1963-66 G - 0 , 1963-66 Na t iona l Safe ty Counci l , 1963-66 P , 1963-66 Pennsylvania , 1963-66 P r e s i d e n t ' s Committee f o r T r a f f i c S a f e t y , 1963-66 Q-S, 1963-66

Page 12: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems

3 ~ 1 % Safe Driver Award Program, 1965 3 y 7 - 1 , ~ [ ~ Sch-Smith, 1963-66

T-UI 1963-66 Traffic Safety Act of 1966, 1966 V-Z, 1963-66 Youth Traffic Safety Conference, Feb. 15, 1964

Housing, 1963-66 Releases, Books, Pamphlets, etc., 1963-66 Correspondence, 1963-66 A-P, 1963-66 Pennsylvania Housing Agency Meeting, Apr. 26, 1965 Philadelphia Housing Association, 1963-66 R-Z, 1963-66 University of Pittsburgh, 1965

Human Relations Commission, 1963-66 Releases, 1963-66 Reports, 1963-66 Books, Pamphlets, etc., 1963-66 Correspondence, 1963-66 A-G I 1963-66 Girard College, 1965-66 H-1; 1963-66 Institute on Local Government Responsibility in Racial

& Community Tensions, Hershey, Nov. 8-9, 1964 L-N, 1963-66 0-Q, 1963-66 Philadelphia Rioting, 1964 R-Z, 1963-66

Chester Rioting, 1964 Report (excessive-use of force), Nov. 1964 Pictures-Governor & Lt. Governor & others, addressing crowd in front of Capitol, n.d. 13-8 x 10 glossies

Correspondence, 1964 1964

Folcroft Situation 1963 Correspondence, A-Z, 1963

Selma, Alabama, 1965 Inauguration (correspondence sent to Governor at Marworth, 12-2-66) Correspondence, 1963-64 G.S.A. (came to file 11-16-64) , 1963 "Gravy Train" Money for Education, 1964-66 Insurance Gravy Train Committee, 1963

Internship-Education in Politics, 1963-65 Interstate Taxation Act, H.R. 11798-H.R. 16491, 1965-66 Hearings, Jan-Apr. 1966 Correspondence, A-Z, 1965-66.

Invitations, 1963-66 Material from Gretchen Zeidler, 1963 (pre-inaugural, Nov. 1962)

Carton Folders 1

Insurance Requests, 1963-66

Page 13: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems

Out-of -Sta te (Accepted) , 1963-66 Boston Universi ty, 1965-66 Cincinnat i Council on World A f f a i r s , 1964 E-H I 1963-66 Economic Club of D e t r o i t , 1963-64 Economic Club of New York, 1963-64 Governor's Council of Science & Technology, 1963 Hotchkiss School, 1963, 1966 I -L , 1963-66 Indiana Republican Committee, 1964 Indiana Republican S t a t e Cen t ra l Committee, 1964 Lyndon Johnson, P res iden t , U.S., 1964-66 Lodge, George C , Dinner, ~ a r . 14, 1963 M I 1963-64 N , 1964-66 National Association of S o i l & Water Conservation

D i s t r i c t s , 1963-64 N e w York World's F a i r , 1964-65 0 , 1963-66 100,000 Pennsylvanians, 1963-66 P I 1963-66 R-TI 1963-66 Republican Governor's Associat ion, 1963-65 Republicans, 1963-66 Trenton Trus t Company, 1963 U-Z, 1963-64

Accepted, 1963-66 A , 1963-66 Academy of Food Marketing, 1965 Allegheny, 1964-65 American (A-Z) , 1963-66 B I 1963-66 Berks County, 1963-66 Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce, 1965 C (a-z) , 1963-66 Conference on Mental Health, 1963 D , 1963-66 E , 1963-66 F I 1963-66 F r , 1963-66 Freedom Foundation Award, 1963 G I 1963-66 Gettysburg Centennial, 1963 Governors, 1963-66 Great-Greatest, 1963-66 H I 1963-66 I, 1963-66 J , 1963-66 K, 1963-66

Carton Folders

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Keystone Shortway, 1963-66

L, 1963-66 Lafayette College, 1963 LaSalle College, 1963 Lehigh University, 1963 Lycoming College, 1964 MI 1963-66 McCabe, Thomas B., Chairman, Scott Paper Co., 1963-65 Mi, 1963-65 Military Order of the Purple Heart, 1963 Montgomery County, 1964-66 N, 1964-66 National, 1964-66 N ational Home Study Council, 1965-66 Northeastern States Navy Research & Development Clinic, 1964

0, 1963-66 PI 1963-65 Pennsylvania, A-L, 1963-66 Pennsylvania Economy League, 1963 Pennsylvania, M-Z, 1963-66 Pennsylvania Rural Safety Council, 1963 Philadelphians, 1964-66 Pinchot Institute, 1963-64 Pittsburgh, 1963-64 Pottstown Chamber of Commerce, 1963 Q, 1963 R, 1963-66 Republican, 1963-66 Republican Finance Committee, 1963-66 Republican State Committee, 1963-66 S (a-z) , 1963-66 Somerset County Maple Festival, 1965 T, 1963-66 U, 1963-66 V, 1963-64 W, 1963-66 Washington Crossing State Park, 1965 West (a-c) , 1964-65 West Penn Power Company, 1963 Western Penna. Laurel Festival, 1963 Y, 1963-65 Z, 1963-65

Out of State (~egretted) , 1963-66 LF[ /

1 r? A, 1963-66 ~ [ C I B American, 1963-66 '::I I[ American Association, 1963-65 2 % American Bar Association, 1963-65 ~$13 American Institute of Architects, 1963-64

4a.l r -r a1 < B, 1963-66

Carton Folders

1 1 1 1

Page 15: h- //u. ala · GOVERNOR WILLIAM W. SCRANTON PAPERS, 1962-1967 Subject File, 1963-1967 90 Cartons and 1 Box Carton Folders Subject File, 1963-67 Accomplishments, 1963-67 Aging, Problems

f-Lpin ~r , /c . -~$(9 c, 1963-66 L/ 9/10 Committee-Connecticut, 1963-66 .\&(it - ~ d b? D-G , 1963-66

t"f'.' Great Lakes Naval Research & Development Clinic, 1963 \ \ a \ i ( ~ - ~ i 4 ~ 7 H, 1963-66

43// I, 1963-66 1\31 a International, 1963-66 93E3 J-K, 1963-66 I \ > / (1 L, 1963-66 ~ 3 1 5 Lincoln Day Dinner, 1963-66 I M I 1963-66 t ;,: I\[> N, 1963-66

v?!". t?:il13 National (a-z) , 1963-66 National Association, 1963-66 New Jersey, 1963-66

u3klw New York, 1963-66 ~3117 North, 1963-66 Y?/IC~ 0, 1963-66 ralrr.q3/ao P, 1963-66 wf! Pennsylvania, 1963-66 %/a Q-R, 1963-66 3 Republican, 1963-66 '~lq-~ylb S , 1963-66

T I 1963-66 YY V "I7 U, 1963-66 '4'tlq University of, 1963-66 4 0 V , 1963-66 4 : r -wl/a w, 1.963-66 ~ $ 3 x-z, 1963-66 ' I V / I ~ Yale, 1963-66

Advertising, 1963-66 Al, 1963-66 Allegheny (c-v) , 1963-66 American (a-z) , 1963-66 American Academy of Political & Social Science, 1963-66 American Legion, 1963-66 American Society, 1963-66 Appalachian Thruway, 1963-66 Associated-Association, 1963-66 Automatic Retailers of America, Inc., 1964 B (a-z), 1963-66 Be, 1963-66 B' nai B 'rith, 1963-66 Bo, 1963-66 Boy Scouts, 1963-66 Br, 1963-66 Bucks County, 1963-66

Carton Folders 4 1 4 1 2

437-0.533 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2

44 q.65bO 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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C, 1963-66 Ch, 1963-66 Chamber of Commerce, 1963-66 Chamber of Commerce of Greater Pittsburgh, 1963-66 Ci-Cz, 1963-66 Committee-Conference, 1963-66 D (a-z) , 1963-66 Daughters of American Revolution, 1963-66 De, 1963-66 Delaware, 1963-66 Duquesne, 1963-66 E (a-z) , 1963-66 East & Eastern, 1963-66 Elks, 1963-66 Erie Philharmonic, 1963 Eriez Magnetics, Erie, 1963 F (a-z), 1963-66 Fr, 1963-66 Franklin Institute, 1963-66 Fraternal, 1963-66 G-Gr, 1963-66 Governor's, 1963-65 Great-Greater-Greatest, 1963-66 Greek, 1963-66 H, 1963-66 I, 1963-66 Indiana-Industrial-Institute, 1963-66 International, 1963-66 J, 1963-66 Jefferson, 1963-66 Jewish, 1963-66 K, 1963-66 K, 1963-66 L-Le, 1963-66 Li, 1963-66 Lincoln, 1963-66 LO-Lz, 1963-66 Mc, 1963-66 M, 1963-66 N, 1963-66 National, 1963-66 0, 1963-66 (Inez Bull, Ole Bull Music Festival) P, 1963-66 Penn, 1963-65 Pennsylvania, 1963-66 (1 folder in carton 511 Pennsylvania Association, 1963-66

Carton ~olders 3